#parallel genocides
news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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radiant--as-the--sun · 3 months
do people really just wanna be fans of the hunger games and not mention palestine at all? like honestly? do you really wanna just support fictional uprisings and fighting back against fictional oppression but don't actually give a shit about it in real life? did y'all genuinely learn and internalize nothing from this series????
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enbycrip · 9 months
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If you’re not aware, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were deliberately not bombed with the firebombs that destroyed most of Tokyo and other Japanese cities in 1945 because they were two of a number of cities deliberately selected as locations for atomic bombings.
They wanted a “pristine” test of their new weapon on a previously undamaged city.
The US knew those cities were full of civilian refugees when they bombed them. They had herded them there.
Parallels, huh?
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makerofmadness · 10 months
I swear I have something I've found something
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From "the making of" (with the earthbound Halloween hack)
you know how sometimes people will take their old bad fanworks and remake it into something like actually good and also probably an original work? I've done that a few times. Anyway:
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Can you see what I'm getting at here?
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"Varik is almost dead, and yet he can't stop moving because you keep pushing those buttons."
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redvelvetwishtree · 3 months
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stairset · 2 years
I know certain parts of Star Wars fandom are determined to see literally everything about the Jedi in the most bad faith way possible but one of the most baffling examples to me is when people act like they look down on all other force religions and don't take the time to understand them because they see their own way as superior when there is quite literally nothing to suggest that. Like the only other force users they have any actual beef with on principle are the Sith, which I'd say is justified considering the Sith are a bunch of fascist pricks who constantly try to take over the galaxy. Literally all the others are either allies of the Jedi or the Jedi just leave them alone to do their thing.
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goated33 · 7 months
Pre-canon Emilute with Lute being far more hesitant to loudly back up Adam but him revealing the truth anyway or Lute getting too caught up in her outrage and outing the truth to her girlfriend in perhaps the worst way possible
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sugas6thtooth · 5 months
To draw parallels is not to compare. Any sort of oppression olympics is not welcome here. However, if you possess any sort of critical thinking, you will find that the Holocaust has very distinct parallels with the current genocide in Gaza.
To deny that is to deny history. And what happens when we deny history?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is the book she mentions. If you'd like to buy it, it'll be linked here.
Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
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many-gay-magpies · 4 months
holy FUCK
to shape a dragon's breath by moniquill blackgoose is amazing please read it
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panimoonchild · 3 months
The birds are flying to Home!
If you want to live, you have to fly, Якщо хочеш жити - треба летіти, Fly with all your might! Летіти з останніх сил! Fly as long as you can fly! Летіти, доки можеш летіти!
How much blood has been shed down, Скільки крові пролито додолу, Eating away fear, forgetting fatigue, З'їдаючи страх, забуваючи втому, Months and years later… Місяці повз, роки потому… The weeks stretch on like burnt rubber, Паленою гумою тягнуться тижні, We sought the noise, now we seek the silence, Шукали гомін, тепер прагнемо тиші, As if we were stuck in the chaos of the ages, Наче ми застрягли у хаосі віковому, And yet, the birds are flying back home!.. Та все ж, - птахи летять додому!..
Chorus (Приспів): The storm is howling like a sick song, Буревій виє, як хворий спів, In panic, you can't make out the words. У паніці не розібрати слів. As if we were stuck in the chaos of the ages, Наче ми застрягли у хаосі віковому, Eating up fear, forgetting fatigue, З'їдаючи страх, забуваючи втому, The birds are flying home!.. Птахи летять додому!.. The storm is howling like a sick song, Буревій виє, як хворий спів, In panic, you can't make out the words. У паніці не розібрати слів. As if we were stuck in the chaos of the ages, Наче ми застрягли у хаосі віковому, And yet - the birds are flying home!.. Та все ж, - птахи летять додому!..
Wings bruised, bones broken, Підбиті крила, поламані кістки, Iron behind the glass, voices are buzzing, За склом залізо, гудять голоси, The sky is a crooked reflection of mud Небо - криве відзеркалення бруду From a puddle… З калюжі… The cold burns, the body is heavier than fire, Холод обпікає, тіло тяжче від вогню, Ears wither like flowers, Вуха в'януть, наче квіти, I am disgusted to hear only lies, Бридне чути лиш брехню, The edge of the horizon is like a knife blade, Край горизонту, як лезо ножа, There is no compassion, only regret… Нема співчуття, залишився жаль…
The birds are flying to home!.. (3) Птахи летять додому!.. | (3)
The storm is howling like a sick song, Буревій виє, як хворий спів, In panic, you can't make out the words. У паніці не розібрати слів. The last star will burn above the dew, - Остання зірка згорить над росою, - At that very moment, the whole world will be dark… В ту ж саму мить весь світ стане тьмою… I have spent my life crawling in the mud, Я провів життя, наче повзав у болоті, My legs – bones and flesh residue, Мої ноги - кістки і залишки плоті, Constantly trying to jump higher and higher, Постійні спроби стрибнути все вище, I'll burn up and leave a rotten ash trail. Згорю, оставлю гниле попелище…
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
I have beaten this dead horse before, but since that Hughes post is going around and I don't want people thinking I am defending Roy Mustang of all people: Roy could've stopped.
Armstrong had a mental breakdown and refused to keep fighting, and he got shipped home. Sure, he was passed over for promotions, but he wasn't court martialed, or discharged, or even kicked out of the state alchemist program (that's their human sacrifice pipeline, after all). Except for Wrath and Olivier, no one even seems to judge him for it. Roy could've said no. Hell, he could've 'accidentally' gotten injured - someone even mentions at one point that an alchemist who lost a leg is lucky, because he can go home.
The primary rationalization for why he didn't is because of his political ambitions, that he has to see this through if he wants to ascend to the highest ranks in the government and prevent it from happening again. But a) he doesn't describe that plan until the end of the conflict, and it seems to have been inspired by conversations he had with fellow soldiers after all the murder and b) even if he was thinking that way from the beginning, it's a callous tradeoff that places him over thousands of lives. He's the only one good enough and smart enough and pure of heart enough to lead the government correctly. Even his plan to execute himself for war crimes is narcissistic - it's a grand gesture about him, not bothering to consider whether removing one of the only high ranking officials who's vocally against further genocide from play is a good long term strategy. And god forbid we ask the Ishvalan people what their idea of appropriate justice would be.
With this in mind I suppose it's fitting that he accepts the philosopher's stone made out of Ishvalan lives in order to help him achieve his political ambitions. He's been sacrificing their lives for his goals already. But it suggests he failed to learn or grow in the end.
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winged-cries · 9 months
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This is from a post about fanfic in general but this bit had me experiencing a flashback. There were so many things wrong with AOS (everything, except the cast) but the one thing that drove me insane is how much Kirk was written with absolutely zero awareness that he survived a genocide. I truly believe the whole universe is an AU - which well it is, but I mean an AU where Tarsus IV never happened. It's the only thing that could justify his characterization.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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hm hm hm i feel like this will be really interesting to read with the knowledge of korra and how that effected her instead.... because korra (from my limited knowledge so i could be talking out my ass here) knew she was the avatar at an early age and DID get that community. she had katara and her parents, she had her mentors, she was isolated from the real world during so and perfected the elements other than air (which i kinda recall her struggling with and how its the opposite element of earth so im excited to see if those kinda play out :3) and she was more eager to be the avatar and the excitement and significance it brought (which was a bit clouded by her being sheltered but also would have been expected more before the war impacted things)
i also remember matty saying kyoshi struggled with earth bending (which im super excited to get to and see/see her journey and how it will differ) but!!! i just think its really fun how theyre kinda off the bat setting up this expectation and new grounding for readers who have a past grasp of the avatar universe. even as someone who isnt super familiar with the lore, i know enough to recognize that oh! thats something new!! so just kudos to the writer(s?) for just setting this up to be something very different and in a natural way :3
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quasi-normalcy · 11 months
#so first of all i'm not jewish.#but i feel like i occupy a relatively weird position with respect to judaism.#because the neighbourhood in which i grew up was like...30-50% jewish?#it was jewish enough that the local families requested and got a hebrew immersion programme at the local elementary school#that operated in parallel to the english programme that i attended#and about half of my friends growing up were jewish.#and so i absorbed a lot of the surface-level details of the religion by a sort of osmosis#like...i knew the dates and significance of the various jewish holy days#and i knew a smattering of phrases in hebrew (phonetically); most of them apparently quite rude#and we occasionally did jewish religious songs in choir (some of them admittedly lifted from the 'Prince of Egypt' soundtrack)#and once when i was in high school i was on a trivia team; and we asked a run of questions about judaism;#and i was the only one who knew them even though (i swear to god) i was the non-Jewish player on either team#(and then when i was much older i almost married a jewish enby and i would even have tried to convert for them#but our relationship fell apart for unrelated reasons)#but one of the things that was drilled into me when i was growing up (by my dad who grew up under similar circumstances)#was that you don't criticise Israel; it's antisemitic to criticise Israel#(which made for a lot of fraught moments as a teenager given that i was watching the second Intifada on the news)#and the thing is even now in the face of what seems pretty unambiguously to be a genocide against the Palestinians#i find that i'm more circumspect about criticizing israel than i would be just about any other country under the same circumstances#like i was writing things like 'fuck saudi arabia' when they were murdering houthis in yemen#but 'fuck israel'?#even though a little harsh language is least of what that regime deserves#ugh#i feel like i'm privy to the death of a dream that was never even mine.#personal#religion
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smonk-wonk · 7 months
how are you a holocaust survivor if you're POC?
I'm not a Holocaust survivor I'm 25?
I'm gonna guess you mean descended from Holocaust survivors & victims. In which case it's really sad that you think this way firstly? POC and non Jewish people did in fact die during the holocaust and many were targeted for not fitting the Nazis' idea of the "superior Aryan race".
From The Holocaust Encyclopedia: "When Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power in 1933, there were several thousand Black people living in Germany. The Nazi regime discriminated against them because the Nazis viewed Black people as racially inferior. During the Nazi era (1933–1945), the Nazis used racial laws and policies to restrict the economic and social opportunities of Black people in Germany. They also harassed, imprisoned, sterilized, and murdered an unknown number of Black people."
Also contrary to what some believe, and this may sound farfetched and I hope you're sitting down but bear with me- some people are actually more than one race. Some people are POC and white. We call this being biracial. Or in grade school, being an "Oreo". A mutt if they really want to dehumanize you
But while my relatives weren't targeted for their skin color as they were white, many people were. Black Germans and other POC did exist, were murdered and traumatized, and have passed down that generational trauma. Just as other persecuted populations even if it was much less it was no less a part of the genocide and ethnic cleansing.
#i was actually never called an oreo but my siblings were#the fun thing about my racial ambiguity is no one irl knows what racial slur or term to call me#anyway there were Holocaust victims that were POC and it's even more reason to compare these events.#we have to mention the holocaust by name. we have to say hitler's name. i feel if we don't we're forgetting that this has happened before#because millions did not die during the holocaust just for us to justify more ethnic cleansing. more destruction of people's land& history#we have to look at how history was rewritten and how they allowed a genocide and massive cleansing to happen#and given my background i can't wrap my head around seeing everything that i heard of the nazis and even the USSR doing#and just going “but hamas”. israel is the cause hamas is the effect. i will never be happy that innocent people died#but people are wrong to say it was because they're jewish and muslims/palestinians/arabs hate jews. furthers the us vs them#they were already being killed and there's a reason colonized ppl & BIPOC see through the propaganda#the “they kill babies and rape women and hate you for how you were born and want to take things from you!”#we are familiar with it bc this isn't the first time it's happened and we remember the result of that mentality#and how it was weaponized#when i say mention it i do not mean above the current genocide. but we know how serious the holocaust was#the scale the lasting impact the destruction the things that were uncovered so much later#there is no “aftermath” of gaza yet bc the genocide is ongoing but we've seen the aftermath of genocide before#if we ignore the parallel we are forgetting history and there's a saying about those who forget history#free palestine#palestine#gaza#free gaza
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peanutseagle · 7 months
just finished reading the hunger games trilogy and when i tell you it changed me
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