parafilm is just better saran wrap
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107ths · 2 years
i feel like tumblr should be more into parafilm than it is
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maeru-tan · 2 years
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finished an old wip :)
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the-ipre · 5 months
Oh great parafilm saints I beseech thee to keep watch over my pcr reactions and let them come out clear and true
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seveneyesoup · 2 months
they should invent parafilm for your kitchen
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elizard4227 · 1 year
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Rendered the doodles I made when on a flight of Shadow's early days in the labs on the Ark
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basilsbestpainting · 29 days
Damn, I wish plastic wrap worked half as good as parafilm 😔
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thiefnessman · 8 months
life hack: if your glasses are falling apart, parafilm works great as an all-purpose fixer!
missing nose pads? make them out of parafilm! just be sure to add something (such as a piece of a wipe) so that they don’t get sticky and gooey on your nose, and replace every few days so that it doesn’t get disgusting.
arm hinge coming loose and needs securing? parafilm works as an excellent, unobtrusive tape! you’ll be the latest fashion trend with your glasses looking like a spider repaired them!
side effects may include: waxy residue on your face, increased number of zit breakouts in areas your skin comes into contact with your glasses, people asking what happened to your glasses, inability to fold glasses and store them normally.
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wallabywannabe · 9 months
Midnight shift was responsible for getting our dry erase marker privileges taken away last Thanksgiving when the prompt on the white board was "What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?" and someone wrote "human teeth."
We finally got it back over a year later and we are doubling down on not learning our lesson for "What's Your New Year's Resolution?"
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mybro-oncesaid · 1 year
“I just really wanted to use the parafilm once in my life, you know?”
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headinabox · 2 years
parafilm is a lovely name for a baby girl
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circumlocutive · 4 days
whats the biggest safety hazard you've committed in any lab?
This is a very funny question, and a little bit up to interpretation of the question?
For safety hazards I have personally been harmed by/exposed to, these come to mind:
1) exposure to silica/glass dust at my advanced manufacturing internship (sorry, not technically a lab) where I cut and laid up structures made of layered fiberglass and resins, we had a shop vac set up by the CNC machine drill bit to suck in the dust but yknow. It wasn't perfect. And I also had to clean out the shop vac during the internship. Permanent glass dust in the lungs is a bit spooky.
2) cutting myself on the (used) razor in the cryotome when I was sectioning rat brains for an internship in a translational medicine lab. Pretty gross because of the biological contact but the cut itself was small and tbh lab rat tissues are way cleaner than most food meats so maybe this one wasn't actually that bad.
3) exposure to solvent fumes/powderized toxic chemicals while setting up reactions or doing workups, or OH DEF WHILE MAKING SDS PAGE GELS. But like, one day I was rotovapping like, liters of DCM and methanol which are p carcinogenic. Rotovaps don't normally live in a fume hood, but the air flow in my lab is poor and the air is way too hot so stuff readily vaporizes and every time I swapped out the collection flask some stuff would drip onto the bench and go into the air. Water also kept condensing on the outside of the cold finger, and while I was swapping the flasks, it would freeze on the ball/socket joint and fuck with proper sealing. So during rotovapping some vapors continued to escape. Oh and in the biotech lab at my community college we had ethidium bromide like. fucking everywhere. But that's not actually as bad for you as people make it out to be (otherwise there would be a lot more dead undergrads in the world lol)
There were some scary hazards in theory- like discovering after we moved my current lab that there were a bunch of water reactives/pyrophorics/self reactive chemicals that were previously kept in the inert gas environment of the glove box and for about a month lived on the bench top, maybe parafilmed or in ziplock bags but otherwise fairly exposed, while we organized and sorted all the chemicals into proper storage locations. I've had some glass explode on me under pressure or crack under heat, but usually within a fume hood (and I have goggles on whenever I am in lab). I work with liquid nitrogen fairly often now and scare myself overfilling Dewars and getting it on my gloves.
In a NON lab setting, my dad and ex gf had a blacksmithing shed in the backyard. So, heat hazards, sharps hazards, gas hazards, etc. Some acids for etching damascus that were left out in unlabeled containers. I've burned myself grabbing steel I assumed was cold (because it was black), but was several hundreds of degrees. The WORST thing is we used to have a wooden support table underneath our home built forge. The forge was fairly well insulated but ig it ran too hot for too long one day and at night the table started smoldering. It caught fire, right next to a bunch of propane tanks. We wouldn't have noticed either if my friend sleeping over that night- he left to hookup with someone off of grindr in the parking lot next door, came back, and saw the fire when he came back in the apartment. Woke us up and we put it out lol. Replaced that fucker with a welded steel table after that.
And then my dad is a weapons manufacturer/engineer so I've grown up around tons of guns and explosives and leaded ammunition and blah blah blah. So I guess those were safety hazards too.
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eljefe42 · 8 months
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Found in the lab today.
A beaker of phosphoric acid with parafilm on it, and a rubber band.
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the-ipre · 4 months
Hello everyone. I will once again be sectioning this fuckass skin that made me experience Charles Rowland levels of pure repressed rage yesterday. As my beloved has pointed out, there is only one way to adequately prepare for this endeavor:
Make myself a new Saint
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parabiota · 1 month
One of my biggest annoyances with working in STEM is how much corporate brand names have made their way into everyone’s speech… calling things parafilm, eppies, kimwipes, nanopure…. So obnoxious. It’s no different than my grandmother calling a vacuum cleaner a Hoover.
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