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morethansalad · 11 months ago
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Vegan Paprikás Krumpli (Hungarian Paprika Potato Stew)
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eyeballs-in-my-head · 2 months ago
Eating paprikás szalonna rn, and I'm scheduling this from a week from now to make future me cry!!! I'm this evil
What's up little guy?? You don't have paprikás szalonna? Are you hungry and you don't have peak food???
Must be bad, but fortunately, I don't yet know what that feeling's like😌
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edgepunk · 11 months ago
throwback to when Dr/acula Da/ily blew up for the first time and people were posting awful and wrong paprikás recipes and everyone from that part of Europe was pulling their hair out kjhdkhkjadjn
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gabrielisdead · 1 year ago
hey do you want to see my székely inheritance *shows you a pile of knives and kitchenware*
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forestcrittervillains · 1 year ago
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old art but I was thinking of it so I wanted to post it @abbeykitchenmouse and I making Paprikás csirke. Recipe under the cut.
To make Paprikás csirke you will need:
-large package of chicken thighs (I like bone-in-skin-on). You can also use an 8 piece chicken dinner cut, or a whole chicken you part out, or whole chicken legs, whatever you want. -3 roma tomatoes -Half a head of garlic -1 large yellow onion or 2 small yellow onions -2-3 tablespoons of hungarian paprika (1 tablespoon hungarian hot paprika, or even cayenne if you like it with a bit of a spicy kick) -salt and pepper to taste -1/2 cup water or chicken broth for the Paprikás itself. -8oz Sour Cream, 3 tablespoons flour, and 4oz heavy whipping cream for the cold roux. -1/3 a stick of butter (Or about 3 tablespoons) Serves 6-8.
Start by chopping all your vegetables. Cut the onion(s), and put them in one bowl, then cut the tomatoes and cut or crush the garlic into a separate bowl together. This is because they will be added together in stages.
In a large heavy bottom pot with a lid, like a dutch oven, melt the butter over medium heat. Salt and pepper the chicken. Brown it for a few minutes on each side, in batches as the size of your pot allows, and set it in another dish aside once it's done. Don't worry about any bits that stick to your pot, they'll come up when the veggies get added in.
Once the chicken is all browned and put aside, throw the chopped onions in and cook until translucent. Then, add the tomato and garlic, and cook until this comes together into a lovely thick soupy kind of mixture.
Take the pot OFF the burner, add the paprika and stir it in! You don't want to scorch it by leaving it on the burner while you do this, it can become bitter! Put it back on the burner and put the chicken back in and stir it around to coat.
Add your water or broth, it should just come short of covering the chicken. Allow to come to a simmer, then place the lid on, and turn the heat to Medium-Low.
Let this simmer for 45 minutes. While it does, combine the Sour Cream, Flour, and Whipping Cream to make the cold roux. Mix it together with a whisk or fork in a bowl that is larger than you'd need, because later you will be Tempering it with the broth from the Paprikás and that will need some room, and then cover it and set it aside on the countertop to come to temp.
After 45 minutes has passed, uncover the Paprikás, and take the chicken out and put aside in a dish (This makes it easier to mix the cold roux into the sauce). Take a ladel of the hot broth and put it in the cold roux, and mix it in to temper it. Then you can pour the whole mixture into the pot and stir.
Turn the heat back up to medium and cook until it's as thick as you'd like. It should at least coat the back of a spoon. If it's not thick or creamy enough you can thicken it with one of your favorite cheater thickeners (Cowboy roux, corn starch in water, etc) or you can cook it down.
Add the chicken back in and stir to coat.
It's done! Now you can serve it over rice, barley, spaetzle, rutabaga, or csipetke or nokedli for the most traditional twist! Goes great with sides like seared brussels sprouts or asparagus.
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anyroads · 8 months ago
Bocsi, szója szósz a Magyar gomba levesbe? Meg citrom lé? És kapor? A tej mire van ha úgyis tejföl megy a levesbe? Én vagyok hülye vagy ez így nem egészen stimmel?
**EDIT yeah actually I was talking about this with a friend and I'm actually not down with that mushroom soup recipe at all. It may be Hungarian style but it's not Hungarian. The lemons, the dill, the umami flavor of the soy sauce are all wrong and completely change what this soup traditionally is in Hungary. And I'm actually not OK with tumblr user bunjywunjy presenting it as Hungarian, let alone as their own when I'm pretty sure it's from the Moosewood Cookbook. So whoever sees this, please take it from an actual Hungarian/Hungarian immigrant (first generation, grew up in Budapest and the U.S.) that bujywunjy is not an expert in Hungarian cooking, at least not based on this post. It sounds like a nice soup, and it sounds like it's derived from a Hungarian recipe, but it's veered too far from Hungarian cuisine in the iteration in this post. I also checked the notes and there are a lot of other Hungarians side eyeing these ingredients.
I made Hungarian mushroom soup and it's a little too delicious to be real
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tartsdmegazaprot · 1 month ago
Fény utcai piac - Vineta bar
(erdélyi tumli hahó, voltatok-e már?)
- a zakuszka pontosan olyan ízű-állagú (babos típus) ahogyan mami és anyum csinálja, szóval az - nekem, nekünk - merhetetlenul jól esett; egy paprikás, kellemesen fuszeres-édeskés-savas verzióra kell gondolni
- a miccs allaga, fuszerezese, olajossaga finom volt, de egy leheletnyivel lehetett volna erőteljesebb az íz
- viszont a - hagyományos - névadó krém nekem nem sikerült; nagyon domináns volt a füst (cserébe iszonyúan sótlan), de sem a hagyma, sem a zöldség jellege nem tudta ezt a számomra túlzó füstaromát áttörni sajnos
+1: pityokas kenyer, na aaaaaz isteni volt, az az iskola, ahogy felénk sütik, annak is inkább a lazabb szerkezetű verzioja; kicsit megegetve, kicsit buborékos tészta, nem a kötött típus (nem tudtam detektalni a zacskorol, ki suti, bár láttam beérkezni)
elfelejtettem, de fontos: a kiszolgálás kedves, figyelmes, mosolygós volt!, en úgy köszöntem el, hogy szerusztok szászok, én már mászok - de nem ismerték
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sugarpallos · 6 months ago
Paprikás csirke NÁDUDVARI (25%os) tejföllel, utána
Boldog szülinapot nekem
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sonnenscheinmano · 3 months ago
Tudom, hogy nagyon trendi lenne panaszkodni, hogy mennyire szar az élet, de nekem tök jól sikerült a hétvégém:
Pénteken elutaztam Budapestre. Csak 20 percet késett a vonat. Megérkezésem után kicsit pihentem, majd meglátogattam apám 87 éves testvérét, akivel közel két órát beszélgettünk. Ha fizikailag már nem is, de szellemileg teljesen topon van. Háy János könyveket elemeztünk, plusz szóba került, hogy mikortól veszett el az illúziója annak, hogy ebből egy európai ország lesz. Utána kimentem a Vörösmarty térre, megnéztem a vásárt, hát az elég felejtős, a felénél meguntam, viszont tudtam venni a Sparban vacsorát pont. (Én voltam az utolsó vevö.) Szállás, tök jót aludtam.
Másnap reggel kipihenten elindultam célom felé. A Szentkirályi - Baross utca sarkán meglehetős boldogsággal töltött el a tudat, hogy talán már nemsokára ebben az épületben leszek, s kapok egy új vesét, hogy úgy ne mondjam, egy új életet.
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Utána egész napos képzés az evangélikusoknál, zeneelmélet, karvezetés, gitártechnikák. Meg remek kaja. Aztán kicsit sétáltam a Rákóczi úton. A vonat ismét csak 20 percet késett. Pont jött a busz, amivel hazaértem. Ráálltam a mérlegre, s a kimaradt dialízis ellenére teljesen korrekt volt a súlyom.
Arról álmodtam, hogy a suliban dolgozom.
Másnap fél tízkor még egy gyors próba a Gyülekezeti Házban, tízkor éneklés a templomban. Az IT sztárvendégei ezúttal nem mi voltunk, hanem a helyi evangélikus óvoda gyerekei, akik egy rövid adventi programot adtak elő, köztük tesóm nagycsoportos kisfia is, akinek aztán utána odaadtam a Pesten vett színezőt. Szóval végre egy "színpadon" állhattam unokaöccsémmel. Utána elmentem anyámhoz, aki paprikás csirkét csinált nokedlivel ebéd gyanánt + sütött egy kuglófot is. Este még belefért egy remek koncert az egyik helyi énekegyüttessel. Aztán gyógyszerezés a hétre, meg egy kis Netflix.
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petermorwood · 1 year ago
Follow-up, as promised...
Further to this post, I went rummaging.
My stars, it turns out we've got some serious goodies at the back of the cupboard.
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They've all been here long enough that @dduane and I will eat well this next week or so, but the first of them, mentioned often by Dracula Daily...
...“We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. (Cluj) Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale (AFAIK, fictional) I had for dinner, or rather supper, a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but thirsty. (mem. get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and he said it was called “paprika hendl” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians.”
...is this one.
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This is a standard bung-it-in-the-microwave ready meal (3 mins / 700w, wait 3 mins, eat) but there's no reason why it can't be prettied up a bit.
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Taste report: the flavour was creamy, buttery, paprika-y, and entirely pleasant (if there were more of these I would scoff them) and the Nockerl (mini dumplings) were properly al dente and excellent, but it was by no means "thirsty", by which I assume spicy-hot. Okay, it wasn't labelled as such, but it was even milder than any Paprikahendl I've eaten in a restaurant.
I suspect that, like most ready-meals of this kind, including curries and chili-con-carne, its spice level has been dialled down to Avoid Shocking The Customers, though TBH most German / Austrian dishes labelled Scharf, Feurig or Würzig (all meaning spicy or hot) have been lacking in the oomph department, at least for me. (Some haven't, which is always a pleasant surprise.)
I'm going to make my own Paprikahendl in the next while because I got some sweet and hot paprikas from Polonez in Dublin, and right now, DD is in the process of making Paprikaente, based on several Paprikahendl recipes and a couple of duck breasts found at the back of the freezer. I don't know if that's authentic or not, but it smells great and I don't care. :->
I've suggested in another post why Jonathan Harker found this dish "thirsty".
It wasn't because he he had a wimpy English palate unaccustomed to spicy food - the Edwardian era was familiar with fiery curries from Raj India, and even featured cayenne pepper as a table condiment, complete with its own caddy and (often devil-topped) spoon...
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My opinion was that Paprikahendl (Austrian) / Paprikás csirke (Hungarian) was a peasant dish, with the main part of the meal a big dish of noodles or dumplings. Those would be perked up with a sauce based on some elderly chicken which had stopped laying, well-spiced so a little could flavour a lot.
Those noodles have lots of names - nockerln on the packet I posted, also nokoldel, csipetke, spaetzle, tarhhonya and so on - and were what filled people up, with the meat accompaniment more of a relish or seasoning. In the same way, for instance, Yorkshire Pudding used to be served with gravy as a first course, so the second course of meat would go further.
Rice / bread / couscous/ pasta / mian / potatoes / fufu / polenta etc. did the same; many of these are served alongside rich, spicy, buttery etc. dishes and are now suggested as fire extinguishers for "over-hot" foods because the proportions of bland vs rich / spicy have shifted.
Back when, dinner would have been lots of name-the-regional-bland carbohydrate, along with a little bit of over-hot (or -garlicked or -herby or -smoked-bacon / sausagey) protein, which might have tasted excessive alone but would have given flavour to all that bland.
Side-note: it's another possible reason, besides conspicuous consumption, for lots of spice in (rich people's) medieval dishes; in winter and spring, all that spice would have made smoked / salted / dried meat more interesting.
The business of "spices masked bad meat" is rubbish, and originated as recently as 1939 thanks to historian J.C. Drummond, who didn't know what "green" meant in food context. Green cheese = fresh cheese, green meat = un-aged meat.
Drummond assumed a recipe to change the flavour of "green venison" was to cover that it had gone off. It was in fact meant to tenderise it as if hung a few days in the cold store, but "medieval people were primitive" has always been more acceptable pop history than "medieval people were pretty smart".
Harker, eating the chicken-and-sauce as The Meal (Stoker doesn't mention accompaniments or Bulk Carbs like noodles, spaetzle, etc. so you'll have to trust me), would have been like someone taking a swig of hot sauce or chomp of chilli pickle and then declaring the entire meal over-spiced or "thirsty", unaware of the proper proportions of What Goes With What.
A hotter, spicier, "thirstier" Paprikahendl would definitely go with a big mound of these little noodles, so I plan to see - and taste - how it'll work.
And how it'll look, too. :->
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gabrielisdead · 10 months ago
Jonathan I know this time loop sucks but you have to go to Transylvania again and eat that same paprikás csirke for the thousandth time sorry there's no other way
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writergeekrhw · 1 year ago
Hi Robert, may I ask you about the references in DS9? Not the Shakespeare ones, those are quite common in the Trek universe but others that may not necessarily relate to the plot. Like in 'Paradise Lost', when O'Brien and Bashir tell direct quotes from a lesser-known Monty Python sketch, or in the same episode, Sisko is reading his friends' names from a manifest which are all characters in Catch-22 (one of the greatest books ever written btw). Have these been added for fun or to pay respect? (My guess is both.) Were there any copyright issues because of these (except for the James Bond thing)?
Also, very important :-) where did the chicken paprikash come from? It even looks perfectly authentic on screen - other than no one would eat it with the salad Sisko is making, it's usually served with a special kind of pasta due to its thick and rich sour cream based sauce. In the early 90's, you couldn't just type it into Google to find a million recipes. Was there maybe a Hungarian cook in the crew you took the inspiration/idea from?
Thank you!
You're right, those were done both out of respect and as a bit of fun. Like the names in "Past Tense" or "Little Green Men." We never got any pushback from legal that I know of.
My summer job in college was working at Ghirardelli Square at home in San Francisco, and when I was there, there was a Hungarian restaurant on the top floor called Paprikás Fonó. I'd eat lunch there sometimes and their chicken paprikash was AMAZING. I have no idea why props decided to serve it with salad instead of nokedli. Madness.
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myloveisinthefood · 10 months ago
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paprika hendl (vegetarian version)
Reading the start of Dracula yet again via Dracula Daily gave me a craving for paprika hendl, as Jonathan Harker eats at the Hotel Royale in Klausenburgh. Paprika hendl is also known as chicken paprikash, or paprikás csirke.
I don't like touching or cooking chicken, and I prefer to eat plant-based or at least vegetarian, so I decided to make a vegetarian version. My paprika hendl is made with roasted cauliflower and pan-friend high-protein firm tofu. I served it with nokedli, which I also made, and some of the roasted cauliflower leaves, with a gherkin on the side. I personally prefer Polish-style dill cucumbers.
Vegan paprika hendl recipe
For the roasted cauliflower, I cut 1/2 a cauliflower head into florets, and retained the leaves. I tossed them in a mixture the same as the one for tofu in this recipe:
½ tsp fine sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper, freshly ground
2 tsp sweet Hungarian paprika
1 tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
And then spread the florets and leaves out on a roasting tray, then put them in the oven at 200C for around 25m (I just kept checking until they were a bit charred). I added the roasted cauliflower to the paprikash at the same time as the tofu.
I also used dairy sour cream instead of vegan sour cream, and omitted the extra milk/mylk because I liked the consistency of the sauce as is.
Nokedli recipe
I didn't follow the vegan nokedli recipe, and used this egg recipe instead. Following the given measurements, my batter was quite runny, so I adjusted with a bit of extra flour, which I think was the right choice. The resting time is crucial! I was able to use a flat grater to shape the nokedli, and it was quite easy. The nokedli keeps in the fridge quite well, in an airtight container with a little oil tossed through to keep them from sticking.
So, go forth and enjoy some Hungarian fare like our good friend Jonathan Harker! It's warming, and filling, and nutritious, and comforting! Definitely a fave dish for me.
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brgzmpff · 5 days ago
minden nemzeti öntudatomat belefőztem az elmúlt másfél évbe :D
megmutattam a migránsomnak amit csak tudok az orosz és a magyarországi konyhából.
pirog, pelmenyi, borscs, blini, bár rakott túrós palacsinta még nem volt, lesz az is. (túró - lásd később :D)
pörköltek, nokedli, rántottak, pürék, húsleves, zöldborsóleves, főzelékek, rakott krumpli, töltött karaj, fasírt, disznótoros, kacsacomb, sólet, párolt káposzta, bejgli, krumplisaláták, káposztás kocka, lángos, erdei gombás cuccok.
bablevest nem főzök (mert még soha nem kaptam olyan babot, hogy mind puhára főtt volna), halászlevet sem, pacalt sem, körömpörköltöt sem. utóbbiakat nem érdemes 2 emberre. bár Anna (az egyik a 29-ből :D) mondogatja egy ideje, hogy befizetne a konyhámba kosztolni :D lehet írok egy menüt, és saccolok egy alapanyagárat neki.:) vagy írok listát, mit hozzon meg egy üveg bort, és nyomjuk le együtt :D
a húslevestől eltekintve minden bejött neki. átlag 5 kilót híztunk fejenként. szerinte csak és kizárólag a tejföl hízlal :D
lehet kéne csinálni fóliás pisztrángot, meg a fóliás csirkecombok gombákkal répákkal friss zöldfűszerekkel citrommal és vajjal. ezek végülis személyes adagonként pár napra előre jól csomagolható és tárolható, variálható, fagyasztható, és minimális törődést igényel. hazaérek, beindítom a sütőt, beleteszem a cuccot a hűtőből, félidőnél megfordítom. csak ki kell mérni az időket, de meglepően gyorsan eltelik. a pisztráng az sütőtől függően kb 25 perc lehet. és bármilyen egész hallal oké, de érdemes lehet napraforgó olajat használni vaj helyett a halaknál. azt magas hőfokon érdemes sütni, a hüvelykujjszabály a 12 perc egyik oldal 8 perc másik oldal 200-220 fokos sütővel számolva. hülyebiztos számok.
nem mertem csinálni, mert amúgy magamnak se csinálok soha, szerintem 15 éve ehettem utoljára kábé. nem hiányzik, nem választom, de sztem fontos: mákos tészta, túrós tészta. a tészta vallási kérdés kb, a túrótól meg kirázza a hideg, nem tudom mit fog szólni egy édes tésztaételhez :D vadak. nem értek a vadakhoz, sajnálnám elbaszni. pedig férfi állítja, hogy élete legjobb őzét itthon ette, és hogy állítólag európa hírű a magyar őzhús, mert sokkal kevésbé belterjes az állomány, mint ott ahol sokáig voltak nácik és megették a bambikat. o.o
juteszembe! budapesten hol lehet rendszeresen sokféle friss saláta és/vagy káposztafélét venni? @diogenesz2020portugal biztos többet tud a portugálok saláta/káposzta fétiséről a fajták számát illetően :D
ma még megmutatom a paprikás krumplit, mint egy igazi klasszikust, és utána vissza a sok zöldség, kevés hús, heti egyszer hal, heti egyszer vega iskolához, vége a a nagyfőzéseknek :D
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puttingwingsonwords · 9 months ago
*muttering to myself* we’re just making chicken paprikás and other Hungarian foods for my Hungarian boyfriend’s birthday and no other, Dracula inspired reason. I don’t need to bring up Dracula when we cook this weekend. it’s just Hungarian comfort food & I don’t need to bring up Dracula and definitely don’t say the strawberry compote for the dessert reminds me of blood
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helsinkiaznyugate · 4 months ago
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Paprikás kalács?? Akurvaéletbemár
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