#papa iverson
"Mama mama mama!!!!" Lance ran into the room where his mom was sitting, holding up a piece of paper. "Look what I did!" He held up his math test from the day before, presenting a 90% written in red at the top.
His mom grabbed the paper, looking at the grade and the answers he got wrong. "90 isn't bad. Make sure you review the answer you got wrong and make sure you understand it okay?” 
Lance took the paper back from his mom, "okay mama."
Lance gripped his color pencil tighter, he hated shading colors, it was by far his least favorite lesson in art class. He looked at the picture he was drawing, it was an attempt at a sunset. The yellow and orange were not blending nicely, it was an abrupt change. Not what the teacher wanted. 
“How are you doing Lance?” The older person leaned over him, their eyes scanning his paper. 
Lance sighed, “not good. I can’t get them to blend smoother.” 
His teacher hummed, “don’t be so aggressive when you hold your pencils. Start over if you can’t blend it out. Okay?” 
Lance nodded, dropping the pencil on the desk, “okay.” 
“CONGRATULATIONS VERONICA!!!” Lance pulled on the confetti popper in his hand, noisemakers and other confetti flying into the air. 
The entire family was back in the childhood home, congratulating Veronica on her acceptance to the Garrison. 
Veronica was grinning from ear to ear as she moved around the party, not even making it two steps before she was stopped by somebody to talk. 
“I’m going to get into the Garrison. Just you watch,” Lance held onto his plastic cup tightly as he watched his sister. 
“Get your grades up son, it takes dedication to get into that school.” 
Lance stared down into his cup, “okay papa.” 
“Do I need to remind you that the only reason you’re here is the best fighter pilot in your class got upset and flunked out?” Iverson leaned down in front of Lance, his voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.  
Lance swallowed around the lump forming in his throat; trying to ignore the sting burning behind his eyes. 
“Get out of my sight. And bond with your team!” 
Lance borderline bolted out of the room. Hiding under a pile of bedsheets on his bed, he wanted to go home. He couldn’t make it here. 
Lance moved through his life with a smile on his face and his shoulders squared back. He made sure to never let his negative emotions be the main focus of his outward appearance. 
He was an over-the-top flirt, shooting his shot whenever he could. He was constantly smiling, cheering people along, and being his happy-go-lucky self. 
He didn’t let people see the small frowns that formed on his face when he was given advice on how to do something better. He didn’t let anyone see the tears that fell in the shower as he tried to rationalize that he had a place in the world and he contributed to things. 
He didn’t let anyone see the side of him that wasn’t his fake confidence or him smiling through everything. 
Being part of Voltron was good for him. They really were a good team. And Lance got complimented, usually by being grouped with the team but it was still nice to hear “good job” from someone that wasn’t Hunk or his age. 
Lance stared down the scope on his rifle, slowly moving it as his target paced back and forth. The entire mission relied on this shot. 
If he missed the entire ship would be alerted and they would be in an all-out battle. If he succeeded, no one would be alerted and Pidge and Keith could slip in undetected. 
He took a deep breath, holding it in his lungs as he double-checked his aim. He quickly released his breath, his finger squeezing the trigger at the same time. 
A muffled shot rang through the air and his target collapsed onto the ground; unmoving. 
Lance took another breath, trying to shake the nerves from his body. “Got him.” 
“Good job Lance, I knew you could do it.” Shiro’s voice crackled through his helmet. “Pidge, you and Keith need to start-” 
Lance tuned his leader out. His portion of the mission was done, he simply needed to wait for Allura or Shiro to come get him when they had a chance. 
He felt the tears on his face before he realized he was crying. It was slight at first. One swipe from the back of his hand and his face was cleared. But the tears kept falling. 
He wasn’t sobbing but no matter what he did he couldn’t stop himself from crying. I finally did something right. He slumped down against the wall he was camped out by, letting his gun rest on the ground beside him. I did something right. 
The black lion landed in front of him a couple of minutes later and Lance picked up his things before entering the lion. 
“How did the mission go?” Lance prayed Shiro didn’t hear how his voice cracked on the words. That he didn’t realize he was crying only a couple of minutes ago. 
“Success.” Shiro began to pilot his lion back towards the castle, Lance sitting on a seat in the back. 
Lance exited the lion, he knew everyone else was waiting on the bridge but before he could make his way up Shiro's hand was on his shoulder. 
“Lance, I just wanted to say again, good job out there today. We seriously could not have done that without you.” 
Lance bit his lip, keeping his eyes trained on the ground and his back to his leader. “Don’t mention it.” 
Shiro's hand loosened slightly, “is everything okay?” 
Lance nodded his head, clearing his throat as he wiped his eyes, “yeah. Just tired.” 
“Lance.” Shiro stepped around him so they were face to face. As soon as he realized his teammate was crying his eyes widened with concern. “Is everything okay? Are you hurt? I can call Coran to ready a pod.” 
Lance shook his head, “no I’m okay. I didn’t get hurt.” 
Shiro’s expression calmed down some, but he still held a certain persona. “I’m here if you need to talk Lance.” 
“It’s fine, I just.” Lance took a deep breath, trying to stop more tears from falling. “Something you said made me emotional.” 
Shiro frowned, “I didn’t mean to hurt you or-” 
“No, you didn’t hurt me.” 
“Okay,” Shiro’s tone was laced with confusion, he clearly didn't understand what was happening. 
“Sorry,” Lance wiped his eyes again, “no adult has ever said I did a good job before so it was weird to hear. Nice but weird.” 
Shiro frowned at him before his face shifted into a smile. “Well, you are a valuable member of our team. And our sharpshooter, I don’t know where we would be without you.” 
More tears formed in Lance’s eyes, “Jesus Shiro stop.” 
Shiro pulled him in for a hug, “you’re doing great.” 
Lance found himself reciprocating the hug, had he hugged Shiro before? Really just Hunk and Pidge. “Thank you.” 
So uhhhh idk if this is good or not but I really needed some Shiro and Lance interaction 
I hope you like it!!
Thank you <3333
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
(For @is-this-anxiety, who couldn’t mentally handle the first part.)
Part 1
“I am completely fine with Keith and James being together!” Which is obviously a lie, but anyways, “But I am Keith’s rival! It’s Keith and Lance, neck and neck, not James and Keith, neck and neck!”
“Calm down buddy,” Hunk sighs, instantly regretting his choice of telling him the gossip, “I’m sure they’re just ignoring all the unwanted attention they’ve been getting recently. I’m pretty sure the rivalry doesn’t even matter to both of them.”
Lance’s heart breaks into at the implication (ok, it wasn’t really implied, but still!) that the rivalry he had with Keith was nothing more than a one-sided desperate attempt for the other to notice him—which, kinda actually was.
“But,” he still tries to reason, because his mamá didn’t raise no quitter, “Rivals don’t kiss each other!”
“That didn’t stop you.”
Shit. He’s got a good point.
“Whatever. I’m leaving.” He says, ripping off the non-existent blanket on top of him and pouting like the totally mature 22-year old he is. “I promised mamá I’d work on the farm.”
“She was actually the one who insisted you stay in here for a day or two! The Garrison was pissed, since they needed you to come to work this week for whatever reason.” Hunk grimaces, “Iverson needed to have a talk with you.”
Lance immediately (but lightly) cannonballs back into the bed, groaning as the reality of staying here for more than an hour sinks in. “Did anyone else come?”
“Everyone else was busy,” Hunk states flatly, “But I did hear that Keith actually came here a few hours ago.”
“Well, of course he did. He was one of the closest to me when I passed out, so he probably took me here.”
“Lance, you’ve been knocked out for like a day. I also heard that he looked very, and I mean very worried, so worried that he literally slammed the doors open when he entered.”
Welp. Now he’s going to go down a rabbit hole of wondering why Keith decided to come here, especially since they haven’t been talking as much recently.
“He’s probably just sad he doesn’t have good ol’ Lancey here to fall asleep with,” He jokes, before instantly shutting his mouth.
“And what do you exactly mean by that?”
Keith presses Lance’s contact and calls him. Said man is downstairs, but asking what he wants through call will be a million times less embarrassing than if he did ask face to face.
His phone rings two times before Lance answers, “Keith? What’s wrong?”
“Can you… talk about your day?”
“Why? Is there anything wrong? Are you dying? Oh god, I haven’t even taken you to see my family in Varadero—” He hears papers being pushed away and the sound of a pen clicking frantically, before Lance screams, “How much time do you think you have? It’s awfully sweet, I must say, that your last dying wish is to hear me ramble! It has been an honor to—”
“No, Lance. I’m not dying. I just… miss your voice.” And damn, if he’d be lying if he says he doesn’t want to suffocate himself with his pillow right then and there.
“…Really?” Lance says, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
“Really.” Keith confirms.
“Ok, but why do you want me to talk about my day? That’ll take like… a bagillion hours.”
“Because—” Keith stops for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should tell Lance about what he wants. He thinks about how Lance will probably laugh at him for even suggesting it, but then he remembers how caring Lance actually is, and the most he’ll do is awkwardly laugh and end the conversation. “Because I plan to fall asleep to your voice. It’s calming.”
There’s silence for a good while, and just when Keith starts to think this might have been a bad idea, Lance responds with: “So.. basically you want me to read you a little bedtime story? Does poor wittle Keithykins want Papa Lance to kiss him goodnight as well?”
Fuck. “Ok, I get it, just—”
“No! It’s ok really, I don’t mind!
Keith’s expression of pure embarrassment turns into shock, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah! I actually have been dying to tell someone what happened at the farm today—my mamá was pissed!” Lance chuckles softly, and boy, does Keith have to muster up all his energy not to collapse then and there. “Is it ok if I go upstairs? It’d be awkward if someone came in here and asked “who are you talking to?”, and I’d have to say “I’m talking to Keith! He’s actually upstairs right now.”, you know?”
“O-ok. Sure.” He cringes momentarily when his voice cracks.
Keith instantly hears footsteps getting louder and louder as Lance scales the stairs, before plopping onto his bed with vigor. “Now,” Lance exclaims, squirming under the blankets, “Let the story begin!”
He did not expect Lance to actually come here. He definitely did not expect Lance to lay down with him. He turns around to face Lance, who is taking a deep breath, “So.”
“First of all, I’m working on the field, right? So we sell Juniberries all year. This one girl is with her mother, and she really wants some. Her mother says no. So she throws a tantrum in the middle of the line.” Lance groans, toying with the corner of the blanket. “And that’s not even the worst part! I politely tell the mother that she can have a bouquet, free of charge. And you know what this bitch says?” His voice lowers; disgust practically reeks from his body, “That she wouldn’t buy anything associated with Voltron, because they support, and have a Galran on their team.”
Keith is no longer half-asleep, fully interested in the story, “And what did your mom do?”
“Oh, you won’t believe this! My mom, y’know, the mom who has literally been described as a person who could kill people with her kindness, starts to cuss her the fuck out!” Lance is elated as he starts to recount his mom’s word for word bashing, the Spanish rolling off of his tongue rapidly.
“Wait! You aren’t even falling asleep!” Lance pouts, as if he had done all of that for nothing (which is partly true, but he did entertain Keith).
“Alright,” Keith snorts, rolling his eyes, “I’ll—”
“Nope!” Lance flat out ignores Keith’s attempt to go to sleep as he wraps an arm around the smaller’s middle and pulls him flush against his chest. “You are staying here from now on!”
Keith is grateful that Lance can’t see how much he’s blushing as he musters a measly “ok”.
As the story progresses, Lance begins to talk in Spanish again, this time his tone more relaxed in what seems to be a comforting manner, and that’s when Keith starts to feel drowsy. He practically melts into the mattress as Lance recounts his time playing as a Voltron Paladin with his niece and nephew, Nadia and Silvio. He smiles as he hears the story of the stray cat Lance encounters on the street on the way back home, frowning when Lance starts to note how similar he was to the fellow.
Keith barely hides his laugh when Lance tells about how frustrated he was when he looked in the fridge and the last microwaveable pizza was gone. The one Keith ate just a few hours ago.
When Lance notices that Keith’s breaths have slowed down and become more even, he thinks Keith is finally asleep. Instead of sneakily maneuvering out of bed (an art which he has mastered when cuddling his family), he makes his grip on Keith tighter, and since he feels bold today, he gives the lightest peck on Keith’s forehead.
What Lance doesn’t know, is that Keith was not asleep, and that he felt every single thing Lance had just done. Times ten.
God, Keith was so whipped for this man.
“Welp,” Hunk croaks, stifling a laugh, “That was a lot to take in.”
“I knowwwwww,” Lance whines, sighing in the most dramatic way possible, dragging out that last part for a few seconds.
“Now, we do know one thing for sure,” Hunk types frantically on his phone, probably texting Pidge about how pathetic Lance is. He can’t seem to care though.
“What is it?” Surely, nothing Hunk can say will be worse than James and—
“You are so gone for him. Like OceanGate 2023 gone.”
“Hunk! Not cool, bro.”
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danceylancey · 2 years
Iverson was always harshest to Lance. He gave him the hardest jobs, grilled him constantly, constantly asked him to meet him in his office to which Lance would agree with a scowl and leave with a reluctant expression, as if being forced to accept something. Despite this, Lance never talked about him all that badly. He’d rant about him being annoying but would never curse him out and often defended the older man when others would be rude about him. Hunk never really questioned it, just assuming Lance was being his dramatic self. Pidge just didn’t notice, too busy hacking and searching for Matt. Despite not really meeting him much, both Keith and Shiro had heard about the amount of arguments Lance and Iverson would have. Wether it was from Iverson ranting about it or people gossiping. It was obvious to them that the two hated each other, which is why they are all extremely confused when Lance keeps asking where he is when they get to earth. They assume he is just waiting to annoy the man again, maybe brag about his position as pilot. They all, including the Alteans, are taken by surprise when the two finally see each other again only to rush towards one another and hug. Lance nearly takes him down with the force of it, almost suffocating the man as he jumps into his arms and squeezes. Then they hear it, Iverson speaking in a voice none of them have ever heard, soft and weak and Lance responding with a near sob,
“Oh son, you’re okay. You’re okay. Safe.”
“Papa, I’m so sorry! I’m sorry I left you, Papa. I missed you so much.”
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xxmiracle · 2 months
~𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙~
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1: 𝙼𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝚅𝚘𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚌 𝚡 𝚘𝚌
Summary: Elaera disturbs Maria's peace with her brother's reminding her what she failed to give. Valdemar stray's further away from Maria, further distancing their marriage.
Word count: 4,933
Warning: Arguing, cursing, estranged marriage
Maria was born to a regular mother and father on Earth, but unlike most kids on that planet her own mother wasn’t human. It was no secret to her father who worked full-time as a firefighter to provide for them both. Paul and Elaera were both married after her mother found out she was pregnant and like any dumb thing young people would do is, get married. It wasn’t until she was three her married parents were divorced and she was suddenly being forced to be taught about how to become a good wife and Empress to an Empire she’s never been in. 
She never understood how life was as a normal human girl beyond that age. And her whole life her dad came to resent her mom hating having to co-parent with her every time they met, and they made it obvious their parenting didn’t match. And Elaera made it obvious to her only daughter that she did not like her, only for what she was made to do and what it will bring her. 
For her childhood she was spent as a lonely only-child till she was almost eighteen her papa gave her a brother with another woman of a totally different species from him. And just like that he was restarting parenthood just like that and perhaps she felt a bit of jealousy for young Keith when she realized he would have a normal childhood compared to her but she was glad Keith's childhood will be different. 
Maria had different customs from her mother’s race compared to Keith’s mother, but Maria has his mother’s words in her mind. She vowed to care for Keith the same way she would. Even after the passing of her papa she would protect Keith with every bone she had in her body. Even when he may not need it. 
On Earth her life was simple compared to when in Dracaena free from societies drama and politics but she wasn’t free from the responsibilities of her guardianship over her brother. Being called to the office wasn’t on her to-do things for today especially for a special organization for training pilots like Keith. After asking for directions and the many turns she had to take in this overly big building she found Keith sitting need to the office door with his head down, his bangs covering his eyes and his face and hands bruised. Out of protective instinct she kneeled down bringing her hand to his face he was bruised and worried in her eyes that Keith couldn’t stare back at. “Keith, who did this to you?”
He said nothing but turned and stared at a boy sitting a few seats away from them. And as if on cue the doors opened to Shiro. “Maria, come here the commander needs to speak with you.” 
She gave a hardened gaze before softening, getting up she gave Keith a small squeeze on his shoulder before getting into the office of Commander Iverson. Sitting down she had her hardened gaze back on again and the commander didn’t back down from her either, Shiro on the other hand looked awkwardly between them two. “Keith has engaged himself in a fight with James Griffin.” Commander spoke first. 
“What did this boy ‘James Griffin’ do?” Maria encountered. “It doesn’t matter what he did, Mr. Kogane is a discipline case-” 
Maria dryly laughed. “If I ever hear you call my kid a discipline case you won’t hear the end of me, you hear!” She warned the Commander, not caring if she’s yelling at a military officer. “And Takashi, you of all people know he doesn’t do this crap because he wants to. He’s a boy that likes to be kept to himself that is how he is, he doesn’t ‘engage’ in fights cause he so Fucking want to.” She breathed out of breath, finding this situation incredibly stupid. 
“Now Commander, I’m not calling my boy perfect but he isn’t the only problem so are you only calling my boy the only ‘discipline case’ or is that boy a problem too.” Maria stared at Iverson expecting an answer. “James comes from a good background and with great talents-” 
“Are you discriminating against him because of his background?! And as far as I’m aware Keith held the better scores as pilot than that brat from the very beginning.” She ran on. Iverson once again found himself silent against the woman. It wasn’t his first rodeo with this woman and she made it difficult every single time he found it unbearable. Shiro cleared his throat before speaking with his hand on her shoulder. “Maria, I know you're upset but calm down please.” And that seemed to set the woman off. 
“Are you fucking with me, Takashi!” He lifted his hand up in a surrender position. “I”m more than upset, I’m angry this asshole is accusing of my kid of every single thing when he so happens to fuck up!” 
“Ms. Kogane, if Keith doesn’t get his act together I will have to kick him out. I don’t care if he’s the best I will find better.” Iverson shouted at the woman on his last straw with the woman as much with her kid. She stared silently at him not of fear or abeyance. 
“I’d like to see you try.” She scoffed picking up her bag and getting up out of the office. 
Iverson watched as the doors closed rubbing his temples, signaling his stress. “How do you deal with her?” He asked officer Shirogane to which he shrugged. “She means well, just when it comes to that kid she becomes a big mama bear.” He answered. “Sir, I know both of them can be difficult but they mean well, especially Keith, he's a good kid with great talents.” 
A week later as the situation was taken care of  Keith was asked to stay home and during that time he was also grounded and couldn’t spend time on his dad's hoverbike. It wasn't much of a punishment but it’s what Maria will do most. In the Kitchen Maria is currently cooking soup in a slightly big pot, cutting up the spam, mushrooms and whatever other vegetables she had in the fridge she heard Keith close enter nearby. “That’s a lot for both of us.” He commented over her shoulder. 
“Takashi and Adam are coming over for dinner and perhaps for a movie afterwards.” From the corner of her eye she can see Keith brighten up a little at the news of the couple coming over. Adding all the ingredients to the soup she put the stove to medium-low heat checking on the rice in the cooker deeming it almost done. Hearing a ring from the living room she asked Keith to go get it for her. 
“Hello..Yeah we’re home..Later today?..Okay, I’ll tell her.” Keith hung up the phone in the living room, standing in between the kitchen and living room. “Your mom called, said she’s coming over.” He could see her tense up at the news. Deciding everything was good and to just wait Maria sat down at the dining table looking somewhat distant, Keith sat down right in front of her looking concerned for his sister. He knew visits from her mother were stressful on Maria as she was always criticizing everything she does from her looks, cooking, the way she dresses, the way she cleans and from the way she’s raising him. It wasn’t fair of her because as Keith knows, Maria was raised by their father so she had little to no effort in parenting.  
“Keith, about last week.” She started swallowing her spit. She looked nervous, he noted. “I just want you to be happy okay.” He nodded. “So, whether you still want to go to Galaxy Garrison is up to you but just know I’ll support you in your decision.” She said, “Okay, baby.” She looked at him lovingly that Keith only ever recognized from her. He said nothing but a silent okay.
His eyes followed her as she nodded before getting up from her chair walking back to the stove. Since his papa died when he was five she’s been his sole caretaker ever since. He understood ever since her life has always been about him or her mom, he’s felt guilt before because of him Maria was forced in a parentified role in their relationship. 
Later in the evening after everyone had eaten dinner Maria asked Takashi and Adam to go to the theaters and to take Keith with them as she stayed here waiting for her mom. Shiro, of course, was worried about knowing the dynamic of their relationship as much as Keith but had it brushed off when Maria said they were just talking. So to take stress off her back he took Keith with him to the theaters in the city to watch any interesting movie playing currently of late. 
Rolling down his window he looked at Maria in her jacket greeting them off before she headed back inside. “You sure you’ll be okay?” He asked. She nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m sure Takashi, have fun.” Moving to Keith’s rolled down window she moved hair that was getting into his face. “Here.” She gave him money from her purse, he looked up at her as he accepted it. “To buy whatever you want as you enjoy the movie.” 
She waved them bye watching them leave before getting inside. Reheating the same soup and rice for later when Elaera decides to show up and against her wishes it was soon. When she first arrived they were silent just as their greeting and Maria could feel her judging eyes on her the second she stepped foot into this house. And with eyes of fear she watched her mother inspect every inch of her house. “You're barely more than a week settled and you already have a shrine for your daddy.” She watched her fingers move along the surface of the furniture where pictures of her father were placed. 
“Of course,” She said. “Why wouldn’t we?” She asked somewhat confused but she wasn’t just ignorant of the answer. “Everything here reminds me of your father, this house, your brother.” She stood in front of her inspecting every inch of her face. She grabbed her face in between her hands looking in her eyes she scoffed, jerking her face to the side. “Even you take after that man.” 
Perhaps her words did have truth; she did not like how she said it. Like her father was a bad or ugly man, he wasn’t any of those things. “Why are you like this?” She whispered to absolutely know one but Elaera heard her, loud and clear. Opening her fridge she brought out two beers from the fridge and popped them right open and took her spot on the couch, patting a spot next to her. Maria sat down a bit away from her and as she did so Elaera passed her a beer. 
Taking a drink of her beer she sighed. “I used to be beautiful before you were born.” 
Maria held the beer in her hands but not taking a drink. “Okay.” She blinked. “What does that have to do with Papa?”
Elaera glared irritably at her daughter. “You know how sex works, sweetheart.” Her voice now filled with venom filled her ears. “Your father got me pregnant when I was young, creating you. He made me ugly, you made me ugly.” The older woman spat out. “I could've been the one marrying back into the throne, but it had to be you while the rest of us can rot away like peasents.” Maria continued being silent only staring blankly ahead. Even when her papa was alive she was never told how they met or what happened when she was conceived. Everyone had their reasons though, Elaera was too bitter and papa was too overprotective. 
“Maybe I can be more.” Elaera laughed, mocking her own daughter. “Like what?” She laughed. Maria just shrugged her shoulders not knowing how to continue this. “I have dreams of my dragons…” She swallowed. “And I dream about Kuragari-” 
“Like that dragon would ever come back to you, he doesn’t even think you are even worth a single breath of him.” She spat out, scoffing out her daughter's stupid ideas or dreams as she called it. “You're so pretty, Maria.” Her voice had changed just like that. “But pretty is all you have when you can’t birth an heir. Pretty is worthless to you isn’t it, when anybody on the throne will sleep with you just to have their heir. It’s no wonder that Galran left you too.”
“He didn’t leave!” She whispered out. It was the most she said this whole time and it was to prove her own mother’s accusations wrong. “No. But he prefers duty over you, doesn’t he?” She couldn’t look anywhere but her. Maria couldn’t bear the presence of her mother there but she had to bear her for own sake and perhaps her mothers as well. After her father died she had no one else besides her. Her mama, that does everything but be her mother. 
And she hoped one day when Keith grows into an adult, she can be the guardian he comes back to cause he’s comfortable not because he’s just lonely. Maybe she’s the lonely one, can’t connect with her only brother most of the time and sometimes he would prefer Shiro over herself. Perhaps her mama has a point, all good she is, is just pretty. She can’t be a good daughter or sister, she can’t be a mother, she has no interest in politics and she’s a bad wife. What else is there for her? 
Even years later she still tried to accomplish what she can’t and has no yearning for. 
She stood in her chambers dressed in a lilac purple dress that was over her tight corset, it was a long dress that was thrown loose at around her torso with a golden chain around. The puff short purple sleeves over the long soft pink sleeves seemed like an alright change from the itchiness of the fabric from the puff sleeves it caused her. Sitting in front of the mirror she looked over the available jewelry she planned to put on as she let the maids do her hair. 
Placing on pearl earring, a choker necklace with a golden signia and another pearl necklace. Moving her head a bit she looked at herself in the mirror, seeming it looked alright or good on her. “You're finished, your majesty.”  The maid behind her announced. She looked at her wavy dark brown hair tied in two braids that made it look like a crown as the rest of her hair was loose, on her braids the maids placed a crowned purple transparent veil that framed her loose hair. As bangs that were left out on purpose framing the sides of her face perfectly with her makeup. “Thank you Celia.” She thanked me. Standing up readying herself to go Celia kneeled down to fluff her dress before letting her go. 
She looked to Celia one more time. “How do I look? Too much? Too little? Do I need to apply more perfume-” Celia looked baffled at the Empress. “Your Majesty, you look beautiful, I'm sure the Emperor will think the same.” Maria looked at Celia with her blue eyes but nodded fiddling with her hands. 
Druids were the priests of the Galra Empire; they were the ones that proclaimed the words of their gods and performed their own sacraments for their monarch or Kingdom. The Draconian Empire had their own priest but they are starting to die out, with the Galra Empire influence there has been more Druids than priests though now instead of proclaiming their words of their god they proclaim the words of their Emperor. 
Many Galrans today are unaware of their own gods but Draceans are still aware of their own gods, if not. At Least they are aware of their Mother Goddess, their birther. Talzor, despite being a druid, liked to practice the Draceans' religion in secret. He doesn’t share blood with the Mother Goddess or any of her children but he cares for someone that does and perhaps that makes him feel a little closer. As shameful it might be for other Galrans he didn’t want to worship anybody forcing to be served as a god. 
In the cockpit of the ship is the hologram of one of the commanders that worked closely with Emperor Zarkon. Commander Sendak speaked with the Emperor of Dracaena, Valdemar but officially known as Commander Valdemor to the Galra Empire. “I will not send any more supplies than what I have given for your search!” Valdemor started wanting to be done with this conversation. “If it’s for the stake of providing the Galran Empire the Universe's greatest weapon you will do it!” Sendak argued back. It seems this conversation wasn’t going anywhere with these two stubborn men and Talzor didn’t want to risk fouling his mood by butting in. 
“You are a Commander, How Fucking Hard Can It Be!” With that he logged off the console, the hologram of Commander Sendak disappearing. There was a moment of recovery for Valdemar to calm himself, rubbing his temples and letting out a sigh of stress. He turned to leave but as the doors slid open he turned his body to Talzor. “Where’s my wife?” It was a simple question that he was too astonished to answer too. 
“She’s possibly praying or out in the field with her dragon’s.” Valdemar nodded before his long legs rushed him out. “Commander!” He called him out catching up to him. It wasn’t usual that the Commander asked for the whereabouts of his dear wife, despite being married they had a distant relationship for years. Others view the relationship as already failed or tense. Of course it may be true on the Empress’s side, but on Valdemar’s side he was often viewed as a stoic and distant husband. It often makes him dislikable to the lady-maids.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t disturb her custom.” Valdemar only groaned, turning back making a u-turn in the same direction. “I don’t care. I’m her husband, I can go to her if I want to.” He continued his way walking past Talzor. “You’ll care if she prefers the dragon's company over you.” Talzor pointed out watching the Commander’s broad shoulders tense up, he turned his way towards him with a nasty glare. “You and the Empress are not on best terms, you’ll only make things worse if you disturb her peace.” 
Valdemar’s glare had softened, as much as he wanted to defend himself he couldn’t deny the fragile state of his marriage. It was bad enough it caused questions of the council in Dracaena which is why he likes to stay far away from it and focus on his work as Commander, on what he does best. It’s maybe unfair to her as her husband but sometimes he doesn’t know how to deal with her. Which is why he likes to be away when he’s not in the mood, but currently he desires to see her now. 
“Then what should I do?” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“You can stay hidden as I converse with the young Empress.” Talzor suggested gaining the Commander’s attention. Walking in the giant church near the palace they walked by the architecture of the Dracaena’s carving of the many dragons of their history. Entering through the giant open where nun’s entered and exited. Eyeing Empress Maria across the room Valdemar could almost forget Talzor’s suggestion to stay hidden, taking a step forward and was stopped by Talzor’s arm. Talzor's expression pointed towards the pillar near them, it was out of sight but he’s still able to see her. He watched Talzor walk towards his beautiful Maria, his chest swelled with pain and jealousy. His pride is hurt that he can’t see her without causing hurt and he doesn’t know how to fix it but he also doesn’t want to. 
Talzor kneeled down next to Maria lighting a candle in front of him. Opening her eyes she looked a bit up next to her seeing the familiar friendly face. “Talzor?” She sounded confused at his presence here. She rightfully should be, the word that the Commander was back meant Talzor wasn’t going to be in the church anytime soon but here he was. “Hello, my dear, I hope all is well.” He smiled at her. She looked down and then looked up, averting her eyes to a tall and muscular figure in the room, she could recognize that matte purple hair and fur anywhere. And those deep red eyes that he holds. 
And her mood suddenly dropped. It suddenly made sense why Druid Talzor was here. 
“Why is he here?” She grew uncomfortable in the church now. Talzor sighed, he knew this question was unavoidable and the girl wasn’t dumb. She was going to find out. “He wanted to see you.” He told her the truth. Maria averted her gaze away from him. “Why now? He had a million other chances and he never cared before.” Talzor didn’t have an answer for her. He couldn’t answer her all the times her husband chose to be absent for as he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of her sadness and Valdemar’s wrath. 
“I apologize, Maria.” Is all he said. 
She only nodded. “It’s not your fault, it’s mine for not trying harder.” She said filled with sorrow. She looked towards Zhykell nowhere in sight now as she expected. He got what he wanted now so there’s no more reason for him to stay. She’s recently stopped wishing for him to stay, feeling pathetic everytime she begs for him even when she knows the obvious. Now all she does is pray to her Mother Goddess for the well being of her Empire, her brother’s, and her dragons. 
“How’s your sleep?” Talzor asked, hopefully changing the mood. She stood silently looking at the burning candles that stood at the foot of the statue of the representation of their mother goddess. “Alright, some nights have been harder to sleep than others.” The druid next to her hummed in response. Due to her dreams and anxieties she had insomnia which caused her to be tired most of the day but lately these anxieties in her chest have grown worse increasing her insomnia. She’s been sent to the doctor and given pills but they can only do so much for her. 
Talzor raised his hand to light up a candle. “I’ll pray for your well being, my dear.” He said standing up. She watched as he stood up, taking a stand from her position as well. Bowing to him slightly. “Thank you, Talzor.” She looked back to where Valdemar was previously. “I think it’s time you get back to your duty, isn’t it?” The older male Galra laughed out. “I’m sure the Commander can wait. Allow me to walk you out.” 
Maria nodded letting him lead her out of the church, she felt his hand slightly hover over back but it was nowhere touching but she slightly smiled at the familiar gentle warmth. Out of the church halls past the corner there was Valdemar walking towards them, her eyes watching him waiting for a simple nod of acknowledgment but he only looked at Talzor instructing him to follow him. She could only look down in embarrassment. Talzor looked at Maria then to Valdemar to cough out to get his attention, when he looked he motioned to his Empress there standing in embarrassment. 
The druid laid his hand Valdemar’s rough armor his claws digging into the metal slightly. “Acknowledge your wife for a change.” With that said he walked away a hand in the air as a goodbye. 
Valdemar watching him, averting his eyes, watched Maria slightly wave towards Talzor’s appearance. He watched as she looked everywhere in the hall but him, maybe realizing now they were alone together and so the uncomfortableness began. Though Valdemar could not feel it he certainly noticed her fidgeting body. He didn’t want to be here as much as she wanted to, possibly more. “Druid Talzor told me you wanted to see me.” She finally had spoken.” His deep red-eyes looked at her for a slight second before averting again. “That was a lie.” 
The woman looked at him and just nodded. “Okay.” She looked at him, deciding to take another chance. Maybe if she asked nicely she won’t have to literally beg for his attention and he won’t go back to his work. She could invite him to relax and if she could seduce him enough he’ll take her to bed. 
“How is it working with Emperor Zarkon now? I’m sure your stressed with all the work so maybe we can-” 
“Stop Talking, Please!” He sounded absolutely exhausted. His large hand over his face rubbing his temples maybe feeling a headache coming. But hearing almost the brink of yelling shocked her. “I’m sorry?” She said in her shock. 
“I said shut up, how hard can that be.” He blurted out. 
She almost wanted to cry but she couldn’t, she shouldn’t, she could never. Not in front of him, never to anybody. She saw it coming but she didn’t know how to deal with the outcome. Fiddling with her fingers she unconsciously pulls the skin around her cuticles, harming her fingers. “You didn’t have to shout.” 
He could only look at her glaring daggers at her so hard she could feel herself dying in that moment. “Don’t humor me?” He scoffed. “Like you and that blabber mouth could understand.” 
“I don’t talk a lot, we both know that. You just hate me enough that you rather not hear me talk at all.” He looked at her with a stoic expression she could not read and she hated him for it. “I don’t hate you, you should know that.”
“How Fucking Can I When Your Always Away!” She felt herself yelling out but she doesn’t remember moving. “What! You Expect Me To Ignore Orders From My Own Emperor Just For The Likes Of You!” He yelled back louder, having her flinch back in fear. 
She shook her head. “No, of course not. I just want my husband, my brother’s, I want to go Home! I feel trapped here, I have no one at court to talk to, I just want to Leave!” She exclaimed, begging for him to understand. He looked at her glossy eyes and shook his head. 
“You know I can’t grant you that.” He replied. Maria's eyes moved from the floor to his figure, not daring to look into his eyes. “I know.” Her voice broke close to crying. “My life and dreams are nothing in this world.” She licked her lips trying her best to keep her composure and not break down in front of him. 
She couldn’t see but he look down at her softening up a little, his arms wanted to move to touch her. Provide warmth or comfort but he’s incapable of doing so it seems. He wanted to speak further telling her that it's not true that her life and dreams mean something but he felt he’d just spit out lies to her. And he knew the silence was eating her alive, his incapable ability to say anything else it was until she couldn’t take it anymore. “I have to go!” She breathed out as if holding her breath till she couldn’t hold it any longer. 
Her heels rushed past him as he made an attempt to let her go any further. “Maria, Wait.” He started but she pulled her arm away. “I need to go!” He watched as she lifted her beautiful purple dress up, attempting anyway to get as far away from him as possible. 
His head stayed down low watching her figure get out of his sight, the sound of her heels clicking the floor were no longer heard. Valdemar took pride in his job as both Commander and Emperor for Dracaena, for him conquering and leading an Empire was easier than a relationship. And for once in his life it was a situation he couldn’t destroy or punch away, not that he ever wanted to. He wanted her, he wanted her so much he can’t control it but he doesn't know how to want her without her feeling trapped. 
Maria’s embarrassment and anger falling out of her eyes. Angrily wiping them off her face she almost cursed him for ruining her makeup she had for the day, not like he’ll feel sorry for her. She never really expected anything from him, perhaps maybe five minutes of his time at most. But she’d always end up being the stupid one seeing how that turns on her, he gets angry and she becomes frustrated. And then they end up separated again more than they originally were. The already failing marriage was already in ruins and Maria didn’t want to admit that just yet, she wanted to try again. 
Even if it may end badly on her or them both she wanted to confirm again this marriage of them is in ruin to the point of no fix. Then they can call off the contract of her marriage and maybe then she can be permitted to go back to Earth and stay there. 
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blueplanetprompts · 6 years
Lance Captured by the Garrison Prompt
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My Idea:
When the team went through the wormholes that split them up, Lance ended up back on Earth.
At first, he tried contacting the Castle and got no answer from them so he started thinking about his family.
He waited with Blue for a couple more hours before he decided that he wanted to visit his family too much and he went to get back into Blue to head towards Cuba. He turns around and that’s when he heard people coming up behind him.
He puts his hands up and they take him away from Blue 
He’s interrogated by the Garrison and though he doesn’t tell them everything, he tells them a damn lot about whats happening in space and then reprimands them for not telling the truth about Kerberos.
Obviously, they don’t really believe him since he had a reputation in the Garrison before he left for space and demands he tells them the truth.
He’s kept in that room for almost 48 hours, he’s exhausted and hungry and just mentally drained. He wants to cry because he just wants to go home.
The next time they come in, he asks if he’ll be able to see his family but they don’t answer his question. 
Castle of Lions arrives to take Lance back and establish a treaty with Earth or something, I don’t know.
Could be a Papa Iverson story too.
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blueplanettrash · 7 years
You made me want papa iverson. how. i hated him. but now hes lances papa in my mind. whats papa iverson's thoughts on his son coming home, dating the Matthew Holt, rebel meme genius?
My two favourite bois right now! I hope you enjoy! ❤️
It wasn’t too long after that Matt sent a transmission to Earth to say that he had finished up his duties to the rebellion and was on his way back. To put it simply, Lance was ecstatic and was already planning a bunch of dates and activities to do once he got back.
The first of the hurdles, however, was introducing Matt to Iverson. Which he worried a bit about, not because he had a boyfriend; he had had his fair share of boyfriends over the years. Just like telling him that he was, in fact, bisexual, he had taken their presence in stride. That is until his last boyfriend, one night after he had refused to sleep with him, had practically beaten his face in and had only gotten home after running out of the boy’s house without his jacket and shoes and wandered home in the late night.
In the panic of the situation, he didn’t have any of his belongings and his phone and car were still at the young man’s house. All he was thinking about at that moment was getting the hell out of there and getting back to the safety of his home. Every few seconds he looked behind himself, terrified that he was going to come after him. He had seen all of the horror stories of people scared of getting arrested for assault and choosing to murder instead and try and cover up their tracks.
He had never known his boyfriend to be violent at all and seeing that new side of him only made him that much more scared. If he didn’t know about that side of him, what else could he have possibly been hiding?
Every car that he heard approaching, he hid in the bushes or behind a tree until he was sure that they passed. Once or twice, a car would circle back and he would stay in the shadows for a solid five minutes, tears rolling down his face and hands covering his mouth in the fear that somehow whoever they were would be able to hear his breathing.
By the time that he made it back to his house, he was bawling from pain and emotional distress and fell into his father’s arms. He had been sitting on the front deck, impatiently checking his phone for any message from Lance. He was a dad, sue him, he was worried, and he was right to be.
When he saw his son’s familiar silhouette hurrying up the driveway, he was ready to yell at him that it was almost 1 in the morning. He was ready to be angry that he didn’t come home in his car, the niggling in the back of his brain telling him that he was drunk and didn’t want to drive home (the only good outcome of the ordeal). He wasn’t going to be surprised if he tried to duck away and pull himself through a window somewhere in the house. Instead, he took one look at his dad on the porch steps and practically ran to him and collapsed in his arms with a loud, painful sounding sob.
His fiery anger quickly turned to outright concern and he pulled Lance away from his shoulder to ask him what happened. Instead, he saw the damage done to his face; his nose, lip, practically everywhere was bleeding. One of his eyes was swollen shut and the other was completely red from burst blood vessels. Looking further down, he saw that his clothes were ripped, he wasn’t wearing his belt that he left the house in and the button was popped off of his jeans.
“Lance, what happened?” He asked quietly as he sobbed in front of him. At the question he curled in on himself, tears dropping on his shirt.
“He t-tried, he tried t-to, I w-wouldn’t l-let him,” he stuttered out, limbs violently trembling. Iverson’s eyes widened in realization, his gut was churning with fire.
“I-I h-had to get out, my car i-is still there,” he cried in panic.
“Don’t worry Lance, me and Mark will go get your things, but we need to clean you up,” he said, standing up with Lance in his arms. He was lucky that Lance was built like a pole and hadn’t yet gained much weight. He easily brought him into the house and sat him down at the kitchen table.
Rushing through the house, he went and woke up Rosa and brought her back out to the kitchen. As expected she was in hysterics seeing her baby boy barely recognizable in front of her, but her training as a nurse quickly composed her and she got to work. As she helped him, he went to Mark’s room and roused him from sleep.
Now Mark wasn’t prone to violence, he was like Hunk in that way. He was a giant of a man, towering over most of their family with the comparative strength as well, but he was fiercely protective of his family. When he brought him back out to the kitchen any sleepiness that was affecting Mark was immediately replaced with anger that he didn’t show until they were on their way to Lance’s now ex-boyfriend’s house.
When they got there, they saw him in his front yard a utility knife in his hand. He looked angry but hey were much angrier when they saw that he had yet to wash the blood off of his hands. He was quick to pull the innocent act when they burst out of the car, anger radiating off of them and claim that Lance had struck first and he was defending himself. It made them sick. They weren’t about to strike back though, they were both men of law. There wasn’t much that they could do though since he was a minor.
That didn’t mean that he felt bad that when that boy’s application for the Garrison came through his hands, he filed it under permanent rejection. When asked why he didn’t accept his application, he told the truth. It was enough to turn most people away from the boy for good, it was what he deserved.
He didn’t think he would ever meet another sixteen-year-old that would cause that much damage at that age, in his life again.
It was lucky that Iverson already knew Matt, knew how successful he was and that he was a good person, but because of his previous boyfriend, he knew that he would be wary of him and become more protective of Lance.
It made him feel good that his dad would always have his back and would always be there to protect him, but he didn’t want him to scare Matt away. Matt had told him jokingly one time that one of his biggest fears was facing off with Iverson in a dark alley somewhere. At the time, he had laughed but inside he panicked a little.
By then, he already knew that Matt wouldn’t leave him because of one of the members of his family but he also knew that if his dad saw any kind of weakness present in his boyfriend he would be quick to exploit it until he truly proved himself to him.
How he was going to prove himself? He had no fucking clue.
He nervously shuffled at the tarmac beside the rest of the paladins, other personnel were lined up behind them, eagerly awaiting the return of Matt back to Earth. He tried to run through his introductions one more time in his head, nervous making his palm slick with sweat. He furiously wiped them on his pants, mumbling his little speech quietly.
“Bro, are you okay?” Hunk asked, leaning over to whisper in his ear. He sighed a bit and straightened up again.
“Yeah, it’s just you know, my dad is about to meet my boyfriend,”
Hunk blinked in realization, a drawn-out oh coming out of his mouth. Just as he was about to open his mouth to reply, a loud boom echoed out above them and they saw Matt’s rebel ship approaching the surface. They raced over to the ship, excitedly chattering over each other. They let Sam, Pidge and Colleen take the lead and greet him, smothering him with hugs and peppering his face with kisses.
He hung back respectfully, a part in fear but at the same time the nervousness he was feeling also factored in.
“Lance!” The excited cheer broke him from his musings and he was quickly wrapped up in a hug and lifted into the air. As soon as his feet hit the ground again, Matt was kissing him and lowering him in a dip. Dramatic as always.
He pulled back, happily looking into his eyes and pressing their foreheads together.
“Hi,” he said softly.
“Hey,” he replied just as softly, almost forgetting that he was supposed to be introducing him to his father.
Keyword being almost.
He grabbed Matt’s shoulder, hauling himself up again and instead grabbed his hand and started pulling him to the Garrison personal instead.
“I have to introduce you to someone,” he said hurriedly. He stopped in front of Iverson, who had his arms crossed in front of him and was glowering down at Matt.
“Um, I’ve already met Iverson?” He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Lance gulped and put his hand on his dad’s arm.
“Kind of, um, Matt meet my dad,” he said, gesturing to him nervously. Matt’s face went slack in surprise and his eyes darted between them incredulously.
“Wow, really?” He asked outright. He shook his head and instead gave Iverson a smile. Despite the fact that he was already well aquatinted with the man, he held out his hand, which Iverson took with a firm hand.
“It’s nice to meet my boyfriend’s father, he really missed you out there, I’m glad I was able to help him get home,” he smiled brightly.
“Thank you for getting my son home,” he replied gruffly before pulling Matt forward to get into his personal space. “Don’t think you have my approval yet boy, my children are precious,”
Without a further word, he spun and marched back into the base. Lance let out a laugh as Matt’s smile dropped and he sunk to the tarmac with shaking legs.
“Oh Jesus, I thought I was going to die,” he mumbled, clutching onto Lance’s legs for support. He giggled and crouched down beside him and pulled him into a hug.
It wasn’t a very strong start but he certainly had a chance.
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everykindofnerd13 · 4 years
“I was only 3 years old when my mother left leaving nothing but her memory and my knife behind for me. I was 6 years old when my Dad left my home and never returned. I was 7 years old when I was discovered by a teacher at school and put in the Foster care system. I was 10 years old when I figured out that I might be gay and came out to my parents as questioning. They weren’t very happy and I was put back in the system. I was 11 years old when I ran away from my foster home at the time and began to live on the run from the agency. I was 12 years old when I met Takashi Shirogane who brought me home to live with him and his boyfriend Adam. I was 14 when I was finally permitted to join the Galaxy Garrison and was finally happy to be pursuing a dream. I also met my first ever crush when I was 14, not that I knew it yet. When I was 15 I realised my crush, and when I was 16, I accepted my crush...” Everyone laughed as Keith spoke, he took a deep breath, steadying himself and continued, “I was 17 years old when Shiro left on the Kerberos mission, and was presumed dead weeks later. It was at that time that Adam began pulling away, beginning to only do what was completely necessary for my health. I was 18 years old when I punched Iverson in the eye and was expelled from the Galaxy Garrison. I also left the home I still shared with Adam and began living in the shack I’d lived in with my biological parents that was only a little ways away from the school. That same year, I discovered that my older brother-best friend was alive and I rushed to get him away from the scientists. There, was when my life took a turn that I both wish could have been better, but will never regret. When I was 20, I left my brother and found-family in hopes of serving a greater purpose in a war I shouldn’t have even had to fight. I was 21 when I returned to my found-family and 23 when we won a war I thought we’d never escape. In exchange I was forced to watch the love of my life hurt over someone I had known for years as well. I was 24 when I finally admitted to my best friend, first crush, and love of my life and that I was in love, and he confessed to returning those feelings. I proposed when I was 25, and now, I’m 26, and you, Lance McClain, the guy I’ve been pining after since I was 16, all of which Shiro had to sit and suffer through, are standing in front of me at the Wedding Alter, and I can honestly say, that until 2 years ago when you said you return my feelings, I didn’t think that I’d ever be this happy. But here you are, answering all my dreams, and all my prayers, by agreeing to spend the rest of our lives together with me, how crazy is that?” He laughed, there were sniffles heard all over the room, and Lance was crying himself, “So thank you, truly, and from the bottom of my heart, for making me happy, for agreeing to live this life with me, and for being my best friend, biggest supporter, and best rival through of this crazy shit we call life. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m so happy that you’re here with me.” Lance’s face was covered in his own tears now, and he covered his mouth.
“God! Keith! Still one upping me, 12 years later huh?” He asked his voice hoarse from trying to hold in tears. Keith let out a breathy laugh and looked at the minister expectantly. He nodded and rose his two hands.
“I now pronounce you, husband, and husband, you may kiss the groom.” Lance immediately wrapped his hands around Keith’s neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss, soaking both their cheeks in his own tears. Cheering erupted from the crowd and from their friends lined up on either side of them, but they barely even noticed. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance’s waist and pulled him close before breaking the kiss and just holding his husband close, tears of joy running down his cheeks. Their foreheads were rested together, just smiling, as the crowd began to disperse, Keith felt a hand land on his shoulder and squeeze, he pulled away from his husband and looked back, meeting Shiro’s eyes, and smiling at him too.
“Shiro,” he muttered, wrapping on arm around Lance’s waist and holding him their to prevent him from being pulled away by his fussing family.
“Keith,” he started then looked at the ground, and Keith caught tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, “I’m so proud of you Keith. You have come so far from the scrawny little kid that I found outside the general store 14 years ago. Look at you! You’re married! You two are adopting an incredible little girl and you both co-teach a piloting class at your dream school... I guess it’s not my place, because I only came into your life, when you were 12, but I can’t help the pride I feel.” Shiro was smiling, proudly, but also almost sadly at Keith, and he reached out with his free hand to grab Shiro’s arm and squeeze it.
“You and Adam did more for me than anyone else ever could have. I said it in my vows, and I told you, my parents abandoned me Shiro, whether my mothers intentions were sound or not, that’s what happened, and my foster parents, gave me back, you two, put up with all the trauma, all the angst, all the anxiety. Everything, you still managed to raise me so well Shiro, you’re the reason I’m no longer so self destructive, you’re the reason I was able to chase my passions, despite my own knowledge of my bad background, you’re more of a parent to me that any of them ever were, okay?” Keith asked and Shiro smiled and nodded, and Keith laughed to himself, “and plus, you were deemed Space-Dad a LONG time ago.” Shiro rolled his eyes and shook his head, but still smiled knowingly at Keith, who averted his gaze to Lance.
“I think it’s great that you finally got him, considering how long I really did that to deal with your incessant pining, Adam and I both.” Keith laughed and pulled Lance away from his conversation with his mother to place a kiss on his cheek then letting him return to the conversation, but only after Lance returned to gesture.
“I’m so glad that I finally got him, I just wish I could have had the perfect teen romance, like you and Adam, j think space would have been a lot easier.” Shiro hummed and nodded and looked back at his own husband, who was still sitting in his front row seat, talking to their two toddlers and Lance and Keith’s daughter-in-the-making. A wide grin on his face.
“We may have had the perfect teen romance, but you know how Adam reacted to Kerberos, I know you heard, I saw your eyes through the crack in the door.” Keith flushes and nodded.
“Well sure, but at least he didn’t keep that promise, to be gone when you returned, because look at your two now, married, three lovely children, I can already see the protective instincts of Lani and Aki taking Satoshi over.” Keith laughed. Shiro laughed as well and nodded, looking proudly at his family. He nodded again then cupped one hand over his mouth.
“Adam!” He shouted and the man perked up, smiling brightly and standing, beginning to herd the three toddlers toward their parents. Lance smiled and kneeled down as Leilani began running toward them at full toddler speed and Keith knelt down too. He wrapped her chubby little toddler arms around Lance and Keith’s necks and pressed wet kisses to their cheeks, which they quickly returned.
“So does that mean that you guys are gonna my tatay and papa even faster now?” She asked as she pulled away. Keith smiled and Lance nodded.
“We’re already your papa and Tatay though right?” She nodded excitedly and the three year old kissed them again before turning to look at Akisuki next to her. The four year old little girl turned away from her parents and looked at Leilani excitedly.
“Can we go play?” They both asked simultaneously and Lance, Keith, Adam, and Shiro all laughed and nodded then Keith turned to Satoshi seriously, still knelt to look at him eye to eye.
“Alright Toshi, I need you to make me a promise okay?” The 5 year old nodded back, just a s seriously, “ You have to keep them safe for us alright? Leilani and Akisuki? Okay?” He nodded and Keith pulled him into a hug.
“Hey Toshi!” Lance’s newest nephew, the same age as Satoshi, and Lance’s older brother Damien’s son, Julian, called and waved him over. Toshi held up one finger to signal for him to wait then turned to Keith.
“Alright Uncle Keith, but you have to make me a promise,” all the adults present to hear let out silent laughs accept for Keith who nodded pointedly, keeping up his faux serious look. “You have to promise to keep Uncle Lance safe, and Oya, and Otosan!” Keith nodded, but the boy didn’t stop, “because if you don’t, then Julian, and Aki, and Lani, and Andrea will be sad, and it’s hard to protect people when their sad, they get... mm...” the boy looked down, very focused, “I don’t remember the English word! They get mubō when they’re sad! You have to make sure nothin happens to those guys so that I can make sure nothing happens to my guys, okay?” Keith smiles softly and nodded then leaned in and whispered in Toshi’s ear.
“You’re getting very good at English, and the word I think you were looking for was Reckless.” He explained and Toshi excitedly nodded and hugged Keith one last time before running off to join his friends. Keith stood and looked at Lance, who was just looking at him, like he’d hung the stars.
“What?” He asked when he saw Adam and Shiro giving him a similar look, this one less in love and more prideful though.
“You’re just so good with kids, I love it, it’s so good, considering my HUGE family.” Lance explained and laughed while Keith laughed back, they were then finally approached by Hunk and Pidge, the two having just gotten past the bustling 11 person family.
“You two finally did it, look at yoh Lance, marrying the crush you’ve denied since you were 14.” Lance’s eyes widened and he hurriedly hushed Pidge. Keith laughed and kissed Lance’s cheek and left him to his conversation as he turned to Shiro and Adam again.
“He’s right y’know, you’re great with kids, I’m gonna start dumping Satoshi and Akisuki on you when we have date nights.” Adam jokes and Keith laughed then nodded.
“We’ll gladly take them.”
“I’m really sorry...” Adam muttered and Keith’s expression grew into concern.
“What?” He asked, and reached out to place a hand on Adam’s shoulder. He saw tears begin to form in Adam’s eyes and began to panic, Shiro how ever just wrapped his arms around his husband and held him close. Keith’s concern only grew.
“What’s going on? Are you going away? Is there something wrong? Please tel me you didn’t put off telling me because of the wedding!” Keith was beginning to panic as Adam continued to cry before Shiro sighed and rubbed Adam’s back reassuringly.
“You need to tell him before he has a heart attack the day of his wedding.” That only further panicked Keith as his weary eyes looked Adam over for any sign of sickness.
“It’s not, anything that has happened recently, or that will effect the future, I just,” Adam took a deep breath and looked up at Keith sadly.
“I wish I would have helped you. I wish I would have taken Kerberos better, you were just a kid for god’s sake, you were my kid, and I...” Adam paused, “I failed you. I left you in your most vulnerable state because I couldn’t handle it, as if being alone in an apartment I’d shared with Takashi was better than trying to stay with people who loved him alongside me, I’m so so sorry. I’ve always felt like I could have done something if I had just been by your side, but I was selfish, and ignorant and,” Adam’s rambling was cut off my Keith who engulfed him in a tight hug.
“Adam, I don’t blame anything that happened on you, I would have felt the presence of the lion regardless of living with you, I would have gone to get Shiro regardless of being with you, I would have punched Iverson regardless, granted I may not have been in the shack, but nothing that happened was your fault okay?” Keith assures Adam who nodded. Keith nodded as well then stood, looking to see that Lance’s family had already headed to the reception location in their own vehicles and now it was just the grooms, Shiro, Adam, Hunk, Pidge, and the kids, all ready to go get back in the fancy limousine they’d arrived in.
“Alright, are you ready to go, husband?” Lance asked, putting special emphasis on the last word.
“Ready if you are, husband,” Keith responder, almost equally as enthusiastic.
Pidge sighed loudly, “You guys were already insufferable sweethearts, now you’re gonna be insufferable husbands.” She complained and turned around to wall with Hunk out the door.
“Right you are Pigeon!” Lance shouted and turned to offer his arm to Keith who gladly took it. They called over Leilani who ran over and Keith easily swept her up into the crook of his arm.
“Papa! Where are we going now? Don’t tell me we’re gonna go to another boring building?” She asked leaning over to look at Lance. Both her dads laughed and shook their heads.
“Of course not Lani, we’re going to a party! Where you get to play with Julian, and Andrea, and Satoshi, and Akisuki, and Xenia, Violeta, and Adalita,” Lance explained easily. Leilani smiled brightly and nodded, then they heard a groan to their right, where the Shiroganes were walking. They all looked over to find the Shirogane’s oldest son, 14 year oldTakahiro, walking next to his parents and siblings with his arms crossed. Shiro and Adam both narrowed their eyes at him when he huffed, but before they could scold him, Lance leaned over and began speaking.
“Don’t worry Hiro, Mateo and Mariana will be at the party, and so will Jaxon, Leila, and Macy.” He assured the teenager. Takahiro visibly perked up at the mention of his friends, but Shiro and Adam still scolded them as they left.
When they reached the car as Keith and Adam fought with the kids car seats, Shiro approached Lance to ask him a question he’d been wondering for a while.
“Lance, just how big is your family?” He asked. Lance laughed and shook his head then looked at Shiro.
“Seriously?” He asked and Shiro nodded. Once laughed again.
“Oh gosh, okay, well I guess we’ll start with my Abuela and Abuelo. They had my father, Carlos, and his brother Jayden, and his sister Maria. My father married my mother, Rosa, and together they had Camila, Damien, Adrien, and last me. Then Camila married Jacob and they had Mateo and Mariana, Damien married Elliana and they had Julian, and Adrien married Valery and they had Andrea. You still with me?” Lance looked at Shiro, who noddd with a wide amused smile on his face.
“Okay, well then there’s my aunt and uncle Jayden and Sofia. They got married and had Julio and Daniel. Daniel was married to Aleta and they had Adalita, Luis, and Thomas. Julio was married to Angelica and they had Jaxon and Elena. Still with me?” Shiro nodded again.
“Then there’s my Aunt Maria, she married my uncle Hugo, and they had Nina, Lautaro, and Esmerelda. Nina married Alexander they had Leila, Emilio, and Grace. Lautaro married Evita and they had Ian and Alita. Then Esmerelda married Mario and they had Macy and Dante.” Lance finished his sentence then looked at Shiro who was staring wide eyed.
“I know.” He said.
“You have a HUGE family.” Shiro explained and Lance laughed.
“That’s not including my mother’s side, if you’d like I could go into more detail.” Shiro hastily shook his head.
“No no, those like 15 branches are enough.” Lance laughed again.
“Yeah, just there I have 20 girls, and 21 guys. Then adding you guys, it’s 22 girls and 26 guys. Once again, not counting my mother’s side of the family.” Shiro huffed, exasperated.
“It’s amazing, so many people, so many loved ones, all here for one big wedding, and after lacking a family for so long, the bigger it gets the better.” Keith explained after finally wrestling the uncooperative toddlers into their car seats. He came up to Lnce and kissed him in the cheek before pulling him into the limo to sit down with him. Shiro and Adam day opposit them while Hunk and Pidge were driving the car and the kids were all seated near the front.
“It was a really beautiful ceremony...” Takahiro muttered and Lance and Keith offered him bright smiles.
“Indeed.” Lance agreed then leaned over to look the teenager in the eyes.
“You got your eyes on anyone Hiro? Any young lads or ladies, somewhere in between, catch your eye?” He asked, causing the teenager to blush and shove Lance back into his seat, and all the adults to laugh.
“Aw, little Hiro’s got a crush~” Keith sang and looked at the teenager.
“Who? Someone at the Garrison?” He asked and Hiro blushed even further. He crossed his arms and faced away from his parents and uncles.
“Shut up...” he muttered.
“Someone’s pouring cause he’s being found out!” Lance declares, a wicked grin spread across his features, “it’s fine, you don’t have to tell me, I’ll just keep an extra good eye on you when the school year starts up again, I’m looking out.” Lance assures, causing Hiro’s eyes to widen in horror.
“No! You can’t- you can’t do that! If she realizes that you know something then,” Hiro was interrupted by Lance.
“A she huh? Promising, is it maybe that girl with the pink hair, what’s her name Keith? Oh yes!” Lance looked at Hiro menacingly, “Brielle?” Hiro’s face was cherry red as he glared at his uncle Lance.
“That makes sense, you’re always talking about her, and you’re friends are always teasing you about her.” Adam confirmed, much to Hiro’s dismay.
“It runs in the family huh guys?” Pidge called and everyone looked toward the window confused.
“Falling in love with someone at the Garrison and making your friends put up with all the UST,” She explained and Lance and Keith practically shrieked in embarrassment while Hiro covered his ears and groaned and Shiro and Adam grumbled as well.
“Pidge!” All four adults called at once while Hunk laughed.
“She’s not wrong,” he reasoned as he turned on his turn signal.
“Still! Our daughter’s in here!” Keith exclaimed, and Pidge laughed.
“She doesn’t know what UST is!” She reasoned and Takahiro groaned.
“Yeah well I do!” He shouted back and covered his face, clearly disgusted. Lance, Keith, Shiro, and Adam all laughed at his response but Lance and Keith were still blushing nonetheless.
“Tatay?” Leilani asked as she turned to look at her dads.
“Yes Agassi?” He asked.
“How long till we get to the party?” She asked and Keith leaned to look at Hunk in the rear-view mirror.
“How long Hunk?” He asked and the other man glanced at the GPS.
“Ten minutes princess, just be patient alright?” Hunk answered Leilani. She nodded excitedly and turned back to talking to the other two toddlers.
“I got a call from the adoption center earlier, just before walking down he aisle believe it or not,” Lance explained, causing Keith, Shiro, Adam, and Takahiro’s eyebrows to furrow.
“Why? What’s wrong? Complications with Leilani?” Keith sounded extremely worried and Lance just shook his head and ran his thumb over Keith’s knuckle.
“No no, nothing bad, just, they recently had a little girl put in the system, she’s only 7, her parents were charged with child abuse and they don’t want her back after their sentence. Apparently she doesn’t have any living family. She’s of... Korean decent, her parents moved from Seoul to the Philippines, they were wondering if we wanted to look into taking her. And I know that we’re only just about to finialize Leilani but I thought that maybe it’s be good for you to have a child to share your heritage with the language barrier wouldn’t be as bad as with Leilani because she’s have you,” Lance was cut it by Keith swooping in to kiss him and throw him out of the rambling. When he pulled away Keith just smiled.
“What’s her name?” He asked. Lance smiled back.
“Araki.” Lance explained and Keith nodded, his smile never faltering.
“Well look into as soon as possible.” He says, leaning his forehead against Lance’s. There was suddenly cooing and the newly weds turned to find Shiro, Adam, and Takahiro making goo goo eyes and smiling. They rolled their eyes simultaneously.
“Shut up!” Keith exclaimed and shoved Shiro, who laughed loudly.
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rigb0ner · 5 years
Yess i love the idea of Teen!Damis giving Iverson Hell for what he put his papas through like if Iverson thought Keith was bad he hasn't seen nothing yet Damis will burn the whole school down all while laughin maniacally as the flames are behind him Iverson will wonder how the hell did this kid get in the Garrison
Shiro and Lance @ Damis:
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pftones3482 · 6 years
Making Friends
I had the sappiest, sweetest fic idea, and here it is. Post season 7. 
Under a cut for length. 
There was nothing on TV. Granted, Keith supposed after fighting off a war lord and a giant robot, he couldn’t really expect much to be on television save for the news, but he was BEYOND bored at this point. He had been ordered by Shiro and the doctors to stay in bed. His concussion was worse than the other paladins, and his ribs were pretty badly injured when they found him.  
Allura’s hips had been dislocated, Lance had a concussion and a fracture in his left leg, Hunk had a concussion – he was the least injured of the paladins due to Yellow’s incredible armor – and Pidge had a concussion and several sprained limbs.  
They were lucky, Keith knew that. They should have been dead. They almost were dead, if what he heard was right.  
But he was so bored. His mother and Kolivan had to leave during the daylight hours, in order to help with repairs and debriefings, and Shiro was essentially running the Garrison at this point, with the help of Sam and Iverson, of course. Coran had been by Allura’s side non-stop, and while Romelle and the space mice had visited a few times, Keith didn’t have much in common with them. They were sweet, but it was awkward when they were all alone together.  
Due to allergies, Kosmo wasn’t allowed in the hospital wing, and Keith missed him desperately. He wasn’t allowed to leave his room without an escort, and his ribs hurt so much that he wasn’t sure he wanted to.  
Keith was lonely.  
He sighed and turned off the TV, leaning his head back against the pillows and shutting his eyes,  dragging his hands down his face. The hum of his monitors behind him were comforting but almost grating, and he would have given anything for anyone to come visit him.  
He’d even take Slav at this point.  
What he got instead was the pitter-pattering sound of feet and then the squeaking of his bedroom door. He lifted his hands and his eyebrows in time to see a little girl peep her head in, eyes widening when she saw that he had spotted her. “Um...hello?” he tried.
She squeaked and covered her mouth with a bunch of paper she held clutched in her chubby fists. She couldn’t be more than five or six years old, and her hair color, her eyes, the familiarity of her face...
“You’re...Lance’s niece, right?”
The girl grinned, revealing a missing tooth, and bounced into the room, bobbing her head. “Yup!” she declared, sidling up to Keith’s bed like she had known him for years. She stuck out a hand, very formal. “My name’s Lindy!”
Keith cracked a smile and took her hand, shaking it firmly. “Hi, Lindy. Did you get lost looking for Lance?”  
She shook her head, nose wrinkling. “Nah. Everyone there is booorrrrinnnnngggg. All they wanna do is talk about fighting and stuff. And Alonso won’t give me a turn with the helmet.”  
Keith wracked his brain. “Alonso is...your brother?”
“Yeah! You wanna color?”
Keith blinked, staring down at her hands. Sure enough, alongside the wads of paper she had a box of very tattered, very old looking crayons. Keith couldn’t help but wonder how long she had been holding onto them during the war, but he shook it off. “I’m...I’m not a very good artist,” he managed, accepting the red crayon that she offered him.  
Lindy grinned again, blinding, and before Keith could say anything she had clambered up in the bed alongside him, snuggling contently into his side. “That’s’okay!” she bubbled. “Me neither! But Papa says practice makes perfect!”
Keith chuckled and twirled the crayon between his fingers, relaxing against the warmth of the small child. “I suppose he’s right. What should I draw?”
Lindy tapped her chin with her purple crayon, her lower lip puffing out thoughtfully. “Hmmm...ooh! You can draw Voltron!”  
Keith coughed to hide a laugh. “Uh, that’s kinda hard.”  
“I’ll draw him too, don’t worry! Here’s a green and a blue and a yellow annndddd a black! Now we have all the colors. I’ll race ya!”
She really was related to Lance, Keith mused in amusement as he reached for the black crayon and started drawing Voltron’s head. The pigtails, the giggles, the faint freckles on her cheeks, her laugh, her personality – must have been a family thing.
He moved on to the red lion, wincing as the shape turned into a sort of oblong noodle, and then green, down to blue and yellow. Lindy finished well before him, signing her paper with a flourish of the pink crayon, and then eagerly bounced on the bed as he finished up Yellow’s head.  
“That’s good!” she declared, shoving the pink crayon into his hand. “Now you gotta sign it!”
Keith did as she asked, a smile flickering on his lips, and when he was done he was surprised to get a blank piece of paper shoved in his face. “Another!” Lindy squealed. “This onnnneee....can be whatever you want it to be!”  
Keith hesitated, watching as Lindy bent low over her page - “No peeking!” - and started coloring furiously. He turned back to his own page and reached out, picking up the black, blue, and purple.  
His fingers moved for him, brain struggling to make shapes out of the lines he was putting on the page. This probably wasn’t great for his concussion, but honestly Keith couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this at peace. Olkarion, maybe.  
The lines turned into fur, which turned into eyes and a tail and ears, and then a very cartoonish but recognizable version of Kosmo was staring up at him, and Keith felt a small swell of pride in his chest. He had drawn a lot during his year in the desert, but there was a severe lack of art supplies – and free time – in space, so he had fallen from practice.  
“That’s your dog!” Lindy cried in delight, and Keith jumped, almost having forgotten she was there.  
Keith chuckled and took the offered pink crayon, signing his name at the bottom, a little neater this time. “Yeah, it is. I miss him.”
“Where’d he go?”  
“He can’t come in because some people are allergic to him in this wing. That’s okay though. Coran and my mom are taking care of him.”  
“The orange bushy one?” Lindy asked.  
Keith stifled a laugh. “That’s the one. What did you draw?”  
Lindy blushed and held out the drawing. “It’s for you.”  
Keith stammered a bit but took the offered paper. He stared for a moment, not quite comprehending, and then tilted his head, face softening. “Is this...us?”
Lindy beamed. “Yeah!”  
On the page, from left to right, was a big yellow circle with a smiley face on it’s head and an orange line across it’s head. He was holding hands with a much smaller circle, bright green, with two black circles on the face. 
She in turn held hands with a red square that had a dark splotch of black on top of its head and a triangle on its face, holding hands with a blue square that was slightly more detailed than the rest of the figures, the legs long and gangly and the hair a brown mop. 
The blue square held hands with a pink triangle that had a blue dot in the center of it’s forehead, the skin colored in with a dark brown crayon. Four tiny circles sat on top of and around it, and it was holding hands with a tall black square with a scribble of gray on the top of the head.  
In the back, Keith could see an orange figure and a purple figure waving, and he recognized the mustache and the markings on the faces.  
“This is...great, Lindy,” Keith murmured, something coiling in his chest. He handed her his Kosmo drawing silently, and she took it like it was a priceless artifact, setting it on his bedside table gingerly before turning back to him.
She beamed, her dimples showing, and Keith broke character for just a moment to wrap an arm around her shoulders and squeeze. “Thank you for keeping me company,” he said, soft. “I was pretty lonely before you came.”
Lindy clicked her tongue. “Lance says whenever people are lonely you gotta hug them. But he also says you gotta ask first, cause they might not like that. Can I give you a hug?”  
Keith smiled, cheeks warm. “Lance is pretty smart,” he admitted. “Yes, I would love a hug. But careful, okay, my ribs are still hurt.”  
Lindy nodded very seriously and crawled up onto his lap, leaning gently across his torso and wrapping her chubby arms tightly around his neck. Keith lifted a hand to her back and rubbed it, feeling a bit awkward for a moment before he settled into the hug.  
Lindy was remarkably gentle, shifting when Keith hissed or winced in discomfort, until eventually she was snuggled up on his other side, doodling hearts and stars aimlessly on her last piece of paper, sprawled across his lap. “Is space pretty?” she asked, her jaw breaking in a yawn.  
Movement at his door made Keith look up, only to find Lance hovering there on crutches, a genuine grin on his face and surprise in his eyes as he took in the sight of the two of them. Keith offered a sheepish smile and Lance rolled a hand, telling him to continue.  
“Space,” Keith said, lowering his voice a bit and rubbing a hand up and down Lindy’s arm as he locked gazes with Lance. “Space is the prettiest thing there is, I think. The stars glitter for light years, and the planets are wild and colorful and unlike anything you’ve ever seen. There are mermaids and giant bugs and aliens that can talk to trees. They’re all cool, in their own ways.”
Lindy hummed, her drawing slowing, and Keith let his thumb circle her shoulder. “I think the nicest thing about space though is that I made some very, very good friends.”  
Lindy yawned. “Can we be friends, Keith?”
“I’d love that.”  
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
I just saw you were taking prompts. I don't know the themes for the week, but how about a bit of comedy up in here. Kallura (side of plance), where Acxa is actually their daughter from the future. This crack headcanon has been in my head for days now.
A/N: I decided to make this a continuation of this other drabble where Allura is jealous of Acxa and Keith. It’ll make more sense if you read the other drabble first. Thank you @kentaruhinaka for waiting patiently!
“What happened? Is everything ok?” Hunk asked.
“Who knows, maybe? Yes? Remind me to never fall for someoneif it makes you crazy like that.” Pidge shook her head as she took a seat nextto Lance.
“Oh please, you’re gonna crush on someone someday and it’sgoing to totally wreck you before you even realize it’s happening.” Lanceteased as he mussed her hair playfully.
Pidge looked up at him, at his irritatingly cute smile, andhuffed before turning to the fire, hoping it was the flames making her cheeksburn. She snatched up a stick and stoked the fire.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” she grumbled.
“Are they ok?” Acxa blurted out suddenly.
She’d stayed quiet during the entire ordeal starting withAllura snipping at Keith around the campfire to them excusing themselves totalk privately. While everyone else was chatting or pretending to absolutelynot be eavesdropping on the argument, she was staring at the spot where’d they’dsnuck off to rather intently and the louder they seemed to get the morefrequently her eyes would dart to her hand on her knee which unbeknownst toanyone else, was subtly fading in and out.
“Hmm?” Pidge looked up from the fire.
“Are they ok?” Acxa asked again a bit more persistently.
“Yeah,” she shrugged, not sure why the ex-general seemed tocare so much, “they were saying some mushy stuff before I walked away.”
“Oh thank god” she sighed with relief.
Everyone turned and looked at her strangely.
“I just mean…it’s good that everyone is getting along.” Sheshifted uncomfortably.
“Well since all’s well that ends well I’m ready to hit thehay.” Lance yawned.
“Same!” Hunk followed with an even bigger yawn.
“Yeah I’m beat, let’s call it a night guys.” Shiro chimedin.
“Should we tell them we’re going to bed?” Romelle askedpointing to where Keith and Allura had gone off to.
“Better not, they could be doing lord knows what now that it’sgotten quiet back there.”
“Like what?” Romelle asked with naïve curiosity, eyesblinking.
“He’s probably givin’ her the ol’ razzle dazzle!” Lanceperked his eyebrows before snatching Pidge in his arms.
“Oh princess kiss me before I get extra emo!” Lance deepenedhis voice as he mocked Keith, dipping Pidge and frantically nuzzling his facein her cheek while making exaggerated kissing noises.
Pidge’s face went red, redder than the red lion red, codered red, atomic red. His face had moved to her neck which sent a sharp tingledown her spine.
“G-g-g-get off me you dork!” She tried to push him away.
“Oh Keith!” His voice suddenly jumped to a higher octivewith a fake British accent. “The Marmora can go on without you but my loins, myheaving bosom, they cannot! Make love to me you mulleted fool!”
“Lance!” Pidge screeched as he picked her up and spun heraround.
“This is so exciting what happens next?!” Romelle clappedwith wide bright eyes.
“What happens next is we all go to bed before you scar usall for life.” Shiro rubbed his temples.
“I don’t know if I’m happy or worried that my son has youall as friends” Krolia’s forehead creased with concern.
“You know your acting has improved, perhaps I should havehad you play the princess during The Voltron Show” Coran said thoughtfully.
Lance winked while popping a signature finger gun.
“I’m a man of many talents.”
“Including making me sick.” Hunk joked.
“Ouch!” Lance retorted which clutching his heart.
They continued to tease each other as they walked towardtheir lions. Pidge was left standing there, still a flustered blushing mess.She patted her cheeks, trying to calm herself when she noticed Acxa was stillstanding there staring at her.
“What?” Pidge blurted out a tad accusingly.
“Nothing.” Acxa smiled knowingly.
“That isn’t what you think it is” she stated adamantly.
“And what do I think it is?” the Galra woman asked.
“He just caught me off guard that’s all! I don’t actually…Imean I would never…with him…like that.”
“I wouldn’t!”
“Of course.” Acxa nodded as she rose to her feet. “Wellgoodnight then.”
“Goodnight.” Pidge was still a little on edge and quicklystomped off to her lion.
Axca waited until Pidge was out of sight to look at her handagain. Everything seemed to be back to normal and she took a deep breath as sheclenched it into a fist to confirm its solidity. She thought maybe she shouldcheck on Keith and Allura but thought the better of it and went back to hertent.
She plopped down on her makeshift cot and looked around thetiny space decorated with what little belongings she had. She lifted up therolled up fabrics she’d made into a pillow and pulled out the worn, slightlycrumpled photo underneath. There was just enough light seeping in from thedwindling fire outside to make out each person, although she’d looked at thispicture a million times and could have described it in her sleep.
An air strip. Garrison in the background. A large Alteanship. A group in the foreground. A very old Iverson. Pidge and Lance inuniform, their two twin toddlers in regular civilian clothes. Keith looked important, like a knight…or perhaps a king. His physical appearance was a bit different, moreGalran. His arm was around Allura. She looked elegant.
And in her arms a baby…
Tiny…beautiful…violet skin with a small tuft of dark hair,eyes the perfect mix of blue and purple.
She’ll grow up hearing how pretty her ears are from her mamawhile she pinches said ears while placing raspberry like kisses on her cheeks.
She’ll get her first dagger from her papa when she’s far tooyoung to even have one, to her mama’s aggravation.  
War will prove nothing is certain and a very irritating caterpillar-likealien will put it in her mind that there are a million possibilities and she’llhave to go back to make sure the two people she loves the most don’t screw itall up.
“I wish you two would just admit you love each other alreadyso I don’t have to keep worrying about ceasing to exist” Acxa muttered toherself with a smile as she ran her fingers over their faces.
“Idiots” she added with a chuckle.
Meanwhile Keith and Allura finally took themselves to bed,Allura’s bed in the blue lion specifically. He rubbed her bare back as he heldher, using his fingers to trace the additional Altean markings on her skin asthey faintly glowed in the dark. She rested her head on his chest listening tothe sounds of his beating heart, the way he breathed. Their clothes were in apile on the floor.
“Are you sure it’s…y’know, ok that we…?”
“Yes, fertility cycles, alien stuff, you’re fine.”
“Not ready to be a father yet?” Allura giggled.
“I can barely get you guys to listen to me let alone a kid.”
“Well I think you’d be a wonderful father, someday of course.”
There’s a long pause.
“Keith Jr. is a good strong name though” he joked.
Allura laughed.
“And what about you, do you want kids someday?” Keith asked.
“I think so, when the time is right, once we’ve been able tobring peace to the universe.”
“That sounds like a tall order.”
“It is but I believe we can do it. I want my daughter toexist in a time of harmony.”
“Daughter huh?”
“Yes, I’d love a girl,” Allura smiled to herself, “beautiful,strong, smart, independent with a name that reflects her strength and grace. Perhapsa name that starts with an ‘A’.” There was a playful arrogance in her voice.
“Hmm,” Keith sighed contentedly as he held her closer, “thatcould be nice…”
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kurara-black-blog · 6 years
Monster mash black shuck
Date: 18/10/18
Words: 990
Warning: Langst, death, ghosts, very soft gore, I guess.
Tag: @moonsworllld; @skydisneylover; @xarphay
A/N: The good thing about receiving a kinda vague legend as a prompt is that it gives me a lot of freedom. :D
When asked about his oldest memories, Lance wouldusually say something like “my mama’s bright smile” or “my papa’s loud laugh”.Then whoever asked would coo and the subject would change.
He was used to it, having been doing it since helearned saying “my oldest memory is of glowing red eyes” wasn’t well seen byother people, all the way back at the age of six.
Nevertheless, it was the truth; his oldest memorieswere filled with glowing red eyes, sharp teeth and moving darkness. Howling wasalso present, constant and, dare he say, comforting.
Back then, he didn’t understand. To him, all fourlegged creatures that didn’t meow or didn’t had the horsehair were dogs. Hewasn’t even wrong to begin with; the creature that followed him whenever hewent was a dog.
Just not a good one.
Or a living one.
At first, Lance called it his Guardian Angel, for itconstantly protected and helped him. His toddler legs were wobbly; it helpedhim stand. His neighbors’ kids were mean ones; it scared them off. He got lostat the beach; it showed him the way back to his family. To repay his GuardianAngel, Lance made sure to be careful so it wouldn’t worry too much, made sureto always give it a good scratch behind the ears and lovingly named it “SeñorNicolás”, “Nini” for short.
It wasn’t until her was twelve that he finally understoodSeñor Nicolás was not a Guardian Angel. He was the farthest from it, actually.A black hound, a spectral existence, an omen of death.
The muggers didn’t have a chance against the big blackdog—Nini was almost the size of a small horse. With claws and teeth, the houndtore them apart. Lance would never forget the view of that giant beast bitingin one of the man’s throat and ripping out a good chunk of flesh, blood anddroll coming out in between white pointy teeth. Blood, red, fresh, paintingwhatever it touched.
When he got back home that day, he told mama he gotlost while daydreaming, that’s why he was late. She scolded him for being anairhead and worrying her. Abuelita stared at him knowingly, her old eyes movingto glance at the spectrum guarding him.
Omen of death.
(Don’t somecultures believe only people near death can see them?)
Life goes on, and so Lance lived with the spectrumfollowing him. Even after that fateful day, he could not bring himself to feelanything but a great appreciation for Nini. Maybe he was a bit blinded by the hound’s protective nature and quite nicepersonality towards him, but he didn’t care. At the Garrison, he had to keep aneye on Nini, though, for the hound would attack anyone that so muchinconvenienced the boy.
Luckily for Iverson, Lance learned that Nini wouldn’tattack if he asked.
When he found Blue, Señor Nicolás had sat down at theentrance of the cave, watching with blazing red eyes. Lance was tempted toreturn to the hound and ask what was wrong, but there were other people withhim and they would not understand. They could not see.
When he went to space, he was sad to see that SeñorNicolás wasn’t with him anymore. Every night he asked the hound for forgivenessfor going where Nini could not follow. Every rough patch was met with thoughtsof home, of family, and red eyes. Every part of him yearned for Nini.
(Omen of death,what does it mean to yearn for it?)
All Lance remembers after saving Allura from certaindeath is burning red eyes, white teeth and moving darkness. Then Red’s purrtook place of the familiar howling and he was back in the land of the living.
Kosmo, Keith’s space wolf, reminded Lance of Nini. Hetoo seemed to regard the paladin with a solemn knowledge of what wouldinevitably be. Maybe Kosmo was his planet’s equivalent of a black shuck.
(Which meant Keithwas happily cuddling a possible omen of death. Talk about welcoming Death withopen arms.)
(Not that Lancecould talk much.)
Then they finally returned to Earth, and sittingthere, patiently waiting, was Señor Nicolás. The moment Lance was alone hehugged the hound tightly, telling Nini all his adventures and thoughts and anythingand everything.
(Kind of sad toknow an omen of death was a better listener than his own friends.)
Señor Nicolás didn’t leave his side for a second afterhis return, no matter where he had to go. Kosmo seemed reluctant in leaving hisside, too, even though the glares the black shuck sent him made his fur standup. Lance could be found with the space wolf, talking about this and that.
(For the ones thatcould see, he could be found talking about this and that with two canines.)
Life seemed to go on as always, the Paladins ofVoltron doing everything in their power, and then some more, to end the war andbring peace to the turbulent universe. Lance was able to see his teamaccomplish the first. The latter, though, would be harder, for he couldn’t seepast Keith’s horrendous mullet and teary eyes.
Someone was cradling him in their arms—probably Keith,he had some type of fixation with that—and there was an insistent voice pleadinghim to stay awake. He did, sitting up to see that, yes, it was Keith who was holding him. Getting up, the boy analyzedthe kneeling form of the other. It was the first time Lance saw Keith cry.
He felt something stand behind him. Señor Nicolásclearly wanted him to follow.
Lance did, leaving his body in the arms of his cryingteammates.
The team named the giant hound that started following themaround “Lance”.
He had the same bluest blue eyes.
Omen of death.
They yearned forhis company.
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Agent In Play
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2ts54lS
by Laeirel
You'll dress only in attire specially sanctioned by MIB Special Services. You'll conform to the identity we give you, eat where we tell you, live where we tell you. From now on, you'll have no identifying marks of any kind. You'll not stand out in any way. Your entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memory with anyone you encounter. You're a rumor, recognizable only as déjà vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don't exist. You were never even born. Anonymity is your name, silence your native tongue. You're no longer part of the System. You are above the System. Over it. Beyond it. We're "them". We're "they". We are the Men in Black.
The Men in Black/Voltron crossover no one asked for but knew deep down it worked well.
Words: 1972, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Legendary Tales of Voltron
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Men in Black (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Agent Kay (Men in Black), Agent Jay (Men in Black), Agent O (Men in Black), Boris the Animal (Men in Black), Iverson (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Adam & Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Coran & Lance (Voltron), Lance & Zed, Agent Jay & Lance, Agent Kay & Lance, Agent O & Lance
Additional Tags: Crossover, Swearing, Angst, Secret Identity, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Papa Zed, Adopted Lance (Voltron), Boris is back and hes better than ever, Shy Lance (Voltron), BAMF Lance (Voltron), Aged-Up Character(s), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2ts54lS
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Little Star pt. 1
 "I don't see him anywhere..." The little one pouted as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
  Her mother only laughed as they both stared up at the desert sky, their visitor had called her not long before they had arrived and informed them of his expected arrival. Still, the little one was always impatient when things did not go as she had planned.
   "Relax. He'll be here soon. You know it's not easy to travel so far away."
   Another pout was her only response. But it was soon wiped away as the desert was suddenly shadowed by the ship that came into view.
   The little girl popped up and started to jump for joy at the sight of the dark vessel as it descended.
   Her mother had to hold her back from running off before it could land properly and lower the walkway.
  But as soon as a familiar tall figure walked out, the child was released and ran up to him.
  She was scooped up by the visitor, who held her high, much to the little girls delight, if her laughter was any indication.
  Walking closer, her mother saw the reunited pair and their similarly fanged smiles. The long white hair. The yellow in their eyes.
  "How are you my little Minerva?" The man asked, his voice still a deep purr. "Have you been good to your mother?"
   "Yes papa!" Minerva held her little head high.
   "Are you sure about that, you little gremlin?" Her mother tickled her neck, and Minerva squealed.
  Her father looked down at the woman, she was always so petite, it was in such stark contrast to him as he towered over most outside his kind.
  "You're looking well my dear Pidge. "
 "You don't look so bad yourself Lotor."
   Pidge did her best to usher Lotor out of the Garrison compound with as little formalities and security Checks as possible. She may have had to hack into the system and disable some things, but so be it. She didn't have time or patience for Iversons procedures today.
   As they drove down the dusty road into town, Minerva, or Mina as she was more often called, was chatting her father's ear off about anything and everything. Mostly her favorite shows and something funny uncle Matt did. Mina loved to talk about her uncle Matt, Pidge blamed it in the fact that he spoiled her so much.
   Looking up, Pidge saw that even though the Galra leader was hunched over and his long limbs didn't fit right in the car, he still looked back into the back seat and listened to Minas every word. It made Pidge smile as they pulled into town and parked in front of her parents house.
    Her mom had offered their house for the festivities today,  she was a lot better at planning social things than Pidge was. That and Pidge disliked too many people in her house.
   Mina ran up the front steps and rang the doorbell, her parents taking their time as they walked, hands entwined.
   The inside of the Holt household was covered in streamers and balloons. The dining table already set and gold foil stars dangling from the ceiling.
    It was still early,  but in a couple hours time it was going to be full of children for the party. Lotor eyed the decorations, he had been exposed to some of earths customs in the years he had known the paladins, but that was in space and far away from the actual thing. This display was far more frivolous and colorful than anything that had existed in the empire.
     Pidge snorted as he nearly banged his head on the door frame. Another giant difference,  he was waaay to tall for most earth things. A constant source of amusement for her.
    Lotor glared. "What are you laughing at?"
    "The big lug I'm stuck with." She playfully bumped her hip against his as Colleen walked into the room.
    Her mother smiled as she greeted Lotor. "Ah, I was wondering when you would come back."
    "Hello Colleen." Lotor greeted politely.
     Colleen chatted Lotors ear off, much to Colleens credit, she had been fairly accepting of the existence of aliens after Pidge and Matt returned to earth. Perhaps she was just so thrilled they were alive, the existance of other species seem inconsequential. Even if her daughter was carrying one at the time.
    Mina had run off to some other part of the house, probably taking in the birthday set up. Peeking into the dining room, sure enough Pidge found her daughter already taking a goodie bag for herself and strapping a party hat to her face.
    "What are you up to?" Pidge laughed.
    "I'm a chicken!" Mina cheered and proceeded to pretend she was a bird.
   "Meanwhile, your papa came all this way to see you, and you're ignoring him."
   "Don't worry Mama." Mina produced another bag from behind her back. " I was getting papa a bag too."
  "Uh huh, sure you were." Pidge rolled her eyes as Mina pranced back into the room towards her father and grandmother. She watched from the doorway as Mina handed Lotor the bag and insisted he wear a party hat.
   "It's a party, Papa, you have to wear a hat!"
    Pidge chuckled before wandering into the kitchen, where her father was putting the candles on the cake.
    Sam looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, you're back already.”
    Pidge nodded as she swiped a candy from the bowl that sat on the counter. “Yep, the guest of honor has arrived.” as if on cue, Minas delighted squeal rang out from some part of the house, followed by her father's deep chuckle.
   Sam grinned as the sound right before the birthday girl ran into the kitchen with Lotor trailing behind, she eagerly looked at the counter to her cake. “Papa! Papa! Look! It's shaped like a kitty!” Mina pointed at the cat shaped cake, covered in black fondant with a yellow crescent moon.
   “I can see that.” Lotor chuckled, a sparkly pink party hat sitting on his white hair.
   “It's from a show that Uncle Matt showed me last summer.” The little girl began to ramble as she explained. Pidge rolled her eyes. Her brother, in his true nerdy fashion, had taken it upon himself to show Minerva all the classics. So Pidges home had been filled with Pokemon, Dragon ball, and of course Sailor moon, on constant repeat. Thus why her parents home was covered in foil moons and stars and the Luna shaped cake. “I even drew a picture of her.”  Mina declared as she pointed to the fridge that held some of her drawings.
   Lotor nodded as he looked at the display of his daughters handiwork, but it seemed one drawing in particular caught his eye. “And what is this one my little star?” He pointed, and Pidges face dropped when she realised which drawing it was.
   “Oh, that's my father's day drawing I did for school.” Mina explained, not noticing her father's pained expression. “this is me, that's grandpa, and that's uncle Matt.” she pointed at the happy little stick figures standing amongst the flowers and green scribbles for grass. “and that's you, Papa.” Mina pointed to the top corner of her drawing. Amongst the sky was a purple smiley face with long white hair. Lotors crayon face was surrounded by dark blue and yellow stars as opposed to the blue sky andd clouds in the rest of the picture.
   “What am I doing up there?”
    Sam looked to Pidge with a somber look. They both knew one day that the separation between Minerva and Lotor would have to be addressed, although it never occurred to Pidge when that day would come. Apparently it was today. Picking up the cake, Sam left for the dining room, leaving the three of them alone.
   Mina looked to her parents, seeming to notice the silence that settled over the kitchen. “What is it?”
   Lotor flashed her a weak grin. “Nothing, my dear, nothing at all.”
    Mina looked between Pidge and Lotor, her thick white brows furrowing. “Then why do you look sad?”
   Lotor shook his head, clearly forcing himself to brighten. “Do I? It's nothing, just a long trip. Don't worry about it.” He ruffled Minervas hair. Before she could continue to question him, the sounds of guest rang out from the entry way.
   “Where is the birthday girl!?” Lances voice called out.
   Pidge nodded her head to the doorway. “Why don't you greet your guests, Mina?”
   Mina nodded before walking off to see her visitors. Meanwhile, Lotor looked back at the drawing, a frown etched on his face.
  Pidge walked over and gently placed a hand on his back. “You ok?”
  Lotor sighed. “Yes, I just...I suppose it never quite hit until now. How I haven't…” he trailed off, looking down at Pidge sadly. “I haven't been around as much as I should.”
  Looking down at the white tiled floor, Pidge bit her lip before answering. “It's not your fault you know.”
   Stepping away, pinching the bridge of his nose, Lotor looked everywhere but at her. “What do you mean it's not my fault? My own daughter clearly views others like a father over me.” he pointed towards the crayon drawing to further his point.
   “You do your best.” she said weakly. “Besides… it's not like I'm blameless either.”
   Now he was the one to look down at the floor, arms crossed. “You've raised Minerva yourself. I'm the one whose-”
   “The only reason we're separated is because I didn't want to leave.” Pidge felt her voice crack, but it was true nonetheless. After the war, the two of them decided to separate on good terms. Only for Pidge to find out she was pregnant not long after coming home, and despite Lotors offers, Pidge was not ready to leave Earth after spending so long away from it. She wanted to be with the family she had spent so long away from, let Minerva know her grandparents and uncle. She had been only twenty then, and the thought of leaving earth to be an empress was not something she had been ready for, despite how much she loved the father of her child.
     The two fell silent again, not really looking at each other. Colleen popped her head in. “Is everything alright in here?”
   “Yeah,” Pidge replied, trying too hard to sound chipper. “Everything is fine. What's up, mom?”
   “People are coming, come on, the party is starting.” Colleen glanced between her daughter and Lotor before walking off.
   Letting his arms drop, Lotor walked over to Pidge. “I suppose we better join the festivities then.”
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ao3feed-adashi · 6 years
The juice incident
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rLgYGH
by Jarcinda
Luna was sulking, avoiding the looks of the others. The whole Voltron team surrounded her plus her Dad’s and Iverson. “Luna! This is serious! You can’t spill some juice on your classmates!”, Adam lectured her. “It’s not my fault …”, Luna mumbled. “Oh yeah? Whose fault was it then?”, Keith asked. “Yours! You all and your damn pretty faces! It’s your fault!”
Words: 1017, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Purple Paladin AU
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: adashi, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Family Shirogane, Lance steals Adam and Shiro's Job, lance comforts, implied klance, Papa Adam, Space Dad Shiro (Voltron), Established Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Married Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Family Feels, Lance (Voltron) is a good uncle, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rLgYGH
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jerrykatt · 6 years
Voltron/Percy Jackson Crossover Idea
Keith as the Son of Aphrodite (No no no HEAR ME OUT THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES!!! Krolia's badass self is the epitome of beauty and Papa Kogane totally knew it.)
Here's how everything began. The was an internal conflict among the gods, Uranus (Zarkon) and Gaea (Haggar) rose from the depths of their realms and had been in cahoots since 10,000 years ago. FAR LONGER than anyone could have anticipated. At first Uranus/Zarkon was a good leader just like in canon but was driven to insanity alongside his dearest wife. Now they are chess masters - maneuvering the world's fate by placing pawns in the right places, sending monsters after helpless mortals and defiant demigods alike. Cronus (Sendak) was given a Sickle/Wicked Weapon Arm by Gaea (Haggar) and was manipulated into "bringing down Uranus" just like in the myth - only it's just a ruse. Uranus/Zarkon had planned to step out of the picture to lure everyone into a false sense of security while he gathered strength in a healing coma. Haggar/Gaea commanded everything in his place, in the shadows of course, that damn wicked witch.
The curious and most fascinating part about this is that Aphrodite (Krolia) was still born from the foam of Uranus/Zarkon's castration. She is his child. But Haggar makes no move towards her because Zeus (King Alfor) had managed to fabricate her origins into being his daughter instead. Aphrodite became the daughter of Zeus and Dione just like it was described in the Homer's Iliad. Still even if Haggar had figured out it was a lie, she would have never accepted Krolia, after all, she had no use for a goddess of something as appalling to her as love. Such emotional vulnerability would have been nothing but a disgraceful weakness. Haggar would've killed Krolia in cold blood, no question.
Anyways, fast forward, and we have Zeus/King Alfor taking command of the gods after defeating Sendak/Cronus. Greece and Rome and every ancient civilization have been left behind in history books. Camp Half blood and Camp Jupiter have both been established in America and Olympus now resides in New York. Dionysus (Iverson) is the Camp Director. Chiron (Coran) is the activities directer. Argus (Antok) is the Security Guard.
Bonus: Slav is the Oracle
(Gods save us all from prophecies that include anecdotes about Alternate Realities. I'm so sorry Shiro.)
Moving on, everything in PJO and HOO and all the other series still happens but there are key differences. Thalia, Grover, Annabeth, and Luke had one more tagalong. Allura Altea had been just 14 when she had to escape the Monster (Robeast) that made a massacre of her mother (Zarkon and Haggar's doing). She had come across a 7 year old Annabeth Chase and took care of her until they were joined by Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan. Grover tried to get them to Camp Half Blood but Hades (Kolivan??? Maybe???) was not so kind. His resentment over his lost children and the hypocrisy of Zeus driving him to kill them, just as his own children had been unfairly brought down. He sent monsters after them. And in the end, Allura and Thalia found out that they were family in the hardest way. The moment they chose to stand together to protect their friends, the moment they fell and their souls were caught by the strangely familiar hands of the Ruler of Olympus, the moment their energies were twined together into the roots of a single pine tree, they knew.
They were sisters.
They were family.
(Now, as heartbroken as I am about writing that part, I must keep the show going.)
On to the main event, Keith's story, the one the inevitably ties everything together.
Keith was raised by his mortal father, a firefighter residing in Houston Texas. A firefighter who died in the very same fire that took the life of Esperanza Valdez. Kogane had arrived at the scene just a few ticks too late. Gaea/Haggar had turned Leo's pyrokinetic abilities against him, the mechanic shop was about to go inferno, and in the haze of flames that began to swallow Esperanza from the ground up, she met his eyes with a gaze that, regardless of already being blinded by the heat, held all the resolution of a mother. Of someone with a legacy to protect.
She mouthed to him in her dying moments.
"Save my son"
And he did. He saved Leo, but Haggar had lingered.
Enraged at the man who dared to sabotage her attempt at murdering one of the demigods destined to defeat her before her plans and Zarkon's could come into fruition, she commanded the earth to rise up through the flooring and trap his legs just as he was about to climb out the window and onto the ladder that would bring him and the crying boy in his arms to safety.
Kogane wasn't stupid. He knew by now that this fire wasn't set off by no gas leak. He also knew that other more powerful forces were at work here. He had tangled with the gods before, had even been left behind by the one he loved most with a son that he had yet to tell of his divine heritage.
This was planned. A God wanted the people in this house dead and sent to Hades without a by your leave.
He looked down.
The boy in his arms was just the same age as his own son, with a scruffy mop of curly hair and an impish face twisted in fresh knife sharp pain of a loved one lost.
This boy was a demigod, he realized numbly with a sinking surety, and right now the little one was the only one able to move.
"Go," Kogane told him as he bent over the windowsill and set him on the ladder, the boy's face looking back at him with startled confusion. Then those young eyes widened with nightmarish realization as he finished with the command, "And don't look back."
The flames consumed him. And his greatest regret was the fact he could no longer be a father.
Anyways here's the line up. I've gotta go to work. ILL BE BACK WITH MORE IF ANYONE  IS INTERESTED.
Allura Daughter of Zeus (King Alfor)
Shiro Son of Jupiter (I'll explain later)
Keith Son of Aphrodite (Krolia)
Lance Son of Hermes (again I'll explain later but mostly? It's for character development)
Hunk Son of Demeter (Bless him and his harvest)
Both Matt and Pidge are children of Athena (Colleen). The goddess of wisdom just couldn't get over the man whom dared argue with her on double modulation.
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blueplanettrash · 7 years
Tbh was not expecting the wave of emotions that hit when I read that Lance Iverson fic. But DAMN DID YOU GET ME GOOD! Can I just say that I love this so much! But also all of the possibilities! Like what about Lance having some ptsd about the explosion or maybe something else that might have happened during his time in the war and he gets stuck in a flash back while with his father and Iverson just holds him and tells him that everything is alright? Just some father/son bonding please!
Fuck me up with this good prompt son! I didn’t expect people to like papa Iverson so much. I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Iverson had been there before, he had been on many tours to Afganistan, Iraq, you name it, he’s probably been there. He himself had to deal with the aftermath of going to a war-torn country many times over, he was just lucky that he had Rosa to help him through the worst of it. It put a strain on their marriage a few times over the years, sometimes they were closer to divorce then he was comfortable admitting but he was already missing his family more than he wanted with his job, he didn’t want to miss anymore, so they worked it out as much as possible. So he knew the struggles of PTSD.
Seeing his son struggle with it was much worse.
Ever since he had gotten back, he’s noticed that Lance wasn’t sleeping as much as he used to. Even if he had been going to a military school for years before going to space, in his off time he would sleep in until noon. It didn’t seem to be the case now though, he would see him at all hours of the day or night, just wandering around. Of course, he would join in, try to get him to go back to bed and just shut his eyes for a little bit. Even if he wasn’t sleeping, it would afford him a little rest.
It was hard to see him so tired and run down all of a sudden. The last time he saw him before he went missing, he was smiling, full of life, content to just run around with his friends when there wasn’t work to be done.
He suspected his newfound jumpiness was thanks to the lack of sleep as well but he couldn’t be sure. He had always been jumpy since he was a little kid, easy to startle and straight up scare. It was quite an entertaining thing as a father to sneak up and poke him in the back for a shrill shriek.
He tried to get Lance to talk to him about what he went through because he wanted to understand and help him cope with everything. When he finally got in touch with Sam Holt after they touched back down on Earth, he made it seem like the kids were far better off then he suspected they were. He wasn’t trying to undermine what Holt through or anything but from what he was told, it didn’t seem like he was doing any of the fighting their children had and was working instead.
It was only just setting in that his child, his little boy, had been fighting in a war.
He knew all too well what that was like. With the way the world had been going over the past few decades, it wasn’t a surprise that he had been sent out more often than not, it was when he was diagnosed with PTSD that he was retired and instead he was sent to the Galaxy Garrison to ready recruits to be sent out instead.
When Lance first stated his interest in attending the school, he wanted nothing more than to refuse and not allow him to go because he knew what could happen to him. Long tours across the sea, potential injuries, amputations, even death. That was just on Earth too; how was he supposed to know that the war he would be fighting wouldn’t even be on their planet?
How was he supposed to know that the war he would be fighting, he wouldn’t have the support that he had during his tours?
How was he supposed to know that the war he would be fighting, he would fight when he was seventeen?
It was hard for a parent to digest; he could barely remember what had happened when he was told that his son and his friends had gone missing during the lockdown. He had just gone blank and his mind had gone to static, he could barely function.
He was too young to have to deal with stuff like this.
He shouldn’t have had to fight for the universe.
He was just a child.
And the battle wasn’t even over yet.
The war was just the beginning of his fight, the second battle was the recovery.
Many people thought that as soon as the war was finished soldiers could just go home and have no problem adjusting back to their lives from before they went to battle. Sometimes that just wasn’t the case.
He never thought that it would happen to his son, he hoped that it never happened to him, but,
There they were.
He was holding his shaking son in his arms trying to calm him. He had run for his quarters, trembling barely able to stand after having a nightmare. As he sobbed into the crook of his neck, tears welled up in his own eyes. He couldn’t describe the level of pain that he felt to see his own child so scared of his own mind. It was far more painful than anything he had experienced himself, without a doubt.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked quietly, soothingly rubbing his back as he waited for a reply. After a few moments, Lance shook his head no and instead just laid his head on his shoulder, trying to calm his rapid breathing.
“It’s okay, Lance, I’m here, everything is okay,” he chanted, holding him securely in his arms. A small choke came out of his throat before he wrapped his arms tightly around his back again and dug his fingers into his cotton t-shirt.
It was a long time before Lance was asleep soundly again but he didn’t dare let him go, too afraid that he would snap back into wakefulness. So there he sat, cradling him just as easily as he did when he was an infant.
No matter how old, or how big Lance would get, he would hold him in a heartbeat if he ever needed it.
From that point on he tried to keep Lance company as much as possible. He wanted to make sure that Lance wouldn’t try to isolate himself from others. As well as trying to make sure that Lance knew he could go to him whenever he needed to.
They had taken to walking around the base and talking to personal as they got used to life back on Earth again. Thankfully since he was Lance’s father, he got to slack off a little bit more from his duties. Not that it was something he would regularly do but his son did just come back from God knows where in a flying blue lion.
He thought that they were making progress, helping Lance get over some of the trauma of Voltron and creating another sense of self back on Earth. That is until one day when they were walking by one of the sciences buildings.
When he heard the explosion go off from the test site, he immediately turned to Lance; almost like it was instinct.
Lance had fallen to the ground, his hands scrabbling at his back almost mechanically as his face pressed into the ground and he mumbled into the floor. As he kneeled down beside him, he let out a loud sob before quickly devolving into loud bawling.
“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts,” he chanted over and over again, scratching at his back. As carefully as he could, he took hold of Lance’s wrists and brought them into his hands, not paying attention to the way they scratched into his own calloused palms.
“Lance, listen to me, you’re on Earth, you’re not where you think you are, I promise you,” he stated calmly and clearly. He kept repeating the statements until, Lance had stopped writhing and looked up at him with too large, teary, red eyes.
“Dad?” He rasped. Iverson gave him a gentle smile and helped him forward to collapse into his arms.
“It’s me, bud,” he said quietly. Lance’s chin wobbled once more before he started crying again, clutching onto his jacket once more.
“Can you tell me what you were seeing?” He asked with concern. Lance went to shake his head no before he stopped himself.
“The explosion, it sounded like the one I was trapped in,” he admitted, looking down at the ground instead of his father’s face.
“You were caught in an explosion?” He gasped in disbelief. Lance nodded slightly, tears rolling miserably down his cheeks.
“Kind of, they sent in a decoy and I was the only one that noticed so I pushed one of my friends out of the way, but I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, it was like I was passed out but I could feel everything,” he cried, his hand once again reaching for his back before Iverson caught it.
“It hurt so bad but I couldn’t do anything about it,”
He sounded so defeated, so unlike the Lance that he knew. It wasn’t anything that he could fix, that was the price of war.
“It’s okay, it’s over now Lance,” he soothed quietly. “I’m right here with you, it’s all okay,”
However, he could make it easier to bear.
He knew that Lance wasn’t the only one that had suffered during their battles for the universe. He knew for a fact that Shiro had not gotten away unscathed, the Kogane kid seemed less likely to get away from trauma too. He wasn’t sure about Garrett and Gunderson or Holt now but he wouldn’t be surprised if they were victims as well.
He just wanted to change something for those kids. Make their lives better after the service they had given to the universe. They might not agree with his methods at the time but it would always get worse before it got better.
It was the first time that he suggested one of his children get therapy. He knew how hard it was to go to someone and talk about what you’re going through and it was never a particularly great time, but it had made him feel better and he hoped it would make Lance feel better too.
“I don’t want you to go alone either, I want your whole team to go,” he said right after.
“But why?” He asked in confusion.
“I don’t want you to have to live with this your whole life because it’s not fun Lance,” Iverson said sombrely. “All of your teammates have gone through traumatic experiences and thought that they had to be tough enough to cope by themselves, they probably feel horrible about so many things and don’t even realize that they’re not the only ones. You need to support each other,”
He looked down for a moment in thought before he locked eyes with him and nodded with determination. He smiled and patted his back proudly.
Lance was strong enough to take the first few steps on his own, but if he ever looked back with the slightest hesitation. He would be there to help him along the way, no matter what.
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