#voltron prompt
jiveyuncle · 6 months
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✨ Carried away ✨
Oh, look, it’s one of the super rare occurrences where I draw something a little more heated.
Don’t bet on more, I don’t know where this came from lol
I got a couple “klance kiss” suggestions, so I hope this covers some of them and satiates y’all ahaha I plan on drawing at least one other kiss tho bc the prompt was a bit more specific and I wanna have fun with it
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minamorsart · 7 months
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Listen I know it's been five years, but if I make jokes about Voltron it lessens the pain 🥲
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vldlance · 2 months
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trying on new aesthetics ✨ fairycore lance and punk keith for @klance-daydreams's julance prompts!
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heynhay · 1 year
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*fnaf kids cheering noise*
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klance-daydreams · 3 months
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happy (almost) julance!!!
i’ll be using these prompts next month for my art and anyone* is welcome to use these too for art or writing :)) tag me if you do!
***shaladins and weirdos do not use***
week 1: ocean or stars
week 2: loverboy or goofball
week 3: music or fashion inspired
week 4: birthday!!
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callmelyc · 3 months
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Decided to make the julance prompts this year since I noticed the usual prompt people are off living their best lives (happy for them Fr they deserve it) so here's one for the fandom to utilize for our boy lance during July 💪
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torveiglyart · 2 months
Okay so remember my Voltron Lion Takeover post? Yeah, I lied. I brought my ipad with me and since we only had one parks day, I had a LOT of time to just chill in the hotel room, meaning drawing time. So I ended up drawing the burn marks anyways. I imagine the whole fiasco going something like this:
Lance woke up to the blue walls of the pod, blurry vision, and an ache throughout his body. He collapsed forward into Hunk’s waiting arms, knees weak. There were cries of surprise, concern, and reprimand around him, but Lance heard none of it, instead focused on the arms supporting him and the itchy feeling that was starting to spread up his arms and legs. Once he had cleared his head and vision, he gave Hunk a pointed look, hoping his best friend would get the message and shut everyone up.
“Um, guys, I think Lance would like some food and quiet before we bombard him with questions.”
The commotion died at Hunk’s announcement. Carefully, Hunk and Allura led Lance to the dining hall, setting a bowl of food goo at his place. Lance ate in silence while Hunk and Allura chatted quietly next to him, catching him up to speed on what had happened while he was in the pod. The itching had since gone away by the time Lance had finished his food. Lance was about to go change into his regular clothes from the pod suit when Allura called to him.
“Lance, before you go change, there is something you should be aware of.”
Lance paused and turned back around to Allura with a questioning look, waiting for her to continue.
“Whatever happened back there, it left some… permanent scarring. I know not how they came to be but Pidge, Coran, and I are looking into it.”
With a hesitant nod and a frown, Lance went to his room. Peeling off the pod suit, he gasped at the patterns now etched into his skin. Geometric veins and circled ends filled his arms, legs, and torso, reaching all the way to his neck and ending at his nape hairline. They were everywhere. And permanent.
Tracing the lines with his hand, Lance could feel himself tearing up. It was one thing to be mentally changed from a war away from home, but to have such a large reminder burned onto his skin? To be altered in such a big way? It stung more than any homesickness ever would. At least he hadn’t lost a limb like Shiro had. Lance doesn’t think he’d be able to handle losing an arm or leg, losing a piece of himself like that. Looking into his bathroom mirror, he breathed out in relief at finding no marks on his face. That would have been a real heartbreaker.
With a heavy sigh, Lance shrugged on his usual attire and headed back to the bridge for a full rundown of what happened, and to maybe share his side of the mission report. The others were already there awaiting his arrival. Upon seeing Lance, Pidge hopped up and ran over, tackling him in a hug then slapping his shoulder.
“You idiot! What the quiznak were you thinking? Taking on a Galra commander alone? With your broadsword? Were you trying to die?”
Lance put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. “I wasn’t trying to die, Pidge. I was trying to protect Allura. She was down and I was stuck with close-range fighting. I’m sorry I scared you all, but I won’t apologize for what I did. Which, by the way, what exactly happened? One minute I’m fighting the dual sworded guy, the next I’m waking up in a pod. And what’s up with the scars?”
There was a silence amongst the group before Allura spoke up.
“While I was down for a while, I was awake when you brought me back to the castle in Red. You… you did not look entirely yourself. You had this red and blue cast to your hair, with solid yellow eyes and fangs. It was strange. And your armor, well, you can see for yourself.”
Pidge butted in at Allura’s pause. “When I found the surveillance video, per Coran’s request, your armor was solid black with star-like dots in the coloured sections. And you were fighting strangely. Like, been a solider for 20 plus years strange. And your bayard…”
There were nervous glances passed between the crew, all avoiding Lance’s gaze. It was irritating.
“And what about my bayard?”
There was an awkward pause before Shiro broke it.
“You were switching bayard forms with a fluency none of us have ever seen, as well as using forms you’ve never had, including our forms.”
Oh, so it was way more than just some weird scarring. Lance had done the impossible, and woke up with no memory of it. Not to mention the eye thing sounded like possession. The security feed must have freaked them out quite a bit. Lance could only hope Lotor was kept out of this.
"Does Lotor know?"
Allura spoke immediately. "No. We decided to keep him out of the know for this. While we trust him not to do anything currently with the information, we do not trust that he may use it if he betrays us."
That put Lance at a little more ease. At least prince L'oréal didn't know of his sudden mastery of being a paladin. But there were still questions to be answered.
"What forms did my bayard take?"
Hunk decided to answer this time.
"You had your regular blaster, your sniper rifle, broadsword, our bayard forms like Pidge's katar and Allura's whip, and completely new forms. Dual pistols, dual smaller swords, a lance, and a shield. It was really weird, but impressive."
That was far too many bayard forms for Lance. He was the weak link, a seventh wheel, not a proficient fighter like Zarkon, who could use multiple bayard forms. So why had he? He would have to look at the footage later, as he still needed to know about the scars.
"And the burns? Any working theory on those?"
Shiro looked alarmed at Lance's words, opening his mouth to say something before Allura cut in.
"Pidge claims they are like lichtenberg scars, but their shape and flow remind me of quintessence veins, both of which should be impossible given the footage we have. You were not struck by electricity again, and you would have to have been overflowed with quintessence for those veins to appear. It is quite a concerning conundrum."
With a gasp of surprise, Pidge turned to Allura.
"What do you mean /struck by electricity again/?!"
Shiro nodded at Pidge's question. Coran looked horrified. Hunk kept looking between Allura and Lance for an explanation. Lance decided this wasn't needed right now.
"I was hit at the Omega Shield and Allura healed me. All good now. Can I see the footage? I want to see what happened for myself."
I went wayyyy further with that than intended and wow I really hate how nonchalant everyone was with Lance's death but ANYWAYS here you guys go. What happens when you get possessed by a lion of Voltron? You get an overdose of quintessence and trauma. Hooray!
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grimreapersnuisance · 11 months
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Klance Quick Sketch Comic
I need sleep…
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ikarakie · 1 year
hc that the laptop pidge brings to space is an old hand me down from matt, and it still has a bunch of his files on it. when she’s got a quiet moment she likes to go through them, see what her brother was up to, etc. they’re horribly disorganised, though, so it’s difficult to tell what you’ve looked at and what you haven’t
which is why it takes her months to find the little folder eloquently titled ‘hsjfdk’ that’s absolutely full of photos and videos. of him, of her, of their family, but more interestingly— of shiro.
matt and shiro. on dates. play fighting. acting like a couple. kissing. it’s undeniable that their black paladin and her older brother were A Thing.
and all she can think is: what the Fuck
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jiveyuncle · 9 months
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Red protecting Keith protecting Lance because he’s a reckless self-sacrificing asshole
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stinky-ahh-gay · 5 months
Keith: I need someone to crack my spine
Lance: like- a chiropractor, in bed, or in a fight?
Keith: ...
Lance: ... keith-?
Keith: Shut up, i'm deciding which one would be more satisfying...
Don't know if someone made it before-
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bluemantics · 1 year
Lance breathed in a ragged breath.
In, out.
The soot fogged up his helmet, choking him up, but he still pushed onward. Step after step after step. In, out. His breathing was labored. His armor was dirtied. His limbs ached.
“Keith?” Pidge’s voice rang out over the comms.
Keith had come after Lance when the Galra had made the threat, when Lance dove down into that waste of a planet. At first, he’d been held back by Shiro. Keith was somewhere on this planet now, but Lance couldn’t focus on him. He had other priorities. Keith would be fine.
In, out.
Lance focused on his breathing instead, tuned out the outside sounds of the paladins calling for Keith and him. With each struggling step, his bayard illuminating the way, he dragged himself over to the cave home.
It’s curtains were drawn, and no light came from within. The only sign of life were the heat signatures his helmet picked up.
Fuck, the air was rough.
“Lance, your helmet is broken,“ Allura started.
Lance shut off the comms. Anything distracting him was preventing him from reaching /them./ He pushed his way through the curtain entrance.
There she was.
Huddling under a table in the corner was a small girl, a blue-scaled dragonling humanoid with bright red eyes. She was trembling. Lance got down on his hands and knees, crawling over to her.
In, out. His throat hurt.
“Hey,” he said softly, a rasp tickling his words. “I’m a Paladin of Voltron. I’m here to save you from the fires.”
The alien girl croaked out a whimper. She clearly didn’t recognize him, but her planet was a member of the coalition… fuck. Lance knew what he had to do.
He removed his helmet.
“See?” Her eyes lit up with recognition.
“Loverboy!” she exclaimed. Lance winced at his stage name, laughing outwardly to reassure her.
“That’s right, and I’m here to save you,” he agreed, reaching his arms out to her. Without the meager protection of his helmet, he was really starting to feel woozy. Still, that didn’t matter.
With shaking hands, he picked her up and began to walk outside the cave home and back to Blue.
This time, though, the trek was worse. He couldn’t see as well without his helmet, couldn’t recognize heat signatures or the fastest path back. Instead, he relied on lighting up his footsteps and retracing his steps.
That didn’t last long.
After 20 steps, Lance began to feel dizzy. He lurched, which caused the girl to make a series of clicks.
In, out. He patted her back and continued on.
After 50 steps, Lance started to lose the edges of his vision to blackness. He could feel the mucus in his throat fighting his inhalations. He fought back harder. He would have to reach a level of survival that went beyond what he could handle. To save her.
In, out.
120 steps.
Lance fell to his knees.
The girl screamed.
Lance was only a football field from Blue. He had failed.
The girl scrabbled her claws at his armor, wailing, her cries embellished by the distant sound of crackling fire. Lance closed his eyes, listening to her pain, letting it soak in. He’d failed her, and this was his punishment, to lie prone and to hear her suffer. He had failed.
In, out.
He felt a tug to some hidden darkness inside of him.
Oh, that wasn’t supposed to happen.
Lance felt more than heard the pounding footsteps of Keith Kogane as he ran to his side, kneeling by Lance’s head and cradling it in his hands.
“Stay awake, Lance, I have an O2 mask and we can get the girl to safety—“
“Loverboy!” The girl insisted.
Keith’s head snapped up. Lance chuckled weakly, coughing at the end.
“What?” Keith asked.
“She knows… shows,” he muttered in response. Keith huffed a breath, fogging up his helmet.
Lance coughed again, and Keith panicked, pulling a mask from his belt. “Stay awake.”
“Loverboy,” the girl insisted again, tugging on Keith’s shoulder.
Lance blinked slowly. The world was slow. Why was the ash now falling on his face in slow motion? Why was Keith putting the mask on so slowly?
In, out.
Lance blinked. The darkness came back. He closed his eyes.
“No, Lance, no.”
Lance wasn’t listening. It was more peaceful, here, to focus inwardly rather than on the voices out there. It was quiet and dark and cool. The fires couldn’t touch him here.
“Loverboy? Stay with me, please. Please.” The rawness in his voice made Lance’s eyes snap open.
“Keith? I’m really trying…”
Words were too difficult, though.
So Lance let his heavy eyelids fall, let the blackness rush in. He felt the mask press into his chin and nose.
“I know, Lance.”
Silence again.
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heynhay · 1 year
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anon. we are on the same page.
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callmelyc · 3 months
Animal crossing klance get a beach day
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Julance day 10: beaches/vacations from the daily prompts I made to go with the monthly ones I'd posted about beginning of June
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anonymouszephyrus · 8 months
Oh my god. Imagine a world where Adam was one of Lance's older siblings.. and Keith was Shiro's legally adopted brother... and both fall in love with the other at separate times..
“Yeah, that's Keith- Aren't emo boys your type, Leandro?”
(Someone write this, I don't have time to 😭)
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grimreapersnuisance · 11 months
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Keith Shows Off His Moves: Klance Comic
Lance gives it a 11/10
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