#paolo ferrando
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pier-carlo-universe · 8 days ago
Nasce Cia Alessandria-Asti: un’unione strategica per rafforzare l’agricoltura locale
L’assemblea costitutiva segna la fusione delle storiche realtà agricole di Alessandria e Asti, con l’obiettivo di potenziare i servizi per gli agricoltori
L’assemblea costitutiva segna la fusione delle storiche realtà agricole di Alessandria e Asti, con l’obiettivo di potenziare i servizi per gli agricoltori Asti, 3 febbraio 2025 – Con l’atto firmato dal notaio Carlo Conforti, le due storiche organizzazioni agricole della Cia di Alessandria e della Cia di Asti si sono ufficialmente unite dando vita a Cia Alessandria-Asti. Un’operazione che mira…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year ago
dal 13 febbraio, a napoli, "risvolti, 20 anni di linguaggi in movimento": mostra di poesia visiva
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brokehorrorfan · 11 months ago
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The Great Alligator will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on May 28 via Severin Films. Inspired by the success of Jaws, the 1979 Italian killer gator movie is also known as The Great Alligator River.
Sergio Martino (Torso, All the Colors of the Dark) directs from a script he co-wrote with Ernesto Gastaldi (Torso), George Eastman (StageFright), and Mara Maryl. Barbara Bach, Claudio Cassinelli, Mel Ferrer, and Richard Johnson star.
The Great Alligator has been newly scanned in 4K from the original negative with English stereo and Italian mono sound. It features reversible artwork. Special features are listed below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Interview with director Sergio Martino
Interview with actress Silvia Collatina
Interview with camera operator Claudio Morabito
Interview with production designer Antonello Geleng Interview with underwater camera operator Gianlorenzo Battaglia
3 Friends and an Alligator - Discussion with cinematographer Giancarlo Ferrando, production designer Antonello Geleng, and special effects supervisor Paolo Ricci
Paradise House: Christianity and the Natural World in The Great Alligator - Video essay by film historian Lee Gambin
Alligator Land - Antonello Geleng shares priginal production drawings
At the opening of a tropical resort, a photographer (Claudio Cassinelli), an anthropologist (Barbara Bach), and an arrogant hotelier (Mel Ferrer) are besieged by hostile natives, obnoxious tourists, and a gargantuan river beast that intends to devour them all.
Pre-order The Great Alligator.
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
L’arte e la guerra a Verbania
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Dalla collaborazione fra l’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune, il Museo del Paesaggio, l’Associazione LetterAltura e l’Associazione Nonsoloaiuto nasce il momento di una nuova proposta culturale per Verbania, L’arte e la guerra, composta da una mostra fotografica  e un’ installazione di land art. La mostra fotografica L’arte e la guerra, di Alessandra Giacardi e Massimo Ferrando, è il  seguito del progetto per il parco archeologico a Karkemish in Turchia sud-orientale, sul confine turco-siriano al margine della Mesopotamia, a cura del Professor Nicolò Marchetti dell’Università di Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum. Sulla sponda ovest dell’Eufrate, all’interno del parco inaugurato nel 2019, sono state ideate tra il 2017 e il 2018 alcune suggestive opere di Land Art, come Border, La sottile linea rossa e La soglia, poi nel 2022 l’artista Michelangelo Pistoletto, in collaborazione con il Professor Marchetti, ha realizzato l’opera Il Terzo Paradiso, a sancire il valore dell’area non solo da un punto di vista archeologico ma anche artistico e simbolico. La mostra è allestita a Casa Ceretti in Via Roma 42, e resterà aperta fino al 21 maggio. Invece l’installazione di land art Border, realizzata nel parco della Biblioteca Civica "Pietro Ceretti", in via Vittorio Veneto 138, è particolarmente suggestiva dato che si compone di 30 pali di alluminio rossi alti 6 metri, ognuno dotato di sonaglio e di luce notturna, che permettono di godere dell’esperienza di visita in tutte le ore del giorno e della notte. Ogni palo rappresenta simbolicamente una mina e vuole richiamare alla mente la pericolosità del paesaggio di guerra e in particolare di quello in cui si trova il parco archeologico di Karkemish. L’installazione sarà visitabile per tutta l’estate 2023. Città diffusa nata nel 1939 dall’unione di Intra, Pallanza e Suna, Verbania è una delle più note e apprezzate località turistiche del lago Maggiore. Ricca di storia plurimillenaria, immersa nella natura, signorile, offre panorami incantevoli e romantici sul lago e sulle montagne, eleganti e raffinati palazzi e ville di varie epoche, immersi in parchi immensi e giardini rigogliosi con alberi e fiori rari che nulla hanno da invidiare a posti più rinomati. Spesso palcoscenico a cielo aperto di romanzi e film. Un passato tra il 700, la Belle Epoque e gli anni 30 del secolo scorso che ha fatto sognare con la vicina Stresa. Luoghi e paesaggi che hanno incantato, inspirato e stupito re, regine, nobili, pittori, artisti, scrittori di ogni epoca e ogni latitudine. In molti presero ad abitare qui, su tutti Paolo Troubetzkoy, artista russo ma verbanese d’adozione. Costruì un vero e proprio cenacolo culturale, che diede vita a diversi movimenti pittorici e scultorei. Il celebre direttore d’orchestra Arturo Toscanini, dal 1927 al 1952 scelse di risiedere sull’isolino San Giovanni di fronte al centro di Pallanza. Isolino dove nel corso dei secoli si sono alternati numerosi personaggi illustri. Punto fermo il rigoglioso e coloratissimo giardino di Villa Taranto a Pallanza, uno dei più belli d’Italia e del mondo; fa parte del circuito inglese della Royal Horticultural Society. Visitato ogni anno da più di 150.000 persone, è stata realizzato tra il 1931 e il 1940 dal capitano scozzese Neil Mc Eacharn con l’aiuto del botanico Henry Cocker, su un’area di circa 20 ettari tra lago e collina con un patrimonio botanico che conta più di 20.000 varietà e specie di particolare valenza botanica provenienti da tutto il mondo. Particolarmente apprezzata è la fioritura dei 50mila tulipani in primavera. Decisamente gradito dai turisti e davvero comodo,  è l’arrivo con i battelli che solcano il lago e che hanno l’attracco proprio davanti ai giardini della villa. Dall’ingresso della villa parte una pista ciclopedonabile che porta in centro a Pallanza, apprezzatissima da visitatori e locali, da dove si può godere al meglio del lago. A Pallanza si possono ammirare anche Villa Giulia e Villa San Remigio, con giardini stupendi e una storia davvero unica da raccontare. La storia dell’ottocentesca Villa Giulia, in stile neoclassico è legata alla famiglia Branca, inventori nel 1836 di uno dei più famosi liquori italiani il Fernet. Negli anni 30′ del secolo scorso, divenne Hotel, ma anche Casinò noto come Kursaal. Negli anni ‘80 e primi ‘90 fu poi apprezzatissima discoteca all’aperto. Oggi Villa Giulia è di proprietà comunale ed è sede di numerose mostre ed esposizioni di arte, soprattutto, ospita importanti manifestazioni come la Mostra della Camelia, uno dei fiori tipici del territorio, sia in primavera che in inverno. Sulla sommità del Colle della Castagnola troviamo Villa San Remigio che domina il lago con un giardino di otto ettari, conosciuta per essere una delle locations per antonomasia dei matrimoni sul lago Maggiore. Deve il suo nome da una piccola chiesa romanica del XII secolo, dedicata appunto a San Remigio che delimita il parco. Realizzata a fine dell’800 da una coppia di nobili, il marchese Silvio della Valle di Casanova, musicista e poeta, e dalla moglie l’irlandese Sophie Browne, pittrice, che l’aveva ricevuta in eredità dal nonno. L’idea era quella di ricreare un ambiente di perfetta simbiosi tra natura e arte. Fecero trasformare e ampliare un preesistente chalet in stile svizzero, in una villa in stile barocco lombardo. Nel grande parco oltre a maestose e imponenti piante centenarie, fiori, essenze varie troviamo statue antiche di diverse epoche e Il parco è costituito da giardini a stanze e terrazzamenti, in vari stili, italiano, inglese, medievale e frutteto. Vari stretti passaggi immettono in giardini a tema: delle Ore, della Letizia, della felicità, della Mestizia, delle Memorie e infine in quello dei Sospiri. Grazie alla collezione di spartiti autografi di Liszt, la villa è stata anche un importante punto d’incontro di musicisti provenienti da tutto il mondo. Da Gabriele D’Annunzio, Isolde Kurz, Richard Voss, Georg Brandes, ai pianisti Emil Von Sauer, Wilhelm Kempff, al compositore Hugo Wolf e a Ferruccio Busoni che proprio qui fu ritratto da Umberto Boccioni. A Pallanza merita certamente una visita, il Museo del paesaggio, a Palazzo Viani-Dugnani, dove si possono ammirare affreschi e dipinti risalenti al XV secolo. Una parte è dedicata alla gipsoteca Troubetzkoy con lastre, stampe, disegni di vario tipo, oltre a una parte archeologica dedicata ai reperti appartenenti ai Leponzi. Sempre a Pallanza, la chiesa romanica di Madonna di Campagna, che custodisce opere di Camillo Procaccini, Bernardino Lanino, nota per il miracolo del sole, a marzo e agosto. Intra è il cuore pulsante di Verbania: il mercato del sabato mattina, l’imbarcadero in stile liberty del 1860 con i ristoranti affacciati sul lago, l’apprezzata Piazza Ranzoni, la movida nelle sere d’estate e la salita di Via San Vittore, ricca di negozi di ogni genere e locali vari, tra viuzze laterali e cortili che si aprono improvvisamente che conquista per i suoi colori e lo stile, meta di turisti di ogni angolo del mondo. Qui sorge anche il particolare ed avveniristico Teatro “Il Maggiore” progettato da un team di architetti sotto la guida dello spagnolo Salvador Perez Arroyo. La frazione di Suna con il suo chilometrico lungo lago con spiagge dove poter fare il bagno e un’ampia scelta di locali dove pranzare o prendere l’aperitivo ammirando il lago con lo straordinario tramonto che regala in ogni stagione, e il paesaggio con le luci notturne. Senza dimenticare le altre frazioni come Biganzolo con la sua spiaggia, Trobaso, Zoverallo e Arizzano, dove godere del fresco d’estate, contemplando il lago. Cavandone con il Monterosso luogo di culto dei Celti, e ammirare una pianta di tasso di oltre 400 anni. Uno dei punti di forza del territorio di Verbania è la Riserva Naturale Speciale di Fondotoce, che si estende su 365 ettari sul tratto della foce del fiume Toce. Un’area protetta che comprende una zona umida e un canneto, caratterizzata da un alto grado di biodiversità con molti animali selvatici di ogni genere. Per favorire l’avvicinamento dei visitatori ai luoghi più nascosti e suggestivi della riserva e per facilitare l’osservazione dei suoi abitanti animali è stato creato un facile sentiero pianeggiante, percorribile in un’ora circa. Read the full article
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groovin2019 · 3 years ago
Musica e immagini: l'arte sinestesica di Luca Storero
Musica e immagini: l'arte sinestesica di Luca Storero @maiolight @testamusic #pinerolo #pinerolese #artecontemporanea #enpleinair #musicapinerolese
Luca Storero è una figura centrale per l’ambito culturale pinerolese. Non solo per le sue esperienze in campo musicale, costellate di collaborazioni con nomi e formazioni di spicco della nostra scena. Ma anche e soprattutto per il suo percorso di artista figurativo, visionario, originale e fortemente teso alla sperimentazione. Le tematiche inedite che affronta, analizzate attraverso l’utilizzo di…
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dtferrando · 4 years ago
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Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude - Act II
Venezia / 22 May 2021
The ‘Unfolding Pavilion’ is an exhibition and editorial project that pops up at major architecture events in previously inaccessible but architecturally significant buildings.
In its third edition, the Unfolding Pavilion opened on the occasion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia, inside of the belly of an old mercantile sailboat moored at Punta della Dogana. The trabaccolo once belonged to Countess Luisa Albertina di Tesserata: an eccentric art collector who in the 1970s commissioned the construction, on a small island of the Venetian archipelago she owned, of an almost exact replica of an unrealised project by John Hejduk: the House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate.
The curators of the Unfolding Pavilion came to know about the house by pure chance, and decided to organize an exhibition inside of its spaces. An agreement was made with the owners of the island, and in the summer of 2020, twelve architects and scholars were invited to spend one week of residency locked inside the replica of John Hejduk’s house. One per room. Each room equipped with only one piece of furniture, which they couldn’t choose. The outcome of the one-week residency were twelve site-specific works dealing with issues of privacy, domesticity and isolation. The house was demolished in December 2020, to give space to a luxury glamping resort. The 2021 edition of the Unfolding Pavilion and its digital counterpart, the website www.ritualsofsolitude.com, are the first documentation of the installations made by the twelve contributors during their one-week residency.
Curators: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando Web Design and Development, Sound Design: hund (Ernesto Bellei, Federico Bergonzini, Antonio Alessandro Di Cicco, Simone S. Melis) Exhibition Design and Model Making: ErranteArchitetture (Sarah Becchio & Paolo Borghino) Illustration: Muto, Marialuisa Montanari Photography and Video: Laurian Ghinițoiu; Stefano Di Corato (atelier XYZ) Graphic design: Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc Photogrammetry and Digitalization: Cenk Güzelis; Uwe Brunner Narrator: Alina Mihăescu Production: Carnets (Matteo Vianello, Davide Cecconello, Caterina Barbon, Marco Andreatta); Marco Ballarin; Elisabeta Rabiniuc Mocanu, Ana Victoria Munteanu.
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lucfierens · 4 years ago
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FUORIPAGINA Poesia Visiva dalla collezione Roffi a cura di Gian Paolo ROFFIInaugurazione sabato 26 settembre ore 17.00Dal 26 settembre al 25 ottobre 2020“Fuoripagina” fa un’altra tappa del suo già ricco percorso. Dopo l’inizio a Bettona (Perugia) e i passaggi allo Studio “Segni & Segni” di Bologna, al Mac,n di Monsummano Terme, al “Gabbiano” di La Spezia, alla Fondazione Balestra del Castello Malatestiano di Longiano, ora si presenta al MAGI ‘900 di Pieve di Cento. 
Gli artisti in mostra sono:Vincenzo ACCAME, Fernando AGUIAR, Paolo ALBANI, Fernando ANDOLCETTI, Davide ARGNANI, Alain ARIAS-MISSON, Nanni BALESTRINI, Vittore BARONI, Gianfranco BARUCHELLO, Alessandro BENFENATI, Mirella BENTIVOGLIO, Carla BERTOLA, Joseph BEUYS, Tomaso BINGA, Julien BLAINE, Irma BLANK, Jean-François BORY, Anna BOSCHI, Antonino BOVE, José A. CACERES, Ugo CARREGA, Luciano CARUSO, Guglielmo Achille CAVELLINI, Sergio CENA, Giuseppe CHIARI, Henry CHOPIN, Cosimo CIMINO, Mario COMMONE, Vitaldo CONTE, Carlo Marcello CONTI, Corrado COSTA, Mauro DAL FIOR, Augusto DE CAMPOS, Haroldo DE CAMPOS, Paul DE VREE, Chiara DIAMANTINI, Marcello DIOTALLEVI, Pablo ECHAURREN, Alberto FAIETTI, Mariapia FANNA RONCORONI, Fernanda FEDI, Bartolomé FERRANDO, Gio FERRI, Luc FIERENS etc 
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simone-boccanegra · 5 years ago
for beards, uh... enrico, ferrando, paolo, francesco moor, and fiesco
Enrico: can go either way. whatever looks good on the singer
Ferrando: YES BEARD
Paolo: usually yes, but he isn’t allowed to have a more majestic beard than Simon XD he can go without if the singer is young.
Francesco Moor: a little bit I guess? depends on the staging. if we stick to rococo he should be clean-shaven, but if it’s more “When Are We” then he can have some beard
Fiesco: absolutely NEEDS a beard this is not up for debate
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count-di-luna · 6 years ago
who got the one brain cell in operas
Eugene Onegin: Tatiana
Trovatore: Inez and Ferrando share it and no one else ever gets it
The Ring: Loge, later Brünnhilde, except for the Waltraute scene
La Forza del destino: Padre Guardiano
Simon Boccanegra: Amelia but she sometimes misplaces it. Paolo steals it.
Don Carlo: Elisabetta
Ernani: it kind of just floats in the void until Carlo finds it
Werther: Charlotte and Albert share it
The Queen of Spades: Yeletsky and Tomsky but no one listens to them
Parsifal: Gurnemanz
Attila: Odabella. Ezio can’t be trusted with it because he would immediately offer it to Attila in exchange for sex
Turandot: those 3 annoying comic relief guys
Billy Budd: unfortunately, Claggart
The Flying Dutchman: Erik (pretty rare for a tenor)
feel free to add more
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gramilano · 6 years ago
After Riccardo Chailly opens the season with Tosca, continuing the cycle of works by Puccini, he will conduct his first Strauss opera, as well as the complete Beethoven symphonies. Zubin Mehta will conduct two Verdi operas as well as Luigi Nonno’s Intolleranza which will be performed at La Scala for the first time. Handel’s Semele will also receive its first staged performance at the theatre. There are fifteen operas in the 2019-2020 season, of which eleven are new productions.
Anna Netrebko will open the season in Tosca on 7 December, but strangely the tenor has not yet been confirmed. Backstage voices say that the Russian diva is pressing for her husband, Yusif Eyvazov, to be given the role.
After the popularity over the last couple of years, the opening of the season will again be transmitted live on Italy’s main television channel, Rai1.
The recital series, listed below, features Matthias Goerne, Erwin Schrott, Aleksandra Kurzak, Ekaterina Semenchuk, Bejun Mehta, Marina Rebeka, and Sabine Devieilhe.
OPERA SEASON 2019-2020
Anna Netrebko, photo Dario Acosta
  4 December 2019 Young People’s Preview
7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 December 2019; 2, 5, 8 January 2020
Giacomo Puccini
Conductor Riccardo Chailly
Director Davide Livermore
Sets Giò Forma
Costumes Gianluca Falaschi
Lighting Antonio Castro
Tosca Anna Netrebko / Saioa Hernández (2, 5, 8 Jan.), Cavaradossi (to be announced),
Scarpia Luca Salsi, Angelotti Vladimir Sazdovski, Sagrestano Alfonso Antoniozzi,
Spoletta Carlo Bosi, Sciarrone Giulio Mastrototaro
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Diana Damrau
  15, 18, 21, 26, 30 January; 2, 13, 16 February 2020
Charles Gounod
Conductor Lorenzo Viotti
Director Bartlett Sher
Sets Michael Yeargan
Costumes Catherine Zuber
Lighting Jennifer Tipton
Juliette Diana Damrau, Roméo Vittorio Grigolo,
Frère Laurent Nicolas Testé, Mercutio Mattia Olivieri, Stéphano Marina Viotti,
Le Comte Capulet Frédéric Caton, Tybalt Ruzil Gatin, Gertrude Sara Mingardo,
Le Comte Paris Edwin Fardini, Le Duc Jean-Vincent Blot
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
Production from The Metropolitan Opera, New York
  Violeta Urmana
  6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26, 29 February; 6 March 2020
Giuseppe Verdi
Conductor Nicola Luisotti
Director and Set Design Alvis Hermanis
Costumes Eva Dessecker
Lighting Gleb Filshtinsky
Video Designer Ineta Sipunova
Leonora Liudmyla Monastyrska, Manrico Francesco Meli,
Il conte di Luna Massimo Cavalletti, Azucena Violeta Urmana,
Ferrando Gianluca Buratto/Riccardo Fassi
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala (co-production Salzburger Festspiele)
  Rosa Feola, photo Todd Rosenberg
  22, 25, 28 February; 4, 13, 15, 17, 19 March 2020
Gioachino Rossini
Conductor Diego Fasolis
Director Roberto Andò
Sets and Lighting Gianni Carluccio
Costumes Nanà Cecchi
Selim Alex Esposito, Donna Fiorilla Rosa Feola, Don Narciso Edgardo Rocha,
Prosdocimo Mattia Olivieri, Don Geronio Giulio Mastrototaro,
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Riccardo Chailly, photo Brescia e Amisano
  8, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 27, 31 March 2020
Richard Strauss
Conductor Riccardo Chailly
Director Damiano Michieletto
Sets Paolo Fantin
Costumes Carla Teti
Lighting Alessandro Carletti
Choreography Thomas Wilhelm
Salome Malin Byström, Herodes Roberto Saccà, Herodias Anna Maria Chiuri,
Jochanaan Michael Volle, Narraboth Attilio Glaser, Nazarener Thomas Tatzl
  Orchestra of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
    Daniele Gatti, photo Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
  4, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24 April 2020
Claude Debussy
Conductor Daniele Gatti
Director Matthias Hartmann
Sets Volker Hintermeier
Pelléas Bernard Richter, Mélisande Patricia Petibon, Golaud Markus Werba,
Arkel Nicolas Testé, Geneviève Sylvie Brunet-Grupposo,
Le petite Yniold Caterina Sala, Un medecin/Berger Vladimir Sazdovski
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Tannhauser, photo Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
  23, 26, 30 April; 3, 7, 10, 24, 27 May 2020
Richard Wagner
Conductor Ádám Fischer
Director Carlus Padrissa / La Fura dels Baus
Sets Roland Olberter
Costumes Chu Uroz
Video Designer Franc Aleu
Tannhäuser Peter Seiffert, Elisabeth Krassimira Stoyanova / Dorothea Röschmann (24, 27 May),
Wolfram von Eschenbach Christian Gerhaher / Markus Werba (24, 27 May),
Walter von der Vogelweide Martin Piskorski, Venus Daniela Sindram, Hermann Albert Dohmen,
Biterolf Florian Spiess, Heinrich der Schreiber Sascha Emanuel Kramer,
Reinmar von Zweter Chi Hoon Lee
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
Produzione Teatro alla Scala
  Ferruccio Furlanetto
  17, 20, 23, 26, 29 May; 4, 10 June 2020
Italo Montemezzi
Conductor Carlo Rizzi
Director Àlex Ollé / La Fura dels Baus
Sets Alfons Flores
Costumes Lluc Castells
Lighting Marco Filibeck
Archibaldo Ferruccio Furlanetto, Manfredo Roberto Frontali, Avito Giorgio Berrugi,
Fiora Federica Lombardi, Flaminio Giorgio Misseri
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Mario Martone, photo Brescia e Amisano
  3, 6, 9, 13, 17, 22, 25, 30 June 2020
Umberto Giordano
Conductor Daniel Oren
Director Mario Martone
Sets Margherita Palli
Costumes Ursula Patzak
Lighting Pasquale Mari
Fedora Sonya Yoncheva, Loris Roberto Alagna,
Olga Mariangela Sicilia, De Siriex Massimo Cavalletti, Barone Rouvelle Marco Ciaponi,
Boroff Costantino Finucci, Grech Vladimir Sazdovski
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Gabriele Salvatores, photo by Brescia e Amisano
  20, 23, 26 June; 2, 7, 10, 13, 16 July 2020
Giuseppe Verdi
Conductor Zubin Mehta
Director Gabriele Salvatores
Sets Gian Maurizio Fercioni
Riccardo Fabio Sartori, Amelia Saioa Hernández, Renato Luca Salsi,
Ulrica Violeta Urmana, Oscar Julie Martin Du Theil,
Silvano Liviu Holender, Samuel Fabrizio Beggi, Tom Emanuele Cordaro
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  La traviata with Marina Rebeka and Leo Nucci, photo by Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
  11, 14 July 2020;
12, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25 November 2020
Giuseppe Verdi
Conductor Zubin Mehta / Michele Gamba
Director Liliana Cavani
Sets Dante Ferretti
Costumes Gabriella Pescucci
Lighting Marco Filibeck
Choreography Micha van Hoecke
Violetta Valéry Marina Rebeka (11, 14 July) / Angel Blue,
Alfredo Germont Francesco Meli (11, 14 July) / Charles Castronovo,
Giorgio Germont Leo Nucci (11, 14 July) / Plácido Domingo (12, 14 Nov.) /
George Petean (17, 20, 22, 25 Nov.)
  Chorus, Orchestra and Ballet Company of Teatro alla Scala
Produzione Teatro alla Scala
  Il viaggio a Reims, photo Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
  1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 22, 25 September 2020
La Scala Accademia Project
Gioachino Rossini
Conductor Paolo Carignani
Director Luca Ronconi
Sets Gae Aulenti
Costumes Giovanna Buzzi
Lighting Marco Filibeck
  Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala Academy
Production Rossini Opera Festival di Pesaro and Teatro alla Scala
  Cecilia Bartoli, photo by Uli Weber
  17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30 October 2020
Georg Friedrich Händel
Conductor Gianluca Capuano
Director Robert Carsen
Sets e Costumes Patrick Kinmonth
Lighting Robert Carsen e Peter van Praet
Coreografia Philippe Giraudeau
Semele Cecilia Bartoli, Jupiter/Apollo Ian Bostridge,
Athamas Max Emanuel Cencic, Juno Sara Mingardo
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Zubin Mehta, photo Brescia e Amisano
  29, 31 October; 2, 4, 8, 11 November 2020
Arnold Schönberg
The Woman Camilla Nylund
  Luigi Nono
Un emigrante Giorgio Berrugi, La sua compagna Camilla Nylund,
Una donna Anna Maria Chiuri, Un algerino Simone Piazzola, Un torturato Dario Russo
  Conductor Zubin Mehta
Director Damiano Michieletto
Sets Paolo Fantin
Costumes Carla Teti
Lighting Alessandro Carletti
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Daniela Barcellona
  10, 13, 18, 21, 24, 27, 29 November 2020
Amilcare Ponchielli
Conductor Ádám Fischer
Director Davide Livermore
Sets Giò Forma
Costumes Mariana Fracasso
La Gioconda Saioa Hernández, Laura Adorno Daniela Barcellona,
Enzo Grimaldo Francesco Meli, Barnaba Luca Salsi, Alvise Badoero Roberto Tagliavini,
La cieca Judit Kutasi, Zuane Fabrizio Beggi
  Chorus, Orchestra and Ballet Company of Teatro alla Scala
New Production Teatro alla Scala
  Aleksandra Kurzak, photo Andrzej Swietlik
Bejun Mehta, photo by Marco Boggreve
Marina Rebeka, photo Janis Deinats
Matthias Goerne, photo Marco Borggreve
Sabine Devieilhe, photo Fabien Monthubert
Ekaterina Semenchuk
Recital Season
3 December 2019
Matthias Goerne
Leif Ove Andsnes
  26 January 2020
Erwin Schrott
Giulio Zappa
  23 February 2020
Aleksandra Kurzak
Julius Drake
Tomasz Wabnic
Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, and Strauss
  15 March 2020
Ekaterina Semenchuk
Semion Skigin
Glinka and Musorgsky
  19 April 2020
Bejun Mehta
Jonathan Ware
Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Britten, and Mahler
  27 October 2020
Marina Rebeka
Giulio Zappa
Rachmaninov, Bellini, and Verdi
  9 November 2020
Sabine Devieilhe
Alexandre Tharaud
Debussy, Poulenc, Fauré, and Ravel
Teatro alla Scala 01
La Scala, Milan: Opera and Recital Season 2019 – 2020 After Riccardo Chailly opens the season with Tosca, continuing the cycle of works by Puccini, he will conduct his first Strauss opera, as well as the complete Beethoven symphonies.
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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
Un 2024 da dimenticare per l’agricoltura alessandrina: le sfide e le proposte di Cia Alessandria per il 2025
Un anno difficile tra cambiamento climatico, crisi produttiva e richieste di interventi straordinari
Un anno difficile tra cambiamento climatico, crisi produttiva e richieste di interventi straordinari Il bilancio del 2024 per l’agricoltura alessandrina Cia Alessandria traccia un bilancio critico del 2024, definito come un’annata da “maglia nera” per l’agricoltura locale. Eventi climatici estremi, maltempo e problematiche economiche hanno portato a una drastica riduzione delle produzioni. Le…
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esportefutebol · 7 years ago
Mais um dia no reino encantado da Copa do Mundo, e depois de uma vitória do Brasil, nada melhor que assistir a Argentina se ferrando né? Pois hoje tivemos mais um vexame dos hermanos, Peru do Paolo Guerrero fora da Copa e ‘muchas cositas más’!
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years ago
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The Great Alligator will be reissued on Blu-ray on February 2 via Code Red in association with Kino Lorber. The 1979 Italian creature feature is also known as The Great Alligator River.
Sergio Martino (Torso, All the Colors of the Dark) directs from a script he co-wrote with Cesare Frugoni (Screamers) and Ernesto Gastaldi (Torso). Barbara Bach, Claudio Cassinelli, Mel Ferrer, and Richard Johnson star.
The Great Alligator was remastered in high definition from the original negative in 2016. Read on for the special features.
Special features:
Interview with director Sergio Martino and art director Massimo Antonello Geleng
Interview with special effects artist Paolo Ricci, cinematographer Giancarlo Ferrando, and art director Massimo Antonello Geleng
Interview with camera operator Claudio Morabito
Interview with underwater camera operator Gianlorenzo Battaglia
Theatrical trailer
Barbara Bach and Claudio Cassinelli head into the steamy jungles of Southeast Asia where construction for an exclusive resort is treading onto territory that the Kuma natives hold sacred... and their alligator god Kroona takes personally. Paradise turns into an unrelenting nightmare in this outrageous giant creature feast.
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unfoldingpavilion2018 · 7 years ago
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Unfolding Pavilion 2018
The Works
The Unfolding Pavilion has invited the most unique members of the Little Italy network to create works capable of reacting to both Gino Valle’s building and the specific space occupied by the Pavilion.
The invited architects were asked to produce original objects/installations, that puts in dialogue their personal body of work to the Giudecca Social Housing - to one or more of its elements/spaces/representations, to the whole building, to the relation of the project with its urban surroundings, etc. - and so to use the Venetian condominium as a sort of tool to reflect on their own practice, just as the representations of Renaissance ideal cities served as tools to experiment with the new technique of perspective.
                                                                                abacO Venise qui Parle. Photography installation. 19 panels, 40 x 30 cm (each).   Team: Alice Braggion, Alessandro Carabini.
                                                                             ANALOGIQUE M.I.Mo. Installation. Steel device on wheels, map, image, drawings texts.   Team: Claudia Cosentino, Dario Felice, Antonio Rizzo.
                                                                             Arcipelago Reflektor. Box of methacrylate panels, three bricks, mirrors. Custom support in black painted steel (rod, assembled in two pieces, and two end plates). 31 x 31 x 31cm (box). 31 x 31 x 161cm (overall). Team: Nicola Dario Baldassarre, Pasquale Cipri, Salvatore Dentamaro, Nicoletta Faccitondo.
                                                                             Babau Bureau Periscopio. Digital print on paper. 50 x 76 cm.   Team: Marco Ballarin, Stefano Tornieri, Massimo Triches, Sofia Sacchini.
                                                                             Boano Prišmontas 165x165. Light installation.   Team: Tomaso Boano, Jonas Prišmontas.
                                                                             Bunker Immersions. When Palladio met Valle. Installation. Bathtub, light projection, water. 48,5 x 30 x 8 cm.   Team: Carlo Gandolfi, Roberto Molteni, Federico Chaubet, Matteo Donghi.
                                                                             Campomarzio Hamlet, The Ghost of the Cemetery of the Ashes of Thought. Installation. Direct print on glass, digital print on paper. 300 x 70 cm.   Team: Pietro V. Ambrosini, Michele Andreatta, Alessandro Busana, Daniele Cappelletti, Enrico Lunelli, Teresa Pedretti.
                                                                             Fabio CAPPELLO, Giuseppe RESTA Domestic Valle. Installation. Custom ‘Udine’ wallpaper, custom ‘Chirignago’ steel table. 30 sqm (wallpaper). 175 x 75 x 70 cm (table).   Team: Fabio Cappello, Giuseppe Resta.
                                                                             Fabio CAPPELLO + Rossella FERORELLI + Luigi MANDRACCIO + Gian Luca PORCILE CSU in Motion. Event. Round table & discussion. Sunday, May 27th 2018, 10:00 - 13:00. Team: Fabio Cappello, Rossella Ferorelli, Luigi Mandraccio, Gian Luca Porcile.
                                                                             Michele D’ARIANO SIMIONATO & Caterina STEINER Abandon Ship! Installation. Sound, laser printed images on paper. 170 x 170 cm. Team: Michele D’Ariano Simionato, Caterina Steiner.
                                                                             Roberto DAMIANI Hotel Giudecca 2028. Color prints on Sintra panel, 33 x 33 cm (each). Color booklet, 22 x 28 cm.   Team: Roberto Damiani, Emma Dunn, Mina Hanna, Zoe Renaud.
                                                                             ECÒL La Serenissima. Iron, PVC, PLA, acrylic. 75 x 75 x 60 cm. Team: Emanuele Barili, Cosimo Balestri, Olivia Gori, Lorenzo Perri (architects), with the fundamental support of Flavia Monechi (designer) and Vanni Balestri (oral surgeon).
                                                                              ENTER Studio Del Gabinetto (e) delle Allegorie / Upon the Chamber (and) of Allegories. Installation. Paper. 16 sqm.   Team: Margherita Del Grosso, Massimiliano Dalle Sasse, Alessio Poggi, Andrea Silvestri, Chiara Mondin.
                                                                                False Mirror Office, gosplan, LINEARAMA, pia, UNO8A La Cameretta / The Kids Room. Installation. Colored medium density fiberboards. 175 x 35 x 95 cm.   Team: False Mirror Office (Andrea Anselmo, Gloria Castellini, Filippo Fanciotti, Giovanni Glorialanza, Boris Hamzeian), gosplan (Nicola Lunardi, Veronica Rusca, Lorenzo Trompetto), LINEARAMA (Gabriele Molfetta, Selene Vacchelli), pia (Alessandro Perotta, Valeria Iberto), UNO8A (Beatrice Moretti, Fabrizio Polimone), with the carpenters team 81 millimetri (Ivan Berton, Lucia Lina Repetto) and the support of ALL WOOD & Special Materials (Genova).
                                                                             Davide Tommaso FERRANDO + Sara FAVARGIOTTI Little Italy: The Survey. Video. Booklet. Team: Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, with graphic design by Martina Moro & Paul Böhm, sponsored by Land Tirol, in collaboration with Italien-Zentrum - Innsbruck University.
                                                                           Forestieri Pace Pezzani Competitions as Battlefields: Imaginary Landscapes, The Quality Myth, Is Time Money?. Event. Round table & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 15:00 - 19:15. Team:  Enrico Forestieri, Matteo Pace Sargenti, Pietro Pezzani.
                                                                             Malapartecafé + Fabio CAPELLO THE SUSTAINABLE MISUNDERSTANDING or WE DON’T GIVE A S*** ABOUT SUSTAINABLE IMPERATIVE IF IT’S ONLY ANOTHER ORNAMENT TO ARCHITECTURE. Digital print. Customized toilet paper. 20 x 20 cm. 10 x 10 x 12 cm.   Team: Ilaria Caraffi, Emanuele Crovetto, Fabio Capello.
                                                                             oblò - officina di architettura + Figura/Sfondo Opus Incertum. Installation. Wood trunk, mirror, 3d printed brick. 60 x 60 x 60 cm.   Team: Oblò – Officina di Architettura (Francesca Coden, Emanuele Romani), Figura/Sfondo (Michele Brusasca), Alessandro Benetti with Volumes Makers Space (Paris).
                                                                             Giacomo PALA + Riccardo M. VILLA + Jörg STANZEL Quasi Theory - Quasi Project. Multimedia. 60 x 100 x 180 cm.
                                                                             Gabriele PITACCO Unfolding Young (!?) Gino Valle. Installation. 5 digital printed panels, 12 postcards, text. 3d printed maquette. 314 x 250 x 82,5 cm (overall). Event. Round table & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 11:00 - 13:00. Team: Alessandro Bettoso, Claudia Ciulla, Cristina Forcesin, Enrico Furlan, Marco Gnesda, Gabriele Pitacco,  Irene Valle.
                                                                             ROBOCOOP Souvenir from La Giudecca. Kitsch-pop installation. Hand-made collage and digital print. Snow globe with paper, glass, glue, plastic, water, marble, brass. Wooden podium. 18 x 18 x 9 cm (object).
                                                                             Emilia ROSMINI & Emiliano ZANDRI THE MAIL. Plexiglass and paper. 30 x 20 x 12 cm.
                                                                             Giorgia SCOGNAMIGLIO & Lorenzo ZANDRI Greetings from an apartment (Unsent Postcard). Installation. Bespoke plywood shelves. Limited edition postcard series, 4’x6’, 400gr glossy paper, printed in Italy. 150 x 75 cm (overall).
                                                                             STUDIO associates + atelier XYZ + Davide Tommaso FERRANDO Democratic Spaces. Movie. Event. Film screening & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 20:30 - 21:30.   Team: STUDIO associates (Marco Formenti, Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi), atelier XYZ (Stefano Di Corato), Davide Tommaso Ferrando.
                                                                             StudioERRANTE Architetture + Diego BEGNARDI + Giovanni BENEDETTI Banchetto / Feast. Papier-mâché. 130 x 60 x 100 cm.   Team: StudioERRANTE Architetture (Sarah Becchio, Paolo Borghino, Ioana Iacob), Diego Begnardi, Giovanni Benedetti.
                                                                             Studiospazio Giudecca Windowsill. Painted plywood, dry flowers. 90 x 187 x 2,5 cm.   Team: Samuele Squassabia, Tao Baerlocher, Eugenio Squassabia, Diana Arina.
                                                                             TCA THINK TANK + ZarCola Architetti Italian experience, foreign architects: Stories of those who pull it off. Installation. Metal, 250 x 150 x 150 cm. Book, 17 x 24cm, 220 pages. Posters, 45 x 80 cm. Video,15 minutes. Team: Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun, Alessandro Colombo, Edoardo Giancola, Federico Zarattini.
                                                                             Davide TRABUCCO Versus II. Fabric. 200 cm x 300 cm.
                                                                             Unfolding Pavilion An Exhibition of Social Value. Performance. 60 hours. Team: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Ana Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc.
                                                                             WAR (Warehouse of Architecture and Research) Theseus in the 80’s. Light Installation. LED strips, disco ball. 100 m strip. 50 cm ø ball. Team: Gabriele Corbo, Jacopo Costanzo, Valeria Guerrisi, Loriano Giannone, Michelangelo Sicari, Angela Tanzola.
                                                                             All of the exhibited works were commissioned by the Unfolding Pavilion and were created especially for this exhibition.
Illustrations: 1. Studiospazio - Giudecca Windowsill. Photo by: Davide Tomasso Ferrando. © Unfolding Pavilion.
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dtferrando · 3 years ago
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Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude - Act III
Online / January 2022 - ongoing
In the summer of 2020, a group of twelve architects spent one week of artistic residency locked inside of a ruined House built on a small island in the Venetian lagoon: one per room, in complete solitude.
The House was an almost exact replica of what was previously thought to be an unrealised project by John Hejduk: his House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate. Built in the 70’s by an eccentric Contessa, without Hejduk’s knowledge, the House was on its way of being demolished by the new owners. Their plan was to build a luxury glamping resort in its stead. The Unfolding Pavilion made an agreement with them, by signing a contract that allowed the temporary occupation of the House and the realisation of twelve site-specific installations inside of its rooms, on the condition that everything was to be kept secret before the demolition of the building took place. Everything went accordingly and sadly, in December 2020, the House was razed to the ground.
The incredible story of the replica of John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant Who Refused to Participate is the subject of Rituals of Solitude, a transmedial exhibition in three acts curated by Daniel Tudor Munteanu and Davide Tommaso Ferrando, on the occasion of the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale.
Conceived in the middle of the global lockdown, Rituals of Solitude is an expanding exhibition about the inversion of the traditional relationship between private and public space; about the paradoxical rituals by means of which homes are inhabited; about the ways in which visual technologies are domesticated and used as tools for self-representation and bonding; about the accumulation, fetishization and exhibition of objects in domestic interiors; and about the conditions of solitude that are generated by forced acts of isolation.
Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude is organised in three acts:
Act I, presented in December 2020, is an online exhibition that documents the site-specific works produced during the residency in the House.
Act II is the offline and itinerant instance of the exhibition, first shown in Venice in May 2021 inside Contessa's former boat, moored at Punta della Dogana during the opening of the Architecture Biennale.
Act III, launched in January 2022, is a virtual environment that digitally reconstructs and reinterprets the spaces of the Venetian exhibition.
Curators: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando Exhibition Design and Model Making: ErranteArchitetture (Sarah Becchio & Paolo Borghino)
Web Design and Development, Sound Design: hund (Ernesto Bellei, Federico Bergonzini, Antonio Alessandro Di Cicco, Simone S. Melis), Andrea Cappi
Photography and Video: Laurian Ghinițoiu; Stefano Di Corato (atelier XYZ)
Illustrators: Giovanni Benedetti, Marialuisa Montanari
Graphic Design: Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc
Photogrammetry and Digitalization: Cenk Güzelis; Uwe Brunner Narrator: Alina Mihăescu
Production: Marco Ballarin; Carnets (Matteo Vianello, Davide Cecconello, Caterina Barbon, Marco Andreatta); Elisabeta Rabiniuc Mocanu, Ana Victoria Munteanu
Sponsored by: Italien Zentrum, Innsbruck University; Department of Architectural Theory, Innsbruck University; Dean’s Office, Innsbruck University; Office of the Vice Rector for Research, Innsbruck University; Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
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moosterrecords · 7 years ago
New from Arrow Video US
Children Of The Corn [Blu-ray] (9/26)
The Suspicious Death Of A Minor [Dual Format] (10/3)
A Fish Called Wanda [Blu-ray] (10/3)
Don't Torture A Duckling [Dual Format] (10/3)
Blood Feast [Dual Format] (10/24)
J.D.'s Revenge [Dual Format] (10/31)
The Voice Of the Moon [Dual Format] (10/31)
via MVD Entertainment Group
Pre-order at��MVDshop.com or on Amazon
As the nights draw in, it just means more time to enjoy late-September / October's superb lineup from Arrow Video, including some wonderful Halloween treats in the form of a grindhouse classic, an Oscar-winning British comedy classic, classic horror from Stephen King, several superb Italian films, and a blaxploitation chiller. Lavishly packaged and including limited edition items, Christmas has come early for film collectors! Featuring stellar performances from Linda Hamilton (Terminator) and Peter Horton (thirtysomething) and based on a short story by Stephen King, The Children of the Corn is a horror classic that has spawned multiple sequels and imitators, but none as harrowing as this masterpiece of horror. The Dual Format debut of The Suspicious Death of a Minor, a 1975 giallo/'poliziotteschi' hybrid, from the great Sergio Martino (All the Colours of the Dark, Torso) arrives on October 3rd. With a cast that includes Mel Ferrer (Nightmare City), Barbara Magnolfi (Suspiria) and Jenny Tamburi (The Psychic), the lurid murder-mystery sees a cop on the trail of a Milanese criminal gang, and the Dual Format release includes a brand new 2K restoration of the film from the original camera negative, produced exclusively by Arrow Video. October 3rd sees the Blu-ray release of A Fish Called Wanda, the hilarious and irresistible farce from 1988, starring John Cleese, Michael Palin, Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline . A box office smash, nominated for three Academy Awards (winning one for Kline's outstanding supporting turn as the psychotic Otto), A Fish Called Wanda has stood the test of time and can be rightfully called a comedy classic. The 3rd also sees the release of a superior Italian thriller. First, deemed shocking at the time for its brutal violence, depiction of the Catholic Church and themes of child murder and paedophilia, Don't Torture a Duckling is widely regarded today as Fulci's greatest film, rivalling the best of his close rival Dario Argento. Arrow Video is proud to present this uniquely chilling film in its North American high definition debut. From Lucio Fulci, the godfather of gore (The Psychic,  The Beyond), comes one of the most powerful and unsettling giallo thrillers ever produced. Next up this month is Blood Feast, a brand new restoration of the ground-breaking splatter classic from the Godfather of Gore, Herschell Gordon Lewis, the wonderfully lurid story of an insane caterer killing young women and stealing body parts as part of a ritual to reanimate an Egyptian goddess. The disc also includes late, great Lewis's Sixties sleaze-fest Scum of the Earth. Just in time for Halloween is a stunning UK DVD and Blu-ray debut of of the blaxploitation favourite JD's Revenge, about a man possessed by the spirit of a murderous gangster. Featuring Academy Award-winner Louis Gossett Jr (An Officer and a Gentleman), this is alternately tough and terrifying - a Blaxploitation gem waiting to be rediscovered. And last but certainly not least, is the swansong of the great Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (La dolce vita, 8½), The Voice of the Moon. This new restoration from the original negative seeks to right that wrong and provide the film with a second chance. Concluding a career that had stretched back more than fifty years, The Voice of the Moon combines the nostalgia of Amarcord, the surreal satire of City of Women and the naïf-adrift-in-a-brutal-world structure of La strada... Plenty for Fellini fans to get their teeth into.
Children Of The Corn [Blu-ray] (9/26)
From the mind of celebrated horror author Stephen King, the man behind such classic terror tales as The Shining, Carrie and It, comes one of his most chilling offerings yet - Children of the Corn. A young couple on a road trip find themselves lost in the backroads of rural Nebraska, eventually winding up in the seemingly abandoned town of Gatlin. But the town is far from empty - as the pair soon discover, it's inhabited by a twisted cult of murderous children thirsty for another blood sacrifice... Adapted from King's eponymous short story first published in 1977 and starring Linda Hamilton (The Terminator), Children of the Corn has gone on to spawn one of the most enduring horror franchises of all time. Features - Brand new 2K restoration from the original camera negative - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation - Original stereo and 5.1 DTS-HD MA audio options - Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing - Brand new audio commentary with horror journalist Justin Beahm and Children of the Corn historian John Sullivan - Audio commentary with director Fritz Kiersch, producer Terrence Kirby and actors John Franklin and Courtney Gains - Harvesting Horror - retrospective documentary featuring interviews with Fritz Kiersch, John Franklin and Courtney Gains - It Was the Eighties! - an interview with actress Linda Hamilton - ...And a Child Shall Lead Them - a brand new interview with actors Julie Maddalena and John Philbin - Field of Nightmares - a brand new interview with writer George Goldsmith - Stephen King on a Shoestring - an interview with producer Donald P. Borchers - Welcome to Gatlin: The Sights & Sounds of Children of the Corn - interviews with production designer Craig Stearns and composer Jonathan Elias - Return to Gatlin - a look back at the iconic filming locations in Iowa with host John Sullivan - Cut From the Cornfield - an interview with actor Rich Kleinberg on the infamous "lost" Blue Man Scene - Disciples Of the Crow - 1983 short film adaptation of Stephen King's story - Storyboard gallery - Original theatrical trailer - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Gary Pullin FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Fully illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by John Sullivan and Lee Gambin Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon The Suspicious Death Of A Minor [Dual Format] (10/3) 
In the wake of the success of Dario Argento's ground-breaking giallo The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, numerous other directors stepped forward to try their hand at these lurid murder-mysteries. At the forefront was Sergio Martino (The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, Torso), whose sensual 70s thrillers starring Edwige Fenech and George Hilton are widely celebrated as some of the best the genre has to offer. The final of Martino's six gialli, The Suspicious Death of a Minor combines conventional giallo trappings with elements of the then flourishing 'poliziotteschi' crime thrillers. Claudio Cassinelli (What Have They Done to Your Daughters?) stars as undercover cop Paolo Germi, on the trail of a Milanese criminal outfit following the brutal murder of an underage prostitute. But a killer-for-hire is also on the prowl, bumping off witnesses before they have a chance to talk... Also starring Mel Ferrer (Nightmare City), Barbara Magnolfi (Suspiria) and Jenny Tamburi (The Psychic), and featuring a script by veteran giallo writer Ernesto Gastaldi (All the Colors of the Dark, Death Walks at Midnight), this unique and lesser-known entry in Martino's filmography serves as an essential link between two different movements in Italian popular cinema. Features - Brand new 2K restoration of the film from the original camera negative produced by Arrow Video exclusively for this release - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations - Original mono Italian and English soundtracks (lossless on the Blu-ray Disc) - English subtitles for the Italian soundtrack - Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing for the English soundtrack - New audio commentary by Troy Howarth, author of So Deadly, So Perverse: 50 Years of Italian Giallo Films - New interviews with director Sergio Martino and cinematographer Giancarlo Ferrando - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Chris Malbon Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon
A Fish Called Wanda [Blu-ray] (10/3) In 1988, John Cleese, former Python and the mastermind behind Fawlty Towers, teamed up with the veteran Ealing Comedy director Charles Crichton (The Lavender Hill Mob) to produce another classic of British comedy. Cleese plays Archie Leach, a weak-willed barrister who finds himself embroiled with a quartet of ill-matched jewel thieves - two American con artists played by Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline, Michael Palin's animal-loving hitman and London gangster Tom Georgeson - when Georgeson is arrested. Only he and Palin know the whereabouts of the diamonds, prompting plenty of farce and in-fighting as well as some embarrassing nudity and the unfortunate demise of some innocent pooches... Nominated for three Academy Awards and winning one for Kline's outstanding supporting turn as the psychopathic Otto, A Fish Called Wanda has stood the test of time, earning its rightful place among its creators' remarkable comedy pedigree. Features - Brand-new 4K restoration from the original negative, produced by Arrow Films exclusively for this release - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation - Original English mono audio (uncompressed LPCM) - Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing - Commentary by writer and star John Cleese - Brand-new appreciation by Vic Pratt of the BFI National Archive - Brand-new interviews with composer John Du Prez, production designer Roger Murray Leach, executive producer Steve Abbott and makeup supervisor Paul Engelen - John Cleese's Final Farewell Performance, a 1988 documentary on the making of A Fish Called Wanda featuring interviews with actors Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Palin, Kevin Kline and director Charles Crichton - Something Fishy, a 15th anniversary retrospective documentary featuring interviews with Cleese, Curtis, Kline and Palin, executive producer Steve Abbott and director of photography Alan Hume - Fish You Were Here, a documentary on the film's locations hosted by Robert Powell - 24 deleted/alternative scenes with introductions by Cleese - A Message from John Cleese, a tongue-in-cheek introduction recorded for the film's original release - Gallery - Trivia track - Theatrical trailer FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Booklet featuring writing on the film by Sophie Monks Kaufman Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon Don't Torture A Duckling [Dual Format] (10/3)
From Lucio Fulci, the godfather of gore (The Psychic, The Beyond), comes one of the most powerful and unsettling giallo thrillers ever produced: his 1972 masterpiece Don't Torture a Duckling. When the sleepy rural village of Accendura is rocked by a series of murders of young boys, the superstitious locals are quick to apportion blame, with the suspects including the local "witch", Maciara (Florinda Bolkan, A Lizard in a Woman's Skin). With the bodies piling up and the community gripped by panic and a thirst for bloody vengeance, two outsiders - city journalist Andrea (Tomas Milian, The Four of the Apocalypse) and spoilt rich girl Patrizia (Barbara Bouchet, The Red Queen Kills Seven Times) - team up to crack the case. But before the mystery is solved, more blood will have been spilled, and not all of it belonging to innocents... Deemed shocking at the time for its brutal violence, depiction of the Catholic Church and themes of child murder and paedophilia, Don't Torture a Duckling is widely regarded today as Fulci's greatest film, rivalling the best of his close rival Dario Argento. Arrow Video is proud to present this uniquely chilling film in its North American high definition debut. Features - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations - Original mono Italian and English soundtracks (lossless on the Blu-ray Disc) - English subtitles for the Italian soundtrack - Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing for the English soundtrack - New audio commentary by Troy Howarth, author of So Deadly, So Perverse: 50 Years of Italian Giallo Films - The Blood of Innocents, a new video discussion with Mikel J. Koven, author of La Dolce Morte: Vernacular Cinema and the Italian Giallo Film - Every (Wo)man Their Own Hell, a new video essay by critic Kat Ellinger - Interviews with co-writer/director Lucio Fulci, actor Florinda Bolkan, cinematographer Sergio D'Offizi, assistant editor Bruno Micheli and assistant makeup artist Maurizio Trani - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Timothy Pittides FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Collector's booklet with new writing on the film by Barry Forshaw and Howard Hughes Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon
Blood Feast [Dual Format] (10/10) The filmography of late movie maverick Herschell Gordon Lewis brims with the mad, macabre, and just downright bizarre. But perhaps the most unhinged of all his directorial efforts, and certainly the most influential, must surely be his original gore-fest Blood Feast - the first ever splatter movie. Dorothy Fremont is looking to throw a party unlike any other, and she gets just that when she hires the decidedly sinister Fuad Ramses to cater the event. Promising to provide her guests with an authentic Egyptian feast, Ramses promptly sets about acquiring the necessary ingredients - the body parts of nubile young women! Featuring a host of stomach-churning gore gags including the infamous tongue sequence and much more nastiness besides, Herschell Gordon Lewis' Blood Feast more than lives up to its name and remains essential viewing for any self-respecting splatter fan. Features - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard DVD presentations - English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing - Scum of the Earth - Herschelll Gordon Lewis' 1963 feature - Blood Perspectives - Filmmakers Nicholas McCarthy and Rodney Ascher on Blood Feast - Herschell's History - Archival interview in which director Herschell Gordon Lewis discusses his entry into the film industry - How Herschell Found his Niche - A new interview with Lewis discussing his early work - Archival interview with Lewis and David F. Friedman - Carving Magic - Vintage short film from 1959 featuring Blood Feast Actor Bill Kerwin - Outtakes - Alternate 'clean' scenes from Scum of the Earth - Promo gallery featuring trailers and more - Feature length commentary featuring Lewis and David F. Friedman moderated by Mike -Grady - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly-commissioned artwork by Twins of Evil Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon J.D.'s Revenge [Dual Format] (10/31)
It wasn't long before the Blaxploitation boom moved into the horror market, bringing the world Blacula, Blackenstein, Abby (Blaxploitation's The Exorcist) and cult favorite J.D.'s Revenge. Law student Ike is enjoying a night on the town with his friends when his life changes dramatically. Taking part in a nightclub hypnosis act, he becomes possessed with the spirit of a violent gangster murdered in the 1940s. Believing himself to be the reincarnation of murderous J.D., Ike launches a revenge campaign against those who had done 'him' wrong all those years ago... Directed by Arthur Marks (Bucktown, Friday Foster) and starring Glynn Turman (Cooley High) and Academy Award-winner Louis Gossett Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman), J.D.'s Revenge is a alternately tough and terrifying - a Blaxploitation gem waiting to be rediscovered! Features - Brand new 2K restoration from original film elements, produced by Arrow Films exclusively for this release - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation - Original 1.0 mono sound - Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing - Brand new interview with producer-director Arthur Marks - More interviews to be announced! - Original theatrical trailer - Arthur Marks trailer reel - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sean Phillips FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Collector's booklet containing new writing by Kim Newman, author of Nightmare Movies Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon
The Voice Of the Moon [Dual Format] (10/31) The swansong of the great Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (La dolce vita, 8½), The Voice of the Moon emerged without fanfare: it played the Cannes Film Festival out of competition after its Italian premiere and failed to secure distribution in North America and the UK. This new restoration from the original negative seeks to right that wrong and provide the film with a second chance... Adapted from a novel by Ermano Cavazzoni, The Voice of the Moon concerns itself with Ivo Salvini (Roberto Benigni, Life Is Beautiful), recently released from a mental hospital and in love with Aldini (Nadia Ottaviani). As he attempts to win her heart, he wanders a strange, dreamlike landscape and encounters various oddball characters, including Gonnella (Paolo Villagio, Fantozzi), a paranoid old man prone to conspiracy theories. Concluding a career that had stretched back more than fifty years, The Voice of the Moon combines the nostalgia of Amarcord (the film is set in Emilia-Romagna countryside of the director's youth), the surreal satire of City of Women and the naïf-adrift-in-a-brutal-world structure of La strada. Plenty for Fellini fans to get their teeth into. Features - Brand new 2K restoration from original film elements, produced by Arrow Films exclusively for this release - High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations - Original 1.0 mono sound (uncompressed on the Blu-ray) - Optional English subtitles - Towards the Moon with Fellini, a rarely seen hour-long documentary on the film's production, featuring interviews with Fellini, Roberto Benigni and Paolo Villagio - Theatrical trailer - Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Peter Strain FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Pasquale Iannone Pre-order at MVDshop.com or on Amazon
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