#pais tico
4x4facil · 2 years
COSTA RICA 4X4 desde madrid – 2095 € DEL 18 AL 26 NOVIEMBRE 2023 ITINERARIO: por persona en avión desde MADRID, 9 días de aventura UN VIAJE INCREÍBLE EN 4X4 POR LAS  SELVAS Y PLAYAS DEL PAIS MAS BELLO DE AMERICA, 9 DÍAS DE AVENTURA PARA CONOCER EN GRUPO DE 4X4  COSTA RICA Queremos proponerte conocer el paraíso de Costa Rica, compartiendo una aventura con un grupo reducido de amigos, conduciendo…
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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geniousbh · 5 months
Imagina a reação dos guris vendo a namoradinha deles ESCONDENDO as meras marcas de amor que eles encheram o corpo dela…. suicido
naauurr dont kill urself ur so sexyy! sua mente muito brilhante, missizinha 🥵🥴🤝 e eu gosto deveras desse cenário
enzo e esteban iam brincar um pouquinho com seu psicológico. primeiro ficariam te observando enquanto você se arruma, e eles tem o costume de acordar um tico mais cedo pr fazer o café de vocês e naquele dia tbm aproveitaram pra ficar apreciando os chupões que deixaram na última noite - um ou outro é remanescente de outros dias ainda rsrs -, ent eles obviamente sabem o pq dos seus murmúrios e a demora incomum no banheiro do quarto. e ai vão se aproximar da porta, encostando a cabeça ali e suspirando "vai esconder as marquinhas de amor, nena? que isso? não me ama mais?", "vida...", e você vira com os olhos assim 😢 - é ai que eles se tocam que vc tá tão triste de esconder quanto eles (que estavam fingindo) e vão rir baixinho te abraçando por trás com o coração na mão - "eu juro que não queria ter reunião hoje!!😔" você solta contra o braço forte que tá te envolvendo os ombros, "sshhh, assim que você voltar pra casa a gente reforça essas e faz outras, hm? que tal?". e a partir desse dia, o enzo, por exemplo, passaria a tirar várias fotinhos no pós-foda, mostrando como você fica gostosa com todos aqueles prints da boca e dos dedos dele pelo seu corpo - guarda tudo numa pastinha zipada do notebook quando descarrega a câmera.
já o simón e o matías cascam o bico, de verdade mesmo, vão se deliciar com a cara de brava que você fica quando o corretivo mais forte que você tem é INCAPAZ de tampar a quantidade absurda de chupões e mordidas espalhados pelo seu colo dos seios. "viu! isso que dá ficar burrinha de pica, se tivesse me avisado que tinha entrevista hoje eu não teria feito tantas", "ai até parece né, ai que você teria feito, seu viadinho", "isso é preconceito, bolsonara!", - e no segundo seguinte teriam que desviar do lapís de olho que você joga na direção deles que continuam largados pelados na cama ainda. por fim, acabam te ajudando a procurar alguma blusa de gola alta no armário e que esconda o bastante. e mais tarde quando você chegasse com a notícia que o emprego é seu eles vão falar "😔 parabéns, amor", e você já prontinha pra dar um supapo neles "nossa que animação bosta é essa?", "é que agora eu nunca mais vou poder chupar seus peitos do jeito que eles merecem ser chupados", e vc se solidariza - não deveria, mas é outra safada -, "é só comprar blusa social, mô" e se olham assim 🥺 ↔️ 🥺 (engoal aquele meme clown to clown conversation, muito bobos)
o felipe e o fran são sacaninhas e capetinhas sobre isso, você tá lá escondendo as marcas no pescoço, passando a esponjinha de corretivo e base, e pede pra eles irem te ajudar com as que estão na suas costas - porque eles te colocaram de quatro na última noite e enquanto metiam descontavam >toda< a tensão dos seus apertos nas suas costinhas macias e convidativas. e eles aparecem lá sem entender "você quer esconder só porque vamos almoçar nos meus pais hoje?", "lógico, imagina que desconfortável pra eles verem, amorzinho...", e é quando a carinha deles passa disso 🤨 pra isso 😈. "tá bom então...", vai chegando e pega a esponja que você entregou, com todo cuidado dando umas batidinhas que mal estão pegando na sua pele, e até se curvam pra poder "enxergar" melhor... quando de repente a boquinha deles tá na sua cintura, chupando forte a carne e fazendo mais uma pra coleção enquanto você reclama toda afetada - as mãos indo direto pra pia de mármore, apertando até ficarem esbranquiçadas - porque vc continua sensível. "gordis, eu não resisto...", e então mais outra, dessa vez perto da lombar, antes de lamber de volta até chegar na sua orelhinha. vão acabar fodendo bem rapidinho antes de irem pro almoço (e ao contrário do que vc pensou, a mãe deles só daria um puxãozinho de orelha neles, sem falar nada - pq eles já saberiam doq se trata!!)
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enkisstories · 3 months
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Hux: "There's something we need to address before we leave here. You said I changed sides, and you sounded about as uncertain about that as I am myself concerning this matter. You also said I didn't change as a person."
Rose: "It's true. Even if you wanted to change, a month and a half in a kinder environment cannot turn someone into a different person. Being with us pushes you towards acting less evil, but that doesn’t automatically make you a good person."
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Hux: "So if you are aware of that, yet still want to be with me, we need to put that to the test. Rose Tico..."
Rose: "Wait a moment, you carry an engagement ring on you all the time?!"
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Hux: "To be used in a proposal wasn't this ring's original purpose. The crystal in it is what you'll want to pay attention to. It's actually a kyber crystal that I took from Ilum."
Rose: *gasps* "Starkiller base..."
Hux: "Exactly. A portable reminder of my, to that day, biggest project. It was a source of pride and even now still is. That's what you're getting into and I ask... I beg of you to really, really make sure if you want this relationship. Because I don't want it to end in tears for you."
Not wanting Rose to cry... Was it empathy or rather him being afraid of feeling defeated if Rose left him? The man couldn’t tell.
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Rose: "You carried this ring on your body for years? Including when you fired the damn thing? Then why hasn't the crystal turned red by now?"
Hux: "Probably because I'm not force sensitive. The crystal doesn't react to my thoughts or actions."
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Rose: "Sometimes I worry what exactly you bring out in me..."
Hux: "The drive to protect."
Rose: "You think so? I thought it was dark curiosity or somesuch."
Hux: "There's nothing dark about you, Rose. You're the shield from behind which I can pursue all my ambitious dreams, but relying on that protection doesn’t render me weaker. I never knew that was even possible."
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Rose: "You'll build something new, something freakish, impressive and slightly useful, that future generations won't believe was achieved so briefly after a galactic war."
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amethvysts · 5 months
pra mim o pipe é 1000000% o pobre coitado que faz direito porque os pais obrigaram KSBSOSBSOBSAONAA e o blas tem muita carinha de arquitetura mesmo ou então ti/qualquer coisa relacionada a tecnologia
eu fico chocada como ainda não encontrei uma variante deles na minha faculdade pq eles são TÃO estudantes universitários que dói. e esses cursos fazem tanto sentido, por deus 😭
also, hablei um tico sobre o blas t.i aqui ☝️ e o do pipe vem em breve !!
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ar-pic-ulated · 7 months
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The Escape Artist
Gunslinger Paige Tico has more than a few tricks up her sleeves, and once the criminal gang she fooled into taking her hostage makes landfall on Takodana, she aims to collect the very artifact they seek for herself. Once she sells it on the black market she’ll have enough to pay off her sister’s debt to her crew, and the two of them can make their own way together again.
Little does she know, her old friend Poe has gotten himself a bit… tangled up in the relic’s unnatural powers, and now there are more than few surprises awaiting them both on Takodana.
The fifth and final profile in a series of characters for an alternate universe of the sequel trilogy
The mix and match series was started just by swapping out clothes, faces, and accessories of different characters to see what new characters could be created or improved upon. There’s not always an intended story behind the choices— More often than not I just want to see what fit and looked cool.
Paige Tico
Head: Paige Tico, Force Link series
Body: Val, Force Link series
Hat: Cad Bane, The Vintage Collection
Gun: The Mandalorian’s blaster, The Vintage Collection
Jedha exterior, pg 120, The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Art by Matt Allsopp.
Main deck of the Slave I, pg 184, The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2. Art by Ryan Church.
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koremakaria · 9 months
Wish (Gingerrose Holiday Prompts)
Commander Rose Tico stepped inside a dimly lit turbolift that seemed to be moving upward without end. Arrth-Eno Custodial Complex II stood tall on the planet Coruscant and housed the most high profile prisoners. Darth Sidious destroyed the original building during the Galactic Civil War in a bid to rid himself of the detained Rebel spies but in the end the Empire did not win. Hoping to rise from the ashes of the fallen Empire, the First Order birthed a new army and started a new war. But like their predecessor, the First Order suffered the same fate.
Defeated by the Light.
With the collapsed of the First Order, the New Republic faced a new dilemma … being overrun by defeated enemies. What to do with your former enemies? Some called for their execution to pay for the war crimes committed. Some called for mercy and rehabilitation believing that there was good in every soul. And some fell somewhere in between.
Rose couldn’t really say for certain where she fit in. Some days she wanted all of them to die. Why should they live when they had hurt so many? But then on other days … well.
It was complicated.
Many prison complexes across the galaxy such as the Arrth-Eno were rebuilt to accommodate and house these defeated enemies as the New Republic contemplated their next political move.
The turbolift slowed then halted. The door slid open and Rose made her way down the lone corridor to an armored officer manning a station of security switches.
“Commander Tico,” the armored officer saluted her rank.
“I’m here to see prisoner Armitage Hux,” Rose spoke with a sort of satisfaction at the turn of events. The former General, at one point, had her on her knees while he ordered her execution.
But now … now things were different.
Rose was free as bird while the former General was detained at a maximum security facility. She couldn’t resist the small smile. She shouldn’t take pleasure at the misfortune of another but for Armitage Hux … she’d make an exception.
The officer punched in a few code and the large door slid open. They walked inside and reached another locked cell. This one held one very important prisoner.
Before the officer put in a clearance code he turned to the petite commander. “Are you sure you don’t want a blaster with you, commander. This prisoner … he’s dangerous.”
“I’m sure. You may return to your post, Sergeant. I need to talk to the prisoner, privately,” said Rose.                                                                  
“Roger that, Commander,” the officer dutifully pressed a series of code before the locks clicked and the steel door slid open. Commander Tico stepped inside and the door closed behind her with a thud and a loud clicked indicating that the locks were back in their intended location.
Armitage Hux, the loathsome general of the now defeated First Order, sat on a steel bench with his back resting up against the steel wall of his cell.
His ankles shackled. His wrists bound together in front of him with a pair of binders.
Another wave of satisfaction washed over her. This was good. The light side triumphed.
Hux slowly opened his eyes. He never had visitors but then again this particular meeting was long overdue.  Commander Tico stood stiffly before him with her arms crossed and a prominent frown on her face. 
“I wish you wouldn’t be so cross. That frown is quite unbecoming … to be perfectly honest with you.” Hux’s voice was dispassionate giving a mirage that he was unconcern about the visit from an official representative of the New Republic.
“Oh shut up!” Rose seethed loudly, stepping closer to the prisoner.
Despite his height, the fact that he was sitting down meant that he had to tilt his head back to look up at the approaching petite woman. A moment of complete silence passed between them.
“Commander Tico. I know why you’re here. And more importantly what the New Republic wants,” Hux dragged his vowels with the mention of the new government.
Rose quietly seethed and simply stared at the fallen enemy before her. Rose was here on behalf of the new government. Her superiors had made a decision and she was just doing her job complying with her order. Following through with her new mission.
“You wish that Pryde’s blaster had pierced my beskar armor.” Hux asked as Rose continued to glare down at him.
“Yes, I wish that.”
Hux bit his lower lip to prevent a victorious smile. Finally, Commander Rose was being honest.
“You wish that you could just kill me here, right now, without consequence.”
“Yes, the thought did cross my mind.”
“You wish that I was an insignificant fallen enemy … that I was not a spy … that I had no role in your victory over the First Order.”
Rose shouted then heaved out a big sigh. She hated this man. How could he be so … so condescending and arrogant when he’s cuffed and detained inside a maximum security facility?
Hux stifled another smile. It was too easy.
“Let’s hear it then … what are the terms of the New Republic?”
“Full cooperation. We want to know everything you know about the First Order, the weapon systems, trainings, battle plans and especially the names of your former associates.”  
“Another wish of yours?” Hux asked sardonically.
That was when Rose lost her self-control and jump on the steel bench with her hands on Hux’s neck effectively strangling the prisoner. She shrieked out of pure frustration.
Hux had limited means of self-protection given that his ankles and wrists were bound and the attack was unexpected. He successfully scooted back but ended up in a corner of his cell.
“I’m done playing your stupid game! So, I’ll ask again. Will. You. Cooperate!!!??”
“Alright! I’ll cooperate!” Hux managed to wheeze out with his windpipe crushed by two small but very very very strong hands. Rose applied more pressure on Hux’s neck out of sheer spite before willing herself to let go.
“Ahhhh. Dank Ferrik!” Rose promptly stood up with her hands fisted tight over her chest as she paced the cell’s floor.
“You crazy woman!” Hux brought up his bound wrists up so that his hands could pat away the pain. Then he brought up his legs and folded them against his chest in a fetal position.
Rose couldn’t believe her luck. That the council would assign this mission to her. That in the foreseeable future she’d be working with this demented, arrogant, self-importance fallen enemy to extract information in order to aid the fledging new government.
“That’s right, I’m crazy,” Rose stopped pacing the cell and returned to face her new partner, “we’re going to be working together. That is … you’re going to confess EVERYTHING to me. Soooo … the next time you play your stupid game,” Rose raised one fist in front of Hux’s face and he instinctively recoiled back, “remember this!”
This was not how Hux had imagined the negotiation for his release. Shouldn’t the New Republic send someone professional? At least someone sane.
Hux chanced a look at Commander Tico. Kriffing A.
He was in trouble.                
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Academy (Manhattan), 2022.
I’ve never patronized a business so much in six month’s time. That business was Academy Records / LP’s. I had the urge to buy one single record that was on my mind (Boulders’ Rock And Roll Will Never Die) and pulled the trigger on that plus much more. I found more city-centric records and tapes on its’ other Discogs handle and in the turn of the year made two online purchases with them. For the final day of this past Winter, I took an impromptu visit to Academy’s Brooklyn (Greenpoint) location and bought more of that magic in person. Why? City stores have that specific charm that none of the other local stores on the island have. By that, I mean types of artists and sounds easily found there and nowhere else. Last year’s visit to Williamsburg’s Rough Trade made the best example of it and explains why I spent almost $420.00 there.
I read that they had another location on the lower East side of Manhattan (L.E.S.) which I’ve been meaning to go. After my check-up on Lexington Av., I could not miss the opportunity. I’ve already visited six island stores with four to go, so consider Manhattan’s Academy a ‘bonus round’ - one of two to be exact.
It wasn’t far from Lexington Av. taking the crowded ‘6’ line downtown to East 12th Street. It was a leisurely trek under the canopies, scaffolds and tree, walking past the everyday city life and numerous groups of people standing around waiting for the ride to take them to their next event. Across the street from Academy was the playground hopping with urban youth of all colors shooting hoops and getting loud with one another. Another few feet across the street and here I finally am. What I noticed on the front door before entering was a sign that said “masks required”. Luckily, I saved mine from the clinic.
I walk in and Academy’s Manhattan space isn’t as ratty and dingy as its Brooklyn spot. No crusty carpeting but a concrete floor partially painted blue and walls only in slight decay. There’s shelves and white boxes of stock all along the right side up until the cassette racks. More shelves opposite the entrance and over the small island of wooden crates. Walk past the counter on the left and opposite that was a listening station of two of three working turntables. More shelves and white boxes on each side in the back section of the store before reaching their office. Good news: $1.00 and $3.00 hip-hop / rap, rock, soul, synthpop and new-wave records were all for the taking.
I pick a spot, any spot to start digging. That was their small used-industrial section. Right off the bat I find Test Dept.’s “Machine Run (Compulsion)” e.p., a true metal-on-metal attack and one of my all-time favorite industrial works. I was happy to pay $12.00 for that one. Ω+ followers know that I always make my way to the used-jazz section and they didn’t disappoint there. That copy of Hank Crawford’s Tico Rico, the one with his ‘I-could-care-less’ face on it, was a win. Hubert Laws’ Then There Was Light Pt. 1 on CTI featuring Bob James, Ron Carter, Steve Gadd, Richard Tee, and brother Ronnie Laws was another must-have because of them. And I got my first Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes record Dancing In The Sun. No Onsaya Joy, but that song which still stayed in my head all these years was enough for me to pull the handle on him.
Though Academy wasn’t Riverhead’s Sunday Records, they had a small but great used-synth-pop / new wave section with many shelves of soul sitting next to them. That lead me to their hip-hop / rap bins and $1.00 records, where was never a shortage of obtainable low-cost 12” singles. I found plenty of golden-era scores from Kool Moe Dee, 3rd Bass’ Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich, and Spoonie Gee’s Godfather Of Rap ($5.00). A few flips later and I find Original Concept’s Straight From The Basement Of Cooley High for only $1.00. Featuring Yo! MTV Raps’ T-Money and Dr. Dre, it was an essential piece of Long Island history I had to take. I was floored in finding Antexx’ “Understand Me Vanessa (Vanessa Yo)”, a single I remember hearing once on WBLS during my Brentwood era and which absolutely no one talks about. But for $5.00 for four different versions of the same song, did I really need it? Nah. Give Academy more points for having some real old-school artifacts such as some Z-3 MC’s and T.A.P. records.
I still had a thirst for used 7” records so I had to sift through their four-by-four formation right next to the counter; where marked boxes of punk, rock, soul, reggae, oldies, and even French lyricists were fair game. I took some singles from my Atari childhood (read, Eighties hits) and bought some gambles in punk and d-beat. Get this: the Vagra 2016 demo LP that I bought blindly from Academy’s Discogs mail-order? They had their Refuse 7” e.p. in-store. How funny life fucks with you like that. And without even looking for it: Shizuo’s “Sweat” b/w “Stop It”. It’s one of the very few DHR releases I don’t have since I already had those songs. Well, for old time’s sake…
Then I strayed off the beaten path to find another marked box of punk rock and d-beat 45’s under the bins where I scored some self-titled platters in Soaker (because Wharf Cat), the super-CMYK saturated Strutter, and Glam. That one was my first-ever find from the La Vida Es Un Mus label and I am all the happy for it.
I sifted through more LPs both new and used in all categories. That’s where I scored even more major wins. The Men’s Devil Music, one of the few not released on the Sacred Bones label, was mine. Speaking of fantastic New York City labels, there was Institute’s Readjusting The Locks on clear / bourbon swirl vinyl. Why not? And I had to take the biggest hit for one of my favorite artists: an unwrapped copy of Boy Harsher’s Country Girl (Uncut) for $18.00. I won’t complain.
Academy had plenty of used LPs in other categories. They had a section devoted exclusively to the Numero Group. A little to the right was more classic rock LP’s and even further were their Detroit techno, electronic and jungle / drum-and-bass sections. I had a laugh when I found a copy of Give Up’s self-titled e.p. on the Ambush label; the second Shizuo-based release I came across. I do have it in my library since I bought it from The Port Jefferson Music Den during DHR’s heyday.
CD’s? They barely carried any. They had only two columns of it tucked away deep in a corner before their tape section, and that they didn’t disappoint. Though they carried the usual universal duds, they did have some exciting finds in punk and golden-era hip-hop. It was the first time in ages that I bought a cassingle. That was Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz’ “Deja Vu”. In fact, they did have a few dusty cases of them where they were five for a dollar. For $7.00, Who’s The Man (motion picture soundtrack) was a must-grab.
But the real good stuff was kept behind the counter in a glass case. The girl dressed in black denims noticed I was eye-ing them. Of course I was. There were a few that caught my eye. One which was Ata Kak’s Obaa Sima; a personal Summer jam and the very album that kicked off the Awesome Tapes From Africa label. I asked her to get me the price on that, Subhumans UK’s 29:29 Vision,and Health’s Disco4::Part I.
“That’s fifteen, fifteen, and that’s thirty.”
I really wanted Ata Kak so I took it, but passed up on the Subhumans UK tape. And as much as I like Heath, I sure as fuck on a rainbow-winged pegasus on a golden horn won’t pay $30.00 for a blue cassette. To be fair, Academy had a case: Discogs’ sellers priced it at $35.00. Put that back.
She added up my purchase. It was a great $177.00 and two-and-a-half memorable hours spent in the city. I walked out the door and looked across the street to see an empty playground. All the yelling and camaraderie was over for the day. I turned the corner to catch the next ‘L’ and ‘C/E’ line to Penn Station. No rush, no fuss, no danger. I had just enough time to catch the Central Islip train for what would be another hour-and-five-minute ride east home. Do remind me never to board a peak train ever again. For four dollars more, you can play musical chairs competing for cramped seats and be packed like a twist-can of Iberia sardines with almost no leg room.
Kool Moe Dee: “Death Blow” 12”
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich: “Kick The Bobo” 12”
Professor Griff & The Last Asiatic Disciples: “Pawns In The Game” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “They Want Money” 12”
Queen Latifah: “Ladies First” 12”
Public Enemy: “Give It Up” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “Wild Wild West” 12”
Heavy D. & The Boys ft. various artists: “Don’t Curse” 12”
Spoonie Gee: Godfather Of Rap LP
Original Concept: Straight From The Basement Of Cooley High LP
The Men: Devil Music LP
Stepdad SS: Mad About It LP
Vaaska: Ruido Hasta La Muerte LP
Institute: Re-Adjusting The Locks LP
Test Dept.: Compulsion (Machine Run) LP
Boy Harsher: Country Girl (Uncut) LP
Hubert Laws: Then There Was Light LP
Hank Crawford: Tico Rico LP
Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes: Dancing In The Sun LP
Glam: self-titled 7”
Perdition: self-titled 7”
Soaker: self-titled 7”
Strutter: self-titled 7”
Hombrinus Dudes: self-titled 7”
Deformed Conscience: self-titled 7”
25 Rifles: History Of Flags 7”
Funeral Shock: Paint Thinner 7”
Vagra: Refuse 7”
River City Tanlines: “The Devil Made Me Do It” b/w “Nothing Means Nothing Anymore” 7”
Shizuo: “Sweat” b/w “Stop It” 7”
Code-13 b/w DS-13 split 7”
Billy Ocean: “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car” 7”
Stacey Q: “Two Of Hearts” 7”
Miami Sound Machine: “Bad Boy” 7”
Cameo: “Word Up” 7”
Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz: “Deja Vu” CS
Who’s The Man: motion picture soundtrack CS
Ata Kak: Obaa Sima CS
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terriblygrimm · 1 year
really funny to me how the ahsoka show could’ve been a chance for disney to rewrite the sequel trilogy and they just aren’t gonna do that.
all this time that ahsoka has been elusive, she could’ve been silently and desperately on the hunt in the world between worlds, trying to go back in time to the point where it all went wrong. seeing the wrongs of the future (luke’s life and legacy crumbled and ruined, the first order, palpatine still alive, leia dying while her son is engulfed in darkness, bo-katan, a known terrorist, on the throne of mandalore)- and she, as a defender of justice and light (not a jedi - another thing dlf got wrong in the ahsoka trailer) is going through time and events trying to pinpoint where it all veers, thus making the sequel trilogy a non-canon, canon alternate timeline.
she ends up essentially “fixing” it, erasing the sequel trilogy events as we saw them, and they could start anew!! they announced a rey movie, right? why not have this be the NEW rey, the “right” timeline rey. she’s in this timeline restarting the jedi order - maybe she knows she’s a palpatine, maybe she knew all along & chose the light. maybe she’s a reformed darksider - who knows! maybe she’s older and a wise master under luke’s direction. who knows! and that would’ve been the beautiful, exciting thing about it! bc frankly, i like rey, but no one cares about another rebuild of the order set 15 years after a failed series. this rey movie could’ve been their redo!! ben could’ve been there, who knows! maybe they have a kid, maybe ben completed his training with luke too and he and rey were padawans together!! jedifinn! the tico sisters being badass! the point is the untold events would’ve been what pulled ppl in to see the new film!! to see the differences!!! all the while in the ahsoka series she’s like fixing these events, mando could’ve popped up as the now rightful leader of mandalore, luke could’ve popped up, anakin in clone wars flashbacks, the rebels, yadayada - all the same but with a different purpose.
but like… this was their ticket out. and instead they’re going to ruin heir to the empire by half-baking it into 6 other spinoffs only to make these sad remnants of sw characters (girlboss bo-katan, terrifyingly bad make-uped hera & co, randomly-calling-herself-a-jedi-again ahsoka, 1 cameo of young luke bc disney won’t pay for cgi and/or refuses to recast him, back-flipping grogu, and not-the-only-mandalorian-no-longer-the-protagonist-of-his-own-show din djarin fight the big bad thanos - i mean thrawn.
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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ampleappleamble · 5 months
weird fun facts about your oc(s)
rules: share some fun facts about your oc(s). they don't have to be relevant to their story, perhaps even better if they aren't. the weird ones are the best!
got tagged by @solas-backpack-mug and i've been trying to write more so heeeeeere we go~
has only ever dated elf men. granted, she's only ever had three (or is it four? 👀) lovers, but every one of them has been an elf man of one kind or another. when confronted on this, she vehemently denies having any kind of "thing" for elves, and insists it's just pure coincidence. but we know the truth, don't we.
that's not to say she hasn't had a dalliance or two with non-elven men– her very first kiss was with another orlan, she once shared an infamously awkward kiss with aumaua chanter Kana Rua, and she almost hooked up with a folkbred death godlike Bleak Walker during her Kind Wayfarer training. but her serious relationships have all been with elves.
loves spicy food. has a higher spice tolerance than anyone she knows. no one sneaks food from her plate more than once, except for vela (it took her a few attempts before she learned). doesn't understand why her friends all start sweating and grimacing and looking around nervously for milk when she cooks.
used to put her avian godlike brother Tico on her shoulders when he was little and run around with him, pretending he was flying and carrying her off like a bird of prey. when she left home, he gave her a scarf he'd woven some of his own feathers into. it's the yellow scarf she wears in practically every image you'll see of her.
alto. sings like a dream. can't draw for shit.
before he met Axa, he was monolingual (ordhjóma) and illiterate. in five short years, she taught him to speak, read, and write in ixamitl and aedyran. (aedyran came a lot easier to him.) she tried to teach him basic mathematics, but...
he is absolutely terrible with numbers. even basic arithmetic bamboozles him. he often over (or under) pays for goods and services because too much math is involved. this is partially the reason he prefers to just steal shit most of the time instead. (the rest of the reason: it's fun, it's a challenge for his dexterity and intellect, it conserves money for things that aren't able to be stolen such as ship upgrades, it causes confusion and chaos which pleases Wael)
he actually has a decent tenor singing voice, but as he was a pariah growing up and never allowed to even learn his clan's epics much less join in when they were recited, he never voluntarily sings.
he has a great number of scars on his body from his decades wandering the Land alone. he doesn't remember how he got most of them. of note: he is missing his little toe on his right foot, he has severe eczema on the backs of his hands so they have numerous deep scratches and gouges in them from his constant scratching and picking, and he had a chunk about the size of a coinpurse taken out of one buttock when he passed out in a cave and woke to find the bear who lived there quite literally eating his ass.
has prominent dimples in his cheeks. likes seeing if it freaks people out when he sticks his fingers real deep in 'em.
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idollete · 4 months
Puxando a pauta da outra anônima...e perder o BV com eles Juju, como você acha que seria?
perder o bv é realmente algo, né, a gente nunca esquece 💭 o meu foi na frente de todos os meus amigos, no corredorzinho do lado da biblioteca e com um amigo muito querido jogando açúcar na gente ?????? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK vivências sabe
pra mim o melhor tirador de bv deste elenco é o matías!!!!!!! porque vejam bem ☝🏻 ele tem esse jeitinho meio porra louca pokas ideias curtindo a vida adoidado, mas ele seria o seu melhor amigo fiel escudeiro que sempre te protege e te trata como a coisinha mais preciosa desse mundo. é cavalheiro mesmo, tá? e ele só é assim contigo, mais ninguém. aqui eu imagino um cenário deles dois bem sementes em seus 18 anos e se descobrindo. o ponto é que você não tá descobrindo grandes coisas porque não faz absolutamente nada. quando você tá de encontro marcado com um carinha do seu bairro, o matías se oferece pra te ajudar a aprender a beijar. no off o matías sempre foi apaixonado por ti e ele meio que queria tirar uma casquinha também né. o beijo em si é muito calmo, você com certeza vai sentir borboletas no estômago, porque o matías faz um carinho no seu rosto, afaga os fios, mexe a língua bem devagarinho (ele chupou um montão de halls de menta e ainda usou borrifador pra ficar com o hálito bom e sem gosto de cigarro), ele vai te incentivar também, percebe que você tá meio perdidinha e coloca as suas mãos na nuca dele, te traz pra bem pertinho do corpo dele, tudo isso debaixo da uma árvore no quintal da casa dele. o beijo só termina quando a mãe dele aparece te chamando pra dizer que seu pai veio te buscar e o matías tá todo sem graça de te encarando porque, porra, ele se apaixonou ainda mais. e ele só vai conseguir pensar nisso pelo resto da semana.
o primeiro beijo com o simón é coisa de cinema. ele fica todo preocupadinho, cheio de "tem certeza?", mesmo sendo só um beijo, mas é o SEU primeiro beijo, então ele se vê na obrigação de te dar uma experiência inesquecível. capaz dele até ficar um tiquinho preocupado, só que isso passa rapidinho quando ele te olha toda bonitinha só esperando pra ser beijada. é quase como se ele estivesse te "preparando" pro beijo, ele ajeita uma mecha de cabelo atrás da tua orelha, te dá aquele sorrisinho de todos os dentes, uma risadinha soprada, te encara um tico, aqui o olhar vai ficando mais intenso. vai quebrando a distância bem devagarinho, faz que vai te beijar e você até fecha os olhos e faz biquinho, porém o simón beija primeiro a sua testa, depois as têmporas, as bochechas, a pontinha do nariz, o maxilar, o queixo e só então ele chega na tua boca. o toque inicial é no cantinho dos lábios, em cada lado, fica mais molhadinho, as mãos ficam nas laterais do seu rosto, acariciam a pele. e antes de te beijar mesmo, ele vai te sussurrar um "você é tão linda", pra grudar a boca na tua. ele é bem paciente, nada incisivo, te dá a ideia do primeiro passo, entrelaçando a língua na tua, mas te deixa bem livre pra descobrir o ato de beijar, vagar pela boca dele também. vai pegar uma intensidade um tempinho depois, começa a te mostrar do que ele gosta, nada demais, porque ele não quer te assustar, só que não evita de dar uma chupadinha na sua língua ou uma mordica no seu inferior. e o final é com vaaaaaaaaaários selinhos da parte dele, te dizendo que você beija bem demais pra quem nunca beijou antes.
o pipe príncipe encantado também é um dos melhores primeiro beijo da vida, ele fica meio preocupadinho que nem o simón, se duvidar ele até pesquisou no google como dar um primeiro beijo bom pra uma pessoa mas desistiu no primeiro vídeo que viu, seria no improviso mesmo. na hora do beijo ele fica mais concentradinho, parece até que é o momento mais sério da vida dele, e o pipe é outro que fica meio nervoso também, porque e se ele fizer uma parada que você não gosta? é por isso que ele parece que tirou um tempinho pra pensar, fica encarando o seu rosto, usa a pontinha do indicador pra percorrer todos os seus traços, solta uma risadinha nervosa quando você ri, te diz um "te quiero mucho" antes de finalmente quebrar a distância e juntar a boca na tua. começa com um selinho estaladinho, os braços dele envolvem o seu corpo, vocês dois grudadinhos quando a língua dele passa pelo meio dos seus lábios e te envolve devagarinho, uma mão dele para na sua lombar pra outra encontrar seu cabelo, ele te segura pela nuca, carinhoso, te faz um cafuné ali. é aquele beijo que faz a gente levantar um pezinho no ar e suspirar apaixonada. no final, ele deixa a testa grudada na tua pra te perguntar se você gostou e se ele pode te beijar de novo.
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dinluke-ao3feed · 5 months
Organas 8
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/55159921 by Maered “Meet the Kyber.” “You’re joking.” Rose says, suddenly, “-that thing is like 50 carats of diamonds! Allegedly! It hasn’t been seen since the Soviet Revolution!” “Told you she was good.” Leia says, raising a brow to Luke. “That thing is worth like, 70 million dollars!” “I think we can get 80 for it.” Leia shrugs, “We’re going to steal a necklace, with an entire gala looking at it?!” Rey says, incredulously. “It’ll be around her neck.” Leia clicks a slide. “-meet Jyn Erso. Beloved goddaughter of Orsen Krennic, one of Jabba’s… administrators.” “How do you know this?” “‘Cause I’ll convince her to do it. Her and I went to prep school together.” “-Aren’t you a little close to this?” “Except it’ll be impossible for us to have done it.” Leia shrugs, “-Han, Luke and I are going to the gala.” —- Leia Organa had everything. The perfect (criminal) career, complete with a great crew and a loving husband. But after a betrayal she loses the career, parts of her team and her husband all in 1 fell swoop. So when her betrayer suddenly has a priceless diamond necklace just out in the open… well. Who said Revenge doesn’t pay? Words: 16989, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, The Mandalorian (TV), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Orson Krennic Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Rey/Rose Tico Additional Tags: Ocean’s AU, Heist, Enemies to Lovers, well more like antagonistic colleagues to lovers, this is cribbed from the oceans movies fyi, din continues to be dragged into things he doesnt want to do, Discord: star dads server, the star dads server made me do it, Alternate Universe - Criminals, leia’s the mastermind, obviously, rey and rose are the new recruits, han was put in carbonite... i mean prison, Discord: DinLuke Server, Revenge, Were back to writing action movies baby, Action/Adventure
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enkisstories · 2 months
Prompt 2 of the Summer 2024 @gingerrose microfic event @gingerrose-hub
(427 words)
CHINK, CLANG… there went the candelabra. Predictable. THUD. The wooden paneling. SNICK… the glass on top of the piano. Looks like someone was showing off in the middle of a barroom fight that now also included burning candles rolling across the floor. How much more chaotic could it…?
WAH! Noooo, not the mirror!
But it was too late to wish the bullet out of existence. Tico had fired it and a split second from now both her and Hux would be covered in shards face to toe.
Hux lunged; he tossed the woman to the ground and pulled his gaberwool coat over them both, getting gagged by the smell of sweat and oil.
How come someone who clambered up and down telegraph pylons for a living couldn’t judge the results of a pistol bullet impacting on a glass pane at point blank? Really, those vermin could turn a screwdriver, but didn’t understand the first thing about the underlying laws of physics!
After the clinking and clanking has subsided, the saloon owner emerged from behind the counter with a cloth wrapped around his right hand and holding a large shard like a dagger. With the other arm he kept Rose in a firm lock.
“You have three seconds to say something sensible”, Hux addressed Dameron and friends.
“We’ll pay!” the homesteader gasped. “We’ll BUY Finn from you.”
Rose pressed her eyes shut to hide the fact that they were getting wet, but it only served to squint a tear out even faster.
“Like cattle”, she whispered.
“Can we even afford that?” Finn whispered to Dameron.
“I… think so. Money will be tight, but it won’t be different from sitting on a large bill from the doctor.”
“Meaning if we need the doctor come winter, the money just won’t be there.”
“I know. I KNOW!”
“There’s also the matter of my mirror”, Hux interrupted. “That goes on the tab, too, naturally. As does my coat. It’s made from an expensive wool.”
“You can work for me to pay your debt off. Finn will show you the ropes.”
The angry glances his runaway slave’s new companions shot Hux made having went through all the trouble almost worth it.
“Didn’t you know that smashing a mirror brings seven years of bad luck?” Hux sneered.
He had them by the throats now! But then again, Hux hadn’t thought of that benefit when he had jumped. An uncomfortable question begged for attention: why had he protected Tico in the first place, when the rational thing would have been to just seek cover?
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dxrkhexrtmuses · 1 year
The World as We Know It.
For @vampiric-bite
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Tico had just set up camp, his food was cooking as his bright purple fur fluttered in the breeze of this warm night. He was up above on a cliff to see if anyone or anything was coming up at him. His mask was off and laying on a tree stump along with his guns and massive sword. He had pulled off his jacket and folded it and placed it on the trunk beside his things and his backpack was sitting just beside everything else.
His dark red eye currently on and paying attention to his food he was now stirring with his good paw. All he had on were his pale brown pants and his tail flicked softly from side to side along with his long tapered ears. His little black nose would flicker every few minutes, like a bunny’s would and suddenly he froze. His snout scrunched up slightly, and he turned his head in the direction of what he smelled, his ears searching for a sound, and without realizing it, picked up a gun that looked like it had spider legs coming at you. His rad gun. He held it in both paws, one covered green and black muck.
He didn’t lift it yet, but he did call out in Ronan language, his voice light and kind, he had to yell to make it seem like he was intimidating, “Who’s there?! Show yourself or I will start firing!”
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redrascal1 · 10 months
Adam Driver celebrated his 40th birthday last month. And looks better than ever. Like Harrison Ford and Hugh Jackman, he's maturing like a fine wine!
Meanwhile...it will be exactly four years this month that Kylo Ren/Ben Solo faded into the Force and took my four decades plus love of the SW franchise with him.
As a woman in her fifties, I'm too old to 'fall in love' with another franchise. And I intend to avoid ANY Disney products in future, another franchise that I loved as a little girl, because they are no longer entertaining but promoting what I see as a highly toxic agenda.
The more I see of Adam's performance in the ST the more I simply cannot believe Disney did what they did to him. His outstanding portrayal of the broken Ben Solo dominated the entire trilogy. The others gave good performances but Adam was sensational - only matched by Mark Hamill in TLJ, both of them easily as good as some I've seen win Oscars - and better than some of the said winners.
The way they treated him in TROS was diabolical.
That whole mess of a film was from start to finish just a two hour plus promotion of how great Rey's character is, and how we must all WORSHIP her, as the rest of the cast did.
Unfortunately it had exactly the opposite effect on me.
I have completely lost all interest in Star Wars. I don't want to watch any of the spin offs. As for further Rey adventures to quote 'frumfrumfroo' ...you couldn't pay me to watch them. Especially if Boyega is in them after his treatment of Loan Tran and his behaviour on twitter.
His fans tediously drone on about hard done by he was in the ST, but he had far more screen time than Adam. Heck, all three of the Trio did - despite Poe and Finn being the supporting characters (no, 'J' of the JCF, Finn was not meant to be 'Black male lead' as you told me before getting me banned). Finn was conceived as a supporting player right from the start.
Adam was playing the last descendant of the OT heroes. He shouldn't have just had a major role, the entire saga should have been HIS story. Not that of a rogue stormtrooper. Not that of a Han clone pilot.
And certain not that of the daughter of a failed Palpatine clone.
Adam's behaviour has been a masterclass in dignity since aTROSity. No ranting on twitter. No moaning about hos 'hard done by' he was. Domhnall Gleeson and Loan Tran have been equally classy, with Domhnall making just one lighthearted joke about his shameful abrupt exit at the beginning of TROS(he SHOULD have been Big Bad) and Loan making no complaint over her truly racist erasure from TROS (she was a MAJOR character for crying out loud.) The three of them deserved better.
As Kylo/Ben did. As Hux did. As Rose Tico did.
As anyone who truly loved SW did.
They let every single one of us down.
And I am so very sorry for Rian Johnson, whose beautiful film was the most critically acclaimed of all three and who reacted to it's brutal retcon with good humour, joining its three stars in class.
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