#paintball war
archangelween · 10 months
Parallels to the war in heaven
We know that the paintball battle is supposed to be a reenactment of the war in heaven.
Newt is Crowley's analogue, and Newt has just gotten a NEW job as a low level clerk and is asking weird, basic questions of another low level employee--he's saying he can't do simple things the way they want them done. In analogy, Crowley must have been promoted or somehow infiltrated the upper admin to try to get info about/stop the planned shut down of the universe. But he was caught, aka Newt was fired after blowing the power. I think Crowley may have found some way to kill miracle power, if we interpret Newt killing all power literally: angels run on miracle power, and they can't delete creation if they don't have the miracles to do it with.
This means Crowley was not high ranking originally. I think what people are reading as deference and respect isn’t about Crowley's assumed high rank, it's just Aziraphale's innate kindness. Perhaps Aziraphale was higher ranking, but I don't think that fits either because he doesn't have an analogue I can identify in the paintball war among all the high admin.
I don’t think angel ranks used to be about how much power an angel was created with, barring possibly Lucifer/Satan. Crowley clearly has a lot of power, but if he wasn't high ranking then ranks can't have been 1:1 about raw power. Hell's respect for Crowley is because he tried to spy on admin to prevent the war that none of them wanted, to stop the destruction of the universe that all of Lucifer's/hell's side was trying to prevent, to protect something they loved. To protect them all. If he was an original archangel, perhaps they got to choose their rank, and he didn't want to be admin, instead doing engineering. Perhaps there weren't ranks below the top admin, and the sleeve decorations denoted type or raw power instead of rank.
I haven’t figured out who Aziraphale is yet in the office parallels, if he’s even there. Perhaps Newt's mother sending him off to his job is Aziraphale's analogue? That would explain why he's not in the war itself, and also why both of them were taken out "early" (ie the ineffables getting shot just as they enter the manor) if they both got caught infiltrating admin. It also means that, since they were shot by opposing sides, hell didn't know Aziraphale was helping Crowley. Newt's mother has a dark green/blue sweater over a dark green dress with white and brown decoration; that's probably death and god's game, which fits Crowley the angel being replaced with Crowley the demon, followed with Aziraphale's usual cognitive acrobatics thinking surely god must want her creations protected. Newt has a dark graybrown suit, white shirt, and tie is red, yellow, grayblue, brown, cream. That’s motivation of the rules and some combo of spying with fate/choice, and the tie is anger/fear plus defiance, spying for defense of life, fate, and bending the rules. His dark green plant means he's part of god's game; their backdrop is light brown bricks, meaning their plan was a choice, not fate. The white box his plant is in tells us that Crowley honestly thought he was doing the right thing to save creation. He was also reluctant to go to this job, he didn't think it would work out, so Crowley was doing this as a last ditch effort because this was better than the alternative. He wanted it to work, he believed, but he was already disillusioned by this time. What had already happened to make him that way? Or had he learned from Aziraphale how things actually go down?
We don’t see the paintball war going on before the ineffables show up at the manor. As they roll up, Aziraphale says the place is loved; I think this is saying that before the war, heaven as a place was loved, and love was abundant. But….how does that track with knowing that there was fear and authoritarianism long before that? Maybe it wasn’t the reality of it or god who was loved (or she was, and they didn't realize her nature yet), but how angel Crowley loved it–the way it could be, the way he wanted it to be, and presumably how Lucifer's side wanted things. Love between each other, before disagreements got entrenched. The war could have been over defending that idea against the growing authoritarianism, not about who should get to be dictator, as traditional christian myth says.
The paintball fight is yellow flags using blue paint, and red flags using yellow. The rebellion side is Lucifer’s side, that’s the yellow people. Norman Weathered is Lucifer–the guy who suggests the “training initiative” ie the war. "Norman Weathered" as a name means northman which biblically refers to either Babylon or the north star; Lucifer can be read as being the "north star" ie the morningstar. Weathered is "tender of rams".
The first time we see him in the office, he’s got a blue/white pinstripe shirt and his tie looks dark red, pinstripe black suit. Can’t see the pattern. Black coffee cup. This means he’s driven by respect for life and the rules, plus love, but he’s hiding all this presumably because despite being the highest archangel, half of heaven doesn’t like that he's speaking out against god.
I think the black coffee cup means that he's hiding something about what he's saying: perhaps he's pushing for the fight and using it or "the rules" as cover to get rid of his opponents in order to protect creation: willing to kill to protect life. I do not think it can be due to wanting to rule, despite that being the traditional accusation, because he would not have a dark red tie. Perhaps that's what the blue and white stripe shirt means more abstractly: he interprets the rules as protecting life, not dominating it, but he's willing to defend it with whatever it takes. During the fight we see his tie is actually bright red, with blue and white flower-looking things. Looks like the same type of flower as is on Metatron’s tie. That his tie goes from looking dark to bright red means he didn’t actually want war, that he was forced into it, just as we see Norman doing: if they want war, we'll give them war.
Yellow with blue ammunition is Lucifer's side saying life matters and that defiance is worth defending it, against Gabriel's red with yellow ammunition side saying Lucifer's defiance matters and using war to enforce that. Thus the war was actually not something god wanted at all: the only orange is on Frobisher, who represents Michael, and ended the war. Since most of them are wearing dark green and dark brown camo, that means the war was part of god's game aka the ineffable plan and it was fate: it wasn't planned per se, but it was fate that the angels would fight over something. God deliberately set them up, engineered it, because she created them as they are. But again, neither side was “hers”, her representatives, even though Gabriel's claimed they are because they won. That was retcon. All winners claim to have god's hand: it seems like god was already not talking to anyone as far back as the pre-fall, perhaps even as far back as immediately after planning creation, and we know this because Janice Evanson in the office says she put in a complaint to HR, ie God, trying to prevent the paintball game. God clearly does nothing.
Janice Evanson means "gift from god, the lord is gracious/favor this child". She's on team yellow. She has a very light blue/green shirt with black and brown designs, I'm going to call that a version of aqua, ie both blue and green: marked as the game and life. The black and brown designs mean she's only slightly dissembling when she's trying to stop the war, and she's exercising free choice to do so: perhaps she doesn't want war only because war is wrong or it's annoying. Janice could be Furfur, who in s2 complains to the dark council about Crowley, which fits Janice complaining to HR about the other employees. That's the wrong season though so it's unlikely. She may be Dagon, purely because when Newt arrives he asks about the wages database, so this group deals with those files, and Dagon is lord of files.
Louisa Blatt "famous dove warrior", is the woman Newt talks to who wears pearls and a black sweater over a white shirt during the fight. She is probably Beelzebub, because Louisa tells Janice that she doesn't trust the people from the other team, which is what Beez says of Michael during Crowley's trial in hell. If she is, then Beelzebub being "favored" and "a gift from god" is a radical statement about hell's denizens: this is who they were before the fall; they're not damned for losing, which we already knew from heaven's winning side not being god's agents. I had originally thought she was Uriel, but she's on team yellow, so unless some of the rebels weren't tossed to hell--which is something the authors would do--that doesn't fit. The name doesn't fit with Uriel's "god is my flame/light of god" though so I don't think that's likely for this character. Beez has an orange sash in s1, so I think her being Louisa with the pearls fits.
The red side is the establishment, Gabriel's. Gabriel is Nigel Tompkins, the guy who announces the paintball in the office and runs up to the ineffables at the manor. Nigel Tomkins means "little twin champion"; traditionally, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer were twins/triplets. The first time we see him in the office, his shirt is white with a dark red tie, black suit, bright red coffee cup. That means he's a stickler for the rules and also doing things out of love: there was indeed love present in heaven before the war, just as Aziraphale said "this place is loved". As we see in present-day heaven though, it completely lacks love, because authoritarianism won. Nigel is speaking for war though, hence the bright red cup.
Michael is Frobisher, "warrior", the woman who calls newt a dick and is the one who shoots Norman. Traditionally she's the one who casts Lucifer down to hell. She’s in light browns during the fight, so her taking down Lucifer was her own choice, not fate. They didn’t have to force them to hell. Presumably whatever happened to force the change of name from Satan to Lucifer is what "shooting Norman" is referring to, and that's what this choice means: that wasn't fate, wasn't planned, and was entirely the angels' idea. Michael either is or used to be favored by god before the war, due to Frobisher's dark orange hair; dark orange indicated negative change, throwing a wrench in the works, as opposed to positive things with neon orange like saving Job's kids. Negative change, as in creating hell and eternal fights.
Frobisher has a pink shirt; the only other times we've seen pink are on sex workers, Tracey and Mrs Sandwich, both BDSM doms. It seems Michael either has a side gig or has been domming demons since pre-fall. In s2, Michael and Dagon seem to have a history as Dagon makes faces at Michael, which Michael shakes her head at to indicate "now is not the time". If Janice is indeed Dagon, then perhaps in s3 Michael and Dagon will be next to jump ship like Gabriel and Beez did: Janice didn't want the war, and Michael has been seeing them since before the war which is the reason Beez jumped ship in s2. Perhaps that's part of why Michael was so insistent on becoming the next supreme archangel, to gain that freedom.
Crowley did change the guns from harmless paintball to real guns though, which I think means that god intervened to up the ante: perhaps the angels didn't originally attempt to kill each other, but god gave them something in the middle of the fight that each side may have interpreted as the other deliberately doing: "they wanted war", when it was actually god doing it for her own amusement. Was it changing one side to demons so that halo bombs would be deadly? Was it inventing hellfire and holy water too, so each side had a weapon? Given the halo s2 reference to the war, I think that might be it--god made the Fall happen either before or halfway through the battle because "they wanted to be kill each other, so she gave them what they wanted". It was originally just a moral argument about what silent god wanted, but then god made it so they could die. And blamed it on them to wash her hands, as if she wasn't inventing murder. No wonder Gabriel's side thought that meant God was on their side, and against Lucifer's. But if there's an equal number of angels and demons in present day, then there must have been way more on Lucifer's side to start with if halos can permanently discorporate demons. And if there were way more, then god would be forced to introduce death to make that fight equal, to make it entertaining. The war would have ended everything for her. Can't be having that.
In s2, there's another war parallel in the attack on the bookshop. Perhaps not all the demons and angels went to war, if the availability of the demons is an indicator, and if we read the humans as angels who sat out the battle. Only two humans stayed behind, and very few demons got assigned to go on attack--this fits with the idea that there must have been a lot more demons on Lucifer's side than angels on Gabriel's. I think god must have intervened so that Lucifer wouldn't win, in order to keep her game going, so that there would still be two sides to continue fighting: if that's true, then some demons could have fallen for no reason, depending on how she divided it up. Crowley wasn't one of them though, there was a reason, even though the reason was fascist.
I think the paintball war is how things happened from hell's perspective, and the bookshop attack is how it happened from heaven's perspective. That may be why it comes off so lopsided in the bookshop. I do think there were more on Lucifer's side, but I don't think they were all fighting--much as with the paintball fight, I think they were evenly matched, and god nerfed Lucifer. We see things from Lucifer's team POV, but we aren't shown the other team. In the bookshop, we see things from Aziraphale's POV, aka heaven's, and we don't really see much of the demons' while they're there.
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mibgl · 1 year
Paintball AU!! 💕🔫
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graylinesspam · 3 months
501st vs 212th vs 104th paintball war
The ammunition had been color coded. To "determine the accuracy of the different factions". That was command code for earning the right to gloat.
And boy were they ever. There had been three factions. Three colors and the once white or primarily white of their armors had been marred with a slurry of shots. The viscous ooze that was left in the wake of each little explosion of color had dripped and congealed into a mostly beige mess that stained every man and most surfaces.
it was an oil based fluid as was apparent when their hands only managed to smear the muck around until it took on more of a sad brown shade but remained no less on the surface of their plastoid.
The winners, the bastards stood tall in a ring around their Jedi, helmets tucked under their arms, unashamed of their stained condition for it paled in comparison to the conditions of the troops around them. Not even the paint smeared over their cheeks could wipe the cocky grins from them.
Jesse sulked, using a rag to smear the mess around. Gaining no ground in removing the evidence of his defeat. Boys in blue were scattered around in similar states, clouds of malaise accumulating over their heads.
Ahsoka had to hold back her amusement, lest she seem anything less than loyal to her men. Still their utter defeat was so amusing. Her boys were good. Very good. But only a handfull of them had really been trained as a special task force. She had her ARCs. Her own strike team that she'd chosen and trained just the way she wanted them. And for their credit Fives, Echo, and Rex remained far less of a disaster than their brethren.
But they had been squarely defeated. Cody and Wolffe coming to an agreement early in the game that allied them against the boys in blue. They had soundly whooped her men and left them in a state of humiliation, before they turned on each other.
They'd fought hard and dirty, rolling over the floor like animals. Like rabid things.
And it wasn't out of a lack of loyalty that Ahsoka found herself impressed. Far from it. It was a loyalty buried to deep in her that incited a near feral glee in watching Cody and Wolffe perform al out warfare against each other. For as deep as her loyalties ran with the 501st, they were not the first faction she'd been allied with. And given the opportunity, which the Jedi most certainly were not, she'd have been down there in the ring wrestling with them as well.
For as much as she respected Cody, there was something about Wolffe that just resonated with her in an instinctual way. In the way that he stalked, hunted, attacked.
They had the same teeth, her and her first brother. And he flashed them at her now in a show of victory, over the lowered heads of his defeated foes. dark gray paint tainting every surface. Hand prints marring Cody's armor. Rex's. Boil's. Five's.
Wolffe grinned with all his teeth exposed to the air and Ahsoka could have howled with him. But all she dared do was flash her fangs in return.
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drconstellation · 11 months
The Great War of Tadfield Manor
Future Echoes of the Past #1
One of the books on the shelf that Jimbriel is organizing is Catch-22, by Joseph Heller. I have to admit it’s been a while since I read it, (er, several decades, if I’m truthful about it) but my enduring memory is it seemed like the author wrote it in a linear fashion, then took all the chapters and threw them up in the air and put them back together at random, because it bounces back and forth in time in a confusing kind of way. There is a method to this madness, however, and the structure is deliberate. It’s also dealing with bureaucratic absurdity, but that’s not what I’m trying to explore in this particular meta. It’s the bouncing back and forth in time bit.
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Now we have two series of GO to feast on, we seem to be slowly piecing together the expanded history of the GO universe in an inferred kind of way. It’s rarely given to us directly in a chunk, it’s mostly by a comment here and there and then we try to join the dots.
So we’ve learnt that there was a great deal of time that existed for Heaven before time on Earth got started, in 4004 BC, maybe an ineffably long period of time, maybe millions of years, maybe not. Sometime prior to 4004 BC, however, there was a rebellion in Heaven between at least two factions of the angels. This event is sometimes called the Great War - which is what Aziraphale is referring to in S2E6 when he is removing his halo for demon-detonating purposes; he’s not referring to what us humans would call World War 1 in the early 20th century. The result of the Great War led to the formation of Hell. The angel known as Lucifer was the leader of the losing side, and he was known as Satan afterwords. A third of the heavenly host of angels were sent with him down to Hell, and this event is called the Fall. They became fallen angels, or demons. At some point, there is supposed to be a second War, one that will decide who is the winner once and for all time. Well, that’s supposed to be the Plan - God’s Ineffable Great Plan, right? And we all know how the first attempt for that to get started ended up, don’t we?
As we start to look more closely into parallel stories and scenes between the two series, some curious pairs of parallels are starting to emerge. And even more interesting is that some of these pairs indicate that they will get a third presentation  - I’m not just talking about the 1941 Blitz scene here, there are others! And I’m going to try and talk about one of them here, that I think has largely slipped under the radar up until just recently.
There was a meta by @newfangledfancy here about the two parallel scenes in S1 and S2 involving miraculous escapes from being shot with a loaded gun, and we should expect a third one in S3. It’s worth pausing and heading over to read it at this point, but if you don’t, I’ll try to fill you in - and I will revisit in the future, as while it contained the seeds of inspiration for this meta, it also reveals something interesting about Crowley's backstory that's worth discussing on its own. You probably know what and where the S2 “miraculous escape” is referring to: the Bullet Catch scene during the 1941 Blitz minisode in S2E4. But where is the one in S1? It’s at Tadfield Manor, in S1E2, after Crowley has turned all the paintball guns into real guns, and Norman, on the yellow team, cracks it, does a big rant about his life and charges into the firing line of the opposing red team, only to be shot straight in the heart.
Let’s rewind this a little bit, because I want to talk about when Crowley and Aziraphale first arrive at Tadfield Manor. All seems calm and quiet. They stroll in side by side – and are each shot by a paintball. Yep, this has been watched over and over, comments made about the colours of the paint, how they represent their various “sides”, and the sexual innuendo in way Crowley miracles it away after Aziraphale makes heart-eyes at him. But you’ve all missed once very important clue about what was about to go down in the next few minutes that was right in front of you all along.
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Maybe I should pause this meta just here and refer back to my big colour meta I posted recently. I specifically went to all that work so I could come here and discuss the following event at Tadfield Manor.
Firstly, the paintball colours. There are three: blue, yellow and red.  
There is a discrepancy between the colour that book!Crowley and screen!Crowley gets hit by. In the book its yellow, but in the tv series its red. Just at this point I’m going to emphasize that yellow is not the same as gold; gold is one of the colours of Heaven, but yellow is usually associated with fear.
Secondly, Aziraphale is hit with blue paint. That’s consistent with both book and tv. Then Crowley blows the blue taint of Heaven away, because Aziraphale needs help to escape its abusive clutches, its not something he can do on his own. Ah, a cute demonstrative metaphor there, another layer to that little scene.
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BUT YOU DON’T SEE A BLUE COLOURED TEAM IN THE FOLLOWING BATTLE! Where is the blue team, that supposedly represents Heaven in the following battle? Did they just vanish when Crowley snapped his demon-miracle into place? I dunno, but we just see a yellow and a red coded team for the rest of the battle. But if blue is always Heaven-coded, yellow is fear, and red, while often demon-associated should be seen more as an indication of passion…what it really going on? Who is at war with who? It can’t be Heaven against Hell, because Heaven is not present, per se, as you know it, and neither is Hell, which is usually green. Oh no, it’s not that black and white…because we are watching a battle where Hell doesn’t yet exist, there is only Heaven at this point. One side, one faction, in fear, the other fighting with passion, and the division that actually creates the ‘blue’ side is yet to occur…
We’re watching a re-enactment of the Great War.
Let’s take another step back, to here: S1E2, around 15.46 minutes in. Newton Pulsifer is about to start a new job (wait, what? What the Hell is Newt doing mixed up in this? To honest, I'm not quite sure...*looks at a certain at note she made IN ALLCAPS again*...oh ffs- that is the worst joke, its got to be one of Terry's...now I can't stop cackling...oh, god now I've spotted another awful, awful joke...poor Newt, I love you more every second...)
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*ahem* Back to the impending battle. Because it's here in the office of UNITED WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS (HOLDINGS) - an office *wink wink* of management and bureaucracy, that we establish the tension. As Newt slides into his seat, Nigel the manager arrives to ask who is exited about the upcoming "training initiative." Turns out, not really anyone has much enthusiasm for it.
Janice is going to complain to HR. Nigel points out there is no "I" in team, and Norman, who apparently organized the whole thing, proceeds to pick the three 'eyes' out of the "team building exercise."
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This is going well, isn't it? [Newt departs. His role here is done.]
Lets skip to Tadfield Manor and the "training initiative" is underway. The Red team, lead by Nigel the Manager, seem to have the upper hand. The Yellow team see to be pleased at a chance to let off some steam with anyone who has annoyed them, the bitches.
Then God drops in to make an interesting observation.
Firms these days expected more than that. They wanted to establish leadership potential, group cooperation, and initiative, which allowed their employees to fire paintballs at any colleagues who irritated them.
Oh. Right. Lets deliberately cause a little chaos so we can see who's got leadership potential, who works together, and who actually has some brains? Go God! Lets start a little War and we'll pick the new Archangels out of the winners? Nice one. Plus, we get rid of all the troublemakers in the process, and we'll just be left with those who like to follow management's orders...
Then Crowley ups the ante. As the young woman who was the only keen employee to come, and is on the Red team, no less, runs past and asks "Who's winning?" he snaps his fingers and to change all the paintball guns to real guns.
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Cr: You're all going to lose. Az: What - what the Hell did you just do? Cr: Oh, they wanted real guns, so I gave them what they wanted.
You're all going to lose.
Aziraphale does his best to protest at the demon's bit of wicked mischief.
Az: But there are people out there shooting at each other! Cr: Well -  Lends weight to their moral argument. Everyone has free will, including the right to murder. Just think of it as a microcosm of the universe.
A microcosm of the universe?
Who's universe, Crowley? Yours? The humans? It's a big universe out there...
Things don't seem to be going to well for some, and Norman, on the Yellow team, has finally reached his breaking point. He makes a declaration. I'm only going to quote the last bit of his little speech, as I want to deal with the first bit in another meta. As he takes off his tie, and wraps it around his head, he says:
"They want war, we're going to give 'em war! OK guys, let's go get the bastards!"
Hmmm. Do the visuals remind you of anything?...
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He turns around to charge out - and is promptly shot in the heart. While it's Nigel the manager he is facing when it happens, it's actually the young woman from the Red Team who ran past Crowley and Aziraphale inside the Manor, who asked who was winning, that fired the shot. The implications of this? I'm going to save that for another meta.
The sequence moves on to the infamous wall-slam encounter, which I don't think we need to go over here, so lets skip to where Crowley and Aziraphale have finished questioning the past-Sister Mary Loquacious and have decided they've found all they are going to find here its time to leave. The police have arrived and have broken up the fight. The fun and games are over. As they walk, floating unnoticed and serene, through the chaos, Aziraphale starts to ponder.
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Az: You'd think he'd show up, wouldn't you? You'd think we could detect him in some way. Cr: He wont show up, not to us. Protective camouflage. He wont even know that his powers will keep him hidden from prying occult forces. Az: Occult forces? Cr: You and me. Az: I'm not occult. Angels aren't occult, we're ethereal.
Crowley refers to the two of them as one kind of entity, but Aziraphale insists there is a difference - they aren't the same. Not any more.
The War is over, and the division between Heaven and Hell has been created.
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[Edit: I've since finished a meta on the Bentley and it's connection to crossing the thresholds between worlds. I mention this scene in it, as it is actually a beautiful example of two different times and places existing at once, overlaid on one another, as indicated by the smoke - that's a sign we are in a subliminal space. Its why Aziraphale and Crowley seem to just glide through untouched and noticed, as they aren't really there, in a way.]
Will we see another echo of the Great War in S3? Possibly.
It's the 3-card Monte. Its the three cowrie shells and a lone caraway seed. It's the Professor's Nightmare, where you don't know how long a piece of string rope is.
It's a f*cking Mobius strip that has no beginning and no end, infinitely going around and around.
It's God's game. Only She knows where it stops.
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Further reading in this series:
#2: The Newton/Crowley Mirror-Parallel in S1
#3: "Not Even At Gunpoint!"
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Elijah tried to be patient and peaceful. He did his best to not descent on the same level as his brats of the siblings, he truly did. But he can restrict himself no more.
The taste for vengence is rooted deeply in his nature, he drank it in with mother's milk.
Elijah couldn't believe that these buffoons had him so worked up for such trivial reasons but the traditions of his Norman ancestry demand him to avenge the disgrace that was set upon him.
Each of them will pay sevenfold, for every damned paintball stain left on his favourite suit. From now on, Elijah had set his foot on the silly (but nonetheless honourable) path of paintball war. The poor idiots will suffer for such daring act of property damage. Elijah shan't show them any mercy.
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fumiko-matsubara · 1 year
Puey stays AU: 3E Civil War Arc
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There's a strong cultural trait amongst Filipinos called "Utang na loob", which simply means "being deeply indebted to someone's kindness to the point of obligation to return the favour".
Puey would have so much "utang na loob" towards Korosensei because the teacher was the one who saved his family, and essentially saving Puey himself as well since his family is his reason to keep living.
I don't think he has any more reason to genuinely want to kill the man who had changed his life for the better, especially after learning that he is just as human as any of them all are. I think Puey would take any chance to return the favour.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
okay listen listen I'm pretty sure training sabers are A Thing however I think it would be funny if the jedi children were giving actual real laser swords.
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samaspic31 · 2 years
I was watching community and
Filoni making the bad batch :
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opisasodomite · 9 months
I don’t think of myself as being out of shape since I started exercising, but after playing with my niece and nephew yesterday, which involved throwing an (American) football, climbing a rope, and being spun on a tree swing, I’m more sore today than I think I’ve ever been lmao
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pra370r1an · 2 years
After all is said and done
Gus: Then we went to a zoo, which is where humans keep animals from all over their planet so they can teach others about them. The giraffes were no help and I’m glad we banished them. But the food court was pretty good.
Boscha, roasting a squirrel on a stick over a fire: uh-huh...
Gus: Then we experienced Halloween, which is a human holiday where you dress up and they give you candy!
Boscha, wearing the rags of her old Hexside uniform: You don’t say...
Gus, taking a sip of his drink: Yeah, it was a lot of fun! I dressed up as a human from the future/past! But anyway, enough about our summer. How have you been?
Boscha, staring at Gus in the middle of a wrecked Bonesborough: Oh, you know... Same old...
Gus: Nice, nice.
Gus finishes his drink and looks around for a trash can
Boscha: Oh, you can just leave that anywhere...
Gus looks around one final time before setting his cup on the ground
Gus, backing up and pointing away from them: So, I’ll just...
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flying-ham · 1 year
I can’t believe it’s community’s fault that gamora and nat died in avengers </3
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gyokusai · 2 years
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Stormtroopers Source: Attribution decay
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ff2-soda-pop · 1 year
happy 8th anniversary splatoon!
since i cant draw today or anything i will instead post one of the most Iconic Splatoon 1 Ads and also the one that has haunted my brain for years now <3
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glitteryfoxsoul · 2 years
If you bite the hand that feeds you, don't be surprised when it turns into a fist
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 months
Having played paintball, I have come to appreciate that most battles ever in modern human history are probably an hour of careful instructions on The Plan, then getting shot in the leg 30 seconds in by a guy you never saw.
Then you spend the rest of your life pretending doing that wasn't stupid, while having constant waking nightmares about it.
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allsonsinc · 1 year
Few things can compare to the delight that dances in a child's eyes when they first set sight on a bounce house. This jubilation takes on an entirely new dimension when the bouncer is themed around a beloved character.
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