#pain intolerance?
hellyeahsickaf · 7 months
Fuck it, have some of my favorite disability memes ✨
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chronicmedisorder · 1 year
anyway, this disability pride month i would like to remind the abled people that just because i can do something doesn't mean i should.
just because i can walk three miles doesn't mean i should, because it will hurt like hell today, tomorrow, and for like four days after.
just because i can exercise doesn't mean i should, because maybe it would help but right now my arm feels like its about to pop out of it's socket and if i stand up i am going to pass out.
just because i can do schoolwork doesn't mean i should because my brain is currently fogged up with all the pain i am feeling right now.
just because i can doesn't mean i should.
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monachopsis-11 · 5 months
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pale-plant-bones · 1 year
The ultimate shared experience of chronic illness:
Am I coming down with something or did I just push myself too hard and/or flaring up?
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
I am waiting for my terrible decisions to come feast upon my corpse (I had four slices of mozzarella cheese and I am wildly lactose intolerant) so tall can have this thing I wrote while my bowels attempted to curdle up and wither.
Jason laid face down on the floor of his safe house, cheek miserably smushed to the carpet as his joints screamed in growing agony.
“Oh, shit, you good, little wing?”
Jason groaned, not even having enough energy to flip his face to the other side as a pair of boots came into view. Dick.
“Jason, are you okay? Where’s the wound?”
“C’mon Todd, even Timothy knows the importance of addressing open wounds.” Shit, the brat was here too.
“You coming down with something?” Tim’s voice asked from his other side.
Great, Jason grumbled, the whole idiot platoon is here.
A warm hand shook his shoulder, Dick’s concerned mug showing up in Jason’s- huh, when did it get this blurry?- sight. His face scrunched up in worry.
“You look stupid.” Jason said, though it sounded more like ‘yew loo stew pud’ with his face still smushed onto the ground. Reluctantly, he added, “No wound.”
“Tim, help me out.”
Jason groaned when the world spun as Tim and Dick hefted him up.
“What’s happening, Jason? Talk to us.” Tim said sharply, knowing that the tone would get Jason to respond.
“Growing pains.” Jason mumbled. “Laz pits side effects.”
“I see,” Damian suddenly said, and suddenly Jason was so much more grateful for his presence. The demon brat understood. “Richard, Drake, get him to bed. I will retrieve the ice.”
It probably spoke levels of how bad he looked that Jason’s brothers didn’t bother to even comment on the brat’s orders. Jason was lugged to his bed and tucked in.
“Sorry,” he mumbled at Dick.
“For what?” Dick patted him on the head as Tim went to get a glass of water and the painkillers he stored in the bathroom mirror cabinet.
“I’m heavy. You have old man knees.”
Divk gasped, mock offended. “Excuse me?! I’m not old! You’re fine if you’re talking shit, Jay.”
“Feels like shit…” Jay paused. “Not as shit as your gray hairs.”
“Tim! Jason’s bullying me!”
“Gray is a good color on you, I think,” Tim said, walking back in with water and meds. They helped Jason drink the meds as Dick alternated between whining about not being old and indignantly sayin ‘respect your elders, you brats!’
“Here.” Damian walked in with both bags of peas and actual ice packs. “It should be better after you have rested, but if you don’t, mother knows an acupuncture treatment that would help.”
Jason shivered as they applied the ice packs.
“Ugh, fuck off.”
“Just sleep, you raging asshole.” Tim said, sweeping a blanket onto the crime lord. “Oracle’s got Steph covering your routes until you’re better.”
Somehow, surrounded by his brothers, Jason finally found the energy to fondly flip them the bird and fall asleep.
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chronically-mars · 2 months
Friend: what caused your flare up today?
- period is starting
- weather changing
- rain
- too cold
- too hot
- standing for too long
- sitting too much
- not drinking enough water
- being too active
Also me: honestly I have no idea
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skunkes · 1 month
Woke up and started day an hour or so ago, i can now say that immediate post surgery pain was 4/10, and now the day after im at a 3/10. Last time i took pain meds was 6 am, other than the occasional pinch of incision pain from moving around or walking it rly is mostly soreness! My back and random parts of body feel sore too, and it hurts to take a deep breath or like laugh/hiccup/etc, but I think that might be the leftover gas everyone mentions... Ill be trying to walk around to disperse it
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arctic-hands · 6 months
I love food. Would love to be able to actually tolerate eating it one day
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spooniestrongart · 3 months
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[Text ID: "a detailed list of things i hate:
• hot weather
• hot temperatures
•warmer than average conditions "
End ID ]
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monochrome-stars · 2 days
also maybe because these are super acidic, that makes them like that maybe??? sidenote however, lemons/limes dont affect me so maybe im just .funky idk
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cosmosbunni · 5 months
Being an artist and slowly losing your ability to create due to disability has got to be something they make you go through in hell
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cosmiccripple · 11 months
me as soon as i get out of the shower:
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[id: a side view of a dark grey clipart person lying down with a white background, the arm is outlined in white and positioned in front of the torso, the visible leg is raised above the body, resting on a rounded dark grey block]
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justabunny · 5 months
I love the idea of summer but being hot, sweaty and downright miserable reminds me why I don't actually like it.
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creepyscritches · 7 months
The way I am a bottomless pit for the paneer butter masala the restaurant down the street makes... I put myself in a food coma last night from it (no survivors) and I'm already like "Man I could go for some butter masala and garlic naan"
Maybe this means I should learn to cook this dish next 🤔
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caterpillarinacave · 2 years
Bitches really know they can’t eat something, eat it anyway, then get surprised when they get sick. It’s me, I’m bitches.
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jellybeanium124 · 16 days
I love bread. good bread makes my day. sometimes I just eat bread plain. bread is so good. mmmmmmmm thank gd we invented bread... bread my beloved...
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