#::chronic brainrot::
chronicmedisorder · 1 year
anyway, this disability pride month i would like to remind the abled people that just because i can do something doesn't mean i should.
just because i can walk three miles doesn't mean i should, because it will hurt like hell today, tomorrow, and for like four days after.
just because i can exercise doesn't mean i should, because maybe it would help but right now my arm feels like its about to pop out of it's socket and if i stand up i am going to pass out.
just because i can do schoolwork doesn't mean i should because my brain is currently fogged up with all the pain i am feeling right now.
just because i can doesn't mean i should.
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9ndreus · 11 months
Them: It's been months... Are you finally going to stop obsessing over Good Omens and be a normal person now?
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retrorruption · 24 days
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Would you still love them if they were grubs as babies?
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
steve meets a pretty guy at a quiet cafe he frequents bc it’s a nice place to zone out and write and they get to chatting; they get along rly rly well and when steve finally asks what the guy does for work his face turns (a lovely shade of) pink and he says ‘have you heard of corroded coffin?’
steve’s brain takes a hot minute to catch up and he just goes ‘oh, yeah, some of my friends listen to them. i’ve heard a few songs and they’re good, but i’m not a big fan’ and the guy just kinda stares at him before steve finally realises
‘please don’t tell me you’re in corroded coffin’
‘,,,im in corroded coffin’
‘fuck oFF’
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xodahafez · 5 months
chronically online gen-z harry meets roadman tom riddle:
tom: listen here bruv, I'm gonna shank you in DADA—
harry: me when i show up to DADA and my opponent is tom riddle
tom: what you saying big man???
harry: you slayed
tom: are you batty or what??
tom: nah fam i ain't working in the ministry, thats for the neek mandem
harry: that's so anti-capitalism core of you omg go off
tom: why you speaking all fruity for?
harry: bro's in his non corporate era
tom: tf that mean??? say it with your chest
harry: get your bag queen
tom: aight are you mental
harry: scary boots
tom: fucken geezer
tom: yeah i went to my ends and—
harry: get your steps up
tom: —yeah yeah listen and i found my dad’s crib
harry: go off familymaxxing king
tom: and i avada'd em all
harry: ... double homicide
tom: couldn't find me mum though
harry: maybe your mum was the friends we made along the way
tom: …
harry: :)
tom, muttering under his breath: fucking wasteman dunno why i find him leng
harry: no literally
tom, eyeing harry: ooof peng ting looking like a touchdown
harry: you think i ate? 🥹
tom: you already ate? i thought we was gonna grab a munch together
harry: big back
tom: …
harry: i love you
tom: yeah ok love you too darlin
harry: we got a love confession before GTA6
read part 2
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sleepytortoises · 7 months
Some Gojo related doodles :)
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nabaath-areng · 2 months
they're called midlanders, and yet they're anything but mid...
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Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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zukkaoru · 5 months
thinking abt kunikida with hand tremors and chuuya always making sure they have straws in his apartment so kunikida has an easier time drinking without worrying about spilling,,
the first time kunikida asks for a straw with his drink while they're out together, he's worried chuuya is going to tease him or at the very least raise a judgmental eyebrow. but chuuya isn't stupid and he can figure out pretty easily that it's just an accessibility tool. then weeks later, kunikida goes over to chuuya's place and when chuuya pours them both drinks, he wordlessly retrieves a straw from the cupboard and places it in kunikida's glass before handing it to him. it's such a simple gesture, but kunikida wasn't expecting it and he's still getting accustomed to his hand tremors himself so having someone who accommodates his needs like it's nothing is...really nice. it's something he still has trouble doing for himself. but chuuya treats it like it's normal, and that makes it feel more normal to kunikida too
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antheia · 2 years
Chapstick Steddie brainrot
Steve actually likes that Eddie smokes. Robin says it’s gross and he’s gross for liking it, but whatever. Robin isn’t the one kissing him. 
He likes that Eddie smells like tobacco and leather and sweat and motor oil (and sometimes weed). He likes sharing a cigarette with Eddie in bed late at night, wrapped in cheap cotton sheets, an ashtray perched on one of their chests. He loves the way Eddie’s eyes shimmer in the flames when Steve lights a cigarette for him.
Really the only problem Steve has is the way it dries Eddie’s lips out. And this is a totally solvable problem. Steve knows it’s solvable. He himself has solved it. But maybe Eddie never had to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Becky Molinczek in the eighth grade. Which was more like ten seconds of awkward kissing followed by five minutes of Becky lecturing him about the importance of lip care in making out while digging around in her purse for chapstick only to produce a cherry lip smacker she then demanded he put on if he wanted any more time in Heaven. 
That was the first time he’d touched an honest-to-God boob. Her left one. He was pretty sure it was mostly boob and only a little tissue. He still gets a semi when he smells fake cherries. 
He figures he’ll start subtly: making sure to put on some chapstick in front of Eddie after they stub out their smokes to head back into the Wheeler house. He smiles at Eddie, who leans in and murmurs “mmm, shiny” before stealing a kiss. Completely ignoring the black and white plastic tube Steve has proffered. 
For two weeks, Steve leaves chapsticks everywhere he can think of. There’s one currently melting in Eddie’s glove box. Another one is gathering dust on Eddie’s nightstand. He’d held his breath hopefully when Eddie’s hand alighted on the one in his guitar case, but he was moving it aside in search of a pick. Hell, Steve had even tucked one in the pocket of Eddie’s denim jacket when he kissed him goodnight last Friday. 
Eddie was impervious to subtlety. It was time to go full Molinczek. 
Steve had Thursdays off, so he and Eddie had started having movie nights on Wednesdays. He honestly couldn’t remember the end of a single movie they’d chosen. The doorbell rang just as Steve is putting popcorn on the coffee table. 
Steve waits until Eddie is settled in, then climbs into his lap. Eddie holds him by the hips and grins. “Okay, Harrington. I guess we’re not gonna watch the movie after all.” 
Steve ignores him, leaning in for a kiss. While he’s got Eddie distracted, he reaches into the pocket of the jacket Eddie had haphazardly thrown across the back of the couch and produces a small plastic tube. Opening the lid, he breaks away from the kiss. 
“This, Edward, is Chapstick.” Eddie looks at him like he’s deranged. 
“Uh huh.” 
“It’s for your lips,” Steve continues, applying it to his own lips liberally. 
“I’m familiar.” 
“And you know, smoking really chaps your lips,” Steve levels a look at him, holding his eyes for a moment before leaning in to plant a deep kiss on Eddie’s mouth, spreading the balm across Eddie’s lips. 
When they finally break apart, Eddie grins up at him. “Please, for the love of god and my mouth, wear it.” 
“Only if that’s always how I get to apply it.” 
Steve rolls his eyes and starts to say something, but it’s cut off when Eddie yanks him forward and kisses him again. 
The point’s probably been made. 
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chronicmedisorder · 2 years
i cannot fucking beleive i just did this
i was screaming to my mother and grandmother about minecraft and annoying them immensely, as i often do, and while i was catching my breath i happened to look outside. what i saw was so amazing, so eye catching, so interesting, that i just had to mention it.
i see it, and instantly i shout
so enamoured i was with this squirrel, that i didn't notice what i had just done. my grandmother was laughing hysterically, my mother had her head in her hands, and i was staring at this fat fucking squirrel in my backyard eating nuts. then it dawns on me: i've just done something i thought i would never do again. i remembered when this last occured:
i was nine or ten. the situation was quite similar; my mother on the couch, a captive audience for me to infodump to till my hearts content (or until she got fed up with me). i'm so excited about whatever it is i'm speaking about, i'm talking faster than my brain can keep up with, which of course means my mind is wandering away from the topic at hand. and then i see it, in all its glory, and i scream the damned word. my mother begins laughing, as do i. it was funny, and i could tell it was a peak example of my rampant (then undiagnosed) ADHD.
when i realised it was a meme about adhd-ers on the internet, i decided that as funny as it was, it was to be my life's mission to never say that again. i can be distracted by whatever i see outside, but it must never be a squirrel, for i must prove that my annoying ass condition is not limited to screaming "squirrel" at inopportune moments.
but now here i was; my train of thought shattered by the appearance of my worst enemy. i have never been so sure my medication wasn't working as i was right at this moment, because i had failed. i had done it again; let a squirrel distract me from the torture i inflict on my family in the form of minecraft trivia and building tips. i couldn't have done this, i couldn't have failed my adhd brethren, i thought. and yet here i was, ashamed, for the squirrel has once again won. i believed myself to be stronger than our worst enemy; that was my mistake.
i have failed, my life now has no purpose. i have lost, what is there left for me here? i cannot go back to my clan now, shoulders heavy with the weight of defeat, but what other options do i have? what can i do now?
i am sorry, for i have proven stereotypes correct. i will pay for my sins, i promise thee.
it was a really fat squirrel though, so there's that. that's pretty cool.
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ctommy-chileno · 1 year
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Do you ever remember you can draw whatever you want
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enobariasteeth · 7 months
Helaena is actually Alicent and Rhaenyra's love child... Rhaenyra literally told me herself
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daily-kinitopet · 6 months
Day 1
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Hello Kinito community 👋
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Yashiki was definitely underweight during the game, we can agree on that, no?
Mashita gets him to start eating regularly, and he gets to a healthy weight.
But all the weight he gained just goes into his ass and hips and that isn't what Mashita was aiming for, but he's more than happy with the outcome.
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kotenshi · 2 years
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 5
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