#page 6748
pesterloglog · 9 months
Vriska Serket, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 6747-6749
VRISKA: To 8e honest, I don't even want to hear any more.
VRISKA: Next time you have an upd8 on what my ancestor has 8een up to, please just keep it to yourself.
MEENAH: you sure
VRISKA: It's em8arrassing!
VRISKA: I cringe every time I think a8out her self-indulgent exploits.
VRISKA: Doesn't she realize this sort of thing never works?
VRISKA: You don't just go and insert yourself into the middle of all the action in the most hamfisted way possi8le just 8ecause you can't stand another second 8eing out of the spotlight.
VRISKA: That always goes horri8ly for everyone.
VRISKA: Even worse, it ends up making you look like an idiot.
VRISKA: And even MORE worse, it's making ME look like an idiot 8y associ8tion!
VRISKA: Why couldn't she have thought this through a little more?
VRISKA: Why couldn't she have at least TOLD us first?
MEENAH: shruggin ma shoulders yo
VRISKA: How is it that I understand this and she doesn't?
VRISKA: She's HOW much older than me?
VRISKA: Like a 8ajillion dream 8u88le sweeps or something?
VRISKA: All that experience and wisdom, and she's out there floundering around like fucking noo8.
MEENAH: (floundering)
VRISKA: It's so disheartening. She wants to 8e like Marquise so much, just like I used to.
VRISKA: 8ut she is NOTHING like her!
VRISKA: You kind of need to have a fuck ton of experience doing, you know... a lot of ruthless pir8tey shit 8efore you can pull that off?
VRISKA: You can't just 8e a 8ookish dwee8 all your life, then suddenly decide to flip the 8adass switch and expect people to take you seriously.
VRISKA: Also, to truly pull that off, it MIGHT help to actually 8e a goddamned adult.
VRISKA: I know, I must 8e totally off my swaychair for suggesting it. 8ut may8e, just MAY8E, there are certain roles and 8ehaviors which are 8est left to fully developed, grown ass people!
VRISKA: Not to sound like a wet 8lanket, 8ut my ancestor's journal contained some EXTREMELY mature content!
VRISKA: So now we have yet another stupid kid trying to fill the 8oots of a legendary pir8 queen, and it's amateur hour all over again.
VRISKA: All I can see in her is me when I used to........
VRISKA: And it makes me want to........
MEENAH: stop movin around all angry
MEENAH: you fuckin me up here
VRISKA: Sorry.
VRISKA: I'm just dismayed 8y some of the implic8tions of her actions.
VRISKA: Is this really how I came off when I used to pull this sort of shit?
MEENAH: dunno wasnt there
VRISKA: I have a sickening feeling it was just like this.
VRISKA: No wonder no8ody could stand me.
VRISKA: And here I am, 8itching at my ancestor like I know 8etter, like I've evolved 8eyond all that.
VRISKA: 8ut........
VRISKA: Have I really?
VRISKA: Do I go around thinking I'm smarter than I used to 8e, 8ut end up repeating all the same old patterns without even realizing it?
VRISKA: Was the plan to find this treasure and 8uild an army just a rest8tement of my immature, egomaniacal 8ullshit disguised as a more "strategically sensi8le" plan?
VRISKA: If I can apparently keep kidding myself a8out this crap forever, then how would I know the difference?
VRISKA: I guess the thing I h8 most a8out her stunt isn't that it's a dum8 plan, or that we weren't included.
VRISKA: It's that it's making me wonder if I can trust any of my own judgments, even after all this time.
MEENAH: thats some baller inward reflection serk
VRISKA: I don't know a8out that.
VRISKA: If it's so 8aller, why is it making me feel like shit?
MEENAH: thats what its supposed to do i think
MEENAH: but like
MEENAH: tempurarily?
VRISKA: I guess.
VRISKA: What a8out you?
VRISKA: Does any of this reson8 at all?
VRISKA: I know you used to stir up shit with your friends.
VRISKA: You must have done some outrageous things which you thought were necessary for the good of the team. When you look 8ack, do you ever wonder what you were thinking? Or if you ever truly evolved?
VRISKA: Oh, come on.
VRISKA: Don't leave me hanging in self dou8t lim8o here.
MEENAH: haha
MEENAH: i dont know maybe??
MEENAH: sea my thing is
MEENAH: i dont verbally torture my cray schemes like all the serket girls
MEENAH: and that works ok for me
MEENAH: guess i made some mistakes but who really gives a flip
VRISKA: You don't care if you make mistakes?
MEENAH: not like you and she do
MEENAH: araneas deal is
MEENAH: what shes doin now isnt much different from how she always did stuff
MEENAH: the stuff she does is never about the things shes actually doing
MEENAH: its about what those things M-EAN and makin sure everyone KNOWS what they mean
MEENAH: and above all makin sure everyone understands how important she is cause shes obviously the source of all that critical M-EANING without which all action would be pointless right?
MEENAH: but thats not how i rolled
MEENAH: i just
MEENAH: did shit
MEENAH: and the shit i did
MEENAH: meant only the things the shit accomplished
MEENAH: and if that shit accomplished a dumb thing that sucked
MEENAH: then i guess thats what you call a mistake and oh fuckin well
MEENAH: mistakes aint make me feel too bad since i dont really connect results with my shelf worth
MEENAH: ya feel me
VRISKA: That is so right on.
VRISKA: If you asked me a long time ago, I'm sure I would have insisted that's exactly how I felt a8out everything I did too.
VRISKA: 8ut I don't know if that's true anymore.
VRISKA: In fact, I'm sure that WASN'T true.
VRISKA: I was always invested as hell in the consequences of everything I did, and how it made me look.
VRISKA: And how it made me feel a8out myself especially.
MEENAH: ok i will admit
MEENAH: i always felt hella bad about decisions leavin me with less gold
MEENAH: glub damn
MEENAH: feel a tide a shame wash over me just thinkin about going broke
VRISKA: Well of course.
VRISKA: Who the fuck wants to 8e poor?
VRISKA: That's for losers.
MEENAH: word
VRISKA: Anyway, I have no idea what to do now.
VRISKA: Her ill-advised power play has ruined everything.
MEENAH: well
MEENAH: we still have this treasure here
MEENAH: why dont we just do the shit without her
MEENAH: you could whip up another ghost army
MEENAH: march it strait to english and start beatin him down
VRISKA: I don't think so.
MEENAH: why not
VRISKA: If you want to know the truth........
VRISKA: When we were manipul8ting all those ghosts, Aranea was doing most of the work.
VRISKA: Her a8ilities are a lot more advanced than mine. I guess 8ecause she's 8een around for so long?
VRISKA: I was kind of riding her coattails, making it seem like it was a true colla8oration 8etween us.
VRISKA: It was actually very nice of her to allow people to get that impression. She didn't have to.
VRISKA: I should have just told every8ody that. I guess I wanted to 8elieve it too. Like we were equal partners in crime. Ancestor and descendant united at last, and working gr8 together.
VRISKA: I hope you don't think that makes me a huge phony.
MEENAH: why would i give a fish about that
VRISKA: You're right, you wouldn't.
VRISKA: I shouldn't 8e saying needy shit like that.
VRISKA: I'm just a 8it depressed, 8ecause it feels like I'm running out of friends all over again.
MEENAH: i hear you
MEENAH: she ditched me too
MEENAH: cant blame her i guess
MEENAH: what can i say girl loves her piratesona
MEENAH: she wanna be dat pirate chick so bad
MEENAH: who am i to fault ambition
MEENAH: she cast her lure into the lake of cute but dumbass dreams
MEENAH: i think her mindfang ideal is ridic to be lochness with you
MEENAH: that journal man
MEENAH: tales from the pirate who wont shut up
MEENAH: but then
MEENAH: im not one to talk about hero worship
MEENAH: i think my adult self happens to be the best best greatest most perfect beautiful woman -----EV-----ER an if you axed me if i wanted a crack at her job id be like glub yes put me down for T)(AT
MEENAH: so i legit hope it works out for her
MEENAH: but yeah
MEENAH: that dont mean i didnt get ditched
MEENAH: and that just
MEENAH: makes me reel sad
MEENAH: you sure we cant salvage the plan without her
VRISKA: I don't know.
VRISKA: Possi8ly?
VRISKA: The way I was picturing it, a major feature of the original three pronged approach was to use the army to lead a first wave assault against him.
VRISKA: Then while he was preoccupied 8y all those ghosts swamping him, I would go in for the kill with the secret weapon.
VRISKA: So without an army, I guess we'd need to get close enough to him to use it 8efore he killed us.
MEENAH: like uh
MEENAH: sneak up on him?
VRISKA: I guess.
VRISKA: 8ut I get the feeling Lord English is not the kind of guy you can just sneak up on.
MEENAH: kay what if
MEENAH: i found some way to teleport over to him
MEENAH: and i beat the shit out of him with my wrestling moves
MEENAH: then you bust out the weapon
VRISKA: Hahahaha.
VRISKA: That would 8e awesome, if somewhat implausi8le.
VRISKA: I guess we can think it over.
VRISKA: 8ut if we're getting real here, this has all made me feel pretty lukewarm on the plan.
VRISKA: Aranea checking the fuck out. And me recoiling at her hu8ris, which is o8viously just........
VRISKA: My OWN 8ullshit, getting thrown 8ack in my face?
VRISKA: It's a 8it much.
VRISKA: You have to 8e a8le to trust your own judgment to make good plans, right?
VRISKA: I don't know if I do anymore.
VRISKA: I certainly don't right now.
VRISKA: Remem8er when our crew started re8elling against me in that cave, and I was kind of lashing out?
VRISKA: I think I might have 8een forcing it a little?
VRISKA: Like that whole dramatic speech I gave when I jumped into the flaming pit.
VRISKA: Was that really a genuine thing, or like, a desper8te last attempt to 8e who I think I should 8e?
MEENAH: that was badass though
MEENAH: i mean yeah you were chewin the scenery an being hammy as fuck but i thought it was cool and kinda funny
VRISKA: It wasn't supposed to 8e funny though!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Ah man.
VRISKA: I really don't know what to do.
VRISKA: I'm too depressed to think proactively a8out any of this.
VRISKA: May8e the truth is I don't even care all that much if anyone stops Lord English.
VRISKA: I think all I really cared a8out was getting to do it myself.
MEENAH: thats a good enough reason if you ask me
MEENAH: but hey if you aint feelin it you aint feelin it
VRISKA: What if we just........
VRISKA: Gave up on the mission?
MEENAH: gave up
VRISKA: What do you think.
MEENAH: sure
VRISKA: You don't think that would 8e a wussy move?
MEENAH: well yeah
MEENAH: it would be
MEENAH: if a couple of cowards did it
MEENAH: but that aint us
MEENAH: so we cool to do whatev
VRISKA: That's a very good point.
MEENAH: nofin wrong with stickin a fork in a shit idea that just makes you miserable
MEENAH: hell the best choice i ever made involved givin up
MEENAH: one day i said
MEENAH: fuck da throne
MEENAH: ran off to the moon
MEENAH: thats how this whole crazy mess kicked off
MEENAH: and if i didnt do that
MEENAH: i wouldnt of met you 38)
VRISKA: ::::)
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sayakxmi · 2 years
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Peixes bonding time
Edit of this page: https://www.homestuck.com/story/6748
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's crew - Page 13
[16801] {6721} ♂ Vincent Gildo
[16802] {6722} ❤️ ♀ Ulga Gildo
[16803] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16804] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16805] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16806] {6723} ♂ Volff Gildo
[16807] {6724} ❤️ ♀ Üslem Gildo
[16808] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16809] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16810] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16811] {6725} ♂ Viggo Gildo
[16812] {6726} ❤️ ♀ Ulivier Gildo
[16813] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16814] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16815] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16816] {6727} ♂ Viktor Gildo
[16817] {6728} ❤️ ♀ Ulyna Gildo
[16818] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16819] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16820] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16821] {6729} ♂ Henry Durand
[16822] {6730} ❤️ ♀ Duski Durand
[16823] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16824] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16825] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16826] {6731} ♂ Herman Durand
[16827] {6732} ❤️ ♀ Duffi Durand
[16828] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16829] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16830] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16831] {6733} ♂ Hilbert Durand
[16832] {6734} ❤️ ♀ Drina Durand
[16833] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16834] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16835] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16836] {6735} ♂ Hubert Durand
[16837] {6736} ❤️ ♀ Danni Durand
[16838] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16839] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16840] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16841] {6737} ♂ Heddy Durand
[16842] {6738} ❤️ ♀ Hylda Durand
[16843] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16844] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16845] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16846] {6739} ♂ Harold Durand
[16847] {6740} ❤️ ♀ Hoda Durand
[16848] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16849] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16850] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16851] {6741} ♂ Homer Durand
[16852] {6742} ❤️ ♀ Harley Durand
[16853] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16854] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16855] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16856] {6743} ♂ Holger Durand
[16857] {6744} ❤️ ♀ Hazel Durand
[16858] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16859] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16860] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16861] {6745} ♂ Travis Gildo
[16862] {6746} ❤️ ♀ Yulia Gildo
[16863] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16864] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16865] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16866] {6747} ♂ Topher Gildo
[16867] {6748} ❤️ ♀ Yodi Gildo
[16868] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16869] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16870] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16871] {6749} ♂ Toby Gildo
[16872] {6750} ❤️ ♀ Yade Gildo
[16873] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16874] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16875] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16876] {6751} ♂ Timur Gildo
[16877] {6752} ❤️ ♀ Yane Gildo
[16878] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16879] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16880] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16881] {6753} ♂ CG Gildo
[16882] {6754} ❤️ ♀ Jean Gildo
[16883] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16884] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16885] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16886] {6755} ♂ Filip Gildo
[16887] {6756} ❤️ ♀ Jill Gildo
[16888] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16889] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16890] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16891] {6757} ♂ Vally Gildo
[16892] {6758} ❤️ ♀ Jilda Gildo
[16893] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16894] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16895] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16896] {6759} ♂ Xavier Gildo
[16897] {6760} ❤️ ♀ Jarvy Gildo
[16898] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16899] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16900] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16901] {6761} ♂ Jason Durand
[16902] {6762} ❤️ ♀ Linda Durand
[16903] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16904] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16905] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16906] {6763} ♂ Julien Durand
[16907] {6764} ❤️ ♀ Luci Durand
[16908] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16909] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16910] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16911] {6765} ♂ James Durand
[16912] {6766} ❤️ ♀ Lida Durand
[16913] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16914] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16915] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[16916] {6767} ♂ Jay Durand
[16917] {6768} ❤️ ♀ Londa Durand
[16918] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[16919] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[16920] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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ilmtest · 6 years
Be Firm In These Days of Fitan...
‘Ali ibn ’Abdul-Azīz said he heard Abū ‘Ubayd al-Qāsim Ibn Salām (may Allāh have mercy upon) saying: الحَاكِمُ: سَمِعْتُ أَبَا الحَسَنِ الكَارِزِيَّ، سَمِعْتُ عَلِيَّ بنَ عَبْدِ العَزِيْزِ، سَمِعْتُ أَبَا عُبَيْدٍ يَقُوْلُ:
“The follower of the Sunnah is similar to the one who holds on to the hot piece of coal. المُتَّبِعُ السُّنَّةَ، كَالقَابِضِ عَلَى الجَمْرِ،
Today with me, it has more virtue than the striking with the sword in the path of Allāh.” هُوَ اليَوْمَ عِنْدِي أَفْضَلُ مِنْ ضَرْبِ السَّيْفِ فِي سَبِيْلِ اللهِ.
Imām al-Thahabī, Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubalā 10/499 الذهبي، شمس الدين، سير أعلام النبلاء ط الرسالة ١٠/٤٩٩ http://shamela.ws/browse.php/book-10906/page-6748
Aḥmad al-Tayyār, Hayāt as-Salaf 1/36 أحمد الطيار، 17505 ١/٣٦ http://shamela.ws/browse.php/book-17505/page-33
al-Khaṭīb al-Baghdadī, Tārikh Madīna as-Salām 14/399 الخطيب البغدادي، تاريخ مدينة السلام ١٤/٣٩٩ http://shamela.ws/rep.php/book/4646
Telegram: https://t.me/ilmtest Twitter: https://twitter.com/ilmtest_ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ilmtest Facebook: https://facebook.com/ilmtest Tumblr: https://ilmtest.tumblr.com Website: https://www.ilmtest.net
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jimabernethy · 6 years
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Great White Shark! So sad how this magnificent creature is only at a fraction of the numbers we once had! If you haven't had the opportunity to see these magnificent beautiful sharks, definitely put it on your Must Do list! Let's all work harder to save sharks while we still can. I urge everyone to sign the petition from Oceana banning the shark fin trade in the US, as well as the Florida petition banning the shark fin trade in Florida! USA is the 7th worst nation for shark fin soup and Florida is the worst state in the United States! Save the Sharks! @jim_abernethy #lovesharks #oceanasharkfintradeban #greatwhite #shark #jimabernethysscubaadventures Link to Shark Fin Trade Ban below: https://act.oceana.org/page/6748/action/1?_ga=1.224013403.1523970717.1485886605 (at Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures & Marine Life Art Gallery)
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forextutor-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Forex Blog | Free Forex Tips | Forex News
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NZD/USD Breakdown Continues Ahead of NFP
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Talking Points:
NZD/USD Breakdown Continues Ahead of NFP
Both Short and Long Term Trends Pointed Lower
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The NZD/USD is declining for the second consecutive session this week, falling as much as 125 pips from Wednesday’s high of .6968. This fall in price comes ahead of tomorrow’s NFP (Non-farm Payrolls) data release. Expectations for the event are set at 190k, and as a high importance event has the ability to add increased volatility to trending US Dollar pairs.
Technically the NZD/USD is trending lower in both the short and long term. Prices remain well below the pairs 200 day MVA (simple moving average) which is now found at .7106. As well, the NZD/USD is now trading back below its 10 day EMA (exponential moving average) at .6913. If the trend continues lower, traders may continue to reference both of these points as ongoing values of resistance. In the event that prices begin to reverse higher on tomorrow’s news, traders should first look for prices to trade over .6900 and then attempt to close above the displayed 10 day EMA. A move of this nature would signal a shift in short term momentum, allowing prices to then potentially retest weekly highs above .6969.
NZD/USD, Daily Chart with averages
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(Created Using IG Charts)
Intraday analysis now has the NZD/USD attempting to breakout below its S1 pivot at .6849. If prices continue to slide, the next values of support may be identified at the S2 and S3 pivots seen below at .6807 and .6748. If prices rebound intraday, traders should first look for prices to pass through the S1 pivot and then breach today’s central pivot at .6908. A move through .6908 should be seen as significant, and would then open up the pair to test the next value or resistance. Resistance can be identified in the graph below at the R1 pivot found at .6950.
NZD/USD, 30 Minute Chart with Pivots
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(Created Using IG Charts)
Want to learn more about trading with market sentiment? Get our Free guide here.
Going into tomorrow’s NFP event, sentiment for the NZD/USD remains at extremes. Currently IG Client Sentiment (IGCS) reads at +2.09, with 67.6% of traders currently net-long. Typically sentiment is read as a contrarian indicator, which would suggest that the NZD/USD may be prepared to continue trending lower. In the event that prices do trend lower, IGCS may push to further extremes to end this week’s trading. Alternatively if prices bounce on tomorrow’s news, sentiment figures may shift in the short term back towards more neutral readings.
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— Written by Walker, Analyst for DailyFX.com
To Receive Walkers’ analysis directly via email, please SIGN UP HERE
See Walker’s most recent articles at hisBio Page.
Contact and Follow Walker on Twitter @WEnglandFX.
NZD/USD Breakdown Continues Ahead of NFP NZD/USD Breakdown Continues Ahead of NFP https://rss.dailyfx.com/feeds/technical_analysis $inline_image
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
Everything You Need To Know About Bob Ross Oil Paint | Bob Ross Oil Paint
Hamilton County Parks and Recreation will action a alternation of workshops application techniques by Bob Ross, as able-bodied as acceptable oil painting at Soddy-Daisy High School on Thursday evenings alpha on February 21.
Officials said, “Learn to acrylic in one day! Students will apprentice “wet on wet” painting techniques on a 16 x 20 canvas, which will become a admirable oil painting acceptable for framing. The certified adviser is Bea Cox, a bounded favorite.”
The amount is $50 per branch and abstracts are included. Students charge be 15 or older.
Attend one branch or all six:
SESSION #1: Thursday, February 21-Bob Ross Technique-LandscapeSESSION #2: Thursday, February 28-Bob Ross Technique-Lighthouse/SeascapeSESSION #3: Thursday, March 7-Floral Design-“Tennessee Irises”SESSION #4: Thursday, March 14-Wildlife – “The Majestic Buck”SESSION #5: Thursday, March 21-Traditional Still Life paintingSESSION #6: Saturday, March 30-Traditional “plein-aire” mural from life
(Cl captivated at Chester Frost Park-Time to be announced)
Deadlines for allotment are one-week above-mentioned to anniversary workshop. Call 842-6748 to annals and for added information.
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canadagiveaway · 5 years
The Brick Kirkland Grand Re-Opening Contest - Win UHD TV
The Brick Kirkland Grand Re-Opening Contest – Win UHD TV
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dd15info1 · 6 years
[News] Peach Ball : Senran Kagura nous présente du gameplay commenté
Peach Ball : Senran Kagura commence à pointer lentement le bout de son nez sur Nintendo Switch. Attendu le 13 décembre prochain au Japon, le titre est mis une nouvelle fois à l’honneur avec une vidéo de gameplay commenté sur la page Youtube de Marvelous, avec comme actrices de la session Hiromi Harada, doubleuse de […] source https://www.dd15.info/nintendo-switch-6748/
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jimabernethy · 7 years
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Great White Shark up close! So sad how this magnificent creature is only at a fraction of the numbers we once had! If you haven't had the opportunity to see these magnificent beautiful sharks, definitely put it on your Must Do list! Let's all work harder to save sharks while we still can. I urge everyone to sign the petition from Oceana banning the shark fin trade in the US, as well as the Florida petition banning the shark fin trade in Florida! USA is the 7th worst nation for shark fin soup and Florida is the worst state in the United States! Save the Sharks! @jim_abernethy #lovesharks #oceanasharkfintradeban #jimabernethysscubaadventures Link to Shark Fin Trade Ban below: https://act.oceana.org/page/6748/action/1?_ga=1.224013403.1523970717.1485886605 (at Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures & Marine Life Art Gallery)
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souqbladek1 · 6 years
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jbpiggin · 8 years
Dr Celsus MD
The earliest surviving major medical treatise written in Latin, and the earliest Western history of medicine, is Celsus's De medicina: The Vatican Library has just digitized the Vat.lat.5951: This codex, known as V, and a similar 9th-century copy in Florence, plus another now lost, ensured De medicina survived the Middle Ages.
The author, Aulus Cornelius Celsus, who lived from c.25 BCE to c.50 CE, probably in Gallia Narbonensis, is presumed to have been a physician himself. Jeremy Norman calls this book the oldest western medical document after the Hippocratic writings. The list below is the 6th of my 7 briefings on new Vat.lat. and Vat.gr. manuscripts digitized from mostly black and white microfilm.
Vat.lat.5824 , LQ
Vat.lat.5834 , LQ
Vat.lat.5835 , LQ
Vat.lat.5836 , LQ
Vat.lat.5842 , LQ
Vat.lat.5846 , LQ
Vat.lat.5860 , LQ
Vat.lat.5869 , LQ
Vat.lat.5873 , LQ
Vat.lat.5879 , LQ
Vat.lat.5890 , LQ
Vat.lat.5892 , LQ
Vat.lat.5895 , LQ
Vat.lat.5904 , LQ
Vat.lat.5906 , LQ
Vat.lat.5911 , LQ
Vat.lat.5913 , LQ
Vat.lat.5918 , LQ
Vat.lat.5920 , LQ
Vat.lat.5933 , LQ
Vat.lat.5944 , LQ
Vat.lat.5951, full colour scan (above), Celsus's De medicina
Vat.lat.5953 , LQ
Vat.lat.5957 , LQ
Vat.lat.5959 , LQ
Vat.lat.5964.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.5964.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.5966 , LQ
Vat.lat.5967 , LQ
Vat.lat.5984 , LQ
Vat.lat.5985 , LQ
Vat.lat.5986 , LQ
Vat.lat.5988 , LQ
Vat.lat.5990 , LQ
Vat.lat.5994 , LQ
Vat.lat.6000 , LQ
Vat.lat.6005 , LQ
Vat.lat.6029 , LQ
Vat.lat.6034 , LQ
Vat.lat.6035 , LQ
Vat.lat.6036 , LQ
Vat.lat.6038 , LQ
Vat.lat.6039 , LQ
Vat.lat.6043 , LQ
Vat.lat.6047 , LQ
Vat.lat.6057.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6063 , LQ
Vat.lat.6073 , LQ, Beuron Number 202, 11th century
Vat.lat.6074 , LQ, a celebrated Homiliary-Passional of the 11th or 12th century with initials that connect it to scriptoria of the period that produced major bibles. Including a work by Hucbaldus Elnonensis
Vat.lat.6075 , LQ
Vat.lat.6076 , LQ
Vat.lat.6080 , LQ
Vat.lat.6082 , LQ, 12th-century Missale Benedictinum. Listed by Lowe in his Beneventan script book.
Vat.lat.6089 , LQ
Vat.lat.6092 , LQ
Vat.lat.6093 , LQ
Vat.lat.6102 , LQ
Vat.lat.6103 , LQ
Vat.lat.6104 , LQ
Vat.lat.6105 , LQ
Vat.lat.6106 , LQ
Vat.lat.6110 , LQ
Vat.lat.6113 , LQ
Vat.lat.6114 , LQ
Vat.lat.6128 , LQ
Vat.lat.6139 , LQ
Vat.lat.6143 , LQ
Vat.lat.6146 , LQ
Vat.lat.6149 , LQ
Vat.lat.6151 , LQ
Vat.lat.6153 , LQ
Vat.lat.6154 , LQ
Vat.lat.6159 , LQ
Vat.lat.6160 , LQ
Vat.lat.6161 , LQ
Vat.lat.6162 , LQ
Vat.lat.6163 , LQ
Vat.lat.6177.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6177.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6178 , LQ
Vat.lat.6179 , LQ
Vat.lat.6180 , LQ
Vat.lat.6181 , LQ
Vat.lat.6184.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6184.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6186 , LQ
Vat.lat.6190.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6192.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6192.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6195.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6195.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6200 , LQ
Vat.lat.6206 , LQ
Vat.lat.6212 , LQ
Vat.lat.6215 , LQ
Vat.lat.6217 , LQ
Vat.lat.6227 , LQ
Vat.lat.6243 , LQ
Vat.lat.6250 , LQ
Vat.lat.6263 , LQ
Vat.lat.6266 , LQ
Vat.lat.6275 , LQ
Vat.lat.6280 , LQ
Vat.lat.6285 , LQ
Vat.lat.6290 , LQ
Vat.lat.6292 , LQ
Vat.lat.6295 , LQ
Vat.lat.6300 , LQ
Vat.lat.6301 , LQ
Vat.lat.6302 , LQ
Vat.lat.6311 , LQ
Vat.lat.6320 , LQ
Vat.lat.6325 , LQ
Vat.lat.6326 , LQ
Vat.lat.6337 , LQ, This is another of the Pseudo-Apuleius herbarium manuscripts. See my previous post, no. 26, for an outstanding example.
Vat.lat.6378 , LQ
Vat.lat.6379 , LQ, receipts for the loan and return of books: Rome Reborn highlights those of Charles Borromeo.
Vat.lat.6380 , LQ
Vat.lat.6385 , LQ
Vat.lat.6409 , LQ
Vat.lat.6412 , LQ
Vat.lat.6415 , LQ
Vat.lat.6418.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.6418.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.6423 , LQ
Vat.lat.6425 , LQ
Vat.lat.6427 , LQ
Vat.lat.6428 , LQ
Vat.lat.6439 , LQ
Vat.lat.6441 , LQ
Vat.lat.6444 , LQ
Vat.lat.6450 , LQ
Vat.lat.6451 , LQ
Vat.lat.6452 , LQ
Vat.lat.6526 , LQ
Vat.lat.6528 , LQ
Vat.lat.6532 , LQ
Vat.lat.6533 , LQ
Vat.lat.6534 , LQ
Vat.lat.6536 , LQ
Vat.lat.6539 , LQ
Vat.lat.6611 , LQ
Vat.lat.6701 , LQ
Vat.lat.6721 , LQ
Vat.lat.6735 , LQ, a compilation of letters that includes two, numbers 7 and 8, reprimanding an unidentified widowed queen of Cyprus and her lover. The letters are undated, but were probably written during the 1260s to Queen Plaisance (1235–1261) and her lover John of Jaffa (1215–1266). See Wikipedia, which also has links to translations of these admonitions from the pope.
Vat.lat.6737 , LQ
Vat.lat.6748 , LQ
Vat.lat.6750 , LQ
Vat.lat.6753 , LQ
Vat.lat.6756 , LQ
Vat.lat.6757 , LQ
Vat.lat.6758 , LQ
Vat.lat.6768 , LQ
Vat.lat.6769 , LQ
Vat.lat.6770 , LQ
Vat.lat.6771 , LQ
Vat.lat.6780 , LQ
Vat.lat.6786 , LQ
Vat.lat.6797 , LQ
Vat.lat.6800 , LQ
Vat.lat.6810 , LQ
Vat.lat.6819 , LQ
Vat.lat.6835 , LQ,
Vat.lat.6845 , LQ
Vat.lat.6847 , LQ
Vat.lat.6848 , LQ, Epigrammaton (Epigrams) by Martial, mid 15th century. Rome Reborn comments: Though clearly not Christian, and sometimes obscene, the Roman epigrammatist Martial was a favorite author among curial humanists. This manuscript was annotated by both Leto and Perotti.
Vat.lat.6850 , LQ
Vat.lat.6875 , LQ
Vat.lat.6887 , LQ
Vat.lat.6902 , LQ
Vat.lat.6910 , LQ
Vat.lat.6921 , LQ
Vat.lat.6926 , LQ
Vat.lat.6933 , LQ
Vat.lat.6937 , LQ
Vat.lat.6946 , LQ
Vat.lat.6952 , LQ
Vat.lat.6955 , LQ
Vat.lat.6958 , LQ
Vat.lat.6959 , LQ
Vat.lat.6960 , LQ
Vat.lat.6966 , LQ
Vat.lat.6982 , LQ
Vat.lat.7001 , LQ
Vat.lat.7007 , LQ
Vat.lat.7014 , LQ
Vat.lat.7015 , LQ
Vat.lat.7018 , LQ
Vat.lat.7019 , LQ
Vat.lat.7038 , LQ
Vat.lat.7044 , LQ
Vat.lat.7055 , LQ
Vat.lat.7077 , LQ
Vat.lat.7093 , LQ
Vat.lat.7099 , LQ
Vat.lat.7121 , LQ
Vat.lat.7122 , LQ
Vat.lat.7134 , LQ
Vat.lat.7136 , LQ
Vat.lat.7144 , LQ
Vat.lat.7150 , LQ
Vat.lat.7151 , LQ
Vat.lat.7167 , LQ
Vat.lat.7172 , LQ
Vat.lat.7179 , LQ
Vat.lat.7180 , LQ
Vat.lat.7181 , LQ
Vat.lat.7182 , LQ
Vat.lat.7188 , LQ
Vat.lat.7192 , LQ
Vat.lat.7193 , LQ
Vat.lat.7196 , LQ
Vat.lat.7205 , LQ
Vat.lat.7208 , LQ
Vat.lat.7214 , LQ
Vat.lat.7222 , LQ
Vat.lat.7241 , LQ
Vat.lat.7246 , LQ
Vat.lat.7247 , LQ
Vat.lat.7249 , LQ
Vat.lat.7258 , LQ
Vat.lat.7294 , LQ
Vat.lat.7296 , LQ
Vat.lat.7309 , LQ
Vat.lat.7317 , LQ
Vat.lat.7440 , LQ
Vat.lat.7483 , LQ
Vat.lat.7491 , LQ
Vat.lat.7547.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.7547.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.7563 , LQ
Vat.lat.7582 , LQ
Vat.lat.7584 , LQ
Vat.lat.7595 , LQ
Vat.lat.7622 , LQ
Vat.lat.7626 , LQ
Vat.lat.7632 , LQ
Vat.lat.7642 , LQ
Vat.lat.7651 , LQ
Vat.lat.7654 , LQ
Vat.lat.7658 , LQ
Vat.lat.7673 , LQ
Vat.lat.7701 , LQ, 10th-century Pontificale in what Lowe describes as a curious minuscule, with half a page of 12th century liturgical additions in Beneventan at fol 34
Vat.lat.7705 , LQ
Vat.lat.7712 , LQ
Vat.lat.7714 , LQ
Vat.lat.7720 , LQ
Vat.lat.7733 , LQ
Vat.lat.7735 , LQ
Vat.lat.7739 , LQ
Vat.lat.7750 , LQ
Vat.lat.7775 , LQ
Vat.lat.7780 , LQ
Vat.lat.7783 , LQ
Vat.lat.7792 , LQ
Vat.lat.7803 , LQ
Vat.lat.7806.pt.A , LQ, this is the Italian translation of the Lignages d'Outremer referred to in a previous post. The topic is the leading families of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Vat.lat.7810 , LQ, an 11th-century Lives of the Saints
Vat.lat.7851 , LQ
Vat.lat.7853 , LQ
Vat.lat.7876 , LQ
Vat.lat.7896 , LQ
Vat.lat.7901 , LQ
Vat.lat.7916.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.7923 , LQ
Vat.lat.7924 , LQ
Vat.lat.7928 , LQ
Vat.lat.7929.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.7929.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.7931 , LQ
Vat.lat.7983 , LQ
Vat.lat.8029.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.8045.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.8045.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.8053 , LQ
Vat.lat.8066.pt.C , LQ
Vat.lat.8066.pt.B , LQ
Vat.lat.8066.pt.E , LQ
Vat.lat.8086 , LQ
Vat.lat.8104 , LQ
Vat.lat.8106 , LQ
Vat.lat.8112 , LQ
Vat.lat.8129 , LQ
Vat.lat.8130 , LQ
Vat.lat.8159.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.8159.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.8160 , LQ
Vat.lat.8161 , LQ
Vat.lat.8171 , LQ
Vat.lat.8174 , LQ, Libro del saber de astrologia, with many spectacular rotae. Text in print available at e-rara.ch John Murdoch (Album of Science: page 268) reproduces the image on fol 137r (frame 70) of the section astrolabio redondo: this is a construction detail for a very rare form of medieval astrolabe (printed text here):
Vat.lat.8184 , LQ
Vat.lat.8185.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.8189 , LQ
Vat.lat.8192 , LQ
Vat.lat.8193.pt.2 , LQ
Vat.lat.8201 , LQ
Vat.lat.8211 , LQ
Vat.lat.8217 , LQ
Vat.lat.8222.pt.1 , LQ
Vat.lat.8222.pt.2 , LQ
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 102. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib. via Blogger http://ift.tt/2lkLiTw
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jimabernethy · 7 years
Help Lori Boyle and I with this very important campaign please! One person can make a huge difference! Please, Sign and Share the petition below to end the shark fin trade in the United States! @jim_abernethy https://act.oceana.org/page/6748/action/1?_ga=1.182069479.1523970717.1485886605 #sharkfinban #oceanasharkfintradeban #finbannow #saveprotectedanimals #savesharks #saveocean #conservation #conservationist #sharksaver #marineprotectedzones #mpa #startwithonething #racingextinction #ops #saveplanetearth #saveplanet #sharksofinstagram #fin #finfree #missionblue #naturephotography #nature #ilovesharks #underwater #beautiful #friendofnature #gorgeous #epicimages #ots #guardianmask #oceantechnologysystems #jimabernethysscubaadventures
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jimabernethy · 7 years
Tumblr media
Great White Shark up close! So sad how this magnificent creature is only at a fraction of the numbers we once had, thanks to the Shark Fin Industry! United States is 7th worst contributer worldwide to this industry. Let's all work harder to save sharks and remove the United States from this list. I urge everyone to sign the petition from Oceana banning the shark fin trade in the US and then please share it to everyone. PLEASE! Save the Sharks! Link to Shark Fin Trade Ban below: https://act.oceana.org/page/6748/action/1?_ga=1.224013403.1523970717.1485886605 @jim_abernethy #epicencounters #greatwhiteshark #ilovesharks #beautiful #whiteshark #whalesharkaggregation #epicimages #beautiful #gorgeous #saveprotectedanimals #savesharks #finbannow #livesharks #finfree #underwater #marineprotectedzones #sharks #saveoceans #lifechanging #epicimages #sharktrip #underwaterphotography #inspirational #gorgeous #jimabernethysscubaadventures
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jimabernethy · 4 years
Video by @jim_abernethy // Here's a brief moment from our whale shark trips! This trip is to the largest aggregation of Whale Sharks Worldwide! Sometimes we are fortunate enough to be joined by a large number of mantas as well! Hope to see you with us this year! DM me if your interested in getting more information on this life-changing encounters. If we don't address the relentless slaughter of sharks worldwide, scenes like this will be a thing of the past! The United States is presently the 7th worst nation worldwide for killing sharks! We can stop that forever by signing and sharing the US Shark Fin Elimination Act Petition! Go to the link in my bio to help! https://act.oceana.org/page/6748/action/1?_ga=2.124215564.724609661.1531752979-1031398535.1505823780 Please be the change the world needs to see! @jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc @sealegacy #turningthetide #sharks #whaleshark #lovesharks #FinBanNOW #bethevoice #largestwhalesharkaggregation #Bethechangetheworldneeds #stopneedlessslaughter #6thextinction #finfree (at Isla Mujeres - México) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kW-ZhJOct/?igshid=778kkwjiucz4
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