#owner change
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asktheemotions · 7 months ago
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This blog has officially been returned to its ORIGINAL OWNER… FOXFLAMINGO!
But don’t worry, Axonymus Art (me), and FoxFlamingo, are the same person.
The art style stays the same, the artist stays the same, everything stays the same except for the watermark.
You see, I wasn't confident in myself enough to make fandom content, so l created a secondary account to do this ask blog. It was a dumb thing to be anxious about, and you guys have been nothing but loving and supportive to my work.
In my breaks from posting updates here, l've been posting on my main account and started making fandom content there too. So I want to reveal my main account and provide you an opportunity to see everything else I've been working on outside of this project.
This blog will stay the same, just rebranded and owned by a different account. You can unfollow my secondary account (Axonymus Art) and follow my main account (FoxFlamingo).
I have already gone through all the watermarks and changed them to “FoxFlamingo”.
On my main account, I post a lot of art, including from different fandoms, along with ANIMATIONS! (Expecially on my YouTube Channel) Check it out when you can! I’m currently hyperfixated on FOP rn, so if you like that too then you definitely wanna check it out.
See ya soon!
-Axonymus Art FoxFlamingo
Edit: most of the watermarks have been changed, but there might be a few plus some tags that need to be changed too. I’ll get to that soon.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years ago
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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artisadie · 6 months ago
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tricks your ghost
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aipurjopa · 5 months ago
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various spokes and others
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ladamania · 2 years ago
“On the 6th Day of the 2nd Month of the First Year of the Kampo era. Taking a moment of my free time, I wish to express my joy of the cat. It arrived by boat as a gift to the late Emperor, received from the hands of Minamoto no Kuwashi.
The color of the fur is peerless. None could find the words to describe it, although one said it was reminiscent of the deepest ink. It has an air about it, similar to Kanno. Its length is 5 sun, and its height is 6 sun. I affixed a bow about its neck, but it did not remain for long.
In rebellion, it narrows its eyes and extends its needles. It shows its back.
When it lies down, it curls in a circle like a coin. You cannot see its feet. It’s as if it were circular Bi disk. When it stands, its cry expresses profound loneliness, like a black dragon floating above the clouds.
By nature, it likes to stalk birds. It lowers its head and works its tail. It can extend its spine to raise its height by at least 2 sun. Its color allows it to disappear at night. I am convinced it is superior to all other cats.”
- journal entry of 22-year-old Emperor Uda on March 11, 889 CE and earliest record of a cat in Japan [x]
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Black Cat (detail) by Hishida Shunso, 1910 [x]
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ass-fuehrerin · 26 days ago
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[A man stepping to the front, not as the Frontman, but for this fleeting moment, as a shield]
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soup-mother · 4 months ago
one of my discord experiences of all time was joining a "leftist" discord server where the pride flag emojis were really weirdly saturated and harsh on the eyes (particularly the trans one), i politely suggested they might want to change them slightly, and then got accused of being a fascist and "of course you're going after the trans flag specifically" by someone who asked my pronouns "so i can dunk on you".
obviously I was like "I'm literally a trans woman? I'd like to be able to use my own pride flag with hurting my eyes???" and they were like "ah..." and then left the server. I didn't stick around but that's probably my favourite experience I've ever had in a discord server, at no point was "hey this is kinda inaccessible" taken as anything other than a planned attack by fascists. they didn't even ask if i was trans lol.
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petr1kov · 2 years ago
i love the way that breaking bad and especially better call saul go against the notion that your life is basically set forever and over once you're middle aged. like no, don't worry, there's still a myriad of different and innovative ways you can ruin your life past your 40s <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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A rejuvenating encounter.
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months ago
apologies to all of you who know me personally and congratulations to all of you who do not. i am quickly spiraling back into degrees of lewdity hell and i fear this time it may be terminal.
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s4ndg3m · 10 months ago
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hear me out on scag x split guys. they both start with "s" it's practically canon.
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dark-cynder49 · 9 months ago
Alright, imma leave y’all with this thing I made cause I actually really like the Backyardigans.
I’ve come up with way too many head canons for these bitches and they’re a nice neutral thing to draw
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 4 months ago
Otto and D3-C1 at a casino
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❤️♦️ Are the stakes worth it? ♣️♠️
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ganondoodle · 4 months ago
actively fighting a full blown panic attack born out of sadness and anger after having to drive by yet another victim on the side of the road
it makes me livid how accepted it is to just let cats suffer and die disgustingly horrid deaths and live awful short lives just so what, for what?? so you dont have to play with them for an hour a day??? when i was little it was just kinda normal that they disappeared at some point, i didnt understand what it actually meant until our outdoor cat i loved dearly was found in the bushes near our house in a condition so horrible my dad has never told me and i have never dared to ask, she only made it to 6 and had horrible scars and infections before that i allowed my family to convince me to let my first own cat outside, we only had her for a year, she died at only 2 years old, i am still suffering from the guilt, it has never let me go, she went missing for a week and i walked the entire vilage up and down every day, yelling her name, wandering into the forest alone, talking to every stranger i met until one morning my mom told me that our neighbour who works for the city asked if we had a white cat with a very specific collar she had- he found her on a busy road crossing in the next bigger city, i never even got to bury her, its haunting me, the thought of her wandering lost and scared in the city for a week until meeting an awful end gives me headaches, the fact that i was the last one to see her alive, that i put her outside bc we were late for school and had to leave quickly, that she had come home with oil in her fur from crawling through maschines and cars before, that i was worried but still didnt act, that it is my fault, any time i am up to late its coming back, it will never let me go, if i had stood my ground and not allow her outside unless on a leash or similar shed still be alive today, any time i read a description at our local shelter it comes back, they still advocate for outside cats, all of them, even if they have only been an indoor one before, its madness my older sister had a cat, i dont even know how old he got but it wasnt long either, he got hit by a car in front of their house, she has two now again and the only reason she hasnt let them outside is because they havent shown much interest in it, i tried to warn her before and she didnt listen and shes still resistent, even after losing one too
i have seen so many on the side of the road, anywhere i drive i see them, i cannot forget a single one, we are surrounded by farm land and all its giant maschinery, its still common to poison rodents, why do people value them so little, you wouldnt let your dog just live outside in the woods and streets for half the day or more, you wouldnt just throw your guniea pigs on the road and tell them have fun, you wouldnt just let your bird roam outside, there probably assholes that do that too but you cannot tell me its as common as outside cats
i dont understand it, i dont, i wont, i never will, i will never forgive myself this poor little animal that was my responsibility having to pay the price of my ignorance, or my own weakness letting my family convince me despite the awful way we lost one before, it makes me want to explode it hurts my brain in grief and anger i can barely contain
cats deserve to live a safe and long life, i get only having them inside may feel like you are locking them up, but do you think that not doing so is worth having them die a painful death? being poisonend? on purpose even by disgusting people that hate them? abused and chased by other animals and dogs? hurt and lost? cutting their lifespan in half? if they even make it that far? the amount of wildlife that they kill unnecessarily so when all of that is already in a steep decline everywhere? and if they eat what they hunt get infected with diseases or again, poison? die somewhere in agony? if cared for they dont care about going outside, plenty can be leash trained or given a secure way to roam like those cat proof aviary like things, if you dont want to put effort into caring for a cat DONT GET ONE, ALL pets require adequate care, and if you think cats are the easiest bc you only have to feed them every now and then IF they come home? you suck, you are an asshole, i hate you and you do not care about them, if you just want to occasionalyl feed and pet an animal go to the petting zoo
(this is about pet cats of people who can absolutely afford to keep them healthily inside, i know feral cats and those in poor neighbourhoods are a thing, even if not here where i live, and thats a whole other but still similar problem and not the point of this post)
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months ago
Could i perhaps get wafflepaw please?
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Sure :3
OG Ref
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