#overwhelming but exciting
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chilling-seavey · 7 months ago
All you [lovely] followers sending asks for TWIG seem to always be trying to make 'reader' famous - LADIES WE DONT HAVE TO BE FAMOUS TO GET THE MAN LETS STOP PUSHING THIS NARRATIVE!!!! /lh
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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I'm back in the Tigers cage again.
(You too can join in on throwing a Rat Of A Man into a Tiger cage by reading Tiger Tiger)
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acertainmoshke · 6 months ago
I was a “grumpy” kid. It was a joke in my family. They (with all loving intention) teased me for being a grouch, poked me when I scowled, got me things like pencil cases with “smile and no one will know you’re mad”
They also lectured me when I withdrew from whatever activity half an hour in or pulled out my book, because I was meant to be participating. Any picture taken at the end instead of the beginning of volunteering/marching in a parade/whatever has me utterly stony faced
I realized today that I was constantly overstimulated. It’s a similar emotional reaction to low blood sugar but I could recognize that as a kid and knew I had to eat regularly or I got dizzy and mean. The other seemed to be random
But we’re trying out hearing aids for audio processing, right? And we went to archery practice which is in a field by a road. And I was in a good mood, chattering with my partner, and then as soon as we got there I got grumpy. Everything made me want to snap or yell or pull away (I only did the last one, because I’m an adult who can turtle in on myself instead of screaming)
And they were like, “Are you having a sensory moment? Do you want to turn your hearing aid down?”
And I did and the passing cars on the road got softer and suddenly I was fine
But I lived like this for years, with the assumption it was just part of my personality but that if I didn’t want to go to whatever class or meeting or event, or if I wanted to sit in a corner and read, or if I shut down half an hour in, I was just not being Good
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intimidating-fettuccine · 3 months ago
LJ: Heeyyyy!!!
Y/N: Hey, someone’s excited.
Jason, deadpan: Yeah, and it’s making me sick.
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wardingshout · 1 year ago
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instead of brain there is Link's Awakening
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raina-clipse423 · 1 year ago
Doki doodle bunch 2!!
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There's the Sayori one I really liked!! She's just the type to stim a lot to me when she gets really excited (which is lowkey all the time imo) zhaibwisw
Monika's colors giving seratonin, i dunno it just gives that vibe, and who wouldn't want to use her hair as a scarf at one point in your life even if just for shi's and giggles?
That baffled Yuri was actually the very first thing I drew in the sketch book too lol I like it as well
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timethehobo · 7 months ago
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Too hyped to sleep but too tired to finish a bigger piece so take this scribble.
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otaku553 · 5 months ago
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Unfortunately I’m on Big Cartel’s free plan and can only list 5 items so they’re all prints for now but more stuff will be coming!
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notherpuppet · 9 months ago
Hello! Okay, so i have question about your radioapple human AU. (I don't know if you've answered this question yet)
Is there a special day when you post another part of this AU? (first, i thought it's like 3 days, then that on Tuesday, but now i don't know, should i wait for some exactly day or its random? 😭)
I work on it in my leisure time, and some weeks are busier than others. There’s no schedule for release. I’ll post the next part when I finish it.
I promise that I’m the most eager to see the next part finished haha.
And I’m very eager to share it with you all 🤗
I’m sorry it’s inconsistent, but this is something I do for funsies outside of my duties in life
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crooked-hourglass · 6 days ago
Behold, a divide (and a piano cover!)
Clear to read sheets are also on my blog if you want them
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bestjeanistmonster · 10 months ago
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Dc au- the bestest friends ever
Their dynamic means so much to me, this introverted kid from the sea that hasn’t been on land before being partnered with this walking traffic light who’s always pumped for a new adventure and never does what he’s told
Tails thinks he’s the coolest guy ever and wants to be his friend while Kit tries in vain to evade the power of friendship and wants to be professional cuz he’s too awkward to make friends and thinks Tails is annoying (at first)
I imagine during an attack on Gotham, Black manta this time, and Kit was pursuing him, damaging a lot of buildings in the process (caring about property damage is for losers) so Tails and Batman were trying to arrest them both until Tails (on his own) manages to get an answer out of him about the situation with black manta (cuz Kit frankly thought it was none of the land dwellers business)
So Tails insists on helping him despite Kit’s protests and together they mange to solve the mystery and arrest black manta
Kit recognises that Tails def has some cool skills Tails is like:
“Who knows, maybe next time your on land you could stop by Gotham and we can team up again!”
Tails has been upgraded to ‘potential ally’!
(As soon as Kit and Tails become officially friends, Kit lowkey becomes attached to him at the hip, usually standing next to him, going where he goes when their on a mission together like a silent shadow. They’re a package deal!!)
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itsbeesknees · 4 months ago
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Impera Ghoul Pumpkin I carved for the season
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intramoon · 1 month ago
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[Previous] [Next] | ♫ I.F.L/Downside/baby bull - Brockhampton Transcription under the cut.
Wednesday: Are you cooking for a village?
Amelia: Sort of. [soft chuckle] It's for us, but Penny and I are going out. I said I'd make her breakfast before we left.
Wednesday: Noted, I'll take my plate outside.
Amelia: You don't have to eat outside.
Wednesday: Rather that than Penny's eyes burning holes in the back of my head.
Amelia: I wish I had an explanation or knew why she won't come around.
[doorbell] [front door opens]
Amelia: Wait your outfit is so cute!
Penny: Thank you! It's been sitting in my closet. I finally decided to wear it.
Amelia: Now I feel underdressed. [soft chuckle]
Penny: No no, you are so cute what are you talking about!
Penny: What are you making, it smells good and I'm starving.
[leaves rustling]
[flick of the lighter]
Miles: Hey, I don't mean to bother you I just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors.
Wednesday: We need to get a house in the middle of nowhere.
Miles: That's easier when you live near a familiar face.
Wednesday: What a fucking nightmare.
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pulsingvoid · 1 year ago
not negating anybody's experience i know black sails is outstanding regardless of how or when or how quickly you watch it. but also, as a gay person who watched it in real time, you really had to be there. they introduce anne bonny and you know your pirate history so you KNOW she's a girlliker. she has a moment with max but youre not sure where it's gonna go. because it's 2014. you wait over a year for 2x01 and she and max fucking obliterate you with the sword drop kiss scene. all anybody is talking about in the tags is vaneeleanor. a few weeks later 2.05 drops and flint is not only textually gay and kissing a man but he is waging war on england, on all of civilization for taking away his male lover. you find this out after investing fourteen hours on this show that have spanned over a year and a half in your real life. not to mention the miranda stuff and silver's arc and mr scott and madi and the death march that seasons 3 and 4 feel like when you have no inkling of how it's gonna end. but you stick with it regardless because it's good and besides it's 2014-2017 and the only genre show with gay people in it is fucking... the 100? lol anyway. more gay people flock to black sails between seasons and the tag becomes more about the gay shit than vaneeleanor, thank fucking god, finally. you all dread the last season. you brace yourselves for the worst. you thank the stars this show airs weekly because watching even just two episodes together is too overwhelming. 4.08 airs. you cry. 4.09 airs. you cry. 4.10 airs. your life will never be the same. you cry so hard you catch a fever and have to stay in bed all week to recuperate. you know this was a once in a lifetime experience never to be repeated again but you can't help but hold every other show to this impossible standard.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
that thing luffy does when he's shy or too excited about something, pulling the straw hat down to cover his face, but it happens whenever zoro kisses him because it's really overwhelming and he doesn't know what to do with these new feelings that make him so so happy.
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intrusivepng · 1 year ago
Wilbur coming back VINEBOOM Tina bagi date VINEBOOM heist where cellbit has to make a team of ppl VINEBOOm supposed info on the eggs VINEBOOM the teaser poster EXOLOSIONS EVERYWHERE BOOM VOOM BOOM
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