sometimes I get so needy that I don't even have to touch myself and you could see me losing my mind, my eyelashes fluttering and vision getting fuzzy, soft moans rolling down from my parted lips. I feel my hole gushing out wetness that is dripping on my bedsheets. I try to shush myself squirming on the bed, biting on a pillow because my family could hear how filthy I am.
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zzmikan · 15 days
A itty bitty sensitive baby
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spiritual-core · 2 months
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If you are “touchy” or ever called over sensitive…
Know that you may also hold the parallel potential for mastery of being able to deftly handle complex issues requiring sensitive handling. (This sounds very valuable)
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innocuousquirk · 3 months
had a certifiable autism moment at the beach today when the sand was too hot for me to stand on with flip-flops
I forgot my water shoes (which would have provided more coverage) so I just decided to bail after suffering through half the walk
there were tears involved, but thankfully no yelling and now I am Normal again
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parfum-de-la-muse · 6 months
Literally I have been wondering why I am so emotional, so oversensitive easily, overwhelmed and overthinking lately and I have figured it out that in 2 days is full moon in libra and my moon is in libra and I think that explains a lot, my condition now.
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dk-thrive · 2 years
I wanted to write about what was going on beneath the surface of the skin because mine felt porous, oversensitive to everything around me.
For all my curiosity I wanted to write about what was going on beneath the surface of the skin because mine felt porous, oversensitive to everything around me. I didn’t need any extra stimulation. It was as if I couldn’t brush past someone without feeling them intensely. I wanted to write about the human spirit because I was trying to better understand my own. I wanted to sing about it because I could sing myself to somewhere I wanted to be.
— Bono, “Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono” (Knopf, November 1, 2022) 
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toonerdyandiknowit · 1 month
Being 27 and told you’re autistic unlocks all sorts of nonsense.
As a side note, I’ve actually had multiple health professionals talk to/at me about being on the spectrum since I was about 21, I’ve just been in denial and refused to be tested. However I’ve been struggling with life a lot recently so I gave in and yeah turns out they had a point.
I’ve always repressed my negative emotions due to backlash. Anger = bad so I mustn’t be angry. But when I get overwhelmed I get angry, so I get quiet and isolate to try and recover.
Currently I live with my wife at her mums and there are 3 dogs who bark almost constantly (well, it feels that way when I’m overwhelmed) and all I want to do is cry and scream coz there’s so much going on why can’t they just SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. But then I’m bad and mean coz they’re just dogs I should get over it and sort myself out and stop being so weird, why would a normal person get SO angry about it just calm down and be normal.
And I used to think I was just over dramatic but apparently this is autism. Who knew.
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icequeen1371 · 2 months
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I’ve known this bitch for 10 years. She’s pulled crap like this before, I’ve called her on her attitude and she’s told me several times “I’m having a bad day“ or “I’ve switched meds” or “I’m not on my meds” or even “sorry, I didn’t mean to go overboard after rereading your post. Yeah, that was bitchy“ stuff like that. So yeah, it’s happened before, but not to this extent. Should never actually told me to fuck off before. So I don’t know if she’s having an episode or hard time or what. But I’m done. I have mental illnesses too, but I don’t treat my friends like shit just cause I’m having a bad day or issues with my medication. So… Yeah, girl bye.
Is it just me? Am I just taking this wrong and processing this to sensitively? And yeah, I know if I have to ask myself am I being too sensitive about this, usually I’m supposed to say the answer is no. But seriously though? I’m not crazy right? Overboard. Like I went to private messenger and find out what the fuck, and she’s blocked me across the platforms. So I was like what the hell. Whatever next time you fall apart, don’t message me.. Maybe this is why she doesn’t have enough people to turn to. It sad. But I’m not a damn doormat.
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huutoa · 3 months
I was bullyed for being too emotional growing up. I got mad or upset so easyly and when I did, I would cry and scream, but no one would take my anger seriously.
So I stopped being mad and upset. Now everything is just a joke. Oh someone insulted me? Haha so funny. Someone died? So fucking funny.
Now I'm weird and emotionless for doing so. The same people who made fun of me are now so supprised when I can't talk about my feelings without making it a joke.
I don't think I've ever had a friend who I could genuenly talk about feelings with.
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theladwhoisweird · 6 months
In this world, full of soulless people, why is it seems like a sin to feel something just because you can sense deeply?
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poemsbyifk · 1 year
There's a mouse in my room I've locked in my cupboard
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sleepnoises · 6 months
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im reading more harriet lerner and truly this being a possible boundary that god doesn't immediately strike you down for had never occurred to me before. thanks steve
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theinnercircle-jnh · 2 years
I have three new ways and they went on my list…I think my original way is known by both parties but…I think that reality I once wanted won’t happen anymore, so I think it’s best if I do it myself.
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deepmemoirs · 2 years
This always happens lol this is the same reason why I give up on a lot of things, people, and explaining my thoughts.
I realized that if I bother you or you consider to be a waste of anything, please do not hurt me and pretend it’s all my fault…
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thesaintoffire · 2 years
snowflakes beware...
I'm making it my job to offend people, so if I offend you, don't take it personally, I believe that you're all equally annoying, you're not special...
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
Brainrot is kicking in, work has me by the throat, I am so tired
Enter: self indulgent sillies
Shanks and Buggy both were kidnapped very often as children - be it by Marines, enemy pirates, Whitebeard on occasion, random ass guys targeting two unattended children, whatever.
They both have gotten so desensitized to it that they don't even get scared anymore. It becomes more "I'm not held here with you, you're stuck here with ME" type of situation.
Buggy is sassy, snarky, rude and sarcastic. Shanks pops in now and again with some completely out of pocket shit that sends Buggy into hysterics. Think that scene from Helluva Boss with Blitzø and Moxxie being kidnapped.
This complete lack of care extends well into their adulthood - Shanks because it's honestly kind of funny that someone had the audacity to try him, Buggy because sarcasm and sass is his defense mechanism.
Enter: Cross Guild.
Marines try an infiltration mission to Cross Guild, but they severely underestimated the organization. Mihawk was off island at the time, so they thought that the biggest powerhouse who could identify them via observation haki was gone. Buggy notices immediately both because his haki is oversensitive and he's gotten scarily good at reading body language. Crocodile, when informed, proposes they give the squadron what they want with interest.
A series of unfortunate events lead to Buggy and some of the crew shackled and in the plaza. Buggy's got seastone cuffs on wrists and feet both, and has failed to mention the mini transponder in his hair piece. The Marines made the mistake of cuffing him behind his back, thinking it would limit his knife skills. They don't know that Buggy's anxiety and paranoia has lead to him having a secret pin in his boots specifically to pick locks.
Buggy then proceeds to roast the men with all he's got while he works.
The others present are both confused and fighting laughter as the commanding officer gets more and more pissed off before he finally backhands Buggy dark enough to split his lip. Then a hand clutches his throat, lifting him slightly. Buggy splutters. The marine grins, a nasty thing, demands Buggy apologizes, complaining about the blood on his white sleeve. Buggy tries to speak and can't from the lack of air.
"Oh," the officer coos, "what is it? Finally going to beg forgiveness?" He loosens his grip just enough for Buggy to get some air, lowers enough for the other to go on tiptoes to get a strangled breath. Buggy cracks an eye open, a smile blooming on his face.
"H-Harder, daddy~"
The Marine drops him in disgust.
No matter what they try, Buggy has a come back. Crocodile is listening in, and Mihawk, upon arriving back, has joined him to avoid the navy presence. They're both a bit stunned, a little intrigued, and mayhap rethinking some preconceived notions of the clown.
Especially when there's sound over the transponder snail, a little clink, thump, a shout, and something wet.
"Well," Buggy's voice carries over. "Who's next? Come on, I haven't got all day, you already made me miss two appointments, you dull Neanderthals."
There's a sound like a sword being drawn, a war cry, and Buggy chuckles. "Ohh. You're stupid, huh? That's okay, Buggy likey dumby~"
Turns out even in seastone cuffs, even in twice as much as a typical pirate or criminal wears, Buggy is more than capable of taking out a squadron. He uses his surroundings to his advantage, fighting dirty and taunting them playfully, much to the admiration of the other's present. One cuff is off his wrist, but three more are still on him, cutting off his powers. He still manages to not get cut until the near end.
Even then, it's because one of the stragglers tried attacking his chained subordinates. Buggy gets a cut to the cheek, mild and harmless, maybe needing stitches, but he's furious. "No no no," he grits out, "You're playing with me right now." A stolen sword sinks into an opening with ease. Buggy leans in close. "Don't you ever fucking touch my children. Understand?"
No response. Buggy shifts the sword. There's a scream.
"Yes what?"
"Y-yes... s-sir."
Buggy snorts. "I was looking for your majesty." Then he yanks the blad up and out, leaving the body to slump to the ground. He turns to the few remaining. "Well?"
Buggy handles it on his own, the followers are even MORE fanatic, and Crocodile and Mihawk are facing a sudden and unexpected paradigm shift while watching Buggy happily eat a bowl of ice cream, kicking his feet happily and simply vibing like it's a typical Tuesday afternoon.
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