#overmorrow tag
regular-dog · 4 months
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Scanned the beaft before I go in with the multichrome paints next session
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(Making this post so I can pin it)
Hi! I'm Penrose, otherwise known as Snippy or Casper. I'm the owner of @regular-dog and @greatproblem. This is my sideblog dedicated to Overmorrow!
You can find Overmorrow (in whatever state of development it's currently at) here: https://overmorrow.neocities.org/
General info below the cut :]
What is Overmorrow?
Overmorrow began as a worldbuilding project, developed into a writing project aimed at the eventual creation of a novel, and went in like 10 different directions minimum over the course of about 5 years up until now. Currently, Overmorrow is intended to take the form of a text adventure - which is what I'll be posting about on here!
What's it about?
Overmorrow is a sci-fi/fantasy story set in the fictional world of Paneia. You can find more detailed info about that in this carrd: https://yesternight.carrd.co/#overmorrow , which I'm using as a kind of placeholder wiki (until I eventually get around to putting it on its own site, I guess, but that's pretty low priority rn)
In terms of story, Overmorrow takes place following the death of a character who then comes back as a ghost. In this world, ghosts are a fairly average part of life - not super common, but also not unexpected, and not generally regarded as dangerous or malicious, either. You play as the ghost. You don't remember your past as a living person, but a lot of the people around you do; ultimately, Overmorrow is a story about identity, change, and mourning, and how those things can interact and conflict.
It's also, like, about space and speculative biology and borderline-thaumaturgical magic systems and stuff. We stay silly :]
How long will it take to fully release?
Probably years. Sorry. Got a lot going on in my life right now, so as much as I'd like to devote most of my time to writing and coding, I... Have neither the time nor energy to do so.
Rest assured that at no point do I intend to abandon Overmorrow entirely. It's my baby and it's like, easily half a decade old by now. I love it to death! It's just incredibly slow going.
The good news: I do have a finalised plot outline, and I'm really trying to stick with it and not change it too drastically this time. It's coherent! Cohesive! It has common themes and an actual planned ending! Wow! Revolutionary!!
Other info:
Even though it's not done yet, once you get to whatever point in the story that's the current "end point", you'll be able to return to the main intro/menu, where you'll find a page displaying your accumulated stats. Some of these involve actual planned gameplay mechanics, but some of them are just for sillies - I have intentions to create some joke achievements you'll be able to unlock in the finished version, but for now they're just kind of... There.
The first chapter of Overmorrow is a pretty linear path. It's main divergences are just differences in how you experience a scene, without any changes to actual plot. This is deliberate! I don't want readers to become too confused right from the get-go, so chapter one is basically just... Orientation. An introduction to the world and how things function. Etc
I have a discord server dedicated to Overmorrow and its sibling projects (all grouped under the title of Yesternight). You can join it here: https://discord.gg/GhHmR8HskY
There's a lot of background worldbuilding that goes in to Overmorrow but it probably won't become super relevant until later, so if you'd like to know about the specbio stuff (or anything else) feel free to send asks and messages and such
I'm developing Overmorrow using Twinery, and then just pasting the html into neocities (which... Actually used to be a site I intended to use for art stuff, but it was sitting abandoned for ages so I decided to just scrap that and use it for this instead lol)
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snippyschnapps · 1 year
I gotta sketch my most recent creatures (thesfi, festeghet and anomei) for artfight but i have so much other shit to doooo in the next few days i probably wont have time for anything very good...
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“If I find the pieces of hurt inside me, what should I do once I have them?”
“Make something new. Because there’s no going back to how things used to be.”
The time has come. A freshly baked fic, written by yours truly. ☺️ May I present to you…
Summary: After Daybreak Town’s destruction, Ephemer awakens on a distant shore. This is the story of how he learns to live again.
Takes place after the events of Union Cross, and before the events of Missing Link.
Read here: Ch 1: Refraction
[link for better image quality]
[link to fun supplementary info for the fic]
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lvcidreamss · 5 months
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blasphemous thing
dnd brainrot has NOT ceased
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overly-verbose · 4 months
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Seriously, bro's a professional yapper lmfao
Tbf it's not completely unprovoked and he does just want to at least try explaining some things, if in a roundabout way, to make people more at ease (if not in the moment then overall) but, well-
sometimes it has the opposite effect lmao 😂
Also like, it's absolutely hilarious how I thought
'oh but this is just, like three scenes - how long could this be'
but all the freaking talking and stuff that everyone's doing is making Part 8 the second longest in the series 😂😂😂💀😂
(I fear for my poor brain, man - we've only just barely almost covered the Detention Center Arc
(and a little bit of the VS Mahito Arc Mahito Gets Curse PTSD Arc but I do wanna fill in some of the gaps between those)
and it's already gonna be over 40k words???
Why am I being so ambitious for my first ever proper writing project frrr *perishes a bit*
but I do hope to get it to the end - and beyond because there's no way I wouldn't constantly add to the post-main-plot shenanigans lol - however long that takes heh (just try to be patient with me pls I try my best here 😂) 👍)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Damn I forgot how long it takes to make a good reclist. Between getting a good list tracking down all the fics writing all the relevant info and then a little comment if I have something to say, that stuff is time consuming
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multiples-blades · 2 years
thanks for the ask! (in reference to this post)
for dp fics, since thats what this blog is (considering this excerpt to fall under “one sentence” given how short it is):
The frogspawn blinks at him. The eyes on the aspens blink too. Phantom keeps his eyes resolutely open, and makes sure only to blink out of time.
for original fiction, since that’s what im working on the most rn:
I can feel the shape of their name vibrating in my throat - I try to spit it out, but the shape of my face won’t keep still and I can’t figure out how to open my mouth, so there it stays, humming, half-a-hiss; the static of my gums drips like wax, and cold air whistles through the new holes in my face, and the spaces between my teeth.
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virmillion · 2 years
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stole this post so i can talk about cringe oc shit
so i’m obsessed with this. and i know you were just going off about trichotomies >> dichotomies. but within every trio exists three duos so shut up okay
so aleth is moon coded, rough is sun coded. i think it would be a nice overlap (read: that once overlapping alliteration ur always going on about) if rough gets his energy from the moon, and aleth gets hers from the sun. this means aleth has to rely on ghost (star coded) to follow rough around (watsonian argument), and she sees more of tumble (TBD coded) than she does of rough. it also works because i think, if rough were out in the day for a long time, with very little time in the moon (/or when tumble is running the show*), he’s Super Mega Tired, and vice versa for aleth being out at night a bunch
*im not sure how it works with tumble pushing through. obviously it doesn’t happen much, but i can’t decide if rough is tired after (tumble was using the Not Body in the day for an extended time), or if he’s more awake after (Rough Specifically As Himself was not running around in the day)
i can’t decide if ghost is always or never tired. i’m leaning more toward never, since there are Always stars out, you just can’t see them in the day because of the sun. this maybe means you can make them a little flatter during the day, or maybe they’re better at tangibility when it’s a night with clear skies? like i said, not sure
anyway i think the most likely times for aleth and rough to overlap are sunset and sunrise, and i think it would be somewhat conducive if you brought those about on purpose - in scenarios where rough is pissed off and doing his thing, it’s sunrise because he’s just getting fired up? or sunset because he’s been up so long and is full to the brim with energy (/overstimulated)? and whichever it is, vice versa for aleth (probably depends on the mood you want in the first scene u write that calls for this, and that’ll just become the default lol)
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tapwater118 · 24 days
You HHAVE to tag me in your el analysis when you post it
aye aye cap’n 🫡 tagged ye shall be
it’ll probably be out either tomorrow or overmorrow depending on how tired i am after my physics lab
but have a teaser for bein such a fly guy
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regular-dog · 6 months
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OK i can finally feel ok about making an actual update post now that the game isnt like, 5 passages long. 1.7.2! https://overmorrow.neocities.org/ making steady progress towards a completed chapter 1. just trying not to get distracted with the others..
unfortunately the audio links are broken right now cause im still figuring out how to get twine to let me add external hyperlinks. hopefully ill get there eventually
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snippyschnapps · 1 year
Being so autistic abt the ghosts in my worldbuilding for real rn
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history 101 💛
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This was originally just supposed to be me having fun exploring what Ephemer would be like as a teacher but it got a bit out of hand in a good way (but I think I spent way too long on this lol)
I wholeheartedly believe that teaching is Eph’s true passion. While writing Overmorrow, I came to realize that his role as a teacher/master is necessary in ensuring that light and the will of the keyblade lives on, but it’s also something he would just genuinely enjoy doing on a personal level. Aside from being able to infodump to his heart’s content (that’s a big deal! 😄), he can also help, inspire, and lead as a teacher! I think if he does actually establish the Keyblade order/academy in canon, it would be his pride and joy
Eph’s actual classroom may not have looked like kh3/dr’s, but I like to believe it was probably similarly designed. (He learned a lot about teaching from Hestia 🥰)
Lyra first appeared here :) the rest of the students are new, I made them up on the spot
my ass could not have handled making Overmorrow as a webcomic
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lvcidreamss · 6 months
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I made an alan-like oc for a d&d campaign I'm currently in!!! his name is andion overmorrow and I love him sm... he has some elements from alan wake, like scratch (may redesign that loser but he's at the bottom) but otherwise his backstory and everything else is different.
saga is an NPC for andion's backstory. she's a tiefling bc I straight up wanted her to be a stark contrast to alan for the Funnies
for spellcasting, andion has to narrate as if he's writing a book, his arcane focus being an enchanted spellbook that he actively writes in. ✌️✨
oh and he's a bard/warlock
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connorsnothereeither · 8 months
Connor, you have activated my Cantripped fixation again. I will now spend a few hours making a playlist for the general campaign and probably post it overmorrow
Do you want to be tagged in it?
I would love to be tagged in it absolutely :0
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