#overcome naysayers
kajmasterclass · 17 days
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novlr · 6 months
Hi, how do you write a healthy sibling relationship?
I have a really bad one and I want my characters to get along, but still fight sometimes
Any help would be great
Sibling relationships are the first and often the most enduring bonds we form in life. They shape our identities, define our roles in the family, and teach us how to love, fight, forgive, and grow alongside another person.
For writers, capturing the intricacies of sibling dynamics can infuse stories with authenticity, depth, and emotional resonance that keeps readers turning pages. Here are some tips for how to write healthy sibling relationships:
Make them unique characters
Establish each sibling’s unique personality and role.
Give each sibling their own distinct personality, interests, strengths, and flaws.
Show how their personalities complement and contrast with each other.
Establish the roles and dynamics between the siblings (leader, peacemaker, rebel, etc.).
Avoid stereotypes and allow the siblings’ personalities to evolve over time.
Develop each sibling’s unique voice and communication style.
Give them contrasting but complementary skills and strengths.
Develop their relationship over time
Show how the siblings’ relationship strengthens as they grow up and go through life changes. Maybe they grow apart for a while but then reconnect later in life.
Give their relationship a story arc, showing how their bond matures and changes over the course of the story.
Explore how the siblings navigate major life events together, like the birth of a new sibling, a family move, losing a loved one, or a parent’s divorce.
Depict milestones and rites of passage where the siblings support or challenge each other, like learning to drive, graduating high school, starting college or a career.
Show how the siblings’ communication and conflict resolution skills improve (or deteriorate) over time. Perhaps they learn to express their feelings more openly, fight more fairly, or establish healthier boundaries as they mature.
Give them shared history and inside jokes
Build strong backstories into their characters with shared childhood experiences.
Show them laughing over inside jokes and funny memories only they understand.
Use shared history to show their bond, even when they’re fighting.
Have the siblings reference shared childhood possessions or special objects like a beloved stuffed animal they both cherished or a secret hideout only they knew about.
Show the siblings using a private language, code words, or shared vocabulary that only they understand.
Have them reminisce about funny or embarrassing childhood stories.
Let them learn from each other
Show the siblings teaching each other important life lessons.
Have them learn from each other’s mistakes and successes.
Show how the siblings challenge each other to step outside their comfort zones and try new things.
Depict moments where the siblings offer each other wise advice or a fresh perspective on a problem, demonstrating how well they understand and support one another.
Show how the siblings inspire each other to pursue their passions and dreams.
Depict the siblings’ learning to appreciate their differences and see them as strengths
Show unwavering loyalty and love
Depict the siblings standing up for each other in the face of adversity or conflict. They have each other’s backs, no matter what.
Portray the siblings making sacrifices for each other’s happiness or well-being.
Show the siblings being there for each other during tough times, like heartbreak, illness, or failure. Highlight how they offer comfort, encouragement, and unconditional support.
Illustrate the siblings’ fierce protectiveness of each other. Show them defending each other against bullies, naysayers, or anyone who threatens their bond.
Depict the siblings forgiving each other after arguments or misunderstandings. Show how their love helps them overcome hurt feelings and find understanding.
Portray the siblings expressing their love and appreciation for each other through both big gestures and small, everyday acts of kindness.
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soapoet · 1 year
PJO pick-a-card reading
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Thalia Grace; How to be brave
this anon requested a reading for guidance and encouragement to harness the bravery needed to pursue dreams and desires in earnest without fear.
When you face challenges, or come upon opportunities that speak to you but fear and anxiety speak louder, focus on what is on the other side of that which you dread. Who is the version of you that managed to overcome this? What does their life look like? What aspects have changed for the better? Then push yourself beyond the first, second and third save point. It becomes easier to move forward when you're looking to the horizon when what lies in your immediate surroundings frightens you or makes you hesitant. Treating scary steps as though you are just passing through on your way elsewhere will help you through it. Making that phone call, sending that text message or email may be a little nerve-wracking, but if you focus in the moment only on the purpose of it and the outcome rather than worrying about your wording, the reception, and whatever else your nerves may conjure up, you will get through the daunting task with more ease. After all, you're only passing through.
Another thing to note is that what works for others may not work for you, and this makes you no anomaly. It's normal, and you are not flawed. We all come upon situations and circumstances wherein the tried and true simply does not compute. Do not underestimate your problem solving abilities, and do not sell yourself short. Sometimes it is only you who truly understands the nuance and intricacies of your challenges, the potential consequences, and applying a one-size-fits-all solution could work against what it is that you want.
When your soul yearns for independence, act independently. Sometimes you must do what you must, even if the odds are stacked against you and the crowd is booing, not cheering. Prove them wrong. Choose to live the life you wish to lead regardless of the naysayers and their ideas of what is best for you. And remember that changing your mind is okay. If today your best life looks different from what it will look like a week from now, you are not wishy-washy, undecided, unreliable or incompetent, but a human being experiencing a change of heart and mind, generating new ideas and finding your own way. Your dreams are only as unrealistic as you consent others to judge them.
You really ought to give laughing in the face of fear a try. It might just be menacing enough to scare it right back. Even if you already find yourself rather capable, you still do not give yourself enough credit, and you could easily push yourself further. You may hold back sometimes when you're caught up in worries about the consequences or the prospect of wasting time, but you could truly harness fear as a fuel. The life you wish to lead, once achieved, could inspire others and keep them from paralysis by uncertainty. Train yourself to say yes more often, and jump in head first precisely when you feel yourself hesitate and think you can't do it. Because you can. Within reason, it's perfectly okay to be a little reckless.
The journey should be equally revered as the destination itself, and it is the journey which has much to teach you. The more you leap into free fall to seize opportunities that further your pursuit of what you want, the less scary that dive into the unknown becomes, until it's not very frightening at all. When you feel doubtful of whether you're even headed in the right direction, continue onwards still, because chances are you have wonders and treasure troves of experience and knowledge to uncover from right where you are at the time and just around the corner. You can make necessary adjustments and changes along the way without fretting so much about whether it's the best choice. Fear of failure or a phobia of square one is only as scary as you let it affect you, and you can make use of that fear as motivation to fuel your pursuit of your goals.
Keep in mind that you don't need to be perfect right away. Everybody faces some trial and error, and there are many things we can only learn along the way, things exist which we couldn't have prepared for, so don't be so hard on yourself and think you don't have a green light because your plan is vague at best and missing information. The more you journey onwards and allow yourself to choose to live life as you desire every step of the way, the more times you'll face these trials which test your ability and tenacity to always choose what is in your best interest and aligned with your wishes, and the easier it becomes to work around push yourself to go and trust that you can handle whatever curveballs are thrown your way.
Considering what all you've been through, you're already quite brave, though you give yourself no such credit, do you? Media often shows bravery in the extremes, and for someone so gentle it may feel outlandish to give yourself such a title. But bravery can be quiet, and it can be found in the smallest acts of kindness and our little sacrifices for the peace and comfort of others. When we taken on burdens of our fellow people, we are as brave as we are strong and kind, taking on more than our fair share.
You may struggle finding a spot in the sun amongst others, and worry you take up too much space or cast a shadow on another. Pursuing the things you wish upon yourself can often be an afterthought because you think so heavily on your duties of being there for others first, and get hung up on imagined chain reactions, paralysed by the idea that your moves may step on toes or simply allow you to share a spotlight with those you find more deserving. You should be kinder to yourself. And perhaps your best bet would be to embrace the shadows and work towards your goals quietly. When you're already fighting your own doubts, you should keep some things secret lest you invite the conscious or subconscious doubts of others into the mix. At least you stand a chance against just yours, so don't add more players to the opposing team before you're well on your way to achieve your goals and have something to show for to weed out any semblance of doubt in others before they grow roots.
If you have trouble taking the first step towards your desires, consider riding the dopamine waves from smaller, even more mundane achievements, and let it be the wind in your sails. Listen to guidance and ask for help when you need it, but know that you need not let it overrule your own ideas of how to proceed. Just as with tarot, take what resonates and leave what does not, and always trust your inner guidance. Your journey is yours, and the life you wish to lead should be built by your own hand to have your unique fingerprints on it, so fret not if you wish to do things differently than others who already have their success stories. Remember that there is no rush and you can take things one step at a time. You will always be equally behind and ahead of others so never worry that it's too late for you to do something. The impact of your achievements upon others who have and are struggling like you can yield priceless inspiration, so that they, too, may decide to follow their dreams because you showed them you could and they could too.
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Topsy Turvy Days in Diasomnia
Yes, I intentionally added the thorns in the background for… reasons :)) If you know, then you know—
SORRY FOR GETTING THIS OUT LATE I’VE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE SEBEK’S BROOMQUET FIC ON TOP OF SCREAMING ABOUT THE YEAR III ANNI STREAM 🤡 But with this, my blog event for TWST’s third anniversary comes to a close! Thank you for following me on this week-long writing prompt~
The Thorn Witch, and her Spirit of Nobility.
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Riddle Rosehearts…
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… stakes his claim in Diasomnia right from the get-go. Word quickly spreads, making Riddle out as the “fuck with me and find out” guy. For the students of Diasomnia, who take great pride in their magical prowess, to set Riddle off and be beheaded revokes the source of that pride. “Have you reflected on your actions? Only then will I remove that collar.”
Though he’s removed from his usual dorm, he takes care to still observe the rules of the Queen of Hearts! This earns Riddle no shortage of strange looks from Diasomnia, some of whom (mostly the strictest of Draconians) criticize his loyalty to Heartslabyul. He doesn’t relent though–Riddle tunes out the naysayers and stays true to his own ideals. His fellow queen, Vil, approves.
He’s a(n unwilling) bat magnet. Apparently, a cauldron (group) of them hangs out in Diasomnia—Riddle made the discovery when he was first strolling down a particularly dark hallway. Screeching had filled the air, and he was immediately swarmed by bats!! “I don’t understand why they’re so attached to me…!” Riddle protested, shooing one off of his shoulder. (E-Eh, isn’t it because he’s the closest in height to Lilia-shi? Idia wonders.)
The students of Diasomnia (and even Jack, a first year), he notices, are much more disciplined than those of Riddle’s own dorm. They stay in line and do their work, though with perhaps more arrogance than one would like. If only his own students were just as diligent!! Riddle gets a headache thinking about what Ace and Deuce must be getting up to unsupervised (and no, Azul is no role model for them!!)… but even so, he doesn’t wish for them to be carbon copies of the Diasomnia kids. Heartslabyul may be full of fools, but they’re Riddle’s fools and no one else’s!
He beelines to Diasomnia’s bookshelves every evening to stack texts up high before stumbling off with them to read until he knocks out. Riddle is on a quest to take in as much knowledge as he can, from new spells to tips and tricks to simplify the current spells in his repertoire–his ambition is apparent! Then, perhaps, he will be wise enough and strong enough to overcome the Malleus Draconia in combat.
Though Riddle’s specialty is practical magic, the level at which the Diasomnia students perform it is astonishing to him. He burns out so quickly, while they can change the color of a dress multiple times without batting an eye, and orchestrate many cleaning implements at once! It’s frustrating, but it’s from this feeling that Riddle is able to drive himself to work even harder to achieve his goals.
It’s so odd for him to see bramble bereft of any flowers. The sight is so depressing to Riddle, but he can’t put words as to why exactly. He’ll politely avert his eyes when he sees those ashen, creeping thorns, or make a passing comment about how the atmosphere feels dreadfully gloomy. It’s like being trapped in a cage, he thinks. Memories of his past prick him, but he is quick to dismiss them before they overwhelm him. Like a rose, he shall grow and rise above the thorns.
He develops a fondness for floral teas during his time at Diasomnia. Maybe it’s the absence of flowers that makes him feel nostalgic for the gardens in Heartslabyul. When he sips a cup of rosehip, he dreams of the red and white of the maze, of strawberries and porcelain, and the card suits that decorate his vision. Ah, he realizes, the warmth enveloping his chest. That was it—that was where his home, his hearth, is.
“I do feel as though I’ve gained knowledge in Diasomnia that I could not have anywhere else. However, the same can be said of Heartslabyul. There were many things I could only learn because I was in Heartslabyul. That is not to say that my dorm members did not get under my skin every now and again, but I will always be grateful for the lessons they have imparted in me. This, too, is an experience for which I am grateful for–but, if you would allow me to say… there is no place like home. Fufu. Perhaps I’m simply becoming too sentimental.”
Jack Howl…
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… keeps to himself and doesn’t trouble anyone—not unless they start trouble with him first. Most face-offs with Diasomnia students involve them staring each other down until they get scared off by Jack’s menacing face. In a weird way, that makes him the conflict resolver of the group—because people tend to run away rather than face him!!
Jack feels as though he’s witnessing a lot of things that he shouldn’t. For example, Riddle and Vil have made it their personal mission to whip underperforming students into shape… starting with their temporary dorm mate, Idia!! They confront him together, taking turns knocking at his door and then physically dragging him out when Idia inevitably pretends that no one is home. (Jack stares after them, wondering if Ruggie ever had to do the same to Leona to get him to attend class.)
When in doubt, Jack tends to defer to seniority. Like the good boy that he is, he’ll follow his upperclassman’s orders with barely a second thought!! … But trouble arises when Idia is the upperclassman that’s giving the order 😅 Jack takes his hyperbole seriously, so when Idia says something outrageous like, “C-Could you please not get within aggro range of me? Lmao, I could be at a single hit point and I’d still not want to deal with face-to-face interaction. Kk, thnx,” Jack just shrugs and lets Idia flounder when the Diasomnia mobs are assaulting the dorm leader with Malleus facts.
His poor nose just can’t stop sneezing!! It’s not that Diasomnia is filthy, but his sensitive nose can pick up on all the dust and the secrets littering the castle. From the ancient tomes to the artifacts and relics of the past that line the walls, there’s no place where he isn’t met with an enigmatic history that tickles his nose.
Jack’s used to doing everything himself, by hand. It catches him off-guard when he sees the Diasomnia students so casually use magic for everything. He shouldn’t expect anything less from a dorm that is full of all-rounders, but the last thing he expected to see was silverware flying across a table and serving up breakfast by itself! And… is that a clock and a candelabra fighting?! Who’s ever heard of living furniture…
He tries to incorporate some older techniques (recommended by Sebek) into his exercise routine. (”Our dormitory is well-equipped with everything you’ll need!!” Sebek had reassured him. “See to it that you use them well!”) Jack didn’t realize that it would involve hauling around weighted weapons!! He thought they were just fancy-looking wall decorations, not actual morning stars, axes, swords, and javelins! “Is… Is this really how they train in Diasomnia?!”
By happenstance, Jack discovers a single red rose blooming amid prickly thorns in Diasomnia’s west wing. He becomes strangely protective of it–maybe because it reminds him of the flowers that sometimes grow on the (just as prickly) cacti he raises in his dorm room. One might say he’s the beast that defends a beauty.
The night is especially beautiful over Diasomnia. When the moon is full, Jack watches it through his window, drinking in the stillness of the night, the shapes of the shadows and the thorns that run contradictory to the bright, silvery orb above them. In these moments, he sits back and contemplates where he is, and where he’d like to be.
“I’ve never noticed it before, but the sky looks different depending on where you look at it from. What does it look like where Leona-senpai and Ruggie-senpai are, I wonder… Maybe they’re so busy that they haven’t even had a chance to notice the moon. If that’s the case, then I’ll have to catch up to where they are! When I get back, I’ll show them just how strong I’ve become!”
Vil Schoenheit…
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… looks perfect laid out against the backdrop that is Diasomnia. His austere looks and overwhelming aura make him the perfect evil queen of the castle. Every picture he takes of himself inevitably involves his face being illuminated by sinister green flames or an imposing dragon glaring down at him. Fitted in his own Diasomnia uniform, he gives off stronger villain vibes than ever “… This is hardly the sort of thing I need for my image,” Vil sighs.
Indeed, Diasomnia can be quite archaic in its ways–but in coming from Pomefiore, Vil brings with him a certain sense of respect for the old. He recognizes the past as not superior nor inferior, but as a basis for which the future is forged from. To him, it’s crucial to understand and to be aware of what came before so he can build himself up from that. This philosophy is what guides him as he learns to adapt to the lack of modern amenities in Diasomnia.
Like Riddle, he is keen on doing his own thing, regardless of the comments that others make. (Since when has a queen like him let the thoughts of his subjects dictate his behavior?) That means rising bright and early to train with Jack, engaging in a thorough self-care routine, and maintaining a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Unlike Riddle though, Vil’s anger is more icy than fiery. If someone offends him, they’re met with a cold shoulder and perhaps a cool tongue lashing.
For the most part, Vil acts courteous to his other dorm members–for it is easier to attract bees with honey than with poison. His natural charisma and charm get him in the good graces of some students, who pass on their knowledge of certain potions and curses. One sleeping curse he hears of is so powerful that it could only be broken by true love’s kiss! Vil shivers, praying that such a thing would never come to be weaponized.
He continues to work on crafting his own homemade cosmetics. Vil has to change up the ingredients in them, since he no longer has access to the same things he’d have back in Pomefiore. Thanks to his new connections, he’s able to obtain rare plants from the Briar Valley to use in his lotions and liquids. Vil also experiments with repurposing the creeping bramble around Diasomnia in various forms—dehydrated to brew a tea, powdered as a setting product, pounded into a paste for a wash-off mask…
He changes up his style to feel more “at home” in his new territory, adopting more vintage clothing and accessories to suit the era which the castle comes from. At any given point, Vil will look like he has just walked out of filming for a historical drama or a period piece.
Vil had always thought that Epel would be his biggest problem child… but hey, Idia is a close second. While Riddle harps on his in-person attendance, Vil focuses on how Idia chooses to present himself in both appearance and behavior. “For Sevens’ sake, you’re the son of the distinguished Shroud family. It’s high time you started acting like it,” he chides his peer. “You’re wasting your good looks with that gloomy expression and hopeless slouch!!”
After witnessing how well-trained the students of Diasomnia are, Vil has a newfound respect for his fellow dorm leader, Malleus. It’s not like he’d ever share the compliment out loud, but for him to have a positive opinion of the man who constantly misses dorm meetings is still a step up. It seems that they do have some things in common.
“It is said that the Thorn Witch boasted great grace and decorum. If Diasomnia is a reflection of her character, then I can say with confidence that my expectations have been met. Beyond the superficial aspects–although I do find them to be in good taste–there is a noble spirit that runs throughout the dormitory. As much as it pains me to say this, not even Pomefiore would be able to replicate such elegance. Hmph, we’ll just have to polish our own unique traits such that our sparkle rivals Diasomnia’s.”
Idia Shroud…
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… couldn’t be more unenthused. Not only has he been forced out of his room and deprived of his vast collection of tech, anime, manga, and games–but now he’s trapped in the same living space with all kinds of super strong personalities! It sounds like a plot straight out of a meta harem manga where the main character wants no part in any of it, he grumbles. S-Save me from this living hell, Ortho!!
He tries to minimize his presence as much as possible, but it’s difficult to do when his flaming hair makes him easy to spot in every dark corner or amid the sconces lit with green flames. (Everyone’s so quick to hone in on him, it gives him near heart-stopping fright!!) Because of this, Idia has chosen to wear his hood up most of the time (in hopes of diminishing any light he’d be giving off). 
He’s so disappointed that he didn’t at least get lumped into a dorm with a cute cat (Idia had been praying for Grim, but even Leona would have been acceptable). But nooo, instead he gets stuck with a muscly dog man. Why’s my gacha luck so bad IRL?! Cats are obviously far superior to dogs, NO QUESTION!! (Jack wonders why Idia stares so intensely at him, but maybe it’s best he doesn’t ask…)
Diasomnia has wifi, but it’s not nearly as fast as Idia would like for it to be. He constantly complains about missing the high speed internet of Ignihyde, though he supposes it’s sufficient for gaming. Idia laments to his online gaming buddy, Crimson Muscle, who reassures him that all will be well; Gloomy Samurai will surely get over this rough patch!!
This man can’t be left alone to just be a nerd in peace!! Idia could be playing a fantasy game, watching an anime, or reading a manga, and out of nowhere a Diasomnia kid will pop up and lecture him about how actually the depiction of dragons in that game/anime/manga is inaccurate, or how it spits upon Malleus’s image to indulge in such materials. Idia often doesn’t have the energy or the confidence to fire back, so he’ll pack up his stuff and rush away. In his mind though, he’s cursing out the killjoys! (Idia gatekeeps on a regular basis, but he can’t take it when others do the same to him.)
He doesn’t get the hype around all the Draconians who stan Malleus or claim him as their oshi. Idia’s just smart enough to know when to zip his lip so as to not incite an angry mob. (What’s so great about that guy anyway? It takes more than being an OP character to get Idia’s attention!) Unfortunately for him, a Diasomnia mob mistakes Idia waving green glow sticks for an online concert as a sign that he, too, is a massive Malleus fan. This leads to Idia being introduced to other Draconians (he was too timid to correct them) and thus getting locked into a miserable cycle of being force fed boundless praise for their dorm leader and expecting Idia to echo their sentiments.
He takes solace in knowing that the biggest Draconian of them (Sebek) all isn’t around to shout in his ear about WAKASAMA this, and HUMAN that… but it’s honestly just as bad to have Riddle nagging him in one ear and Vil nagging him in the other! Idia feels like he’s playing a stealth level every time he has to exit his room—cuz once either of them catch wind of him, it’s Game Over!! It’s safest for him to just hole up forever…
Because Ortho begged him to try and make new friends, Idia attempts to try and start a D&D (or whatever the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of it is) campaign up. Something simple that allows for socializing! … The problem is, the Diasomnia students are WAY too competitive and take the game super seriously. They even have the gall to defy HIM, the DM! (“Womp, womp, womp. Your character died! Sure sucks to be you, hihihi!” “I roll to stab the DM and claim his position as god of this world!!” “LOL, you can’t do that, dude…” “… I roll to stab the DM.” “I LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT’S A NO-GO!!”) They get nowhere, so Idia has to shut it down.
“D-Did all the elements of the world come together one day and decide to dunk on me or what?! E-Every time I leave the safety and comfort of my bedroom, th-there’s some kind of world-ending event thrust in my face... I-I’ve been kidnapped by a ghost, pulled out of school to run tests on my classmates, possessed... B-But even worse than all of that is... being forced into social situations I didn’t ask for!! Seriously, not a single soul wanted that birthday interview ‘oh, if you had to pick a different dorm to join’ hypothetical to come true!! If this is some kind of cruel and unusual joke, you can pop out and point and laugh at the geek already! J-Just get it over with so I can go back to my uneventful otaku life already!!”
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
“There are giants in the land. We can’t overcome them.” “Hamas is an ideology. We can’t destroy it.” The Children of Israel during the Exodus were right. By their own power, they could not overcome the inhabitants of the Promised Land. Naysayers among the people today are right. By their own devices, they cannot defeat and destroy jihadist Islam. And Israel will continue in this painful indecisiveness until they realize and accept that the LORD is their source of victory.
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klonoa-at-blog · 8 months
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From: Nintendo World (May 2009)
Complete evolution in a remake. Originally released in the competition's first generation, the game Klonoa became famous for uniting graphically superb scenarios, hyper-fun platform gameplay and a very charismatic protagonist in the same package. Now, with this Nintendo Wii remake, things... have changed little. At first, you'll notice that this game is a kind of "remake on steroids": it's exactly the same thing you saw on old consoles, but now with sharper graphics, 3D scenery that really looks 3D, and a or other gameplay tweaks. Despite offering absolutely nothing new, it manages to amuse up to a certain point.  Klonoa tells the story of a type of "humanoid rabbit", who, after falling from a gigantic ring coming from space, gains a little friend called Huepow. Later on, the protagonist has a nightmare of pirate ships and dark clouds, and wakes up only to discover that his imagination has become a reality. Now to investigate why this is all happening and prevent the world from being swallowed by darkness, you must take the rabbit and his cosmic friend through a series of levels in the best platform style, while unraveling mysteries in real time.  Graphically, the game is quite beautiful, I admit. The settings are alive, verdant, remarkably designed and well designed. You even get a sense of depth, although you can only move in two axes. You use a button to jump, which when pressed continuously will make Klonoa float for a short time. In addition, the intrepid hero has a ring that allows him to capture enemies and throw them in three spectrums of movement - front, back, and background. Couple this simple but responsive gameplay with superb graphics and gorgeous cutscenes, and you have a platform game worthy of the glimpse of excellent RPGs.  The problem is that the game is kind of short, and at times too easy. The enemies succumb easily to your movements, while it is difficult for them to overthrow your character. Despite the air of innovation that this Wii version manages to give, you can't deny that the primary objectives can be completed without major mishaps.  At least the boss battles can be a bit of a headache, which keeps the replay factor of this title at a really satisfying level. But don't expect epic fights or find an enemy that can beat you right away: as I said before, it's relatively easy to overcome obstacles, and all you'll need here is a little attention. Of course, stupid blunders like "jumping beyond the reach of the ground" and the like won't be forgiven by even the dumbest of your naysayers.  The extras are really good: reproduction of the game's music, reverse mode, visualization of the concept models of the primary stages of development of the game. Everything you're entitled to and more. It may not be innovative, but it's worth the investment.
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎 。:*• ─ WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDRY PLOTS.    ›  ( a compilation of plot ideas involving witches & wizards, for both modern days and past eras/AUs. )
1. The witch hunter — muse A is an experienced witch hunter/huntress who somehow ends up hurt and/or lost and in need of help. Muse B is a witch/wizard who crosses their path and decides to bring them home and nurse them back to health. Did B recognize A beforehand and decided to help them anyway ?  Were they oblivious to A’s field of work and what they’ve done to others of their kin ?  How will they react when they find out ?  Did A also recognize B and only accepted their help just to betray them in the end ?  Were they too weak to notice B was the one they were hunting ?  Will this proximity help them see the good in each other and overcome their old beliefs ?  Will they be able to set their differences aside and get along ?  Will an unexpected, beautiful friendship flourish ?  Maybe something more ?  Or will the hunting continue ? 
2. Nature vs nurture — muse A is one of the best witches/wizards in their coven, while muse B is a close friend of theirs who was born without any magical aptitude, despite also having been born to an old family of witches. Because of this, B has always endured some rejection ( maybe even bullying ) growing up. Tired of this situation, A decides to teach B all they know, to the best of their abilities, ignoring all the mockery and mean comments from other members of the coven. And despite their apparent lack of powers, B is strong willed and determined to learn, no matter how bad they are at it in the first place. Will they be able to prove the naysayers wrong ?  Prove that magic can be taught and learned ?  Will B become as powerful as A ?  Would they use their newfound abilities to take revenge on those who made fun of them growing up ?  Use this knowledge to help others in the same situation ?
3. The potion — muse A and muse B are two witches/wizards from two rival covens looking for the same, very rare ingredient for a potion. When they cross paths, will they cooperate and help each other find the said ingredient ?  Brew their potion together and share it ?  Could this be the reconciliation for a centuries-old rift between their covens ?  Or will they try and trick each other ?  Try to sabotage the others potion ?  And what does this potion do ?  Why was it so important in the first place ?
4. The witch trial — muse A and muse B live in the same village. A is accused of witchcraft and facing a witch trial, while B is the one who accused them ( maybe as an act of revenge ?  envy ?  maybe they were coerced into it ? ). In a twist of events, B is also accused by a third person and ends up locked away with A, awaiting their trial. Will they come up with even worse accusations to set up the other, while trying to save themselves ?  Will they cooperate and plot an escape together ?  Can they forgive each other ?  What if one of them really is a witch/wizard ?  What if both of them are ?
5. The chocolate house — muse A is a witch/wizard who lives in a really nice house, not literally made of chocolate, but still very appealing to someone on the run/lost/looking for shelter. Muse B comes knocking on their door and of course A takes them in, taking great care of them with delicious meals and providing a nice warm bed, all with the intent of getting them in perfect shape to use for some kind of ancient ritual. However, as time passes by, both muses get along really well and A changes their mind, having grown fond of B and intending to spare them and keep them as a friend/lover ( maybe even an apprentice ? ). But what will happen when B finds out about their initial intentions and what they’ve done in the past ?  Could they forgive A and stay anyway ?  Would A resort to magic to make them stay ?  Respect their wishes and let them go ? Find redemption or go back to their old ways, if B leaves ?
6. The undercover witch — muse A is a witch/wizard who has decided to leave their coven and try to live as a regular human ( maybe out of sheer curiosity ? wanting to experience college life ?  maybe they fell in love with a human and are afraid they wouldn’t accept their magical abilities ? ). Having moved into a new place, they meet muse B, their very human roommate. As they get to know each other, their days are full of B trying to figure out how A gets things  ( such as chores, meals, homework, etc... )  done so fast, and A not understanding how humans do certain things and surely messing up, maybe even slipping some words, like  “ Maybe we should take my broom ?  Uh… bike, I mean bike… ” . And what if B finally finds out about A’s true nature ?  Would they be scared ?  Find it the coolest thing ever ?  Want to know more about their world ?  Would A enjoy living among humans as one of them, or deem it too difficult/confusing and return to their coven ?
7. The party — muse A was invited to a costume party and has decided to dress up as a witch/wizard. Once they show up to the party’s location, they’re delighted to see everyone is also dressed up as witches and wizards !  They can’t believe they’ve nailed this party’s theme so well !  Even if their costume looks so cheap compared to the ones other people are wearing, which look incredibly detailed and realistic. Looking closer, why doesn’t A recognize anyone at this party ?  Except for muse B, who they’ve seen around the neighborhood/attends the same college/etc...  And why is everyone looking at them funny ?  It turns out, A has got the wrong directions and ended up at a real witches’ meeting, at which B was also taking part. Will B do their best to try and conceal this fact from A, making them believe this is nothing but a regular costume party ?  Tell them the truth ?  Will A find out on their own ?  How will they react ?  Will B, bored of the magical meeting, secretly leave with A and make their way to the real costume party A wanted to attend in the first place ?   ( Alternatively, if both muses are witches/wizards, one of them could have ended up at a rival coven’s meeting. )
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thetantiger · 9 months
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Character Insight #13: Cronia
Full Name: Cronia Dolores Wiltflower Gender: Female (she/her) Race: Forsaken Class: Druid Specialization: Death Orientation: Pansexual Relatives: No Known Relatives Age: 47 (26 at death) Height: 5'4 Voice reference: In-game female Forsaken player Theme: Angry Too - Lola Blanc
Cronia Wiltflower was born in Lordaeron four years before the opening of the Dark Portal. To those knowledgeable, they would understand that this is a very poor timeframe to be born into Azeroth. Cronia was exposed to the horrors of war very early into her life, as the orcs came charging through and clashed with those of her own kind. She was only ten when the Alliance Internment Act was passed, beginning to force orcs into internment camps in which they were abused, mistreated and starved. Cronia was always a rather empathetic soul and did not see the necessity in such acts, and as she grew into a teenager, her anger against these camps began to blossom. The orcish people were just that; a people. People, like her and everyone around her, though there was little she could do. As she grew into a young woman her spite against the Alliance only festered further, and she frequently left the city and her family to spend time in the woods instead, discovering a land her fellow Humans had grown unattached to. She planted flowers here and tended to nature to calm her nerves before returning to her city, where she'd spend any evening free time roaming the streets and spray-painting her disdain for the active internment camps on any surface she could get away with. She was disinterested in most of her society, only really becoming close with a friend that would be later known as the Ringmaster. Regardless, the first two and a half decades of Cronia's life were rather uneventful, except for the orcs escaping and creating a New Horde. She kept her sympathizing sentiments to herself, but truthfully, she was happy they had found a home for themselves outside of the internment camps.
Twenty-two years after the opening of the dark portal, however, is when Cronia's life--or unlife--changed forever. Arthas Menethil and his scourged forces attacked Lordaeron, plaguing the city and its citizens forever. Cronia's parents were not raised into undeath and remained dead under the rubble of the forgotten city. However, their daughter shared a different fate, and awoke as a Forsaken.
The Forsaken united under Dark Lady and former Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner and took up their home in the sewers of their old city, now dubbed "Undercity." Their former Alliance brethren in neighboring kingdoms of Humans rejected them, calling them hideous monsters of the Scourge. So, they joined the Horde. Cronia admittedly quite liked the Horde much better than the Alliance--they were a collection of misfit races, brought together by their will to survive on this planet, and they were much less uptight, too. The other Forsaken, though.. Cronia still held disdain for from their time as Lordaeronians. So, again, she took to the woods to take breathers from her society, and, even in undeath, rediscovered her deep love for nature.
So, she studied. She studied and studied and worked and worked, and for ten years she sought to overcome her condition's separation from the natural order. What naysayers said was true. One overcome by such a plagued magic, in such a rotten state, could not make flowers bloom. She saw plants wilt before her and wither in her grasp. But she was determined.
And then she heard the news. That an old society deep in the lands of Kul Tiras named the Drust had been rediscovered. Their druidic ways focused on the end of the life cycle. Truly, death was just as essential to an ecosystem as life. So Cronia stopped trying to make flowers bloom. She stopped trying to grow the earth before her, and instead, she reoriented her vision, and surely enough the land responded to her touch. Trees cracked and groaned with age. Shrubs shriveled and died. She accomplished animalistic forms, however they were all decayed and rotting. Her rot would serve to feed the plants that would come after, and she mastered the art of death druidism.
Cronia is another one of those characters that actually has yet to be on-screen but I super love her concept! She's my rebellious death druid gal and I love her lmao. Hope it was a fun read! <3
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goodvibesatpeace · 1 month
You do you
In the tapestry of life, weave your thread,
Follow your heart, let no fear be shed.
You do you, with courage and might,
Your unique path, a dazzling light.
Don't compare yourself to others, dear,
For in your being, you're beyond compare.
Embrace your flaws, they make you who you are,
A luminous star, shining near and far.
Let not the opinions of others sway,
Your convictions, hold them firm at bay.
Believe in yourself, with unwavering trust,
And you'll soar to heights that seem unjust.
Ignore the naysayers, their words unkind,
For they only seek to dampen your mind.
Surround yourself with those who lift you up,
Who cheer you on, fill your heart with hope.
Your voice is yours, don't let it be drowned,
Speak your truth, let your spirit unbound.
Dream big, set goals, and chase them with zeal,
For in your determination, greatness conceals.
The path may be arduous, fraught with trials,
But persevere, with courage that beguiles.
For in overcoming obstacles you'll grow,
A stronger, wiser, and more radiant glow.
You do you, darling, and never forget,
Your worth, your destiny, is to beget.
Shine your light, let it illuminate,
The world awaits your presence, now is your fate.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years
Power to Overcome
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Casey Ramsey, Aurora Emery
Word count: 835
Category: fluff
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Aurora and Casey receive news that the book they want to write together has been approved for publishing.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge Prompt will appear in bold. Prompt used is Good news.
March 2039.
Since their residency ended in 2021 Dr Casey Ramsey and Dr Aurora Emery had being kicking all sorts of career goals. Casey was still the head of Diagnostics and the Naveen Banerji clinic and Aurora was the head of the Delores Hudson family and sexual health clinic that was located in one of the more disadvantaged areas of Boston. There were many times where both clinics joined forces with various health initiatives to get better health outcomes, not only for those who were disadvantaged economically but for those who were people of colour, those who identified as lgbtqi and other minorities who were misrepresented in low health outcomes.
By now Ethan had stood down as Chief,citing family reasons and was more than happy to work as an attending on Casey’s team. Ethan could not be any more proud of how Casey has gone in her career if he tried. He knew she had reservations early on in her career, being his Mentee did cast a shadow but she shone bright from the outset. Herself and Tobias worked well early on to maintain the team’s reputation and recruited well, they expanded into research and Casey was leading the team medically full time and this is when she fully shone. Sure there were naysayers, there always had been, especially after the attack when word of their relationship got out but many changed their tune after working with the team for which all were relieved.
Aurora had her own career shadow to deal with too, being the niece of Harper Emery, but she too worked hard not only to prove the naysayers wrong but to show she was a force in her own right.
Casey and Aurora worked well individually and together as a team, they were often invited to schools for Career day talks and to encourage more females and persons of colour into not only medicine but Sciences in general.
One day however, Casey had a thought. A thought to write another book. She had already co-authored a book with Ethan about the advocacy work she had done with women’s health. That book was a success. She met with Aurora to float her idea.
“All the talks we do to high school students are well and good but I think we can do better and write a book. Both of us have had to deal with the misogyny in the medical field, both overt and subtle. We have both had accusations of being favoured by Nepotism. I was thinking of writing a book of how we both overcame such obstacles and hope that it will encourage not only medical students to continue their studies but interns and residents to continue.”
“That does sound good, I would like to add a chapter about racism also.”
“Agreed,” said Casey, “I will let you write that the outcomes at the Delores Hudson clinic speak volumes to people who see people like themselves professionally.”
“Indeed, when you recommended me I was apprehensive but I did understand your reasoning and you are right, we have a diverse staff that reflects that area of Boston and I think it is why we have had the great results we have had.
Over the coming weeks Casey and Aurora met to plan their pitch to the publisher. Both felt it was a solid pitch but they are nervous. They have a meeting with the publisher and it is good news.
The publisher agreed to publish the book.
The next six months is a blur of research, writing, not to mention the demands of work and family but by the end there was a draft ready for editing. Over the next month it was edited and slight alterations made. Casey and Aurora decided to call the book Power to Overcome.
It is finally published and in December 2039, Power to Overcome was launched at Edenbrook Hospital. There was plenty of excitement, Professors from Harvard, Grossman, John Hopkins and Yale were all in attendance. Caroline Bloom and Naveen also came along for the launch also. Harper was very proud of both Casey and Aurora for not only what they had achieved but for writing about it. Both Ethan and Tobias were very proud of their colleagues also. The launch was a success and the new year brought about the publicity circuit for the book.
Both Aurora and Casey during the tour could not believe how well their book was received. On tour they had heard stories from many medical students and former residents who had dropped out or were thinking of dropping out because of the misogyny and racism but their book had inspired them to keep on going.
Power to Overcome became a best seller, this shocked but also pleased Casey and Aurora and not only did it have the desired effect of inspiring those in the medical and scientific fields but also those in other male dominated professions also and that was one outcome that Casey and Aurora did not expect and for that they were pleased.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @cariantha @tessa-liam @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @crazy-loca-blog @lucy-268 @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge @openheartfanfics
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
From Daniel, a post-release single that reached the top 5 in the US (and #1 in *checks notes* Latvia?)...
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: I'll be honest, I really thought Gunna's career was over after taking a plea deal related to Young Thug's ongoing RICO case. Hip hop doesn't like the potential of cooperation with the law, let alone snitching, so we had several months of high-ranking peers throwing shots at Gunna and op-eds with titles like "Did Gunna's Plea Deal Get Him Shunned?" Regardless, "Fukumean' is the biggest hit of his post-"Drip Too Hard" career; whatever his billion-stream track with Nav sounds like, it doesn't have the narrative of overcoming struggle and shrugging off the naysayers. Which is hilarious because this is very much business as usual, a triplet-tripping filip with a genderless chorus of synthetic sneers every few beats: "FUCK YOU MEEEANNN?!?" I couldn't tell you a single memorable bar that Gunna delivers here, and yet this song has been stuck in my head all year. It's the least defiant show of public defiance in some time, the "Dust Off Your Shoulder" mantra as an eyeroll, a club-engineered megahit that doesn't tidy up click-clacking sounds of swaying jewellery or clinking ice cubes by the microphone. It's not laziness, or rebellion, or pretending everything's okay, but some weird amalgamation of the three and I don't know what the fukthatmeans. [6]
Oliver Maier: I've written before that Gunna's real strength is an ear for beats that suit his bleakly restrained style. That's true here: the "ee-yah" noise is an unlikely earworm that I can imagine other rappers instantly passing on, but this lacks the winning stupidity of "pushin P", the sugariness of "SKYBOX" or "DOLLAZ ON MY HEAD", or whatever "Speed It Up" has that makes me love it so much. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I still listen to Gunna in desperate hope that I can one day reclaim the pure glee I experienced the first time I heard "Drip Too Hard." This doesn't quite get there -- Gunna (understandably) sounds slightly defeated here -- a resolute figure of survival, but not one that's having all that much fun even as he talks about "shittin on all you lil' turds." And if you deliver that line deadpan I'm not sure we have the same musical goals. [5]
Will Adams: Three things: an annoyed and/or annoying "...yeah?"; the title hook, delivered as a schoolyard taunt; "shittin' on all you lil' turds". Even at two minutes, "Fukumean" is light on ideas, and the ones available are only kind of good. [4]
Ian Mathers: Some songs would get by on either the "fuck you mean?" bit of the "a-yup" bit, and they'd be fine. Using both well in about two minutes that also fits in a compelling performance from Gunna (lots of lines are just sticking with me, I've been muttering "I see the ho with precision/Get rich my only decision" to myself for a bit) ought to be gilding the lily, but it feels just about right. [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Every "eeeyahh" is methodical, consuming, and withering: "Fukumean" isn't an all out assault of swagger so much as a series of waves meant to drag you out from shore. [7]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: My immediate reaction was to think of the repeated squeaking in "The Box," but this is a track so deflated and bare that everything is reduced to a haze. The hook is so much of a non-presence it's hard to care -- it's sung with the insistence of children fighting sleep. [4]
Micha Cavaseno: Gunna's been boring before, so him half-heartedly going in over a particularly uninspired detuned piano loop here isn't a disappointment as much as it's further validation of how little he's ever had going on for him as a rapper. Hell, the best part of this song isn't even himself, it's the backing vocal chorus (which truthfully has nothing to do with him and might even overshadow him?). But yeah, Gunna remains one-note as ever though I'm glad he's separated himself from perhaps the most noxious legal trial to ever involve rapper(s). I'll take Atlanta's rap scene being unlistenable over their rap scene being mass incarcerated any day. [2]
Taylor Alatorre: Opinions may differ on this, but I personally don't enjoy being yelled at. I don't have this issue with Bone Crusher on "Never Scared" or Lil Jon on "Bia' Bia'," who are both much louder, but for some reason I can't help feeling that the Greek chorus (Atlantan chorus?) in "Fukumean" is shouting the title phrase at me specifically. Like, what did I do, Gunna? I mostly liked a Gift & a Curse! The song's official instrumental includes neither this hook nor the possibly Sho Madjozi-inspired "iyah" vocalization; going by the YouTube comments bemoaning their absence, it's these two elements that have most fueled its staying power. They do indeed make it memorable, and instantly recognizable in a public setting. Apart from those steady drips of attitude, though, there just isn't much to feed on here. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: "A music writer handed a Gunna song to discuss finds himself confronted by several problems, not the least which is the necessity of squaring with his conscience the fact he is discussing Gunna at all." -- mostly copied from James Baldwin on James M. Cain's The Moth in The Cross of Redemption, page 291. [0]
Brad Shoup: Might be the absurd amount of Post Malone I streamed this year, but I'm trying not to underrate the modern compact pop-rap single. But he doesn't have any lines better than the (very good) hooks. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: Rarely does one hear a track with such monumental determination to not bang. In a way, it's impressive. [5]
Alfred Soto: Dependent on its hook, this obscene banality barely exists -- a bit like Gunna himself. [6]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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miknge · 1 year
My Musings about Bumbleby
So, I’ve been keeping mum about the Bumbleby kiss and Bumbleby being made canon (finally!), except for reblogging every single Bumbleby confession and kiss scene/gif I could find here. Anyway, this is how I feel about it after watching that scene for like the 100th time. It was beautiful, and probably the best confession and kiss scene I’ve ever seen for any WLW show, and I’ve watched lots of TV shows. However, I’ve seen some naysayers still saying how unhealthy and toxic their relationship is, especially when compared to Blacksun and this is what I think.
Yang lost an arm for Blake when she saved her from Adam. Then, Blake ran away to protect those she loves. Yang resented Blake for leaving and didn’t understand why she left until she had that heart to heart talk with Weiss, and Weiss, being wise, explained to Yang why Blake decided to leave. From there, we can say that Yang had understood why Blake leave.
Blake felt guilty for leaving and tried to make up to Yang by helping her to carry her bag (which Yang told her that she didn’t need to do that and that they’ll be fine and things will go back to normal). Then Blake told Yang that she will never leave her again if Adam comes back and that she’ll protect Yang. That annoyed Yang because she isn’t some crippled who needed protection.
Then, the Blake and Yang vs Adam fight scene where Blake told Adam that they protect each other. Cue more fights until they killed Adam together and Blake made good of her promise. She didn’t run away. She was by Yang’s side when Adam showed up. And then she cried and made the promise to Yang again that she’ll never leave. And Yang said she knows she (Blake) won’t, then they hugged it out. (Ok, that scene was actually more touching than what I made it out to be, but this post is not to analyze that scene).
Now, some anti-bumbleby are still saying that their relationship is toxic and unhealthy because they didn’t talk to each other about Yang’s resentment toward Blake, or how Blake felt guilty after leaving Yang. But all the scenes above already showed the audience that everything had been unfolded. Granted, maybe they could do more (like the Ruby lashing out at everyone in the latest episode), but they didn’t. 
But even if they didn’t, Blake and Yang were given the opportunity to talk to each other about their feelings towards each other on the bridge. They could’ve used this opportunity to talk about how they felt towards each other after the Yang losing her arm and Blake leaving her incident. But they didn’t. Instead, they chose to talk about the positive traits they find in each other, and they like each other because of these positive traits. It shows character growth. It shows that they are able to move forward after Adam and Adam was so far in the past that it’s not even worth mentioning about. And ultimately, it shows what we’ve known about Yang all along and why Blake fell in love with her in the first place: she is a beautiful, forgiving, selfless person (aside from her self-sacrificial tendency). And Blake needs this kind of person in her life. And Yang knew it already; that Blake felt guilty for leaving her, otherwise she wouldn’t make up for Yang by carrying her bag, telling her she would protect her etc (all these I’ve mentioned before). If you’ve forgiven someone, there is no need to bring up the past again.
These two characters had moved forward from their past and shared trauma. They could’ve talk about the negative traits in each other, but they chose to see the beauty and positive in each other instead. They were given the opportunity to talk, and they talk about all the positives. They have moved on, Yang holds no grudges against Blake for leaving, Blake felt guilty but she was able to overcome that guilt and Yang did not once even, tried to guilt-trip her for leaving. Now, isn’t that a healthy, non-toxic relationship? But I guess, if Yang and Blake still bring up the past and the resentment, people would point out how unhealthy and toxic it is because Yang still hadn’t moved on from that and she is now guilt-tripping/gaslighting Blake. There’s no winning, amirite?
So, we as audience should also move on from that. Why still feel so salty and bitter about it? Unless, you still want to feel salty and bitter about a fictional ship just cuz Blacksun didn’t happen, then there’s no stopping you, I guess. Maybe watch other shows that make you happy. Anyways, this is just my two cents/long rant about Bumbleby. And thanks for reading, if you’ve made it ‘til the end.
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mariacallous · 2 years
It’s a phenomenon from New York to Dallas to Fresno and Los Angeles, one that seemed inevitable to some from the moment millions of Californians became the first Americans ordered to work from home as a way to fight the spread of COVID-19.
The pandemic is not yet over despite the public being fed up with it. COVID’s viral variants still dog the world as their third winter of plaguing humans begins to wane. Millions of white-collar workers who got a taste of setting their own hours and creating their own work environments, though, still resist going back to the office more than once or twice a week. As a result, hundreds of millions of square feet of office buildings are vacant now in California alone.
The empty offices made it obvious from the pandemic’s first onslaught that apartment conversions would become a major part of the solution to California’s housing shortage, if not its dominant answer. Now that’s becoming reality, the only inexplicable thing about it being the fact it has taken three full years to morph from obvious concept to major reality.
This is how real the conversions of office buildings have become: The website rentcafe.com reports that more than 4,130 apartments and condominiums will be created through conversions of office space this year in Los Angeles alone. Another 1,000-plus new units are planned this year in Fresno, with more than 500 more coming in San Francisco, 450 in Sacramento and about 200 in Oakland.
Even cities that have never gotten into this game are now active in conversions: 372 converted units are due to open in Alameda this year, 250 in San Clemente and 250 in the San Pedro section of Los Angeles, not counted in the city’s announced total. Altogether, at least 10,000 new units will open for residential use in former office space before the end of this year.
None of these conversions will be very controversial, as they take up no new ground space, do not alter existing neighborhood views and profiles and therefore don’t provoke the environmental lawsuits that hold up so many California building projects, including a major annex to the state Capitol.
For sure, many more units will follow, especially when this year’s already-permitted crop begins drawing significant rents and purchase prices. That is a virtual certainty, as the new units vary from street-level apartments with significant exterior noise to ocean-view penthouses.
The number of units underway debunks naysayers who claimed when the idea first arose just after Gov. Gavin Newsom issued the nation’s first stay-at-home orders in early 2020 that conversions would be more difficult to get permitted and built than new construction. That’s been untrue, especially since the state passed a law last fall making such permits virtually automatic when applied for.
Objections that office floor plans are completely different from residential ones have been quickly overcome, as necessary plumbing and electrical changes, plus moving drywall barriers around within existing indoor spaces, proved less complex than some expected.
What’s more, the conversions are already becoming fiscal godsends for beleaguered local governments with property taxes that were beginning to fall as office building vacancy rates stayed up. So long as office rental revenues dropped, so too could assessed valuations that control the amounts of property tax money coming to local schools, sewer and water districts and other local government agencies.
When the converted units are sold, though they become subject to Proposition 13’s 1% tax on the most recent purchase price of any property. While commercial property tax rates usually remain relatively stable for decades, residential taxes can rise rapidly when units change hands.
At the same time, the conversions are starting to rescue real estate investment trusts, the office rental income of which was dwindling, as were the dividends they pay investors. That’s all happening as onetime office space finds new, productive use.
The bottom line: Office conversions, first recommended by this column in April 2020, are now the wave of the future in California and elsewhere, and they’re a boon to everyone from first-time home-buyers to renters to property owners and local governments.
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cookie-of-fortune · 1 year
Episode 10-11 of Nothing But You:
Now we’re getting somewhere now that they’ve started at the tennis club! Setting up some great sports AND romance tropes that are always super satisfying
Person who takes over a bad club/team that no one thinks much of and turns it into a winner
A group of disorganized unmotivated athletes is led to become a winning team
Successful corporate worker decides to quit and take on a totally different type of project and learns the ropes to make it a success
Person from unfortunate circumstances works extra hard and becomes a winner/success
Badass competent woman overcomes naysayers to be a success
Grumpy ML with heart of gold that is sweetly devoted to FL
ML respects, admires, and supports FL to achieve her goals
Mature leads who communicate
Fingers crossed that it becomes more a realistic Prince of Tennis with some cute romance bits rather than most of the story being around the romance. If there’s conflict, I want it to come from the sports/club story like tournament arcs rather than have a bunch of relationship misunderstandings and angst.
Still skipping all of rich boy and influencer girl’s scenes - I simply do not care about either of their storylines.
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strangerthingfanfic · 2 years
I thought I would write a HellCheer fix for the fun of it. Please let me know what you all think
Chrissy Cunningham was getting ready for the first day back to school after a week-long spring break.
Her phone rang and when she answered it was Jason's parents.
She listened in disbelief as they told the worst news of her life.
Jason had been killed when his car flipped on his way back to Hawkins from his trip to New York.
After thanking them for calling Chrissy hung up the phone and collapsed face-first into her pillow.
The next month was a blur. Chrissy was on auto mode at the wake, the funeral, and then the school memorial.
It wasn't until people started talking about graduation that she snapped back into reality. She had to graduate, for Jason and herself.
She got back in gear and made up the work she missed. The staff was very understanding and allowed her extra time.
As she was sorting through college applications she noticed that most of them asked for two extra-curricular activities and she only had one, cheerleading.
Chrissy got in contact with the school counselor to see what she could do with the short time she had.
He called her in and said that he would sign off on a whole year's worth of tutoring if she agreed to tutor and make sure one of Hawkins longest lasting students, Eddie Munson, graduates.
She quickly agreed and the next day at school she found Eddie sitting with his Hellfire buddies.
Squaring her shoulders she walked right up to Eddie and said, “put the game down Munson, I'm going to be your tutor and until you've got the grades to graduate, no more Dungeons and Dragons”.
Eddie looked at her and was about to laugh until he saw the death glare she was eyeing him with.
Taking a deep breath Eddie said with a laugh “told you 86’ was my year guys” and got up and followed Chrissy out of the noisy cafeteria.
“So what subject has been holding you back for three years Eddie?” Chrissy asked, trying to figure out what subject he needed help in.
“None. I just have a hard time concentrating and wanting to come really” Eddie said as he twirled the pencil he was holding.
Chrissy sighed and then got an idea telling Eddie to stay right where he was.
When she returned she had a stack of papers in hand.
“Ok Eddie, both of us want out of Hawkins so if you follow the plan we will both walk the stage in June.
I talked to the principal and explained the situation and he said if you did all the work required for your classes you don't actually have to attend them” Chrissy exclaimed triumphally.
It was the first time since Jason's death that she felt as though there was a future awaiting her somewhere.
Over the course of April and May Chrissy kept her grade point average high while making sure Eddie turned in his assignments on time.
She even started to attend the Hellfire club meetings and found she enjoyed it. She even became an active part of the club creating a character and everything which sparked anither idea.
She started turning tutoring sessions into DnD stories and just that little change really helped keep Eddie's attention on what mattered.
June finally rolled around and so did graduation day.
“Please stand up for our valedictorian, Chrissy Cunnigham,” the principal said, turning the mic to her.
“Graduating class of 1986, I stand here today not only for myself but for those who should be here and aren't. People like my forever love Jason Carver. But also for those of us still here. Those who fought and overcame the naysayers and are ready to walk this stage tonight. I am pleased to hand the second diploma to Eddie Munson who has overcome many of his own hardships in life and even though it took a bit longer than planned, he finally walks the stage today. Eddie please come and get your diploma” Chrissy said all smiles.
Eddie came out with the cheering of his uncle, friends and many members of the hellfire club.
He had his robe open and his hellfire shirt underneath but Chrissy expected no less.
Eddie accepted his diploma and held it up high and yelled “I finally conquered the hardest dungeon of them all, high school” and headed off stage with Chrissy.
Eddie celebrated with the hellfire club and his Uncle Wayne while Chrissy presented Jason's honorary diploma to his family.
As the day faded to night Chrissy and Eddie met up at a small lunch table.
“I'm so proud of you Eddie, you did it,” Chrissy said giving him her brightest smile.
“I couldn't have done it without you, M’lady,” Eddie said, flashing one of the most genuine smiles Chrissy had seen him show.
After sitting in silence for a while Eddie finally said: “I can't replace Jason, he holds a special place in you're heart no living person should ever try to take, but if you're ready to maybe add someone to you're heart I would like you to be my princess”.
Chrissy looked towards the school where a rainbow was shining over it in the dark of night. It was Jason’s favorite color and she was sure it was him urging her to continue living.
“I would be honored to be the dungeon master's princess,” Chrissy said.
Instead of leaving as both planned Eddie and Chrissy decided to stay in Hawkins and continue the legacy of Eddie the Dungeon Master.
She knew she made the right decision when two years later, after her and Eddie both had graduated with their AA Degrees, Dustin came up to her and said, “you are amazing and I've never seen Eddie so happy. You'll make amazing parents” and after kissing baby Jason on the forehead he ran to catch up with the others.
Eddie came over and kissed her forehead. “Ready to head back to Munson Manor Lady Munson?” Eddie asked, smiling. “I sure am Sir Munson” Chrissy said and they headed to the trailer with a very special rainbow forming behind them.
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harl5150 · 2 years
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For my Warriors who need to see and hear it! 🧠💚💪🏽✊🏽💯 Get up off the ground homie! This year you're healing, rejuvenating, protected, and gaining - long overdue love back and more than grinding, we'll manifest success and overcome short-comings together, you and me, in your prayers and meditation I am there with you in spirit, they have no idea the War Angels that are not only rooting for you but also stepping in your honor and favor! There's always a calm before the storm and from here on out, we reign from here on out! At times you'll still wonder away but do not lose focus overall, go where you're cherished and celebrated not just tolerated or recruited, if it doesn't benefit your higher being you've got to let it go - if it doesn't envoke peace of mind you gotta cut the bad fruit off the tree, life - the pain of change or the pain of staying the same! Protect your energy, normalize healthy boundaries and stray from unrealistic expectations! Above all, allow yourself to feel bliss, if you have to cry at times, cry! We will not be defeated anymore! Every voice that ever discouraged you or broke your spirit? We reverse those evil words back amongst those naysayers' tongues! The cycle of negativite character traits, toxicity, and doubt ends here, forevermore we goin' to war at these alters! - Harlan Gurrola 🙏🏽🪶🇲🇽🍂💨🧠💚💪🏽✊🏽👑🦈🔒💯 #quotes #writer #artist #relatable #realtalk #harlangurrola https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBdOodO3AR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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