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commiepinkofag · 2 years ago
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Outrage! sticker, 1991
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doubledaybooks · 4 months ago
“Outrage is conditioned not by the nature of the atrocity but by the affiliation of the victim and the perpetrator.” -Patrick Radden Keefe, SAY NOTHING
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writing-with-olive · 3 months ago
as someone who has gotten on and then subsequently left both tiktok and instagram, i can pretty confidently say that there is a gulf of difference between staying informed, and believing that information consumption is in itself activism.
similarly, as someone who has gotten into outrage echo chambers and subsequently left them, i can also pretty confidently say that there is a gulf of difference between using indignation as motivation, and believing that stewing in anger is in itself activism.
both are means to an end, but being angry and seeking out reasons to be angry -- without ever building community and using coalition to either address the underlying reason the anger-inducing things happen, or directly provide aid to the people most affected by them -- isn't activsm.
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theamoristwriter · 7 months ago
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"the night of revolution"
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colonellickburger · 3 months ago
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Brenda Prince. Film-maker Derek Jarman on an Outrage demonstration for gay and lesbian rights in London, February 1992
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pointless-letters · 26 days ago
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So the Royal Navy has decided to name its next submarine HMS Achilles instead of HMS Agincourt, and the stench of outrage, fag smoke and statins on the Daily Express letters page is overwhelming…
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ijustgotherebro · 4 months ago
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thinky-think-brainblast · 5 months ago
Aang was destined to be a girl dad and the writers just didn’t deliver.
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momentsbeforemass · 7 months ago
Ignoring Jesus
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Welcome to another episode of ignoring stuff that Jesus said.
Sometimes it seems like social media is little more than an outrage machine. Where everything you see is someone reacting negatively to something.
Whether it’s an obvious spittle-flecked rant. Or it’s done as a meme. Or it’s a joke that isn’t really a joke. The spirit behind it’s the same.
The reactions these things get? Either mindless shares. Or mocking.
Which just creates more outrage. Followed by more reactions. Like a machine that would go of itself.
While our current tech-driven version is relatively new, the outrage machine (and our love of it) is as old as humanity.
To our love of the outrage machine, Jesus has this to say, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.”
Not “If your brother sins against you, lash out in anger.”
Not “If your brother sins against you, mock him.”
Not even “If your brother sins against you, correct him in public.” Not at first.
Today’s Gospel tells us the steps to take, before ever correcting someone in public.
Most of us ignore those steps. And go right to the public part.
We dump the correction part. Because anger and mocking are a lot easier. And a lot more fun.
We like the rush of the outrage machine way too much to waste our time with all of that Jesus stuff.
But if the words of Jesus ever do get through to us? We’re pretty good at rationalizing them away.
“I’m just telling it like it is.”
Don’t kid yourself.
“I’m just doing it to see how people react.”
No, you’re not.
“It’s just somebody on the Internet.”
Just somebody made in the likeness and image of God. Just somebody who Jesus looks at and says, “even if you’re the only one who needs saving, Good Friday would still happen.”
Which gets us to the whole point of Jesus non-public spectacle approach. To why Jesus says, “If he listens to you, you have won over your brother.”
Jesus’ approach isn’t about being better or better informed than someone. Or even about being right. Much less the addictive pull of the outrage machine. And make no mistake, it is addictive.
Jesus’ approach is all about saving people. About restoring relationships.
About things that can never be achieved with anger or mockery. Things that the outrage machine can never give us.
Jesus’ approach is all about doing it the only way that ever works in the long run.
In the love of God.
Today’s Readings
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augustsappho · 9 months ago
“Across the town students were fast asleep. Next to them, tomes by Plato and Locke and Montesquieu waited to be read, discussed, gesticulated about; theoretical rights like freedom and liberty would be debated between those who already enjoyed them, stale concepts that, upon their readers’ graduation ceremonies, would promptly be forgotten. That life, and all of its preoccupations, seemed insane to him now; he could not believe there was ever a time when his greatest concerns were what colour neckties to order from Randall’s, or what insults to shout at houseboats hogging the river during rowing practice. It was all such frippery, fluff, trivial distractions built over a foundation of ongoing, unimaginable cruelty”
"Babel" R.F. Kuang - ch.22 pg.434
This is generally applicable to the universal experience of putting things into a better perspective from the pov of a student. How living through horrors or simply witnessing them miles and miles away can be enough to shake an anger to your core and wash your eyes so that they now see differently than they did yesterday. "How strange! How could that have really seemed like the end of the world to me! I had no idea! I really had no idea what was to come!" Though I will admit unis in London have been so very incredibly good at advocating for Palestine, UCL, Kings, Golds, QMUL, all of you! I love you!
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arbuthnotblob · 1 year ago
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Sometimes I think he should get Outrage berserker powers, as a treat! Just lay eyes on Giovanni and spontaneously combust into red-blue flames - saves all the hassle of even getting Dragonite out to use Hyper Beam 😌
[Lance Week 2023, Day 3 - Superpower, Emergency Pinch Sketch]
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mrjsays · 19 days ago
Important in these troubled times.
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biribaa · 1 year ago
First scene idea i had for AI Christmas Party pt 2 ughhhgggf
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virtuouslibertines69 · 4 months ago
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"Blessed Jesus! What an outcry! What a frenzy!—Who bit you? Who pricked you? What the devil's the matter with you that you cry so loud, and what has poor vice done to you that you should bear him such a grudge, he is such a good fellow, so easy to live with, and asks nothing except to be allowed to amuse himself and not bore others, if such a thing can be? Act with vice like Serre with the gendarme: embrace and have done with it all.—Believe me, you will be the better for it.—Eh! Mon Dieu! my worthy preachers, what would you do without vice? " - Théophile Gautier, Mademoiselle de Maupin
'Paris Cigarette' by Yannick Corboz on ArtStation
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dk-thrive · 1 year ago
A wild longing for strong emotions and sensations seethes in me, a rage against this toneless, flat, normal and sterile life. I have a mad impulse to smash something, a warehouse perhaps, or a cathedral, or myself, to commit outrages.
― Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf (S. Fischer Verlag, 1927) (via Alive on All Channels)
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gear-project · 7 months ago
Annon-Guy: Any thoughts on the Season 4 content, including the newly announced characters?
Queen Dizzy
Lucyna "Lucy" Kushinada (Guest Character from Cyberpunk: Edgerunner)
Okay, time to address some aspects of the trailer DIRECTLY:
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3 on 3 Mode seems to also involve the SACRED TREASURES (OutRage Jinki Weapons), so I imagine some mechanic is involved in the Multiplayer Mode that will make teams far more strategic than first glance would indicate!
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Taking a wild guess here... the new stages appear very similar to Tioria (Village of Witches), Ganymede Island (Dr. Paradigm's home), as well as the Sacred Order of Holy Knight's Central Hall (which appeared in Accent Core, and was designed based on the original Paris Stage that Sol and Ky would often settle their fights in).
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And of course we have Queen Dizzy, Venom (leaving retirement must not be easy for him), Unika (newcomer from Dual Rulers)...
And Lucy from the New Cyberpunk Edgerunners game (which I barely have any information on). (I imagine one of the new GG Stages will also be associated with Lucy as well.)
GG Veterans are most definitely familiar with Venom and Dizzy, though I imagine Unika is more of a mystery than the others.
It appears they are taking less mystery out of the future of the DLC and revealing their plans more directly (which I think many of us can appreciate, since guessing at shadow reveals gets boring after a while).
Above all else, I'm looking forward to learning more about the new mechanics and features of each character (and once again, I hope they address offline concerns for single player fans as well).
This also marks the first time they've revealed a playable guest character for Guilty Gear... so they are breaking the mold with this game! I hope that meets fan expectations by a great deal!
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