#ours: tutorial
digidollhouse · 2 months
How to Customize your Main Menu in The Sims 4
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...Like this!
Special thanks to @sdmsims for pointing us in the right direction for figuring this out.
This tutorial will (hopefully) teach you how to make your own menu screen for TS4 using SimMattically's Refreshed Main Menu mod. If you've ever made a loading screen before, the process is very similar to that.
This is a 10 step process, and it's a bit lengthy. So make sure you have the time to kill before beginning.
Read on for the tutorial.
SimMattically's Refreshed Main Menu mod
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
Your choice in image editor
This tutorial assumes you already know how to download, save, and load a mod into your TS4 game.
The mod will be downloaded to your computer as a .zip file. Extract the archive to somewhere you will find it.
Here is what is inside:
The base mod (SimMattically_RefreshedMainMenu_BASE.package)
The background files (They each begin with SimMattically_RefreshedMainMenu_BG_[...])
Optional files (One for an animated logo, one for the scenarios button. SimMattically_RefreshedMainMenu_AnimatedLogo.package and SimMattically_RefreshedMainMenu_ScenarioButton.package respectfully)
You will want the BASE, any optional file you'd like out of the two above, and a BG. For simplicity's sake, we will use BG_Arbour.
So, in your mods folder, you should at least have the BASE file and BG_Arbour.
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This is to check and see if you've installed the mod correctly. If you have, you should see something like so;
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If you see something like this, congrats! Now close the game.
Open up S4PE. It will look something like this;
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Navigate to File > Open...
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Navigate to your BASE file in your file explorer and open it. It should now look like this;
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This looks like a lot here. However, we are in need of only one thing from this list.
We want the thing at the very top of the list -- the _GFX.
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Right click that line. Go to Export > To file...
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Export this file to somewhere you will find easily on your computer.
Open your .GFX file in JPEXS, and navigate to the panel on your left. Click images. It should look something like this;
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Scroll until you find the first box with an actual image in it. In this case, it's Arbour. It should be the first one to appear.
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Right click it. Export selection > OK. Save it somewhere you will find it.
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Now, scroll down some more, until you reach the first sidebar image.
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Again, this should correlate to the Arbour background. Repeat the same process as above for exporting.
Your images will save in a folder called images. Like so;
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NOW HERE IS THE FUN PART BABEY. This is where you let your imagination run wild! Open your images up in your favorite image editor and go nuts.
For the sake of this tutorial, I will be using a random image from my SSD.
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And a gradient created by color picking this image.
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Once you're satisfied with your work, go ahead and save these. I would just save them in that same images folder to save time.
Go back to JPEXS. Go back to the first background image in the list.
Right click it. Hit Replace...
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Navigate to that images folder.
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And hit open! Congrats, you replaced your first image.
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Scroll down to the first sidebar image. Rinse and repeat the steps above, but with your sidebar image (my gradient, for example).
And now you have your imported images! Save the .GFX file, and go back to S4PE.
Right click the _GFX line again. Then go to Import > From file...
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Navigate to wherever you saved your GFX. Open it. You will be greeted by this window.
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DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just hit OK.
Once it's in, your list should look like this;
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The old _GFX will be crossed out. This is good!
Navigate to File > Save. It may take a moment to save, be patient. Close S4PE, load the BASE mod into your mods folder, boot game.
If you did everything correctly, you should be greeted by your new Main Menu.
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YOU DID IT!!! You might find yourself wanting to forever stare at your new menu screen. This is normal and good. Congrats!!
I couldn't find a TOS for SimMattically's mods, so I would recommend you use your new menu screen for personal use only.
I am thinking that similar steps are taken with different modded menu screens, so if you're a tinkerer type. Food for thought.
In the original images for the mod, the sidebar is a piece of the BG with some blur to give the sidebar a frosted glass look. We personally went with a gradient because it's easier, but really, you can do whatever you want.
If anyone has questions, feel free to send them our way! Thank you for reading.
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sagegarnish · 4 months
AO3 now has a tag for AI works!!! That means you can filter it out!* To filter it from your account, and never see any of it again, follow these steps.
- First, log in to your AO3 account
- Click on this link or paste this in your browser bar
- Set "Type" to "Site Skin"
- Set "Title" to whatever you want (Something like “No AI” so you'll know what Skin you just made)
- Then click into the large "CSS" box and paste all of the bolded text below - hit the "Submit" button
.blurb:has(a[href*="/tags/Created%20Using%20Generative%20AI/works" i]), .blurb:has(a[href*="/tags/AI-Generated%20Text/works" i]), .blurb:has(a[href*="/tags/AI%20Generated%20Text/works" i]), .blurb:has(a[href*="/tags/AI%20Generated%20Fic/works" i]), .blurb:has(a[href*="/tags/AI-Generated%20Images/works" i]) { display: none !important; }
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- Hit "Use"
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No more AI fics or art in your results! (assuming everyone tagged properly and your browser has the flags enabled)
A blocklist to be used with the Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin tutorial by Eli0t
*browser dependent
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thinkin' about Bardaby and his illusion smoke...
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caemidraws · 7 months
i recently found your art via pinterest and just found your tumble through it and i just wanted to say how blown away by how amazing your compositions are, they’re so complex and detailed at the same time!! I truly aspire to have the same level of greatness in my own art.
if you don’t mind me asking are there any specific techniques you use to create your compositions?
Hi!! Thank you!!!!
So, composition...
I don't have a specific technique, as a self taught artist I usually make lots of experiments to see which shape I like better.
(It's a true pain when it comes to anatomy, (i did follow an anatomy class but I keep forgetting the basics) and I'm quite sure I'm still making mistakes,,,,)
I cannot do a proper tutorial on how I think my composition, but I can show you some examples, hoping they can help a little:
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Lately I'm experimenting composition through color contrast!! Cold vs Warm, for example. (And to think I used to say I'd be stuck with gold forever,,,)
So..........hope I didn't bring you more questions than answers! Maybe one day I'll make a better teacher than 'look at these shapes...they're...shapes.'
But yes this is how I think things usually -- doesn't mean I'm 100% right (o´▽`o)
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thenerdyindividual · 1 year
So with AO3 recommending locking your fics to help prevent scraping for AI use, I know a few people (myself included) who have locked down their fics. But it’s made me curious how many people are locking so…
Also reblog this and tell me in the tags why you do or don’t plan to lock your works.
For those of you that want to lock your works but don’t want to do each fic individually, here is a tutorial for how to lock all your fics at once.
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hansama · 10 months
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I tried to sketch Papyrus in both my art style and @skull-otaku xD
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thedevilsfamiliar · 3 months
This is for the ao3 users who enjoy color or prefer non-white backgrounds
There is a TikTok user who made a tutorial of how to make your ao3 colorful, I’ll link her profile down below cuz she has MANY diff skin tutorials
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Here is her tutorial, here is her link to her page.
These are two that caught my attention, but that’s cuz I need darker colors, she has a lot of pretty and colorful themes for y’all to check out!
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And thank you @cloudysao3 (her TikTok and Instagram handle)
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transformativeworks · 3 months
Here's a tutorial for changing tag colors: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53119543
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Here is a clickable link for anyone who needs that - https://archiveofourown.org/works/53119543
and I shall tag @sorbusaucuparia to close the loop!
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fafrogke · 3 months
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I played The kid at the back and had fun! so i did some drawings (some Sol and oc silly interactions and BRITTNEY and smol Jess hidden)
These are from playing day 1 (the drawings are months old) but i played day 2 recently so you will hear from me later to not spoil anything
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used the template from twitter loved the characters and the story and the art and the vibes of the game thank you muah muah
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insanitysilver · 2 years
Ao3 Recommendations
Wish ao3 had an algorithm? Wish it would recommend you the best of the best? Ao3 can’t, but your fellow fans can all through the magic of the bookmark search. How is this done?
Find your tag of choice (fandom/ship/character/trope). The default search is by works. Set it to bookmarks.
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2. Add filters like normal. Check ‘rec’ and ‘has notes’ near the bottom. Sort.
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And voilà. Now everything listed comes with positive reviews for your perusal.
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Sit back on your divan and let your servants feed you grapes knowing that other brave souls went before you to bring you these gems for your illustrious inspection.
Side Notes:
Authors do see bookmark comments. Do not be an ass to people sharing their art for free.
This method is biased towards older works. Try not to use this search method exclusively or you’ll miss out on hidden gems.
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venomroad · 2 months
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napping-sapphic · 7 months
Relationship where we get all dressed up and put on our fanciest clothes together just because
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leveragedlibrarians · 4 months
Alright I have now actually been working in a bank for a while and I gotta say,,,,,, it kiiiiiinda takes the drama out of Leverage.
Like. Do you know how easy it would be to rob us? Currently the only alarm that requires a code has been permanently disabled for over a month due to construction on the upper floors. The key cards that let you access the vault are given to the tellers- aka the college kids who let just about anyone in if they ask. Hell, I've given spare keycards to employees I didn't even recognise because I'm bad with faces and didn't want to be rude, they were wearing the company color so I just said sure here you go. There's just physical keys lying around everywhere. We also technically have a vault inside the vault that only head tellers can access, but I have never seen it closed.
Like. Robbing us wouldn't take an episode, it wouldn't even take a whole scene. Parker would be downright offended if she came to rob us. She wouldn't even have to crawl through any air vents, pick any locks, anything- literally just wear blue and ask politely to be let into the vault.
We would disappoint Parker so bad
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aotaku12 · 6 months
My friend and I made our Math Projects Limbus themed and he put several inside jokes our teachers would definitely not understand but I love this screenshot too much to not share it
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girlboyburger · 8 months
hmm... 2 am impulsive idea way too amibitious for my own good: what if i just made a minecraft mod that adds different cow/horse/animals breeds to 1.20+
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spacechild-glitchypix · 2 months
So how did you get the character files of the ol2 characters? I'm really bad with computer stuff and have no idea how to get them, lol. If you don't want to explain it that's ok, I just thought I'd ask!
You know what, sure. I can give a tutorial on that.
For those reading without context, anon here is asking where I got the sprite files needed for this tutorial. This is also essentially just a basic "how to decompile most Ren'py games" tutorial, just swap out all mentions of OL2 with any ren'py game of choice and it should work (within limits, there are some games where this won't work. But it works for both Our Life games)
This tutorial also requires a computer or laptop running Windows. There might be ways to decompile ren'py games from Mac but I'm not certain and that's not what this tutorial is going to focus on. Android users are just shit out of luck though, sorry.
Step 1: Open the folder containing the game's .exe file
This part differs depending on where you downloaded OL2 from.
If you downloaded OL2 from Steam: Right-click on OL2 in your Steam library, hover your mouse over the manage submenu and then clock "Browse Local Files"
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If you downloaded OL2 from Itch.io: Find where you extracted the game to. If you're unsure, the folder name should look something like "OurLifeNF-[X.X.X]-pc" but with '[X.X.X]' substituted with the version number of your game (for example "OurLifeNF-1.3.5-pc"). Once you find it, double click on the folder to open it
Once you've done either of those things, you should have a window explorer window up that looks something like this
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(If you have files that aren't in this screenshot, that's normal, this is just what the folder looks like when you haven't opened the game)
Step 2: Grabbing the archive.rpa file
This is the file that contains all the game's data
From the window you opened up from the last step, double click on the folder labelled 'game'. In that folder, there will be a file titled archive.rpa. Copy that file (don't cut it or drag it out of the game folder, the original file needs to stay in there or your game won't run)
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(You can also use the shortcut ctrl + c to copy)
Create a folder somewhere else on your computer, preferably somewhere like Documents, Downloads or Desktop where you can easily access it (to create a folder, right click inside whichever place on your computer you want to create a folder, then hover over the "new" submenu and then click folder). Then paste the archive.rpa file into that folder
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Step 3: Download RPA Extract
RPA Extract by iwanPlays is the software we're using to decompile the files. Click the link above, click 'No thanks, just take me to the downloads' (or you can give the developer money if you have the means to and want to show them support) and then click 'Dowload' on the first option in the list and download it to the same folder you copied the archive.rpa file to
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Step 4: Decompiling the game
Next, drag the archive.rpa file to rpaExtract.exe. You'll probably get this window that pops up.
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Click "More Info" and then, at the bottom, click on the "Run Anyway" button that shows up
After that, a command window will show up with all the files being decompiled. Just wait until its down and then exit out of it.
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Ta-da, you've got the decompiled files! The sprite files are in the Characters folder which is in the images folder. Have fun!
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