#our poor love
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markantonys · 7 months ago
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nobody wants mat carnally: the ongoing saga
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happi-dreams · 9 months ago
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Lil doodle comic before I go to schoooll
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egophiliac · 8 months ago
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I feel like F/P/S was still a pretty weird one, even by Lance's standards.
sorry for (in an ironic twist) not doing much Ride Kamens art now that it's actually started; I've been pretty slow going through it and I feel weird posting about things I'm not caught up on! though I'm. definitely gonna have to set aside some time to actually get through episode 13, after what they posted today. (w-what did they do to my Leon) (NOBODY TELL ME I HAVE TO FIND OUT ON MY OWN) (LEOOOOOOOON)
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meredithmoriarty · 1 year ago
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Help, I'm being bullied by an amnesiac!
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ansonmountdaily · 2 years ago
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Captain Christopher Pike's outfits in STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS → Season 1 - 2 (requested by anonymous)
(Young Lieutenant Pike in the field jacket and red operations uniform is from a 1x06 "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach" deleted scene on the Season 1 dvd. It's a little flashback scene with Pike in a shuttle. It ends with him beaming back to USS Aryabhatta, the ship he served on at the time with Number One/Una.)
Star Trek: Discovery outfits here.
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tremordusk · 3 months ago
Rio: My love, can you please …
Agatha, handing lube: For you
Rio: I was going to ask you to help me to the bathroom..
Agatha: Then get up yourself
Rio: I can’t move after what Lilia did to me last night..
Agatha, giggling: Sucks to suck
Rio: But I sucked off so good—
Rio: Please
Agatha: Please what my dear?
Rio: I’m not going to say it
Agatha: you can crawl on the floor then
Rio: Mi vida why are you so cruel, I can’t take this right now—
Agatha, wrapping her arms around Rio’s waist: That’s not what you said last night, so say—
Rio: Please mommy 🙏
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iceclew · 7 months ago
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Back from Vienna, and could finally finish this!! ╰(▔∀▔)╯
Part 2 -> here's Part 1
well, SOMEONE (@mechazushi) put our shared braincell to work, so as per usual, I just had to :D
No really, I loved the idea, and it fit so well to what I was going for, so this is for you my mutual kafhoshi simp from the other side of the planet ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
Have yourself some very unusual awkward Soshiro being caught in the most embarassing moment in years propably, lol. Maybe that's the reason Soichiro got ghosted in the first place.
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buildoblivion · 1 year ago
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so I read this wonderful gem of a fic called save the date by AstroGirl and I was so charmed that I blacked out and doodled this (go read it!!!!!)
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wishfuldivine · 6 months ago
I need me some more Gaz being a fucking insufferable Omega when none of his Alphas give him attention?
I can see him being the more annoying type that riles them up instead of the whiney and absolute begging.
With Price, he'll be such an insufferable brat who will hide his cigars with not one ounce of regrets or care.
With Soap, he'll steal all of his hair gels so he couldn't do his stupid Mohawk that he so secretly loved to pull on despite anything.
And with Ghost, poor lieutenant. He would use all of his teas right in front of him. Have the audacity to even hum and nod in approval to the delicious taste.
And the Alphas? After DAYS of their Omega doing that, they still don't break or give a shit. So Gaz has to pout and deal with it.
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spirk-trek · 6 months ago
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love you spirk but this was so iconic
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sometimesthingsgowrongokayy · 3 months ago
That’s the last straw
lee!daisuke - ler!anya
some swearing, and also i have literally no idea how boardgames work, but dw about that its fiiine
this is a tickle fic, don’t like don’t read. also please dont harass me for mouthwashposting
That’s it. That’s the last fucking straw.
Anya is seething in her chair as she watches Daisuke roll a 6 and clear right through her, picking up his piece and smiling smugly as he glides it along the board, landing right on a skip-ahead space and jumping about twenty spaces forward.
He gives a little giggle. “Sooo, Anya, what’s your move?” He says, smugly as he leans against the back of the couch.
She’s never going to look at Candy Kingdom the same again. Her eye gives a twitch as she prays to everything she’s ever believed in- please, a six, please. Please. Please.
She rolls a three and lands on a penalty square.
Daisuke, sitting across from her, gives a tiny muffled snort. Her rage is amplified tenfold, glaring up at him with the might of a thousand suns. Oh, the things she’s going to do to this man.
Curly clears his throat, placing a gentle hand on Anya’s shoulder- she flinches at the contact, eyes snapping to him and forgetting to drop the glare. Now he’s the one to flinch, eyes flickering away as he pulls his hand back.
“Ahm.. Anya, do you- think we should take a break..? You seem to be getting a little.. Frustrated.” He says, smiling sheepishly as his eyes drift around the table. Her cards are much more scattered than his or even Daisuke’s, her usual clean organization thrown to the bin and replaced by her newfound mania.
Anya flashes a smile, cracking her fingers before responding. “Oh, no. Don’t mind me at all. This is fun! Crew bonding is always great for morale.”
Her tone isn’t quite as soft as it usually is, a hint of boiling rage laced into the undertones. She sits as polite as ever, eyes trained on Curly. He gives a gulp, but nods, playing along for the sake of his life. He’s anxious as his turn follows, and he rolls a meager four. Good. This is good.
Anya’s eyes fall on Daisuke, hands politely laid in her lap as her eyes bare into his very soul. He’s looking a little more anxious now, spinning the rings on his fingers as he realizes its his turn and hastily throws the dice. Another six.
Silence falls over the table as Anya takes a long breath, cutting through the air. She twitches again as Daisuke lets out another muffled snicker. He’s practically having to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Her brow quirks up in a challenge, watching as the boy’s mouth wobbles and wavers into a smile, the chilling silence starting to weigh on him. It’s too funny. Plus the glare he’s getting from Anya- so rare, for her- isn’t exactly helping.
He can’t help himself, letting out a high-pitched giggle before clamping his mouth shut, just staring at Anya, eyes wide with curiosity and a bit of terror. Curly’s gaze flashes between the two, giving a gulp, and that’s what breaks the dam.
Daisuke falls into cackles, keeling forwards as he laughs, shoulders bouncing along. Curly has to suppress his own snicker- Daisuke’s laugh is rather contagious.
Anya takes a harsh breath, eye twitching once more as she watches Daisuke curled up in his own mirth. This little shit. She slowly stands up, glaring as she towers over the scene, and Daisuke’s laughter stops in its tracks as he realizes his impending doom.
Anya’s eyes fix right on the boy, and he gives a gulp as she just stares for what feels like an eternity.
“Y’know, Daisuke..” Her words cut through the air like a knife as she sits down next to him, with the danger of a mother quietly sitting down next to a troublemaking child.
“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but it’s very impolite to laugh at someone when they’re struggling with something.” She says, and within a blink, Daisuke screeches out as Anya’s long nails suddenly latch to his sides and squeeze.
“Anya- anyaanyaanya- please, we cahan- we can talk about this!” Daisuke pleads, as Anya looms over him, hands poised against his sides. She gives a soft snicker in response, and without warning, drills into the boy’s sides- her nails digging into the soft meat and vibrating, pulling a loud guffaw from Daisuke before he falls into desperate, pitchy laughter.
“ANYA- nonOnah- NOHO- pleaseplease ihidiDN’t meanit i didn’tmeanit-“ He begs, words breaking and cracking between squeals and snorts, thrashing up against her hands which have now found his hips and are squeezing mercilessly.
“Curly, it’s your turn. Oh, and- move Daisuke’s piece for him, would you?” Anya says, completely ignoring Daisuke’s pleas. She throws a polite smile to Curly, even as her hands skitter up to Daisuke’s ribs. He gives a squeal in response, kicking out from under her and bucking desperately.
Curly blinks, a bit dumbfounded, before clearing his throat and doing as commanded. He quickly moves Daisuke’s piece six spots forwards before rolling the dice and landing a nice passive three. He gulps as he moves his piece.
“ANyahAHAH- ple- pleHEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASPLESPLSPL- PLEHEAASE- letmegoletmEGOpLEASEIT’sSOBAD-“ Daisuke spews, words jumbling together as he laughs. Anya snickers before drilling her hands into his hips once more, wrenching a high-pitched squeal from the boy. She speaks up once more.
“Oh, dear. Guess it’s my turn- Curly, be a dear and roll for me?” She says, nimble fingers not once stopping her quest in ripping Daisuke apart.
Curly silently complies in horror as he watches the scene, mindlessly moving Anya’s piece forwards and flinching as Daisuke gives another scream.
His mouth hangs open in a cackling grin, tears of mirth stinging his eyes as he bucks and squirms and turns this way and that, to no avail. Anya is shockingly strong, staying atop the poor boy as he thrashes and tries to desperately pry her off of himself.
He eventually gives up on trying to free himself, fist slamming against the couch cushions as Anya’s fingers slip into the spaces between his ribs, wiggling around and squeezing and doing other torturous things that really shouldn’t tickle as much as they do.
“AnnyaaAAHAHAH- PLEASE- pleheHEASEplease-“ He yelps, slowly losing energy as she just Does Not Let Up, giving a giggly whimper as her hands poke at his sides again.
“..Anya, um- I think he needs a break..” Curly speaks up through the cackles and squeaks, concerned as he can hear Daisuke’s breath beginning to shallow. Anya gives a dramatic sigh and removes her hands, met by a large gasp from Daisuke as he flops limply against the couch, eyes glossed over as he twitches- still vaguely processing All That.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll let this be a lesson- I always win at boardgames. Now, Daisuke, it’s your turn-“ Her tone gains a malicious lilt with her next words, “-Why don’t you roll?”
Daisuke gives a weak whimper, still unable to curl up fully as Anya sits on his legs. He hugs his midsection and gives a small huffy giggle, mouth still pulled up at the corners. “Nnoohohooo..” He whines, hiccuping as he lays. He knows what his fate will be if he rolls good, and with his luck tonight? He’s absolutely terrified.
“Go on. Roll.” Anya says, softly for once, as she gives an encouraging poke to the boy’s side. He gives a squeaky giggle, whining as he reaches out for the dice and lets it tumble out of his hand, landing on the table and landing him a death sentence. He had rolled his third six in a row.
He gives a fearful whimper, eyes drifting up to Anya. The glare he met was one of nightmares, and he quickly reaches out to nudge the die- landing on a four, instead. He anxiously looks back up to Anya, sighing as he sees her nod. “Good choice. Anyways, Curly?” She says, finally getting up off Daisuke and walking back to her seat.
Daisuke immediately curls into a ball, huffing as he turns away from the table and buries his face in the cushions of the couch, twitching and hiccuping as he hugs his midriff. His body has a soft shake to it, weakened by the Attack.
“Oh, um- right, yes.” Curly stammers out, picking up the dice and rolling a five, cursing himself as he lands on a penalty square. Anya smiles and plucks the dice from the board, rolling and grinning as she lands the six that carries her onto the finishing square.
“Well then! Looks like I win.” She says, sighing and smiling triumphantly at the scene infront of her.
Daisuke, curled up on the couch and dead to the world. Curly, still glancing between the two with fear in his eyes. And the board, with Anya’s piece in the winning spot and the other two falling behind via sabotage.
Anya never loses a game of Candy Kingdom again.
Anya’s hands still don’t stop their ruthless quest, latching onto his upper thighs and mercilessly squeezing. Daisuke practically screams, legs thrashing as he again attempts to thrash out of her grip, twisting this way and that to no avail.
His words are lost to laughter as she continues, silently and deadly plucking him apart. It’s when she reaches his knees he gets desperate. One squeeze and he convulses, legs snapping upward in a ear-piercing squeal and a guffaw. She blinks, hands still poised above his knees.
“A-Anya, ahanya please, pleasedon’tdothis, I’ll do anything- plehease-“ The begs sputter past Daisuke’s lips with an accompaniment of giggles, hands tugging at his own hair as they had found their place there a few moments ago. He gives another high giggle as he fidgets, legs shaking and twitching as he squirms, eyes locked with Anya’s, already knowing his fate.
Then she grins, eyes narrowing devilishly, and Daisuke passes away on the spot. She gives a ruthless sequence of squeezes to that little spot right above his knees, latched on and not letting go even as he kicks and thrashes and screams. He howls, back arching from the couch and slamming back down as his fist desperately pounds against the cushions.
This continues, evilly, for about five more torturous seconds before Curly speaks up, torn out of his shocked daze at the snort that rips through the air. “Anya- Anya, I think he’s had enough.” He coughs, guiding her off of the poor boy and back to her chair.
She growls, still seething as she watches Daisuke immediately curl up on himself, letting out a pathetic whimper as he hugs his midsection. He’s still giggling weakly, face buried in his knees as he lays horizontal on the couch, rasping for air after the attack.
Okay, she feels a little better now that he’s been thoroughly wrecked. The table falls into another long silence, only interrupted by Daisuke’s weak panting and soft, quiet giggles. Anya smiles, satisfied, as Curly looks at her with a mildly horrified expression.
“Okay, I think that’s enough Candy Kingdom for one day.. D-Daisuke, why don’t you, uh- head to your quarters and.. Clean up a bit? I’ll take care of the- game.” Curly says even as he knows Daisuke probably won’t be able to move for another fifteen minutes, clearing his throat sheepishly. He starts gathering pieces into the game box. His eyes fall on Daisuke once more before they flicker to Anya, giving a gulp at the way she’s absolutely drinking up the image of Daisuke crumpled up on the couch with blush up to his ears.
OKAY I HOPE YALL ENJOYED THAT i rewrote this like fifteen times before i finally decided i’d just post it as-is. the bonus scene was one that was in the original version but i felt like it was too short and didnt know where to fit it in and askdhehdhdhJsh. i couldn’t deprive yall of it though, lower body ticklish daisuke is literally my lifeblood.
anywayyssssss hope yall have a good dayy <3 idk how to end these <3
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glamrockraybot · 1 year ago
Feel it's important to point out that the pizzaplex animatronics are probably "sassy" or sarcastic in help wanted 2 because they are programmed to work with children, not adults. If under other circumstances the other robots would have probably been just as nice to Gregory as Freddy and Sun, and to Cassie as Roxy was. I don't think we've seen them interact with an adult under normal circumstances. In fact Freddy straight up lies to Vanessa all the time, prioritizing the child's wants (or a need, really) over reporting to staff.
Sun is probably very enthusiastic about kids art! But you are an adult undergoing training, not for the love of art. Same thing with the carousel. This may also be because of their fear of turning into moon if you aren't timely.
And Freddy wasn't even that sarcastic, in fact he was very pleasant, aside from when you pick up the "happy birthday timmy" cake, in which he actually seems upset because he doesn't want to fuck up a kids party!! That is not Timmy that is Jimmy!!! Jimmy would notice!!!!
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amariram · 3 months ago
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“I’m so sorry, my boy”, Gaius murmured when he saw the grimace of pain on his face.
“It’s better this way, Gaius”, Merlin said, faking a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “A little lonelier, but better”.
Gaius didn’t answer. And if he had spent the night wiping away Merlin’s tears, no one ever knew.
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densewentz · 2 years ago
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ive decided the best thing for Crowley post-s2divorce is to become a goofy girl!Dad to an unhinged gremlin child. In this case this one that I've named Hanna.
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pushing500 · 18 days ago
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The Sightstealer Saga is over, but a few of the monsters still manage to get back up after being downed, so cleanup continues into the next day. Jut and Alistair handle most of it, but sometimes the Jones boys get caught up in the scuffles as well.
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In between charging recklessly towards invisible enemies (the invisibility might not bother him too much due to the fact that he's already blind), Jut took the time to teach Ivy about Archotech stuff. I feel like the Jones boys would have preferred to do that themselves, but whatever. Thanks, Professor Crowley.
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The idea of Mechi standing in the rain screaming at giant birds really amused me for some reason.
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As everyone recovers from various sightstealer-inflicted injuries, poor Alistair overhears some weird shit in the hospital. I'd blame painkilling drugs or something, but honestly, I think the Jones boys just have odd thought processes.
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morrigan-sims · 11 months ago
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And I forget sometimes I'm just flesh and bone.
As he stands in the ruined bathroom, all Rook can think is, At least now I can breathe.
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