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Cheering Up Daisuke!
inspired by some absolutely delicious art by @al1en-invasi0n !!! check em out theyre so yummy :3
this MIGHT be my first time writing a tk fic (it is) so please don't bully me gangalang ,,, criticism is accepted just be nice to me [cry] also was writen on laptop so if the formats weird i apologize oops ...
lee!daisuke, ler!curly (NON SHIP !!!!!)
tw / cw : tks, starts off a wee bit sad, mention of jeopardy (j*mmy)
word count : 3151 under the cut
"Get it through your goddamn skull! That vent is strictly off limits! Fully fuckin' collapsed inside!"
It was safe to say that Swansea was pissed. Daisuke, just released from the emergency foam he'd accidentally triggered, was awkwardly shuffling in place as he received yet another earful from his mentor. He messed up, sure, but really? His legs hurt already from being trapped not too long ago, he didn't want his head to follow suit.
"You looking to get impaled, electrocuted, and cooked?!" Swansea's usual scowl was far more intense than usual; it was obvious to Curly, at least. As captain, he knew he'd have to intervene soon. Before he could, however, Daisuke spoke out:
"Yeah, but like, you can't fit in there to fix it, right? So I can totally handle it."
An uncomfortable silence filled the utility room. the three men stood in as the younger's words marinated. Swansea's eye twitched, clearly agitated. Curly really needed to say something - if he doesn't, who knows what Swansea would-
He stiffened slightly, worried what the older man was planning. Swansea extended his hand out to the captain, demanding the axe. Curly saw Daisuke twiddling his fingers from the corner of his eye. Both their heads moved in unison with Swansea's arm. "Swansea," Curly started, handing the mechanic the axe, "this could've damaged the pods. You can't let something like this happen again."
"Yeah, yeah...I got it." Swansea took the axe and swung it to rest on his shoulder. "Loud and clear." Slightly less tense than before, Curly placed his hand on his hip. "Keep the axe until you've cleaned this all up, yeah?" Swansea nodded with a huff, shifting his attention to his intern. Who was still fidgeting his hands. He looked up shyly as he spoke: "It's ok to be big, boss! "My gramps was super huge! And he lived until, like, 60!"
Oh shit.
Curly nervously looked to Swansea, who had an unreadable expression on his face. Daisuke, unaware of the weight of his words, smiled softly. Curly's attention shifted when he noticed Jimmy standing by the utility room door. He saw it as a reason to excuse himself from the heavy tension between the two men before him. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Curly swiftly made his way towards his co-pilot. Daisuke, finally noticing Swansea's mood, silently cursed at his captain for abandoning him. And as soon as he did...
Swansea went off. Yelling all sorts of nonsense about safety and protocol that Daisuke didn't care to hear for the thirteenth time that week. Instead, trying to focus his attention on the conversation taking place behind his mentor. Unfortunately, he found it to be quite difficult. Something about being sane, psych evals, Anya - what was that about cartoon horses?
Just as the two men started to walk off, Swansea yelled louder, noticing his intern not listening. This brought a new wave of lecturing, and Daisuke was *not* having it. He didn't even care if Swansea said the winning lottery numbers, he just wanted him to shut up. Much to his dismay, that wouldn't be happening anytime soon...
Curly just sent Jimmy away after receiving a letter from the higherups. He reread its contents again, confirming what it said as if he had somehow misread the whole thing. Pony Express is shutting down? How could this happen? How will he tell the crew? Although instructed to not break the news until later, Curly was unsure if he could do that. Sighing heavily, the captain decided to get some fresh air. Well, not exactly - just whatever was breathable outside the weighty air of the cockpit.
Ready to open the door at the end of the hallway, Curly was stopped by Swansea's presence behind it. He noticed something off immediately; his familiar frown replaced with a more concerned expression. Curly questioned it without a second thought, to which Swansea replied: "It's about Daisuke. After you left, I kind of went off. I...I think I went too hard on him. I've lectured him a bunch of times before, but he seemed more down this time."
"Oh? How so?" Curly asked, putting a hand to his chin. Swansea shifted his weight before continuing: "After I run my mouth to him, he usually puts on this dramatic act and pouts when I dismiss him to go somewhere else. This time seemed different. I don't know how to explain it, but I think I hurt the kid."
Swansea ended his explanation with a deep sigh as he lowered his head; he clearly felt guilty, and Curly understood as much. "Have you tried talking to him?"
"I'm not too sure how thrilled he'd be to see me right now. I don't wanna scare the poor thing any more than I already have. Plus, I don't know where he's at."
Curly nodded before Swansea spoke up again. "Do you think you can talk to him?" The captain thought for a brief moment before reaching out to the worried man, patting his shoulder. "Of course I can. I'll go look for him and cheer him up, promise! You can go rest if you'd like, just make sure the foam in utility gets cleared up later, yeah?"
To this, Swansea relaxed, wearing an uncommon smile. He nodded as he thanked Curly and walked off. The now determined captain headed off with a mission in mind; he was going to get Daisuke to smile, no matter the cost.
If you disregard the sobs, the cargo room was quiet. The vast space left a slight echo on Daisuke's cries. He sat on the stairs, head between his knees and arms around his shins. His mind ran as fast as the ship he resided on. Why was Swansea so much angrier than usual? He was just trying to help; he was his intern after all. Then again, he practically called him fat and kinda sorta maybe implied he would die at 60...
Damn, why would he say that?
At this point, Daisuke's thoughts were racing a million miles a minute. The grip on his pants tightened as he cried. God, he's a screwup. No wonder his parents sent him away on this internship. He was annoying at home, and he's annoying in space. Will he ever learn to keep his mouth shut? He was so lost in his head that he didn't hear the door open behind him, or the footsteps that followed it.
Said boy jumped a foot as he frantically wiped his eyes. He turned to face the source of the voice, trying to put on an act and forced a smile. But that smile shook, and Curly noticed. "Hey, captain! What's up?"
"I should be asking you that. Are you ok?"
Daisuke flinched slightly, his fake smile faltered as his shoulders began to tremble again. "I...I-I just...Swansea..." He didn't get anything else out after that, nothing that was intelligible, at least. He broke down again, turning around and placed his head back on his knees. Curly frowned as he made his way to Daisuke. He sat to his left on the stairs, rubbing the boy's back as he tried to soothe him. He let him cry it out until he was left only sniffling. Only then did he decide to speak out. "C'mon Daisuke, talk to me. Swansea found me earlier and said you were down. What's wrong?"
He let out a small whimper upon hearing his mentor's name. Shakily, he started: "I-I don't know, I should've just listened to him. I just wanted to help! B-but I screwed up...I-I could've gotten myself seriously hurt, o-or killed, or broken the pods! Those are like, s-super important! Even I know that, yet still acted c-carelessly. N-not only that, I totally offended S-Swansea! H-he probably hates m-me, I c-can't believe I said that...I'm a t-total f-failure, I-" He was getting more panicked as he spoke, voice as shaky as ever. Curly cut him off as he stopped rubbing his back and pulled the boy to him by his waist. Daisuke yelped slightly at the sudden change of contact, yet melted into the side hug.
"Kid," Curly started, "do you know why Swansea talked to me?" He felt a slight head shake on his shoulder. "Because he was worried for you, Daisuke. He told me he went too hard on you; that he feels bad he might have hurt you. I've never seen a more guilty face on him. And trust me when I say that means a lot. I've worked with him for I don't even know how long. He didn't mean to - Daisuke?"
His speech was cut when he heard small chortles from the boy in his arm. Curly glanced down, seeing his shoulders tremble once more, differently this time. "Did I...say something funny?" he asked, a confused smile on his face. Daisuke shook his head again, a hand over his mouth. "Nohoho, it's just - your hahand-" Curly's gaze shifted to where his hand resided on the intern's side; it had started subconsciously rubbing him there as it was on Daisuke's back. "What about my hand? Are you hurt here? Oh no, I'm so sor-"
"No! No, it's not that. I'm not hurt."
"Oh? Then what is it?"
Daisuke felt his face heat up. Thank god Curly couldn't see his face. He shifted slightly, unsure how to answer. "I just - it's not - you didn't - uh..." He peeked up to the captain as he trailed off, where he was met with a genuinely concerned face. "I'm afraid I don't follow, you know you can tell me anything, ri-"
"It just tickled is all..." He mumbled.
"Come again?"
With a whine, Daisuke buried his face further into his hand, leaning more onto Curly's shoulder. No matter how many times asked, he didn't say more. Curly, in attempt to get his attention, pinched the boy where his hand still laid; on his waist. What he didn't expect, however, was for Daisuke to chirp at the touch. Now it was Cury's turn to get his mind thinking. Which didn't last long, however, as Daisuke's squeaky voice spoke up:
If he wasn't blushing before, he sure was now. Curly saw the back of Daisuke's neck turn bright pink. Realization struck him shortly after, where a mischievous grin appeared. To confirm the suspicion, Curly pinched his side again, earning another bird-like sound. Oh, he struck gold.
"Daisuke...are you-"
"Shut up!"
Daisuke's neck was now a deep red, his face buried deep in his palms while his fingers grabbed at his hair. His captain walked in on him crying, then he continued to cry *on* his captain, and now this?! Could this be any more embarrassing?! Well, yes, it could. Curly pinched his side for a fourth time. Daisuke whipped his head towards him only to be met with a grin covering half of the blonde's face. "Oh, Daisuke...that isn't a very nice way to speak to your captain now, is it?"
Fuck. He's cooked.
"W-w-wait, I-I didn't me-EEHEHEAA!"
Daisuke was interrupted by his own squeal as Curly opted for pinching at his waist repeatedly rather than in intervals. He instinctively curled in on himself; arms wrapped around his torso while he brought his knees to his chest. While trying to twist away from the offending hand, Daisuke unintentionally leaned into Curly, who went in with his other hand to pinch at the giggling boy's other side.
He squealed again from the tickly assault suddenly appearing elsewhere. Daisuke started jumping left and right, trying to escape from one hand only to be attacked by the other. Curly switched to poking before long, as this made the younger let out soft snorts as he weakly kicked his legs. The captain chuckled under Daisuke's evergrowing laughter, finding his reactions amusing. "I just cannot believe you told me to shut up. I'm wounded, Daisuke, and your words are the blade. How could you say such a thing?!"
Said boy could only whine in response, "I dihihidn't mehehean toooooo! C'mohohon cahaptahahahain!"
"Oh really? And how can I be sure of that, hm?"
"Plehehehease! I prohohomise! I'm sohohorry, I'm sorryyyyy!"
"Hmmmm...let me think." Curly pondered dramatically *way* longer than needed as he continued to poke at the intern's torso. Daisuke continued to squeak and giggle as he 'spaced out thinking.' Suddenly, the blonde perked up, "Alright, I've thought about it! I'm not stopping~" He then proceeded to move both his hands to Daisuke's hips, massaging the bone tenderly.
The reaction was instant. The brunette shot his arms down, body spasming on impact. Grabbing Curly's wrists, Daisuke cackled loudly, unable to control the volume of his voice. His legs now fully kicking out as he spoke, "AAAAAHAHAHA! SHIHIHIT! GOHOD DAMN IT CUHUHURLY STAHAHAHAP!" To this, he gasped loudly; he would've acted out clutching his pearls had his hands not been occupied. "And just who do you think you are?! Talking to me like this...you're awfully ballsy for someone in your position."
Daisuke could only answer in giggly babbles, unable to get any coherent words out as his hip bones got circles drilled into them. Curly only clicked his tongue in mock annoyance and grabbed Daisuke's left arm with his right, lifting it up. In once swift motion, he left the boy more vulnerable than ever. He gave him a break during this - he didn't want to kill the kid. Taking in big gulps of air, Daisuke had yet to notice the position of his arm. Only when he tried to rub his eyes did he glance up. He knew what was coming.
Panicked, he locked eyes with his captor, smile wide and bright as his face matched his complimentary floral shirt. "C'mohohon captain! Y-you knohow I didn't mean ihit right? Rihight! S-so let's juhuhust forget this ever happehened!" Daisuke tried to reason with him, but Curly was having none of it. On the contrary, he was having too much fun. "Nuh uh, kid. You've gotta learn how to speak to your superiors. Tsk, young ones these days thinking they're all that. Even though you crumble the second I do...*this*."
As he finished, his free hand quickly snaked behind Daisuke, going straight to his ribs. He pinched, squeezed, poked; anything to get the brunette to squeal. And squeal he did; his bubbly laughter echoed in the ample space of the cargo room. He tried to grab Curly's hand with his free one, but the captain kept dodging, scratching a new rib in the process. He chuckled as he felt weak tugging on the arm he held up. "
"Plehehehease, I'm sohorry! I sweahahahar! I-I mehehean it!"
"Oh, are you now? And how can I believe that?"
Daisuke groaned between giggles before he spoke, "I prohohomise! I promihihise I'm sohorry!"
Curly lifted an eyebrow at the intern, his bright smile showing off the gap between his front teeth. The sight brought his own smile to grow in size. "Okay, let's say I believe you then. You're forgiven, bud."
"Thehen why aren't yohohou stohohohoping?!"
He chuckled at the naivety shown before him, shifting so he faced the boy before he answered, "Did you forget why I came here in the first place?" Daisuke whined in response, brain short circuiting as he felt fingers drilling into his torso, letting out a scream at his uppermost rib was attacked. "Oh c'mohohohohOHAHAH - CURLY! Quit ihihit! That tickles!"
Curly shook his head slightly, seeing the intern's blush deepen upon saying the word. "Sorry, Daisuke. Swansea said you were being gloomy earlier. We can't have that now, can we?" Said boy threw his head back as Curly formed a vibrating claw against the space between his highest rib and armpit. He snorted loudly from the sensation, barely able to form coherent words. "OKAHAY, OKAY! I'LL CHEHEHEHER UHUP! PROMISE! I PROHOMIHIHISE!" Daisuke ended his plea with a wheeze, laughter getting more strained. Curly saw this as a sign to wrap things up, slowing his fingers until the tickling came to a full stop. He let go of the boy's hand, where it fell to his side as he curled into himself next to his captain.
Curly once again rubbed the younger's back, hoping he didn't go too far as he giggled between gasps of air. Daisuke held his sides, still feeling the tingly sensation on his body. Once his breathing calmed down a bit, Curly decided to speak up, "Are you alright? I didn't do too much, right?" He received a head shake in return; the redness on the boy's neck showed he was too flustered to speak.
"You really shouldn't be too hard on yourself, you know? Swansea cares for you. He doesn't show it much, but he really does. Sure, he gets mad sometimes, but that's just who he is. Like I said earlier, he's the one who came to me about you; he was worried sick!" Daisuke glanced up at Curly's speech, eyes widened slightly with curiosity. "To tell you the truth," the blonde continued, "his own kids moved out a while ago. I think he misses them; not like he'd ever admit that, though. I have a suspicion that you remind him of them. Gets his dad-gears turning. His fatherly instincts probably kicked in earlier when you set off the foam. Do you get what I'm trying to say?"
Daisuke nodded his head, a tiny nervous smile on his face as he took in the confession. Did Swansea really feel that way? "Do you really think that's true?" Curly's gaze met his, flashing him a proud grin; "I know it's true! Don't tell him I said anything, though. He'd deny it to the moon and back." To this Daisuke breathed a sigh of relief, letting a small chuckle slip. He sat up from his ball-like position to fully face Curly, returning the smile. "Thanks, captain!"
The captain felt his heart slightly melt at the sight of the joyous boy. Wrapping his arm around him for another side hug, rustling his hair with his other hand. "No worries! I'll always be here. As long as you keep that attitude at bay. Don't think I won't put you in check, young man." Curly poked his side as he finished, earning one last squeak from the previously giggly intern. Daisuke jumped out of the captain's arms before he could try anything again, dramatically taking a defensive stance. He winked in his silly pose. "No promises~" he sang as he walked backwards to the door. It automatically opened, causing him to turn around and jump slightly. Curly stifled a laugh as Daisuke turned around, face slightly dusted pink. He stormed off, grumbling as he left the cargo room for good. Curly giggled to himself, still sat on the stairs, reflecting on his crew and each of their colorful personalities.
Yup, he was glad to be captain.
hai guys ^-^ i hope yall enjoyed !!! i love daisuke sm hes my gf i love my gf ♡

#august writes#august fics#mouthwashing#mouthwashing tickle#mouthwashing tickles#lee!daisuke#ler!curly#tickle fic
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🌺Pay attention!🪓
Mouthwashing tickle fic
Lee: Daisuke Ler: Swansea
also I'm in delulu Land and all the characters are okay and safe. 🙏✨️ also fuck Jimmy.🖕

Daisuke yawned. he had no idea what time it was. again, no one here did. all Daisuke knew was that it was early. too early for him to be awoken by Swansea when he was having the most awesome dream and practically dragged out of bed to "help" Swansea fix a few pipes near the medical bay.
Daisuke was still in his damn Pajamas, holding a tool box in one hand while he used the other to rub his eyes. Swansea was already examining the burst pipe, mumbling to himself.
Daisuke sighed. "Couldn't you have do this yourself? i was having, like, the best dream ever!" he whined. Swansea didn't even turn to look at Daisuke as he let out a small huff. "You're here to learn, kid." was all Swansea said back. "You gotta learn this stuff one way or another, no matter what time of the damn day it is." He followed up gruffly.
Daisuke sighed once more. he looked down at the tools inside the box. he didn't recognize a single thing inside. Daisuke started rolling back and forth on his feet as his eyes wondered around the hallway they were in, his mind wondering.
"kid!" as what snapped Daisuke out of his daydream in an instant with the sudden exclaim from Swansea. "h-huh? what?" Daisuke blinked a few times, his eyes landing on a, not so happy, looking Swansea. Swansea sighed. "Wrench, kid. i asked for the wrench." he said bluntly. Daisuke's eyes widened slightly. "o-oh!"
Daisuke instantly started to go through the toolbox, mumbling to himself. "is that it? no, no. that's- no..." Swansea groaned, snatching the wrench out of the tool box. "this. this is the wrench." he informed. Daisuke chuckled nervously. "y-yeah! i knew that..." Swansea only rolled his eyes to that.
"just... just hold this for a second while i explain what the problem is..." Swansea grumbled before turning back to the broken pipe. Daisuke stood clueless for a moment. Swansea started to explain the faults with the pipe, rubbing his chin as he spoke, Daisuke was listening to begin with. telling himself that he had to listen or he'd get in trouble. but the more Swansea spoke, the more bored Daisuke became. he started zoning out once more, his eyes on the back of Swansea's head.
Daisuke's mind wondered to what he'd be doing later, probably laying around the living area and playing his game boy, maybe even catching a nap. but just as Daisuke could get excited by the thought of any of that, he felt a sudden jab in his side.
Daisuke yelped very loudly. he blinked a few times, his eyes landing on Swansea standing in front of him with a look of frustration. "were you even listenin' to a word i said?!" he exclaimed. Daisuke rubbed his side where Swansea had jabbed, his face a little flushed. Swansea didn't even seem to register Daisuke's reaction. "i-i- of coarse i was!" Daisuke lied, averting his eyes.
Swansea didn't seem impressed. "yeah? what'd i just say?" Swansea reached out and jabbed Daisuke's side again. Daisuke let out another yelp, this time, a little louder. Swansea blinked. "what're you squawking about??" he huffed, clearly not in the mood for Daisuke's antics.
Daisuke was giggling a little. "d-don't do that..!" he stammered, rubbing his side once more. Swansea opened his mouth to ask what the hell Daisuke was talking about, gear's turning in the older mans head. then, it dawned on Swansea. he was quiet for a moment, thinking. then, to Daisuke's horror, Swansea started smirking. he huffed a laugh.
Daisuke froze. There was no way this was happening. Daisuke couldn't tell if his face went red or pale. "Boss, c-come on-" that was Daisuke's final words before the older man chubby fingers were at his sides. Daisuke jumped like ten feet in the air, letting out a loud shriek. "hehehey! wha- bohohohoss!" Daisuke squealed on impact. he dropped the toolbox, it being forgotten on the floor.
Swansea couldn't help but huff a laugh. "come on, kid. if you were listenin', tell me what i was talkin' about." Swansea started squeezing up and down Daisuke's sides, making the you boy squeal louder. "I-I cahahahant!" Daisuke yelped. trying to squirm away from his bosses tickling fingers.
"you cant? why not? I thought you were listenin'..." Swansea eyed Daisuke's ribs and went for them. his thick fingers squeezing and wiggling. Daisuke cackled loudly at the sudden change of spot, his hands flying down to try and defend the sensitive bones. "w-wahahAHAHAIT!" his voice raised, his legs getting weaker by the moment as he tried to curl up on himself. Swansea only found all of this amusing. changing to poking and prodding at the poor interns ribs.
"i cant believe I've taken time out of my mornin' to teach out about this shit and weren't even listenin'..." Swansea mocked a hurt tone, shaking his head, easing up a tiny bit. Daisuke could only cackle in response. "P-Plehehehease, ihim sohohohorry!" "sorry for not listenin' or sorry cause you got caught?" Swansea retorted back, going back to his rougher attack. making Daisuke squeal loudly and convulse. "AHAHA- IHIHI AHAHAHAM! IIM SOHOHORRYYY!" Daisuke pleaded.
Swansea only rolled his eyes. "i don't believe you for a second!" Swansea obviously knew that Daisuke was sorry, yet he wanted to have a little fun before letting his intern off the hook.
Swansea's eyes roamed Daisukes body for a moment before his eyes landed on Daisukes hips. He smirked, going straight for the kill. Daisuke screamed, his legs giving way as he slid down the wall. Swansea following him.
"WAHAHAHAIT! WAHAHIT, AHAHA, NOT THEHERE!" Daisuke begged desperately through babbles of laughter. Kicking his legs off the ground. Daisuke was rolling at this point. "Maybe this is what you get for not listenin' to me!" Swansea didn't want to admit it. But he was having a field day with this. He squeezed up and down Daisuke's hips. Even getting the space where his thighs met his hips.
Daisuke was trying his hardest to get Swansea away. Pushing at his hands as best he could. The poor intern's face was red. "PLEHEHEASE! I REALLY AHAHAM SOHOHOHORRY!" Daisuke practically screamed. "IM SOHOHORRY I WASN'T LIHIHISTENING!"
"Are you though? Are ya really?" Swansea teased a little, drilling his thumbs into Daisukes hips, causing Daiuke to plead frantically through squeals and laughter. "YEHEHES! YEHES, IM SOHOHOHORRY!"
That was music to Swanseas ears. eventually and reluctantly, Swansea let Daisuke go, finally backing off. Daisuke instantly curled up on himself, panting heavily as he hugged his stomach, still giggling a little. Swansea didn't even realise he was smiling. "You okay, kid?" Daisuke nodded weakly. "Y-Yeah... i think I'll live..."
"atta boy..." Swansea chuckled, helping Daisuke to his feet before ruffling his hair. "Now, let's try this again, but this time..." Swansea jabbed Daisukes side one last time, causing the young man to yelp and giggle. "...Pay attention."
YIPPEE LEE DAISUKE. I've wanted to write Lee Daisuke and Ler Swansea for a while 🙏
Also, top art by @ursam1ni on Instagram‼️
#mouthwashing tickle#mouthwashing tickles#lee!daisuke#Ler!swansea#t-words#tickle fic#daisuke mouthwashing#swansea mouthwashing
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That’s the last straw
lee!daisuke - ler!anya
some swearing, and also i have literally no idea how boardgames work, but dw about that its fiiine
this is a tickle fic, don’t like don’t read. also please dont harass me for mouthwashposting
That’s it. That’s the last fucking straw.
Anya is seething in her chair as she watches Daisuke roll a 6 and clear right through her, picking up his piece and smiling smugly as he glides it along the board, landing right on a skip-ahead space and jumping about twenty spaces forward.
He gives a little giggle. “Sooo, Anya, what’s your move?” He says, smugly as he leans against the back of the couch.
She’s never going to look at Candy Kingdom the same again. Her eye gives a twitch as she prays to everything she’s ever believed in- please, a six, please. Please. Please.
She rolls a three and lands on a penalty square.
Daisuke, sitting across from her, gives a tiny muffled snort. Her rage is amplified tenfold, glaring up at him with the might of a thousand suns. Oh, the things she’s going to do to this man.
Curly clears his throat, placing a gentle hand on Anya’s shoulder- she flinches at the contact, eyes snapping to him and forgetting to drop the glare. Now he’s the one to flinch, eyes flickering away as he pulls his hand back.
“Ahm.. Anya, do you- think we should take a break..? You seem to be getting a little.. Frustrated.” He says, smiling sheepishly as his eyes drift around the table. Her cards are much more scattered than his or even Daisuke’s, her usual clean organization thrown to the bin and replaced by her newfound mania.
Anya flashes a smile, cracking her fingers before responding. “Oh, no. Don’t mind me at all. This is fun! Crew bonding is always great for morale.”
Her tone isn’t quite as soft as it usually is, a hint of boiling rage laced into the undertones. She sits as polite as ever, eyes trained on Curly. He gives a gulp, but nods, playing along for the sake of his life. He’s anxious as his turn follows, and he rolls a meager four. Good. This is good.
Anya’s eyes fall on Daisuke, hands politely laid in her lap as her eyes bare into his very soul. He’s looking a little more anxious now, spinning the rings on his fingers as he realizes its his turn and hastily throws the dice. Another six.
Silence falls over the table as Anya takes a long breath, cutting through the air. She twitches again as Daisuke lets out another muffled snicker. He’s practically having to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Her brow quirks up in a challenge, watching as the boy’s mouth wobbles and wavers into a smile, the chilling silence starting to weigh on him. It’s too funny. Plus the glare he’s getting from Anya- so rare, for her- isn’t exactly helping.
He can’t help himself, letting out a high-pitched giggle before clamping his mouth shut, just staring at Anya, eyes wide with curiosity and a bit of terror. Curly’s gaze flashes between the two, giving a gulp, and that’s what breaks the dam.
Daisuke falls into cackles, keeling forwards as he laughs, shoulders bouncing along. Curly has to suppress his own snicker- Daisuke’s laugh is rather contagious.
Anya takes a harsh breath, eye twitching once more as she watches Daisuke curled up in his own mirth. This little shit. She slowly stands up, glaring as she towers over the scene, and Daisuke’s laughter stops in its tracks as he realizes his impending doom.
Anya’s eyes fix right on the boy, and he gives a gulp as she just stares for what feels like an eternity.
“Y’know, Daisuke..” Her words cut through the air like a knife as she sits down next to him, with the danger of a mother quietly sitting down next to a troublemaking child.
“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but it’s very impolite to laugh at someone when they’re struggling with something.” She says, and within a blink, Daisuke screeches out as Anya’s long nails suddenly latch to his sides and squeeze.
“Anya- anyaanyaanya- please, we cahan- we can talk about this!” Daisuke pleads, as Anya looms over him, hands poised against his sides. She gives a soft snicker in response, and without warning, drills into the boy’s sides- her nails digging into the soft meat and vibrating, pulling a loud guffaw from Daisuke before he falls into desperate, pitchy laughter.
“ANYA- nonOnah- NOHO- pleaseplease ihidiDN’t meanit i didn’tmeanit-“ He begs, words breaking and cracking between squeals and snorts, thrashing up against her hands which have now found his hips and are squeezing mercilessly.
“Curly, it’s your turn. Oh, and- move Daisuke’s piece for him, would you?” Anya says, completely ignoring Daisuke’s pleas. She throws a polite smile to Curly, even as her hands skitter up to Daisuke’s ribs. He gives a squeal in response, kicking out from under her and bucking desperately.
Curly blinks, a bit dumbfounded, before clearing his throat and doing as commanded. He quickly moves Daisuke’s piece six spots forwards before rolling the dice and landing a nice passive three. He gulps as he moves his piece.
“ANyahAHAH- ple- pleHEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASPLESPLSPL- PLEHEAASE- letmegoletmEGOpLEASEIT’sSOBAD-“ Daisuke spews, words jumbling together as he laughs. Anya snickers before drilling her hands into his hips once more, wrenching a high-pitched squeal from the boy. She speaks up once more.
“Oh, dear. Guess it’s my turn- Curly, be a dear and roll for me?” She says, nimble fingers not once stopping her quest in ripping Daisuke apart.
Curly silently complies in horror as he watches the scene, mindlessly moving Anya’s piece forwards and flinching as Daisuke gives another scream.
His mouth hangs open in a cackling grin, tears of mirth stinging his eyes as he bucks and squirms and turns this way and that, to no avail. Anya is shockingly strong, staying atop the poor boy as he thrashes and tries to desperately pry her off of himself.
He eventually gives up on trying to free himself, fist slamming against the couch cushions as Anya’s fingers slip into the spaces between his ribs, wiggling around and squeezing and doing other torturous things that really shouldn’t tickle as much as they do.
“AnnyaaAAHAHAH- PLEASE- pleheHEASEplease-“ He yelps, slowly losing energy as she just Does Not Let Up, giving a giggly whimper as her hands poke at his sides again.
“..Anya, um- I think he needs a break..” Curly speaks up through the cackles and squeaks, concerned as he can hear Daisuke’s breath beginning to shallow. Anya gives a dramatic sigh and removes her hands, met by a large gasp from Daisuke as he flops limply against the couch, eyes glossed over as he twitches- still vaguely processing All That.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll let this be a lesson- I always win at boardgames. Now, Daisuke, it’s your turn-“ Her tone gains a malicious lilt with her next words, “-Why don’t you roll?”
Daisuke gives a weak whimper, still unable to curl up fully as Anya sits on his legs. He hugs his midsection and gives a small huffy giggle, mouth still pulled up at the corners. “Nnoohohooo..” He whines, hiccuping as he lays. He knows what his fate will be if he rolls good, and with his luck tonight? He’s absolutely terrified.
“Go on. Roll.” Anya says, softly for once, as she gives an encouraging poke to the boy’s side. He gives a squeaky giggle, whining as he reaches out for the dice and lets it tumble out of his hand, landing on the table and landing him a death sentence. He had rolled his third six in a row.
He gives a fearful whimper, eyes drifting up to Anya. The glare he met was one of nightmares, and he quickly reaches out to nudge the die- landing on a four, instead. He anxiously looks back up to Anya, sighing as he sees her nod. “Good choice. Anyways, Curly?” She says, finally getting up off Daisuke and walking back to her seat.
Daisuke immediately curls into a ball, huffing as he turns away from the table and buries his face in the cushions of the couch, twitching and hiccuping as he hugs his midriff. His body has a soft shake to it, weakened by the Attack.
“Oh, um- right, yes.” Curly stammers out, picking up the dice and rolling a five, cursing himself as he lands on a penalty square. Anya smiles and plucks the dice from the board, rolling and grinning as she lands the six that carries her onto the finishing square.
“Well then! Looks like I win.” She says, sighing and smiling triumphantly at the scene infront of her.
Daisuke, curled up on the couch and dead to the world. Curly, still glancing between the two with fear in his eyes. And the board, with Anya’s piece in the winning spot and the other two falling behind via sabotage.
Anya never loses a game of Candy Kingdom again.
Anya’s hands still don’t stop their ruthless quest, latching onto his upper thighs and mercilessly squeezing. Daisuke practically screams, legs thrashing as he again attempts to thrash out of her grip, twisting this way and that to no avail.
His words are lost to laughter as she continues, silently and deadly plucking him apart. It’s when she reaches his knees he gets desperate. One squeeze and he convulses, legs snapping upward in a ear-piercing squeal and a guffaw. She blinks, hands still poised above his knees.
“A-Anya, ahanya please, pleasedon’tdothis, I’ll do anything- plehease-“ The begs sputter past Daisuke’s lips with an accompaniment of giggles, hands tugging at his own hair as they had found their place there a few moments ago. He gives another high giggle as he fidgets, legs shaking and twitching as he squirms, eyes locked with Anya’s, already knowing his fate.
Then she grins, eyes narrowing devilishly, and Daisuke passes away on the spot. She gives a ruthless sequence of squeezes to that little spot right above his knees, latched on and not letting go even as he kicks and thrashes and screams. He howls, back arching from the couch and slamming back down as his fist desperately pounds against the cushions.
This continues, evilly, for about five more torturous seconds before Curly speaks up, torn out of his shocked daze at the snort that rips through the air. “Anya- Anya, I think he’s had enough.” He coughs, guiding her off of the poor boy and back to her chair.
She growls, still seething as she watches Daisuke immediately curl up on himself, letting out a pathetic whimper as he hugs his midsection. He’s still giggling weakly, face buried in his knees as he lays horizontal on the couch, rasping for air after the attack.
Okay, she feels a little better now that he’s been thoroughly wrecked. The table falls into another long silence, only interrupted by Daisuke’s weak panting and soft, quiet giggles. Anya smiles, satisfied, as Curly looks at her with a mildly horrified expression.
“Okay, I think that’s enough Candy Kingdom for one day.. D-Daisuke, why don’t you, uh- head to your quarters and.. Clean up a bit? I’ll take care of the- game.” Curly says even as he knows Daisuke probably won’t be able to move for another fifteen minutes, clearing his throat sheepishly. He starts gathering pieces into the game box. His eyes fall on Daisuke once more before they flicker to Anya, giving a gulp at the way she’s absolutely drinking up the image of Daisuke crumpled up on the couch with blush up to his ears.
OKAY I HOPE YALL ENJOYED THAT i rewrote this like fifteen times before i finally decided i’d just post it as-is. the bonus scene was one that was in the original version but i felt like it was too short and didnt know where to fit it in and askdhehdhdhJsh. i couldn’t deprive yall of it though, lower body ticklish daisuke is literally my lifeblood.
anywayyssssss hope yall have a good dayy <3 idk how to end these <3
#wrongposting#lee!daisuke#ticklish!daisuke#ler!anya#mouthwashing tickles#mouthwashing tickle#mouthwashing tickling#bonus scene included#first tickle fic im actually posting#tickle fic#daisuke gets wrecked- we love to see it#might make a more fluffy sequel where he’s enduring less torture and more soft stuff#or just a mini-sequel where our poor boy actually gets some aftercare and isnt left for dead#sfw tickle fic
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His palms are ticklish! He wouldn’t stay still, GET HIM!!!
#mouthwashing#sfw interaction only#sfw tickle community#sfw tk blog#daisuke mouthwashing#Lee!daisuke#anonymous ler#mouthwashing tickles
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Hi guys it's a Christmas miracle that I actually managed to finish a fic 😝
Anyway enjoy this no crash and no jimjam fic!! If u tag this as ship I'll get u
If you want to read it on ao3 its right here
Fic under the cut!!
Curly stared at the scene in front of him, cursing the fact that his responsibility as captain means he has to deal with stuff like this. Daisuke, with a look on his face somewhere between sheepishness and a pout, is stuck in the emergency foam. With Swansea glaring at the kid like he's the cause of all his problems, unfair, but the kid was trouble sometimes. They've only been on the ship for close to 5 months and there's already been several incidents like this, usually with Daisuke as the unintentional culprit.
Curly can't ever bring himself to be mad at the kid though, he's a good kid and he only wants to help out, he just needs to listen a little better. “Well. I see the issue here.” He says. Swansea's glower is turned on him. “The kid was brought on just to make me suffer!” He snapped, “Intern my ass.” He grouses. Curly sighs, waving Swansea off, “Go, I'll deal with this, I'm the only one with access to the axe case anyway.” He ignores the man's muttering as he storms out of the room, the door closing behind him.
Turning around to face Daisuke, he raises an eyebrow. “How many times has he warned you not to mess with the vent now?” The kid pouts, “I was just trying to help! How was I supposed to know it would trigger the emergency foam?” He wiggles a bit while he's talking, trying to free his hands from the foam. He gets one out and starts slowly digging out the other hand, which is quite a ways deeper in the foam than the other one was. Curly clears his throat, and when Daisuke looks up at him, gives him a stern look.
“You should know better than to mess with the vent, it's collapsed inside since before this voyage and you've been told that it's too dangerous for even Swansea to try and fix.” He raised an eyebrow. “You've only worked on this ship for 5 months, you're nowhere near qualified enough to fix the vent, it could kill you if you try, at the least it would hurt you pretty bad.” As he's speaking, Daisuke droops, ashamed and embarrassed. He sighs, ruffling the kids' hair. “I'm not mad at you, kid, I don't want you to get hurt and Swansea doesn't either. It's why he's so hard on you.” He gives him a reassuring smile, which Daisuke hesitantly returns.
Curly stepped away to get the axe out of its case, pulling out the code scanner to make sure he puts in the right code. When he grabs the axe and starts walking back, he sighs as he sees Daisuke's nervous look. “Can't you just use your hands and pull me out? I got my hand out on my own” He says with an uneasy grin. Curly leans the axe nearby, resigning himself to calming the kid down. “It's too thick for me to pull you out of it, the only reason you could get your hand out was because it wasn't deep in the foam. And,” He raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn't be in this situation if you had just listened to Swansea.” He shrugged.
Daisuke still looked hesitant, and Curly struggled to think of something to help the kid calm down. The last thing he wanted was him freaking out and getting hit with the axe on accident. He thinks back to earlier in the week during game night, after losing at sorry for the third time in a row Anya had started to tickle him to distract him from the game. The tickle fight that happened could have gone down in history. It would calm him down, and Daisuke never seems to mind it. Plus, maybe it would finally stick that he needs to be more careful and listen to what he's told.
He raises a hand and starts poking at Daisuke's side, grinning at the immediate giggles it elicited. It was always hard not to smile when Daisuke laughed, he's so bright and energetic that his joy and laughter are contagious. “Waihahait!” He squealed and covered his face with his free hand as Curly moved to scribble at his belly. “Daisuke, I'm not even doing anything,” he laughs softly. “Liahahar!” He shrieked when Curly poked at his belly button.
Curly stopped to give Daisuke a moment to breathe before smirking at him. “Is that any way to talk to your captain?” Daisukes eyes go wide. “Waihahait! I dihihidn't mehehean it! Dohohohn’t!” He pleaded as Curly reached for his free hand. He halfheartedly tries to squirm away, but the foam might as well have been concrete with how tough it was to move through it.
Curly, pausing as he gets a slightly evil idea, hums to himself. “don't what?” He asks, hiding a grin. Daisuke walks right into his trap, “tihihickle mehehe!” He giggles out. Daisuke freezes, eyes wide, as he realizes that he just fell for the oldest trick in the book, and one that he himself uses often. His nervous anticipatory smile grows as he stares at the silently grinning captain.
Curly lightly drags his nails around his palm and down his arm, listening to Daisuke's panicked laughter fluctuate as he goes back and forth. “Awww does it tickle, Daiske?” He can't help but tease. He's met with squeaky giggles as he draws closer to his palm.
Curly waited, letting the anticipation build until Daisuke started to get fidgety. Then he strikes, spidering down his arm and scratching at the palm of his hand. Daisuke's giggles get wilder as he unsuccessfully instinctively tries to pull his hand away.
After a moment, he lets go of Daisuke's hand, giving him a moment to breathe. “Alright kid, let's get you out of that foam.” Curly said, picking up the axe from its resting spot. Daisuke nods, still giggling slightly, waiting for Curly to chop through the thick foam before shaking out his body from being trapped in the foam for a while.
When free, he rubs at his palm, chasing away residual tingles. He seems to remember what got his stuck in the foam in the first place, and his head droops, expecting a reprimand. Curly sighs softly, pulling Daisuke into a side hug and ruffling his hair. “Like I said, nobody's truly mad at you, just worried because you could have gotten hurt or worse. Just don't do it again and you'll be fine.” He grins at him, and Daisuke smiles back.
“And you should cheer up, don't think I won't go for round two. Now, go help Swansea, I'm sure he needs your help right now. ” He says, poking Daisuke in the side a couple of times. Daisuke squeaks and moves away a bit. “Okahahahay! Message received!” He laughed out, walking towards the door. He pauses at the entrance for a moment. “Thanks Curly.” He says with an embarrassed flush, before scampering out of the room. Curly watches him go with a fond smile, turning around to get rid of the rest of the foam.
#mouthwashing tickles#do i main tag this#nah#ler!curly#sfw tickle fic#sfw tk community#sfw tickle blog#lee!daisuke#sorry im indecisive about tags
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Cheering Daisuke up! -Curly
Lee: Daisuke. Ler: Curly
Image is below the cut^^
Sometimes even the sun can't shine as bright as it usually does, but hey, what are friends for?
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Okay, I think daisuke is LITERALLY a walking tickly spot by himself, bro is very ticklish..literally everywhere- but most of his tickly spots are ears, behing his knees and toes (NOT A FETISH IT JUST HOW I THINK-) and maybe...he will tease swansea sometimes just to get a few pokes or smt, also, His mother were used to tickle him when he was younger :3
AND ANYA..anya is also pretty senstive but, maybe she is too shy to laugh out loudly, anyway, i think she is senstive on her sides and hips, and her palms <3
Swansea has a bit of beer tummy so..he is senstive on his tummy, I love to think that he was used to tickle his kids when they were younger, And his wife were used to tixkle him with tons of tickly smooches on his neck :D
And jimmy. IFFF jimmy was nice, then he probobly had tickly ears, idk
Daisuke just being insanely ticklish is perfectly in character I think
ANYA BEING TOO SHY TO ACTUALLY LAUGH OUT LOUD,,, Curly would help her ease up a little though I think
SWANSEA AND HIS WIFE !!!!!! I love them
fuck you Jimmy
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mouthwashing tkl hcs bcuz it's become my new obsession
• I generally hc him as the oldest after Swansea so he'd definitely have the "older sibling" vibe
• he seems muscular, so I feel like he'd be more ticklish there then other places
• Can be an evil ler or a sweet ler, just depends who it is and what they did
• Would never admit to liking tickles himself, but would tell people that *do* like it that it's okay and wouldn't judge
• in a no crash no evil jimmyjon au, I feel like throughout their time in space, everyone would be like found family and wouldn't be uncomfortable around them tickling or just normal touching them
• I feel like a non muscular tickle spot would be his neck. Wouldn't really get him going but he'd shrug his shoulders up and try to squash the ler's fingers (it doesn't work)
• His main tickle spots would probably be his stomach, pretty much his whole torso area, and his legs
• he's in the middle of the ticklish scale between everyone on the ship
• I feel like she isn't super ticklish, like 2nd to last least ticklish person on the ship
• absolutely *ruthless* ler to people who deserve it (cough daisuke cough) but can also be gentle and sweet
• would tickle someone to distract them while playing a game. It wouldn't be a lot though, just enough to distract
• I feel like her knees and ears/neck would be her bad spots. Everywhere else just isn't really ticklish. Maybe get her to squirm but not enough to laugh
• she's a nurse so she has to know her stuff about anatomy, right? Definitely uses that to her advantage when it comes to tickling someone
• even though she isn't very ticklish, she can't take very much of it. So when people tickle her they go easy and gentle and watch for when she shows signs of being at her limit
• after tickling someone, I feel like she'd be good at aftercare. Running her fingers through someone's hair, rubbing their back (after the tingles go away), getting them something to drink. Stuff like that
• over all very cutey and sweet
• He's a dad himself, so he'd be good at tickling
• isn't very ticklish himself. More ticklish then Anya but only slightly
• is very good at doing the "tickle monster" act
• he'd be sweet with Anya, and wouldn't go far enough past some pokes with Curly and Jimmy, but would go off on daisuke. Especially when he deserves it
•I feel like he'd be most ticklish on his stomach and his ribs
• has big hands that can cover a lot of spots at once. Not that he's gone *that* rough but still
• is very fond of the younger people on the team (Daisuke and Anya)
• Doesn't really like being tickled, but doesn't absolutely despise it
• MY SON I LOVE HIM he's the most ticklish out of everyone
• I saw a fic where he had ticklish palms and I just had to add it here I love it
• he'd be such a playful ler. He'd constantly check to see if he wasn't passing any boundaries but he'd tease a lot
• his stomach and hips are definitely his worst spots but everywhere is ticklish
• he tries to mess with and tickle Swansea but he always gets his ass taken out. Can't take what he dishes out
• I feel like his knees are ticklish. Not *super* bad but it's pretty up there
• really likes to count people's ribs, especially when they move too much and he has to start over
• when he needs comfort though, and the situation isn't *too* bad, people will go easier on him
• I'm sorry (not really) to say that I *really* hate Jimmy but I'm gonna try to make hcs for him
• I feel like he's the least ticklish. He still is, but out of everyone on the ship he's the least
• would probably hate tickling. Sees it as a weakness
• when tickling someone, he'd probably forget that limits and boundaries exist but once he realizes it he'll stop (idk about that though😒)
• he'd wouldn't actually tickle people often, just the occasional poking
sorry I don't have a lot for jambony I just really hate him😭😭
there are all my headcanons that I can think of :33
#mouthwashing tickles#lee!curly#ler!curly#lee!anya#ler!anya#lee!swansea#ler!swansea#lee!daisuke#ler!daisuke#lee!jimmy#ler!jimmy
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🌺just ask🌺
Mouthwashing tickle fic
Lee: Daisuke Ler: Curly
Daisuke didn't know what was wrong with him... why on gods earth was he feeling this way? all day, all damn day he had been flustered and shy. this was obviously very unlike Daisuke. why was Daisuke acting like this you may ask? it all started that morning on the tulpar.
"morning Daisuke." Curly mumbled as he entered the kitchen area of the ship. Daisuke smiled and opened his mouth to respond. but instead of ruffling Daisuke's hair like he normally did, Curly poked Daisuke's side, drawing a small yelp from the boy.
thankfully no one was around to see or hear, only Curly who chuckles as he grabs whatever it is he's getting from the fridge and walks away. Daisuke sat there flustered out of his mind, and he had been like that all day. the slightest touch setting him off and making him shiver.
that evening, Daisuke was laying in bed. still replaying that same moment in his head over and over. what the hell was wrong with him?! Daisuke couldn't take it anymore. he left his room heading down the hall.
now we are here, Daisuke standing outside of Curly's bedroom door. he debated even going through with this. asking Curly, the CAPTAIN, of all people to TICKLE him?! "god damn it, Daisuke..! just knock and ask... I'm sure he wont mind..." Daisuke paused "no, NO! you can't ask him THAT! what am I even doing? oh man, this isn't a good idea-" Daisuke's words caught in this throat when Curly's bedroom door slid open, revealing Curly himself standing there with a confused look.
"Daisuke? what are you up to?" the captain asked, a small huff of a chuckle leaving his throat. Daisuke froze. "C-Cap! I-I was um... I, well..." Daisuke trailed off, he had no idea what to say, he was so flustered. Curly chuckled, placing a hand on Daisuke's shoulder, causing Daisuke to shiver. "why don't you come in, kid?" Curly smiled, already slightly pushing Daisuke before the younger could protest.
Daisuke sat on Curly's bed. the room was organized and laid out nicely. Daisuke was so flustered, unsure what to do with himself other that sit as still as possible on the bed. Curly sat next to him after a few moments.
"so... what's got you so worked up? and don't tell me its nothing. you're not really quiet when talking to yourself." Curly chuckled. Daisuke cursed himself in his head. "something about wanting to ask me something..?" Curly asked. Daisuke looked away. "I-It's embarrassing, Cap..." Daisuke stammered out.
Curly blinked before huffing softly. "I'm sure whatever it is, its not as embarrassing as you think, kid..." Curly smiled, holding his hands up. "I won't laugh, i swear." Curly chuckled. Daisuke looked at Curly for a split second before looking away once more. god he hated this.
"can you like... do the thing you did this morning..?" Daisuke asked in a quiet voice. Curly raised an eyebrow. "what thing?" Daisuke huffed. he was really going to have to do this, wasn't he? "y-y'know... when you did the thing, you... tickled me..." Daisuke mumbled out in an almost whisper. Curly blinked. "when i what? come on, kid. spit it out-." "can you tickle me again, damn it..!" Daisuke blurted out. his face quickly went red once he realized what he just sputtered out.
Curly paused. it was quiet for a good few seconds. just as Daisuke was convinced he had weirded Curly out. Curly chuckled. Daisuke's gaze was quick to land back on Curly. "you said you wouldn't laugh!" Daisuke exclaimed.
Curly continued to chuckle for another moment before calming slightly. "sorry, sorry, it's just... that's all?" Daisuke blinked. "what do you mean?" Curly rolled his eyes slightly. "I mean is that what you got yourself all worked up about? it's not a bid deal, kid." Curly pat Daisuke's shoulder.
Daisuke was dumbfounded to say the least. "I-" Daisuke was suddenly cut off as Curly's hand moved from his shoulder to his hips, going right for the kill. Daisuke almost jumped like ten feet in the air, letting out a loud squeal. "CUHUHURLY! WAHAHAHAHAIT!" Daisuke instantly tried to pull away, but curly was quick to hold Daisuke down.
"what's wrong, Daisuke? isn't this what you wanted?" Curly chuckled. a small smile on his face as he dug his thumbs right into Daisuke's hips, making the young intern squeal and kick his legs weakly in a failed attempt to get away. "THIHIHIHIHIS ISN'T FAHAHAHIR!" Daisuke thrashed, trying to divert Curly's attention elsewhere.
"oh fine, fine..." Curly let up a tiny bit by moving to Daisuke's sides. Daisuke was still giggling like crazy, have face all pink. "is that better?" Curly asked, half teasing but also half caring. "s-shuhuhut uhuhup!" Daisuke giggled. his hands latched to Curly's wrists, but not pushing him away.
Curly gasped in mock offense. "shut up!? do you speak to your mother with that mouth? and hear I was going soft on you!" Curly instantly moved his hands once more, this time to Daisuke's tummy. forming his hand into a claw and digging in without mercy. Daisuke shrieked. throwing his head back as he cackled. "NOHO! WAHAHAIT! IM SOHOHOHOHORRY!" Daisuke pleaded desperately.
even though Daisuke was fighting this, he genuinely needed this after basically suffering all day. "CUHUHURLY PLEHEHEHEASE!" Daisuke squealed. jolts of ticklishness sparked through him as he weakly kicked his legs again, only for Curly to pin the down with his own. "Please what, Daisuke? I'm not doing anything..." Curly teased with a small smirk as he played innocent, still clawing at Daisuke's poor tummy.
"maybe if you say sorry I'll stop..." Curly trailed off. Daisuke was trying so hard to push Curly's clawed hand away, even though he didn't want Curly to stop. "JUHUHUST FUHUHUCKING STAHAHAHAHAP!" Daisuke pleaded franticly, secretly dragging this on more. Curly tsked. "you're gonna play this game, huh? how rude, no manners at all..." Curly chuckled.
"fine then..." Curly pulled his hand away. Daisuke panted, thinking it was over, much to his disappointment a little. however, before Daisuke could think anything further, Curly was blowing a raspberry right onto his stomach. Daisuke screamed, instantly trying to push Curly's head away.
"AHAHA- W-WAAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE!" Daisuke Pleaded through squeals of frantic laughter. it was a shock no one else on the ship heard Daisuke and thought the poor boy was being murdered. Daisuke's please fell on deaf ears as Curly kept it up. Daisuke was loosing it. kicking his legs harder, his hair now a mess covering his bright red face.
Curly kept up his raspberries for a minute or two before taking pity on the poor intern who was bright red to the point it reached his ears. Daisuke panted heavily, curling up on himself and hugging his stomach as he giggled even after it was over.
"oh man..." Daisuke huffed, his hair a wreck. curly chuckled "you okay, Daisuke?" Curly asked softly, helping the younger sit up. "y-yeah... that was..." "Good?" Curly butted in as he nudged Daisuke's shoulder. Daisuke's face flushed a little. "h-hey! it was... okay, maybe..." Daisuke trailed off as he averted his eyes. Curly laughed, ruffling Daisuke's hair.
"nothing to be embarrassed about, kid..." Curly said softer. "you can ask anytime you know..." Curly carried on, his eyes meeting Daisuke's once more. Curly smiled, poking Daisuke's side one last time, causing the young boy to yelp. "it'll be our secret, huh?" Daisuke sighed with a small chuckle, rubbing his side slightly. but he nodded, feeling relief. "yeah... thanks cap..."
loved writing this! took multiple takes cause I couldn't figure out how to write a Lee mood in the best way, but I did my best! :>
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mk i know that some people wont wanna hear this but
mouthwashing tickle hcs
like 99% of this is daisuke soooo..
also very all over the place, not organized AT ALL cause i was just spewing whatever came to mind. also some swearing
-oh lordy
-yall already know what this is gonna be about
-so i may be slightly obsessed with this man.
-one of my favorite hcs for him is that he has a very slightly pudgy stomach. like he’s fit and athletic and all that, but he just has a lil bit of squishy fluff right down there at his stomach that he cant get rid of no matter how much he tries
-and yall already know where i’m going with this stomach thing. gghrgggrhr he cannot HANDLE it
-he’s so ticklish. like hilariously ticklish. even in scenarios where stuff shouldn’t tickle he’s all giggly.
-such a giggler. all over the place in pitch, from high to low to squeaky to wheezy its literally everything under the sun
-his whole laugh is just so chaotic. snorts, hiccups, squeaks, squawks, guffaws, huffs, all of it. the whole shebang
-he absolutely gets lee moods, and when he does he either ignores them out of denial or kind of just spends time Closer to people.
-he isn’t the type to provoke people into tickling him through being annoying, he already feels like a mess-up and he wouldn’t wanna bother anyone
-so punishment tickles for him just make him feel like he’s done something wrong.
-but praise tickles? when you give him nice fluttery soft tickles for doing a job well done while showering him with compliments? congratulations, you’ve murdered daisuke
-sensitive to everything, too. rough tickles, soft tickles, pokes, flutters, kisses, pinches, everything. he likes lighter stuff though, it makes him feel all fluttery and happy and butterflies in his stomach and aushdurhfh.
-im so torn on whether or not he’d be a shy lee
-cause scenario one, he’s an absolute adorable blushy mess and falling over his own feet even when the Word is mentioned. and when you tickle him his legs are kicking out of pure joy as he hides his face with anything available and just Squeals
-but then scenario two, he’s absolutely fearless, just thinks its fun and playful and is all barky and squirmy when tickled. i think this is closer to canon, where he wouldn’t be as embarrassed by it unless it was accompanied by affection-showering
-i’m so sorry, i have to bring it back around to- his STOMACH this man is so weak to tummy tickles and tummy rubs and- gghrhgr.
-i think his other spots are sides, ribs, armpits, thighs, knees, scalp, and feet but for some reason only when he has socks on
-his knees are awful for no reason. if you do that thing where you make like the spider motion on his knee he jumps across the damn room, and a single charley horse has him on the ground in tears. not actually but you get what im saying
-oh and hips
-i think he’s the type of guy to be really squeeze-sensitive on any bony areas and really feather-sensitive on any squishy areas.
-so ribs, hips, knees, thighs, you’ll get him by squeezing
-but stomach, sides, feet, neck, you’ll get him by soft stuff like fluttering
-SO not immune to pokes and tases. oh tases get this boy so bad
-if you can sneak up behind him and tase him he will jump so hard his head hits the ceiling
-versus if you grab his hips from behind and squeeze them he folds in half like a lawn chair, legs flying up and torso flying down. its kinda the only spot that gets him to do this though, anywhere else and he just crumples to the floor
-i think his ears are sensitive
-and his arms, and his ankles, and his fingers, and his hands, and the tops of his feet, and his calves, and-
-yeah im sorry theres not a single spot he’s not ticklish
-even the bridge of his nose
-his face is ticklish in general. im sorry there is truly nowhere this boy is not sensitive
-absolutely a squirmer and a thrasher if you catch him by surprise or get him really good
-but soft tickles and he’s just flinching and squirming and curling into himself cause he’s flustered by how *good* it feels
-okay i need to shut up Now
-so playful and sweet
-absolutely wrecks you, but he’s playful and sweet about it
-another very skilled tickler that doesn’t realize his power(can you tell i have a favorite troupe?)
-definitely enjoys tickle fights
-he’s the type of guy to just randomly bring tickles into a play fight or play wrestle
-also just generally the type of guy to tickle his friends
-i think he’s very switchy
-such a playful little ler
-definitely a tease.
-100000% laughs along with his lee. you never know if he’s laughing at you or with you, though. either way it’s playful and he would never actually make fun of you
-usually more rough with his tickles unless he’s closer to you. tbh, giving someone really tender soft tickles just.. puts him in a lee mood..
-im sorry i have way fewer ler hcs than i do lee hcs
-i don’t think she’s really all that sensitive tbh
-she can get kinda giggly if you get her hands, back, neck, ears, wrists, etc.. but not many other places
-also not one to laugh very hard. it’s just difficult to get her going
-if you’re really close with her, like really really close, she’ll let loose a little, let herself actually giggle instead of just snicker
-i don’t think she’s necessarily shy, just.. straight up not ticklish
-she’s a bit more of a ler than a lee because of her sensitivity
-one thing i love about the mouthwashing fandom is.. they just randomly all collectively decided that anya has long nails
-and i agree with this wholeheartedly.
-she would be a very gentle ler, afraid of making her lee uncomfortable
-even if you’re very close she’d really only go for a minute or so before hesitating
-so sweet and gentle. makes sure you have water and so so good about knowing when to stop
-she’s so worried its almost flustering
-“is this too much? are you sure?” “oh, i’m sorry, was that a bad spot?” “am i doing okay? sorry, i don’t do this often”
-etc etc etc
-overall very sweet about it and doesn’t really tickle people unless she knows they like it. be that through them telling her or her sussing it out on her own
-oh yeah just don’t let her tickle you during or after a heated board game
-all that gentle stuff? out the window. claws all over you, absolutely TEARING you apart
-thats the only time she truly wrecked daisuke- he laughed at her losing and she TACKLED him
-“oh i’ll give you something to laugh about you little piece of-“
-they had to peel her off of him
-he thought about it for the next month and has been very antsy on game nights since
-she uses this to her advantage, btw. if he’s doing too well in a game all she has to do is poke his side and whoops, she’s winning again. whether that’s from his fear of getting wrecked again and letting her win or just his pure distraction from thinking about tickles, we will never know
-okay okay listen. muscular people are SCIENTIFICALLY more ticklish.
-its proven. (whats the opposite of debunked)bunked. absolutely known.
-very loud boisterous deep belly laughter
-ribsss.. thighsss..
-i don’t have too many thoughts on him tbh but i do think he’s more of a ler
-big dad energy tbh. i feel like nobody talks about this. but pre-crash he’s very dad-like
-ok ok i know fuck jimmy we all hate jimmy
-but im gonna give it to the man and at least hc a tiny bit for him even though he’s an ass
-ribs. thats really my only thing
-ribs and other bony areas
-lers more than he lees, but then again kinda never does either. people are too grossed out by him and hes too grossed out by people
#mouthwashing tickles#mouthwashing tickle#mouthwashing tickling#lee!daisuke#ticklish!daisuke#ler!daisuke#lee!anya#ticklish!anya#ler!anya#lee!curly#ticklish!curly#ler!curly#lee!jimmy#wrongposting#swansea isnt here because hes an old man.#idk i got a little unmotivated half way through this so i’ve just been picking at it and keeping it in my drafts#i dont think im gonna add anything else for now so im just gonna post it like this#😎👍#tickle hcs
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lee daisuke fic finished and posted 😈
my mouth is OPEN ready to receive lee daisuke🤤
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Like I'm literally begging my knees and possibly fucking toes
"oh why can't u draw it urself?"
I'm shit at anatomy that's why










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Hey aliens, update to the ler Swansea Lee Daisuke and Lee Anya post..it isn't canceled but i am REALLY struggling to find my artstyle.
That and I have an account on social media for non t-word content to post to as well. I have to many ideas for ocs that I just can't share bec this is the weird side of me, so I split my characters so some are here and for you all, and some are for the other people not in this community.
It'll get done eventually if I manage to draw again. Love u all
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daisuke has back dimples n if theyre scratched lightly he will SQUAWK its so funny ,,, bonus points if scratched w nails ... vro will pass away instantly (i love daisuke sm hes my gf idc if hes a guy idc hes my GGIRLFRIEND I DONT CARE) also cant take massages bc his entire back is super ticklish :3 i like to think that he went to anya one day about bein super sore after swansea "worked him to the bone" (as said by him) n she offered to massage him but it didnt exactly . work [cheeky]
Him going to Anya for a massage and then ending up just laughing his ass off because he realized he can't handle it .,. UGH I love him
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"you little ratbag" hes so stupid😭/lh
delicious im licking my fingers mmmm
Hello!!! I've been reading your MW posts lately and I honestly love the way you write. I was wondering if I could make a request on how the crew would react if they received a random tickle attack.
(preferably by the reader)
a/n: hello nonny!! This is sooo sweet thank you so much :D always glad to make people happy with my work!!
Tulpar crew reacting to receiving a random tickle attack
Let’s be honest
He would be the one tickling you probably
But on the rare occasion you catch him off guard he will bust out laughing
Has the deepest manliest laugh too
Like you’re lowkey giving him goo goo eyes because of how beautiful he sounds
“You little ratbag!!”
Chases you around
The other crew members are like ???
Why are they giggling and chasing each other like little kids
Definitely gets you back
And shows no mercy either
You were weak…
But he will not be
You’re crying by the end of it
Don’t mess with the Curly monster
Oh god
If you can even touch him it’s a good day
Let alone tickle this man
If you by some miracle manage to spring a tickle attack on him he’ll be disgusted let’s be real
“The fuck are you doing? Quit it!!”
He’s actually extremely ticklish though
Has an evil villain laugh
Straight up like “muahahaha”
Hearing him laugh extended your lifespan by 20 years though
Truly healing experience
He will punch you to get you off of him
“Fuck off. Don’t do that again.”
Finds himself smiling after though
He’s not sure why
He hated that
Or did he…..
You and Daisuke already prank each other all the time
You are constantly getting into mischief with each other
So of course you hit him with a tickle attack
Has the goofiest laugh
Begs for mercy dramatically
You barely even did anything
Extremely ticklish
He will also get you back
Has one of those long sticks with the finger on it
Pokes you with it
Also loves to tickle you just randomly in general
He thinks your laugh is adorable
If you’re not ticklish he’ll still try
He is a man on a mission
Maybe when he was like 20
This old man is too tired to giggle at your antics
“Kid I lost all feeling in my neck when I was 40”
“Then how are you standing?”
“…shut up.”
He will eventually crack and let out a chuckle
Not because it tickles
Because your earnest efforts are cute
Pats your head
“Go run along and do something else, yeah?”
Doesn’t get you back but thinks about it
He likes your laugh a lot
Please god do not spring it on her
She will scream in terror
If done right she will giggle
And she also has a very funny giggle
Penny from that one scene in TAWOG
Reminds her of when she was a little kid
Used to love being tickled
Would ask her parents to tickle her all the time
She doesn’t want to get you back because “that’d be mean”
She understands other people don’t like it most of the time
Bonus she loves your jokes
Bad jokes in general just make her laugh
“If you can make her laugh and giggle, you can make that booty shake and jiggle”
She says help out loud
Me too girl me too
#august rbs#mouthwashing tickle#mouthwashing tickles#tickle hcs#lee!curly#lee!jimmy#lee!daisuke#lee!swansea#lee!anya#ler!reader#lee!reader
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“Fuck-“ I moan out feeling my eyes roll back into my head. Another orgasm crashes over me. My legs start shaking, and I felt like my muscles were on fire. He just looks down at me, with a daunting smile on his stupid smug face. He hooks his hands under my knees pushing them up to my chest, slowly stretching me out with his thick length, dragging against my gummy walls. “Ngh- so tight for me?” He says chuckling softly. He leans down pressing small kisses to my forehead. “Cmon baby give me another one, mmm you can take it? Right princess?” He taunts me as he pulls all the way out from his tip and slams back into me, his hips pressing into my rear.
#dean x reader smut#jjk smut#gojo satoru smut#curly smut#atsumu smut#spn smut#carl grimes smut#dean smut#sasuke smut#shikamaru smut#suna rinatro#miya osamu#haikyuu smut#rick grimes smut#aki hayakawa smut#rock lee smut#black clover smut#atsumu miya smut#daryl dixon smut#gaara smut#dick grayson smut#bruce wayne smut#daisuke smut#hobie brown smut#smut#jason todd x reader smut#miguel o’hara smut#nanami smut#suguru geto smut#roy harper smut
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