#our personal ministry
a-godman · 14 days
We're Speaking the Same Thing from Different Angles for the Building up of the Body
Because the Body of Christ is one yet has many members, every member of the Body has his own ministry, and each personal ministry is for the building up of the Body; we all are speaking the same thing from different angles, depending on our enjoyment and experience of Christ. Amen! If we read the New Testament we do not see any two disciples having the same exact ministry; each one has their own…
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countess-of-edessa · 10 months
scrolling through novena after novena choosing which saints i think would be most receptive to my frivolous little interpersonal problems
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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the serpent and the tigress
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 1997 Mixtape.
Underworld Second Toughest In The Infants
Atari Teenage Riot “Atari Teenage Riot”
Daft Punk “Around The World”
Prodigy, The Charly EP
Chemical Brothers “Chemical Beats”
Prodigy “Breathe”
Faithless “Insomnia”
Underworld Pearl’s Girl EP
Atari Teenage Riot “Sick To Death”
Daft Punk “Da Funk”
Ministry In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up
Type O Negative “Love You To Death”
Neglect “Mind Games”
Rusty “Misogyny”
Ministry “Burning Inside”
Sloan “The Good In Everyone”
Our Lady Peace “Naveed”
Iron Maiden “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”
Sub DK “Hardcore Underground”
Age Of Electric “Remote Control”
Orbit “Medicine Down (Baby Come Back)”
Ministry “Faith Collapsing”
Mayhem "Freezing Moon"
Thrust “Rage” (Didn’t Have To Go)”
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actually I think the thing about being a youth leader is that 25% of it is teaching about God, 25% is playing fun games, and more than that though 50% of it is making a safe space for kids to be. not to try and make them believe, not so they'll be open or anything. just. a 100% no stakes, safe place for them to just BE. whatever else comes after that. and I don't just mean physically safe, two-adults-in-the-room-at-all-times, et cetera. I mean emotionally safe. I mean not hitting them over the head with scripture, not trying to help them feel better or any particular way. just... a no-judgment, emotionally safe place to exist as kids.
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ourladyofomega · 10 months
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I was getting deeper and deeper into everything electronic and industrial, all during my one-year break in-between the Brentwood era and community college. The UK electronics invasion, MTV's Amp, and Wipeout XL were the major influences that led me to that point. I was starting to have an endless appetite for music, and one thing I learned about myself that I could be interested in anything and everything. I already had an affinity to golden-era hip-hop / rap and alternative. The seeds of hardcore started to grow, so there would be no stopping me at this point. There were so many genres, artists, and sounds I was getting into, and I wanted to keep up. I had a position at a department store in the shopping mall, then later at a movie rental store, so I could afford to buy titles for whatever cash I had in hand.
I didn't have a desktop with internet to find independent stores. I had yellow pages instead: thick phone-books listing hundreds upon hundreds of pages of local businesses, their addresses, and their phone numbers all in minuscule print. That's how I discovered them back then. It was a year after visiting my first-ever independent record store, Commack's Mr. Cheapo's. Then came West Babylon's Looney Tunes before the holidays. Still enthusiastic in discovering the vast unknown, I wanted to find more. Port Jefferson's Music Den would be the next destination.
I already felt like an outsider when I arrived on campus. It was a different type of demographic I was used to. I looked around and I'd still see cliques, circles, and other "exclusive" groups of students that I felt I wouldn't be included in. I'd meet newfound friends who'd introduce me to their friends, but it felt forced, and they didn't seem to care. I was crazy for Atari Teenage Riot because they showed me exactly what techno always should've been: deafening loud, criminally high-speed, and maniacally all over the place. I tried looking for people who were in them, and observed what types of music the majority were into. Simplistic, manufactured, predictable dance hits. Boring weekend club-mashers. Formulaic radio chart-toppers. I wasn't impressed. The people who were into that were shallow, superficial, judgmental, needlessly competitive, and at times just unnecessarily mean. Drama artists and attitude jockeys all over the place. That's why they called community college "13th Grade". Now you'd see the disgusting distaste of the late-Nineties music scene I had. But, I did have a couple of good cards given to me. I joined the campus newspaper which I'd write music reviews for. An attractive brunette, Sandra, randomly stopped me to strike up a conversation, and wanted to get to know me better. She was also a Jesus freak. I also made another friend I met on campus who decided to set me up with an Irish blonde acquaintance of his, and we hit it off right away. Even then, I'd deal with constant games, rudeness, and random acts of ego during my time there.
The newspaper meeting ended one late October Thursday night. I finally had the opportunity to drive out eight miles from campus to the Port Jefferson Music Den for some shopping. I walked right in, and started digging. I'm not even there for two minutes and I already find gold: the import version of Alec Empire’s The Destroyer for only $9.00 used ($22.00 brand new otherwise). That was a huge deal for me because (once again) I was an Atari Teenage Riot / DHR fanatic. Right after that? Another label release, this time from EC8OR. I'd finally discover all those artists I heard about on the internet; thirty-minute download times of grainy 480P-resolution video and all. I was really starting to like this place. I start scouring the used CD bins, and I’d stumble upon KMFDM’s banned version of Naive for $8.00 - back when used copies on eBay were selling for…$80.00 each! Then came Pigface’s Washingmachinemouth and Ministry’s The Land Of Rape And Honey for a few dollars used. I copped Fluke’s Risotto because of Wipeout XL, and I’d snatch Skinny Puppy’s Back & Forth Volume 2 and Cleopatra’s Industrial Revolution: Third Edition, all for regular price. Finally, Coldcut’s "Atomic Moog 2000" / "Reboot The System": the first-ever multimedia CD I'd ever own.
Minute-by-minute, I'd slowly discover all sorts of wild and unusual sounds and artists they had on the racks. The Port Jeff- Music Den carried all the rare, unusual, and obscure stuff no other store on the island did. Sure, there were plenty of used CDs and vinyl bins in pop, metal, alternative, shoegaze, indie, hip-hop, and jazz. It was their industrial, noise, electronic, and experimental selections, however, that would be the all-important tie-breaker. They had all what I was looking for. I remembered seeing titles like Gescom’s Minidisc on the racks, Coil’s “Autumn Equinox: Amethyst Deceivers” 7", tons of Clock DVA, Controlled Bleeding, plus some Oval and Microstoria albums. It was wild. I felt stimulated because I found plenty of abnormalities that I never knew existed, instead of the expected, typical, calculated fare that did absolutely nothing for me.
90 minutes later, I took my short stack of CDs, placed them on the counter to be rung up, cashed out, and wrapped up what would be my first visit to The -Den. $82.00 later, I leave fucking satisfied.
With each visit after, I’d continue to score big victories where I’d find them. They were Phil Western’s debut album The Escapist, Muslimgauze’s Hamas Arc, Mike & Rich’s Expert Knob Twiddlers, Aphex Twin’s Analogue Bubblebath 3, Merzbow’s Pulse Demon, and Sam & Valley. I’d nab more DHR albums from 16-17, Shizuo on vinyl, Fuck Step '98, Give Up on 12", and Alec Empire’s Squeeze The Trigger. The best? Autechre / Gescom’s “Keynell” 12" that I found under the vinyl bins and hidden inside the cabinet underneath. It was stickered for $17.00 - another record where second-hand copies sold on eBay for $125.00. I also managed to pick up a few of their 12" EPs, mainly Chiclisuite and Envane.
All these finds made The -Music Den the most unforgettable store I had the privilege to visit. They were like nothing else on the island. Sadly, they closed down after the turn of the millennium, and no store that came after was half-as-good enough to fill the hole they left behind. Believe me, if any of you reading this would’ve shopped there, you’d feel amazed and blown away like I was. I’d still have a tough time dealing with all the constant, petty drama on campus over the next couple of years. At the Port Jefferson Music Den, however, I knew that was a place where I felt like I’d belong.
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jesslovesboats · 2 months
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Hello friends, I am back with more reading recommendations for your agonies! Next up we have the long awaited and much requested Sad Boat Fiction list. As with all of my lists, this is NOT exhaustive and there WILL be great books left off, and also you may or may not like these books! I only rec things that I've personally enjoyed or that come highly recommended by trusted friends, but taste in books is incredibly subjective, especially with fiction. If I missed your favorite, please add it in the comments or drop it in my DMs!
Now that I'm feeling more settled in my new job, I will hopefully have a lot more time to make book lists and do more virtual Readers' Advisory. I have lists in the works for women in polar exploration and companion reads for the HBO War series, but if there's something else you would love to see, please send me a message!
Classics of the Genre
At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Dark Matter by Michelle Paver
Media Tie-Ins
Who Goes There? (Filmed as The Thing) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
The North Water by Ian McGuire
Cold Skin by Alfred Sánchez Piñol
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Graphic Novels
Whiteout by Greg Rucka
How to Survive in the North by Luke Healy
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard*
*this is only fiction in the broadest possible sense of the term, but there is a shiny new American version of this book coming out with a gorgeous new cover and you should pre-order it immediately
Science Fiction
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin
Antarctica by Kim Stanley Robinson
Under a Pole Star by Stef Penney
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
My Last Continent by Midge Raymond
Inspired by the Terra Nova Expedition
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard*
The Birthday Boys by Beryl Bainbridge
Terra Nova: A Play by Ted Tally
Antarctic Navigation by Elizabeth Arthur
*this is only fiction in the broadest possible sense of the term, but there is a shiny new American version of this book coming out with a gorgeous new cover and you should pre-order it immediately
Inspired by the Franklin Expedition
The Rifles by William T. Vollmann
Minds of Winter by Ed O'Loughlin
Solomon Gursky Was Here by Mordecai Richler
On the Proper Use of Stars by Dominique Fortier
Literary Fiction
The Voyage of the Narwhal by Andrea Barrett
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
We, The Drowned by Carsten Jensen
Inspired by the Classics
The Route of Ice and Salt by José Luis Zárate
Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund
Modern Day Antarctica
How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior
South Pole Station by Ashley Shelby
Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
Polar and Nautical Horror
Where the Dead Wait by Ally Wilkes
Dark Matter by Michelle Paver
Cold Earth by Sarah Moss
The Deep by Nick Cutter
All the White Spaces by Ally Wilkes
Dark Water by Elizabeth Lowry
The Deep by Alma Katsu
Happy reading!
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aux-squiggle · 3 months
To be more specific, they say the mantra "sex work is work" should be retracted by trade unionists and society at large.
Some highlights:
Women and girls should be able to secure well-paid jobs, good housing and education without the need to prostitute themselves. Prostitution is not a genuine and free choice; it is a survival behaviour, mostly engaged in by working class women and girls who suffer economic disadvantage.
Prostitution is inherently violent and requires in and of itself the subjugation of women and girls – there is no form of work where this could ever be acceptable.
Health and safety regulation is impossible in the sex trade: in any occupation that involves exposure to bodily fluids workers wear masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles to protect themselves. Prostitutes can never benefit from these levels of protection because of the nature of prostitution.
Extreme levels of violence, rape, degradation, and humiliation cannot be regulated against as they are part and parcel of prostitution. Such levels of harm against workers in work would never be tolerated. Women in prostitution experience more physical and sexual violence that women on average. A study by Germany’s federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth reports that 41% of women in prostitution experience physical or sexual violence, or both, in the context of prostitution.
The sexual sadism that prostitutes are exposed to causes the type of physical internal injuries and psychological trauma that should never be accepted in the world of work.
The murder rate is particularly high in the sex trade. Prostitutes are almost nine times more likely to be killed than soldiers in combat. Legalisation of the sex trade does not protect the lives of prostitutes. Since Germany’s legalisation of the sex trade in 2022, there have been 85 homicides of prostituted persons committed by clients. In addition, there have been at least 49 attempted homicides.
Pregnancy and even multiple pregnancies are risks arising out of prostitution which have adverse implications for the woman herself, for children born out of prostitution, and for society itself. This should never be accepted as an overhead of “employment”.
The high levels of substance use necessary to enable prostitutes to cope with the abusive practices of the men who buy sex should never be tolerated in the world of work.
Alternating bolding for readability.
Highly suggest reading the whole thing!
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a-godman · 17 days
Our Personal Ministry is Part of the Unique Corporate Ministry of the New Testament
As believers in Christ enjoying the Lord on the genuine ground of oneness in the proper church life, we have this ministry, and our personal ministry is for the unique corporate ministry of the New Testament; we are ministers having our own portion of the ministry, and the ministry is uniquely one. Amen! May the Lord grant us the grace and mercy that we would return to the divine revelation in…
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loserboyfriendrjl · 8 days
“Sit down, Mister B— Sirius,” Professor McGonagall said, as she invited Sirius into her office, “and have a biscuit.”
Sirius slouched in the seat, then straightened his back and leaned forward, his legs parted, his arms resting on them.
“We are here for your career counselling regarding your upcoming OWL exams. Now, as I know very well you are aware, these exams will have an influence concerning your path in the field of work.” She straightened the papers on her desk, then picked one out of them. “Multiple teachers have decided to write to me in regard to your academic achievements. Professor Slughorn—”
“How many times did he mention my family?” He asked, leaning back against the headrest and propping his head up on his palm, his elbow resting on the armrest.
She let out a sigh. “He has mentioned it, yes. However, he also mentioned that you are highly skilled in his department and that you could most certainly do something regarding it. Professor Sprout, Professor Binns, even, too, consider the same thing, yet they all believe that you could engage more in their lessons.”
Sirius snorted as an answer.
“I would particularly like to talk about Mister Kettleburn and Professors Flitwick, Vector, Babbling, and I. All of us consider that you could find yourself an employment opportunity in our fields, Professor Babbling particularly, who told me she noticed some runes on your wand.”
“Protective magic,” Sirius answered, putting the wand on the desk. “They’re protective runes.”
“Do they serve a purpose?” She asked, curious about the implications that protective runes could have, although she was not an expert in the subject.
“I’m the only person who can use it.” Sirius shrugged. “Charmed it that way.”
She blinked. “That is very impressive, I may say. Have you told Professor Babbling that?”
“No. I told you because I suspect you’re going to fight in the war. Might be useful.” He leaned back into the chair, putting his right leg over his left.
She cleared her throat, trying to suppress her intrigue, and proceeded. “Have you thought about any field? Perhaps The Auror Department in the Ministry of Magic? Of course, that requires training, but you are ambitious when you put your mind to it, as proven by your previous demonstration, but I could refer you to—”
“I’m not gonna work in The Ministry.” Sirius cut her off, bluntly. “Not ever.”
“Very well, then, but what would you like?”
Mischief glinted in Sirius Black’s grey eyes. “I want to be a Curse-breaker,” He said, grinning.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Bellatrix: Now that the Ministry has fallen, we can set about accomplishing our central goal of-
Voldemort: Finding a way for me to defeat Harry Potter personally in a duel.
Bellatrix: --purifying wizarding bloodlines by--
Draco: Did someone mention Harry Potter?!
Snape: Potter! Everything comes back to him. My whole life would have been different if only-
Bellatrix: Ok is there anyone here NOT obsessed with Harry Potter?
Fenrir Greyback: I'm just here to bite people lol.
Bellatrix: *facepalms* I'm starting to miss Azkaban.
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m00neroni · 12 days
prompt: patronus. @wolfstarmicrofic word count: 739 september 8th ao3 post
“This is impossible” Sirius huffs and sits back in one of the few scattered chairs around the DADA classroom, clearly defeated. “What’s that shit about happy memories? Fucking idiotic, it’s not even working.”
“Have we finally found a spell that not even the great Sirius Black can perform? Should we call the Prophet? Inform the Ministry?” James jokes from his seat at Remus’ right, and he only receives a glare in return, when any other person would have been hexed into the next year just before they finished the sentence.
Remus considers it a bit hypocritical, seeing as James is also struggling with it, only having managed to conjure a faint silvery mist, the same as Peter. Remus, for his part, hasn’t even tried yet, scared of its possible corporal form.
Still, he knows the drill and can help his friend.
“You’re thinking too much and too loud, Sirius.” He says, kindly, because the other boy’s frustration is too evident and it seems like the best approach. “Which memory are you using?”
“When the Hat sent me to Gryffindor.” Sirius replies, almost in a whisper, genuinely pouting like a baby.
“See? That’s the problem.” Remus says. “That memory isn’t good enough.”
“Why not?” His friend frowns, clearly confused but he doesn’t look hurt or offended. “It’s the happiest memory I can think of.”
“But it’s tainted, Pads.” He presses, not unkindly, and leans forward to touch Sirius’ forearm. “You were stressed and worried and your family were horrible just about twenty minutes later it happened. You need something without negative connotations.”
“Excellent piece of advice, Mr Lupin!” Professor Musgrove’s voice hollers from behind them. “Our chosen memories must be as pure as possible, free of bad feelings. Even if we think happiness is overruling them, sometimes the hurt is too sharp to be defeated. Please, my boy and resident assistant teacher, will you demonstrate the spell to the class?”
“Sir, I don’t–”
“I insist!” The man ignores him. “Your theoretical knowledge should be enough, and you clearly are in control of your feelings.”
Yeah, I wish I was, you twat.
Remus grimaces towards his friends, trying not to notice how Sirius is staring right into his eyes, and stands up. He should have shut up, but Sirius needed his help and he just… Whatever now, too late. 
The werewolf closes his eyes and tries to find a good memory, quickly falling for the morning of the first Full Moon after his three mates knew what happened to him once a month, about the monster. After the moment they accepted him completely, and without asking anything in return. It might go against the idea of it not being tainted by bad sensations (the transformation is horrible on its own, obviously) but the happiness he felt when he woke up and saw Sirius sleeping in that uncomfortable chair right next to his bed. 
The others have joined here and there, but Sirius has always been the constant feature. It is he who Remus thinks about for this.
“Expecto Patronum.”
He would have known it had worked even without the collective gasp of his classmates, just by how the air moves around him and the tip of his fingers tickle. It is a wonderful sensation, so, even if he is scared shitless of facing the reality and whatever comes next, Remus opens his eyes slowly. 
The silvery figure is clearly and evidently canine and massive, but that is where the similarities with Moony end. The snout is different, the ears bigger and the paws less menacing. Even the doggy grin is an exact replica of Padfoot’s.
Remus’ hearts stop for a second there, but he can’t look anywhere else, too entranced and shocked by the implications. 
“Amazing! Look at that–!”
“Expecto Patronum.”
Sirius’ deep voice cuts the air and the teacher’s praising, conjuring a mist that quickly takes form almost as big as the one in front of Remus, a shape that he hasn’t seen in front of him ever in his life but has been described enough to him that Remus could recognise anywhere. The eyes, though, are the exact same ones he sees in the mirror every day, and he has almost a full minute to be shocked before the impressive spirit of Moony joins Padfoot in a tackle game.
“Well, who could have expected this?” James chuckles, and Remus finally looks at Sirius.
Who could have expected this, indeed. 
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onddau · 19 days
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"You're really going to put up that picture of all things?" Draco drawled.
Hermione turned to him, her eyes sparkling. "We look incredible! Plus, that day was a pivotal moment in our relationship, you know."
Draco's expression softened. "Ah yes, the infamous Ministry Christmas party. How could anyone forget your bushy hair getting caught in my expensive cufflinks?"
"Oh, hush!" Hermione playfully swatted his arm. "If I recall correctly, you were the one who couldn't keep your eyes off me all evening."
"Can you blame me? You were a vision in that dress. Although, I must say, the photographer's timing was impeccable," Draco chuckled, gesturing to the photo.
The Ministry of Magic's atrium was decked out in festive glory, twinkling fairy lights competing with the golden gleam of tinsel. The annual Christmas party was in full swing, with wizards and witches from every department mingling, drinks in hand.
Amidst the revelry, a photographer weaved through the crowd, capturing candid moments. His eyes lit up as he spotted a striking couple: a platinum-blond man lounging in an armchair, with a brunette perched elegantly on the armrest.
As he approached, he caught snippets of their conversation.
"Oh, and there's one more thing we have to do before we go back to my loft," Hermione was saying, her fingers playing with the collar of Draco's robes.
Draco groaned dramatically. "Another thing? Granger, I just want you alone. I'd even wager for that Kneazle abomination of yours to join us."
"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger! May I please get a photo of you two?" the photographer called out.
They turned, startled. Hermione's hand flew up, almost covering her mouth in surprise, while Draco's expression morphed into his trademark scowl. The flash went off.
Recovering, Hermione continued, "We have to stop by Molly's. She has our gifts and is expecting us to pick them up before the end of Christmas."
"The Weasleys?" Draco looked appalled. "Oh, you've got to be kidding. There is no way in seven hells I'm going to the carrot-top crew's headquarters."
Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Funny that you think you have a say. We are going, and that's that," she said sternly.
"Oh no, Granger. You may be the only person who frightens me enough to bend to your will, but I will not stand for the Weasleyssss," he drawled out, annoyance dripping from every syllable.
Hermione leaned in close, her lips brushing his ear. "Once we've finished unwrapping the presents, we can go back to my loft and you can unwrap me," she whispered in a sing-song voice.
Draco's jaw snapped shut, his eyes widening. "Want to head out now?"
Hermione's laughter rang out, drawing curious glances from nearby partygoers.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
The final death toll from the attack is now thought to be 695 Israeli civilians, including 36 children, as well as 373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving a total of 1,139. This excludes five people, among them four Israelis, still listed as missing by the prime minister's office.[...]
On October 14, Israeli authorities announced a preliminary toll of more than 1,400 people killed by "Hamas terrorists". On November 10, the foreign ministry published an "updated estimate", saying the number "murdered in cold blood" was around 1,200 people, without further details.[...]
Israel has vowed to destroy Hamas in response to the attack. Its air and ground offensive has killed more than 18,700 people, mostly women and children, according to figures from the health ministry in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, and left much of the territory in ruins.[...]
[the data] invalidates some statements by Israeli authorities in the days following the attack.[...]
15 Dec 23
In particular, a claim made on October 10 on the government's official [Twitter] account spoke of "40 babies murdered" at Kfar Aza kibbutz, based on a report by i24NEWS channel.[...]
According to Bituah Leumi, 46 civilians were killed in Kfar Aza, the youngest 14 years old.
Another testimony called into question was that on October 27 by Colonel Golan Vach, head of the army's search and rescue unit, who told a group of journalists, including one from AFP, that he "personally" transported "a decapitated baby" found in the arms of his mother in the Beeri kibbutz. According to Bituah Leumi, only one baby was killed in Beeri: the 10-month-old Mila Cohen, whose mother survived. Army spokespersons did not respond to queries by AFP.[...]
"Our volunteers were confronted with traumatic scenes and sometimes misinterpreted what they saw," said [a leader of an emergency response NGO that helped collect victims' bodies][...]
The Bituah Leumi data does not distinguish between those killed by Hamas and civilians killed by Israeli forces in the fighting to retake control of southern Israel, an operation in which the army used shells and rockets on inhabited areas, according to testimonies collected by AFP and Israeli media.
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ourladyofomega · 7 months
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I didn’t ever plan on seeing Front 242, but they headlined Cold Waves which I attended. Doing so made me realize how much I was so into them. It was phenomenal. So much that, when the show ended, I turned around and saw a young woman crying with her friends consoling her. She just fulfilled a life-long dream of seeing her all-time favorites. I fulfilled scratching off another essential industrial act from my list.
Six months later, Skinny Puppy announced their final-ever tour. Everyone knew how all-important those stakes were. Now? It's Front 242's turn. They're declaring their final-ever live performances across North America and Europe. Ministry may not be far behind, as Al Jourgensen announced a redux of With Sympathy, and called up Paul Barker to return for one final album before ending their legacy.
I hate to mention this subject, but our living legends and all-time favorites across the board are getting there. It's that moment when most of them are finally closing the book on a major portion of their performing lives. They don't have the same health they once had, and no act can tour forever (not everyone can be The Rolling Stones, KISS, or Beach Boys). Some could still put out music, or continue on with other endeavors, but nothing is guaranteed.
So, why take chances? Spend for a ticket or travel out to experience them, if or when you can (you will get that money back). See them live and buy some merch- as a huge thank-you for making some of their music a part of your life. Even better if you purchase a v.i.p. pass and meet them personally, if you could. Cross off that regret, or a "would've should've could've" that you don't want on your shoulders forever. (I should know: I jumped to witness Skinny Puppy and I'm all the greater for it.) You'll be happy that you did.
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