#ouat ficlet
darklybound · 3 months
What the Fuck? - A Rumbelle Ficlet 
This is a Rumbelle fictlet I wrote and decided to post as I'm still working on my longer nsfw fanfic.
It is also the first piece of writing I have posted on my ao3! You can read it there as well.
[ao3 link]
What the Fuck?
“What are you doing, dearie?” Rumpelstiltskin asked, staring down at his maid.
That morning, he had expected his recently acquired servant to be cowering in the shadows of his castle or frantically doing the duties he had assigned her to spare herself the Dark One's wrath. A normal reaction to giving oneself over to the most powerful magic user in the realm. This is why when Rumpelstiltskin used his authority over his domain to locate her and found her outside his castle, his stomach dropped.
Of course, she would be a runner. She was a noblewoman entrapped by the monster whom as a child she had been told would eat her if she misbehaved. No doubt she feared as much for her life as she did her maidenhood. He was the Dark One after all. Everyone left the Dark One as everyone had left the spineless spinner.
Rumpelstiltskin had magicked himself in front of where he sensed her life essence, expecting to find a terrified woman sneaking out of his castle. He had not been looking forward to wrangling her back inside nor calming down the wild woman.
Instead, he had found his maid digging in the dirt. The soil was almost camouflaged with how it blended into the brown dye of her trousers and the dark grey tunic she wore, but it stood out against her pale arms, leaving no doubt that she had been tilling the ground.
This is how Rumpelstiltskin found himself hovering over his maid, asking her what she was doing. The noblewoman jumped at his sudden appearance and looked up at her jailer with surprised yet calm eyes that were like pools of liquid sky. Eyes Rumpelstiltskin couldn’t stare at too long, or he feared he may float away to another time to a different-hued set of kind chestnut eyes.
“Why, I’m gardening, of course,” Belle answered before ignoring him to go back to tending the earth as if it was perfectly normal.
“What the fuck?!” Befuddled, Rumpelstiltskin slipped from the mannerisms he employed as the Dark One. His carefully crafted dangerous aura was replaced by his mouth opening and closing like a fish and his hands waving around frantically. For a second, the Dark One acted like a man.
Belle returned her gaze to him. The flash of annoyance at being interrupted twice at her task immediately shifted to an emotion Rumpelstiltskin hadn’t seen anyone look at him with since Bae. Amusement.  “While I was working, I noticed the abandoned garden from a window. That’s when I realized I was the only servant you had to tend to the castle, and you Rumpelstiltskin, have let your beautiful estate wither. So, I decided to do something about it.”
“Y-You…” He couldn’t believe it. He was stammering. Him! The Dark One was stuttering! All because his latest possession was not acting like she should! She was a noble! She should be weeping, wailing, clawing her way out of his hold instead of clawing in the dirt. To try and what? Make the Dark Castle lighter? Like it was an actual residence of life instead of death and rot? Flowers against the Dark Castle’s walls were like flowers upon a tombstone. The beauty distracted the living from what lay beneath. Death.
She wasn’t playing her part. She wasn’t supposed to care about the duties of her new position. She wasn’t supposed to adjust as if her family had just fallen into disgrace, and she was working diligently to save whatever honor and wealth they had left.
Rumpelstiltskin looked upon his maid with wide eyes, and for the first time in a century, he pondered if he was the one who underestimated who he had made a deal with. She gazed back with an unwavering expression that contained poorly hidden judgment on how rundown he had let his castle become and with concern that she had overstepped.
She tried to hide her reprimand, but he could see it in her exasperated huff and the slight uptick of her brow. Her unease was subtle in the way her hands twisted around the scattered blades of grass peeking out from the displaced soil and in how she bit her lip in the manner that he had seen young ladies do when anxious about a man’s reaction.
She was criticizing him instead of begging for forgiveness! Him, the Dark One! She was concerned about his reaction, not petrified at the horrors he may inflict upon her for her transgression. She was treating him as if he was a normal master and not…not a monster. The Dark One fell away completely as the old spinster’s heart started beating once again.
Too astounded to properly reply, Rumpelstiltskin whispered the only panicked thought in his head.
“What the fuck?”
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tanoraqui · 1 year
hit new crack au: ABC’s Once Upon a Time but make it Silmarillion (or, The Silmarillion but make it OUAT? Idk how best to phrase this)
Weird town in Maine populated by people who used to be a mythical soap opera of varyingly war-crimey Elves, and maybe a couple Maiar, Men, and weird combinations of any and all of the above; but don’t remember it
Elros is an accountant* in Boston who maybe just got laid off when a 10yo shows up claiming to be his long-lost twin brother, no really, look at this book I found in my (adoptive) dad’s attic and see if it jogs your memory like it’s been jogging mine! [the book is a handwritten manuscript of the Noldolantë (extended edition; covers whole First Age)]
*the main character of OUAT is a bounty hunter/town sheriff but consider: ACAB; white collar crime is sexier anyway; if time starts moving again then everyone suddenly has to do their taxes!; and who better to get involved in everyone’s messy affairs than a CPA?
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suseagull04 · 2 months
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Happy Friday, everyone! Thanks @tailsbeth-writes and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags!
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
🥖 Go for a picnic
🚙 Road trip
🍓 Fruit picking
☔ Get caught in a summer storm
🏳️‍🌈 Attend a pride event (please note: I've never been to one, but want to go, so this will be based on research and my imagination only)
🌅 Watch a sunrise/sunset
⛺ Go camping
💧 Have a water fight
🌞 Wildcard - summer setting but I decide on an activity (doesn't have to be from above)
I'll write for RWRB, OUAT, Six of Crows, Gilmore Girls, Ted Lasso, and the MCU!
Lots of gentle no pressure tags for @anincompletelist @believingispowerfulmagic @blueeyedgrlwrites @caterpills @cha-melodius @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @thedramasummer @emmalostinwonderland @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @glasshouses-and-stones @heysweetheart-writes @henryofwales @happiness-of-the-pursuit @iboatedhere @itsmaybitheway @kiwiana-writes @miss-minnelli @msmarvelouswinchester @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @priincebutt @pridepages @read-and-write- @sprigsofviolets @sherryvalli @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @welcometololaland @14carrotghoul @zwiazdziarka and open tag for anyone I missed who wants to play!
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For You I Would Crawl (1/1)
AO3 Summary: Emma has a nightmare.
Tagging: @anmylica, @elfiola, @goforlaunchcee, @jrob64, @kmomof4 , @stahlop, @teamhook, @tiganasummertree, @undercaffinatednightmare, @xarandomdreamx, @zaharadessert
Author Note: Another fic brought to you by a song.
Emma looked pale under the flickering blue light coming from the television screen as it continued to play the programme she played before drifting to sleep. Killian slowly and gently removed the clicker from Emma’s grasp, holding his breath to keep his hand steady. Once he’d freed the device, he lowered the volume so she could continue resting. His attention strayed quickly from the absurd antics of the people on the screen to the stunning woman lying in his lap. 
Sleep had relaxed her features into an expression that made her look younger, almost childish. He marvelled, once again, that he was the man with whom she had chosen to share quiet moments like this one. Even after a few years of marriage, he was still astounded that he had somehow earned the honour of her trust and was permitted access to the achingly beautiful vulnerabilities his swan kept tucked away. The way she softened so completely in her sleep, the way she always curled onto her left side once she’d fallen asleep and the sigh she made once she finally crossed into the lands of Morpheus were tightly guarded secrets shared with no other living soul. 
Her face scrunched up tight and she mumbled lowly in her sleep. Killian smoothed the crease that was deepening between her eyebrows. “I’m here, love. You’re safe,” he spoke lowly, more of a rumble in his chest, trying to ease the concern on her features without waking her. 
“Don’t go,” she whimpered. Killian froze, his heart breaking at the pain and loss that even sleep could not keep from her voice. 
“Killian?” Her pleas tore his heart into more pieces, “No, please, Killian.”
“Love, I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured into her ear. He begged the universe, the gods, Morpheus - if he were real, to let her hear his words, to allow her that small comfort. 
When she cried out again, he decided that he could not allow this to continue any longer. He hauled her up so that she was resting on his chest and gently nudged her with the curve of his hook until her eyes slowly cracked open. Her gaze was unfocused, the dream still playing behind them. 
“You were dreaming, love.”
“I lost you. You were swallowed by the storm.” Her voice was quiet and woven with sleep and the desperation left by her nightmare. He rubbed his thumb soothingly along her cheek, lifting her head gently to catch her gaze.
“Emma, love, I am a better captain than that,” he reassured her gently with a crooked smile on his lips. Emma nodded, but her features were still haunted by whatever awful images her mind had conjured in her sleep. “I’ve faced many a storm and outrun curses,” he added as evidence to his previous claim. 
“I know,” she sighed and rested her head heavily on his chest. “I know,” she said again but it sounded like she actually believed her words this time. She nestled into his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. 
“If a storm ever did pull us apart, I would find my way back to you. Your presence tugs at my heart with more clarity than even the stars can match. Nothing could keep me from you. I would crawl back to you, Swan, if I were unable to walk. I would not rest until you were back in my arms.
“If you wished it, I would find a way to join you in your dreams and keep you safe even there. Don’t you know? There is nothing I would not do for you, Swan. No place that I would not go. No torment that I would not endure.” 
Her sweet sigh drifted up to him moments later as she returned to the shores of the dreaming. 
He pressed a kiss onto her temple. “Sweet dreams, my love. I’ll keep the nightmares away.”
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kanerallels · 10 months
I'd also love a CaptainSwan drabble based on All My Christmases by Jillian Edwards!
It was strange to actually have a holiday without waiting for some catastrophic disaster to come crashing down onto their heads. But for once, Christmas was here, and there were no immediate threats.
Well, other than what Killian and Henry were up to in the kitchen. Emma winced at the sound of a crash. Starting to get up from the couch, she called, “You two doing okay in there?”
“Fine!” they both called out at the same time. 
Killian stuck his head out of the kitchen a second later, catching her gaze. “Trust us, Swan. Just stay there, and we’ll be out with cookies in a heartbeat.”
Sitting back down, Emma said, “Alright, I trust you.”
The smile Killian gave her as he returned to his work was warm and sent a flutter through her heart. They’d been married for a little over two years now, but there wasn’t a day that passed where she wasn’t grateful. For him, for her happy beginning.
They had many more Christmases to come, and she was excited for each and every one of them.
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konako · 2 months
It's the smell. The smell of freshness, winter and hay that brings the memories back. It is also the softness and the gentle pressure against Red’s nose, too. Because… because Snow's kisses are weird. They start as a kiss should – with a press of lips, gentle, soft, barely there. And then the pressure builds and lips slide against lips, slowly, sometimes clumsily, but building up to something. And then with the first deepening of the kiss, even before the tongues make their first contact, the way Snow kisses changes. The first suck on the lip ignites something in Snow, every time. Her arms wrap around the neck, hands burrow into hair. Her body moves closer, closer, until both of them are flush together. And the biggest change is that Snow kisses with her whole face. With her forehead pressed against Red’s or against the side of her face. With her nose pressed and rubbing against Red’s. So close it is a challenge to keep their mouths connected. And yet the reward waiting for beating that challenge is worth it. Because as much passion and closeness as Snow gives to the kiss, she gives more to the places down below… 
Red wakes with a gasp, bolting upright. It was a mistake spending a night in a barn. Red breathes, trying to calm her heart. She is aware that there is more than sweat on her body, the muscles of her thighs shiver and the pull in her lower abdomen persists. Red burrows her head in her hands. Dreams are useless. Dreaming and remembering those kisses is useless. Because… because Snow is now in a crystal coffin, sleeping a sleep not unlike death. One Red can not wake her from. She tried. And failed. All she is left with is the quest for another. And endless longing. 
(Since I can once again use all the fculties of this hellsite, an ambush was inevitable. Enjoy. 😉)
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SURPRISE RED SNOW!!!! I can't believe my luck! Thank you so much!! Oh, this is wonderful. I can see it, the details, the movements, the feeling of it. Of course Red would first remember Snow by her scent. It's the one scent in all the realms that Red will never forget, never miss, never confuse, never be neutral to! Yess
And, oh, the surprise ANGST, too? How dare. I was unprepared! You caught me completely off guard, with ALL OF IT. But the angst?? Red tried to kiss Snow awake? And it failed????! Who hurt you?? Why must you hurt me too??? On this fine day!
Thank you again <3
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Avatrice swanqueen you say? 👀 *pats seat* tell me more
I mean - it's right there, isn't it?
Orphan Ava having Diego when she was really young (and/or in prison?), putting him up for adoption and Bea adopting him because she's a lesbian who doesn't think she deserves love so she thinks she's never gonna have a family of her own?
Unfortunately Bea's inability to love herself reaches Diego, who goes and looks for his "real mom". Insert Avatrice. Puns ensured. Enemies to moms to lovers, 390k words, femlash, angry smut, tw: post sex care, bea needs therapy, ava needs to drink a chamomile and chill the fuck out.
I kind of like the idea of Bea being the major (maybe her parents forcing her to be? + "Beatrice Mills, sooner or later you're going to have to find a man to settle down and have a child with, our bloodline won't end with you") and Ava accepting the job of police officer (and sheriff?) to be able to stay in that town (imagine Ava with a loaded gun and a sheriff pin *insert gif of Ava sniffing the stick in s01e03*), but it can also be completely different professions. I feel like the power struggle should be there though, Beatrice acting all high and mighty and having close to no friends at the beginning *insert Mary friendly knocking some sense into her when she's being a dumbass*
Hans being Diego's therapist, Camila AS FUCKING SNOW WHITE YOU WONT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS, Mother Superion could be Ruby's grandma ergo owner of the bar (maybe Ava's biological mom? Idk, so many plot lines)
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invisibleraven · 1 year
''i can stay, if you want.'' and rulie?
Julie stared at the cupcake, the flickering flame on the candle, leaning over it, not moving as the wax started to drip.
"You okay luv?" Reggie asked.
Julie spun around and gave him a weak smile. "Yeah. It's just... two years ago, I spent my birthday on an awful work date then wished for a family. That's when Danny found me. Last year I spent my birthday evading Lost Boys or maybe we were aboard the Jolly Roger, I rally can't be sure. Time moves weird in Neverland."
"Don't I know it," Reggie said wryly. The pirate had been around for a century or three, thanks to the magic of Never Never Land, and his own fairy tale nature. "I stopped celebrating my birthdays long ago. Not really sure how old I am now."
"Well you look pretty good for however old it is," Julie replied, rolling her eyes when he gave a dramatic bow, his long coat swishing with the movement. Then turning back to the cupcake.
"I'm not sure what to wish for this year," she said quietly. "I have Danny, and my parents. Sure the world is crazy and I have witches and wizards after me, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"What about Bae?" Reggie asks, a mournful look on his face.
Julie shook her head. I loved Luke-" She stopes, corrects herself, "Baelfire. With all my heart. He gave me my son, and though we weren't right for each other, I did love him. But he died a hero, saving us all. I can't take that away from him."
"Fair enough. I'd say birthday wishes are much the same as those from a djinn-no wishing someone back to life, no true love, no wishing for more wishes," Reggie replies, inspecting the point of his hook instead of looking at her.
"You're probably right," Julie says wistfully. "With all I've learned about magic and wishes, maybe I'm best off not making one."
With that she blows out the candle, the subtle scent of smoke filling the room. She knows her family will be home soon, probably with an oversized cake made by her tia, and they'll insist on a wish, but now she knows she can fake it. She has no need for wishes right now-just a quiet evening in.
She turns to see Reggie standing by the door, but hesitating. "Where are you going?" she asks.
"I thought you might just want to spend the evening with your family, but I can stay, if you want," he offers.
"I'd like that," she admits.
"I didn't get you a present," he says, almost sheepish. "Not a traditional one anyways."
Blushing in that beautiful way of his, something Julie was sure a pirate wasn't capable of. But Reggie isn't your typical pirate. Not that Julie is all that typical herself, what with her parents being the embodiment of true love, her son being the grandson of Rumpelstiltskin, and his adoptive mom being the Evil Queen. Julie had thrown typical out the door the second she decided to stay in Storybrooke, and she's kind of okay with that.
"You gave up your ship for me," Julie says, gripping the lapels of his long leather captain's coat. "You never have to give me another present for as long as I live."
"What if I want to?" he asked, voice turning sultry, eyes trained on her lips.
"It's not rum is it?" Julie teased.
"While an adequate present, no luv, it's not rum," Reggie replied, his smile more a smirk than anything.
"Well then, give it to me," Julie challenges, pressing up on her toes just as he captures her mouth. Reggie's kisses are a bit like him-deep, passionate, with a hint of the sea salt air, of rum, making Julie feel like she's on fire and about to burst into song all at once.
She's almost shaking when he pulls away, breathing heavy, their gazes lidded. "Wow, that's some present," Julie said, trembling in his hold. "Good luck topping that next year."
"I bet I can think of something," Reggie says with a wink before pulling her in for another toe curling kiss. '
Julie isn't sure how they break apart before her family barge in. Nor how she manages to keep her hands off her pirate for the rest of the evening. She barely registers the well wishes, the cake almost tasteless in her mouth because he senses are still full of Reggie.
She has an all consuming want for him, and the smoldering looks he keeps sending her all night are not helping matters.
Thankfully she finally manages to kick everyone out-even Danny goes to stay with Carrie for the night, and she and Reggie are alone. Just him, her, and a lone birthday cupcake that she grabs before dragging him off to bed so he can make good on his promise for an even better birthday present.
And boy does he deliver!
"Still don't know how you're gonna top that next year," she pants as she leans against him, licking the last of the frosting from her fingers.
"I'll think of a way," Reggie says, pulling her curls away to leave a tiny kiss on her neck-one that makes her shiver. "And every year after that, if I'm allowed."
Julie heartily agrees, and that's the first time in a long time that she's actually enjoyed her birthday. But with Reggie, she;'s fairly certain it won't be the last!
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shikoslady · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Emma Swan Characters: Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Additional Tags: Queen/Swan/Fire, Polyamory, Co-Parenting, The Evil Queen in love, SwanFire and Swan Queen together Summary:
To co-parent Henry successfully a unique arrangement is made.
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storiesofsvu · 11 months
Holiday Bingo 2023
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That's right besties! It's that time of year again! And in an attempt to keep y'all entertained with your favourite blorbos, I'm hosting this bingo so we can all share our creations and you have something to fixate on while I'm busy as hell at work!
As per usual:
Submissions can be anything! A mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabble, gif sets, one shots, social media au's, make it a mini series following the holiday journey of the same two characters! literally whatever you want!
Prompts are all winter/holiday themed. If it specifically says "Christmas" it does not need to be Christmas, it can be whatever holiday this time of year that you want!
Read the rest of the rules under the cut!
Prompts can be made into any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rottingly sweet, make it angsty as all hell and break our hearts, make it a wild AU, do whatever you want with them as long as they are what inspired your story. (aka "first snowfall" could be the first time character a is seeing snow, it could be the first snow of the year, it could be the characters baby's/dog's first time seeing snow. It can be cute, catching snow flakes on tongues or sad, bringing back memories with a friend who has passed. Literally whatever you want.) Just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings/tags at the TOP of the post and I don't want to see any TikTok censoring of words!
Fics can be a ship, a reader insert, an OC, or any kind of crossover! Mix and match, stick with one, try out a new character or fandom!
Accepted Fandoms:
Literally everything and everyone. This is wide open to any and every fandom/show/movie that you want, it's free game besties! It doesn't matter if I write/read that fandom, do what you would like!
Some Inspiration:
-Law and Order (OG, OC, SVU)
-Criminal Minds
-One Chicago
-Abbott Elementary
-Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice
-The L Word
You MUST tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hashtag #storiesofsvuholidaybingo2023 on each creation and I'll put together the masterlist.
Bingo begins on November 25th and will run all the way to January 20th.
You may only post/submit ONE creation per day!
Only one bingo square per creation
No underage characters involved in relations.
Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of the fic
Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore!
Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate! You do not need to be following me, we don't need to be mutuals, if you see this post and want to play, let's go!
If anyone has questions, feel free to comment or send me a message/ask!
Some playlists to get us in the mood:
tagging some people who might be interested? (if you got tagged and have no idea who i am/where this came from it is likely that i have read your stuff and loved it/have some bookmarked on my to bed read lol. feel free to ignore.)
@prentiss-theorem @swimmingstudentchaos891 @rustyzebra @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @adarafaelbarba @detective-giggles @mickey-gomez @alexusonfire @bumblebear30 @tropes-and-tales @unitchiefs-blackbirdphoenix @beccabarba @prurientpuddlejumper @fighterkimburgess @baubeautyandthegeek @melk917 @blackbird-brewster @virescent-v @leftoverenvy @iamnotoriginalphil @happenstnces @daddy-heather-dunbar @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @five-bi-five-main @thehauntingofbasingse @supercriminalbean @h0tch-r0cket @bullet-prooflove @boldlyvoid @astrophileous @slutforsilverfoxes @cissyenthusiast010155 @hotchs-bitch @honeypiehotchner @whiteberryx @v3nusxsky
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crime-wives · 11 months
your turn. tell me about your wips 👀
oh lord... where do we begin. let's start with me meddison/grey's anatomy wips.
so you were never a saint, and i loved in shades of wrong. this wip is currently in progress, two chapters on ao3 so far. basically my take on an angsty s2 meddison. they run into each other constantly at joe's bar and are very sad.
hollywood au. my meddison hollywood au in which meredith is unwillingly dragged into the spotlight after finding out her boyfriend is a. married, and b. famous. she gets a guest role on the same tv show as him and his wife. things spiral from there.
dead derek s4 au. basically what the title implies. a 'what if' scenario in which derek died in s4, and meredith and addison connect over shared grief.
tedstina fic. this wip is if after owen cheats on her, cristina shows up, drenched, at teddy's apartment all 'i didn't know where else to go.' there is lots of sad, gay, pining.
now... we move on to my swan queen wips. there are a lot, be prepared.
sad regina mills fic #1. a very angsty wip about regina's relationship with food, set during s1 of ouat. she's not dealing very well with henry hating her, and she turns to one of her coping mechanisms, which may or may not land her in the hospital.
sad regina mills fic #2. set after cora's death, little snippets of regina reflecting on her mother, and childhood. some hurt/comfort, also hurt/no comfort so.
say don't go song fic. regina reflecting on herself and emma in the middle of the night, with the dagger, after emma's sacrifice post s4 finale. (also regina really misses emma and doesn't know what to do with herself.
s6 regina is sad about emma getting married fic. has this been done before, yes. but i want to do it. anyway, buckle up, this one is very sad. our favorite lovable idiots fight, and make up, there are 'i miss you' texts, and lots of lesbian pining.
camelot hurt/comfort au. a little ficlet, (which could spiral into something bigger if i'm not careful,) in which emma seeks comfort from regina on a day when the voices are really loud. there's bed sharing and cuddles, and also hook is thrown into a tree.
the hanahaki au. um well... this is exactly as it sounds. set like 4b-ish. regina starts coughing up flowers one day, and it slowly gets worse until she's almost dead.
there's bed-sharing in this one. after a fight with her parents, emma shows up at regina's place. there are feelings, angst, and surprisingly maybe fluff.
the road-trip fic. uber driver x runaway bride. that's all i'll say.
neverland rewrite. except swanqueen, and mentions of torture. two hurt women heal together and find their son.
there are more... but i'll stop there.
here are some ideas i've had, but haven't written yet:
regina on henry's birthday during the missing year
my hc that regina taught herself how to draw/paint during the first 18 years, and the people she paints as vignettes.
supercorp: lena knows kara is supergirl au, but angsty
my meddison fic after meredith grey almost drowns
oh, my star wars fusion swan queen fic
anyway... i'll end this here before i get too carried away lol (this took forever to type.)
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naivesilver · 5 months
AU masterpost to keep myself (and everyone else) from getting lost
So since apparently I can't stop creating New Things, I thought I could compile a comprehensive list of all tags and links to keep within reach for a change ✨I'll make sure to update it as I post more/already existing stuff grows content-wise
(Actual list under the cut obviously)
Once Upon A Time AUs
Thousand Problems Verse: The AU where Geppetto never sent his son through the wardrobe and Pinocchio was therefore hit by the curse like everyone else, destined to deal with his fairytale-esque issues alongside the more mundane ones you'd expect from a Storybrooke teenager.
Series on Ao3 - Tumblr main tag - Pinocchio's friends tag - Grace's clique tag - Parents tag
Ever After Storybrooke: OUAT/Ever After High fusion where the EAH protagonists are the children of the OUAT fairytale characters instead. Cedar Wood focused.
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Stray Saplings: Originally an offshoot of the Pinocchio Swap, where every version of Pinocchio inexplicably switched universe overnight, now a self-indulgent take on August having to navigate being the (gasp) responsible adult for a few of his most traumatized counterparts
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Appalachian Wine: Eliana is the Blue Fairy's biological daughter, but more importantly, she's August's older sister, and that doesn't bode well for anyone - especially her mother.
Tumblr main tag (with storyline fics) - Eliana tag
Shaking The Latch: 2003/Rise crossover where freshly mutated Lou Jitsu falls into the 2003 TMNT universe with his very young sons and gets to meet four more of them (older, brasher and way too enthusiastic about babysitting), plus himself 2.0 (and isn't that the scariest prospect).
Ao3 link - Tumblr tag
Sonic AUs
Salvector AU: Italian classic Inspector Montalbano, but with Sonic characters. Chief of Vigata City police Vector has to investigate the bizarre murder of Dr Starline, even after all suspects seem to fall on the scientist's uncommon ward.
Ao3 link - Tumblr tag
Belle & The Gang: Instead of taking Belle back to the Restoration HQ after rescuing her, the Chaotix take her in. Disaster ensues, but maybe there's space for some healing, too.
Series on Ao3
Miscellanea AUs
Frater Meus (Lies of P videogame): Post Real Boy ending. Carlo, recently resurrected, uses his influence to bring Romeo and P back to his side, one angry but uncertain about the best course of action, the other in a shape that suits the nature of his original creation - a scared child who got his heart ripped out. In a city still in shambles, with a son that aches for his younger brother, Geppetto really should sleep with an eye open.
Series on Ao3
Sunset/Spring (Pokemon Legends Arceus): Akari, the girl from the future, is not half-grown and capable of pulling her own weight, but a small child with no memory whose presence cannot be explained. Just what is Arceus' plan, exactly?
Series on Ao3
Signs (Disney Descendants): Lampwick finds his way back to Pinocchio before the Isle of the Lost is sealed, and they build their own family from then on, old grudges be damned.
Series on Ao3
Baby Cedar & Uncle Wick (Ever After High): Cedar Wood's childhood and growth, surrounded by a doting grandfather, a protective father and a "friend" of her father's who is not always the best of influences.
Series on Ao3 - Tumblr ficlet #1 - Tumblr ficlet #2
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suseagull04 · 4 months
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Ficlet Friday
Thanks @tailsbeth-writes and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags!
Ficlet Friday is a month old! Thank you for joining in, I love seeing all your interpretations & I hope y'all are having fun 🥰
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
This week's prompts:
The truth is…
…and that's when there was no going back.
(name/pronoun) is quite frankly, fucked.
There's probably a new circle in hell being created for (name/pronoun) as they speak.
Would (name/pronoun) ever learn?
Everything is telling (name/pronoun) not to.
Did (name/pronoun) want to do that again? Yes. 100%.
Here's the thing,....
I'll write for pretty much any of my fandoms for these- Gilmore Girls, Ted Lasso, Shadow and Bone (the show, or the Six of Crows book duology), RWRB, or OUAT- maybe the MCU too, if anyone has an idea for it!
No pressure tags for @believingispowerfulmagic @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @duchessdepolignaca03 @emmalostinwonderland @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @iboatedhere @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @theprinceandagcd @priincebutt @read-and-write- @sherryvalli @thinkof-england @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @welcometololaland @zwiazdziarka @14carrotghoul and as always, an open tag for anyone who wants to do this!
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
Hi! I'm Di (but you can also call me Spades), a twenty-something disaster head over heels for Rumbelle (and its variants), Anyelle and Anyem, as well as Robert Carlyle and Emilie De Ravin, of course.
I make gifs (most often), write fanfics and occasionally make fanvids/edits.
This is the blog I made as a place for all the content and all my love for Rumbelle (also Golden Lace, Woven Lace and Woven Beauty, I ship all four, they are all beautiful), Anyelle, Anyem and other works of Bobby and Em, with a side of other OUAT content, as well as my love for the cult 90s tv show Friends, which has become my comfort show, Chandler Bing and Mondler, my second favorite fictional couple after Rumbelle.
I ship most Anyelle/Anyem pairs, especially the following*:
Rushbelle (Nicholas Rush/Belle, my beloved ♥ Rush definitely needs a Belle as most of Bobby's characters do, to be quite honest)
Hamelle? MacBelle? what do we call these two cuties? (Hamish Macbeth/Belle, Hamish is one of the first roles of Bobby's I've seen other than Rumple and holds a dear place in my heart... and would also benefit greatly from having Belle in his life, even though I also ship him with Isobel)
Russelle (David Russell/Belle... also ship him with Hiero, because come on!)
Robelle? Morrelle? (Rob Morrison & Belle)
Bellix / Felle (Felix DeSouza/Belle... I also ship him with Hiero, guilty 😅)
Lachelle (Lachlan MacAldonich/Belle)
Sutherelle (Robert Sutherland/Belle)
Develle (Danny Devine/Belle also yes, ship him with Hiero )
Gazelle (Gary "Gaz" Schofield/Belle)
Wirrelle? Belleric? (Eric Wirral/Belle)
Macelle (Father MacAvoy/Belle)
Frankelle? Keanelle? (Frank Keane/Belle)
Plunkelle (Will Plunkett/Belle)
Renelle? (Renard/Belle...)
Although I've unexpectedly started consuming Bobby's filmography again a couple of days ago, so I feel like I might add a couple of ships in the near future 😁
(* I also ship almost every of the listed characters with Lacey)
I am ALWAYS O P E N to prompts for Rumbelle, any of its variants and any of the Anyelle/Anyem ships from this page, as well as Mondler, ficlets/moodboards!
I am ALWAYS O P E N to Rumbelle, any of its variants and any of the aforementioned Anyelle/Anyem ships, as well as Mondler, roleplay in Discord – just hit me up in DMs!
I am ALWAYS O P E N to screaming incoherently about our favorite characters/ships in DMs/Discord at 3 am and at any other godly and ungodly hour 😜
My main personal blog is @ace-of-spaders
My AO3: ace-of-spaders
My FFnet: Ace of Spaders (not Rumbelle updated yet)
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sssammich · 5 months
💕 & 🧡!
wahoo thanks for the ask, friend!
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
uh do i ship any of those? im a rare pair shipper but like a dabbler, more like. if we're talking about supergirl i guess im committed to lena/kelly. im gonna take unpopular to mean not very popular and not like hated because idk if i have anything for that
lmao here's the ficlet i wrote for them because why not shamelessly plug
but also like pushing aside the entire military industrial complex, i think that lena and kelly would have been so restorative and healing for each other in a lot of deep and personal trauma when it comes to trust and caring and safety. i just also think that because kelly isn't part of the OG superfriends, it gives her a much more even-keeled perspective out of that friend group. it's not new to opine kindredness between them but i think more in terms of the fact that kelly is as much an outsider as lena (which i have other feelings about but we don't need to get into it) and isn't pulled into kara's orbit directly
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
i honestly don't even know what counts as theories at this point. similar to the ouat comment i made, are there even any more theories to be had when the show has been done and has been discussed at length for years at this point
so completely turning it on its head because this is my inbox and i can do what i want, i don't know if the show needed esme?? like i get it but i also don't get it. i think it was a means of tying a series plot point for alex, but i also just don't think she should've been a mom in her job with her lifestyle and stuff? obviously it's a fascinating and interesting direction to weave motherhood storyline with such a demanding job, but idk if it did more than that to make alex (and, by extension, kelly) any more complex or interesting a character. it might also have been like a couple of seasons too late because i think at this point motherhood as a storyline should have been dealt with more in relation to the character who brought the whole thing into question for alex: maggie. so yeah i mean esme is cute and is a darling but narratively, i wondered if she needed to be there and if it would have made a big enough splash in the story if you took her out and replaced her with someone else. maybe even another kid, but maybe someone ruby's age or someone kara's age when she first showed up on earth. would have been an interesting parallel overall especially because then i think it would have connected kara to the child more as well??? gosh idk but those are my thoughts
ask meme
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konako · 2 years
"Whoa... uh, how was your night?" Emma asked, eyeing the mottled bruises and bites littering Ruby's exposed neck.
"Was good! Why?"
"Your neck, Rubes."
The she-wolf seemed to perk up at that, gaze now sated and dreamy. She grinned at the blonde, wide and fanged.
"Fairy dust is great."
Ruby shrugged.
The door gave a jingle and in walked Regina, the brunette sitting two stools down from the sheriff.
Emma raised a brow and found a deep bite mark proudly displayed on Regina's neck. But only the one.
"Uh, hey, Regina."
"Hello, Miss Swan."
Emma gave a nod, choosing to ignore the dots being connected. She didn't need to be scarred for life opening the 'fairy dust is great' line.
"Hey, beautiful." Ruby rumbled happily, resting her chin on her hands against the counter to smile at her lover.
"Hello, mi amor." Regina found herself purring right back, if only to watch Emma blush at the awkwardness of being stuck there.
"Okay, seriously--" Emma huffed, turning to the two. "You guys have done it before, you've been together for ages, what makes this new?"
Ruby eyed Regina inquisitively, the brunette sorceress giving a nod of affirmation.
Ruby grinned.
"Gina let me claim her."
Emma raised a brow.
"Werewolf thing."
Regina watched Emma stew in confusion, sighing softly. "The mark, Miss Swan."
Emma eyed the bite on Regina's neck.
"Oh... like, a bite? People bite during that, y'know."
Ruby shook her head. "Not the same."
"I just told you, I claimed her."
Regina watched the two banter before finally having enough.
"Ruby has marked me as her territory, staking her claim and making us mates." She spoke up.
"Yes, Miss Swan."
"So, what does that even... do?"
"If you read a book on lycanthropy, you would know." Regina huffed.
"Basically means other people sense me on her and know she belongs to me and I belong to her. She's off the market!" Ruby hummed a little loudly for the diner to hear.
Regina gave a soft upturn of her lips.
Emma nodded. "That's kinda cute."
"Perish the thought or I flay you." Regina glared, unamused.
Ruby laughed.
I love having Emma as the character to react to stuff. I LOVE IT!!! <3
Please, tell me Snow also gets a moment. Ohohoho.
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