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Schickes Hochhaus oder monströse Bausünde
Ottobrunn: „…Wohnen und Gewerbe auf insgesamt acht Stockwerken plant die Immobilienfirma Pöttinger aus Ottobrunn in einem Mischgebiet an der Alten Landstraße 2 bis 4. Hier soll der neue Firmensitz entstehen. In den sozialen Medien regt sich unterdessen Unmut: Die Höhe des geplanten Projektes und den Aufstellungsbeschluss eines vorhabenbezogenen Bebauungsplanes halten einige Ottobrunner für…
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Toms Breakfast Club: Dinkelking
Letzten Sonntag verschlug es mich früh nach Haar. Umso erfreulicher, als der Dinkelbäcker Dümig, auch bekannt als Dinkelking, seine Pforten bereits um 07:00 Uhr geöffnet hatte. Was lag da näher, als sich mit Kaffee und Frühstück einzudecken? Gedacht, getan! Also direkt vor dem Stammhaus des Dinkelkönigs geparkt und zugeschlagen. Ein erkergeschmücktes Haus, im hinteren Bereich die Backstube und…
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#coffeenewstom#Alfred Dümig#Coffeenewstom#Dinkel#Dinkelbäcker#Dinkelbäcker Dümig#Dinkelbäckerei#Dinkelkönig#Dinkelking#Haar#Ottobrunn#Stefan Dümig#Vaterstetten
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Michaelskirche (1964) in Ottobrunn, Germany, by Theo Steinhauser
#1960s#church#concrete#brick#brutalism#brutalist#architecture#germany#nachkriegsmoderne#nachkriegsarchitektur#architektur#theo steinhauser
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Mark Seibert Konzert 27.4.2024 in Ottobrunn bei München
"Wünsch dir was... dann singt Mark das" oder besser "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" with special guest Riccardo Greco oder stand in "lass dein Bügeleisen liegen" Special guest Roberta Valentini
Was für ein Konzert!
Schon das Konzept allein ist was ganz Anderes als sonst. Man konnte Titelwünsche schicken und Mark hat aus 700 Songs ein Programm gezaubert und sich dabei auf die fokussiert, die er nicht schon oft auf Konzerten gesungen hat oder wo die Musicals (noch) eher unbekannt sind Robin Hood oder Ein wenig Farbe. Zudem gab es einige Lieder, die sonst von Frauen gesungen werden wie "Einsames Gewand" (Die Päpstin) "Ich hab geträumt vor langer Zeit" (Les Mis). Besonders berührend fand ich "Woran soll ich noch glauben?" (Robin Hood) und "Wärst du heute hier?" (Ein wenig Farbe) (Mark spielt das 1 Personen Stück im Sommer in Wien und Ottobrunn).
Riccardo Greco sollte eigentlich der Special Guest sein, war auch angereist, konnte aber nichts gegen das Magen-Darm Leiden machen, sodass zwei Stunden vor Beginn klar war, dass er nicht würde singen können. Mark hat daraufhin kurzerhand Roberta Valentini angerufen, die gerade beim Bügeln war, und sie gebeten im zweiten Teil mitzumachen. Sie hatte keine Probe und auch keinen Soundcheck und die Musiker, Mark und Roberta haben das Konzert in großen Teilen improvisiert. Roberta hat Lieder gesungen,die die Musiker teilweise gar nicht kannten. Für das Klavier gab es noch halbwegs Noten, aber die beinhalteten keine Arrangements für Cello oder Gitarre und so haben die Musiker in meisterhafter Leistung improvisiert. Marks Kommentar zu den Impros "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" Mark hat die Lieder gesungen, die sonst Riccardo Greco gesungen hätte, wodurch man sicher einmalig Mark mit "Warum kannst du mich nicht lieben?" (Mozart) hören konnte. (Außerdem sorgte Marks Auftritt als Riccardo Greco für Lacher, weil er seinen Kollegen imitierte beim Auftreten und sich als Riccardo ausgab. Roberta konnte sich kaum einkriegen.😂) Roberta und Mark sind ein eingespieltes Team, aber trotzdem ist es nicht einfach mal so zusammen Lieder zu singen, die man so noch nie gesungen hat. Das eine oder andere hatten sie zusammen schon mal gemacht wie "Shallow" (A star is born), aber nicht "Change" (Michael Jackson) oder "You will be found" (Dear Evan Hansen). Der zweite Teil des Konzerts mit seinen vielen Improvisationen zeigten einfach, was für außerordentliche Musiker da auf der Bühne waren. Kann man einfach staunen und sich über einen besonderen Abend freuen!
For the English speaking folks: The concept of the concert was for Mark to sing songs requested by the fans who bought the tickets. He received over 700 song requests, so obviously it was a selection of songs. Riccardo Greco was supposed to be his special guest for the concert tour but he got ill in the morning and could not perform at all. So Mark called Roberta Valentini (who was ironing at home) and asked her to come perform with him on the 2nd part of the program. She did not have a soundcheck nor did she had any chance to practice with Mark or her own songs. That's why Mark said: "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" (translates into: "practice is for cowards") The musicians played some of songs for the first time that Roberta sung and did not have full music sheets, so especially the guitar player and cello player had to arrange the songs on the fly. But also Mark improvised songs that were supposed to be sung by Riccardo. This concert was a lot of fun, but also a lot of improvisation and definetly a once in a lifetime concert. ❤️
Komplette Songlist folgt noch im Edit! Und paar Audios kann ich auch noch teilen.
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Airbus compie un passo avanti nella ricerca sulla superconduttività per gli aerei ad idrogeno Airbus UpNext, società interamente controllata da Airbus, ha lanciato un nuovo dimostratore tecnologico per accelerare la maturazione delle tecnologie superconduttive da utilizzarsi nei sistemi di propulsione elettrica di un futuro aeromobile a idrogeno. Conosciuto come Cryoprop, il nuovo dimostratore integrerà e maturerà un sistema di propulsione elettrica superconduttiva di classe due megawatt raffreddato a idrogeno liquido attraverso un circuito di ricircolo di elio, sviluppato dai team di Airbus a Tolosa, in Francia, e a Ottobrunn, in Germania. “I nostri precedenti dimostratori hanno provato che le tecnologie superconduttive rappresentano un fattore chiave per l’elettrificazione ad alta potenza dei futuri aeromobili a
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GERMANY - Space Day 2024 in München.
The Technical University of Munich (Professorship Human Spaceflight Technology) and association Yuris Night Deutschland e.V. are organizing together the 1st Space Day in Munich!
There will be exciting presentations, among others from the ESA reserve astronauts Nicola Winter and Amelie Schoenenwald on the topic of how to become an astronaut! There will be hands-on activities for everyone (fly a Soyuz capsule or around the ISS with VR!), a space quiz with amazing prizes, a very special visit from a galaxy far far away, and much more!
Space Day 2024 in München WHEN: 2024-Apr-13 @ 12:00 PM - 2024-Apr-13 @ 06:00 PM WHERE: Lise-Meitner-Straße 9, Ottobrunn, Germany. No registration required, just come join us!
#Technical University of Munich#yuri's night#anniversary of yuri gagarin’s groundbreaking spaceflight#first human mission to leave earth’s atmosphere#firstinspace#first human in space#YurisNightDeutschland#12 april#International Day of Human Space Flight#space quiz#astronauts
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Der perfekte Immobilienmakler in Ottobrunn
In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles über Immobilienmakler in Ottobrunn: von ihren Aufgaben bis zu den besten Angeboten. Entdecke, wie du den richtigen Makler findest und welche Vorteile das mit sich bringt. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Europas erste Teststrecke für Passagiere: TUM Hyperloop nimmt seine Vakuumröhre in Betrieb - Magazin - 1E9
das Hyperloop-Team der TU München hat in Ottobrunn bei München ihre 24 Meter lange Teststrecke in Betrieb genommen
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Sanierung des Sternhauses an der Rubensstraße in Ottobrunn wird in nächsten Monaten fertig
Ottobrunn: „…Die Baugesellschaft München-Land ist von der Gemeinde Ottobrunn als Generalübernehmer mit der Sanierung des Sternhauses beauftragt worden und zieht nach einem Arbeitsjahr eine positive Zwischenbilanz. Alle Wohnungen sind zum Ersten dieses Monats wieder vermietet. Das Projekt an der Rubensstraße soll in den nächsten Monaten fertiggestellt werden. Anvisierter Kostenpunkt: rund 19…
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#Asbest#Boden#Fliesenbeläge#Millionen Euro#Ottobrunn#Projekt#Sanierung#Sternhaus#Wohnstandard#Wohnungen
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This is how cities and municipalities deal with climate protection
At the district conference in Taufkirchen[1], the town halls should take a position on how far they are with their efforts. While some municipalities want to be CO₂-free by 2030, others like Ottobrunn[2] and Haar[3] are taking it easy.
The climate protection conference in Taufkirchen[4] was already well advanced, various lectures were given, for example about the photovoltaic bundle campaign in Grünwald[5] and the wind power project in the Hofoldinger Forest[6], when Annika Gehrmann took the floor and it suddenly became dead quiet in the hall. "When I imagine our future," says the mother of two, "then I get sick." Floods, heat records and streams of refugees - what do you feel there, throws the lawyer, who is involved in the Neubiberg initiative "Climate Neutral 2035"[7], as a rhetorical question in the hall. "Anger at the far too hesitant climate policy in this country?" She doesn't go that far after all. But Gehrmann says: "The responsibility lies with the mayors, the parliamentary groups and the administrations."
This is exactly what the first climate protection conference of the district of Munich in the culture and congress centre OPF Taufkirchen is aimed at. Last year, the district sent the town halls data sets and the software to develop climate protection goals and to store them with actions such as a wind power project. In Taufkirchen, the oath is now being taken: 22 of 29 municipalities will state how high their CO₂ emissions per citizen should be in 2030, when they want to be climate-neutral in terms of heat and electricity and when overall. Are missing: Baierbrunn, Ismaning, Kirchheim, Unterschleißheim, Planegg. Ottobrunn and Haar do not have a stand in the foyer either. The approximately 400 visitors, who gather information and exchange ideas between the lectures in the hall, see empty pinboards under the names of both municipalities.
Many mayors are there. For example Harald Zipfel (SPD) from Neuried[8], who is standing in front of the information board on which the climate protection activities of his community are presented, and is on fire when it comes to whether the town hall or the individual can make a difference. "Either I start," says Zipfel, "or I don't." He started it himself. Zipfel is a passionate cyclist, without an auxiliary engine. He cycled from Neuried to Taufkirchen. And he says that the day before he had cycled to Unterföhring[9] for his appointment and will do the same thing in Unterschleißheim[10] on Friday. Colleagues often looked at him in amazement, says Zipfel. But it hardly takes him any longer than others by car. And he is outside and moving.
Neuried wants to achieve emissions of 1.2 tons of carbon dioxide per citizen by 2030 - and be completely climate-neutral by 2035. This makes you one of the ambitious communities. The district has set itself the cross sum of the municipal targets at 2.8 tons per citizen in 2030, energetic climate neutrality by 2040 and absolute by 2045. This cannot be achieved with mayors cycling alone. Zipfel knows that too, and says that Neuried is pushing ahead with the plans for a wind farm in Forstenrieder Park.[11] "You can do a lot," says Zipfel. Neuried lies between large geothermal projects in Pullach[12] and Graefelfing[13]. You could connect there. Zipfel sees potential in the use of waste heat from the data centre at the Max Plank Institute[14] in Martinsried[15].
Similar projects will be discussed at many stands. Putzbrunn's[16] mayor Edwin Klostermeier (SPD) talks about the expansion of district heating in the forest settlement, where heat is obtained from the geothermal power plant of Stadtwerke München in Kirchstockach.[17] The expansion is progressing, the new high school will be connected. A location for wind power is relatively safe. Klostermeier is counting on 3.2 tons of Co₂ per inhabitant of Putzbrunn in 2030, which also has something to do with the motorway, whose emissions have an impact, as he says. According to Zipfel, the nearby motorway does not cloud the balance sheet in Neuried. She is not part of the community.
Again and again it is a question of how sensible it is to set goals that are also challenging. Oberhaching's[18] key figures are 1.9 tons for 2030, limited climate neutrality in 2035 and full in 2040. Mayor Stefan Schelle points to the display board at the Oberhaching stand on the project mentioned there, 58 percent of the sunlit roof areas by 2040 with photovoltaic modules to equip and asks if that is realistic. He doesn't seem sure of himself. The demand for energy has also increased enormously. Earlier generations would have heated a room with a small oil stove, which was not a problem. Looking ahead, Schelle says: "Everyone has to get involved here." Not with pressure, but a change in consciousness is needed.
In any case, the climate nerds are now officially sitting in the Unterhachinger[19] town hall. According to the board he is holding up at the conference, Wolfgang Panzer is making every effort to be completely climate-neutral with his community in seven years. Photovoltaics, wind turbines in the Perlacher Forest[20] and geothermal energy should make this possible. But is that realistic? Many warn against window dressing. Planegg[21] has not yet named any goals, but is represented with a stand in Taufkirchen, and climate manager Jörg Degen says that they do not want to name any dates out of the blue. A concept will be presented at the end of 2023. Planegg's second mayor Judith Grimme says: "We are on the way." She speaks of wind power and agri-photovoltaics. She describes the conference as a "great format, a great get-together of the district municipalities".
Some are conspicuous by their absence. The municipalities are by no means obliged to participate in the district initiative. You can ignore that, like Ottobrunn, where Mayor Thomas Loderer has stated several times in advance that he thinks little of goals and all the more of concrete projects in his community. And as far as that is concerned, you are at the forefront. Haar is also committed to climate protection. Mayor Andreas Bukowski has made it into the town hall with a black-green agenda and works relatively closely with the Greens, who are deputy mayor Ulrich Leiner. Bukowski emphasizes that Haar wants to become a circular city, meaning that sustainability and the circular economy are to be studied through to the end.
"The calculation of the climate targets falls short"
But why is the climate conference being hidden? A Greens local councillor is present with Henry Bock, who says: "It's a shame that we don't participate." He's puzzled about the reasons himself. The head of the environmental department in the town hall, Lukas Röder, does not want to comment at the conference and refers to a press release the next day. It then says: "In our opinion, the calculation of the climate targets according to the specifications of the climate conference falls short." Climate-friendly energy supply is one of several important levers. The municipality wants to use all levers in the transition to a circular economy and go one step further. A "detailed and concrete milestone plan for the expansion of renewable energies and climate protection" will be presented in autumn.
In any case, the climate conference makes it clear who is doing what and why - or not. 's mayor Dietmar Gruchmann says bluntly: "We all want it. It's a shame if we aren't allowed." And in an interview he once again complains about the brakemen at the German air traffic control (DFS), which prevented the construction of three wind turbines in Garching[22] due to specific conditions at the Oberschleißheim[23] airfield. Gruchmann says that the Technical University is planning a 25,000 square meter photovoltaic system on roofs. In addition, the city could get a chance in the new tender by the TU for the heat supply with geothermal energy.
Like the other seven mayors of the Northern Alliance municipalities, Gruchmann sees himself as a driving force in wind power, for example. Unterschleißheim Mayor Christoph Böck, whose city has a stand in Taufkirchen but does not name any climate targets, will announce a concept in the course of the year. "We do this thoroughly." 23-year-old Bernhard Schüßler finds this disappointing. The Green City Councilor in Unterschleißheim and "Fridays for Future"[24] activist would have expected, in his own words, that the largest city in the district would be a pioneer. You have more resources for this in the town hall than others. It is high time to actively fight the climate crisis.
Bernhard Lohr, So halten es Städte und Gemeinden mit dem Klimaschutz, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26-05-2023, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/landkreismuenchen/taufkirchen-klimaschutzkonferenz-klimawandel-kommunen-klimaschutzziele-1.5883648
[1] The 1st municipal climate conference of the district of Munich was a complete success! Over 250 participants came to the congress centre in Taufkirchen. The main goal of the conference was for the county and each county-affiliated municipality to announce their greenhouse gas reduction goals and the year by which carbon neutrality will be achieved. The communities had set up stands in the foyer where people could find out about the respective plans and exchange ideas.
[2] Ottobrunn is a municipality southeast of Munich, Bavaria, Germany, founded in 1955. Ottobrunn consists of mainly semi-detached and detached houses, as well as extensive garden areas. The municipality is the second-most densely populated in all of Germany, trailing only Munich, and ahead of Berlin.
[3] Haar is a municipality in the district of Munich, in Bavaria, Germany. It is 12 km east of Munich (centre). As of 2017 it had a population of more than 20,000.
[4] Taufkirchen is a small community south of Munich, near Oberhaching and Unterhaching in Bavaria, southern Germany.
[5] Grünwald is a municipality in the district of Munich, in the state of Bavaria, Germany. It is located on the right bank of the Isar, 12 km southwest of Munich (centre). As of 31 December 2020 it had a population of 11,303.
[6] The Hofoldinger Forst is a forest area south of Munich. It was unincorporated until January 1, 2011, when it was incorporated into the surrounding parishes. Since then, 88.5 percent of the forest has belonged to the district of Munich and 11.5 percent to the district of Miesbach.
[7] The goal of the Climate Neutral 2035 initiative is a climate-neutral community in Neubiberg in the areas of electricity, heat and mobility in 2035. The core concern of the initiative is the creation of all necessary framework conditions for the realization of climate neutrality in the private, commercial and public sectors. https://klimaneutral2035.de/unsere-ziele/
[8] Neuried is a municipality in the district of Ortenau in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.
[9] Unterföhring is a municipality in Upper Bavaria. It lies adjacent to the northeast side of Munich, and is one of the nearest suburbs to Munich's central district.
[10] Unterschleißheim is a town in Bavaria, Germany. It is located about 17 km north of Munich central, and has a resident population of 29,464 (December 31, 2021).
[11] The Forstenrieder Park is a large forest area southwest of Munich. The state forest, of which it mainly consists, is located in the district of Munich, mostly on unincorporated territory, which has an area of 37.09 km². Together with the Forst Kasten, which adjoins seamlessly to the north-west, and the Fürstenrieder Wald, it forms a 49.12 km² large landscape protection area.
[12] Pullach, officially Pullach i. Isartal, is a municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria in Germany. It lies on the Isar Valley Railway and is served by the S 7 line of the Munich S-Bahn, at the Großhesselohe Isartalbahnhof, Pullach and Höllriegelskreuth railway stations.
[13] Gräfelfing is a municipality in the district of Munich, in Bavaria, Germany. It is located 1 km west of Munich.
[14] The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (German: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V.; abbreviated MPG) is a formally independent non-governmental and non-profit association of German research institutes. Founded in 1911 as the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, it was renamed to the Max Planck Society in 1948 in honor of its former president, theoretical physicist Max Planck. The society is funded by the federal and state governments of Germany.
[15] Martinsried is one of Munich's two science suburbs. It is a section of Planegg municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria, Germany.
[16] Putzbrunn is a town in the district of Munich, Bavaria in Germany.
[17] Kirchstockach is a district of the municipality of Brunnthal in the Upper Bavarian district of Munich. The Kirchdorf is about one and a half kilometers north of Brunnthal.
[18] Oberhaching is a municipality in Bavaria, Germany, with 13,638 inhabitants (2020) on an area of 26.6 km2. It is located 15 km south of Munich city centre and has a 1,250 year history.
[19] Unterhaching is the second largest municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria, Germany, located to the south of Munich city centre and easily accessible via two federal motorways.
[20] The Perlacher Forest is a 13.36 km² large, unincorporated forest area south-east of Munich. Together with the Grünwalder Forest and the Forstenrieder Park, it belongs to the "Southern Operational Class" of the Munich forestry service of the Bavarian State Forests and is of great importance to the population as a local recreation area, as it offers a close-to-home experience of nature and the opportunity for biological and environmental education. It is part of Munich's green belt.
[21] Planegg is a municipality in the district of Munich, in Bavaria, Germany. It is located on the river Würm, 13 km west of Munich (centre).
[22] Garching bei München (Garching near Munich) or Garching is a city in Bavaria, near Munich. It is the home of several research institutes and university departments, located at Campus Garching.
[23] Oberschleißheim is a municipality in the district of Munich, and a suburb to Munich in Bavaria, Germany. It is located 13 km north of Munich (centre). As of 2005 it had a population of 11,467.
[24] Fridays for future…or FFF, is a youth-led and -organised global climate strike movement that started in August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for climate. In the three weeks leading up to the Swedish election, she sat outside Swedish Parliament every school day, demanding urgent action on the climate crisis. She was tired of society’s unwillingness to see the climate crisis for what it is: a crisis. https://fridaysforfuture.org/what-we-do/who-we-are/
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"Listen, what is Justice is nothing other than what is beneficial to the stronger, the superior, the powerful. Everything that benefits the stronger and mighty is just.” Thrasymachus of Chalcedon, Teacher of Rhetoric. See Plato, Πολιτεία (The Republic) (375 BC), Düsseldorf-Zürich 2000, p. 338c. Lecture by Dr. Emilio Astuto, "USA and China between Partnership and Rivalry", 02.27.2023, VHS SüdOst Ottobrunn, TFF!
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Mark's Instagram post about the concert in Ottobrunn by Munich on 27.4.2024 🥰🥰🥰
Roberta shared thoughts as well 🥰
(From Roberta's Instagramstory 28.4.2024)
#mark seibert#musical#concert 2024#roberta valentini#the last picture captures roberta absolutely losing it at mark introducing himself as riccardo 😂😂😂
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Glückwunsch zum Update und viel Freude mit den neuen Herrenstühlen. #friseur #friseurmünchen #barber #barberchair #takarabelmont #friseurhaaremdennismaiwald #manfredkraft #ottobrunn #frikos #wirhabendieschönsten #friseureinrichtungen (hier: Manfred Kraft Haardesign) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QJOXyChDR/?igshid=1lhxosgg1awlf
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Burger Buben mit Mmmmmmh! #würzburger #ottobrunn #lecker https://www.instagram.com/p/CipBveYsY_I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Coffee Time: Marzipan-Croissant vom Dinkelbäcker Dümig
Coffee Time: Marzipan-Croissant vom Dinkelbäcker Dümig
Da habe ich Glück gehabt: eine Tour führte mich nach Ottobrunn. Hier unterhält der Haarer Dinkelbäcker Dümig eine Filiale. Dort erstehe ich ein leckeres Marzipan-Croissant, dass ich dann am Taxistand “Carl-Wery” an der U- und S-Bahnstation “Neuperlach-Süd” verspeise. Gerade rechtzeitig zum Frühstück. Da packe ich sogar meine schöne Keramik-Tasse aus…
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#Alfred Dümig#Carl Wery#Carl-Wery#Carl-Wery-Straße#Dümig#Dinkelbäcker#Dinkelbäcker Dümig#Dinkelbäckerei#Haar#Marzipan#Marzipan-Croissant#Neuperlach#Neuperlach Süd#Neuperlach-Süd#Ottobrunn
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