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Wettbewerb in München Neuperlach Der 1. Preis ging an das Architekturbüro Site Practice, Amsterdam. Wir gratulieren allen Beteiligten und freuen uns mit dem gesamten Team. Das Areal an der Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9 soll ein zukunftsgerichtetes Quartier, ein zukunftsfähiger Stadtbaustein werden. Die Nutzungsmischung aus Wohnen, Arbeiten, Kindertagesstätte, kleinflächigem Einzelhandel und Gastronomie soll Neuperlach über die Grenzen des Planungsgebiets hinaus bereichern. Der Grundstückseigentümer hatte in Kooperation mit der Stadt München einen städtebaulichen und landschaftsplanerischen Wettbewerb ausgelobt. Die Ergebnisse des Wettbewerbs sind bis Mittwoch, 25. Januar, auf dem Areal selbst im „shaere“ öffentlich ausgestellt. https://ru.muenchen.de/2023/11/Fritz-Schaeffer-Strasse-Ausstellung-zum-staedtebaulichen-Wettbewerb-105237 Bild: Architekturbüro Site Practice, Amsterdam Mumbai mit ZUS, Rotterdam
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2 - 5 June 1998 - first week on the job at the Balanstraße campus
Friday 5 June 1998
Today I wanted to make the 20 year ago story a little short. Or at least shorter than I potentially could. Maybe to give a brief overview of what I did from 2nd June to 14 August 1998 at "Widgetmeister International", why was I there, how did I get the job, what did I do, and so on.
Please note, not all companies in Germany are set up like Widgetmeister International. My descriptions are only from the times that I remember.
My Summer 1998 position was a Werkstudenttätigkeit, which is slightly different from a Praktikum. Both are student-level jobs meant to be temporary. There is also the Doktorand, where a doctoral candidate gains practical experience in the field, particularly STEM. A Praktikum is a position that is brokered through a work agency, where the Werkstudenttätigkeit is arranged almost 95% by the candidate him or herself. Basically you have to fill out all the paperwork yourself, where the agency takes care of it for you as a Praktikant. What is the pay difference? More than twice for the Werkstudent than the Praktikant, and both get the 300 Mark, in today's money about US $ 200, tax-free living allowance supplement. Taxes and other legal deductions were calculated by the HR department, and payday was always the last Friday of the month. You would get either a physical "Verrechnungsscheck" or a bank transfer. The latter was preferred.
How did I get the position? I knew of some people in a similar work division from my previous Praktikum from Summer 1997, and they needed someone to assist in writing a home-grown file transfer program to detect file size, file format and multiple file handling. We had a good working relationship from that time, so they chose me for the seasonal position. Back in the late 1990s, it was a time of thick brick sized cellphones that could barely even make texts aside from phone calls, and Microsoft Sharepoint was not widely used on the unix system. So it was a matter of integrating the file transfer application into HTML. Not a simple matter then, as it is now, by comparison.
What was my day like? In general I would take my bus-train-bus commute from Englschalking to Giesing. Most everyone would be in the office about 8:30 AM, would have coffee, follow up on previous days work and have meetings as appropriate. I did not have a "dedicated" workspace, rather I would temporarily sit in an unoccupied desk, of whomever was on vacation at the time. Since in Germany people took 4 to 5 weeks vacation, there would be at least someone absent, and the space was mine for a while. I did some coding in Perl as it was portable on unix and Windows. Lunch would be around 11:45 AM up to 12:35 PM, and everyone would go to the canteen. Food was fairly cheap as it was offered on an "institutional" bulk basis. Sometimes there would be interesting items, like the potato ball, Currywurst, dumpling soup, side salads and self-serve by the glass soft drinks. We would eat together for half an hour and go back. In the office, the coffee policy was everyone pitches in with paying since the company did not pay for coffee. Either that or donate unopened bags of coffee, creamer and sugar/sweetner once in a while. And every cup consumed, had to be tallied!!!
Sometimes during the week, there would be staff meetings. These were, despite being in Germany, conducted in English, as there were staff members whose German was not quite B1-standard. Most of them were not relevant to me so I was allowed to work on the upload application.
As for the workday, it was generally 7.7 hours including 0.7 hours for lunch. Each day taken off whether by vacation or overtime, would be deducted by 7 hours. Sometimes people had to go offsite on official business, so there was a category for that and that would not count against one's vacation time. In my case, I was allowed two days paid vacation per month I worked - too bad I cannot get that in the USA!
At the end of the day, I would log off my workstation, and think about if I wanted to go to Neuperlach Zentrum with the U-Bahn, or go northwest via Am Hart or Kieferngarten to the big box stores, for grocery shopping. Or hang out near the Marienplatz or Münchner Freiheit? Depended on my mood at the time. Usually I would be home around 7 or 8 PM. I would make a light supper for myself, mainly sandwiches and a half liter can of cheap no-name store-brand beer. Sometimes I would have the proper Oktoberfest brands but not every day.
Did I mention the office had *no* air conditioning? The windows could be opened and most people would use fans. Seldom did the temperature rise above 90 degrees.
Well, that pretty much summarizes what I was doing during the weekdays of Summer 1998 in Germany. Tomorrow and up to Friday, would be my "birthday weekend" where I saw two different sides of Bavaria.
Gute Nacht!!!
#Werkstudenttätigkeit#München#Munich#Germany#Giesing#Karl-Preis-Platz#U-Bahn#German#IT#coffee#office#work#lunch#beer#Neuperlach Zentrum#Kieferngarten#Am Hart#Europa Zentrum#Oktoberfest#upload#Perl#programming#computer#solaris#Englschalking#Bus#S-Bahn#Unix
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23.03.2024, Eröffnung der Ausstellung ‘Wolfgang Niesner: Symphonie der Großstadt’
Der aus Freudenthal im Sudetenland stammende Grafiker Wolfgang Niesner schuf eindrucksvolle Arbeiten im Bereich der Handzeichnung, insbesondere auch der gedruckten Kunst. Der Künstler, dessen 100. Geburtstag sich im Jahr 2025 jähren wird, war vor allem ein genauer Beobachter. Mit kurzen Bleistiften, die er in einer Büchse stets mit sich führte, brachte er die Eindrücke zu Papier. Er hielt all das fest, das ihn umgab, das ihn interessierte oder ihm missfiel. Seine Werke zeichnen sich durch Tiefgründigkeit, eine beindruckende Präzision und Humor aus, der insbesondere in seinen Scherenschnitten zum Tragen kommt.
Viele Ereignisse und Gegebenheiten seiner Lebenswelt fanden Eingang in die eigenen Werke. Seine Lust, Situationen im städtischen Alltag zu studieren, sein scharfer und doch zugewandter Blick auf die dort lebenden Menschen, aber auch sein Hadern mit dem Hochhausbau und dem Verdrängen der Natur waren Themen, denen er sich widmete. Über Jahrzehnte ist so ein vielschichtiges Bild seiner Zeit, ihren gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und den politischen Verhältnissen entstanden.
Die Ausstellung ‚Symphonie der Großstadt‘ präsentiert eine Auswahl seiner Scherenschnitte. Rund um das Thema der Großstadt, dieser Lebenswelt und dem spezifischen Lebensgefühl sind. Zu sehen sind nachdenkliche, kritische und satirische Arbeiten. Das Urban Art Kollektiv „Der Blaue Vogel“ aus München wurde eingeladen, eine Wandgestaltung in Dialog mit Niesners Werk zu realisieren. Das Kollektiv hat bereits eine Hochhausfassade in Neuperlach mit einem Motiv des Künstlers gestaltet. Das nun entstandene Graffiti wurde extra für die Ausstellung realisiert und fügt mit dem Thema der Street Art als der Kunstform der Großstadt eine zusätzliche Perspektive hinzu. Das Graffiti wurde durch Benjamin „PyserOne“ Calliari-Herzberg und Robert „Kult“ Posselt gestaltet.
Wolfgang Niesner (*1925 in Freudenthal - †1994 in München) studierte in den Jahren 1942–43 in Wien an der Hochschule für angewandte Kunst in Wien. Nach dem Krieg folgte die Neuansiedelung in Niederbayern und ab 1947 entstanden erste Holzschnitte und Radierungen. Ab 1950 war er als freischaffender Grafiker in München tätig. Mit dem Jahr 1955 folgten erste Kupferstiche und die zeitsatirischen Scherenschnitte. Ab 1970 unterhielt er bis zu seinem Tod ein Atelier und eine Druckwerkstatt in München-Neuperlach.
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Protagonisten (w/m/d) "München -Neuperlach-Bewohner" für ein Nachmittagsmagazin (Aufwandsentschädigung)
Nachmittagsmagazin sucht Protagonist oder Protagonistin im Spielalter 18-89 Jahre für ein Nachmittagsmagazin in München (Deutschland). http://dlvr.it/T3hGvC
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New Post has been published on https://www.modeonlineshoppen.de/filialen/tk-maxx-munchen-neuperlach-ollenhauerstr-6-81737/
TK Maxx München-Neuperlach - Ollenhauerstr. 6, 81737
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火车或汽车:这是通勤的真正成本 您肯定知道乘汽车或公共交通工具上班需要多长时间。但真正便宜的是什么?燃料成本和票价可以快速进行比较。但是您在骑行过程中花费的时间也有价值。我们的计算示例将帮助您:
一小时16欧元 我们预计总工资为 43,842 欧元(根据 Stepstone 工资报告,德国的平均工资)。 每周工作 40 小时,每月工作 18.5 个工作日,这导致净小时工资为 16 欧元(无子女,税级 1)。 说到底,工作其实就是用时间换钱。因此,我们将16欧元作为一小时的生命价值。 您可以选择使用德国票(每月 49 欧元)或新的大众高尔夫 2.0 TDI(柴油,购买价格:38,519 欧元)的公共交通工具。 火车与汽车:短距离 有了这个起点,现在让我们比较上下班的两种典型场景,首先是较短的距离:
从公寓(慕尼黑的Curt-Mezger-Platz)到工作场所(慕尼黑-Neuperlach的西门子)有14.8公里。 乘坐公共交通工具需要45分钟。开车只有30个。 根据 ADAC 的说法,该车每年行驶 0.83 公里每公里的费用为 10,000 欧元(包括包括折旧在内的所有成本)。 开车,回程每天总共花费您 41 欧元:汽车 25 欧元,时间 16 欧元。 乘坐公共交通工具仅需27€。按比例计算,门票仅占3欧元。为此,您花费的时间价值24欧元。 为什么这辆车这么贵?这主要是由于价值损失。对于最初几年的新车来说,这个数字尤其高。在我们的示例中,它占每年成本的一半以上。使用较旧的二手车,您可以开更便宜。
火车与汽车:长途 您从哈维尔河畔勃兰登堡(弗里德里希-恩格斯大街)通勤 38.4 公里即可到达波茨坦的建筑协会 LBS。 驱车60分钟,乘坐公共交通工具(公共汽车、火车和电车)85分钟。 根据 ADAC 的说法,高尔夫每公里的总费用为 0.50 欧元,每年行驶 20,000 公里。 每天70欧元:汽车38欧元,时间32欧元。 公共交通再次更便宜,每天49欧元:旅程3欧元,时间46欧元。 每年高达 4,800 欧元的差额 按一年计算,短途旅行将花费您 5,665 欧元(公共交通)或 8,686 欧元(汽车)。长途票价为9,844欧元(公共交通)和14,682欧元(汽车)。较短的汽车旅行每年将花费您不到 3,000 欧元或 4,800 欧元。但您也可以节省 55 或大约 90 小时的驾驶时间。两种型号的通勤津贴均已全额记入。
我们已经将延误和交通拥堵排除在外——您更愿意接受什么取决于您。 您是否值得为更高的汽车成本节省时间和舒适性 - 例如,因为您有更多的时间陪伴家人? 你能利用火车上的时间——而不是把它变成“失去”的时间吗? 如果您同时拥有这两种选择,请使用您的个人净小时工资来计算您的差异。您的汽车号码也可从ADAC获得,二手车号码您必须自己计算。当然,您也可以私下使用您的汽车和德国票,这使它们再次更便宜。
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🥯 Leckere türkische Sesamringe (kurz #Simit’s) gibt es mittlerweile sogar bei #Aldi und #Lidl. Aber die einzigartige und außergewöhnliche #Simitpizza glaubt uns nur bei #mySimit im PEP :) (hier: Pep - Einkaufszentrum Neuperlach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpp8dgYIE-_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Reportage: Winterkinderfest - Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Winterkinderfest – Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller). Käthes WUNDERsame Reise ins Herz Lesung : (Hördauer ca. 14 Minuten): https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Reportage-Lesung-Meyer-Fritsch-mix.mp3 Winterfest im Shaere Am 10. Dezember 2022 fand im Shaere Neuperlach das…
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#Buchempfehlungen#Hiltrud Meyer-Fritsch#In Mamas Bauch.#Jugendbücher#Katharina Müller#Käthes WUNDERsame Reise#Kinderbücher#Magdalia und die Gnome#Reportage#Shaere#Sonja Bienemann#Steven Lundström#Verflixter Flaschengeist
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Gradido als Dank-Kultur Le Mo Mo 30.Jan.2023 18h auch mit zoom!
Einladung zum LeMoMo am kommenden Montag, 30. Januar ab 18:30 Uhr Liebe Mitglieder, Freund*innen und Interessenten von Netzwerk Gemeinsinn e.V., seit unserer letzten Mitgliederversammlung haben wir einen neuen Vorstand: Peter Uthess, Fritz Letsch und ich bilden zusammen das neue Vorstandsteam. Und wir machen uns gleich frisch ans Werk. Bevor das ÖBZ aufgrund der notwendigen Dachsanierung bis Ende des Jahres ins Shaere in Neuperlach einzieht (wo auch die inzwischen gut bekannte Community Kitchen ist) laden wir herzlich ein zu einem LeMoMo (unser Letzter Montag im Monat) am Montag, 30. Januar 2023, ab 18:30 - 21:00 Uhr ins Ökologische Bildungszentrum (ÖBZ), Englschalkinger Straße 166, 81927 München. Thema des Abends: Dankbarkeit schenken und annehmen Peter Uthess beschäftigt sich schon seit Jahren mit Themen der Gemeinwohlökonomie, des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens, mit Tauschhandel und Schenk- und Dankbarkeitsökonomie. Besonders das gradido-Modell von Margret Bayer und Bernd Hückstädt (www.gradido.net) verfolgt einen digital unterstützten Ansatz, Wertschätzung über Dankbarkeit zu zeigen - und das ehrenamtlich oder freiwilige Engagement spielt hier eine besondere Rolle. Das ethische Grundprinzip von Gradido basiert darauf, das Wohl des Einzelnen mit dem der Gemeinschaft und dem großen Ganzen - im Sinne der Natur und Umwelt - in Einklang zu bringen. Das klingt nach geistiger Verwandtschaft mit unserem triple win aus der Gemeinsinn-Werkstatt: für mich, für die Gruppe und für die Gesellschaft entsteht Sinn und Nutzen. Und macht hoffentlich wie mich auch Euch neugierig: Peter wird uns einen Rundgang geben, was gradido ist, wie es funktioniert und was es vielleicht bewirken kann: Und damit wir dies nicht nur theoretisch anschauen, sondern auch praktisch erfahren können, möchten wir Euch einladen: alle, die sich anmelden zum LeMoMo erhalten als Dankeschön von uns 20 Gradidos zur Begrüßung. Diese haben vor allem Peter und ich mit unserem Einsatz für die Gemeinschaft schöpfen können - und da sie sofort anfangen weniger wert zu sein, möchten wie sie gerne schnell weitergeben und so die Dankbarkeit vermehren (wenn auch nicht verzinsen ;-) Und natürlich wollen wir sowohl die Chancen, die ein solches System bieten könnte, diskutieren - als auch die Fragezeichen, ob und wie "so etwas" funktionieren könnte. Wir eröffnen Montag abend im ÖBZ einmal wieder den Raum - und haben ab 18 Uhr vorab sowie während des Abends bestimmt auch noch Zeit, über das zu quatschen, was uns vielleicht sonst noch bewegt in diesen nicht nur ökonomisch unruhigen Zeiten, mit herzlichen Grüßen Maren (mit Peter und Fritz) P.S.: "traditionell gibt es beim LeMoMo ein Mitbring-Buffet. Für eine kulturelle Grundausstattung sorge ich, wer Zeit und Lust hat eine Kleinigkeit mitzubringen, ist herzlich willkommen - aber kommen darf man auch einfach so: "nur" mit Lust, Neugier und Offenheit auf Neues und einen hoffentlich spannenden Austausch;-) Der link zum Zoom-Meeting lautet: Netzwerk-Gemeinsinn Treffen LeMoMo: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84880052391?pwd=L1RxMnF6T2JVenEzQlhwaDZoMGZrQT09 Meetings ID :: 848 8005 2391 Kenn-Code :: 558488 Read the full article
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Während Arbeiten ausquartiert: 300 Mieter müssen Wohnungen räumen – „Mit Riesenstress und Angst verbunden“
Während Arbeiten ausquartiert: 300 Mieter müssen Wohnungen räumen – „Mit Riesenstress und Angst verbunden“
München: „…300 Wohneinheiten in Neuperlach werden saniert und müssen leer geräumt werden. Die WSB hat dabei aus dem Desaster einer ähnlichen Situation im Hasenbergl gelernt. Die Wohnungs- und Siedlungsbau Bayern (WSB) saniert in Neuperlach mehrere ihrer 50 Jahre alten Mietblöcke. Betroffen sind über 300 Wohneinheiten, die leer geräumt werden müssen. Mit dem ersten Riegel soll nächstes Jahr…
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Coffee Time: Marzipan-Croissant vom Dinkelbäcker Dümig
Coffee Time: Marzipan-Croissant vom Dinkelbäcker Dümig
Da habe ich Glück gehabt: eine Tour führte mich nach Ottobrunn. Hier unterhält der Haarer Dinkelbäcker Dümig eine Filiale. Dort erstehe ich ein leckeres Marzipan-Croissant, dass ich dann am Taxistand “Carl-Wery” an der U- und S-Bahnstation “Neuperlach-Süd” verspeise. Gerade rechtzeitig zum Frühstück. Da packe ich sogar meine schöne Keramik-Tasse aus…
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#Alfred Dümig#Carl Wery#Carl-Wery#Carl-Wery-Straße#Dümig#Dinkelbäcker#Dinkelbäcker Dümig#Dinkelbäckerei#Haar#Marzipan#Marzipan-Croissant#Neuperlach#Neuperlach Süd#Neuperlach-Süd#Ottobrunn
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Friday 14 August 1998 - Saturday 15 August 1998 - The Mariä Himmelfahrt ride to Paris - Banlieu loop around Neuilly / La Défense - lovely pizza at Tony's along Rue Faubourg (Ledru Rollin) in the 11th district
Hi everyone
I hope you have enjoyed the photos and videos of my journeys this past week.
For those driving to work, how was the commute through school zones? Today it was at least a 15 minute ordeal to go just a quarter mile past a middle school, which should have taken no more than three or four minutes. School is open for some districts, so please pay attention to the school zones and slow down as necessary. And avoid the ones that take too long to get through.
I still have remaining stories up to 18th August 1998, last one will appear this Sunday the 19th.
Here's a rundown for 14th and 15th August 1998.
Friday 14 August 1998
- final day of work, work up to lunch time with regular job duties
- filling out paperwork of end-of-project
- leave work at 2:30 PM, shopping at Neuperlach Zentrum
- speaking to roommates to end my lease as I am going home soon
- packing up large bags to take to München Hbf to store for the night
- have dinner and go to sleep
Saturday 15 August 1998
- wake up about 6:30 AM, have shower and eat light breakfast
- take U-Bahn to München Hbf for the last time that summer
- collect luggage from locker and get to the EC Maurice Ravel
- train goes from München Hbf to Ulm, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Kehl, Strasbourg, Nancy and Paris Gare de l'est
- About 3:30 PM take metro line 5 to Bastille, line 8 to Ledru Rollin
- Check into Auberge Internationale des Jeunes in 11e arrondissement, leave luggage
- go to Paris Gare du Lyon to buy round trip reservations for 16 August 1998 TGV to Lyon Part Dieu
- take a RER ride from Gare du Lyon, then to Gare St Lazare and return by metro station Pereire Levallois
- dinner at "Tony's Pizza" at
- sleep because of the early train next morning.
On Friday the 14th August 1998, my contract to work at Widgetmeister International was to expire. The work I did was a good start, and my colleagues would have more time to work on the remainder of my project as more of the colleagues were returning from vacation. I would work on my normal job duties for the morning, but in the afternoon, I had to go over with my supervisor on what needed to be done next so that my colleagues could have a plan of action on how to continue. Also I had to notify HR on where to deposit the final paycheck. At 2:30 PM, I had a time balance of 0 hours, so I could leave the office for the last time and turn in my identification card.
I had to buy a few last minute items at the Neuperlach Zentrum, as the 15th and 16th were legal holidays, not just in Germany but also in France. I bought some food at the Kaufland store, 35 mm film and a couple of CDs at the Saturn Hansa. I went home to pack up, and let my roommates know that I was moving away. I let them have any unopened soft drink cans leftover. They were aware I was going to leave early the next day. After I packed up, I had the rest of my lunchmeat, cheese and bread, as well as whatever out of my soft drinks inventory I could drink, so that I would not have too much to carry around the next day. Then I went to bed.
Saturday 15th August 1998 came around, and at 6:20 AM I woke up. I was concerned that I could not carry all of my soft drinks along, as I had no space left. And is it particularly comfortable to carry around a cotton sack with soft drinks, in addition to a day bag, clothes bag and suitcase? I would have to leave some behind. I took my shower, got dressed, had a light breakfast and drank as many of the soft drinks as I could but not so much that I would upset my stomach. For long-distance travelling, that is not a good feeling. Before leaving, I had to write in 15 on top and 08 on bottom of the Eurail pass, leaving one space blank, hopefully for Sunday the 16th.
I left my key and went downstairs to the bus stop for line 37 to Arabellapark, and U-4 to Hauptbahnhof. At 7:10 AM I collected my suitcase and the clothes bag, then found the car of the Eurocity 67 "Maurice Ravel". I chose the one closest to the station but furthest from the engine, because at Stuttgart Hbf the train would switch direction, and it would be expected, that my car would be close to the front when arriving at Paris Gare de l'est. The train left, for the last time that summer, at 7:40 AM, stopping at
- München Pasing
- Augsburg Hbf
- Ulm Hbf
- Stuttgart Hbf <->
- Pforzheim
- Karlsruhe Hbf
- Baden-Baden
- Kehl Hbf
- Strasbourg
- Nancy
and then nonstop to
- Gare de l'est
While listening to the radio, the top-of-the-hour news mentioned that Saturday 15th August 1998 was a legal holiday for most of Bavaria, except for a few villages in northern Bavaria with a protestant majority that declared 15th August 1998 as a regular workday for businesses usually in operation on Saturdays. This would also be a legal holiday in Austria, France, Italy and some parts of Switzerland.
The train went to Stuttgart and changed direction. Until the train arrived at Strasbourg, I was in the frontmost car with the best window view. When the train was stopped at Strasbourg, removing the Deutsche Bundesbahn locomotive and changing it for an SNCF locomotive, resulted in four cars were added at the front. So I was no longer in the frontmost car.
On the radio, I heard a song that I did not know was in Hebrew until years later (I thought it was Arabic). It was Minister Moshe Montefiore, or "השר משה מונטיפיורי". It was sung by Yehoram Gaon. This was received on an AM radio station, so the reception was not particularly of good quality, more like hearing it from a cell phone call. It was almost 12 PM when I switched stations to hear the last German-language newscast before crossing into France.
After Strasbourg, the train went on to Nancy, and after Nancy, the train went non-stop and very fast, almost 150 mph / 240 km/h on average. The train left about 1 PM from Strasbourg, so it would be reasonable to expect the train to arrive in Paris by 3 PM or so.
Once the train arrived at Paris Gare de l'Est, about 3:15 PM, the walk to the entrance hall seemed longer, mainly because of my luggage, and at the time, I did not have a rolling suitcase. Not only that, but the metro train stations did not have escalators everywhere, particularly downward escalators, even at Gare de l'Est or Gare du Nord. It would make the journey to the hostel at Rue Trousseau in the 11th arrondissement near the Ledru Rollin station, a more difficult journey. I wanted to save money so that I could properly enjoy visiting Lyon the next day, as such, I stuck with the metro, no matter how many stairs I had to climb or descend, and make my Paris Visite ticket worthwhile. Therefore I took the M5 from Gare de l'Est to Bastille, and made the transfer to the M8 which went shortly to Ledru Rollin. I made sure at Bastille to be at the front for the M8, as Ledru Rollin at the east end had an upwards escalator to the fare gate.
It was a five minute walk from Ledru Rollin (usually it's two to three without luggage) to the youth hostel at Rue Trousseau. I checked in, and paid the nights of the 16th and 17th in French Francs, about 91.00 FF each night including breakfast. That's about € 14.00 per night in 1998 money. In order to book a bed, the first night is prepaid and that was already done by fax. I had a bed in the third floor, in a four bed room. The shower and toilet were in rooms in the hallway. I left my luggage in the room and put whatever else would otherwise fit in one of the room lockers. I think it was 5 FF for the deposit.
I had to take care of some business, namely buying two reservations for Paris Gare du Lyon to Lyon Part Dieu, and back, in first class. If for some reason they did not have spaces, I would have to pick other trains or cancel the journey altogether and waste the last day left on the Eurail Pass. The way to Gare du Lyon was not particularly complicated, it just required taking the M8 to Bastille and M1 to Gare du Lyon. When I arrived at Gare du Lyon, I was fortunate to be able to buy the reservations needed for the TGV train. I think they cost around 50 FF each.
I thought after that, I should take a ride on the RER D train. Previously I had only taken it in late May 1998, from Gare du Nord to Chatelet Les Halles, but this time I wanted to go from Gare du Lyon to one stop in the south, and towards St Lazare. The RER D went to Maisons-Alfort, about a zone farther than I expected. Just south of Gare du Lyon, there were many TGV trains parked. When I took the train back to Gare du Lyon, I found that the transfer stations of RER D and RER A, are on top of each other. To get from RER D to RER A, you need only to go downstairs. I have been to those two stations enough times, to notice that different soaps are used to clean the stations. The RER D has a banana soap used, and the RER A has a more floral smell. I don't know if that is the case anymore today. While waiting for an RER line A to Auber, I heard the last minute or so of Pascal Obispo "Où est l'elue" on the PA system.
At Auber, this is a big transfer station with long walkways between stations, in contrast to Düsseldorf Hbf where everything seems to be compacted. Particularly between Opera and St Lazare, it is a free transfer provided that you stay in fare zone 1. Otherwise you would have to buy a separate ticket for zones 1 to X. I took the Line L Banlieu train that went from St Lazare to Pont Cardinet and took the shuttle bus to Pereire Levallois. Then I thought, why not make a loop via Issy val de Seine, to La Défense with T2 and back to the 11th with RER A? I could get home in plenty of time to go to sleep. So I did that. For dinner I had a pizza at Chez Tony - as far as Google maps shows, Chez Tony on Rue Faubourg in the 11th arrondissement still exists 20 years on. He gave me to start, a glass of tomato juice, probably the best tomato juice I ever drank. I had a quattro stagione pizza and glass of Kronenbourg.
After dinner I went to my room, gathered together what I needed, including the tape recorder, blank tapes, camera and film, and whatever soft drinks I had. Then I went to sleep. Tomorrow would be the last day for meaningful travel as I needed to use Monday the 17th for last-minute shopping.
Just three or four more days for travel, hope you enjoyed as much as this last week's travel in 2018.
#Maurice Ravel#München#Munich#Englschalking#Arabellapark#U4#Pasing#Ulm#Stuttgart Hbf#Pforzheim#Karlsruhe#Baden-Baden#Kehl#Strasbourg#France#Nancy#SNCF#DB#Paris Gare de l'Est#Auber#M8#Ledru-Rollin#Auberge Internationale des Jeunes#11ème#La Défense#Neuilly#Issy val de Seine#Gare du Lyon#Yehoram Gaon#השר משה מונטיפיורי
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die Blumen
#olympus#om30#film#Expired Film#filmphotography#35mm film#flowers#blumen#yellow#gelb#munich#muenchen#deutschland#neuperlach
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