#otherkith community
unetherian · 2 months
What is an otherfix?
An otherfix is an alterhuman/nonhumans/alterbeing/otherhuman whose identity is influenced in some way by a hyperfixation.
Almost any alterhuman(or nonhumans,ect) can be otherfix.
Example: a fictionkin involontarily identifies as a creeper (hostile mob in Minecraft) because he has a hyperfixation in the Minecraft game.The creeper is therefore his fictiotype and his fixtype.
An animalkith feel a huge connection with beetles because he has a hyperfixation on this animal. So he is a otherfix beetlekith.
An otherlink voluntarily chooses to identify as a kitsune, because it helps him live with his hyperfixation on this.
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hex12345678910 · 2 months
Questions for alter/nonhumans!
[Questions for alter/nonhumans!]
What are/is your 'type(s)?
How did you discover your alter/nonhumanity?
Have you always known you're alter/nonhuman?
Do you prefer alterhuman or nonhuman?
Do you prefer to say "I am [blank]" or "I am [blank]kin (or link, hearted, kith, etc)"
What labels do you use to describe you alter/nonhumanity?
What kinds of shifts do you get, if you experience shifts?
Do you believe that you had (a) past live(s)?
What kinds of shifts do you get most frequently, if you experience shifts?
Do you have (a) favourite song(s) about alter/nonhumanity? If so, what is it?
How do you connect with your 'type(s)?
Do you have more empathy for your 'type(s) or humans?
What is/are the most frustrating part(s) of being alter/nonhuman?
What is/are the worst part(s) of being alter/nonhuman?
What is/are the best part(s) of being alter/nonhuman?
What misconception(s) about alter/nonhumanity upset you the most?
What do you dislike about the alter/nonhuman community?
What do you like about the alter/nonhuman community?
Are you neurodivergent and if so, is your alter/nonhumanity affected by your neurodivergence?
Are you delusional and if so, is your alter/nonhumanity affected by your delusion(s)?
Are you mentally ill and if so, is your alter/nonhumanity affected by your mental illness(es)?
What would you like to say to young alter/nonhumans?
Did you choose to be alter/nonhuman?
Feel free to skip any of them!
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wild-forest-critter · 19 days
Could I have a user box with a picture of an capybara with a fall / Halloween theme saying this user's chill
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hello!! i hope this is alright :D
i also made a silly one (just for fun though, you don't have to use it!)
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emotional-fox · 4 months
a lot of therian and otherkin positivity i see from non-therian/otherkin just feels so…infantilizing. like instead of just a perfectly fine “guys, respect who they are, respect their choices, it’s not harming your they’re perfectly valid” a lot of it is like “guys, respect their choices, some of them are just playing around! kids love to play dress up and pretend to be their favorite animals! it’s normal and they might even grow out of it! everyone needs some community” and it’s just like. weird. we aren’t kids (at least a lot of us aren’t), our identities aren’t just something we “grow out of.” stop talking about us like it’s just a phase and the only reason you should respect us is that “everybody does weird stuff to cope.” please just treat us normally.
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wolfdogskunk · 2 months
It’s not really species dysphoria it’s species misery. species despair.
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big-coyote · 3 months
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(From Twitter)
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
some people need to realize that people's identity doesn't harm you, like who cares if someone named bug, who uses cat/it pronouns, identifies as a fox and has xenogenders? like it's not harming you is it? let people live their life, if they are happy and they're not harming anyone or themselves, why does it matter so much? /gen
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nolongerphantom · 6 months
Can we take a moment to appreciate forests?
I went out to the forest next to my city with my mom today, wearing my tail
It was the best experience I've ever had, there were barely any people, the weather was perfect, my siblings weren't there to complain, I was just walking around with her
It was amazing
Forests are majestic and magnificent, people don't appreciate them enough
I don't care about the bugs, or the annoying small plants, or even the people.
Forests just make me feel so... Alive.
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kitthefoxkin · 4 months
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brown wolf therian moodboard!!
ive had so much fun making these! i might make a white wolf one next, then im thinking about doing some other animals that im currently questioning as hearttypes/linktypes :33
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ
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localcatmutt · 2 months
What does it mean to be otherhearted?
Otherhearted is a term primarily used in the therian/otherkin community that means “to identify WITH a non-human animal/creature/being.” You may have a deeply rooted connection/relation to it, and experience shifts or traits similar to the species, BUT not identify AS it. For example, I experience many bear traits and shifts, I feel a deep connection to these animals and identify WITH them, rather than identifying AS them. The “as” or “with” are very important to distinguish a theriotype/kintype from an otherhearted “identity”.
Another common term that holds the same meaning is kithtype. The etymology of the word “kith” originally means familiarity (not family), or something/someone you are connected/close to. Then the word “type” refers to what kind of identity it is (which is kith in this case). 
To simplify the difference between kintypes and kithtypes; kin (to identify as/to be) and kith (to identify with/to be like).
Importance of Otherhearted
In the community people tend to showcase their theriotypes over kithtypes. They are held at a higher standard, and they are viewed as more important when it comes to our identity as a whole. But that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, being a therian and being otherhearted can share most of the same experiences. You can indeed have shifts from kithtypes, mental and phantom. Being otherhearted can impact your life just as much, and you can wear all the same gear as a therian. Both are a part of your identity. Kithtypes can be just as prominent as kintypes.
The questioning process can be all the same as well. 
Belonging in the Community
People who are otherhearted are just as valid as therians, and belong in our community all the same. We all identify as, with or simply connect to animals in different ways than people who aren't in our community. Our animal hearts, minds and souls are what connects us. Not the labels. Therians, otherkin, otherhearted, coping identities/coping links… they all belong.
As I have said before, these all share similar or same experiences. Any of us can wear gear, do quads, make posts, educate or share our identities. The sole differences are the origin of these identities, and whether you identify as or with the animal/creature/being (or if it's a voluntary identity like in the case of coping links, which I will eventually address in a separate post). 
Confusing the two
It’s easy to feel lost when we’re trying to figure out what we are, and where an identity stands. Is it a theriotype? Is it a kithtype? Is it a cameo? It can be quite the confusing process. Although I think that if people knew how important being otherhearted is, they might find it easier to understand if they're kith or kin. I mean, in the end the major difference is just… are you LIKE the animal? Or ARE you the animal? Shifts don't immediately mean theriotype, so I think that's where most of the confusion lies.
Quick definition of cameo for those who don’t know of them : Cameos are simply shifts that can suddenly come and go, that arent from a known kintype. They may make a brief appearance in your life. Think of the actual word “cameo” that is used for actors who make sudden appearances in movies, and may bring an element of surprise to viewers. 
I am otherhearted
I have six primary kithtypes. Each has different levels of relevance/importance to me, but are still very important to who I am as a whole. These kithtypes are; Canines (coyotes and jackals especially), Kermode Bears/Black Bears, Ravens, Snakes, Giant River Otters and Arthropods as a whole. It's a lot, but over the years, deeply rooted connections to these animals have planted themselves into my identity. I have shifts, behaviours and traits just like them!
Sometimes I even feel confused because of how prominent they can become. 
Well, that’s all for now! I thought it would be important to talk about otherhearted identities for a change. Its not shared enough and I think that spreading more information could help people figure out experiences more easily.
Hope you enjoyed!
Last note - If I made spelling errors or definition errors let me know. Everything is based on research, and what I've been learning throughout the years I've been in the community. I have been active here for more than 7 years, and have been on many different platforms including Instagram, Amino, Tumblr, Discord groups and a few Forums. So I don't only explore newer information, but also older ones. 
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irreverententity · 2 months
alterhuman problems is confidently going “im definitely not a __!” and then watching that one movie or seeing that one different interpretation of said thing and then kicking yourself bc you are in fact that thing
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unetherian · 10 days
Hmm... I have never experienced (I think) a bilocation shift... That is to say, it is a fairly rare shift and rarely discussed in the community. And the definitions I found are not very clear. For those who have already experienced it, what was it like? Is it nice? Was it unintentional? Voluntary? Or sometimes voluntary sometimes unintentional? How did it happen, actually?
Tell me everything! :3
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Reasons someone may identify as alterhuman/otherkin:
They believe they are spiritually anchored to their 'kintype
They believe they have been reincarnated and were their 'kintype in a past life
They feel like they are a part of their 'kintype in a familial way
They feel as if part of their soul is their 'kintype
They have been dehumanized in the past and now their 'kintype has attached to their identity
They have non-human system members/headmates
Their neurodivergence causes them to associate themselves with their 'kintype
They experience clinical lycanthropy
They find peace when they ID as their 'kintype
All of these are valid and important parts of our community. Spiritual and psychological alterhumans are important and the reasons for your identity as alterhuman are often complex! They are equally welcome here. :)
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wild-forest-critter · 1 month
nonverbal but in the way foxes cant talk
yipping and growling instead 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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kryolf · 1 year
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average alterhuman just chilling:
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wolfdogskunk · 2 months
“Therians don’t identify as animals” YES I FUCKING DO. I know I’m physically human but I am wolf. No question. I AM a wolf. Sorry.
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