#oricorio pom pom form
minmocat · 1 year
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they're lemon lime colored!
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freaky-fan-official · 2 years
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just doodling my pokemon :D full spread under cut!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Can I request this. A dancer reader with pokemon scarlet and violet. Reader has meloetta, oricorio, scream tail, primarinna, hoopa and toxtricity.
If you want the lore on this reader. They are a singer whose family was said to be the descendants of a siren.
This reader has never caught a pokemon with a pokeball. The pokemon that join reader just travel with them. This reader uses sign language or writing to communicate as their voice is dangerous as it can charm anyone ho hears it if they aren't related to reader from their dad's side.
Reader went to this school was near to her mom's childhood home.
Meloetta and Primarinna (who ia an alpha pokemon) were able snap people out of Reader's voice and joined reader so they don't hurt anyone with their voice.
Toxtricity is protects reader from being kidnapped and overprotective and is resistant to their voice because punk rock.
Hoopa follows reader as reader is interesting.
Scream tail was a pokemon her grandma asked to protect reader.
As a dancer, you've made quite a name for yourself in the Paldea region--almost rivalling celebrities like Ryme and Iono.
People everywhere find your performances stellar, especially when your Pokémon provided backup dancing and singing.
A year prior to the Treasure Hunt, you did a show for the Festival of Masks in Kitakami, telling a moving story about the "Loyal Three" and Ogerpon.
Ofc you regretted it after learning that was a false narrative.
Speaking of your team, it was quite peculiar...consisting of an Alpha 'mon with menacing red eyes, two mythicals, an Ancient Paradox 'mon that somehow got out of the crater, and a perfectly normal Toxtricity and Oricorio.
However, you don't speak much, preferring sign language and/or writing as ways of communication..and your friends wondered why...
Although after becoming close with Arven, Penny, and Nemona (and eventually Carmine and Kieran), you wrote them all messages detailing your past.
You're a descendant of sirens, appearing entirely human yet having the alluring voice of one.
You basically know Hypnosis..but it wasn't something you were proud of, because you've charmed people into following your voice, and...it almost always ended badly.
Unfortunately, that made you a prime target in several kidnappings from evil organizations in other regions.
They falsely believed your family could somehow learn Pokémon moves and became obsessed with harnessing that same power..even though it had nothing to do with Pokémon at all.
Since moving to Paldea, it's become your safe haven, especially since your mom's childhood home was here and you could retreat to it whenever you wished.
After your grandma gave you Scream Tail to accompany you during your many journeys, the rest of your team sorta formed itself.
You never believed in using pokeballs, and thus they followed you wherever you went (ofc as long as it was allowed).
Oricorio was always perched on your shoulder to scout out high places and be your number 1 cheerleader (in the case of the pom-pom variant).
Amped!Toxtricity became your bodyguard and a friend you could rely on after learning its Punk Rock ability made it quite resistant to your voice. So you'd make small talk with it, although you still don't say too much.
It's ready to throw hands wherever and whenever you're being bothered--by students, staff, and tourists alike.
Alpha!Primarinna was a lass you discovered at the Wistful Fields one summer day, having come a long way from Hisui (like Bloodmoon Ursaluna).
Normally Alphas are belligerent, but she felt a sudden connection to you and obeyed you right on the spot. A giant and loyal protector.
Hoopa travelled through space and time to meet you, finding you quite interesting...and grinned deviously after you managed to win its prison bottle at an auction.
It almost caused chaos at the mart, tricking you into opening it, but even you were able to tame its Unbound form and convince it to become Confined again.
Finally, Meloetta was lured to one of your performances and provided beautiful backup vocals, and ever since then you two have done many duos as dancer/singer.
Her and Primarinna are the only ones who can snap people out of your spells. They know you hate to hurt others but sometimes humans just push your buttons and...well...next thing you know, the two ladies are scrambling to save them from walking through hostile territory to greet you.
Fortunately, those events happen rarely now and you've been able to form meaningful friendships.
Since nobody in your team is stuck in a pokeball, they usually hang out at your mom's childhood home or in your dorm--but Toxtricity and Oricorio insist on being with you in-class.
As far as everyone's reactions go...
Nemona is PSYCHED to see you have a team specifically themed around music and song (except for Hoopa, although it knows Throat Chop yet seldom uses it), always wanting to battle them.
Also converses with you in sign language. I hc she learned it so she could communicate with deaf/HOH trainers so they can battle with her, too, free of judgement.
Penny is both impressed and terrified tbh--especially with the Alpha who has looks that could kill if it weren't for your unique connection with the giant water/fairy. But her Sylveon gets along with Primarinna surprisingly well.
Arven almost didn't believe you were a descendant of sirens until he witnessed you hypnotize a substitute who thought you weren't answering their question..nearly falling into the trance himself until Meloetta showed up.
He's never doubted your power since.
Carmine did tease you in the beginning for being even quieter than her little brother, but felt guilty after reading your letter...wanting to learn sign language herself to own up to her mistakes.
Kieran saw your performance at the festival and couldn't believe you returned to Kitakami as a student, wanting to challenge him to a battle.
You? A celebrity? Against him????
But after the ordeal with Ogerpon, he felt betrayed by his two biggest idols...and so your letter went unread, although it remained in his bag and he finally looked at it post-Indigo Disk.
He showed up to your dorm at BB Academy that same day, a bagful of candy apples and berries as another apology.
Least to say, your team adored the treats.
Even Toxtricity--who genuinely thought he was being an annoying brat this entire time--finally softened up around him.
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elbdot · 8 months
Heyo~! Maybe an odd question but I was replaying Pokemon Moon and thought of you and wanted to ask about Sweets your Oricorio~☆ Has she ever tried any of the other forms (via nectar) or has she only ever been Pom-pom style? Would she want to try another form? Thanks for sharing your amazing comic and love for Alola with us! Hope you have a great day!
Oh that's a fun question :D Sweets has BARELY ever changed her form before. She started out as a PomPom Oricorio and she has stayed that way throughout El's journey after El captured her. It feels strange to El to change Sweets' form. She has tried it once out of curiosity after optaining the nectars, but quickly changed her back, since she loves her little bird the most in her original form. Sweets doesn't seem to mind to switch forms, it's in an Oricorios nature to change, but she also doesn't show a desire to change form and seems content the way she is. But outside of her PomPom style, she's definitely the most comfortable in Sensu Style. Pa'u makes her uncomfortable, given how used she is to having strong feathered wings.
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El has been participating in a lot of Pokemon Contests in the past, back when she spent a year in Hoenn, so should she ever perform with Sweets I think she's most likely either going for OG PomPoms or switch to Sensu Style depending on the performance.
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pokemonshelterstories · 7 months
OK so weird situation. I love oricorio, and a couple of years back I got two, a male pom-pom and a female sensu. Me in my absolute genius figured they would never breed due to the difference in behaviour and dances but uh. Love finds a way I guess? Now she's brooding an egg and he looks very proud. My situation has changed recently and I can afford to take care of a third pokemon but my question is, what is that hatchling going to look like? Will it take after its mum, its dad, or be a weird mix of both?
remember, the form an oricorio takes relies on its diet! as such, the baby will be the same form as mom. the nutritional makeup of the yolk that feeds the embryo results from the mother's diet, so she'll be providing the baby with nutrients from the same kind of nectar she's been drinking.
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toast24 · 8 months
Oricorio 💛
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Yes, the eye-bleeding colours were intentional. I wanted to draw oricorio because, once again, it's a very unpopular Pokemon that I think deserves more recognition. I will draw the other forms in the future, but for now here's the Pom-Pom style.
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ecargmura · 3 months
Pokemon Horizons Episode 55 Review - Friendly Matches With The Elites
It’s nice that the story takes a break in order to have a fun little match with the Elite Four members. While the fights were fun to watch, what worries me the most is that the matches will be used for power scaling debates. Please take those debates out of here and just watch the kids battle Elite Four trainers for the fun of it! Pokemon is all about fun, after all! These matches do not determine which Elite Four is the strongest or weakest or which of the three kids are the strongest. It’s just a test for students to see how well they have progressed and how well they can terastalize. There is a set of rules with these battles: The students must pair up with the Gym Leader they took the test with and only the student can terastalize. The match ends when one of the Elite Four’s Pokemon is knocked out or when the student’s Pokemon is knocked out. I like that the rules are strict because it handicaps both the Gym Leader and the Elite Four member and gives the student the spotlight because they’re the most inexperienced.
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Four matches were shown in this episode. To be honest, I thought that the pacing would be a bit messy, but it’s not as bad as I assumed. The main highlights are Dot and Roy’s matches, so Coral and Sidian’s matches are trimmed down heavily.  For Dot’s match, she’s paired up with Iono and they’re matched against Poppy who uses Tinkaton and Copperajah. Dot uses Quaxly and Iono uses Bellibolt. For a nine-year-old, Poppy actually shows why she’s an Elite Four member as she’s very strategic in her battles. She uses Sandstorm mechanics and she even commands her Tinaktink to use Brick Break to break Bellibolt’s Reflect. I think that’s the first time its secondary effect is shown? Speaking of battle effects, I loved the little detail where Quaxly gets shocked by Discharge because it’s a move that affects the ally too The battle was very exciting, but eventually, Copperajah gets knocked out by Bellibolt, securing a win for Dot. I do like that Dot is actually frustrated with her win because it’s in-character for her. She wanted to win with her own merits, but Poppy tells her to cheer up.
The match with Roy and Brassius against Hassel was also fun to watch! While the previous match with Dot was a match full of strategy, Roy’s match was one full of creativity. I do like that Roy and Brassius teamed up to create moves that can be used in a contest battle. However, I did expect Roy to lose; it’s not because of the fact that he was the only one of the three who won his Terestal Course battle, but it’s because Baxcalibur got so many power-ups due to its ability that a win for Hassel was already guaranteed. Seeing the two struggle against him reminded me of when I was battling him in the game; I struggled hard with him too—that Baxcalibur is terrifying. Despite losing, Roy is happy. He learns that battling is all about teamwork and that he needs the help of others to get things done. I love that the mindset between Roy and Dot differs in these matches. I love the part where Hassel bursts into tears and is comforted by his Pokemon; seeing Baxcalibur hugging him was the cutest thing ever!
The Explorers duo get their matches too, but it’s trimmed down a lot. Coral actually loses her match when she uses her infamous Self-Destruct tactic to not only knock out her own Glalie, but her partner Kofu’s Wugtrio and Larry’s Flamigo and Oricorio Pom-Pom form. The way she got mad that it’s not considered a win and how Larry roasted her by telling her that her personal rules won’t apply when she goes into society was hilarious. Sidian also loses his match with Rika because he was protecting his partner Tulip’s Espathra, knowing that if his Pokemon is knocked out, he’ll lose. He explains that it’s not in him to use “backup” as a means to secure victory, showing off his usual honorable side. Seriously, Sidian is a rather nice guy; I do wonder why he’s with the Explorers. Overall, I feel like the matches with Kofu, Tulip, and Larry are cut down because they’re most likely the focus for the next stage of the Terestal Course; that’s just a prediction on my part.
Overall, these matches were a lot of fun! It’s just nice to see the kids battle and see their improvement! Now that the next episode will focus on Liko and Katy against Rika, I do wonder who will win. Liko has the type advantage as Rika is a Ground-type specialist, but her ace Clodsire is also a Poison type, which means that Grass moves won’t be as effective. If I was her, I’d target Dugtrio. Who do you think will win?
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The winning form will be used in the polls!
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fauxfinale · 25 days
( bandwagon ) Pokemon Team
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Hypothetically... If your OC was a Pokemon trainer, what would they have?
I broke down Marilyn's character and came up with this team of six!
Oricorio ( pom style ) naturally... she is a cheerleader and it was expected for Oricorio to be the first choice!
Lycanroc ( midday ) a pokemon that evolves during the day to parallel her sunny personality. Espeon was another shoe in but Lycanroc fit her aesthetic much better!
Lopunny a Pokemon that would represent Marilyn's beauty, she also reminds me of a cheerleader
Musharna the dream Pokemon, given her dream state, it made sense to add her to the roster
Solrock ... I don't feel like it needs an explanation, it was either Solrock or Sun Form Castform, honestly they are interchangeable and I can see them being swapped in and out.
Ho-oh ... sticks out like a sore thumb, no? But of course the phoenix pokemon would go to Miss Fenix. It was a toss up between Ho-oh or Moltres, but Ho-oh has a sunlight theme as well, as well as the ability to raise itself (and others) from the ashes! I don't think she'd actually HAVE a Ho-oh... that seems a little OP! No? But I love the idea of her having a spiritual connection to one.
What would your oc have? It was a fun exercise to really think about your character
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kiawren · 2 months
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I love the pokemon refresh feature so much... Anyway do you think they have laws or regulations to protect endangered pokemon from getting caught by people and like. How would they even implement that lol
It would be interesting if oricorio was endangered, or more specifically the Baile and Sensu ones
Becuz the Baile one looks rlly similar to actual endangered hawaiian honeycreepers..
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The Sensu one has ghost typing and the Moon dex entry says "It summons the dead with its dreamy dancing. From their malice, it draws power with which to curse its enemies." And I cant help thinking about extinct hawaiian birds and the story about the last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, especially this only 3-minute animated short film about it that everyone should watch right now guys watch it right now (I genuinely teared up watching it) and I think it'd be neat if the Sensu oricorio could summon other extinct birds or something.
But like I know they can sip nectar and everything will be fun and cool and they can switch forms. But like what if they were their own species. And the Pom-pom and Pa'u style are more charming and friendly but the Sensu one has a grudge against people...
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minmocat · 1 year
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discordiansamba · 10 months
good morning, decided to make Pokemon teams for the VLD squad out of the blue this morning so now I am sharing them all with you.
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Keith's team. his mom left the Ultra Beast behind for him. I'm sure there's no need to read into that any. Ceruledge because it's the most painfully obvious Keith Pokemon to exist. Liepard bc well. it's a purple cat. Beheeyem is an alien. Don't question that one either. It's fine. It doesn't mean anything.
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allura's team. cute, girly, and can definitely kill you. a Primarina as a nod to her becoming the blue paladin. Clefable because it's very cute and also has ties to space. don't worry about the paradox pokemon I'm sure it doesn't mean anything.
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hunk's team. Pom-Pom Oricorio is literally the perfect Pokemon for him. It too, wants to cheer everyone on. Alolan Raichu instead of regular Raichu bc Alolan Raichu apparently gained that form bc it ate a bunch of pancakes. this is a very Hunk vibe.
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the Pidge squad. She would have a Porygon2 instead of a Porygon-Z, I think. Ferrothorn bc it's a grass/steel type that connects both to her love of computers and the fact that she's the green paladin. look me in the eye and tell me Pidge wouldn't have a Vikavolt. You can't.
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lance has a LOT of water, but also an Armarouge to contrast Keith. But also all but one of these Pokemon rotates around guns/cannons somehow! Swanna bc it's a graceful and pretty Pokemon that also isn't super difficult to obtain. I think Lance doing some contests with it is a good fit.
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coran's theme was mustaches and silly little guys. don't worry about the paradox pokemon here either, it still definitely doesn't mean anything. Sealeo is unevolved bc it is the superior goofy little guy over Walrein.
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finally Shiro, who was the hardest one to pin down for some reason. I think he'd have a pretty strong squad, and then the Mightyena he caught in the grass near where he grew up back when it was just a little Poochyena.
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melonthesprigatito · 7 months
You ever have that one Pokémon you really really really want a plushie of but then the Internet is like "No. Fuck you *spits in your face* "
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pokedesignercalli · 1 year
Could you make an Oricorio Pom-Pom form inspired dress I've been looking for a new outfit for Pokemon Contests and I think it would be fun to match my Partner Pokemon
Here you go. I was going to make it into a full in cheerleader outfit, but that felt too clichen. I hope these are good for you!
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daily-teki · 1 year
can you draw teki as a pokémon trainer? what gym would she be in charge of?? what kind of pokémon!!!
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Day 41: Gym Leader! While originally I’d planned for a fairy type gym, bc sylveon (and mega altaria ofc) there’s a lot of good flying type songbirds, and oricorio is a literal dancer after all (so she’d have one of each form, but this took too long to draw as it is so I didn’t include the, TwT) so the team would be comprised of; chatot, pom pom oricorio, sensu oricorio, pa’u oricorio, baile oricorio and altaria for the ace. After beating her you get four clear chips and the Soprano Badge!
This took like 6 hours someone help me
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rodentlady · 1 year
My brain has returned into giving pokemon to mcyt characters mode. Life series edition this time. Everyone gets one pokemon for each season. I am open for suggestions. (Warning, I only really watch Scott) Here's Jimmy, Scott, Pearl, and Cleo.
Jimmy: Comfey. For Flower Husbands. Its besties with Scott's Florges. Two flowers pokemon that are not grass type. Oricorio, Pom-Pom Style. No idea Jimmy did in Last Life and he has to have a bird pokemon. I apologize to Southlanders fans but I dunno. Rapidash. Ranchers. Do I need to explain this one? Is horse, like ranch is firery, like Tango. Absol. It's "bad" dark type for the Bad Boys and also fits Jimmy's cursed by the narrative vibes. Scott: Florges. Flower Husbands pokemon. Blue flower, because that is so a Scott Design, though poppy red was tempting. Alolan Marrowak in Last Life. The gatekeep/so many tunnels boy caught ground type Cubone and it evolved into the cooler form when he didn't boogeyman. Plus, their skeleton farm? Weavile. Scott liked causing problems in Double Life so he gets a dark type. Plus, between him and Pearl, one of them needed a Double Life Ice Type. Qwilfish caught in the Coral Isles. I was tempted to give him Dhelmise here, but the need for a Puffer[f]ish won out. Pearl: Nothing for Third Life, for obvious reasons. Nidoqueen for Last Life. Girlboss for the Girlboss. Also another ground type because they had too many tunnels. Midnight Lycanroc for Tilly. I feel like this needs no explanation. Dog + Red Murder vibes. Meowstic seems like a good Nosy Neighbor Pokemon. I also have no idea what Pearl did in Limited Life so... Cleo: Paldean Tauros for Third Life. I have never watched Cleo's third life but I know she chose violence and also I think she could use a battering ram. Take your pick on which typing. Salazzle is the most Gaslight pokemon to exist. Besides, Cleo needs a pokemon to help her set things on fire. Plus, it fits her reptile vibe. Misdreavus fits best into Double Life. Likes causing problems. Specifically a shiny one because that's Cleo colored. Mostly I wanted Cleo to have a ghost type because Zombie. Mawile is a decent MOM pokemon. Helps take care of the kids and tries to kill Etho on sight. Does Yoga with Cleo. I don't know enough to do anyone else. Martyn should have an Aegislash somewhere though. Part 2
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