#or. do other nations look at mondstadt and go 'what does their god do again? and why does he get so many prayers'
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vv-ispy Ā· 8 months ago
Mondstadters being extremely religious with the unshakable believe that Barbatos is always looking out for them, greeting people with "Barbatos bless you", praying to Barbatos to keep their children safe
Barbatos is literally asleep
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aetherilyyy Ā· 3 months ago
So, talking about Aether since I saw that you seem to like him a lot, I came on anonymous anyway because I have the wrong account at the moment. Anyway, let's go
I imagine he was the first to discover the player's existence, because the player is always connected with Aether, controlling him as if he were your puppet. At first, it's scary to think that a strange being may be controlling him and that it can lead him to death at any second, even if in Teyvat he somehow revives, it's still terrifying. However, are you helping him? Why are you helping him in the first place?
Aether hates to admit it, but after spending the entire Mondstadt mission, he likes to hear your voice and your complaints when he loses the 50/50, it's just funny. Aether can hear you now, he also hears and witnesses all the compliments you give to other characters, it's really cute; but hearing compliments also means listening to curses, (if you're a person who curses a lot, he learned new curses to defend himself when you're offline), he finds it funny when you start talking bad about the Npcs who don't stop talking for a second, even Aether got tired! Just stop talking and gid the mission soon! I want my primogems!!!
Aether feels on his skin, several times, what it's like to be exchanged, when you get your first 5 star, he's happy to have a partner, but hey, why did you take him out of the team?
Is he weak? Isn't he the meta?! What does that even mean?!
Aether is stuck in his thoughts, he only returns to your screen when some conversation or fight scene appears that has to be with him. But, Aether is hurt and doesn't understand why, he should be happy that your team is stronger! Not mad or upset...
His damage increases considerably and the 5-star characters come with more difficulty, first, he thought you didn't like characters who use sword, but you were looking for Furina?! Why her?! Is it because she's Hydro? He's Hydro too, look! Use himā€¦ Please...
The traveler is placed on the team again, you were testing the new powers he had gained in Liyue. Aether had almost forgotten how good it was to be praised for the new skills, and remember that I mentioned about his damage increasing? Aether will make his life goal: having higher damage and more utility for you!
Aether loves your concern for the journey and loves it when you get angry when he helps an entire nation to receive no information from his sister. You care about him... youā€™re so cute!
Before, it was cute to hear you gush with compliments and love songs for other characters, however, at this moment it is simply suffocating. Aether has to listen to you don't stop praising every sentence said by Xiao, and he's already losing his patience, especially with you seeing Xiao and him as a couple, how dare you?! His heart belongs to the person who helped him from the beginning!
Aether gets harsher and ruder with the characters you praise and- wait, what do you mean... getting married?! Excuse me?! You can't marry them!!!!
The traveler knows that you are the player, but he can also confuse it with a god, anyway, he wants you in Teyvat or enjoy the beautiful things of your world. Aether wants to hold your hand and be affectionate, he wants to tell all the love he feels. If you isekai in Teyvat, expect a room being made with a lot of love and affection, Aether calling you to be his new partner on trips and a very, very protective Aether, especially if he sees you embarrassed or interested in some character.
In case he stops in your world, Aether is taking the opportunity to hug you and he is even calmer, Hey, no rivals!!! He will stay in your house and God bless you if his divinity is already dating, because or 1. Bye bye gf/bf or 2. If the person break your heart, Aether makes this guy's life hell and, bye bye!
I want to talk about Paimon now, she will probably be the one who will notice Aether's change faster since she is always close to him. The giggles he gives when he is alone, his training getting heavier and heavier and the change of attitude when he talks to a character.
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airyravenmaid Ā· 1 year ago
As someone who's been secretly teetering around the SAGAU (that's "Self-Aware Genshin AU" for those who aren't aware šŸ„) tag and works while thoroughly enjoying a lot of them, I think today's finally the day I put my own two cents in on it. Particularly, my two cents about how a certain redheaded owl stud would act in that verse. By all means, no hate to anybody who's written him any differently in their SAGAU stuff-- we're all here to have fun and junk; this is just how I personally think he'd be. You are free to disagree with any and everything I have to say under the cut, but I will have no badmouthing or the like.
Being perfectly honest, I haven't really seen much of Diluc in a ton of SAGAU works outside of him either being part of the "get the 'Imposter'" mob or individually attacking us if he comes across us solo and isn't in the know that we the reader are the real deal. Basically, he's more or less just kinda lumped in with the other highly devoted followers of the Creator without really standing out much in the plot. And, nothing particularly wrong with that, no, no, no, but here's where my hee-ho funny hot take comes in:
I don't actually think Diluc would really worship the Creator. In fact, I don't think he'd even like us at first. *Sojiro voice* Let me explain!
Diluc Ragnvindr is, in every sense of the word, a disenchanted young man. Now, we know he wasn't born as such, but we have the Knights of Favonius disgracing Crepus' death while the wound was still fresh and the falling out between Diluc and Kaeya upon the latter's revelation as a Khaenri'ahn spy to blame for that. Blah, blah, blah, that's right, we heard the story, over and over again, so, where does this tie into my personal interpretation of his thoughts on the Creator, you may ask? Well!
In the happier, more idealistic years before all hell broke loose on his 18th birthday, Diluc most likely did worship and revere the Creator per his upbringing since I think Crepus also worshipped them like a good chunk of Mondstadt does. No problems there. But, where was the "all-powerful, ever-benevolent" God of Teyvat when he'd lost his father and brother on that same, horrible night in different ways? What did they do when the Knights of Favonius openly spat on his father's name just to save their undeserved reputation? What did they give him during that four-year suicide mission he spent indiscriminately hunting Fatui agents before promptly getting the ban of a lifetime from the entire Nation of Cryo?
Nowhere, nothing, and radio silence.
Just another unreliable let-down added to the list, and another knife to his back.
(Imposter AU-wise) So, come present day, when the Great Big Phonyā„¢ drops and takes a throne that very much does not belong to them, everybody's over the moon and pulling out all the stops for their beloved God... except Diluc. Now, he's not so stupid that he openly badmouths the apparent Creator since that would get him some pretty unpleasant looks and land him in rather hot water, so instead, he shows no open reaction while rolling his eyes and scoffing at them wherever people can't see or hear. And, if we're going with the traditional portrayal of the Imposter being an uncaring tyrant, his already diminished opinion of the Creator's image is only further soured. He does nothing to damper or criticize anybody's faith since it's far from his place to, but they certainly won't see him joining in any day of the week, either.
And then comes the "Imposter", who's actually the true Creator that's been jiffy-popped into Genshin's world from the real one. Now, while he thinks it's beyond ridiculous that the people of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius (though, not as much surprise for the latter-- always so inefficient...) find it just to hunt down and torture somebody solely for looking like the Creator especially since nobody in town gives a shit that Venti and Barbatos look disturbingly alike for reasons only he (plus Jean and maybe Kaeya, if his Hangout implies anything) knows without actually presenting themselves as an active threat to humanity like, say, the Abyss Order or the Fatui, Diluc still can't help but secretly hand it to the alleged Imposter for being the first to have the guts to knock that "divine do-nothing" down a peg in some way, even if it is considered quite the risky move.
Should he encounter us while we're running for our lives worse for the wear for the above reason (and truly confirming that we mean no real harm and are just a victim of very unfortunate circumstance), Diluc is open to helping us get away safely under the radar and giving false info to the KoF like he did in his Story Quest since getting caught helping Teyvat's most wanted by the mob would not end well for him, either. And, he's pretty amicable when patching us up... but then he sees the dried gold blood and scars all over our body and realizes exactly who we really are. No, he doesn't do a full 180 and start blastin', but Diluc sure is now a lot colder towards us than he already is in general. Still helps us out, but we can taste the sudden mood drop. At some point, we discover his resent towards us for (from his perspective; can't exactly explain that we didn't actually make any of the characters' backstories since we're not HoYoverse and whatnot bc that wouldn't make sense to anyone in Genshin within the confines of the Creator!Reader AU without us sounding completely crazy) being seemingly nowhere to be seen around his and others' suffering despite being the God of All Gods capable of doing literally anything to help it, but simply choosing not to. Even if the Reader rightfully says they didn't do anything, Diluc's cold rebuttal is something along the lines of "No. You didn't.", and it's not the least bit reassuring.
If he were to stick around with us a bit longer during our escape from Mondstadt/whirlwind journey, then Diluc would come to understand that we really weren't as in control of everything bad happening to him or the world as he initially believed, especially if in his misguided blaming, it causes Reader to develop one HELL of a guilt complex feeling like they are responsible for fixing everything if it means putting an end to all the nonsense and abuse some of their once-beloved characters/acolytes are putting them through. Granted, the actual Imposter does have to be stopped and dethroned for all the shit they're pulling, but that's really all that falls on us as the unfortunate hero.
Other than that condition, though, we basically have someone that's thankfully not looking to hunt us down for absurd reasons and even helps us in our need, but at the same time curses us for letting him and many others down by not acting in some way when it mattered most.
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dandelion-wings Ā· 1 year ago
On thing about Mondstadtā€™s government that bothers me is that everybody boils it down to just the Knights on one side, and the Church on the other. Which, sure, theyā€™re what we know the most aboutā€¦
But it completely ignores the ā€˜Community Representativeā€™. Considering their signature is one of three needed to (legally) make use of the Holy Lyre, alongside the Grandmaster and the Seneschal, they must be pretty damn important. So assuming they have equal power to those positions, which are at the head of the Knights and the Church respectively, what actually is that power? Presumably itā€™s an elected position (the title is that of a ā€˜representativeā€™, plus I would be severely disappointed if there wasnā€™t even a hint of democracy in the Nation of Freedom), but is there a structure under it similar to the Knights and Church? Is there a completely separate civilian, secular government that for some reason just barely comes up? If it is elected, how is that handled? If both Grandmaster Varka and the Seneschal are on expedition, does that mean they hold more authority than Acting Grandmaster Jean and whoever is Acting Seneschal (assuming an acting-titleā€™s authority, though still above everything else below the proper-title, is still considered secondary to that of said proper-title)? But if so, why hasnā€™t it come up? Or is it just some guy elected to act as a more expedient alternative to something like a full referendum?
God, I have an education in history and political science that is just begging for some damn answers!
I mean, I don't have an education in those things and am not real good at working those things out myself, so I don't know that I can provide you too much useful commentary here. XD;; But while I'd love if Mondstadt did have some democracy, I... am pretty convinced that it's a theocracy, actually. The Knights and the Church (which tbh seems to exist under the overall umbrella of the Ordo, given that Jean says in her voiceline about Barbara that "the order also manages the Church") fulfill pretty much all the governmental functions we actually see happening at all, including the whole thing in Jean's quest where Charles expects tax forms from her.
I'll admit I also lean that way because I read into Mondstadt as a whole (its history but also our introduction to it, where Amber initially nabs us for unauthorized entry and then there's a whole early section about gliding regulations) a theme of humans repeatedly being given freedom, and gradually rebuilding restrictions upon themselves. Which I don't think is entirely a bad thing, in that I do think communities generally function better with organization and administration and such, but, like, Mondstadt has gone all the way into tyranny before and could again. Mondstadt building itself an increasingly restrictive theocracy feeds into the theme I like drawing from it, so of course that's the reading I tend towards! But, still, that's where I'm at about it.
(I draw a lot of my read of this national theme from the line, "Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, but unchecked freedom without any kind of rules only invites chaos and anxiety," in Jean's character details, and I haven't seen anyone else talk about it, ever, so it's entirely possible this is actually character brainrot I'm projecting onto the city as a whole. I'm fine with that.)
Presumably there is a further government apparatus, but I tend to believe it's probably under the higher authority of the Ordo. Maybe with checks and balances, maybe not (exactly how I arrange the setup for fic where it's needed is specific to individual fic, because the openness of canon leaves the kind of room that makes it easiest to go with what works for the plot). "Community Representative" on its own is very vague; looking at the line where it actually appears, it's talking about the Holy Lyre in the context of the Ludi Harpastrum, so it could even be a role specific to the yearly organization of that particular festival! That said, it does sound a bit more like it's a regular thing, and given my presumption of theocracy above, I think this:
Or is it just some guy elected to act as a more expedient alternative to something like a full referendum?
honestly is the most likely possibility. It would make sense given Mondstadt's ethos and history--you have a representative of the community to sign off on certain decisions (hopefully elected, as you said, but who knows exactly how it happens), like that one about the Lyre, to show that the people agree. Possibly it's a triangle with the Grand Master at the top and the Seneschal (given the above "manages the Church" line) and Community Representative as equals who have input but not ultimate power on the next level down, possibly they both exist largely to rubberstamp the Grand Master and Seneshal's decisions, possibly it's an area-of-authority divide. Regardless of the exact divisions, Jean does seem to have some fairly unilateral powers in the areas of domestic defense and peacekeeping, but that's... something you do want the head of your military-and-police order to have, generally, so who knows how broad her powers actually are to act without the Seneschal and Representative's approval in other areas. The game is, as always, frustratingly uninformative.
Anyway, tl;dr: my personal reading of Mondstadt tends to render the Community Representative as relatively unimportant, despite the equal billing in that quest, because over and over again in quests and lore and voicelines we don't see anything but "the Ordo handles things," and Mondstadt honestly makes most sense to me as a theocratic city-state. I think they're more likely a representative "voice" in the government than a significant power, and I don't think they represent any significant "third branch" other than possibly, given Mondstadt's history, a symbolic reminder that its people have toppled tyrants before and can do so again.
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kurosin Ā· 2 years ago
An even bigger question is what the fuck is the Sinner? God, I hope Pierro knows something atleast because then the Harbingers may have a clue if they're investigating the Abyssal Realm and we might get more info sooner than waiting until Dainsleif's annual visit. The entire thing really sounds like the Order was created by former Khaenri'ah citizens but something decided this was the perfect thing to tamper with.
It almost make me wonder if it could potentially have ties with the Second Who Came since Primordial One was victorious in their fight? Following enemies' patterns, I kinda doubt it took its lost gracefully and left Teyvat silently. I don't it could be them specifically, but I do think the Sinner could have ties to it. Then again, it could've been killed so I could just be talking out my ass.
But yeah, the Abyss Order is getting out of control lmao. The Twin says their goal is the rebuild Khaenri'ah but I think it was stated somewhere that the Abyss hates humanity and want to destroy it? They need to make up their mind because at this point, they're going to succeed at making the nations actually set aside their differences to take out the bigger threat. Also, it's becoming unclear if the Lectors, Heralds, and Mages are people of Khaenri'ah or just monsters the Abyss teamed up with to add strength to their organization. Pure bloods were cursed with immortality. Citizens who aren't were turned into hilichurls. So where did the rest come from?? It could give insight on why the Abyss Order is seemingly losing its original purpose. It's like a group forming for one thing but the more people that joins, the more off balance everything becomes.
Precisely lmao. Even if that acknowledge was made public, do they really think that people would suddenly turn against the gods they've been with since forever? I mean, even after everything Raiden Shogun has done in the absence of Ei, the majority of people still hold fondness for their archon. Venti has been a silent figure who lurks behind the scenes for centuries yet Mondstadt still worship and praise their God. Sumeru follows that pattern so??? What are they going to do with that information if it isn't to try to spread it? If it's a part of "Corrupted Knowledge" than perhaps they wish to return the cataclysm but in tenfolds.
You're so right because Ei didn't even have the Gnosis in her for centuries since it seems like Yae Miko had it the entire time. Did it not show? At first I thought that maybe they were just...badges to show off that you won the war but they obviously come with perks and based off of what Nahida said, Heavenly Principles may be possessive over them. Like, it would potentially be a crime to destroy them but not one if the Archons to not use them?? For something so important, the Heavenly Principles has been real silent regarding these aspects. You'd think someone who seems to love to micromanage who keep a close watch on where they are and who's using them. Also, how the absolute hell did that nail ended up at the fucking bottom of the Chasm? No one explained that and it's been bugging me ever since.
Considering that he's over 6,000+, it's safe to assume he does know more than the others. From his attitude and circumstances, I think he could potentially put up one hell of a fight if needed, but stay in line because it could end up putting Liyue in danger. He's extremely protective over his people. I can see them being a factor of him agreeing to the contract. After all, he did say that a contract can only be established if both parties are getting something of equal value. Or something like that.
LMAO. It does look that way at first but the place Vanessa appeared in looked like a prison or an arena. Are visions like warrants for an arrest?
True true. Mutual benefits for everyone.bPrimordial minds its business, Khaenri'ah minded theirs. Coexisting if you will. But it would depend on just how old Khaenri'ah even is. I don't remember it being stated anywhere but it could've well been made after the Archon war. Some humans could've decided 'i don't fuck with that' and decided to make their own nation. Or they could've existed before, rejected the idea of living under an Archon without having much of a say and decided to fuck off somewhere. The possibilities are endless.
Considering how three nations had a warrant out for our arrest yet failed to do so, what if one of the future nations just issue a kill on sight order to avoid the head ache? I think it would be funny if we were hunted for sport in, let's say, Snezhnaya. It kinda would be a long time coming since we keep meddling with their harbingers.
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aetheternity Ā· 2 years ago
If youā€™re making a butchered character roundup, Venti needs to be at the top. The fandom takes this deeply traumatized kind playful and free-spirited god who loves his lost friend, his nation and his people, and has saved Mondstadt from Decarabian, Durin, Ursa the Drake, The Lawrence clan, and Stormterror- to ā€œehe useless drunkard who canā€™t take anything seriouslyā€ And they call Barbara dense šŸ™„
Everyone on my page knows Venti is my baby but I'll be honest if I really talked about how badly the fandom treats him I'd never shut up. You can always tell the difference between Venti stans and fanon Venti stans.
Also Also I'm gonna say it: Venti being an alcoholic really isn't funny. I don't really like how it's handled in game and I don't like how the fandom acts like it's so tee hee funny funny. Like no he's drinking his feelings whenever he has the mora to do so or whenever he can sneak a glass. Poor baby stays smiling and I just wonder how many nights he's spent sobbing his eyes out with a bottle in hand because constantly being the happy go lucky person can not possibly stay when he's truly alone with his thoughts.
And another thing about his lost friend the only time I ever see anyone bring him up is to debate that he was fifteen. God forbid we talk about how deeply pained and how influential this beautiful person must have been to Venti for him to recreate his body exactly and then live the rest of his life making sure people never forget this person who he loved with all of his heart. But yeah sure let's start another stupid age debate that holds zero water because Venti is his own person no matter if he recreated his friends body or not.
And I find it extremely uncomfortable how the fandom seems to think he just took over his friends dead corpse and has been animating the thing for who even knows how long. Like do they realize how fucked up that is??
Not to mention the blatant disregard for Venti's incredibly soft heart. He saved Traveler's life despite knowing nothing about them outside of they stole anemo power from the seven and then disrupted his talk with Dvalin. He freed Stanley from the turmoil of carrying his friends soul along with him everywhere. He gave Dvalin, Mondstadt and Vanessa freedom, He created an entire city for his people to populate in, He calls his people his children. He's honestly the sweetest guy and anyone would be so lucky to have a Venti in their life.
People never talk about all of the good the archons have done for their nations and themselves outside of Nahida and it makes my blood boil. It's always "they didn't tell Traveler about their sibling!" Like it does actually make perfect sense that Nahida is the only one with actual information you dumbasses!! Nahida has a link to what is basically Teyvat's database! What do the other archons have their own SIGHT. Venti was probably asleep when the sibling came through his nation, I have no idea what Zhongli might have been doing and Ei wasn't even paying attention to her goddammed nation! She had a puppet running the show.
Let me stop ranting because I'm already starting to shake again. I just wish this fandom didn't look at everything at face value. I want more people to see the Venti that me and other Venti stans have fallen in love with. He deserves so much. Like most people don't even fully understand why Venti doesn't run his nation even though he EXPLAINS IT TO THE TRAVELER IN GAME.
Ugggghhh ok I'm done.
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aeferkssr Ā· 3 years ago
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- "...you~"
aether x reader // gn!reader // song inspired fic! // from this tiktok audio // lowercase intended // not proofread // word count: 886
a/n: GOD I HEARD THIS AND I STARTED CRYONG. anyways the coloured lines for the border ended up being really thin so i apologize for the skinny lines </3 (edit: they don't look that thin published...)
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i'm in love...
sitting at starsnatch cliff with aether watching the sunrise was a rare occurrence for the both of you. since aether was traveling around to find his missing kin he really couldn't stay in one place for long. so you would cherish the slow moments you would get with him. sitting in comfortable silence with aether, you rest your head on his shoulder and both of you stare into the sunset.
even though it is silent, your mind couldn't stop running. you didn't know how to explain how you felt. but you knew something for sure, you were in love. there was no point denying it, the way he made you feel couldn't even be expressed in words. maybe, in other languages and dialects that the traveler has learned over his travels can sum up a fraction of your feelings
thought like "he's so kind and loving to everyone" and "i wish he could stay in mondstadt a little longer" crossed your mind, but a certain thought in your mind caught you off guard, causing your body to physically tense up.. "i want him to be my boyfriend."
...with someone,
wait what? where did that come from? i mean you accept that you have a huge crush on him but wanting him to be your lover was a stretch. he's a traveler, after all, constantly having to move from place to place. would he even want a significant other right now? would he even want me as his significant other...
as your mind starts to fill with doubts aether raps his arm around you and places it on your shoulder: "i felt you tense up a minute ago, are you doing okay? anything on your mind?" you turn your head slightly to look at him and reassure him that you're doing alright. he nods but doesn't push you any further.
oh, he's so sweet. he noticed your slight change in attitude and confronted you about it. you then drift off into a daydream, a daydream about what would actually happen if you two were in a relationship. how much fun you two would have explored, trying different foods from different regions and even experiencing different cultures with him.
who's in love...
but little did you know, he felt the same way. his heart raced like yours when he was near you, he had a big smile on his face whenever he heard your name like when you hear his, he knew for sure that he was in love. although unlike yours, these feelings didn't come so easily.
he was a traveler, never staying in one place for long, so relationships would always be long-distance. he always tries to go back to the towns where people made a big impact on him.
for example: the kamisato siblings in inazuma, both being people who whenever he has free time in inazuma he visits or even zhongli in liyue, sitting down and enjoying a meal in chihu rock with the former geo archon has always been a way to relax, or you in mondstadt. he finds a sense of home in your arms whenever you two embrace for not being able to see him for a while
...with someone
oh, how he loved your hugs. your arms wrapping around his has been like heaven these past few months. hearing bad news after bad news does no good to the heart. he has never forgotten his reason for coming into this world, completing his journey across the seven nations was still something he is determined to do.
but maybe, you would join him? it would be nice to have someone else to talk to, don't get him wrong, paimon is great company but there's something about having someone else he can openly depend on soothes him a little
the sky was now filled with a vibrant orange, aether leans back on his hands more and you follow suit. laying your head on his shoulders once again. another comfortable silence occurs, but it is suddenly broken by [name] who asked a sudden question; "hey aether, do you love anybody?"
and that someone is finally...
oh my stars, what did you just say? you couldn't believe you let your silly thoughts slip out of your silly little head. as you were about to take back the statement, he replies, never breaking eye contact with the sunset, "yeah... i think so. what about you?" oh, so he does. "yeah..." you reply, more akin to a whisper
"mhm, the person i love is really great. their always there for me whenever i need a shoulder to cry on and has been my biggest motivation since we met" he says, softly sighing after he finished. "wow, they sound like a great person. do i know them?"
"i mean you should know them really well.." he says, with a smile on his face. you didn't really notice it because you were trying to figure out who aether could possibly love. your thoughts got interrupted by aether's laugh "wow you're really trying hard to figure it out huh?" you nod, "well, it wouldn't hurt to tell you right? the person who i'm in love with is.." he leans into your ear, to whisper it to you, s your cheeks get slightly warm from the sudden closeness
...me ā™”
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versadies Ā· 4 years ago
congrats on 1k followers! I hope this isnā€™t too confusing but Hc scenarios of aries/red thread au (fluff) for Jean and Lisa with a Traveler!reader in which reader follows their string into other worlds (except not with their sibling) to find their soulmate but end up getting stranded in teyvat? the reader still travels between nations but instead itā€™s just to look for their missing powers the unknown god took away. take your time and thank you :)
destination (hc scenario)
penpal: omg youā€™re so big-brain anon, this is a wonderful idea āœ‹šŸ˜­ hope i did it right <3
prompt: aries the ram, red thread soulmate au
pairing/s: lisa x gn!traveler!reader, jean x gn!traveler!reader
sypnosis: on your journey to find the unknown god that stripped your powers away by traveling around the seven existing nations, you didn't expect to meet your destination so soon. (or, hc on how you met jean and lisa while finding the unknown god who stripped your powers away).
include/s: archon quest spoilers (mondstadt-liyue quests), reader's from another world and isn't aether/lumine (the reader is basically aether/lumine but they have a different backstory and has a different way of how they travel around teyvat)
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-> it started when your string led up to the sky.
-> with your abilities to travel around different worlds, you concluded that perhaps the universe set this as a journey for you to find your destined other, who could be in any world that exists.
-> however, as you try to travel to a world, you encounter a god.
-> one thing led to another, and you're suddenly in a world called teyvat with your powers being stripped off. you honestly didn't know what to do, at first. which way should you go? how do you know if the unknown god is from this world? how can you get out of here without your powers?
-> then you met your personal guide, paimon.
-> you were honestly thankful that you saved the strange companion from being killed by hilichurls. everything you didn't know about the world, paimon gladly filled information about everything she knows about this world as a gratitude for saving her life.
-> although you were thankful to have a guide like paimon, you couldn't help but be weirded out by how she can see everyone's strings.
-> with information about the seven archons who rule over the seven nations, you decided to visit every nation to confront each archon about the unknown god, hoping to find at least one intel about the god who took the most important thing that could've helped you find your soulmate away, leaving with no trace of her whereabouts.
-> your first destination was sumeru, a nation where the god of wisdom resides. after finding no signs or info on who you're after, it was easy to say that you felt disappointed. however, the god of wisdom offered you to go visit mondstadt and meet a certain scholar who may help you on finding information on the unknown god while finding the god of freedom.
-> when people said mondstadt was being in danger thanks to a dragon, you didn't think it would be this serious.
-> you were supposed to go to the knights of favonius about the scholar that could help you along with information of the god of freedom's whereabouts, but you suddenly found yourself gliding towards the dragon to try to fight against it, causing the dragon to fly away and disappear.
-> because of this, people now started calling you the honorary knight: the savior of mondstadt.
"we like to thank you again for what you did," the acting grandmaster, jean, says with a smile as she guides you towards the knights of favonius headquarters. "forgive me if i sound rude but i honestly have never met someone like you, where did you came from?"
"it's uh, a long story per say," you answered with a light laugh. "but i came here because a friend from sumeru told me that i should look for a scholar who could help me. do you know anyone who came from sumeru?"
her eyes brightens from your question. "oh yes. we have someone who studied in sumeru and is now working for the knights of favonius. i can take you there if you'd like."
you sigh in relief, thankful that you no longer have to worry about having a hard time in looking for the scholar. "yes please."
"...uhm, y/n?" paimon calls out, causing you to look at your companion in confusion. "is it normal for your string to move so.. wildly?" she asks, pointing at the red thread that's wrapped around your finger.
your eyes widens when you notice how it started moving a lot. what does this mean? is your soulmate in danger?
you look up at where your string leads to, only to see a building that isn't too far away from where you and jean areā€“
could your soulmate be in there?
"what.. what is that building?" you ask jean, who stops her tracks in confusion.
"it's the uh, the knights of favonius headquarters. is something wrongā€“?" without another word, you immediately ran off towards the building with paimon following. could it be? could your soulmate be in here for all this time?
as you arrive by the headquarters, you were immediately stopped by the two knights being stationed by the entrance.
"halt!" one of them orders, blocking your way from entering. "state your purpose here and we'll leā€“"
"i need to go inside! my soulmate could be in there!" you exclaim, trying to go through in frustration. "forgive us traveler, but we cannot let you in unless you have an importantā€“"
"let them in, guards." jean interrupts, slightly panting from running. "they saved mondstadt from stormterror's wrath, it's the least we can do."
as soon as the guards immediately lets you in, you immediately gave jean a thankful look before you continue to follow where your string leads you, anxious to see if whether or not your soulmate is in the same world as you.
the moment you opened one of the doors of the headquarters, your eyes landed on a woman with purple clothing.
"oh? and who may you be?" she asks, closing the book she was reading as she turns around to your direction.
your heart drops at the sight of your red string being tied around her finger.
is this a dream?
the woman stares at you in confusion until she notices her red string leading to your finger, causing her to gasp out in surprise.
"oh my..." she comments.
paimon watches in excitement as you and the woman stare at each other with relieved look on your faces.
"it's you."
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-> you were supposed to travel to find your soulmate.
-> however, you found yourself fighting an unknown god and suddenly found yourself being stranded on a world where seven gods rule over seven nations with their respective elements.
-> because of this inconvenience, you set yourself a new goal: find the unknown god and take back what's yours.
-> on your journey, you then met paimon, who you saved from drowning to death. as gratitude for saving her life, she decided to become your personal guide to teyvat, to which you're thankful for.
-> your first destination was liyue, whereas you were assumed to be the person who killed rex lapis, fought a harbinger, and fought an ancient god, and found out that rex lapis is still alive and is in disguise as a mortal name "zhongli."
-> before you departed from liyue, you had a short conversation with the tianquan, who offered you to visit mondstadt to see the acting grandmaster and the god of freedom to help them on taking down a dragon that's been keeping mondstadt in danger from its wrath.
-> which led you to where you are now, walking around windrise with paimon as you head towards where the city is.
"i heard that stormterror is actually the original dragon of the east of mondstadt's four winds. i wonder what happened to him that made him go crazy.." paimon comments as you sigh in response.
"i just hope that barbatos knows at least one info on the unknown godā€“"
"hey who's that person over there?" paimon interrupts, causing you stop talking for a moment, and look at where she's pointing, only to see a person below the tree in a kneeling position.
"do you think she needs our help?" you ask.
"...ehh just to be sure, let's do it."
the two of you then head towards the huge tree where one of the statue of the seven resides. you took note of how the person has a sword, causing you to stay alert.
"uh, excuse me?" you spoke up to the woman. "are you alright?"
the woman suddenly looks up at you after you called her out, suddenly making you taken back by surprise from how beautiful her eyes are. "o-oh! my apologies, i didn't mean to worry you both. i was just paying respects to vanessa.ā€ she said with a smile as stands up from the ground.
you blink a few times before shaking your head reassuringly, not noticing how paimon's suddenly panicking from suddenly discovering something. "no need to apologize! my friend and i were just walking by and we just wanted to check and see if everything's fineā€“"
"i-it's you." the woman speaks up, eyes widening slowly as she stares at your hand.
you look at her in confusion. "...i'm sorry, what?"
paimon groans in frustration. "iā€™ve been trying to tell you this whole time, look at your hand!" she exclaims.
you immediately look at your hand that has your red string wrapped around your finger, slowly tracing to where it leads this timeā€“
only to see the red thread wrapped around the woman's finger.
your eyes widens as well, glancing at both you and the woman's fingers in disbelief. "...oh."
who knew you have already arrived to your destination?
177 notes Ā· View notes
eligaxy Ā· 4 years ago
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ā˜†ā„œš”¢š”©š”žš”±š”¦š”¬š”«š”°š”„š”¦š”­ : Venti x gn!Reader
ā˜†š”šš”žš”Æš”«š”¦š”«š”¤š”° : near death experience, youā€™re confused asf about everything, bad writing cause i suck, spoilers for the we will be reunited quest!! And also for ventiā€™s backstory, venti is serious for once (yes itā€™s a legitimate warningšŸ¤š)
ā˜†š”Šš”¢š”«š”Æš”¢ : Some angst, some fluff? Idk byešŸ¤Ø
ā˜†š”–š”²š”Ŗš”Ŗš”žš”Æš”¶ : "It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask." (2.8k words)
ā™Ŗš”‘š”¬š”±š”¢š”° : iā€™m an idiot simp, i did this in one sitting and half asleep, english isnt my first language BLA BLA IM SORRY FOR MY POOR WRITING BUT HAVE THIS
basically you donā€™t know if you can trust venti or not, head says no, heart screams yes
Also, I was listening to stormterrorā€™s lair ost while writing it, just because its fucking amazing, you might wanna listen to it too
Iā€™m nervous to post this?/&:! This is the second fic iā€™ve ever finished in my whole life
i love venti and heā€™s hot in his god outfit i donā€™t make the rules
āœ§ āœ§ āœ§ āœ§ āœ§
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
Saying you were exhausted would have been an understatement. After reuniting with your sibling, you had been frantically searching for clues about khaenri'ah and ways to Inazuma. With no luck, you couldn't find any traces of Dainsleif or of your twin. The ruins had been sealed and you had no idea what happened to the inverted statue or the corpse you had found there. Desperately, you clung into every little information you had, you would have turned every rock on this archon damned continent if you had to, which is what led you into those ruins near Guilli plains.
Walking along the destroyed buildings your eyes caught sight of a dandelion and you froze. You missed them so much, why couldn't they go back home with you? All you ever wanted was to be by their side why, why were they running away from you?
You remembered your travels, the moments you shared together, their protectiveness over you, the fondness in their eyes when you smiled at them. You remember the times you got hurt and healed one another with your now missing powers. You remember sleeping by their side and being grateful to the universe to let you keep your ray of sunshine everywhere with you. How ironic.
What had they meant 'once you reach the end of your journey' ? What does that even mean? Stupid twin, if they knew you were here the whole time, why hadn't they come to you? Why were they always leaving just when they were within your grasp? Why? Did they know how much you missed them and how much your heart broke when you finally saw them? Did they?
You only realized you were crying when a small gust of wind had your wet cheek react to the cold, breaking your train of thought. Wind.
The wind is everywhere, you think, free as a bird, always accompanying every citizen of this world, never truly alone. With this in mind, you resumed your exploring, slower this time.
A sigh escaped your mouth. You didn't want to admit it, but the wind did comfort you a little. Almost as if he was here. God of freedom and of the breeze, he was more a singer than a protector and you couldn't bear to think about him. Was it true? What Dain said... Did he destroy this nation? Was he the cause of the scenery that still haunted your nightmares up until 500 years later? Your brain simply couldn't accept that Venti, your Venti, you catch yourself thinking, could have made such an act of wrath. He was the epitome of freedom, why would he take the very thing he based all of his existence on from mere mortals? Barbatos simply couldn't be afraid of being overpowered, he didn't even care about power. All he wanted was freedom and happiness for his people. Surley this couldn't be right?
But then again, who were you to deny the wipe out of an entire nation? The gods did it. They were afraid that Celestia would be overthrown by the pride of humankind, the destruction of khaenri'ah by divine beings was a fact. There was no misunderstanding about this. That was the one thing you were sure of. So why did you feel like crying even more now?
The mere thought of a gentle soul such as Venti committing innocent people to an eternity of suffering didn't sit right with you. Even when his dearest friend Dvalin had turned against him, he didn't try to stop him, didn't even ask the dragon to save him. He healed and helped him, gave him a choice.
'What is freedom if demanded of you by a god?' was the same person that asked this question the same one who committed mass murder? Genocide?
Did the little wine-lover bard you had grown fond of destroy all hopes and light your kin had?
You remember that night when he freed Stanley from his burden, freed his and his friends' spirits. You had marveled at his action, in that instant he was a god, and he definitely hadn't struck you as a murderer. You remember that look of silent pain and grief in his eyes when he sang the tales of the nameless bard he had taken the appearance of. You knew he trusted you enough to share his story, something so personal, you could almost feel the war that took down the tyrant of Mond. Oh how much you cherished that evening, treating him to some well deserved dandelion wine afterwards, his favorite, and asking him to sing you more about the time where was nothing but the spirit of a breeze.
Your heart broke a little, remembering his rosy cheeks and drunk smile, you wish you could talk to him, ask him what happened. What did he do, was he really as dangerous as you had been told? If so, then why did you feel so good around him? Why did you feel like you could give hi-
You stopped walking upon seeing a ruin guard up ahead in the distance. You're so stupid, you think. Feeling this way is not gonna get you anywhere, especially with how the bard had been missing for a few weeks now. Ever since you had last seen your sibling.
Where was he, where was he wandering off to? You walk towards the disabled ruin guard, not really paying any mind to it, still thinking about the god you longed to meet with. If you could see him, what would you even say? Would he even answer your questions? Why did your stomach feel so light and funny when you thought about seeing him, why aren't you angrier?
You're almost at the killing machine's level now, so lost in your thought you don't notice the five other similar robots hidden behind a wall next to it. You notice them only when it's too late and you've already turned them on while thinking about examining them and collecting their serial numbers. When you hear the familiar tick of the mechanism turning on, you internally panic and think about running away only to calm down moments later and think to yourself that you can simply beat it and take what you came here for. Even if you are emotionally and physically tired, you can manage, you think.
That was before hearing five other consecutive ticks right after it, and all around you.
Turning around, your gaze falls upon the small army of field tillers. Fuck.
Paimon wasn't with you today, you had asked for some time alone which she hesitantly accepted, so you couldn't ask her to go fetch help. You would have been worried if you had all your capacities but with the state you were in, you were wondering how you were going to survive this fight. You were alone, none of your companions with you, and deeply weakened by the busy day you had and the few hours of sleep you had managed to steal away from the night. Was it today you would meet your doom, with all your questions and uncertainties unanswered?
You tried your best to fight with the strength you had left, but quickly grew desperate after what felt like hours of efforts to swing your blade and being able to only take one monster down out of the six. It didn't help that you got injured along the way, their blows becoming harder and harder to dodge. After being thrown on the grown for the third time, you understood you had at least two broken ribs and that your shaking legs would soon fail you as well.
Fear crept upon you, you would die here today, alone. Alone. You couldn't talk to your sibling after all, couldn't understand. You didn't even get to talk to him one last time. Him... You would die without the knowledge of the truth about your bard. You would die alone. You didn't want that, you couldn't look death straight in the eye.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
In Mondstadt, there was a musician, a weird singer everyone had heard about at least once. He lived off of his songs and was mostly known for having a great story-telling and being an alcoholic.
The number of people who knew the true nature of his identity were few and he was perfectly content with that. He didn't wish to be a god anymore, his gnosis had been taken away anyway and it's not like he had any power over the city of wind nowadays. Even if his people still worshipped him as Barbatos, it didn't sit right with him to be called a god anymore. It actually never did, he thinks to himself with a smile, he never really took any responsibilities that came with the divine title which is why he was so weak today. But it didn't matter to him, his smile turns into a soft giggle.
Sitting on a mill that was once born from his steps he looks fondly over the city he founded. Even if they were godless, the citizens were still thriving and free. He cared oh so very deeply about the place even if he rarely, if not never, showed the affection within his heart. He remembers the day he grew strong enough to dispel the storms over his actual Mondstadt, and made the weather gentle enough so that there was no need for fireplaces. Nowadays, he loves watching birds nest into the chimney tops and seeing them found their own home. It gave him a sense of belonging like no other, not above his people, but walking among them and watching them nest into this cocoon he created. He was proud of what happened to his land and would do it all over again if he had to.
Especially since it led to him meeting you. This thought doesn't catch him off guard, you often roamed around in his mind after all, and it's not like he didn't write at least three songs about you and your feat, your smile, your courage...
Ah there he goes again, rambling about you in a whisper. He turns around to the statue of him his people erected in his honor, chuckling at how they never made the connection with his signature braids. His, but not really his, since he had stolen this form from someone who was much more deserving of this power than him. Seeing his friend being honored with the statues of the seven around the land made him happy, he hoped that it was a good enough thank you gift in return for everything that the bard whom he couldn't even remember the name of anymore did for him.
Upon gazing at the statue, he remembered telling you of his long gone friend. It was the first time he had talked about him to someone else, he didn't even mention it to Venessa, she who made him believe in himself again. He could ask himself why, but he simply knew that you had something different, more than meets the eye. Perhaps it was because you weren't from Teyvat, or perhaps it was just you being as simple as your natural self but he was simply and utterly captivated by your being. You inspired him to no end, at first he thought it was because he had never met someone like you and he loved new things! But as time grew and he got to know you, he understood quickly the meaning and depth of his passions. He thought of it with a light chuckle, content with your presence alone. He really did need and want you around.
So why did he purposely avoid you like the plague?
The wind had brought to his ears that you had met with Dainsleif.
And your twin.
His first reaction was to search for you, talk to you, he wanted to be here to know what happened! You had searched so long, he couldn't contain himself, still listening to what the wind told him, he started running with excitement but... But wait, Dainsleif was... He told you what?
So you heard about Khaenri'ah. He had stopped dead in his tracks and turned back, only sending a warm current of wind your way, hugging you from afar.
He wasn't ready to talk about this yet, not ready to face you and absolutely not ready to answer your questions. He was a coward, he thought, running away like that but what else could he do, really. It was only natural for him to be as uncatchable as air.
A sorry excuse to avoid the fact that even if his past had marvelous story like the one of the nameless bard, it also had its share of darkness, something he wasn't ready to dive back into. Especially not now when your arrival has been shaking this world up like it hasn't been since at least 500 years.
But oh, how he longed to see your face or to hear your voice. So he asked a breeze to report to him what you were up to, and where you were. Just in case! he tells himself, what if you needed help ehe? But he knows you're competent and you won't need the help of a weakling coward like him anytime soon. Or so he thought.
Because when the breeze only gives him a few words back, his blood runs cold.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
As you murmured these words in your desperate state, not really for anyone but yourself as a last resort, a prayer of some sort, you tried to stand by leaning yourself on your sword and failing miserably. You didn't dare look up as you heard the loud footsteps of the metal giants coming your way. It was over, and you barely managed to accept it.
As you rested your forehead against the cold handle of your sword, you closed your eyes, tears starting to make their ways out of your closed eyelids. All you could feel was remorse.
A soft breeze moved your hair slightly and your chest felt like a black hole had taken place where your heart used to be, regretting to not have been able to meet him under the tree at Windrise one last time.
The breeze quickly grew stronger, until it felt unnatural and you looked up from the ground, only to close your eyes again immediately when you realized the wind was too powerful for you to keep them open. If you had struggled to see though, you would have been blinded by the white light that soon illuminated the whole ruins. You didn't have enough time to register the situation when you felt a hand being laid atop your shoulder, snaking around your collarbones and pulling you back into... nothing? Another arm circled your weak form and a voice you immediately recognized said
"I've dealt with things worse than you, now crumble."
You realized that if you couldn't feel a chest behind you while still being embraced by his arms, it was because he was floating above you, and not standing behind you. A look in his direction confirmed your suspicions but what stunned you wasn't the fact that he was flying, but the attire he wore. Barely covering his body, a white set made of materials that seemed like clouds and liquid gold contrasted perfectly with his regular green clothes. His hair was glowing green and his eyes that were focused on the ruin guards up ahead had a marvelous shine that you had never seen before. He had that same aura he did the night he freed Stanley, but there was also something different about the way his hands gripped you a little too tightly or the way his voice sounded.
"Venti.." You muttered his name, relief and affection flooding you all at once, in his presence you felt as if nothing bad could happen to you. How foolish could you be, just a few hours ago you were speculating wether or not he had wiped out an entire civilisation and now here you were, being saved by him and feeling safer than you had in months.
"Close your eyes, I don't want give you a headache" he said, slowly floating legs first towards the ground. His unusually serious voice surprised you (and him) but you did as he told you. Letting go of your sword and leaning back into him, you let him deal with the monsters ahead of you.
"It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask."
Being protected by a god really didn't feel that bad. Especially when you were in love with said god.
āœ§ āœ§ āœ§ āœ§ āœ§
Thank you so much for reading whatever this is until the end :ā€™)
Donā€™t hesitate to comment or reblog, tysm <3
Ps: venti loves u and so do i do pls take care of urself mwah
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klixxy Ā· 4 years ago
Genshin Fic Recs
so... i ventured into the vast world of Google looking for some good GI fic recs... only to find such a pitiful amount that i was promptly devastated. therefore, the solution is to make my own! :D
keep in mind most of these will be ChiLi or XingYun, and yes, i will try not to include smut unless it was one i really really liked. if anyone wants a separate list for just smut (though that will most likely be shorter) i can try to make one later.`
ft. my bookmark comments :)
wrapped up in pure gold by beyondwinter
(chili; accidental marriage; chili/childe-centric; 22k words; ongoing)
"Do you understand its meaning, Childe?" He finally asks. There's a hard glint in his eyes, like he's trying to steel himself for his answer.
"Yeah." Loyalty and devotion, right? Between business partners? "I do. It's traditional, isn't it?"
Zhongli's eyes glow a warm amber in the near darkness, reflecting the soft shine of the lanterns. He studies his face with a strange intensity, as though Childe were a piece of high quality Nocticulous Jade being sold for suspiciously small sum and he's trying to find the blemishes that would explain the price. The weight of his gaze should be uncomfortable, boring into him like he can see into the very depths of his abyss-tainted soul, but Childe finds himself preening under the attention instead.
Childe accidentally proposes to Zhongli. Zhongli accepts.
The World is Water by Millereflets
(chili; smut; hurt/comfort; chili-centric; 7k words; oneshot)
Childe doesn't visit Zhongli until it's almost too late.
Set in Stone by seredemia
(chili; fake dating au; angst; some smut?; chili/chiilde-centric; 55k words; ongoing)
What do you do when you write about a certain six thousand year old consultant so much in your letters that it somehow convinces your entire family you're not only dating each other, but that you're also engaged?
In Childe's case, the answer is plain and simple: he goes along with it, of course. Absolutely nothing can go wrong if he makes a contract with the God of Contracts, vowing that the two of them will pretend to be lovers for the duration of his family's stay in Liyue. Afterwards, they'll return as normal and speak no more of this mess. No feelings or complications involved whatsoever.
Contract accepted. A fool-proof plan set in stone. Right?
Private Ledger of the Eleventh Harbinger by JuHuaTai
(chili; humor; getting together; chili/ekaterina-centric; 5k words; oneshot)
ā€œSo guess what I did next?ā€
Ekaterina contemplated not answering, but Harbinger Tartaglia was justā€¦ grinning and waiting. Itā€™s honestly rather creepy the longer time passed.
In the end, she gave a long suffering sigh that seems lost on him, ā€œYou bought him the Erhuā€”ā€œ
ā€œI bought him the antique, cor lapis based Erhu,ā€
When she first left her homeland for the unknown nation of Liyue, Ekaterina was ready to be many things: To be a soldier, to fell Tsaritsaā€™s enemies in her name, to bring glory to Snezhnaya and her leader.
Being a receptionist in a cozy bank wasnā€™t so bad in comparison, but she absolutely can do without the front row seat to Harbinger Tartagliaā€™s (expensive) love life.
i know i'm where i'm meant to go by paperclips (pastel_paperclips)
(chili; humor; fluff; chili-centric; 12k words; ongoing)
"Childe," Zhongli says suddenly. "I am enjoying myself greatly." Childeā€™s face breaks into a grin. "Then-" Zhongli gasps, grabbing his wrist and tugging him over to an unsuspecting peddler with a cart full of rocks. "Is that an intrusive igneous pegmatite formed in the Inazuma regions?" Childeā€™s grin smooths into a small, adoring smile. He has all the time in the world to figure the other man out.
OR: Finding the Geo Archon is on Childe's to-do list but hanging out with Zhongli is significantly more fun.
Crumbling Stone by avtorSola
(chiliven; ANGST; PAIN; mind control; zhongli-centric; 74k words; ongoing)
When Morax unleashes his plan to test the Liyue Qixing and his adepti, he does not take into account the stirring of the Abyss Order in the north and the corruption of Dvalin - for why would he fear an organization that works in such shadows? He is secure in his power, after all, unlike his flighty ex, the absentee archon of Mondstadt who rises only when his people are in danger.
But, somehow, the Abyss Order discovers his plan. Somehow, they capitalize on it. And he, the God of Stone who cannot sicken, is struck down - taken by an order bent on destroying all of humanity as Liyue crumbles around him. For even Archons aren't immune to Durin's blood, and Morax is no exception. But then the question becomes - if even Archons may fall to the agony of this corrupting burn - how is their traveling friend Aether immune?
The answer comes from beyond the stars - an ancient malice that knows no kindness or mercy. A malice whose legacy the Abyss Order now bears, seeking to topple all the Archons and their people into the void of utter destruction. And they have begun in Liyue.
Fortunately, it takes a long time to erode stone.
left-behind city by trixstar
(platonic zhongven; angst; ANGST; venti-centric; 1k words; oneshot)
"An associate of mine has just informed me that Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon has been assassinated."
Venti blinks.
Or: Venti and how he copes with finding out he is all that remains.
i circle ten thousand years long; and i still do not know if i am a falcon, a storm, or an unfinished song by birdsofpassage
(platonic zhongven; angst; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 4k words; oneshot)
Venti and Zhongli, and the vignettes of a much-needed vacation around Mondstadt.
(my bookmarks:Ā ; - ;Ā  Ā  Ā  ;Ā  -Ā  ; )
oh ye with little faith by air_fried_air
(platonic zhongven; angst; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
Two former archons do a little tour around Mondstadt.
(my bookmarks:Ā why are all genshin angst fics so melancholy.... i feel so empty)
the wind through the mountain tops by glassdrachma
(platonic zhongven; humor; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 21k words; finished)
Boredom brings Barbatos of Mondstadt to bother a certain ex-Archon of the Earth.
(my bookmarks:Ā venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship-)
the art of exorcism by Agried
(xingyun; ghost au; hurt/comfort; chongyun-centric; 9k words; oneshot)
On the road back from one of his jobs, Chongyun runs into Xingqiu, the wandering swordsman. And then they keep meeting, over and over again. or, alternately; how a ghost and an exorcist learn how to love, one step at a time.
Bane of All Evil by tzitzimeme
(xingyun; humor; romance; chongyun-centric; 24k words; hiatus)
When Chongyun unintentionally offends Liyue's second most powerful adepti, he vows to mend the thorny relationship between Adeptus Xiao and human exorcists-- even though no one has succeeded in currying Xiao's favor for over a thousand years.
His best friend Xingqiu offers to come alone, mainly because he's worried about what kind of trouble Chongyun will run into. Along the way, they receive help from others: Xiangling packs them meals for their journeys, while Zhongli gives them advice on what demons to track.
Childe is just there because he thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
[On indefinite hiatus due to burnout; sorry!]
kiss me slowly (so i don't forget) by xiwangmu
(xingyun; humor; romance; light angst; xingqiu-centric; 8k words; oneshot)
Wangshu Inn Bulletin Board
Guest Message: My best friend whom I harbor affections for kissed me last night, but due to his special condition he does not recall a single moment of it. I am quite conflicted about whether to disclose these events to him or not, because that would most certainly require me to confess my feelings as well. If anyone has experience in romancing boys with excessive positive energy, this one humbly asks you to share some advice.
Reply: Our greatest apologiesā€”although we would like to offer some words in response, we simply cannot decipher your handwriting. Perhaps you may return with a neater message next time?
time trials by idlestars
(xingyun/many ships; humor; modern au; xingyun-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
A modern social media AU.
Xingqiu Teases Demons. Chongyun Almost Cries. [The clip shows Xingqiu, lit by the sickly green of night vision, as he stares bored into a dark room. Heā€™s alone - Chongyun left to see if Xingqiu could lure out the ghosts. Xingqiu glances at the camera, smirks, and then opens his mouth.
ā€œHey demons, itā€™s me, yah boy.ā€]
woe be the wallet of the god of wealth by glassdrachma
(gen; humor; identity reveal; keqing/zhongli-centric; 12k words; finished)
Or, the story of how the Yuheng of the Qixing came to idolize, befriend, and discover the identity of the God of Geo, in that order.
(personal comments: hilarious, made me burst out into laughter multiple times, and was just a masterful piece of writing)
to dream of dust by miao_x
(guili/gen; ANGST; hurt/no comfort; zhongli-centric; 5k words; oneshot)
Some nights, Zhongli dreams.
He dreams of soft light, golden song, and a gentle breeze whispering tales of millennia past. It is warm, familiar, and comforting.
It feels like home.
And then he opens his eyes, and awakes to reality.
(my bookmarks: oh zhongli... made me cry)
To drown in your own tears by C_rin_nyan
(guili/gen; ANGST; TEARS; PAIN; zhongli-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
As Rex Lapis, he had never shed a tear, even as he slaughtered hundreds, destruction following his every step. As Zhongli, he had shed much more than he would like to admit, however.
Or, ā€œZhongliā€™s soul gave its last scream long ago, yet even now, the echo of said sound was still strong enough to reach Rex Lapis.ā€
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froggysoup Ā· 4 years ago
Alrighty Iā€™m just gonna ramble on about my thoughts on the new quest (and things in general because I talk too much) and pray that at least some of it ends up coherent. Spoilers, by the way.
Iā€™ve had this first theory since the last archon quest but got nervous and didnā€™t share, so here it is now. Maybe itā€™s an obvious thing that Iā€™m just in the dark about, but Iā€™m fairly sure that Dainsleifā€™s ā€œBoughkeeperā€ title has a large part in explaining why he knows so much about things he really shouldnā€™t. From the newest quest, we learn that he is actually cursed with immortality, which could explain some it, but the guy still knows too much for it to simply be chalked up to his age. Heā€™s literally the designated narrator for half of the official videos and knows a lot about what and who he talks about.
I suspect that the ley lines serve as an information network of some sort, and that Dainsleifā€™s position as Boughkeeper allows him access to it in one way or another. The only other places we really see the whole tree/branch thing is with the ley line branches, Irminsul trees, the Frostbearing Tree, and the tree who once had roots that spanned the whole continent (which we know the ley line branches were once directly a part of), all of which are connected in a way that I havenā€™t quite figured out yet.Ā 
Now, from those screens that come up while the game is loading, we know that supposedly, the intertwined roots of the Irminsul trees far beneath the earth determine the pattern of the ley lines above, and we also know that ley lines are aĀ ā€œmysterious network that links the whole world togetherā€ and that they are said to remember everything that happens in the world. From this, I donā€™t think itā€™d be that much of a reach to say that Dainsleif can access that somehow.
Next. I do think thereā€™s a pretty good chance that the Archons were involved in the destruction of Khaenriā€™ah. The Viridescent Venerer set actually tells us how the former Dendro Archon died during the cataclysm while in Khaenriā€™ah, which. Uh. Thatā€™s kind of really incriminating.Ā 
However! Obviously, weā€™ve only heard this from Dainsleifā€™s point of view and heā€™s pretty biased considering his whole thing. We donā€™t know how much control Celestia has over the Archonsā€™ actions, either, and Iā€™m about 98% sure that some of them werenā€™t into it, and likely didn't even have a choice. Like, look at the Tsaritsa. Her whole thing is that sometime during the cataclysm, she witnessed something so view-shattering and unjust that her whole thing now is toĀ ā€œburn away the old worldā€ and overthrow Celestia.Ā 
I also canā€™t see Venti and Zhongli going along with the destruction of an entire nation with no hesitation. Like, obviously, again, Dainsleif is going to be biased, but from what weā€™ve been told Khaenriā€™ah didnā€™t even do anything divine-retribution-worthy. Celestia just seems be into dropping skyscraper-sized pillars and other things onto nations who get too good at being independent, for whatever reason. The new quest is definitely supposed to make us question the current systems of this world but I donā€™t think weā€™re meant to hate Venti or Zhongli, at least yet. I think theyā€™re even kind of meant to be seen as theĀ ā€œbestā€ out of the Archons, so to speak. (Not that I think theyā€™re perfect, by any means.)
Like, just look at the way theyā€™ve been presented to us, versus how some of the other Archons have been introduced (Storyline Trailer, my beloved).Ā 
Raiden Shogun is made out to be some self-absorbed divine ass-kisser who doesnā€™t have humanityā€™s best interests at heart (which we know is supposed to be a thing you do as an Archon). Sheā€™s doing her whole confiscating visions and oppressive rule thing in an effort to be seen as more divine, but, as Dainsleif puts it,Ā ā€œwhat do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god?ā€
The Dendro Archon/God of Wisdom is implied to not actually be as smart as somebody with that title is supposed to be, one way or another, and either has turned a blind eye to or blatantly encourages theĀ ā€œpush for follyā€ in Sumeru. Canā€™t tell exactly what that would mean or entail (thanks, Dainsleif), but obviously. Doesnā€™t sound good.
Dainsleif says of the Hydro Archon that sheĀ ā€œlives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the divine.ā€ While the not making an enemy of the divine thing I get (I guess, coward), the wholeĀ ā€œseeking to judge all other godsā€ bit seems very ā€œremove the log from your own eyeā€-y. Like, youā€™re an Archon, too, what are you trying to prove here?
The Tsaritsa is- well, the Tsaritsa, as we know. While I do think we are meant to sympathize and agree with at least part of her core ideals and motives, she still is the one behind the Fatui and is, by extension, a war criminal. She also apparently has ā€œno love left for her peopleā€. Itā€™s a bit of a complicated relationship that we have with her.
The only ones who Dainsleif does not directly slander in the trailer are Venti, Zhongli, and Murata. While I donā€™t think we have enough on her to come to any conclusions about her character yet, Venti does say of her that she is aĀ ā€œwayward, war-mongering wretchā€. Now, he does also jab at Rex Lapis during this voiceline, but unlike with Murata we know that those two are buddy-buddy and it was very likely that it was ā€œbuffoon (affectionate)ā€.
Venti and Zhongli are also the first two Archons we encounter, which is important for multiple reasons.
Gonna derail for a bit because I donā€™t know where to start. But. The game very likely will (or at least should) end with no Archons.
Obviously, especially in light of the new quest (although this stuff has been floating around since the Dragonspine update and even before that), Celestia Bad. Like, cataclysmically bad (lmao). In fact, Iā€™m highly certain that you could trace basically every problem in this game back to them, some way or another.
Even our main ā€œvillainā€ groups all seem to be gunning for Celestia. The Fatui obviously work for the Tsaritsa, whoā€™s made it very clear that she plans to rebel against the divine. The Abyss Order, too, has their Deeply Upsetting plan of creating a mechanized god with the power toĀ ā€œtopple the divine thrones of Celestiaā€.
Evidence points to an overthrow of Celestia at some point in the game, and considering how being an Archon or even a god is directly tied to Celestia, yeah. No more Celestia means no more Archons.
But even besides that, thereā€™s a lot there to suggest that thatā€™s where things are going.
I find it interesting how Mondstadtā€™s our prologue chapter, or that thereā€™s even a prologue chapter of the game at all. Prologues are meant to set up ideas that will be present throughout the rest of the story, and Mondstadt does exactly that. Ventiā€™s let the people of Mondstadt govern themselves and has almost completely been out of the equation for millennia, even if that means he is significantly weaker than his godly peers. When asked why he chose to do that instead of remain in charge and just give them freedom, Venti responds thatĀ ā€œfreedom, if demanded of you by an archon, is really no freedom at all.ā€ This sentiment is also brought up in the Mondstadt portion of the storyline trailer, and the traveler even has a whole voiceline debating what Venti really meant when he said that.
This idea of freedom and that humanity is capable on its own is further reinforced in Chapter 1, in which Liyue learns to move on from the death of its Archon. Zhongli set up his plan with the intention of testing if his people could stand on their own legs without him there to guide them, and they do. He even expresses how pleasantly surprised he is that the Qixing were able to take advantage of the situation and seize control like they did. Keqing gives us this whole speech when we first meet her about how the adepti and gods underestimate humanityā€™s capability and how Liyueā€™s future is meant to be a godless one. This, in a way, extends to the rest of the continent as well.
In the storyline trailer (which I quote too often, Iā€™m sorry. My favorite and only party trick is that I got bored one day and memorized the whole thing), Dainsleif spends the entire Khaenriā€™ah section musing about something similar.Ā 
ā€œIn the perpetual meantime of a sheltered eternity, most are content to live and not to dream. But in the hidden corner where the godsā€™ gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming,ā€ is obviously about the people of Teyvat vs. those in Khaenriā€™ah. While a future under the care of the Archons is a safe and reliable one, is it one that allows humanity to chase its potential to the fullest? Khaenriā€™ah was destroyed for flourishing like it did without gods, both as a punishment and a warning to everybody else.
ā€œSome say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs, but I say we humans have our humanity.ā€ This is in reference to visions. Throughout the game, this idea that, at least in the eyes of the gods, vision holders are more important than those without them, is constantly brought up.
In the commissionĀ ā€œLeaves on the Windā€, Dr. Edith expresses how it often seems as if vision holders are the main characters of this world. From the notebooks we receive during theĀ ā€œTime and Windā€ world quest, we learn that the Sumeru Academia actually discourages non-vision holders from conducting outdoor surveys, and howĀ ā€œthese days... trying to be an academic when you don't have a Vision, it's really restricting...ā€ Dainsleif even just straight up asks us what we think the gods think of vision holders and people in general during question time in that one quest.
In Lisaā€™s stories, we learn that the reason for her laziness is that a part of her is afraid of learning or doing too much, after witnessing whatĀ ā€œuninhibited eruditionā€ can do to people during her time in Sumeru. She also senses that something beneath the surface is happening regarding the distribution of visions.Ā ā€œFor whatever reasons, the gods gave humans the key to changing everything, but they did not explain the cost involved. Lisa grew fearful of the truth.ā€
I forgot exactly where I was going with that last paragraph, but yeah. Thereā€™s definitely sketchy shit going on behind the scenes in regards to visions, possibly to keep people either quiet or complacent. I suspect it may even be to restrict access to certain knowledges or even the elements themselves. Anyways.
I lose track of my thoughts too often. Fuck. Right. Mondstadt and Liyue served as good examples of society under the rule of the Archons, and in Chapter 2 we will encounter our first bad example, showing us the pros and cons of the current situation. However, despite Zhongli and Venti seeming to genuinely care for their people, humanityā€™s wellbeing shouldnā€™t be reliant on how their god is feeling that day, and they shouldnā€™t have to look to the gods for a chance to become something greater than themselves, either.
Um. All thatā€™s to say Iā€™m just very excited to see where the story will go, and if Zhongliā€™s contract with the Tsaritsa is any indication then itā€™s gonna go somewhere good. Celestia bad, Archons bad but also not bad but also bad, I donā€™t know if what I just wrote actually even counts as understandable, thank you and good night.
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yostresswritinggirl Ā· 4 years ago
The One The Bard Once Loved
NEW Vibe check (appropriate song to cry to while reading)
"The bard, the sprite, the archer. The trio of young dreamers that wish to witness the blue skies past the raging winds that lock their freedom. But those are more than mere dreams, for it requires the sacrifice of those you love, to grace the courage to fight a God. And Barbatos, poor Barbatos, sacrificed more than he wanted."
Pairings -> Venti x Fem!Reader x Bard (Gale)
Word Count -> 4,337
Theme -> Angst, Backstory, Long Fic
Series -> #Bonafide specials (100 followers event)
Warnings -> Spoilers to Venti's story, character death
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"Oh little sprite, from whence beyond
Does thou reminiscent of a vagabond?
Curious to which it whisks upon
Trapped now in desolate, forlorn"
Venti the wind sprite had always been curious, the single whisk of air that always goes the opposite way, hanging behind from his fellow currents to be distracted by a curious thing. So it was no surprise to anyone that he had gone lost once more in their rounds swaying but when he'd not return, long ago has his current passed the nation of Mond. Yet there was no way he can fly by his family of winds, for he finds himself trapped within the walls of a grazing storm that cages the stone walls of the city, of winds that he could not control nor agitate.
No matter how hard he tries the wind does not part, and so little Venti was stuck inside brooding skies and angry blasts. No mere sprite can go against the mighty strength of an archon.
So he resigns to his fate and wanders in this new place. Of a city wide and barren, why dare the Decarabian hide such dwelling? And even with the raging howls of the walls of wind, Venti couldn't help but wonder the silence it traps within.
A tiny ball of white in an expanse of gray. The thought scares the little sprite enough to make him scurry for the smallest bit of sound he can decipher. The loneliness creeps into his coreā€”
And his little body bumps into that of a soft material. "Oh! Goodness, one should not run off without looking like that-" the figure turns and finds itself face to face with a floating blob, deep blue eyes wide and mouth hangs with wonder. Venti recognizes this creature in one of his endeavors as the wind, a human being, the true wanderers of Teyvat. Yet what is one doing trapped? "Such a peculiar being! What could you be?"
Yet it is not frightened by Venti's rarity, well, given he is not the most frightening wonder in this continent this was no surprise.
The sprite did not mind being found out. No, no, quite the opposite honestly, as he flies closer to the young boy and hides in his upturned hood. Nuzzling against the junction in his neck as he expresses gratitude in the company and presence of another in this desolate world.
The young boy chuckles and it reminds him of a song. "Perhaps you do not understand what I spoke?" The sprite shakes its head and the ticklish spot is tickled again. "Or do you not know how to speak?" A nod. And another giggle.
Without another word, the human slips back into the alleys of winding yet thin roads before making his way inside what looks to be a cathedral of tall composition. Glass windows of the same length tinted in kaleidoscopic patterns of color. There is a light in them you would usually bask in during the 'outside world', but in here it replicates that of an oasies in the deserts of Sumeru.
Underneath the artificial haze it beams a seeming spotlight at a figure clad in a dark ebony cloak. Venti felt the vibrations of an elated gasp as the human rushed over with a smile and frantic waving.
"My fair muse, how you've brighten my day, bestowing your presence tonight!"
The cloak tenses before immediately relaxing, the 'muse' he speaks of turns with its loose hood falling as it bundled around the shoulders, and Venti the sprite couldn't help but gasp too at the sight!
Fair is lacking, no words can describe the essence of bloom and beauty at the beholder as you stood there almost sparkling, hair catching the twinkle of light. Your plum lips caught itself smiling yet your eyes twinkled double the amusement at the sight of the human before you, "Gale." You murmured with an undertone of annoyance as you trudged over, flicking the boy's forehead so suddenly he'd voiced his hurt loudly. "Where have you been?! You've never been late to our daily rendezvous, you had me worried-!"
"Oh, such a cutie when you worry!" The young boy, Gale, cupped your cheeks in the middle of your spiel as he softly pats it with his fingers. Venti had never seen such creature change colors as fast as you, not even a chameleon, or an octopus in hiding. "I've simply found a new companion while I was out and about!"
As if a spotlight was caught unto him this time, your blown eyes wandered to the sprite floating by your company's neck. And oddly he'd found the attention appreciated.
"Who is this? An elf?"
"Venti!" There was a distant jingle of imaginary bells in his squeak of a voice.
"It/You can talk?!"
(Y/N) Lawrence.
Gale the Bard.
Venti the El- Wind Sprite.
Gale was a bard that resides in the cathedral of Mondstadt, homeless and without blood and kin, the nuns had took him in and lead their choir in turn for their hospitality.
You, on the other hand, lived with a clan of hunters that once ruled the mountains and forests. But with the emergence of the inescapable walls of wind, your family had been on the forefront of the protection of the citizens.
There were a lot of struggles in communication between you two and the lil sprite. He only knows his name and how to copy words (not so fluently) so questions had to be foregone, teaching the little one took priority. And Gale being the weaver of words took it upon himself to teach him frequently as you had your duties and family to go to.
Venti would sometimes disappear for a majority of the time and you'd figured he finally found a way to pass through the winds without shredding himself among the blades of current. And then he'd pop back in to listen to the merry tunes Gale had come up with, both of them waiting for your return.
"Ah Venti, is she not a beauty? The youngest daughter of Lawrence, as divine as that of incense. Oh tell me those dotted eyes could see it too!" The little sprite eagerly nods as he follows the bard's stride across the aisles in the holy cathedral, once again barren of other souls except for them. Whenever his human friend finds time to muse, it would be most about the maiden he fancies, the muse of most of his songs. Venti had been captured by his delicate tunes and savory lines to the point that he too had been overly enticed by your grace when your presence shines.
Your strength, your smile, your laugh, your hair. Your gait, your poise, your eyes, your glare. You had caught their stares dozens of times in silence before and it was always up to you to put them back to present time.
Venti simply basked in your warming aura and indulges himself outwardly, often you'd find him dozing off on the crown of your head. And often times you'd find a little pout on Gale at such a sight that you had no choice but to tease. In those moments, the wind sprite knew he had come out triumphant.
The cathedral doors open as quickly as they had closed, your windswept and frantic form appearing from the storm outside. The two boys in your life immediately lit up on your appearance but you'd know most of it was directed at the numerous scrolls and books you currently cradle in your shivering arms.
You offered them a grin, one of victory, and you'd all cheered at your success.
Soon, your merry trio made its way to the second floor of the cathedral in front of a faraway hallway that looks over the vast floor of the first yet still had the glow from the looming illuminated glass windows. Beholden in front of you are illustrations of a world beyond, filled with colors and shine, a world you had only imagined from stories now pictured perfectly.
Venti would hover over the illustrations at random intervals and giddily point at some of those he recognized, squeaking incoherent noises yet reflecting happiness and familiarity. While you fancied with indulging the sprite in his incomprehensible stories, Gale sat beside you with adoring yet distant eyes upon the images laid before him. Looking through them, and projecting himself in such a world. The books of the outside world you'd stolen from your clan's sacred libraries will be the start of a spark of desire to be free. And with it the start of a new era.
"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar...
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"
Long had you gone and abandoned your stolen goods for them to admire more, at least until the day your clan finally realized the missing materials in the vast expanse of the bookshelves they own. There was more to marvel at yet you feared if you linger longer, your sister would look for you and find your little crime all too soon.
Venti quietly watches the familiar illustration of a beach littered with creatures of the sea on its glittering sand before he'd lift his tiny head up, witnessing the intense stare his bard friend had on the scroll where lies an overgrown tree and a stone structure. The sprite noted he had not seen this one.
"How marvelous it would be, to celebrate the most joyous moments under this tree," Gale mumbled in a quiet lilt of longing in his voice, "Imagine (Y/N) and I, with you by my side, as I finally pluck the courage to get down on one knee." Venti bumbled in slight jealousy, buzzing in front of the bard that could only cast a laugh. "Oh hush, dear friend, is it not appropriate to take an arrow to the knee for an archer such as she?"
Yet even with his desire to be by your side, the little sprite knew that he would be there to support his friend for the happiness you two deserved. In a land where you are free. Still, Venti hopes his cuteness would be enough to prolong you just a little bit more.
Drunk in passion and dreams, the next day the bard was scheming. And when you'd come to his cathedral of a home, he finally poured out his plans to you with a Venti quipping with cheers on the side.
The Mondstadtian had predicted your hesitance, even your disapproval on the notion, and were ready to chip in to persuade you once moreā€” yet you gave in. Immediately. The same fire burned in your eyes at the thought of being unshackled and caged from the world begging to be explored. Your sentiments together with the bard fueled the desire between you three, and through the brainpower of a trio of young minds, you had drawn your plans.
Gale aided by Venti would try and coerce with the Ragnvindr clan's leader, and you would work on convincing your eldest sister Amos for the help needed to coerce the whole Lawrence bloodline into the battle. You knew there was an undeniable hatred within her against Decarabian and you wanted her to fuel that fire once and for all, for one great cause.
And soon enough, the strings of fate had come into play, and the one who shall record this momentous history has taken its seat by the balcony of war. Only the last piece of the puzzle is left in this grandoise playā€”
"Gale, Venti, are you sure this is the right direction to the hideout? We're taking a route longer than usual, surely you're not making last minute pranks..."
Your bow smacks at your back as you made your way inside the dark closet. It was two cycles before the fated ambush would come and in your nerves you had not realized how amiss things had been for the others. You were more than ready even if your fingers were to tremble everytime it holds your bow and arrow, predictions of the war that shall come floats within the expanse of your mind.
In your limited vision, your bard friend and sprite shared a look that did not pass by you. The tension had only caused you to gulp in your nervousness, were you found out? Did the participants of the revolt suddenly back down? "There has been a change of plans, but worry not for history still pans. My Muse, it is best you stay to assure you will not be caught in the storm's disarray-"
A hand flew across the bard's pristine white skin and his dark ocean hues could not help but widen. Is he... telling you to not participate in the war?! What kind ofā€” a sob left through your gritted teeth despite your best efforts, and you're not sure who was more broken between your friends upon the sight. "How could you, even think- Gale, you carry no arms but a lyre! And Venti still has no means to go against the Archon that controls the winds! What kind of absurd idea is this?!" In the middle of your rage, your friends had already wrapped you in their sentimental hug, expressing their own misery with free-flowing tears." I'm supposed to protect you... t-the three of us were supposed to lead the path of freedom..."
"You've always protected us, (Y/N). Now would be the best time... to return the favor," and as your friend stepped back to give a parting smile, your whole world suddenly engulfed in black as the door shut with a slam and a final lock.
"Gale! Venti! No, please no! Let me out! Don't do this, PLEASE!"
"Please hear us out, our dear (Y/N)," Gale leaned his forehead against the thick door that separates you two, shedding the last bit of tears he could muster before the end of an era. The desperation in your every bang against it, breaks apart a hole in his own heart, "For your own good, and your own future."
When Gale described love to the little Venti, the latter was certain that he felt the same way for you. Yet the human ever so jokingly laughed at how he was still too young to fully understand the implications of such words. But he desired just as much to protect you, to be by your side, and to see your smile. But the human was right for he did not truly understand the reasons WHY he felt like so...
So he asked instead, dear friend Gale of Tales, why have you come to cherish this human in devotion? And quite so the other was happy to indulge!
"It starts with young Mondstadt when the walls were young and the people still knew the tales and what they sang. I was a poor little bard with a broken lyre, when living alone was nothing but dire.
Without a home, without a bed, I was ready to starve to death. But an angel clad in white suddenly lead me to bright light. My muse had brought to me a cathedral, yes the one we are in now! And since then I've lived a proper choir life, always wondering how...
just how things would be without (Y/N), my angel? Continuing to live in the dark alleys, would I have been able? Even now I have yet to repay her act of kindness. But one day, for sure... " Perhaps, this act the young boy now follows, was the payment he had been waiting for.
How long you had stayed there, you had no clue but by the sounds of war cries and clashing steel had told you enough. You'd been there for too long.
Blessed with some luck that a crowbar had found its way in this janitor closet in a cathedral no less, you had immediately set out to join the battle: beyond the holy doors flames had lit up from the torches the revolt has carried, many bodies lay by the stone grounds of the city, some moving and struggling while some... you spare them not a second thought as you rushed past the stone pillars to where the heat of the war should be. If the battle plan had gone as it should thenā€”
A hand gripped your arm with such force it had you cry out before you even registered you were being slammed to the floor. A shadow of a knight that serves the God of Storm looms over you with a glare blazing past his helmet. "You're one of them, I recognize that face! You're not winning today-" yet another blade suddenly pierced through his chest, and your shirt had been splattered when it was pulled. The now lifeless body falls past you and another replaces him.
"Sir Ragnvindr!" The knight shared the same shock and relief you wore before it steeled, immediately pulling you up and away from the on-going exchanges of blows. "Everyone- how's the war looking?"
"Men had fallen from the green-tipped arrows, but we are making progress," the redhead gestured to the tower where the greatest enemy lies, taking note of the cracks and crumbling structure, a sign of his coming doom. A very good sign. "Amos took it upon herself to climb the tower-"
"What?! That's beyond the plan, she- she could get herself killed!" You brought your own bow from your back at the mention of your sister archer, bringing the strings back with an arrow at the ready, your intention clear. The redhead had shown a glint of worry but his gaze had been resolved once again at the hope of freedom, and he leaves you to your chase as he fends off the guards that dare go after you.
You expertly evaded blows and parried kicks with your bow and arrow, yet no sign of the heads of the resistance had caught your sight. The longer you climbed, the more you feared for the worst. By 2/3 of the tower you had scaled you managed to poke your head out to see the scale of war. Of red and orange floated below as the razor winds felt more violent than it had been ever since you had been born within its impenetrable walls, even from this distance high up you could still hear the clash, the warmongers held up in the central square where all battles now takes place.
And within that chaos you managed to single out a lump of black and a dot of floating white. Miraculously, your scream had reached their faraway ears and looked up, just in time to see your aerial shots of support.
"(Y/N)?! What is she-!" His words had been cut with an arrow wheezed past his head to bring down a foe that had sneaked behind him. Right, battle. Many of the immediate threats had been neutralized and the resistance had found the upper ground thanks to the archer's barrage. "How-how is she up there!"
Another body had fallen next to him with a cut on its back, a certain knight rushing past him to hit another. "Watch your back, bard! Now's not the time to monologue, she's going to backup Amos."
You were too far to hear the horrified gasp and the fearful expression your two faithful friends adorned. But the ground you were on began to shake, and you know you had to go on. "Venti! Gale! Focus, I'll be there with you two soon!" You screamed at the top of your lungs in hopes that it will reach them before continuing your ascent to the most treacherous area you had to be inā€”
You barelled towards the woman with silver hair with a pace you've never seen and a strength you'd never thought you carried, exchanging the shot you felt lodge into your left side as you sent one right through the guard's neck. You fell on your bottom and clutched the wounded area, but kept it there, if not to make sure the blood does not pour if you were to take it out.
"Sister!" The familiar voice cradled you as gently as she could with a fear-stricken face. But you assured her that it had not hit anything major, the way her worry didn't dissipate seem to hide a kind of anguish she couldn't name. "We must get you to safety, the clerics- the clerics could-"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you grunted as you pried yourself out of her grasp to prove your point, still able to keep your stance. You see Amos struggle from fatigue yet about to bite back, "We're so close, sister, any moment we linger is another body on the list of deaths." Painfully she'd bitten on her own tongue, finally relenting as you ascended the last few steps.
Normal arrows are nothing but toothpicks against the mighty God of Storms, the Anemo Archon, who easily flicked your futile attempts to graze him. And yet Decarabian was losing power just from fighting off not only your barrages but those even from below. His walls were thinning and his heart crumbles, from the thought of his once devoted followers turning back on him.
With one last strength the Lawrences gathered every piece of energy and power they could into their shot, and Decarabian looked at them with tired eyes and a raised hand. "Finally, I shall hold his gaze." The voice next to you spoke before your charged shot, swirling with beaming light flew past the sharp gale of wind and pierced through the God's core. Your ears had picked up on a violent crack before you were hit by the razor breeze upon the dying breath of the archon, sending you and Amos off the crumbling tower to free fall to your deaths.
In the edge of your peripherals the bleak gray walls of storms dissolved into rays of natural light, giving way to a hue of blue you had never seen before. As the wind wheezed past your ears, you smiled at the face of deathā€”
When a jingle of little bells suddenly slowed your descension, and you were softly met with the hard floor on your back. With tired eyes you'd found yourself next to the pioneers of freedom, conscious and unconscious. You had felt Venti nudge your hand to those of another's limp ones, soft palms yet calloused fingers, you intertwined your hands with that of the bard's.
"We did it, we finally... did it..." A pulling force drains the consciousness from your mind and body in laboured breaths, and despite your protests to keep staring at the beautiful sight of the true sky, your eyelids were pulled shut by an unknown exhaustion.
Past their closed state, a flash of light was the last thing you had thought. Bruised and beaten, your warm hand did not register how the ones you clung to... did not squeeze back.
The next time (e/c) orbs flew open their eyes the world felt that of a lucid dream, with silk of the cleanest white donned their body, and the softest breeze of a sweet flower you had not smelt passes by you. Teal orbs looked down at you with a gentleness you've felt from the artificial light from the cathedral. Speaking of- your eyes unfocused shifted its gaze to the light blue skies.
"You're... awake." Your bard friend breathed out in disbelief and another emotion your brain can't quite place. The cotton of clouds float above in painted beauty, and you had pried your sight away from it almost painfully just to spare your companion a look.
"It's..." your throat grated and ached at the attempt, coming out so weak and breathless, "It's very beautiful... out here, free... Have- have you gone to explore?" Your face twisted in numbing pain from talking, and the bard started to quiver yet stood strong with a smile.
"I had, it's - it's just like how we imagined, even better than we've taken for granted," wet spots adorned your cheeks in short successions, you couldn't help but smile. "I only wish you were there to see it first hand, the flowers, the sunsets, the land-"
"Yet I fell asleep," you laughed in mirth yet there was no sound that escaped. The grip around you tightens as you loll your head to the side; there lays a new city kissed by the huge orb of light in the blue veil of a sky, lush green grass of health you've never seen before shone with a moistness on it, and around its glory lays a beauty of a moat that mirrors the one above. Beautiful, you whispered under your long-awaited breathe.
"The people of Mond had done their best to rebuild, for the promise of freedom they had not wilt," a hand on your cheek, flawless, urged your gaze once more to lay upon the bard. "We've devised a festival to celebrate named Ludi Harpastum. Tell me... my muse, will you accompany me in this new custom?"
A new breeze had lulled you in your ears once again to sleep, and a flash of fear had passed over your companion's features before it dissipated when you opened your eyes once more. A festival, you haven't heard that in years, "I would love to. But maybe... tomorrow..."
"Mhm, I feel tired... the sun invites me to sleep, will you wait for me tomorrow?"
"Good." Your eyes were covered by darkness again as you felt a pressure against your forehead. "It's... a date..." And your tired heart finally found peace, after battling for 15 days restlessly, desperately.
Venti picked you up from where you laid on his lap, setting you down on the grass bed besides the giant roots of the Windrise tree. Nearest your left, a stone plate carved with words you never dare see lies next to you. And for the first time in fifteen days, a God cries again.
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Ā¹The green-tipped arrows were coated with poison.
Ā²Reader's bow is designed after the Raven's Bow.
Ā³Gale is not the bard's official name but was used to avoid too many confusion.
ā“This had a different, more painful and hatred alternate ending where you hated Venti for taking Gale's form, but I changed it so I could rest my own heart.
*in honor of your contribution to Mondstadt's freedom, the maiden who throws the Harpastum is made for your grace.
@boxofteenageideas @creation-magician @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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someuncreativi2 Ā· 2 years ago
What my archons think of the actual archons
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Slide 1: Venti
Marione: I once went with my inventor to advertise some new mixing devices in Mondstadt. Barbatos was playing his lyre and singing near a tavern, and I must say, he was very talented! I unfortunately didnā€™t speak to him then and I havenā€™t gotten much of a chance since the Cataclysm, however.
Murata: Ughā€¦ donā€™t get me wrong, I love Barbatos to bits, even if we have a bit of a complicated relationship because of the whole Vennessa thingā€¦ but even then, I was never a fan of his smell. Every time I went with my dad to meet up with the archons in Liyue, he always reeked of alcohol. Iā€™m positive he still does nowā€¦ nothing can remove the smell of thousands of years of a drunkardā€™s acts.
Odelayo: Ah, Barbatosā€¦ I never actually got a chance to meet him, but one time, after my parents returned from an archon gathering in Liyue, they told me he had given me a few bags of nuts to eat the next time I went out in the wild. If only he knew I was allergic to every kind he gave meā€¦ oh well, they did help me hunt a few woodland creatures during the time I was stuck in the middle of the woods, so his gift didnā€™t go unappreciated.
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Slide 2: Zhongli
Marione: They say that an archonā€™s power is directly linked to the power they have over their people. If Morax was able to create the Guyun Stone Forest out of his own spears, then he must be truly respected in Liyue. Itā€™s a shame I never got to meet him before he left us, even when I was visiting the country.
Murata: Oh, Uncle Rex! He was so much fun to talk with every time I visited; always full of a new story about something else. One time, he told me that a heated debate between him and my dad created La Montana! He was so cool! Too bad heā€™s living with mortals now. Still, I should probably visit him againā€¦ wait, you thought I didnā€™t know? Hah! That old geyser? Heā€™s pulled stuff like this hundreds of times in my own life alone. Whatā€™s one more at this point? Besides, thatā€™s something Capitano brought me in on recently. Real sneaky, uncle.
Odelayo: Morax, the father of the divine, god of agreements, and archon of Geo. Iā€™ve never met him in person, but from the stories I hear of him, he must surely be great. The harbingers informed me that he is no longer an archon, and I must say, as with his other decisions, I canā€™t blame him for making that decision.
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Slide 3: Ei
Marione: I donā€™t mean to start a dispute with the shogun. The times weā€™ve spoken were pleasant enough. However, I must admit that as a chief justice, her recent actions against Inazuma arenā€™t necessarily to my liking. Itā€™s a good thing that sheā€™s changed her ways.
Murata: Would you look at her army? Itā€™s HUGE! It almost makes me a bit jealous! Good thing nothing will ever defeat the Milespadas, hehe. Other than that, sheā€™s cool! I meanā€¦ eh, the whole imprisoning her people thingā€¦ nah, sheā€™s still cool, and I never expected someone like her to be able to finish thirteen dulce de leches in one sitting, so she gets some bonus points!
Odelayo: Oh heavensā€¦ where do I begin with the Raiden Shogun? Iā€™ve only ever heard negative things about her, aside from the fact that she likes sweets. I know my own nation has some parallels to Inazuma, butā€¦ can we talk about something else, actually?
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Slide 4: Nahida
Marione: I havenā€™t gathered enough information about her to give an accurate opinion.
Murata: I donā€™t know much about herā€¦ buuut Iā€™m sure of one thing. I donā€™t really care about being shorter than everyone else around me but, heheā€¦ being a few centimeters taller is really an ego boost.
Odelayo: O-oh, soā€¦ sheā€™s been trapped her entire life by the people she wasā€¦ supposed to trustā€¦? A-and they think sheā€™sā€¦ sheā€™s not to the standards ofā€¦ her p-predecessor because they neverā€¦ gave her the chance to prove her self? Howā€¦ h-how interestingā€¦!
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pandaluc Ā· 4 years ago
Fated To Be Apart; Together By Heart
Pairing: Zhongli x g!n Reader
Genre: fluff, hurt with no comfort
Warnings: mentions of war, death. slight mention of blood and corpse, grammar and spelling mistakes.
Zhongli was a man of composure, sincerity and wisdom. Yes, he often forgets about mora, but his personality is not all that. In fact, he was a loving man. A reason why you had fallen in love with him. He had so many experiences, and you admire him for that. One of his many experiences is death. He had lost so many loved ones, to the point where whenever he meets someone, he will always tell himself to prepare for their death. Because of his years of living, he got used with deaths... but do you think that such will be applied to everyone? Or maybe he secretly prays to the celestial gods to protect and save a particular someone from death? Will the celestial gods hear him?
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You and the traveller were friends ever since the two of you talked to each other in Mondstadt. A reason why you were friends is because the both of you are travellers, seeking the same thing - to know more about this unknown god. Ever since the two of you knew this similarity to each other, you would travel Teyvat together. You both were like duos - you would plan things out while they act these plan out..and well Paimon would be the source of your mental strength, cheering the both of you up if times get rough. Alas, you and the traveller reached Liyue, and met this man named Zhongli. Just a day being with him made you look up to him so much. From his words to his beliefs, you. admired them. Even if he did not have mora with him, some part of you admired him for that since he doesn't pay too much...attention, yes, to prices. He was smart, caring, and gentle. Little did you know that that exact moment, Zhongli had also admired your stories and personality.
Time goes by, and you fell for him even more. As if every minute you spend with him, there is warmth in your heart. Everytime you look at his shining eyes, you end up being in awe.. what a beautiful man, you tell yourself. Though you were careful with being in love with him. From what you knew, he was a mortal while you are a traveller of realities being thousands years old. But alas, it has been made known to you and the traveller that he is an archon, alive for more than 6000 years. You felt better with being in love with him, and thought that maybe that is one of the reasons why you felt some strong connection between the both of you.
After you and the traveller saved Liyue, the traveller had to leave you in order to go to Inazuma - a closed nation that unfortunately, you cannot go in. Though you were sad that you have to leave the traveller in Inazuma, you were happy when you realized you could spend more time with Zhongli alone. And so, the both of you did. Each day, the both of you fell more and more in love with each other to the point where you cannot handle your feelings being hidden anymore. So you confessed. Part of you were scared, but you knew Zhongli was mature enough to not let your friendship fade away if ever he doesn't like, no, love you back.
"Does this mean that we break our friendship now?", Zhongli's words startled and hurt you. "Why..? You don't have to love me back, I am alright with that. But why must our friendship be ruined because of my feelings?", you ask him looking straight at his eye as you do everything you can to not let your tears escape your eyes. "If two people become in love with each other, don't they leave the stage of friendship and proceed to be in a relationship together?", Zhongli replied in a stern yet blushing face. Yoh look at him with shock and jokingly hit his chest. "First off, why must you scare me like that? How rude.. And second, where did you learn how to say these kind of things?". A part of you was upset that he had scared you like that, but you still had a wholesome smile in your face, a result of happiness because he had felt the same way towards you all along. Zhongli simply chuckled, which is quite rare, to your flustered state and proceeded to put one arm on the back of your head, pulling you to a hug while your head relaxes against his chest.
And starting that day, you and Zhongli was in a relationship. At first, it was quite awkward. After all, Zhongli never had been into a relationship or at least, been years since he had been into one again. You're relationship was also private. The both of you did not do pda too much. But behind closed doors, Zhongli loves to hug you and put his head on top of yours, relaxing to your embrace as he forgets all of the cruel things in this world. One day, the traveller came back to Liyue to perhaps bring you in Snezhnaya with them, but you preffered to be selfish for once and declined. You still wanted to know more about the unknown god, but at the same time, you are already contented with the life you have with Zhongli. The traveller understood that and made their way in Snezhnaya, you reminding them that if they need anything, they could ask you for help.
Zhongli was quite surprised with your decision. He did not want to be a distraction to your goals, however, you insisted that it is alright. In which he became secretly happy about. He is, after all, very in love with you. So much that no word can describe the amount of love he has for you. As an archon, he had met a lot of people and lost lots. He was used to it, and often times, he would prepare himself if anyone he meets dies. But you. He knew that he was nowhere near prepared to see you dying, or simply disappearing from his life. He wanted you to stay. And he will do everything to do so. May it be strict contracts or bloody fighting, he will do it just so that you will stay alive. He at first thought that it was pathetic for him to act and think like this all because of one person in his life. All because of you. But instead of burying himself with these thoughts, he simply decided to do everything he can to make you stay. Everyday, he thanks the celestial gods for such a wonderful partner and asks them to protect you with all their might.
But alas, all lovely days come to an end. The traveller's experience in Snezhnaya sadly was very complicated. It caused the fatui to attack Liyue and Mondstadt. It caused Venti and Zhongli regret losing their gnosis because now, all they can rely on is human power and celestial gods' mercy to protect their nations...
A lot of people in Liyue proceeded to hide from the fatui, going through mountains and forests just to survive the war going through. The adeptus, as well as those with visions and the traveller, was doing everything they can to help Liyue. You decided to help as well. Zhongli, at first, was hesitant. He did not want you to fight as your chances of dying will increase. All he wanted to do was for the two of you to run, hide, and if anything happens, simply defend yourselves together. But no. A part of you thinks that if only you had went with the traveller, none of this could've happened. You had a tearful argument with Zhongli, just so that he could allow you to fight while he runs, saving himself from the war. Before leaving him in a cave both of you found and hid in, the last conversation you had with him happened.
"Please..dear. Please stay safe. Please do not die on me. I trust you, but I hope you know that I can never manage to lose you."
"Zhongli, my dear, you know that I cannot just leave Liyue to suffer when I have the power to defend the nation."
"But I cannot afford to lose you. I rarely do these type of things, but I am begging you to go back home harmless and safe."
"We both have lived for thousands of years. We both know that this was bound to happen."
"I do know that such is bound to happen, but I am not prepared to lose you. I never want to lose you. I want the both of us to spend each day in our life together. So please, don't just leave me. Promise me that we will still be with each other, together, even after this war."
"I will try."
You refused to look at him as you two had this conversation. But you know he was crying. You know he was suffering. You knew, however, that you need to help defend Liyue. And so, you bid your last goodbye as you left him miserable.
He waited for you. He remained awake at night, hoping to see you just by the cave entrance. But you never came home. However, he still waited. He wanted to keep his promise to you to stay safe no matter what. A day of waiting, turned into three. Three days of waiting had turned into five. Five days of waiting, turned into a week. He trusted you. He listened to you. He prayed to the celestial gods. But he cannot sit in the cave anymore, simply waiting for you. He went outside with his polearm, and tried to find you.
He went to rivers, lakes, and forests but he cannot find you. After a few days of searching, he finally sees you. Your cold rotting body, dried blood all over you, your eyes and mouth open. It was a sight he imagined might happen but he never wanted to see. He ran to you, cupped your face. Uncontrollably, many tears had fallen from his eyes as his hands shake while holding your dead corpse. He lost you. He was too late. He felt stupid. He should've done more to make you stay. And now, you're dead. The one he loved so so much, is now dead on the ground. He screamed, not caring if there is anyone near by or if there are any fatui members that could hear him and kill him. He found life suddenly useless. He found his heart empty, mind filled with so many regrets and memories of the both of you. He thought to himself why must it end this way? He was mad, sad, disappointed... Even if you were dead, he held your cold hands and hugged you for one last time.
What he did not however was that you were still there. That the celestial gods had listened to the both of you - that the both of you will stay together. However, you are only there beside him as a spirit that he is not able to see. You felt horrible. You tried your very best but you failed. And now, the both of you are covered in tears. One decision. Only one decision of yours was what led the two of you to this.
The war had ended. Lots of people died, including you. Ever since the day you died, you followed Zhongli everywhere as a spirit. You would hug him, kiss him, and hold his hand especially when he cries about your death. You know that he won't feel your affections and hear your words, but you stayed with him just like how you would as a human.
Maybe Zhongli became slightly crazy. Maybe he knew that you were a spirit. Maybe it was just his way of coping. But a lot of times, especially when he is alone, he would pretend that you are still with him. Everytime he cooks food, he pretends to talk to you and tell you about his day. Everytime he eats, he always put on two plates on the table, one for him and one for you. Everytime he sleeps, he leaves a space for you and wears a shirt of yours, and hugs the pillow you used to lay on, and he does not decide on washing anytime soon. Even in times where he would take a walk, he would have one hand open, pretending that you are there to hold it. Some had noticed this habit of Zhongli, especially the traveller and Paimon. They would think that such coping mechanism is unhealthy and will just hurt him more. Some also thinks that it is quite delusional of him to do such things. But they preferred not to tell him these because they knew how important you are to him. They knew how your death affected him so much, and decided to just let him be.
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He and Childe are still friends in some way. Childe indeed was a part of the fatui, but was against with the war that happened. In fact, he helped the traveller and tried to save you. It was also because of this war why he had left the fatui and hated it instead. Sometimes, Zhongli and Childe would have a conversation together. Childe would even cook for Zhongli at times. And since he knows how Zhongli copes with his loss, he would make sure that there is an empty chair for you anytime, as well as a plate of food meant for you. You can't help but feel sad and happy at the same time. You were sad to see Zhongli like this, miserable and dead inside. But quite, just quite, happy that he still acknowledges your presence even if he does not know you as a spirit, but knows you as a part of his memory and imagination.
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Author's Note:
Felt like writing hurt today so here, I feed you this. Archons know how much grammar and spelling mistakes are in this post, so forgive me for that. I don't know if it is sad enough to make people cry, but I wish it is because that is my goal after all. I love y'all and stay safe, have a good day <3 sorry if this is also ooc, i main zhongli but uhh :D i only know osmanthus wine
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celisea Ā· 4 years ago
i am obsessed with master of the knights kaeya and even more obsessed with kaeya who serves khaenriā€™ah PLEASE elaborate more on your worms if you feel obliged
!!! AAA Iā€™m glad you liked the designs hehe, YES SURE I CAN ELABORATE!! I thought about these 2 designs like the 2 futures Kaeya could have. A future with the knights and Mond or with Khaenriā€™ah and whatever is happening over there. Ā This may get a bit long but ill try to explain my brainworms in a coherent way. Also, English is not my first language, so if there is any confusion please tell me and I can try to tell it in another way.
So, first, I think the 5-star version of Kaeya MUST have both eyes uncovered. This is because I think if we ever DO get it, it will be like an ascension of sorts. Kaeya has the recurring theme that he hides a lot of things from everyone. He hides his true feelings, his thoughts and his true personality behind layers and LAYERS of lies. The only time he ever showed his true self his brother tried to kill him, he even looks at his vision as a reminder to never try to do it again. So, my point is that if he does get a 5-star version it will be when he accepts every part of himself and shows his true self to everyone. Therefore, I think he would be without his eyepatch. The loss of it represents the loss of his mask, both figuratively and literally.
Another thing to note is that Kaeyaā€™s constellation is a peacock. There are a lot of different meanings to this but one that stuck out to me is this:
ā€œHindu motifs expose the peacock as a symbol of the unconscious; for, what is in oneā€™s subconscious can be illuminated by the consciousness, starting the emergence of oneā€™s true individuality.ā€
This adds to what I first said about the loss of his eyepatch. What I want to get from this is that in Kaeyaā€™s case, the peacock could mean his struggles with his identity and how he expresses and views himself. So, his ascension to a 5-star could be his decision to be true to himself and chose to support the nation that he wants, be it Mondstadt or Khaenriā€™ah without regrets or second thoughts. In his vision story its mentioned how coming clean about his lies was the first time he felt like himself, like he was not holding back who he truly was. So, I believe Kaeya will not be able to be a 5-star or, in-story become stronger, until he comes clean to everyone about who he truly is.
Because of all of this, I thought about making two designs instead of just one, since I feel like either choice could represent himself coming out of his shell and showing his individuality.
So, now that I explained my reasoning as to why I made 2 designs, here is my thought process for each one!
My first design thought for a 5-star Kaeya is that he would wear his vision on his heart. For me this is him showing that he does not see his vision as a reminder to always live a life full of lies, but as a reminder to stay true to himself and live in a way that he feels happy with. It also, of course, represents his loyalty to Mondstadt, the land that gave him said vision.
He also gets to keep his lovelock! This hairstyle is said to ā€œshow devotion to a loved oneā€, in this case the loved one would be Mondstadt and its people. And I also feel like it could be a nod to Crepus, his late adoptive father. We know that Kaeya loved Crepus and is part of the reason he had such complex feelings about who to side with since he adopted him and showed him love in a land he had never been to and probably didnā€™t want to go as a child. So, I thought it would be nice that his lovelock could also represent his love for his family.
Another thing I thought about was that a 5-star Kaeya would probably be introduced in the late game, so this means that in the future, Jean will probably be Grand Master of the knights. This is because I think it is foreshadowed by Mona on her voiceline about Jean:
ā€œYou mean the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius? Her constellation is Leo Minor, which represents strength and responsibility shouldered too young... Though the lioness has been separated from her pride for a long time, she grows from strength to strength, and the day will come when she is ready to return as its glorious leader.ā€
If its true that Jean will become Grand Master, then Kaeya would probably follow her and become Master of the Knights since he is her right-hand-man and Jean respects him a lot. This would also go well with the theme that Kaeya would act like his true self. Throughout his whole life, Kaeya has been a character that always acts in the background/shadows. He works and goes to assignments more than anybody else and does a lot of things, while only being supposedly the Cavalry Captain. This also happened when he was young and Diluc was still in the Knights. He worked in the shadows so Diluc could pass through any circumstance without any problems. What I want to get with this, is that Kaeya works a job that is not at face-value recognized. So, him being the Master of the Knights, a well respected and recognized title, seems fitting. Also, I just really like the idea of Jean and Kaeya climbing the ladder together and being a power team hehe.
Because of this, I think that Kaeya would borrow elements of Jeanā€™s design like her corset thingy, her gloves, and finally the Knights official symbol. Since in this design his loyalty is to Mondstadt, he now feels free to put elements of the city on how he dresses!
One final thought about the Mond design (this doesnā€™t have anything to do with the design) is that I like to thing that in the endgame when Jean and Kaeya are Grand Master and Master, Diluc would look at them and say to them that he doesnā€™t think the Knights are incompetent anymore ;u; kind of like, ā€œIā€™m proud of you twoā€ moment.
Oof so now to the angstier route, Kaeya chooses Khaenriā€™ah over Mondstadt and joins Dainsleif and co. on the quest to challenge the gods. The first thing I feel he would do is cut his lovelock. The lovelock hairstyle comes originally from Europe and Mondstadt is a Germany-based nation, so the cutting of it symbolizes his separation from Mondstadt and his adoptive family. His sense of duty meaning more to him than the love he received from the city, the knights, and his family.
His vision is kept on the side like in his original design. In his voicelines, he mentions that a vision is a mere tool to control the elements. It has no other meaning; in this route he does not give it any meaning at all since Khaenriā€™ah hates the gods, the vision is nothing more than a tool to complete his nationā€™s goals. Instead, what is on his heart is a star, a symbol representative of Khaenriā€™ah.
His outfit on this design resembles more Dainsleifā€™s and has a lot of star-shaped elements. His peacock cape is replaced by one more reminiscent of Dainsleifā€™s and he keeps some elements of his original design like the gloves and the cuffs of his sleeves. I kind of wanted to give the vibe of a royal. Peacocks also can represent royalty, so in this design his confidence and individuality stems from his duty to protect his homeland from the gods. I believe Kaeya does have royal blood from the Blacksun dynasty and itā€™s represented by all the gold elements and his shawl thingy.
I get a little sad thinking about this design because I feel like Jean and Diluc would just beā€¦ absolutely heartbroken by this decision. Imagining a battle between the three really breaks my heart lmao. I feel like it would be worse than the fight Diluc and Kaeya had when they were young. This battle would be complex on both sides. Jean and Diluc would see their former friend and brother working against the city that brought him so much happiness. Kaeya would be heartbroken too, having to attack his brother and his close friend. If Mihoyo does have Kaeya choose Khaenriā€™ah, and they decide to attack Mondstadt. Manā„¢ its going to be REALLY sad. In this route I 100% believe that one of the three will die.
Anyways! That got REALLY LONG HOLY SHITā€¦ Iā€™m sorry lmao this kind of turned into a character analysis of Kaeya hehe. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!!! Thank you for the ask. As you can see, the Kaeya brainrot is realā€¦.
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bottledemotion Ā· 4 years ago
Our Twisted Faith (Soulmate AU Headcanons w/ Scenarios)
- Reverse soulmate au where the words written to ur skin is ur last words to them.
- Pairing: Zhongli X g.n reader,
- 3.9k+ words; Rated T
- warning/s: angst, character death
- A.N: This was supposed to be a full on oneshot fic but I can't fully write most of my ideas rn so I decided to list all of those (hcs or not) instead and write certain scenarios I thought off. Ngl, I have a hard time writing them in character, most of all when they're still not much accustomed to their emotions/feelings, so forgive me if they might come out OOC to you.
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- For as long as he can remember, soulmates exist before the Gods.
- Before the ashes rise and form their body. Before the letters mold to create their name and have been spoken in unfamiliar languages. Before their feet take a step forward to their world, the concept of soulmate is already there. Watching, guiding and toying everyone's faith like a marionette doll.
- Which is why they also have a soulmate waiting for them.
- You could say that this is the 'only' similarity between the humans and gods hold. But unlike humans, the Archon's soulmate existence is different from the humans. Some of the Archon's other half doesn't exist even after many eras have passed.
- And one of them is Morax.
- Morax sees this concept as another form of contract. A contract that unified both individuals that both parties will benefit happiness, be it through the present and beyond. Yes he's aware that there's no 'consent' nor knowledge to both parties about this. But they can talk more about this once they meet.
- And maybe, just maybe, the contract will be fully formed.
- For an Archon who is known for being an emotionless, merciless god who slaughtered countless innocents in order to fulfil the contract. He also craves the feeling of happiness, everyone does, no matter how many times you deny it.
- he won't admit that this is also one of the similarities that human and gods hold. For human are way cruel than Archons above, cruel in their own way.
- So he waited for them. He studied the concept and terminologies about soulmates. To learn more about the contract so he can come prepared when the time comes for them to meet.
- He found out that there are many ways to find your soulmate. Be it through a time limit or name written on their skin, eyes that can only see the color of their other half eyes and many more.
- He found out that soulmates don't have to be romantic, it can become platonic and enemies as well.
- At first, the possibility of his soulmate being his enemies for life might happen. He's so used to betrayal and the blood that stained his hands, be it in or out of contract. But whenever his amber eyes gaze at the words written on his right wrist, be it through his dragon or human form, he can't help but be at ease and that everything will be fine.
- But those thoughts shattered when he found something through his learning. Something deep and brutal that he can't help ask why life has to be this cruel than it already was.
- Reverse soulmate. Sweet but deadly, bittersweet if they may. Yes you have and met your soulmate, but your faith with them is not beautiful to watch it bloom. This is a very rare occurrence for someone to have.
- And one of them is had to be him
- Because there, on his skin, he found out that the words written will be the last thing his soulmate will say to him before dying. Written in (F/c) with warm yellow star dust that glows in the dark sprinkled on the words. The words it said directed to him when his lover slowly disappear on the world is
- "I love you."
- He can't help but ask if this is a divine punishment given to him for all of the things he had done.
- He faced many enemies. Many betrayals. Spilled blood that became the exact same colour of his scales, be it through his claws or hands. Known as the God of wars, God of contracts to many. Yet he can't face this future that might will ruin him.
- But a contract is a contract, no matter if it's fully formed or not, it is still a contract. And as a God of Contract.
- He must fulfill his part and duty.
- From dusk till dawn, he waited for his soulmates to step foot on the world. Even after many eras had passed. Even after a war broke out. A nation had fallen. Blood had spilled and stained even the glaze lilies he adored watching so much with someone. Many bodies, comrade or not, loved ones or not, had been fallen along the betrayal and salt on the ground and buried deep down on the grounds. He continued waiting.
- And during his wait, he met someone along the way.
- A traveler who stumbled themselves on his nation. A traveler whose heart is weak but eyes shine, full of energy. A traveler who's spending their remaining time traveling around the world instead of looking for a cure to their condition.
- And a traveler who the very first time, just sat next to his statue.
- At first, Morax grew curious. It's not everyday to see a mortal walking to his nation without looking or asking for something for him to gain despite the obvious need from it.
- maybe that's what get his full attention when his amber eyes first landed to the traveler
- So he watched them from the statue on where they accompanied him. Silently accompanying them on their last remaining days on the land. He watched the travelers' bright (e/c) eyes watch the clouds part ways on the sky until it slowly turn to a sea of stars at each seconds passed by.
- Each day has passed. Watching them from the distance that are so close yet so far away, he noticed little things about them.
- He noticed how quiet yet soft their voice is when they hum under their breath. How the light of the sun and moon compliments their (s/c) skin. How tempting to run his fingers to their (h/l) (h/c) hair that dances with the air every time the Mondstadt Archon, Barbatos, caresses it with the wind, silently accompanying them from time to time like what he's doing.
- It's quiet yet peaceful. It's a sudden change that's somehow refreshing and comfortable. He didn't expect to feel this light feeling again after everything that had happened in the past. It's perfect but at the same time scary. Change never last, it always continue to change no matter how many time it occurred.
- And he was right when one day the traveler finally spoke to him.
- And it is a question he never expected to hear from a mere mortal
"Are you tired?"
'Tired from what?', is what he wanted to reply but immediately remembered that the traveler didn't know that he's there beside them, listening and accompanying them on every tick of the time.
"Bound by the contracts you agreed on. Chained to your duties, responsibilities and even guilt that you hold on your shoulder. Never taking a break from it and instead keep moving forward no matter how heavy those burdens you carry it all alone despite the people who worship and swore to protect you and the city are all around you."
He heard them take a deep breath and continued.
"You've already finished your duties to your land, did you ever think or ask yourself to call it a day and take a rest?"
Morax breath hitched at the words. And a memory immediately played on his mind.
He remembered he was strolling along the harbor when he heard a merchant tell one of his workers, "You've finished your duties, go ahead and call it a day."
He remembered he stood motionless among the sea of crowds as soon as he heard those. From there, he asked himself, "Have I already finished my duties?"
From there, no one answered his question
"Bearing it all alone...Aren't you tired and lonely from it?"
Even though the traveler never expected a response from him, he can't help but whisper his answer and hope-
-for the wind to let them hear his loneliness.
"I guess I can say I relate to you. Being tired I mean."
Morax slowly opens his eyes and turns his way to you. It's one of the days where you suddenly talk again after days of being quiet and just be in peace which he didn't mind one bit.
He didn't know how it happened. The peacefulness in this place and between you is another sudden change that he didn't mind one bit. It became his sanctuary. Free from the titles he holds, free from duties, free from responsibilities.
Or maybe just being by your side is a sanctuary to him.
He slowly shakes his head and turns his attention back as soon as your timid voice reaches his ears.
"From my entire life, all I feel is pity and hesitance to be closer to me from others. I can't blame even them. Who would want to be friends to someone whose death is waiting on their doorstep?" You said with a humorless laugh
'I would.' he wanted to say but remain silent instead.
He saw you hug your propped up knees and draw them closer to your face, hiding your beautiful face from his eyes and to the world.
"I accepted my faith that I won't last from this world. I'm so tired of being treated like a fragile glass that will be broken at any second. All I want is to live my best from it and maybe have someone to share those experiences with me till my last dying breath."
He saw your grip tightened to both of your knees
"I wonder....what it feels like....to have someone treat you like a human than a fragile doll...."
He noticed your voice getting dimmer and dimmer at each word you spoke.
"Do you ever wonder what it feels like...to be not alone anymore?.."
No words came out from you after that. Only the wind and your silent cries comfort both of you after the one-sided talk.
He didn't know what to do. How to fully remove the pain and burdens on your shoulder and heart when he didn't know how to ease his in the first place? Despite many people's proclamation that a God can perform a miracle without limits, not all God can do those. Not everyone is known as a God of Miracle.
Not Barbatos, not him.
In the end, they're a God with limitations.
But the one thing he knows is that he can't help but want to feel it too. To have someone by his side again. So why not both of you experience it together?
If he can't destroy the burdens you both hold, both can help ease each other's burden instead.
This will be the first time he did something out of will and no contracts involved
- So after that, he starts walking around in Liyue in his human form. The one he used a long time ago that was now carved into one of the Seven Statues but with little changes.
- Everything about his appearance remains, even the tattoos on his arms and the amber tips from his long dark brown hair that glows whenever he uses his Geo powers remains there. The only difference is the way he dresses. Instead of his typical white robe with a hood and long wide pants, he now wore a long dark brown coat with silver shoulder pads, tassels, and a diamond symbol on the back. He also wears gloves to hide his arms with a silver ring on his right thumb. He also wore a formal dark gray shirt underneath his coat, black pants and leather shoes and a tassel earring on his left ear.
- Meeting the traveler again with his human form was easy. He also didn't take that long for them to befriend them. The only problem to the befriending part, is the name he'll use to this era.
He did not think this through.
He can feel his human hands from his side start to sweat under the gloves. His amber eyes refuse to stare back to your bright ones as soon as you ask him a question that he forgot to think through."
"What's your name?" Is what you asked from him.
A simple question that can be easily answered, but if you asked that question to a God, it's one of the hardest questions they ever heard. Stepping fort to his nation in a new era after years already passed, he must think of a name that'll be different to the one's he used to own in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Who knows, he might encounter people who are still aware of the old names he used.
For an immortal Archon who can mold themself to different forms, humans or not, make money itself from his own hands and submit mortal beings, thinking up names is not his forte.
He can feel your stare burning from his entire being, waiting to answer with a smile.
And he almost did not surpass the shiver that wants to crawl itself out from his body.
He slowly turns his eyes back to you and immediately regret it. Your bright (e/c) eyes greet his amber ones, eyes full of anticipation, and happiness to probably making a new friend.
He can't help but cleared his throat to have a reason to turn his eyes away to you
"It's...." He started and darted his eyes around them for something, anything to use of a name to this era.
"Try our new food from the Wangmin Restaurant!"
"Chop Suey!!'
"Try betting your luck on jades?"
"Why don't you try checking out the Chungli store stand near Wangshu Inn?"
His eyes lit up to one name, it's-
"Chungli." He said with a straight face
He watched you turn your head to a side "Chungli? Isn't that a store at Wangshu Inn?"
He mentally facepalmed. Of course you're aware about that because you're a traveler. But it's normal to name your child in your store right? He decided that he'll use that name, for now.
He opened his mouth. The confirmation is on the tip of his tongue but it got cut off when you immediately gasped loudly, making him step away from you with mouth still hanging a bit open and amber eyes widened and staring back at yours who's also wide but not from shock, but from....realization?
"You meant Zhongli right?!"
He immediately closed his mouth. Zhongli. Huh, the name is not bad, better than the one he was about to use.
Having decided, he nodded his head to you and raised his hand in front of you.
"Yes. I'm Zhongli." He confirmed, voice deep with a hidden feeling of pride that bloomed when he said the name you made for him.
He never took notice or thought about why he felt so proud of the name you gave to him. But as time went by, he finally knew why.
You smiled at him, a smile that's so contagious he can't help but smile back to you.
You grab his hand. Despite the gloves he wore, he can still feel the warmth along the roughness of your (s/c) hand caressing his.
"I'm [Name]. It's nice to meet you!" You said and shook his hand.
With a shake from your intertwined hands. Both of your faith has been sealed.
After that, he'll regret not telling you that meeting you with his human form was a nice change. He'll regret not telling you that finally talking to you after the years of silently being by your side is one of the happiest memories he treasured about you despite it's challenge. He'll regret not telling you that your eyes are so beautiful up close. He'll regret not telling you that hearing you say that name you basically created for him , is also not bad. He'll regret that he never admitted to you that he wouldn't mind hearing you saying that name to him everyday, as long as time let you stay breathing next to him. He'll feel all of this when you're laying on a bed, looking at him with your bright yet dull eyes, wheezing out your last breath next to him.
- After he introduced himself in his human form but with different name, Morax- now know as Zhongli -accompanied you to your on Liyue.
- At first, it's awkward. You both walk around in Liyue, side by side but rarely talk to one another. Though you both began to warm up to one another when you both approached certain areas that you became curious off that brings certain memories of him that he can't help but say it.
- As soon as he noticed you taking great interest in the stories he spoke. He decided to continue telling stories about the area's you both go through, even the histories and what you need to know and become aware of. In short, he basically became your walking encyclopedia traveling buddy.
- As time continues to pass by, your relationship to one another grows closer. Every day is another day to spend time with you. Traveling with you, he starts to enjoy walking in his nation again.
- One of the favourite part of his day with you is sitting with you on Qingce Village while watching the meadow full of glaze lilies bloom as the sun goes down on the horizon. It's beautiful to watch glaze lilies bloom while the fireflies surrounds them. It became one of his fondest memory he'll never forget.
- He'll never forget how your (e/c) eyes became so at awe at the glaze lilies. He'll never forget how your (s/c) hand caresses one of its petals until it caresses his hand next to yours. He'll never forget how your hand fits so perfectly to his. He'll never forget the weight of your head from his shoulder, your breath and (h/c) caressing his neck and shoulder, and the kiss he placed on top of your head. He'll never forget those, even as the meadow full of glaze lilies are gone and rarely bloom and your presence missing next to his.
- If there's one thing that he has forgotten, it's the soulmark that's written to both of your wrists. Too busy on what's in front of you, too busy to indulge your presence until your borrowed time slowly comes to its end. Forgetting the words written in (f/c) became one of his biggest mistakes as he slowly wallows in regret as soon as he remembers it too late, right on the time where it's time for you to go.
"I forgot to say thanks to you."
Zhongli heard what you said despite your voice being quiet, too quiet for his liking. He didn't turn to face your way, afraid that if he did, it'll be hard for him to turn away anymore, afraid that tears will come out of his eyes, afraid that it'll be hard for him to let go of your hand that slowly loosen its strength.Ā 
But he's listening. He's always listening to you, even if you're not talking anymore he still listens to you.
"For as long as I can remember, I accepted my faith that I won't last from this world. The people around me all look at me in pity. It's suffocating, it's tiring to see the same sad look plastered on their faces every time I came near them. All my life, I always wanted to have someone by my side to share my journey in this world but no one wants to. I'm used to it, I even thought that no one would really bother to turn their way to me."
Zhongli felt the bed shift, and (e/c) stare boring to his hidden face.
"But you did."
He heard you sniffle "You turn your attention to me. You walk your way to me. You talk to me. You gave me friendship that no one dared. You gave me experience, happiness on my journey and I'm so, so glad I met you and will be with you on my journey."
He heard you hiccup "but at the same time....Sad because you have to bear the grief and loneliness alone once I'm gone."
He tightened his hold to your hand.
"I'm sorry yet at the same time not, that I met you. Is it bad of me to feel happy that there's someone here who will miss me once I'm gone?"
You laughed. It came out force like your wheezing the breath left from you.
"All in my life, I felt so alone. So when you came in my life, it's like the Geo Archon listens to my prayers even though they don't have to."
Zhongli noticed your breath starts to get slower and slower. He noticed your hold to his hand getting weaker and weaker. He noticed your voice getting quiet and slow. He always noticed those yet he can't do anything to prevent those from anything. What only he can do is accompany you, to ease your burdens so you can leave peacefully from this world.
But he can't help but release a shaky breath. He can't help but hold your hand tighter to the point it's crushing your hand, yet you didn't voice out your pain. His hand that's holding yours starts to shake but neither of you point it out.Ā 
He knows you're leaving today. Time is ticking, and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
As soon as he felt your hold loosen completely, he knew the time was up.
But before you left, you said the words he never expected you to say.
"I love you."
You wheezed before closing your dull (e/c) eyes and hid it for the world to never see again.
You left him sitting next to you. Now looking his way to you with wide, foggy amber eyes. Not even Guizong, his first lover despite both having a different soulmate, didn't say those to him in her dying breath.
From his dilemma, everything clicks into place.Ā 
You were his soulmate. And he realized those too late.
And the only he can do is cry. For the person who's gone. For the words he never gets to say to you. For the things he never got to do and express to you.Ā 
For the love he never gets to reciprocate.
Now he knows as to why you don't have any soulmark like his when you told him you both have the same way to find your soulmate despite the lack of soulmark to your (s/c) wrist.
Because he can't die to begin with.
"The glaze lilies look so beautiful tonight. Don't you think?"
Zhongli whispers while his stare still focuses on the flower blooming next to his statue. The flower really looks so beautiful at night, reminding him of the meadow where he used to hang out with someone from his side.Ā 
He unconsciously rubs his thumb to his right wrist, where the words used to be in (F/c), now turn into a dull black ink.
Zhongli placed his hand back to his side and slowly turned his attention to the people who called for him.
He watches them wave their hand to him. "Zhongli! The Lantern Rite will start soon! Let's go back!" Their companion, a mysterious fairy who called herself as 'Paimon' called.
He nodded his head in their way. With a one last longing stare at the glaze lily, he walked away to the place where he first met you.
If you ask him again what he regrets, is that never gets to say the words he always wanted to say to you. He never gets to say how being with you made his dull life full of new experiences and adventure that made his life more fun to bear with. He never gets to say how he relates to you when he first met you. He never gets to say how beautiful you up close.
He regretted saying "I love you" to you too late
-I ACCIDENTALLY UPLOADED THIS WITHOUT EDITING IT! So for the people who saw this early (the unedited version one) and expect Xiao in it, I'm so sorry!! .Ā·Ā“ĀÆ`(>ā–‚<)Ā“ĀÆ`Ā·. I'll write his version soon! (since he came home on my main and second acc lol) After I'm done writing the part 2 of the Venti X Female Bard reader,,
- I used all of my remaining braincell and got tired writing this on the ending, so you'll notice the ending is a bit bland?? Again, I'm sorry for that. I hope you still enjoy reading this though! (ā•„ļ¹ā•„)
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