#but like in such a city i can see how people such as la signora happen everyone prays and prays and nothing is done
vv-ispy · 3 months
Mondstadters being extremely religious with the unshakable believe that Barbatos is always looking out for them, greeting people with "Barbatos bless you", praying to Barbatos to keep their children safe
Barbatos is literally asleep
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
hi! this is my first time making uhh a request? on tumblr so please forgive me if it's... weird or wrong in any way. i just wanted to ask if you could write opera singer Signora and reader? the idea popped into my head when i was listening to her battle theme on repeat. It could be anything you want, really... like comforting her before an important concert or giving her a bouquet of flowers and praising her after the show or cuddling with exhausted Signora after said concert... anything you come up with. you don't have to write it if you don't want to or you don't see it that way obviously. thanks!
Anon this is literally one of my favorite requests of all time, bless you fr. I have had so many hcs of what Signora could be if not a Harbinger and a professional singer (specifically opera singer) is one of my favorite hcs exactly cause of her lore and theme song <3
Side note this is the first Signora request I have had in a long time and I'm so happy to see people haven't forgotten her for new Harbingers :)
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: La Signora x fem!reader
Type: Fluff (modern au, childhood friends to lovers, insecure and envious reader, kissing, very slight angst)
"Y/n? Hi, how are you!?" Rosalyne spoke on the phone, the two of you were catching up after months.
"I'm fine. What about you? How are the shows going?"
"Oh, they are great! It's exhausting but I'm having so much fun!"
You smiled bitterly, "That's great to hear. I hope you are taking care of your health."
"Mhm, don't worry. I have to maintain my physique for the shows; and I have a trainer as well now~"
"That's good. Are you—"
"Ms Signora? It's time for your rehearsal."
Someone spoke from Rosalyne's end, making you bite your tongue and hold back from speaking. Signora was her stage name, and her crew referred to her by it as part of professional courtesy.
"Oh, is it time already? Just give me a moment, I'll be there soon."
Rosalyne replied to the person then came back to the phone, "Sorry about that. What were you saying, Y/n?"
You hesitated to continue, "....Oh, nothing much. Just the usual, don't mind me. You have a busy schedule to keep up with."
"Are you sure? I can spare a few more minutes...."
"No no, it's fine. We can talk any time later. You go and all the best."
Rosalyne smiled, "Thank you, Y/n. Goodbye then~"
You put down the phone and let out a sigh then laid down on the couch you were currently sitting on, you lost track of how many times something like this had happened ever since her career began. You both were supposed to be best friends since childhood, Rosalyne was always more popular and sought-after than you given her beauty and pleasant behavior. However, there were a few secrets about her that only you knew hence you two were closer than most knew.
You grew up as neighbors, she was your girl next door. Her biggest secret you found out was that she was a great singer; she used to sing alone in her bedroom whenever her parents weren't home and you could easily hear her. You eventually revealed this and she pleaded you to not tell anyone as her parents didn't want her to pursue it so she kept it as a hobby. Unknowingly, you became her comfort. She could sing freely in front of you and only you.
A golden opportunity eventually came when a singing competition was being held in the next city and you secretly signed her up. She was elated that you did that but also very nervous, you gave her all the encouragement she needed and she appeared in the contest. Although, she didn't win, she got noticed by a decent number of recruiters and accepted the offer of the owner of the opera house in the capital city.
"She's doing great there while me....? I'm dragging myself through these assignments and projects I have no interest in....Why did I take up this course? I can't complain, it was my own choice but...."
Tears formed in your eyes; you missed Rosalyne, you missed your one and only friend.....and the love of your life. You never told a soul that you had a crush on her since childhood, and now it seemed impossible for you to confess to her. The last time you had seen her was almost 6 months ago, you were in different states most of the time and she was always busy with her shows.
The opera house owner initially gave her a role in one of the plays there but the positive response for her brought in more opportunities and she quickly got her own solo performance there followed by touring around the country for special shows. You had realized she reached a place out of your reach; you had no talent in performing arts, at most you could held in backstage but it was no respectable job.
"....I need to complete these assignments. Guess I'll play one of those...."
You browsed through your phone and plugged in your headphones before playing a familiar song and closing your eyes, it was one of Rosalyne's performances that you loved to hear whenever you missed her or needed some comforting. You were, of course, happy for her success. You knew how passionate she was about it and were happy to know she was in a place she liked; you couldn't help but feel that she left you behind. Yet you couldn't blame her for it as it was your own inability to not be able to follow her......
"She's practically a celebrity now....she has so many fans and followers. I bet some famous actors even like her....maybe she already got confessed to a few times. I don't know....she doesn't tell me anything except the success of her shows. Well, we barely get time to talk about anything else...."
Some days later, you were having a particularly upsetting day as you failed to turn in some projects and lost credits that could potentially make you repeat the semester. You knew what the problem was, and you promised you'd make up for it. You decided to give a call to Rosalyne to have a small chat with her, hoping to uplift your mood. It didn't matter what you talked about, you just wanted to hear her.
"Ms Signora, a call for you." a makeup artist handed Rosalyne her phone as she was currently getting ready for her show, a smile formed on her face seeing your name on the screen.
"Hi, Y/n, what's up? Did you call to wish me luck?~"
".....You are having a show, Rosa?"
"I will in....approximately 20 minutes so we'll have to be a little quick~"
You bit your lower lip and furrowed your brows; of course, you should have expected this.
"I see. All the best then...."
Rosalyne sensed your strange discomfort, "....Are you okay, Y/n? Do you want to say something?"
"N-No, I'm fine. I had no particular reason to call, just wanted to know how you are...."
"....I see. I'll call you after the show then."
"Sure, that's fine."
That night, you curled up on your bed and cried yourself to sleep while hoping for Rosalyne to call but the call never came, you couldn't deny you expected no better. Weeks passed and you didn't talk to her at all, not even any messages. Until one day you received a mail containing tickets to her next show along with all travel and stay arrangements followed by a message from Rosalyne telling you about it and asking you to come.
Well, fortunately you were going to start your semester break when the show was scheduled hence accepted. It was very surprising to you that she did this but you were nevertheless excited to see her. On the day you reached, you were picked up by her manager and taken straight to the venue while your belongings were kept at the hotel. You requested to buy a small bouquet on the way then were escorted to your seat which was the VIP corner of the auditorium, offering the best view and sound in the place.
You requested to meet Rosalyne before the show so you could give her the bouquet but were denied due to the tight schedule hence had the bouquet sent over through her manager. The show began soon after and Rosalyne came on the stage wearing a dazzling pure white dress with a shimmering border, her platinum blonde hair half tied into rose buns and the rest freely hanging. She smiled looking at the audience then the orchestra began playing and the next thing you knew, you were entranced by her.
She sparked like a bright star on the stage, her powerful yet melodious voice soared through the audience and uplifted everyone, your heart beats matched the beats of her song and you were lost in her rhythm and flow, completely enraptured by her. You didn't know she had improved so much in the time you had been apart, all you did was listen to her old shows but you could tell she was even better than before.
You felt like you were in a different world, a different realm altogether with her voice as sole guide. You couldn't take your eyes off her even for a moment, she truly held the skills to capture an audience with her voice alone. In the end, she suddenly turned towards you and your eyes met as she smiled and sang the final note looking at you. You didn't know if that was intentional or just your imagination but you were enthralled.
Once the show ended with an endless round of applause and a standing ovation, you were finally escorted to her dressing room backstage. A crowd cameramen and anchors was gathered outside the door but nobody was let in, you were taken in through the backdoor and finally met your love once again.
"Ms Signora, Ms Y/n is here."
"Oh, come in come in!"
Rosalyne happily allowed you in and stood up as soon as you entered, "Surprise!~"
She mused as she smiled widely and you smiled back then she practically ran up to you and embraced you, "I'm so glad you came, Y/n!~"
"Thanks for calling me, Rosa."
She hugged you tighter, "Oh, I was dying to hear that! How was it?! How did I do?!"
She released the hug and held your wrist while bringing you to the sofa and sitting down together, "You were great, of course! It was truly amazing....I-I don't have any words...."
"Aww, don't flatter me that way, Y/n. Be honest with me...."
"I am, it's the absolute truth. I-I really can't describe it in words, I'm so proud of you, Rosa."
Rosalyne smiled brightly and hugged you once again, you reveled in each other's embrace for a while before she pulled away, "Oh, thank you for the bouquet. It was lovely~"
"Hehe, your favorites, right?~"
"Mhm, you know me so well~"
You gazed into each other's eyes before she smiled and stood up, "Let's go home, I'm really hungry~"
"Where do you live....?"
"Oh, they didn't tell you? I'm in the same hotel as you; in fact, right next door. So, we can stay together until late and catch up as much as we want, just like old times~"
You looked at her wide-eyed then nodded with a smile and followed her out to her car then were dropped at the hotel and taken to her room. You sat on the bedside and waited as she changed into more comfortable clothes and removed her make-up, you ordered some food for you through the room service facility while she came out.
"Ah, it's been so long since sat together this way. How have you been, Y/n? How are your studies going?"
"Oh...it's fine, I barely managed to pass this semester but it's ok, I won't be held back."
Rosalyne gave a soft smile, "I know you are smart enough to pursue something so difficult. Do ask me for help if you ever want to, I'll support you however I can."
You recalled the incidents where you wanted to talk to her in hopes of receiving comfort but were denied, you smiled bitterly and nodded.
"I know, thank you. What about you? When is your next show?"
"Hehe, there's no show until next week. That's why I called you this time, we can go around the city together and hang out. It's been so long since we went out~"
"Hehe, I'll look forward to it."
"Aaaaand, I also have an exciting news~"
"Oh? What is it?"
Rosalyne giggled and took a deep breath then announced, "I was offered to sing the main theme of an upcoming movie!"
Rosalyne brimmed with happiness and excitement as she declared that, all you could do was think how much farther she'd go away now but you didn't want to ruin her happiness.
"Oh my god! That's great, Rosa! What movie is it?!"
"Hehe, I can't tell you yet but they will officially announce all the cast including my role within the next week so you'll find out soon enough! I can tell you that it's by a famous director you have heard of~"
"Wow, that's amazing....I-I'm speechless. I'm so happy for your success, Rosa...."
You tried to sound as cheery as possible but tears were forming in your eyes. Rosalyne was quick to sense that you weren't being genuine, you may have not met for a long time but she knew your habits and behavior well.
"....You don't seem happy, Y/n. What is it?"
"W-What? No, of course I'm happy for you. You totally deserve it and if the movie is good then you'll get even more opportunities like that....Y-You can practically become a celebrity singer now....Of course, I'd be happy!"
Rosalyne stared at you in disbelief, "Don't try to fool me, Y/n. You should remember I can look past you in seconds. Tell me, what is it? Do you not want me to do this?"
Your lips trembled and you looked away, "....Even if I didn't want you to, it's not like I can make you not do it. I have no right to...."
She was taken aback then gently cupped your face, "Talk to me, Y/n. What is it? What's going on in your mind?"
"H-How does it matter what's going on in my mind?! It's not like you are ever there to listen!" you suddenly shouted, making both of you surprised.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! I'm really sorry, I-I'll just go I'm not feeling well. Forget what I just said, please don't take it—"
You stopped speaking as she suddenly embraced you, keeping your head near her chest and tenderly stroking it.
"I know....I know I have neglected you and our friendship."
"What? N-No, that's not the case—"
"I fully accept the blame, Y/n. You don't have to hide it, I know it very well. That's the main reason I arranged for you to come here today, so that we could finally spend time together like the friends we are."
Tears formed in your eyes and you wrapped your arms around her, "I....I missed you a lot....s-so much all this time....I wanted to talk to you many times b-but you....you were always busy and I knew I can't interfere. I felt so l-lonely.....and alone....I just wanted you to be around to listen, nothing else....T-Then, I started feeling that I'm far away from you now....y-you are famous and have so many fans, your career is going great while me...I'm a nobody. I'm just an ordinary student trying to complete my degree....what right do I have to know someone like you—"
"Stop....Don't say anymore...." Rosalyne suddenly whispered before pulling away and cupping you face, tears forming in her eyes too.
"How dare you think that way? Don't you remember what you did for me? The whole reason I'm here today is because of you! How did you think I would ever forget that and abandon you?! That....that stupid competition you applied in for me is what got me here! Don't you dare speak as if I have forgotten all the times you supported me!"
You looked at her in surprise, unable to believe her sudden outburst.
"I know I haven't been there for you recently and I'm sorry about that! I truly am...But don't even think for a second that I will abandon you!"
She leaned closer and you suddenly felt a soft sensation on your lips, you realized it was her lips cuddling with yours gently.
".....I love you, Y/n. I don't want us to be just friends anymore....Be my girlfriend. I promise I won't neglect you and I will treat you right, I will love you and care for you just like you did for me all this time."
More tears flowed down your cheeks as she tenderly wiped them with her thumb while you nodded.
"Me too....I love you too, I have loved you since we were kids....And it's okay, I'm not angry with you anymore. All I wanted was to hear that you are still with me....."
"I promise I will be."
You smiled at each other then she pushed you down on the bed and connected her lips with yours in a heated manner, you kissed roughly and passionately as if you were starved of each other. Her hands interlaced with yours as she licked your lips and rolled her tongue with yours, intensely kissing you. She then proceeded to plant kisses on your jaw followed by moving down your neck when a knock was heard on the door.
"Room service."
Both of you chuckled together then sat up and allowed the waiter in to keep the food. You both then proceeded to eat together happily, reveling in your new relationship and promising to keep each other happy.
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teyvat-imagines · 3 years
hi!! i really liked your ftm s/o headcanons and i would like to request the same (maybe with a non-binary s/o if that's possible?) with venti, childe and bennett please? thanks and take care of yourself ♡
Hey there! ^w^ Thanks so much for the request! Sorry it took so long ;w; Hope you still enjoy! <3
Non-Binary S/O
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○ As the Archon for the City of Freedom of course Venti would support you with full enthusiasm! The day you came out to him, he cheered for you and immediately composed a song for you on the spot.
○ Venti picks up on your pronouns immediately, making sure to correct others if you want him to. He of course asks if you want him to help you with coming out to anyone else or not. Whatever you're more comfortable with he's happy to do.
○ As much as he's normally a happy go-lucky kind of guy, the second someone misgenders you on purpose they can feel the winds getting stronger and the air around them growing colder. He'll still smile as he corrects them on your pronouns, but there's a dangerous edge to that smile and it'll be a long time before anyone misgenders you on purpose again.
"Heheh, I know you didn't mean to say that right? But, just in case you did, (Y/N) is Non-Binary and they go by they/them pronouns. If I were you, I wouldn't make that mistake again, okay~?"
○ Of course, you have the support of the other Mondstadt drunks. And between Kaeya's position in the Knights of Favonius and Rosaria's icy attitude to those around her, no one else dares to try and misgender you or give you any grief.
○ Venti showers you with so much love and affection, he's just happy to see you happy and comfortable in your own skin. Expect lots of kisses and praise for his favourite and most amazing partner!
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○ Childe takes a little bit of time to get used to your pronouns when you come out. There have been a few times he's slipped up, but he always corrects himself immediately, and you can see the effort is there.
○ He's so supportive and proud of you though. He happily introduces you as his wonderful partner, and enthusiastically tells everyone he comes across that you use they/them pronouns.
○ Even low level Fatui grunts know not to make Childe mad, so people misgendering you rarely happens, but the one time it did Childe put a swift end to it. No one knew for sure what it was Childe did, but it wasn't long before that particular grunt resigned from the Fatui and swiftly disappeared.
"There. That'll teach people not to mess with you~! So, if anyone else feels like testing my patience today I'll just remind them: My partner's pronouns are they/them and they're Non-Binary. If you make the mistake of misgendering them on purpose? Well, I'll make the retaliation swift and painful."
○ It's not just Childe that the others have to watch out for. Both Scaramouche and La Signora have stood firm in support of you. And with three of the most powerful Harbingers standing by your side, it's no wonder the rest of the grunts pick up on your pronouns very quickly!
○ At his core though, Childe just loves seeing you happy. As long as he can continue to stand by your side, support you and see you living your life proud of who you are, that's more than enough to him.
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○ Bennett also takes a bit of time to get used to your pronouns. He actually goes to Lisa for books on the topic because he doesn't want to mess up and hurt you. He'll spend hours in the library just learning how to support you in the best way he can.
○ He gets really excited when he's got your pronouns down that he goes around to everyone boasting about you and telling the people of Mondstadt what it means to be Non-Binary.
○ The first time someone misgendered you on purpose, Bennett thought they had just made a mistake. When that person does it again and again however, he quickly picks up that they're trying to upset you. As much as Bennett isn't exactly the most imposing or threatening person around, he isn't one to backdown from something like this.
"Hey! I know you're doing this on purpose so stop! (Y/N) is Non-Binary and they use they/them pronouns! Either get it right or stop talking about them! You got that!?"
○ Of course, it's not just Bennett that'll be arguing against bigots. Fischl won't stand to see one of her loyal subjects being treated so poorly, and while gender is a concept that flies over Razor's head he knows when someone's trying to upset one of his lupicals. Between the three of them standing up for you, it doesn't take long for the person misgendering you to back off.
○ Bennett might not be the luckiest of guys out there, but he's hard working and will always do whatever he can to see you smile. As long as you're happy he's happy after all!
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love-archon · 3 years
Those Who Rule The Mortal World
Summary: An au where the non-archon boys are archons! The reader has the traveler’s role in this. ^_^
*Scaramouche is being his entitled self in here and I apologize
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• Mondstadt has its rumors about the Darknight Hero, valiantly protecting the people from the shadows. It also, of course, has ancient legends of the Pyro Archon who drove away the old aristocracy with brimstone and fire.
• Who would've guessed that those stories overlapped?
• Much like Morax, Diluc keeps to himself in his game of playing human, pretending to be a mere bartender at the Angel's Share- at least by day. He mixes drinks without a word as the little green bard sings of how the nation's archon set the Lawrence Clan leader's wig aflame, while his patrons roar with laughter.
• His companion is a falcon who never leaves his side, and seems to sigh in exasperation when he discusses the Knights of Favonius (he'll hold back his complaints, at least for Vennessa's sake).
• Dvalin, Stormterror, calls to mind a different kind of storm- forest fires that decimate trees and grasslands, burning away in a haze of orange and red- but when it's over, nature can regrow anew.
• That is what Diluc believes when he faces his old friend again, when the fire-breathing dragon is under the sway of the abyss. He reaches out his hand the way he did so long ago, and trusts that their once-neglected bond can thrive again.
• And, thanks to your help, it does.
• Barbatos of living fire has been tending to this nation with a silent, protective hand, to the point where the residents joke that his absence isn't caused by laziness, but simply shyness. He's resigned to the teasing and his duty, accepting that it'll last forever.
• Sadly, it all comes to an end when Diluc lays waste to the Fatui that challenged the Darknight Hero, only for La Signora to rip his powers away in retribution.
• Even so, he refuses to let this stand in his way of preserving the city's freedom, and tells you this as you watch the city together from afar, the wind making the leaves sigh and flutter.
Your gaze is met by bloodred eyes, looking back at you with a powerful intensity. Diluc crosses his arms. "You think I cannot watch over my nation, now that my gnosis is gone? Hmph. I'll defend Mondstadt with my last breath." And you too, rests on his lips- but that, he cannot say just yet.
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• When the day comes to relinquish his godhood, he's all too eager to say yes.
• Centuries before, he shaped Liyue with an expert roll of his fingers- the way a sculptor lovingly builds with clay- and blew the clouds that hang above the land in place with a delicate breath. It's said it's because of his guiding hand that Liyue has the airy, graceful aura it has today.
• But what great civilizations haven't been built on blood? On death? On a terrible price that must be paid by all?
• He is their respected Anemo archon. He is also a scary story to keep children in bed at night. It all depends on which mask Xiao chooses to don- the youthful, porcelain face of a human man, or the scowling visage of a demon carved in jade.
• And though the disguise can be locked away, hidden from prying eyes, the memories will never leave him. He's haunted by the things he's done. The endless karmic debt he's accumulated drags him down like a sinking ship.
• Indeed, the God of Contracts not paying the price for something so great is simply unimaginable.
• But what if he was relieved of his duties? What if he no longer held sway over contracts- what then?
• He is uninterested in a grand scheme to test the people, seeing it as a complete insult to the intelligence of Liyue. But, at his adeptus Zhongli's insistence, he stages one nevertheless.
• Xiao is torn as he sees the people cry out in terror. When his old enemy resurfaces, even as a shadow of his former self, it's all he can do not to grab his weapon and fight. But in the end, Liyue proves itself, like a child that's finally grown, showing that it no longer needs his help.
• The contract to end all contracts is sealed, and Xiao breathes for the first time in hundreds of years.
"It is as they say," he said, the wind tousling his hair. In the golden light of the setting sun, he still looks immeasurably divine. And so do you, in Xiao's eyes. "The days of gods and adepti are over. Perhaps now, I... I can rest."
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• This INSUFFERABLE bastard
• Little is known about Baal, the god of eternity. His stories all seem to obscure him behind a thin, silken screen, with only a lithe and shadowy figure watching balefully from behind it. But all accounts agree on two things: his distant, glasslike beauty-
• And his horrible, capricious temper.
• The route to Inazuma is made even more difficult, if that's even possible- no one enters, no one leaves, without lightning slashing their ships in half.
• And while the people suffer and fight for their lives, he sits in his gilded palace, calling for more dancers, more music, more feasts, gloating about his perfect form that will never deteriorate or die.
• Nevertheless, you and your team arrive in the closed-off lands with a bang, and he is less than pleased. The samurai assigned to guard the borders are all put to death, but he cannot rest until the interlopers themselves are brought to him to be punished as well.
• Read: his pride cannot rest.
• His remaining forces, out of desperation, manage to capture you- unaware that it's all part of a plan you created with the rebellion leaders. The archon holds a spectacle in the capital, taunting your allies to get a rise out of them.
• You simply stay quiet, pretending to be meek and afraid when necessary, focusing on the mission above all else. He may not suspect you, for now, but he still notices how you never truly bend to his will.
• It's the first time in a long time that he's encountered this up close. It's now a race as you try to subtly search for records of his plans and he tries to trap you in the gilded cage he calls his palace, in an attempt to have what's out of his reach at last.
• If you're tempted to let out an exasperated "oh my god," don't. At least, not when he's within earshot.
Lilac eyes narrow in amusement at your words, and soft lips curl into a cruel grin. "Yes, I am your god," the Electro Archon cooes, tilting your chin up with slender fingers that grip too hard for your comfort. "The others may crumble in time, but I am Baal, the eternal one!"
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• They say it's difficult to find water in Snezhnaya that's not frozen over, or falling to earth as snowflakes instead of rain.
• And yet, the Tsar that rules over the frozen lands wields Hydro blades that sting from the cold and easily cut through flesh.
• It seems unbelievable that a boy touched by the abyss would grow up to serve Celestia. But he's made it clear where his allegiance lies, and how dearly he wants the heavenly thrones destroyed.
• Every gnosis collected by his Harbingers is greedily displayed in his throne room, each one a symbol of just how far his reach can extend. Even if he isn't there in person, he can still drag his fellow gods down to earth, with their godhood left in far more... capable hands.
• Yes, his dreams of world domination is far more tangible the way he is now. The former archon was a sentimental fool, but the new Tsar shall reshape the world.
• He'd get there much faster if it wasn't for your constant interference.
• Sure, he was annoyed at first. But that irritation gives way to curiosity rather quickly.
• He watches your progress through a sphere of water floating before him, kept solid from the sheer cold of the room, and he honestly hasn't been this entertained in decades- perhaps his subordinates aren't pleased he's rooting more for you than them at times, but it's none of his concern.
• When you arrive at his palace at last, his eyes gleam. The power of six elements reside within you- you'll be his most thrilling fight yet. You're just surprised: you were expecting a cold, emotionless leader, not someone who jokes around like a child.
• And after actually meeting him, you can't tell if he truly has a noble reason to topple Celestia, or if he just wants a fight to the death against multiple gods.
• Childe says: why not both?
"Ever considered joining the Fatui, comrade?" That nearly throws you off balance, even as you're going for the final blow. The Tsar remains lighthearted, as if this is a conversation over dinner, even when your blade is pointed at his throat. "As fun as it is crossing blades... I'd much rather you fight by my side."
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• Oh, the irony.
• In another life, he was one of the last survivors of Celestia's cruelty.
• But here, now, he enforces the Heavenly Principles that sealed Khaenri’ah's fate in the first place. Whether he likes it or not is a mystery, but he does not dare oppose the divine.
• All you wanted was to leave this war-torn world, hand in hand with the only one dear to you. But an unknown god stands in your path, blocking your way, and with a snap of his fingers seals your twin in fractals of ice and strips away the last of your powers.
• He had a sibling, too, once. Not that he remembers, of course. The way he hesitates when he sees the two of you fight at each other's side is... strange, yes, but you can't question it in the heat of battle.
• It doesn't change the results, anyway. Even if his movements are occasional slowed, they're still much faster than yours. And does it show? Certainly.
• Your attacks don't reach him.
• Your defenses are torn away.
• Cold fear floods your veins like ice as, for once in your impossibly long life, you are hopelessly outclassed.
• Something like guilt flickers across his star-shaped pupils, making you pause, only for you to be trapped as well.
• Those same eyes stare at you in cold disdain before the same ice that trapped your sibling closes over your sight. Your angry tears freeze to your cheeks, and you fall.
• This isn't over, you think, as wind whistles in your ears. You'll find him again. You'll fight him again, and you'll win.
• Perhaps he could hear your thoughts.
• Because as you drop from the sky, a scream tearing your throat for your sibling, you hear his voice as clearly as though he's beside you. 
"Sorry to say this, outlander," he purrs amusedly. You hate his smooth, heady voice. "But your journey-" the world darkens, spins- "ends here."
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versadies · 3 years
general + lantern rite with scaramouche hc (gn!reader, 400 follows special)
penpal: it’s finally here!!! thank you guys sm for the follows and the support. i enjoy writing hcs and i’m happy that a lot of you like it! a few of you also requested me for a scaramouche general hc so hope this lives up to your expectations. happy readings! - ver.
warning/s: ooc!scaramouche
sypnosis: what it’s like to date scaramouche + hang out with him in lantern rite festival
note: i was actually supposed to make this toxic given that scaramouche is... scaramouche but my heart can’t take it so i decided to just go wild on this one.
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-> i salute to you for dating this man.
-> scaramouche is scary and is probably not even the type to be interested in having romantic relationships. the fact that he fell in love with you though is shocking to the fatui if they even find out about it. hell, even the man himself is surprised.
-> he’s going to be not so affectionate at first (just subtle affection here and there but no kisses or long cuddling) since he’s not an affectionate type of guy but as time goes by, he’ll eventually start to give you lots of affection.
-> pda is a no for scaramouche. the two of you have to agree in keeping this relationship a secret due to not only the danger you could be in but also the fact that he doesn’t want anyone to know about your relationship with him.
-> don’t get him wrong— it’s not that he’s ashamed of dating you. he knows that almost everyone in teyvat hates the fatui, so the fact that the potential harassment given to you from others is a possibility, he doesn’t want you to be in that situation.
-> the way he acts around you is unpredictable. i think he’d be both cold yet affectionate if that’s even possible. don’t worry, his mean demeanor is different to you than how he acts around everyone else— it’s less harsh and harmless, to which you understand that he’s not serious. feel free to bicker back at him, he won’t kill you.
-> your family would’ve thought he forced you into this if they found out of your relationship with the man. it will take you a lot of reassurance to them that you weren’t forced and the fact that you love him as much as he to you.
-> dates with him are to be private. i’d think he’d pull on a reservation on a restaurant and make sure that everyone around you knows that this date is “private affairs on your debt” (even though you never had a debt in the first place). even if these “private affairs” happens a bit too often than normal, people would be too scared to even confront scaramouche.
-> i honestly see this guy as a classy man. he’ll pull classy dinners, walking around the city hand-in-hand at 3am when everyone is asleep, go somewhere private outside + get a picnic date + star-gazing, etc.
-> i can already imagine this man telling you all of his theories on the skies and on teyvat during your picnic-stargazing dates while you listen and eat an inazuma dish. (his line about the sky being fake really do be sus to me to this day 👀👀👀)
-> during dates where you two aren’t living together yet and when scaramouche always has to escort you to your dates, he’ll definitely not hesitate to throw a pebble against your bedroom window if you’re not going to answer the door after countless of pounding against it. he’ll throw every pebble he can get from the ground until it either breaks or you finally answered lol
-> like childe, scaramouche is hella busy. unless you’re in either snezhnaya or inazuma— then you two can be able to spend time. however if you live in other nations that isn’t one of the two, you’d have to get used to a long distance relationship. however if you’re not the kind to like a long distance relationship, then sorry to break it to you, that relationship might not work unless you and scaramouche are able to find a way.
-> breaks for him are rare, he’s a hardworking man and wants to live up to the tsaritsa’s expectations (even if he dislikes the archon). when he does go home to you, he makes sure that he’ll spend time with you every single moment and that they’re all precious memories.
-> he is lowkey caring but he will deny it will all of his life if you even mention it. oh you fell asleep on the couch while waiting for him to go home? wow would you look at that, the wind is so kind for putting a blanket over you and he somehow wasn’t there! oh my gosh you’re getting a cold and is coughing a lot? la signora is so nice for making some people from the fatui to offer medicine and it’s def not him, who has the upper hand in ordering them to do it!
-> don’t get me started on him spoiling you. he always writes letters to you and every letter he sent always has a small gift or a package sent with a scared-looking fatui member who just wants to go home. the gifts are either souvenirs from his travels or something that reminds him of you. either way, it’s always what you like.
-> you can’t convince me that not all of his letters are 60% him complaining about how his subordinates have some audacity to give him headaches and how he just wants to lowkey go home to you because of it (in reality, the both of you know he just misses you).
-> ik a lot of scaramouche simps really wanna try his hat out and i can already imagine you finding ways to get your hands on his hat without him noticing or not wearing it. if you somehow managed to get the prize, he’ll def try to get it from you and won’t hesitate to throw (harmless) threats until you finally give in and give it to him.
-> fighting with scaramouche is kind of rare given that he’s mostly away but when it does happen, it’s related to him being too harsh or his sudden announcement that he has to leave. your arguments never includes long distance relationship since it’s something you and scaramouche expected and are ready for. of course, scaramouche will treat it as if you’re the one making a big deal out of it— which is something that angers you and a disadvantage of dating him.
-> during those arguments, the way he acts depends on how serious it is. by the time you leave the room to get some space, he’ll give you all the space you need— though he couldn’t help but not ignore the harsh pangs he’s feeling from his chest.
-> scaramouche will def be the first to apologize because he feels guilty (the feeling of not being satisfied is strong whenever you leave and he hates it) and doesn’t want you to be mad anymore. unless the fight is truly your fault, he’ll wait till you apologize.
-> his favorite moments are always when he’s allowed to take you with him to his travels for a mission. he won’t admit, he’s very looking forward to show you around places privately and his ego will rise if you praise him for his intelligence on the land. though, those who try to interrupt his private moments with you just to tell scaramouche about something related to the fatui— they’ll face an even harsher treatment than normal.
-> nights with scaramouche are quiet. the moment scaramouche lays down on the bed and closes his eyes for a moment, he’s asleep. can’t blame him, he’s always exhausted from the fatui so he needs it. however, he does make sure you yourself get some sleep as well. he’ll make sure that you’re always beside him before he sleeps.
-> mornings with him are short. he’ll wake up first and immediately get ready for work while you’re on your bed still sleeping. scaramouche won’t be able to eat breakfast in your home and always buy food on his way there since he doesn’t have time to wait (and partially doesn’t wanna make you wake up just to cook for him). he makes sure to kiss your forehead and leave.
-> don’t ever bring up about his goodbye kisses, he will straight up take that secret to his grave. the moment you mention it, he’ll act like you killed someone. “me? kissing you on the forehead? are you sure you’re not dreaming at that time?” he would say while hiding his light reddened cheeks with his hat.
-> if you’re the type to wake up very early though, he’d definitely try to wake up at the same time as you and run with you in the morning if you do. though if you’re not the type to do morning runs, you’ll either cook for his lunch or get ready for work as well. he won’t admit it... but he likes your cooking. expect yourself to be the one to ask for a goodbye kiss cuz man’s going to act like he doesn’t want to do it.
-> as for fatui when you date scaramouche... they’ll probably find out fast. if you don’t work for the fatui, scaramouche will make sure you will never be involved with them. he knows how the fatui can be and will be mad if he finds out you came across to one of the harbingers.
-> overall, dating him is just wild.
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-> scaramouche has to admit, liyue has outdone themselves on this one.
-> the two of you decided to attend the festival as your one year anniversary date and you did not regret trying to convince your man to come with you to liyue for the festival 24/7 ever since you heard childe talking about it to you.
-> while you were taking your sweet time by admiring the decorations around the harbor, scaramouche makes sure no one is following or planning to bother you two at the moment. thank goodness he didn’t have to worry about the millelith, given that they act like they don’t know him at all.
-> he makes sure that you’re having a great time. he’ll let you go buy whatever you want if you wish, it’s his gift i suppose. i’d think he’ll get way too competitive on theater mechanicus and will expect you to praise him whenever he wins.
-> scaramouche will take you to the most fanciest restaurant of the harbor, but if you want to go for another option— he’ll reluctantly accept that and let you buy food for the both of you. given that he mostly resides in inazuma, he’s definitely a skilled chopsticks user (unlike childe).
-> when it comes to making lanterns, it will take scaramouche to try and make a few lanterns before he finally does it right. he’ll gladly help you out if you still couldn’t get a hang of it (he’ll teach you in an “annoyed” way, but he means well).
-> i feel like he’ll take you somewhere not so crowded. man’s probably gonna make sure the whole pearl galley is just the two of you (and the staff) with the help of his mora and let you watch the lanterns from there. however should you not want to ruin someone’s night and force scaramouche somewhere that does not require any mora and is not crowded, then he’s fine with that too.
-> i think he’ll lowkey be interested in the stories presented by the storytellers around the harbor. he’s not invested but just earned enough of his attention to actually listen.
-> by the time the mingxiao lantern is about to be released, you two immediately head to your designated area and started writing your wishes.
-> his wish will probably be something related to successfulness.
-> when the lanterns are released with the mingxiao lantern, the two of you’d just watch in silence. you’d be pretty speechless from the beautiful scenery while scaramouche just watches in slight amusement.
-> the moment scaramouche glances at you, he’ll be surprised by you immediately hugging him and thanking him for taking you to the festival when you have the chance. man’s probably going to try and deny your hug for a moment until giving in and hug you back.
-> he might consider thanking childe when he comes back to snezhnaya.
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multi-maker · 4 years
— barbatos
everyone seems to forget that he was still an archon - he survived the dreadful archon war and has slain gods after gods, destroyed cities after cities.
so when his old enemy rises, and the snow of dragonspine falls on mondstadt, venti sheds his bard persona and he summons his golden war bow he hasn’t wielded in decades.
when durin rises, barbatos does as well.
note. i like to think of venti being powerful and only letting the cryo archon get her way - i refuse to think he’s weak - he’s literally one of the original archons, and mondstadt is huge as well. that means venti has fought gods over dominance in his territory !! so have this ehe~! this can also be part two of my venti beating la signora hehe~ here’s part one!
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Mondstadt is burning.
The city is aflame, smoke rising in tall columns as the skies above them darkened. Cries of agony and pleads for help was a hellish symphony in the City of Freedom. The Acting Grand Master with Master Ragnvidr, the Cavalry Captain, Outrider Amber, and the Knights’ very own Honorary Knight stood by the entrance of Mondstadt.
They were losing.
They were spent and tired - Fatigued and wounded so deeply that even Jean could not help them in their wounded state. Their limbs ached, visions burning, and their eyes and throat hurt because of all the smoke around them. Their weapons were drawn but they had no more strength to fight back.
Their enemy was before them, looming and large as the black dragon descended upon Mondstadt once again.
“...We are losing.” Diluc states in a weary voice, ruby eyes streaked with helplessness yet anger as he leans against his claymore. His cloak was long discarded, leaving him in his vest. “State the obvious more, will ya?” Kaeya retorted, but there was no bite in his voice. Diluc merely shoots him a glare for his words.
“M-Master Jean, what do we do?” Paimon’s shrill voice pierced the tense atmosphere as their enemy circled Mondstadt, eyes wide with worry and concern as they help up the Traveler who tried to purify Durin, but was sent crashing on the ground harshly.
For once, the Dandelion Knight had no answer.
“...I have no idea, Paimon.” Jean responded quietly, blue eyes dark with worry and anger as she clutches her sword. “Durin is powerful - an ancient enemy comparable to even Lord Barbatos. It took Dvalin and Lord Barbatos to best him but none of us come close to their power.” Jean explains, heaving. “What do we do? Lord Barbatos is nowhere to be found!” Amber cries out, eyes wide with fear.
Diluc commended the young Outrider for stepping up as their main attacker. Her abilities in gliding far surpassed the Traveler and her bow came in handy. She was young yet full of potential.
Jean was silent, as well as the traveler. They both knew Barbatos was alive and well, prancing around Teyvat since he did not govern his own land. They knew the best course of action was to call for him, for Venti, but how could they when they did not even know where he was?
“The wind shall carry your wishes no matter how far, dear Jean.”
The group freezes at the chime of a voice that seemingly rang all around them, giving them hope, providing them that there may be salvation. They all turned around, seeing the person Mondstadt needed the most.
The Anemo Archon.
Jean could never fanthom how Venti the bard was the Archon she worshipped all her life. He was so playful and cunning, a drunkard at best, and someone who was almost always broke. Yet whenever Mondstadt needed it’s protector, whenever Mondstadt could not fight back, Venti the Bard becomes Barbatos, the Anemo Archon.
And right now, she was not looking at Venti the Bard.
She was looking at Barbatos.
She paid no attention to Amber’s surprised yelps, to Diluc’s “Took you long enough, Bard.”, to Kaeya’s contemplatative hum, nor to the Traveler’s quiet exclamation of their name.
Seeing Venti - Rather, Barbatos in his Archon form was truly mesmerizing. She remembers the first time she saw him, when La Signora threatened Mondstadt and attempted to steal his Gnosis, only to be bested and defeated by Venti after she hurt the Traveler badly.
White wings unfurled from behind him, the teal tips in his hair glowed as his eyes seemingly twinkled. Barbatos floated aimlessly, aquamarine eyes staring at his ancient enemy.
“Ah, what a catastrophe this is. For my old enemy to rise once again, how persistent he really is.” He commented off handedly, as if he did not care that the city behind him was burning.
Jean knew better.
She was an Anemo vision holder so her connection with the wind was better than most. When Venti arrived, Jean felt the winds become harsher and deadlier, whipping around them in a terrifying show of power as his eyes glowed eerily.
He holds his hand out, and the lyre he frequently carries becomes into a golden war bow with aqua accents and a seemingly holy glow to it. The feathers in his wings ruffled at the winds he suddenly summoned as the cecilia’s in his hair danced along the powerful tempest he commanded.
And it was so easy to forget that this same boy before her, eyes glowing eerily and a golden war bow in hand, was the same bard who sung ballads and accepted wine as payment. A cheeky and talented bard who Mondstadt adored. That this boy has slain Gods and buried them underneath Mondstadt soil. That this boy has commanded armies as well, leading Mondstadt to a path of victory during the dreadful Archon War all those years ago.
It was so easy to forget when you knew he drowned alcohol in a terrifying speed, when he slept under tree’s and relied on his songs to profit.
“Rest, my children. For your Archon will not forsake you.” He speaks softly, as he floats even higher. Anemo energy materialized in the air as tall and destructive tornado’s were summoned to his side. “I have heeded your calls and your pleads, and my children will be slaughtered no more.” His voice grew dark and angry, his eyes glinting as he wields a war bow he hasn’t used in decades.
Whenever he joined the traveler in their journey to find their lost sibling, not once has he used this bow. This bow that has slain Gods over territory and safety for his people. He used the bow the Traveler gifted to him, but he knew that bow will not be able to handle his divine power. It will break under his divine power.
“Durin, cease your attacks at once and perhaps I will grant mercy.” He speaks, eyes glinting as the winds around him sharpened, heading for the black dragon. “A fool, Barbatos! You are weak and feeble, I will not have any difficulties in removing you from your place The dragon sneers, but Barbatos merely lets out a laugh that sent shivers down his peoples’ spine.
“Weak and feeble! How foolish, Durin.” He sneers as he loaded his bow with three arrows. “Have you forgotten who sealed you in that cold mountain?” He taunts as his eyes glowed even further, as he regains the power he used to have before he fell into deep slumber. Durin lets out a snarl at the reminded, red eyes glinting mercilessly.
“You have chosen to burn Mondstadt, the freedom my people fought to achieve,” He lowly says, as the winds he used to cut down mountains became even more powerful. “I do not care if you are powerful - I will not let the hardwork of my people go to waste for such insolence,” Barbatos sneers as he pulls his bow.
“You chose to fight me, dear Durin,” Barbatos says in a chime, and the tempest he commanded headed for the black dragon.
“And I choose to make sure you will no longer wake.”
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elleonmybeloved · 4 years
“Why am I not surprised your name doesn’t carry anywhere near as much weight as your reputation. This is just sloppy.” Childe mutters snidely under his breath to himself from where he hides in the shadows among the trees.
The word in the streets was that La Signora’s people weren’t to use deadly force on the rumored traveler from Mondstadt, and Tartaglia would very much like to know why. The bitchy harbringer he knows doesn’t pull her punches for anybody, no matter how wealthy or powerful.
Unfortunately for the time and effort spent tailing his oddly clad blonde mark, it seems these brainless goons wearing Signora’s insignia didn’t get the memo.
The traveler’s silver shortsword clangs loudly against the base of the Hydro-Gunner Legionnaire’s gun, and takes out a chunk as it slides along the side of it. Compromised, the thing sprays them both with a jet of water before losing power. The large man gives an outraged yell and abandons the gun to bodily smack the small blonde across the face. She staggers back, but he’s no match for her unarmed, and he has to acknowledge the poetic justice in how she slices off the brute’s hands before finishing him off.
Unfortunately for her, she’s now wetter than a hydro slime in a rainstorm, and the Electro-Hammer Vanguard she’s fighting shows no hesitation in taking advantage of this vulnerability. A hefty swing catches her in the side with enough force that the chances she didn’t break a rib are slim to none. The next swing hits her lower right leg, and she cries out in great pain.
He’s beating the shit out of her.
Childe has no intention of letting this hilichurl-brained thug get rid of Lumine before he gets his hands on what he wants from her. Fluid bends to his will and forms into the weapon of his choice. How can he best phrase this to get her to feel thankful enough to drop her guard?
Lumine is sent flying by the next blow, but scrambles backward, dodging the next hammer swing by inches. She staggers to her feet, and he can see tears of pain join the wet on her cheeks. The Vanguard raises his hammer above his head, but before Childe can loose the shot from his bow, the traveler screams and there is a bright flash of pure gold energy that explodes from around her.
The Vanguard isn’t just cast away from her. He is completely obliterated, disintegrating into nothing. Childe flinches and quickly changes the bow to a shield, gritting his teeth against the pressure of the blast as it reaches him, even as far back as he is.
Blinking rapidly, he swears he sees diamonds of white behind her, like wings, for a second and then it’s gone. Childe blinks the fading spots from his vision.
Lumine staggers as she tries to step forward, fumbling with a handful of wolfhooks that she drops half of, and squeezes the rest in her bare hand to slather against the scrapes on her cheek.
He’s by her side in an instant.
“Traveler! What happened to you? Wow you look terrible, here, let me help.”
She gazes at him, confused. Her face is pale.
“Childe...? ...I’m fine just... give me a second to pull myself together.” She says, holding out her palm like she’s blocking him. “What are you-“ she breaks off to cough, and she swallows thickly with a grimace.
Internal bleeding then.
“Come on, you’re in bad shape. Wolfhooks aren’t gonna cut it.” He grasps her outstretched arm and tugs, overpowering her easily as he scoops her up into his arms. “There we go.”
He doesn’t even have to look around to know which direction the nearest teleportal is.
“Where are you -another cough, this time the blood stains her pink lips red before she can swallow- taking me?” Lumine asks, but relaxes, leaning heavily into him. It’s kind of cute how she still has attitude in this state.
“The hospital.” He answers her with a look, in the same tone as he would say duh. “In Liyue.”
“Childe I -kngh- don’t have enough mora... for-“
God he wants to laugh so bad, but it would jostle her and exacerbate her injuries. And probably make her angry.
“You should know better than to worry about mora when you’re with me, girlie.” He rolls his eyes and tightens his grip as he climbs over a few rocks. The teleportal shouldn’t be far now. Not that he’s struggling if course, she’s light and he’s carried far heavier for much longer. “Now stop talking and just trust me.”
Childe is happy to see that she seems to, at least enough to shut up and stop making her internal injuries worse. It’s kind of impressive how she holds on to consciousness long enough for them to go through the teleportation and for her to confirm they do arrive in the city. Though when she does go under, it leaves her fragile and broken and cradled in his arms like a lost lover, and that makes him uncomfortable.
Tartaglia has had numerous occasions to carry women like a damsel in distress, some enjoyable and others out of necessity. This experience isn’t anything like that though, it feels... weird, and he picks up the pace, wanting it over as soon as possible.
“Welcome sir, please, right this way.” The workers outside the hospital recognize him at the door and usher him inside at the sight of the wounded woman he carries.
“We will take care of her from here. The usual, sir?”
“Yeah sure, just make sure whoever you heal her with is competent. You know where to send the bill. Notify me when she wakes up.”
“Of course, sir.”
Some fancily clad hospital personnel offers him a look over as well, but he waves them off. Aside from the discomfort at the pit of his stomach, he’s just fine.
Besides, he’s got other matters to attend to tonight, and he would prefer them to be well over with by the time Lumine wakes up.
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chocoenvy · 3 years
oh god now that i see the pryo and hydro archons i feel like i'm gonna need to get a zhongli shield but for my wallet
reasons why archons are the best from number one self proclaimed archon simp (note that after the three released archons, the rest is headcanon and speculation):
Anemo - twink, plays lyre, singing voice is top tier, adorable gremlin that is platonically married to at least three people, genuinely cares about his people and the ideals he and the city of Mond upholds as the archon and city of freedom, twink
Geo - dilf, borderline gilf, he kicks his spear, had a long and embarrassing rebellious phase, the most adorable dad energy (the way he spoke to Hu Tao during lantern rite i just <3), his voice <3, his laugh <3, he and venti probably take trips to the other archons to make them feel better<3333
Electro - milf, Ei is adorable, I want Raiden to inlaid me upon her statue, gay as shit, hER SMILE IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD, HER LINE WHEN THUNDER STRIKES GENUINELY MAKES ME CRY I JUST <33333 HER <333 IS SO HOT <3333, the way she says desserts, HER VOICE IS PERFECT <3, she's purple, literally abandoned her child now that's the kind of emotional instability i need in my life /j
hydro - milf, very powerful, probably has control over Fontane, ruler of a country = hot. Example: Ningguang, Ei, Jean <333, probably has an electro gf and we love those
Dendro - literal baby, those lil dendro slimes? yeah they carry them around all the time as comfort bc i said. Dendro visions are rare bc they're just shy and <3333333 adorable absolute baby they and venti are probably besties and if they're not then they want to get to know each other but don't want to make the other uncomfortable
Pyro - literally hot, dilf or milf, gives me xinyan vibes but uh better, goes absolutely insane when they hyperfixate on smth, can use all weapons bc fuck you, muscly, rock hard stomach +arms, thighs? thighs.
Cryo - do i need to say anything? Do i really have to? hot tall milf with 12 unruly children, idc what you say i like to thing she mourned la signora bc she genuinely cares no matter how much she tries not to, soft so fucking soft, the cuddle ability is 10000000/10, she has a million soft coats imagine snuggling your face into that skjsdlskdfjasdf, cupping her face <333 she'd melt <333 her face going red would be such a lovely sight. No bc i want to be aether, captured by the fatui, held at the mercy of the tsaritsa and harbingers, ballroom dancing with childe and the tsaritsa as your life is in her hands and she toys with it <3333
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Christmas Greetings from Them 2 [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Jean, Kaeya Alberich, Keqing, Klee, La Signora, Lisa & Lumine.
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With Diluc
“You’re still working at this late of an hour?”
“! Master Diluc! What a surprise-“
“I told you to not call me that. Before you ask how I come in here, I knocked several times but didn’t receive an answer. So I decided to let myself in.”
“Ah.. I must’ve doze off. No matter, what can I help you with?”
“It’s not me that needs help actually. I’m here for you.”
“.. me? Care to elaborate, sir Diluc?”
“I’ve been informed that you’ve been working non-stop this past few days. Tell me, is this your way of getting your mind off of [Y/N]?”
“! O-Of course not! It just happens that there’s been lots of duties to be done all at once-!”
“-and all of it is a coincidence? The sudden attack of a peaceful Hilichurl in the east side of Mondstadt, Margaret’s stray cat gone missing, Taxes, Patrolling the city more often than usual, is there a need for me to go on?”
“You look tired than usual. Tell me, how many hours have you been sleeping lately?”
“... 2-3 hours.”
“*sigh* I knew it.”
“But your wrong! It’s not because of [Y/N] at all! It’s just a coincidence that there’s a lot of duties to be fulfilled when they left-!”
“Look. Do you honestly think [Y/N] would appreciate it if they find their girlfriend passed out, almost half-dead because she isn’t taking care of herself properly?”
“*sigh* I didn’t come here to lecture you. I came here to invite you to a party that the Dawn Winery is hosting.”
“A party? What for?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t realize what day it is today?”
“It’s already December 24. It’s almost Christmas Eve actually.”
“That’s all. I better take my leave.”
“I’ll show up later. I’ll just.. finish some paperworks.”
“.. get some rest, Jean. You got everyone worried for you.”
“.. *sigh*”
“Stars up above the sky, ones that’s shining brilliantly like the moon, so many and so small, won’t you grant this tired woman a wish? Perhaps, a letter for my beloved? How are you faring, [Y/N]? It seems like I’ve been neglecting myself with my many duties again. If you can see me right now, I know you’ll be disappointed in me. Perhaps, master Diluc is right, maybe I was trying to find excuses. Trying to get my mind off the loneliness I feel whenever you’re not around. It’s once again the season of Christmas, and yet, you aren’t here with me. This is suppose to be a festive of love and happiness, yet all I feel is nothing. I’ll try to have some fun in master Diluc’s party tonight, but I make no promises that I’ll not force a fake smile. I miss you dearly, [Y/N]. Come back and warm me up again. Smile again for me and take my worries away. Merry Christmas, wherever you are. Forever yours, Jean.”
Kaeya Alberich
With Amber
“Sir Kaeya! Sir Kaeya!”
“Sir Kaeya! It’s about the report for Acting Grandmaster Jean-!”
“Oh? Then why didn’t you say so sooner?”
“I was trying to but you keep ignoring me-!”
“What is needed in the report? Don’t waste my time.”
“Ah.. well.. all she wanted was that you bring in your report tomorrow morning because she needs it immediately-“
“Oh. Is that it? Then consider it done. Farewell, have a nice evening, Amber.”
“H-Hey! Wait!”
“*sigh* what is it now?”
“Why’re you so cold to me? Did I do something to anger you?”
“I can reassure you that it isn’t that. You’re just.. too energetic for my taste.”
“Too energetic? What’s that suppose to mean?”
“That. You’re always curious. Always willing to help someone. You must’ve had a great life when you were a kid..”
“.. well, I would be lying if I say I didn’t.”
“See? You’re practically a normal girl. And that’s boring.”
“I-! That’s just rude, sir Kaeya!”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know that that was rude.”
“Hmph.. say, sir Kaeya. Do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“That was a smooth shift of conversation, I would give you that. But to answer your question, doesn’t everyone know of it?”
“I guess.. so are you going to make a wish?”
“If I was going to make a wish, why would I tell you that?”
“I’m just curious. *pouts*”
“Well, there’s a infamous saying that goes, ‘curiosity kills the cat’.”
“You know what? I’m just gonna go and patrol now. Have a nice evening, sir Kaeya!”
“Annddd off she goes. *sigh* what a waste of time..”
“Hm.. o wishing stars, hear my wish. Do you mind if you can deliver this makeshift letter to my beloved? Hello darling, how are you doing? Hope you’re still alive. You better didn’t leave me by dying. Afterall, you’re the only thing that’s keeping me sane. After all that I’ve lost, you wouldn’t go disappearing too, right? Anyways, I’m getting too sentimental there. Hope you haven’t found another man to pleasure you while you’re out and about. If I ever find out that you’re cheating, there’ll be consequence.. Hahaha.. of course I know that you wouldn’t do that. I trust you that you wouldn’t do that to me. Though I do admit I miss the embarrassed, red face you always have whenever I tease you. I also miss your sharp tongue, always managing to keep me at my wit’s end by bantering with me. I would love to do all those moments again. Merriest of Christmas, [Y/N]. Bon voyage~”
With Beidou
“... oh, miss Beidou. What a surprise to see you here.”
“... who are you again?”
“Oh.. Keqing. That girl who helped protecting Liyue from danger, right?”
“I suppose so.”
“Aren’t you a workaholic though? What’re you doing here?”
“I was forced to relax.”
“Ah. Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
“Not to me. There’s so many things that needs to be done on time-!”
“Ah.. I understand now.”
“But what’re you doing here, miss Beidou? Not to be rude or anything.”
“Hm.. I don’t really now. Sudden urge, I guess.”
“Oh.. would you like to accompany me then? Since you’re here already. It’ll be a waste if you don’t enjoy the scenery.”
“I thought you wouldn’t ask. Sure.”
“So.. how’s life for ya?”
“Alright. It’s been getting chaotic though, ever since the incident.”
“Ah.. right. Well, I’m not really surprised. Liyue Harbor was almost destroyed afterall.”
“I suppose. Say, miss Beidou.”
“Do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Ah, I heard it from one of the crew. But what’s got you interested in it?”
“Well.. it just sounds fascinating.”
“Fascinating? First time I heard someone say that to a legend.”
“Think about it. How does it work? Why did people start talking about it in the first place? If this legend exists till this day, then it must’ve worked before, right? Won’t it work now?”
“Ah, I’ve found myself a curious one.”
“Hehe.. sorry. I guess I rambled a bit there.”
“Not at all. All of us have a interests in different things. Yours just happen to be the legend.”
“Yes.. I believe that too..”
“Why not give it a try then?”
“Since you’re interested in it, why not try it? No harm in trying, right?”
“Hrm.. I suppose not but.. isn’t that.. albeit childish..?”
“Childish? Bah! Nonsense. Nothing is childish, especially on things you’re passionate about.”
“.. thank you, miss Beidou.”
“My pleasure. Afterall, we gals stick together, right?”
“Go on then. No one’s here to judge you.”
“O shining, wishing stars. Would you hear me and my wish? Please send this wish to my beloved. How have you been, my beloved? Has life been easy on you? I’m glad that you’re finally searching for your calling but I didn’t think of the setbacks it has. Selfish I may seem, I’m starting to regret sending you off on your way. It’s been almost a torture without you here by my side. I can still feel the pressure of the people behind my back. I wish you were here with your reassuring words. I would love to hear your voice, and possibly your singing as well. Even if you’re embarrassed by it, I still think it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve heard. Please return immediately, my beloved. Let’s celebrate the last few days before New Year. Merry Christmas, my beloved. May more years come and meet us. Let us face the upcoming challenges head-on.”
With Albedo
“Klee? What are you doing still up at this hour? It’s way past your bedtime.”
“Oh.. mr Albedo.”
“? What’s gotten you so sad, Klee? Tell me so that I know who I should beat up.”
“It’s nothing like that. I just.. miss [Y/N].”
“Ah, your playmate. Don’t worry, Klee, I’m sure that they miss you too.”
“.. do you really miss them?”
“*sigh* well, I cannot exactly bring them to you..”
“Hm.. how about making a wish to the stars?”
“Make a wish? To the stars?”
“Have you heard of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Ah! Grandmaster Jean told me about that! If we wish from the bottom of our hearts, then the stars will hear it!”
“*chuckles* I guess that’s one way to sum it up. How about we make a wish?”
“But what would I wish for, mr Albedo?”
“How about you wish for your friend’s safety?”
“Eh? I thought you can only wish for yourself? You can wish for other people as well?”
“There’s a million ways to wish, Klee. One way is for yourself, the other is for someone else, and the rest is something else entirely. So, c’mon, let’s wish from our hearts.”
“Hmm.. okay! Klee would do it! For [Y/N]!”
“*chuckle* yes, for [Y/N].”
“Shining wishing star, can you hear my wish pretty please? This is for my friend, [Y/N]. I wish them the best! I hope they find what their looking for and they return safely! So that we can still play hide and seek, and dolls, oh! And tag! I recently made a game that I’m sure that both of us will enjoy very much! Though, for now, Klee would stay patient and wait for [Y/N]. Just like Grandmaster Jean, sir Kaeya and everyone said. I just need to be patient. But, I don’t know how long I can be patient for.. oh! I also recently gotten some new toys from everyone! I want to share them with [Y/N]! Hehe. Happy Christmas, [Y/N]! Oh! And happy Christmas, wishing stars! I’m gonna continue to hope that [Y/N] will return so that we can play again!”
La Signora
With Scaramouche
“.. well, isn’t this a surprise.”
“Tsk. What’re you doing here?”
“Now now.. is that a way to greet a fellow Harbinger?”
“I’m going now.”
“Hold on. Why don’t we chat? It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you and I’m getting lonely with no one to talk to here.”
“Why not talk to yourself? Why drag me to your ‘chat’?”
“Do you think you have a choice?”
“Good. Now, come, join me outside.”
“Why go outside when its freezing as hell out there?”
“Did I stutter?”
“To the outside it is.”
“I still wonder why you decided to drag me out of here when we could’ve had our ‘chat’ indoors.”
“If we had our chat indoors, then we won’t have a view of the stars.”
“Stars? Since when were you interested in astrology?”
“I’m still not interested in astrology. The legend behind them though is what interest me.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“Have you heard of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Who hasn’t? Everyone’s been talking about it that it makes me sick.”
“It would be wonderful if it was true though..”
“Ha? You do know it’s nothing more than a legend right?”
“Well, it does have the ‘legend’ part in its name.”
“Oh, so you are aware of it. Now, c’mon, let’s head inside before we get frostbite out here-“
“Just because it’s a legend doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in them.”
“... are you serious?”
“I still don’t get why I’m here in the first place.”
“Call it a moral support.”
“How is this moral support-??”
“Quiet. I must say my wish now.”
“*sigh* does it look like I have a choice-?”
“Shining Wishing Stars. Even if I am a Fatui Harbinger, would you still grant me a wish? I would like to wish from you the safety of my beloved. Let no harm befall for them because of my status as the 8th Harbinger in the rankings. I truly wish I could spend this Christmas season with them but duty calls. I wonder how they are right now. Are they happy? Or are they miserable? I really want to go home to them and spend the rest of my life with them. But alas, the Tsaritsa goes first.. as usual. I miss pressing my body against theirs while cuddling with them. I miss the affections they shower me with constantly.. maybe I’ve taken that for granted, now that I’m seeking it constantly. I should probably stop now, I’m already rambling.. Merry Christmas, [Y/N]. I promise we’ll be together soon. Just continue to wait for me, my love.”
With Razor
“Hm? Oh my, Razor. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Happy.. Christmas, miss Lisa.”
“*chuckles* Happy Christmas too, Razor.”
“.. are you okay?”
“Oh? Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be anything but okay?”
“You look.. sad. Are you.. missing someone?”
“Ohh you’re good~! Why yes, perhaps I do miss someone..”
“Where are they now? Why they not with you?”
“I’m afraid their on a adventure of their own. As much as I want to accompany them on it, I’m afraid that I can’t. I can’t abandon my position as a librarian afterall.”
“Oh.. I see.”
“Now, why don’t I tell you a legend? It’s quite fitting for the seasonal festivity right now.”
“A.. legend? Similar to me?”
“Yes! It’s the legend of the Wishing Stars. Have you heard of it?”
“Red.. bunny girl mention about it.”
“.. oh, you mean Klee. I suppose that either Albedo or Jean must’ve told her about it. Though I’m quite surprised you were able to understand it given her unique wording.”
“You just wish.. from the heart.. and the stars.. will make it true. That’s what red bunny girl said.”
“Hmm.. I supposed that’s one way to word it. You just basically wish for something and, if you really mean it, it will be granted by the stars above. Though there’s no evidence that its actually true.”
“So.. it’s fake?”
“Not at all. If its truly a fake one, then people would soon forget about it and it’ll be lost in history. But the fact that it was able to reach to our time means it must’ve been atleast real to make it this far.”
“Oh.. then why don’t miss Lisa make a wish?”
“.. me? Making a wish?”
“The legend.. is for everyone right? So, why don’t miss Lisa make one?”
“.. I suppose that is correct.”
“So? Is miss Lisa making a wish?”
“Hmm.. I think you’ve convinced me enough. Fine, I’ll make a wish of my own.”
“Wishing stars, hear my wish. I wish the best for everyone around me. I hope that Jean wouldn’t continue to overwork herself and actually learn to take some rest. For Kaeya to stop leaving and letting the other Knights of Favonius behind to do whatever he’s doing. For Razor to continue being my cute student and find a place for himself in this world. I also hope to see my darling once more. It’s quite lonely without them, not being able to see them is quite a nightmare actually. It’s worse than having a book overdue- Wherever they are now, I hope their okay and safe from harm. I better not see any scratches on them, but if there is scars, I would just kiss them and love them~ they are a part of them afterall. I wouldn’t change it for the world~ Merry Christmas, everyone. May tomorrow shine even brighter than today.”
With Aether 👀
“Now that we’re together again, dear sister. Shouldn’t you atleast be happy? Why the frown?”
“It’s just that.. we’ll be leaving soon.”
“Yeah.. you know that we aren’t welcome in this world.”
“I know-! But.. what will happen to everyone- what will happen to [Y/N]?”
“... and this is why I told you to not get attached to anyone.”
“.. I can’t help it brother. I love them with all of my heart. Leaving them so suddenly, without a goodbye will haunt me for the rest of my life.”
“So, if you’ll say goodbye to [Y/N], that’s okay for you?”
“You want to stay, don’t you?”
“I learned to love this world, brother. I can’t just get up and leave so suddenly. I’ve met so many wonderful people while searching for you. Meeting [Y/N] was honestly the best thing that could happen to me, besides finding you of course.”
“.. I don’t want you to suffer in this world, dear sister. We don’t belong anywhere. That’s why we travel from world to world.”
“How about we settle in this world instead? Besides the goddess who put us here, we’re at peace-! For the longest time, ever since I can remember, we’ve been running and running. We’re never truly at peace!”
“If we stay here, then this world will be in-danger.”
“Do you want this world to suffer because of our selfishness?”
“I’ve also come to love this world, sister. But danger always follows us wherever we are. If we stay here, then this world would be in danger because of us.”
“... hey brother.. do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“.. the others were talking about it. It’s about wishing something from your heart and then the stars will grant it, right?”
“Hmhmm.. that’s the summary.”
“Are you gonna make a wish?”
“Yes. If we’re truly going to leave this world behind, then I’ll just leave behind a wish.”
“.. alright.”
“Shining stars, won’t you grant my wish? I won’t be here for long, and I’m honestly scared of what’ll happen from now on. Especially to everyone here in Teyvat, to [Y/N]. Please protect them when I can no longer. When I’m no longer here to protect them, please don’t bring them any harm. I wish the best for them. Please don’t let their smile vanish. Don’t let them lose their light, their happiness and their love. Even if it pains me, I wish them the happiness if ever they find someone else to love. Please don’t let them forget about me. Atleast keep me in their heart. And in return, they shall remain in mine. Happy Holidays, my love. Though many seasons will pass, I know you’ll remain strong throughout it all. You are afterall my love.”
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honeyfizzly · 3 years
Lol time to talk about something that isn't Baal or inazuma so it's now fatui harbinger time 🕺💃🕺💃
This will be mostly just speculation and talking about the commedia dell'arte and what the other possible harbingers could be based on and what traits they could have.
Warning for possible spoilers and no proof reading btw
All harbingers so far are named after the characters from the commedia dellarte. The commedia dellarte was an early form of perfessional theater in Italy.
Tartagila is named after the character Tartagila from the play (duh lol) who's name means stutter.
The character is farsighted and has a stutter, he also is apparently clumsy.
These traits in Childe seem to be interpetted very loosely.
His farsightedness and stutter are interpetted in a less literally sense. His farsightness can be how Childe is very straightforward and easy to manipulate (like how Zhongli and La Signora manipulated him). The stutter can be how his path in life as been unsteady (you know like falling into the abyss, joining the army, becoming an harbinger, almost destroying an city).
Scaramouche's commedia dellarte counterpart name means "little skirmisher". The commedia dellarte character's personality is that of an unscrupulous and unreliable servant. The character is also described as "sly, adroit, supple, and conceited". The character can either be played as clever or stupid, depending on how the actor sees fit to portray them.
It feels like Scaramouche's personality is far more accurate to the commedia dell'arte then Tartagila is. Scaramouche in genshin is two faced and also is heavily disliked amongst the fatui for having a disagreeable personality.
La Signora's commedia dellarte counterpart I can't really find that much info on but apparently she is tough, beautiful, and calculating. The commedia dellarte character is known for being overdressed and has alot of material desires (the money and power).
The La Signora we see in genshin is similar but seems to much more cruel (even killing her own subordinates). She's manipulative and cunning, and seems to be easily angered (like when she kicked Venti).
Dottore is a character we haven't seen in game yet but we have seen him in the manga. His commedia dellarte counterpart is meant to be representative of the learned intellectual class, and is meant to be a parody of the educated elite. He has a tendency to talk alot and bore the other characters on stage, the commedia dellarte character also got called an "loverat".
The dottore in genshin is much darker than the commedia dellarte version. Dottore in the manga experiments on humans and turns his dead servant into an ruin guard fusion. Dottore is apparently a scholar who studied at the sumeru academia but was chased away because of his unethical experiments. Right now it seems that their similarities is that both characters are extremely intelligent and have grey morals.
The harbingers we have confirmed so far but haven't seen yet are: Pierro (jester), Pulcinella (the rooster), Pantalone, Sandrone (the puppet), Capitano (the captian)
So that leaves two unnamed harbingers
Luckily we can guess the two other harbingers with this image
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This is the image that's behind Childe's card and has all the constellations of the harbingers.
We can already guess who is the crying dove. The crying dove is most likely Columbia who's name means dove and the moth is probably harlequin, not only is there an harlequin moth but there is also the commedia dell'arte character named Harlequin.
Now let's get onto the archetypes of these characters
Pierrot (most likely Pierro)
(This section is taken from Wikipedia)
The defining characteristic of Pierrot is his naiveté: he is seen as an fool, often the butt of pranks, but trusting notheless.
(Note- Pierro is talked about in the pale flame artifact set and seems to be the most loyal to the tsaritsa. Pierro is also implied to be an survivor of Khenriah)
(This section is from Wikipedia)
Plucinella is a dualistic character: he either plays dumb, though he is very aware of the situation, or he acts as though he is the most intelligent and competent, despite being woefully ignorant.
(This section is taken from britannica)
Pantalone- a cunning and rapacious yet often deceived merchant 
(This section is paraphrased from Wikipedia)
"But at every step he becomes the butt for every conceivable kind of trick". 
Pantalone is characterized as loving money and having emotional extremes.
(Note- there's an section of the Pale flame lore that seems to talk about Pantalone in its time peice. It talks about how Pantalone was never blessed by the gods and seems to have a connection to liyue. Pantalone seems to crave so much because he was born with nothing)
(This part is taken from Wikipedia) 
Sandrone is represented as a peasant who is crude, clever, and cunning. He is seen as the spokesman of poor people who are ill-treated, eternally hungry, and always using tricks to make ends meet. 
(Taken from Wikipedia) 
He is often a braggart and a swaggerer who can maintain his claims only by the benefit of the fact that none of the locals know him. 
He would be the first to run away from any and all battles. 
(Taken from marega.it) 
Columbia is the mischievous and charming serving wench, a comic character who is not always the mirror of virtue. 
She was often the only functioning intellect on stage. 
She may be a flirtatious and impudent character, indeed a soubrette without losing her judgement.
(Note that Columbia mightve been mentioned in the Pale flame set lore. The women is said to be heavily scared and dresses in pure white but unable to cleanse the impurity of her past)
(Taken from britannica) 
He was amoral without being vicious, and, unlike his fellow commedia servants, he did not hold a grudge or seek revenge against those who cheated or tricked him. 
Obviously alot of these traits are probably going to be interpreted differently just like how Childe is a far more loose interpretation of his inspiration.
Also the word Fatui means fools in Latin which is probably in reference to how all the harbingers are named after stage characters.
That's all I have for now, so make what you will with this information or whatever lmao
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dreary-rain · 3 years
The Storm Protects (Ch.1)
Continuation of this post
Warnings: angst, violence, injuries (full tags on AO3)
Find the full story here
The sky was cloudless as Aether strolled through Mondstadt, Paimon floating at his side. He stopped by the Adventurer’s Guild and chatted with Katheryne about upcoming commissions. After waving hello to Donna, Aether slipped inside Angel’s Share. It was a bit too early for the regular crowd, but there were a few people scattered around.
“Diluc!” Aether greeted with a smile. The redhead glanced up from where he was cleaning a glass.
“Aether, good to see you. How are you?” Diluc asked and set the glass down.
“No greeting for Paimon?” Paimon asked and crossed her arms. Aether shook his head with a smile and sat down at the bar.
“I didn’t forget about you,” Diluc said with a smile. “How are you, Paimon?”
“Paimon is doing great! But it would be better if you had something to eat.”
“Of course,” Diluc said and reached under the bar, pulling out a plate of food. Paimon’s eyes lit up, and she turned her attention to eating.
“Thank you,” Aether glanced back at Diluc. “I’m feeling better. It’s been a rough few weeks.”
“I can imagine. What brings you here?”
“I just wanted to see you. Well, I did have a question and a request, but that can wait.”
“By all means, go ahead. I’ll listen.”
“Well, in that case…” Aether cleared his throat and looked down. “Do you know what happened to… to the… to the Fatui who…”
“Ah, them.” Diluc saved Aether from having to spell it out. Aether had faced a dragon, fought a Harbinger, and fallen from the Jade Chamber, but nothing had brought him closer to death than his slip-up with the Fatui agents. Even now, he had trouble believing he had almost been killed by mere Fatui. But there had been plenty of strange occurrences that day. Battle after battle in a relatively peaceful area in Liyue was rather unusual. It was almost like his day had been planned by someone else so that Aether would be too exhausted to fend off the Fatui.
But why? Aether didn’t want to consider the possibility that not only the attack itself, but the entire day was planned just to kidnap him.
“I’m surprised you aren’t already aware. They were found dead at the Stone Gate.”
“Dead?” Aether looked up in shock. “That’s the first I’ve heard. And right where I was ambushed…”
“Well, it’s been two weeks since it happened, but you were still on bed rest. We didn’t want to alarm you while you were healing.”
“I understand. But who…” Aether stopped. “Diluc, did you—?”
“No. It wasn’t me. Someone got to the bastards before I could,” Diluc said bitterly. “Don’t look so surprised. Half of Mondstadt would kill for you.”
Aether looked down and clasped his hands in his lap. He stole a glance at Paimon, but she was too engrossed in her food to be paying attention. Aether knew what Diluc said was true, but it was still unnerving. Why would they go to such lengths for Aether? He wasn’t from Teyvat. He was an outsider, an outlander, someone who didn’t belong. He didn’t deserve the kindness and protection of so many.
“You don’t need to go to such lengths.”
“There’s no necessity of it. We want to protect you, and anyone who lays a hand on you will suffer.” Diluc rested his palms on the bar and leaned forward. “Let’s say it were Venti who was almost killed. To what lengths would you go to keep him safe and hurt those who dared harm him?”
Unconsciously, Aether tensed. If someone harmed Venti… Aether would kill them. Morals aside, no one would touch Venti and live. In his mind’s eye, Aether saw La Signora plunging her hand into Venti’s chest, stealing his Gnosis and then kicking him aside like trash.
Aether didn’t trust himself to speak, but Diluc saw the murderous expression on his face. If Aether ever saw La Signora again, he would end her with his own two hands.
“Do you understand now?” Diluc asked, and Aether nodded, taking a breath to relax. He was safe, Venti was safe, and La Signora was nowhere near either of them.
Uncurling his hands, he rubbed his palms to soothe the crescents his nails had left. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make the mood so sullen.”
“No worries. Now, I hate to cut this short, but business will be picking up soon,” Diluc said with a glance at the door. Aether quickly stood.
“I won’t bother you much longer. But I did have a request. I’d like to purchase a bottle of dandelion wine.”
Diluc raised a brow. “You’re underage.”
Aether resisted the urge to facepalm. If only Diluc knew that he and his twin were older than everyone in Mondstadt combined.
“It’s not for me. I have a guest coming over tonight and I’d like to treat him.”
“That’s what they all say,” Diluc shook his head, but there was a smile on his lips as he opened the cabinet behind him.
“Come on, Paimon. Time to go.” Aether slid enough mora to Diluc and took the bottle of wine. Paimon thanked Diluc for the food, and then they went to leave.
“Say hello to Venti for me,” Diluc said as goodbye. “And tell him to pay his tab or I’ll stop serving him.”
“He’ll weasel free drinks from your patrons if that does occur,” Aether laughed. “But I’ll remind him.”
“Take care, Aether.”
The sun was nearing the horizon as Aether walked home. The shadows were long, but Aether made a point of avoiding them. He always made sure to make it home before dark.
In worlds past, it had always been Lumine who was afraid of the dark. Aether would tease her about it, but he’d always make sure to leave a light on at night. Now, the roles were reversed. Aether couldn’t stand the dark, not without being reminded of his near death experience. He wouldn’t travel at night anymore, making sure to be in a safe place before falling asleep.
Meanwhile, Lumine was at home in the darkness of the Abyss. Aether wondered if she ever thought of him, or if she was so dead set on her goals that he was an afterthought. Would Aether have ever seen her if he hadn’t traveled with Dain? Aether was tempted to track down the Abyss Herald just to see her again. He would brave the terror-inducing energy of the domain housing the inverted statue just to see her again. He would fall into the darkness of the Abyss just to find her again, to beg that she come home with him.
But if their roles were reversed, would Lumine do the same? Aether didn’t want to know the answer. The bitter sadness that was left from her abrupt departure was too much to sort through.
“Aether, cheer up! Paimon knows you’re thinking about your sister again, but it’ll be okay. We’ll find her again, don’t you worry,” Paimon broke Aether out of his thoughts.
“You’re right. It may take some time, but we’ll find her,” Aether said with a small smile. There was no use dwelling on Lumine now, not when Aether needed to get ready for his guest.
Ever since the incident three weeks ago, Aether had been staying in an apartment in Mondstadt. Even though he had his teapot, Aether felt safer in Mondstadt, surrounded by people he loved. He didn’t want to burden anyone by asking them to join him in his teapot realm, but he was too lonely by himself. He couldn’t bear being alone. What if something happened and he was all by himself again?
Diluc had offered Aether his city apartment for as long as he needed to recover, but Aether had initially turned down the offer. It wasn’t until he’d been cooking in his teapot mansion and accidentally cut himself chopping vegetables that he reconsidered the offer. The sudden sting of pain and the blood welling on his fingers had sent Aether into such a panic that Paimon had found him huddled on the ground in the kitchen minutes later. It was at Paimon’s firm suggestion that Aether moved into Diluc’s apartment.
Aether made it to the apartment, walking up the stairs to his door. To his surprise, the door was unlocked. That was cause for alarm. Aether always locked the door when he left.
But he was in the middle of Mondstadt, and it wasn’t even night yet. Besides, there were two others who had keys to the apartment. One being its owner, Diluc, and the other being…
“Ehe, hello Aether. I may have let myself in,” Venti said from beside the stove. He was cooking dinner. Aether heaved a sigh of relief. It was just Venti. While hanging up his cape and scarf, Aether noticed Venti’s hat on the coat rack and his shoes at the base.
“It’s no problem. I’m going to change into something more comfortable. I wasn’t expecting you this early,” Aether said while pulling his gloves off.
“I know, but I wanted to treat you with dinner tonight. My food is quite tasty when I cook it right.”
“Well, thank you. I brought you dandelion wine. Diluc says hello, but wants you to pay your tab or he’ll cut you off.” Aether placed the wine on the table while Paimon floated over to Venti to help with the food. Well, she probably just wanted to sneak some food from the bard.
“That Mister Diluc always threatens me, but he always serves me reluctantly.” Venti stirred the contents of the pot. “Thank you for the gift. Which reminds me, I brought you something, though it’s a bit makeshift. I’ll bring something adequate next time.”
“Don’t stress yourself out. I’ll appreciate anything you give me. Now, I’ll be back. Don’t burn the house down in the meantime.”
Venti clutched his shirt in mock hurt. “Aether, you wound me.”
Aether just smiled and closed his bedroom door. He summoned his sword and hung it on the wall, then rummaged through his dresser for more casual clothes. When he was done, he joined Venti at the table.
“One Archon special coming right up!” Venti placed a plate full of food in front of Aether and Paimon.
“Is it just Paimon or does this look like a Sweet Madame?”
“Ehe.” Venti rubbed the back of his head and sat across from Aether. “It’s one of the few recipes I can make myself.”
“Well, it’s better than Zhongli. I’m not sure he even knows how to cook rice,” Aether pointed out. “He’ll lecture you all day long on the proper way to prepare rice for different meals, but I bet he wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“He’d be stuck the moment he needs to buy ingredients. That blockhead never changes,” Venti agrees.
“For being the god of Mora, Zhongli never seems to have any. Ironic, isn’t it?” Paimon said, eliciting laughs from Aether and Venti.
“Jokes aside, this tastes really good, Venti,” Aether complimented sincerely.
“Why, thank you. I try.”
Aether washed their plates when they were done. The sun had gone down, the sky painted in shades of red and pink fading into blue.
“Paimon, could you make sure all of the candles are lit?”
“No need to fret. I lit them before we met,” Venti assured while pouring himself wine. “Come sit back down and I’ll give you your gift.”
Aether sat beside Venti, who placed a flower pot on the table.
“Dandelions!” Venti said, gesturing to the Anemo-colored puffs. “They grow where there is gentle wind, and in Mondstadt they grow without end. While freedom is our creed, I think these little ones will love it here.”
Aether stared at the dandelions, drawing the clay pot a bit closer to him.
“And, uh, also,” Venti said a bit nervously, “I thought they’d remind you of me, so that even when alone, I’ll be with you in memory.”
It was such a thoughtful gift, given the circumstances, that Aether felt unbearably happy. In lieu of a response, Aether leaned over and hugged Venti.
“Thank you,” he whispered, smiling as Venti’s arms wrapped snugly around Aether’s waist. After a moment, Aether leaned back, relishing in the way Venti’s hands lingered a moment longer than necessary.
“I’ll put them on my bedside table by the window. That way I’ll see the dandelions every time I wake up.”
Aether stood, grabbing the dandelion pot, and gestured for Venti to follow. Paimon stayed in the kitchen, munching on cookies Aether had bought earlier in the day.
After placing the dandelions beside his bed, Aether sat down and pulled the elaborate hair tie off and set it aside.
“Help me with my hair?”
“Of course!” Venti climbed onto the bed behind Aether, crossing his legs and grabbing the end of Aether’s braid. “Do you have a brush?”
“Behind you.”
Venti deftly sifted his fingers through Aether’s long, blond hair, carefully untangling any snarls. Aether swallowed, closing his eyes at the pleasant sensation.
It was moments like this that reminded Aether of his feelings for Venti. The care and kindness the god gave him made Aether feel special. Out of anyone in the world, Venti chose to spend his time with Aether. Before Aether had arrived in Teyvat, Venti hadn’t stayed in one place for too long. He had gone where the wind wanted to go, but after meeting Aether, the Archon was never out of reach.
“You like that, hmm?” Venti hummed as he combed through Aether’s hair.
“Mmhmm. You’re gentle. Lumine used to braid my hair, but she’d always pull too hard on the tangles.”
“I braid my own hair enough to know how to be gentle,” Venti said softly. Aether couldn’t see him, but he sounded like he was smiling. Fingers ran down the length of his hair. “Your hair is much longer. And softer.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were back there petting my hair,” Aether teased.
“Maybe I am. It’d be a waste not to.”
Aether opened one eye and turned his head slightly to look at Venti. He was surprised to see a serious look on Venti’s face. It was one full of contemplation.
“Tell me, Aether, what do you think of me?”
Aether considered the question. The obvious answer was that he loved Venti, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. What if Venti didn’t love him back? It would ruin the friendship they’d built.
Except, when Aether thought about it, Venti didn’t treat Aether like another one of his friends. A mere friend wouldn’t come by Aether’s apartment every night, wouldn’t cook dinner and bring presents for no reason, and wouldn’t help Aether with his hair. An Archon wouldn’t abandon centuries of wandering to stay with Aether unless Aether meant something more to him. Venti hadn’t left his side since the incident with the Fatui, always checking in on him, protecting him.
Suddenly, Aether remembered his conversation with Diluc. The answer was obvious now.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” Aether mumbled. He looked at Venti, at his gaze so full of love and kindness, and realized he’d been a fool. This whole time, Venti had harbored feelings beyond friendship. Aether had been too oblivious to see it until now.
“Venti, I…” Venti perked up. Aether fought the rising blush. “I love you.”
Venti’s eyes widened, but then his lips curled into a soft smile. Venti leaned forward, eyes flicking down to Aether’s lips. Aether’s face flushed red, but he closed his eyes. Less than a moment later, Venti’s lips met his.
It was a chaste, simple kiss, but it sent tingles down Aether’s spine. Venti brought his hand up to Aether’s cheek, pulling back enough to speak.
“If the kiss didn’t convey the sentiment, I love you, Aether,” Venti said, his breath hot against Aether’s lips. “This is a bit of an awkward position, with you twisting around like that.”
As soon as he’d said it, Venti shuffled around, swinging a leg over Aether’s hips. Venti settled on his knees over Aether’s lap, forcing Aether to tilt his head up to see him.
“That’s better,” Venti said with a satisfied hum, then captured Aether’s lips in another kiss. Venti cupped Aether’s face with his hands, his lips plump against Aether’s. Venti kissed with a passion, fervent and controlled at the same time.
His right hand trailed to the nape of Aether’s neck, then tangled into his hair. With a sharp tug, Venti pulled on Aether’s hair, tilting Aether’s head at an even sharper angle. A soft gasp escaped Aether’s throat, his hands flying to steady himself on Venti’s waist.
“It’s been so long,” Venti murmured against Aether’s skin as he trailed his kisses along Aether’s jaw, “since someone has made me feel this way.”
Venti mouthed over Aether’s exposed neck, tightening the hand in his hair.
“Venti…” Aether breathed as Venti nipped at the base of his throat. His fingers curled around Venti’s waist at the sensation. He vaguely noted how small Venti’s waist was, how well it fit into Aether’s hands.
Venti’s hand fell away from Aether’s face to rest on the topmost button of Aether’s shirt. Quickly, Aether grabbed his wrist.
“Kisses are enough for now,” Aether said breathlessly. He didn’t think he could handle much more. Venti nodded, removing his hand and pressing a kiss to Aether’s cheek.
“We’ll stop here, then.” Venti brushed a strand of hair from Aether’s face. Aether noted smugly that Venti’s lips were red and slick. He looked a mess, but Aether was sure he looked worse.
“I never said no more kisses,” Aether whined as Venti slipped off of his lap.
“I know, but I don’t think it would be easy to stop if we got ourselves too worked up,” Venti explained. “But, I’ll give you all the kisses you want when I visit tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” Aether agreed with a blush and looked down. A finger tilted his chin upward.
“I love you,” Venti said with a wide smile. He giggled, kissing Aether on the forehead before walking to the bedroom door. “I’ve been waiting forever to say that.”
Aether stood to follow, a giddy smile on his own face. Venti loved him. It was as simple as that, and yet it made Aether’s heart swell with joy.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Aether promised as they walked through the kitchen. Paimon looked up from where she was sitting at the table, taking a break from floating.
She took one look at them before huffing, “Finally. Pining idiots.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Aether asked incredulously. Paimon just shook her head and took a bite out of her chocolate chip cookie.
“Goodnight, Aether,” Venti said and adjusted his hat after slipping on his shoes. “I love you.”
“You’re going to say that every time you see me, aren’t you?” Aether joked, leaving against the door frame.
“I’m a bard. I’ll come up with poetic ways to express my love once my head clears up.” Venti stood outside on the stairs. “Thank you for tonight. I left the dandelion wine. I’ll drink more next time.”
“See you tomorrow, Venti.”
“Until tomorrow.” Venti started down the stairs, then paused. “Aether, you should wear your hair down more. You look beautiful in a braid, but in the presence of your unbound hair, the beauty of the heavens fades.”
Aether blushed, pressing his lips together in embarrassment. He absentmindedly twirled his hair.
“Too much?” Venti asked sheepishly.
“I’m flattered,” Aether said. “A little embarrassed, but very flattered.”
“Hmm…” Venti‘s eyes flicked up and down Aether, then settled on his eyes. “I’ll have to make a point of flattering you. That blush suits you.”
“Venti,” Aether whined. “My heart can’t take it.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll take my leave now before I give you a heart attack.”
“See you!” Aether waved as Venti left. Then he shut the door, locking both of the deadbolts. When he entered the kitchen, Paimon was asleep at the table.
“How does someone who floats and eats all day get tired so easily?” Aether shook his head, then picked Paimon up and laid her down on her bed. She had insisted on having her own bed in the apartment, so Aether had found a child sized bed for her and placed it in the corner of his bedroom.
“Goodnight, Paimon,” Aether said. He fumbled with his shirt, hand pausing on the top button with a blush. All in due time, he thought as he changed into sleep clothes.
Aether climbed into bed, glancing at the dandelions on the bedside, and put his finger to his lips. He could still taste the dandelion wine from Venti’s lips. With a smile, Aether fell into a peaceful sleep.
“Aether!” Paimon’s high pitched scream startled Aether awake. His eyes snapped open and he shot out of the bed. It took a moment to gather his bearings, but that was enough time to recognize the danger he was in.
A hulking silhouette stood in the doorway, holding a struggling Paimon by the throat.
“Aether,” she whimpered, and Aether shot forward, reaching for his sword on the wall. He didn’t make it.
The window shattered as a man leapt inside and collided with Aether. He fell backwards from the force, his head slamming against the bedside table. The pot of dandelions toppled over with a crash. Black spots danced across Aether’s vision, but he struggled to his feet.
In such close quarters, using his Palm Vortex wasn’t the best idea, but without a sword it was his only option. Before he could use it, a gust of Anemo snuffed out the candles in the room. In the sudden darkness, Aether could make out the purple glow of the electrohammer vanguard holding Paimon, and the green of the anemoboxer in front of Aether.
Fatui. A spike of fear shot through Aether.
That moment of hesitation was all the anemoboxer needed to rush Aether, knocking him to the ground. A hand pinned him to the ground, wrapping around his throat and crushing his windpipe. Aether scrabbled at the hand, kicking to no avail.
With one hand trying to alleviate the pressure on his throat, the other lifted toward the anemoboxer in an attempt to summon his Palm Vortex. Anticipating this, the anemoboxer grabbed Aether’s wrist and twisted.
A sickening crack echoed in the room. Aether screamed and dropped his hand to the side. Despite the pain, he weakly raised his other hand, but the anemoboxer brought something out of his pocket. There was a sharp pinch on Aether’s neck, and he watched as the anemoboxer pulled an empty syringe away.
Aether tried to summon his Anemo, but nothing happened. The hand on his neck was finally gone, but his body felt lethargic. He gasped, coughing from being strangled.
“Aether,” Paimon sobbed.
“Leave the pixie. La Signora just wants the boy,” the anemoboxer told his companion. Aether heard Paimon’s scream followed by a thud. It was quiet.
Aether couldn’t fight the drowsiness forcing his eyes closed. He couldn’t move despite the panic coursing through him at the mention of La Signora. The electrohammer vanguard picked up Aether’s limp body, and he couldn’t fight back.
Aether thought Mondstadt was safe. He caught a glimpse of the soil spilled around the broken pot, the dandelions standing tall despite it.
Aether’s last waking thought was of Venti.
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hawksward · 3 years
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Ch. 1: Push/Pull (Childe/OC)
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Since being granted a vision at the tender age of 10, Irina has owed her life to the Tsaritsa and dedicated herself to rising through the ranks of the Fatui. In becoming a top-ranking diplomat she's received her easiest assignment yet: ensure the 11th Fatui Harbinger remains ignorant of La Signora's plan to obtain the gnosis of Rex Lapis. A simple task for someone who's made a career out of lying.
Unfortunately, even the simplest tasks can go awry when feelings get in the way.
Rating: E (For eventual smut)
Warnings: None that I can think of for this chapter, there will eventually be smut
Banner credit goes to @shinsotired because I'm incapable of art.
Cold. She couldn’t remember the last time she wasn’t cold. At first, the nerves in her fingertips were screaming, the skin exposed through the holes in her worn gloves. But now it was different.
The cold had faded into warmth as she laid on the ground in the alley. At first, it was uncomfortably hot. So hot she wanted to strip off her already thin winter coat and hat. But now it was pleasantly warm. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this way.
But it wasn’t right. It couldn’t be.
The snow seemed to fall in waves, flakes occasionally falling into her eyes. The girl flexed her fingers before closing her eyes, they were becoming harder and harder to move.
I’m dying
The thought echoed in her head. She couldn’t decide if she was scared or relieved. If she died there would be no more suffering. Tears slipped out of her eyes, freezing on her cheeks.
I can’t. Not here. Not like this.
She curled herself into a ball. Clenching her fists as tight as she could to stay awake. She desperately tried to conserve what little body heat she had left.
The voices were faint at first, two men engaging in idle chatter as they strolled through the alley. One man’s footsteps stopped short when he saw her, much to the dismay of his partner.
“Leave it Misha. Street kids die every day here.” His foot pushed her from her side onto her back. She could barely open her eyes, any energy she had for defiance long gone. She immediately knew the man by his mask. Fatui.
“She’s holding something.” Misha reached down to pry open her clenched fist.
Her palm was soaked in blood around an object she knew she wasn’t holding before. Although she couldn’t quite make out what it was from her angle, she noticed the man’s eyes go wide.
“How many street kids do you know who have been blessed by the Tsaritsa?”  He plucked the object from her hand and held it to the lamplight. A cryo vision.
“What’s your name, child?”
Her voice came as a whisper
Ch. 1:
The wind in Liyue Harbor was far milder than the chill winds in Snezhnaya. The boat journey was amicable, albeit long, and she would be in Liyue for the foreseeable future. Even from the docks, she could tell. The whole city was in chaos.
Only a day passed since the Rite of Descension, a disaster of epic proportions, and it was clear there were still no answers.
Irina leaned over the side of the boat, watching the fish scatter as the anchor plummeted into the sand below. Men hurried into the boat the moment the gangplank fell, eager to unload the crates of liquor shipped from the motherland.
Pushing herself off the rail, Irina made her way down the gangplank. She knew next to nothing about her assignment. Only that Rex Lapis was dead and there was now a sea of red tape between the Tsaritsa and the gnosis.
“I trust you’re our new diplomat?”
Her attention was brought to the man before her. He had half a head of height on her with bright auburn hair and even brighter blue eyes. It was clear from what he was wearing that he was Fatui.
“Yes. I’ve been sent by Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, to aid in the issue with the exuvia.” She held out her hand for a handshake only for the man to hold her hand to his lips, placing a small kiss before releasing.
“I’m Childe. We’ll be working closely together while you’re here in Liyue. Not like I needed the assistance, I have the situation under control.”
She wasn’t surprised that he was less than excited for her arrival, she didn’t climb through the ranks to take easy assignments.
“Aster.” It was an alias of course, she couldn’t remember the last time she used her real name. “You must be Tartaglia then. Don’t mind me. I’m here to help grease the bureaucratic gears. I won’t be interfering with your bank loan operation.”
Irina knew that the Northland Bank was a large source of revenue for the Tsaritsa in Liyue. She also knew that their interest rates and collection practices were less than ethical. Not like it was any of her concern.
The smile on Childe’s face faltered for only a second, but it was enough to betray his false hospitality. He was a harbinger, most Fatui agents and diplomats alike wouldn’t dare talk to him in that manner. But most diplomats weren’t hand chosen by the Tsaritsa herself.
“Well Aster, I’m sure you’re tired from the journey but why don’t I show you around and get you acquainted with the members of the Northland Bank, where you’ll be stationed. As your superior officer allow me to give you the grand tour”
His words weren’t lost on her. Although she wouldn’t be reporting to him on her assignment she needed to appear like she was. She couldn’t have him asking questions.
“Of course, Lord Tartaglia ” the words rolled off her tongue like venom “Please lead the way.”
It was clear from the endless amount of stairs he had her climb to the Yujing Terrace that he was looking to torture her. Nothing about the tour was optimal and only served to exhaust her further.
“Don't tell me you’re getting tired already!” Childe was beaming from ear to ear
She wanted to stab him. They had gone back and forth to a new landmark, each somehow across the city from the other, for the better part of 3 hours. And while she was in shape, she didn’t have an elite soldier’s stamina. Nor did Childe have to make the trek in heels.
“Of course not, I’m ready to experience all the city has to offer” She put on her most charming smile. She wouldn’t let him best her, especially not so early in the game.
Childe laughed before waving her over to the nearby railing. The view from the terrace was beautiful. From the top of the city was a view of the harbor. The streets below just beginning to light the lanterns for the night.
“I see you know how to make an impression” Irina smiled to herself as she drank in the view.
“What can I say? I have many talents.” He leaned against the rail, his eyes trained on her. “One of them is sensing bullshit. So why don’t you tell me why you’re really here.”
Irina raised an eyebrow, turning her attention to the man before her. “I’m here because the Tsaritsa is unimpressed at how long it’s taking you to complete your mission. Signora obtained her gnosis within a week of arriving in Mondstat.”
“Signora didn't have to contend with a dead Barbatos.” He countered
“If you think you can do this on your own then by all means be my guest.” Irina pushed herself off the rail, “But as of today all matters dealing with the Liyue Qixing will be handled by me. If you take issue with that you’re free to look through the paperwork I brought with me.”
Childe had no retort, but it was clear that she struck a nerve by comparing him to Signora. It didn’t matter. She would complete her mission as soon as possible and then leave Liyue for her next assignment. which would hopefully not involve the 11th harbinger.
“Well then. Allow me to escort the lady to the Northland Bank. Ekaterina has prepared the small office for your arrival.”
Childe didn’t lie when he said the office was small. Her office was a glorified storage closet on the upper level of the bank, barely large enough to fit a reasonably sized oak desk already stacked with paperwork. She knew when she wasn’t meeting with the Qixing she would be expected to help out with administrative work for the bank.
She didn’t expect for her superior  to drop all of his work on her as well.
Before he left for the night he tossed a map her way, a large red x marking where her accommodations would be. She was mildly surprised he hadn’t offered to walk her to the inn to keep tabs on her. Then again the Fatui presence in the city was nothing to scoff at, someone would see her eventually and most likely report back.
Thankfully the inn wasn’t difficult to find, centered in the middle of the merchant district. Accommodations weren’t large by any means, but the warm wood and red bedding were lush and inviting.
What little luggage she brought on the boat was tucked away in the corner, next to a small bathroom. She never carried much, even a small suitcase seeming excessive after growing up with nothing.
Irina glanced at the clock sitting on the dresser. Currently 11 pm. She needed to be at Liuli pavilion in 3 hours. She changed out of her clothes for something that didn’t scream ‘Fatui agent skulking around at all hours of the night’.
Liuli Pavillion definitely looked closed. Irina passed maybe two people on her way from the inn to the restaurant, both of whom were definitely too drunk to remember anyone who passed them by.
Irina checked her surroundings before knocking on the door twice, followed by a brief pause, followed by four more times. She could hear footsteps coming from inside before unlocking the door.
“Can I help you? We’re closed” a middle-aged man looked her up and down, a scowl on his face
“I’m here with the jueyun chili order.”
“Already got it last week.” He barked
“Yes, but this order is a special delivery from Qingce Village.”
The man gave a curt nod before stepping out of the way. The windows in the restaurant were tightly drawn shut, locking in the dim candlelight. Irina made her way to the voices coming from the adjacent room.
The room held a small square table, one seat was filled by a dark haired man in an expensive looking suit. The other was filled with none other than the 8th harbinger herself.
“You’re late.” She didn’t bother to look up as she took a sip from her glass of wine “Sit down, we don’t have much time.”
Irina sat down as the man from the door placed a glass of wine in front of her. She took a small sip, locking eyes with the dark haired man across the table. Was Signora going to make an introduction or not?
“This is my subordinate, Aster. She’ll be your point of contact for all things related to the contract” Signora began “Aster, this is Zhongli, you may know him better as Rex Lapis”
Irina nearly choked on her drink. She knew the anemo archon, Barbatos, had taken on a human form before having his gnosis taken. But she never imagined she’d see another archon in the flesh. The Tsaritsa living among her people wasn’t exactly common.
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.” She wasn't sure how to respond. Clearly he didn’t want many to know if he was going by a different name. But was it alright to treat him like a normal person?
“None of that. In this form, I am simply Zhongli, consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.” He gave a small, polite smile before sipping from his wine “Not to mention going forward we’ll be colleagues.”
“Listen closely because I’m only going to explain this once.” Signora reclined back in her seat, her fierce gaze not once leaving Irina, “The Tsaritsa has signed a contract with Rex Lapis for procurement of the gnosis. Since I can’t be in the city without drawing attention, you will be my proxy. You will tell absolutely no one of the contract nor about Zhongli’s identity. Do you understand?”
“Of course Lady Signora. I will maintain the utmost discretion.”
“Good. Since you’ll be doing it anyway, I want a report on anything you can discern from the Qixing as well.” The tall blonde woman stood from her chair, turning her back momentarily before returning her focus to Irina. “One last thing. If Tartaglia so much as develops an idea of what’s happening here consider yourself out of a job.”
Irina rose from her chair to give her a nod and a salute before the other woman left the restaurant. She had no intention of failing a mission, but it was clear that Signora would rip her entire life out from under her faster than she could blink if she did.
“Please, enjoy the glass of wine with me before you leave.” Zhongli motioned for her to return to her seat “We should get to know each other since we’ll be working closely together. Not to mention it is a vintage.”
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pokemonispain · 3 years
Stormy Weather-Childe & La Signora
Summary:  On the return trip back home to Sneznhaya Childe begins to feel seasick, La Signora however doesn't care even slightly.
Childe enjoyed his time in Liyue honestly, he had quite a bit of fun. Although he couldn't wait to get back home to Snezhnaya, while he was used to traveling Teyvat, nothing was more comforting than returning home. He was also pretty sure that many of the people living in Liyue were more than happy to see him finally leaving.
Although, that probably had something to do with the fact Childe had basically tried to destroy the city and drown its inhabitants using an ocean god.
He stopped, eyes wide when he saw who else was waiting in the harbor, ready to board the boat back to Snezhnaya.
“What the fuck? Why are you here?” He snapped his eyes narrowing as he glared at the 8th harbinger.
La Signora glanced up at him, a sneer crawling across her face. “Well, look who it is, little Tartaglia returning home with his tail between his legs.”
Her voice grated on Childe’s ears and he desperately wanted to wrap his hands around her neck. But harbingers weren't allowed to kill each other, the Tsaritsa was incredibly clear about that. “What happened to not wanting to share a boat back home with me?” He bit out barely containing his rage.
While her mere presence was typically enough to piss Childe off he was also mad about something else as well. The fact that she had never informed him about her deal with Rex Lapis regarding the gnosis.
The whole incident had left a bad taste in Childe’s mouth to be honest. He had thought that he’d at least established a friendship, possibly even more than that, with Zhongli, but the man had lied to him and used him. And while Childe felt a bit like a hypocrite acknowledging this, he didn't like it one bit.
Then again it's what he deserved for thinking he could trust anyone besides his family and himself.
La Signora smirked at him. “Truthfully, if I had a choice I would rather be gutted by a Lawachurl than spend one more moment in your presence. But her Majesty requested we both return to Snezhnaya immediately, and this is the last ship heading there for today.”
Childe sighed as he glanced over at the ship in question. It was an enormous multitiered behemoth of a thing, so at least he had a small comfort of knowing that he wouldn’t have to see La Signora on the trip back if he really didn't want to. “Fine, fine, if it's her majesty’s wish, ” he muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.
It wasn’t like he or La Signora could just deny the wishes of the Tsaritsa. Doing so was considered a betrayal and a betrayal equaled a death sentence.
Turning to one of the nearby Fatui soldiers that was getting the ship ready to set sail, he spoke, “How long will this trip take?”
The soldier bowed immediately. “It can be completed in as fast as a day sir.”
Childs scowled at the answer. “Can? Or will be?” He asked, wondering if he should actually bring a change of clothes. If they would be there after nightfall there wouldn’t be any point.
“Will be, Lord Tartaglia, ” the soldier answered back immediately, not leaving his bow.
Childe sighed. “Fine then, you’re dismissed, ” he mumbled, waving the man away.
The soldier nodded almost frantically before practically scurrying to his feet and returning to his task.
Childe supposed that was another plus then, the trip would be short and there was plenty of space for him to basically ignore that La Signora existed.
Glancing over at the woman he noticed the smirk on her face as she looked at something past him. With a scowl, Childe followed her gaze to see Zhongli approaching them, although thankfully the traveler wasn’t with him.
Not bothering to hide his irritation, Childe groaned. “Oh great, what do you want?”
Zhongli simply gave him a small smile, in the past, he might've done anything just to see the man look at him like that. Now he wasn't so sure.
“I brought you a gift, considering you are going away,” Zhongli told him, his smile ever-present as he held out a small box for Childe to take.
Childe huffed as he took the box, ignoring the happiness trying to spread through him. “Great, at least you found someone else to leech off of now that I’m leaving, ” he grumbled as he opened the box.
However, Zhongli’s smile didn't falter at his words and it only made Childe that much more irritated. Although Childe paused for a moment when he actually saw the contents of the box, it was a ring that was the same color of golden amber as Zhongli’s eyes.
“I excavated it and molded the cor lapis myself, ” Zhongli informed him.
Instantly his eyes snapped up to Zhongli, as he forced down the lingering feeling of love he had for the man. “The answer is no, do you really think I would marry you after what you did,” he huffed, barely keeping a lid on his anger. He knew that blowing up here would just give La Signora more ammunition to taunt him.
If Childe had not known the other man for as long as he had he probably wouldn't have noticed the way the corners of Zhongli’s mouth turned down slightly for a second. “That is not what it is for, but thank you for telling me. As I said, however, it is a going-away present, at least until I can come visit you in Snezhnaya as you wanted.”
Childe heard La Signora chuckle at Zhongli’s words, and briefly wondered how much trouble he’d get for pushing the woman into the waters of Liyue harbor. Closing his eyes for a moment, Childe clamped down on his rising anger evaluating the situation for a moment.
While one part of him still desperately wanted Zhongli’s love and affection, the other part of him wanted to stab the man out of rage. But if he denied him Childe knew that there would be no going back.
“Fine, okay, I’ll hold onto the ring. Come to Snezhnaya whenever you have time, and I’ll show you around. We can have dinner or something, ” he muttered, and when Zhongli grinned at him Childe’s heart nearly soared.
“I would like that very much, ” Zhongli said.
“Master Tartaglia, and Mistress La Signora, the ship is ready for departure, ” a Fatui soldier informed them.
“Finally, I can leave this cesspit,” the 8th Harbinger mumbled. “Carry this, ” she huffed, thrusting what little luggage she had into the arms of one of the nearby soldiers.
She wasted no time waiting for Childe as she boarded the ship.
“I should be going, ” Childe said as he turned to leave. Then he stopped for a moment before he quickly turned back to Zhongli and gave him a kiss, savoring the look of surprise on the other man’s face. “There, now you won’t forget me. Immortality or not, ” he told him as he boarded the ship.
He gave the man one last glance, a smirk crawling across his face when he saw that Zhongli was standing there, blinking slowly, his eyes glowing and a look of surprise still on his face.
Then Childe was gone.
The first place Childe went to on the ship was his room, besides the box, Zhongli had given him he hadn’t brought much of anything including a change of clothes since the trip would be incredibly short.
He sat down on the bed, with a sigh, box in hand. A glance out the port window let him know that they’d already begun the trip, with Liyue slowly fading in the distance.
He opened the box again, this time taking the ring out and holding it up to get a good look at it. It truly was pretty, beautiful even, but Childe wasn’t surprised Zhongli always did have a good eye and particular taste for minerals and gemstones. At least now Childe knew why.
Slipping the ring on his finger, Childe wasn’t shocked when the ring fit perfectly. Taking it off he returns it to the box placing it on the nightstand. He can’t help but wonder if Zhongli had just been honest with him in the first place would he have gotten to know him as well as he had.
No point on dwelling on it now I guess . Childe thought as he sighed and got to his feet once more.
While he didn't know the answer to the question that was nagging him, he did know one thing at the moment. That it was dinner time so he should probably go get something to eat considering he was hungry.
The dining hall was rather lively, with the sound of chatter and the slight clinking of utensils. The moment Childe walked into the room however the Fatui soldiers went silent as they all looked at him, as though waiting for him to give an order at a moment's notice.
“Be at ease, ” he told them, and almost immediately chatter filled the room once more.
With his hands in his pockets, Childe walked over to the table and started fixing himself a plate of food. As usual, there was a lot to choose from, still knowing that he’d be home soon he couldn't help but be excited about the prospect of eating a nice home-cooked meal.
Instead of returning to his room to eat, Childe instead chose one of the few empty nearby tables to sit down at. Another thing he was thankful for about leaving Liyue was not having to use chopsticks, although the ones Zhongli had given him were some of the few items he was bringing home with him.
Childe glanced up from eating only to roll his eyes when he saw La Signora fixing her own plate of food.
“The Archons must have it out for me considering you keep showing your face around me, ” Childe said as he stared at the woman with narrow eyes.
“You know Tartaglia, considering you have sisters I believed you’d know how to talk to a woman. But then again, you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed if the Liyue operation is anything to go by, ” she told him, a sneer on her face.
Childe glared at her, nearly crushing the fork in his hand, and if it were anyone else other than another harbinger they may have faltered. “Keep, my family out of your mouth you bitch. Or I’ll toss you down into the abyss myself, ” he growled every ounce of fury raging in him at that moment fully directed at La Signora.
For a few moments, it was silent, the air filled with tension as the other Fatui watched with bated breath to see if this would become a blood bath.
La Signora rolled eyes before looking away. While she got great joy out of pushing Childe’s buttons, the man actually looked ready to launch himself across the table at her and she really didn't feel like trying to get blood out of her favorite dress at the moment.
Taking her food she headed towards the door feeling Childe’s eyes on her the entire time.
Childe waited until he heard the clacking of her heels on the hardwood floor disappear before he sat down. He returned to eating as though nothing had happened.
When he was finished Childe went to the training room instead of going back to his own room like he’d been planning to. He needed to get this aggression out before he did something stupid.
He did pause briefly though to look out one of the nearby windows when he heard the sound of rumbling thunder in this distance. But it’d be fine, besides if a sea monster or something appeared at least it’d be a fun fight to keep his mind occupied.
Childe scowled as he let an arrow fly free from his bow, it fell a bit short landing on the floor before even reaching his target.
He sighed as he walked over to the arrow and pulled it free. He knew that he wasn't the best with a bow, being more used to melee and close-quarters combat, but he’d at least thought he was getting better if his fight with the traveler was anything to go by.
He stumbled slightly, catching himself as the ship nearly swayed beneath his feet. Unsurprisingly the thunderstorm had brought large angry ocean waves with it that rocked the ship almost violently.
Childe stumbled again, sending a small glare towards the floor as he caught himself for a second time. Childe was normally more careful and light on his feet so he didn't know why he was stumbling around as though he was a drunken idiot.
Blaming it on the choppy waves, he took a deep breath and turned back to face the training dummy. He's in the middle of notching another arrow in his bow when he feels a presence in the room near him.
“Master Tartaglia, your presence is requested in the strategy meeting, ” the female Fatui officer informed him as he turned to her.
She was behind him, kneeling on the ground at a respectable distance.
“Tell La Signora I’d rather be thrown overboard than see her face right now, ” Childe huffed, turning back to the training dummy.
The Fatui officer grimaced. “Sir, Mistress La Signora said that it is urgent. It's...in regards to the Traveler.”
Childs sighed as his arrow fell short again. Turning to the Fatui officer he scowled, ignoring the slight dizziness that washed over him for a moment. “Fine, fine, I’ll be there in a moment,” he mumbled.
Setting his bow down he allowed the woman to lead him to the meeting room. When he entered he saw a long dinner table, with La Signora sitting at one end her legs crossed.
Other Fatui officers were sitting on either side of the table, with the only open chair being the one at the opposite end of the table away from La Signora.
“How kind of you to finally join us, Tartaglia, ” La Signora said, sarcasm dripping from her every word.
Ignoring her, Childe sat down ignoring the dizziness and slight queasiness that had started nagging at him. Faintly wondering if he picked up some bug in Liyue, he crossed his arms finally speaking, “You said this was about the Traveler?”
La Signora nodded. “So you can catch on quickly. Apparently, with the intel we've managed to gather they are currently looking for a way into Inazuma.”
Childe wasn’t surprised to hear that, having already overheard the traveler saying they were going to all the nations in Teyvat.  Still, Inuazuma was currently in lockdown, only allowing entrance to the ships that the electro Archon, Baal had personally approved of. And even then it was only trade ships.
“It’ll be difficult but not impossible, ” Childe muttered. He closed his eyes for a moment because the world was swaying slightly before his eyes than anything. The queasiness that had been nothing but a minor annoyance seconds earlier was slowly starting to grow into a problem.
“Her Majesty has already sent Scaramouche there ahead of time. The traveler wields an anemo vision so, he should be able to take care of them there, ” La Signora informed him.
At her words, Childe opened his eyes, which was a mistake considering that the ship seemed to be swaying and tilted before his very eyes. It was disorienting and did his stomach no favors.
Taking a deep breath he glanced over at the nearby window seeing nothing but rain, lightning, darkness, and the chaotic waves.
La Signora was speaking to the Fatui officers at the table while Childe was still trying to process what she’d said moments before. Once it had sunk in he looked back at La Signora remembering his fight with the traveler at the Golden house. “That’s wrong, ” he told her.
Instantly her gaze snapped to Childe and she scowled. “What is?”
Childe shook his head but immediately stopped when his stomach seemed to flip inside of him. “They wield anemo and geo, I don't even think they have a vision, ” he informed her.
But La Signora rolled her eyes. “This is not the time for jokes Tartaglia, when I saw them in Mondstadt they wielded Anemo. Both you and I know that no one can possess two visions.”
Childe huffed as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs. He was trying to get more comfortable since the previous position he’d been in had put an uncomfortable pressure on his stomach. “Listen, okay? I’m just telling you what I saw when I fought them in the Golden House, they stopped one of my attacks with anemo before creating spikes of geo at their feet, ” he told her, feeling as though his energy had been drained.
Somewhere in the back of his mind Childe faintly wondered if someone had tried to poison him. Then again he hadn’t dropped dead yet and besides the dizziness and growing nausea, he mostly felt fine.
La Signora crossed her arms as she looked at Childe with narrow eyes. “You would want something like that to be the reason for your defeat, wouldn’t you? A miracle befitting of an Archon, the only thing that could defeat you. And I believed you knew how to at least lie convincingly.”
Childe sighed, he really didn't have the energy for La Signora’s bullshit right now. “Fine, don't believe me. I’m leaving since clearly my presence isn’t needed at the moment.” Childe climbed to his feet, a bit too swiftly.
He placed a hand on the table steadying himself before he could stumble. His stomach was churning, he was dizzy and all he wanted was to lay down and make the ship stop tilting and swaying.
“You will sit down and listen to her Majesty’s instructions just like everyone else, Tartaglia. Unless of course, you believe you are above listening to the Tsaritsa, ” La Signora said, a sneer spreading across her face.
Taking a deep breath Childe swallowed hard, feeling bile rising in the back of his throat and the eyes of the other Fatui soldiers on him. He slowly returned to his seat. “Of course not, her Majesty’s word is law,” he muttered.
La Signora grinned at him. “Of course, glad to see you understand that. Now as I was saying.”
As she spoke Childe struggled to focus on what she was actually saying, especially when a particularly strong wave sent the boat tilting violently to the side. Childe hissed softly, practically feeling his dinner slosh against the walls of his stomach.
Muffling a burp into his hand he glanced out the window again, at this point having entirely stopped trying to pay attention to anything La Signora is saying. It is taking every ounce of strength he has at the moment just trying to breathe through the nausea crashing over him. He feels as though he’s completely and utterly drunk, the worst kind of drunk that leaves you aching, dizzy, and your stomach trying to crawl up your throat while you regret every decision that led you to this moment.
He closes his eyes for a moment to at least escape the sight of the boat tilting and swaying before his eyes, although seconds later his eyes open wide as the boat is tossed to the side again.
He hears his stomach gurgle softly, a sickly sound that only serves to make him feel worse. And then he froze feeling saliva began to rapidly fill his mouth, Childe glances around quickly but the other Fatui are focused entirely on La Signora and whatever in the world she was saying.
He briefly wonders if he should just get up and leave but also knows that La Signora wouldn’t hesitate to restrain him. His stomach heaves and suddenly his mouth is filled with the disgusting, bitter slimy remnants of his dinner.
He practically clamps his mouth shut, his gaze going to the floor as he frantically tried to find a way out of this situation. The taste of bile coating his mouth only makes his nausea worse. Closing his eyes he forced himself to swallow, his stomach giving another sickly gurgle as he forced its contents back down.
A little while longer, he just needed to hold out for a little while longer then he could go puke and go to sleep so that the torture would finally stop.
La Signora sighed as she massaged her eyes for a moment, feeling a possible headache coming on. Despite not wanting to admit it, out of a few of the Fatui soldiers present some had admitted to seeing the Traveler use the geo element during commissions in Liyue, so maybe, just maybe Childe had been right. Although that still didn’t explain the inconsistency that were present, for one thing, no one in all of Teyvat’s history had been found to receive two visions and especially not a dual element one.
Secondly, if the traveler did not have a vision as Childe had said then the traveler would have elemental abilities incredibly similar to an Archon. But even an Archon could wield only the element they had the strongest affinity with.
“Okay, you all may be dismissed, I will-”
La Signora was cut off when Childe suddenly jolted, a guttural sounding retch leaving his mouth along with a large, thick wave of vomit. He had his hand clamped over his mouth which only made it splash onto his hand and spray through his fingers resulting in most of it splattering on his clothes.
La Signora’s are wide as she slowly blinks, it is only when Childe is lurching forward a gurgling burp bringing with it more vomit, that her face twisted in disgust at the sight before her and the sharp bitter scent of bile filling the air.
“Oh for the love of,” La Signora huffed annoyance coating her voice. “Not only are you a worthless idiot, but you’re also a disgusting pig as well! Am I the only competent person here?”
She has no clue if Childe is even hearing her rant considering the man is still vomiting over his own lap. He coughed, feeling the thick chunky slop cooling as it set into and drenched his clothes, not to mention the fact only some of it was only slightly disgusted meaning he could still make out some of the things he hand for dinner, which only had him retching again his body overriding his shame and embarrassment. This time though as he retches black spots dot his vision as his dizziness hits him full force.
“Unbelievable,” La Signora muttered once Childe had stopped throwing up. Although it was only likely because the man had passed out, his body slumped forward slightly in the chair, a string of drool dangling from his lips.
Turning to the nearest Fatui soldier she pointed at her. “You, take the fool to his room,” she grumbled.
The soldier hesitated as she eyed Childe with slight concern. “Mistress La Signora, he may be poisoned perhaps we should-”
Instantly La Signora glared at the other woman. “If he’s poisoned, then when his heart stops beating, take his delusion and throw his corpse overboard you absolute fool! Do I have to do everything around here!” She snapped as though it were completely obvious, irritation practically coating her every word.
The soldier nodded almost frantically. “Yes, Mistress. Of course.”
With that done La Signora got to her feet. “One of you clean up this mess,” she ordered before leaving the room.
She could only pray to the Archons that the kitchen still had some good wine in stock or someone was going to die tonight.
The first thing Childe notices is the sharp bitter taste in his mouth and that he’s lying on something that’s incredibly hard but he can feel it tilting and shifting beneath his body. Groaning Childe slowly sits up, his throat feels raw and his stomach is aching. However, as he becomes a bit more aware as to why.
He’s sitting on the floor of his room, he’s still on this hellish boat ride. And as more of his awareness comes back he realizes that the front of his clothes are drenched, in the barely dried remnants of his dinner. It’s sticking to his clothes, he can feel it heavy and still way too warm on his skin.
Before he can do anything his stomach heaves, sending a thick wave of his stomach contents splashing down the front of his shirt. Shakily Childe cups his hands beneath his mouth, trying to reduce the mess slightly, but it does no good as he retches a gurgling burp bringing up another large wave that almost immediately overfills his hands. He can feel the vomit dripping through the cracks of his fingers, the chunks of it brushing against his skin, it feels disgustingly slimy and warm and only serves to set his stomach off again.
It is a good long while before his stomach finally empties itself and even then dizziness doesn’t fade. For a few moments, he just sits there panting, in between the hollow burps and hiccups still leaving his mouth.
Childe shakily climbs to his feet, not even bothering to look at the enormous mess on the floor as he stumbles his way into the bathroom. He tries to clean his clothes as best as he can, although the fact that he has to stop every few minutes to gag and dry heave over the sink definitely doesn’t help.
Eventually realizing that his clothes are as clean as he can get them he stumbles back into his room and lays down on the bed not even bothering to take his boots off.
He’s too tired and the only thing he wants is to escape this hell, closing his eyes he allows sleep to take him.
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liyuesbian · 3 years
yeah I honestly liked all of the inazuma 5* quests we've done so far! I think they all added something to those respective characters, save for ayaka's (it did further her characterization but also,,, a literal date. I think it was endearing but it made her feel kinda 2d? idk) I feel like the first two were kinda filler mostly because 2.0 was sorta the calm before the storm,,, (although why were we so passive fjdsfks i feel like the traveler needs to seek out stuff by themselves more lmao) raiden is finally someone who's both girlboss and kind and not reduced to either extreme (or limited to "(hot) wife material"), which is very very good
about the archons: YEAH I love Zhongli very much but I think he owes the adepti (at least) a Full explanation... he did mention that he hinted to both the Qixing and adepti that he's not dead but ganyu's dialogue when we were getting glaze lilies for the rite of parting AAAA I was so miffed Zhongli couldn't have taken her aside to tell her right there. Xiao too, literally they would be so worried for him and they deserve to hear it from him personally dammit >:|
I think the reasoning for the "test" was like. the traveler has a voiceline that basically says: if people knew Morax walked through Liyue every day, they would just go to him for advice, hang onto his every word and try to analyze and reanalyze it all the time, like with Ningguang's paper snow. I feel like that would be the scenario if Morax stepped down peacefully, since everyone would know he still exists; he doesn't get a good retirement and Liyue still relies on gods too much. trying to drown the city was a bit overkill (childe... o-o) but I will hesitantly trust Zhongli when he says he could and would save Liyue if it truly needed him.
also true true! the people still really believe in the archons, even with barbatos who's been absent for so long (venti...), and even after their gnoses are gone and all. it's cool how they have vastly different governance styles but their whole nation More or Less respects them
baal/ei hate is so uncalled for though wtf. At least Raiden's still doing her job unlike her slacking coworkers Zhongli and Venti. and regardless of whether she's done right or wrong, people can like fictional characters who've done bad things.... why must you inject morality into your personal faves :| (genshin fandom highkey sucks oml)
yeah!! the resistance barely got a mention except for Gorou in the end scene, and it's like ??? the war is over? or? it just went by too fast and it felt like in the end the resistance were mere pawns, since the real stuff was resolved by us and Yae (paimon's line that's like "they aren't a match for the raiden shogun" at the battle cutscene is the epitome of the resistance in 2.3)
nobody has explained to me how the resistance got into Tenshukaku/Inazuma City in the first place either 😩 it is nice to see you, Kazuha and Gorou, but what are you doing here?
-welcometoteyvat (eh you can call me by mystic or my url lol, I don't really care, and I think I returned your rant with a longer rant too hsdfsa)
AJWADAH hi mystic! i love how this turned into a "thoughts about 2.1!" discussion into a whole genshin discussion #''1?2!! AND I'M ALL FOR THIS BACK AND FORTH THING
(here we go again, 2.1 spoilers below the cut)
yes!! this date thing with the female characters needs to stop... and actually, i would've loved to know more about baal's friends in the actual story quest (like with venti) instead of having to explore inazuma to find out more (but i will admit that i do lowkey like how the lore is hidden inside teyvat's nooks and crannies but in the case of la signora... not really. we should've learned more abt her first before her death instead of us having to look at an artifact set's description. i'll forgive mhy for this though - maybe we'll get to know her more when snezhnaya releases) and i share your sentiments about raiden/ei! what a girlboss!
MHM i wasn't gonna get into the whole thing with the adepti and venti's extreme laziness but hey, it's here now lmao and right?! but hinting is not good enough for me >:( AHHAHA he owes xiao and ganyu so much they're basically avid followers of his and they have history togther but he doesn't even tell them the truth?! >:(
yepp i remember that but even then, he could've just said "yo i'm stepping down. you won't know who i am bc i'll be anonymous or whatever"... and it seems like zhongli had already integrated himself well in liyue. nobody questioned his sudden appearance or mentions when he came to be wangsheng's consultant (maybe there is but i can't rmbr anything off the top of my head)
RIGHT?! goddamn raiden is trying her best out here!! i'm not excusing her actions or ei's ignorance towards the inazuman modern society pre-raiden quest but she's still trying to run her country and the corruption of a certain influential department didn't rly help either. (and yep the genshin fandom does suck D: we don't have to "moralise" every aspect of fiction!!)
exactlyyyy and again, traveller saves the day !!!! i get that they have main character armour or wtv but still, aren't they a bit too invincible? they defeated an actual ARCHON on the second try && i can't believe it only took two people to stop an entire war which had people suffering, trying to escape inazuma and the tenryou commission and some even went MAD and had personality changes when they lost their visions but now it's all fine and dandy?
OH MY GOD that's true! i didn't think about that.. how did the resistance get into tenshukaku so quickly when they were, what, two islands away?
sigh 2.1 was messy
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fraink5-writes · 4 years
From Darkness Into the Lantern Light - Chapter 12
Ooohhh, we’re almost at the end, boys! If anyone sees this, I made a “limited-time” invitation on Ao3 for anyone who wants to be my Genshin friend, so I might as well extend it to y’all too.
@leio13​ is the best for editing this
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a cold-hearted queen. Although the Tsaritsa, as she was called, possessed her own divinity, she coveted the powers of the other Archons. Aiming to steal the Geo Archon’s gnosis, she sent her strongest warriors to Liyue Harbor. But just when Rex Lapis was almost defeated, he escaped to another vessel, that of a powerless baby, and was swept away to a hidden tower for his protection.
Many years after the great fight, the young and ambitious Harbinger, Childe, arrives in Liyue to grant the Tsaritsa’s desire, but, on his search for the Geo Archon’s gnosis, he ends up tangled in a mysterious man’s dreams to see Liyue Harbor’s Lantern Rite.
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
Ajax woke up to a widespread ache and the cold sting of shackles on his wrists and ankles. He had been chained to the far wall in a small cell—undoubtedly in a Liyue prison. Although this was the first time he had been incarcerated, he accepted the fact with a simple sigh; it was about time karma had caught up with him. No amount of diplomacy (if any would even be attempted) would be able to free him from this confinement. While he would have preferred death in battle, that fact made imprisonment all the more suitable a punishment. He would be stripped of all his worldly joys just as he had done to countless people in the past.
Still, Ajax did have some selfish regrets. He wished to see his family. Before, he had tried to content himself with sending them frequent letters and gifts, but, having been deprived of even that, he wanted nothing more than to see their faces. Nevertheless, he would have to settle for his imagination. Even if it were possible, Ajax would not be brave enough to face them. How could he tell his family—especially his younger siblings who admired him as the greatest toy seller—of his crimes?
As for Ajax’s other regret, he wanted to see Zhongli again although he had lost any right to do so. He had told Zhongli that he would stay by his side, but he had left him again and again, and this time, the gap created could not be amended. Nor should it be. As a Harbinger, he could only bring harm to Zhongli by being with him. It was too late to play games of ignorance about each other and live in artificial harmony. If betrayal was the only possible ending for them, then perhaps they should have never met in that tower to begin with.
But, no. Ajax shook all the complacent, self-pity from his mind. He couldn’t leave Zhongli in that tower. Not alone and especially not with her—la Signora. She had trapped Zhongli in her cozy web of malice and had been playing a decades-long waiting game. But soon, she would consume him. Ajax had to stop her. Even if it were an impossibility, even if the story could only be a tragedy, he had sworn to himself to be Zhongli’s hero. 
Ajax attempted to stand, but he was held down by his chains. Even still, he writhed violently, until the sore wounds from his fight with la Signora defeated him, and he lay still on the floor. 
In the end, all this power I’ve accumulated is useless for protecting anyone. 
As Ajax waited for the announcement of his sentence, he watched the subtle shift of shadows on the stone floor. Finally, a voice called from outside the cell. “Is that how a Harbinger keeps himself in jail?”
“Without the diplomacy, you’re pretty pathetic, huh?” Another voice chimed in. Perhaps, this wasn’t his sentence after all. Ajax glanced up to see a group of four familiar faces in black, white and red—definitely not the Milllelith. 
Ajax sat up to face the band of sailors. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here to break you out,” the leader, Juza, answered, a ring of keys dangling in his hand, which he used to open the barred gate. “Suling forged a master key for this place. There should be one for your cuffs too.” Sure enough, he flipped through the keys and found one that could be inserted into the shackles, unlocking them one by one.
“I don’t understand. Why?”
“Shh, don’t make a fuss.” Yinxing chided Ajax. “Let me examine you. On your back.” With no room for complaint, Ajax silently followed the surgeon’s instructions. “You’ve taken quite a beating. Surely, the guards didn’t do this to you?”
“Then, we’d be in deep trouble.” Xu Liushi chuckled nervously.
“No, la Signora, eighth of the Harbingers....”
The fleet exchanged glances before Juza resumed, “Anyway, if you can walk, we need to get out of here quickly.”
The group crept out of the cell and down the hall, but it wasn’t long before they spotted their first guard at the corner.
“Ugh, already?” Furong whined. 
“I’ll take care of it,” Xu Liushi volunteered. “I can manage something.” With that he staggered sinuously down the hallway. 
“What are you doing here?” The guard barked.
“Haahhhh?? I work ‘ere.” Xu Liushi turned around woozily. “Izznt dis de harbor?”
“No.” The guard could barely stifle his laughter. “Wait, I know you—aren’t you the guy who got drunk at Third-Round Knockout?”
“Still drinking? I guess you haven’t changed.”
“Not true! I downed four bowls this time!”
“Alright.” The guard condescended. “I’ll show you to the harbor, but I’m not sure how happy they’ll be to see you.” 
Xu Liushi shot Ajax’s group a look with a slight scowl before the guard grabbed his arm and escorted him from the building.
“Well, that’s one taken care of.” Furong brushed her hands together in satisfaction.
“Poor guy…” Yinxing sighed. “He’s been sober for so many years…”
“We have to keep going,” Juza cut in. “We can meet him again at the harbor.”
When they encountered the next pair of guards, Yinxing was the one to volunteer. She meekly approached one of the Millelith. “Excuse me, sir. I am a doctor who was called here to check on the inmates, but I can’t help but notice that you seem a little unwell yourself.”
“Really?” The guard shrugged. “I feel fine.”
“I’ve never seen someone with such a concerning complexion...”
“He looks like that every day,” the other guard chimed in.
Yinxing gasped, covering her gaping mouth with her hands. “Oh no.”
“What? Is that bad?” The first guard’s laugh faltered.
“Oh, this could be very grave.” Yinxing’s eyes flittered side to side. “Could I ask you a few questions?”
“Sure, I guess?”
“Does your heart beat really fast and loudly after physical exercise?”
“...Yeah…?” The guard began fidgeting in place.
“Do you get random headaches?”
“Yeah, I guess, sometimes.”
“Do you ever feel cold and start trembling violently all over?”
“Yeah, in fact, I think it’s increased recently.”
“It’s increased? Oh dear... Oh no…”
“What is it, Doctor?”
“You could have a rare but life-threatening condition called homoios stasis. You don’t have much longer. You must get treated immediately.” She turned to the other guard. “Quick. Take him to Bubu Pharmacy. They will have the proper treatment.”
“I don’t wanna die,” the first guard whimpered as the other escorted him away.
“Well, how was that?” Yinxing returned with a smile. “He’ll be fine, by the way—except maybe a bit annoyed.”
“Let’s not linger to find out,” Juza ushered the group along. But as they sprinted towards the exit, their path was blocked by a large guard with his spear drawn.
“Doesn’t look like we can trick this guy,” Juza sighed.
“I’ll fight him.” Ajax reached for his daggers.
“Don’t be an idiot,” Furong scoffed. “We’re trying to break you out of jail. Can’t have you creating even more trouble.”
“She’s right.” Yinxing interjected. “Besides, you are still injured. You’re going to need to gather all your strength for later.”
“I’ll go.” Furong winked at Ajax before stepping forward. “Looking for someone to fight, big guy?”
“I won’t let you guys go.”
“Oh no, of course—you have your job. But ya see, we have our own job from our boss. So, I propose a duel.”
“Call it what you want, but once I defeat all of you, I’m locking you all up.”
“Alright, fine. I never liked negotiations that much either.” With a shrug, Furong charged at the guard. Seeing she was unarmed, he loosened his guard—right before she slammed her fist into his abdomen. When he stumbled back, she landed another blow under his chin.
Ajax was enthralled by the fight, but Juza dragged him away. “She’ll catch up shortly.”
Sure enough, Furong had rejoined the group within minutes, and they met Xu Liushi at the harbor, where they boarded the Alcor.
Only when the ship had departed from the port was Ajax able to pose his preoccupying question. “Why are you guys helping me?”
“Certainly not because we like you. Captain Beidou made us,” Furong remarked offhandedly.
“Where is the Captain?”
“She’s still in the city dealing with the more… political matters,” Juza responded. “Zhongli is in danger, isn’t he? That’s why you need to deal with it.”
Zhongli? “How did you...?”
“We docked in the city around the same day as you,” the bookkeeper expounded, “and we have eyes all over the country, you know?”
Ajax thought of those adorable kids playing on the pier; were those kids ‘eyes’ too?
The helmswoman, Huixing, interrupted his train of thought. “Where to?”
“Sal Terrae.”
As the Alcor sped up north, Ajax alternated from playing with little Yue and more “appointments” with Yinxing, yet his mind never drifted far from Zhongli. Hang on just a bit more. I’ll be there soon, and then, I promise, I won’t leave you.
As the sun began taking on an orange hue, the ship anchored at Sal Terrae. From then, it was Ajax’s responsibility. He would correct and atone for his mistakes.
“Zhongli!” Ajax shouted from the base of the tower. With his many injuries, he would be unable to climb to the window. Unless Zhongli helped him. 
“Zhongli!” More than anything, Ajax just wanted a confirmation that Zhongli was still alright. “Let down your hair!”
In the ensuing moments, even Ajax's heart was silent. Finally, Zhongli's hair unfurled from the window.
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daphneallard · 4 years
of good samaritans & pawns
@diveronarpg submitted:
DIANA has managed to establish a Robin Hood-esque reputation for herself among the Capulets and make it look graceful, even when confronted with more difficult decisions. It just so happens that a week ago, a Capulet soldier reached out to DAPHNE looking for financial aid on her part, begging for help in getting out of the city and away from the mob that they’ve both dedicated their livelihoods to. This sort of thing does not occur often, and could give her a significant advantage or a severe shortfall. What does DAPHNE do?
MENTIONED: @lavolumnia, @reginadalys, @dukemassetti, @stlapin, @la-bella-falco
TW: death, violence, grief, dark themes
There are approximately 590,452 things Daphne Allard doesn’t know about Luca Caprio, but here are five in particular.
1. His sister’s name is Marta; they’ve barely spoken in three years. Not because of anything serious, but Marta lives in Berlin and the two have just never found the time to put in the effort. 
2. When he was seven, he wanted to take over his grandfather’s bakery. It burned down when he was 14. The arsonist’s were never caught, but everyone whispered that his nonno had offended a Montague of some power and status.
3. Luca went to university in Milan.
4. He professed not to care about astrology, but he knew he was a Cancer Sun, a Leo Rising, and a Scorpio Moon because a date made him check. After he showed her his co--star account, she went to the bathroom and never came back. 
5. He deserved better.
Actually, she knew that last one. Counting that, Daphne knew precisely ten things about Luca Caprio.
A soldato, more specifically. Daphne was hosting a small get-together for the initiates and soldiers. A sort of networking opportunity, if you will. A chance to feel like family. That was how this city worked – blood ties and bloodied ties, invisible strings wrapped around every citizen’s throat. It was a reminder that everyone in this city is connected with a vice grip. 
They were only able to do what they did because people felt like they were getting something in return – a mirage of a family, if you will. But Daphne wasn’t truly cynical – it was good for them to spend some time together outside of work. Make each other feel less alone. 
She didn’t remember Luca very well. He hadn’t been quiet because she’d gone and put a friendly arm around the wallflowers and made them feel welcome, and she would’ve remembered him. He hadn’t been particularly loud, because she would’ve remembered him. He ran in the middle, and he seemed happy enough.
Daphne remembered he wasn’t an initiate though. “I’m a soldier,” he’d told her when she asked, not in the least offended that she didn’t remember him. “I ‘graduated’ after the Castelvecchio blew up.” 
Before they count continue their conversation, Elisabetta – a lanky, freckled initiate, barely 19 – gathered up the courage to speak to her. “Signora Allard, can I speak to you in private?” The muscles in her shoulder tensed up, like she was expecting to be slapped. Daphne had told Luca she’d catch up with him later – she wanted to know everyone, and said it in a way that convinced everyone, even Daphne herself, that it was true, and to come to her if he needed anything – and pulled Elisabetta into a spare room. 
In which she’d promptly burst into tears. She needed help – an orphan with no family and no fortune, a cruel landlord who let her apartment become infested with cockroaches and threatened to evict her, and could Daphne help her? Of course, darling. That’s what I’m here to do. 
Daphne hired someone to break the landlord’s legs and gave Elisabetta the downpayment for a newer, nicer apartment, and a day job as a barista at a cafe her father invested in. Just something to help you get settled, until you decide what you want to do for your day job. No, no need to pay me back. This is a gift, Elisabetta. When you decide what you want to do, let me know and I can put you in touch with people. 
The boy was Catholic. He believed in the rituals. He was spiritual, too. Luca managed to find the balance that many spent their lives in fruitless pursuit of. His eyes lit up when he talked about it – something about how he saw himself as a prodigal son – and sure, Daphne thought it was a little naive, but perhaps that was her own envy. 
She could never feel at peace with the Heavens – and not just because of the blood and poison and atrocities hidden underneath a kind smile and an impeccable reputation. Whatever was in the skies, whatever or whoever governed the universe didn’t care for mortals who tried to fashion themselves as folly. 
Her heart sang when he’d shyly brought up that he heard what she did for Elisabetta, who mentioned to him that she’d done something similar for a Vittorio, for Massimo, for Charlotte, for Honoria, and so-on and so-forth. “You’re like a Good Samaritan,” Luca said. Daphne liked that.
Good Samaritans don’t want their pound of flesh, though.
She became concerned about Luca, though. Believers were difficult, and in all honesty, Catholic guilt was going to catch up with him sooner or later. 
The worries started after they’d gutted that spiare in the Cathedral. Her name was Valentina Gallo, and she mattered to someone, but the only memory Daphne had was of her bleeding out in the hallowed halls. It’s quite cruel, for the only memory you have of a person to be the light dimming from their eyes. 
Luca had been late to a few meetings, and his captain had complained to Daphne – not anything specific, only in passing. Daphne had assured them that she’d take care of it. She’d check in with Luca. He seems like a good soldier. He seems like a good man. 
She didn’t need to find him. He’d knocked on the door to her office and asked if she had time for a word. Daphne didn’t, but she smiled anyways and invited him inside, offering him his choice of water, coffee, or tea. Good seeds get overrun by weeds if they’re not taken care of. 
“Do you remember Elisabetta?”  Luca asked. 
Daphne nodded. Of course she did. She could never forget the face of a person who owed her their happiness. “Of course. She’s just started an apprenticeship at All That Glitters.” 
He wrung his hands. “Good, good. That’s good.”
She poured him a glass of water and placed it in front of him. “Drink, I insist. You look like you’re about to be sick.”
“I might be.” 
But he drank the water and didn’t vomit all over her carpet. 
“I’m glad you came to see me, today. I’ve heard some colleagues express concern about you. It’s been....a long few months for all of us.” She brushed her hair out of her face, “Can I do something to help? Even if you just need to talk, I want you to know that I’m here for you.” 
But only because he told her. 
“I don’t like being a Capulet.” That was the most confident she’d ever heard it. Not a doubt in his mind. She could see it in his eyes that he meant. 
“Oh,” was all she could say. What else could she do? After a moment, Daphne got her wits about her and knitted her fingers together. “Is there something in particular that you don’t like?” 
“All of it. Well, not all of it. I -- it’s complicated, you know?” Daphne nodded, because she did. “But when I joined, I thought I would be doing something good for the city.”
To that, she was quick to respond. “You are.” 
“The Capulet’s are involved with a number of charitable organizations – we’ve helped more than a few local businesses get on their feet and stay on their feet through hard times. I personally work with several local women’s shelters. If you want to do more work in that field, than you’ve certainly come to the right person. Here, let me --” 
He’d cut her off, “It doesn’t matter. None of it matters when we do things like what we did in the Cathedral.” Daphne fixed with a stony look and Luca stopped talking mid-sentence. “Sorry, Signora Allard. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
She softens, because Daphne isn’t cruel and that’s what he needed to see – that this work doesn’t make as monsters. “It’s alright, Luca. Really. I’m here to listen.” She takes a deep breathe. “You’ve made a vow to the Capulet’s, Luca, and the particular vow you’ve made....it’s not an easy one to break. I understand that you’re scared and frustrated and, well, horrified by what you’ve seen. We all should be. It’s normal, you know, for newer members to get cold feet.” She twists her engagement ring around her finger. “Like a bride before the wedding.”
“It’s more than jitters,” he says, desperate to make her understand. “I’m telling you that I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t.” She puts her hand over his, and gives it a squeeze. 
“I understand.” She said it with her whole heart.
“Can you help me then?”
Daphne didn’t give an answer to his last question. Instead, she’d asked what exactly he was asking of her. How much have you thought about this, boy? How badly do you want this?
“There’s someone I know in Rome who can help me get the papers to start a new life.”
“Where are you thinking of going?”
“Athens, Berlin, or Marseilles – you went to school there, didn’t you?”
“Those are all rather different. I went to school in Paris, but I spent quite a lot of time in Marseilles. It’s beautiful. You would like it.” 
“After that, I would need help getting housing and a job. I’d also need my identity scrubbed – I, uh, I don’t know what I should do there. Faking my death is an option, but that seems a bit much.” 
“And you would what me to contribute financially?”
Luca nods vigorously. “Yes – about €60,000.” Daphne doesn’t blink at the sum; that’s mere change to the Allard fortune and to all of her personal investments.
“That’s a pretty penny,” Daphne says. She’s not talking about the money. She’s talking about the task. “Luca, this conversation – I’m more than happy to let this stay between us and do everything in my power to help you feel comfortable with your position in the Capulet’s, but if this is serious and it comes out that I knew someone was consider desertion....” 
“This can’t be the worst thing someone’s done in Verona. Orsino, Reagan, Cosimo, Volumnia, Iago, Othello, Lady Macbeth –  This can’t be the worst thing anyone’s been asked.” Oh, you darling, sweet, stupid boy. “You’ve helped others who needed...a higher price tag, though. I --- I wouldn’t ask unless I was serious. And I’ve thought about, signora. This is what I need to do. I need to leave this city, even if I have to bury Luca Caprio to do it.” 
“I see how much this means to you, but --” His eyes widen like a deer stuck in headlights. His arm twitches, and he almost reaches for his gun, but steadies himself. “Don’t worry, I’m going to help you, Luca. Of course I am. It’ll just take some time for me to get the funds in order and distribute them to you secretly and safely.” 
Don’t worry. I’m going to help you, Luca. The boy audibly exhales and slumps in the chair, almost trembling. It’s then that she notices how deep the bags under his eyes are. Some bodies aren’t meant to bare the weight of the world – or their decisions – on their shoulders, Daphne thinks sadly. 
Then, he starts laughing and smiling and crying – but it’s all happy tears and relief. His smile makes Daphne wish she was as good of a person as he thought her to be. “A Good Samaritan,” he mumbles, still trying to process everything. “You’re a rare breed in Verona.” 
Daphne thinks of the Capulet ranks – how many twisted and lied and killed for no reason other than their own personal gain, or their own ego’s. She thinks of everyone in Verona who looks at life like a chess game – rook takes bishop, protect the queen, pawn to queen, sacrificial pieces. Those who shuffle the board so that it suits whatever their interests are. Daphne’s one of them, and she knows it, even if she’ll never admit it. I wish I was a rare breed, Luca. 
Three days later, Luca’s captain lets her know that he’s been on time and that he seems like the soldier is back on track. “What changed?” Daphne had asked. “I don’t know,” the captain admits. “He said he talked to you, so I guess whatever you said helped.”
Later that evening, Luca returns and asks her how long it will take her to get everything together. “A few more days, at least. Have you decided where you’re going to go?”
“Berlin.” He says it with such conviction, and Daphne is scared to ask what made him decide to go there, lest it make her miss the boy too much. “How long will it take to get everything ready for me to go to Berlin?”
“Two days. I have a good friend there, actually. She’s good. Very discreet. And she owes me a favor. I can give you her address? That way you know someone in the city, at least.”
“That’d be perfect.” 
“What’s the name of your Rome contact? The one who can help you get new documents?”
“Alessandro Marino...do you know him?”
Daphne nods, “By reputation, primarily. As far as people in his field go, Alessandro is one of the more...ethical ones. You’re in good hands with him.”
"How quickly can Alessandro get you the new papers?” 
“I’ve already paid him half.” Off Daphne’s quizzical expression, he adds, “It cost all my savings. After I told him I was good for the rest and that you were helping me --” Idiot, Daphne thinks. “-- he’s agreed to messenger me the documents by the end of tomorrow.” 
“Are you still going to be called Luca?”
“No, something similar though. That’s what’s best, right? In the movies, they always give someone a fake name that’s close with their real name so they don’t get confused.”
“Daphne, Diana. Bernadette, Bianca. Vivianne, Volumnia. Same practices goes for the aliases here. It makes sense. What’s the name?” 
He hesitates. “Schmidt. Lukas Schmidt.”
“Pleased to meet you, Signor Lukas....did you tell anyone else?”
“Of course not. I’m not an idiot.”
She didn’t need him to tell her. She could see it in the way that he looked at her adoringly, like she was a guardian angel. A Good Samaritan, he’d called her. A Good Samaritan, he thought her to be. A Good Samaritan. A good person. 
There was something good in Luca that didn’t exist in Daphne. Something normal about him. He lived by a different set of rules that she couldn’t even begin to fathom, and she knew that. Luca was a good boy. She doesn’t know why she keeps calling him a boy when he’s 25 years old.
He is good. Not wise, but good. And good people always pay their debts. With this, he would owe her everything – his freedom, his happiness, his life. This kind of power, this kind of debt was the most powerful. Daphne could get him to do anything in the future. 
This was why she became a Capulet. To help people. 
It was quite a pity, though, that by the nature of this arrangement, the only thing Daphne couldn’t ask him to do was stay. 
The second he asked her to help him leave, Daphne knew she would sign his death warrant. After he told her that he told Alessandro that she was helping him, Daphne knew she would need to oversee a larger clean-up operation. It wasn’t worth the risk. No matter how well she did the money, someone would find it. Her name and reputation wouldn’t protect her. And Daphne was many things, but she was not a fool.
It appeared that Luca was true to his word in that he told no one else about his decision to leave. That was the conclusion Daphne came to after using the Capulet pipeline to find a hacker who gave her access to his phone, computer, and all CCTV footage. No text messages, no phone calls, no late night meetings in his apartment or anywhere else in the city. Of course, as a precaution, she’d gotten someone – someone loyal – to trail him just to make sure. 
Daphne Allard was no Good Samaritan. She was a Capulet. 
Luca couldn’t have known that. Daphne didn’t want anyone to know of the rot inside of her. This decay was her problem, and no one else’s, and both she and the city had bigger problems than this. No one needed to know.
Daphne had informed his captain and the appropriate higher up’s of the upcoming defection. No one needed to remind her that the cost of treason was death. She remembered the Gallo girl’s fate.  No, I’ll take care of the details, she offered. He came to me, so I will deal with it.
He comes to see her before he departs. She tells him she’s wired the money to his new account. She hasn’t. She kisses him on the cheek, before sending him on his way. Luca Caprio doesn’t make it two miles out of the city before a masked assailant shoots him in the back of the head. 
It was a quick, clean death, Daphne tells herself, as she pays the hitman handsomely for the cleanup of Luca Caprio, Alessandro Marino, and the messenger who made the mistake of delivering the documents.
This is mercy, she thinks. This way he and his family get to keep his dignity and the Capulet’s are spared the embarrassment.
She helps pay for his funeral, but doesn’t attend. Daphne doesn’t know this, but when the priest informs Luca’s parents that everything has been taken care of, his mother wept and thanked the Lord. There’s still Good Samaritans in Verona, she had said through her tears. There’s still good. 
“If they ask, can I reveal their benefactor?” The priest had asked her when she stopped by to drop off the payment. 
“No, not this time, father.” She doesn’t see the benefit of having this family owe her. Maybe later, if it proves useful, she will reveal herself. But Daphne doesn’t see the advantage. Your son is dead and I paid for the funeral. The debt is paid. You owe me nothing. 
There’s a sixth thing Daphne knows about Luca: He died thinking well of her. It gives her comfort. It shouldn’t. But it does. 
Verona makes a different sort of monster out of everyone. This was the monster it had made of Daphne Allard. 
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