#or we transmitted it through the air in the form of electromagnetic waves
vulturevanity · 2 years
I'll be reading a fic and then get interrupted by my brain asking some random-ass questions such as "what is pickle juice made of" and "how do power plants work" and like. I don't think I have ADHD? That would come with a bunch of other symptoms which I don't experience. But sometimes I wonder.
To be fair, the fic in question did mention pickles and had me wondering how I'd explain the concept of a computer to medieval fantasy nobles who can use elemental magic.
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How Does Light Travel: Exploring the Nature of Light
Light is a fundamental aspect of our world, allowing us to perceive and understand the environment around us. But have you ever wondered how light travels? In this article, we will delve how does light travel and explore the mechanisms behind its propagation.
Understanding Light: Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that consists of particles called photons. These photons carry energy and propagate through space as waves. The wave-particle duality of light enables it to exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behaviors.
The Speed of Light: One of the remarkable properties of light is its incredible speed. In a vacuum, light travels at a constant speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (or about 186,282 miles per second). This speed is often rounded to 300,000 kilometers per second for simplicity.
Straight-line Propagation: Light typically travels in straight lines, known as rays. When light encounters a medium, such as air, water, or glass, it can change direction due to a phenomenon called refraction. This bending of light allows us to observe interesting optical effects, such as the bending of a pencil in a glass of water.
Reflection and Scattering: When light encounters a surface, it can undergo reflection. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface without being absorbed. This process is responsible for us seeing objects, as the reflected light enters our eyes. Additionally, light can scatter when it interacts with small particles or irregularities in a medium. Scattering is what causes the sky to appear blue during the day and produces stunning phenomena like rainbows.
Absorption and Transmission: Another important aspect of light's journey is absorption and transmission. When light encounters an object, it can be absorbed, converting its energy into other forms such as heat. Alternatively, light can pass through certain materials without being significantly absorbed, a phenomenon known as transmission. Transparent materials like glass and air allow light to transmit through them with minimal absorption.
Conclusion: The journey of light is a captivating process that involves the interplay of wave-particle duality, reflection, refraction, absorption, and transmission. Understanding how light travels has revolutionized various fields, including physics, optics, and telecommunications. By unraveling the mysteries of light, scientists have paved the way for countless technological advancements. So, the next time you see a ray of light, take a moment to appreciate the extraordinary journey it has taken to reach your eyes.
Source URL: https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkukumar16/comments/14d6y7t/how_does_light_travel_exploring_the_nature_of/
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painting-portrait · 2 years
Color and Light-rational understanding of Color.
Color and Light-rational understanding of Color. What is the color. Color is a certain feeling in the brain in response to the light received by the retina of the eye. As we all know, most of the objects we see do not glow. If they are in the dark night, or in the absence of light, these objects cannot be seen by people, let alone know what color they are.https://painting-portrait.com/  People can see colors because they come from luminous light sources, such as the sun, electric light, candlelight, fire, etc., or reflected light from luminous light sources, that is, the light reflected on non-luminous objects, such as the moon, building walls, the ground, etc., and then scattered to the observed object. Thus it can be seen that light and color are inseparable, and light is a prerequisite for color, which reflects that the color in people's vision is actually a sense of light and color.https://painting-portrait.com/  Second, light. The natural phenomenon of rainbows after rain may have inspired the British scientist Newton to discover the cause of color and reveal the cause of the principle of light and color. In 1666, Newton's laboratory at the University of Cambridge introduced sunlight into the darkroom through a small slit. After passing through a prism, a beautiful ribbon appeared on the screen, which was red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. This phenomenon is called the decomposition of light, and the resulting ribbon is the spectrum.https://painting-portrait.com/  The appearance of the spectral phenomenon shows that the sunlight is made up of colors in the spectrum. Light refracts twice from the air through the prism and then to the air in different mediums. due to the different length of the light wave and the time difference caused by the different thickness of the prism, the sunlight is decomposed into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple light. if a convex lens is added on the way to disperse the light, the scattered light is concentrated and the concentrated point becomes white light. Any beam of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple decomposed by a prism can no longer be decomposed by a prism, and the original color light is still projected to the screen. The color light containing all wavelengths of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple is called panchromatic light. The color light with more than two wavelengths is called polychromatic light. A colored light with only one wavelength is called monochromatic light. To put it simply, light is a form of energy, a kind of electromagnetic radiation energy. The light that we can see with the naked eye is called visible light. The amplitude of visible light produces a change of light and dark, and the length of light wave produces a difference of hue. The wavelength of visible light is between 400 and 700 nm, that is, the spectrum formed by decomposing sunlight with a prism. The wavelength of red light is the longest, and the wavelength of purple light is the shortest. Accordingly, in color, red conveys the farthest message, while purple transmits the most recent message. Therefore, the light with a wavelength beyond 400 nm that darkens the skin of the human body is called ultraviolet light, and the light that produces heat is called infrared at a wavelength beyond 700 nm. In addition, in the invisible light, there are other rays that can pass through objects (except metal), such as X-rays, gamma lines, radiative electromagnetic waves, and so on, which are invisible to the naked eye and can only be observed by instruments.https://painting-portrait.com/ 
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drnikolatesla · 4 years
Nikola Tesla’s World Wireless System
By J. J. J.
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Nikola Tesla’s theories, experiments, demonstrations, and inventions throughout his lifetime of work proved that his “World System” would provide: 
1. A perfect “secret signal service” through exclusive wireless waves for communication and entertainment: What Tesla referred to as his “Art of Individualization,” this concept makes it possible to transmit an unlimited number of signals or messages thoroughly non-detectable and exclusive both in the active and passive aspect. Such messages are completely non-interfering and non-interferable, e.g. each signal has its own unique identity (like snowflakes), irrelevant of the number of stations or devices simultaneously in operation. This literally translates to our internet and wireless communication today, but far more advanced. Today, we use communication satellites to bounce signals off other satellites and send these signals to other points around the globe. We need satellites to accomplish this in that conventional physics states that every effect diminishes with distance (inverse square law), so the signals sent on earth either dissipate with distance and/or do not follow the curvature of earth because of the concept of line of sight. This is why we can only receive radio signals at certain distances from the station. Therefore, we use satellites to bounce signals off other satellites to reach other parts of the earth. With Tesla’s system, however, satellites in this sense become obsolete. His system could send instantaneously messages all over the world, set and regulate all clocks, act as a universal stock ticker, reproduce art and photography, and allow exclusive use of video, audio and text communication (this is also how Tesla predicted smart phones a hundred years before they were developed). How would he do this? Tesla used the earth as a conductor (or a wire), and sent the energy through it with no loss of energy. With this method, the problems of energy dissipation are solved. What Tesla discovered was that the earth as a whole possessed certain periods of natural vibrations, and by impressing electrical vibrations of the same periods upon it with his transformer, they could be thrown into oscillations of tremendous nature. Thus, Tesla posited he could collect this energy and transmit it with his Magnifying Transmitter to any place on earth with no loss of energy (and practically instantaneously so). He proved this method in experiments at Colorado Springs where he sent a longitudinal wave all the way around the world and back to his receiver traveling at a mean velocity of 292,812 miles per second. I know some may balk at sending anything faster than the speed of light, but I will remind them that the speed of light is a constant, it is not a limit. The velocity of light is an expression of the ratio of energy to mass. Tesla’s waves worked on different dimensions. The electromagnetic waves we use in today’s technology travel at the speed of light, but due to the nature of these waves (which are similar to light), they diminish with distance. This is because their electromagnetic lines of force and their magnetic lines of force intercept the angles of one other, causing resistance (radiation resistance). This is also why they eventually lose energy. Tesla, on the other hand, used an oscillating wave, or a longitudinal wave, in which the electromagnetic and magnetic forces run parallel with each other (hence there is no friction or loss of energy). As a result, the more power he used, the faster and further these waves would travel. Imagine what can be accomplished with waves that do not diminish with distance!
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2. The operation of flying machines by wireless power: The flow of Tesla’s currents are confined to the earth, but with his machine, he could create an electromagnetic field in the atmosphere surrounding it. Tesla theorized that if lightweight electric motors with attached circuits are placed in the airplanes (or other flying machines) and are accurately attuned, energy will be drawn into these circuits from the electromagnetic field powering the motors (similar to submerging an empty bottle in water then poking a hole in it - the energy from the electromagnetic field would flow into the circuit the same way water would into the bottle). This concept could therefore revolutionize a whole new world of transportation! 
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3. GPS: Global positioning could be used not just on the earth’s surface, but via the earth’s interior as well (ex. finding mineral deposits, submarines, etc.). This is accomplished by setting up and maintaining longitudinal stationary waves in the earth, subdividing its entire surface into zones of electrical activity. This also allows data points to be collected regarding the earth’s dimensions, as well as the positioning of moving or non-moving objects by analyzing the way waves react to objects within it or without it. This would help in navigation, prospecting, or basic radar by determining positions and size of objects, in or outside earth, by determining latitudes and longitudes, the speed of travel and the respective courses followed.
4. An artificial Aurora Borealis: By shooting charged particles at the atmosphere in the sky, Tesla’s system could create the same effect that occurs during the Northern Lights. This would contribute to the concept of night vision and constructing related devices for human use based on this phenomenon.
5. Operations of all manufacturing and transportation machinery: With much more power than his “Art of Individualization,” Tesla could send power through the earth to any point on the globe (regardless of distance) and provide a business or home with enough horsepower to operate and run all its machinery, including transportation machinery. Note this would not be “free energy”, as the conspiracists of the internet assume. Tesla never said anything about free energy. We would still have to subscribe and pay for this energy just like we do today, but at a much cheaper cost. 
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6. Interplanetary Communication: Tesla understood that if we ever want to make contact with intelligent life on other planets, or even communicate with humans traveling through the depths of space, we would have to use radio technology to do so. He believed that with enough power drawn from energy sources (such as Niagara Falls) to power his transformer, he could create billions of horsepower, and with his Magnifying Transmitter, send his oscillating wave signals (which travel many times faster than light) to the far reaches of this galaxy. 
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7. Irrigation and fertilization of the world by wireless: Using wireless power, farmers and land owners would be able to pump water and irrigate their land from energy sent thousands of miles away. Tesla also believed that weather was of electrical origin, and thus could be controlled by electrical means. In other words, with a properly developed apparatus (different from his wireless system), he could pull water from oceans by hydraulic force, turn it into vapor and carry it in cloud form to arid parts of land (make it rain, so to speak).  Also, with fertilization, we know that an excess of nitrogen in the atmosphere is a bad thing, and not enough nitrogen in the soil will cause growth deficiencies in plants. Tesla’s experiments in Colorado Springs showed that the nitrogen in the air could be burned with electricity. By burning the right amount of nitrogen in the air, it could be turned into a fertilizer of sorts. 
8. Magnetizing of enemy battleships, submarines, and airplanes to attract missiles: This notion speaks for itself. By using magnetic waves, the metal of enemy machinery could be magnetized and therefore cause it to attract missiles. 
9. A particle beam for defense: Tesla did not believe in war and had always thought that strife or conflict could be cured by some way other than by brute force. His idea was to create a machine that would give all countries a defense weapon that would render them entirely impenetrable to enemy attacks. All have seen the photo of Tesla sitting in his laboratory in Colorado Springs where there are artificial lightning bolts filling the room over a hundred feet in length. His idea was to control this energy in a very high vacuum tube and disperse the energy in any direction desired - this was his defense weapon for war. Unfortunately, his hypothesis was ignored and America subsequently suffered the attack on Pearl Harbor four years after Tesla proposed his invention to world governments.  
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I presume most people would be skeptical about how safe Tesla’s “World System” would be. If the whole earth is electrified, wouldn’t we get shocked constantly? Not the case. Tesla used electrostatics, e.g. when an electric charge is at rest, as opposed to direct current (DC) electricity and alternating current AC which are electricity moving through wires either directly or back and both. Both DC and AC are very dangerous if touched. Tesla would speed up his alternating currents so fast that the electricity would become static electricity. It could then be stored, or pass through the physical body with no harm. He demonstrated this in lectures throughout the 1890s by passing thousands of volts of electricity through his body and shooting electricity out of his fingertips. Static electricity is already all around us. It’s similar when you rub your socks on the carpet and can walk to the other side of the room and shock someone - this static electricity is stored in your body, but doesn’t harm you. The shock might slightly startle your friend, but nevertheless is still harmless. Also, unlike the wireless technology we use today - which is ninety percent radiation - Nikola Tesla’s system is clean energy. His system reverses what our technology does and uses only ten percent radiation, and ninety percent current waves. This is why there is no loss of energy, and why we should be implementing and utilizing Tesla’s system.
Our current existence would be far more advanced had Tesla been allowed to share his work with the world. Although we are advancing with greats strides in technological achievements, we are still hundreds of years behind the future Nikola Tesla hoped and dreamed for.
“My project was retarded by the laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success.”
–Nikola Tesla
(“My Inventions – V. The Magnifying Transmitter.” Electrical Experimenter. February, 1919.)
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Electricity flows in feilds around the wires.
So is you made an entangled feild you could transmit currant through a fundamental (implicit) feild
Needs more calculations than my simple math skills.
So electricity flows in a circuit faster than the speed of light? Nobody really knows.
Nothing new wireless electricity however with this we may be able to draw electricity directly from the electromagnetic feild of say the earth, Sun or even a black hole.
Ambiance feild generation.
You wouldn't be transmitting electricity through a wire or air but essentially through time.
Information is energy.
If you don't think that this could work turn on a short wave radio your light or send a text. These things are also impossible Induction charging was invented in 1894.
*some of the principles in these YouTube seem correct however there is still much debate on how electricity actually work.
The interesting thing here is induction charging. A electric feild that without contact can charge a battery.
The earth is an electromagnetic feild generator if this can be used to generate electric remains a hopeful expectation.
However there are greater forms of energy that remains untapped.
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silverdanilleann · 4 years
A Short History About Communication frim Cave Drawings to Web
How do we communicate in the past?
Other forms of early communication existed, although they were less popular for a variety of reasons. Story telling was used to pass on important information in the days before the existence of the written word. However, since man still lived in separate tribes, this information could not be applied outside one’s own tribal community. 
Early handwritten Document Books
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Istiqamantunnisak | https://unsplash.com/photos/-VwEu9GnyPU
📜 People who receive proper education can only handwrite books
📜 manuscript came from the Latin world "libri manu scripti" which means book written by hand"
📜 majority of books were written for religious purposes
📜 literacy rates were incredibly low.
📜 on 13th century secular books were produce for the sake of spreading knowlede not related to religion
Printing Press
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🖨️1448, a man named Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press
🖨️this method allowed books to be mass-produced, and greatly reduced the price.
🖨️Gutenberg made his first device by adapting a wine press to remove the water from paper after printing
🖨️the printing press took awhile to catch on, as the bourgeoisie of the day still wanted to keep the peasants uneducated.
Letter Writing and the Postman
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Museums Victoria | https://unsplash.com/photos/HLvV5_BLs_k
📬it was an inefficient means of communicating as one had to wait until another person was traveling before their letter could be sent.
📬there was no guarantee when, or if, the letter would ever reach its destination.
📬on 1800s the system caught on quickly and rapidly expanded
📬mail was transported primarily by train, which ran on a schedule and was efficient and reliable
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📌The logistics of telegraphic communication involve the sending of electrostatically-generated signals through a wire
📌The revolution of the telegraph allowed for instant communication across long distances, something that had previously been unheard of.
📌the system involves three main components- a battery to supply the electricity, a key used to complete or break the circuit, and an electromagnet at the receiving end which consists of a wire that pulls on a piece of metal when electricity passes through it.
📌it was invented by Samuel F.B. Morse
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Himanshu Ranpara | https://unsplash.com/photos/uXuXXHDgMdM
☎️in 1876, Alexander Bell was busy realizing a dream that he hoped would once again revolutionize communication.
☎️Bell observed that sound vibrations could be transmitted through the air, and received at the same pitch in another room.
☎️Bell’s invention was initially quite unpopular.
☎️The telegraph had cornered the long-distance contact market.
☎️The lack of popularity may also be attributed to the cost of telephone service.
📻What began as short-wave communication used during WWI blossomed into the hottest communication technology of the era once the war had ended.
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Csongor Schmutc | https://unsplash.com/photos/WximLTzm94E
📻Radio was unregulated until 1925 when the Federal Communications Commission stepped in.
📻The technology really took off in 1933 when Edwin Armstrong, “the father of FM radio”, invented frequency-modulated radio.
🖼️Capturing an image of the self guarantees a place a in history for that individual.
📻By the 1940’s, the number of radios in American homes had doubled, and 800,000 FM receivers were produced in 1947.
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Laura Furhman | https://unsplash.com/photos/73OJLcahQHg
🖼️The first attempts at photography began in the early 1800’s but had poor results. The discovery of using reverse colors, what we today call a “negative”, greatly advanced the art of photography.
🖼️The process of how a photo was taken and developed remained largely unchanged for 150 years until digital technology caught up.
🖼️These days a piece of equipment that was once used only by professional photographers is accessible to everyone.
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Peter Geo | https://unsplash.com/photos/pFfZDaTVdtc
📺Television made its official debut at the 1939 New York World’s Fair.
📺It was seen as an amusing, but unnecessary, appliance and the radio continued to be the favored form of communication.
📺All that began to change in the late 1940’s.
📺As the years passed, prices for televisions dropped and now the majority of homes have at least one television. It is safe to theorize that few forms have communication have had as large an impact on society as television.
Cell Phone
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Eirik Solheim | https://unsplash.com/photos/pFfZDaTVdtc
📱It may be hard to believe but the first cell phone research began in 1843 when Michael Faraday conducted research to see if space could conduct electricity.
📱Fast forward to1973, and Dr. Martin Cooper is credited with inventing the first portable handset. Four years later, cell phones go public.
📱In the 37 years the cellular phone industry has existed, the market has grown from $3 million annually to an industry that commands $30 billion annually.
📱Landlines are slowly becoming obsolete as everyone from senior citizens to elementary school students acquire their own cell phones.
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Matthew Guay | https://unsplash.com/photos/Q7wDdmgCBFg
📶The original Internet was invented in 1967 for military purposes.
📶An Internet in its most basic form is simply a group of computers able to connect to each other and share information. This included electronic mail (email) and the use of sites containing vital information (websites).
📶It has even surpassed the television as a source of communication because you can receive any information you want instantaneously.
📶Today the Internet is available everywhere and to everyone. It is used for a variety of reasons including socializing, conducting research, and advertising.
Read more here https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.creativedisplaysnow.com/articles/history-of-communication-from-cave-drawings-to-the-web/%3famp
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. And on my soul, I swear until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice becomes the reality we all share. I'll never stop fighting.” - Superman
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Real Name: 
Kal-El (Birth name)
Clark Joseph Kent (Legal name)
Clark Smith
Clark White
Commander El
Superman Red/Blue
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 3″
Weight: 235 lbs (107 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Race: Kryptonian
Kryptonian Physiology
Expert Combatant
Genius Level Intellect
Indomitable Will
Vulnerability to Kryptonite
Vulnerability to Magic
Vulnerability to Chi
Solar Energy Dependency
High-Pitched Noises
Legion Flight Ring and Time Bubble
Archer rifle
Fortress of Solitude
New Earth
Prime Earth
Base of Operations: 
Fortress of Solitude
Justice League Watchtower
Hall of Justice
Hamilton County
Citizenship: American
Jor-El; father
Lana Lor-Van; mother
Marital Status: Married (Lois Lane; wife)
First Appearance: The Man of Steel #1 (October, 1986)
Last Appearance: Superman Vol 4 #19 (May, 2017)
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Kryptonian Physiology: Superman's cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than human tissue. He does not possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability without his cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his physical capabilities are identical to a human of his height and weight who engages in regular physical activity. As an alien, he possesses several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood, but are believed to be part of or the source of his bio-matrix force field and reclamation aura. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of his electromagnetic capabilities such as flight, heat vision and other "sight"-based abilities while supplementing his physical abilities to superhuman levels.
Solar Radiation Absorption: As a Kryptonian, his cells function like a super battery, hyper metabolizing specific wavelengths of radiation as fuel to enable living functions and/or superhuman abilities. Different wavelengths of radiation have different effects on Superman's physiology and well being, but his cells cannot absorb or utilize all types of radiation. The wavelength of his home solar system's red sun enables his body to function on an identical level of a healthy human while the Earth's solar radiation in both its raw and filtered state through the Earth's atmosphere acts as fuel to enable all of his powers. Every time Superman uses any of his superhuman abilities, his body expends absorbed sunlight and he is capable utilizing any of them to various degrees through controlled circumstances. The solar-based radiation of a foreign blue star proved to increase his known abilities under a yellow sun to a higher degree and enabled additional powers. The existence and constant exposure to proven "healthy" radiation sources is not required for him to live and utilize his powers, but prolonged periods without exposure to them and/or utilizing his powers will require Kal-El to recharge in order to live and continue using his powers.
Superhuman Strength: Superman possesses near limitless strength, though the exact limits of Superman's strength is unknown. He is capable of lifting far in excess of one billion tons. Different periods and intensities of exposure to Earth's solar radiation can cause his strength to fluctuate over time. Unhealthy levels of high exposure to solar radiation can exceed Superman's "normal" strength level.
Superhuman Speed: He is capable of moving, reacting, running and flying at superhuman speeds. Superman can fly at speeds faster than speed of sound. He can use this power to disarm opponents, catch bullets or shrapnel and cross vast distances in seconds.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes: Although Superman relies mostly on his invulnerability, his reaction speed is beyond faster than finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: He has the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period. Clark has unlimited stamina if he is consistently exposed to Earth sunlight.
Flight: Superman is capable of flying at supersonic speeds in a planetary atmosphere and at faster-than-light speeds while in space. He is capable of flying over one million times the speed of light.
Heat Vision: Superman can fire beams of intense heat from his eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing him to work undetected, and can be adjusted to affect matter on a microscopic level.
Invulnerability: His body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura. Superman is under some circumstances resistant or immune to different forms and levels of lacerations, blunt force trauma, energy-based assaults, falls from great heights, explosions, the cold void of space, toxins and all known diseases on Earth. His supercharged bio-electric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating within a few millimeters from his skin. He can willfully utilize his aura strengthening it's power to a greater degree to provide an additional defense against certain levels of physical and energy attacks for a considerably short period of time, but doing so can endanger him should the attempted feat prove inefficient for any reason. Superman utilizes his aura by expanding it around a person or object to enable their structural stability when lifting or traveling with them. Superman's invulnerability has been in constant flux over the years.
Longevity: Superman can potentially live indefinitely with little to no ageing to his being, so long as he continuously retains enough yellow solar radiation in his body.
Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat or sleep so long he has enough yellow solar energy, and doesn't require oxygen to breathe enabling him to travel in space and underwater unprotected.
Super-Breath: Superman can generate hurricane force winds by blowing, and also chill his breath to freeze a target. He can also breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it.
Superhuman Senses
Superhuman Hearing: Superman has the ability to expand his hearing range, giving him the ability to hear sounds before the sound waves actually reaches him. This also gives him incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises from across the globe. He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency.
Super Smell: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire planet.
Super Vision: Superman also possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see into all of the EM Spectrum. Superman can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods.
Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.
Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.
X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.
Thermal Vision: The ability of see through the heat tracks left by a living being or object.
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Expert Combatant: Due to having superpowers all his life and constantly engaging in battle with various foes, Superman has over time become an excellent hand-to-hand fighter utilizing a fighting style that directly complements his superpowers. Superman's combat versatility allows him to adapt to any foe and beat them.
Genius Level Intellect: He has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. Superman's analytical powers enable him to read information directly from machines.
Indomitable Will: Superman has shown to have a powerful spirit, free of corruption and temptation. Having been raised by a kindly Kansas farmer and his wife, he was taught to protect life and help others. He is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad. Superman has learned how to place mental inhibitors on his own power so that he doesn't accidentally "flex and cause the tectonic plates to shift." To him, they are the barriers that allow him to feel human enough to live a healthy life, and he only ever releases one of them when fighting a particularly powerful opponent or performing a difficult task.
Torquasm Vo: Torquasm Vo is a Kryptonian discipline that Superman uses sometimes. It is basically a means of focusing ones mental discipline to help fight adverse effects such as mental domination. It can be used to manipulate someone's mind.
Torquasm Rao: Allows him to tap into his instincts and separate himself from his body. Makes him able to prevent others from manipulating his mind and allows him to fight on the astral plane.
Investigation: Both as a superhero and as a journalist, Superman is an expert at gathering evidence from all kinds of sources.
Journalism: Clark is one of the best reporters on the Daily Planet, rivaled only by his wife Lois Lane. He gained a Pulitzer Prize at least in one occasion.
Leadership: Superman has proven many times over his ability to command respect and inspire others with his charisma, ardor, and idealism.
Ventriloquism: Used to practice in high school.
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Vulnerability to Kryptonite: Since the destruction of Krypton, its remains have been spreading throughout the universe as Kryptonite, a crystalline substance whose specific radioactive wavelength is lethal to Kryptonians native to this reality. The most common form of Kryptonite is Green Kryptonite, and its effect is directly poisonous to him. Kryptonite from other realities do not necessarily have the same effects on all Kryptonians. His vulnerability to Kryptonite has changed a lot over the years.
Vulnerability to Magic: Superman's biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. Its permeability to certain wavelengths makes him vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extra dimensional signatures disrupt this force field. Superman's vulnerability to magic varies depending upon the special effects of the magic. He can be injured and worn down by magical entities. Magic can have powerful and unpredictable effects on Superman and his magical enemies have often proven to be the most dangerous.
Vulnerability to Chi: Planetary based esoteric and vital forces could have an opposite effect on him.
Lead: Superman cannot see through lead with his x-ray vision powers.
Solar Energy Dependency: His abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing his energy reserves with normal sun radiation, especially if he doesn't have any direct contact with yellow sunlight. When exposed to the same red solar radiation as Krypton's red sun Rao, it causes Superman to lose his powers within a large amount of exposure until the exposure to yellow sunlight will reverse this effect.
High-Pitched Noises: Because of his super hearing, Superman's ears are extra-sensitive to extreme noises.
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Legion Flight Ring and Time Bubble: Superman keeps a Legion Flight Ring and Time Bubble, the ring either cloaked on his hand, or like the Bubble, kept in the Fortress of Solitude.
Archer rifle: As Commander El of the New Kryptonian Military Guild and leading Commander of the Red Shard faction, Superman kept a standard issue Archer rifle, though he only uses to disarm or hurt, never to kill.
Fortress of Solitude
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Superman is commonly seen as a brave and kind-hearted hero with a strong sense of justice, morality and righteousness. He adheres to a strict moral code often attributed to the small town American values with which he was raised, thanks to his adoptive parents. His commitment to operating within the law has been an example to many other heroes but has stirred resentment among others, who refer to him as the "big blue boy scout." Superman can be rather rigid in this trait, causing tensions in the superhero community, notably with Wonder Woman after she killed Maxwell Lord.
To protect his secret identity, Superman has constructed a persona in his civilian identity as Clark Kent. To the world at large, Clark is a mild-mannered and clumsy person. Only Lois Lane, his wife, knows that this attitude is just an act.
Having lost his home world of Krypton, Superman is very protective of Earth, and especially of his family and friends. This same loss, combined with the pressure of using his powers responsibly, has caused Superman to feel lonely on Earth, despite his many friends, his wife and his parents. Previous encounters with people he thought to be fellow Kryptonians, Power Girl and Mon-El, have led to disappointment. The arrival of Supergirl, who has been confirmed to be not only from Krypton but also his cousin, has relieved this loneliness somewhat.
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Relationship with allies
Superman has worked with and fought alongside every hero in existence. As expected, though, only a few of them are real close to the Man of Steel.
Supergirl: Superman and Supergirl had an extremely close relationship. Kara loved her cousin greatly, although she was sometimes irritated about his overprotectiveness and the fact that she was supposed to take care of him but she was younger because of suspended animation. For his part, Clark was torn and undecided about whether to hover around her or give Kara her own space. Anyway, Supergirl made Superman feel less alone, and she trusted him and reassured him when he felt down. New Krypton's downfall strengthened their bond. Once he and the Post-Flashpoint Superman got merged back, he bonded with the Post Flashpoint Kara.
Batman: The relationship between two of the greatest heroes in the world is long-storied and complex. Superman and Batman have had arguments and fallouts and been at odds with each other but they're ultimately friends, no matter what. Bruce is one of the very few persons Clark would trust to watch his back. When his split halves got merged back and History got changed, Superman only told three persons he trusted above all about it, and one of them was Batman.
Wonder Woman: Clark and Diana were attracted to each other when they met. In the beginning they thought about getting together, but after a very brief relationship they considered they were better as friends. Since then they have been very close friends and siblings-in-arms.
Lightning Lad: Out of all Legionnaires, Lightning Lad was Superman's best friend. Garth was the one talked Legion co-founders Imra and Rokk into bringing Superboy back to the future, and taught him that "sometimes rules had to be broken. Sometimes just for fun". Both teenagers often hang together and got into trouble to the horror of their teammates, who would say they were "a lightning rod for trouble". Years later an adult Garth would credit his childhood friend with teaching him about the difference between right and wrong and being more like a brother to him than his own. When Lightning Lad was -temporarily- killed in action, Superboy attended his funeral, and was willing to sacrifice himself to bring him back.
Power Girl: Power Girl arrived in Earth long before Supergirl, making Superman happy to find a long-lost relative. However, alterations done to the timeline made Kara believe she was daughter of an Atlantean sorceror. She kept her distance from the Kents for a while, although Superman kept being nice to her, until another Crisis proved she was truly his relative from another reality. Since then, Clark treated her like his another cousin.
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Lois Lane is Clark Kent's life love. Although details of how their relationship played out vary, usually Clark meets Lois in his first day in the Daily Planet and falls for her at first sight, but it takes a while for Lois warming up to Clark. Before meeting and dating Lois Clark Kent loved some other women like Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris and Diana of Themyscira.
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Superman is the most powerful being on planet Earth, an alien immigrant named Kal-El from the planet Krypton who was raised in Smallville, Kansas, to become an American superhero. Raised with high moral ideals, he uses his incredible strength, speed, flight and various other superpowers to fight evil and protect the innocent. In his civilian identity he is Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America and a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century.
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The Man of Steel
The planet Krypton was on the brink of destruction, married scientists Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van built a rocket they could use to save their unborn son Kal-El in his gestation chamber. Jor-El administered a serum that would prevent Kal dying due to the biological link with Krypton that the artifact called Eradicator had previously established in each of the inhabitants of that planet. Jor-El wanted his son to reclaim the fullness in life denied him by the sterility of Kryptonian culture, a world where its inhabitants rarely had direct contact, and preferred to interact with each other virtually. Jor-El planned to send his son to a distant planet orbiting a yellow sun he had been studying for some time: Earth. Meanwhile, the view on a monitor of a Earthling working in a rural area startled Lara, who noticed he exposing his skin to the sun and stepping on unprocessed soil. Jor-El explained that exposure to the yellow sunlight would charge Kal-El cells into living solar batteries and gift him with incredible powers. Just before Krypton finally came to an end his parents sent him to Earth as they planned.
Upon landing, the child was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent in Smallville, Kansas. The kindly couple decided they would adopt and raise him, naming him Clark Kent. Apparently a normal child at first, who even got to break an arm after falling from a walnut tree when he was only 5 years old, Clark's abilities increased steadily as he grew up, with super-strength and invulnerability manifesting at an early age and the power of flight developing during high school. His adopted parents revealed the rocket and his foreign heritage to their son when he was 18, leading Clark to the decision that he would become a hero in secret and use his powers to protect innocents.
During this time he pursued his education at Metropolis University while seeking out a living to put himself through school. He operated this way for seven years until he was forced to save a space-plane in front of crowds of people, then meeting reporter Lois Lane for the first time at age 25. Deciding that it was time for him to become a public figure, Clark and Jonathan designed a symbol for him to wear while Martha created a costume. In his secret identity, he would drastically change his physical appearance and mannerisms while wearing spectacles so that nobody would suspect he led a double civilian life.
During his first costumed adventures in Metropolis, he was dubbed Superman by Lois Lane. Later she would comment his debut broke a taboo of several years, since no one saw real superheroes since the dissolution of the Justice Society in 1951. Clark began his new career as a reporter for the Daily Planet working for chief-editor Perry White, alongside Lois and cub reporter Jimmy Olsen, with Superman's first exclusive interview. The media coverage would eventually attract the attention of corrupt business mogul Lex Luthor, who tests Superman and tries to get him on the villain's payroll by withholding support during a terrorist attack. Mayor Frank Berkowitz deputizes Superman so he can arrest Luthor, and Luthor swears his revenge. Repeated attempts to murder Superman eventually led to LexCorp developing an imperfect clone of the Kryptonian named Bizarro.
Jimmy began using a signal watch of his own design to call Superman whenever he was in peril. Returning to Smallville after many years and sorting out childhood best friend Lana Lang's feelings for him, Superman is exposed to the rocket once again. This time he receives a message from his birth parents Jor-El and Lara, learning of Krypton for the first time when Kryptonian technology implants centuries of knowledge in his brain. Superman considers his dual heritage, and decides that no matter where he's from, his life on Earth has made him a human and an American.
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This origin was changed in the Superman: Birthright story. Kal-El was born on Krypton as the last son of the House of El, and his parents Jor-El and Lara sent him to Earth as a baby. He grows up in Smallville, alongside his best friends Lana Lang and Lex Luthor. Lex and Clark have a falling out after Luthor Manor burns down with Lex's father inside during an experiment to contact extra-terrestrials.
Clark now has the ability to see the colorful aura of any living creature's soul before it dies, Clark is inspired by the death of a West African revolutionary named Kobe Asuru, who he met during his time as a freelance reporter. Returning to Smallville at the age of 25, he decides that it's time for him to start making a difference in the world, using the Kryptonian symbol of hope given to him by his parents as his heritage. Designing a costume after traditional Kryptonian clothing with no mask so the public might trust him, Clark adopts a shy bespectacled appearance to hide his true identity and decides to move to Metropolis.
Securing a job interview at the Daily Planet with Perry White, he meets Jimmy Olsen for the first time and immediately falls in love with Lois Lane. He is forced to make his first public appearance as Superman, saving both of them when the city is attacked by experimental military helicopters. Lex Luthor is revealed to be responsible in an act of corporate sabotage against Wayne Enterprises, meeting and coming into conflict with Superman for the first time.
Luthor invites Lois and Clark for an interview, refusing to acknowledge his upbringing in Smallville, and announces to the media that he believes Superman is an alien. Testing this theory, he discovers Superman's weakness by exposing him to Green Kryptonite. Luthor begins spreading paranoia by claiming to the public that Superman is an advance alien invader. This climaxes in a staged Kryptonian invasion of Metropolis, using real troops and holograms to discredit him, led by a fictional warlord named Van-Gar.
Lois inspires Superman to fight back through Kryptonite poisoning, and Jimmy rallies the populace to his side with pictures of his heroism during the war. Superman is ultimately able to end the attacks, exposing Luthor's scheme and proving himself as a hero to humanity.
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Secret Origin
The story was retold in Superman: Secret Origin. Growing up in Smallville, Clark shared his secrets with Lana Lang and a relationship has blossomed between them. He also became friends with Lex Luthor at a very young age. Martha Kent modeled a costume after traditional Kryptonian garb out of his baby blanket, and Clark began operating in his youth as Superboy. 
He is visited in this time by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th Century, an organization of super-powered teens inspired by his legacy. They take him into the future and show him a world where he isn't different from everyone else.
The rocket carrying him to Earth as a baby is also followed by another one, containing Krypto the Superdog.
Moving to Metropolis as an adult, he begins work as a reporter at the economically failing Daily Planet. His debut as Superman happens when he catches Lois Lane falling off of a LexCorp building in front of crowds of people.
Luthor accidentally creates the super-villain Parasite using Kryptonite by-products, and then challenges Superman as an alien threat to humanity. The Planet is the only newspaper to portray him in a positive light, with his first recorded photograph taken by Jimmy Olsen. This public distrust leads to intervention by General Sam Lane of the United States Army, and they create the super-villain Metallo to stop Superman. The army takes over Daily Planet headquarters, but Superman regains popular approval by proving that he's only interested in saving lives while the army is actively endangering them. The Daily Planet becomes the most popular newspaper in town because it's the only one with Superman exclusives.
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Justice League
Superman's first meeting with another superhero is with Batman in Gotham City. He tries to arrest Batman at first, but when he is unable, they team up despite their differences to end a trail of murders committed by Magpie. This first meeting would later be changed by Infinite Crisis into a conflict on a cruise ship involving the Crime Syndicate, Deathstroke and Mister Mxyzptlk.
The JLA was formed by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter after Appellaxians attacked Earth. Superman became one of the first members of the team, along with Batman and Wonder Woman, after the team was first formed.
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The Modern Adventures
Superman would have his first encounters with Darkseid, Arathaza, Bloodsport, the Circle, the Fearsome Five, Chemo, Rampage, Mister Mxyzptlk, and the Silver Banshee.
In those first early adventures, Superman would often find himself pitted against Lex Luthor, who had vowed to destroy the hated "alien" and reclaim his place as the First Son of Metropolis. Luthor also dismisses the suggestion that Clark Kent and Superman are one and the same, rationalizing that no one who had the power of Superman would ever pretend to be a mere human like Clark Kent. Superman also has his first encounter with the New God Darkseid, who teleported him to Apokolips. Superman remained on Apokolips for some time, eventually rallying the dregs of that society in a resistance against their despotic ruler, but the revolution was unsuccessful and Superman was returned to Earth.
Superman and Wonder Woman met during the Legends event, and Superman was surprised to find that he thought of her often. Eventually, the two came together, discussing their mutual attraction. After a crisis involving Darkseid and the Olympian gods was resolved, they decided they were not right for each other and would just remain friends. However, Superman did trust Diana enough to reveal to her his secret identity.
Superman was shocked to meet a being calling herself Supergirl, someone who first appeared similar to Lana Lang. Supergirl explained she was from the Time Trapper's Pocket Universe and pleaded with Superman to come back there with her. Superman agreed and met the Lex Luthor of that universe, a benevolent scientist responsible for creating the Matrix Supergirl. He explained that ten years have passed since Superman's visit, and that the Pocket Universe exists solely so that the Legion of Super-Heroes can come there from the future.
Superboy had already left for the 30th Century and Luthor accidentally released General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul, three Kryptonian criminals, from the Phantom Zone. The Kryptonians proceeded to destroy the atmosphere of the Pocket Earth, killing everyone on the planet, save for a handful that Lex protected in Smallville. Superman was unable to stop them from killing the rest and badly injuring Supergirl. Superman exposes the criminals to gold Kryptonite, taking away their powers, and then, taking on the role of judge, jury and executioner, decides they must be punished for their crimes -- he exposes them to green Kryptonite, killing them. He then takes Supergirl and leaves the dead world.
The guilt of taking life weighs heavily upon Superman. He has a minor psychotic break, which manifests in the form of him blacking out and fighting crime in the guise of Gangbuster. Guardian discovers this after a brief fight. Superman decides after what he's done that he has to leave Earth. After seeing to a few things and saying good-bye to his parents, Superman uses a breathing mask and a teleporter to begin a self-imposed exile into space. When Matrix fully recovers physically, she shapeshifts into Clark's image, briefly posing as him.
After several adventures in outer space, Superman is captured by Warworld and confronts Mongul for the first time. He meets the Cleric and encounters the Eradicator. Superman is pitted against Draaga in Warwold's arena, and when he refuses to kill Draaga, Mongul attacks Superman. Superman is saved from Mongul by the Cleric, who teleports him away. Superman accepts the Eradicator device from the Cleric, who dies shortly thereafter, and deposes Mongul as the ruler of Warworld. Draaga becomes the leader of Warworld, but is humiliated by his defeat at Superman's hands of steel. Having made peace with executing the three criminals in the Pocket Universe, Superman returns to Earth.
He finds Matrix living in his apartment, still locked into the form of Clark Kent, and Jimmy takes a photo of the two of them. Still confused, the Matrix actually attacks Superman in Smallville before realizing what she has done. Still locked in Superman's shape, she takes off into space in an exile of her own.
Superman soon learns the Eradicator, more sentient than he initially thought, has a mind link to him and is attempting to impose its own designs on Earth. He decides to bury it in the Antarctic, but a subsequent visit reveals that the artifact has built a vast underground fortress -- the Fortress of Solitude. Superman learns the whole history of Kem-L, his ancestor, and how he built the Eradicator and what of its true purpose. The Eradicator begins to melt some of the polar ice cap, but after a communication with holographic forms of Jor-El, Lara, and Kem-L, Superman manages to shut it down. Clark, recently fired from the Daily Planet, accepts the Managing Editor position at Newstime from Collin Thornton. The Eradicator begins to exert its influence over him again, forcing him to change into the so-called Krypton Man. He battles Draaga again on the Moon, almost killing him in the process. Only an intervention by the Kents at the Fortress itself is enough to snap Superman out of the Eradicator's programming. He takes the Eradicator artifact and his Krypton Man costume and hurls them into the sun.
Luthor's kryptonite ring is eventually stolen from him by a former employee, Amanda McCoy. With some help from Batman, Superman manages to recover the ring. He decides to entrust the ring to Batman for safe keeping, telling the Dark Knight to use it against him if he ever loses control and needs to be put down.
Mister Mxyzptlk decided to have some fun with Superman through Lex Luthor. He gave Lex a piece of red kryptonite, which removed Superman's powers. It would work so long as Luthor did not tell Superman about it. When Luthor told Clark Kent, he inadvertently broke the spell and restored Superman's powers. Clark proposed to Lois Lane at this time and she accepted.
Dying of cancer, Lex Luthor decides to fake his death in a plane crash. On the day of Luthor's flight, Jimmy Olsen decides to throw Lois and Clark an engagement party at the Daily Planet. Clark ducks out so that Superman can investigate the remains of the crashed jets. He finds a mangled body, complete with Luthor's prosthetic hand, and it's enough to convince himself, and the world, that Lex Luthor is dead.
Superman eventually discloses to Lois the secret of his double life. Immediately afterward, Superman is swept away in an adventure across time -- Time and Time Again -- that takes him from the ancient past to the distant future. When he finally returns to the present, only a few hours have passed. Shortly thereafter, there was a strike at the Daily Planet.
The Eradicator then re-emerges, this time in humanoid form. He sets out to remake the Earth into a new Krypton, but Superman battles against him yet again, seemingly destroying him for good. 
After a couple weeks of keeping Clark's secret, Lois found that she was a little peeved to think that Clark had been using his role as Superman to gain an advantage over her as a reporter for all those years. After Clark beat her to the punch on a story involving the Parasite, Lois was determined to one up him. The strike organizer at the Daily Planet was a man named Jeb Friedman, a southern "good ol' boy" who took a strong interest in Lois, despite her engagement to Clark. Lois was initially only interested in Jeb for any Intergang connections he might have. She then challenges Clark to scoop her on a story without using any of his powers.
Lois went home to her parents, her mother almost completely recovered, where her father was attacked by Angstrom. Lois managed to hold him at bay until Superman, tipped off to Angstrom's escape and his intent by Emil Hamilton, could turn up and subdue him. Lois offered to call off the bet, but Clark insisted on keeping it. Lois promised to tell Angstrom's story, but the true facts were lost when he was cured at STAR and they sold the story to Newstime. Despite his obvious intentions, Lois and Jeb actually became friends, although it made Clark more than a little jealous.
A young man named Lex Luthor II, the alleged son of the late Lex Luthor, turns up in Metropolis and lays claim to his father's empire. Superman helps investigate the man's claims and he appears to be the genuine article -- no one suspects that it is really the elder Luthor in a cloned new body!
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From The Pit Below to Beyond the Stars
Superman's enemies would include both the supernatural and those of scientific origin.
When Perry White's son, Jerry White, is shot, Superman is forced to actually go to Hell to try and rescue both Jerry and Jimmy from the demonic Blaze. Superman is able to rescue Jimmy -- but not Jerry, though Jerry's soul does escape Hell through his sacrifice. Superman later joins forces with Blaze's brother, Lord Satanus, but she ultimately proves the victor in the war against her brother. In the aftermath, Superman meets the being Kismet, who tries to help Superman find some peace by going over the choices he's made and by offering him a glimpse at several possible futures.
Arguably Superman's greatest foe, apart from Lex Luthor, is Brainiac. Brainiac was originally a Coluan scientist named Vril Dox whose body was destroyed and who sought refuge in the body of a human illusionist, Milton Fine "The Amazing Brainiac." He attacked Superman, but Fine was able to temporarily overcome Brainiac's control. Brainiac was subsequently captured by Luthor and experimented upon, resulting in his appearance changing to more closely match his original body, before he escapes and battles Superman again. Superman is unable to defeat him this time, and Brainiac escapes into space aboard a custom made "brain ship.
Brainiac would eventually return to Earth at the helm of Warworld. Having recruited Maxima to his cause, Brainiac captured Metron and brainwashed Supergirl and Draaga into serving him as he prepared his invasion of Earth. Brainiac has his headship come to earth as part of a punitive first engagement -- an arrogant boast of his impending invasion. Realizing that this is not an invasion that should be dealt with after it arrives, Superman rallies most of the world's heroes in Metropolis to plan a preemptive counter-strike. With Dubbilex's help, the heroes are able to reprogram Brainiac's headship and meet Warworld on its way to Earth. Superman leads the invasion of Warworld while Batman stays in charge of an Earthbound group of heroes to deal with any other attacks.
Superman manages to get Draaga and Supergirl to shake off their programming and join him in the fight. After some desperate fighting, Brainiac is defeated -- Maxima changed sides in the fighting and lobotomizes Brainiac, but Superman prevents her from killing him. The New Gods used a Boom Tube to transport the heroes from Warworld back to Earth, right into the middle of downtown Metropolis. Lex Luthor II was already organizing a victory parade. Superman then decided to join the newly reformed Justice League on a full time basis.
Not only did Superman fight demons, but also vampires -- the vampire Ruthven to be specific.
A group called the Sons of Liberty was busted up by Superman. In exchange for his protection, a Major Holcroft agreed to testify before a Senate hearing. Superman was on scene at the Capitol, making sure no one was trying to slip a weapon inside the chamber. He neglected to scan Senator Pete Ross, however, assuming that could trust the senator. Pete was being blackmailed, however, by the Sons of Liberty and did sneak a handgun inside planning to kill Holcroft. Pete couldn't go through with it, but unfortunately the Sons had backup. Another of their operatives grabbed Ross' gun and shot Holcroft. Superman had to let the assassin go and rush the Major to the hospital. Before he passed out, Holcroft told Superman that the Sons were responsible for the death of Senator Caldwell. Superman went to visit Pete in his jail cell, but Pete was too afraid to talk to him with Lana's life at stake. Pete was brought before Judge Kramer, who was secretly a member of the Sons of Liberty. Agent Liberty was supposed to assassinate Pete in the courtroom, but refused to do it, turning against the organization. While Superman took apart most of the rest of the unit, Liberty got leverage on the judge and sent it into Clark Kent. Lana was freed and Pete confessed to everything, which meant that the murder charges were dropped.
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Death and Return
Not long after the event commonly referred to as Panic in the Sky, a monstrous alien beast called Doomsday emerged in eastern Ohio and began to march toward Metropolis. The beast single-handedly defeated the Justice League when the team rallied to stop it. Superman battled the creature across several states, eventually drawing the line in Metropolis itself. After a desperate battle, Superman managed to put down the monster -- but collapsed as he did so, dying in Lois' arms.
All attempts to revive Superman failed, and he was pronounced dead -- while Clark was discovered to be MIA as well. Superman was buried with full honors, with hundreds of heads of state and several hundred thousand onlookers present, beneath a large statue in Centennial Park. The Justice League and other heroes marched behind the casket, following their leader one last time. Lois, Lana, and the Kents were all devastated. The family decided to keep the secret that Superman and Clark Kent were one and the same, while Cadmus stole the body from the tomb. Supergirl retrieved the body from Cadmus, prompting Lex Luthor to gloat that while he may not have killed Superman, by providing the tomb, he at least "buried him."
Jonathan Kent, suffering from a heart attack, is rushed to the hospital in Smallville, where he is remains in critical condition. Jonathan recovers after having a near-death experience in which his soul, guided by Kismet, met with Superman's spirit and convinced him to fight his way back to the land of the living. Even as Jonathan awakes and tells Lois and Martha that Superman has returned, sightings of four different beings, all claiming to be Superman, emerge in Metropolis: "The Man of Tomorrow," "The Last Son of Krypton," "The Man of Steel," and "The Metropolis Kid." A trip to the tomb itself reveals it to be empty.
While the first two actually claimed to be Superman, the latter two did not make the same claim. The young Superboy claimed to be a clone of the original Superman and the Man of Steel was alleged to have Superman's soul.
Cults began to spring up in Metropolis, worshiping any one of the new four as messiahs. President Clinton is saved by the Cyborg, and officially endorses him as the real Superman. Lois feels that of all of them, Steel is the closest to the ideal of Superman.
It is eventually revealed that none of the four are the real deal. The Eradicator, rendered incorporeal after his last battle with Superman, went to the tomb to try to use Superman's body as a new vessel. Sensing Superman's soul was still lingering, he fashioned a new body from concrete in Superman's image and placed Kal-El's body in a regeneration matrix that was bombarded with sunlight. The Eradicator's body could not absorb sunlight the way Kal-El's could, so he used Kal-El's body to power his own until Superman was successfully revived. His memory had been hazy, however, and he briefly believed that he was actually Superman. He also struggled with the new, human emotions he felt in his new body.
When Superman was finally revived in the Fortress, he was weak and powerless, so he used a Kryptonian battle suit to get to Metropolis. When the war suit arrived in Metropolis it was met by Lex Luthor II, Lois, and others, who were shocked when a black-suited Superman emerged and told them all that he is the real McCoy. Upon learning that Coast City has just been destroyed by the Cyborg Superman, he joins with Superboy, Supergirl, and Steel and heads for the site, which is now the location of Engine City. Before they leave, he has a brief talk with Lois, who becomes mostly convinced that this man is the man she fell in love with.
The assault on Engine City is hard, but Superman is soon joined first by Green Lantern, who manages to defeat Mongul after Superman and Supergirl could not, and then the Eradicator, who explains that it was he who was responsible for Superman's revival -- and that it cannot happen a second time. Superman also learns that the Cyborg is really Hank Henshaw, who was so desperate for revenge against Superman that he decided he would assume his identity and have the universe blame Superman when Earth was destroyed. During the fight, Superman's powers are restored through a self-sacrifice by the Eradicator and the Cyborg is stopped.
Superman returns to Metropolis -- and to Lois, who no longer has any doubts he is the real thing. Superman gets right back into action, quickly convincing Lex Luthor and Maggie Sawyer that he is the genuine article as well. Unfortunately, he still has to "reacquire" the rights to the name and symbol "Superman," but after helping the young Superboy come to terms with his origins and accept the "Superboy" name, the kid graciously returns the rights to the Man of Steel.
Superman, with the help of the shapeshifting Supergirl, manages to come up with a plausible way of "resurrecting" Clark Kent, who had not been seen since Superman's death. Supergirl takes Clark's form and Superman "finds" Clark in the rubble of a destroyed building. Jimmy gets another picture of Superman and Clark side-by-side. Doctor Occult visits Superman and Lois, explaining to them how his revival occurred before taking them to Kansas to see his overjoyed parents.
Superman also learns that the Fortress of Solitude has been destroyed; he buries what is left of it in the ice and does his best to stop the cults that have sprung up worshiping him. He also discovers that the Eradicator has been healed, seemingly after his body was merged with the mind of a scientist named David Conner.
Clark is welcomed back to a chorus of cheers at the Daily Planet and Superman is thrown a party by Lex Luthor II aboard a blimp, but the scene gets ugly when Underworlders attack the blimp, trying to kill Paul Westfield. Fortunately, the Man of Steel saves the day. Superman leaps back into the good fight with renewed vigor -- he barely stops to rest in the first few weeks after his return. He fought a new team, Nuclear Waste, and said good-bye to John Henry Irons, who had decided to give up being a superhero and was relocating to Washington D.C.
He also takes time to be with Lois -- which has some tragic results when the two decide to go to Paris and are therefore not present in Metropolis when the Toyman kidnapped Adam Grant and subsequently murdered him. Superman is able to track down the Toyman and bring him in with minor trouble. Superman also had to deal with a new villain called Bloodthirst, who had a new Bloodsport, and a revamped Hi-Tech engage in a killing spree, known as "Spilled Blood," in Hob's Heights, all to create more chaos in the city. Bloodsport and Hi-Tech both attempted to murder Jimmy Olsen, but Superman was able to save his pal and finally stop the killing. Bloodthirst, before fleeing, hinted that Luthor's presence in the city would truly lead to chaos.
Shortly after the Toyman is brought to justice, Superman gets into a fight with Lobo which lands him stranded in outer space for a couple weeks. While in space, he meets Auron and encounters Massacre for the first time. Massacre kills Auron and withdraws, promising to come after Superman sooner or later. Superman finally gets some help that sends him back to Earth.
Superman got a rematch with Doomsday after the monster turned up alive and well on Apokolips. Superman had been troubled by nightmares about the creature, worried about what had happened to it, and Waverider tipped him off to go to Apokolips where the monster was alive and well. Not even Darkseid could stop the monster's rampage. After working with Darkseid to defeat the Cyborg, Superman pursued Doomsday to the planet Calaton and fought the beast to a standstill. Luckily, with some help from Waverider, Superman was able to teleport Doomsday into the distant future -- just before the universe came to an end. This allowed him to find a little piece of mind, although he regretted the creature's apparent death.
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Clone Wars
Lex Luthor, whose cloned body is slowly decaying, attempts to clone Superman again using Dr. Teng's procedure, resulting in a second Bizarro Superman. Thinking that he is the real Superman, this Bizarro escapes from Luthor and kidnaps Lois Lane. Lois manages to escape from "Bizarro World," a warehouse where Bizarro had attempted to recreate Metropolis in his own warped way. His memories fragmented, Bizarro flies to Smallville and tries kidnapping Lana Lang, not understanding why she resists him. Superman arrives and drives Bizarro back to Metropolis.
After a battle in the city between Superman and his twisted clone, Luthor reclaims Bizarro. Superman and Lois fly to LexCorp Towers to free him, but Bizarro dies soon after they arrive -- but not before Lois Lane learns that Luthor is also dying of a strange malady.
At the same time, Superman notices a distinct increase in his powers. Superman is diagnosed by Dr. Hamilton as having his absorption rate being out of control -- he is absorbing far too much energy, and his size and powers begin to grow exponentially. Cadmus Labs attempts to help him, but their efforts prove fruitless. After several failed attempts at controlling the situation, Superman is only cured after allowing the Parasite to purge him of the excess energy. Unfortunately, he is unable to defeat the Parasite, who knocks the Man of Steel out before leaving to lay low.
Superman, once more in control of his powers, receives a clean bill of health from Dr. Hamilton. He flies off to LexCorp, where he has to stop an enraged and nearly out of control Supergirl from killing Luthor. Lex's depravity had finally been exposed to Supergirl after she discovered a plot to clone her. Supergirl leaves Luthor forever, but needs some time to herself to process what has happened.
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Battle for Metropolis
Luthor, blaming Project Cadmus for his deteriorating condition, orchestrates an all-out war between the Project and the Underworlders. Luthor arms and equips the renegade clones. The Underworlders' fight spills out onto the streets of Metropolis and even Superman has trouble containing it. Luthor goes even further, detonating bombs all over the city, prompting an evacuation of most of the city. Luthor and the Underworlders suspect the flood caused by Cadmus is the source of their malady. Cadmus and Dr. Packard realize too late, however, that fallout from Engine City is to blame. Using Guardian's DNA, Cadmus is able to create a cure, saving the lives of Superboy and the Newsboy Legion. Luthor orders his Team Luthor to try to steal the cure from the Project, resulting in the near destruction of the Project.
Luthor's schemes are revealed to the world on live TV, thanks to the efforts of Lois Lane and Dr. Gertrude Kelly, who had finally betrayed Luthor. Kelly also reveals to Superman Luthor's location. Luthor threatens to launch missiles into the heart of Metropolis, but Superman talks him down. Happersen, however, launches them anyway, devastating most of the city, including destroying all of the major skyscrapers save for the Newstime Building. Superman, working with Superboy and Supergirl manage to limit some of the damage. Luthor is finally taken into custody.
Metropolis would lay in ruins for several weeks, having to contend with several "safeguards" left in place by Lex Luthor as well as Luthor himself wielding Superman's own war suit. Luthor is taken into custody and his deterioration is halted, but cannot be reversed, leaving him a vegetable unable to even blink his eyes. In addition to Luthor's devices, Superman had to contend with appearances by Bloodsport II and Massacre, until after Zero Hour, which itself caused a number of problems in Metropolis.
It was revealed later that after Zero Hour, Superman led a cadre of heroes back to Metropolis, and thanks to the magic of Zatanna, the subconscious of Superman, the power of the other heroes, and the soul of Perry White, Metropolis was restored to its former glory.
When the Spectre destroys the entire nation of Vlatava, President Bill Clinton calls on Superman to confront the Spectre in Japan, wielding the Spear of Destiny, one of the few weapons that can harm the embodiment of God's Wrath. Unfortunately, the Spear is cursed with the taint of Adolf Hitler, and all who bear it are corrupted. Superman has a vision where he uses it conquer the world, but ultimately has the strength of will to reject the Spear. The Spectre hurls the artifact into orbit and parts with Superman.
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Dead Again, Death of Clark Kent, Trial in Space
Clark Kent is awarded a "Baldy" for his journalistic efforts, but is attacked at the awards. Superman quickly realizes someone is trying to kill him. The would-be assassin is a new villain, Conduit, and Superman is crushed to learn that Conduit is an old friend of his from Smallville, Kenny Braverman. Their fight ends up breaching Superman's tomb, and afterwards it is discovered that there is a dead body in the tomb that looks just like Superman. This causes the world to wonder if the Superman flying around is a fraud. Conduit quickly escapes custody and attacks Superman, as now he feels a greater hatred of the Man of Steel than for Clark Kent. Superman is able to bring him down again. Superman begins to track down all his enemies with the wherewithal and means to pull off such a hoax -- traveling across not only the country, but to New Genesis and Apokolips -- as Luthor, the Eradicator, Darkseid, and Mister Mxyzptlk are all eliminated as suspects.
As time passed, Superman's grip on reality began to break down, causing his behavior to become more erratic. All of this was because the real culprit was Brainiac, who had recovered from his vegetative state on New Genesis and was returning to Earth. When Superman finally learns what is going on, he confronts Brainiac in the streets of Metropolis, battling the villain until Brainiac is convinced he is about to lose, at which point the personality of Milton Fine reasserts itself and the villain is led away.
On Christmas Eve, while trying to find a "Date with Debbie" doll, Superman had to assist the S.C.U. and several others to stop the "Night of the Hundred Thieves," which included such second stringers as Royal Flush Gang, Captain Boomerang, Loophole, Punch and Jewelee, etc. The thieves were all caught and Superman got the doll. Thorn came out soon after, thinking that the 100 were responsible for the Night of the Hundred Thieves, but that turns out to be a dead end.
Superman helps free Babe from the villainous vampire Ruthven with the help of Lock, and also enlists the aid of Mister Miracle when the villain Deathtrap comes after him. Deathtrap's attack comes after Superman meets a new character on the scene, a mercenary named Shadowdragon. Clark, Lois, and Jimmy went to Washington D.C. for a reporter's convention. While there, they were all three attacked by thugs hired by Arclight, who had a grudge against all reporters. Even working with Agent Liberty, Superman could not prevent Arclight from escaping. Arclight would turn up in Metropolis a few weeks later, however, and working with Jimmy, Superman was able to apprehend him. However, after Perry used Ron Troupe's story instead of Jimmy's, Olsen quit the Daily Planet.
After a few weeks of light duty, Superman's life is turned upside down when Conduit learns the secret of his double life. Conduit blows up the Kent's farmhouse, kidnaps Jimmy Olsen, attacks Lana Lang, and confronts Superman himself. Even though he confronts Conduit in his own lair, Superman has to retreat to save his folks. He then goes on the run with his parents, trying to stay one step ahead of Conduit and his forces. After Conduit apparently kills Lois and the Kents, Clark in his rage decides that he will no longer be Superman, violently ripping his suit off and incinerating it with his heat vision. Luckily, both his parents and Lois are alive and Superman prepares for the final showdown.
The final fight with Conduit occurs in a mock Smallville that Conduit had built in a remote area of the Dakotas. He manages to capture Superman and drops him there. The entire town is populated by animatronics that resemble Smallville citizens from their high school days -- including an entire stadium full of robots that look like Braverman's father, cheering him on. Conduit challenges Superman to a one-on-one battle, but his rage during the fight results in him "self destructing." Superman destroys Conduit's base, defeating an entire army of Pipeline soldiers in the process. Thankfully, Conduit's arrogance kept him from revealing Superman's secret to anyone else. Superman and the Kents continue on the road for a while, with Clark questioning whether he should resume his identity as Clark Kent since he has to be Superman, yet is afraid for the lives of his loved ones. A reunion with Lois helps him put things in perspective, and he realizes how much he would be giving up by not being Clark Kent. Superman and Lois then return to Metropolis. Superman is subsequently able to rescue Jimmy Olsen, who has been left within a trap prepared by Conduit.
Superman reluctantly agrees to referee a boxing match between Bloodsport I and Bloodsport II at Stryker's Island, but as expected, a riot breaks out and Superman has to stop it. The first Bloodsport is shot and killed by guards while Superman is dealing with the latter, who is later murdered in his cell. Shortly thereafter, Superman meets the Alpha Centurion for the "first" time, and the Centurion's presence makes Superman a little protective of Lois, as in an alternate timeline, Lois and Marcus were lovers.
Superman gets on the trail of Luthor, trying to track him down, but only leads to dead ends. Superman also meets the new CEO of LexCorp, the Contessa Erica Alexandra del Portenza. The Contessa hires the Alpha Centurion to be the new head of Team Luthor, which she renames the Centurions.
Superman is approached by Kalibre, an assassin from Apokolips, who pleads with Superman to save his daughter, who has been slated for execution by Darkseid. Superman agrees, and manages to convince Darkseid to spare her life on the condition that Superman will not remain on Apokolips. Darkseid then sends Superman home, and secretly releases the Cyborg Superman, his prisoner since Superman's battle with Doomsday on Apokolips.
Back on Earth, Superman shortly thereafter has to contend with Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught, who are looking for revenge against him and Green Lantern and perhaps something more -- a bounty on Superman.
After a battle with the Parasite leaves him near death, Superman is easily arrested by Brute at the behest of an intergalactic group known as the Tribunal. Superman manages to escape the ship and fall into the sun, which powers him up, but even then, Brute is able to recapture him. Superman is put through a show trial for the destruction of Krypton. Their argument is that the Kryptonians need not have died if not for the actions of Superman's ancestor, and since they believe that the sins of the father shall be paid by their sons, Superman is guilty for the planet's destruction.
The Alpha Centurion rallies together a Superman Rescue Squad while Superman manages a jail break with some fellow prisoners, including Mope. After several adventures in space -- including a stopover at Haven and encounters with Freelance and Tolos -- Superman and the Rescue Squad all end up on the Tribunal's home world, each captured by the Cyborg Superman. When the Cyborg betrays the Tribunal, Superman and his allies have to battle each group. Superman saves the Tribunal from the Cyborg's betrayal and the Tribunal decides to "commute his sentence," by sentencing him to never give up his "never-ending battle." Superman and the team return triumphant to Earth. Lois is happy to see Superman back safe and sound, but admits that lately she is missing Clark very much.
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Heartache and Dark Times
Even though Lex Luthor was on the run, Superman's life is still troubled. After the return of Lori Lemaris, a near death because of the Joker, and Superman's extensive periods of being removed from her, Lois breaks off their engagement. Jeb Friedman, not wasting a single moment to try to hit on Lois, works with her to investigate mob involvement in the fish market and is shot and killed after killing someone to save Lois. This only widens the rift between them, as Lois had been unsure of how to feel after Clark refused to kill the Joker, even if it meant she would die.
Clark is unable to reconcile with Lois, even after Mr. Mxyzptlk tries to patch them up. Mxyzptlk's actions do let Lois re-evaluate her recent feelings and after a talk at Mount Fuji -- interrupted when Superman has to save a NASA shuttle landing on Mars -- she decides that she simply cannot be with Superman.
Superman reluctantly accepts that their relationship is over, although in frustration and despair he heads home to Smallville to talk to his parents. While there, he has to help save Smallville from a string of deadly tornadoes, although he gets some help from Flash.
Superman is later kept decoyed while Lex Luthor marries the Contessa. Superman also had to contend with the return of Brainiac, who switched his mind into Superman's and Superman's into the body of a young mental patient, Chas Cassidy, before briefly capturing all of Metropolis. He used the citizens of the city as a vast data storage unit until Superman -- in Chas's body -- was able to breach his fortress. With the help of the young boy himself, Superman is able to put everybody back in their right bodies and save the city.
Lois, now frustrated, angry and still not ready to come back to Superman, feels that he is "cramping her style" -- that she has grown too dependent on him and that she can no longer be the effective reporter she used to be. This situation is made too clear when he saves her again, this time from the Parasite. Lois decided to take a foreign correspondent position overseas and leaves Metropolis, although she and Clark part on good terms. Not long after Lois leaves, Perry reveals to Clark that he is taking a leave of absence because he has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Perry asks Clark to fill the position of acting editor while he is gone, and Clark reluctantly agrees. On the same night, Superman encounters Obsession, who goes on a rampage after Superman does not return her affection, causing him to wonder if he had been smothering Lois in the same way at the end.
Tolos, the alien wizard Superman encountered while on the run from the Tribunal, arrives on Earth attempting to collect Superman in his bottle city of Kandor. Superman manages to defeat the wizard with the help of some of the denizens of the bottle city, but he is unable to free them from their prison. When the field around Kandor begins to destabilize, Superman and Emil Hamilton take the bottled city to the Fortress of Solitude hoping to find something in the rubble to save the city. Instead of debris, however, they discover that the Fortress has been completely rebuilt, thanks to a sole surviving Fortress robot. The robots initially do not recognize Superman, however, forcing a brief confrontation before the Fortress can be utilized to save Kandor.
Just afterwards, the Final Night occurs. Without the sun, Superman's powers fade away. Superman does his best to keep hope alive, and is willing to sacrifice his own life if necessary. Lex Luthor re-emerged at this time and helped the world's heroes come up with a solution to the Sun-Eater menace. Eventually, with the help of Parallax, the sun was reignited and the Earth was saved. But Superman was still powerless.
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The Wedding and Beyond
Lois returns to Metropolis immediately after the Final Night and reconciles with Clark. The two decide to get married quickly. Lucy Lane throws Lois a bridal shower and a bachelorette party, while Clark has a bachelor party thrown at the Ace O' Clubs. The marriage is arranged in short order, with Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane as best man and maid of honor. Clark is still powerless, but Batman arranges for a cadre of heroes to look over Metropolis for him. Batman also happened to own an apartment building where Lois found an ideal place, and so as a wedding gift he allowed for Clark and Lois to move into the home.
Lois and Clark then went on a Honeymoon in Hawaii, where Clark was shot and kidnapped by terrorists and Lois had to come to his rescue -- which she did commando style.
After getting home from the honeymoon, Superman is determined to get his powers back. After several failed efforts involving the Legion of Super-Heroes, Cadmus, and a visit to the Fortress, it is an encounter with the New Gods that restores Superman to his old self. In the meantime, Lex Luthor, restored to celebrity status for his aid during the Final Night, voluntarily turns himself in to the authorities. Five of Superman's old foes -- Maxima, Barrage, Anomaly, Misa, and Riot -- form a Superman Revenge Squad and come after him. They do not present much of a challenge to Big Blue. After a long absence, Intergang finally makes a return, filled mostly with the clones of long dead members.
After a menace from Know Man and an invasion by the White Martians, Superman is one of the seven new charter members of the new JLA.
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Superman Red and Blue
Something odd strikes Superman as his powers begin to fluctuate. A trip to Kandor only seemed to make things worse. Superman found himself as pure energy, needing a containment suit from Dr. Emil Hamilton. Superman's new form was a blue and white energy being who could still fly but who possessed far different abilities than those traditionally associated with the Man of Steel. Furthermore, when he changed back into Clark Kent, he was rendered powerless.
Superman worked with his new powers and continued to be a hero. He found that he was considerably faster, intangible, and able to interact with computers in this energy form. However, he found that he was weaker to energy disruption, and needed to use his powers creatively to replace the super-strength he formerly had.
Superman is able to make the most of his powers and stop a rampaging Metallo with a little help from Scorn, who recently arrived in Metropolis from Kandor. At this time, Perry White returns to the Daily Planet, his cancer now in remission. He resumes his old job, and Clark is relegated to being a reporter. Superman and the Atom have to return to Kandor and save it from Tolos again. While they are gone, Ceritak dons Superman's classic costume and tries his luck as a superhero. He also befriends Ashbury Armstrong, the daughter of Daily Planet reporter Dirk Armstrong, who has been growing increasingly skeptical about Superman since his new form. Scorn teams up with Superman when he returns to battle Saviour, who almost gets the best of Superman because of Jimmy Olsen's newscasts.
With Lex Luthor's trial approaching, Superman is appealed to turn in the Kryptonite ring Luthor once possessed. Batman reluctantly turns over the ring to Superman and Superman allows the ring to be tested by Luthor's defense attorneys. Luthor switches the real ring for a fake and returns the fake to Superman.
Morgan Edge creates a new Superman Revenge Squad, one consisting of Rock, Barrage, Parasite, and Baud and sets them on Superman. Jimmy Olsen, meanwhile, thinks he's figured out Superman's secret identity and plans to announce it on television. Jimmy ends up chickening out, however, and falsely announces that Superman does not have a secret identity at all, which causes him to be fired from GBS. Lex Luthor's trial begins: Luthor's defense is that he was really Lex Luthor I, totally innocent and in hiding for over a year, and that Lex Luthor II had been an evil clone created by his assistant. When a mad clone appears, the judge has no choice but to dismiss the case.
The Genesis Crisis then strikes, rendering superheroes across the globe powerless. Superman joins the world's heroes and the New Gods in a desperate battle against Darkseid and Ares that takes them to the Source Wall and beyond. While Superman was at the Source Wall, he encountered the Cyborg Superman, who unbeknownst to Superman, piggybacked in Superman's containment suit back to Earth. Back on Earth, Superman accidentally releases the Millennium Guards, three ancient, powerful beings who identify Superman as dangerous blight on Earth and attempt to eradicate him. While Superman battles the likes of the Ripper, Lex Luthor resumes his place at the top of the world -- he organizes the assassination of Mayor Berkowitz even as his daughter, Lena Luthor, is born to the Contessa. Luthor then has the Contessa drugged and kidnapped, not wanting to share his daughter even with her mother.
The Cyborg Superman and the Toyman join forces in an attempt to destroy Superman's energy form, but instead Superman is split into the aggressive Superman Red and the calmer Superman Blue. The Millennium Guard reawaken, and discovering that Superman is not only still alive but now there are two of them, band together and summon the Millennium Giants, causing the crossover Behold! The Millennium Giants!. Superman Blue and Superman Red are not capable of handling the colossal giants on their own. The Giants begin to march over the world, causing havoc and destruction, obliterating the city of Thiena Na Oge and most of the nation of Markovia in their path. The JLA rallies to take up the fight, and the two Supermen are finally able to destroy the giants -- but the cost may be the Earth itself! The two Supermen engage in one last, desperate gamble to save the Earth from total destruction -- even if it means losing their lives in the process.
Not only is the Earth saved, but Superman is restored to his old form and powers much to the happiness of everyone. He gets right back into the thick of things, first by saving a passenger jet from crashing, then by working with the SCU to rescue a kidnapped Lena Luthor, which features a brief appearance by a new Bizarro. Superman saves the baby and returns her to Lex.
Superman had another rematch with Doomsday about this time. After a battle with Superman had ruined his body, Brainiac managed to retrieve Doomsday and download his mind into the brute's body. With his new power, he easily took down the Justice League -- this time consisting of Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Flash, Plastic Man, Orion, and Huntress -- all while Superman was distracted in Smallville. Superman had gone there because Lana Lang had given birth prematurely and needed Superman to fly the baby to the East Coast. En route, Superman was attacked by Brainiac/Doomsday and the baby was kidnapped. Brainiac, who was being rejected from Doomsday's body, hoped to use the baby to grow a clone of Doomsday. Fortunately, Superman was able to stop this plan, save the baby, and eject Brainiac from Doomsday. While Brainiac was forced into a new robotic body, Brainiac 2.5, Doomsday was taken to the moon and trapped in four transport tubes on the moon, never more than 25 percent integrated in any one tube.
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Alternate Realities and King of the World
A new, powerful villain named Dominus next emerges on the scene. Dominus has powerful reality altering abilities and forces Superman to live through alternate realities as part of a plan to track down and capture Kismet. Three of the four time periods were homages to previous Superman eras: Superman: The Man of Steel #80-83 focused on the WWII era, with a lower powered Superman battling the Nazis; Adventures of Superman #558-560 was set in the Silver Age, with all its camp nature; Action Comics#745-747 was set in the late 1970's; while Superman #136-137 was set in the distant future. Superman learns that he and Kismet have more of a history than he thought, and after a long series of struggles through time itself, Kismet is kept safe from Dominus and Superman returns to the proper reality. This adventure coincided with Superman's 60th anniversary.
Hard times had fallen on the Daily Planet, and the owners reluctantly sell the great newspaper to Lex Luthor -- who promptly closes the doors of the great old paper, firing nearly everyone. The employees gather together to toast the Planet as the building is closed down. After the globe on top of the Planet is taken down, Superman has to go back into Kandor with Scorn. He meets Ceritak's father and sister, but his powers begin to fade without access to a yellow sun. He is even framed for the murder of Cerimul, Ceritak's father. He soon learns that the Cyborg Superman is there and is attempting to usurp control of the city. Superman manages to defeat him again, banishing him into the dimensional portal around the city. Luthor opens a new media business, called LexCom, in Hypersector. Lois is given a job there, but Clark is not. Out of work, Clark decides to resume his book-writing career. He flies around to get some ideas, only to discover to his horror that his nightmare about a nuclear disaster has come true in Markovia.
Convinced he is having prophetic dreams, Superman's behavior begins to get increasingly erratic. He stays on patrol nearly constantly. Lois, the Kents, Superboy, Supergirl, Steel... all try talking to him, but no one can get through.
As he steps things up, he decides to bring Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude and share with him some of Krypton's history. Afterwards, he offers the Kid the Kryptonian name of a distant relative of his, "Kon-El," saying he feels like they are family. Superboy gratefully accepts.
His increased duties allow him to help Aquaman defeat Shrapnel, check in on the new Titans that was starting up, and help Flash and Robin stop a series of bombs in Central City. He also learns that Supergirl has bonded with Linda Danvers after visiting her in Leesburg.
Superman decides to take up a patrol of the Earth 24/7, essentially abandoning his life as Clark Kent and taking up residence in the Fortress of Solitude, building monitors that allow him to watch over the whole globe. Deciding this is not enough, he then proceeds to build an army of Superman Robots to help him keep peace and order. Believing that Lex Luthor is creating synthetic Kryptonite, Superman slices the LexCorp Tower in half, casting the top half into outer space. The SCU tries to arrest him, but he will not allow them to do so, prompting the JLA to agree that he has crossed the line and must be stopped. The JLA are unable to defeat his army or breach through the defenses of his new and improved Fortress of Solitude. During the battle, the truth of his recent behavior is made clear -- he has been manipulated by Dominus all along! While the U.N. declares war on Superman, Lois Lane manages to enter the Fortress and free Superman from the spell Dominus has on him. Dominus quickly regains control, and while a horde of Superman Robots attack the U.N. Building, Luthor causes the orbiting half of his old tower to come crashing down on the Fortress, shattering its defenses and reducing it to ruins. Dominus soon emerges, disguised as Superman, and convinces the world that he is the real thing and that they must band together with him to locate Dominus, all as part of a ruse to track down Kismet. The real Superman manages to win the day, banishing the supervillain to the Phantom Zone once and for all.
Superman is back to normal -- all but one of the Superman Robots has been destroyed, but the world is still uneasy. Many people no longer trust him, some questioning if he is indeed the real Superman while others fearing that he may lose control again. Superman realizes that he will have to win back people's trust one day at a time. An alien named Cognito captures Superman, taking him into space and running simulations of what might have happened had Kal-El's rocket ship landed on Oa, Rann, or Thanagar and he had become the respective champions of those worlds instead of Earth. The JLA rescues Superman, and they learn that Cognito needed help on his homeworld, but did not think Superman would agree to do it. Naturally, Superman decides to help them anyway before returning to Earth.
A woman named Strange Visitor next turns up in Metropolis, an energy being similar to Superman Blue. Superman is dumbfounded as to who this being is, not suspecting her true origins are intimately connected with his own.
Shortly before Day of Judgment, where Superman had to help save the Earth from a possessed Spectre, Brainiac 2.5 returns to Earth, planning on destroying the planet, but Superman saves the day and firmly regains the trust of the world in doing so.
When the rogue angel Asmodel seizes the Spectre Force and freezes Hell over, unleashing a horde of demons onto the Earth, Superman flies to New York City to help in the stand against the demons. He leads a team of heroes into Hell to reignite the fires. While in Hell, Superman's soul was seized by the demon Neron, who inhabited his body in his own attempt to merge with the Spectre Force. Superman's soul was tormented, along with the soul of Lois, who was being held by the Silver Banshee. Their indestructible bond helped them survive and overcome Hell itself. Escaping Hell, Superman's soul forced Neron out of his body, and the soul of Hal Jordan became the new Spectre.
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A New Direction for the New Millennium
Lex Luthor sold the planet to Bruce Wayne for $1, but did not publicly disclose the reason for doing so. The real reason was that Lois Lane made a deal with him, promising to bury one story -- no matter what it was -- in exchange for him allowing the Planet to return. Lois kept this secret even from Clark. Everyone is hired back: Jimmy came back on as a photographer, Lois had her city beat back, and Clark was assigned as a foreign correspondent. That same day, Mongul arrives on Earth, seeking help from Superman to deal with a threat facing the entire galaxy -- the threat of Imperiex. Superman begins special training with Mongul while Jimmy discovers a photograph of Superman wearing a wedding band. Superman confides in Jimmy that he is actually married before going off into space with Mongul to battle Imperiex near Jupiter. The two succeed in destroying the construct Imperiex was building to destroy the Sol system. Predictably, Mongul then turns on Superman, but Superman had expected this and had a contingency plan in place. Superman turns Mongul over to Lobo before flying home to Lois -- but unknown to him, the being defeated was not the true Imperiex, but merely one of his thousands of drones.
As Clark Kent begins his job as a foreign correspondent, a beautiful new villain named La Encantadora leads Superman on an around the world chase as she sells fake Kryptonite to villains all over the globe. Superman manages to capture her, but not before she delivers a kiss that is more than a simple sign of affection. La Encantadora escapes and encounters Superman again in Metropolis on Christmas Eve when the Demon, Etrigan steals her power. After Superman helps her, she expresses regret over their last encounter before escaping again. Superman and Wonder Woman are transported to an alternate dimension, forced to fight in a battle with the Norse gods against an army of demons for one thousand years. Even after a thousand years, when they were facing certain death and had no idea if they would ever get home, Superman remained faithful to Lois.
Despite being estranged from his Kryptonian heritage, Superman cannot seem to escape its legacy. The Fortress still lay in ruins, but some of the alien technology was causing strange effect in the Antarctic. The last surviving Superman Robot alerts Superman to the disturbances, and Superman is able to contain the situation, but not solve it. While there, Lois recovers a Kryptonian artifact that secretly housed a smaller "copy" of the Eradicator software. The program activates in their apartment, recreating a form of Kem-L who attacks Superman. Fortunately, Lois is able to help him destroy the artifact, and the program with it. The Eradicator's original programming is not completely dead, however, and attempts to reassert control of the actual Eradicator body. Conner actually loses control briefly and attacks Superman in Metropolis, but is able to regain control.
On New Year's Eve 1999, Lex Luthor plans a spectacular party in Metropolis to usher in the New Year. Clark, Lois, and the Kents all attend. Unfortunately, Y2K actually occurs -- all because of the arrival of Brainiac 2.5, who unleashes a computer virus that cripples the world's computers, leading all the world's heroes to desperately try to keep the peace as a worldwide blackout ensues. Superman and Green Lantern have to go into orbit to stop thousands of nuclear missiles launched when the blackout hits. Brainiac is nearly destroyed when a future version of himself arrives, Brainiac 13.
Brainiac 13 begins to upgrade the entire world into a distant futuristic version of itself while Brainiac 2.5 survives by placing his consciousness into Lena Luthor. Superman is joined by the Metal Men in fighting Metallo before starting a desperate struggle with Brainiac 13. The Eradicator arrives to help Superman, warning him that if the virus reaches the Fortress of Solitude, the remnants of the Eradicator's programming may be able to utilize it. Flying to the South Pole, Superman and the Eradicator encounter a monstrous, alternate version of the Eradicator program using the ruins of Superman's Fortress as a body. The Eradicator merges with the other and flies off into space. Superman realizes Kryptonian technology is the key to defeating B-13. Superman is only able to stop B13 by utilizing a Kryptonian battlesuit -- however, while his plan had been to trap B13 in the suit, Lex Luthor made a deal with the supervillain to hand over his daughter, allowing B13 to escape into space, in exchange for keeping Metropolis upgraded as the very real City of Tomorrow. Only Superman is aware of what happens, and angrily confronts Luthor, but Lex merely brushes him off. Superman vows to find Lena and rescue her -- and to make Luthor pay. After the crisis, Superman works with Steel to build a brand new Fortress of Solitude, this one inside a tesseract, a pocket dimension.
Superman spends some time in Smallville with his folks, trying to hide the fact that Lois has been acting very cold lately. No matter what he does, Lois continues to grow distant and even hostile toward him. Even a vacation to an alien planet where the depth of his love for her is manifested does not help the situation. A confrontation at home causes Lois to attack him -- knocking him clear out of a window. Superman realizes then that it is not the real Lois. A running battle reveals that it is actually the Parasite, whose powers have been altered. The Parasite touched Lois during Y2K, finding out the truth, and had been disguised as her ever since. He had to keep her alive in order to keep up the disguise, however. During the battle, Parasite collapses, having contracted through Superman whatever malady had recently been affecting Big Blue. He dies before he can reveal where Lois is located.
Superman, who had in fact been ill since just after Y2K, begins to grow steadily worse. He had barely been able to fight when the Joker dropped by trying to kill Lex Luthor. As he literally begins to glow green from his illness, Superman turns to Batman to track down his missing wife. Batman is successful, but the weakened Superman collapses just as they find her trapped in a cave.
Superman is dying of a kind of Kryptonite-based cancer. The Atom shrinks Steel, Superboy, and Supergirl down and they enter Superman's body to try to remove the tumor. Unfortunately, "Steel" turns out to be the Prankster in disguise, but the real John Henry arrives and is able to unmask the fraud. La Encantadora reveals she was paid to infect Superman with the virus, which she administered through her kiss during their first encounter. She will not say who paid her, however. Deathstroke has been hired to eliminate her before she could reveal this, but he is unsuccessful. The operation is successful and Superman is revived and restored to health. Superman decides to take a trip around the solar system with Green Lantern to ensure that he's back up to full health -- near Pluto, they discover Maxima and her people meeting up with Grayven, all of whom are fleeing the coming of Imperiex.
Mister Mxyzptlk makes his return shortly thereafter, causing his greatest disaster ever when he decides to visit the Joker at the Slab and is tricked into giving Joker 99.9 percent of his power. The Joker uses the awesome power of Mister Mxyzptlk to remake the entire universe in his own twisted image. Superman tries to rally the JLA and his other allies in a desperate struggle against the Joker, who is committed to first torturing all of creation and then hoping to destroy it. He brutally kills Superman's friends and loved ones before his eyes. A surreal battle ensues before Superman manages to discover the "rule" that lets him defeat the Joker -- the Joker cannot exist without Batman. Everything is put back as it was, with no one really remembering what had happened. Batman still remembers every minute of it at first, but Superman asks the Spectre to transfer the memories into the Joker.
Clark Kent manages to attend the wedding of Lucy Lane and Ron Troupe. Lucy gives birth to their baby shortly thereafter, with Lois at her side. Superman gets drawn into an encounter with Lord Satanus, who is trying to steal the soul of Metropolis itself. Thorn and Rampage join with Superman to fight Satanus and rescue the soul of a boy named Cary. They are aided by a mysterious figure named Night Owl. Superman offers himself as a sacrifice, and Satanus takes him into Hell. This proves to be a trick, however, as Satanus corrupts the "soul" of the city, making all the citizens hostile and bitter towards one another. Satanus uses Cary to control the Adversary, tormenting Superman's soul. When Cary turns on Satanus and Superman realizes what has happened, they both manage to break out of Hell, returning to Metropolis and restoring it to normal.
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President Luthor
Lex Luthor, regarded as a national hero for his perceived role in the Final Night, Y2K and No Man's Land was elected President of the United States, with Pete Ross as his Vice President. Superman was very upset over the news. Batman confronted the President-elect and demanded the return of the Kryptonite ring, but Luthor called his bluff and did not turn it over. Lana vowed to keep Superman's secret no matter what, and Batman promised Superman that Luthor would be taken down in due time. Superman brooded over the turn of events all the way through the end of the year, although by Christmas, Lois and he tried to make the best of the situation. After giving gifts to the members of the JLA, Clark and Lois decided to take a few days off to visit Kandor.
Superman, still angry with Batman over the events of Tower of Babel, did not seek his aid when Talia Head arrived in Metropolis. Talia was estranged from her father, Ra's al Ghul, who was weak and sickly beyond any help from the Lazarus Pits. Ra's had kidnapped La Encantadora's younger brother to force the woman to use her powers. Ra's al Ghul was planning on ascending to godhood by merging with an aspect of Gaia, but she rejected him. Superman was offered godhood, but easily rejected it.
Superman encounters a rocket ship in the field near his parents' house. The rocket contains a message from Jor-El -- one that presents a totally different history of Krypton, with Jor-El explaining that he made up the harsh, brutal history because he wanted his son to fully embrace his new world. Superman has trouble reconciling this with everything he knows of Krypton, but Dr. Hamilton tells him that it may be possible to travel through the Phantom Zone back in time to Krypton and find out. Lois decides to accompany Superman on this adventure. Meanwhile, President Luthor names most of his new team: Lois's father, Sam Lane, is appointed Secretary of Defense; Black Lightning is named Secretary of Education; Cat Grant is appointed Press Secretary; and Amanda Waller is appointed Secretary of Meta-Human affairs.
Superman encounters a very different Krypton than the one he ever imagined, but gets along wonderfully with his parents and their pet, Krypto, until all is wrecked by the fanatical General Zod. Superman and Lois flee back to Earth, accompanied by Krypto, who develops superpowers under Earth's sun. Krypto proves a little too much for life in Metropolis, however, and after a fight with Mongul in which he almost kills the alien villain, Superman decides to take the dog to the Fortress and have a Super-Robot look after him.
Superman encounters an ultra-violent team of "heroes" called the Elite, led by Manchester Black, who believe that the best way to stop the bad guys is to terminate them. Superman, vastly underpowered compared to their team, forces a confrontation on one of Jupiter's moons where he is able to defeat them without killing anyone, proving his way is best. Black is taken into custody but swears he'll have vengeance.
A creature called Kancer goes on a killing spree, revealing itself to have been grown from the Kryptonite tumor extracted from Superman's body. Superman's investigation points to a figure in Pokolistan as being responsible for having La Encantadora poison him and then creating Kancer, so Superman and some allies head there for some answers. During a pitched battle with Kancer, Faora, and Ignition, Superman is sucker punched by a being known as the "General" -- he is hit so hard that his jaw is actually broken.
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Our Worlds at War
All signs point to an impending war: a distraught Eradicator returns to Earth ranting of a coming disaster; an alien armada shows up at Earth, preparing to make their last stand against Imperiex. Apokolips itself warps into earth space. President Luthor orders Superman not to attack Darkseid, claiming that they are working together to save the universe. Superman flies off, back to Pokolistan, for a chat with the General. A fight occurs between the two, during which the General identifies himself as Zod. Superman, having flashbacks to his time in the Pocket Universe, refuses to believe that this can be Zod. Their fight is cut short when a massive energy beam levels Topeka, Kansas. Superman discovers an Imperiex probe in Kansas and manages to destroy it but finds his childhood home destroyed and his parents missing. The JLA alert him that he is needed in orbit and he takes off. The Justice League rallies in space, but are taken down one by one by the onslaught of Imperiex probes. Superman watches several of his friends fall and also witnesses the apparent destruction of Atlantis.
As a desperate battle is joined. Superman travels to the Watchtower where he learns that Luthor sent Steel and the Suicide Squad to revive Doomsday. They were successful, although Doomsday trashed the team and seemingly killed Steel. After finding the ruins of the Watchtower and convincing Black Racer to spare John Henry, Superman then fights side by side with Doomsday, each destroying dozens of probes before the real Imperiex Prime arrives. With battles raging across the Earth, Superman witnesses what he thinks is Wonder Woman falling to the deadly onslaught. Going to her side, he is unavailable to fight off one of the probes at the White House, which results in the death of Sam Lane. Wonder Woman did not die, but rather it was her mother, Hippolyta, who was struck down after donning Diana's armor.
Luthor and the Allies come up with one desperate plan: To merge a specially prepared Strange Visitor with Superman and assault Imperiex Prime himself. The plan is successful -- Imperiex is seemingly destroyed, but just then Warworld -- under the command of Brainiac 13 -- arrives and absorbs the energy of Imperiex. He then causes LexCorp tower to fire on Apokolips, causing Darkseid to believe that Earth has betrayed him. He orders an invasion of his own. Superman, distraught over all the death and destruction, flies into the sun, becoming super-charged. He attacks Warworld itself, and learns that Imperiex is still alive, his energy being contained in Warworld and if it is released, the universe will be destroyed. Superman formulates a plan: utilizing Darkseid, Wonder Woman, Tempest, Steel, and others, the Allies are able to boom tube Warworld to the beginning of time.
The war is won, but at a high price with so many missing or dead, and so much destruction all over the world. Superman adopts a modified costume, one with a black background on his S-shield and a black S on the cape. Thankfully, his parents turn up alive and well, first his mother and then his father, although his father is suffering some memory lapses.
Superman is put through a trial for his part in the Imperiex War -- a trial with the Quintessence as the judges, the Linear Men prosecuting, and the Spectre representing Superman. The Linear Men say that Superman is too disruptive -- having upset the intended "rebirth" of the universe, time will now progress completely unpredictably. The judges declare that is how it should be, that the true age of mortals has begun, and dismiss Superman from the hearing over the Linear Men's strongest objections.
The world slowly begins to rebuild, with Superman taking a minor role, though the rebuilding is soon interrupted by the Joker's Last Laugh. Among other threats, Superman would have to battle "Jokerized" versions of the Eradicator, Green Lantern, and Doomsday, the latter of which had now evolved to sentience. Superman defeated Doomsday again, this time on the grounds of the White House, telling the self-aware monster that he would never again be afraid of him.
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Never Ending Battle
On the advice of the Martian Manhunter, Superman begins to have some therapy sessions with Dr. Claire Foster. The new Zod is weighing heavily on his mind, and he is concerned about his parents and Lois. Zod is weighing heavily on his mind. Superman is afraid of him -- not just his power, but he is afraid of Zod's cunning. When Clark Kent is assigned to Pokolistan, he is afraid to go. He is afraid that Zod will recognize him and then Lois and his parents will be in danger. Nevertheless, when he finds Zod using Bizarro Superman as his punching bag, he is forced to intervene.
Superman helps his parents open up a new general store in downtown Smallville. Meanwhile, President Luthor deduces that Clark Kent is Superman. Bizarro nearly exposes the truth as well, when Manchester Black uses his powers to temporarily switch the minds of Superman and Bizarro into the other's bodies. J'onn J'onnz learns that this Bizarro, like Gorgeous Gilly and Scorch, was saved by Mxyzptlk from the Joker universe. J'onn also learns that Ignition also survived the trip, although he was apparently not created by Emperor Joker, and Bizarro has been used by Zod these past months to prepare for a fight against Superman. After Bizarro and Superman are switched back, Bizarro hints that Zod may look like Superman himself.
Luthor is not the only one to learn his identity -- the creature Kancer does as well, but he sacrifices himself before he can alert General Zod as to what he knows. During this adventure, Superman learns that Guy Gardner was not killed in the war as was previously thought, and manages to rescue him from some trouble.
Lois Lane uncovers proof that Luthor knew about the impending Imperiex invasion long before anyone else but Luthor, per their deal, orders her to bury the story. Instead, Lois gives the story to Clark and he writes it. Luthor denies the allegations, and a mind scan by Martian Manhunter seems to prove his innocence. Clark is apparently fired over the incident, but Perry keeps him on staff on the down low, in order to secretly investigate Luthor.
Superman is approached by a pantheon of ancient gods who want Superman to bolster their ranks. Superman refuses, but on the other side of Metropolis, Lois is transformed into a goddess by the same group, hoping this will convince Superman to join. Lois is tempted to use her new power to raise her dad from the dead, but a heartfelt talk with Wonder Woman helps her decide against it and surrender her power. Superman defeats the evil gods with some help from Zeus, who demands Superman never bring up the name Rao.
A strange baby with super powers is born in Metropolis. Superman, upon getting hold of the baby, takes him to the Fortress of Solitude for some testing. Unfortunately, he is attacked there by Ultraman, Superwoman, and Owlman, who have come to destroy the baby. During the fight, it quickly becomes apparent that he is the new host for Brainiac. While Superman and Kelex fight the others, Brainiac manages to take control of the Fortress itself. He brings the entire Fortress to the skies of Metropolis and begins expanding it to huge proportions, threatening the world itself. Owlman manages to trick Brainiac into fleeing to the Phantom Zone, however, and Superwoman goes after and smothers the baby, stopping Brainiac. The three villains return to their own time and Superman returns the Fortress to its proper place.
Superman also makes a return trip to "Krypton" via the Phantom Zone, only now he learns the truth -- it is merely an illusion created by Brainiac 13 intended to trap Superman there. Nevertheless, Superman felt a real connection with his father and mother in a way that he really hadn't before. The phantom Krypton had been based on a historical era that Jor-El had admired. Superman felt better about Krypton as a whole, too, as he had previously been feeling more estranged from it than ever. Also, Krypto was still present on the Earth.
When Oliver Queen returns to life, Superman meets him on the Watchtower with the rest of the JLA. Afterwards, Ollie has Clark meet him at a secluded spot in the wilderness where his grave had been. Clark tells Ollie that Perry White managed to buy all the photos someone managed to take of Ollie's funeral. He hands them over to Queen, who can account for everyone in the pictures except one face. Superman does not know who it is either, and he parts with Ollie to help with an earthquake.
After a disastrous stint as the super of Calvin Gardens in Metropolis leaves Superboy homeless, Superman offers to let his "cousin" stay with the Kents in Smallville for a time.
Manchester Black then returns, orchestrating an event known as Ending Battle. Using his vast mind powers, Black manages to control/convince an entire legion of super-villains to attack Superman -- starting with everyone he cares about. Before it's over, Superman has to engage virtually every enemy he has, all while desperately trying to save all his friends and family. Superman has Lois rally most of his friends and family at Steelworks, but she herself slips out and is cornered by Black at their apartment. Superman also learns that Lex Luthor knows his secret identity. In the end, Black makes Superman think that Lois has been murdered in an attempt to force Superman to kill Black. Black fails, however, for even in his grief, Superman refuses to kill him. Black's ruse is then up, revealing Lois is alive. Before Black kills himself, he removes the knowledge that Clark Kent is Superman from Luthor's mind and files. Superman restores his original, red-and-yellow S-shield.
While Clark's investigation of Luthor begins to border on obsession, Steel dons the Entropy Aegis from Our Worlds at War! and disappears. Recruiting a team of all Kryptonian heroes, who has arrived from the past for a brief visit, Superman leads an assault on Apokolips. He challenges Darkseid to a one-on-one battle for the life of John Henry Irons. While they fight, the rest of the team battle Darkseid's forces on Apokolips. Doomsday, handed over to Darkseid after the events of Last Laugh, joins the fray as well, but he is stopped by Steel. Superman defeats Darkseid and everyone returns home alive and well.
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War with Zod and the Battle for the Future
Clark Kent has an interview with a famous novelist, Ben Conrad. Somehow, a character from Conrad's stories has come to life and is running amok. Conrad erases the character by deleting his story but he has another manuscript entitled The Hollow Men. Shortly thereafter, Batman alerted Superman to an old government experiment that had been running for the past fifty years in Columbus, Ohio. Superman found a tesserect and inside, Heroville, a community of super beings that had been developed in the wake of WWII. When the JSA resigned, however, the director of the project, Christopher Camel, destroyed all records of its existence and hid the project. For the next half century, it remained hidden.
While Superman was investigating, someone was attacking several heroes leaving them as still as statues and black and white. When Superman returned and discovered them this way, he traced the problem back to Heroville. In the mere hours he had been gone, someone had attacked the village as well. The culprits were a trio of colorless men in suits who surrounded a victim and reduced them to their vegetative state. Camel saved Superman from suffering the same fate as Ray and Ralph. Superman realized that the three were characters from Conrad's book -- they were the Hollow Men, dedicated to preserving the perfect 50's era exactly as it was, and in the story, they succeeded. Superman sent one of the children to Conrad to alert him of what was happening, and Conrad wrote a new ending where the Hollow Men destroyed themselves, realizing they had outlived their usefulness.
The final conflict with General Zod finally occurs. After meta-humans begin to pop up all over the country, General Zod approaches in a feigned gesture of peace, implicating a foreign nation as responsible. He reveals himself at last -- he looks just like Superman. He announces a plan to change the sun from yellow to red -- a plot that seemingly succeeds, which of course he is really responsible for, as his suit really transferred yellow sunlight to red and made him as strong as Superman. With the sun red, he no longer requires the suit, and after taking down a depowered Superman, he masquerades as Big Blue and seizes control of a secret U.S. facility, forcing President Luthor to flee. As most of the Justice League and other heroes are rounded up, Superman and Luthor join together with an army of villains from the orbiting prison facility. Luthor makes it clear to Superman that he blames Big Blue for his recent mind wipe and that it served to only reaffirm his hatred for the Man of Steel.
While Superman takes on Zod, Luthor manages to work with Metallo and return the sun to its proper color. Zod tries to get Superman to kill him, but Superman refuses. As the sun turns yellow, restoring Superman to full power, Zod charges full ahead. His powers fade as he connects with Superman, so he is fatally injured and dies shortly thereafter. The day is won, but with his dying breath, Zod is unrepentant, mocking Superman about how they share the same face.
A new Supergirl named Cir-El, who claims to be the daughter of Superman and Lois from the future, arrives and helps Superman battle a nuclear powered villain called Radion. She claims to have been sent back in time by a group called the Futuresmiths. Lois is already feeling conflicted over the possibility of Cir-El being her daughter, but she is angry when she learns that Clark has secretly been working with Perry for months to try to bring down Luthor. Superman breaks into LexCorp, where he finds Hope, a prisoner and rescues her. Perry openly hired Clark back, just as Lois announces she is quitting to work for Channel 3 News.
Superman is nearly killed by Gaki, now Byakko a vengeful wraith-like being who stabs Superman in the chest. Barely conscious, he escapes and encounters Girl 13, who takes him to Lana Lang's new apartment in Metropolis. Girl 13 is under the impression Lana is Superman's girlfriend. They are quickly joined by Natasha Irons, controlling a giant robotic body, and Cir-El. Byakko and her gang of ninjas attack the group, but Girl 13 and Natasha are able to briefly hold them at bay. Byakko wants revenge against Superman for the death of her husband, Gunshin, who was murdered by Kojiro. The girls get Superman to the Fortress of Solitude, but Byakko follows them there. She maintains the upper hand until she stumbles across a room in the Fortress where thousands of letters sent to Superman are kept -- many loving him, many hating him. She leaves voluntarily. Superman is completely healed and thanks the girls for their help.
Cir-El turns out to be a ploy of the Futuresmiths. They also infect Superman with a Kryptonian virus that nearly kills him. Cured of the virus, he must take the fight into the future, which involves a battle with Brainiac 12, resulting in Metropolis being restored to its former, present day condition. Also, when Superman returns through the time stream, he ends up in a different timeline, one based on Superman: Birthright.
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Godfall and Hidden Enemies
Superman befriends a priest named Daniel and explains a story of his own pride. One day, after being called out into space to help Green Lantern, Superman returns to find one million people missing from Earth -- including Lois. Superman refers to this event as the "Vanishing" and says that it originated in the Middle East. Flying there, Superman found a city in the midst of a civil war. A man named General Nox and his henchman, Equus, are responsible for the civil war. Superman battles Equus and discovers the machine responsible for the Vanishing. Equus activates the machine, and along with himself, General Nox and another three thousand people disappear.
A man claiming to work for the government, Mr. Orr, demands that Superman turn over the device, but Superman refuses. After a short chat with the Justice League, Superman heads back to Metropolis to fight off a giant water-based monster. The water monster is soon joined by three others and attempt to get Superman to leave the planet. After bluffing that he will destroy the planet if they carry through their threat to wipe out all human life, the elemental's disband. Superman takes Father Daniel to the Fortress of Solitude, even as Wonder Woman heads there to stop Superman. Wonder Woman seeks to prevent Superman from activating the Vanishing machine, thinking it will be the equivalent of suicide.
As Fr. Daniel is taken back by Orr and treated for cancer, Superman activates the machine and disappears. Superman realizes that the Vanishing was caused by a device he originally created should anything ever happen to Earth -- it created a "perfect" city inside a pocket of the Phantom Zone and would teleport some people there. Superman finds Lois and the others living in a city there -- but the city is under siege by Equus and his new master, an all-new General Zod. Zod had managed to activate the device to draw Superman there. After a battle with Zod involving Father Daniel, Superman manages to return everyone lost in the Vanishing back to Earth. Superman builds a new Fortress of Solitude in the Amazon Jungle.
Clark resumed his job at the Daily Planet -- but suffered a demotion. Jack Ryder was his replacement. Clark was angry at Lois, for she had known about it beforehand and did not tell him. Trouble was brewing for Superman, however. Darkseid dropped by Metropolis, announcing that Doomsday had escaped his custody and was presumably back on Earth. Over in Smallville, Gog shows up and attacks Superboy and some of his friends, hoping to draw Superman's attention. It worked, and Superman showed up to battle Gog. After a massive brawl, Gog manages to inject Superman with some liquid Kryptonite, nearly killing him. Superboy manages to take him to STAR Labs for treatment. When word of his injuries gets out, STAR is attacked by several villains, causing Wonder Woman, Superboy, and other heroes to defend the injured Superman. Superman is cured but still weak, so he is promptly injured again by Weapons Master. He and his allies manage to turn the tide, however, before he collapses again from his injuries. Lana helped him as he slowly recovered and she told him she was divorcing Pete because she had settled for him the way Lois settled for Clark, but really Lois loved Superman.
Clark is visiting his parents in Smallville when he learns Sue Dibny, wife of the Elongated Man, has been murdered. Superman attends her funeral in Central City before getting to work at helping tracking down her killer. Like most of the other superheroes, he is shaken at the murder. Sue was killed in her home, a place covered with Justice League-certified alarm systems. When one group goes after Doctor Light and is taken down by him and Deathstroke, Superman arrives afterwards, wondering what prompted the team to go after Light in the first place. When the Atom's wife, Jean Loring, is nearly hanged, Superman is the first on the scene and identifies the knot used, though it ends up being a red herring. After the attack on Loring, someone sends a note to Lois hinting she will be next. No attack comes, however, as it was merely a ruse while Jack Drake ends up being the real next victim. Superman's role in tracking down the killer is minor, though he does assist in bringing down Deadshot and some other thugs.
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Per his demotion, Clark is assigned to "the Shack," working a graveyard shift covering the Special Crimes Unit. He meets the new S.C.U. team leader, Lupe, who makes it clear that she thinks of Superman as one of her deputies. On his first night out Superman has to turn up and battle Replikon, who does not seem totally in control of himself, and once defeated, Replikon self-destructs. Meanwhile, Lois gets herself assigned to cover a U.S. led invasion of Umec. She and Clark spend a last night together before she goes overseas.
With the help of Green Lantern, Superman investigates Replikon and finds one of Replikpon's children murdered and another missing. The child turns up as a new Replikon, being controlled by an unknown party, and although Superman manages to defeat him, Replikon's weapons are shown to interfere with Superman's powers. Replikon then turns up with the villain manipulating him, Ruin, as they take hostages and force a confrontation with Superman. During the battle, Clark is teleported to the 5th dimension by Mister Mxyzptlk, who warns him about an impending doom and that he should be sure to look after Lois. Mxyzptlk then teleports Superman back to the exact instant he left, where Ruin's beam manages to drain Superman's power. Superman manages to free Replikon from Ruin's control, and subsequently manages to capture Ruin, who is turned over to the S.C.U.
In Umec, Lois and the squad she is assigned to cover, get trapped in a war zone and a sniper shoots her in the chest. Superman is there a moment later -- to catch her as she falls. He flies her to the nearest medical encampment, where he waits while she undergoes hours of surgery. Luckily, the Justice League becomes aware of the situation, and Flash, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter get to work. Once Lois is stabilized, the JLA teleport her to the Watchtower where Doctor Mid-Nite works on her further. Clark stays at his wife's side after the surgery. Lois recovers at home for a couple of months, surrounded by friends and family.
Ruin, meanwhile, has transformed a brother and sister into new versions of the Parasite. The twins attack Lois at home, where Mxyzptlk tries to intervene, but is unsuccessful. Superman borrows a suit of armor from Steel to confront the pair, who are recklessly endangering lives. Lupe is desperate to stop them, and find Ruin, who murdered some of her crew. Superman learns Ruin's location and flies off alone to face him. Ruin manages to best Superman with lamps that use red sunlight and escapes for a meeting with Lex Luthor, who tells him to start spilling blood.
Tension had been growing between Lois and Lana, which nearly boils over while Clark and Lois visit the Kent farm. A fight breaks out when a Repo Man suddenly grows super-strong and attacks Superman and Superboy. Repo Man's powers suddenly fade away, and Superman knocks him out. Repo had made comments about getting his powers from a "strange white-haired guy" who also apparently gave him a chunk of kryptonite. Superman, beginning to age somehow, heads to the local S.T.A.R. lab to have himself checked out. He was poisoned by the liquid Kryptonite injected in him by Gog.
After going to the Watchtower, a visibly aged Superman has to battle Preus, who has captured J'onn J'onzz and Jimmy Olsen. Superman is able to defeat him, but collapses from the effort. Gog arrives -- not just a single Gog, but many of them. Gog explains that he was a young boy whose family and home was destroyed when Imperiex leveled Topeka. Becoming a master of time, he had tried for two centuries to save his family, but when that failed, he decided to kill Superman for letting it happen. Realizing he could not do it himself, he recruited an army of his selves from different points in time. The dozens of Gogs overwhelm Superman, but then Doomsday arrives and declares that no one will kill Superman but him.
Gog successfully fights off Doomsday and apparently kills Superman. Cut to the future, where for centuries, Gog has Superman in chains, while a reformed Doomsday leads a League of Supermen in a never-ending battle against Gog. In the end, Superman's nobility wins over Gog, and he travels back in time with the future Doomsday to set things to right, stopping the battle before he can win it and healing Superman. Before the future Gog and Doomsday disappear, they warn Superman about an upcoming crisis.
Superman flies to the Fortress of Solitude for a meeting with Batman and Wonder Woman, where he confesses that he knew what the League had done to Doctor Light and Diana speculates that the only way to stop Ruin may be to kill him. Batman theorizes that Ruin must be someone who knows Superman's identity and hates him very much. Lois, meanwhile, believes that she was not in Umec just to get Superman to come and stop the war and begins to investigate who would be behind such manipulation. Ruin shows up at the Shack and attacks Jimmy Olsen and the S.C.U., but Superman manages to save them -- however, Ruin teleports away before he can be unmasked. Clark gets two surprises that same day: The first is from Pete Ross, who wants him to talk to Lana, and the other is from Lois, who announces she thinks they should have a baby. While they are discussing it, Mxyzptlk shows up and shows them a possible future involving a child, before repeating his warning about an upcoming crisis.
Clark tries to talk to Lana about stopping her divorce, but she is not interested in listening. Ruin then shows up at Steelworks and attacks both John Henry and Natasha, but Superman again is on scene and this time manages to unmask the villain -- the world is shocked to find it is none other than Pete Ross! Thrown in jail, Pete is beaten by Lupe, who lies to Superman when he shows up and says that Pete was trying to escape. Talking to Pete alone, Superman learns that Pete knows Superman's secret identity and that he has been set up. Superman vows to prove Pete's innocence. The prison then suffers a power outage, resulting in the twin Parasites being freed -- but then they are attacked by an Omac Unit. When the dust clears, one of the twins is dead and the other missing -- and so is Pete Ross.
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The Supergirl From Krypton
When a massive Kryptonite meteorite falls to Earth, Superman and Batman find a Kryptonian rocket came together with it, containing Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin. Despite Batman's suspicions, Clark is thrilled to meet Kara and is determined to take her in. Nonetheless, Wonder Woman, after listening to Harbinger's troubling prophecies, takes Kara to Themyscira to keep her safe and train her.
Diana's fears to prove be justified when Darkseid's troops invade Paradise Island and kidnap Kara. Outraged, the Trinity travels to Apokolips where Darkseid has brainwashed Kara into becoming his newest Female Fury. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman force Darkseid to give Kara back. Darkseid pretends to renounce Kara but then he attempts to kill Superman in retaliation. After a tough battle, Superman pins Darkseid to the Source Wall to protect her cousin. Kara is safe from Darkseid for now, but she chooses to take up the Supergirl mantle.
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Superman discovers Brainiac manipulating Lois -- or so he thinks. After a battle with Brainiac in the Fortress of Solitude, Superman discovers blood on his hands; then the JLA and the JSA turn up, ordering him to surrender himself for what he has done. Superman tries to remember what happened, but instead of a battle with Brainiac, he recalls a fight with Darkseid. The JLA concede that it seems like Superman is being manipulated. When he asks whose blood is on his hands, the team takes him to the Watchtower and shows him the badly beaten body of Batman.
The League determines that Maxwell Lord is responsible for manipulating Superman with the false memories, but before they can put Superman in a transporter tube, Max begins his manipulations anew and compels Superman to flee the Watchtower, with Wonder Woman hot on his heels. Superman, believing that he has just seen Doomsday murder his wife, attacks Diana with all his might. Diana puts up a good defense, and proves to be a match for Superman, pulling out all the stops. She manages to stun and even injure him, and then proceeds to wrap Lord up in her Lasso of Truth, demanding to know how to free the Man of Steel from his control. Max replies the only way to do so is to kill him. Diana snaps Max's neck -- an event recorded by the Brother Eye satellite and broadcast around the world. Superman is freed -- but at a terrible price.
Superman is called away from the scene to deal with a nuclear missile. After pitching it into space, he has to fight off two OMACs and discovers that they are really people inside the metal OMAC suits. He flies to the Batcave to talk to Batman about what has happened, but Batman is not interested. Superman returns to Metropolis, where even Lois agrees with what Diana did. Superman can't help but think of everything that's happened, particularly the events of "Crisis of Conscience" in JLA, so he goes to see Zatanna. She tells him that she altered the Toyman, and together they find him, locked in his own fantasy world. Zatanna clears his delusion just before he apparently dies in a collapsing building. In Metropolis, the world is unsure of how to react to the tape of Wonder Woman killing Lord. Lois goes to Umec to figure out who was behind the hit on her and deduces that it must have been Lord himself. Lex Luthor shows up at the Daily Planet, trying to get information on Ruin. Ruin himself then shows up for a fight, teleporting all throughout the battle. Superman realizes he is using the Phantom Zone to teleport. Before he can unmask Ruin again, the villain flees. Superman responds to his JLA alert, flying to the Watchtower -- only to find it in ruins.
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Infinite Crisis
Shifting through the ruins of the Watchtower, Superman can find no trace of J'onn J'onzz. Wonder Woman and Batman both turn up. Batman coldly tells Diana to leave, that she has no business there after killing Lord. They are interrupted by Mongul, and they are so fractured that they barely are able to take him down. Afterwards, Batman tells Superman how the whole world is afraid of them because of Wonder Woman, and that the last time he truly inspired anyone is when he died. All three go their separate ways.
Coming back to Metropolis, Superman finds Mister Mxyzptlk in the form of an old man lying in the gutter. Mxyzptlk's magic is not working right and Clark takes him to a diner to talk. With some cues from Mxyzptlk, Clark begins to piece together who Ruin could really be: a scientist, access to the Phantom Zone, knowledge of red sunlight -- it must by Emil Hamilton. With Mxyzptlk's help, Superman finds his lair. It is well guarded, however, and Superman has to contend with red solar lamps. Mxyzptlk sacrifices himself, taking a Kryptonite arrow meant for the Man of Steel. He whispers his name backwards and disappears.
Superman confronts Ruin -- who is indeed Prof. Hamilton. Ruin taunts Superman, showing him a scene playing out across town: he has Pete Ross tied up in one of his suits, standing over a machine that will kill Lana Lang and her baby son Det. Lupe is at the scene and has a gun aimed at the back of Pete's head, thinking he is the real Ruin. Though weakened, Superman tears across town to stop it -- but he arrives too late to stop the bullet. Lupe did not aim for Ross, however, knowing that she was being set up. Pete and Lana are freed and escape, although Lupe is injured saving them in the process. Ruin arrives and battles Superman for the last time. Superman forces him outside, destroying his teleporter and his weapons. Hamilton reveals that his suit has a bomb that will take out half the city. Superman rips the suit off him and lets it detonate high in the air. After Hamilton is taken in, Clark Kent has a talk with Lana and Pete, and promises Pete he will clear his name.
Alexander Luthor continues with his machinations to find "the perfect Earth." In order to keep most of the world distracted, he orders the Secret Society of Super-Villains to drop Chemo over Blüdhaven. Chemo detonates, killing over 100,000 people instantly, and leaving the city irradiated with poisonous clouds. Superman arrives, leading a cadre of heroes who can withstand the toxicity to try to rescue who they could. Chemo began to reform, and Superman engaged, knowing that Chemo would reform quicker as he reabsorbed the poison back into himself. Once it was all gone, Superman hurled Chemo into space.
As the Crisis continued, Earth-Two was brought back into existence. Superman heard a scream from that world, and flying there found Kal-L from Earth-Two, standing over the body of Earth-Two Lois Lane, who had just died. Kal-L blamed Kal-El for her death and attacked her, leading to a brutal fight across the Earth-Two Metropolis. As they battled, their lives flashed before each other's eyes in an instant - and they would change it. Due to this, Superman would realize that Earth-Two was too "soft" for New Earth's actions. The fight was finally stopped when Wonder Woman arrived, grabbing Kal-L in her Lasso. She and Kal-El helped him see the truth -- that Alexander Luthor was really manipulating the strings.
Alexander Luthor is stopped from creating his "perfect universe" when his tower is destroyed by Kon-El during a battle with Superboy-Prime. Unfortunately, Kon-El dies of his injuries just before Superman, Kal-L, Wonder Woman, and Batman arrive. Superman is deeply affected by the loss, but is determined to put an end to the madness that Luthor has created. Alexander's machinations have disrupted history, causing some changes to Superman's history. Nearly every super-villain on the planet converges on Metropolis, desiring to conquer Superman's home city. Kal-El and Kal-L lead the charge with the other heroes in their wake. The first villain they take down is Doomsday himself. Kal-L confronts Alexander, but he is unrepentant. Superboy-Prime, driven totally insane by this point, decides the only solution is to destroy this universe completely by flying straight through Oa at lightspeed.
J'onn J'onzz, aware of his plan, alerts everyone who can fly to try to stop the insane Prime, but he is too fast. In deep space, Guy Gardner and a coalition of Green Lanterns manage to stop him long enough for Kal-El and Kal-L to grab him. Not fast enough to take him back to the Speed Force, the two Supermen fly him to Krypton's solar system -- and straight through its red sun. After they fly through it, they crash on Mogo. Prime's suit was destroyed and his powers were failing, but he still managed to beat Kal-L, fatally injuring him. Kal-El tore the S-shield off Prime's chest, and managed to knock him out before collapsing. The Green Lanterns swoop down, destroying the kryptonite fragments and incarcerating Prime. Kal-L dies in Power Girl's arms, and a powerless Superman is taken back to Earth. Batman and Wonder Woman decide to take some time off. Superman is not discouraged, however, knowing that his powers will return in time, and in the meantime, the Earth is in good hands.
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One Year Later
After living a normal human life as Clark Kent for a year, Superman's powers suddenly came back. When he returned to action as the Man of Steel, there was much public speculation as to whether or not he was an impostor. However, his daring actions, broadcast across the globe, while driving the Auctioneer from Earth, convinced the world that he was the real deal.
The sorcerer Arion came to Metropolis to implore Superman to stop fighting for the benefit of mankind, saying that he was disrupting the proper course of human history by pushing back an inevitable devastating event, and in the process, causing that event to be much worse, resulting in the end of civilization. This revelation troubled the Man of Steel, and caused him to consider his place in the world.
Arion gave Superman two weeks to consider stop being a Superman, and prevent that disaster from occurring. In those two weeks, Superman helped Lightray and Fastbak to control a group of teenage New Gods during a field trip on Earth. The teenage gods had begun causing trouble in Metropolis, and Superman discovered that Arion was the one who set the teenage gods in a rampage in the first place.
After the two-week period ended, Superman informed Arion of his choice to continue being a Superman. However, Arion cast a mind-control spell on Superman, planning to use him as a weapon against other alien heroes. But Superman managed to resist the spell, and went after Arion, who began unleashing a massive disaster on the world. Phantom Stranger told Superman that Arion had unleashed the very disaster he was trying to prevent.
Superman and Phantom Stranger went to the future, where they saw the disaster had wiped out humanity. Phantom Stranger told Superman that if he were to accept Arion's suggestion, humanity would survive the disaster, but at the cost of a significant amount of wisdom. So, Phantom Stranger told Superman that he had to find another way. Superman and Phantom Stranger returned to the present, and Phantom Stranger gave Superman a magic shield to protect himself from Arion's attacks. Superman found Arion's lair in the Atlantic Ocean. After a lengthy fight, Superman defeated Arion and handed him to the authorities.
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Last Son
A young boy, seemingly from Krypton, landed in Metropolis in a ship. Although initially the government worked with Superman on studying him, they later moved the boy without informing the Man of Steel. Angered, Clark hijacked the truck transporting the child and took him. Lois and Clark decided to take the boy in as their son, naming him Christopher.
When General Zod and numerous other Kryptonian criminals broke free from the Phantom Zone, he sent Superman there.
Zod was defeated when Superman was able to break free of the Zone. Zod was stunned to find that his own biological son Lor-Zod rejected him, preferring Kal-El and his wife as his parents. Confronted with this betrayal, Kal-El decided to accept the boy as his own and along with his wife Lois are raising the boy on Earth as their own. Later, Chris sealed himself in the Phantom Zone to prevent Zod from conquering Earth.
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Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
Superman was reunited with some of the members of the Legion of Super-Heroes when they traveled back in time to bring Wally West back. Sometime later, Superman battled a Brainiac robot, until it proved to contain a message from Brainiac 5 of the Legion. The message read that Superman should go to the 31st century again. While Superman was there, he discovered that the sun had turned red, thus he lost his powers. Earth had also become a place that did not welcome aliens at all, due to the fact that a warped version of Superman's origin was spread and the origin's messengers, the Justice League of Earth, led by Earth-Man.
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The Daily Planet is having a meeting, introducing the new members of the Daily Planet, including Cat Grant, Steve Lombard and Ron Troupe. Clark hears a mysterious noise with his super hearing and goes to investigate as Superman. He discovers the noise was a Brainiac drone, sent to try to locate Superman. Superman promptly defeats the drone and takes it back to the Fortress of Solitude. With help from Supergirl, it is revealed that Superman has never truly fought Brainiac before, and all earlier encounters Superman has ever had with Brainiac has been with one of his probes. It is also revealed that Kara was on Krypton when Brainiac stole Kandor, and because of this, she is terrified of Brainiac.
After visiting the Kents, Superman goes flying all through the galaxy in an attempt to track down Brainiac. He discovers his probes on one planet, and witnesses Brainiac capture a city as he did with Kandor. Brainiac also fires a missile into that planet's sun, causing the sun to explode and destroy the planet. The explosion knocks Superman unconscious and he is brought upon Brainiac's ship.
When Superman awakens, he escapes and makes his way around Brainiac's ship. There, he discovers a room full of thousands of bottled cities, including Kandor. At this point, the true Brainiac reveals himself. It is revealed that Brainiac has been collecting information of all the planets he has been destroying and the next planet he decides to attack is Earth, including capturing Superman and Supergirl as the last remnants of Krypton. The Brainiac ship arrives over Metropolis and sends out probes to attack Metropolis, while everyone, including Supergirl, does their best to fend them off. Meanwhile Superman fights with Brainiac. After knocking him out, Superman hears a voice that sounds distinctly like his father; it turns out it is the voice of Zor-El, Supergirl's father, who is alive inside the bottled city of Kandor.
As Superman and Zor-El talk, Brainiac attacks Superman from behind. Supergirl is also caught at this point and brought upon Brainiac's ship just as Metropolis is encased in a bottle and a solar-aggressor missile is fired toward the sun. Superman is unconscious and held captive by the ship, being hooked up to all the bottled cities, hearing their cry for help. Superman escapes and attacks Brainiac, before taking the bottled Metropolis and Kandor, he then frees Supergirl and convinces her to stop the solar-aggressor from hitting the sun, which would cause it to go supernova. Superman then attacks Brainiac and knocks him out of the ship, forcing Brainiac to land on Earth.
Brainiac is overwhelmed by Earth bacteria and micro-organisms. As a result, he cannot control anything on Earth and is promptly defeated by Superman. However, Brainiac reveals that the cities cannot be sustained outside of the ship, and Superman flies off and returns Metropolis before flying to the Arctic and releasing Kandor to its normal size. Supergirl also manages to stop the Sun from being destroyed. However, Brainiac has one final trick left. After reading Superman's mind while he was kidnapped, he knows where Superman's parents live, and he promptly fires a missile that explodes on the Kent farm. Although no one is hurt by the explosion itself, Jonathan Kent suffers a fatal heart attack and dies, just as Clark arrives.
During Jonathan Kent's funeral, Clark looks over and sees Bruce Wayne and Alfred are standing under a tree nearby.
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Final Crisis
As Libra, the prophet of Darkseid, makes his bid to take over the Secret Society of Super-Villains, Luthor says that the only way Libra could get his respect is to take Superman out of commission. Shortly afterwards, Clayface, disguised as Jimmy Olsen, bombs the Daily Planet, severely injuring and killing several staff members and leaving Lois in critical condition. As Lois is taken to the hospital, Clark manages to keep her heart beating with his heat vision. As Clark whispers that he would do anything to save his wife, he is suddenly confronted by Monitor Zillo Valla, who insists that Superman must depart Earth immediately if he is to save his wife's life.
Zillo stops time around Lois, allowing Superman to leave her side for a while, but warning him that while they should have all the time they need, after time returns to normal Lois' heart will beat only once without Superman's help. She promises a drop of Bleed, the extradimensional substance in which the Multiverse grows, to heal Lois should their mission succeed. Exiting reality, Superman finds himself aboard the Carrier Ultima Thule, instinctively discovering his capability to access 4-D vision to perceive the situation. Fighting off a corrupted Monitor nanotech probe - titanic by moral scale - and leaving it in the remains of Earth-51, he is introduced to his allies, fellow Supermen Captain Marvel of Earth-5, the "Quantum Superman" of Earth-4 Captain Allen Adam, guilt-ridden Overman of the Nazi-dominated Earth-10, and his antimatter twin Ultraman. Eventually finding themselves in Limbo, where Merryman takes them to the Library of Limbo, its sole book containing infinite pages. Together, Superman and Captain Marvel are able to lift the infinite weight, allowing them to learn of the story of the Overmonitor, the all-encompassing megabeing in which the Multiverse grew, into which it sent the Monitors; its initial incursion into reality left a mark on creation in the form of a silent, titanic sentinel in the shape of Superman himself. As they learn of the original Monitor, Dax Novu, and his attempt to chain the destroyer Mandrakk, feedback knocks both of them out of the story, returning Captain Marvel to Billy Batson. Before he has time to react, Superman learns that Zillo Valla has drained Overman of blood to sustain herself, and Ultraman, holding the Infinite Book, declares himself Mandrakk's prophet as the sky shatters.
As Limbo rises up to fight back against its attackers, Ultraman confronts Superman, threatening that if their matter/antimatter particles mix it will destroy them both, but Captain Marvel returns to break them up. As the drugs designed to dampen Captain Adam's quantum senses wear off, he realizes what must be done, combining the essences of Superman and Ultraman, the energy generated enough to 'broadcast' the resultant being to the higher dimension of Nil, home of the Monitors. Possessing the Superman Giant left by the Overmonitors' contact with reality, Superman discovers that the Monitors are a race of cosmic vampires feeding on the Bleed to sustain themselves, with Dax Novu having in the process become Mandrakk. After facing off against the Dark Monitor and casting it out of creation to the realm of the Overvoid, Superman is informed by the Monitors that he has been tricked; it is impossible to contain or bottle Bleed. Splintering back into Superman and Ultraman upon the return to material reality, Superman, Overman and Captain Marvel destroy the last of Mandrakk's ships. Returning to his Earth Superman has in fact managed to bring a distilled drop of The Bleed, and administered it through a kiss to Lois, restoring her to full health, as the Monitors, saying nothing could do it, were wrong: Superman can.
After saving Lois, Superman is transported to the 31st century by the Legion of Super-Heroes. As he arrives in the Legion clubhouse, the Legionnaires show him an image of Takron-Galtos with an S-shield burning in its surface, explaining that a riot caused every prisoner to be released. Cosmic Boy tells Superman that a similar incident happened in Smallville. Then, Phantom Girl shows him an image of the culprit, and Superman realizes that it is Superboy-Prime. Superman explains to the Legion about Prime's origins, saying that he is from a parallel universe.
To combat this new threat, Brainiac 5 suggests contacting the Legions from two parallel worlds. Mon-El supports the plan, but Superman believes that the only way to stop Prime is by redeeming him.
Some of the Legionnaires, including Lightning Lad, disagree with this idea. Lightning Lad suggests breaking the Legion code and killing Prime, but Cosmic Boy disagrees. The discussion between the two then becomes a fight, until Cosmic Boy says that the reason he became the leader of the Legion is because he wanted everyone but him to have a life outside the team.
Then, White Witch, Blok, Wildfire and Dawnstar appear right before everyone's eyes. Blok and Dawnstar explain that White Witch teleported them from Sorcerer's World, except for Rond Vidar, who is fighting Prime and the Legion of Super-Villains.
Mon-El suggests going to Sorcerer's World but Lightning Lad replies that they won't make it in time if they use their ship. Cosmic Boy asks White Witch if she can teleport them, and she says she can. Suddenly, White Witch feels the death of Vidar. Dawnstar then senses that the Legion of Super-Villains, along with Earth-Man and the Justice League, are headed for Earth. Brainiac takes a team to find an artifact in the Justice League's headquarters in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island, while Superman and the rest of the Legion faces off against the Legion of Super-Villains.
As the fight continues, Superman tries to reason with Prime, reminding him of his life in Earth-Prime before the First Crisis, but Prime burns a hole in his hand with his heat vision and continues attacking him. Suddenly, Brainiac 5 appears with the Post-Zero Hour Legion and the Earth-Prime Legion, turning the tide. M'Onel and Andromeda help Superman in the fight against Prime. However, Prime escapes them.
Superman wraps the injury in his hand with a piece of his cape. With Prime's temporary retreat from the battle, Superman fights Mordru. Suddenly, Superman sees an explosion coming from the clubhouse and goes to help. Then, he realizes that Brainiac 5 brought Kid Flash back to life. Suddenly, a portal opens behind Superman and a giant hand grabs him along with Lighting Lad, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl, taking them to the end of time.
There, they encounter the Time Trapper, who reveals that since the First Crisis, he wanted to destroy Superman, and although he attempted to erase any true memory of Superboy from the Legion, he still could not erase him. So he decided to replace him, and he has brought the three founders of the Legion to witness the end of the Superman dynasty. Suddenly, the Time Trapper blasts them with an energy burst.
Superman then witnesses Superboy's return to life and encourages the Legionnaires to fight the Time Trapper. After the four attack the Time Trapper, Superman rips his hood and the four heroes discover that the Trapper is in fact an aged Superboy-Prime.
Superman and the Time Trapper fight, and Superman tells him that he won't gain anything by holding onto hate. In the 31st century, Superboy blasts Prime in the chest, causing a burn to appear in the Time Trapper's chest. Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy bring the three Legions to the end of time, and they all knock the Time Trapper out. Superman and the founding Legionnaires then return to the 31st century with the Time Trapper. As soon as he sees the Time Trapper, Prime becomes repulsed by what he will become, so he punches the Trapper, causing both to cease to exist. Superman and Superboy reunite and the two Legions return to their respective universes.
Before returning to his own time, as the reality-shattering impact of the current Crisis begins to affect the future, Superman is given a brief glimpse of the reality-altering Miracle Machine by Brainiac 5. When he returns to the present, Superman finds that Darkseid has taken over Earth. In a fit of desperate rage, Superman attacks Darkseid's bunker, finding Batman's charred corpse within. After being mocked by Darkseid, Superman nearly kills him, but hesitates when he realizes that Darkseid is possessing Dan Turpin, allowing the Anti-Life slaves to surround him. Superman then witnesses Darkseid fire the Radion bullet that earlier killed Orion through time, and also Darkseid's defeat when Barry Allen and Wally West led the Black Racer to him. As reality breaks down around him and the universe slowly dies, Superman, with the help of the rest of the remaining superheroes and humanity, completes construction of a copy of the Miracle Machine.
Darkseid's essence attempts to claim the Miracle Machine in a last ditch effort to defeat Superman. However, Superman sings a note at a frequency that counters Darkseid's own vibrational frequency, shattering his essence. At this point, Mandrakk, now in the form of Monitor Rox Ogama, arrives alongside a now vampiric Ultraman to consume Superman, the last and greatest Protector of Life, at his weakest, explaining that Darkseid's fall, return and ultimate demise have worn the fabric of creation enough for him to invade it. He taunts Superman with reminders of his father Jor-El's own inability to save his world, saying he has nothing to start the Miracle Machine with, so Superman should come to Mandrakk and embrace the death of everything. Superman replies that he's had better offers, and uses the remaining solar energy in his body to power the Miracle Machine, making a single wish. Then, exiled Monitor Nix Uotan arrives, bringing the forces of the Zoo Crew of Earth-26, the Super Young Team become Forever People of the 5th World, and the angels of the Pax Dei, while Captain Marvel brings the collective Supermen of the Multiverse. The Supermen vaporize Ultraman, while the rest battle Mandrakk's shadow demons, weakening Mandrakk enough for the Green Lanterns to break through and kill Mandrakk with a spike created from their rings. As the heroes present repair the Multiverse and restore Earth to its proper position, ending the Final Crisis, Nix Uotan reveals to his love Weeja Dell in the last moments of Nil's existence that Superman's wish was for a happy ending.
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New Krypton
The entire city of Kandor now resides near the Fortress of Solitude in the North Pole, populated by 100,000 Kryptonians. Although distracted by the recent death of his adoptive father, Jonathan Kent, Superman attempts to aid the Kryptonians in their assimilation with the rest of the Earth -- something very few Kryptonians seem interested in, including the city's leaders, Zor-El and Alura, Supergirl's parents. After the first televised meeting between the President of the United States and a delegation from Kandor is interrupted by a rampaging Doomsday, Zor-El and Alura form a task force determined to preemptively end any future threat to Kandor by capturing Superman's worst villains and trapping them in the Phantom Zone. However, several human police officers are killed when they refuse to hand over the Parasite, enraging Superman.
At the same time, Lex Luthor, who has been recruited by General Sam Lane to halt the Kryptonian “invasion,” gains control of Brainiac and unleashes his robot army from within the depths of the alien's spaceship, currently being held in Kandor. During the fight, Metallo and Reactron, who are working for Luthor and General Lane, are brought into Kandor as Trojan horses containing Kryptonite. Reactron manages to kill Supergirl's father, Zor-El. Alura's anger causes her to denounce humanity. Members of the Justice League and Justice Society arrive in Kandor, led by the Guardian, demanding the city turn over those who murdered the police officers, and a large-scale battle erupts, with Superman in the middle. It only ends when Kryptonian scientists manage to use Brainiac's technology to lift Kandor off the Earth and grow an entirely new planet underneath it, called “New Krypton,” on the other side of the solar system, directly opposite the Earth, and therefore hidden by the sun. Alura tells Superman that he is not welcome on New Krypton, although Supergirl takes up residence there with her mother. In the end, Alura frees General Zod from the Phantom Zone to help her lead their people.
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Kryptonian Military Guild
Superman accepts his aunt Alura In-Ze's offer to begin a new life on New Krypton in exchange for renouncing his life on Earth, and places a Labor Guild member named Tyr-Van as his guide. Because of his superior mastery over their special abilities, he is drafted into the Kryptonian Military Guild as a Commander working directly underneath General Zod. Kal is placed in charge of the Red Shard tactical response unit, and Asha Del-Nar is appointed as his XO. Placed under his command are Jeq-Vay, Kir-Ta, Non and Sem-Re.
Following his successful handling of a hostage situation involving the Labor Guild demanding equality led by Tam-Or, he is forced to duel his fellow officer Commander Gor over a tactical humiliation and wins through superior technique. The Green Lantern Corps is sent to New Krypton on a fact-finding mission; Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Sodam Yat assist the Red Shard in taking down Kryptonian serial killer Greyline who has escaped from the Phantom Zone. Kal and Asha are charged with treason for refusing to put the man to death and ceding him to the Lanterns' authority. Dyn-Xe of the Artists Guild is appointed their defense counsel, and they are sentenced to death. Zod convinces the Religious Guild to grant him a pardon when he realizes that Kal is more than willing to die for his ideals if it will make the army stronger. Zod is shot through the chest during an assassination attempt.
The shooter is identified as a patriotic soldier named Ral-Dar, although he escapes custody and travels to Earth; this forces Kal to become Superman again so he can pursue him with Supergirl during Codename: Patriot. Superman and Mon-El meet Guardian and the Science Police to explain Ral-Dar's plot and the attempted assassination of Zod. Lois explains to Clark that Chris Kent has returned to Earth. Superman and the Guardian brief the Science Police about Ral-Dar. Superman pursues Ral-Dar all the way to Markovia, where the U.S. President is meeting with the Markovian president. Superman stops Ral-Dar, only to be confronted by General Lane with members of Squad K and his own troops, with kryptonite-infused weapons and Kryptonian battle-suits. Lane orders them to open fire, and the hail of bullets kills Ral-Dar. Superman demands answers, but is called away by Alura. Superman takes Ral-Dar's body and returns to New Krypton.
Kal-El is temporarily promoted to General with Zod out of commission, and the council discusses going to war based on revelations that Ral-Dar's weapon was Earth-made. There is a massive military conflict involving a Thanagarian attack during a Kryptonian operation to take one of Jupiter's moons for their terra-forming. General El mediates the conflict by opening diplomatic channels with wing-master Vetalla Dae, personally leading the Red Shard on a mission to save her ship. Jemm, Son of Saturn is outraged at their rearrangement of the solar system, and is barely convinced not to declare war on Krypton.
Adam Strange is found in the home of a murdered councilor. Strange explains that he arrived via Zeta Beam to protest New Krypton's charter with Thanagar on behalf of Rann, but he agrees to help General El solve the murder to prove his innocence. Tam-Or is their main suspect, although Kal and Strange believe him to be framed. Zod recovers and returns to active duty; Gor charges them with aiding and abetting a fugitive, and attempts to execute them as traitors on the spot. They escape death using another Zeta Beam, although Tam-Or is killed in the shooting. Zod demotes Gor and allows Strange to leave, initiating a deeper internal investigation.
Commander El discovers that the murders were caused by Wri-Qin, part of a cabal attempting to weaken Krypton internally on behalf of General Lane and Superwoman; they were led to believe that this would end the inevitable war sooner, and ultimately preserve Kryptonian lives. They had been promised power in the new order, and Qin had begun eliminating the other conspirators to secure more of it for himself. Kal's efforts to institute governmental change from within Kryptonian society finally have a positive effect, with Tyr-Van elected to become the first Labor Guild council representative.
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Blackest Night
Clark temporarily leaves New Krypton to spend Thanksgiving with Martha, Conner and Krypto in Smallville. While Clark, Conner and Martha talk at the table, Krypto hears something outside. Superman and Superboy go to investigate, telling Krypto to stay in the farm and protect Martha. The two heroes go to the graveyard and find Kal-L, who has been transformed into a Black Lantern, taking Jonathan Kent's coffin out of the grave. Kal-L attacks them, but Superman and Superboy fight back.
As Superman and Superboy fight Kal-L, Martha is held hostage by Earth-Two Lois Lane, who is also a Black Lantern. Superman tells Superboy to save Martha while he fights Kal-L. Superman tries to reason with Kal-L, but he refuses to listen. Suddenly, Psycho-Pirate, also a Black Lantern, appears and brainwashes Superboy, telling him to attack Superman.
Superman is forced to fight Conner while defending himself from Kal-L. Superman tries to reason with Conner, but he simply keeps fighting. However, just when Kal-L is about to kill Superman, Superboy breaks free of Psycho-Pirate's control and attacks Kal-L with his tactile-telekinesis. Then, Krypto meets up with Superman and Superboy, after having defeated Earth-Two Lois. Superman and Krypto fight Kal-L while Superboy takes Psycho-Pirate's mask and uses it to disintegrate Kal-L. Although Kal-L is destroyed, the mask is destroyed as well. Superman believes that what happened in Smallville is happening across the world, so he, Superboy and Krypto decide to investigate.
Things, however, take a turn for the worse for Superman and Superboy when Nekron, the leader of the Black Lantern Corps, arrives at Earth. Nekron reveals himself as the one behind all resurrections across the universe, including Superman's return to life after his death at the hands of Doomsday. Then, Nekron transforms Superman into a Black Lantern, inducting him into his Corps.
Hal Jordan finds the White Entity of Life and merges with it, gaining the necessary power to defeat Nekron. Hal resurrects Superman and inducts him into the new White Lantern Corps. With their combined power, the White Lanterns resurrect Black Hand, Nekron's link to the world of the living. Having lost his herald, Nekron is banished from the world of the living and the Blackest Night ends. The White Entity then disappears and Superman is returned to normal.
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Last Stand of New Krypton
Brainiac's invasion on Kandor begins, forcing civilians to fight for their home. Kal-El rescues a boy called Lan-Drom from Brainiac's robots, before being informed Zod has activated the global defense cannons to fire on Brainiac's ship. Unfortunately, the blast does not even scratch the ship, but several Kryptonians are killed as collateral damage. Outraged, Kal-El calls out Zod on his recklessness and lack of preparation, motivating him to quit the Military Guild and become Superman again. Superman deduces how the shield around Brainiac's ship works and is able to bypass it, infiltrating the ship. Once inside, Superman attempts to confront Brainiac directly, only to be hit by a Kryptonite laser fired by none other than Luthor, who is working with Brainiac.
The laser's impact knocks Superman unconscious and he is carried away by Brainiac's robots. Upon awakening, the Man of Steel finds himself strapped to a torture machine before Lex and Brainiac. Superman demands to know what exactly Luthor gains by working with Brainiac, but the villains are resolute in maintaining their objectives secret. Even when he is tortured, Superman frees himself. Luthor attempts to get Superman to stand down by aiming a gun at one of the bottled city under Brainiac's capture; a situation quickly solved when Mon-El snatches the city away before Luthor pulls the trigger. Together, Superman and Mon-El take on Brainiac's robot army.
Superman keeps Brainiac from recapturing one of the cities, but becomes separated from Mon-El. Fortunately, Superman stumbles upon the Legion of Super-Heroes, who has come to New Krypton's aid. The Legionnaires explain the bottled cities must be returned to their rightful places so that the future the Legion comes from is preserved. Suddenly, Brainiac bottles and shrinks Kandor again. Superman attempts to intervene, but is then blasted by one of Brainiac's red sunlight weapons, causing him to fall to New Krypton's surface. Fortunately, Superman is saved by Legionnaire Quislet, who had taken control of one of Brainiac's robots. With his powers replenish, Superman rejoins the battle and enters Brainiac's ship once more.
Upon entering the ship, Superman comes across Zod and his soldiers battling Brainiac' army. While Zod fights Brainiac by himself, Superman searches for the captured Kandor. The Man of Steel finds Kandor and asks Supergirl and Brainiac 5 to return Kandor to New Krypton and restore it to its original size while he faces Brainiac. Brainiac 5 warns Superman he will die if he fights Brainiac, but Superman assures him he will survive the day. Supergirl and Brainiac 5 succeed in restoring Kandor to its original size, while Superman confronts Brainiac. But in all of a sudden, one of Brainiac's stolen cities is enlarged while inside Brainiac's ship.
The damage causes the ship to go on a collision course towards Kandor. Superman asks Mon-El and the Legionnaires to save the bottled cities while he, Superboy and Supergirl stop the ship from crashing. The heroes are successful, but Superman is left mortally wounded, much like Brainiac 5 said. With a blood transfusion from Superboy and a dose of synthesized, concentrated yellow sunlight from the 31st century, Brainiac 5 saves Superman's life. When Zod attempts to kill Brainiac, Superman intervenes, arguing that Brainiac should stand trial for his crimes; but in that moment, Brainiac 5 grabs Braniac and teleports away. Shortly afterwards, Superman and Supergirl discover Lex was never present at Kandor; instead it was one of his robots.
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War of the Supermen
Shortly after Brainiac's invasion has been stopped, Superman receives news that General Zod had declared war on Earth. Outraged, Superman attempts to stop him but is held down by Ursa and Non. Zod reveals from the very beginning he planned to invade Earth and allowed Superman to join the Military Guild so that his soldiers would be properly trained in the use of their powers, therefore facilitating an invasion. Also, Zod never let go of his vendetta against the House of El. Superman argues that a war will mean the end of both Earth and New Krypton, but Zod has already started the attack.
Superman frees himself from Ursa and Non's hands and flies into space to fight them and Zod. Their fight is brief, however, as they all tragically bear witness New Krypton's complete destroyed. Superman searches in the debris of New Krypton, managing to find a sad Supergirl. She silently reveals Alura died in the explosion. An enraged Supergirl then grabs the Kryptonian flag and flies to war, followed by a worried Superman.
Superman and Supergirl engage in a brief fight, but they are able to talk things over. Supergirl blames herself for New Krypton's destruction, as she brought Reactron to Kandor by Alura's order. Superman comforts her and they resolve to end the war. The cousins intercept the Kryptonian army fighting the human forces stationed on Mars. As Superman and Supergirl attempt to stop the battle, Zod sends a second wave of Kryptonians to attack Earth. Meanwhile, Luthor and General Lane uses reverse-engineered Kryptonian technology to turn the sun red. With their powers gone, Superman, Supergirl and thousands of Kryptonians begin to suffocate in space.
To save the Kryptonians, Thara Ak-Var fully unleashes the power of the Flamebird and turns the sun back to yellow, sacrificing her life in the process. Superman and Supergirl recover their powers just in time to survive, but thousands of Kryptonians have already suffocated to death, including Lieutenant Nar. More determined than ever, Superman flies to Metropolis to personally confront Zod and his forces.
As Superman and Zod clash, Superman refuses to allow Zod to destroy humanity while Zod has resolved to turn Earth into a new Krypton and also plans to kill Lois Lane, just to make Superman suffer. Just as Zod is about to kill Superman with a Kryptonite knife, Superboy uses a Phantom Zone projector to trap Zod's soldiers in the Phantom Zone while Krypto pulls Superman away from Zod. Angrily, Zod stabs Krypto with the knife, forcing Superboy to take the dog away from the battle. Superman takes the projector, intending to trap both Zod and himself within the Zone in order to make sure Zod can never escape. However, Nightwing chooses to return to the Phantom Zone and keep Zod trapped. Saying goodbye to Superman, Nightwing throws his adoptive father back to Earth so that he can continue protecting it. In the aftermath, Superman and Lois reflect sadly on how New Krypton's appearance resulted in such a pointless war, Superman expressing his uncertainty about whether any Kryptonians are left in hiding on Earth, while Lois promises to write the truth about her father's actions despite the media portraying him as a hero for his 'defensive action,' hoping that someday humanity will be ready for interaction with other alien races.
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Following the Hundred Minute War, Superman feels he has lost touch with humanity. In an effort to get back to his roots as a hero and help people with their problems, he decides to walk across the entire country on foot starting in Philadelphia. Passing through Detroit, he uses alien technology to solve the employment crisis and reopen factories. Batman tracks him down and asks him to stop, believing that he's in the middle of an emotional breakdown, but Superman insists it's something he needs to do. He meets with further criticism in Ohio when a super-villain fight ravages a small town, raising the question of whether he holds responsibility.
People in Chicago ask him to leave a public park because his presence might be a danger to children, and he begins having prophetic apocalyptic dreams about sacrifice. Rescuing a young boy from an abusive father, he tries to reinforce that powers are not required to be a hero. His morals are challenged again in Iowa, when Lois Lane tries to shut down a factory that the local community depends upon; despite their environmentally unsafe practices, Superman concludes that a Daily Planet expose would destroy people's lives and asks her not to publish the article.
Representatives of the Superman Squad are sent from the future to help him deal with his depression, believing that seeing his many descendants in action throughout space-time will remove his doubt and restore his faith in his own legacy. In her new rebooted incarnation following the changes made to history in Odyssey, Superman meets Wonder Woman for the first time and inspires the warrior towards more heroic actions. The Flash stops to have lunch with him in Colorado and discuss the idea of moral absolutes and heroic legacy, leaving Superman with a brighter outlook toward his own future. Batman helps him further come to terms with his grief in Utah, while they reminisce about an encounter with Vandal Savage they once shared before developing alter-egos.
Livewire attacks Las Vegas, and Superman regulates the mental illness caused by her electrical powers using Strange Visitor's costume. Following a meeting with his childhood idol Iron Munro, Superman does his best to get Livewire off lightly on her sentence; he explains to Jimmy Olsen that America is the land of second chances, even for super-villains. Clark decides that Superman is unnecessary, and believes he can do more good without causing harm if he begins operating in secret again the way he did as a young man. In the middle of Clark writing an article officially condemning himself, an Oregon man obsessed with Superman takes him on a tour of the city to show him his value as a symbol by asking people on the streets.
The villain of the story is revealed to be Lisa Jennings, a woman who became the physical embodiment of Superman's depression and self-doubt through exposure to a Kryptonian Sunstone, also receiving his powers. Superman disarms her using his hope, having beaten depression and decided to embrace his legacy. Giving signal watches to his closest allies, he forms the Supermen of America with Iron Munro, Livewire, Steel, Superboy, Super-Chief and Supergirl. This team that embodies the values of "Truth, Justice and the American way" will eventually preserve them into the future as the Superman Squad.
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Reign of Doomsday
Quickly speeding towards Metropolis, Superman arrives and attempts to find Doomsday, until he is dragged into outer space by Lex, who has acquired godlike power and wants to destroy Superman once and for all. He forces Superman to relieve each and every one of his personal tragedies, believing that as an alien, Superman cannot truly feel emotion. Superman forces Lex to witness Jonathan Kent's death and Lex realizes Superman is Clark Kent. Enraged that Superman got to experience happiness with a normal life while he only felt misery, Lex attempts to kill Superman, until he realizes his new power cannot be used to kill Superman, who tricks Luthor into relinquishing his new power. As Lex becomes human again, he angrily reveals he was the one behind Doomsday's recent attacks. Superman can only watch as Lex loses memory of who he is and falls into the Phantom Zone, ending their conflict forever.
Taking Luthor's ship, Superman makes it to the ship where his friends are captured. He reunites with Kara, Conner, Steel and the Cyborg Superman. The group comes to the realization that they were not attack by one, but by multiple Doomsdays created by Luthor, starting the "Reign of the Doomsdays."
Cyborg Superman wants to fight the Doomsdays, but Superman, knowing that they would not survive a confrontation with them, rips his node off. The heroes then fly across the ship in an attempt to escape the Doomsdays. They also take the original Doomsday with them. Reaching an observation area, the heroes begin rearranging the internal structure to reach Earth. However, they encounter a new foe, the Doomslayer. The Eradicator, against Superman's suggestion, tries to fight the Doomslayer, but the Doomslayer destroys him.
Superman and his allies are shocked by the Eradicator's murder, and the Doomslayer expresses remorse for what he did. He explains that his mission is to erase Doomsdays and all knowledge of them from the universe, and attacks the original Doomsday with his laser vision. However, Superman defends him, saying that while Doomsday may be a mass murderer, the fact that the Doomslayer achieved sentience proves that Doomsday has the potential for redemption. The Doomslayer refuses to listen and continues his plan to crash the ship into Earth and destroy it, considering it "ground zero" for Doomsday's infection.
Superman and his allies escape from the ship and attempt to slow its fall. The Doomslayer reverses the ship's engines to merely destroy North America instead of the entire planet, by aiming for Metropolis. Superman orders Superboy, Supergirl and Steel to return to Metropolis and help in the relief effort when the ship leaves. He manages to angle the station to land in the bay, creating a tidal wave. Steel's gravitron source, Supergirl's super breath, and Superboy's tactile-telekinesis dissipate the tidal wave, while Superman returns to Metropolis. Suddenly, the Doomslayer attacks the city with the four Doomsday clones.
The Doomsday clones spread across the world, wreaking havoc. Supergirl fights attacks Cyborg Doomsday in a nuclear lab, Steel fights Superboy Doomsday in Moscow, and Superboy fights Steel Doomsday in Haiti.
In S.T.A.R. Labs, Superman, Lois and Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi use the original Doomsday's body to try and find a way to stop the Doomsday clones. Suddenly, Doomsday awakens, but the Eradicator speaks through him. The Eradicator says that, as a being of pure information, he leaped into the technology Luthor used to clone Doomsday so that he could control the original Doomsday. Also, the Eradicator says that he can help Superman against the Doomsdays.
The Eradicator, controlling Doomsday's body, helps Earth's heroes fighting the Doomsday while Superman an accelerator to reach the Doomslayer's tower before its defenses detect him. Meanwhile, Earth's heroes begin fighting the Doomsdays. Reaching the Doomslayer's tower, Superman flies through a tunnel that leads to the ship's core. To stop him from foiling his plan, the Doomslayers powers up the ship's informational engines.
As Superman reaches the ship's core, Superman finds information about the Doomsday Supergirl threw into a tunnel. The Doomsday spent years trapped inside the tunnel, conscious and fueled by rage. Suddenly, the Doomslayer blasts Superman with the ship's informational engines.
The blast from the ship's informational engines does not destroy Superman, instead it converts him into data and transfers him into the ship's informational engines, where he meets the ship's artificial intelligence. The AI reveals that the ship is actually a sentient creature from another universe that got injured during a journey. When it was healing itself, Luthor attacked it and modified it to suit his needs. When Supergirl threw the Doomsday clone through the creature's tunnels, it was infused with the creature's knowledge, becoming the Doomslayer. Superman tells the creature that it can help, so the creature shows its internal schematics, teaching Superman how to repair it. When Superman learns everything he needs, the creature returns him to solid form.
The Eradicator, meanwhile, defeats Superboy Doomsday in Moscow, and Zatanna teleports him to the ship and the heroes to Kansas, where they help Supergirl defeat Cyborg Doomsday. With the clones defeated, the heroes throw them way down into the pit the tower is located in, because the tower will also teleport things that are close to it.
Reaching the tower's bridge, Superman manages to activate a sequence that will teleport the tower to its home before it reaches Earth's core. Suddenly, the Doomslayer attacks him, but the Eradicator appears to help Superman. The Eradicator, telling Superman that it was an honor fighting alongside him, throws Superman out of the tower, seconds before it teleports away. With the battle over, Superman and Supergirl return to Metropolis.
Later, Clark and Lois eat dinner in a restaurant. There, Clark admits to Lois the Eradicator's sacrifice and that Luthor found out about his double life. He also says maybe he should reveal his secret identity, but Lois says that it is not necessary, because the people will always trust Superman no matter what happens. Lois tells Clark that it was Jonathan and Martha Kent, not his coming from Krypton, that made him Superman. Clark and Lois then return home.
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At some point after the Reign of the Doomsdays, Clark and Lois traveled to Gotham City. Unfortunately, the villain Brainiac stole Gotham City and put it under the custody of Telos, controller of the Blood Moon. The city was surrounded by a dome that trapped everyone inside and caused all superhumans to lose their powers, including Clark. Three months after the dome's imprisonment Clark impregnated Lois with his child, and during the next nine months Clark fought crime in Gotham as a masked vigilante with Lois' help until the dome around Gotham disappeared and Clark regained his powers, enabling him to be Superman again. Superman explores the land beyond the city's outskirts and discovers the city has been taken to another planet. Suddenly, he is attacked by Captain Thunder, Cyborg and Abin Sur, inhabitants from a parallel universe. Superman's attempts to make peace are foiled when Jimmy, wanting to help Superman, attacks the alternate heroes with an aircraft.
With Jimmy's help, Superman takes his opponents down until he hears Lois is in trouble. He flies back to their apartment, finding it empty; but Abin Sur had been swayed by Superman's arguments and explains Lois was kidnapped by Superman's own alternate counterpart. Superman quickly incapacitates his alternate self and rescues Lois in time to deliver their son, who they decide to name Jonathan Samuel Kent. Unfortunately, Deimos seizes control of the Blood Moon and forces the inhabitants to accept his dominance. Superman later makes an alliance with other superheroes on the Blood Moon and they all confront Deimos, who has already gathered his own superhuman army to fight the heroes.
After a superhuman brawl, Telos, having been convinced to protect the heroes he once imprisoned, captures Deimos' lackeys, but Deimos overwhelms his enemies with his magic power before being killed by a version of Hal Jordan still merged with the entity Parallax. With Deimos dead, the power he once controlled is released into the universe and starts breaking reality apart. Booster Gold and his allies release the only person who can stabilize the multiverse: Brainiac. Coming to regret his evil deeds, Brainiac attempts to save reality but he cannot do that unless a group of heroes travels to the past and prevents the First Crisis from happening in the first place. Supergirl, the Flash and Hal accept that mission, and Superman and his family come along to help them.
The actions of Superman and his friends are unknown, but their efforts in averting the First Crisis are successful and ensure the rebirth of the infinite multiverse, after which he, Lois and Jonathan ultimately found themselves on Prime Earth 9 years in the past, where Lois and Clark raised their child in anonymity.
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Brave New World
Even so, Superman never stopped working to protect the world, even if he had to maintain a low profile. He even witnesses the Justice League's first battle with Darkseid. To further his activities, he constructed his own Fortress of Solitude. Eventually, he came across the villainous psychic Blanque, and for the first time Superman was forced out in the open to fight him. After defeating Blanque, Superman imprisoned him inside his Fortress.
Later, Superman saves Excalibur, a space shuttle that carried Hank Henshaw, the man who became the Cyborg Superman in his old world. Concerned for his safety, Superman takes Henshaw to the Fortress to give him medical attention, but Blanque manipulates Henshaw to release him from his prison. Superman manages to release Henshaw from Blanque's control and re-imprison Blanque. While returning home, Clark and Lois discuss the possibility of telling Jon about his nascent powers and that his father is a superhero.
Upon finding out Lois and Jon are being threatened by Intergang agents, Superman flies off to save them, only to discover they have already beaten their attackers. Superman and Lois come clean to Jon, but cannot say much before Superman finds out Henshaw is under attack. He flies to the island where Henshaw is being held and finds him under attack by the alien conqueror Hyathis. After a short fight, Hyathis vanishes and Superman returns to his family and teaches Jon how to fly.
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Final Days of Superman
Superman later meets his younger Prime Earth counterpart, who is dying from radiation poisoning. Their encounter does not last long, as they are attacked by Denny Swan, an ex-con who had acquired solar powers after being in contact with the younger Superman's solar radiation and now wanted to be the world's only Superman. After taking his family to his Fortress to keep them safe, Superman helps his alternate self in taking Swan out of Earth's orbit to defeat him. Although the day is won, the younger Clark dies and Superman mourns his death alongside the new world's heroes.
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Sometime later, Clark receives a warning from the mysterious Mr. Oz that he, his family and the fallen Superman are not who they think they are. Superman visits his younger self's memorial at Metropolis, where he meets Lana Lang. Both are grieving the younger Superman's death, but Superman tells her about his own death and resurrection, so perhaps they can bring him back using the Regeneration Matrix. Superman takes Lana and his alternate self's body to the Fortress of Solitude, but unfortunately, the Regeneration Matrix does not exist in Prime Earth, meaning the younger Superman cannot be resurrected. Accepting the younger Clark is gone, Superman brings his alternate self's remains to Smallville so Lana can bury them next to his parents and makes the decision to be the Prime Earth's new Superman.
Superman makes his first public appearance confronting Lex Luthor, who had assumed the "Superman" identity as his own way to honor the fallen hero. Their fight doesn't last long until Doomsday shows up in Metropolis, forcing Superman and Luthor to work together in taking the beast down. During that time, Superman encounters a completely human Clark Kent, who claims to be real Clark Kent and the younger Superman merely assumed his identity in an attempt to protect him from assailants. As the human Clark proved harmless, Superman decides to leave him to his own devices.
Things take a turn for the worse, however, when the human Clark professes his love for Lois, who rejects him. Angry, the human Clark burns down the Smith Farm, kidnaps Jon and reveals his real identity: Mr. Mxyzptlk. All this time, Mxyzptlk had brainwashsed himself into thinking he was Clark Kent to escape from Mr. Oz and now wants revenge because Superman didn't even try to save him. Mxyzptlk also reveals that both the New Earth and Prime Earth Supermen are actually two halves of the true, complete Superman; who was split into two separate people during the Flashpoint incident. The two Supermen save Jon and become a single, complete version of Superman of Prime Earth; fixing their conflicting histories and bringing the world back to normal.
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Fun Facts
Superman's origin story has been rewritten many times over the years, each time heavily changing which stories may be considered in continuity based on the interpretation.
The silver age version of Superman had other powers such as Super hypnotism, Super ventriloquism, and Sonic screams of over 1,000,000 decibels. During this period, 'heat-vision' was merely x-ray vision used at high intensity.
Kellel is the name given Superman when he acquired the powers of a god and oversaw Proto-Earth-1 with Batman and Wonder Woman.
Superman does not drink alcohol.
Clark was a vegetarian at one point in his life.
Clark's favorite movie is To Kill a Mockingbird.
The aura that Superman's body generates, the same that protects his body from damage, prevents grime and dirt from clinging long to his flesh to keep him perpetually clean.
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scifigeneration · 6 years
New era of astronomy uncovers clues about the cosmos
by Gregory Sivakoff and Daryl Haggard
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An illustration of two neutron stars spinning around each other while merging. NASA/CXC/Trinity University/D. Pooley et al.
Astronomers have had a blockbuster year.
In addition to tracking down a cosmic source of neutrinos, they have detected the merger of two city-sized neutron stars, each more massive than the sun.
The discoveries were heralded as evidence that a “new era of multimessenger astronomy” had arrived.
But what is multimessenger astronomy?
In our daily lives, we interpret the world around us based on different signals, such as sound waves, light (a type of electromagnetic wave) and skin pressure. Each of these signals may be carried by a different “messenger.” New messengers lead to new insights. So astronomers have eagerly welcomed a new set of messengers to their science.
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Twenty-seven radio antennas make up the Karl G. Very Large Array in New Mexico. The VLA is an important tool for studying cosmic radio waves. Shutterstock
Many messengers
For most of the history of astronomy, scientists primarily studied signals transmitted by one messenger, electromagnetic radiation. These waves, which move through space and time, are described by their wavelengths or the amount of energy found in their particles, the photons.
Radio waves have photons with the lowest amount of energy and the longest wavelengths, followed by infrared and optical light at intermediate energies and wavelengths. X-rays and gamma-rays have the shortest wavelengths and the highest energy.
But scientists study others messengers too:
Cosmic rays: charged atomic particles and nuclei travelling near the speed of light.
Neutrinos: uncharged particles that see most of the universe as transparent.
Gravitational waves: wrinkles in the very fabric of space and time.
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The four messengers of astronomy. Adapted from IceCube Collaboration
And while some fields in astronomy have explored these messengers for years, astronomers have only recently observed events from well beyond the Milky Way with more than one messenger at the same time. In just a few months, the number of sources where astronomers can piece together the signals from different messengers doubled.
Like a walk on the beach
Multimessenger astronomy is a natural evolution of astronomy. Scientists need more data to put together a complete picture of the objects they study and match the theories they develop with their observations.
Astronomers have combined different wavelengths of photons to piece together some of the mysteries of the universe. For example, the combination of radio and optical data played a major role in determining that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy in 1951.
And astronomy continues to reveal great results about our universe using just one messenger, photons. So if multimessenger astronomy is just an evolutionary step of an incredible history of successes, does that mean it’s just a new buzzword?
We don’t think so.
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An artistic rendition of NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. This space satellite produces the most detailed X-ray images of high energy astrophysical phenomena. NGST
Imagine you are walking along an ocean beach. You are enjoying the sight of an incredible sunset, hearing the rolling waves, feeling the sand beneath your feet and smelling the salty air. Your combined senses form a more complete experience.
With multimessenger astronomy, we hope to learn more from the universe by combining multiple messengers, just as we combine sight, hearing, touch and smell.
But it’s not always a picnic
The cultures of astronomers and particle physicists represent different approaches to science. In multimessenger astronomy, these cultures collide.
Astronomy is an observational field and not an experiment. We study astronomical objects that change over time (time-domain astronomy), which means we often have only one chance to observe a transient astronomical event.
Until recently, most time-domain astronomers worked in small teams, on many projects at once. We use resources like The Astronomer’s Telegram or the Gamma-ray Coordination Network to rapidly communicate results, even before submitting scientific papers.
Since most of the expected sources of multimessenger signals are transient astronomical events, it’s a huge effort to capture the messengers besides photons.
Particle physicists have led the way in creating large international collaborations to tackle their hardest problems, including the Large Hadron Collider, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). Corralling hundreds to thousands of researchers to work towards common goals requires comprehensive identification of roles, strict communication guidelines and many teleconferences.
The need to respond to rapid changes in a multimessenger source and the huge effort to capture multimessenger signals means astronomy and particle physics must merge towards one another to elicit the best of both cultures.
The benefits of multimessenger astronomy
While multimessenger astronomy is an evolution of what astronomers and particle physicists have done for decades, the combined results are intriguing.
The detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron stars confirmed that these collisions made a large fraction of the gold and platinum on Earth (and throughout the universe). It also showed how these collisions give rise to (at least some) short gamma-ray bursts — the origin of these explosive events has been a huge open question in astronomy.
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The IceCube Neutrino Observatory used a cubic kilometre of crystal-clear Antarctic ice to capture the signal of a rare neutrino that helped pinpoint a galaxy four billion light years away with a supermassive black hole launching a jet of photons and near light-speed particles directly at our Solar System. IceCube Collaboration/NSF
The first association of a neutrino with a single astronomical source provided a glimpse into how the universe makes its most energetic particles. Multimessenger astronomy is revealing details about some of the most extreme conditions in our universe.
The multimessenger perspective is already yielding more than the sum of its parts — and we can expect to see more surprising discoveries in the future. Elite teams across Canada are already contributing to the growth of this young field, and multimessenger astronomy promises to play a major role in our next decade of astronomical research in Canada — and across the world.
About The Authors:
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Gregory Sivakoff is an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta and Daryl Haggard is an Assistant Professor of Physics at McGill University.
This article was originally published on The Conversation, a Sci Fi Generation content partner.
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orenssss-blog · 6 years
Media has been around for as long as we know, but how did it start?
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Let me take you back to when media sprouted until it became new media at present. 
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This allowed messages to be delivered over a long distance far faster than a horse and rider could carry them. Although telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way to convey news and information.
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It is another way for letters to be delivered quickly between recipients. A pneumatic post utilizes underground pressurized air tubes to carry capsules from one area to another. 
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It is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user.
RADIO 1891
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The technology of using radio waves to carry information, such assound, by systematically modulating properties of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. When radio waves strike an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields induce an alternating current in the conductor.
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A device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically viacomputer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks.
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Are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition.
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It is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services .
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It is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified byUniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and accessible via the Internet. English scientist Tim Berners-Leeinvented the World Wide Web in 1989. He wrote the first web browserin 1990 while employed at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. The browser was released outside CERN in 1991, first to other research institutions starting in January 1991 and to the general public on the Internet in August 1991.
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A social gaming site based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was originally a social networking service website. Before Friendster was redesigned, the service allowed users to contact other members, maintain those contacts, and share online content and media with those contacts.The website was also used for dating and discovering new events, bands and hobbies. Users could share videos, photos, messages and comments with other members via profiles and networks. It is considered one of the original social networks.
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Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
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It is a video sharing service that allows users to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of their own. The service was started as an independent website in 2005 and was acquired by Google in 2006. Videos that have been uploaded to YouTube may appear on the YouTube website and can also be posted on other websites, though the files are hosted on the YouTube server.
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It is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices. Tweets and replies to tweets can be sent by cell phone text message, desktop client or by posting at the Twitter.com website.
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It is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone. Similar to Facebook or Twitter, everyone who creates an Instagram account has a profile and a news feed. t's like a simplified version of Facebook, with an emphasis on mobile use and visual sharing. Just like other social networks, you can interact with other users on Instagram by following them, being followed by them, commenting, liking, tagging and private messaging.
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It is a search engine that can be employed to find a variety of information such as websites, pictures, and maps. Google uses a computer program called a 'web crawler' that looks at the billions of websites available on the World Wide Web and examines their content to find 'keywords'. Then it indexes these to make the websites easier for the search engine to find.
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It is a web and mobile application that operates a software system designed to discover information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images and, on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos. Pinterest is like a web-based pinboard or bulletin board—but with greater organizational functionality.
That is only some of the great advancements of media in our time, who knows there are more amazing things lying ahead of our time.
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foxtennessee59 · 3 years
WiFi Signal
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Wifi Signal Strength
Wifi Signal Strength
Urant WiFi Range Extender 1200Mbps Signal Booster Range Repeater, Wireless WiFi Amplifier Add Coverage up to 1200 sq.ft, in Your Home, Extend 2.4GHz & 5GHz Wi-Fi 3.6 out of 5 stars 2,700 $44.99 $ 44. 99 $59.99 $59.99. Wi-Fi (/ ˈ w aɪ f aɪ /) is a family of wireless network protocols, based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards, which are commonly used for local area networking of devices and Internet access, allowing nearby digital devices to exchange data by radio waves. A little digital readout of your WiFi signal strength. It can also show you the name of the network you're connected to, or the signal strength as a raw percentage. Get improved cell phone coverage where it's needed most. Try the weBoost Home Room, designed to increase cellular connectivity and signal strength for one room or up to 1,500 sq. Affordable connectivity at home, the Home Room is capable of reaching far away cell towers and is the ideal solution for improving cell coverage inside any small home or apartment.
10 Ways to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal. Check out these quick tips to boost your wireless signal from your router, extend and optimize your Wi-Fi coverage, and speed up your surfing.
This document covers the basics of how wireless technology works, and how it is used to create networks. Wireless technology is used in many types of communication. We use it for networking because it is cheaper and more flexible than running cables. While wireless networks can be just as fast and powerful as wired networks, they do have some drawbacks.
Reading and working through Learn Networking Basics before this document will help you with some of the concepts used in wireless networks.
In addition to some background information, this document covers six basic concepts:
Wireless signals - what they are and how signals can differ.
Wireless devices - the differences and uses for receivers and transmitters.
Wi-Fi Modes - how networks are made up of clients, access points, or ad-hoc devices.
Wi-Fi Signals - the unique characteristics of Wi-Fi, and how signals are organized.
Power and Receiver sensitivity - how far each wireless device can go, and how well a router can listen and filter out interference and noise.
Antennas - how the type of antenna changes the way the router broadcasts.
Reading through this material should take about an hour. Working through the activities, or diving deeper into the subject with a group may take longer.
What is a wireless signal?
Wireless signals are important because they can transfer information -- audio, video, our voices, data -- without the use of wires, and that makes them very useful.
Wireless signals are electromagnetic waves travelling through the air. These are formed when electric energy travels through a piece of metal -- for example a wire or antenna -- and waves are formed around that piece of metal. These waves can travel some distance depending on the strength of that energy.
For more on how electromagnetic signals work, check the #External Resources section at the end of this document.
Types of Wireless Signals
There are many, many types of wireless technologies. You may be familiar with AM and FM radio, Television, Cellular phones, Wi-Fi, Satellite signals such as GPS and television, two-way radio, and Bluetooth. These are some of the most common signals, but what makes them different?
First of all, wireless signals occupy a spectrum, or wide range, of frequencies: the rate at which a signal vibrates. If the signal vibrates very slowly, it has a low frequency. If the signal vibrates very quickly, it has a high frequency. Frequency is measured in Hertz, which is the count of how quickly a signal changes every second. As an example, FM radio signals vibrate around 100 million times every second! Since communications signals are often very high in frequency, we abbreviate the measurements for the frequencies - millions of vibrations a second is Megahertz (MHz), and billions of vibrations a second is Gigahertz (GHz). One thousand Megahertz is one Gigahertz.
Example Frequency Ranges
Below we can see the span of frequencies that are commonly used in communications. Broadcast transmitters for AM, FM and Television use frequencies below 1000 MHz, Wi-Fi uses two bands at higher frequencies - 2.4 and 5GHz. Cellular phones use many different frequencies.
The frequencies from left to right:
AM Radio: Around 10MHz
FM Radio: Around 100MHz
Television: Many frequencies from 470MHz to 800MHz, and others.
Cellular phones: 850MHz, 1900MHz, and others
Wi-Fi: 2.4GHz
Satellite: 3.5GHz
Wi-Fi: 5GHz
In addition to having different frequencies, wireless signals can be different in the way they convey information. A wireless signal needs to be modulated--or changed--to send information. There are many types of modulation, and different technologies can use one or more types to send and receive information. In the two examples below -- AM and FM radio -- the M stands for modulation. The type of modulation is what makes them different.
Example one: AM radio. The A in AM comes from Amplitude - the energy or strength of the signal, operating at a single frequency. An un-modulated AM wave might look like:
And a modulated AM radio wave has higher and lower energy (amplitude) waves indicating higher and lower audio frequencies in the signal:
From left to right, we have the normal, un-modulated wave, then the lower amplitude wave (representing low points in audio waves), then the higher amplitude wave (representing crests or high points in audio waves).
A more detailed version of an AM signal is below:
The audio signal is the wave on the top, with the corresponding Amplitude Modulated wave below it.
Example two: FM radio. The F in FM comes from Frequency - defined by how quickly the wave vibrates every second. An un-modulated FM wave might look like:
And a modulated FM radio wave has higher and lower frequencies indicating higher and lower audio frequencies in the signal:
From left to right, we have the normal, un-modulated wave, then the lower frequency wave (representing lower audio amplitudes), then the higher frequency wave (representing higher audio amplitudes).
The type of modulation various technologies use to communicate can be very different, and are often not compatible. Satellite equipment cannot speak directly to your laptop or smartphone, which uses Wi-Fi to send and receive information. This is because the radios in different devices can listen only to certain types of modulations and frequencies.
As an example, some broadcast radio receivers have a switch to select between AM and FM signals, for two reasons: they use different frequencies to transmit, and they use different modulation types. If you try and listen to an AM signal with a radio in FM mode, it won’t work. The opposite is also true - in AM mode, an FM signal doesn’t make sense to the receiver. It is important that transmitters and receivers use the same frequencies and modulation types to communicate.
Devices in your daily life use many types of wireless signals. Look at the table below to see the various frequencies and types of modulation each uses:
Technology or deviceType of wireless signal
Analog video - Amplitude modulated from 50MHz to 800MHz
Digital video - complex modulation from 200MHz to 800MHz
Voice - analog or digital modulation from 800MHz to 900MHz
3G, 4G or LTE - digital modulation from 1700MHz to 1900MHz and others
Bluetooth - digital modulation at 2400MHz
Walkie-talkie / two-way radio - analog AM, FM or digital modulation over many frequencies
Many types of signals - voice, audio, video, data
Many modulation types - analog and digital
Many, many frequencies - 3400MHz, 5900MHz, 10.7GHz, 14.5GHz, 23GHz, and many others.
Wi-Fi - digital modulation at 2400MHz or 5000 to 5800MHz.
Bluetooth - digital modulation at 2400MHz
AM Radio - AM modulation from 0.6MHz to 1.6MHz
FM Radio - FM modulation from 88MHz to 108MHz
Nearly every device or technology uses a different wireless frequency and modulation. This means most devices can only understand a very specific kind of wireless signal.
Receivers and Transmitters
When a device sends out a wireless signal, it is called a transmitter. When another device picks up that wireless signal and understands the information, it is called a receiver. In the case of FM radio, there is one transmitter--owned and operated by the radio station--and many receivers that people listen to the station with. When a device has both a transmitter and a receiver, it is sometimes called a transceiver. Devices such as routers can both transmit and receive, which is what makes them useful for building networks--you probably want to be able to send messages to your neighbors and out to the world, as well as receive messages!
Quick Activity: What devices do you own or use frequently that are transmitters, receivers or transceivers? Fill in some examples below each type:
TransmitterReceiverTransceiverExamples: Examples: Examples:
Do you use more transmitters, receivers, or transceivers throughout the day? What is different about the way you use each of these?
Wi-Fi Signals
When building a network, you will be using Wi-Fi technology, which has some unique characteristics you will need to know.
There are two types of Wi-Fi signal, based on the frequencies they use:
2.4GHz - A lower frequency, this is the more common Wi-Fi technology in use today. Many devices use it, so the signals can become more crowded and interfere with each other. It can pass through walls and windows fairly well.
5GHz - This higher frequency technology is used by fewer devices, and can sometimes achieve higher speeds because the frequencies are less crowded. It cannot pass through walls and windows as well as the 2.4GHz band signals, so the range of 5GHz technology is often shorter.
These two types of Wi-Fi are called the Frequency Bands, or just Bands for short.
Each frequency band used in Wi-Fi is divided up into multiple 'channels'. Each channel is similar to rooms at a party - if one room is crowded it is hard to carry on a conversation. You can move to the next room, but that might get crowded as well. As soon as the building is full, it becomes difficult to carry on a conversation at the party.
2.4GHz Band For the 2.4GHz band, there are 14 channels total. Unfortunately, these channels overlap, so they aren’t all usable at the same time. If you are setting up a mesh network -- all of the mesh links will need to be on the same channel.
The available channels vary depending on where you are in the world. For example, in the United States channels 12, 13 and 14 are not allowed for Wi-Fi, as those frequencies are used by TV and satellite services. If you are building networks in the United States, you can only use channels 1 through 11. In the rest of the world, channels 1 through 13 are generally usable, and in a few places channel 14 is available.
Despite that, the best channels in the United States and most of the world to use for 2.4GHz band equipment are channels 1, 6, and 11. This will minimize interference caused by partially overlapping Wi-Fi signals:
You could use other sets of Wi-Fi channels, as long as they are 5 channels apart - for instance 3, 8 and 13. This may not be optimal though, as channels 1 and 2 would be unused, and in many places in the world channel 13 is not available. Wherever you are, try and check what channels are most in use, and plan your network to use a channel that doesn't overlap.
5GHz Band The 5GHz frequency band is much wider and has more channels, so the diagram is a bit more extensive. Fortunately, these channels do not overlap, so you don’t have to worry about picking non-standard channels like in the 2.4GHz band.
There are many more channels available in the 5GHz band, so it should be easier to select a channel in this band that doesn’t cause interference. This may not always be true -- more and more wireless equipment is starting to use the 5GHz
In the United States, only channels available for building mesh networks are 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, and 165. There are other channels available for Access Points or other types of community networks, but those channels won’t work with mesh wireless. The best place to check what is allowed in your area is online. Links are provided in External Resources at the end of this document.
When setting up your wireless network, you will need to think about what frequency band to use, and what channel to use.
Power and Receiver Sensitivity
Many people want to know how far wireless signals will go. Knowing this is important for planning a network, as the power of the routers will affect the design of the network, and how much equipment is needed.
Different Wi-Fi routers can have very different power levels. Some are much stronger: they have more speaking or transmitting power than others. Some are very good listeners: they have what is called a better receive sensitivity. These two elements define how well wireless devices will connect, and how far away a receiving Wi-Fi router can be.
Manufacturers do not usually publish information about their router’s transmit power or receive sensitivity. Instead, the manufacturer will give a generic “range” rating to their routers, usually relative to each other. In some cases, usually with more business or professional oriented equipment you can find the information for transmit power and receive sensitivity.
A router’s transmit power can be measured with two scales -- milliwatts (mW) or dBm:
A milliwatt is one thousandth (that’s 1/1000) of a single watt - which is a generic measurement of power. For instance, a light bulb might be 40 watts. A router will have an output power of 100mW, which is 400 times less!
A dBm is a relative measurement using logarithms. One milliwatt is 0 dBm. 10 milliwatts is 10 dBm; 100 milliwatts is 20 dBm, and so on. This is the scale that many network designers use to calculate if longer wireless links will work.
A few examples of the transmit power levels in common Wi-Fi hardware is below:
10mW (10dBm): Laptop or smartphone, or very low cost Wi-Fi router. About 25 to 50 meters
100mW (20dBm): Indoor home or office router. About 50 to 100 meters
100mW (20dBm): Outdoor sector router. About 5 to 10 kilometers
500mW (1/2 Watt or 27dBm): Outdoor, long distance focused routers. About 10 to 20 kilometers or more
Wireless transmitter power is only one half of the connection. The Wi-Fi receiver has a range of power levels it can hear--the “listen power” in the diagram above. This is also known as the receive sensitivity. The receive sensitivity values are generally rated in dBm, and are usually in the range of -40dBm to -80dBm. The negative number indicates a very small signal -- tiny fractions of a milliwatt.
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Below we have an example of two routers in relatively close range. They have a good connection because the signal strength between them is strong.
As a receiver moves away from a wireless router, the signal it hears will get “quieter” -- in other words, the power it receives will go down. Below, we can see the same routers, but with more distance between them. In this case, the routers have a weaker connection because the signal is near the limit of what the routers can hear. The speed between the routers will be less.
If the router moves too far away from the transmitter, it won’t be able to receive any signal, either due to the signal being too weak or other signals interfering, and the routers will disconnect. Below we can see the two routers have disconnected, as there isn’t enough signal.
The optimal signal range for outdoor wireless equipment is between -40dBm and -60dBm. This will ensure the connection can maintain the highest bandwidth possible.
Wireless routers have different types of antennas. Some routers will have antennas built in, and sometimes the routers will have a choice of antenna you can attach to the router. There are many specific types of antennas, but three basic types are used most of the time, and will be useful in building a wireless network. The first type of antenna is also the most common--omnidirectional.
Omnidirectional Antennas
An omnidirectional antenna sends a signal out equally in all directions around it.
Using omnidirectional antennas has the benefit of creating connections in any direction. You don’t have to do as much planning to connect with multiple neighbors or buildings. If there is enough signal between nodes, they should connect.
The all-direction strength of these antennas comes with the drawback of transmitting a weaker signal. Since the signal is going in all directions, it spreads out and gets weaker with distance very fast. If nodes or clients are far away, they may not connect well.
Also, if there are only nodes or clients in one direction of the router, then the signals going in the opposite direction are wasted:
Directional Antennas
The next type of antenna is known as directional--it sends out a signal in a more focused way. There are two main types of directional antennas:
Sector Antenna Focused Antenna Sector antennas send out a pie-shaped wedge of signal - it can be anywhere between 30 degrees and 120 degrees wide. These are often long, rectangular antennas that are separate or integrated in to a router. A focused antenna sends out a narrow beam of signal - it is normally around 5 to 10 degrees wide, but it can be a little wider as well. These are often dishes or have a mesh bowl reflecting signal behind them.
Using directional antennas has the benefit of increasing the distance a signal will travel in one direction, while reducing it in all other directions. Since the signal is all going one way, the power that would be sent out in all directions with omnidirectional nodes is now focused, increasing the power in that direction.
It can also decrease the interference received at the node. There are fewer signals coming in to the antenna, since the node is only listening to signals from the direction it is pointing. It won’t hear signals behind it or to the sides as well or at all. This reduces the signals it needs to sort out, and allows it to focus on other signals more, increasing the quality of those connections.
However, directional antennas also have the drawback of requiring more planning to create links in your neighborhood. Since you are defining and limiting the areas where wireless signals go, you need to think about how those signals cover your neighborhood. If there are areas that are then left out, how will those areas be included in the network?
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Also, the node has a very powerful signal in a single direction. If omnidirectional units, or lower power units such as laptops, are connecting to the node, they may not connect properly. The laptop will hear the node very well, but the directional node may not hear the laptop. This will create the situation where it looks like there is a strong signal, but you cannot connect.
Quick Activity: What are the best uses for the different kinds of antennas?
Antenna TypeBest UsesOmnidirectional Sector Focused ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
What would the best antennas to use for building a neighborhood network?
When a node has an omnidirectional antenna attached, it can send and receive wireless signals in all directions around it equally. The signal is actually strongest out to the “sides” of the antenna. Very little or no signal comes out of the “ends” of the antenna.
Directional antenna
When a node has a directional antenna attached, the wireless signal is very strong in one direction, and has a very weak or no signal in every other direction. This generally forms a cone or wedge shaped area from the front of the antenna.
Receive sensitivity
The minimum level of a received signal required for a device to understand the signal.
Access point
A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi.
A unit of power, usually written “W”. The most common power levels for Wi-Fi devices are in the range of milliwatts - or thousandths of a watt.
An abbreviation for the power ratio in decibels (dB) of the power referenced to one milliwatt (mW). 0 dBm is equal to 1 milliwatt.
Related Information
We recommend you work through Learn Networking Basics if you haven’t already. Networking concepts are important when dealing with wireless.
External Resources
If you are interested in learning more about Wi-Fi and wireless technology, there is a lot of information out there. Good books to read for background and more information include How Radio Signals Work by Sinclair (ISBN 0070580588), and 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide by Gast (ISBN 0596100523).
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There are also excellent documents on Wikipedia about Wi-Fi and wireless signals. Similarly, an Internet search will most likely answer any questions you can think of, as wireless is a very popular technology.
For more information on what frequencies are available in your country or regulatory area, please see this article on Wikipedia on wireless channels.
Commotion Construction Kit
Wireless + Networking
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Talking about 'good signal strength' may have become part of everyday language, but what constitutes a good Wi-Fi signal, really? Do you know what it takes to be able to use demanding services like Netflix and videoconferencing over Wi-Fi?
Signal strength is measured in dBm or decibel milliwatts, which, somewhat confusingly, is expressed only in negative values (with a minus sign in front).
So what are the good and acceptable dBm values for wireless internet?
Here is what the Wi-Fi signal strength values mean
How to measure the received signal strength
To measure signal strength at a given location and time, you can use a Wi-Fi scanner. You can read more about this in our article How to find good Wi-Fi channels and bad neighbors.
The measurement you are looking for is RSSI, which is short for received signal strength indicator.
If you are running Mac OS X, you can also measure the received signal strength directly without installing anything: Hold down the Altkey and click the Wi-Fi icon in the top menu, and details of communication with the wireless access point will appear under the name of the active Wi-Fi network.
If you would like to map out the signal for an entire home, we recommend using a heat mapper to create a heat map of good and bad coverage zones. See also: Map your wireless network with a heat mapper.
Poor signal strength? Remove obstacles
Have you done your testing and concluded that the signal strength is insufficient? Clamxav vs malwarebytes. First of all:
Don't be tempted to try to amplify the transmit strength from your router / access point. You may sabotage both yourself and your neighbors in the process, and you risk breaking the law along the way. Read more about this in Don't. Boost. Your Wi-Fi Signal.
Of course, the performance and capacity of the wireless network depends on more than the signal emitted from the access point, but the most important thing you can do for the signal is:
Move the router or other access point high up and in front of any obstacles. Preferably high up on the wall.
Place your devices and access points with as much of a clear line of sight between them as possible.
Wifi Signal Strength
Get further advice on what you can do yourself to improve your home Wi-Fi in: Better Wi-Fi at Home: 18 Free Tips.
Wifi Signal Strength
Article by Jan Pedro Tumusok and Jorunn D. Newth
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digitalanand2 · 3 years
What is the Industrial Crane remote control system and how does it work?
Industrial Crane:
As we know that the industrial sector has increased widely and in the future, it will keep on increasing. Industrial cranes are also one of them and they are a very essential part of this field. The heavy materials and the objects are passed through the cranes. Industrial cranes are used for substantial things because they cannot be operated by small machines or humans.
  Industrial crane remote control system:
The cranes are operated by a machine called an Industrial crane remote control system. It works wireless as this device generates artificial radio waves to manipulate or control the systems. The radio remote control for cranes uses signals for communication between transmitter and receiver.
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 How does Radio waves technology work?
The radio remote control for cranes works on radio waves technology. The light which travels through space and vibrating in the range of frequency is known as an electromagnetic wave. And these consist of waves vibrating at different frequencies. Electromagnetic waves with a frequency range of 10 kHz to 300 GHz are divided into radio waves and microwaves. At these frequencies, the alternating current in the conductor can emit energy into free space in the form of radio waves. Radio waves do not require a medium to move like sound waves. They are naturally emitted by stars, and other electromagnetic waves such as X-rays, gamma rays, and visible light differ from radio waves only in frequency and wavelength.
 Radio technology principle:
Radio technology mostly works on the radio waves signal. Once the signal is received by the antenna it filters the other radio waves signals. Since many different radio waves propagate in the air at all times, the antenna must be adjusted to receive the radio waves of the desired frequency. For example, an antenna tuned to the 2.4 GHz frequency will have a very low return loss at 2.4 GHz and will exhibit a very high return loss at other
frequencies. For mono pole or dipole antennas, the length of the antenna depends on the wavelength of the
desired frequency. λ = c / f, λ = wavelength, C = speed of light, F = desired frequency
 Working essence of EOT crane remote control:
EOT crane remote control establishes communication between transmitter and receiver with the help of radio technology waves. This communication can be processed either wireless or wired also. But when the industrial cranes are very high then wireless scenario suits for the communication between transmitter and receiver. Whenever the transmitter sends the data to the receiver it is always in encrypted form, so the receiver first decrypts the data and check the data. Communication between transmitter and receiver occurs more than 10 times in one second. The transmitter can continuously monitor many parameters of the communication link, such as the number of successful transmission attempts, the strength of the received signal, the indication of the link quality, and the loss of data packets. The hopping technology used by the Anand remote control crane to continuously change the transmission frequency to avoid unwanted radio signal interference and increase crane safety.
 Best quality of Radio remote control:
Many industries are there that built the EOT crane radio remote control. But the top quality of radio remote controlled only manufactured from Anand system engineering private limited. Anand radio remote is not only highly optimize but also customized for the electric overhead cranes. It is made in such a way that it can be used for harsh industrial use situations. Anand radio remote control for cranes are capable of transmitting and receiving the signal more than 200 meters with full power. And the software program can transmit the signal from 10 meters to 200 meters according to the customer's need. 
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Invisible wireless charger-How invention of Radio helped wireless charging
While not, technically speaking, a form of wireless power transmission, radio works through a very similar concept. Identified and studied by the German physicists Heinrich Hertz in the later 1880s, it is so ubiquitous today we barely give it a second thought.
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Radio works by transmitting electromagnetic waves at frequencies between tens to hundreds of Hertz through the air. These are generated by an electronic devices called transmitters which radiates out radio waves until they are received by another antenna — the receiver.
At the receiver, the radio waves induce a small alternating current, which is then translated into sound via a transducer. This entire process, in effect, is transmitting power over a distance without the need for wires.
With regards to power transfer only, the use of radio waves has not proved fruitful, yet. This is because of the relativity low-frequency of radio signals, and the fact that it is spread out in all directions. This means that very little energy can actually be transferred to a single receiver — hence the need for an amplifier in most situations.
However, using a device called a rectenna, or rectifying antenna. This is a type of receiving antenna that is used for converting electromagnetic energy into DC electricity. By using a rectenna, radio waves could, conceivably, also be used to transmit electricity over greater distances.
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However, current work in this field is only able to provide small amounts of power, on the microwatt scale. While useful for small electronic devices like LEDs or silicon chips, it is a magnitude of scale lower than is needed for your smartwatch or TV. Though, it is important to note that radio-wave wireless power transfer is currently a rapidly developing field, for further information on how we have gained success in developing invisible wireless charger please visit our website or email us @invisQi
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sciencespies · 3 years
There’s Only One Way To Beat The Speed Of Light
There’s Only One Way To Beat The Speed Of Light
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In our Universe, there are a few rules that everything must obey. Energy, momentum, and angular momentum are always conserved whenever any two quanta interact. The physics of any system of particles moving forward in time is identical to the physics of that same system reflected in a mirror, with particles exchanged for antiparticles, where the direction of time is reversed. And there’s an ultimate cosmic speed limit that applies to every object: nothing can ever exceed the speed of light, and nothing with mass can ever reach that vaunted speed.
Over the years, people have developed very clever schemes to try and circumvent this last limit. Theoretically, they’ve introduced tachyons as hypothetical particles that could exceed the speed of light, but tachyons are required to have imaginary masses, and do not physically exist. Within General Relativity, sufficiently warped space could create alternative, shortened pathways over what light must traverse, but our physical Universe has no known wormholes. And while quantum entanglement can create “spooky” action at a distance, no information is ever transmitted faster than light.
But there is one way to beat the speed of light: enter any medium other than a perfect vacuum. Here’s the physics of how it works.
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Light is nothing more than an electromagnetic wave, with in-phase oscillating electric and magnetic … [+] fields perpendicular to the direction of light’s propagation. The shorter the wavelength, the more energetic the photon, but the more susceptible it is to changes in the speed of light through a medium.
And1mu / Wikimedia Commons
Light, you have to remember, is an electromagnetic wave. Sure, it also behaves as a particle, but when we’re talking about its propagation speed, it’s far more useful to think of it not only as a wave, but as a wave of oscillating, in-phase electric and magnetic fields. When it travels through the vacuum of space, there’s nothing to restrict those fields from traveling with the amplitude they’d naturally choose, defined by the wave’s energy, frequency, and wavelength. (Which are all related.)
But when light travels through a medium — that is, any region where electric charges (and possibly electric currents) are present — those electric and magnetic fields encounter some level of resistance to their free propagation. Of all the things that are free to change or remain the same, the property of light that remains constant is its frequency as it moves from vacuum to medium, from a medium into vacuum, or from one medium to another.
If the frequency stays the same, however, that means the wavelength must change, and since frequency multiplied by wavelength equals speed, that means the speed of light must change as the medium you’re propagating through changes.
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Schematic animation of a continuous beam of light being dispersed by a prism. Note how the wave … [+] nature of light is both consistent with and a deeper explanation of the fact that white light can be broken up into differing colors.
Wikimedia Commons user LucasVB
One spectacular demonstration of this is the refraction of light as it passes through a prism. White light — like sunlight — is made up of light of a continuous, wide variety of wavelengths. Longer wavelengths, like red light, possess smaller frequencies, while shorter wavelengths, like blue light, possess larger frequencies. In a vacuum, all wavelengths travel at the same speed: frequency multiplied by wavelength equals the speed of light. The bluer wavelengths have more energy, and so their electric and magnetic fields are stronger than the redder wavelength light.
When you pass this light through a dispersive medium like a prism, all of the different wavelengths respond slightly differently. The more energy you have in your electric and magnetic fields, the greater the effect they experience from passing through a medium. The frequency of all light remains unchanged, but the wavelength of higher-energy light shortens by a greater amount than lower-energy light.
As a result, even though all light travels slower through a medium than vacuum, redder light slows by a slightly smaller amount than blue light, leading to many fascinating optical phenomena, such as the existence of rainbows as sunlight breaks into different wavelengths as it passes through water drops and droplets.
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When light transitions from vacuum (or air) into a water droplet, it first refracts, then reflects … [+] off of the back, and at last refracts back into vacuum (or air). The angle that the incoming light makes with the outgoing light always peaks at an angle of 42 degrees, explaining why rainbows always make the same angle on the sky.
KES47 / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
In the vacuum of space, however, light has no choice — irrespective of its wavelength or frequency — but to travel at one speed and one speed only: the speed of light in a vacuum. This is also the speed that any form of pure radiation, such as gravitational radiation, must travel at, and also the speed, under the laws of relativity, that any massless particle must travel at.
But most particles in the Universe have mass, and as a result, they have to follow slightly different rules. If you have mass, the speed of light in a vacuum is still your ultimate speed limit, but rather than being compelled to travel at that speed, it’s instead a limit that you can never attain; you can only approach it.
The more energy you put into your massive particle, the closer it can move to the speed of light, but it must always travel more slowly. The most energetic particles ever made on Earth, which are protons at the Large Hadron Collider, can travel incredibly close to the speed of light in a vacuum: 299,792,455 meters-per-second, or 99.999999% the speed of light.
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Time dilation (L) and length contraction (R) show how time appears to run slower and distances … [+] appear to get smaller the closer you move to the speed of light. As you approach the speed of light, clocks dilate towards time not passing at all, while distances contract down to infinitesimal amounts.
No matter how much energy we pump into those particles, we can only add more “9s” to the right of that decimal place, however. We can never reach the speed of light.
Or, more accurately, we can never reach the speed of light in a vacuum. That is, the ultimate cosmic speed limit, of 299,792,458 m/s is unattainable for massive particles, and simultaneously is the speed that all massless particles must travel at.
But what happens, then, if we travel not through a vacuum, but through a medium instead? As it turns out, when light travels through a medium, its electric and magnetic fields feel the effects of the matter that they pass through. This has the effect, when light enters a medium, of immediately changing the speed at which light travels. This is why, when you watch light enter or leave a medium, or transition from one medium to another, it appears to bend. The light, while free to propagate unrestricted in a vacuum, has its propagation speed and its wavelength depend heavily on the properties of the medium it travels through.
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Light passing from a negligible medium through a dense medium, exhibiting refraction. Light comes in … [+] from the lower right, strikes the prism and partially reflects (top), while the remainder is transmitted through the prism (center). The light that passes through the prism appears to bend, as it travels at a slower speed than the light traveling through air did earlier. When it re-emerged from the prism, it refracts once again, returning to its original speed.
Wikimedia Commons user Spigget
However, particles suffer a different fate. If a high-energy particle that was originally passing through a vacuum suddenly finds itself traveling through a medium, its behavior will be different than that of light.
First off, it won’t experience an immediate change in momentum or energy, as the electric and magnetic forces acting on it — which change its momentum over time — are negligible compared to the amount of momentum it already possesses. Rather than bending instantly, as light appears to, its trajectory changes can only proceed in a gradual fashion. When particles first enter a medium, they continue moving with roughly the same properties, including the same speed, as before they entered.
Second, the big events that can change a particle’s trajectory in a medium are almost all direct interactions: collisions with other particles. These scattering events are tremendously important in particle physics experiments, as the products of these collisions enable us to reconstruct whatever it is that occurred back at the collision point. When a fast-moving particle collides with a set of stationary ones, we call these “fixed target” experiments, and they’re used in everything from creating neutrino beams to giving rise to antimatter particles that are critical for exploring certain properties of nature.
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Here, a proton beam is shot at a deuterium target in the LUNA experiment. The rate of nuclear fusion … [+] at various temperatures helped reveal the deuterium-proton cross-section, which was the most uncertain term in the equations used to compute and understand the net abundances that would arise at the end of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Fixed-target experiments have many applications in particle physics.
LUNA Collaboration/Gran Sasso
But the most interesting fact is this: particles that move slower than light in a vacuum, but faster than light in the medium that they enter, are actually breaking the speed of light. This is the one and only real, physical way that particles can exceed the speed of light. They can’t ever exceed the speed of light in a vacuum, but can exceed it in a medium. And when they do, something fascinating occurs: a special type of radiation — Cherenkov radiation — gets emitted.
Named for its discoverer, Pavel Cherenkov, it’s one of those physics effects that was first noted experimentally, before it was ever predicted. Cherenkov was studying radioactive samples that had been prepared, and some of them were being stored in water. The radioactive preparations seemed to emit a faint, bluish-hued light, and even though Cherenkov was studying luminescence — where gamma-rays would excite these solutions, which would then emit visible light when they de-excited — he was quickly able to conclude that this light had a preferred direction. It wasn’t a fluorescent phenomenon, but something else entirely.
Today, that same blue glow can be seen in the water tanks surrounding nuclear reactors: Cherenkov radiation.
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Reactor nuclear experimental RA-6 (Republica Argentina 6), en marcha, showing the characteristic … [+] Cherenkov radiation from the faster-than-light-in-water particles emitted. As these particle travel faster than light does in this medium, they emit radiation to shed energy and momentum, which they’ll continue to do until they drop below the speed of light.
Centro Atomico Bariloche, via Pieck Darío
Where does this radiation come from?
When you have a very fast particle traveling through a medium, that particle will generally be charged, and the medium itself is made up of positive (atomic nuclei) and negative (electrons) charges. The charged particle, as it travels through this medium, has a chance of colliding with one of the particles in there, but since atoms are mostly empty space, the odds of a collision are relatively low over short distances.
Instead, the particle has an effect on the medium that it travels through: it causes the particles in the medium to polarize — where like charges repel and opposite charges attract — in response to the charged particle that’s passing through. Once the charged particle is out of the way, however, those electrons return back to their ground state, and those transitions cause the emission of light. Specifically, they cause the emission of blue light in a cone-like shape, where the geometry of the cone depends on the particle’s speed and the speed of light in that particular medium.
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This animation showcases what happens when a relativistic, charged particle moves faster than light … [+] in a medium. The interactions cause the particle to emit a cone of radiation known as Cherenkov radiation, which is dependent on the speed and energy of the incident particle. Detecting the properties of this radiation is an enormously useful and widespread technique in experimental particle physics.
vlastni dilo / H. Seldon / public domain
This is an enormously important property in particle physics, as it’s this very process that allows us to detect the elusive neutrino at all. Neutrinos hardly ever interact with matter at all. However, on the rare occasions that they do, they only impart their energy to one other particle.
What we can do, therefore, is to build an enormous tank of very pure liquid: liquid that doesn’t radioactively decay or emit other high-energy particles. We can shield it very well from cosmic rays, natural radioactivity, and all sorts of other contaminating sources. And then, we can line the outside of this tank with what are known as photomultiplier tubes: tubes that can detect a single photon, triggering a cascade of electronic reactions enabling us to know where, when, and in what direction a photon came from.
With large enough detectors, we can determine many properties about every neutrino that interacts with a particle in these tanks. The Cherenkov radiation that results, produced so long as the particle “kicked” by the neutrino exceeds the speed of light in that liquid, is an incredibly useful tool for measuring the properties of these ghostly cosmic particles.
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A neutrino event, identifiable by the rings of Cerenkov radiation that show up along the … [+] photomultiplier tubes lining the detector walls, showcase the successful methodology of neutrino astronomy and leveraging the use of Cherenkov radiation. This image shows multiple events, and is part of the suite of experiments paving our way to a greater understanding of neutrinos.
Super Kamiokande collaboration
The discovery and understanding of Cherenkov radiation was revolutionary in many ways, but it also led to a frightening application in the early days of laboratory particle physics experiments. A beam of energetic particles leaves no optical signature as it travels through air, but will cause the emission of this blue light if it passes through a medium where it travels faster than light in that medium. Physicists used to close one eye and stick their head in the path of the beam; if the beam was on, they’d see a “flash” of light due to the Cherenkov radiation generated in their eye, confirming that the beam was on. (Needless to say, this process was discontinued with the advent of radiation safety training.)
Still, despite all the advances that have occurred in physics over the intervening generations, the only way we know of to beat the speed of light is to find yourself a medium where you can slow that light down. We can only exceed that speed in a medium, and if we do, this telltale blue glow — which provides a tremendous amount of information about the interaction that gave rise to it — is our data-rich reward. Until warp drive or tachyons become a reality, the Cherenkov glow is the #1 way to go!
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Electromagnetic wizardry: Wireless power transfer enhanced by backward signal An international research team including scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and ITMO University has proposed a way to increase the efficiency of wireless power transfer over long distances and tested it with numerical simulations and experiments. To achieve this, they beamed power between two antennas, one of which was excited with a back-propagating signal of specific amplitude and phase. The study is detailed in a paper published in Physical Review Letters and briefly reported in the American Physical Society journal Physics. "The notion of a coherent absorber was introduced in a paper published back in 2010. The authors showed that wave interference can be used to control the absorption of light and electromagnetic radiation in general," recalls MIPT doctoral student Denis Baranov. "We decided to find out if other processes, such as electromagnetic wave propagation, can be controlled in the same way. We chose to work with an antenna for wireless power transfer, because this system would benefit hugely from the technology," he says. "Well, we were quite surprised to find out that power transfer can indeed be enhanced by transmitting a portion of received power from the charging battery back to the receiving antenna." Coils and transformers Wireless power transfer was originally proposed by Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century. He managed to light fluorescent and incandescent lamps from a distance without any wires connecting the lamps to a generator. To pull off this feat, he used the principle of electromagnetic induction: When an alternating current passes through a coil -- that is, a conductor wound in a spiral around a cylinder-shaped core -- this gives rise to an alternating magnetic field both inside and outside the coil. Faraday's law says that if a second coil is placed in this magnetic field (figure 1), an electric current is induced in this other coil, which can then be used for charging an accumulator or some other purpose. It may not be obvious, but wireless power transfer is already widely used. For example, unconnected induction coils are at the heart of transformers in television sets, smartphones, energy-saving lamps, power lines, etc. By increasing or decreasing the alternating voltage in the electrical grid and individual devices, transformers enable efficient power transmission and the operation of consumer electronics. Besides that, a technology analogous to that proposed by Tesla has recently been implemented in wireless charging pads for phones and electric cars. Inductive charging starts working the moment an electric car or a phone supporting the technology comes into range. As of today, however, "in range" means right on top of the charger, and that is one of the main shortcomings of the currently available technology. The problem is that the strength of the magnetic field generated by the coil in the charger is inversely proportional to the distance from it -- that is, the field fades quickly with distance. So the second coil, which is built into the device, has to be rather close for a noticeable current to be induced. That is why magnetic cores are used to confine and guide magnetic fields in transformers. And that is also why wireless chargers operate over distances less than 3-5 centimeters. That range could, of course, be enhanced by increasing the size of one of the coils or the current in it, but that would mean stronger magnetic fields potentially harmful to humans around the devices. In most countries, there is a legal limit on radiation power. For example, in Russia, the density of radiation around cell towers cannot exceed 10 microwatts per square centimeter. Transmitting power over the air There are other ways of transmitting power without wires that work over longer distances. These techniques, known as far-field energy transfer, or power beaming, use two antennas, one of which sends energy in the form of electromagnetic waves to the other, which then converts radiation into electric currents. The transmitting antenna cannot be substantially improved, because it basically just generates waves. The receiving antenna, by contrast, has much more room for improvement. Importantly, the receiving antenna does not absorb all of the incident radiation but reradiates some of it back. Generally speaking, antenna response is determined by two key parameters: the decay times τF and τw into free space radiation and into the electrical circuit, respectively. These decay times indicate how long it takes for the amplitude of a wave to be decreased by a certain factor -- usually the e number is used. The ratio between these two values determines how much of the energy carried by an incident wave is "extracted" by the receiving antenna. When the two decay times are equal a maximum amount of energy is extracted. If τF is smaller than τw, reradiation begins too early. Conversely, if τF is greater than τw, the antenna is too slow to absorb the incident radiation. When the two times are equal, engineers say that the conjugate matching condition has been met. In other words, the antenna is tuned. Although antennas are manufactured with that condition in mind, achieving absolute precision is quite difficult. Furthermore, even a perfect antenna can easily be detuned due to a change in temperature, signal reflections from the terrain, and other external factors. Finally, the amount of absorbed energy also depends on radiation frequency and is maximized for waves whose frequencies match the resonant frequency of the antenna. Importantly, the above is only true for a passive antenna. If, however, the receiver transmits an auxiliary signal back to the antenna and the signal's amplitude and phase match those of the incident wave, the two will interfere, potentially altering the proportion of extracted energy. This configuration is discussed in the paper reported in this story, which was authored by a team of researchers featuring MIPT's Denis Baranov and led by Andrea Alù. Exploiting interference to amplify waves Before implementing their proposed power transmission configuration in an experiment, the physicists theoretically estimated what improvement on a regular passive antenna it could offer. It turned out that if the conjugate matching condition is met in the first place, there is no improvement whatsoever: The antenna is perfectly tuned to begin with. However, for a detuned antenna whose decay times differ significantly -- that is, when τF is several times larger than τw, or the other way round -- the auxiliary signal has a noticeable effect. Depending on its phase and amplitude, the proportion of absorbed energy can be several times greater compared with the same detuned antenna in the passive mode. In fact, the amount of absorbed energy can get as high as that of a tuned antenna (see figure 3). To confirm their theoretical calculations, the researchers numerically modeled a 5-centimeter-long dipole antenna connected to a power source and irradiated it with 1.36-gigahertz waves. For this setup, the dependence of energy balance on signal phase and amplitude (figure 4) generally coincided with the theoretical predictions. Interestingly, the balance was maximized for a zero phase shift between the signal and the incident wave. The explanation offered by the researchers is this: In the presen?e of the auxiliary signal, the effective aperture of the antenna is enhanced, so it collects more propagating energy into the cable. This increase in aperture is evident from the Poynting vector around the antenna, which indicates the direction of electromagnetic radiation energy transfer (see figure 5). In addition to numerical simulations, the team performed an experiment with two coaxial adapters, which served as microwave antennas and were positioned 10 centimeters apart. One of the adapters radiated waves with powers around 1 milliwatt, and the other attempted to pick them up and transmit the energy into a circuit through a coaxial cable. When the frequency was set to 8 gigahertz, the adapters operated as tuned antennas, transferring power with practically no losses (figure 6a). At lower frequencies, however, the amplitude of reflected radiation increased sharply, and the adaptors functioned more like detuned antennas (figure 6b). In the latter case, the researchers managed to boost the amount of transmitted energy almost tenfold with the help of auxiliary signals. In November, a team of researchers including Denis Baranov theoretically demonstrated that a transparent material can be made to absorb most incident light, if the incoming pulse of light has the right parameters (specifically, the amplitude has to grow exponentially). Back in 2016, physicists from MIPT, ITMO University, and the University of Texas at Austin developed nanoantennas that scatter light in different directions depending on its intensity. These may be used to create ultrafast data transmission and processing channels.
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by Dolly Knight and Jonathan Stromberg
Center for Implosion Research
from CenterFromImplosionResearch Website
"As a whole being, the human body resonates to a
broad spectrum of etheric frequencies. If the human
being is healthy, these frequencies are in perfect
harmony to one another."
In this article, we look at the increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere due to technological innovation, and at what we can do to protect ourselves from it.
The Greek-derived word 'ether' is defined as a,
"hypothetical medium, supposed to fill space, by means of vibrations in which light and other forms of radiation are transmitted".
Up until the latter part of the nineteenth century the 'ether theory' was an established scientific fact. Then in 1881, two men named Michelson and Morley carried out an experiment, which concluded that there was no earth motion relative to the ether.
This experiment discredited the ether theory and caused its rejection in favor of the theory that space is a vacuum and air is merely a chemical composition of oxygen and nitrogen plus other minor constituents.
Today, there is a return amongst many scientists, to some sort of ether theory, whether they call it ether, orgone, quantum sea of energy, zero point energy, scalar wave fields or whatever.
Here at the Centre for Implosion Research, we believe that the ether is for real, that it is basically dynamic vibratory energy. Dynamic, because it is in motion, and this motion always follows a vortex path.
Scientists such as,
John Worrel Keely
Nikola Tesla
Victor Schauberger
Wilhelm Reich,
...have shown that etheric energy, although invisible to most, is very real.
It is the stuff that enables the perpetual motion of planets, stars and universes. It is the driving force whereby planets are moved within the flow of ether, similar to logs being moved by the flowing water of a river.
This explains why there is no relative motion between Earth and ether.
Etheric energy moves in a vortex fashion because the vortex provides least resistance to the flowing motion. It follows that physical matter, which is materialized etheric energy, seeks the same low-resistance motion, and water and air have this intrinsic vortex motion.
Our blood and the sap of plants, move in this way too. After all, our veins, arteries and minute blood vessels are not straight channels. They are winding their way through our bodies just like a river winds its way through the countryside.
Everybody has the ability to see the etheric energy field that surrounds matter. We are born with this natural gift. Unfortunately, we have been brought up to focus only on so called "real" material objects; visions of etheric light and color around people and in nature generally are dismissed as flukes or optical illusions.
Through peripheral vision, our eyes are capable of seeing the subtle light and color emanations of etheric fields.
People can train themselves to regain this ability. The human aura or etheric energy field contains numerous energy centers, also known as chakras. Etheric energy is spiraling into these chakras in a vortex fashion, thereby sustaining the aura.
We would like to explain in a little more detail how we think etheric energy works. We have explained that the vortex motion of air, water, sap and blood accumulates etheric energy.
Further to this, since etheric energy is essentially a broad spectrum of frequencies, these frequencies, once accumulated, can be transferred onto other objects by way of resonance.
The dictionary defines resonance as the,
"vibrant, amplified effect produced by sound causing sympathetic vibration in surrounding bodies"; i.e. if a radio receiver is tuned into a particular transmitted frequency it will resonate.
This phenomenon makes radio transmission possible.
On an etheric level the same phenomenon exists. The elements, out of which our planet and everything on it is composed, all resonate to different etheric frequencies, i.e. they have their own specific eigenfrequency (individual intrinsic frequency).
Therefore the energy fields of objects and their color emanations differ according to their chemical composition. It follows, that the numerous cells, organs and symbiotic organisms within us also resonate to different etheric frequencies.
Thus the human aura is a symphonic spectrum composed of many individual eigenfrequencies. This explains the association in ancient Eastern knowledge of certain colours with certain parts of the human body.
As a whole being, the human body resonates to a broad spectrum of etheric frequencies. If the human being is healthy, these frequencies are in perfect harmony to one another.
It is like a wonderfully harmonious orchestral sound. Debilitating outside influences, such as disease forming (pathogenic) organisms, resonate to etheric frequencies which are dissonant or disharmonious to our energy field. If these pathogenic organisms become lodged within our bodies, they interfere with and disrupt the harmony of our energy field.
Likewise, if one prominent instrument in an orchestra is riot in tune with the rest of the players - if it plays off-key-its sound will interfere with and disrupt the otherwise harmonious orchestral sound.
So what does modern science think about an energy that pervades space? Well, apart from the quantum energy that every atom contains, there are atmospheric resonance phenomena that have been investigated, called the Schumann Waves or resonances.
These are very long waves of extremely low frequency, which are present everywhere in the atmosphere on this planet. The Schumann Waves have been identified as part of the natural electromagnetic radiation, which is particularly important for life on this planet. The human brain actually resonates with these atmospheric waves.
NASA, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has studied these Schumann Waves extensively and recognized the importance of these waves for human health. Space shuttles, leaving our atmosphere, are equipped with artificial Schumann Wave generators to simulate the natural electromagnetic environment of the earth.
One of the Schumann Wave researchers is Dr Phil Callahan from Florida whom we recently met in Germany. He has traveled all over the world measuring these frequencies.
What he found was that most prehistoric monuments and church towers, and in particular the round towers of Ireland, act as dielectric (non-metallic) antennae and amplifiers for Schumann Waves, thus creating an enhanced natural electromagnetic environment within their vicinity.
This might explain the special atmosphere in churches and why people experience a feeling of reduced stress and re-invigoration.
The Devenish Round Tower in Ireland
Devenish (daimh-inis, ox island) is an L-shaped island of 70 acres at
the southern end of Lower Lough Erne, 1.5 miles downstream from
Enniskillen. Ballycassidy is approximately 2 miles north of Devenish
Island on the eastern shore of the lake. The ruins of a monastery, two
churches, an oratory and one of the finest round towers in Ireland
occupy a sloping hillside on the southeast tip of Devenish
Since humanity's artificial electrification of the planet, our atmosphere is not only filled with the natural necessary radiation, but also with unnatural radiation, which has to be considered electromagnetic pollution.
This electromagnetic pollution from the communications and broadcasting network, the power lines and all electrical appliances interferes with natural radiation and causes within humans and other living organisms a state of electromagnetic stress.
Everybody has experienced stress in their lives with well known symptoms of headaches, sleeplessness, bad moods, etc. The fact is that these symptoms of stress are general response signals of the body, which can have a multitude of potential damaging causes.
Electromagnetic pollution can certainly be one of these causes.
When people use mobile phones, they expose themselves to high levels of particularly aggressive types of electromagnetic pollution. This strains the body and it is likely to respond with well known stress symptoms such as headaches. Mobile phone radiation strains the body by interfering with its natural electromagnetic operating system.
The list of potential damaging effects is growing steadily as international research progresses. Damage can occur even when stress symptoms have not yet been experienced.
So, unnatural electromagnetic radiation can induce a state of stress within us due to the direct interference with our own natural electromagnetic system and that of our planet.
But what can be done to combat this apart from spending a lot of time around standing stones and other ancient monuments?
At the Centre for Implosion Research, we have come to realize that the vortex is the energy transformer and accumulator in nature. It can raise energy from one dimension to a higher vibration and it can restore the natural energy patterns to something that has been polluted. We believe the vortex provides the possibility to transform man-made electromagnetic radiation back into the natural healthy flow of ether.
We have developed the Personal Harmonizer, which contains imploded water and works on the principle of vortex resonance.
It protects the wearer from electromagnetic pollution by strengthening the beneficial Schumann resonances in its vicinity and by transforming unnatural electromagnetic radiation back into ether.
In December 1998 the Coghill Research Laboratories in Wales tested the effects of the Personal Harmonizer on the viability of lymphocytes in vitro.
Lymphocytes, the white blood corpuscles produced in lymphatic tissue, play a very important role in fighting infection and diseases such as cancer.
Lymphocytes are easily damaged by unnatural electromagnetic frequencies and especially by microwave radiations, which - are used for the mobile phone communications system.
The standard scientific tests have shown that the number and viability of lymphocytes remained much higher in samples which were energized with the Personal Harmonizer, confirming that it has a beneficial and strengthening effect on the human immune system.
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opticaindia02 · 4 years
How Do UV-Light Air Purifiers Work?
Historically, ultraviolet (UV) light has been used to disinfect water, surfaces and the air. You may wonder if this technology works against airborne microbes or generally improves the air quality of your home. This article will describe how UV air purifiers work, whether they have been shown to be effective in cleaning the air and their potential safety concerns.
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What are UV light air purifiers?
UV air purifiers are designed to use short-wave ultraviolet light (UV-C light) to inactivate airborne pathogens and microorganisms like mold, bacteria and viruses. They have the same ultimate goal of all air purifiers: to reduce indoor air pollutants. The technology is also referred to as UV germicidal irradiation, or UVGI air purifiers. This is different from other air purifier technologies that contain UV light technology but do not use it directly against air pollutants.
On the market, UV-C air purifiers are currently sold as stand-alone, freestanding devices or as systems installed into pre-existing residential or commercial HVAC units. As air is forced through the device, it passes UV lamps, which directly attempt to disinfect the air by means of germicidal irradiation. The biggest safety concern is that ozone may be generated during this process.
Rarely a stand-alone product, UV-C light air purifiers often require additional systems for full effectiveness and are most often included in larger High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) air filtration systems. In fact, the EPA says that a UV-C air purifier does not seem effective as a stand-alone unit because it cannot trap or remove particles.
Background on ultraviolet light
Germicidal UV light has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis and to disinfect hospitals, kitchens, meat processing plants and laboratories.
Electromagnetic radiation takes on many forms–from visible light to radio waves to ultraviolet light. Here is some background on how different forms of light have different energy levels:
Light is made up of tiny particles called photons. As they travel, they vibrate back and forth and trace a wave in space. The quicker they vibrate, the shorter the distance between each wave. The slower the vibration, the longer the distance between each wave. This wave-to-wave distance is called the light’s wavelength. Long waves with slower vibrating photons have less energy. Short waves with quicker vibrating particles have more energy.
Depending on their molecular makeup, different materials in the world reflect and absorb different wavelengths of light:
·         Visible light has a wavelength between 400-700 nanometers long—the range that affects the light receptors of your eyes.
·         Infrared light, which you can feel as heat, is longer (700 to 1M nanometers).
·         Ultraviolet, which you cannot feel or see, is shorter than visible light at 100 to 400 nanometers.
·         Photons transmit electromagnetic energy when they encounter matter, and ultraviolet light has high levels of energy.
Ultraviolet light: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C
Ultraviolet is split into three sections:
·         UV-A light: 315–400 nanometers with photons that vibrate just a little faster than visible light
·         UV-B light: 280–315 nanometers, with photons that vibrate even faster
·         UV-C light: 100–280, with photos that vibrate the fastest and carry the most energy
Prolonged exposure to UVC light can cause temporary eye and skin damage, so extra precautions should be taken if directly working with or around UVC lamps. Today, UV light is mainly used to complement other established methods of disinfecting and “sterilizing” sensitive scientific and medical equipment and spaces, though such irradiative cleaning systems have found their way into residential and commercial applications by UV light’s popularization as a purifier in the past two decades. These products fall within the scope and exigency of improving cleanliness and reducing environmental pollution, rather than combating infectiousness.
How do UV light air purifiers use UV-C light?
UV-C light is responsible for the main disinfectant activity of UV-C air purification systems. All that extra energy, much more than visible light, can actually change the molecules that absorb it, and DNA is particularly susceptible to these changes. Ultraviolet light bombards microorganisms around the UV lamp and damages the DNA they need to live.
When people get sunburned after a day at the beach, they are suffering radiation burns from a type of UV light emitted by the sun—the redness is the inflammatory response of the skin when its DNA is directly damaged by UV radiation, which can potentially lead to skin cancer.
Since bacteria are only one cell, they rely on their DNA to live. This is the principle behind UV light air purifiers. If a bacterial cell’s DNA is sufficiently damaged, it triggers a self-destruct mechanism, rendering it harmless.
How do UV air purifiers clean the air?
The way UV-C light air purifiers work is quite simple. As discussed above, they are designed to use UV lamps that can potentially alter the DNA of microorganisms and inactivate or destroy them. Depending on the material of the emitter (e.g., phosphor or quartz,) this light may be blueish or may not be visible to the human eye. Usually, residential units use mercury lamps that emit UV-C light at a wavelength of 254 nm, according to the EPA.
UV light air purifiers are generally a combination of a forced air system and another filter (like a HEPA filter). As a result, the UV light of the air purifier acts together with other processes to clean the air. Ambient, in-house air is forced through the unit and ventilated through a chamber with bulbs emitting light within the UV-C frequency. The UV lamp is usually placed downstream of a filter in a portable air purifier. Various factors such as the type of UV lamp, humidity and temperature can affect its performance.
UV-C lamps used in UV-C germicidal purifiers are silent, and the glow of many, depending on the casing mounted around it, is invisible to the human eye. They are generally odorless. UV bulbs may need replacing on a yearly basis, depending on the make and model.
Dangers of UV air purifiers
Perhaps the most important negative aspect of UV air purifiers, UV-C radiation has been proven to transform the oxygen in the air into ozone. This happens through photolysis–when light causes oxygen (O2) to break apart into two individual atoms and combine with other oxygen molecules to create ozone (O3). This can happen with the UV-C lamps mentioned above, especially if they are uncoated. Because of this possibility, some manufacturers use a special coating on the UV lamps.
How effective are UV air purifiers?
Though UV-C light can potentially deactivate microbes, whether it can do so within a portable air purifier unit is a different matter altogether. These units are often advertised to reduce dust mite and mold allergens.
The effectiveness of UV-C light in disinfecting the air depends on a number of factors, including:
·         Whether the pollutants come into contact with the UV light
·         Whether the light is inhibited by the cooling effect of airflow
·         The material of the bulb emitting such light
·         The high dosage of light required
·         How long the pollutant is exposed to the light
Our solution
There has been little innovation in the air purifier industry until now. We offer a powerful solution over UV air purifiers. Not only does destroy airborne microorganisms, it also destroys allergens that UV air purifiers cannot address.
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