#or the poisonous effect just took a sec
23andtiredofbeingme · 2 years
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Did you tho?
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jnece-maharlika · 4 months
Amity parkers are feral and insane
Somehow, someway, Casper high finds their selves in Gotham.
It could be a field trip or a ghost shoved them in a portal, doesn't matter, they're in Gotham.
As they arrive in Gotham, the Casper teachers decide to turn this into something educational and hire a tour guide from Gotham Academy (or was it Gotham university? I forgot) GA agrees and also Sends some of their students to partner up with the amity parkers as a sort "buddy" and to hopefully teacher em the ways of surviving in Gotham.
To the gothamites, the amity parkers look like children who have never been exposed to crime in their life, never been mugged, never been been kidnapped.
But the truth is, compared to the BS amity is used to, Gothams issues are like kindergarten.
First thing the tour guide hears when she greets Casper high Mr lancer telling them to, "Please don't walk into danger, please don't try and provoke the joker, I know he's a bitch but still. If you find yourself in a tricky situation, do not hesitate to punch yourself to freedom, but ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICAL HITs these are NORMAL people they're not like us or the ghosts, they will not survive. Please do not give phantom problems, He's already failing in class he doesn't need more problems"
Its important to keep in mind that:
amity parkers and ghosts are buddies now.
The Ambient ectoplasm gave them a form of super strength, also making it so that they are able to touch ghost.
They join the ghost brawls everyone in a while and has some wins.
Most, if not all are liminal in a way.
Everyone knows that Danny is phantom but have signed an NDA that says they aren't allowed to tell anyone who isn't a native amity parker who he is.
Things is, The gothamites don't know about this and take it as if Mr lancer and the students are underestimating Gotham. So as a from of pettiness, all the Gotham students decided to bring their amity partner to the most dangerous places they can think of.
Niky has lead sam into a park that poison ivy frequents. Of course, poison ivy is there but instead of running away in fear like niky expected, Sam runs up to ivy, complements her and joins the path of eco terrorism.
Tucker and his partner Vic finds himself in the middle of a riddler attack, locked in a room with no way out, a countdown timer with 20 secs remaining and a riddle in a computer.
Vic is panicking as he tries to figure it out, he looked to tucker for help. Tucker just shrugged and hacked the computer, not even bothering to solve the riddle. It worked and Vic is baffled and the riddler is frustrated.
Danny find himself in the hands of the joker, (his partner ran the moment joker was seen) hanging upside down on top of a large pool of acid, because, it's classic for joker. He is also being live streamed.
The teachers in GA are panicking, the bats are panicking.
Casper high teacher took one look at the stream and shrugged. "Eh, he'll be fine." They also called the number that joker has displayed on the screen, just to say, "Daniel Fenton, make sure your back before in GA 6 pm or else were leaving you to find the hotel on your own."
The time is 5:30 pm.
It takes 25 minutes to walk from Joker to GA.
Danny sighs, might as well start walking.
He uses intangibility to free himself and fall into the vat of acid.
The Gothamites are shocked and screaming, the bats are shocked. Amity parkes went "oh" and continued placing bets on how fast Danny will get back.
Danny then proceeds to swim out of the acid pool, punch the joker in the face, knocking him out in a single hit and then proceeds to casually squeeze out the acid from his Casper high "I am a proud amitian" shirt as if it's regular water.
All of this was done in 5 minutes.
All of this was caught on stream.
The Gothamites are passed out, the bats are questioning everything. Batman is searching up everything he can about acid side effects and about Danny but ends up with nothing.
The amity parkers just raised their bets even further.
Danny somehow makes it back 10 minutes late and Wes wins the bet.
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I've always imagined ectoplasm as being sort of like dimensionally processed & condensed leftover thought & emotion. Like, ambient, stray thoughts & lingering emotional surplus in the human world gets sucked through natural portals into the ghost zone, where their combined, processed & condensed into ectoplasm. The Infinite Realms being the sort of necronexus or way station of the multiverse, takes that all in & expands infinitely so long as there are people out there who think & feel.
that's really interesting. gonna take a sec to get into real life theories but i've always thought that there's probably a sort of residue from emotion is real life. like humans are constantly creating emotions, through chemical reactions, and it's been shown that tears are our bodies way of flushing chemicals from our system when we produce too much. tears have different chemical make up depending on what you're feeling while crying. but emotions can also make us sweat and breath heavy so i figured we'd probably be letting out emotional chemicals that way too. because not everyone cries where they have strong feelings.
the logical extension to that in my head is that the chemicals we sweat and breath and cry out end up in our environment. probably rarely a significant enough mean anything, but you'll see it sometimes in places of great tragedy, there will be a sort of miasma in the area, like you can feel the grief and pain or anger. that could be explained by the event releasing a large amount of whatever chemicals are associated with negative feelings. it would also explain empathy to an extent. people with high empathy are just sensitive to those hormones/chemicals. nothing paranormal about it.
so with this scenario the idea is that those chemicals or miasma's end up in the 'ghost zone' and manifests as ectoplasm. or the emotions themselves attach to the pre-existing energy. ghosts would therefore be echoes of a traumatic death or moment of huge passion, where there would be a significant release of emotional chemicals. or in the case of the god like characters, millions of peoples thoughts and feelings and prayers towards their god, manifest into one singular being.
there is definitely a logic to this idea. though how exactly a separate dimension came to exist that's exclusively the manifestation and by products of emotion is a bit beyond me. that gets into where dimensions themselves come from. i'd also like to now why the emotions are going their and not just sticking around on earth. how do dimential tears work in this case. is the ghost zone a layer to our own dimension, or is it like a bubble attached to ours just taking things in. i imagine there's legitimate physics to it, and someone smarter than me could theorize how it works.
halfa's themselves are also very strange if this is the case but also that much more fascinating, because danny canonically had ectoplasm fuse to his body. and vlad had ectoplasmic radiation poisoning. which also... the fact that ectoplasm is radioactive in it's own way is it's own physics question. where does ectoplasm get it's energy? i suppose with that in mind the theory that the goo exists and is just effected my emotional chemicals makes more sense. like there's this bubble dimension attached to ours that we're throwing emotions at and it's manifesting in weird unexpected ways. i suppose that makes the most sense so far. again i don't know physics. either way danny and vlad literally took in the goo and now have powers manifesting because of their emotions. and it would probably be safe to say that their emotions are amplified?
why does ectoplasm manifest specifically as the powers the characters have. why is flying, invisibility, and intangibility standard manifestations of ectoplasm? why does it give their ghosts powers at all? the gods makes a bit more sense? by why would a persons passion and greed for boxes manifest as a being who can control boxes? is it wish granting? does the ectoplasm just follow the desires behind these emotions? why and why do they still get the standard power set if that has nothing to do with the ghost's wish? why does extoplasm behave the way that it does? i'm curious now.
also gotta point out the irony of the fenton's ongoing claim that ghosts can't feel anything when if this is the case, ghosts are nothing but feelings. wild - Hestia
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hi, do you think you could do another blurb for ethan? maybe something nsfw? like, a party hookup? im thinkin about fratboy!ethan 👁👄👁
(wc: 5.5k) pls im always thinking about fratboy ethan :,) but yes i can do this 100 % ! this ask prompted something deep in me and i ended up making a playlist to go with it as well 🤧here’s the link to that if ur interested https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4yXuVtAKBHexm5ifE9NQ2B ! A L S O i’m sorry this took forever to get to ,,,, life has been a lot recently lol . reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE ! : smut (obvious but still) , sex while under the influence (with explicit consent given) , softdom! ethan , marajuana use , alcohol use , unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it , plz) , swearing , college au , an unus annus reference if u look close enough , and i believe thats it . enjoy ! xoxoxoxo , starlight .
a little party never killed nobody
it was the exact same as every other college party you’d ever been to. shitty music, shittier alcohol, shittiest people- except for him. 
when ethan nestor had invited you to a frat party, you’d laughed in his face. you knew that he was a member of data data data, but he wasn’t the type that made it his whole personality. as far as you’d observed, he wasn’t the partying type, either, but there he was, texting you the house address.
“so you’ll come tonight? it’s going to be a pretty big thing- a lot of people coming. you should be able to walk right in, but if anyone gives you shit just tell them you’re with me,” he said, a slight smirk playing on his lips. you and ethan hadn’t been talking for long; technically, you hadn’t even known that he’d existed two weeks ago. 
when ethan had first sauntered up to you in physical sciences, that same smirk painting his face, you’d picked up on the underlying chemistry right away. he was a flirt by nature, but he seemed to play it up even more around you- the brunette boy had asked for your number the first day you met, and you’d been talking almost constantly since. he was funny and sweet and extremely charismatic, and he made your heart flip in your chest with the smallest glance. the two of you hadn’t hung out alone yet, so this party felt like a big deal.
or, at least, that's what you’d thought.
when you showed up at the front door of the frat house loud, bass-filled music was already shaking the window panes in their frames, and you could hear what sounded like a hundred different voices all talking over each other. ethan hadn’t been kidding when he said that it was a big party; at least half of your year was here, plus the older and younger students interspersed throughout the throngs of people as well. as you made your way to the kitchen, ethan was nowhere to be found. you felt as if all eyes were on you as you started to pour a drink, and dimly, you wondered if people could tell that you didn’t belong.
however, most of your anxious thoughts had been subdued after the first solo cup of vodka lemonade, and you were now well through your second. the music pounding throughout the house felt as if it had infiltrated your veins, filling them with a warm, buzzing sensation that loosened your limbs. at some point, a guy had come up to chat with you. then another. you weren't sure how many times you’d given out your snapchat tonight, but it had been a lot, and you were about to do it again. 
the guy you were currently talking to introduced himself as danny. he was some sort of business major, much like every other guy that you’d spoken with tonight, and was very clearly trying to hit on you. even through the alcohol-induced haze, you remembered who you came here for and you weren't leaving without him. you put a hand on danny’s shoulder, effectively cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.
“hey, do you know where ethan is? ethan nestor, i mean? he’s the one who invited me here.”
danny looked disappointed, but seemed to shift and slot puzzle pieces together in his head, snapping his fingers. “you're the girl he invited? that makes so much sense, actually. yeah, he’s out back- toking up, probably,” he explained, gesturing towards a door you would’ve never noticed. “out there and down the stairs. need an escort?”
you almost denied his advances but spotted an old fling loitering by the hidden door. giving danny a tight smile, you drained the rest of your drink and held up a finger. “one sec! stay here.”
butterflies flooded every inch of your being as you stumbled over to the makeshift bar, pouting a variety of liquors into your cup. you were going to see ethan outside of class. on his turf. something about it shook you to your core, but you couldn’t quite figure out why. 
sure, ethan was hot- that was obvious. but he’d been flirty, too. were the two of you a thing? if you weren’t, why had he been talking to danny about 'the girl he was inviting’? clearly, ethan had been talking about you, you just weren't sure of the context. you tried to swallow all these fears as you topped off your cup with lemonade, taking a small sip. trying not to spit it out, you added more juice; you’d made the strongest mixture you could think of, and it tasted like some sort of poison. that didn’t stop you from taking another small sip, then a bigger one. you needed the buzz.
“okay! let's go.”
danny led you out the door and down the stairs with no issue, and you quickly realized how tipsy you were - the stairs seemed to bob and warp under your feet, and you grabbed onto the handrail with a death grip. he noticed this easily, laughing a bit. “are you good?”
“great. it's the heels and alcohol- they don't mix well.” you laughed at yourself, regretting the chunky, heeled boots you’d thrown on.
“you can ditch them, if you want. we’re going out onto a deck, so you won't be in grass or anything,” danny explained, pointing to a pile of shoes by the door you were about to exit. you weren't going to argue with that, thankful that you’d chosen cute socks as you wrestled the footwear off and tossed it onto the pile. your stomach flipped as danny opened the door, cool night air biting into your warm skin, waking you up a bit. the sourish-sweet scent of marijuana flooded the small stairwell, and danny chuckled. “told you he was smoking.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the way you felt watching ethan take a long drag off of some sort of pen, letting the vapor pour from his lips in pale blue plumes. something about the easy way the smoke seemed to float from his mouth went straight to your center, and you dug your nails into your palms, trying to get yourself under control. ethan finally realized that more people had joined the small crowd on the bench, and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to light up as they roamed all over you lazily. this only furthered the sensation between your legs, the coils starting to tighten in your lower stomach. 
what the hell?
“y/n, you made it,” ethan said, a smile taking over his face. he quickly hopped down from where he’d been sitting on the guardrail and made his way over, wrapping an arm dangerously low around your waist. he hugged you tightly, making your heartbeat stutter as you squeezed him back.
you mumbled a ‘hello’ into his neck as ethan let his touch linger, your body held tightly to his. someone cleared their throat, conversation starting back up, and ethan reluctantly pulled away, dropping his eyes to yours. he kept a hand on the small of your back, sending electricity running up and down your spine. “having fun?”
you could barely talk as you forced yourself to respond. “yeah, lots. you’re a hard person to find.”
ethan grinned again, letting his head fall back as he laughed. “my bad. i thought you would text me when you got here. found someone to take care of you , though?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. the facial expression did absolutely nothing for the situation building up under your skirt- only worsening your want for the tall boy in front of you. 
ethan smirked, dropping his lips to your ear. “that's what i like to hear. you look pretty, y/n.”
the way he said your name practically undid you, ripping your self-control apart at the already weakened seams. you let a hand wander up and down one of ethan’s sculpted arms, outlining the planes of muscle through his hoodie as you crossed your legs; sure, it was the ladylike thing to do, but you were desperately looking for some sort of friction, anything to lessen the need for him.
“thank you.”
ethan nodded, the hand that had been perched on your back sliding over your hip before finding your hand. he laced his fingers into yours, and you were shocked at how forward he was being. the two of you had flirted heavily- and okay, maybe you’d sent some suggestive pictures back and forth- but ethan seemed to be claiming you as he led you over to the round table where all his friends were sat. again, you carved half-moons into your palms with your nails as you added up all the chairs- there wasn’t enough. you began to let go of ethan’s hand, ready to boost yourself onto the railing, but he gave your fingers a gentle squeeze. you watched as ethan settled into the overstuffed outdoor chair, gesturing at his lap.
you took a brief moment to admire the mess you’d gotten yourself into before you gingerly sat on ethan’s lap, trying to make yourself as small and weightless as humanly possible. that didn’t last long, though. ethan circled an arm over your hips, pulling you onto his lap firmly. you couldn’t breathe as you settled into him, crossing your legs tightly. your lower body was tucked away, hidden under the table, but still. you tucked a small portion of fabric between your thighs, ensuring nothing would slip. 
you didn’t say much as ethan continued to conversate with his friends, passing the silvery, skinny device around the table. 
soon, the talk turned from school and classes to typical, stuttering stoner laughing; everyone besides ethan and danny seemed to be a complete lightweight, gone after one hit of the cartridge. however, both the boys were on at least their fourth hit and still seemed relatively composed. they’d started to talk about some sort of economic study, and you’d quickly grown bored and confused. after sitting through 10 more minutes of the terminology you didn't understand, you began to wiggle around on ethan’s lap, loosening his grip on you. 
at the same moment, you and ethan both shifted in just the right way, causing one of his legs to end up between both of yours just as your hips rolled forward. delicious friction flooded your system, and you bit down hard on your lower lip, trying to stifle a moan. you fought with everything in you not to rock your body again, sensation overwhelming your impulse control. before you could do anything, one of ethan’s large hands found your hips, squeezing just enough to leave fingerprint-shaped marks on your skin. ethan knew what he’d done- you could hear the satisfaction threaded through his voice.
“you okay? what d’you need?”
you tried to steady your voice, painfully conscious of the people around you. while most of ethan’s friends were high enough that they wouldn’t notice, you knew that danny would pick up on any changes in your demeanor. you swallowed hard before answering him.
“i'm gonna go get another drink.” another gentle squeeze practically lit your skin on fire, and ethan held the pen up to you. 
“wanna try this instead?”
you weren’t going to lie- you’d been a bit jealous of the boys, not even thinking of passing the device to you. with shaky hands, you reached to accept the cartridge, but ethan had different plans. a sinful look found its way into his slitted eyes as ethan held the pen up to your lips. “go ahead.”
you could’ve passed out from the command, the look, the way that he’d started to bounce his leg. it was as if he was trying to break you- like he wanted you to give him some sort of sign that you wanted him. you did, more than anything. desire seemed to curl its way into every inch, every cell of your body, its spurs digging into your skin. 
you met ethan’s eyes deliberately as you accepted the cold metal into your mouth, inhaling deeply. you took immense pleasure in the look that crossed ethans face as you pulled away with lungs full of the hazy drug. you held your breath for as long as possible before letting the vapor drift from your lips, just as ethan and done earlier. you watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard, his eyes snapping off of yours and over to danny.
“i’m gonna take y/n to get a drink. watch them, will you?” he asked, gesturing to the rest of his friends. danny just nodded, mumbling a low ‘have fun’ as ethan practically lifted you off of his lap. adrenaline coursed through each and every one of your veins and ethan laced his fingers through yours, leading you inside. 
ethan barely let the door shut before his hands were on your hips, pinning you to the wall of the small stairwell. his lips met yours roughly, and you couldn’t hold back the whimper that had been building in your throat for the past hour. you felt ethan smirk at the soft noise before he bit at your lower lip, dragging the soft flesh between his teeth. again, you let out a whine full of pleasure- he just felt so good. you let your arms circle ethans neck, one of your hands knotting in his dark hair. you pulled at the roots gently as ethan’s tongue rolled against yours, your body entirely succumbing to him.
he forced himself to pull off of your body, and you let out a small whine; you’d been waiting on this. ethan smirked, his laugh coming out dark and much raspier than usual. “don’t worry doll, i'm not done with you yet. just can't have you here.”
the words went right through you, only adding to the ache between your thighs. ethan took your hand with a profound gentleness, and dropped a soft kiss on your forehead. “before this even starts, are you sure?” 
you nodded eagerly, getting up on your tiptoes to recapture his lips, but ethan pulled back. you furrowed your eyebrows at the tall boy, confused- until he brought a hand up to your face, holding your jaw. ethan tilted your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. “i need words, baby. are you positive? i can-”
“so sure. i promise.” you nodded at him, your eyes never leaving his. “i want you.”
ethan swore under his breath and kissed you hard before leading you up the stairs. you started to feel the effects of the drug as ethan took you from kitchen to living room, up some stairs… you lost track of all the places you’d been, allowing the weed to cloud everything in a gauzy veil. you felt good; light and somehow heavy at the same time, and you enjoyed the way that everything seemed to slow down. finally, ethan opened a door and pulled you in behind him. you realised where you were- his room. it smelled like ethan, like citrus and musk and something you could only describe as boy. 
you let out a small giggle as ethan reached for a remote, colored lights dousing the room in a sultry red glow. “setting the mood?”
quickly, you were shut up in the best possible way. ethan kissed your roughly, all teeth and tongue and hands everywhere as he backed you against one of his walls. you let yourself get lost in him, basking in the warmth of your hunger for him. one of ethan’s cold hands made its way under your shirt, the other holding your jaw in place as he bit into your bottom lip once again, making you whine. 
“feel good?” ethan asked, breathlessly. you could hear the smirk in his voice, but you couldn’t help the way your back arched at the simple question. your nails dug into his shoulder as ethan slid his thumb under the band of your bra, and he let out a rough moan, managing to undo the clasp with one hand. ethan pulled away from you long enough to rid you of your shirt, discarding your bra on the floor as well while you practically ripped his hoodie off, desperate to feel his skin against your own. he clearly wanted the same, judging by the way he wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you flesh against his chest. 
ethan managed to capture both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinning them above your head. you were unfamiliar with the feeling of being restrained, but the sensation seemed to send your heart thrumming even faster. he kissed you until your lips were sore and your knees were weak before finally dropping his forehead to yours. ethan took his chance, letting his eyes roam all over you and you watched his pupils grow larger until his eyes were practically black. “jesus fuck, y/n. you’re beautiful.”
your voice came out high and breathy as you responded. “ ‘could say the same about you.” you were practically panting, your body no longer responding to your mind as your back arched. ethan let out a hard breath. 
“do you know what you do to me?”
your eyes fluttered shut as ethan’s lips met the sensitive skin of your neck, his tongue exploring the delicate flesh. he quickly found your weak spot and focused his attention there; he let his teeth gently sink into your skin, making you gasp before using his soft tongue to soothe the spot. he repeated this process all over your neck, sucking on your flesh when he found a sweet spot. you knew that you’d be covered in purple-blue bruises, but you’d wear them proudly- that was ethan’s motivation for marking you up.
ethan trailed soft, wet kisses all the way down your neck to your collarbones, groaning at the way you pushed your chest toward him. he hesitated, but started kissing back up your neck, your jaw, back up to your lips. he released his grip on your wrist and you quickly cupped his face in your hands, kissing him with everything in you. you wanted the boy to feel the way you wanted him, and you knew he could as his lips seemed to slow, the kisses getting deeper and deeper. you lost yourself completely in ethan, unsure of where he started and you ended. you could feel his heartbeat against your own, the two thumping rapidly, almost erratic.
the two of you stayed pressed up against each other, your back firmly against the wall for a while, until ethan finally pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “bed?”
you nodded eagerly, wanting the boy all over you. the two of you stumbled, half kissing over to the mattress, falling together. ethan quickly situated himself on top of your body, caging you in between his arms. he began kissing down your body at a torturously slow pace, tracing the dark marks he’d already left with his soft tongue, driving you insane. ethan took his time working down to your breasts, finally taking one of your sensitive nubs into his mouth. you let out an almost guttural moan at the sensation, pleasure overwhelming your senses. ethan hummed at your reaction, only intensifying the feeling. you tangled a hand in his hair, the other digging into his back, leaving long, red scratches on his pale skin. 
ethan swirled his tongue around your bud, taking extreme pride in the way you let your head fall back against the mattress, moans of his name spilling from your lips. he tucked an arm under the arch of your back, pulling your body even closer to him- he didn’t want any space dividing the two of you. ethan pulled off of your puffy nipple with a soft moan, wasting no time in kissing over your chest, pulling the other into his mouth. he covered your chest in dark, deep bruises, admiring his work under the sensual glow of the red lights. “so pretty..”
you couldn’t form full sentences to respond with, just broken moans and pleads and tugs on his hair. ethan found it endearing, the way you wanted him so badly. he couldn’t help but give you what you needed.
he kisses hastily down your body leaving small lovebites here and there on your ribs, your stomach. ethan hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your skirt and pressed a kiss to the exposed skin right above the fabric. “this okay?”
“yes, i- please,” you pleaded, lifting your hips to make it easier. ethan got rid of the piece of clothing, discarding it on his bedroom floor, quickly followed by your panties. he let out a throaty moan, his eyes working over you lazily, like he had all the time in the world. he admired your body until you wriggled underneath him, needing some sort of stimulation. 
“what do you want, baby?”
“you,” you whined, desperation weaving through your voice. ethan pressed gentle, warm kisses on your hip bones, fighting a laugh. 
“i know that. what specifically?”
“fuck, ethan. anything, just touch me. please.”
“okay, okay. and you're positive this is alright?”
“yes. i’m so sure. i swe-” your words died in the back of your throat as ethan pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing small, soft circles. “holy fuck.”
“already so worked up,” ethan mumbled, pressing kisses to your inner thighs. “this because of me?”
you were taken aback by the way your high seemed to multiply the pleasure by tens of thousands- ethan was barely touching you and you could feel your high approaching quickly. you couldn’t find the words to answer him as ethan shifted between your legs, giving himself a better view of your sex. “does that feel okay?”
a stream of swears left your lips as ethan quickened his pace, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. “so fucking good, just like that.” the knots in your stomach continued to tighten as you balled the sheets in your fist, tugging at his hair with the other hand.
ethan pressed a kiss dangerously low on your hip, looking up at you. “can i?”
your hips bucked at the tone of his voice, and you nodded vigorously. ethan kept his eyes on yours as he ran his tongue through your folds, lapping your arousal up. he couldn’t help but groan at the taste of you, the way you pulled at his hair, putting his mouth where you wanted it before letting your head fall back onto his bed. ethan started to suck at your sensitive bud, rolling his tongue over the bundle of nerves and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
“i- fuck- i’m close.”
he hummed, the vibrations sending you over the edge. your eyes rolled back into your head while you tugged at his hair, your orgasm completely undoing you- the high only added to the sensation, making it that much better. your hips bucked under the skillful work of his soft tongue as ethan let you ride out your high on his face. 
ethan dropped a gentle kiss on your clit before peppering your entire body with them, giggling at the way you squealed. he finally attached his lips to your neck, your jaw, back to your lips. you kissed him hard, tasting yourself off of him. finally, when your exhaustion won out you pulled away, running your hands through ethan’s fluffy hair. 
“how was that?”
you propped yourself up on your elbows, pecking ethan’s lips. “so, so good,” you mewled between heavy breaths. ethan bit down on his lower lip and smiled, pride filling his system. 
“god, you look good moaning my name. you're beautiful, you know,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. ethan looked at you with a tenderness in his eyes, placing another kiss on your lips. “think you can go again?”
ethan started trailing down your body again, not waiting for an answer. he was laser focused on pleasuring you, making you whine and whimper for him- only for him. before he could get far, though, you were grabbing at his arm and shaking your head. he flushed, peeling away from you while starting to profusely apologize, but you pressed a finger to his lips. 
“want you. inside of me,” you explained between pants, still exhausted from the first round of stimulation. ethan threw his head back, swearing. 
“jesus christ, y/n. need me that bad, baby?”
his choice of words drowned you in desire, and you were all his. “yes. please, ethan?”
he wanted to fuck you until all you could do was moan his name just like that, over and over again. before you could process what was happening ethan had his hands all over you, roaming your body as he practically drooled at the sight before him: your already fucked out body, the sweet look painting your face, begging for him. ethan could barely control himself, his words coming out as rough murmurs.
“protection? i mean, i have it.”
you bit at your lip, hard. you were on birth control, and you wanted him- all of him.
shaking your head, you explained. “birth control. we’ll be fine, if you’re comfortable.”
you jumped as ethan moved a finger to your entrance, dipping into your sex. he groaned at the way you clenched around the appendage, his cock jumping in his boxers. “want my cum inside you?”
“yes- fuck, ethan, please,” you begged, reduced to nothing. all you wanted; all you needed was him inside you, ruining your body until you couldn’t take anymore pleasure. 
“so tight,” he mumbled, lining another finger up. you bucked your hips, the sensitivity almost too much as he stretched you out, watching the way your face contorted under his influence. ethan placed a large hand low on your abdomen, applying light pressure. “if you can’t take this, you won’t be able to take me.”
you nodded, pace almost desperate for him to continue. “feels good baby. so good.”
you took note of the pleased expression that stretched over ethan’s face as you praised the boy- you were just telling the truth, but clearly he liked to hear what a good job he was doing. ethan brought his thumb up to your clit, rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves and you grabbed at his wrist, nails digging into skin. 
“gonna make me cum again,” you warned, but ethan only smiled at you, nodding almost condescendingly.
“wanna finish on my fingers, pretty girl?”
you wanted to say no, wait to come undone around him, but his movements felt too good. you dug your nails into his arm even harder, your other hand clawing into ethan’s soft sheets as the knots in your stomach came undone, your walls contracting around his fingers tight enough to make him moan. 
ethan let his pace slow, extending your orgasm as you practically rode his hand, crying out in absolute euphoria as he increased pressure on your clit.  unable to form words, you released your grasp on the boy’s arm, bringing your hand up to his face instead. you pulled ethan’s lips down to meet yours, whining at the feeling of his clothed cock grinding against your center.
ethan couldn’t take it anymore, quickly ridding himself of the soft sweatpants. you watched as his manhood sprung up, hitting his abdomen; the sight in and of itself enough to make you let out another bliss-filled noise. ethan let his eyes fall to yours as he stroked himself, shuddering at the heavenly friction. again, his voice came out low as he lined himself up with you.
far beyond words, you nodded and laced your fingers through his. 
ethan returned your grasp with a sweet squeeze, gliding the tip of his cock through your folds- coating himself in your arousal. the two of you moaned in sync; a sweet, satisfied sort of harmony. finally, ethan pushed into you slowly, gasping at the feeling. you couldn’t help the way your eyes rolled back into your head, the feeling of him inside you almost too much. 
“you okay?”
“so good,” you breathed, trying not to yelp at the feeling spreading through your lower body. ethan was well endowed- the biggest you’d ever taken- and it was an addictive sort of pain. he moved slowly, stopping a few times; allowing you to adjust around his length. when he’d bottomed out, ethan let his head fall back, groans escaping his throat.
“so fucking tiny,” he gasped, a groan cutting his statement off. “feel so good around me, gorgeous.”
you nodded at him, trying your best to meet ethan’s eyes as you praised the boy. “so fucking big- you feel so good,” you whined, your hips bucking. “want you so bad.”
a breathless laugh escaped ethan’s lungs as he maneuvered a hand behind one of your thighs, lifting your leg to hook over his shoulder. he pushed even deeper into you and black spots began to crowd the sides of your vision, the pleasure overwhelming. slowly, ethan started to pull out of you, eliciting filthy words and moans from you before he slid his length back in. 
“fucking hell, y/n. so tight,” he said, voice tipping up into a whimper at the end. he quickened his pace, the noise of sleeping skin filling the room. you could barely contain yourself, no longer fighting the stream of murmurs and swears leaving your lips as ethan continued to pump in and out of you. your next orgasm was already building, the coils tightening rapidly in your lower belly.
ethan let his hand wander down to your sensitive bud, almost coming undone at the sight of your eyes fluttering shut. you traced up his forearm, scraping at his sweet skin before knotting your fingers in his hair, tugging at the roots. 
“eyes open, baby. look at me.”
you could’ve cum then and there, the instructions only turning you on further. you forced your eyes open, meeting his as ethan sped up again. an almost animalistic noise left your throat as ethan thrusted into you roughly- you weren’t going to be able to hang on much longer. ethan felt the way your walls were clenching around him, fluttering and tightening as he increased his speed on your clit.
“close?” he asked, unable to say much more than that. your grip around him was euphoric- he was closer than he’d like to be. it hadn’t been more than 20 minutes, but with the way you were pulling at his head, almost crying in completely bliss, ethan wanted to fill you to the brim with his cum then fuck it into your sensitive pussy, overstimulating the sweet flesh.
you nodded, humming a small “mhm,” as you looked at him with wide eyes. ethan paused for a moment, shifting your leg up even higher onto his shoulder before plunging back into you. you felt the head of his cock hit a new, even more delicious spot and you became almost delirious. looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, you felt a tear crawl down your cheek.
“gonna cum, ethan-”
“fuck- me too. let go, baby.”
your entire body seemed to shake and shudder under the force of your orgasm- it hit you like a fucking train. you felt ethan’s thrusts get sloppier as he buried himself inside you, his head dropping to the crook of your neck. he whimpered as he shot his cum deep into your pussy, the sensation all consuming. the two of you stayed like that for a while- riding out your highs with each other, rough moans turned to honey-sweet mewls. 
as your heart rate started to come down, you peppered the boy's face with soft, careless kisses: ones that he gladly returned. ethan finally found your lips, pressing tender, long kisses to the swollen skin. 
“you’re a fucking god,” you murmured, stressing the word as ethan’s face flushed even hotter than it already had been.
“that,” he huffed, breathing still hard and uneven, “would be you.”
you giggled at the statement, your voice hitching as ethan slowly pulled out of you. you could feel a mixture of him and you spill out, the substance flowing over your things as ethan kissed down your body, taking in the sight between your legs. 
“so pretty, baby,” he whispered, sinking a long finger into your pussy. your whole body spasmed at the feeling, completely overstimulated. ethan pulled out of you softly, watching the way his cum seemed to spill out of you endlessly. he placed small, delicate kisses to the marks he’d left covering your thighs, admiring his work. “can i keep you here for the night?” he asked, eyes turning affectionate.
you nodded at the boy as he came back up to meet your lips, then your forehead. as you settled onto his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his skin, ethan's voice seemed to return to normal.
“such a good girl.”
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orangefoxes · 3 years
Hey, so I've been trying to submit a prompt but it won't work so here it goes I know this will be sad but what if Neil gets really sad and depressed (the reason is up for interpretation ex: bullied by jack or is haunted by PTSD) and so he becomes full of self hate and becomes anorexic and cuts himself #andreil (this would mean so much since I've been through similar circumstances and was strong enough to pull through and keep living, this book and your Tumblr have helped me so much)
Hi @soph-ie21 I am so sorry this took a whopping 4 years for me to post. I’m terrible for not checking my inbox as my notifications have been turned off for tumblr since I was like 13. I’m so glad to hear that you recovered from your ED, you must be so strong and I’m so proud of you as I know how difficult that is to do. I’m hoping this is the sort of prompt you were looking for, if you’re even looking after this long, as it’s not very dialogue heavy, but here you go.
When in high stress situations, to cope, the brain releases a hormone called cortisol. It’s alright in small doses, helpful even. It triggers your fight or flight response and readies the body to do something, fast. Constant exposure to the hormone however, has some not so good long term effects. Effects that include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and, arguably the mildest, weight gain.
Cortisol results in weight gain for two reasons. The first is because it slows your metabolism, and the second is because the drop in blood sugar from constant high blood pressure means that you start craving fatty, sugary foods, which leads to overeating. Neil’s memory is not nearly good enough for him to recall what foods he had craved over the years, but he and his mother shied away from sweets and chocolate for dental reasons, it probably would have been a hardship for many kids growing up but Neil had never much cared for sugar anyway. However, what he and his mother did indulge in is a lot of fatty, fast food. Partly because it was cheap, partly because it was something they could eat while on the move, and partly because no one would look twice at two sketchy people in a Burger King or remember a beaten up old car briefly pausing in a drive thru.
While never giving much thought to how he looked (short of checking for ginger roots and the bruise on his cheek from where his mother had slapped that smile from his face), Neil does remember his weight fluctuating a lot when he was younger. The more stressful the months, the chubbier he got. It was in the quiet periods as he and his mother settled down and didn’t dare to venture into the supermarket too often that he began to lose it again. It was a cycle.
In Millport, Neil was at his lowest weight yet. There was only a solitary McDonald’s in town and Neil wasn’t about to become a regular. He stocked up on tinned food from the supermarket in his first week in town instead and meticulously made his way through them, heating the can up on the hot plate he had bought for four dollars from the thrift store in the high street.
He gained weight again once he started at Palmetto, he gained muscle mass too. This, of course, was thanks to three free meals a day and a new training regime with daily exercise. It was to be expected, but if, perhaps, he gained weight quicker than his teammates and muscle slower, well, he had bigger things to worry about.
Then he knew he was going to live.
Then everything with the Moriyamas was…well, not gone, but resolved.
That’s not to say there was nothing to stress about. There was the influx of reporters wanting to catch the Foxes’ attention to ask about Nathaniel Wesninski. There was Kevin’s impending break down as Riko’s funeral came and went. There was Aaron’s trial. Honestly it probably would have gone as stressful situations for Neil always go - here and gone just as quickly - except it turns out that Nicky cooks when he’s stressed, and Neil, well, he’s a stress eater.
After Aaron is declared innocent, Nicky resumes as normal. Neil…not quite. He’s constantly opening the cupboards to look for something to eat only to close them again when he finds nothing of interest. Without Nicky cooking, there’s nothing he can easily dig into and Neil, while accumulating many skills over the years, had never been a hand in the kitchen. The only things ready-eat that were consistently in the dorm were ramen and ice-cream. Even the thought of ramen makes Neil want to vomit and Neil wasn’t so desperate that he would resort to eating something as sweet as ice cream. Not that Andrew would let him if he did. (Andrew wasn’t a sharer).
He started to feel hungry.
He was always hungry.
The first few days he started to skip meals, he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Surely he didn’t notice he was doing it.
It’s just -
Here’s the thing.
Maybe he stress eats. Maybe his mother did too. They spent long car journeys with a family sized bag of potato chips resting by the gear stick and they spent half the time stuffing handfuls into their mouths and the other half checking the mirrors for cars that stayed behind them a touch to long. So maybe he stress ate, but it was never because of hunger: it was because of craving. It was because it gave him something to do with his hands. It was only when things quietened down, when the weeks turned long with the monotonous almost-existence that took up the majority of Neil’s life growing up (here’s something no one tells you about life on the run, in between the moments of sheer terror, it’s very very very boring), it was only then, that Neil actually began to feel things like hunger.
So when the hunger pangs began to curdle in his stomach, well, he didn’t mind. It meant he was safe enough to feel the hunger.
Maybe for the first couple of days he didn’t notice it. But then he noticed it.
He noticed enough to avoid things like rice and bread. Danger foods that packed on the calories and that made him bite the inside of his cheek until it bled at the mere thought. He noticed enough that he began to watch the others train and saw their muscles flex and couldn’t help but track their muscle growth and measure it up against his own. He always found himself lacking.
That’s when it started to get worse. If Allison spent 20 minutes on the treadmill. Then Neil would do 30. If Kevin did 40 push ups. Then Neil would do 50. If Renee had a salad for lunch, then Neil would just have a fruit pot.
The first time Andrew noticed that he skipped a meal, Neil just blinked. Being who he was, Neil didn’t do stupid things like stumble for lies and this time was no different. When Andrew asked about him not eating Neil just blinked like he hadn’t even noticed until Andrew brought it up.
He blinked and said “oh, you’re right. I got so caught up in watching exy reruns i didn’t even notice”
He said, “thanks, I’ll grab something in a sec”
Andrew breathed a scoffing breath down his nose, rolled his eyes and called him a junkie. He didn’t look at all surprised, as though Neil was only confirming what he had already guessed. Which of course is the trick all good liars employ.
Neil wondered if he would be surprised if he were to find out how impossible it would be for Neil to forget a meal time. He could never forget. All he thought about was food. It was all he thought about.
Food began to feel like it was all he cared about. Cared about more than school. Cared about more than exy. Is it terrible of him that that more than anything else feels like the worst thing?
And then, as things do, it got worse.
It turned into Neil stood in front of the mirror (looking at his body but not his eyes, never his eyes) and pinching the flesh between his fingers. Noticing every part of him that didn’t harden into muscle like the others. Noticing all the scars that had stretched strangely over a waist and thighs that are no longer as small.
He begins to peck at his food. Rip it into tiny pieces. Andrew looks down at his plate and glowers at him. Neil gives him a cheeky grin. He knows what he’s thinking. That this is just another one of those Andrew-mannerisms that Neil is taking on for himself. Like the sarcastic salutes and the blank, waiting stares. It’s so much easier to hide how little you’ve eaten when it’s all in pieces.
He didn’t know how to explain it. He just knows he needs to be thinner. He needs to weigh less. It’s not about looks. It’s never been about looks. He just needs to do this. He needs to be smaller. It will be alright then. Because then…then…
Well it will be alright then.
So here’s the thing about guilt and self loathing: they’re useless emotions. Andrew would be quick to agree. (Though Andrew is a hypocrite and is chock full of the both of them). His mother would agree too. How many times had Neil slipped poison into someone’s drink, stole from someone just as desperate, shot someone who maybe or maybe-not deserved it? And how many times after that did his mother pinch and prod at him and repeat the same mantra of “don’t you dare let guilt slow you down, you slow down and you’re dead”
Well, Mum, he’s slowed down. He slowed down so much that he’s stopped altogether and guess what? He fucking hates himself.
He replays it all in his head like a terrible loop. The boy in Switzerland that he tricked into taking his jacket so His fathers men would go after him instead. The old women he and his mother tricked into housing them and then slipped something in her tea until she slept and never woke up again. The homeless man who had broken into the house they were squatting in that Neil had shot on instinct. Seth.
Seth. Seth. Seth.
He fucking hates himself. Honestly the hunger pains kind of feel like the best thing he’s ever felt after that. The pain, the ache, he deserves it.
Then it gets worse. Then comes the worst part.
Andrew’s meds change again. The others had begun to make him irritable and he always had an energy crash by about 5pm and a terrible headache. The new ones wouldn’t be of much note as they did nothing groundbreakingly different, short of getting rid of the headaches and not sapping so much of his energy.
Except for one key side effect of the meds.
They suppressed Andrew’s appetite.
More and more Andrew is missing meals. He won’t even eat more than a tablespoon of ice cream. Neil watches him and adjusts himself to suit. He doesn’t know why, but he just can’t be eating more than him, he can’t.
The frustration he feels about Andrew’s meds soon turn to resentment. He hates that he has to watch Andrew not eat and not seem affected by it at all. Andrew lessens his exercise under Betsy’s advice and yet nothing changes. His weight stays the same. He probably even loses some thanks to the loss of muscle. Neil watches and Neil hates. He hates that if he skipped out on training he would pack on the pounds, he hates that his stomach hurt and hurts and Andrew doesn’t spare a thought on food at all.
He starts to avoid the roof. He starts to dodge Andrew’s gaze the same way he does his own in the mirror.
The next time they’re alone and Andrew leans in, more hesitant than he’s been in months, Neil jerks back and snaps “No.”
It isn’t even completely because of the resentment. The majority of it is because he feels disgusting and fat and he can’t bare Andrew touching him right now. Can’t bare him looking at him.
Andrew’s face closes off and he slides back to the other side of the couch. He’s searching Neil’s face, trying to find the misstep, trying to find what he did wrong.
Good, let him think he did something wrong.
Now that’s the resentment.
It’s immediately one of the worst things Neil has ever thought. He remembers sitting, trembling, on the roof, Andrew refusing to touch him saying “I wont be like them, I wont let you let me be”
And Neil’s trying to make him think, wants to make him feel -
Jesus Christ. He’s a piece of fucking shit.
He slams his way out of the dorm and runs and runs and runs.
He sleeps in the locker room and slumps out in the morning so he’s first in the main room for the meeting with Wymack. He sits on a chair that’s as far away from every other seat as it can get while still completing the make do semi-circle around where Wymack usually stands. When the others begin to filter in they take in his new seat, but don’t comment when they see his storming expression.
When Andrew sees him he pauses for a beat in the doorway before continuing to his usual seat on the couch. He stares at Neil blankly, but his hands are clenching and unclenching in his lap. Wymack hesitates but doesn’t say anything. The others play at being uninterested and only Aaron openly looks between Neil and Andrew with a steadyingly darkening expression.
Neil slams his locker and gets changed in the cubicles for the first time in months. He’s vicious in practice. Throwing in as many dirty moves as he can. Andrew stands in the goal and does nothing. When it’s only Wymack’s sharp whistle that stops Neil bringing his racket down on Matt’s arm when he attempts to steal the ball, Neil is benched.
He yanks off his helmet and slumps down on the bench and tries to remember how to breathe through rage.
He’s sat, pinching at the skin on his thigh, for ten minutes before Allison joins him. She holds out a breakfast bar and Neil stiffens.
“Eat, it might help you stop being such a raging asshole,” she says.
Neil takes the breakfast bar and when she doesn’t immediately leave he opens it and snaps a bit off with his fingers.
He stares down the rolled oats and nuts and grimaces at the sticky feeling of the syrup that holds them together. He feels sick.
“Are you going to eat?” Allison says.
Neil looks at her and huffs a bitter breath through his nose. A wry smile pulls at the corner of his lips.
He remembers that Allison battled bulimia for years.
You can’t lie to a liar.
She looks at his face. Concern trying to become anger that she’s trying to force to stay concern. She looks at his face and then over at Andrew, who is stood in his goal watching them as Kevin shouts at him to fucking do something already. She looks back at Neil.
“You know, relationships are hard enough without mental health problems in the mix. Seth and I were a terrible combination for many reasons and that was one them. I’m not saying it can’t be done or that it shouldn’t be done, I’m just saying it makes it so much harder. He used to try to make me eat. I hated him for that. Hated that I had to hide my own habits in my own room. One day, after he stopped me from going to purge one too many times we got into an argument. I said some disgusting things to him. The next day he was in the hospital because of an overdose. He had to get his stomach pumped. You know what the worst thing is? I don’t even remember what it is I said. I don’t know if what I did triggered him or if it would have happened anyway, but it couldn’t have helped. You’re always going to trigger each other at one point or another, it’s unavoidable. But if you know that and you don’t do anything to help yourself…well that’s when every shit thing you think about yourself starts to become true. So tell me, are you a piece of shit that’s going to drag everyone down with you, or are you better than that?”
Neil looks down at the breakfast bar. He still can’t make himself eat it.
He swallows harshly against the lump in his throat. He has to swallow two more times until he’s sure he can talk without crying.
“What’s betsy’s number?” He asks.
Allison doesn’t smile, but she nods like he’s done the right thing and pulls out her phone.
SIDE NOTE: I’d like to point out that Neil is very flawed and toxic in his thinking and Allison is harsh in what she says to him just because she’s a harsh person. If you have an eating disorder I know sometimes help and recovery seems like the worst thing in world and something you really don’t want, but please, please seek help. You can do it.
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iwaizooming · 4 years
Hi! This is my first time sending in an ask on your blog and I’d just like to say that I love the work you’ve put out so far! I’ll be looking forward to what’s to come :) Anyways, for my req, can i request some scenarios of how the Seijoh 3rd years take care of you when you’re sick? Thank you so much ❤️
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✎ a/n: this is so cute omg :(( thank you for the request! hope ya like it <3
✧ pairings: oikawa/iwaizumi/mattsun/makki x gn!reader  ✧ type: headcanons  ✧ genre: fluff fluff fluff ✧ wc: 1207
he’s a bit clueless about taking care of people when they’re sick
because usually, he has iwa-chan or his mom taking care of him if he falls ill (i like to think that tooru is a lil bit of a mommy’s boy hihi)
but he tries so hard to make you comfortable it’s so cute
you have a fever because you were dancing in the rain with him the day before
so he feels a little guilty because he thought that this was his fault
but you assure him that the fun was worth getting sick
he goes back and forth to the store because he literally does not know what to do
the first time round he comes back with some ice cream and chocolate, and you laughed at him because i have a fever, i’m not on period, tooru
but you appreciate it anyway because it’s the thought that counts
then you asked him to get you some aspirin because your head feels like it’s going to split into two
so he comes back with three different boxes of aspirin with different brands
i don’t know which one you want so i got you three
tooru they’re the same thing, they just have different brands
he pouts because you were giggling at him, but inside he’s happy that he made you smile
for the rest of the day you just watched a movie with him and cuddle, telling him that you want to sweat the fever out, but it’s actually just an excuse to cuddle with your boyfriend
tooru doesn’t mind at all
you call him at 10pm because you’re having really bad toothaches and your head feels like there’s a thousand needles stabbing it repeatedly
you have an infection in your tooth but your dentist appointment isn’t until the next morning
and you just wanted to hear his voice because it helps you calm down
you hear rustling from the other side of the call and he told you, wait i’ll call you back in a sec
you’re a little annoyed because now you have no distraction from your aching pain
but then 10 minutes later you get a call back from hajime
you hear him breathing heavily, his speech barely coherent because he keeps panting after each word
can you open the door, y/n?
you immediately sat up from your curled up position in bed and ran to your window
and there he is, your hajime, waving like a madman at you, plastic bag on one hand, phone on the other
you shook your head in disbelief but couldn’t stop a smile from growing on your lips
when you opened the front door, he immediately engulfs you in a bear hug
sorry i took so long babe, i ran all the way here and had to stop by the convenience store to get you this
he hand you your favourite ben & jerry’s ice cream with a goofy smile on his lips
for someone so serious and stern around his teammates, he’s such a big softie when he’s with you
you feel your heart flutter at the thought of you being the only one who’s able to reveal this side of him
you invite him in with a flurry of kisses all over his face, making him blush furiously
the rest of the night was spent cuddling and eating ice cream with hajime while he talks about his volleyball practice today and his plans for the future
your jaw might be throbbing, but your heart is full and you feel so incredibly happy that he’s yours and yours only
you’re having food poisoning because you ate some bad eggs this morning
you had to take the day off from school because you’re literally doubling over in pain and can’t stop going to the toilet
you tell your boyfriend doesn’t have to come to see you (because you’re a little bit embarrassed, not gonna lie)
but he insisted on coming and that you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about because this is normal
he comes barging in your door with a box of tea and a some random ingredients you couldn’t make out
he tells you to stay put and rest, i’m going to make some soup for you
your heart swells because you can’t believe issei, your extremely laid-back boyfriend, is actually so sweet and doting
he goes around the kitchen like he owns the place, grabbing a pot and filling it with water, turning on the stove to let it boil
he searched around for a ladle and began putting in the ingredients
you could only stare at his back in awe as he made his soup
turns out, he was making a pot of kakitama-jiru (egg and seaweed soup) that his mom usually make for him whenever he has a stomach bug
he also brewed some ginger tea that he brought with him
it’s supposed to be really effective in treating food poisoning symptoms, he said
you gratefully took the cup of tea from his hands and sipped carefully, not wanting to burn your tongue
the rest of the afternoon was spent with issei telling you about the stupid things you missed at school today while he spoon-feeds you some warm soup
oh and the occasional trip to the toilet
but he pretends to not notice anything, just so that you don’t feel embarassed
you’re so grateful to have him in your life
you wake up one morning with a sore throat and your voice gone
you’re not sure what caused it, but you think it might be a bacterial infection
you told your boyfriend that you’re just going to go to the GP to get something prescribed for you
hiro insists on accompanying you to the clinic, even though you assured him that he doesn’t need to
you’re both still in highschool with no cars, so you had to take the train
your appointment was during rush hour so the train was extremely packed and there were no place for you to sit
so hiro held on to the grab handle above his head and put his arms around you with his other hand
you gently placed your head on his chest and feel his steady heartbeat as you wrapped your arms around him as well
the both of you stood like that, arms around each other, throughout the whole journey
your stomach felt warm and content because you can almost literally see the love and affection coming off of him
he held your hand during the whole appointment, even though you insisted that it’s literally just a sore throat, i’m not dying babe
the doctor prescribed you some medicine and your boyfriend took it from your hands and placed it in his pocket
i’m going to make sure you take it at the right time everyday, let me take care of you, okay? he said as he pats you on the head lovingly
you almost burst into tears in front of the pharmacist because you were overwhelmed with your boyfriend’s devotion to you
even though you can’t use your voice right now, hiro could already feel the gratefulness and love from you, and that is enough for him
other works
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Boxing Day
Fred Weasley x Reader
BG: You and Fred had made a deal that there won’t be presents exchanged this year but you had stumbled onto something you just had to share.
a/n: Happy 2021! Hope the new year has been good to you so far. Yes it’s a Holiday fic but between my Christmas hiatus and unforeseen food poisoning and vomiting in this first week. It’s only now I had time to catch up on writing and posting!
WC: 895
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You awoke to a soft caressing voice.
‘Morning Beautiful, time to wake up’ said your husband, tenderly tucking your hair behind your ears.
Nuzzling your face closer to the pillow, you groaned.  You were not a morning person. Especially during the holidays- why get up when you can stay in bed all day?
Suddenly the warmth was stripped away, in its place was a harsh cold breeze.
‘Freddie!’ You scream, bolting up right. ‘Give it back! It’s freezing!’ You were eager to get back the thick blanket, despite wearing your fleece pyjamas, it was not strong enough against the rural winter.
‘No can do. Everyone is already downstairs exchanging presents!’
‘WHAT?! FREDD!’ You can’t believe he woke you up late, your First Weasley Christmas- well first Weasley Christmas as an official Weasley. Gosh this is so embarrassing.
Fred raised his arms in surrender. ‘In my defence, I did wake you up like 2 times before.’ ‘You were the one who kept on sleeping going “5 more minutes”.’ He imitated.
‘Alright Alright.’ You gave in, fighting would only cause you to delay further. ‘Just give me a sec to freshen up.’
‘Great, I’ll tell them you’ll be right down!’ Giving you a quick kiss goodbye.
That is one of the small things you love about your husband. When alone, his sweet gestures go out by a million. Pecking your cheek even if he were just to grab something in the other room.
Cutting your thoughts short, you hastily made yourself more presentable then your current bedhead self.
Almost forgetting to grab the most important thing you had secret brought.
‘Dammit Fred’ you muttered. ‘Why’d you have to toss the blanket onto our luggage?’
Rummaging through your bag, you finally felt it.
‘Aha!’ You exclaimed, shoving it into your jacket pocket just in time as the bedroom door opened.
‘You ready y/n? Everyone is waiting.’
‘There she is!’ greeted Molly, pulling you into a big mom hug.
‘Sorry I’m late. Overslept.’
‘It’s alright dear, now…’ Handing you a big paper bag. ‘This is for you.’
‘Oh wow! Thanks Molly!’ It was knitted sweater with your initial.’
‘Check the back.’ She winked.
So you did, and upon reading what was stitched you couldn’t help but cry.
Fred was in mid conversation with Arthur when heard Ron say. ‘Wait why is y/n crying?’
Like any worried husband would, Fred was beside you in an instant.
Stroking your back, he asks. ‘What wrong sweetheart?’
‘Oh it’s nothing its just…’ You replied, pulling away from Molly.
‘y/n Weasley.’ He reads, noting the sweater now on your lap.
When you were still dating Fred, you were lucky enough to have been given your own knitted wear by Molly. But you have to admit, there is just something that hits different this time around now that they are your in-laws.
‘Now why don’t we all have breakfast’ announced Arthur.
Ron quickly stood, ribbons of wrapping paper falling from his lap. ‘Yess Finally! I am STARVING!’
This was the perfect moment, it’s now or never.
You cleared your throat, ‘Actually…’  effectively causing to everyone to pause mid-way to the kitchen.
Ron popped back into the living room, a minced pie in hand.
You stood, gently removing the small blue box from your pocket, handing it to your puzzled husband.
‘What’s-‘ Fred eyed the box in his hand, clearly confused. ‘I thought we weren’t doing gifts this year.’
‘I know I know, with the new house and all- we promised. But this didn’t cost anything- well a tiny bit but it’s nothing.’
‘Y/n…’ Fred warned, feeling guilty that he hadn’t a present for you. He should have known that you would get him something, it was your first year as a married couple after all.
‘Just Open it!’ You were biting your knuckles both from excitement and nerves.
Fred looked around; all eyes were on him. He smiled giving in to your request.
He took a deep breath- what could his wife be up to?
‘You sure there’s something inside, y/n?’ He teased, pushing aside the excessive amount of wrapping tissue paper you had placed inside.  ‘I-‘
‘What? What is it?’ George asked, his eyes daring between his twin and you.
‘A pregnancy test?’  Fred’s brows creased, he looked up at you, whispering. ‘You want me to do a pregnancy test??’
You couldn’t stop rolling your eyes at his remark. Gosh can this man be dim sometimes.
Everyone else thankfully had gotten the gist. Squeals and celebration overtook the room. In the corner of your eye you can see Harry looking lost, ‘Wait did I miss?’ and Ron, poor Ron, red in the face choking on his mince pie-looks like he took Fred’s comment literally.
‘Try again, love.’ You placed a hand on his thigh as you knelt.
His eyes scan the stick, this time taking it seriously.
He drops the stick, whatever he was gonna say was cut off.
You giggled, knowing that Fred finally saw it.
The family rarely seen Fred speechless. It seemed to be a superpower of yours, the last time he was silent was when you walked down the aisle.
Fred quickly recovers ‘Are we????? Y/n, baby. Is this real??’ Scanning your eyes for the truth. ‘This is a prank isn’t it?’
‘No Love. It’s real, not a prank.’ You reassured him. ‘We’re going to be parents!’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1
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admiralbuttcheek · 3 years
A Pox on Our Pilot (Sicktember 2021)
@sicktember 2021 Day 3: Chickenpox/Rash
Fandom: Top Gun (1986)
Characters: Maverick/Goose
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33667063
The first call came from Carole.
“Hey, honey, how are you?” Goose’s smile was audible.
Carole didn’t sound as happy. “I’m doing well, but it’s Bradley.” Goose’s smile faded. “You see-”
“What is it?” he asked, cutting off the rest of her sentence. She huffed a heavy sigh before continuing.
“He’s got chickenpox.”
Well… shit. Now it was Goose’s turn to sigh heavily, then turn away from the phone for dramatic effect. “How is he?”
“Oh, he’s right as rain. Itchy and all, but happy to be staying home from school watching cartoons all day.” The pilot chuckled. He’d had chickenpox as a kid too, and that’s exactly what he remembered: staying home, eating ice cream and reading comics. Not a bad couple of days.
“And you? You don’t have it, do you?” Goose couldn’t bear the thought of his wife and son, itchy and miserable and all alone, while he and Mav had the time of their lives in Miramar. Just a few days ago they’d come up to visit, which was nice.
“Not,” Carole hummed. “Not yet, anyway. I called his pediatrician, he said Bradley is contagious until all the spots go away. Apparently you can be contagious before they even show up.”
“Really? If you need anything, call your mom, okay? I’m sorry, babe, I wish I could be there to help.”
“Goose,” Carole soothed. “I can handle a little chickenpox. But you, stay safe out there, you hear me? No more crazy flyby’s with Maverick.” She giggled in good nature.
“I will,” Goose promised. “Take care, my love. Just a few more weeks.”
“You too, Goose. See you soon.”
When he got the second call, he knew who was on the other end. Maverick.
“Goose,” came the aviator’s croaky, washed-out voice. He sounded like hell.
“Say no more, Mav;” Goose replied. “I’m on my way.”
The front door was unlocked, which was perfect because Pete knew he didn’t have the strength to go open it. He woke up this morning with a pounding headache. When he trudged into the bathroom to get some Tylenol, a chance glance into the mirror showed him exactly why he felt so goddamn awful. Spots, hundreds of them, all over his face. When he looked down, they were all over his chest, too. Oh my God. As the sleepiness waned, the itchiness kicked in. It was downright unbearable. But moving his arms to scratch at them hurt; every joint simply ached.
He didn’t think twice before calling Goose.
“I’m glad you called, Mav,” the RIO said as he scrutinized the lump of blankets and spotty flesh on the couch. “You sounded like crap on the phone, and you look like crap in person.”
“I feel like crap, Goose,” Mav moaned. “Seriously, everything hurts. And itches.”
Goose reached a hand out to his pilot’s forehead to check for fever, but Maverick jerked away.
“Don’t, I’m contagious,” he croaked. Goose shrugged and reached forward anyway.
“I already had it, when I was in 3rd grade.” Maverick felt warmer to the touch than usual. Nick went to search for a thermometer. “Can’t believe you never had it,” he called back from the bathroom. He returned with a thermometer, giving it a vigorous shake before sticking it in Pete’s mouth.
“Got lucky, I suppose,” Maverick mumbled around the glass.
“Don’t forget, under the tongue,” Goose prompted.
Maverick rolled his eyes. “Thank you, Goose, I have been sick before.” The pilot scratched absent-mindedly at his bare, pockmarked chest.  
He smirked. “You sure as hell don’t act like it. You’re a disaster, man.”
“No wonder they call you ‘Mother Goose,’” Mav retorted. “They should call you ‘Mother Hen.’”
Goose erupted into disproportionately hysterical laughter. “Good one!” He cawed. Taking some time to catch his breath, he sauntered into the kitchen. It was pretty bare; Maverick wasn’t exactly a five-star chef. All he could find was some instant coffee, a loaf of bread, some saltine crackers, and half a box of breakfast cereal. Not even a can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup. Shrugging, he grabbed the crackers and filled up a tall glass of water.
When he returned, Maverick had spit out the thermometer and was holding it up to the light.
“What’s the damage?” Goose asked.
“100 even. Not great, but not bad.” Maverick slumped back over, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. He was shivering ever so slightly.
Goose held out the crackers. “Here. You should eat something.” Maverick shook his head, looking away.
“No. Feel too sick.”
“Sick like feverish sick, or sick like ‘gonna puke’ sick?” Goose probed.
The pilot gave a half-hearted shrug. “I dunno. Both, I guess.”
“Fine, but at least drink some water, okay dear?” Goose said in a wifely, mock-doting tone. Maverick snorted and looked at the glass like it was toxic, but accepted it and took a sip anyway.
“Do you have any calamine lotion?” Goose asked.
Mav’s brow furrowed. “Any what?”
“Calamine lotion,” Goose repeated. “Y’know, the pink stuff your mom would rub on you when you got into poison ivy. Looks like Pepto Bismol.” Maverick’s face remained blank, confused. “Seriously? Never got chickenpox, never got poison ivy… Did you even have a childhood, Mav?” Maverick smiled, then wrenched the blanket off to frantically itch his back. He cursed.
“Don’t scratch them,” Goose chastised softly. “That only makes it worse.”
“I wouldn’t scratch them,” Maverick began, voice strained with irritation. “If I wasn’t. So. Damned. ITCHY! God, can’t you give me something for this?”
“That’s what the calamine lotion was for.”
Maverick made an exasperated noise that broke into a weak cough.
“I have an idea,” Goose said. “Stay right there, I’ll be back in a sec.” He shuffled back towards the bathroom.
“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere,” Maverick hissed, taking this opportunity to scratch more while his RIO was out of eyesight.
Thankfully, Maverick’s medicine cabinet was better stocked than his pantry. Sure, no calamine lotion, but he did have some Tylenol PM. Bingo. Goose shook out two pills and carried them back to the pilot, who was now itching so hard he looked near epileptic.
“Seriously, stop scratching, you’re gonna hurt yourself,” Goose cooed. He held out the two pills. “Take these.” Maverick took them without even asking what they were. Goose explained anyway. “They’re Tylenol PM. In 20 minutes, you’ll be out cold. Can’t feel itchy if you’re sleeping.” He plopped down on the couch next to Pete.
“Thank God,” he whined. “Better living through chemistry, I guess.” He took another tentative sip of water, staring at the ground. “How did I even get chickenpox anyway? Nobody at TOPGUN is sick.”
Goose blanched. He gulped. “Yeah, about that…” Maverick glanced at him with narrowed eyes. “Bradley’s got it. He must’ve given it to you when he and Carole came to visit a few days ago.”
Maverick smoldered. He wanted nothing more than to smack Goose upside the head, but he loved his “nephew” (and his RIO) too much to lash out. Plus, he knew how much it meant to Goose to see his family. 5 weeks was a long time to be away from two people you love more than anything.
That apology was more than enough. “It’s fine. Is he doing okay? And Carole?”
“They’re both fine.” Goose fiddled with the corner of Maverick’s blanket. “I miss them.”
Maverick gave a long, slow blink. The medicine was starting to work. Everything had gone wonky, like a record played at the wrong speed. “I know you do, Goose. They miss you too.”
“Just a few more weeks,” the RIO whispered, more to himself than to anyone else. He lost himself briefly in memories, of his first dates with Carole, the day Bradley was born, his first steps. He’d been there for all of that; how many memories was he missing while he was here in Miramar, and his family… wasn’t?
Something landed on his shoulder, wrenching him from reminiscence. He turned to look at what it was. He saw short, dark, tousled hair. Maverick had finally passed out, with his head on his RIO’s shoulder no less. Goose reached over to tuck Maverick in more snugly. Even through the sleeve of his shirt, he could feel Maverick’s low-grade fever.
“Sleep tight, Mav,” he whispered, more to himself than to anyone else. The pilot hummed in response, already deep in dreams of jets and open skies.
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takadasaiko · 3 years
Learn to be Patient (Superman & Lois one shot)
Summary: Lois knows she should be patient for news, but the longer Clark takes to respond to the stolen ELT, the more worried she gets. Set directly after 1.09.
Learn to be Patient
One of the strangest subconscious reactions to learning that Clark was really Superman had been the worry that crept in. Logically, Lois had known that his powers didn't suddenly appear or disappear with the donning of a red cape, but it had taken a while to truly accept it when he sped off into danger. To get to the place where she could either watch or report on the live news covering whatever villain he was going toe-to-toe with without the knot of fear tightening in her gut. Slowly but surely, and with more than a few missteps in between, she made it to an understanding that she held onto with everything inside of her: No matter who he faced, the man she loved would always come back to her.
Over the years it had become easier. There were moments, but there was also a steadiness, almost a rhythm that they fell into. Once she knew who he was, any explanation as to where he was going or what he was doing had to wait until he returned. He'd always let her know once the danger was dealt with. She had learned to be patient in a way that had felt impossible in the earliest days of their relationship. That patience had become a part of her.
Most days.
Not tonight, though. Tonight she was still reeling from nearly losing one son to Kryptonite poisoning of her father's own making and the other to people they knew that had somehow been brainwashed - possessed? That was still a terrifying question hanging out on the ledge of her mind - by Edge. The same people that had stolen her ELT that had sent Clark barreling up into the sky to tackle the problem head-on. She had been left with the boys to work through everything that had happened, and focusing on that had helped in its own way for a while.
Jonathan and Jordan had gone upstairs and Lois had been left alone in her damaged kitchen with no idea if it had been Kyle or Emily that had pressed that little red button or someone else entirely. The longer Clark was gone, the more she was afraid it was someone else. Someone with a better handle on their powers that might have found a way to get the upper hand with him suffering the lingering effects of the Kryptonite gas. The longer he was gone, the more the fear built and she hated that old knot twisting in her stomach that she thought she'd learned to let go of years before.
She had to be patient. She knew she had to be patient, and part of that came with keeping herself busy. She picked up some of the debris left from the fight and took a shower. She looked in on the boys who appeared to have crashed while talking about the days' events in Jordan's room and then she finally crawled into bed herself. Clark's side of the bed was painfully empty. She curled up on her side and reached out, fingers wrapping around the fabric of his pillow. "Clark," his name escaped her on a breath and she squeezed her eyes shut.
A familiar whoosh startled her and she found him standing just inside their room, fear in his eyes and cape settling behind him from the movement. "Are you alright? The boys okay?" he asked, voice more frantic than usual.
Lois managed a small nod. "Just worried. After everything and you were gone so long…" The words felt absurd and selfish as they tumbled out, but she could see the relief wash over him too.
"I had to update your dad. I should have called."
"It's okay. Do you need to-?"
"Nope. All done. I'm home."
"What happened?"
"Give me just a sec?"
Lois gave another small bob of her head and he was gone as quickly as he'd come. She heard the shower pop on for a few seconds and found herself wondering if, fast as he was, he'd given the water enough time to catch up with him to do any good. He reappeared a handful of seconds after that at the foot of the bed in a pair of pajama bottoms and he was running a towel through his damp hair. She cringed at the bruises that had faded against his chest, but hadn't disappeared. In fact…. She rocked forward to her knees, getting a closer look at the damage that had been left behind. "Are those new?"
Clark glanced down to the marks and frowned. "I think so." He tossed the towel towards the hamper, landing it in one shot, and fell back onto the bed with her. He loosed a long, tired-sounding breath and those otherworldly blue-green eyes fixed on her. "You want to wait until morning?"
He didn't, that much was evident from his tone, but he was giving her an out if she wanted to just curl up and fall asleep knowing they were both home and safe. "I won't be able to sleep until I know," she admitted softly.
"Might not be able to sleep after either," her husband grumbled and pushed himself up so that he was sitting with her. He leaned forward, elbows braced against his bent knees, and she could see more bruising along his bare back. Her fingers ghosted over the temporary damage and she could feel his muscles tense.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little," he admitted and she leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss between his shoulder blades. Finally, he seemed to relax just a little with that and he drew in a steadying breath. "Morgan Edge was the one that used your ELT."
"Edge himself? What, he didn't want to hide behind his super-powered army?" Clark turned to face her again and she saw a strange look in his eyes, almost haunted, and she felt the knot start to tense up as she pieced the clues together. "He has powers too, doesn't he?"
"He said he got them the same time I did."
Lois blinked hard at that statement. "What does that mean?"
"That he's Kryptonian. We were…. Evenly matched. I think he was a little stronger."
"Because of the gas?"
"I hope that's all."
"What did he want?"
Clark's shoulders sagged a little more and his gaze turned back to the far wall in front of them. "Me," he managed. "He wanted me to join him."
"I'm guessing the new bruises were his reaction to you telling him where he could shove it?" Lois tried for a tease. A quiet huff of a chuckle escaped him and she inched forward to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders. He leaned into her and together they eased back against the mattress, Lois holding onto him as he nestled a little closer. She could feel the intentionally gentle way that his fingers latched onto her t-shirt and her hand moved to stroke his dark hair in a soothing motion.
"That's my people," he breathed without looking up at her. "A megalomaniac that's willing to sacrifice living human beings to be replaced with the consciousness of a race that's been all but extinct for forty years in this universe and the echoes willing to use humans as living hosts. What does that say?"
The knot in Lois' stomach moved to her chest and it felt like it might squeeze her heart until it stuttered to a stop. "They're not all like. You're not like," she managed, voice trembling and she willed her hands steady as they held him. A multitude of possibilities flickered through her mind's eye, the worst including Edge standing over Clark's broken body, unwilling to be denied yet another thing he'd demanded of this world, and their boys would be next if he ever caught wind that there were two half Kryptonians living in Smallville. "He can't have you," she whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I don't care if he's more powerful or if he buys up the whole damn world, this family…. he can't have us."
Clark shifted in her arms to look up at her. "I love you."
His words cut through the horrifying image, but Lois couldn't drag in the breath to answer him. So she did the next best thing as she inched down, pressing her lips against his in a desperate attempt to show him. She could taste her own tears even as he kissed her back, rolling so that he was on his back, Lois leaned over him. She broke the kiss, not able to go without air nearly as long as him, but didn't dare move far away. Instead she rested her forehead against his. "You know you're nothing like him, right?"
"Edge? Hope not. The only person I've seen you hate more is Lex Luthor."
She snorted a laugh. "I mean the other you. The one that destroyed Irons' world. You're nothing like him."
Clark loosed a sigh and Lois finally opened her eyes to find him looking at her. "I've read everything Irons left us on him and I've only found one real difference in all the articles."
"What's that?"
"He didn't have you."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Neither am I."
That same steadiness that had helped her learn how to live this life with him filled the words. He would always come home to her. He would always come home to them.
Lois flashed a tired but real smile and pressed a quick kiss to his lips and rolled off of him to her side of the bed. "Glad we have that settled. I'm exhausted."
A soft chuckle echoed behind her and Lois felt her husband scoot closer until he was pressed against her back, one strong arm around her waist and she could feel his breath against the back of her neck. It had been a long, terrible day, but he was with her now, and when the sun rose, they'd face whatever Edge had to throw at them. They wouldn't let him take their family that they'd fought so hard for.
Notes: I stumbled across Superman & Lois after seeing a few very interesting things on social media. I don't think I've actively watched a Superman show since Lois and Clark way back in the day, so I wasn't prepared for the rabbit hole I was going to fall down. I'm absolutely obsessed with this take on a character that has been re-imagined so many times. The lens of family is what did it for me. The solid and healthy relationship Clark and Lois have (not perfect, but healthy), the complications with the twins, and all of the chaos that comes from it. It's beautifully crafted and brilliantly executed in a way I couldn't resist.
The problem is that I haven't watched any of the other DC shows in the Arrowverse very closely in years. I got through maybe 5 seasons of Arrow, a few episodes of Flash and Legends, and nothing of Supergirl or Batwoman when I started Superman & Lois. I did spot watch for episodes that Clark or Lois were in, but I think I only managed to confuse the crap out of myself with the colliding of universes that seemed to have taken place. I'm still unsure if this Clark and Lois even remember going to Argos in the other timeline or if that's faded like a dream at this point. Either way, I imagine that this Clark would feel heartbroken over the fact that the only members of his race left are acting as parasites to the planet that adopted him. The thought spiraled into my first little oneshot for the show. I do have another started to, so we'll see how that goes. Heaven knows I don't have time for fanfiction in a new fandom, but it's just too good to resist XD
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Detectives By Chance: Chapter 5- Buried Remembrances
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing? Honestly I don’t know how I am doing. I had a massive breakdown just now and my mom is still yelling at me. Everything has just been a mess. So, please ignore any mistakes, and I am really sorry if it is not good. I am just not in the best state of mind rn and if I don’t post it, I will never get it done. Sorry for the ramble and I hope you still enjoy reading whatever this is 💛
Series Summary: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
Pairing: Ethan × f!MC (Dr. Pooja Sharma)
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters. I only own the OCs and my MC.
Word count: ~2K
Triggers: Mentions of blood, murder
But the memories that hang heaviest are the easiest to recall. They hold in their creases the ability to change one's life, organically, forever. Even when you shake them out, They've left permanent wrinkles in the fabric of your soul.
Ethan, Pooja and Alex were stupefied on seeing Mark's condition. He was the jolliest man they have ever known, his happy-go-lucky personality and on-point sense of humour acted as a charm on the surrounding people. This was one of the qualities which made him an amazing doctor because he could relieve patients from their sorrows and pain and make them open up.
But seeing him like this, so broken, so fragile made them realize that a smile sometimes hides a thousand scars behind it.
"Mark, listen to me!! I cannot see you like this. Please calm down. I am damn worried" Alex said, keeping tears at the brink.
"Lex, I love you. You are my strength, my power. Hell, you are my everything. Don't cry. If you cry, I won't be able to tell what I want to. And the pain will again kill me inside." Mark pleaded.
"Okay, I will try to keep as calm as possible. But, promise me, if matters start getting out of hand, you will stop." Alex said.
"Yes, Mark. If someone knows something about painful childhoods that is Ethan and me. So if you can't talk about it, you won't talk about it. We are heck worried about you, man!" Pooja said.
"I Promise. If I feel like having a nervous breakdown, I will stop. But please hear me out. These memories have stayed hidden for so long that now they feel like a burden. I need to get them out."
Then Mark began continuing his story,
"Remember when I told you in the car that I had a brother?"
"Yes, you said that. I suppose your pain was caused by your brother's death?" Ethan asked
"Ha Ha Ha" Mark let out a bitter laughter. "No, that man is not dead. Yes, my pain is caused by my brother but not by his death. By his deeds."
"He was my favourite person in the world. He was my best friend, my study partner, the person who would listen to my endless rambles. He was the only person who understood me and my thoughts. Or, at least that's what I th-th-thought."
Mark paused, face pale. Something was not right.
"Mark, are you alright? MARK!?" Alex exclaimed.
Mark was slowly losing consciousness. He said slowly, "P-P-Please t-t-take m-me-home... I-I c-can't stand b-being here."
The three sprang into action. Ethan helped Mark in the backseat of the car. Alex sat beside him, placing his head on her shoulder. Pooja sat in the passenger seat. Ethan got behind the wheel and drove to their penthouse.
After reaching, they seated Mark and tried to change the topic for him to feel better. The tension cooled down, and Mark felt better.
"You all are the damn best people in the world. I could never imagine anyone to be so concerned for me. Everybody used to see a happy face and think I am fine. But no one understood my pain like you three do." Mark said, gratitude and love shining in his eyes.
"But, I need to complete my tale. Now that I am feeling better and that we are home, I am sure there will be no more troubles."
Mark continued his story.
"Also, did I tell you that my brother was my inspiration to become a doctor? He was the first doctor in our family. When he was in Med school, he used to tell me the things he learnt. He built that interest for medicine in me."
"Wait a sec!" Pooja stopped him abruptly. "Stop me if I am over-stepping, but your brother is a doctor?! But, But-" She couldn't complete the sentence, but everyone understood what she was thinking.
"Baby, we should not jump into conclusions. Let Mark complete." Ethan stopped her from putting out her thoughts.
"Yes, my brother is or at least was a doctor. B-Before he, he..." Mark stuttered.
"Before he was arrested."
The three gasped. Mark's brother, was arrested?!
"Wait what, he was... arrested? But why? " Alex said, surprise in her tone.
"He, he was arrested for prescribing the WRONG DOSES OF MEDICINES TO HIS PATIENTS" Mark shouted, anger boiling and tears welling up in his eyes. "HE FREAKING MURDERED AT LEAST 3 OF HIS PATIENTS BECAUSE HE PRESCRIBED THEM SUPER HIGH DOSES OF THEIR DRUGS" The tears left his eyes.
"A-And he didn't stop there. He tried to k-k-kill our dad. He...He tried to inject a heavy dose of benzodiazepine to our dad." Mark completed. The horror and shock was evident on the other three's faces. Mark's brother, tried... to kill his dad? But why?
"But why in god's name did he ever do that?" Ethan asked.
"No one knows. The police questioned him for days, months, but got no reply. The only thing he used to do was laugh on their faces and tell them that he will get his revenge." Mark said.
"The day he was arrested, since that day he was considered dead by our family. But the news had a devastating effect on our family. Patients called, hurled abuses, threatened to kill. The neighbours threatened to throw us out. With my dad being sick, me and my mom had to bear it all. All this broke her. So once I got into residency, I took my mom and dad out of that horrid place and brought them to NYC with me."
"But their joy lasted less. My mom, she died within six months of transferring. My dad stayed a little longer. T-The last day of my residency was the last day of is life. And you know what were his last words?"
"What?" The other three asked in unison.
"Don't become Miles" Mark says, tears flowing down his eyes. But, as the three observed, a sense of calm spread through his face. As if a weight had been lifted, from his soul.
"So your brother's name was..."
"Miles, yaa."
"Mark, I hope you are feeling better now. Getting that all out, it must have been a hell of a pain." Pooja asked, remembering her painful childhood.
"Yes, it is. God, I needed to do this. Now I am feeling so fresh, so new. I can finally leave those dark times behind me and start leaving a new life." Mark spoke with a flicker of new hope, new life.
All the while, listening to Mark's story, Pooja was thinking about her pain. Her tale, her own story. She saw how calm and peaceful Mark was after getting it all out. Even after trying, she couldn't remember him being this peaceful, anytime before. She realized that today or tomorrow, she had to take it all out. No matter how hard she tried to bury it, it would come out.
"Mark, do you think, you-your brother could do..." Alex asked with a bit of uneasiness.
"Nothing impossible for a man who tried to kill his father. And also, I am damn sure if the card brought us to my childhood neighbourhood, it would lead to his private clinic. Only he had his practice set up there." Mark scoffed.
"We should look into that. But first we need to check on the questions we had written in our notebook. We need to complete the research as soon as possible. Mark, Lex, can you stay here for the night, we could finish it today itself if you two could be here." Ethan said.
"Yaa, we surely can. No, we would love to. You know, whose is a better tension-calmer than me, hmm? I am a humour boss." And with that, old Mark was back.
"Sure, Mark, sure. But maybe the points to the best sarcasm goes to Lex?" Ethan chuckled.
"Ohh, Ramsey. That's what makes me and Walton soulmates." Mark said, trying to pull Alex into a hug.
"Mark, SHUT UP! You know I hate hugs. I hugged you earlier because I was hecking worried. Now, hush!" Alex said, trying to hide a giggle and spectacularly failing
After a few more moments of laughter, the four set to work. They thought they would not find much about their questions on the 'net, but what they read shocked them more and more. As they got the information, they started writing it down below the respective questions.
1. Who is Mr Davis? Why was he targeted?
Richard Davis. 43. Investment banker. Originally pursuing Medicine, later went on to pursue his interest in investment banking.
2nd part: No answer
2. Why did no one from his associations never come to question about him?
No answers
3. Why did the murderer target Pooja and Alex? How does he know them?
No answer. But speculating that the murderer is Miles Danvers.
4. How was the murder committed?
Acute cyanide poisoning. Throat slit afterwards.
5. Addresses.
Address No. 1 checked, the MedMinders Store. Not checked Address 2 but is possibly Miles Danvers's private clinic.
6. MedMinders Drug Store
Checked. Valuable information received.
7. D.I.B.S.15
No Idea.
"So far, so less. We are beautifully lacking on information." Mark remarked.
"Agreed. Agreed. But wasn't this man supposed to be high-profile?" Alex said
"Maybe high-profile with full pockets. Not fame." Pooja said.
Ethan however, did not partake in the discussion. He was busy thinking something.
"Ethan? What are you thinking?" Pooja asked on seeing his furrowed eyebrows."
"I think I might know what D.I.B.S.15 means," Ethan said
"What? I mean, how? That could mean anything" Alex said, visibly surprised.
"No, not anything. I think it means, 'Davis, Investment Banker, Scam 2015" Ethan put out his thoughts.
"D, understood, I.B, understood, but S and 15? How did you deduce them to be scam 2015?" Pooja asked.
"I remember reading about it. It was one of the biggest investment scams ever. And it was speculated that some high-profile investment banker was behind it. But the real culprit was never caught." Ethan laid out his thoughts.
"So, this man is a fish of the deep waters. He is so much more than what we thought." Mark said
"And that also means that if somebody had come to know about it, then he had enough enemies. This mystery is getting tangled with every passing moment." Alex said.
While talking and discussing possible theories, they looked at the clock. 2 at night.
"Oh, dear! We have work tomorrow. God, let's get some sleep, otherwise we will be like living zombies in the halls tomorrow." Pooja said, giggling.
The four tidied up the living room, said their goodnights and went to sleep.
The nightmares began again. Pooja couldn't sleep an ounce. She was too afraid to close her eyes. The memories terrified her.
Enough. No more nightmares. No more suffering. No more sleepless nights. She was tired of feeling so powerless.
"Ethan, Ethan" She gave him a jerk.
"What is it, Poo? Are you okay, is it the nightmares again?" Ethan woke up with a start.
"I need to tell you. All about this. I cannot bear it any more." Pooja said.
"I am all ears, baby. Tell me everything. If this can make you sleep, I am ready to wake all night to listen to you." Ethan said, pulling her in his arms.
Enclosed in his arms, she laid it all in front of him. The way her mother was murdered. The way she was kidnapped when she was only 11. The terror she felt when she was all alone. The horror when she saw the bloody knife. And the heartbreak and pain she felt when it was found out to be her aunt, her mother's sister was behind all it. The disgust that she felt towards her when she revealed her sinister plans, her hunger for money.
At last, everything was out. As if she was free. As if now, there were no troubles in her life. But what happened till now was only the taste of a sinister plan. The actual dish was yet to be served.
PS: If you have come this far, I am truly grateful to you. I just hope to be at a better place the next time and be okay. But I will stop this ramble now and I hope you have a great day ahead💕   
Tags: @bbrandy2002 @kaavyaethanramsey @ohramsey  @hopelessromanticmonie @trrfanaddict @nervoussaladsludgeopera @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @lovablegranny @bellcat2010 @gkittylove99 @kingliam2019@3riche @chetachisblog @starrystarrytrouble @arcticrivers @aylaramseycarrera @drariellevalentine @mvalentine​ @aestheticartsx​@angela8754​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @ao719​ @choicesstan1 @nikki-2406​ @neotericthemis​ @openheartfanfics​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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crackimagines · 5 years
Wait a sec, if it's close to Christmas may I request some little drabbles about child byleth being under the mistletoe with Lysithea, Flayn, and Petra?
Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
child!Byleth: At least I won’t have to worry about anyone making dumb bets during the winter since they’re going to be worrying about their own love lives.
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Thanks for the ask anon, I hope you enjoy!
Mistletoe being a bastard HC’s
Flayn (Blue Lions)
- Flayn stared at the small plant above the door intensely.
- Byleth walked in, then noticed that she was still standing near the door.
(Byleth) “Flayn? What’re you looking at?”
(Flayn) “Ah, hello Byleth. It’s that little plant up there.”
- He looked up with Flayn, then raised an eyebrow.
(Byleth) “Huh. I don’t recall the walls being that mossy for plants to start growing.”
- Sylvain walked behind them, starting to laugh.
(Sylvain) “Ah, I see you found the mistletoe! What a weird coincidence its right below you two!”
(Byleth) “Oh, that’s what that is. I’ve heard of those before.”
(Flayn) “What is it?”
(Sylvain) “Well you see!-”
(Byleth) “It’s a parasitic plant that kills the tree it’s on most of the time. They’re known for warding off evil spirits and possessing good luck. Course, that’s just what they symbolize. Our more superstitious mercs used to hang them all over doors during the winter.”
(Sylvain) “...Eh?”
(Flayn) “Ah, I see! Well, we should thank whoever hung it up!”
(Byleth) “Hm. Anyways, close the door will ya? It’s getting cold in here.”
- Flayn nodded and closed the door, making the mistletoe remain outside.
(Sylvain) “...”
(Mercedes) “Well, that didn’t have the effect I was wanting.”
(Annette) “Talk about a downer.”
Lysithea (Golden Deer)
- Byleth and Lysithea walked in together before class began, not saying a word to each other since they were focused on getting ready.
- Before they could even sit down, Claude stood in front of them.
(Claude) “Woah there!”
(Byleth) “Oh, sorry Claude-”
(Claude) “You should be little teach, not even paying attention to what’s above you!”
- Lysithea and Byleth raised an eyebrow and looked up, noticing the mistletoe.
(Lysithea) “Oh, a mistletoe. What is a poisonous plant such as that doing here?”
(Hilda) “Oh well you see, we hung it up for the lovebirds who could possibly stand underneath it!”
(Byleth) “...What’s romantic about a plant that wards off spirits?”
(Lysithea) “HUH?!”
(Byleth) “O-Oh. I didn’t mean to scare-”
(Lysithea) “Tch, don’t be ridiculous I’m not scared! G-Ghosts don’t exist so the point of that being there is...well, pointless!”
(Byleth) “In that case Claude, can you get rid of i-”
(Lysithea) NO! NO no, I mean...NO!”
- Lysithea started pouting and fell right behind Byleth and shoved him towards the front.
(Byleth) “Hey, don’t push!”
- Hilda and Claude stood under the door looking extremely confused. 
(Raphael) “Hey guys, what’s up- Oh hey, a mistletoe! Looks like you two are gonna have to kiss, hah!”
Petra (Black Eagles)
- Edelgard and Hubert stared out the door, eyes wide. Dorothea fell in behind them and stopped when she saw the door and joined them.
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(Dorothea) “Wow. I think someone really wants a kiss today.”
(Edelgard) “Hubert and I left only for a few minutes, this wasn’t here before!”
(Hubert) “I did not even realize mistletoe were able to be acquired at the monastery.”
- Petra came into view, holding even more mistletoe, then waving at the three.
(Petra) “Good morning. Why the mouth open face? Er...surprised face.”
(Dorothea) “Petra, what’s with all the mistletoe?”
(Petra) “You mean bird poop? It is to promote the wildlife! During winter, we hang them all over the door in order to bless the nature spirits. It is pretty, yes?”
(Edelgard) “Its what now?”
(Hubert) “Does the professor even know you’re doing this?”
(Petra) “Yes he was the one who insisted on more of them. He insisted that we bring a bit of Brighid spirit for the winter season! It is sweet, yes?”
(Dorothea) “Huh, I never knew that, but dear I think people might get the wrong idea. In Fodlan, mistletoe are a symbol of love. For example if two people were under it, they would have to kiss.”
(Petra) “Kiss?”
- She took a long look at the door before turning back.
(Petra) “Intriguing. Thank for the knowledge.”
- She smiled to herself and nodded, heading into the class.
(Edelgard) “I do NOT like where that is going...”
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jjajafar · 4 years
Crashing into Zeb (a Zebtv fan fiction)
Well here again our story starts with me gathering up loot, weapons, and odds and ends and selling them. When I walked in to the pub and weapons shop I couldn’t resist looking at this tough guy sitting at the bar. I think I’ve seen him some where before? Maybe I’ve been snooping around some of his past adventures knowing me. “Hey hey sonny looks like you had a good hunt.” Said the old man at the bar “Hell yeah I got a couple of gold axes, a demon possessed katana, I got all kinds of loot ready to sell!”. What? I get excited about sweet loot. “What about that demon possessed sword? Don’t you think it’s too dangerous to carry around?” “Don’t worry about it had a priest put a seal over in just in case it gets rowdy.” “Ok good excuse me if I get the daisies scared out of me because I hate ghosts.” “Ah don’t worry your secret is safe with me ha ha ha.”. So eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I asked. “Hey pops um who’s the big guy?” “He came in the bar a couple of hours ago asking for a rum and coke. I think his name starts with a z like Zach or Zeb something like that.” “Hmm well let me sit at a table and find my next bounty!”.  Introducing Zeb : powerful, strong, aggressive, proud Viking overlord. (First discovered youtube channel: in 2011 Game: sacred citadel). Just as I noticed two familiar faces on the bounty board a group of orcs came crashing through the main door. Hmm where have I seen this before? Maybe on another adventure? Sometimes I think I’m such a stalker watching other people’s adventures unfold, but it’s so much fun!” “Destroy the place and bring every ounce of gold back to mother!” said what looks to be the leading orc. One orc took it upon themselves knock the drink out my hand and grabbed me by my shirt, but I countered em by simply grabbing its arm and threw it through the wall of the bar. One of the orcs thought it would be hilarious to throw a rock at the guy sitting at the bar with the giant tattoo on his back. The rock hits him leaving a slight gash on the right side of his head. I had ducked under a table at the upper level of the bar. The guy picked up his axe leaped into the air and shouted “Why the hell did you do that!” and came crashing down with lighting knocking orcs out the door, through walls, and out of windows. Luckily this bar has some very sturdy tables. As the big guy ran out side I ran behind him and ducked into a tree. “Wait a sec didn’t I kick your ass before?” said the guy “Ah so we meet again. You might have defeated me before, but now I have more power than ever!” said what seemed to be the leader of the orcs that ransacked the tavern. “Here let me give you a taste of the power the dark lord gave to me!” she said as she cast a thunder spell that sent the guy crashing to the floor. Yikes that must’ve stung. “Ha not even enough endurance to stand. Move out! There will be no room for failure!”. After this shocking situation I pulled the guy by rope into the bushes to make sure they don’t come back for him. Took me hours to drag him to a lake in the forest. I waited around until the effect wore off and I could get him some water. When I saw that the electricity had finally died down I grabbed the drinking horn and holder off of  his belt, put some water in it, and sat it beside him just for when he wakes up. I went deeper into the forest to set up camp and watch him just in case anyone wanted to disturb his sleep. Later on in the night I woke up to a loud “AAAH!”. Yup that means he’s awake I raced outside with knife at the ready. Until I ran face first into a wall, but it wasn’t a wall it was him. “Ow shit that hurt.”, then in kind of a blur I saw a hand pull me of the ground. “Who are you” he said as he’s pulled me off the ground “I’m uh. I was there when you got shocked really hard by that orc witch.” “So you’re the one that brought me to this lake?” “Yeah.”. then after a second look he remembered. “Oh! I remember you now you were at the tavern turning in loot.” “Yeah that’s me name’s Jafar rogue extraordinaire. What your name again? Zeb right.” “ Right I overheard you talking to the old man tough customers aye.” Said the guy as he punched me in the arm. “Ow yeah you guys looked like a bunch of tough guys mr I put a crater into the floor of the tavern.”. Then suddenly came in arrows flying, but I ducked out of the way. Then I noticed that the arrows had a certain brand on them, the brand of a raven holing a skull, The brand of the execution guild. “Hey we got to go now!”. I tried to push Zeb and move  but unfortunately, we were too late. With swords drawn they backed us into a corner then their leader came out of the shadows. They call him Adam  “the raven’s skull”  Dupree . “Ah got you little sneak.” Said Adam “Well crap as if I didn’t get myself in enough trouble today.”  “And make that double.” Said Adam ’s assassin Rebecca “the sakura widow” . “Ugh what do you guys want?” “Wait I saw these two on the bounty board.” Said Zeb “Yeah but they was two different cases one well every male who thought to make a move on her she slaughtered for a dark magic sacrifice. The Other is a rogue that slaughtered a work force in a small village and ran.” As a look of annoyance raced across my face. “Right so why the bitter look?” “Well the one with the eye patch made a deal that he would keep the village safe so what happened?” “Well unfortunately for you our deal is up.” “How is that?” “Simple I cut my ties.” said Adam  as he raised his eye patch to reveal the glowing purple orb for an eye. “You’re her servant aren’t you. Yikes how the mighty has fallen.” “Funny you talk about mighty when you’re trapped right now.” “Better than being some witch’s servant.”. Adam  pulled his blade closer to my neck I looked at him face to face. “Say it again I dare you.” “You ain’t shit but a damn servant and it’s disappointing.”. as Adam raised his sword in the air I dropped a fog bomb. “Didn’t see that one coming did ya.”. Me and the big guy ran out the fog, but as we ran I knew we couldn’t avoid them for long as they were right behind us. “You thought you could run!” said Rebecca  “Escape? No I just needed some breathing room to actually fight.” I said as Zeb leaped over me and came crashing down with his axe. As he also sent me flying into the air I saw as the opportunity to make some shooting stars. I punched the crap out of every raven’s skull member I saw and sent em crashing to the floor. Then Zeb placed his axe into the ground Jumped into the air, grabbed one of them in a power bomb position, and sent them crashing down onto a group of their clan. “Here suck on poison you ass hole” said Rebecca as she thrown poison needles, but I blocked them with my chain. “Ha not on your life, but good try though.” “Ugh your face is annoying!” she shouted as she thrown more poison needles. “Yeah yeah yeah I heard it all before.”. I blocked her poison needles again, but this time with knife at the ready she jumped into the air to stab me. Suddenly Zeb swiftly swatted her out the air with a shoulder tackle and sent her flying into the arms of her master. “Ha nice try but did you forget that he’s here?” “oh shut up!” “You’re a lie and I bet your assassin don’t even know what she got herself into.” “ I bet you don’t know when to shut the hell up.” Shouted Adam  “Shove it! you know you owe that village because they shown you mercy. How dare you stab them in the back on a literal level.” “I told you before I’m done with them and I found something better  so get used to it.” “So being a servant of evil is something better?”. Then as rage raised to the brim Rebecca was the first one on the attack as she thrown more poison needles, but Zeb picked up a log, blocked the poison needles, and thrown it aside. “Don’t get it our way!” said Rebecca as both her and all of us came charging forward. As me and Rebecca  were going to connect into battle I noticed that she was going to throw a smog bomb of poison, But I quickly latched the chain to Zeb’s belt and sent him flying back out of the way of the smog. “Ha stupid I have more in my arsenal than just poison needles.” Rebecca  said as “Hahaha silly.” . With the chain I absorbed every ounce of poison out of the air. While I was tied up with Rebecca , Adam  went charging forward after Zeb, but he was able to pull the ax out of the ground with one hand and blocked Adam ’s attack. Zeb kicked Adam in the chest and sent Adam flying back. “I’m going to rip your head off your shoulders!” said Adam “I’d like to see you try before I split you in half.” said Zeb as they charged at each other. Rebecca pulled out a giant needle and I pulled out my knife and we went in a crazy flurry to see who will be the first to crumble. “I can’t wait to stab you right in the heart and watch you fall to your knees!” Rebecca said as she kicked me square in the jaw. With all I had I stood my ground and I sent my chain after her, but she dodged out of the way and ran forward. Rebecca  tried to stab me in the neck but I side stepped her and came across with my knife. Fortunately for her she dodged out of the way. That gave me enough time to recoil the chain. “You thought you were going to cut me?” said Rebecca “Lucky you moved out of the way.”. The battle continued she sent more poison needles flying at me but I circled around her untill I got close enough just to wrap my chain right to her foot, but she nearly got me with a needle. I yanked the chain and sent her flying to the floor. “bet ya didn’t see that one coming” I said as I stood over her, but she had a hidden needle in her mouth and sent it flying at me. I caught it though and returned it to its sender right in her leg. “You mother F-!” she said as she yelled out in pain. “Aw sucks for you.”. Adam back flipped and threw daggers at Zeb, but he deflects them by twirling his axe. Zeb went in for a side swipe Adam ducked under the blade he tried to come back and stab him, but Zeb came back around and kicked em right in the ribs. “Ugh damn it!” said Adam as he backed away “Give it up you lost.” Said Zeb “Heh this is far from over.” Then he turned into purple light and quickly went over and grabbed Rebecca and they both disappeared in purple fading light. “Damn it just when we had them. Hey, Zeb how you holding up?” “Alright no injuries.”. I thought it was back to square one untill. “HELP, HELP US PLEASE!” said a woman who raced up to us. “What’s going on?” said Zeb “There is a orc attack in the village bellow luckily me and my children made it out alive.” “Get to safety if you can find it.” I said as I started to run into danger again. “Ok strategy I know you’re the front man so you do you best and I can take out the other dudes in the area.” “No problem with that”. When we got to the area we hid behind a building and come to find out that there was double work to be done because there are orcs and assassins in the area. “Ok new plan you handle the orcs I’ll take out these assassins.” “Alright so on my count 3,2,1 GO!” said Zeb as he quickly ran in. I use my chains to sling right up into the air to take aim and drop three assassins with knives right to the head. Zeb hit one of the orcs with a flying knee knocking it’s teeth out and sending it flying into the hay then grabbed another by the throat and sent it flying through on of the buildings on fire. “What intruders? Kill them and put their heads on steaks!” Said a goblin that sat on his gold velvet throne covered in rings and chains. Zeb had made it through the halfway point of Orcs and I was on one last assassin. I ran across the roof as fast as I could, but the assassin shot off a arrow and shot Zeb right in the butt before I sent my chain after them and threw them right off the roof. “OW! What the fuck!” shouted Zeb pulls the arrow out “My bad didn’t get to em in time.”. “Get them, get them now!” shouted the goblin as he barks orders at the goons. I zip lined right in the middle of the action to back him up. Before I made a move I heard some heavy breathing like a enraged beast. Then I narrowed it down from the other sounds around me and come to find out it was Zeb pissed off because he was hit in the back side with a arrow. “Aw Shit let me move out the way.”. I made my exit stage left. “WHAT THE HELL!” shouted Zeb as he leaped into the air with spinning axe in hand and came crashing down sending bodies across the village and some through the decaying houses. After that I made my move and zip lined through the smoke over to the little shit and knee struck him right in the jaw and sent the poor thing falling out of his royal purple throne. “Hi we’re the intruders. If you give us info to the orc lady with the magic staff I won’t have to ring your little neck.” “No no no you didn’t think your little plan through did you.” “What’s that supposed to mean?”. Suddenly with the power of the medallion on his neck the little critter started to grow in size. “Well shit.” Said Zeb “We need to get that medallion off him.”. I tried to throw a chain at him and pull the medallion off, but he was just too strong and pulled me with it. Zeb tried to come up for a attack and the monster backhand Zeb and sent him flying into a crumbling house. I hung on for dear life as much as I could untill I went flying into barrels outside of a tavern in the village. “Bring it on I haven’t bashed any skulls in for quite some time maybe it’s time to knock some rust off.” Said the giant goblin. I rolled out of the of the barrels. “Ow shit! Hey you ok?”  “Yeah little bruised but I’ll be ok.” Zeb says as he arose from the rubble. “Ugh this sucks maybe I will have to strangle em.” “Hey gotta take a lickin and keep on tickin right?” as Zeb came up beside and we went into fighting stance again. “Hey giant asshole we’re not done yet.” Zeb shouted to the monster “Heh and I thought you were just small fries.” “Please far from it so you better get used to it because this fight is about to get real ugly.”. We both ran at the monster, but I let Zeb run ahead so that I can set something up.  Zeb went right at the monster swinging is axe at a crazy speed making the goblin go into defense. With some hand signs I prepped for the goblin to make a move. When Zeb slightly let up on his assault the goblin threw a punch and Zeb was able to dodge one of them. The goblin went back with another strike this time a swing back hand and sent Zeb flying through a tree next to a house in the village and that made the tree fell onto another house. As the goblin made his way towards me it tried to come in the zone to punch me, but Zeb quickly with loads of adrenalin came in and blocked the goblin’s punch, grabbed the goblin’s hand. and tossed it to the ground. Before the goblin could get up, with one more hand sign I trapped the goblin in chains. “Alright lets get em!”. I went after the goblin with the dagger Zeb hopped high into the air and came crashing down with his axe and slashed it right in the head and shoulder. I pulled the chains tighter sending it crashing to the floor again and slashing twice at its back and head. Then as Zeb leaped into the air to come down for another strike, the goblin was unfortunately able to turn around and send him flying through a group of barrels with a back hand. Then the goblin broke through the chains and hit me with a uppercut and sent me flying on to the stone shingles of a roof, but with the help of adrenalin I was able to recover. “Pff that’s all you got you hit like a punk ass.” said Zeb as he raises a middle finger then he rose from out of the pile and I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny” said the goblin “Your face” and I fell out laughing. “Heh I guess I tickled your funny bone huh” said Zeb “Yeah you did. Ok enough laughs back to work.”. Zeb picked up his axe and swiftly swiped at the goblin’s knee and that made the goblin buckle to one leg and he made his move behind the goblin. With the opening I was able to jump on the goblin’s back and slash at the chain of the medallion and it brought out a huge chip to the chain. “Alright your turn Zeb!” “Alright!” said Zeb as he leaped into the air and raised his axe and sliced the chains right in half. Then the chain slid of smooth as butter and fell right to the ground. “hell yeah!” shouted Zeb in victory. Then the once giant goblin decreased in size untill Zeb had his foot on his neck. “the information please?”. I tried to at least somewhat politely. “Fine the orc queen is in the catacombs of Celtia Deltarune she not only have her orc army but she also taken control of the golems as well.” “Alright well thanks for the help” said Zeb as he tied the goblin to a tree. Then we sat on a bench to at least breathe for a second. “Hey lend me your shoulder I’m hella tired.” “You’re tired? You didn’t go flying through a house and have it fall on you.” Said Zeb as he sat down also “ Hey I almost did  too when I hit that stone roof god my back hurts.” . I lean on Zeb’s shoulder thought I was gonna pass out. “I hope the guards come there should be news flying around about this village burning to the ground.” “Yeah you can’t do anything massive without someone finding out around here.” .Then just like clockwork some soldiers came to survey the town. “Hey you two ok over there!” Shouted one of the guards “Somewhat alive at the least!”. I tried to get back up on my own but just stayed on the bench. “What happened here?” said the second guard “This ass hole burned the village to the ground with the orc army and assassins. We took both sides out.” said Zeb as he pointed right at the goblin. Then the guards hand cuffed the goblin and put it on the back of the horse. “Do you all have a somewhere to stay there’s a inn a town over?” “Well I have a tent, but we do need to heal up and get a full rest.”. I showed them the summoning scroll I keep on me just in case. “Right come with us there should be some rooms available since most of the villagers from this village went another town over. Also there should be a healer at the inn as well that heal those wounds” “Alright.”. Then me and Zeb climbed into the guard’s wagon and went over to the next town. When we arrived at the village, we looked at the view of the town as the wagon went to its destination. It bustled like usual like a big town should, but even in the night and rain you could see that some parts were destroyed because of attacks from the orc army. “Well at this town is still intact.” “Yeah fighters in the town gathered together to defend this place and you’re in luck because one of them own a tavern in town.” Said the guard. They arrived at the honey inn with its signature bee ingrained into the wood and a scent of honey in the air. I climbed out of the wagon nearly falling over because of back pain, but Zeb leaps out of the wagon even though he got a bruised rib and well back side. We enter the inn where some tables and chairs were broken, but the bar was still working and the nurse’s office was in working operation. They we’re greeted by a large ginger male sitting behind a desk with his feet up with gold, black, and red armor, and a black and gold striped spear at his side. ( Met Odoyle in zeb’s stream he’s hilarious and random practically similar to Zeb, his stream is also chill) “Hi welcome to the Honey hive inn name’s Odoyle. What can I do for ya?” “Hiya me and this guy over there need two rooms and healing.” “Yeah sure. HEY WIFEY!” “Yes Husby!” said the rainbow warrior that skipped into the room wearing her signature rainbow zebra hat and armor and a white blade with a rainbow zebra charm on the end of it. (Also met Nniiee in Zeb’s stream and one of many supportive mods of the stream.) “Oh hi how can I help you guys? my name is Nniiee local healer and paladin.” “They need a room and a healing.” “Ok sure what’s your names and what’s hurting.” “Hello name’s Zeb my Right side and other places.” “Yeah he got shot in the butt with an arrow that a assassin shot at him.” “ WHA- DON’T SAY IT OUT LOUD!” “What? It’s the truth and yeah I do owe you because I let the assassin get by.” “You better pay me back!” as he looks back at me with a pointed stern finger. “Heh and what pains do you have Mr. rogue.” “ Hi name’s Jafar my back hurts because that jerk goblin hit me with a upper cut and sent me flying into a stone roof on one of the houses.” “Ouch.” “Yeah not fun.” “So let’s get down to payment.” Said Odoyle “Hey did you get that goblin’s amulet chain?” “Hell yeah I did can’t be a rogue and not take some things for yourself and if that doesn’t cover it-” I said as I snapped my fingers twice and a large bag of weapons fell to the floor. “I also got gold.” Said Zeb “Hmm I think the goblin chain and a few weapons are good enough right?” asked Nniiee “ Yeah there should be a place somewhere that will sell these.” Said Odoyle. We go to our sperate rooms and both Nniiee and Odoyle came in to help. “Alright just lay down and relax.” Said Nniiee as she spread her arms and summoned her healing powers sending zebras to race around him and the bruise on his side went from a purple back to his skin tone. “Alright I’m feeling a lot better.” “Great with some rest of cores you should be at 100% .” “Great thanks hey got any food? Throughout all that forgot to eat.” “Yeah same for the broken rogue too.” I said from my room. “Ha I think we got some food if not I’ll go around and get some things from the stores.” Said Odoyle as he ran downstairs “Don’t worry rogue I’ll be right in to heal you too.” said Nniiee as she skipped to my room. Nniiee also did her healing spell again relieving my back pain which their was likely a bruise their too. “Alright rest we should have food prepared in about an hour.” “Ok.” I said as I slowly started to drift off to dream land. Sometime after I was awoken by aroma of honey bbq sauce. I stretched around and opened the windows to let the sun in and then finally went out of the room to see if anyone was around. As I walked down the hall way I was great to the sounds of “GOLD FISH!” said a very active Odoyle “Bull Shit!” said a active Zeb “Well this is one active game of gold fish yo everyone.” “Ah hey Jafar food has been ready for quite a while luckily we had some to spare.” Said Nniiee “ Ah jeez did I sleep that hard? Well good thing cause I’m guessing those two tore the ribs apart.” “Yeah pretty much so come on plate is ready for you.” “Thank you”. After some eating I was stuffed and just watched the card game unravel again. “Ha take that Gold Fish” said Zeb “Wow you finally won.” Said Odoyle “You do know that it’s tied.” “Ha hey dudes I’m going  to be going out in the city for a while and probably get some new stuff and probably haggle.” “Alright man.”  “See ya.”. I walked outside it was a nice breeze out. I went store to store looking for new throwing knives and maybe a brand new knife set. As I made my rounds I hear something thud like something huge hit the ground. I zip lined up to the roof of one of the properties to get a birds eye view or a high view. I looked to where the sound was coming from and I saw the giant blocky boot of a golem. I also heard someone barking orders at them, and as their troops came out of the field of trees it was a dark knight. After paying for the knives and equipment, I ran back to the inn to let everyone know about the march. “What? A dark knight ? sounds like they’re beefing up their troops.” said Zeb “Yeah, we have got to get rid of that orc witch soon.” “Right, but let’s focus on this fight right now though.” “You’re right The golems look like their made from stone so you should be able to take em out in one or several hits with your axe and maybe I can set up a trap or two. Odoyle, Nniiee I feel like you fought for this town before we got here. So just in case they try to take a back entrance can you watch the town?” “Yeah and we’re ready to go we also prepared traps and ballista just in case if they were trying to sneak attack the town.” Said Nniiee “ Yeah we got this and we will fight right down to our fists to protect this town.” “ Yeah on the subject of weapons I picked up knives but your’s look pretty cool Odoyle.” “ Yeah that’s my stinger it’s guided me through several wars now. Although once this is all over gonna fix up the little things and relax and take a vacation.” “Right after this definitely taking  a vacation. Away from these fights for as long as I can at least.” “Yeah well ready to take down some golem and kick a dark knight’s ass.” Said Zeb as he picked up his axe “Hell yeah it’s time to end all this.”. As we wave the awesome owners of the inn good bye we start bolting towards the small battalion. As we got closer and closer I made my moves using hand signs to make more and more chains come through the grown and hook onto trees to stop the golems movement. Although I did set up the chains to stop them they still managed to trip over the chains and crash into each other. “Alright Zeb get em I’ll take out these golems out then we meet for the dark knight.” “Alright I’m going forward.”. Then Zeb picked up speed and the first piece of a fallen golem that went flying off was a hand.  I ran pass the golems and made my move toward the orc soldiers. One of them tried to hit me with a back hand as it was turning around, but I was able to grab it’s arm and charge a chi blast right at its side and send it flying into the other orcs. “Capture them! And take them to the mother!” Said the dark knight as they went deeper to the background of the fight. Zeb was going crazy fighting golems two to one Zeb caught one of the golem’s fist and send them crashing into the trees. One of the orcs came running at me with axe aiming to cut me right in half, I side stepped it, but the orc cam around with it’s fist and back fisted me to a tree. Then the orc went for a second attack with the axe, but I rolled out the way and punched em in the jaw, wrapped the chain around the orc’s foot and sent it flying into a tree. As Zeb was fighting the golems on of them came from his blindside and sent him flying with a kick, but he crashed right into a lazy orc that was just standing and watching the action. As the golem made it’s way to get Zeb I quickly wrapped a chain around two trees and pulled it tight and watched as the golem trip and fall right on it’s face. I couldn’t help but to snicker. Then suddenly I see a sword come right for my head but I ducked and  threw a knife in the direction of who ever was holding said sword I looked up and saw that it was the dark knight that was there. “Ha Thought you could get a way?” “No wasn’t trying to run, but that was a nice try at a cheep shot ass hole.” . I got up and whipped the chain around just in case the knight wanted to make a move and ran back to the action. Zeb got up and grab the orc by the arm and threw it right at the face of a rising golem. Then he ran and rolled pass the golem to pick up his axe, Jumped high in the air and put a hug dent in the golem’s chest plate, and then hit the golem again and breaking it’s core sending it crashing back to the ground. “One down!” he shouted in victory. I ran back into the battle and drop kicked the last of the orcs right in the skull and sent em flying to the ground. “Hey you got that last golem?” “Yup!” “Have you forgotten about me rogue?” said the dark knight “No you won’t let me forget you, but don’t worry now you have my full attention.”. I cracked my knuckles and went right for the dark knight. I threw a few daggers their way then tried to quick slash em with my knife, but the knight blocked the knives with their shield and blocked my knife with their sword. “Is this all the power you have?” “Nah I’m just getting started and your minions was just a warm up.”. Zeb is going in a back and forth battle with the golem, blocking nearly every attack the golem threw out. Then finally the golem made a mistake and tried to throw a kick and Zeb took it’s leg with his axe. As the golem fell to a knee he took advantage and chopped the core of the golem right in half. As the fight between me and the dark night went on he eventually caught me and threw me with their dark force shield sending me right over to where Zeb stood. “ Ouch that jerk.” “You’re alright.” Asked Zeb “Yeah I’m good just falling on my ass for one reason or another.” “ Yeah it happens to the best of us well not me though.” “Ha says you.” “I guess that the one on one didn’t go so well.” “ Wouldn’t be my first plan, but hey didn’t hurt to try.” . I rolled back to my feet and we both got into our fighting stances ready to go. “ So two to one, Come! Let’s test your metal!”. All three of us ran forward this time I let Zeb take the lead and I’ll follow up with some tricks up my sleeve. They both came to a blade to blade clash, and face to face they stood their ground. They both quickly leaped back and when back and forward in a flurry of attacks. Just as the dark knight a was about to come back around with his sword I threw a dagger at em and threw a couple of punches their way. In the middle of the combo the dark night was able to grab me again, however I ran up the tree side ways to release their hold, Zeb charged in with the axe, but the dark knight was able to block the attack thus bringing the fight back between the dark knight and Zeb . when they clashed again this time Zeb twisted around and hit the dark knight with a back fist sending their helmet flying off underneath another male soldier possessed buy the evil power of the orc mother. After the strike was landed I went after the dark knight and punched him aiming for his and dented at least the front plate of the armor. “You are stronger than I initially thought I’ll admit that, but it’s time to take this fight to the next level.” Said the dark knight as pitch black armor assembled onto him. Zeb with his axe ready made the first move, But with one quick step the dark knight was able to make a move before he did by grabbing Zeb by his face and throwing him through the trees. I tried to run in and slash at em with my knife but he quickly raised his sword and sent it crashing down sending a beam of dark energy. I thought I could block it, but it sent me crashing through several trees and my back felt like hell. After the sudden powerful attack the dark knight walked over to Zeb and kicked him in the gut to turn him over. The dark knight raised his sword looking to stab him in the heart, But I summoned chains to hold the swords in place. “Hey you might’ve hurt me, but I’m not going down without a fight!” “Ha you think you can hold me?” “No all I needed was a second for him to breathe!” . Zeb stuck up his middle finger rose to his feet grabbing the dark knight by the waist and  then slamming the dark knight right on his back. Zeb tried to go for another suplex, but the dark knight  got up and hit him with a upper cut to the jaw. As Zeb stumbled back against a tree he noticed that his axe was stuck in the tree and he ripped it out of the tree and marched back to the battle. Suddenly the dark knight started moving at a crazy speed to psych him out. “You can not hit what you can not see warrior.” “ Oh really?” Said Zeb as he powered up and smashed the ground creating a huge dust cloud to where the dark knight can see him. I made my move, didn’t move much because my back was hurting again but at least I did something. With some hand signs I summoned more chains to go after the dark knight. Though their was a huge cloud of dust I found the dark knight’s energy and made the chains latch around his leg, threw him to the ground twice and threw him high in to the air. Zeb Powered  up and jumped into the air around the same height and grabbed the dark knight’s face and brought him crashing back down to the ground. After the dark knight hit the ground his black armor faded away and a portal heading back to the orc queen opened and quickly pulled the dark knight in and closed. “ Dang I wanted to question him. Especially why she’s summoning the golems.” “My guess it’s to beef up the army she’s creating, but enough thinking let’s go fuck more shit up.” “ Heh sounds like fun, but let’s heal first and contact Nniiee and Odoyle to see if their ok.” “Alright then.” Said Zeb as he takes a seat on a log. I pulled a viewing crystal out of my bag it took about five seconds but it eventually made the magic connection. “Hey you guys ok on your end.” “Yeah we just got rid of two golems our selves plus a mini army of goblins.” “WOOOOO!” yelled odoyle “Sounds like someone is enjoying their victory.” “Yeah so are you guys ok?” “We’re fine just owned a dark knight.” “ Yeah we took kind of a beating but with time to heal I think we’ll be ok.” “Alright take care and I hope we could hang out some more when all this is over.” “Yeah I’ll be down for it.” “ Yeah and maybe we can go round two of gold fish.” “Bring it!” said odoyle as he brought his face close to the viewing stone. “Alright we’ll see you guys later when we win.”. After some resting and some healing we headed out on one of the horses that at least stayed during the fight. We raced all the way till we reached the outskirts of Caltia Deltarune. “Alright we’re here what’s the plan?” said Zeb “ I don’t know. There could be a lot of troops here. Maybe we can divide and conquer but we need to stick together though since you know. The odds.” “Yeah Normally I would just go in and wing it, but since you’re a rogue you like to plan before making a move.” “Hey I learned with all this, is sometimes you just gotta wing it, and hell you’re strong enough to just wing it.” “Yup strong enough to wing it.” Said Zeb as he flexed his bicep. “Oh whatever let’s just take these guys out.”. So any ways we went and scanned the camp to set up traps and to see if they set anything up for us. “Hmm bear traps looks like there’s some spike traps covered by leaves.” “Not to mention the two guards standing outside the gate.” “hmm I think I got an idea, but I’ll have to make the first move though.” “Why?” “Cause of their medallions I can easily steal those then I can get the chains to beat them up and draw the other troops.” “Yeah but that could send the rest of the troops out too.” “Yeah, but we could take them out all at once especially we could make them fall into their own traps.” “Right. Ok your move.” “Watch this is going to be easier that taking cake from a oversized knight.”. I casually walked untill The guards saw me in the night lights. “Excuse me good sirs I’m so lost could you all kindly what city is this.” “Hmm? Wait you’re the intruder.” “What no I swear just a rogue passing by.”. The chains I summoned quickly came behind them and took their location medallions off  them. “What the?” said the orc soldiers as the drew their spears. Before they could charge for me the chains wrapped around them and slammed them together knocking them out and then dragging them into the bushes. “Done and done. I didn’t even break a sweat.” “Wow good job.” “Thanks now let’s see”. I took the gold packs from around their waist and the keys to open the gate. The gate had opened, but nobody payed any attention at first. “Alright Zeb give me your best orc voice.” “OI humans are attacking humans are attacking.”. Then their focus shifted towards the gate with the bodies of their  about a quarter of their troops came out to see if their was an attack. I made the chains quickly close the gate. Then Zeb launched high to the air and came crashing down sending all of them flying. “Hell yeah took em all out with one shot.” “Yup well looks like it's on to the next poor souls who are going to get rekt.” “Yup and I got just the idea for this next trick. Let’s go.”. the next plan took us to the right side of the camp facing a hill. “So when they cam out I looked in for a second and it looked like they were having a party. I’m guessing one of them has to go to the bathroom eventually.” “Oh so you’re going to place the bear trap down to draw them out.” “ Yup and when he screams in pain their gonna come running.”. I placed down the bear trap in a bush. “Ok let’s see what are they going to do.” . It took some time of cores, but Eventually with a loud snap. “URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”. They all came running to get the poor soul out of the bear trap and that was our sign to move in for the kill. It took us a little longer though because both battalions on the right side of the camp moved in to help the orc, but we got it done though ending the fight with me kicking it in the ribs and punching it in the jaw and sending it into the bushes. “Two groups of troops down one more to go.” “Should we charge straight in?” “Hmm I got an idea but it could take time to set up though.” “What is it.” “Remember the spike traps?” “Oh right.” “Yeah I’m guessing that there’s some traps over their or we got some digging to do.”. So we ran right over to the west wing of the camp to draw out the rest of the camp and luckily we didn’t have to dig holes we can just execute the plan. With everything in place I simply made my first move. “Hey guys!” “What the?  Kill him and go warn the mother!” Yelled the orc . As the orc was escaping to send the message Zeb flown past me and well needless to say he was silences with one swing of his axe. Then we came together and took out the other orcs. “Ok we’re done with this now on to the queen.” “Yeah Let’s get rid of her and make sure she stays dead.” Said Zeb as he picked up his axe and placed it on his shoulder. We went inside of the cave Zeb marched right through the cave head held high and ready for action while I hid in the shadows hiding behind large rocks and looking for traps even with so little light. “Man it’s super dark in here I wonder when we’ll gonna reach any light.” “Well if you want light so bad here it is.” Said Zeb as he pointed at the purple glowing crystal filled to the brim with souls. “Well this is a evil lab if I’ve ever seen one.” “Yeah and from the look of it they must’ve been harvesting for quite some time.”. We looked around for a while and then I noticed a stray needle flying at me from a certain someone. “Ha looked like you missed.” “Shut the hell up you’re ruining mother’s introduction.” Shouted Rebecca   “What ever.”. Then the resurrected queen of the orcs revealed her self stepping forward hidden by the light of the crystal. “I thought surely that my children would have ripped you limb from limb them selves, but they where no match for you even the dark knight was useless.” “Heh yeah.” Zeb snickered. Then Adam  came out from behind a pillar I thought he would be hiding somewhere. “Well, well look who’s finally here.” Said Adam  “Yeah and this time I’ll-” “Nah Zeb let me handle him. I want to talk to him one on one to see if he’s under a spell or just decided to make a dumb move.” “Alright then You take him, I’ll take her on then.” said Zeb as he cracked his knuckle “Ok then bring it on. I’ve been meaning to kick your ass for shoulder blocking me for that second rate rogue.” “Yeah says the one that lost to the second rate rogue. Second rate bitch.” Said Zeb “Listen up you mindless cave man, you only get one warning I’ll poison you and give you a slow and agonizing death.”. During the stair off, slowly the orc queen went back under the light of the of the glowing crystal. I pulled out my knife and Adam  pulled out his sword of darkness. Then we officially went charging after our targets. I started off the fight sending some throwing knives after him. He blocked both knives and blocked my incoming spinning back fist. Adam  tried to slash at me with his sword, but I was able to block his hand and roll back to bring the fight back to mutual ground. Zeb and Rebecca ’s fight the assassin started of by her flipping off the high ledge she was sitting on and tried to hit Zeb with a drop kick. Zeb was able to block the drop kick by blocking with his axe and throw her off of him. Though throwing her she was able to flip mid-air and throw poison needles at him. Zeb  was able to block the needles by spinning his axe, then he tried to go in for a huge axe swing, but Rebecca  ducked out of the way as the axe slice through a dark knight statue like butter. While Zeb tries to butcher her, me and Adam  were in a back and forth fight knife vs sword. Reven tried to come in for a huge over head slash, but I went underneath and tried to slash at his stomach. Just when I thought I connected, It was actually him blocking my hand and then he kicked me disconnecting the stand off. I hopped backwards and sent out my chain as it ricochet off the wall and try to trap Adam , but he dodged right out of the way. I sent out another chain this time one coming strait for him but he blocked it and he used that to go for his super attack: Night’s deception. Suddenly the space around him turned into shadow then he shot forward with astonishing speed. Luckily I was able to pull my knife up to block the incoming attack starting with a stab attack. From the stab he nearly pushed me to a pillar, then he went for three over head slashes aiming for my head, but I was able to duck out of the way. Then he went for double slash to the body  and finally one big final stab attack, but I was able to block both slash attacks though he caught me with the final stab and stabbed my shoulder. With a kick to the stomach he sent me crashing to the ground. “That’s all you got. Heh rogue my ass not even cut throat enough to be one.”. while I was stuck and injured, Zeb and Rebecca  continued their dangerous dance with Zeb nearly chopping everything in sight. “Yeah keep on swinging you giant ape.” Rebecca said in her head as if she had a plan of attack. Then she ran forward a ran right into the blade,  just when he thought he hit her, her body burst into poison smog. “What the hell?” “Not done yet suck on this.” Rebecca  said as she created more clones and made them spit out poison smog untill there was a huge cloud of smoke. “Now stay right there and suffer you ass.” Rebecca  says looking at the poisonous cloud of death. “What are you going to do now huh! Piece of trash.” Said Adam . As he had the advantage but then I heard something. “Jafar get up !” said what sounded like Adam ’s voice but less evil. With the most confused look I at least started to guard and prepare for my next attack even though injured. “Come Jafar save us please.” I heard the voice again and still wondering what the hell is going on. While I got ready for the next assault Rebecca had Zeb in a poison trap then she sent her clones in for the kill. “Go clones go in there and murder him.”. They swiftly went into the huge void of poison smog, though she couldn’t see the fight on the inside of the smoke she could her the sounds of steal cutting flesh. “heh if he’s not dead by now he should be.” “Dead heh gotta hit me harder than that.”. Then she started to see glowing white eyes pierce through the cloud of smoke. “What the!” Rebecca yelled out “Raaaah!” Shouted Zeb as he burst through the huge cloud bringing oxygen through. “I-I” said Rebecca as she was stunned “break through Thor’s lightning!” Shouted Zeb. Suddenly a huge bolt of lighting crashed down with force sending Rebecca crashing flat to the ground. After the attack Zeb fell to a knee to breathe then he pulled out a healing potion and it healed some of the cuts from Rebecca ’s attacks. On my side of the fight couldn’t stop hearing a familiar voice again and again. “You must wake me up!”. Then as Adam was going to stab me aiming right for my heart suddenly his arm stopped like a invisible ally came in to help. “What the! No you can’t win!” shouted Adam “No You’ve hurt so many. Enough is enough get out!” said the other voice “What the hell is going on.”. Then I started to see a royal purple aura that soon transformed into the Adam I knew before. “What the? Adam ?” “Jafar please that witch kidnaped me and made me kill all those innocent people in that village! Please kill me I deserve to die.” “I won’t kill you but you must atone. Luckily I have just the trick!”. From the ground I sent out chains again, though straining through the movements Adam  dodge out of the first three chains. I sent out a hidden chain and that chain wrapped around his leg, other chains ricochet off the walls and wraps his other leg, torso, and arms. “What the hell?” said the evil Adam “Tied up? Good it’ll make this a little less painful for you at least.”. Just when he thought to look my way I already teleported off the ground and made my move. “What the hell where did you go.” “Time to wake the hell up! Big burst: jade palm strike!”. Hit him right in his back and sent the spirit that possessed him flying out of his body. “How?” “Don’t worry about it and oh don’t run I’m kicking your ass even harder now.”. Just when I was about to go for a punch, all of a sudden the evil spirit was pulled into the hand of the orc witch and turned into dark energy. The same also goes for Rebecca as she floated right into her hand as well. “You two are weak! Well at least you’ll be useful to me in the end.” Said the orc queen. Then she absorbed the dark energy that the evil spirit morphed into. Then she took Rebecca ’s power of poison from her pulling the purple smog into her lungs. With the evil aura the orc queen collected she evolved into a twisted spider like form. “Oh crap and just when I thought you and this situation couldn’t get any uglier.” “Silence! You will both pay for breaking my pawns!” “Your pawns? I knew you were behind this giving them orders and not to mention the multiple attacks that we saw.” Said Zeb “Yup she was and I can’t wait to strip you of everything just like you tried to do to this land.” “You will never strip me rogue my children will rise and take this realm starting with you!”. The fight started with the orc mother blowing out Rebecca ’s poison smog. Zeb had taken another drink of healing elixir and charged right into the fog. I sat a unconscious Adam  onto a pillar away from the fight, took a healing elixir as well and ran in. I through out a chain to cut through the fog and it worked but to be greeted and slapped across the room by a spider’s leg. “Thanks for the opening at least” said Zeb as he cleared the fog within one spin. Zeb went in for the attack looking to chop off a leg, but she parried it, blew poison smog in his face, and slapped him sending him crashing through a pillar.  “Is that all you have? You really thought for a second you could end me? You don’t even know how much I had to sacrifice.”. Suddenly a needle hit the monster right it the face. “Take that for everything that you made me do you butt ugly tramp!” Shouted Rebecca  at the top of her lungs “How dare you!” “How dare you use my power for your evil makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.” . Rebecca  hobble ran over to Zeb. “Hear drink this this is the antidote this should help for and hour and just in case here’s two more healing elixirs.” “Um thank you?” said Zeb with the most confused look on his face. Can’t lie I felt the same. Rebecca  also ran over and gave me some of the antidote and a elixir as well. “No more healing!” said the orc mother as she went for a stab attack heading strait for Rebecca . Just when Rebecca  thought she was done for she heard a sound like something clashing with metal. To our amazement it was Adam  who blocked the attack and  with a new found power to boot. “I thought you were dead?” said the Orc queen “News flash that attack is not lethal, it’s only used to cast out the darkness within something. I learned that little trick along the way.”. I pulled myself off the ground, was greeted by Adam ’s hand to pull my self up some more and Rebecca  helped Zeb up even though he was three times her size. “Once I’m done with you little rats I’m going to feed you to my children!” said the orc queen with a snarl “Blah, blah you won’t be talking once I’ll take your head off.” Said Zeb as he picked up his axe. Zeb made the first move and charged to go in for the kill and I followed right beside him knife ready to do its job. The orc queen though to try to sweep my feet but I hoped right over the spider like leg and threw a knife aiming for her eye. The orc queen quickly dodged out of the way of the knife and went after Zeb with a attack looking to stab him, but he raised his axe and blocked it and continued his charge forward. As we started to inch closer to her she went for the poison breath again, but I was prepared using the chain of the reptile and absorbing the poison right out of her breath untill there was nothing left. “My poison breath nooo!” shouted the orc queen “Ha got em!” “Now time to take a bit off the top!” said Zeb as he gave the orc queen the proverbial off with your head and sending the rest of her body crashing to the ground. As the orc queens body slowly turned to stone, the orb of the evil spirit that was connected to Adam  cracked and the evil spirit died and faded away as well. “Thank you so much for freeing us.” Said Rebecca “Ah it’s no thing, but we’re not done yet though hold on to the chain.”. When she held onto the chain the poison poured out of the chain and slowly seeped it’s way back into the lungs of the poison assassin. “Thank you Jafar now I feel normal again.” said Rebecca  “ You’re welcome.” . As Adam and Rebecca went over to thank Zeb I looked over at the evil glowing crystal. I made a chain wrap around it then pulled it making the chain tear the crystal break into a pile of powerless gravel. I made sure that this land will have no evil authority ruling over it. “Hey Jafar come on dude this place could fall apart at any moment!” Shouted Zeb “Alright I’m that coming! Just making sure things stay dead this time.”. We all climbed out of the cave into the bright light and just as we made it out we saw some familiar faces. “ Hey! You guys made it out!” said Odoyle “Hell yeah took her head right off” said Zeb “Jeez and how are you Jafar.” Asked Nniiee “Alright, tired, took some fighting but we rescued these two as well.” “Hi I’m Adam .” “I’m Rebecca  nice to meet you.” “So what happened other than you rescuing them.” “Long story, but I’ll tell it once we go back to the inn.”. Suddenly I look next to me and Adam  tide a rope around his hands and bound himself. “ what the.” “Jafar I am your prisoner.” “But that doesn’t mean… whatever all I just want you to do is stay at the front of me and Zeb so just in case anything go south we have a fighting chance.”. Everyone assembled into marching order and started out of the orc camp. We made it back to the inn and man talk about hunger hitting me right where it hurts and everyone hung around the open area of the inn.“Hey Nniiee can I get a bourbon honey bbq burger.” “Yeah coming right up along with the other boys orders.” “Thank you so much you’re the best.”. Suddenly in the mist of the arm wrestling match of Zeb and Odoyle having a arm wrestling contest, Adam walked up to the bar. “So what’s next for you two huh?” “I don’t know Jafar I might turn myself in or go into hiding and be a rogue again atoning for my sins along the way.” “Yeah I get that you need to atone, but then again you was under a spell there has to be some level of mercy for that.” “I think so that’s why I at least want to go into hiding, but won’t you need the bounty on our heads.” “Well won’t need the bounty, again you were under control of the orc queen. I say that you and your troops go into hiding and restore the village that you once destroyed.” “I would really like to do that, but we are a group of rogues and cut throats they might not believe a thing we say.” “Try at least, but if you can’t call me rogue’s honor.”. After a while, Nniiee placed the plate on the table and I couldn’t help but to take a bite of he burger, but then Rebecca came over. “Listen I know I’ve probably said some very evil things when I was under her control please-” “It’s no big just make sure you both use your powers to rebuild the village that witch made you destroy.”. After the convos it was time to pack up, that is until I heard my com crystal go off. “Ugh looks like another war broke out man shit’s always hitting the fan.” “Yeah sound the everyday recently.” “Hey Zeb can I leave it up to you to take them back to their village and let the peeps at the bounty hunter guild know that their bounty is off.” “Yeah sure dude no sweat.” “Thanks.”. After some hugs we once again waved cya later to the awesome owners of the honey inn and we went our separate paths. That’s how a friendship can start with a crash.  
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silentwhispofhope · 6 years
Paroxyism (Leon Kennedy X Reader) Part 5
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"Let's keep going," Leon told you.
Nodding in agreement, you followed after him towards a taped up electric box. You watched as he pulled out the knife you had used earlier. He placed it through a small gap and slid it through the duct tape like butter. Leon swung the door open and pulled down on the latch. The red light turned green with a small beep. Nothing happened at first, but soon the room was filled with a loud clanking noise. You took a step back as the gate began to move upwards.
Your hand instinctively went to your gun.
As the gate reached halfway, you heard Leon mutter to himself. "This is not how I imagined my first day..."
You had to silently agree with him. Yours consisted of filing paperwork for the older forensic scientists. It was only a week ago that you were given permission to go on you first crime scene. At least this more interesting than reports, but you kept that thought to yourself.
Leon ducked his head under the gate as it continued to move upwards. You followed after him, holding you gun out. You watched as the blonde suddenly stop. Furrowing your eyebrows, you walked towards him. In his hands he carried a box full of ammo. The strange part was that you immediately recognized it to be sniper bullets. Picking up one from the box, you analyzed it quickly to reaffirm yourself.
"That's sniper ammunition," you remarked, handing the one bullet to Leon for him to look at.
"Maybe there's one in the safety deposit room?" He replied and mentioned something about seeing a map earlier.
"If it's alright with you, I'll hold onto this."
"Sure," You shrugged.
You were starting to run out of room on your utility belt. As Leon went to tuck them away, a plant out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. Approaching it, you crouched onto the ground. You pressed you fingers across the thin, green leafs. It was herb local to the area.
"(F/N)? Did you find something?" Leon called out.
"Yeah, just hold on for a sec," you quickly replied. Picking some leaves from their narrow branches, you piled them into your hands. You turned back towards the blond. "They're herbs. We can use them for healing injuries. They help speed the process up."
"How do you know this?" He asked as he picked several  leafs up, analyzing them.
"It's something I learned in college. Say a body was moved from the original site, you could look at plants or bugs that may have been tracked onto the body. It helps you determine where the body was moved from," you pointed out. "If I remember correctly, there's two other herbs like this one around this area. I believe the blue one is used to cure poisons, and the red one is used to amplify the effects of others."
"So the red herb can't be used by itself?"
Leon glanced between your hands and his before grabbing several more leafs. You let out a small chuckle. He was right in doing so though. Who knew what the two of you were up against.
"You're really smart, you know that?"
"Thanks, but it's really just a matter of memorization," you belittled yourself.
"Less talking, more exploring," Branagh yelled in the distance. Leon and you shared a look. Man was he persistent.
"You heard the Lieutenant," Leon replied.
Placing the herbs in your last pocket, you navigated towards the closed, wooden door nearby . You glanced back at Leon who gave you a nod in approval. Slowly opening the door, you let him advance in front of you. Grabbing your flashlight, you flicked it on and placed it under your dominant hand. As you began to walk, the door squeaked close behind you. It faintly smelled of rotting corpses, but you knew it would grow stronger the deeper the two of you went into the station. The both of continued down the hall when suddenly a noise erupted at corner.
"This is 73-Bird — for rescue. — heading east — River," the radio reported.
Large parts of it audio kept on being cut off. You followed behind Leon, aiming your flashlight at the man slumped in the corner. Leon crouched down and pressed his hand against the corpse's forehead. You kept your flashlight on him as he began to slowly lift the cop's head. Soon, glazed-over eyes peered at you. You felt sick to your stomach looking at the large tear in the man's face. This felt different from different from all the other dead bodies you have seen before. His lower jaw hung from its dislocated place, hanging only by several loose strands of tissue. The sound of wet flesh echoed in the air.
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"Oh... Oh what the fuck!" Leon exclaimed.
Before the both of you could process the sight anymore, the sound of a rolling can came from another hallway. It was almost unheard due to radio.
"Huh? What?" You muttered as you turned towards it. Your flashlight moved with you and peered down the hallway. Following the light with your eyes, you saw another police officer dead. The only difference this time was that the man was hanging from the ceiling from a piping jutting though his mouth. Blood was scattered on the officer's hands as he dangled. Questions raced through your mind. How did he get up there? What put him up there?  "Oh my god."
Leon gazed at the sight and simply knit his eyebrows in response. He tugged on your hoodie as he pulled his gun. You realized the sound from earlier had to be caused by something. You both stood up from your crouched positions and steadily made you way down the hall. Carefully, you went around the hanging body, avoiding being touched by it. Leon followed suit on the other side. As the two of you stepped passed it, the officer fell from the ceiling. Jumping slightly from the scare, you felt your heart race out of your chest. The pipe must not have been able to hold that weight. Leon appeared barely phased by the sight, or if he was, he was really good at hiding it. He ushered you to keep moving, and you began to lengthen your stride.
A small, cold breeze filled the hall.  The two of you soon approached a broken window at the turn of the hall. You carefully listened for any abnormal sounds before poking you head through. Few zombies littered the outside. Turning your head right, you noticed a zombie sticking awfully close to another window further down. It was like it was waiting for something. You watched as it went to move around the corner. Leaning away, you quietly whispered what you saw to Leon. He nodded his head in response, and you heard the click of safety switch come from him.
You both slowed your pace as you continued to move. Flashing your light at the next window, you lightly pressed your index finger on the trigger. As the two of you neared it, the zombie from earlier slammed into the glass. It let out a shriek as it began to hit the glass. Quickly pressing the switch, two shot rang in the area. The window shattered as two bullets struck the dead woman in the head. It stood still for a moment before falling backwards. You took a step back as several monstrous groans broke the momentary silence. Leon glanced around the corner.
"The hallway's blocked," he quietly told you, turning to look at you. "There's a room we can cut through."
"Lead the way," you replied softly.
Double checking the hall, Leon signaled for you to go. The two of you rushed down the corridor. The blond pulled the door open with enough room for you to slip in. As he shut the door, you took the chance to look around. The floor was decorated with alternating blank and white tiles, and several papers laid scattered across it. Spotting the other door, you went to pull it open, but you saw a large metal chain holding it shut.
"We need a bolt cutter," you muttered. As you turned around, you noticed Leon pick up something.
"September 25th. We're turning the station into a temporary shelter due to the massive, sudden outbreak. All police personnel have been instructed to make the safety of the citizens their top priority as we try to accommodate as many as possible. September 25th addendum. One of the refugees attacked us in the middle of the night, resulting in the death in one officer and three citizens. The person in question was quickly restrained. We believe this was simply a case of someone snapping under intense stress. September 26th. A min attacked the station today, resulting in a number of casualties. A few survivors were able to make it safely behind the emergency shutters, but surrounded as we are, it'll be hard for any of us to escape this place. We're not sure we can fix any of the comm equipment so we remain cut off from the rest of the world. September 27. There was another clash on the west side of the station around one pm. Twelve people died, and there is only a handful of survivors left. Everything is falling into disarray here. David Ford." Leon read out loud. You could feel the guilt roll off him. You had to admit, you felt some too. However, the two of you needed to keep moving.
"Hey, we're here now. If we meet any survivors, we'll lead them out of here." Leon looked at you softly. "Okay?"
A large surge of banging on the doors tore your attention away from the rookie cop. Glancing to your right, you spotted a broken window above a stack of crates.
"There," You pointed out.
Leon noticed where you were looking as the banging began to get louder. Following him, you lifted yourself onto the crates. You watched him pull himself through the opening. Leon briefly flashed his light down the hall to see a zombie repeatedly banging his head on a vending machine. He swore under his breath. As you began to pull yourself up, the doors bursted open. The zombie from before quickly staggered towards you. Guess two shots wasn't enough to kill it.
"Shit. Shit. Shit," you repeated to yourself.
Tumbling through the window, Leon caught you with a grunt. Before you could say anything, he held a finger to his lips and pointed towards the zombie. He softly set you down on your feet and pulled out the knife. Leon held his hand out and signaled for you not to move. Staying still, you watched as he flipped the knife around with his fingers. He quietly snuck around the creature and struck the knife through its head. Leon pulled the knife out and carefully set the corpse onto the ground. He jogged back towards you.
"The safety deposit room should be around here," Leon spoke. You moved your flashlight to the two doors on your sides.
"I'm gonna guess it's the one with the metal door," you quipped as you began to walk towards it.
You found your instinct to be correct when you entered the room full of locked lockers. Your eyes squinted at the light. Leon followed behind. Walking to the keypad in front of you, you noticed the numbers two and three were missing. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Leon walk down the rows of lockers.
"Anything interesting?" You asked as you continued to analyze the keypad. Maybe you could pry off one of the other buttons and use that?
"There's a shot gun, but the case is locked. We need a key card to open it," he paused for a moment. "Can you check the desk near you?"
"Sure," You replied and move your attention towards. Only a sheet of paper laid on top, so you decided to search through the drawer. "Nothing. It must be somewhere else in the building. Is there anything from the lockers we should grab? Anything that doesn't have a two or three in it?"
"109 and 106."
You let out a hum in acknowledgement, and quickly typed the two numbers in. Two beeps sounded and you heard the lockers unlocked. Walking towards Leon, you asked what he had found.
"More bullets, but I there was a film roll in one of them," he told you, handing it to you.
"It's undeveloped. Is there a red room here?" You inquired.
"Yeah, around the corner."
You thought to yourself. "We'll split up."
"What? (F/N)? No! It'll be safer if we stick together!"
"While that may be true, we need to find the rest of the medallions faster. The longer we stay in this city, the more likely we could turn into one of those things wondering the place. The photo in this could lead us to something!"
Leon let out a huff in annoyance. "Look, if you're that worried about me, I'll develop the film and head straight back to the main hall. I'll wait for you, okay?"
You rested your hand on his shoulder and tilted your head, giving him a small smile. A faint blush dusted his cheeks.
"Fine," he replied. As you were about to walk out the door, he stopped you. "Stay safe, please."
You saw the concern in his eyes. "Of course, Leon. I'll see you later."
You gave him a cheeky smile before leaving the room. Tucking the film into a jean pocket, you pulled out your flashlight and handgun. The light flickered on as you turned the corner. Moonlight streamed in from a window at the end. You saw one of those creatures banging on the glass. Realizing what would happen, you sprinted down the hall and searched for something that could block the window. Quickly, you spotted several blanks of wood near a staircase. You grabbed them and rushed back towards it. Nailing the planks to the trimming, you let out a sigh of relief as the zombie failed at trying to get in.
Walking back to where you saw the planks, you noticed a familiar green plant. After picking some of the leaves, you turned towards the door behind you.  You peered inside and were met with silence. Closing the door, you checked the room to find it empty. No zombies in here. You flicked your flashlight to the wall ahead of you, a faint red-glowing button in the center. Pressing it down, the button turned green and a the humming electricity met your ears. Several second later, lights flickered on. The sign on the wall read DARKROOM. You entered the joining room and placed everything in your hands away. Grabbing the film roll, you gingerly took it out of its container and set it into the liquid. It would at least take an hour to develop. As you waited, you took a chance to catch your breath. You glanced at the pinkish plant on the counter. It took you a second to figure out that it was actually the red herb you told Leon about. Your mind began to trail off to Leon. You had to admit, he was pretty cute. His faint freckles were adorable. When he held you in his arms, you felt safe. You shook your head. This isn't the time for romance. Picking the leaves of the herbs, you began to pull them apart. You did the same with the green ones. After mixing them into a pile, you began searching for a small bag. It didn't take long before you found one in a drawer. Sliding the herbs into it, you took the chance to look at the photo. Surprisingly, it was already done developing. Strange, you thought to yourself. You decided to ignore yourself and see what the photo was. In it stood a stone statue holding a scepter and a book in its hands. Thinking back to the notebook, it didn't match the drawings. Maybe it held something like the other statues?
After realizing that you had spent enough time in the dark room, you exited. You quickly retraced your steps back to the main hall, dodging zombies along the way. When you reentered the reception area, you flicked off you flashlight.
"Leon? (L/N)?" You heard Branagh called out.
"Hold on!" You yelled as you rushed towards him. "Are you alright? Is everything okay?"
You ran towards the statue to find him in the place you left him.
"Same as before. Come here," he told you, holding out a laptop. He let out a groan of pain. He sounded worse. On the computer, a camera feed showed a girl in a red jacket waiting outside a fence. "Do you know her?"
"No. I've never seen her before," you replied. "Maybe Leon knows who she is?"
"Good idea." He turned towards the radio on his chest. "Leon. It's Marvin. I need you back here ASAP."
"Are you okay, Marvin?" Leon's voice answer. You felt an unknown weight lift from your shoulders. It was good hearing his voice again.
"I've got something to show you. It's important."
"Copy that. I'll be right there."
A/N: Almost 3,000 words you guys! You all will get to meet a very important character next chapter. Also, there's this really cool song I found called Higher by Prymo. One of my best friends wrote the lyrics. I don't know if you guys will listen to it, but I thought I should let you know.
Tag List: @katnisspeetaprim @winksasleeplesseye @kaelyn-lobrutto24
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thekaijudude · 5 years
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This was the highlight of the episode no question
But this also shows that the ultras can interact with the physical environment but humans and aliens can't see them which means that the plot could really leverage on this fact to drive itself, especially in the previous episode where Hiro and Homare were captured
Really hope they start doing so, or else they'll end up isolating the Ultras from the revolving plots which is a huge pity considering that TsuPro has made them so easily "accessible" beyond just for the sake of fight scenes
But wait a sec, how come Taiga is free from the effects of the poison here already while Hiro is still bandaged? So the effects of the Ultra carries over to the host but the effects of the host does not carry over to the Ultra?
But wasn't Hiro originally only injured because Taiga took damage?
What the hell is going on here???
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yespoetry · 5 years
Alex Z. Salinas: The Savage Screwball
The Savage Screwball
I was at Starbucks sipping coffee, reading Roberto Bolaño’s The Savage Detectives, when a feeling hit me: Everything was perfect.
The sensation was so striking I put the book down.
I looked outside: the sun was smiling, birds chirped, traffic advanced smoothly. The world was a mid-century postcard.
Emboldened, feeling especially good after my morning workout, I texted Vanessa if she could come over tomorrow night. I said I could cook lasagna and buy a bottle of red wine, her favorite.
“Here ya go,” said Madeline, the tall, beautiful barista with bright tattoo sleeves, placing a fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip muffin in front of me. The waft of baked dough was delectable.
“Thank you. They don’t pay you enough,” I flirted.
“But I get to see that smile of yours,” she flirted back.
Oh Madeline. I imagined us spending a day at the beach, me admiring her resplendent body art when I heard a bang. A man had pushed open the door into Starbucks. He had dark skin, army fatigue pants, crazed homeless eyes. He stunk. He looked to be my dad’s age. He peered left, right, straight ahead, then spotted me. He marched right up to me.
“Hey, let me bum a few bucks, dude,” he said. He smelled like a dead animal. His face was like expired beef jerky.
I patted my pocketless basketball shorts—my wallet was on the table—and said:
“Sorry, sir. Don’t carry cash.”
The man’s face twisted in ugly directions—was plain ugly.
“Little prick,” he mumbled, then marched right out of Starbucks.
Despite the insult, what struck me most was that he was clean-shaven. Some things don’t add up only after you think about them.
I felt someone’s eyes pierce the back of my head, so I turned around and caught an old black woman shaking her permed head at me.
“Yes?” I said.
She swiftly lifted up her Vanity Fair magazine to cover her face, effectively blocking me out.
I see how it is, I thought. Then my phone buzzed. Mom.
“Hey, Mom, what’s going on?”
“Hi mijo, I hope you’re having a great weekend. Real quick, I’m calling to update you on the house situation. I’ve thought a lot about it and…we’ve decided to sell it. I know, I know, that’s not what you wanted, but I think selling’s the right move right now. Lance agreed. He said the market is—”
“I don’t care what Lance thinks,” I interrupted.
“No, I’ve already told you I’m willing—more than willing to take it over. The house is all I have left…all we have left of Dad.”
Mom stayed quiet for a few seconds.
“I know, mijo,” she said softly. “I know. But me and Lance—”
I hung up on her. It wasn’t that Lance was white—he was—or that he’d become Mom’s boyfriend six months after Dad’s heart attack. It was his predilection to butt into our family affairs, give his two-and-a-half cents when we were good on the money. Lance wasn’t a bad guy, I don’t think, but that didn’t mean I didn’t think him a snake slithering on my property. White people, like snakes, have no propriety when it comes to death and property.
I pictured myself stomping on a snake’s head then sipped my black coffee. It was now lukewarm. It had lost its desired effect—to burn my tongue.
I went back to my book. I read a sentence six times over. I couldn’t comprehend it for the life of me. Bolaño wasn’t Balzac, but I might as well have been blind.
I put the book down again and closed my eyes. I focused in on the song playing in the back. “Maria Maria” by Carlos Santana. I started bobbing my head and was immediately brought back to middle school football, being on bus rides with the boys. Falling asleep, drooling.
As Santana made his guitar sing, I placed myself in Spanish Harlem, like in the song. Maria Maria—living the life like a movie star. She was getting ready for our hot date, putting on her makeup. It was always me waiting for her, Maria. She took forever, always. “Beauty takes time,” she’d always tell me.
How amazing would it be if even just for ten seconds, I wondered, if I was Santana’s guitar—no, his fingers, his magical fingers with so much talent they could make guitars sing and moan, just like women? What would it be like, I wondered, to have millions of fans across the world chant my name, beg encores every single night like I was the god of music? Like I was…Santana?
The song finished and I found myself tapping my left foot like mad. I was anxious. I needed fresh air. It was my day off, after all, so I needed to enjoy it.
The rude homeless man was sitting on the sidewalk by the Starbucks entrance. He looked up at me, studied me for two seconds, and seemed not to remember me one bit. He was whacked out.
Finally, he asked, “Got a cigarette I can bum?”
I was taken aback by the politeness in his voice. I patted the sides of my shorts where there were no pockets.
“Sorry, sir. Don’t smoke.”
“Geez, who you gotta blow around here to get a smoke? The Muffin Man?”
My muffin! I’d left it uneaten on the plate. Like my coffee, it was getting colder—was probably already cold. But then, the homeless guy. My sympathy synapses had already started firing. If I couldn’t help the man get a smoke, the least I could do was feed him. Right?
“Hold on a sec,” I said.
A few seconds later, I was back outside, objects in hand.
“Take this,” I said, handing the muffin to the man, “and eat it.”
“And take this,” I said, handing him the coffee cup, “and drink it. This is my blood.”
He accepted the muffin and coffee hesitantly. He sniffed the muffin, as if trying to detect poison. Then he threw it hard into the street. I didn’t even blink. I watched the muffin get pulverized by oncoming traffic.
The man polished off the coffee in one swig, burped loud, then set the empty cup on the ground. He reached inside his camo pants and pulled out a crumpled cigarette and a lighter.
“You had one this whole time?” I said.
“Last one. I get ‘em where I can.”
My phone buzzed. A text from Vanessa.
I can’t come over. Ted is in town the next couple weeks.
“Doomed!” the homeless man shouted. “We’re all doomed!”
He tapped cigarette ashes into the cup. The Starbucks woman imprinted on it still smiled her green smile. I’d never smoked a day in my life, but in that moment, a cigarette sounded so good. Anything did. Anything but standing there with the crazy homeless man, thinking the thoughts I was thinking.
“Hey, do me a favor and toss this into the street, willya,” I said, handing the man my iPhone.
He accepted it hesitantly then said:
“And what do I get out of it?”
I paused.
“Cigarettes and a cheeseburger,” I answered finally.
He scratched his expired beef jerky chin.
“It’s gotta be from Whataburger, though. I don’t want no McDonald’s.”
I smiled.
“Deal,” I said.  
Without wasting any time he launched my iPhone hard into the street. It flew upward as though toward heaven then took a sudden cruel dive toward traffic. I saw it get obliterated. Smashed into a hundred little pieces. Nobody stopped. Nothing changed.
“Incredible,” I said.
“That’s my screwball. Pretty good, huh?”
“Fucking amazing,” I agreed, holding back tears.
Alex Z. Salinas lives in San Antonio, Texas. His short fiction has appeared in publications such as Every Day Fiction, Mystery Tribune, Nanoism, escarp, Pecan Grove Review, 101 Words, 101 Fiction, 365tomorrows, 121 Words, Friday Flash Fiction, and ZeroFlash. He serves as poetry editor of the San Antonio Review.
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gracelingdesolate · 6 years
@melanchollyman there you go all of them for two good kiddos
1. Their physical weak spots - Alé: she’s very physically weak like all the first book bc she didn’t have a reason to need to be strong - Mieron: none yet, he’s p strong and doesn’t really have any physical hindrances
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots -  Alé: family. she’d do anything for her family and of course when her birth family is killed it’s really hard for her and becomes a touchy subject - Mieron: himself and not being good enough. he’s very touchy and quick to anger if he perceives something as an attack on himself or someone he cares about
3. Scars or painful spots -  Alé: no physical ones as of rn, but she was p badly poisoned so i’m still figuring out side effects for that - Mieron: plenty of small scars bc of all the fights he gets in. none are too bad or painful
4. Best places to kiss on their body -  Alé: nowhere, she doesn’t like kisses - Mieron: if someone tried to kiss him anywhere he’d either punch them or spontaneously combust
5. Guilty pleasures - Alé: running around and getting messy. not ideal for upper ring standards, but sometimes she’ll manage to sneak out and play - Mieron: being read to. he’s not real good at reading, but he does enjoy when people will take time to read to him, not that he’d admit it
6. Their vices (physical or emotional) - Alé: she can be cowardly - Mieron: his temper will just go off at what seems like random
7. Their tickle spots - Alé: she does not like being tickled and she is very not ticklish - Mieron: fucking everywhere but good luck doing it unless he really really cares about you
8. Bad memories/experiences - Alé: her family being killed and how she just barely survived by sheer luck - Mieron: the whole deal with noct really took the cake
9. Humiliating memories - Alé: when she found noct after he escaped and he told her what happened after she had disappeared from the hunters. she felt a lot of shame about how weak and pathetic she’d been bc she feels if she had just been stronger or braver it could have been avoided - Mieron: fights he’s lost, even ones where he was severely disadvantaged. losing fights is extremely humiliating to him bc in his mind, fighting is all he’s good at and if he loses, then what’s the point?
10. Fears/phobias - Alé: she’s terrified of the hunters and not too fond of the dark either - Mieron: he’s afraid of death and being left behind
11. Bad or petty habits - Alé: she can be too nice and will give and give and give without ever asking for anything in return - Mieron: squaring up with anything that breathes
12. Grudges and vendettas - Alé: partial vendetta against the hunters, complex grudge/vendetta against anren bc on one hand he did save her from the hunters but on the other he hurt noct and noct is like a brother to her - Mieron: vendetta against the desolates bc they’re the easiest target, grudge against the upper ring for hoarding the wealth and letting the lower ring starve
13. What gets them flustered - Alé: returning favors or remembering small things about her bc she doesn’t expect others to really do that in return - Mieron: complimenting something about him that he doesn’t really think he’s good at or is good about him
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit - Alé: proper etiquette, typical upper ring actions - Mieron: eat fast and as much as possible, always swing first in a fight
15. What it takes to make them cry - Alé: not much fhdjkhgjf she’s soft - Mieron: you will literally have to break one of his bones or get him so mad he starts crying
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’ - Alé: none really? other than being really guilty over the aftermath in the hunters and how that affected noct - Mieron: also not really any? like he wonders if he should’ve noticed what noct was and if noct really was just playing him, but no skeletons in the closet
17. Regrets - Alé: not being able to fend for herself and that being a hindrance on others - Mieron: befriending noct for a good hot sec
18. Things they’ll never admit - Alé: that she partially blames the desolates for the death of her parents even though she knows it wasn’t really their fault - Mieron: while he does understand why he had to go to the hunters, he still feels like his mom abandoned him, and that’s what really drives how desperate he is to always be the center of attention bc his worst fear is being abandoned by everyone
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them - Alé: indirectly hurt noct when she was saved from the hunters. even though it’s definitely more anren’s fault and she was just the catalyst, she still feels guilty about it and doesn’t really know what to do - Mieron: he beats up people he doesn’t like and doesn’t really care bc it helps his image of “nobody fucks with me or people i care about”
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines - Alé: if her family hadn’t been killed and she hadn’t been brought to the hunters there definitely would not have been such an in depth investigation as to whether noct was a spy for the desolates or not and that would’ve alleviated soooo much pressure on him - Mieron: way back in the day there was a point when he was actually the driving force behind hunters defecting and supporting the desolates’ cause. i like to think there’s still some of that in him, so we’ll see
21. Turning points in their life - Alé: losing her family and subsequently being on the run from the hunters. that was a real kick in the ass that made her have to change how she did things - Mieron: noctin being a desolate. that was.. probably the worst moment of his life and really flipped his entire world upside down 
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly - Alé: her parents taught her to be kind and help others and it’s something she carries with her and has a lot of difficulty adapting to not work against her when she’s on the run - Mieron: his mentor. she was really the most and only positive adult role model in his life, and he does really view her as not only a mentor, but a mother figure as well. he works hard for her mostly because he respects her so much, but also a tiny bit like i said before, he fears being abandoned. she’s shown that she won’t leave him behind, so he has gotten better about it.
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