#or the implied Trio
teafiend · 26 days
Thoroughly enjoyed the shamanism/shamanistic, folkloric and supernatural horror base of the show. The mysteries were quite engaging as well. Performances were obviously too-notch, and storylines wonderfully coherent and solid too.
Skipped parts of the last three episodes but due to bits and pieces here, got most of the storyline still. Ended beautifully and hopeful.
A superb 8.0-8.2.
The themes the show touched on varies and fascinatingly relevant, and I thought weaved into the folkloric and shamanistic aspects well. Human greed, wickedness, the sociopathy of the rich/powerful, will-to-live/survive, family/generational trauma, economic hardship, a sprinkle of socio-economic issues in South Korea were threaded logically and with sensitivity.
That said, the emotions about those issues could be better provoked. This was a mostly cerebral show for me, and moved me more in the mind than heart. Still excellent though.
I think one could write reams of paper on the issues brought up here though, no least the sociological aspects of the folkloric and supernatural as it pertains to human activities and emotions. Am sure there are already studies/research about those, but the show weaved them together fascinatingly.
Could not help but feel for poor Lee Hyang-Gi and her younger sister - Mok Dan - too. They were innocents in this, and hard to fault the poor girl for doing what she did after everything she had to go through. All blame were on the older Yeoms (and the shaman; even to an extent, the parents and villagers) and their greed and wickedness (which is par for the course of the privileged, especially). And of course, girls are always - commonly - the first to be sacrificed 😡🤬😭😭😭
The more sobering fact is the show and its world is considered “reality” in certain parts of the world, and not merely fiction. The use of the supernatural to further one’s ambitions, unwholesome intentions etc are common for some people. Not that I personally think they work, just that some people certainly swear by its effectiveness.
All said though, nothing wins over “The Guest” for me personally. To be fair, while both shows share certain themes, they are quite different, and I have enjoyed both, though my heart will always remain with TG. I mean, I am still shipping the characters from TG even when I have to do it alone. The shipping potential for “Revenant” is definitely there as well, and I have read a few lovely fanfic for San Yeong/Hae Sang, so there is that. San Yeong and Hong Sae would be sweet too.
Glad I finally jumped in and completed the show. Well worth the time spent on it.
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Me and SBS non-Romance dramas: 왜❓(Wae/Why?!)
What is it with SBS and the non-shippable vibes of some of its shows?
I started “Revenant” with a ship (already read a few fics) and came out the other end 😅🤔🫠 This is not the first time either. Non-Romances usually have some good chemistry too, yet 😬🫥
Solid writing, memorable performances and beautiful directing with a sleek feel etc, yet the chemistry stayed firmly platonic (for me). Why???
There must be something in the “sauce” of SBS dramas which blocks my shipping-vibes antennae. Just a roundly weird phenomenon 🫠😭😔😥
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nelsaqift · 4 days
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i hope they explode
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
The purchase of the mansion was a spontaneous decision on their part.
Sam suggested it, actually.
1 they had the money, 2 they needed much more space than a single apartment could offer, and 3 now she gets to create her own garten of venomous plants!
Tucker holed himself up in his own room, his tech room, because he finally can separate his workspace and his bedroom!
Danny was haunting the mansion in return.
It was during the day that Danny saw the shadow of a child running. He had no idea the mansion was already haunted— why hadn't the ghost said anything before?
Searching for the shadow, it took them all weeks to even get a glimpse of the Ghost.
Only it wasn't a ghost. It's a whole human child. A human child left behind—
His name is Tim Drake and he has been living here his whole life, how— where were his parents?!
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bunrux · 1 month
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Doodles from @cj-does-va streams
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megumize · 6 months
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🏳‍🌈the fruitiest trio‼️‼️
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Dcxdp prompt
Ember Mclain when she was alive, was a vigilante in Gotham city working side by side with the dynamic duo. Not that she was particularly well liked by them, or the larger hero community on a whole. Just ask any other hero and they'll say that Prima, Ember's hero name, was too attention seeking, unwilling to seek to anyone else, always trying to be the center of attention, and always ruining missions with her need for attention. Needless to say Ember rubbed a lot of heroes the wrong way, especially seeing as that this was early into Bruce taken on Dick Grayson as a ward so none of the heroes really knew how to deal with a teenage vigilante like Ember.
When she had died on a butched mission in a fire the hero community was shocked but not surprised. They kept telling her if she doesn't stop doing things how she normally does something like this would happen. Soon everyone moved on like if a vigilante known as Prima never existed, only slightly traumatized by the death of a child hero.
Now years later while investigating a heavily guarded lab owned by a shady part of the Government known as The Ghost Investigation Ward / the Guys In White the Justice League come across a teenager who liked exactly like Prima dressed up for a show with flaming blue hair and a pink guitar like the one Prima used to own helping a group of teenagers, two adults wearing hazmat suits, and what liked to be metas older teenagers / young adults on a motorcycle in the middle of breaking out a trio of teens and a group of meta verging in ages. The Prima look a like also seemed to be comforting a child none of them could see expect for her, the teens, and the metas.
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150en · 6 days
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Goodnight PET.
+redraw of this
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meawqing · 10 months
the baby general appears again
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its-rach-writes · 5 days
A Panicked Dinner Party - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You and Sirius go to the Potter's for backup when Harry brings one of his friends around for dinner.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, panicked James, everyone lives au
A/n: I have a love/hate relationship with canon, can you tell? Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think! xxx
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You were spritzing yourself with your favourite perfume before putting in the earrings that Sirius had got you for your birthday. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a toned chest. You giggled as he kissed your cheek, his stubble scratching against your skin.
“You look beautiful.”
You smiled at him in the reflection of the mirror as you leaned against him, “thank you,” you turned in his arms, fingers locking at the back of his neck as you pulled him into a proper kiss.
Sirius held your jaw gently as he kissed you back, “Mm,” he pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder as he let out a sigh, “do we have to go to this dinner?”
“Yes,” you laughed as he groaned, “we promised James and Lily.”
“If that little toe rag steps out of line,” he trailed off with a growl.
“Baby,” you cupped his cheeks, staring into his gorgeous grey eyes, “I don’t think Harry would be inviting him to dinner if he was going to be horrible.” Sirius nodded, letting out a slow breath, you pressed a lingering kiss against his lips, “let me get my shoes on, then we’ll go.”
Once your shoes were on, you both apparated to Godric’s Hollow. You laced your fingers through your husband’s – so he wouldn’t run – as you walked up the Potter’s path. Before you could knock, the door was pulled open. The relief that spread across Lily’s face was almost laughable as she let you in.
“Thank Merlin you’re here! And you brought the wine, good,” she gasped as you handed her the bottle of wine. Before you could ask what was wrong, she spoke up again, “James is driving me fucking nuts.”
Almost on cue, James came into the hallway, a hand in his hair, “don’t panic,” he mumbled to himself, that’s when he saw you and raced up to you, his hands on your shoulders, shaking you slightly, “don’t fucking panic!”
You tried to hold in your laughter but it was near impossible, “James, you’re the only one who’s panicking right now,” Remus laughed as he popped his head round the corner, waving at you and Sirius.
Remus’ voice seemed to bring James out of the trance he was in. He muttered a ‘sorry’ as he let you and Sirius come through.
“So, why are you panicking anyway?” you asked as you shrugged out of your jacket and Lily poured you a glass of wine.
Sirius scoffed, “I’m sure you would panic too if the world’s biggest prat was coming round to our house for dinner,” Sirius quickly shut up as you and Lily glared at him.
Lily sighed as she took a swallow wine, “James thinks Draco and Harry are dating.”
You and Sirius were too shocked to speak, it seemed amazing that Harry had befriended someone that he’d hated, in his final year of school. So, the notion of them dating seemed unlikely.
“What makes you think they’re dating?” Remus asked in a calm voice.
James bit at his thumbnail, “he’s never once talked about girls, he’s only ever talked about boys. First, it was Oliver Wood, then Cedric Diggory and now, Draco Malfoy,” a look of horror washed over his face as he sank against the counter, “Merlin, my son is gay and thinks he can’t tell me. I’ve failed as a parent.”
Lily kissed his cheek, “sweetheart, he knows he can tell you if he’s gay, all teenagers are secretive.”
“I’m not ready to meet Harry’s boyfriend,” he mumbled.
“James, it’ll be fine, that’s why you’ve got us,” you gestured to Remus and Sirius, “but it’s not going to be fine if the veggies burn,” you went over to turn the heat off. He let out a watery chuckle and stood up to help you.
You had all managed to calm James down – with the help of some Firewhiskey – but when he heard a key turn in the lock he looked panicked again. In walked Harry, along with Ron, Hermione and Draco.
“We’re here guys!” he called out and walked into the living room, “Draco, this is well, everyone,” he laughed, looking slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people.
“Hi everyone,” Malfoy nodded. He shook James’ hand and returned Lily’s warm hug. You and Remus greeted him, while Sirius nodded his head but said nothing.
“Sirius, he’s your cousin,” you hissed.
“Second cousin,” he corrected you.
Ron picked up a parcel that he’d dropped off earlier in the week and handed it to Draco, “mum made this for you,” the tips of his ears turned red as Draco removed the tissue paper.
Molly had knitted him a green jumper that had the letter ‘D’ emblazoned on the front, with a snake curled up at its base. Draco smiled at Ron, “thanks Wea-,” he cut himself off, “Ron,” he corrected himself.
You figured that would take some getting used to. When Malfoy pulled the jumper over his head, Harry grinned and adjusted the collar. Draco let him, it looked very natural, like this had all happened before. James who had been getting increasingly antsy looked as though he’d reached his limit and pulled Ron and Hermione into the kitchen. Draco and Harry didn’t notice as they’d engaged Remus in conversation. You and Lily hovered around the door to listen in.
“Guys, are Harry and Malfoy,” he trailed off, not knowing what to say.
Ron and Hermione spoke at the same time, “either,” James stuttered, looking more panicked at their words.
Ron and Hermione glanced at each other before turning to look back at James, “we don’t know,” Hermione said.
James looked slightly relieved that even Harry’s best friends didn’t know what was going on between Harry and Draco.
As dinner progressed, it was clear that Draco had matured a lot in the past year, you were glad he wasn’t a carbon copy of his father. He’d seemed to win everyone over, even Sirius, well Sirius was finally speaking to him in full sentences and looked him in the eye as he did so.
“Can you pass the salt please?” Draco nudged Harry who passed the salt over, “cheers, Potter,” it wasn’t said in a mocking way, his voice was full of affection as he said it.
James looked between Draco and his son, the panic on his face had slowly dissipated over the course of the dinner. You had to admit that they looked good together. While James was getting dessert together, you all pretended not to notice as Harry followed his father into the kitchen.
You perched on the edge of Sirius’ knee and kissed his cheek, laughing as he pulled you into his chest. James and Harry were in the kitchen for a little while, talking in hushed tones and you wished there was a way to block them out completely so they could have their privacy. You did catch them share a tight hug. Harry soon walked out of the kitchen with a grin on his face. James followed shortly carrying the treacle tart, his eyes were suspiciously wet but full of pride.
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ne-cocoa · 10 months
Group photo!! ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧
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thisispersonal · 6 days
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“How do I look yellow man?”
Mystery trio art again.
Text: “alright man we got you out of the house first is dressing like a normal person!” “alright now first off let’s ditch that shirt sixer just get rid off it!” “Try this one!” “I do hope bill likes my cool new attire!” “Ford he’s a triangle.” “How do I look Stanley?” “Why don’t we try on something else ford?”
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sernik-krakowski · 3 months
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More <3
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grimstrawberry · 4 months
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the alivest, normalest guys
+ nagant as that ben affleck meme
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astro-hunny · 4 months
Totally didn't have this convo and immediately think of this (it took hours to think of)
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caluupin · 1 year
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Justice trio I never knew I wanted until now
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gh0stbeeee · 1 year
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Hey, so remember that death note and h2o just add water crossover?
I drew it. Like, four months later.
Oh, and mermen have blue tails in this universe. Jsyk.
They are besties.
Link to AU explanation.
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