#or rebellion yamato and sparda?
cheeriochat · 6 months
Im currently designing the art to go onto the back of my skateboard im making but I'm having trouble thinking of what to put on it. I know I want it to be dmc themed and have something about vergil on it but idk, let me know if you have any suggestions!!!!!
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Here Is a photo of said skateboard, she's my baby 🥺
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6-evil-6-soul-6 · 6 months
The collection is slowly growing...
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dmc-questions-anon · 4 months
The name of Credo's sword sucks. Durandal. It sounds like a medicine.
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hohuios · 1 year
Tag drop: 2/2
#[ visage. ] you know another man as good looking as i am? the correct answer is no; by the way.#[ mini study. ] is it decided from when we're born then? ones born without much power are fated to be stamped out by you?#[ meta. ] one who's let his soul rot can't measure up to someone with a real soul just by getting power. that's not how it works down here.#[ essence. ] it’s a cruel and random world. and yet the chaos is all so beautiful.#[ humans. ] you think humans are weak. yeah; their bodies lack the physical ability of demons; but they posses something that demons don't.#[ demons. ] he understands love; so he'll make it fine as a human. the only things i choose to exterminate are demons.#[ rebellion. ] i always wondered; why did my father give me the rebellion? if the yamato can separate man from devil…#[ sword of sparda. ] he split his power in three parts. one bore his own name; the second blade was named to embody retaliation...#[ yamato. ] ... and the final blade was named to embody a god of death.#[ sparda. ] why do you refuse to gain power? the power of our father sparda? / father? i don't have a father.#[ eva. ] she loved humanity; a demon and her children. it's far out of reach now; that warm smile from my childhood.#[ vergil. ] jackpot! -- why you gotta leave me hangin'? we used to love saying that. / i have no recollection.#[ nero. ] i should thank you. / that'd be out of character. maybe you should just throw an insult my way instead. / that sounds better.#[ patty. ] well patty; if I'm not mistaken this is one time that i might owe you a little thank you.#[ trish. ] if you get sick of it; you can always come back here. / why that's uncharacteristically kind of you.#[ lady. ] can i come along? / do what you want. but don't expect to get paid.#[ morrison. ] damn; you make me wait forever and then you go making selfish requests. / sorry.#[ v. ] for a second there I thought you were gonna shish kabob me. / i know how stubborn you can be.#[ mundus. ] again i must face a sparda. strange fate; isn't it? / strange and ironic that it will end the same way.#[ syd. ] well then strong and gentle lord dante of the 'real soul.' you'll let me live even now; won't you? just like you did before.
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shuttershocky · 2 months
Is there any power scaling discussion that will inevitably make you feel the need to respond, no matter how irrelevant power scaling is to the actual media in question?
"How did Nero defeat Vergil at the end of DMC5 he's only 1/4th demon he should be much weaker wahh wahh plot armor"
First of all, Nero won because he wanted to win more than Vergil did. Second of all, Vergil's used to fighting an agile clown like Dante and not a brute gorilla like Nero who has no problem with just grabbing him and slamming him into the dirt repeatedly until he cries uncle.
BUT ALSO we know that human blood fuels demons in Devil May Cry. They have to consume it to grow their powers, which is why these guys keep powering all their infernal machinery with blood and why the tree whose fruit is kingmaker of the underworld must feed on human blood.
Before Nero, it looks like Vergil and Dante's strength came from being the sons of Sparda, who was Mundus' strongest soldier and was able to solo all of hell for his lady love.
But honestly I think a lot of their power comes from their nature as hybrids. When Urizen consumes the same fruit that made Mundus king of the underworld, he gets torn a brand new asshole by Dante working with an 8 year old's logic (if Vergil cut himself in two with the Yamato, maybe stabbing myself with Rebellion glues both my sides tighter?) and it actually works.
Not only is Dante's SIN Devil Trigger form written down in Nico's notes as matching (or even surpassing) Sparda's peak, he crushes Urizen both before and after the latter consumes the fruit containing human blood worth millions, completely mystifying the demon king because what the fuck kind of bullshit powerup is that?
Urizen's only able to match Dante's strength once V fuses his human self back into him to recreate Vergil.
I think being a demon-human hybrid basically acts like an infinite human blood battery. It's already inside you and never runs out because your body just makes more blood. The demonic side isn't granting the power, it's granting the abilities; the human side is the gas fueling this killing machine.
The whole time Sparda was turning on his own hell legions for Earth pussy he was unknowingly stumbling into the blueprint for creating unbeatable demonic super soldiers, and had no idea.
Every time Dante defeated the likes of Mundus or Argosax they must have been calling horseshit because there's no way they're getting destroyed by this buffoon just because he's Sparda's son when fighting skills aren't something you inherit like it's hair color, not realizing Dante's powers are fueled by his own blood (and plenty of self-stabbing).
This means that Nero is not inherently weaker than Vergil or Dante by having less demon in him, because it's the hybrid nature itself being their strength.
While Nero's powers aren't as mature as theirs, his demonic strength is enough to grab both Dante and Vergil's SIN devil trigger forms and push them back when they charged at full might, and in fact he's physically strong enough to lift giants like Goliath and ragdoll them around like their name is Bluto and he's just eaten a can of spinach.
Dante even points out at the end that Vergil cut off his own son's arm for more power and the son still kicked his ass anyway. By the end of DMC5 Nero doesn't need the Yamato anymore to do Buster moves, he can shape his own aura into arms to punch and grab things just as effectively, making him completely independent from actually using any devil arms to fight (he only needs human weapons like Lady does). He's strong enough that Dante trusts him with protecting the world by himself while Dante goes to hell, which is a big ask given you know, everything in DMC 1-4.
TL;DR - Nero strong
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midnightkolrath · 9 months
Time for another chapter of 'Leo analyzing DMC stuff' with something that woke me up at 4 AM to think about, as a sudden ponder point
So, the series has a running joke of impalement, namely with Dante being impaled by some sort of sword. Mostly his own sword, though. This little running gag comes full circle in DMC5, when Dante laments on why he was given Rebellion and decides to impale himself with the handle that then proceeds to combine with the Sparda sword to unlock his Sin Devil Trigger form.
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But thinking about this more, I realized that this sort of thing has been common, not just with Dante himself.
Though, I'm gonna start talking about his thing with DMC3 here.
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With the DMC5 screenshot I've included with Dante's dialogue, plus thinking back about that very moment in DMC3, we know Dante unlocked his devil trigger thanks to Vergil through impalement of his own sword. This is THE main moment we see of a form like devil trigger be unlocked this way.
But, funny enough, if we fast forward into DMC4...we get yet another moment where we have our protag be impaled and awoken to atleast a FORM of their devil trigger...with Nero.
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As a side tidbit, the details of this awakening are elaborated in the DMC4 novel, Deadly Fortune, where Nero recalls a dream he had after gaining his demonic arm, featuring a familiar voice (that we know is Vergil) that he remembers again as he went temporarily unconscious. (Though in the novel its implied he temporarily died before reviving...it states his 'heartbeat stopped', though the way its pictured in the game...who completely knows).
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This moment of remembrance is what triggers not only the first (incomplete) form of Nero's devil trigger, but the reconstruction of the Yamato. This is the second time the domino effect of being stabbed (or perhaps simply overwhelmed in Nero's case...though Agnus did rub the salt in similarly to Vergil against Dante...not with his own sword but with a sword-like object...maybe its a parallel) resulted in the awakening of a devil trigger, or a newfound power.
Now, if we do the fun thing and roll both forward and back, we'll see that Dante and Nero weren't the only ones that experienced a power awakening this way. Thanks to Visions of V, we get a short flashback of Vergil's childhood. This included the very moment there was the demon attack that killed Eva and separated the twins, sending them on their own paths.
A VERY significant moment we (tragically) get to see is a young Vergil getting attacked by these demons, while he's alone. Its horrifying, but also shares a similar theme though much more brutally.
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In fact, its similar to Nero's case, which involves impalement like Dante but grows into being overwhelmed to the point of helplessness. ALSO funny enough, its this bit of helplessness, of feeling that power is NEEDED to get themselves out of the situation they're in to survive for one way or another...that Yamato comes right to their side. When its needed most.
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This is, for Vergil, an awakening to what would become his path to gain power at any cost, to never have to feel this helplessness again while also being haunted about the lack of strength he had to protect his mother.
Its interesting that this moment mirrors Nero's claim to yamato in DMC4, with even the desire and call for more power led to Yamato returning to its restored form and going to Nero's side. Like father, like son.
My original point, though, was how a funny ironic running joke of being impaled one way or another in this series apparently leads to awakening of power or resolve for the Sparda clan. This series has many running themes if you look for them, but this is one I've noticed lately. I wonder if Sparda himself went through something like this in his time (heh).
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mariyekos · 2 months
Saw some great Dante art on Twitter and now my head is spinning with a new HC.
I've HC'd Dante having a scar over his chest from the Yamato+Rebellion stabbings for a while, and I've also tossed around HCs about Dante and Vergil sort of aging out of their humanity. (The tl;dr of that is their human side ages until it "dies" and they're left with their demon forms being the default, so they have to imitate a human form to look human, a la Sparda). In the art I linked above, instead of having a normal scar over his chest, he has this glowing mini-cavity/void instead.
In comes the HC-
So, when Dante is first stabbed in DMC3, the scar over his heart starts as a normal scar. Maybe over the next couple of years it lightens and looked kind of odd, but Dante chalks it up to just being a magical scar and doesn't pay that much attention to it (because he doesn't like thinking about why he has it). Then DMC 1 happens, he's stabbed by Rebellion (and Alastor) again, and the next time he sees himself shirtless in a mirror he realizes wait, the center of his chest is definitely glowing. Faintly, but glowing nonetheless.
From then on the glow would gradually increase, going from looking like skin with a glow to actually seeming like a void of light over his sternum (see the art above, plus DMC4 DT included below). The older he gets the larger the glowing portion grows, and the more intense the glow becomes (from illuminated skin to void of light). At first it freaks him out, but he eventually learns to accept it and stops caring too much.
His shirts in DMC4/5 have a little bit of a lower neckline than would work for this idea, but let's just say he'd keep his shirt zipped/buttoned up about an inch higher, and that the glow started more toward the center of his chest rather than sternum. The DT glows are pretty centered after all. After unlocking his SDT in DMC5 the glowing portion would end up high enough to not be hidden by his DMC5 shirt though. I imagine him ignoring Nero's questions on that when they meet back up for chapter 13, and that Lady and Trish already knew to some extent so they didn't bother asking. Maybe he'd eventually figure out to mask it, but it would be something he'd have to intentionally do, rather than the default.
Putting some pictures of his DT illustrating what I mean below the cut, but that's about it! The tl;dr of this one is "wouldn't it be cool if Dante's chest in his human form ended up glowing as he aged, to match his demon form?"
I'm skipping over his DMC1 triggers because they don't really match his DT in other games and don't fit into my view on this. DMC1 was the game where they were figuring things out.
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I'll be honest, I haven't played DMC2. But looking it up Dante has 2 forms, including this one which has the glowing fissure in the chest. It's a thin cross that goes all the way up/down his chest as opposed to the thinner, deeper triggers in 4 and 5, but it's the start of the fissure designs so I'll run with it!.
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Dante's DT is very fluid in DMC3, but doesn't have the glowing chest. His sternum is pretty prominent though. My explanation for these DTs is that Dante is younger as of DMC3, so the glow hasn't started yet because his demon side is still maturing.
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And here's the real start of fissure/light-void chest Dante. This one also forms a cross, but the bulk of it is I'm the center of the chest, and the sort of "light-void" I imagine appearing on Dante's chest is one that would eventually grow to look like the center of this one.
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Dante's normal DT in DMC5 has just about the same design as the DMC4 one so I'm skipping that, but his Sin Devil Trigger keeps that glowing chest look. In game the SDT is referred to as Dante's "true form," which gives this one extra points. Where his normal DT is like a glow coming out from the chest, this one is a glow within his core that's being guarded by the pieces around/over it.
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manofwrath · 11 months
Vergil > Dante (FACT!)
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Dante without plot armor doesn't hold a candle to Vergil
-Vergil's got the more (inherently) powerful sword (Dante needed to sacrifice Rebellion and Sparda for the Devil Sword Dante just to COMPETE with Vergil's Yamato.)
-Despite having been mind-controlled(enslaved)/dead and out of the loop for 20 years Vergil STILL had the skill to match Dante in combat.
-He has more potential than Dante (Vergil's demon half mopped the floor with Dante BEFORE eating the Qliphoth fruit. He only got stronger when he got his humanity back... let that sink in... On top of that, Dante absorbed the Sparda and Rebellion to get Sin Devil Trigger and DSD... imagine if Vergil had the means to make a Devil Sword Vergil...)
-Even gameplay reflects how much more powerful Vergil is than Dante. The game becomes unbalanced whenever we play as Vergil.
-If we take it back to DMC3, Dante needed to collect an arsenal of Devil Arms and Styles just to compete with Vergil at the end of the game, and Dante barely won (Vergil wasn't interested in level grinding)
-Vergil successfully dodged child support
-Bury the Light >>>> Subhuman
-Vergil has a proven ability to get laid
-Vergil can bring swords to gun fights and still come out on top
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invenblocker · 10 days
So a common talking point I see about DMC is that the true source of power for the half demons is humanity, and that's why Dante embracing his human half while Vergil shuns comes out on top at the end of DMC3.
Which does make sense. But I think there are two other important aspects. First of all, acceptance of self (self love?). At the start of DMC3 , they both view themselves as Demons, but while Vergil embraces this, Dante loathes it, which is why Vergil wins their first fight. Only in accepting himself does Dante become powerful enough to beat his brother, as with the element of self loathing being removed, Dante can gain his true power from embracing his humanity while Vergil's rejection of it leaves him behind.
And of course, as this has been pointed out countless times, the theme can also continue into DMC5, where Dante's SDT comes about when he uses what his father left him (Rebellion) with the manifastion of his father (Sparda), to fuse his human and demon halves. And with Vergil becoming the most powerful not by severing his human self from his demon self, but by fusing them back together (now with humanity as an undeniable part of his identity, forcibly reinserted after removal).
And this is all pretty common analysis that more or less any DMC fan can repeat verbatim, but I think another interesting angle can come in when we account for Nero.
Where Vergil rejects his humanity, Nero only accepts that part of himself, not caring for his demonic half (but not loathing it either) in the slightest. This is why in Nero's eyes, he needs Yamato. He doesn't think he has this power within himself and must get it from outside, which is why despite obviously having the toughness and regen factor required to get slapped around by demons and be fine, he can't regrow his arm after losing it.
But at the end of DMC5, Nero does not embrace humanity, he embraces that he is in fact a demon, and it is at that point he truly unlocks his Devil Trigger. And asides from regaining the powers of his Devil Bringer, he does also regain some of the powers he didn't unlock in DMC4 before obtaining Yamato, powers he didn't previously perceive as part of himself.
But if the person who viewed himself as human needed to accept his demon heritage, that indicates to me that what a demon-blooded human needs to embrace is not humanity, but rather the duality within them, the balance between demon and human. This reading coincidentally also works really well with Dante fusing his demon and human halves to create SDT, he already viewed himself as a demon (still doing so, if Subhuman is any indication) and already embraced his humanity, but only in fusing the two did he truly acknowledge their coexistence, a step Nero has yet to take, which is why I am looking forward to his journey in DMC6, which is definitely gonna get announced any second now, with great interest.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
The ending of DMC 5 leaves the door very open for new character dynamics to be formed. Which is exactly what this question is about.
(Keep in mind that if you don't want to or don't think you can you do not need to cover all of these dynamics)
(Also, I do not mean any of these dynamics as a group just for clarification)
How do you believe Dante and Vergil will move forward with their relationship after DMC 5? What about Vergil and Nero? How about Dante and Nero?
Vergil is going to end up needing to form a dynamic with all of the characters after he and Dante return from hell. The characters he will inevitably end up interacting with on a normal basis will be: Lady, Trish, Kyrie, Nico, Patty, and Morrison. How do you believe his relationship with all of these characters will turn out? How will they start off, and how will they develop?
Dante has a dynamic with most of this cast, but what do you think his dynamics with Kyrie and Nico will end up being like?
What dynamics do you believe Nero will have with Lady, Trish, Patty, and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Trish will have with Kyrie and Nico will play out?
The dynamic Lady will have with Kyrie?
The dynamics Kyrie will have with Patty and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Nico will have with Patty and Morrison will play out?
What dynamics (other than anything involving a member of the Sparda family with another member) are you most interested in seeing playing out?
(I have another question planned to do at some point asking you to talk about dynamics not included here)
Quite a loaded question, my favourite DMC anon! Your asks are lovely as always, and I`ll try to answer these to the best of my ability
(all of the relationships mentioned here are written as platonic, and incest shippers are Real-Impacted on sight)
the longest and easiest to answer: the sparda loser twins
I strongly believe that what the twins truly needed all these years to start healing was each other, and the yearning for their brotherly reconnection is the reason their relationship is mendable (unlike trigun twins, but that`s just my opinion). Both of them became extremely closed off after the attack, and their personalities were forged in literal hellfire, hence, their absolutely horrible, no good, very bad coping mechanisms - their childhood knowledge of each other is the solution to this trauma. Dante can see right through the Vergil`s pretentious and arrogant behavior to know his brother is hurting, and Vergil can relearn to see that the attention-attracting behavior and general clowning of Dante`s is a veil to hide behind, and they can call each other out on this bullshit to talk like actual adults. Which might happen after some brotherly stabbing (because their only response to pain has been violence for the majority of their lives and that’s not a healthy habit but I don`t think they will grow out of it any time soon), but they both want their bond to be real again, and that will require honesty. I have no idea how long mending of their brotherhood will take, but am sure they will make it work in time, and will finally start healing
(I do hope they also take the stabbing out of their fighting, because even if demonic pain tolerance is high it is still physical pain and that is not a thing you want to invoke on a relative you have a good strong relationship with), which will also positively affect all of their relationships with other characters (*cough cough* like dante helping vergil through his newfound fatherly feelings towards nero, and vergil getting dante right back with his secretive but very fond father figure-ly bond with patty *cough cough*)
Vergil must apologise for breaking the Rebellion. While the twins have equal score in killing each other (Dante>Nelo, Urizen>Dante (yes, I believe Urizen actually killed Dante as it would be thematically appropriate since 5 parallels 3 so much)), but Nero restored Yamato, while Rebellion was sort-of reforged by Dante himself. Still, Vergil did break Dante`s beloved sword which must have hurt Dante (for some reason the fandom glosses over it, like, yeah he made a DSD for himself which is very cool and all, still, it is not the familiar Rebellion and it is a loss, even if it is bittersweet)
Vergil is #1 person on the (short) list of characters Dante is physically affectionate with (both to tease and for funsies; I live for the 'Dante coaxes a piggyback ride out of Vergil' fanart, fics, everthing and everything that has this trope; also the twins sleep better when theyre close or together; Vergil relearns positive touch through Dante's affections)
If Vergil and Dante are two halves of a one stupid loser whole, then Vergil and Nero are two identical idiots. They struggle with their feelings and need time to understand them, while at the same time being hotheads with little patience, which is quite an explosive combination to form a relationship around. Luckily, they have help! Nero has learned to lean on Kyrie in time of emotional need, and Vergil… will need time to learn to express himself, if not more openly, then at least without as much pretense as he has now (and he has Dante to yell at him when Vergil starts making stupid decisions yet again), and both will certainly need their ‘straight men’ to help out at times. I believe the Heaven in Hell`s Despair series of fics, by the amazing EirianErisdar on ao3, covers their struggles and triumphs of creating a father-son bond wonderfully.
Dante and Nero`s relationship is a more treacherous case. Dante and Vergil damaged each other a lot through the years, but they had the same goal – to reunite and stand together as brothers again. Nero and Vergil have had a very rocky start, but both clearly want to bond and they have a new relationship to figure out.
However, in this instance, Dante has actually had a sort of secret relationship with Nero as his uncle, which was built on a lot of things unsaid, and it ultimately betrayed Nero`s trust, even if Dante was trying to act in his best intentions (actually no, Dante just could not face any more Vergil ghosts than he already had, so he hid away from the problem and Nero as he usually does). Paired with Nero`s temper, this makes mending the relationship with his uncle probably an even harder task than forging a new one with Vergil. The way I see out of this is two scenarios: - Dante figures himself out enough to come clean to Nero about why he hid everything from his nephew (…as much as I`d love that, unlikely, Dante is a very old dog with his trickster trick at this point, even if he will improve after fixing his bond with Vergil, old wounds are very painful to pick on) - OR… Vergil tells Nero of his troubled history with his twin, and with some help from Vergil or Kyrie Nero comes to understand Dante`s actions and forgives his sorry uncle. I do believe Nero needs someone (Vergil or Kyrie) to actually slap him in the face with a detailed explanation of how to see through Dante`s clowning, because Nero`s temper wouldn`t let him otherwise. After that, I think they are very cool, and Dante would make an excellent uncle (noogies all around, Nero can protest all he wants, he`s not getting out of them) They certainly share some of their taste in music, and are secretely jealous of the others revvy sword/demonic motorcycle. Nero is, obviously, another person on the list of people Dante is physically affectionate towards.
Vergil & Lady or Trish
This is harder for me to figure out, mostly because the main character trait of the women in DMC is giggle physics. My guess is that Vergil and Lady will be neutral-hostile to each other, Lady seems to me like a character that will hold her grudges for an entire lifetime, or they will be completely neutral to each other, and I don`t think either of them would be interested in improving their relationship.
If not for her encounter with V, Vergil would be hostile towards Trish, but she treated a part of him well in the past, and that juuuust might be enough for him to be neutral towards her. Their actual history is shrouded in mystery and as it's unknown how much she was involved in Nelo Angelo's mind-washing so that`s very much up to interpretation. I really like all the headcanons about Trish trying to be an older sister to twins, but personally can`t see that happening, still, those headcanons are very nice.
Vergil would be very much unnerved by Kyrie – she has a sort of motherly care for people around her, which would trigger all of Vergil`s mommy issues combined, so he would be very tense with her at first. There is an amazing fic This Emptiness is so Real by Night_Companion on ao3, which has my favorite portrayal of Kyrie out of all the fics I`ve read – the author wrote her like a woman grown up in a religious- and military-heavy culture, with a steel spine just like her brother, who has seen how much trauma the veterans go through, and has learned to be a calming presence in their lives. It is her active choice and decision to try to help traumatized individuals, she has self-taught herself these skills and uses them to her advantage. This gives her an edge to be uniquely equipped to see through the twins horrible coping mechanisms, which actually scares the hell out of them both, because both haven`t known honesty since the fire. Kyrie might have a hard time forgiving Vergil for what he did to Nero, but that doesn`t mean she won't try to comfort him (as she always does for those who need it), and in time, she will forgive him (probably shell do it later than Nero himself does). After that, they will get along wonderfully, maybe they'll share a quiet evening with tea together.
Kyrie will have this quiet menacing aura around Dante, until he explains why he never told Nero they were family, she would totally be pissed about that, but with her skills she will see Dante has been through a lot and that decision was heavy for him to bear too, and she`ll forgive him (faster than Nero though, as she is more understanding towards his situation). Later they will get along great. Dante considers her to be his niece, and she is one (of a very short list) of people he is physically affectionate around (hugs as greetings for sure, maybe he`ll whisk her to dance around if there`s a good song on a radio (while Nero is aggressively shy, jealous and getting over himself in the corner nearby)). Help me remember fic by Okutama on ao3 has had a great scene in the final chapter (not a major spoiler, don`t worry) where Nero asked Dante to lead Kyrie down the aisle on their wedding and I say y e s to this headcanon aggressively. She might also get some firearms training from Dante (imagine Kyrie with a rifle). Also, let Kyrie swear, she needs it with these idiots.
Nico would tease Vergil a lot, and just as with Nero. It might be weird for Vergil at first, but seeing as he is living with Dante now, he would accept the teasing surprisingly quickly and well. I don`t think Nico holds any grudges against Vergil after he verbally apologizes to Nero for the arm, then they`re good to go. (also I loved the idea presented in one of the fics I`ve read (please remind me the source if you know I completely forgot it) where in an alternate-timeline-dream sequence Vergil found smol Nero and adopted Nico, so they grew up as literal siblings. While I don`t think canon versions of them can grow that close, they can be fond of each other and easy-going in their friendship, so that would be nice too)
Patty, my beloved (headcanon-very-heavy territory ahead)
Patty will yell A Lot and Loud at Vergil for all he put Dante through on their initial meeting, but after Dante and Vergil fix themselves, she will be tentatively curious about Dante`s mystery twin. After that they would find connection in berating Dante over his housekeeping together. Patty would be fond of Vergil`s sense of style and his taste for some classical culture like literature and violin, while also benefitting from Patty`s ‘straight man’ nature for him and Dante both, as she points out any bullshit she notices (except sometimes when it matters, she lets it lie, which is how she was able to keep in contact with Dante all these years).
I am fascinated by the loser twin parallels regarding their (adopted) children – Vergil the unknowing and absent father, and Dante the secret protective but unacknowledging father figure for years. After dmc5, Vergil was forced to deal with being a father to a young adult, and Dante had been keeping in contact and protecting Patty since she was a small child, all the while avoiding the implications of his caring nature towards her, honesty and actual responsibility for her.
When Vergil is in good graces enough with Patty and learns of her history with Dante, he will piece together how big of an idiot his brother is (as he had to work hard to forge a bond with Nero, while here is Dante having the gall to completely ignore the obvious connection he has had with Patty for almost a decade (while also being very impressed)), and he will force a conversation with Dante about it (because Vergil despite all the years apart knows his brother perfectly well as can now see that the unsaid has been hurting his brother, same as keeping Nero in the dark was, and at the same time hurting Patty as well). Dante needs a powerful wake up call (as he knows Patty fro almost a decade) and Vergil knows his brother well, plus has the will and no-tolerance for his brother's bullshit to cut straight to the issue at hand, plus to encourage Dante to do better.
But yeah, in short Vergil and Patty get along great (which scares the hell out of Dante and Nero). If Patty ever learns fencing - Vergil would be the one to teach her.
Patty is another person on the list Dante will get physically affectionate with (actually she was the first person to start physically affectionate interactions with him since the fire - she literally throws herself at him in the anime and its adorable))). They listen to some pop rock together, and Dante taught her some cheap and easy tactics against demons to use and firearms. PrecariousSauce is to be awarded for the 'Call and Return' fic as it is the lifeblood of a patty stan, and the scene she learns driving from Dante is one of my favourites in all the dmc fics I've ever read. Another favourite scenario (trope?) of mine is when Patty and Vergil meet for the first time, Patty throws herself at Dante and hugs him, bt after Vergil is introduced she straight up punches him with all her might (she learned from Dante, of course))
Nero and Patty are house-on-fire kind of cousins, they can meet up (or phone) to vent about the sparda loser twins they have/chose as their dads, and are generally a good mix together. Both can be hotheaded, but the other will cut the first down to size with reason if needed. They help each other with holiday gifts for the twins. She and Nero tease each other mercilessly, same as with Nico.
some other characters
Vergil will have a good working relationship with Morrison, same as Dante.
Twins and Lucia…no much go off on. I wonder if meeting Vergil will reignite her previous crush on Dante, except on Vergil this time -than would be a cute little scenario, but not much to say besides that. I`d love for Lucia to make a comeback, at least to give her more character, and at most for her gameplay to be updated and her to be playable again. (Lucia is the only character I can ship Dante with, however their lives are too different and far apart in canon for that to happen, additionally Dante was specifically avoiding any kind of honesty with people around him for decades so there is no healthy basis for relationship there, but I can dream a little)
No specific idea for Dante and Nico. She needs to get over her hero worship of him first.If she dares, I think her attempts to provoce him with jokes will go right over Dante, as he is impenetrable to any kind of teasing, and he will probably just sleep on their way to the job if they ride together. Maybe they have similar music taste and listen to the same radio station or smth.
Dante/Vergil/Nero and Lady, Trish and Morrison are colleagues, I don`t really have anything more than that. Same goes for the other relationships you`ve listed later in the ask.
Cerberus!!! (and other Demon Arms)
I find DMC Cerberus' designs adorable and would love to get more of these doggos, they're are great. Also, Dante needs a dog - Let him have Cerberus as a pet please. And it would be cool if Vergil could summon Shadow back the same way. The twins need their emotional suppor pets.
Or just, any devil arms in general. I think it was very cool when each one had character and was able to talk, it would be great to see that again in some shape (love the Balrog voicelines). Fanfaves like Nevan also would be very welcome to make a comeback.
Thank you for the ask as always! Hopefully this was somewhat entertaining to read)
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I find it interesting that Dante's relationship with his Devil Arms is actually mutually beneficial:
Dante obtains (some) Devil Arms when he defeats powerful demons, or overpowers a demon that is already a Devil Arm
These demons become Devil Arms upon accepting that Dante is stronger than them (this is particularly explicit in Devil May Cry 3, where Cerberus, Agni & Rudra, and Nevan all vocally choose to become Devil Arms with no prompting from Dante)
According to Balrog, demons become stronger when wielded as Devil Arms, and can apparently become demons again to challenge their wielders
This does not apply to artificial Devil Arms, like Rebellion, Yamato, Machiavelli's creations, and presumably Gilgamesh
However, while Vergil has only been depicted obtaining one Devil Arm - Beowulf - that encounter paints a very different picture:
He did not truly defeat Beowulf, he merely finished him off after his encounter with Dante
He actually visibly kills Beowulf by decapitating him, leaving a corpse and everything
Vergil then absorbs the Devil Arm from Beowulf's body, which does not disappear
Then he uses his new Devil Arm to kick the body as one final show of disrespect
In Beowulf's description in DMC5, Nico literally says that the weapon was made from what was "left of" the demon
Vergil didn't conquer and bond with Beowulf, he just straight-up killed him for real and stole his power for himself
My headcanon:
Dante's Devil Trigger works the same way his Sin Devil Trigger does. When Rebellion first tasted his blood and activated, Dante gained the power to unite man and devil, and his Devil Trigger is the first manifestation than that, bonding with a Devil Arm to take a stronger form (literally a lesser form of what he did with Devil Sword Sparda in Devil May Cry 5).
But Yamato, and by extension, Vergil, has the power to divide man and devil. And I think that's what he used in the case of Beowulf, separating the Devil Arm from it's true demon form, taking the power and none of the personality (pretty much what he did to himself in Devil May Cry 5).
I think it's similar to what Nero could do with the Devil Bringer, absorbing demonic power from objects, including Yamato itself, which is presumably why Nero can Devil Trigger without a Devil Arm.
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elisparda · 7 months
So we know that Yamato can split man from devil. How it shows in DMC4 when removing Nero from the savor, making V and Urizen from DMC5. Rebellion being another weapon of Sparda it does the opposite effect, Rebellion can fuse man and devil as seen with Rebellion and Devil Sword Sparda making Devil Sword Dante. But what if it can do more. What if it can fuse different types of things. Where I’m going with this is that what if Dante used Rebellion to fuse Red Queen and DSS (Devil Sword Sparda) making a new weapon, Devil Sword Nero (DSN). I’ve heard this can’t work because Red Queen is a man made weapon and doesn’t have demonic power in it but that I’m my personal opinion it should work with Red Queen being the man side of the fusing man and devil. Maybe not but another point is that DMC4 Red Queen was made specifically for Nero, and Agnis was working on fusing demons and normal items so who says there isn’t a little bit of demonic energy in Red Queen. Even if not Nero could just fuse with DSS himself and get a demonic sword based on his thought or what ever he most comfortable with and a new weapon would be fun for Nero, an actual demonic weapon too
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upon-blades-twilight · 6 months
Collection of Devil May Cry mods for FFXIV
Just a collection of DMC mods I've found in case anyone else wanted to use them too. I'll add more as I find more.
Also buying the eat pizza emote from the XIV store is always worth it.
Dante: DMC1/Monster Hunter Version Outfit DMC3 Outfit DMC5 Outfit DMC5 Hair DMC5 Sword (Closed) DMC5 Sword (Open) Sparda Nevan Agni & Rudra Rebellion Ebony & Ivory Force Edge Dark Knight Job Rehaul Dante Theme (Free Trial Version) Dark Knight Job Rehaul Dante Theme (22$ Full Version) Sin Devil Trigger replaces Reaper Enshroud Dance Taunt Emote
Vergil: DMC5 Outfit Inspired Hair Inspired Hair (Viera) Yamato Beowulf Plastic Chair Weapon Saumurai Job Rehaul Vergil Theme (Free Trial Version) Samurai Job Rehaul Vergil Theme (10$ Full Version) Sin Devil Trigger replaces Reaper Enshourd + Adds Doppelganger to some Samurai Skills Doppelganger Living Shadow for Dark Knight Status / Judgement Cut End Emote Plastic Chair Sit Emote Plastic Chair Mount Vergil Tsum Minion
Nero: DMC5 Outfit DMC4 Hair Red Queen Weapon Blue Rose Devil Bringer Inspired Devil Trigger Wings (Not recommended when using GNB Rehaul) Gunbreaker Job Rehaul Nero Theme (Free Trial Version) Gunbreaker Job Rehaul Nero Theme (28$ Full Version) Punchline Mount
V: Outfit Book Cane Summoner Job Rehaul V Theme Cane & Umbrella Idle Pose Holding Book Idle Floating V Book Emote
Other: PvP Music Replacer DMC5 Outfits for Lady, Trish, & Nico Cavaliere Angelo Sword
I highly recommend using Penumbra over Textools for mod installation. Mainly due to it letting you control who the mod works on on your side, and the ability to use Glamourer. Penumbra lets you set mods to affect yourself only, all player characters, all npcs, ect. This way everyone with hair type X won't have Dante's hair. Only you will. It'll also let you set priorities and disable mods when needed, which is especially helpful if you have mods that interact with one another.
Best part is you do not need to exit the game to install/modify mods. It's all done in game and no restarting is needed.
More under cut
Glamourer comes and works with Penumbra. It lets you set a sort of client side glamour plate for yourself. That way what you wear in game for others to see is totally separate to what you use in Glamourer. Say the top used for Dante's coat mod is an ugly thing vanilla wise, but you have to wear it to have Dante's coat. With Glamourer you can set your ingame looks to whatever you want, then on your side use Glamourer to set the ugly coat on yourself. Everyone else will see the gear you set up in game, not the ugly coat, but you'll see Dante's coat on your end. Glamourer can also modify dyes, weapons, remove gear restrictions, and change your race, gender, and any character customizations at will.
If you play with friends that also mod, there's something called Mare Syncronus that works through Penumbra too. It's a player made server by the Penumbra creator that reads what mods you currently are using on your character, sends it to their server, and shares it with friends you have added on your Mare friends list. This way you and your friends can actually see each others mods. This extends to your modified minions, mounts, battle actions, and emotes too. Only people you add in your friends list or share a sync shell with can see your mods, and only mods installed into Penumbra are able to be picked up. Textool installed mods will not be visible to others. You do have the option to pause yourself and/or other individuals/groups when you don't want your mods to be visible, or if you don't want to see their's either.
Installation guide here https://reniguide.carrd.co/
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I feel like the only I'd be Even Remotely okay with Sparda coming back is like if some evil alchemist or something brought him back through necromancy, possibly as part of some Take Over the World (or Hell) scheme. Like, he died before Eva and the twins were attacked by Mundus' forces, and then after DMC5, some necromancer fucker built him a new demon body and shoved whatever was left of his soul (probably harvested from the Underworld) into it to try and use him as a meat puppet, but that uh. Did Not Go Well for them, and Sparda broke free.
Sparda doesn't just waltz back into his sons' lives, either: he knows he's got a lot of apologizing and making up to do, even if he didn't leave them on purpose. He'd be devastated to find out what happened to Eva and to his sons after his death, but also so happy that they're both alive. Apologizing wouldn't be enough to make up for everything that happened, and neither would letting them punch him in the face, but he'd try it anyway.
Having a grandson would be a pleasant surprise, at least until Sparda found out the poor boy had been raised in a cult that worshipped Sparda as a god, in which case Sparda was just like, "Ah. Another descendant that I'm obligated to let hit me. Alright, Nero, go ahead. Don't hold back. I'm so sorry."
As for how Sparda died originally:
I've got a personal theory that he died for the same reason we see V's body breaking down after Vergil uses the Yamato to split himself in 5- when Sparda separated the Human and Demon Realms, he also split his soul. It just took longer for his body to "degrade"/break down because he's all demon, whereas Vergil is half human. Sparda further splitting his soul into the Sparda, Rebellion, Yamato, and the Perfect Amulet, and then the amulet halves, also didn't help things.
As for why he didn't just re-absorb them and live for another idk, 2000 years:
My best guess is that it wouldn't of been enough to save him because his body was just too far gone by that point, like how you can only stretch something so many times before the elastic just wears out too much and the whole thing just snaps and falls apart. And, if we go with this theory, maybe he thought leaving his sons the swords/powers that he did was more important, since if he was going to die anyway, the least he could do would be to TRY and take care of his sons. I think he just wandered off to die, too, somewhere where any "vultures" that were drawn to his corpse (or whatever was left of him) wouldn't be anywhere near Eva and his sons. This means Eva and his sons might not of had any remains to bury/ashes to scatter, but he did TRY to keep them safe for as long as he could.
As for why a necromancer alchemist brought him back NOW, instead of earlier in the timeline:
-Doyalist explanation is because otherwise the plot would be different and I don't wanna think about that rn, but anyway.
-Arius and Agnus were able to create fully artificial demons*, and before them, the only other person (as far as we know) that could do that was Mundus himself. Which is horrifying, since it means that alchemy (or at least alchemy focused on creating and controlling demons and demonic energy) has officially reached the level where normal human beings can play God with the souls and lives of men and demons. Hence the whole Sparda/necromancy clusterfuck.
[*= Human shaped demons in Aruis' case, and ones that had a certain amount of free will and sentience, like Lucia and the Secretary demons, although Lucia was considered "defective", presumably because she had too much humanity/free will. Agnus had a specialty in constructs powered by demonic energy and piloted by a person or persons' soul(s), and turning humans into demons via his Ascension Ceremony.]
Anyway, mainly, I'm just fine with Sparda being dead, tho I would like more info on his. Some archive of his past or something, y'know? Some flashbacks from the twins, or Matier. More info on Eva would be nice too, tbh, given we know even less about her than Sparda.
Sorry I took so long to get to this!
This scenario kind of falls into "came back wrong", which I'd be okay with. Maybe the necromancer was successful, until they pit Sparda against his own sons. Somehow Sparda is fine and it's one hell of an awkward reunion.
I like your theory about how Sparda died, how he was essentially weakened from all the soul splitting. Wouldn't it be something if Vergil had inadvertently followed in his father's footsteps?
I'm not sure I vibe with Sparda just going off to die. It seems more fitting to me that it was an honest attempt to defeat Mundus' forces and he died in the attempt. It's more tragic to think he always meant to come back, always wanted to come back. And I like that sort of tragedy, I guess. When you try your best and you don't succeeeeeeeeeeed....
I'm gonna wrap this up here bc it's raining and losing power for a second is a definite possibility and I'd be real pissed if I had to write everything again lol
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sinful-morningstar · 8 months
Spartober day 17 Gunslinger (VerDante)
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Author's note: Sorry i didnt post last night something came up but i managed to write this while recovering from a hangover so its kinda short and sweet and as per usual i canr write about Dante without Vergil and i cant write about Vergil without Dante (or Nero..or Sparda...) anyways Enjoy todays (Technically yesterday's) prompt! Prompts by whatsanapocalae1 (I use a combination of SparTober and Devil MayTober Prompts ) 17: Gunslinger (VerDante) Vergil and Dante stood in the underworld fighting off the monsters that came their way, slaying them all down one by one, back to back the Sparda twins did their best to defend themselves and each other.
The older Sparda twin couldn't pry his eyes off of Dante who used a swift mixture of the Rebellion and his beloved pistols Ebony and Ivory, an odd name for such weaponry but he admired the way Dante moved and how he would say a clever quip while taking the monsters down.
Their eyes met as a dust of pink showed up on their cheeks; they both had a knack for showing off especially to one another in an odd attempt of not just competitiveness but also a form of flirting this duel of wits and weapons clashing together while they worked together as a truly dynamic duo.
As the battle raged on in the dark and fiery realm of the underworld, Vergil and Dante continued to stand back to back, their trust in each other unshaken by the relentless hordes of monstrous creatures. The scent of sulphur and brimstone filled the air as they unleashed their formidable powers against the unholy forces that assailed them.
Vergil couldn't help but admire the grace with which Dante moved, his long, Silver hair swaying in the heat of battle. With each swing of Rebellion and each bullet fired from Ebony and Ivory, Dante made it seem like a lethal dance, his movements both fluid and deadly. The playful quips that rolled off Dante's tongue only added to the charismatic flair he brought to the battle, and it was impossible for Vergil not to be captivated by his brother's bravado.
Dante, too, found himself drawn to Vergil. His elder brother's stoic determination and precision in combat were like a finely crafted masterpiece. The way Vergil effortlessly dispatched foes with his Yamato sword and summoned arcane magic left Dante in awe. He admired Vergil's brooding intensity, the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence that could silence even the fiercest storm.
Their eyes locked again, sparks of unspoken words passing between them. The dusty pink blush on their cheeks deepened as their playful banter continued, a symphony of flirtatious teasing.
"You know, Vergil, I thought you said you'd handle the tough ones," Dante quipped as he shot a line of demons with Ebony and Ivory.
Vergil smirked, his voice cool and composed, "I merely left them for you as an appetiser, little brother."
Dante chuckled as he executed a daring flip to avoid a charging demon, "Always keeping me on my toes, aren't you, big bro?"
Their laughter mixed with the sounds of battle, a unique harmony that only the Sparda twins could create. They were, after all, cut from the same otherworldly cloth, each born of their demon father and human mother. The competition and camaraderie between them were as much a part of their nature as the demon blood that coursed through their veins.
In the heat of the battle, their flirtatious sparring with words and glances continued, and it was clear that they enjoyed this dance as much as the one with their weapons. They were a formidable duo, not only in terms of combat skills but also in their ability to draw strength and support from each other.
As the last of the monsters fell, Vergil and Dante stood victorious, their eyes still locked, and their smiles revealing more than words ever could. In the underworld's fiery glow, they knew they would always be each other's greatest rivals and closest confidants, a Swordsman and a Gunslinger whose bond was as unbreakable as the weapons they wielded.
They met in the middle as they stood toe to toe, their eyes locked on one another while they drew in closer. Dante’s hair falling in his face as he let out a fond chuckle, Vergil humming with amusement in turn. The tension between them was prominent with each step they took moving closer their hearts beat as one.
Dante's fingers brushed a lock of his unruly hair back, revealing his mischievous grin. "You know, Vergil," he mused, his voice a low rumble, "I think we make a pretty good team."
Vergil's eyes sparkled with a rare warmth, his lips curving into a half-smile. "Perhaps. But don't let it go to your head, little brother."
With a slow, deliberate movement, Dante leaned in, his breath warm against Vergil's cheek. "You've got to admit, Verg ," he murmured, "we're unstoppable together."
Vergil's breath caught in his throat, a surge of something electric coursing through him. He met Dante's gaze, his own eyes holding a fierce intensity. "Indeed, little brother," he replied, his voice a low, intimate murmur, "we are."
The pair leaned in close, letting their weapons rest to the side of them clutched in their hands, they were mere inches away from each other, their breath ghosting on one another’s lips.
“Dante~” Vergil purred sweetly, his tone soft and gentle.
Dante sighed as he moved closer “Cmon Vergil..just once…” he pleaded with a whisper.
Time seemed to stand still as they hovered in that charged space, their worlds colliding and merging in a way that felt both inevitable and right. As if pulled by a shared gravity, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a moment of sweet surrender, a testament to all that had brought them to this point, a promise of what was yet to come.
In that fiery realm of the underworld, the gunslingers stood united, their hearts beating as one, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next. They were a force to be reckoned with, a pair of kindred spirits bound by more than blood, destined to conquer whatever trials came their way, together.
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fabdante · 3 months
I feel kinda stupid for not thinking of this earlier, but:
Both the preboot and reboot twins' swords are a LOT more durable than normal, Human Realm steel. Or seemingly any other metal from the Human Realm, for that matter. They can also cut through just about anything, too. The Yamato even moreso, given that it can cut things like human and demon souls/memories and literal dimensions, but the Rebellion is pretty absurdly sharp, too. (I'm mostly talking about the preboot swords here, but I'm gonna assume the same for the reboot swords as well, unless proven otherwise.)
Which also means that those Devil Arms would probably be particularly good for something illegal, like, say, cutting into a bank vault. Or even just breaking into or out of a place.
I headcanon that preboot Vergil probably did his fair share of illegal shit in order to survive on the streets as a kid, especially with Mundus and Mundus' minions hunting him. Not sure how much breaking and entering preboot Vergil did- I COULD see him breaking into places and stealing things, but only if it was stuff relating to Sparda and the demon world. Power, and all that. Or if he just absolutely HAD to break into somebody's house to steal food and clothes, or into some abandoned building to spend the night because the weather outside is awful, but even then, that was probably mainly when he was a kid. Not a lot of mercenary jobs available for 8 year olds, y'know? Unless you count following people and pinching small items. Which I could also see him and preboot Dante doing, tbh- gotta do what you can to survive.
Reboot Dante, though, I feel like probably WOULD of broken into places for the sole purposes of stealing shit. For similar reasons as the preboot twins, but also probably for some gang/"official" illegal shit, too. I couldn't see him robbing banks or anything, but I could maybe see him robbing some rich people's house while they were away on vacation or something. Just to get by- I think he leaned towards more mercenary work than theft and drug peddling, and even then, only when he couldn't get honest work. Could also see him entering into some underground fighting rings- he's got a healing factor, so he figures, what the hell? Why not? Tho of course he'd be holding back to make sure he didn't kill anyone. Even if they paid him to kill someone. Might be kinda hypocritical, since I said I could see him doing mercenary work, so... Maybe he would, Idk. Mercenary work seems like it'd be different, tho, from fighting in a ring. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
I could see the twins swords being stronger then regular swords!! I had a lot of complicated headcanons about how Rebellion and Yamato were made and their purposes in the reboot which are explored in Swan Song but I still have yet to finish that asdfghjkl but I definitely think both were painstakingly crafted so them being particularly strong and that being useful to the twins makes a lot of sense
Also I am a big fan of combat sports, I find them really interesting, and have a particular soft spot for underground fighting rings in fiction so I support Dante doing this. I like the concept and I tend to headcanon reboot Dante as a person with very low self preservation and very much wants to punch people so being able to do that while getting paid would be a plus for him
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