#or post this guide i started working on
rising-above-stars · 16 days
*this close* to doing a full tour of my current bullet journal for fun
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take it up with management
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some sovereign designs bc i dont think ive ever seen one of before they got nutribulleted together
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00fairylights00 · 9 months
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Haha funny story, I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder in November after struggling with it unknowingly for give or take 18 months. Turns out I’m not crazy and falling asleep against your will multiple times a day is actually not a good or normal thing.
So permit me to write the puppet like a sap as I need this right now lol. Yes these are in fact all things I experienced but I am medicated for them now hooray!
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One task, that was all you’d managed to get through today. You felt sick and heavy, opting to sit on the cold ground before your body made you, it was a battle to stay awake as sleep attacked you again.
It was only early afternoon and you’d struggled through your one task of sweeping, you were certain everyone at the hotel thought you to be lazy, even if they’d all told you otherwise.
You’d been sick like this for a long time, long before the petrification disease or the puppet frenzy, both events having a negative effect on the way you’d usually manage your symptoms. 
And while you appreciated the sanctity you’d been spared at Hotel Krat, the nagging feeling of needing to repay Lady Antonia for her kindness was not helping your case.
You sat with your head in your hands, slipping in and out of consciousness, losing the battle again. Usually, Polendina would find you, send you to your room to rest and that would be it for the day, once you were in bed you found it hard to do much of anything else. Which you supposed was good for your body but it made your emotional well-being an absolute wreck.
Lady Antonia had asked you time and time again to be kinder to yourself, to feel accomplished of the things you could do and that you were welcome here no matter how sick you were, and she would know a thing or two about being sick.
But, you had a bad habit of being nasty to yourself, and with your sleep-related illness only seeming to get worse you couldn’t remember the last time you’d spoken kindly to yourself.
You felt like shit.
A hand at your shoulder, delicate and tender shook you but it didn’t do much to rouse you. Your vision swam uncomfortably through the gaps in your fingers, your head being too heavy to lift up. Hands grasped your wrists, pulling gently to reveal your face that was then taken into those same hands, one soft and warm, the other firm and cold.
With the weight of your head now being supported by P’s hands you could somewhat force yourself to look at him. His expression was unreadable, as always, but his presence was a balm to your spiralling thoughts.
The friendship of Geppetto’s Puppet had been good for you, P didn’t care how tired you were he was just happy to see you, he didn’t expect anything but your presence and that was something you could give freely, tired or not.
He tilted his head in question to what you assumed to be your position on the floor, slumped over rather uncomfortably.
“It just came on, I had to sit down,” you mumbled, he seemed to frown, getting down on one knee and shifting you against him to pick you up.
With you cradled to his chest, he ascended the stairs. You burrowed down against his chest, relishing in how nice it was to be looked after. 
It was almost like the trip up to your room didn’t happen, one moment you were snug to P’s chest, the next you were under your sheets and propped up against the headboard. P took it upon himself to remove his shoes and coat and sit on the opposite side of the bed to keep you company.
“Sleepy?” P asked innocently, you nodded trying desperately to suppress another yawn. 
“I-“ he started, a thoughtful look crossing his face, “-want to help. How do I help?”
He gently took your hand in his own, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. The astounding amount of care he treated you with was sure to tear you apart in the best ways, making your exhausted mind spin.
“Just stay here with me for a bit,” You laid your head on his shoulder, “I think that’ll help.”
He mimicked you, resting his head on top of yours, pulling the sheets further up your lap. Doing what he could to keep you comfortable, a concept he was still trying to grasp.
“Thank you P,” you mumbled, snuggling closer, “love you.”
He pressed a gentle kiss to your head, nose buried in your hair, “I love you too.”
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cirusthecitrus · 1 year
Horde Prime's body language and mannerisms part 1/3
T posing, head shaking and manspreading
I was always facinated with the way Prime moves and handles himself, but ever since I got officially obsessed with this character I began to notice more and more interesting quirks and signature Prime gestures - there are just so many. And now I'm going to (over)analyse them all!
1. Hands behind the back
Lets start with the classic "well mannered/disciplined character" pose
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It really suits his whole character and even makes Prime look like he's always plotting something (which he does). And it shows that HP clearly watches his posture and I'm glad he does like damn my man has such a good posture
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Also, I now have a theory that Prime keeps his arms behind his back so no one can see him fidgeting with his hands and fingers. Or he hides them in a way to restrain himself from touching everything he sees (I just cant help but to headcanon Horde Prime as a kinesthetic person who learns through touch and feeling)
2. Crossed legs
It's giving slut, its giving bad bitch, its giving if only I cared hon uwu and I love it
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The way he sits shows just how comfortable he feels on his throne and in his role as an emperor - he's right where he thinks he belongs. In his case crossed legs also indicate that Prime feels confident and in control. Even when Adora sees him during this whole vessel maintenance process, even when Catra turned against him, even when he was visiting the Fright Zone and sitting on Hordak's throne, even when a rebellion sparks on other occupied planets
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And yeah, sometimes the emphasis on his legs is so obvious that it looks very fanservice-y, but not that I mind that >:}
Eventually u get so used to him sitting like this that when Prime doesnt cross his legs it feels wrong and scandalous lol
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But this only happened like 3 times. And I think he only changes his pose when he needs to concentrate (like when he searches through someone's memories) or when he feels like he's losing control (like when he felt enraged after She-Ra and co escaped the Velvet Glove)
Though I cant explain why he manspreads in the last screenshot, its from Save the Cat and I have no idea why'd he do that, it feels so wrong pls make him stop I'm scared
3. The iconic Prime pose
He's actual signature pose that really fits his character. It's dramatic, it has some similarities with irl holy/religious imagery, it makes Prime look like he's taking even more space, and it kinda reminds me of the way peacocks show off their tails :)
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Gotta mention that when he doesnt do "the pose" Prime is still doing something with his arms and posing almost thetrically, which is again, right on brand for him
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3. The 👉👈
At first I didnt want to include this one cause I thought it was just an insignificant silly gesture he only does once, but then I actually caught Prime doing it again!
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Then I've noticed that Prime often does this thing when he folds his hands in various ways, kinda forming a shape of a rhomb/diamond? The same as the one on the Horde emblem?
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My main point is that HP again seems to never know where to put his hands, which I find cute :з
4. The thinking pose
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It's just funny how Prime always props his head on his left hand just so he won't accidentally poke his extra eyes out with his claws))
5. Smoothing the hair
I included this specifically because Prime only does this one time in the entire season. It's an uncharacteristic gesture for him. Especially since there's no hair to smooth, its all cabels with only little seen of his actual hair
Prime only did this after Scorpia disobeyed his order, letting Adora and Perfuma escape. For a moment he felt like he lost control over the situation AND one of his puppets, plus it was yet another time when She-Ra managed to survive and "win"
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I will speculate that Prime used to do this gesture all the time somewhere in the past, when he didnt have his cable hair yet AND when he had less control over his "subjects"
So when on Etheria Prime's plans began to fail for the first time in forever and someone who supposed to be under his full control actually dared to disobey him he felt so frustrated and stressed that he might've mentally come back to those times when he wasnt yet "all powerful". When he often felt the need to calm himself down by fixing his hair and running his hand over it
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What's interesting, Prime does something similar in this scene, only here he gives pets to one of his clones. I'm going to throw in another suggestion and say that it actually might've been someone else who used to help HP calm down in similar manner
6. Head shake
I could not stop thinking about this one simply because it annoyed me too much lol. I really don't get what is it with Prime always shaking his head and why it was only a thing in his debut episode. Anyway, he does this to emphasize the words "No" and "Never". And only when he is either really amused or angry. He also does this almost in a mocking condescending manner, probably because he saw Glimmer and Catra as some dumb children who won't get the message otherwise
Still don't get why he only does this in one episode and then this quirk of his is (mostly) completely forgotten
It was easier to make a video rather than a set of gifs, so enjoy me counting all the times when Prime shook his goddamn head
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infinitystation · 2 months
it's been a LONG time since i've made any sort of personal post but i wanna ramble a bit! i've never felt more relief than finally deciding to use the term aro for myself after fighting with it on and off for at least 5 years. i'm not sure WHY it's so relieving but it is!
(under the cut bc it's long, i genuinely havent spoken here in like. years. even stopped talking on my sideblog bc i feel a bit safer on a private twitter for personal posts...)
the way i found out was a little hilarious but i am Not going into all that here that's for my private twitter, long story short someone made a post along the lines of "romance is something you FEEL not something you DO" and i was like. wait what the hell you guys Feel a crush you don't just Make one?? OH THAT'S MAKES WAY MORE FUCKING SENSE- *(&$@#)*&%^* quickly realized i had spent my whole life trying to Make crushes oops. there's more to it but that's the extremely simplified version
i had a big relief when realizing my sexuality and gender too but this one was a lot different for some reason. maybe because i'm older now? i'm not really sure. could have also been because i've been fighting with it for so long. i did the same with gender stuff too but it never felt like this big revelation, it was a lot slower and easier to come to terms with. this one made me reevaluate my entire life and go "ohhhhh that's what i was doing wrong all those years" lmao
i dont think i've ever loved myself so much since realizing this. fuck the loveless aro thing (shoutout to you guys tho, just couldnt be me), i am SO full of love. now i realize what was wrong the whole time! trying to put people above other people and put them in the Special Love category was fucking me up, love doesnt need to fall into special categories with certain terms and conditions, it can just be whatever i want it to be and as strong as it wants to be without it ever leaving the "platonic" stage and i love that. realizing that my friends are the closest people in my life and that doesn't have to change has been so nice. no more "you'll find someone Even More Special" these are just my favorite people! i love them! we dont have to get into a relationship to make it The Specialest Relationship, what we have is enough
i am also having way more fun headcanoning characters tbh, that's a silly point but it's a fun one. i never fully understood the "giving your faves your identity" thing bc i just did whatever i saw fit regardless of whether it was MY identity or not, but making random characters aro is awesome. not all of them, i'm a big fan of fictional relationships (relationships are super fun from a distance i love smacking my guys together like barbie dolls). but taking my old inkling oc and making him aro? that has made me so fucking happy. rip to his boyfriend FKJHG
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girlwarlock · 28 days
i want to switch to linux--windows 10 is nearing end-of-support, windows 11 sucks, if i'm switching OS i'd just as soon switch to linux.
i see people online being like "switch to linux!!" which is great, but the same people have like... no suggestions for distro (even in terms of "if you do X, try 1, 2, 3; if you do Y, try 3, 4, 5" or something) and no instructions for *how* to start setting up the new OS that you'd be switching to. fucking--ten or fifteen years ago, "no suggestions from other people" would be workable, because search engines worked. but now between google enshittifying their search engine to force people to run more searches and computer-generated clickbait articles outnumbering real ones i can't fucking find recommendations i can trust.
Both of the "try this distro if you're new from windows and just want an OS to run your little programs in" distros I tried [running off a flash drive, bc i only have the one SSD and i can't fucking figure out how to make a new fucking volume/partition/whatever on it with the tools that windows+google give me and i don't want to wipe my fucking C drive just to try out a distro that i might not use], ZorinOS and Linux Mint, had things that I just couldn't figure out how to do. I looked up guides, but every single guide i found just had instructions of "enter "sudo bongle bleeplorp choochoo" in the terminal" with no insight as to wtf those commands mean, or wtf you're supposed to do if you get any kind of error from trying to run them. (the terminal also wouldn't accept ctrl+V pasting which made putting these unfamiliar commands in super inconvenient as i had to make a lot more keyboard/mouse switches; that's a much lower-tier complaint but it is a complaint) and
i just have this general frustration that so many of the instructions for things that you're likely to want to do because you're new to linux from windows just presume this high degree of familiarity with linux systems. i just want an actual honest-to-fuck Beginner's Guide, and if that is Too Fucking Much, then I want an actual no-fucking-around out-of-the-box useable-as-is operating system. one or the other.
@girlwarlock [mentioning myself so i can reblog if more thoughts happen]
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bloodpotency · 11 days
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Admire my non-5th edition collection
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seventh-district · 2 months
#Seven's Public Diary#vent#vent post#cw vent#cw vent post#can i go more than a fucking week without having my cptsd triggered again? pLEASE???#me and my haywire nervous system can't ever catch a fucking break i swear to god#at least i managed to get the Matt fic posted before that happened and ruined my night#literally three minutes after i hit post. something has to happen IRL and ruin my slight good mood. sigh. anyways#my chest still feels tight but my focus is coming back i think. lets hope the rest of the night is uneventful#anyways. uh. positives. got the Matt fic posted on here And Ao3! yay. after working on it the last two evenings it's officially done#i know i put way too much effort into my fics especially ones that will get very little readership but eh i can't help it#time spent doing something you enjoy is never time wasted or however the saying goes#uh oh. the stress injury in my neck is starting to feel tight again. that's probably not a great sign#i should try to relax. been sitting at my desk too much recently and my back's mad abt it too#i would unwind with some Genshin exploration grinding or smthn but that's just more desk sitting time#so hm. animal crossing in bed it is then#watch me say that then spend the next 3 hours on tumblr#i cant help it i want to update my pinned posts and fill my queue up some more#and i have some drafts to work on... still need to finish that Sun & Moon appearance guide for ES#maybe i'll pull an all-nighter. i need to fix my sleep schedule again. like badly. but then i risk a migraine. aaggghhhhhh#anyways this has been Venting and Bad Decision Making 101 thabks for coming to my TED talk#oh hey look at that i got a like on the Matt fic. mood slightly improved. thank u whoever u r <3
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thatgirlonstage · 11 months
Thinking through the logical conclusions of lore that the source material has clearly not thought that deeply about can be annoying or depressing in the sense of seeing exactly how deep the plot holes go but so long as it doesn’t inherently break the suspension of disbelief or ruin your enjoyment of the overall story it can be really fun to figure out what you can use to plug the holes. Like that’s just free real estate now baby. If the lore implies X but the story wound up at Z, then you can make the journey through Y be whatever you want it to be
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happy bomb in a tribble tuesday 
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sysig · 8 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Handplates
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Handplates
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix +4:20 PM Bonus!: Helix shitpost
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII OCs
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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oflgtfol · 10 months
watching the hbomberguy video about plagiarism and hes discussing man in cave. as a certified cave enthusiast, and a certified cave disaster enthusiast, which was kickstarted by floyd collins videos, and particularly by the mental floss article, i must say. i had seen man in cave when it was first uploaded and i did think it was mid at the time i juts didnt realize it was plagiarized that badly. i have watched so many fucking floyd collins videos at this point that they kind of blend together so i thought the script being boring and done-before was because of that, not because it was a word for word copy of the mental floss article. lmfao.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
pov! you're me, considering signing up as a participant in a new challenge, but as you're reading the rules and requirements you notice that they've straight up pasted in several sections of copy you wrote for a challenge you founded and have been running for the past seven years (and they didn't ask permission or provide credit!!!)
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#hoooo boy this pisses me off lmao#at first i was like... am i imagining this?#but i made a point of going through it#and there's several sections where they've flat out just thesaurus'd in a new word and switched ''pinefest'' to their challenge name#and to be clear if people want to use rules from pinefest *as a template* for their own challenge rules that's totally fine by me#like i've spent seven years ironing out the kinks and it runs pretty smoothly these days#so i'm more than happy for other challenges to take inspiration from how we run things#but to lift entire sections of the rules/requirements/posting guide i wrote#only changing a couple of words and shuffling the order of a few things around but keeping large chunks of text and formatting#all without bothering to provide credit or even just ask!!!#is so damn rude!!!!!!#like for crying out loud the pinefest askbox is open my askbox is open the pinefest email is listed on our page#i've shared ''how to build your own challenge'' guides here and on twitter through the challenge account#and have publicly offered help and advice on getting started when people have asked#like i've made a point of being extremely approachable wrt this stuff!!!#because i want to help people set up challenges! having well-run challenges makes fandom better!!!#but passing off other people's hard work as your own does NOT make fandom better!!!!#and yeah writing copy for a challenge IS hard work#also i have deliberately not mentioned the name of the challenge publicly and i'm only going to mention it to my co-mod#though if the people running it see this and feel like reaching out they are welcome to do so#like legit no hard feelings if they were using our rules as a guide and somehow published our stuff in their rules by mistake#i'm just super heated about this because i've put so much work into pinefest over the years#like huge amounts of time and energy and thought dedicated to contributing to the fandom#so to have someone take a bunch of that work and pass it off as their own feels pretty damn shitty!#it's especially frustrating because other parts of their rules have clearly been written by someone who has a distinct voice of their own#like evidently they're capable of writing their own stuff so why didn't they just do the rest of the work?#wank adjacent#...but is it really wank when it's being pissed off for legitimate reasons? who's to say
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lucy-shining-star · 10 months
So I made some of eoa characters and paired them up (Mateo and Carla, Marzel and Elena, Gabe and Naomi, Alonso and Valentina, Chloe and Rebecca) and made m/f ships kids: (first is Mateo and Carla's, second Marzel and Elena's, third Gabe and Naomi's, fourth Alonso and Valentina's.). Decided to share maybe someone would like them:
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volfoss · 11 months
how serviceable is the machine translation for volfoss? it seems like you’re able to understand the plot fairly well using it if i’m right. and what is the gameplay like? i’m more interested in playing it from your posts, i’ve always wanted to but never got around to it
FUCK YESSS ok so. A few things. I am pretty used to working with machine translation and kind of working with how stilted it can be. I've translated comics this way and it can be a massive pain at times. From the last time I tried to do this with a game -> now (maybe 8 months or so?) Google translate has really upped their game with getting more accurate/good translations. I use a mix of Google translate and Yandex, and then match it with checking a Japanese to English dictionary when I need to (sometimes Google and Yandex completely disagree on something, so using a dictionary helps a lot in those cases). Volfoss itself is kind of a peculiar beast with translation solely because of names. The machine translation does not play nice with names because they are spelled odd. For example, an enemy called Iron Meiden will NEVER get translated with the proper spelling. The protagonist, Shalvas, gets translated as MANY different names, so it's kind of a pain to work with that. Places have the same issue. Where a machine translation might put Korel as Kolel or anything in that range, it rarely gets it right. One of the major locations, Caldealand, gets spelled 5 different ways and there is never any reason for it. Thankfully, the in game gallery has the English names for creatures and characters, and the map I just got has the proper English for the places. This is probably not like. A big issue for most people but it's something that I'm pretty anal about because I don't want the translations to be super bad and inaccurate. In the guide I'm working on, I have a massive glossary for the names and places due to how finicky this is.
All of that to be said, I definitely do understand the plot with this, but there are a LOT of frustrating things when you're first getting used to it. I can send you the guide as it is right now if that would help, as I think the long list of characters and the summary of the first route I've nearly completed could be helpful :) I'm also here to help anytime.
As for gameplay, it's a trpg, so you move your characters from tile to tile and choose attacks. It's kind of hard to explain but from what I understand it's similar to fire emblem (haven't ever played it but my friend who has says it's similar). It's honestly not too bad after you get used to the combat, there's just a LOT of story crammed in there if you're bothering to translate all of it. There's a lot of specific systems that from what I can tell are pretty unique to volfoss (you get gems and can make combos with them, and that's how you can make your attacks/defense have certain attributes. Not explaining that well at all but. There's a lot of weird stuff to it I think. There's also a system for getting enemies to join your team both temporarily and permanently and just a lot of other stuff that can make it complex to give a short summary of gameplay).
Tldr: machine translation is definitely viable, however, when it comes to proper nouns it is a VERY scary experience. This was my first trpg and I got used to it pretty easily so I wouldn't say it's too bad?
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lonleywarrior · 1 year
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not to be dramatic but I’m so in love
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