#or pansie (derogatory)
I need you all to understand that putting "PANSY" in giant sparkly lettering on your guitar in 2004 was like putting a target on your back that said "faggot"
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teacupchimera · 4 months
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happy june y'all, you know what time it is babeyyyy!!! (it's junicorn) (ft a chestnut appaloosa with 'viola northern lights' pansies) (also happy pride month to my fellow gays)
please reblog if you enjoy! <3
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oh2e · 2 years
I’m reading Good Omens again and thinking about how Crowley and Aziraphale aren’t really men and aren’t really humans etc. Then I started thinking about the sentiment that even if being queer was a choice, people would still choose to be queer and how Aziraphale choses to appear as a gay man. He choses to be the kind of person who gets called “the southern pansy”. That’s a choice that he made.
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kayforpay · 1 year
various fantroll infos because apparently I'm just gonna keep thinking about them anyway
clorad loilud: ~8 feet tall, thick build, extremely long, wavy hair (to the floor when standing). horns look a lot like an axolotl or moth's antennae. fuchsia, but was able to sneak off-planet while fairly young and lived on a mining colony for about 100 sweeps. due to the lack of adequate water, he still has issues with dry gills, and tends to have to soak if he goes very long without moistening them
typing quirk is "the quick bro\/\/n fox jumps o\/er the lazy dog"
hradil udhopo: 5' even, slim, a categorical twink. with horns, about 6'6". long hair (mid-back) that is very straight, to the point of lank, and cut to frame his face. horns look like stag beetle horns, and give him a bit of neck pain.
clown purple, during a battle he was in with the clurch he was injured very severely and lost his memory. his universe GHB had made an edict that memory loss should, if at all possible, be regained, and so he had other memories from trolls around him who have chucklevoodoos inserted into his brain, essentially retraumatizing him from a cinematic viewpoint.
typing quirk is "t/-/e qu/ck brown fox jumps over t/-/e lazy dog."
sunzuu sonait: fish violet, they're a comfortable 7' tall. their horns twist back in tight spirals from their forehead, and don't add much to their height. their hair is naturally straight, and they cut it into a mohawk, though it can grow in all over their head.
they're a recovering addict who failed to meet several requirements for alternian recruitment, and met hradil when he tried to walk into the ocean after he was forced to remember his injury. they've been close to him ever since, and their moirailship was a primary motivator in getting help to stay clean, because they love their lil clown.
typing quirk is "the quick brown foxx jumps over the lxzy dog"
taelir taylor the teal tailor: as their name suggests, they're teal. although they play with presentation a lot, taelir would describe themself as "masculine-adjacent". they're 5'6" tall, with close-cropped, loosely-curling hair. their horns grow out to the sides, terminating in an end that looks like the eye of a needle and the other that looks like a seam ripper.
they're the offishal tailor for clorad, but also take work on the side when he doesn't need something special. a lot of their work is altering clothes for clients that wear sizes not catered to in traditionally expensive shops (short highbloods, for instance). they wear large oval glasses at all times they're awake, though the glasses have to be adjusted to have a third lens lower than the one on the right, for their third eye, which is also the worst in terms of vision.
typing quirk is "+he quick brown fox jumps over +he lazy dog--"
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Chapter 5: We Got Us An IKEA Virgin
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Protective Ben/ Soldier Boy, Soft Ben/Soldier Boy.
Word Count: 5.3K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), derogatory comments, sexism, swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, sexual tension. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: This one is incredibly fluffy and self-indulgent, let's be honest, all of my fics are and I'm not sorry. This chapter contains an absolutely cutesy scenario that I just had to write, so if you don't like anything like that then probably shouldn't read it :) If you love that kind of thing then ENJOY!
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“What the fuck is this place?” Ben asks in disbelief as he looks around the spacious lobby of the Brooklyn IKEA.
The smell of cinnamon buns, chocolate chip cookies, coffee, and Swedish meatballs wafts over the crowded lobby towards where the two of you stand just inside the welcoming large blue and yellow front doors. Light streams through the front windows tickling against your skin and spreading over the front tables where various displays of houseplants bask in the late afternoon sun. They stretch their leaves towards the sunlight, unfurling towards the light each in various shades of green, sitting in happy colored pots waiting to be picked up by the people who weave through the front lobby.
There were less here than at the plant shop of course, but there were still enough plants for you to feel the prickle of your powers beneath your skin and feel the plants begin to tilt towards you as they sense you enter the building.
“It’s IKEA. You’ve never been to IKEA before?” You say taking a step towards the display of snake plants, livening up a few that look like they could use a little love, feeling the gentle bend of their firm leaves straighten beneath your touch.
“I don’t know if you remember this or not Petals, but I haven’t exactly been out and about in forty years. And I have no idea why you’ve been here before.”
“Well I’ve never been to this exact location before, but there was one an hour away from where Annie and I grew up. There wasn’t much to do where we lived so we drove to that one. But that’s beside the point. IKEA was created in the 50’s which means you had thirty years to experience all of this.” You glance up at him mildly confused.
He could have at least heard of IKEA in the thirty years he had before he got taken to Russia.
“So? I’ve never been shopping for furniture. I just made Legend do that shit for me. I was saving the world. Didn’t have time to go picking out couches like a fucking pansy.” Ben frowns down at you.
“Really? You didn’t care what was in your apartment? You didn't want to test out a couch before you bought it?” You think about your vintage bedside table and carved wooden headboard that you found when thrifting with Annie one weekend. "I mean you had to look at it everyday."
Ben shrugs. “Wasn’t there too much. Really just needed the bed.“
"So you're telling me you're an IKEA virgin?" You gasp dramatically.
Ben quirks the end of his lips mildly amused. "Will you be gentle with me if I say yes?"
"I'll consider it." You shrug. "But then again it was you that said you liked it a little rough and that there was nothing gentle about you. So, I think you're just gonna have to put on your big boy pants and follow my lead."
"Baby I can't wait to show you just how big I-"
You roll your eyes and turn back to the plants that need your attention, interrupting the end of his sentence. "I really hope that whoever lives in your old apartment burned down the whole building and then rebuilt. Seems like the only way to purge what happened there in the bed you're so proud of.” You shudder trying hard not to think about what happened in Ben’s old apartment and say a prayer that the same thing won’t happen in yours.
Not in front of my plants, they're young and impressionable for fucks sake.
It had been three days since Ben and you had watched a movie on your couch and exactly two days after he’d moved all his stuff in from Butcher’s apartment. Stuff being a relative term because it was really just a large garbage bag filled with his clothes.
It made you feel even worse for him when he showed up at your front door with that, but you had cleaned out the linen closet and removed a few of the shelves inside it for Ben to use. It was a better alternative to him using your bedroom closet. The last thing you wanted was for him to come into your room at inopportune times.
The team had different reactions to finding out the two of you were living together. Butcher had mocked you endlessly, Frenchie and Kimiko had bought you a ridiculously skimpy, cheap, and tight set of lacy lingerie that looked more like dental floss than anything else, MM told you that you were making a mistake, Hughie was stunned, and Annie was annoying you without end.
Annie had begun to send you pictures of what Ben and your children would look like and you had retaliated by telling Hughie about the Fourth of July disaster that happened when you and Annie were sixteen. When Annie was in the cherry pie eating contest after deciding to partake in cheaply made moonshine her boyfriend, Dominic, had stolen from his dad and then vomited red froth all over her boyfriend when he tried to kiss her and made him throw up all over her.
You still couldn’t look at a cherry pie without gagging.
Unfortunately that just made the photos get more and more unhinged. The last one was a picture of a body builder standing in a green house with a baby’s face photoshopped on it.
You suspected that Hughie had something to do with that one. And as revenge, you sent Annie a picture of a baby with a light bulb photoshopped where its head should be.
But while sitting on your couch watching that ridiculous movie with Ben, you realized that if Ben was really going to move in you needed to get a bigger one, one that he could at least stretch out on without his legs hanging over the end and one that he wouldn't have to worry about falling off of if he moved more than a centimeter.
You and Ben had spent the morning driving around in Butcher’s car going from auto shop to auto shop trying to see if anyone knew anything about the supe, or had seen anything weird happen the nights the cars were jacked. None of the workers saw anything or had seemed suspicious of Ben and you asking questions. The owner of the last auto shop had said that one week ago someone had broken in and stolen some equipment, but the auto shop didn’t have any security cameras. Which meant you were back to square one.
You dreaded the call to Butcher, but when you walked out of the last auto shop you noticed tables and chairs being unloaded from a large truck and when you went over to ask what was going on, you found out that one of the representatives who was running for city comp troller in the next election was throwing a gala on Saturday night.
That meant that the streets would be lined with expensive cars, and you knew that was something the supe wouldn’t be able to pass up. Expensive cars in his neighborhood just waiting to be stripped. So now Butcher was making a plan for Saturday night and you were stuck with Ben.
But lately it hadn't felt like you were stuck with him. It felt different.
You were surprised that it had been three days and Ben and you hadn’t killed each other, in fact it was almost kind of nice. Yes he still annoyed the shit out of you and made comments about sleeping with him, but you were getting used to him being there when you got home. Not to mention he actually fixed a leak underneath the kitchen sink that you’d told the super about time and time again for the past four months with no reply.
You didn’t know that Ben knew how to do that kind of stuff. Figured that he never got his hands dirty, but then you’d seen him on his back under the sink with a newly purchased toolbox on the ground next to him. When you'd tried to tell him that you could call someone to do that, he'd waved you off and said that it was a man's job to fix things around the house. But that hadn't stopped you from sitting on the ground next to him and ask him exactly what he was doing so you knew how.
When you’d asked him why he needed to fix it so urgently, Ben said that the dripping was keeping him up at night and the duct tape that you’d put there was about as useful as a broken condom.
Of course it hadn't all been good. 
The closest you’d come to killing him was when he came home one night ago and Mike was in the hallway with you, desperately trying to find out how serious your and Ben’s relationship was. Ben had come up behind you, pulled you into him with a strong hand on your waist, while his other arm wrapped gently under your neck. and had begun to kiss up and down the column of your throat while whispering things loudly that even made Mike's cheeks flush a dark crimson. You wanted to choke Ben out while you desperately tried to ignore how good it felt to be in his arms, how his beard scratched pleasantly against your skin, and how nice and warm he was. Mike had gotten the message and retreated to his apartment and to retaliate you had a key made for Ben that was bright pink and had a picture of hello kitty on it.
But you hadn't been angry enough to abandon Ben this morning when he left the apartment to take out the trash and immediately got cornered by Mike's mother on the wall beside the elevator. You opened the front door of the apartment and saw him pinned to the wall with Mike's mother's hand on Ben's chest, tracing over his muscles while saying that he reminded her of her ex-husband who seemed to keep her up all night long. When his eyes met yours, it was the closest you'd ever seen to genuine fear, and it made you laugh, because you'd seen him face down supes without batting an eye, but he was afraid of a less than five foot tall woman in a bright yellow and green mumu. An evil part of yourself wanted to leave him there as payback, to shut the door and forget about him, but you figured you owed him for fixing your sink so you helped him get away.
"I haven't checked that, but if anything they should have immortalized that apartment for posterity." Ben grins widely, his eyes awash with memories of a past long gone. "Do you have any idea what I did to-"
"Ah- no-" You put your fingers in your ears. "La la la la la."
Ben pulls out one of your fingers. "You're right, I don't need to tell you. Why don't we go back to our apartment and I can show you?" He steps closer to you, his grin dipping into a roughish smirk that makes his eyes glint with mischief.
"Oh hush." You place one hand on his chest, ignoring how good it feels under his hands and push him back. "We're here to get a couch."
"Fine. But I've got the perfect way to christen it when we get back." Ben winks.
You stare blankly at him, feigning confusion. "I didn't know you wanted to learn how to crochet that bad, but I've got enough yarn to show you when we get back."
"I mean that is what I usually do on the couch. But don't worry, it's a lot easier than it looks." You shrug before grabbing a snake plant in a brightly colored orange pot and place it in the top part of the cart. You didn't have one at the apartment and it was supposed to make the air cleaner. Given how much weed Ben smoked, you figured the two of you could use it.
Or maybe a whole damn field of it.
You had already made the jasmine on the wall behind the t.v multiply exponentially to make up for the smell, but you didn't mind it. You'd also noticed that Ben seemed to be slowing down how much he was smoking. Whenever you went to Butcher's apartment in the past he always had a blunt, but in the past three days you'd only seen him with one a few times. You wondered why that was. Ben had told you before that it helped him with his PTSD, but you wondered what could have changed.
“You’re getting another plant?”
“Never ask me that question Gramps, not unless you want to get an ass-full of cactus.” You push the cart towards the food area intent on getting a coffee. This morning the two of you had been in a hurry and you hadn't been able to have one.
“Hello! How are you today?” The person behind the counter says with a wide smile. She was pretty, with thick light brown hair pushed back by a floral scarf and a large pair of hoop earrings.
See she took her happy pills. Now if only Ben would.
“I’m great how are you?” You smile back.
“I’m doing fantastic!” She beams. “What can I get you today?”
“Can I get a hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar please?”
“Okay." Her eyes flick back to where Ben is glowering behind you. "Does your boyfriend want anything?”
“Oh he’s not my-“ You begin to wave a hand.
“Can I get a black coffee?” Ben interrupts not bothering to correct her.
“Of course. Y’all are so cute.” She smiles typing something into her register. “You’ve got that height difference and everything.”
“No actually we’re not tog-“ You begin to say again, but Ben weaves his arm around your waist.
“Thank you.” Ben gives her a charming smile as he pulls your right hip back into his left. “We just moved in together. It’s a really big step, but I just couldn’t stay away from my girl.”
“Congratulations!”  Her eyes shift to the plant in the basket. “Aww and you guys are getting a plant. How wonderful!”
“Yeah it’s our love plant.” Your smile turns more into a snarl as you reach up and pinch Ben’s cheeks painfully between your fingers hoping that it hurts. “I’m trying to see if Benny-Wenny here can keep it alive. Because if he doesn’t then our love will die.” You say doing your best Kate Hudson impression. When you say die you emphasize the word by squeezing his cheeks again, but Ben only smiles around it, his eyes gleaming.
“Oh um- okay.” The girls smile drops just a watt sensing the tension between the two of you. “Well your total is 10.78.”
You reach for your phone preparing to use the Apple Pay function, but Ben hands the girl a twenty before you can.
“Aww and he pays too.” The girl coos looking like she’s going to swoon. “What a gentleman.”
Honey he’s about as far from a gentleman as you can imagine.
“I’m certainly going to make him.” You reply, elbowing him hard in the stomach. “Given what I have to go through.” You mutter that last part, earning a chuckle from Ben.
When you finally get your coffee you walk off, following the arrows on the ground to where the sleeper couches should be while sipping on your coffee with Ben walking next to you.
A comfortable silence builds between the two of you as you walk through the aisles, watching couples hold hands and point at dining room tables, children beg their parents for bunk beds, and teenagers play hide and seek.
One brushes past you making some of your coffee slosh over the rim of the cup onto your shirt, and continues to run, but he doesn't get far. Ben grabs the back of his shirt and hauls him back.
"Apologize." Ben growls narrowing his eyes at the kid who looks like he might cry.
"Ben it's okay-"
"I'm sorry." The boy says his eyes wide.
Ben drops him, satisfied with his answer, and the boy scampers off to his friends who all look back at Ben like he's crazy.
"You didn't have to do that." You say, wiping your finger at the stain on your white and black striped t-shirt. "He's just a kid."
"He should have apologized." Ben grunts handing you the napkin that's wrapped around his coffee.
"Thanks." You dab at the spot, but you know it won't do much use.
"The younger generation these days seems short on respect."
You snort out a laugh, balling the napkin up and toss it in a trashcan nearby. "Statements like that really age you Gramps."
"So does that fucking nickname." He sighs.
"You never told me your real name when we first met and I told you that I was going to come up with a fun nickname to call you. You can only blame yourself." You take the last sip of coffee, stepping off the path to examine a bright red couch that looks long enough for Ben to sleep on.
"What's wrong?" Ben asks.
"Huh?" You look up at him.
"You're making the face you always do when something is wrong."
You blink for a minute. Is he talking about what Annie calls my 'suffer in silence face?' How the hell does he know about that?
"I don't like the color." You say hesitantly.
"I don't either." Ben takes your empty coffee cup and throws it away with his. "What about that one?" He points at a soft black couch on the other side. It has a function that allows apart of the cushions to extend into a bed, easy to move in and out. You sit down.
"It's sort of comfy."
Ben sits down directly beside you, even though there's enough room for him to sit on the other side. "It's okay."
"What? Your butt isn't comfortable?" You tease him, elbowing him playfully.
Ben rolls his eyes at you. "Can't you take anything seriously?"
"What's the fun in that Gramps?" You sit back against the cushions. "But you're right. My butt is not pleased."
"What a shame. I'd hate for something so delicious be disappointed." Ben replies turning to look at you.
You ignore his comment. "Come on, let's go check that one."
As you go deeper and deeper into the bowels of IKEA, it begins to get colder and colder. Goosebumps pebble over your arms as you gaze down at the charcoal colored couch. You rub your hands up and down them to warm them up.
Why is it so damn cold in here? It’s not that hot outside!
More goosebumps erupt over your skin as you walk around the couch thinking that movement will help with the chill. And just as you come back around to the front of the couch, Ben’s leather jacket  drapes over your shoulders.
It’s too big for you, but you almost moan in relief as you sink into the warmth it holds. It was still warmed from Ben's body, and smelled exactly like his cologne. Something spicy and masculine that made you feel like you’d bought one of those cinnamon brooms sold around Christmastime.
You look up at him in surprise. “What about you?”
“I run hot.” He shrugs. “Plus I don't want you to turn into a popsicle.”
“Thank you.” You say too cold to argue as you put your arms through the sleeves that hang several inches past your hands.
Wow that's actually kind of sweet.
“Mhmm.” He grunts looking at the couch in front of you. “Kinda a shame though.”
Ben leans back to look behind you with a mournful sigh. “It covers up your gorgeous ass.”
And he’s back.
“Why don’t you just-“
“Y/n!” You hear a familiar voice call cutting off your next words, and you turn towards it.
Jake is wheeling a cart towards the two of you, a collection of ceramic pots in his basket, waving his hand enthusiastically. “What are you doing here?” He’s smiling just as brightly at you as always, his hair swept back over his head, blue eyes filled with mirth.
“Be nice.” You mutter under your breath to Ben, who huffs in response. “Hey Jake. Ben and I were just looking at couches.”
“Couches?” Jake takes in your close proximity and the fact that you’re wearing Ben’s jacket. “Why?”
“Oh well-“
“For our apartment.” Ben says tightly, emphasizing the word 'our.' He’s frowning at Jake, eyes narrowed.
Why does he have such a problem with him?
“You guys are moving in together?” Jake looks confused, and if he clocks Ben’s rude attitude he doesn’t show it. “I thought you said that you just work together?”
“Why do you care plant boy?” Ben snaps.
“Ben!” You hiss, elbowing him hard. “I’m sorry Jake, you’ll have to excuse Gramps, he’s not used to talking to civilized people.” You turn to glare at Ben. “Why don’t you go look at that couch over there?”
“I’m comfortable here, thanks Petals.”
You continue to glare at him while Jake stands there awkwardly not sure what to say.
“Fucking fine.” Ben mutters under his breath and stomps off in the direction of a bright yellow couch that looks like it could sleep five people.
You turn back to Jake with an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry-“
“It’s okay.” Jake smiles. “My sister is dating someone just like him. I’m used to it.”
I doubt she’s dating a horny 104 year old that’s been on ice for forty years and tortured in a Russian lab.
“What are you doing here?” You look down at his cart noting the ceramic planters.
"They're having a sale, thought we could use some new ones for display in the shop." Jake shrugs. "I see that you found a plant you like."
"Well you can never have too many." You smile.
"I completely agree." Jake glances over to where Ben is supposed to be trying out a brilliant yellow couch, and he is sitting on it, but he's glaring at Jake. "Um, well I guess I'll see you at work on Monday?"
"Yep I'll be there."
"Oh actually-" Jake pauses to clear his throat. "There's a plant show this weekend at the farmer's market by my apartment on Saturday morning. Did you want to come with me? It might be fun."
"Oh-um- I'm not sure. Butcher might have something to do for me to do on Saturday. And I'm sure you're plenty capable of picking out inventory." You smile at that last part. It was true, Jake always did a wonderful job of picking out plants for the shop. He'd never asked you to go with him before.
"Actually-" Jake rubs the back of his neck, cheeks flushed. "I-uh- didn't mean for inv-"
"I don't like this one Petals." Ben shouts from the other side of the room interrupting what Jake was going to say.
You turn to stare at him. He's still sitting on the brilliant yellow couch, his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at Jake.
He's such a toddler, can't sit still for two seconds.
You sigh and twist back to Jake. "I'm sorry he's a literal child. What were you saying?"
"I-" Jake clears his throat, smiling tightly. His eyes flick back to Ben's cold stare, before he looks back at you. "Nevermind. I'll see you at work on Monday okay?"
"Yeah okay." You hold up your hand in a wave as he turns and leaves, walking quickly away down the concrete path towards the front doors.
You stomp over to the couch where Ben is still glowering at Jake.
"I like the gray one better." Ben stands and points at the one you two had originally been standing at when Jake walked up.
"I can't believe you just did that. Why did you have to be so mean? He was just being nice, making conversation." You huff, planting your hands on your hips. "You're from the fucking '20s aren't you supposed to understand basic human decency instead of acting like a modern day fuck-boy?"
"I don't understand what that means. And I don't like him."
"Why? What has he done to make you hate him? You've barely said two words to him since you met four days ago."
"I just don't." Ben frowns at Jake's retreating figure, who does seem to be gaining some serious speed.
You couldn't blame him, Ben could look downright murderous when he wanted to. But you didn't understand why he hated Jake so much, why he couldn't stand to be around him. Jake was polite and kind, yes, two things opposite of Ben, but Jake hadn't done anything to make Ben hate him. You'd been present at both of their interactions and Jake hadn't said anything mean let alone frowned at Ben.
"He's my boss. And if we're going to be seen in public together sometimes you're going to have to try to make an effort to be nicer to him."
"Because I need that job Gramps! Butcher's pay sucks, and I don't have a bank account that has been gaining interest for eighty years, not to mention any money from being a supe or staring in ridiculous films. And if he fires me because of you I will send a Terminator into the past to kill your child self!" You poke him in the chest angrily, before you walk back over to the gray couch to lift the price tag up.
You try not to wince. It was a little more than what you had been prepared for, but Ben actually liked this one and he would be the one using it the most. It felt selfish to deprive him of that, especially since he'd been sleeping in a tank for the past forty years.
Maybe we should just buy him a bed for the living room and make that his room. It would be cheaper and I wouldn't have to give up name brand things. Your cheeks flush for a moment, realizing if you did that, you’d have to sit on Ben’s bed to watch tv. Oh yeah he’d love that. He would make so many jokes about how he finally got me into bed with him. Why did I agree to let him live with me again?
Ben looks at the price over your shoulder, noticing your reaction. "Don't worry about it."
"What?" You glance up at him surprised.
"I'll pay for it." Ben didn't look like he was kidding, his green eyes were focused on you, an unreadable emotion hidden behind them that you'd seen only a few times before. It was the same one that he'd had just before you left Butcher's apartment four days ago, the one Ben had when you said you were going to walk home alone, and the one that was so different than the angry or aroused one he had when he looked at you.
"No." You shake your head. "Ben that's crazy, I'm going to pay for some of it. I sit on that couch too-"
"Sorry Petals. I'm not going to let you pay for my bed." Ben smirks, and strokes his finger down your cheek. "But I'd love to have you join me in it."
You glare at him, leaning back so his hand falls from your face. "Ben I'm serious. I don't want you to have to pay for the whole thing."
"And I don't want you to pay for it."
"So you're saying that we're at a stalemate unless one of us is willing to commit a felony?"
"Why are you so against me paying for this? Are you going to yell at me again about the wonders of modern day feminism? Let me know now so I can rip my ears off in preparation."
"First of all, the outside of the ear is actually purely for show and made of cartiledge which means for you to avoid listening to me you would have to rip out the inside of your ears." You drop the finger you were holding up. "And second of all, it feels wrong because I use the couch when I crochet or when Annie and I drink wine, eat greasy pizza, and watch monster movies-"
"You guys get drunk and watch monster movies? Aren't women supposed to like sappy shit like Jane Austen?"
"I mean I love Mr. Darcy as much as anyone, but I'm not ashamed to admit my comfort movie is Jurassic Park. Something about them running around for their lives makes me feel better about mine."
Especially now that I have to deal with you all day long.
Ben blinks at you like he can't figure you out. Personally you were used to people looking at you that way.Weirdness was a privilege and you owned it, wore it like an eccentric billionaire's wife in a mink coat in the middle of summer.
"Petals." Ben says quietly, the look in his eyes shifts to something softer, something that you'd never seen before. Even the way he says the nickname is different, not the harsh way he says it or the teasing way, it's almost gentle. "I don't want you to worry about this. It's alright. I'm the one that barged in and made you let me live there. So I'm going to pay for it."
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying not to feel guilty. "Are you sure you're even okay with a sleeper couch? We could just get you a mattress."
"Nah. This one is comfortable." He nods his head in the direction of the gray couch.
"So what you're saying is," You smile as wide as you can poking him. "Your butt was comfy on that couch!"
Ben rolls his eyes. "Come on let's go, before Jake comes back and tries to ask you out again."
"He was not trying to ask me out, he was just being friendly." You roll your eyes at him as you take a picture of the tag, trying not to let Ben get to you.
"I hate to break this to you Petals, but that's exactly what he was doing." He replies. "I told you that he wanted to fuck you." Ben almost sing-songs.
"No he wasn't." You stop for a minute, back straightening. "Wait. Is that why you interrupted him?" You turn around so that you're looking at Ben again. "Because you thought he was asking me out?"
Wait a minute, was he trying to get Jake to leave so he wouldn't ask me out. Is that why Ben hates him so much? Because he's jealous? There's no way-
"No." Ben says it immediately, jaw tightening.
"Holy Shit. You're jealous!" You cackle.
"No I'm not."
“Ben why are you jealous? We aren’t together. We aren’t having sex-“
“We could be! And I'm not jealous of that fucking dandy."
“I don’t understand why you’re so attached to the idea of us sleeping together.“
“And I don’t understand why you're pretending to be so against it.”
"I'm not pretending and I'm not going to get into this argument with you again." You say exaggerating your frown.
"Deny it all you want Petals, but I know your tell." His eyes flick to the scrunch between your eyebrows. "So grab your stupid plant and let's go." He turns and moves to follow the arrows on the ground out towards the exit.
"Ben I'm serious, why are you jealous?" You jog to catch up with him, the cart rolling smoothly against the concrete floors.
"I'm not and I'm done talking about this with you!"
"Uh-huh. Sure." You begin to prance behind the cart. "You're jealous! You loooovvveee meee." You tease him.
Ben whirls around so fast, bending down towards you so close you can feel his breath against your lips, the teasing mood in your veins quickly shifting to something else. You're suddenly thankful that you picked a plant that didn't have the possibility of producing flowers, because they would be in full bloom. The close proximity of Ben to you made it impossible to think, not when you were inhaling his hypnotic scent with every breath, and not when his lips were only inches from yours.
Ben's mouth pulls up in a smirk as his emerald gaze locks with yours. He's so close that you can see the soft cinnamon colored freckles flecked across his cheeks and see the circle of gold in his eyes that seems to make your knees weak.
"Love doesn't have anything to do with it, doesn't have anything to do with what I want to do to you." He breathes, his voice dropping into the deep rumble that makes everything else vanish away. "And I'm not jealous of him doll. Anything that he can do to you, I can do better, longer, and harder. You just say the word, and you won't even remember him, let alone remember your own name."
You can't find the words to reply, the memory of Ben kissing you is everywhere, crackling along your skin, thrumming in your veins, and buried in your bones.
"Now come on. I want to look at bookshelves." Ben pulls back with a wide smirk, hearing your heart beat begin to kick up.
"Wait what?" Your voice sounds small when you find it.
"Your stack of books is annoying me."
"What do you mean? You mean the stack of books in my bedroom that you're never supposed to set foot in is annoying you?"
"I am perfectly capable of buying my own bookshelf thank you."
"Then why haven't you?"
"Because I had more important things to do-"
Like paying for electricity and buying cat food.
"Uh-huh. Well I don't have anything to do because all my drinking buddies died forty fucking years ago."
"You're not serious. You're not going to buy me a bookshelf." You say in shock.
Why in the fuck does he care about that? It's my room, he doesn't have to do that.
"Yes I am. That stack of books is ridiculous and pointless."
"That could be the name of my autobiography." You roll your eyes. It was a joke that Annie and you often used when you hung out together. Because what was the point of life without a little bit of self-deprecating humor?
Ben stops walking and turns around to look at you. "You might be ridiculous Petals, but you're not pointless. Don't you ever say anything like that around me ever again." He looks almost angry at the thought.
You inhale a sharp breath surprised. "Ben I wasn't being serious it's just a joke. Annie and I-"
"I don't care." He's still frowning at you. "I don't want you to make that kind of joke around me okay?"
You can't respond to that, only nod.
I have no idea what is going on.
All day Ben had been surprising you, hell, when he moved in a few days ago he surprised you. He was acting like he actually gave a shit, not just that he wanted to sleep with you, but that he genuinely wanted to be apart of your life, almost like a friend. You knew that maybe it was ridiculous to think that, but something deep down made you think it was true. That Ben really was making an effort to be better around you. But you had no idea why.
"So I'm going to buy a bookshelf no matter what you say, and you can either tell me which one to get or I'm gonna get you the ugliest son of a bitch here." Ben says smiling. "What will it be?"
You stand there looking at him, still mildly surprised, until you point at a dark brown wooden bookshelf with glass doors.
"Good. Now let's get the fuck out of here, before I grow a pussy."
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A/N: Life changing trip to IKEA, because why not? Again more fluff and domestic Ben, NOT ASHAMED. But I will say that there will be a buildup to more angst and drama in a few chapters that will move the story along. I promise I have a plan for this one. And that plan includes dark and angsty things because we all know I can't seem to escape that. 😭
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the-witchhunter · 3 months
Since it’s pride, let me ramble about the first all openly gay rock band
Pansy Division
They’re a punk band originally formed in sa Francisco in 1991. Part of the motivation was frustration with a lack of openly gay rock stars. Elton John had already been well established when he came out, and there were bands where one or two members were queer, but they wanted to be in your face “we are GAY”
The name is a play on panzer division, military unit in the WWII German army, along with pansy as a derogatory term for an effeminate man, and their logo is the pink triangle, aka what the Germans marked gay and trans men with during the holocaust. The history of the pink triangle being used as a queer symbol is interesting in itself but it’s very openly a message of “we’re still here, you tried to kill us but we survived despite it all”
There was no question, no deniability, no member was in the closet, they were openly gay, proud and in your face with it
Their songs are about things like having gay sex and wanting to take men home
“Anthem” off of their first album proudly declares that they are “the butt fuckers of rock and roll”
“Denny” is about a former gay pornstar that got infected with HIV
And they were successful
They were touring with Green Day in 1994 and are the most commercially successful queercore band since the movement started in the 80’s
And the music is good, their songs focus on LGBTQ+ issues, are catchy, and have a lot of humor to them
If you’ve never listened, my personal recommendation is to check out
-Fem in a Black Leather Jacket
-who treats you right
- Bill and Ted’s Homosexual Adventure
- Denny
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roman-o-cheese · 5 days
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I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies…
Green Carnations: Worn as code by gay men to say they were gay, inspired by queer poet Oscar Wilde
Pansy: “Pansy” was frequently used as a derogatory term towards gay or effeminate men
Lavender: Generally used for queerness, it was and is commonly a description or fill in word for gay/queer. It’s a term of empowerment. Lavender has a very long queer history, read more here
Source for these queer flower meanings here
Even though this piece is almost a year old, it’s one of my favorite things I’ve drawn
Here’s the time lapse too
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carsonjonesfiance · 10 months
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Yeah God forbid liberals (derogatory) put a face to the violence and demand the far right government in Israel be ousted so steps can be made towards peace. That’s pansy shit better call for the completely realistic goal of the dissolution of an entire country.
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rasairui · 3 months
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Alright, spring quarter is over so here's my finished pride month collection from my ceramics class!! The bisexual symbol is missing from the top image bc I gave it to a friend but it is in my first ceramic pride post. Tried to make a butch pendant too but it blew up 😔 More info under the cut :]
Flower meanings, left to right top to bottom: Trillium - associated with the bisexuality. Orchid - used as an intersex symbol. The mercury symbol in the top image is also used for the intersex community as well. Pansy - derogatory term but was reclaimed by some, you may have seen the slogan "let every pansy bloom" that originated from a banner at the San Francisco pride parade in 1978! And lastly, the violet, associated with lesbians due to their prominence in sappho's poetry. I had a lot of fun (and frustration) with the flowers but I think the trillium ended up as my favorite.
The charms in the bottom picture are about the size of a quarter. Not sure what happened to the glaze on the first one tbh but I'm thinking of making these into earrings. :]
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Here's a picture with the bisexual symbol!
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qweerhet · 7 months
I think the baeddel thing is due to certain transmisogynstic trans people calling them that as a shorthand for “terfs but trans women instead of cis ones” as a way to shut down their arguments. Which is a thing I have seen. And I mean it is technically a slur? As in a disparaging word based on identity. Like how “feminazi” and “theyfab” and “pansy” are slurs. Not as historically serious but still under the definition
yeah i mean, i have seen people continue to use "baeddel" to refer to "trans-inclusive radical feminist lesbian separatist" as well, primarily because they seem to have only encountered the term on tumblr, in the context of referring to that specific group of self-id'd baeddels. it's not necessarily inaccurate to refer to such rhetoric as "baeddelism," i would just argue that it's not useful to do so, as there's multiple entirely distinct ideological groups described by "baeddelism" and some of their ideological premises directly contradict lesbian separatism by definition. also, there's trans-inclusive radfem lesbian separatist groups that have the exact same politics as that particular tumblr group, but have no connections to tumblr whatsoever and don't claim the term, so it's not like the rhetoric is uniquely described by "baeddelism."
i don't really get into "what counts as a slur" discourses, because i consider them profoundly silly and not really useful. but yes, it was almost definitely a highly derogatory term for intersex people, and most likely was used to refer to various cultural analogues to trans people as well (particularly as the groups have not always been distinct).
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brucequeensteen · 7 months
i understand that it's bad to call other people slurs that youve reclaimed but don't know if they're okay with. Like you wouldn't go around making derogatory gay jokes at other people's expense calling them pansy and limp wristed unless youre close to them and you know it's okay. that being said if i don't call an old man celebrity a faggot every now and then i get really sick
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ace-up-your-sleeve · 1 year
Just saw one of your posts where you made some patches. What does pansy punk mean?
Pansy used to be derogatory slang for a gay man, but like queer or faggot it has been reclaimed! So "pansy punk" is like saying queer punk. I also tied the transgender symbol into the patch, so to me it's saying "i'm trans, gay, and punk"! Even though pansy was used for gay men, especially those who were feminine or generally gender nonconformimg, anyone can use it to say they're a queer punk!
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warrior-names · 10 months
Warrior Prefixes Based on Queer Symbolism
Explanations provided for the symbolism of each prefix! Decided to combine two of the things I'm nerdiest about here.
25+ prefixes under the cut!
Butterfly- A symbol of transformation & metamorphosis, used to represent transition
Carnation- Homosexual poet Oscar Wilde wore a green carnation in his lapel, which became a symbol of gay men
Caterpillar- A symbol of transformation & metamorphosis, used to represent transition
Cocoon- A symbol of transformation & metamorphosis, used to represent transition
Crocus- Referenced in a Sappho fragment about a female lover; also the plant that a male lover of Hermes was transformed into after his death
Dill- Referenced in a Sappho fragment about a female lover
Egg- A term for a trans person, especially trans woman, who hasn't realized they're trans
Grape- A symbol of the androgynous Greek god Dionysos, who had both male and female lovers
Hyacinth- The name of a famous male lover of Apollon
Iris- The Greek goddess of the rainbow, and a word meaning rainbow
Larkspur- The plant Ancient Greeks knew as the hyacinth
Lavender- A symbol of queerness and especially queer revolution; adopted by many liberation movements, and used in many terms referring to queer people, ie "a streak of lavender" [queer tendencies]
Lilac A color strongly associated with queerness, especially because of lavender
Lily- The namesake of the Yuri genre, with yuri translating to lily
Moon- Commonly referred to as a lesbian, a symbol of femme lesbians, and associated with the Greek goddess Artemis who is often called a lesbian and/or asexual
Pansy- Often used either as a derogatory term or pride symbol for effeminate or gay men
Pinecone- A symbol of the androgynous Greek god Dionysos, who had both male and female lovers
Pink- A color associated with queer people, especially gay men; originates from the pink triangle worn by male homosexuals in Nazi Germany
Rainbow- One of the best-known symbols of queer pride
Rose- Referenced in a Sappho fragment about a female lover
Saffron- Referenced in a Sappho fragment about a female lover
Seafoam- The color palette of the most popular modern flag for gay men
Sun- A symbol of butch lesbians, and associated with the Greek god Apollon who had both male and female lovers
Sunset- The color palette of the most popular modern flag for lesbians
Trillium- A symbol of bisexuality, appearing on the Mexican bisexual pride flag
Vine- A symbol of the androgynous Greek god Dionysos, who had both male and female lovers
Violet- Referenced by Sappho in a fragment about a female lover, violets were often given by lesbian lovers to eachother throughout history
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thegoofyfanaticus · 5 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. )) Ethan focused on getting his one leg free to kick the leg out from under Wyatt. As soon as his leg was free, however, Wyatt punched him in the abs deep and hard. Ethan was forced to double over in pain from the force and ferocity of the punch. Wyatt used that to knee Ethan in the back with both knees as he slowly and methodically pulled Ethan into a bow and arrow submission hold. However, knowing the hold was mostly for show, Wyatt added the extra humiliation of having Ethan choke himself with his left arm. Wyatt pulled down on Ethan's arm as well as his legs as he pressed forward with his knees. Ethan nearly choked on his own spit as he was forced into the hold. The pain radiated from Ethan's lower back. "Every time you think you will escape, I will lock you into another hold and slowly choke you to the point of consciousness," Wyatt plainly stated to Ethan. Ethan finally released a loud cry of agony as Wyatt's knees dug into his lower back which had already been tenderized by Wyatt earlier. The sheer volume and pain that came from Ethan's throat sent Wyatt back to hearing that same cry echo through the high school courtyard nearly 18 years ago. As Wyatt ran towards the cry, he saw the image that still haunts him to this day and seared his hatred for Ethan deep into his soul. Wyatt could still see his good friend Andrew on the ground with four jocks around him kicking him relentlessly as they called him faggot, fairy, pansy, cocksucker, and every other derogatory name for gay you could think of. Wyatt made a beeline for his good friend whom he had known since they were 4 years old. With a raging cry, Wyatt tackled the ringleader of the group and started beating him in the face with his fists. The other three guys were caught off guard and by the time they descended upon Wyatt, the ringleader was out cold on the grass. Wyatt tried to fight the other three, but they eventually overwhelmed him. Two of them held Wyatt by his arms and legs, while the third punched him in the stomach repeatedly until he started coughing up blood. Wyatt stared defiantly at the one punching him and demanded to know why they targeted Andrew calling him all those names. The dude just laughed and explained how they were doing Ethan a favor after Ethan had told them about Andrew being gay. They said Ethan expressed being uncomfortable with having Andrew on the same wrestling team and sharing locker space with him. As they continued to punch Wyatt in the face and stomach, the jock explained that they were going to make sure that Andrew quit the team because gays had no place in sports. Wyatt then asked if Ethan had asked them to do this. The leader, who had come to and joined his friends, held Wyatt by the hair, and spat in his face with a reply of, "Duh! We look out for our own," as he knocked out Wyatt with an overhand cross straight to his cheek.  Wyatt reflexively moved his jaw as he recalled the events that started his journey. He pulled even harder on Ethan's arm and legs to relish the cry coming from Ethan. Wyatt grinned coldly, "This is only the start...."
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thewingedwolf · 8 days
chelsie called cam a pansy and the amount of people on twitter who had no idea what it meant and were like “i googled - it’s derogatory” these people are so young omg how have none of them been called like a lil pansy ass before 😭
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
What was the slurs they called who? Gen question I'm new to GO
If I remember correctly, it was the f slur by a child at Warlock’s party, then a pansy by Shadwell*, then a poofter by somebody he possessed after being discorporated (in the book he goes through a couple people before finding Tracy). I think the former two don’t fully count as slurs in the way the f slur does, but they’re definitely highly derogatory. Then in season two, one of the nazis refers to him as “feygele” (looks like there’s different spellings for this?) which is basically a synonym to the f slur.
*He responds to this with the “not just A southern pansy, THE southern pansy” line, which to me confirms he views himself as a gay man. It’s funny that a fandom full of people so insistent on “reclaiming” slurs, don’t seem to see that’s exactly what he’s doing here. Although, I guess the people in fandom are the same people who “reclaim” slurs they can’t actually reclaim…so it doesn’t surprise me that they think Aziraphale would just call himself a pansy for fun without being part of the group the word is targeted at.
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