#or maybe this is all really obvious n im just tired
swift-sage44 · 1 year
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stanley and the bucket never found freedom, because they spent the rest of their lives here in this place, flipping through livestreams of the sillies birds imaginable.
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findmeinforks · 8 months
Understanding - Paul Lahote X Fem!Reader
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A little break up, make up one shot while I work on part two of stay 💕 as always, let me know what you think! 2.4K Words ❤️
You had been understanding. You had been so, incredibly, unbelievably understanding. You had been kind, patient, considerate. You had thrown every insecurity away in your mind. You shoved your feelings right down your throat.
But that was over with now.
Now, you faced him. In the middle of the yard, your throat agonizingly raw from yelling. You were shocked he hadn't phased yet, but he knew the minute he did you would take off. The pack, watching from afar and unbeknownst to you, were also shocked at his restraint.
"I would NEVER do anything to hurt you. Why won't you believe that?"
You laughed wetly through the tears. You were down right manic over what he didn't comprehend.
"Really?? You don't understand why I would be upset by ANY of this? Are you that fucking blind?"
Paul huffed through his nose, attempting to control his temper.
"I have a job, Y/N. There's new bloodsuckers popping up every day now and we have to make sure we're ready for anything. That means stacking up our numbers against them. Guy or girl, they have to be trained."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes,
"And don't you find it at all peculiar that everyone else is out on their own but you're STILL having to train this same girl? DAY IN AND DAY OUT?!"
He sighed.
"She should be ready, I know. But every time we get on patrol, she gets fearful and fails at basic exercises. Sam has me spend extra time with her."
You threw up your hands as if the answer was obvious, "Then TELL Sam to have someone else take a turn?"
"She only likes training with me."
Your eyes went wide, and all you saw was red.
Paul shook his head, him now scoffing.
"It's actually really hard to learn to navigate being a wolf. That's something YOU don't seem to understand."
You think you had lost your mind. It seemed as though the world crumbled around you, his words ringing in your ears from the impact. That was not something the imprint you knew before this would have ever dared say to you. It wasn't that you believed Paul would ever be disloyal, but your instincts were damn sure this girl wanted him to be.
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"You're right. I don't. You need to be with someone that understands. We're done."
Paul stepped back like he had taken a blow to the chest. His eyes softened now.
"You....you don't mean that."
You headed towards your car, not being able to face the broken look in his eyes.
"Y/N, wait," he reached out, and even though you were mad, a part of it killed you to deny him.
You shook your head, new tears rehydrating their original streaks.
You sniffled, and took a deep breath.
"I'm tired, Paul. I'm tired of waiting up for you. I'm tired of being left unanswered for hours. I'm tired of making plans that just get canceled. Im tired of being lonely. And most of all, I'm tired of being disappointed."
He grabbed your arm before you could fully get in, and you saw Sam emerge, still at a respectable distance from the two of you.
"Baby listen, okay, I'm sorry. I can do better I-"
"You've said that before Paul. This is not the first time we've fought about this."
Tears pricked the corners of his eyes now.
"Please. Don't." He whispered.
He almost made you cave. You so badly wanted to stay. But you also knew if you did, it would be the same reoccurring cycle. He had to know you were serious. You wanted the relationship you had before she came along. Until you were sure you would get that again, you had to leave.
"I have to go. Call me when your priorities change." You said as you gently pulled out of his grip and shut the door. And with that, you took off to your father's place.
Paul stood planted in the same spot you had left him, shattered. What had he done?
He felt a small hand on his shoulder, a feminine voice in his ear,
"Maybe it was for the better. She seems like a total bitch."
Paul's blood turned cold. It was as if in that very moment, he had come to his senses. The smoke had cleared in his crowded mind. You were right. Of course you were right. All the stress that had been on his plate, he hadn't been thinking clearly at all.
He came to realization now, and it was too late.
Paul yanked away his arm, turning with a fury in his eyes to the woman behind him. She shrunk back under his gaze, feigning an innocence he knew good and well was all fake.
He trembled with anger, barely registering that Sam was now in between him and the girl. Paul pointed a finger at her, teeth gritting with anger.
"Get. The FUCK. Away from me."
Paul ripped apart as he phased, having it bottled up for far too long, and dashing off like a mad man into the woods.
The woman gaped like a fish, starting to babble, turning to Sam for reassurance.
"I didn't do anything I-"
Sam huffed a breath through his nose, "You heard him. I think it would be best if you left. Embry's cousin or not, you are no longer welcome here. That's an order."
Sam shook his head, running a hand through his hair as she stormed off. He felt guilty for letting it get like this. He had some suspicions about her joining the pack, seeing as she was always gravitating towards Paul, but he had shrugged it off, too occupied with everything else going on.
Sam also knew too well what it was like to hurt an imprint. Physically or emotionally, the bond felt all the same. Strict alpha or not, he valued Paul as a brother, and just hoped you would come back for him.
As Paul laid his head onto his pillow, he watched the days go by before him. Being forced to come eat dinner by Emily and whenever he had patrol were just about the only times Paul left his bed. He would call you once a day, sometimes with a small hope you'd answer, and sometimes just to hear your voicemail. After his patrol shifts ended, he would often sneak off to your house, just to make sure he'd know you were safe, if even from a mile away.
"Do you think she'll ever come back?" Kim asked Jared quietly one day, after watching Paul barely eat his food and sulk back up to his room.
"I don't know honestly. Y/N is just as stubborn as he is. But I do miss him. I've never in my life seen Paul like this. His internal thoughts are depressing as hell..."
Kim sighed, "It's not like she's doing any better. She finally answered my call yesterday, and I had to double check who I was talking too. She's miserable, Jare."
He shrugged, "I mean what can we do about it babe? You can't get involved in people's business like that."
"They're not people. They're family." She mumbled as she clutched her coffee mug.
Another week had gone by, the pack all sitting in the kitchen getting ready to eat.
"Boys. We have information on the new vampires in town," Sam announced as he walked through the door with Jacob.
"They're after Bella. She had a run in with that red head we keep chasing to the border every night. Her boyfriend had tried to kill her so the Cullen's killed him, and now this bitch is assembling an army to take her out for revenge." Jacob relayed.
This grabbed Paul's attention. If they were after your sister, that meant you were in danger.
"We're going to help them fight. Our people are at risk if we let this get out of hand, or if the Cullen's lose. But until the army comes here, we're going to be sharing shifts with them to watch over the Swan house," Sam said, looking at Paul who was heading out the door.
"You can watch Bella from a distance. I'm taking my imprint home," he slammed the front door.
"I can't imagine that's gonna go good." Embry mumbled.
Your body jolted upright from the couch at the abrupt knocking on the front door. You hadn't been expecting anyone, Bella out doing who knows what with Edward, and Charlie hours away on a fishing trip.
Opening the door your breath caught in your throat.
"What are you doing here?"
"We have to go. Now." He said sternly, ignoring your bewildered look as he flew past you and up the stairs to your room.
"And just who the hell do you think you are?!" You stormed after him, appalled he was barging in your house like this.
"There's an entire army of vampires on the hunt for your sister. You're not safe here, I'm taking you to Emily's." he said as he grabbed a suitcase and started throwing random clothes in.
"You don't own me Paul Lahote. I'm not going anywhere with you." You crossed your arms as you looked at him incredulously.
He refused to look you in the eye as he spoke, his breathing heavy from your scent,
"It is still my job to protect you whether we're together or not. You don't have to talk to me at all if you don't want too, and you can sleep in the spare bedroom" He said as he continued to pack.
You laughed.
"Come to Emily's with her there? I think the fuck-"
"She's not there anymore."
"Ohhhh so because she's gone you care about me again."
He stopped, this time turning to look you in the eyes for the first time in two weeks.
"Don't you ever fucking say that. I could give a shit less about her. It's always been you. I'm....look, I'm sorry I didn't make you believe that before. You were right. And I was so unbelievably wrong. I understand why you don't want to be with me anymore. I'm not asking you to forgive me. Im asking, just for the time being, that you do this so that I know you are safe....please."
You wish you could have stopped the tears that welled up in your eyes. A part of you wanted to stay mad forever, just to make a point. But the other just wanted to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. Two weeks felt like two years apart from him, and your heart so desperately ached to be near him again.
"Fine," you whispered.
Paul looked like he wanted to say something more, his eyes lingering on yours, but he decided against it, zipping up your bag and heading to the truck.
Once you both arrived to Emily's the pack headed out to train with the Cullen's, leaving you both and Kim at the kitchen table.
"So you guys.....didn't make up?" Kim asked disappointed.
You shook your head, "He just wanted me here. He apologized and said he wanted me to be safe. It was left at that."
Emily reached her hand over into yours,
"Do you want to be with him?" She asked genuinely.
"I.....I mean," you sighed. "Of course I want to be with him. I just was so angry, you know?? I didn't like feeling that way in our relationship. Alone."
The girls nodded understandably.
"If it helps, he's been an absolute wreck without you. I think if anything it was a wake up call." Kim offered.
"I haven't been exactly living the best either," you slightly chuckled.
"Well. We are more than excited to have you back in the house. That being said, I'm going to need both of your help with dinner." Emily smiled as she looked at the clock, standing up.
You grinned, happy to at least be here with your friends.
It was the night before the fight. Everything was quiet, but you lie awake, your mind racing. You hadn't said much to Paul in the three days you were here. There were lingering stares, brushing past eachother occasionally in the hall, but no conversations had been had. You felt a pit in your stomach at the idea of this fight. What if something happened and you never got to see him again? What if the last thing you had between you two was this awkward tension? The more you thought about it, the faster the tears spilled down your cheeks. You sniffled hard.
A gentle knock at the door startled you, getting up you frantically tried to wipe them away.
There he stood on the other side, leaning against the frame. His eyes looked so exhausted, like he hadn't gotten sleep either in days. "Whats wrong?" He said softly, taking a look at your face.
His gentle voice was enough to send you flying into his embrace. You arms wrapped around him as you sobbed into his neck.
He held your waist as he walked you both backwards into the room, shutting the door. His hand caressed your face as he leaned his cheek on your forehead.
"Hey, hey. Shhhh. I'm right here. It's okay. You're okay. You're safe."
You leaned back just enough to look at him, shaking your head. Your voice was broken and trembling,
"I-I don't care that I'm safe. T-tomorrow. A-and you. What if we never-"
Paul used both hands to cradle your face.
"Hey. Listen to me. Everything will be okay. This is what we've been training for. It's us and the Cullen's against them, our numbers are stronger. I'll be fine, alright? I'm just happy you're here and away from harm."
"I can't live without you. I love you." You whispered.
Paul instantly kissed you. It was like a wave of relief and happiness washed over you as you kissed him back with every ounce of passion you could muster.
Both your tongues danced as you refused to pull away from eachother. Paul bent down only for a moment to hoist you up in his arms, taking you into his room instead.
Unfortunately due to advanced hearing, the house was no longer quiet that night.
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
seven tattoos later | jjk
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🐰pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x tattooartist!reader
🐰genre: fluff, smut
🐰summary: if the hottest fuck boy in town made it a point to visit your little tattoo studio every week, how many tattoos would it take to make you fall in love with him?
🐰word count: 3.3k
🐰warnings: unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, sex on the couch, doggy, hes big and rough, lip tattoos, hickeys, lil bit of drinking, hes so annoying in this im so sorry
As you close up for the night, you look out the window and count at least four couples out for a dog walk. It’s past eight, but still warm and bright out. It’s like the sun never stops shining. Summer sucks like that.
Maybe you’d appreciate the sun a little more if you had a puppy to walk or at least a handsome guy friend to drag you outside so you aren’t just rotting away in your empty tattoo studio on a Friday night. Everyone’s apparently on vacation or getting married in Hawaii or something, so work’s been exceptionally slow this week. Fuck summer.
It’s lonely.
You might even miss Jeon Jungkook, the last person you ever expected to get along with. The first time he walked into your studio, he didn’t waste any time in hitting on you and making it painfully obvious. You were convinced he only walked in and got a tattoo that day because he thought you’d be an easy lay. 
That was around two months ago.
“What do you think would look good on me?” he’d asked while scrolling through your portfolio. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted you to take in his good looks, imagine the carved out physique beneath that leather jacket. That’s what guys like him do. And he was far from the first male client to ask you that. He wasn't special.
“I don’t know, maybe like a bunny or a duckling?” You just said the first things that came to mind—your two favorite animals. You didn’t give a flying fuck about what design would actually look good on someone you’d just met. Your icy heart definitely doesn’t warm up to people that quickly no matter how hot they are.
“Bunnies are cute,” he said without hesitation. You swear he was staring right at the dainty bunny tattoo on your collarbone. Then he tapped the top of his left hand, the one without all the other tattoos. “I’ll take one right here.” 
At the time, you didn’t think he was serious. (He was serious.)
“So, for touch-ups and stuff, it’d probably be good if I had your number, yeah?” he asked, leaning against the counter and admiring the final product on his hand. Him and his cocky ass smile. It’s annoying how hot he is. Unfair, too.
After inputting your number into his phone, you needed to make one thing very clear: “Send me a dick pic and I’ll tattoo all of your exes’ names on your forehead.”
“I promise no dick pics,” he chuckled. He must’ve taken your threat as a cute little joke. “But I would like to take you out sometime.”
For a moment, you just stared at his handsome face. Everything about him was bright and shiny. His pretty eyes, the art wrapped around his arm, that confident smile. The sun had nothing on him.
But the thing is, you knew better than to trust guys like him. They’re always saying shit they don’t mean. And you were tired of being let down by those empty words.
What would make Jeon Jungkook any different from the fuck boys who’ve burned you in the past?
You didn’t know enough about him to answer that question, but you also weren’t willing to get to know him.
It was for the best.
So after you politely declined the invitation, the boy nodded, waved farewell, and jogged out the door. At least he was decent enough to accept his fate and move right along. (He wasn’t.)
Just when you thought you’d gotten rid of him, he spun around. “See you next week for the touch-up, Y/N.”
He was still smiling like an idiot. You didn’t understand why.
“You’re not gonna need a touch-up in a week,” you shouted back as he dashed off. Fast little fucker. You doubt he heard you, but it didn’t really matter. With all those other tattoos, he already knew how touch-ups worked.
Besides, what were the odds of him showing his pretty face again after rejection? Every other client you turned down never came back. Not even for a touch-up.
You didn’t believe for a second Jeon Jungkook would be back.
A week later, he proved you wrong and waltzed right back in like you never rejected his ass. Of course he did. The week after that, he had three of your designs etched into his hand. And he just kept coming back for more, week after week.
Somewhere along the way, you learned he’s a wedding photographer, an artist like you. He’s shown you his photos a few times even after you specifically said you hate weddings. The photos were gorgeous, though. As much as weddings make you want to gag, the sweet moments he captured had the reverse effect. Somehow, you were envious of what those couples had.
You’ve also overcome the impossible task of learning to tolerate his dumb humor. It’s probably because his laugh and smile are so contagious. He won’t stop running his mouth until he sees you smile either, especially when you’re having a bad day. Your cheeks hurt whenever he’s with you.
Fast forward two months and he now has a total of seven of your tattoos. It feels weird not seeing him this week, not breathing in his woodsy cologne, not leaving your mark on his perfect skin. But you suppose that’s just what happens when the guy who’s been annoying the shit out of you suddenly goes to Hawaii. The withdrawal symptoms are kicking in. 
Your world is a whole lot quieter. It’s peaceful for once. And yet, you miss that chaotic idiot. 
Fuck summer. Fuck people who get married in Hawaii.
Your phone buzzes just as you finish cleaning up. Hopefully it’s someone who wants to book an appointment. (It’s not.)
When you read “jungcock,” you roll your eyes with the faintest smile—the perfect example of your clashing feelings for the boy.
jungcock🥴 [8:24PM] “Got time for me tonight?🫦”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “arent you supposed to be in hawaii rn?”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “and dont use that emoji ever again”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “I’d never choose Hawaii over you😌”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “(They called off the wedding)”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “🫦”
[8:25PM] [jungcock🥴 is now blocked]
[8:31PM] [You’ve unblocked jungcock🥴]
jungcock🥴 [8:31PM] “Is that a yes?”
Y/N🐰 [8:31PM] “i hate you a lot”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “Hear me out”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “What if😳👉👈 I brought snacks?”
Y/N🐰 [8:34PM] “fine”
You groan and shove your phone back into your pocket. Sometimes you wonder how you let this dork finesse his way into your life. Where did you go wrong?
Jungkook arrives at your studio ten minutes later with your favorite peace offerings—soju and pancakes. Ah yes, this is how he finessed his way to the top.
“Ooh snacks,” you hum as if you didn’t believe in his ability to pick something up on the way over. “What kind of pancakes did you get?”
“Your favorite, obviously,” he nods, handing you the warm box and a fork. There’s something about the way he crosses his arms, as though he’s just waiting to catch your reaction when you open it. Why does he look so fucking proud of himself?
“I never told you my favorite pancakes.” You raise a brow. The only thing you told him was your favorite pancake place. But they have like a million different options, ranging from classic (blueberry and chocolate chip) to fancy (tiramisu and that edible gold stuff). There’s no way he can magically guess your favorite pancake.
“Just open it.” He gives you his idea of a “playful shove” on the shoulders, which would’ve knocked you over with the pancakes if he hadn’t grabbed a hold of your wrist. He was definitely that annoying kid on the playground who chased around all the girls he had a crush on.
You mumble on about him being too rough as you open the box. To your surprise, it’s strawberries and whipped cream drenched in red syrup on top of a fat stack of pancakes—aka your favorite pancakes.
You look up from the mountain of strawberries and tilt your head at the boy like a confused puppy.
“I asked the waitress with the purple hair what you normally order,” he explains.
“Okay, but she doesn’t know me by name. How’d you describe me to her?”
He takes a few steps closer until you get a whiff of that woodsy cologne you missed so much. You feel the tips of his fingers trace along your collarbone. He’s not so rough anymore. In fact, the warm caress just barely grazes your skin, as if to tease your body. You’ve always lowkey looked forward to that tiny bit of warmth while working on his tattoos. Maybe he’s always been aware.
“I called you a cutie with a bunny tattoo.” His nose scrunches when he smiles this time, giving your skin one last poke. “She knew it was you when I showed her the one on my hand.”
Of course Jeon Jungkook walked into your favorite pancake place pretending to be your boyfriend. Of course he did something as embarrassing as showing off what appears to be matching tattoos. All for the sake of bringing you your favorite pancakes on an otherwise shitty summer night.
“Now she’ll think we have matching tattoos,” you say softly, shoving his chest. “How am I supposed to show my face in there ever again?”
“Hey, I don’t have a problem with the whole matching tattoos thing.” He puts his hands up to protect his chest from your wrath in case you’re feeling feisty. “I’ll just pick it up for you again.”
You’re not feeling feisty, so you give the boy a thumbs-up and bring him over to the couch in the back corner of the studio where you usually eat or take naps.
At long last, you stab a piece of pancake and strawberry and coat it in whipped cream before shoving it into your mouth. It’s delicious. “Is it mean if I say I’m glad the Hawaii wedding was canceled?”
“Because you’d be lonely without me here?” he teases.
“No, it’s because you bought me free pancakes, you simp,” you grin, handing off the fork to the simp so he too can get a taste of heaven. He passes you the soju in return even though you’re already feeling a little giggly.
“It’s not free,” he denies. “I’m supposed to be here for another tattoo, remember?”
After a tiny sip, you set the green bottle aside and grab Jungkook’s hand with both of yours. It looks so silly with all your tattoos surrounding the cute little bunny in the middle. He’s silly for letting you do that to him.
“I don’t think there’s any more room on your hand for another one,” you giggle. “Where am I gonna tattoo you next?”
You wonder how many tattoos he has under his clothes. Maybe he’s already got them all over the place. Then, eventually, his body will run out of space and you won’t be able to tattoo him anymore. That would suck. You kinda like his company.
“What about a lip tattoo?” you chirp, tapping on his lower lip with your index finger. When he doesn’t swat you away, you tug down on his lip ring to check for a hidden tattoo there. Nothing. “I have one.”
“You do?” His eyes immediately fall on your red strawberry lips. You pull down your lower one for him to see tiny black letters that read “bad girl.”
“My ex did it. I was supposed to tattoo ‘bad boy’ on his lip, but he chickened out,” you shrug. “Isn’t that crazy?”
“Wait, I thought you can’t stand matching tattoos?” He’s such a good listener. Boyfriend material.
“I didn’t have anything against them up until that point,” you hum as you play with his wavy hair. The perm is cute on him. “But that’s basically when my perspective changed.”
That’s when you lost faith in men. When you grew to hate the idea of marriage. When you started rejecting every guy who approached you, even if he was half as hot as Jeon Jungkook.
“Well fuck your ex,” he frowns. Yeah, fuck him. No, wait. Your ex isn’t the one you want to fuck right now. “You’ve convinced me. The next tattoo I’m getting is a lip tattoo.”
“Got any design ideas for what you want there?” You climb into his lap, cup his chin with one hand, and play with his lip piercings some more. You’ve never been this up close and personal with Jungkook, but you like it. You can already feel his cock hardening beneath you through your leggings.
“Your lips,” he says without hesitation. Cheesy, but you’ll take any excuse right now to close the gap between you and him.
Just like that, something clicks in your body, and your lips just find their way to his. You’re not sure how much of it is alcohol and how much is your actual feelings for the boy, but it doesn’t really matter. Not when the kiss tastes like strawberry pancakes. It’s perfect.
You throw your arms over his shoulders as he kisses back. He’s already got his hands slipped up the back of your little tank top. 
Your hips start to roll against him.
“Should we close the blinds?” he asks against your lips. “Unless you like an audience.”
You glance at the window. The sun is finally going down, but of course people are still walking their dogs. Maybe they didn’t get the memo that it’s officially fucking hours, not dog walking hours.
Normally, you’d be all for closing the blinds and turning out the lights, but your ass is nice and comfy in his lap and you’d rather not change that. Plus the back of the couch should hide 90% of what’s going on.
You shed your tank top off and toss it onto the coffee table next to the unfinished pancakes. His big eyes flick to your lacy black bralette. 
“Let them watch.” You press your lips into his neck and suck away like a vampire. The hickeys you’re about to leave him with will have to make do as temporary tattoos for now. You’re not gonna have time to tattoo him tonight.
“You sure you want people to see you so desperate and needy like this?” he asks as you wiggle out of your leggings. His hands immediately find your ass and give it a good squeeze.
“I’m not needy,” you whine, your naughty hand feeling how large his cock is through his joggers.
“I think you’re pretty needy, Y/N.” Two fingers slip past your thong and spread the wet lust between your legs. He has the biggest smirk on his face as your body squirms to his touch. You do everything in your power to hold back a gasp. “Do you want me to fuck you that badly?”
Yes, but you’re not going to admit it. Ever.
“No way,” you answer with confidence. He helps you out of his lap and you let him prop you up on your hands and knees so he can get a good look at your ass. “This is just my way of thanking you for the pancakes since we both know you aren’t getting that lip tattoo tonight.”
“The lip tattoo can wait.” You feel your thong drop to the couch where it belongs. Two very strong hands hold you at the waist. “You’re my number one priority tonight.”
As he fills you with his cock, you’re already melting to the heat between your legs. Your weak little arms lose all their strength. You reach for your fluffy white cloud pillow to muffle your moans and let him do all the work from behind.
The tight hold he has on you is a mix of possessiveness and all the sexual tension built up over the past two months. You wonder how many times he thought about bending you over and fucking you silly in the midst of getting a cute little frog tattoo. You’ve seen the way his lustful eyes look at you during his appointments. You’re not that oblivious.
“Nice ass tattoo, by the way.” He pinches the bit of skin with two pink butterflies. You’d always regretted that one because not everyone shares the same appreciation for it, but that tiny love pinch made it all worth it. “You and your cute little tattoos.”
He slides in and out, pounding your deepest spot, and drawing a pathetic whimper from your throat every few seconds. Doesn’t help that he has a finger or two rubbing away at your swollen little clit. That’s when you realize you’ve been missing out on amazing sex for far too long. Seven whole tattoos. That’s how long it took before you gave in.
He’s already rougher now than the playful shove that nearly knocked you over earlier. Good.
This is exactly what you need after such a boring work week.
“What would you be doing now if I were taking wedding pictures in Hawaii?” His voice is getting breathier. He’s working hard out there.
“Gagging at all the romantic shit you’d be sending me.” Even if he weren’t physically there with you, you know he’d still find a way to be annoying. He’d let you know he’s still thinking of you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you gag tonight.” You don’t have to turn around to know he’s got that dumb smirk on his face. “Maybe another time. If you’re into that.”
Your response is a soft moan into the pillow. The thought of his cock shoved down your throat isn’t as repulsive as you would’ve thought two months ago. Giving head isn’t usually your thing, but you’re open to trying it with him. You’re glad he can’t see you lick your lips.
He doesn’t slow down either, instead picking up the pace and going harder. Your fingers dig into the pillow, your whole body dripping in pleasure. It feels too good.
“Mm, Jungkook,” you pant like a poor puppy with your ass up in the air. Your little clit can’t take much more of his fingers. You’re so close.
“Thought you couldn’t stand me,” he teases as you tighten around him. He’s so annoying! During sex, too. “And now you’re about to cum for me?”
“Fuck you,” you gasp as the wave of pleasure passes through you. His fingers and cock help you ride out the high. He’s lucky he’s a sweet guy with a strong sex game. Otherwise you wouldn’t have fallen for his annoying ass.
As soon as he pulls out, he flips you onto your back, staring down at you with his cock in hand. A few extra pumps along his length is all he needs to get his release and drizzle your belly with his creamy glaze.
He climbs over you to give you a soft peck on the lips. You’ve been with a lot of fuck boys before, but you can’t remember any of them kissing you once the sex was done and over with.
This boy is different.
He lets you lie there, basking in the afterglow as he searches the studio for a clean towel. When he finally gets ahold of one, he offers a hand to help you sit up and gets you cleaned up.
“All jokes aside, I’m happy you were here tonight,” you say in a tiny voice. “Fuck Hawaii weddings.”
He chuckles in his usual adorkable way. “You should come to a wedding with me sometime—when I’m not working, of course. Maybe you won’t hate them as much as you think.”
You lean in for another kiss. There’s still a hint of pancake on his tongue, but it's even sweeter. “Sure.”
The corners of his lips curve upward in satisfaction. The annoying little shit is about to jump out. You can feel it. (The annoying little shit does not jump out.)
“Now finish your pancakes,” he smiles. For once, it’s not him looking all smug and shit. And it’s really endearing.
Somehow, he just keeps proving you wrong. In a good way.
You look at your favorite pancakes on the table and wave them off. “Nah, I’m good.” Once more, you scoot your ass onto him and press a finger to his lip. “I think I like the taste of you better.”
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ohnopoteito · 3 months
"something about you" ellie × reader
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Reader entering a convenience store and falling in love with cashier Ellie.
a/n: Hello again everyone!!! i know it's been a long time since i first posted this fanfic and I'm so sorry for that :( honestly i wasn't expecting all those likes and all 😭😭😭 thank you so much for receiving my work so well!!! I'll organize everything better later bc I'm so tired rn
c/w: i don't know??? maybe low self steem stuff, anxiety knocking reader's door, still a fluff fanfic!!! notproofread (im not wearing my glasses pls) + english is not my first language but feel free to correct me!!! just enjoy it pookies ;))
chapter two ♡
Waking up that morning was just as light as a feather, a slight and good anxiety running through your veins and flesh, boosting your body to jump out of bed and start your day. Good appearance was what you've chosen for the day, wondering even if you should brush your teeth twice before leaving home and head to your mission of the day, get the auburn hair cashier's name or something you could have to be close to her, just the thought of that was enough for a smile from ear to ear to bloom on your face.
Backpack around your shoulders as you left your place and walked with excited silly steps to the convenience store where your heart raced almost passionately. Across the street, you could watch an unknown and masculine figure organizing cardboard boxes in the store facade, scrunching your face and fixing your dirty glasses — the ones you forgot cleaning after saying you'd clean the following day —, you could tell the man had already grey hair and wrinkled face, but he still managed to have a good appearance.
Taking a deep breath and crossing the street, you wondered if it really was a good idea, anxious thoughts wrecking you once again, frowning as you realize your body stading in front of the store for long five minutes. Your breath stuck in your throat, her figure from afar and those beautiful physical traits were carefully perceived by your curious eyes.
Too distracted to even notice the environment around you, a gentle palm rested on your tense shoulder, causing you to jump in response. The same man you eyed before, he smiled at you as his hands brushed his leather coat before speaking.
"Sorry if I scared you." His voice was deep yet caring for you, a faint smile could be seen.
"No, it's fine! I was just... distracted." You spoke up kindly, your hands sweating as your fingers fidgeted to relieve your anxiety. "Sorry for asking, but do you work here?" Was the best you could speak, and the only response you got was a cracked chuckle.
"Guess what, it's a funny part." He said as his long feet stepped a way from you, signing for you to follow him as well. You tilt your head to the side, wondering if you were about to be kidnaped or something, but you follow his path calmly. You stood next to him as his hand raised and pointed to the storefront sign.
"Joel's" you whispered as your eyes scrunched in an attempt to read clearly despite the bright sun making your eyes sting, you could read properly the store's name after having only an blurred image of the sign in your subconscious.
You looked at him, waiting for something, but his smile only grew more. "Guess what my name is." He finally said.
You blinked a few times, guiding your eyes to look around before responding, "Joel?" You sounded unsure. The answer was obvious, but you couldn't believe he'd be so predictable.
He burst in laugh after that, you could just give him a smile back nervously, he was acting like it was the funniest thing ever, you felt guilty for not laughing and looked to the sign again, faking a chuckle as you avoided looking at him.
"Everyone find it funny." He said as his finger brushed his eyelids, wiping away a tear that was about to run down the corner of his eye. You covered your mouth, thinking what just happened.
Your hand followed to the back of your neck, scratching lightly. "Yeah, it's really funny..." you said uncertainly, your words falling falsely from your lips.
"Um, I have... to go, so..." You stuttered as you walked away slowly.
"No problem, dear." He waved gently. You really wanted to find that funny but, god. "We have some products on sale, check them out!
You smiled once again before turning back him and heading to the local market.
As you entered the place, your figure walked to a random section, it was just some snacks in. Your eyes scanned some of them, a sound of the rubber sole of a sneaker sliding across the floor close to you.
"I saw that." The familiar husky voice tone made your body shiver,
Your body turned to face the figure in front of you quickly enough to have a spasm when you met those intense and tired green eyes observing your facial features.
"What?" Your eyes widened.
"You and Joel." she said with a lazy smirk, her arms crossed and her weight shifting to her left leg. "The storefront sign thing." Her eyes looked away, her side profile holding you in a trance. The daylight highlighted her pale skin and the freckles that ran all over her face.
You could swear you've seen a smile on her dry lips. "You were just another victim." She sounded happy, even though her tone of voice made it hard to discern her emotions.
"I wasn't a victim, I just went with the flow." A soft answer, hands touching the shelves to spare all the energy on your nerves, eyes looking at a blind spot behind the auburn girl. A deep breath before finally speaking again.
"Do you also have a different way to present yourself?" You could feel a drop of sweat forming on your scalp. "Like, just as creatively as Joel?"
The girl right before you bit her lip, peeling the dry skin as her eyes were locked on her old black converse.
"No, I'm just ordinary. No signs with my name." She smiled at you. Your heart skipped a beat when her eyes met yours.
"I'm Ellie."
Your smile bloomed sweetly, "cute." You thought
Ellie smiled softly when you told her your name as well, crossing her arms against her chest, her arm tattoo plainly visible. The ink was a bit faded, so you deduced it had been tattooed a long time ago. You couldn't keep the conversation going for more than that. The best you could do was pick a random snack you didn't even like and pay for it, only to see Ellie smiling at you as she handed you your shopping bag.
You kept this way for the rest of the week, waking up earlier, going to Joel's and choosing some product only to see her face and have an ordinary short talk, repeat the last steps after your classes. "Am I being too weird?" You thought with yourself after leaving the local market once again.
Ellie seemed to not care, at least. Maybe she just doesn't care. You should save your money and stop being stupid.
But you couldn't. You pressed your lips tightly as you entered the convenience store after your classes, the guilt making your shoulders heavy and tense. Walking silently through the sections that you had already memorized every product of each one of them, chewing your inner cheek, trying to think straight and stop yourself, you began to feel... sad.
It couldn't be a wasted time walking more than the usual way you took. Shrugging off your thoughts, you grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the checkout counter for the last time, you've promised to yourself. Your eyes avoided Ellie as you watched her take the bottle and scan it.
"You good?"
She was the one to speak first, her fingers lightly caressing her eye bags, her eyes fixed on you. It was as if everything had just stopped around you; you couldn't listen to a single word. Her lips were moving, but you couldn't understand a thing. Your mind went blank. You could only shake your head slowly, blinking in an attempt to wake yourself up from that trance.
"Um?" You hummed, your mouth went dry.
And she... laughed?
"What?" You asked again, your eyes laid on the chunky notebook next to the cash register before returning to Ellie.
"I asked if you're fine." She muttered, handing you the plastic bag. "You look disoriented today. Just worried."
At least you know she doesn't hate you, you let out a sigh in relief.
"Ah, I see..." You swallowed, holding the plastic bag and feeling the tip of her fingers brushing lightly against yours. "Maybe I am."
You squeezed the bag slightly, letting your palm feel the cold water drops sweating the plastic.
"I hope you figure it out." Her voice was soft. Your lips formed a thin smile. Her tone sounded just as sincere. You didn't know much about Ellie, and she was in the same boat as you. She couldn't push boundaries either, and she still could understand your odd behavior even if it wasn't her business. A safe distance.
"Don't need to pay for it, by the way." She rested her left hand on the back of her neck, massaging the area.
"What? But i want to." You answered.
"No, you don't." You frowned as she turned her back to you and began to look for something in her old backpack, a spaceship pin decorating the blue fabric. "Consider it as a gift, will you?"
You couldn't hold your tongue much longer. "Why is that?"
She didn't answer you immediately, Ellie spent some seconds in silence.
"You know, you're a frequent customer and polite... I mean, I just think some good action would make your night better." She sounded nonchalant, but you could hear a "Man..."
"I don't know, I'm not the best at cheering people up. Sorry." She spoke again before turning back to you. "Here, for you."
A dinosaur sticker pad, in the same art style as the others you'd seen around the store, the same as the one on the cover of her notebook. One sticker pad with four dinosaur stickers on it.
Your smile was sincere and bright as a sunshine, tilting your head to the side, you admired the art style and Ellie's cute actions.
"This is the best I can do... for now." Her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing old, faded, skinny jeans and her uniform shirt. Her teeth peeled the dry skin of her lips.
"It's perfect, thank you." Your smile didn't fade away.
It wasn't a kid sticking dinosaur images after all; it was just Ellie. The auburn-haired girl, the one with an intimidating posture and such an intense gaze, with those beautiful green eyes that could make your knees weak. She was just someone trying to cheer up a frequent customer, wasn't she?
Your eyes fixed on her freckles, overthinking again. Wondering if you should postpone asking for her number. You couldn't screw that up.
"Ellie?" You called her name, feeling your body shiver just by saying her name. Your skin felt warm as her eyes met yours again, those green orbs focusing solely on you.
Were you seeing things? Or Ellie seemed... interested in what you had to say? No, not at all.
"Um?" Her eyebrows rose slightly, a relaxed expression on her face. She seemed tired, just like the last day, but not uninterested.
"I..." You laughed nervously, already regreting the other words you were holding in your throat. Nails scracthing the back of your neck as you looked around, "I don't know if I should say this." A nervous smile made Ellie tilt her head to the side, the poorly tied bun left some strands of hair coming out.
"Why? Is there something off?" She asked as her gaze frowned.
Your fingers caressed the sticker pad. "It's just that... I wish I had more knowledge about dinosaurs." It was true, indeed. You would learn everything just to talk to her. You looked at her again, her head lowered, her sneaker sole playing with the floor.
Your tired eyes landed on her figure. You weren't really expecting an answer. You had just thought aloud, and you were okay with that. You were okay with her silence, the lack of dialogue between you. The silence was friendly. It felt good.
"I can teach you." She almost whispered; she wasn't looking at you, but you were noticing every detail of her body language. "If you're okay with that, of course."
You were both blushing, your heart beating so fast you were almost sure you would pass out. Your blood rushed to your feet, preparing you to run. But you didn't want to; anxiety is so dumb.
"This is so stupid. I don't even know why I said that. Sorry." She brushed her palm over her face. You frowned lightly, concerned.
"No! It's fine, I'd love that, honestly." You waved to her, "I just..." You bit your inner cheek, heart beating faster.
"I wanna talk to you more. If you're okay with that too."
Ellie smiled at you, a thin smile to you as her eyes seemed to smile as well. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach. Ellie was something you had never experienced before.
"Can I get your number?" she stuttered.
omg guys it's so stressful to write dialogues 😩
anyway i hope everything is okay and in place!!!
taglist 💋💋💋!!!
thank you again everyone!!!
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ilwonuu · 6 months
-‘๑’- don’t you wanna? -‘๑’-
↬ kim seungmin (read camping trip after)
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ꙮ pairing- nonidol!seungmin x fem reader, established relationship,dom!seungmin x sub reader
ꙮ summary- your boyfriend loves for other people to hear how good he makes you feel.
ꙮ warnings- slight voyeurism(???)(, hyunjin, jeongin, and chan are listening to them…), unprotected sex (no one is surprised), dirty talk, seungmin is crazyzysyys, riding, hickeys, kissing, lmk if i missed anything
ꙮ a/n-literally no one asked for this.. i wrote this while high(im crazy while high) I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE HAPPY 600💖💖
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seungmin has been playing video games all day you assume. as soon as you come home from work he’s at his desk playing. his eyes getting darker when he sees you come through the door.
“hi min.” you say as you lean down to hug him. he’s pulling you on his lap with a half smirk. “hi gorgeous.” his hands are wrapped around your waist now as you straddle him.
“how was work?” you shrug with a sigh laying your head on him. “tiring?” he asks you as he plays with some of your hair. you nod with a smile.
“i could help you relax.” he says loud enough for you and his friends on the call to hear. seungmin hears chan laugh nervously through his headphones. he moves one of the headphones off his hear as he hears jeongin voice.
“are you really doing this with us on the call?” you hear jeongin’s question through his headphones which causes you to shoot a look at seungmin. “that okay baby?” he asks you quietly.
“y-yea.” you don’t know why you agreed so easily. did you want his friends to hear you? maybe.. but seungmin loved the thought of his friends hearing your moans from him. you felt your body heat up at the thought.
“hyunjin is on the call too.” seungmin admits looking at you for your reaction. you nod taking your shorts off. seungmin’s smirk is just getting bigger.
he pulls his sweatpants down look at you take your underwear off. “come sit on it baby.” he shrugs his underwear down. you straddle his waist as you feel him line you up with his tip.
he fists some of you hair as you finally sit down on him. he is quick to start bouncing you up and down. “seu-min oh fuck-“ his mouth is sucking against your neck as he moves your hips.
you can’t hear any of the boys on the call but thinking about them hearing you, you got wetter and seungmin loved to call you out.
“you’re so w-wet shit. what are you thinking about huh? you thinking about how they can hear how i’m fucking you like a good girl? i bet you wish they could see you too huh? fucking slut.” your already unable to form words to respond.
“look at you. doing anything to take my dick. i bet you were thinking about this all day.” he teases you as he starts to thrust up into you.
“seungmin- too much!-“ he just smirks at you. “you love being fucked like a slut tho, huh? say it.” he grabs your face to look at him. “i-i love it! p-please.”
he smirks pulling you into a messy kiss. “ride baby- fuck just like that.” the three other boys are not sure what their reactions should be.
but their all obviously hard. your moans and obvious sounds of your arousal is filling the room. “you guys- shit hear her? so fu-fucking good.” he says the last couple of words while watching you go completely dumb on him.
“gonna cum slut? let go baby.” he’s guiding your hips along with his thrusts up. his thrusts hitting deeper. your eyes are rolling so far back, seungmin just watches you with a smirk.
“min- mm coming.” he just groans. “cum baby. fuuck- good girl.” he watches your leg twitch as you cum on his dick. “want my cum slut?” he asks already knowing the answer.
“please seungmin-“ his thrusts are fast and sloppy as he cums deep inside you. “shit- you take all of it- fuck baby.” the two of you trying to catch your breath. “let me get off call then we can shower?” seungmin asks you before you hear muffled voices from the headset.
“what are we supposed to say-“ hyunjin asks through the call with his voice sounding kinda shaky. “idk it was kinda hot.” jeongin admits with no shame.
“im getting off the the call. i’ll get on tomorrow.” your boyfriend chimes in. “uh bye-“ chan begins to say before you hear him cut the call.
“did you like it?” he asks as he slowly pulls out of you. “of course-“ he’s cutting you off with a kiss. “i knew you would. let’s go shower.”
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
Got a thing for my sister, moony? | remus lupin x f!black!reader
Summary : sirius notices that when it's close to the full moon remus is an asshole but when it comes to y/n he's an absolute sweet heart
Warning : one year age gap (youre regulus's twin sis), Gryffindor reader (i hope that still makes u interested), pet names like 'love, sweet heart, darling', fluff
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It was... Sirius figured it out. When remus told him about his so called lopsided hair
"Padfoot, your hair looks lopsided today" Remus said, his left hand on his chin and his right hand pointing on sirius's hair.
When you heard that, you chocked on your drink. I mean it's true, you agreed with remus, his hair does look lopsided. "Mhm, top tier comedy isn't it sis? " Said sirius sarcastically.
The other boys laughed but, remus looked concerned. You were ready for his insults to you, cause full moons in a few day.
"You alright, darling? " Said remus. Suddenly it was sirius's time to chocke on his water. "What the hell did you call my sister".
"Darling, you have a problem with that, padfoot" Said remus confidently. "Geez, almost got me a concussion" Sirius said, taking another sip of water.
Or when sirius, James and Peter found you and remus together in the library.
"What does this all mean im gonna go insane" you said. Defense against the dark arts is your least favorite subjects.
"Hey, hey, it's alright sweetheart, we can take a break, you know, I brought snacks" Remus smiled brightly.
"Really, what snacks? " You asked. "You know, the toast that you call moony toast, that one" He put it on the table. "And you made two! " You smiled.
"Yes, one for me, and one for you, of course i can't forget to make you one" Remus grinned, taking one piece of his toast and ate it.
And when you five sneaked to the astronomy towers to plan some pranks
"What should we do, to snivellus house Slytherin" James walked around the astronomy tower. "Maybe we could put nifflers in the Slytherins common room? " You said.
The boys said it was a good idea but, Remus called you "love, y/n, come". " Yeah, what is it, rem? " You sat next to him, his hands on your back.
"Look at that, that's a shooting star, what are you gonna wish for? " He said, pointing at the moving star.
"Hm, I want us to be friends forever, you and me, always, forever" You looked at the stars, and Remus, then the stars.
"Well, love, I want more than that" Remus said.
That's when Sirius snapped out of it. He realized what remus ment was not oh 'I want more than that like money,or something else's but it was 'I want to be more than friend's.
That evening, Sirius walked to the hospital wing, to see Remus.
"Where's y/n? " Sirius asked. "Oh, she just left, I told her to, she looks tired" Remus said, the pain in his eyes were still visible even though it was hours after the full moon.
"I need to talk to you" Sirius grabbed a stool, sitting closely to remus. "I know you fancy my sister, it's obvious! The way you look at her, the way you're a complete gentleman towards her, bloody hell you like my sister"
Remus's face looks like the moon had come early, "n-no", " Oh dont deny it, moons, I'm fine with it! " Sirius smiled.
"Okay, Sirius, i- I don't just like your sister, I fell for her--the way she acts, her beautiful hair, her pretty face, her soothing voice, and she's everything to me! But you'll hate me for falling in love with her"
"Seriously Remus? Gosh it's obvious that you love her, I mean go for it, ask her out, or something" Sirius smiled.
"Really? " Remus smiled, and Sirius nodded.
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itsmarsss · 3 months
32 for the kiss prompts (because if it doesn't invite stolitz I don't know what does lol).
And its 2:30am here so I'm going to bed, but the prompt you sent me will be out tomorrow :)
-Salem <3
32- a a kiss while someone watches...
…naturally. have i become unnoficial stolitz x reader nation?
warnings: established stolitz relationship, stolitz sex, implication of stolitz x reader sex, daddy kink, talks of having a threesome, im so tired rn if this is badly written im so sorry girly ily
you know… you, me and… someone else
Blitzø should probably have tried to find a more convenient way and some more convenient moment to talk about this.
It's not that it's impulsive. He's been rehearsing how to approach the subject for weeks now, but is there really a right way or a right time to ask your super lovey-dovey boyfriend if he'd be up for a threesome with your best friend without it sounding, like... really fucking wrong?
Maybe he should have planned a romantic night with rose petals on the bed and a bottle of wine and a bubble bath after fucking his brains out so good he saw stars and then eased the question in, but, man, he was getting fed up of thinking about it and not managing to say anything, so lying on the couch with Stolas draped on top of him with his weirdo telenovela in the background it would be.
"Hey. Stols?"
Stolas doesn't look away from the screen. "Yes, darling?"
"Can I ask you something without you getting mad at me?"
That seems to catch his attention. He looks up. "That makes me feel a lot like you're definitely going to say something that you already know will make me mad."
"No, it's just- just promise it already!"
"I'm getting worried."
"Alright! I promise. What it is?"
Oh shit he didn't think he'd actually be getting this far. "Have you ever... uh, you ever thought about a threesome?"
Stolas chokes on his own spit, eyes almost popping out of their sockets, and he pushes himself up off Blitzø now, sitting down next to him and facing him. "A what?"
"A threesome. You know... you, me and... someone else."
"Someone else? Like who?"
"Answer the question first!"
"I- uh. I can't say I have seriously considered that before. Have you been thinking about that?"
"A little. Are you mad now?"
"Not mad. Just... surprised, is all."
"Are you actually cool with that?"
"I did make a promise."
"It's not ‘cause I don't think you're enough or anything."
Blitzø feels like this is a trap. Why was he being so chill about this? He feels the need to keep explaining himself. "I just... ya know, I thought it could be fun. I mean shit we've tired almost everything there is to try, right? But we've never had a threesome."
"Do you think we would enjoy that?"
"You never had a threesome?"
Stolas only glares at him. Obviously he hasn't, dumbass.
"Oh. Right. Well, I mean, it can be good, can be bad, can be whatever. Kinda the same shit as it is with just two people."
"And who would you want to bring into bed with us?"
"Don't say it like that."
"Like what?"
"Like I'm trying to cheat on you."
"That is not what I'm doing."
It still feels like a trap, but what else was he to say than the truth? "Well. If you wanna know so bad. I could be down if y/n was down."
"Y/n... your best friend, y/n."
"You know, we can trust them, things would be comfortable. They’re not... bad to look at, either…”
Stolas stares down at him with an eyebrow raised, unamused. "If you're going to talk about this don't be a coward about it."
"Okay, I think they’re pretty hot and I've been thinking about fucking both of you for a while. But only if it's with you and only if you'd like it too. Or whatever.”
"How romantic."
"Don't be a dick, Stolas. I'm serious."
"No, that actually is very romantic coming from you."
"So. What'cha think about it? We don't have to do it. It's just a thought. Don't even know if they’d want to either."
"They would." Stolas states, as if that were obvious.
"What do you mean?"
"Have you really never noticed the way they look at the both of us?"
"You know, at first I thought they just wanted to fuck you which, I will admit, it did make me a tad bit mad that they wanted my boyfriend like that. But then I noticed they were looking at both of us that same way. Especially when we're together."
"Wait, wait, wait, they’ve been giving me bedroom eyes this whole time? They’ve been giving you bedroom eyes this whole time?"
"If I'm not mistaken. I actually find it rather... endearing."
"And you never bothered to fucking say anything about it?"
Stolas simply shrugs. "Never came to mind. You can get pretty possessive, darling.” He cups Blitzø’s jaw with one of his hands, squeezing his cheeks together until he’s forcing Blitzø to pout. "I wouldn’t want to upset you."
Blitzø pushes his hand away. "So you find it endearing? What does that fucking mean? You into it?"
Stolas stops to think for a moment. "Yes, I suppose so."
"Oh shit. You saying we could do it?"
"Perhaps. Let me consider ir for a few days, will you?"
"Yeah. Yeah sure. Cool. Cool, cool, cool."
[. . .]
“Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.” Stolas repeats the word like a mantra, and he’s not sure if they’re meant for himself or for his boyfriend, but he couldn’t give a single fuck about it if he tried, because Blitzø has him with his back pressed to his chest, his legs spread wide so Stolas can sit pretty in between them with his own spread open as well. Stolas has his head thrown back onto Blitzø’s shoulder and his hips bucking up involuntarily into the vibrator Blitzø presses against his entrance, chasing a release pointlessly, as Blitzø’s still taking his sweet time before even considering pushing it inside of him.
He kisses Stolas’ neck as he moves the toy, playing with the pressure he holds it against his boyfriend’s body with before getting a twisted idea.
Stolas is still whispering something under his breath, and then Blitzø just stops. He halts all his movement, he retracts the hand that held the toy and he leans back on the bed frame, watching Stolas scramble to look at him in a mix of frustration and confusion. “What? Why’d you stop?”
“You’re gonna finish yourself off for me.”
“What? You can’t be serious.”
“Oh I’m dead serious, hun.”
“I- I-“ Stolas is actually going to let Blitzø know how frustrated that made him when Blitzø slaps him across the face.
Oh shit. Fucking right away, sir.
Stolas goes back into the same position he was just in, back flushed to Blitzø’s chest and head on top of Blitzø’s shoulder, and impatiently moves his hands straight to his hole, wasting no time in inserting a finger in, already plenty wet from the fun that was cut short. He lets out a lewd, needy moan right to Blitzø’s ear as he pushes that finger in entirely, and Blitzø eats that right up.
“Needy fucking whore, can’t even tease yourself a little can ya? I’ll tell you what, you make yourself cum once and daddy makes you cum twice later, yeah? How about that?”
And then Stolas says the absolute most wildest thing he could say at that moment, all heavy breaths and whines and moans and hoots.
“Why don’t we call y/n up? I bet they could get me off for you.”
“What? You can’t just say that, Stols.”
“Ha. Made you blush.”
“What- what?”
“I don’t want to get myself off. It’s no fun. I want your big hands and your big fingers and your big dick and-“
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it. You’re not getting away with that one, Stolas.”
“I don’t plan to.”
“Oh you are so getting it.”
“That is the plan, yes.”
[. . .]
Blitzø is on his knees with his arms around the back of Stolas’ thighs and he laps up at Stolas’ gushing hole, the leg his boyfriend had hiked over his shoulder to grant him better access shakes and the grip he has on the base of his horns tightens. Stolas lets out the prettiest, most beautiful noises as he lets him ride out his high with his tongue deep inside him until he’s being literally kicked away for causing oversensitivity. He loves it.
He stumbles as his back hits the floor but quickly props himself up on his elbows to look up at Stolas, who looked so very hot when he decided he did want to take charge, may Blitzø add.
“So. Good, huh?”
He knows it was good. He could see it was good, feel it was good, hear it was good, even taste it was good.
“Very good, y/n- sorry, Blitz.”
“Oh fuck you.”
Stolas smiles in contempt at his own ‘slip-up’ but says nothing.
[. . . ]
Blitzø may not be the greatest at getting hints but he’s sure gotten this one. He’s already chill with the threesome thing not happening and he’s already thinking of what the hell he can do to make Stolas stop being passive-aggressive about it.
He gets it, alright? It wasn’t a good thing to suggest they do, and he did not want to be caught by surprise by any more sarcastic remarks about that while they’re fucking just so Stolas can prove that point.
He’s trying to come up with a way to approach Stolas about that this time when he gets home to moaning, which just gets him excited, expecting to find Stolas with his hand between his thighs, humping his vibrator at a perfectly convenient time to be 'accidentally' caught, only to be met, instead, with his boyfriend, in just his robes, making out with his half-dressed best friend on his fucking bed.
They're so enthralled they don't even bother pulling away from each other, even though Blitzø knows they've noticed his presence in the room, still entangled in passionate, hungry, aggressive kisses that brought out noises so dirty they belonged in a porno.
And all of that just from kissing? Oh this had to be a show.
Maybe he got the wrong idea from Stolas’ reaction, then.
He's sure of that when they do pull away, and Stolas puts on a very low-effort façade of surprise before exclaiming "Darling! I didn't know you would be home yet!"
"Yeah, that why you were 'bout to fuck my best friend?" He eyes you up and down, and you look down at the floor, nervous about his reaction to the ‘surprise’ Stolas had staged and so, so hotly asked if you would be up to.
"Well I couldn't help but think about that conversation we had last week. And wouldn't you know it, y/n has had similar thoughts too!"
Blitzø eyes you. "That true?"
You nod. "Sorry if it’s weird."
"What is weird is coming home to you making out with my boyfriend."
"Oh, shit, I didn't- Stolas said- I’m sorry.”
"Yeah. Sooo weird. And so fucking hot. "
Oh, this was gonna be a fun night if he's ever had one.
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cryonme · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐀𝐭 𝐔𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
—graham dunne x fem!reader
—summary: the story of you and graham dunne was never simple, but his love for you never faltered.
— word count: 2.7k
—tw: addiction, implied drugging, alcohol, cursing, reader says she "doesn't wanna be here anymore", very obvious signs of mental illness, the works...
—a/n: so... I did not intend for this fic to be this long or this sad, but here we are. I'm breaking it into two parts so its easier to read, part two is coming shortly!! I apologize for how sad this is lol but I promise its a happy ending story! also, sorry for how I wrote daisy! she's my girl and I love her, it was just for the plot I swear! this is the first fic I've posted in about 6 months so im rusty, please be kind! and please, don't read if anything listed in the triggers is going to upset you, I want you all happy and comfortable! XO
(flashbacks in italics)
Nothing was ever Daisy’s fault, was it?
At least, that’s what Graham Dunne thought when he got a call from Karen saying his girl was wasted at a party with Daisy attached to your hip.
She should have known what you were struggling with, she should have known that you couldn’t handle a party, she should have known this wasn’t what you needed. Daisy Jones should’ve fucking known.
To be completely fair, they really all should’ve known. You’d been around since day 1. Everyone knew better, Daisy just happened to be the red corvette.
“You can’t keep doing this, my love.” Camilla whispered oh so gently, holding your hair back from your face, pressing a cold rag to your neck.
It was a small gig, at some shitty bar called Tony’s in Pittsburgh. The band always had a couple beers and maybe a shot or two before a show but you had begun to need more. You snuck vodka into your water bottles and begged the bartenders to sneak you a couple free extras by pulling your top down and leaning over the bar, using your forearms to push your tits up. 
It worked every time. Pigs.
“Can do whatever I want.” You slurred, cheek pressed to the toilet seat.
But damnit, you knew she was right.
Tony’s wasn’t the first time.
There was Rod’s, and The Ladie’s Room, and The Shiner Saloon, and some girl named Lisa’s 18th birthday party. It was becoming a pattern, everyone could tell.
You always went back to your house after a show. Your parents had been completely absent since you were 15, you never knew where they were. And after every show, their cars were never once in the driveway.
A safespace.
Billy would sit outside of the bathroom, head leaning against the door while Graham waited in the living room, arms crossed and head down, not wanting to listen to your cries and shakes of pain.
Eddie would retreat to the guest room, but he usually wouldn’t be able to fall asleep til he heard the click of your door next to his.
Warren would be passed out on the couch as soon as you all walked through the door, not that he didn’t care about you immensely, but the poor kid could just not stay awake if he was tired.
“I wanna go to bed.” You said.
Camilla sighed, “Are you sure you’re ready?”
You nodded and so did Camilla. She got up to get Billy like she always did, and he’d come and pick you up off of the bathroom floor, as he always did, and carry you to your room and lay you on the bed, letting Camilla make sure you’re comfortable, like she always did.
Graham would come in and ask how you’re doing, like he always did, and he’d make himself comfortable on your floor with throw pillows and spare blankets, like he always did.
But that night, after Tony’s, things changed.
“I can’t do this anymore, Graham.” You whimpered.
This was early days, Graham was still awkward as hell and didn’t know how to go about things like this.
“Do what?” He croaked, mustering up the courage to be there for you.
“This. I can’t live like this. I’m afraid I’m gonna kill myself.”
Graham was up in an instant, reaching for the doorknob. “Do you want me to get Camilla?”
You shook your head, “No, please. Just-” You wiped a tear from your cheek, “Will you just lay with me?”
“Anything.” Graham breathed as he settled into bed next to you. You immediately wrapped your arms around him, being too drunk to care about any awkwardness and Graham was thankful.
“We’ll get you out of this, promise.”
That was the last time anybody saw you drink anything besides a beer or two, following that was shirley temples and cherry cokes.
Nobody really knew the heaviness of addiction then, but they knew that you were happier, and that’s all that really mattered to them. You were even laughing at Warren’s jokes and Billy and Eddie’s lame bickering, everything felt okay.
“You don’t drink?” Karen had asked, the first time you properly met in California, while she was digging through the fridge searching for a beer. You shook your head, hoping you weren’t going to get some crazy reaction like you were a zoo animal in a cage like you got from most people.
She just nodded, a small smile playing at her lips as she pulled two coca cola bottles from the fridge, popping them open with her ring and handing you one.
“Cheers to that.”
You were sober enough to realize you were in love with Graham, and confident enough to tell him. And man, he could’ve exploded.
There was a celebration, at the house in Laurel Canyon, just the 7 of you.
Warren recalls later that Graham looked like he’d been dipped in sunshine and rainbows.
“Like he’d just smoked sunshine and been fucked by a rainbow. It was crazy, man.”
Well, almost.
You’d been around the band multiple times while they drank and it was never a problem. You’d have the first round of beers with them then tap out, but you always stayed and had fun, smoked a couple joints and cigarettes, never without a mocktail or coca cola in your hand. Sometimes, usually Karen or Camilla, someone would join you on the sober night, and that always felt really nice.
That night had felt different, you were scared.
“I’m gonna fuck him up Warren…” You said as you laid on the floor with the drummer as Down By The Seaside by Led Zeppelin played from the record player, Warren laughed.
“Yeah you are.” He said, his tone suggestive as he bumped his elbow with yours.
You rolled your eyes, fighting the heat creeping into your cheeks. “You know what I mean, man. I’m gonna ruin him.”
Warren had known you long enough and listened to enough of the songs you wrote to where he’d like to think he knew you pretty well.
And you never opened up out of the blue unless you were drunk.
“Have you been drinking?” He asked, not looking up from the ceiling. You scoffed.
“I still have a beer here and there, Warren.”
“You know what I mean, man.” He repeated your words back to you and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“I’m going to bed.” You said and stood up, trying your hardest not to stumble or slur.
“Honey…” Warren started, pushing himself off of the floor to try to stop you.
“NO!” You whipped around, flipping your hair so forcefully it stung your face but you were quick to pull it back.
“Don’t fucking- don’t fucking do that, man!” You started, holding a hand up. “My own friends don’t even fucking trust me i’m just constantly babied! Do you know how that feels?”
At that point, Karen, Eddie and Billy had tuned in, being in the kitchen. Camilla and Graham must have been elsewhere, he had always confided in her like a sister.
“Hey–” Billy tried to interject with a hand on your wrist but you were quick to pull away.
“Huh?! Do any of you know how that feels?!” You were borderline screaming now, and everyone was speaking to you so softly, hands slowly trying to grasp you and it made you want to scream even louder.
“How dare you ‘ccuse me of something like that asshole?” You were beginning to slur your words, the tequila you’d snuck from Warren’s room starting to hit pretty heavily, making your eyes droop and words slur.
“Baby, please-” Karen started, making the move to grasp your arm but you turned and lost your balance, nearly falling but Eddie was quick to catch you, he held on tight and didn’t dare let go until you calmed down or Graham came back. Billy had left minutes ago to find him and Camilla, who had taken a walk so he could freely gush about his new girl without the chances of anyone else hearing.
“Need you to calm down, babe.” Eddie whispered, running a hand up and down your arm for comfort.
“None of you even care!”
Warren shook his head alongside Karen, both of them had squatted in front of you, doing their best to provide what you needed.
“That’s not true.”
“I fucking hate you all!” 
“You don’t mean that.”
“I don’t wanna be here anymore!”
And then he said your name.
You froze.
He was gonna leave you, you were so sure of it. You worked so hard to be better for him and it didn’t work.
“No…” You whimpered and you swore you saw Graham break in front of your eyes.
“You can’t- you can’t see this.”
But he didn’t care. He knelt in front of you and Eddie and gathered you into his own arms, completely silent as he carried you to his room and you wanted to disappear into him so badly.
“‘M so sorry…” You slurred, and still he was quiet. You let him undress you and replace your pretty top and flared jeans with his own tee shirt and boxer shorts.
You watched as he changed into a similar outfit as you picked at your nails. “Graham, I-”
He sighed and placed his hands on either sides of your cheeks, placing a firm kiss on your forehead that only made you cry harder. You brought your hands up to grip his wrists, not willing to let go of the feeling of his lips on your skin.
“I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I?”
Graham was silent again as he pulled you into his bed with him, covering you both with the large duvet.
“Not in the slightest.”
That night was really the last night anybody had seen you get drunk like that.
Then, Daisy Jones came along.
And you learned how to keep bad habits a secret.
Tequila and mints in the bathroom, water and cherry cokes with the band. A shot of jameson to fall asleep. Champagne to wake up, brush your teeth. A beer in the shower after lunch, leave the evidence in Warren’s room since there were hundreds of empty ones anyway.
It’s not like Daisy was teaching you one on one, you just started watching her, and you liked the way she got away with it.
No one told Daisy about your issue either, you could hold your own and you had asked them not to, so lips were sealed.
But it took everything in Graham and Billy not to tell her to tread lightly every time they saw the two of you sneak off on your own.
And now here was Graham Dunne, sitting in the driver's seat of the van outside of God knows who’s house, with Camilla in the passenger’s seat and Billy in the back. Moral support. 
“Want us to come with you?”
Graham shook his head. “I need to do this alone.”
Billy scoffed, “I’m not gonna let you go in there with our two hot headed alcoholic rage sisters. Cam, you stay here.”
“Nope, you go I go. You two get our girl, I’ll handle Daisy.”
The three bickered a moment but finally settled on their plan. Graham and Camilla would take you, while Karen and Billy took Daisy, since the blonde girl drove.
“Fucking finally.” Karen exasperated as she saw her friends walk into the backyard of the party while trying her hardest to hold you upright.
“Where is Daisy?” Billy spat immediately, making eyes around the party. You had always been like a sister to him, in the way Camilla was to Graham, and he could’ve killed the redheaded girl in that moment.
“Beats me.” Karen said, passing off your deadweight into Graham, who was quickly supported by Billy. Your head lulled onto your boyfriend's shoulder, recognizing him as a source of comfort even in your inebriated state.
It made his soul ache.
“Is Simone here?” Camilla asked.
Karen shook her head, “Was. Split as soon as she and Daisy got into a fight. Offered to take this one” she nodded her head at you “home with her but I figured it’d be best if you guys came.”
Graham shook his head, “You made the right call, thank you.”
“Yeah, well uh, I sure as hell can’t drive. Got drunk as hell before even stepping foot in the backyard, soon as I saw (Y/n) I stepped in and called you guys immediately.”
“Do we need to get Daisy?”
“That’s a fight you sure as hell don’t wanna have. Yelled at me just for taking ‘her best friend’ away from her to get her some water.”
Billy rolled his eyes.
Graham and Billy began making their way out of the party with you slung around their shoulders, and Camilla walking arm in arm with a very drunk Karen who kept tripping over feet.
And suddenly red hair and sparkling eyes were in front of them.
“Ohhh no, what happened to my girl?” She tried to touch your face but Billy pulled you away, ready to say something before Graham spoke up, surprising everyone.
“Your girl, Daisy?!” His voice boomed, no doubt you’d be embarrassed if you were in any way conscious. “This is my girl, our girl.” He gestured to the rest of the group. “And I’d say it’s in your best interest to leave her the hell alone from now on.”
Graham was a mess when he got you home.
Daisy ended up at the house not too long after the rest, explaining she didn’t know the situation, apologizing profusely, informing them all you had been drinking for months. She told them in a sullen voice that you hadn’t been this bad last time she saw her, that she thinks someone must have done it to you.
Graham understood, he did. But he couldn’t look at Daisy. How could she let you out of her sight, to allow someone to do this to you? It made his stomach turn. Billy was next to his brother this time, in the living room, a hand resting on his shoulder, squeezing from time to time, and instead of standing Graham sat with his head in his hands, creating knots in his hair as he ran his fingers through it. Cam and Karen had you in the bathroom, after seeing the panic in Graham’s eyes they decided to take over that part, knowing it wouldn’t be easy for him to see. Warren stayed up, and Eddie didn’t retreat to his room, Daisy paced back and forth outside of the bathroom, biting her nails. Graham could hear it, it was driving him nuts.
“Would it kill you to be quiet for two seconds, Daisy?!” He groaned, running a hand over his red splotchy face.
Everyone knew that Graham was just upset and taking it out on Daisy, the red corvette, which wasn’t exactly fair, but they also knew better than to argue with Graham at that point.
“You know what, Graham?!” Daisy stomped into the living room, planting herself in front of the Dunne brothers with her arms crossed.
Graham didn’t look up.
“Hey, I’m talkin’ to you!” Daisy used her thumb and pointer finger to grip his chin and pull his face up to look at her and she immediately felt guilty at his tear stained cheeks and glassy eyes.
She sighed, and crouched before him.
“I know it’s hard, and I’m so, so sorry this is happening to her. But she makes her own decisions, Graham. No one could’ve stopped her.”
Graham nodded, but still wouldn’t look in her direction. “Will you go check on her, please?”
Daisy would later tell the story with a frown on her face, and she’d recall never being that scared for another person before, despite the smile she put on for Graham.
“I didn’t-” She took a breath, “I’d never seen it that bad before, at least not while I was sober. I thought she was going to die.”
Daisy retreated to yours and Graham’s shared room shortly after discovering she couldn’t stomach staying in that bathroom, deciding to make herself useful by getting the bed ready, fluffing the pillows and retrieving some fresh clothes for you to wear to bed, making sure she grabbed ones that smelled like your boyfriend. She dropped the clothes off in the bathroom, and passed along the message to Graham from Karen and Camilla that it was time to take you to bed.
This had been Billy’s job, since before The Six was even The Six, that’s how it went. But things had changed, Graham had grown, and it was his turn.
part two coming soon!
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formulaa-1 · 2 years
An Instagram with Max? Please?
(someone asked for a hard launch with max verstappen where everyone thought she was dating Charles so max sets the record clear I couldn’t find the request again :(! )
Instagram au 🔥
Fem!driver!reader x max verstappen
everyone thinks y/n,Ferraris golden girl is dating Charles,Ferraris golden boy... max is tired of it and decides to set the records straight.
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y/nusername: wined n’ dined 🍷🍷
Liked by charles_leclerc and 900,327 others
view all 40,218 comments
user9303:I hope it is 😫 plus in Abu Dhabi they were celebrating together at a club and they’re always close so 😍😍😍
yourbestfriendsuser: glowing bébé🤩
y/nusername: je t’aime 🫶🏻
forzaferrarifan16: y/n…don’t be shy who’s with you 😁😏
username_: how tf are people guessing who it is.. you can hardly even see it plus whoever it is literally has a finger in the pic ?? I do hope it’s Charles tho 🤭
y/nandcha167: OH MY GOD IM SCREAMING !!!
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f1updatess: y/n posted this to her Instagram feed. Is she on a date with Charles leclerc ?
Liked by y/nandcha167 and 70,429 others
view all 35,699 comments
y/nandcha167: he liked her post as well!🤞🏼
username_69: screaming. she’s not single anymore ?😫
user33: everyone thinks it’s Charles but what if it’s an opponent ??
username282: ENEMIES TO LOVERS
maxvertsppennnnfan33: kinda looks like maxs hand no?
chaeclair16: nah I think it’s Charles ,Ferraris golden girl and Ferraris golden boy ❤️makes perfect sense !
y/nusername’s story
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maxverstappen33: mine
tagged: y/nusername
Liked by y/nusername and 1,234,800 others
view all 400,329 comments
username294: MAX???AND Y/N????
y/nandcha167: WHAT?? I was convinced she was dating Charles :( but this does make sense
y/nusername: yours ❤️
Liked by maxverstappen33
redbullracing: @ scuderiaferrari took ya girl ;)
scuderiaferrari: you wish
user33: I’m shocked 🤯
user_46: me and you both
maxandy/nfann: YES YES YES FINALLY😍
maxandy/nfann: the body language was so obvious in Abu Dhabi !! she was the first one to give him a hug and congratulate him❤️
fan36: the second pic. I’m dead.
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y/nusername: my champion<3
tagged: maxverstappen33
Liked by victoriaverstappen,maxverstappen33 and 1,239,000 others
comments are disabled
(AUTHORS NOTE- I hope this is what you were thinking of ,I don’t really like this one I feel like it’s a bit sloppy but I don’t wanna use any race pics since the 2023 season hasn’t started yet so I’m struggling a bit <3 )
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
hi! can you write about what ace would do if reader have trouble sleeping? They’re not in a relationship but there’s smth going on. He’d see her several nights outside on the ship when he’s on watch duty and he’s sorta worried
✧.* sleepless nights/ GN!reader x Ace
✧.* no warning, fluff
✧.*Im not sure if you wanted y/n to not be able to sleep because of their feelings for Ace and him not knowing. Anyways 🍃I added a bit of both
Your eyes are staring off at the sea as you watch the waves collapse in each other embrace and the moon guiding the boat through the darkness of the night. The ship is rocking against the water to the snoozes of the early one who fell asleep as your body is leant towards the rail where your arms find support. Your eyes are heavy but your mind is too occupied to allow you to sleep.
Questions about life, about your existent, your goals are flooding your thoughts like it never did before. You find yourself doubting everything even your friends and yourself too. Life just seem so too confusing right now. Your heart is everywhere but nowhere at the same time.
You sigh as you extend your hand to the horizon as if you could catch the sea in your hand. You smile foolishly to yourself as you let it fall down again on the rail.
This night is cold and windy.
With all that, you haven’t notice Ace slowly approaching you. You only notice when you feel a blanket on your shoulders and his cologne charming your senses. You stare at him with tired eyes as you mumble your gratitude before looking away.
-What is keeping you awake so late?
He starts with a slightly worried expression as he joins you in your staring. You scoff a little before addressing him your attention once again.
- I can’t sleep.
-You haven’t been sleeping well for quite some time..
-How do you know ?
-I have been on night-watch this last few days, dummy..but really what’s going on?
You don’t answer as you let his word sink in. You haven’t been sleeping good for days and he is right. You don’t even know why you feel the way you do, maybe it’s because of how your heart feel sick next to him, how your head feel dizzy. He was making you feel seasick.
-Im just caught up in my head, we all have those moments, right?
Ace opens his mouth to speak, but a harsh blow of the wind makes you flinch. He’s quick to catch the blanket and quickly put it back on you. But, he notices how your body is affected by the weather.
-Let me warm you up
He says as he softly takes your forearm and pulls you in, so he’s back hugging you. You close your eyes for a moment enjoying the warmth of his body and the feeling of dizziness slowly creeps up.
You feel his arms hold you tighter against his chest and the feeling of dizziness becomes unbearable as your heart beats faster. Your body relaxes against his familiar energy and a yawn leaves your lips as you feel sleepy.
-You make me feel sleepy.
-Good, you will rest a little then.
You feel him smile as he says that. He talks about the sea and some stories about his childhood and his little brother. Between all this, you find peace within your mind. The feeling of seasickness left and now you are faced with the obvious fact:
You like him.
-Hey, are you even listening?
He asks you as he feels that he has lost your attention. You blink and a soft smile curve your lips as your body is thrown into an epiphany. Warmth and joy tingle your body as your heart embrace the feeling with excitement. You slightly turn and look at his beautiful brown eyes. He smiled back and suddenly his freckles, his lips, his cheeks all seems so kissable. Your eyes glitter as your mouth speak for your heart.
-I like you Ace
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
I'm back again! So for me, all the one-shots where Percy is being a shit to y/n are like a series of  a toxic relationship, and I WANT HIM TO SUFFER SO BAD. It could be because I despise assholes or because he reminds me too much of my shitty ex (Percy, I adore you, but this is personal now).
Yes, my ex wasn't over his ex while being with me and told me that he preferred to still have the 140 pictures (yes, I remember this detail) of her than be with me.
Like I said before, I would love fluff, but I need vengeance! I NEED IT!
So please, I beg you! Write something that will fulfill my soul; I know you can. I only want him to pay, nothing else.
Love, THE Anon 🧚
I've tried to figure out how to say "fuck your ex" in a creative way but low-key im too tired he's just a douche n im so happy you know you deserve better n you're not with him!!! Also I wrote this sleep deprived on a 8 hour flight n actually kinda hate it but I promised so I deliver.
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48 times. 48 times Percy’s called you and 48 times you haven’t picked up. It’s been about two weeks since you left and he hasn’t heard a lick of you, complete silence on your end.
For a while he respected the wall you’d put up, only because he didn’t miss what was behind it. He had Annabeth, his best friend and he didn’t need you.
Then earlier, he was doing the dishes with his mom. She was drying and he was washing and maybe he would’ve noticed her silence sooner if he wasn’t zeroed in on scrubbing off a chunk of fried egg.
When he finally looked up, Percy noticed her staring out the window with the look she only got when she was thinking of his dad and nudged her gently.
Sally turned and met his questioning gaze. Her eyes were less sad, more reminiscent.
“Sometimes I just wonder, what it would have been like if he stayed.”
Percy nods, thinking of the man in the next room who stepped in the empty role his father left behind.
“I love Paul, my life now, but I just know that... maybe if he tried a little harder, you could have had it a little easier… I won’t ever forget the love I had for him because it gave me you, but I don’t think I’ll ever forgive it either.”
And now he’s sitting on his bed, slumped over his phone with so many wonders. Could you ever forgive him? Why was it so easy to let you go if it hurts so bad now? 
He calls you again, gets your up-beat ringtone and can’t help the surge of anger. It’s misdirected, you don’t deserve it and it immediately returns full force his way with a guilt tenfold.
So he calls you again and you tell him to leave a message at the beep. He hangs up before he can hear it.
His thumb hovers over the little phone on his screen, 50 times is pushing it.
He gives you a break, and waits, and waits, and waits.
And an hour later, his phone rings and he practically pounces on the device. It’s your smiling face shining up at him and your concerned voice echoing when he picks up.
“Percy? You okay? What’s going on?”
“I-I’m okay, I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Percy,” You sigh, “I was seriously freaked out, I thought you might be dying or something.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
He heard you take a breath, holding one of his own.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“I’m- I’m sorry. I’m really sorry and really stupid and I should’ve apologized so much sooner.”
“Yeah, I know.” He winces, “Anything else?” 
“Annabeth doesn’t mean anything to me that way, it’s you. It’s always been you and I’ve been too blind to see the obvious. I thought I needed her still because I knew I could never ask you to be what she was.”
You don’t say anything, he’s compelled to go on but a little scared he’s already messed up.
“Percy, there’s so much wrong with everything you just said but I don’t have the energy to correct you. I’m tired, it’s been a long day and I really just can’t do this, okay?”
“Wait, p-please,” His voice cracks and he makes no attempt to cover it. “Can you just listen to me?”
“No, I can’t. When I said I was done, I meant it. Don’t call me again.”
And with that, the phone call is over. The dial tone is a harsh contrast to your soft voice, it breaks his heart a little more. He misses you a little more when he pulls the phone away from his ear and sees what he could have had in your profile picture. He hates himself a little more when the next number he’s calling is Annabeth’s and she’s picking up with a care in her tone he only wants to hear from you.
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Don't leave me... I'll stay (Loki)
Summary: After an argument causes a rift between Loki and Y/N, the day is spent ignoring the other until Y/N decides to spend the night away from Loki.
Warning: Angst? i dunno what else to put in but angst eheheh. long maybe? this is a very long fic eheheh. ohh and another thing is that this may be prone to mistakes as i dont have anybody to proof this so... ehehhe
Note: eheheeh the liar has finally posted what was promised, precisely a month late or later. eheheh sorry to those who waited, school has taken a lot of my time, I barely open my laptop to work and im rarely here anymore but i've got until the monday off so lets see what i'll do with that eheheh
The context is vague, I apologize but i am complete rubbish at this. at everything really, including writing so eheheh. To those brave souls that braved this whole thing, Thank you! so very deeply, from the bottom of my heart for even showing the slightest bit of interest in my rubbish ideas. Hope you like it and im stopping myself from going any further and prolonging this intro ehehhe, Enjoy!😊
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‘No Loki! Just because I have this disease, doesn’t mean you have the right to keep me locked up like some sort of china. I am able to do just about everything I could before I told you and you have no right telling me what I can or cannot do’ you countered his argument but being stubborn, neither of you relented nor ceased.
You were now second guessing whether it was right or not, telling him about the chronic illness you were diagnosed with, but you knew that you did the right thing if you wanted this relationship to have a good foundation. The reaction however… was not how you thought things would go.
It was simple at first. Barely noticeable and could have been mistaken as added doting to his already caring nature with you but overtime, it became more and more obvious how he was setting up these restrictions you never would have agreed on. It only grew ridiculous, and you would have allowed the passive ones, but this was the final straw.
Your patience had worn thin over the entirety of the argument however, as comments grew more rash and the final ‘disapproval’ of your oncoming task was remarked, you snapped. He had no right to restrict you of activities and tasks he thinks are too much for your condition and it only insulted and hurt you to think that he thought you so frail and weak that even simple chores were too much.
‘I am going on this mission, whether you “approve” or not, because just telling you was out of courtesy. I refuse to be told of my restrictions by anyone besides myself. I would have understood your concerns if the situation were more grave, but for the love of God, it’s a simple data extraction.’ You exasperated, growing tired of fighting about something you know he won’t fold on.
‘In an abandoned Hydra base!’ he pointed out, choosing not to acknowledge how you outright dismissed his concern, no matter how much it hurt. ‘You know of the dangers that lurk in those retched lairs and often times there are still those who patrol the premises. You do remember when Rogers and Romanoff were attacked during their little escapade in Camp Leigh, do you not?’
‘Of course, I remember, I’m not a moron’ you snide, glaring daggers at the raven-haired god and you were just about to justify how Barnes was going with you however the comment he let out was the final pull on the thinned thread.
‘Well, you certainly are acting like one’ he mumbled without thinking, turning away. He thought it was low enough so you wouldn’t hear but he thought wrong.
‘I beg your pardon?!’ you all but screeched out of fury. Loki flinched before he turned at the high pitch and fury, he heard from you. He saw the outraged his comment caused in your eyes. The fire that burned in those beautiful orbs of yours was terrifying however, what truly frightened him was how you took a breath, calming yourself and before he could so much as apologize, rolled your eyes and turned away.
‘I’m done’ you raised your hands in surrender, turning your back to him.
‘What do you mean you’re done?’ he asked as fear of losing you threatened his being. You mean everything to him and just the very thought of losing you and him being the very reason you were gone… it opened a holocaust in his mind.
‘This conversation, I am done. I’m ending it before either of us say something or does more damage that there already is’ you yield, busying yourself with tidying up the files you had splayed out all over the floor.
Relief flooded his senses before guilt quickly bore fruit.
He watched as you packed up your work and strode out of the room. It took him a minute, but he followed you out and once he finally reached the living room, he met the sight of you slipping on your trainers and throwing your gadgets, wallet and keys in your bag before moving to the door and slamming it shut.
He stood frozen in the threshold of the hall as he processed what happened. All he wanted was to keep you safe. Never did he think that things would go this bad.
You stormed out of the flat and went to the compound for the briefing you had with Bucky. It was scheduled for tomorrow, but you just could not stay in the flat, not with him, not at the moment. You needed a cool head and quite frankly, yours was blazing.
You called Barnes to reschedule, which he agreed to but before he could ask why, you had already hung up. You needed to calm down, seriously.
You took a scenic route around the city before heading to the facility. You parked at the car park and turned off the vehicle before you let your head fall on the steering wheel. Loki’s’ words really stung but in his own way, you knew he meant well. He loved you but it felt demeaning to be confined to one place or to be babied. You are a grown woman; this disease may affect you in some way but you wouldn’t let it define and control your life like its slowly doing to Loki.
You took your phone to look at the time and was greeted with lock screen background of you and Loki cuddling, fast asleep. Someone from the team took the picture to spite Loki but you found it adorable and set it on your phone. It brought a small grin to your lips until you got a message from Barnes saying which conference room was being used for the quick briefing. You sighed, taking your bag before exiting the car and heading in the building.
The briefing was quick. Only about the layout of the base, where to go and what to take. You were in and out in possibly ten minutes, but you longed for it to be longer. You didn’t want to go home yet so you stayed for a chat with the others, talking to Wanda about her relationship, discussing with Bruce the project he was working on before you went and left with a goodbye, heading for the shops for dinner prep and a bit of groceries, taking your time in each aisle to pass the minute until you really had to go home.
Loki had texted Thor after you left, asking if you were at the compound. It took a bit for his brother to respond but eventually he replied with ‘Barnes says she’s on her way for a meeting’. He felt relieved to at least know where you are, knowing you were safe and not alone somewhere. 
Hours passed until he heard your keys on the front door, the metal snake keychain giving a distinct clink with the rest of your keys. He looked to the door from where he sat on the living room, watching as you trudged in the brown bags of groceries. You kicked the door closed and placed the bags in the kitchen bench, never sparing him a look. He could sense that you didn’t want to be around him, he could always sense it. He’s had years of experience with being ignored nor wanted. He knew when to take his leave, so he left for the bedroom, never sparing you a sound of his departure.
You saw Loki on the chaise when you walked in. You blatantly ignored him, but he was on the couch. The only indication you got that he left was when you heard the bedroom door close. You were fixing everything you had bought to the cupboards and the pantry when you just heard the soft click of the door closing. You felt bad with how distant you two were being but what stung more is that he couldn’t bear to be in the same room as you that he had to leave. You wanted to make things right. You were thinking of things to say as you put away the vegetables, but he seemed to want the opposite.
You put everything away and started making supper, finishing an hour or two later. Loki still hasn’t left the bedroom, though you did hear the shower run a few minutes prior, so you ate by yourself, wallowing in your thoughts about the mission and Loki.
Your bowl was half gone when he emerged from the room and moved to where you were eating on the table. You had prepared him a bowl, which now sat at the other end of the table. You weren’t talking to each other, but you still care and love him. The soup had gone a bit cold, but it was there, and he sat and ate it anyways.
Both of you stayed silent, neither breaking the silence as the tension grew thick. You quickly finished the rest of your meal before standing abruptly to start cleaning up. You let the bowl rinse and soak in the sink while you stored the leftovers in a container and to the fridge. You had put more than enough on his bowl, so you were sure he wouldn’t be asking for seconds. You quickly washed the dishes whilst he ate while reading his book. He was nearly done when you left the kitchen and proceeded to the bathroom.
He let out a sigh and dropped his book when he heard the shower running. He has been staring at the very same paragraph over and over but not once has he actually paid attention to the text let alone understood it. He was hoping to break the ice between you two, but he froze, missing his chance.
He rinsed his own dish and made sure everything was good and locked up before he went back to the bedroom, preparing to go to bed.
You came out a few minutes later, steam billowing from the ensuite and following you. Your hair was wrapped up in a towel, your body clad in the oversized jumper you adored, with a nightie underneath. You still refused to acknowledge him as you made your way to the closet, grabbing a spare comforter.
This got Loki’s attention and was what broke the silence of the room, really the silence you have both established since the argument earlier.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked as he stopped fluffing the pillow in his hold. Your pillow.
‘I have a few case files to read and paperwork to do so… I’m staying in the living room’ you stated, hardly with any emotion, tugging at the comforter from the top shelf.
‘And the need for a blanket?’ he questioned again, looking over your well bundled figure. The sweater you had was thick and big enough to cover your legs if you were truly that cold, he knew that and the fact that you only use blankets whenever you were going to sleep.
‘It’s likely I’ll fall asleep on the couch so I’m preparing for the inevitable. To put it bluntly, I’m sleeping on the couch’ you say, finally turning around to see him holding your pillow before you moved to leave the room.
All Loki could do was nod, clenching his jaw as his hands dropped your pillow and watch as you left the room. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t will his lips to move in protest and just accepted what was going to happen. He didn’t want to force you seeing how that went earlier, so he let it… you, go do what you wish. He didn’t want to lose you and he’d do anything and everything to avoid that.
He got cleaned up in the bathroom before he went to bed. He couldn’t sleep and for hours he’s spent it staring up at the ceiling. Once he'd learned to sleep with you by his side, it was harder now to do so without you and the lingering thoughts of your fight earlier kept him company.
It took a while before the fatigue finally succumbed to him, his mind too tired to do anything that it finally forfeited and let him rest.
You on the other hand, haven’t slept at all. Not a wink of it. You spent a bit writing up some reports and looking over at some case files but after you found that you couldn’t focus, you packed everything up and tried to get some sleep. Tried. You really did but as tired as your body was, your mind worked wonders in keeping you up.
The fight you had was your fore thought, mainly the look in Loki’s eyes when you said you weren’t sleeping in the same room as him. He always tried to look impassive in front of others but with you, his eyes held so many expressions of love and adoration, you saw none of that as he held your pillow.
You felt bad leaving him alone. The gesture alone of fixing your side of the bed was heart-warming, that it made you feel like a monster when you saw the look he gave you. Of absolute disappointment? It wasn’t the right word, but you felt like you took the one good thing he had and crushed it in front of him.
You tried to stave off such thoughts, thinking of your task for tomorrow and such but it wasn’t any use. Your mind was going miles per minute, and you just couldn’t keep up. You stayed on the couch for hours, laying on the furniture as your eyes stayed transfixed on a spiderweb on the ceiling. You grew restless overtime so the idea of making tea came to mind.
You thought it a good idea for a cup to help you, so you finally got up. You took the towel you used from the coffee table and hung it on a chair as you turned the kettle on. You grabbed a cup from the drying rack and dropped the bag of chamomile you got from the jar, as you waited for the water to boil.
It was then you heard a whimper. It came fast and low, you were beginning to think that you imagined it when you heard it again. You left the cup sitting on the counter as you went to investigate, looking all around the open space of the flat until it finally registered to you that it was coming from the bedroom.
Fast steps quickly took you to the door of the room, which was left open and from where you stood, you heard his cries clearly. The room, gloomy when you entered had scarcely any light. The only source came from the dim lighting from the hall and the sliver of moonlight seeping through the curtains, but it was enough to help you at least see figures.
You moved to the general area of where the bed was and there you saw his figure, trembling slightly. From what you saw as your eyes further adjusted to the darkness, he laid on his side, his shirt damp with sweat, his face glistening and his hair sticking all over his neck and cheeks. He had a pillow in his hold, his head buried in the cushion, but the muffled whines and whimpers still persisted to reach your ears. It was your pillow.
It had been a long while since these terrible nightmares have plagued his nights. The last was far too long ago you hardly remembered it anymore. You remember how he once told you about it having something to do with you sleeping by his side. That something about you just calmed him and made his mind come to a peaceful state. The guilt you felt increased tenfold as the regret of leaving him alone ate you alive. You didn’t… you don’t… you couldn’t have imagined how much you had helped him without even realizing and now leaving him to his own devices… you felt like a pompous prick.
You sped to his side, whispering his name in hopes to arouse him but it proved to be futile.
You sat beside him, turning to the side to face figure. A finger reached to tuck the damp locks behinds his ears as you whispered his name again, hoping to get through his thoughts but it still wasn’t working. Your hands moved to cradle the side of his face, your thumb caressing his cheek in hopes to stir him as you continued to say his name.
‘Loki’ you said softly, knowing using any other tone or pitch would only frighten him further. You moved your head next to his, your body twisted in an awkward position, but you couldn’t care less. You continued to whisper his name close to his ear, your thumbs caressing those sharp angled cheeks until he finally stirred.
You felt it. That light shake of his head as he finally starts rouse, as if shaking off fatigue and merciless thoughts that haunted his mind. You pulled away a bit to see him properly, wiping the beads of sweat that coated most of his forehead with the sleeve of your jumper as your other hand continued their gentle caress on his cheeks. He had a furrow that pulled his brows together and normally you would have found it adorable but right now you only hoped to remove it.
He blinked slowly, gathering his bearings to check if he was truly out of the agonizing torment his mind had conjured. He was losing you. It was scene after scene of ways he loses you and all of it was his fault. From you leaving him after an argument, to the image of the mad titan snapping your neck in his grasp as he watched. Each scenario broke him in every way, and he just couldn’t bare it.
The sight was still fresh in his mind as he finally started to ebb away from the drowse of sleep. Then as panic set him as he realized and processed what had happened, he didn’t notice the soft whisper of his name or the caress of your delicate fingers. He was on the verge of complete panic, tears welling up his eyes when he felt it. You.
Your voice. You touch. Your scent. Everything. It all enveloped him to the point It became overwhelming, but he wanted it. To suffocate in everything you, to banish those horrid thoughts away.
‘y/n?’ he whispered meekly, still questioning whether he was still in the throughs of his nightmare.
‘I’m here, It’s okay. It’s just a nightmare’ you replied as tears started to pour from his eyes and cascade down his cheeks.
‘I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave me’ he heaved, his voice shaking with every word, it broke your heart to hear him so broken. His arms moved to wrap around you, having a tight hold on your waist, leaving the pillow, as he wept.
You could only do so much to keep your own tears at bay, but you managed to stay strong. Your fingers wiped much of the tears, but they only continued to flow so you pulled him in to hide in the crook of your neck.
‘Shhh darling. It’s alright, I’m here, I promise’ you said in his ear, knowing his cries would only muffle his hearing. He cried and cried, apologizing just as much in between but you still dismissed every single one.
‘Shhhh, you’re okay darling. It’s only a nightmare, it’s alright’ you moved your body to lay on the bed fully, settling beside him comfortably as you held him tight. Your fingers weaved through his obsidian locks, scratching his scalp in hopes to console and comfort him in anyway as he continued to heave on the crook of your neck.
It broke your heart to see him like this. Frightened to the bone like a little boy, shivering as if dunk in the oceans of the arctic. All those years of suffering topped his insecurities and the lack assurance and consoling care throughout most of his life… of course he was afraid. Of the possibilities this life held. He’d seen the worst parts of it, of course id be difficult to peer outside that little protective box he hid in. And your argument certainly didn’t help matters.
He cried for a while and you let him. Bare his vulnerability to you and it was your honour to be shown this fragile part of him. You’d treasure the trust he had in you, to keep him safe in times like these. You wouldn’t let anything happen to him, especially like this. You love him too much.
He calmed down after a little while, still letting out soft sniffs and whimpers every once and a while, but he had calmed down. You placed a soft kiss on his temple, an assurance of sorts before pulling back to face him but his grip only tightened, a whine escaping his lips as he hid himself further in the safety of your hair.
He didn’t want you to pull away for fear of you having enough of him, but he wouldn’t have it. He couldn’t.
You hushed him softly, running a hand through his inky locks and caressing his scalp, assuring him you weren’t going anywhere and only meant to talk to him. He was reluctant but he gave in, nodding the slightest bit before pulling away to face you.
His face was red, eyes bloodshot and puffy around the eyelids, looking down and anywhere but at you. Streaks of tears, dry and fresh cascaded down his sharp features, causing his unruly hair to stick. The look he gave you completely broke your heart, rendering it to mush whilst he had the decency to look so heartbroken.
You kept your composure as a finger swiped a way those stray locks, tucking it behind his ear before he nuzzled in the warms of your palm. Your thumb glided along the prominent angle of his zygoma, brushing away whatever moisture was left until you tilted his head up, by the chin, to look at you. His beautiful emerald eyes shimmered with unshed tears however he still won’t look you in the eyes.
‘Loki’ his name came off your lips in a soft whisper, finally grabbing his attention. Now that you finally had it though, all words seem to have left you, your thoughts drawing blank. A sigh left your lips as you let your head drop to his, your foreheads pressed together as you closed your eyes.
‘I’m sorry’ you said blankly, your hand rising to come through his locks and to scratch his scalp. Whether it was for his comfort or your distraction, you wouldn’t know.
He shook his head, dismissing your apology. Half of him didn’t know what you were apologizing for yet the other had an idea as to what, and even if it truly was what you were thinking, he knew that it was his fault.
‘No, don’t apologize. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have treated you as such, but please darling, forgive me. I cannot lose you, please. Don’t… don’t leave me’ he practically begged. He really couldn’t lose you. He just wouldn’t know what to do if he did, but he just knows he won’t survive it.
‘No, I must apologize’ you argued, continuing on before he could cut you off ‘My actions weren’t acceptable, but Loki… We cannot keep going on like this. I am my own person, I refuse to told what to do, let alone what I can’t. I refuse to be caged in the four walls of this flat like some treasured bird, I’m not. I will not be restrained. By some illness nor God or man. This won’t work if that is what you want’.
‘I know, I know. I-It’s not, It’s not what I want. I’m sorry but darling, I just can’t lose you. I can’t. I won’t survive it. Please, I won’t do it again, just please don’t leave me.’ He sobbed, dropping his head back down the crook of your neck and he held you in a tight embrace. You understood what he meant; you don’t think you could survive losing him too.
‘I won’t. I’m not leaving you. I would never. I'm staying’ You affirmed. You really wouldn’t, but you won’t stand being coddled to the brim.
You held on to each other tightly for a while. Just letting the others presence calm one another. Loki hidden in the arch of your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist, while you laid your head on top of his, a hand mindlessly raking trough his gorgeous locks. It proved to be comforting for the both of you, evidently.
‘I only meant to protect you’ he mumbled with a sniff out of nowhere.
‘I understand, my love. And the best I could do is promise to be safe and extra careful. I won’t take too risky missions if that gives you a peace of mind.’ You offered. You knew he only meant well and cared for your safety. You love your job but often times, it was too dangerous, even for your standards after everything. Taking fewer and safer missions wasn’t a problem. As long as you had worked to do that involved helping people, you were satisfied.
You felt him nod his head lightly at the suggestion, causing a soft smile to bloom from your lips before placing a soft kiss on the crown of his head. You didn’t see it but a small smile curved his lips as well at the feel of your lips on his skin. The touch starved part of him relishing in these small moments of affection like treasure.
Your free hand moved to caress his back when you felt how damp the fabric of his top was. The sweat he had worked up earlier still hasn’t dried and you knew how uncomfortable he would get bathing in the slightest bit of dirt, hence why you thought of getting him cleaned.
You place another kiss on his cheek before attempting to untangle yourself from him. The events of the nights had taxed the god, but you wanted to get him at least a bit clean before he fully dozed off however, as you tried to get off his loving embrace, his grip only tightened, his droopy eyes opening wide to see the commotion. 
‘Shhh, It’s alright. I just have to head out to the kitchen to check something and I promise, I will be right back my love’ you said softly to his ear, hoping his drowse would keep. He gave a tired huff before reluctantly setting you free. Your grin only grew wider, and you place a quick peck on his lips before you scrambled off the bed.
You quickly checked the kitchen to see if the kettle hadn’t burned and once assured, you left it as it was and headed to the loo to get what was needed. You took a small towel from the cupboard bellow the sink and ran it under the water to get it wet. Once it was fully soaked, you wrang the excess water from the towel and quickly grabbed a spare shirt from the wardrobe before going back to the bedroom.
The darling god had his eyes closed with your pillow once again tight in his grasp. This time, the sight made you smile. At how adorable he looked, face squashed on the cushion. You could tell how exhausted he was though, so you made haste in getting him set for night’s (hopefully) peaceful rest.
You sat beside him on the bed, the shifting of the mattress making him dare open an eye just as you were about to rouse him. He gave you that small charming smile of his when he saw you and your hand moved to cup his cheek, letting the pad of your thumb caress his now dried cheeks.
‘Can you sit up for me, luv’ you asked, leaning down to his ear. He gave you a faint nod before you sat back and helped him up. The fatigue was really getting on to him as he laid his head on your shoulder, so you made sure to finish as soon as possible to finally let him have a good night’s rest.
You gathered his hair into a pony with one hand and held it away, while the other wiped the damp cloth on the back of his neck. He flinched at the contact, having been spared a warning, you promptly apologized and moved as quickly as you could.
You wiped his face with great care, before you pulled his shirt off and threw it on the nightstand, to be put on the hamper after you were done. You wiped him all over until you deemed it enough and gave him the spare shirt. He put it on and just before you could leave the bed again, he took your hand. He gave you a pleading look that spoke volumes, and how could you resist when he gave you those doe eyes.
You gave him a soft smile, leaving the little towel beside the shirt and made your way to your spot on the bed. You got comfortable before you looked at him, staring at you with great fondness, it made you bashful yet you still opened your arms, welcoming him in to be held, which with great eager, he accepted. He laid beside you, wrapping his arms around your torso as he inhaled the scent of your hair, a welcome comfort after the course of the night.
You pulled the covers up to cover you both, but the feel of his soft lips just made you forget about everything but him, making you snuggle closer in his hold.
He had his head laid on the top of yours, his arms tied around you and your legs intertwined. An arm of yours cradled the back of his head, tangling to the roots of his inky locks while the other drew abstracts on his back. You held each other, never saying a word yet the silence was finally comfortable. A tranquil state you two could once again relish.
The silence however gave your mind room to intrude the peace, thinking of how things got to this point. From the argument, to the dismiss of each other’s presence and up until the confession after the dreadful nightmare, you admit that parts of how this ended up being the conclusion of the day, was your fault. Yes, Loki had his own mistakes in the matter, but you could have taken a point and fixed it. Why didn’t you get a grip and made the effort to make things better.  You shouldn’t ha…
A deep sigh broke you out of your trance. A squeeze, you felt you were given as arms around waist tightened and you were pulled impossibly closer to the mass holding you.
‘I can hear your gears turning, darling’ Loki mumbled, followed by a small chuckle, breaking the deafening comfort of silence. The sound was well welcomed after the tension of the day.
‘Sorry, luv. Go back to sleep’ you reply, scratching his scalp. He hummed in response, a smile pressing against your hair before a quick peck was planted on the top of your head. You grinned, closing your eyes, hoping to finally get consumed by the black oblivion that was rest.
The gentle caress on your arm helped, lulling you to a peaceful state of mind. Loki knew what helped you too.
Eventually the night drew on, painting the dark skies with stars as the two held each other, succumbing to blissful state of peace promised by slumber.
The night was a lesson for the two. To understand the other, to work out their problems and to never go to bed angry.
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bambisnc · 6 months
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deja vu (anemoia remix!)
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pairing : choi soobin x reader! genre : fluff n crack cw/tw : use of caps + uneditted wc : i'll update later im too tired to rn !!
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a quiet, peaceful walk was all that you had wanted.
on having recently discovered what you could only describe as the most gorgeous garden you'd seen in your life; it was obvious you would choose its fairytale like setting as the location.
what you had not expected at all though, was to find yourself entangled with a certain someone, who coincidentally, would be a perfect fit for the mystical events which would soon ensue in your so-far rather ordinary life.
you had been busy reading a notice which announced that the anemone flower display would be closed permanently until further information was given; when a shrill voice called out, "soobin?! he was right here- WHERE'D HE GO??"
that's a pretty name, you off-handedly thought to yourself. maybe someone lost a friend, a sibling.
"hey," a voice said suddenly, "you wouldn't have happened to see a rabbit - no i mean, a bunny - around would you?"
obviously, you hadn't. which is what you informed the person who had approached you, as well.
but barely had you politely waved him goodbye did you see a fluffy, white rabbit bound towards you and with a flash of light turn into a boy right in front of your eyes?!
a really, really tall boy, that is.
the innocent disappointment of the expression adorning his adorable features makes your heart physically feel like shattering.
"oh no. oh no oh no oh no-," the boy is looking at his hands, as if he's shocked he even has hands.
right that makes sense; "soobin...? weren't you a rabbit just a second ago-?"
he doesn't question how you know his name.
"i need you to help me hide. the 'timer' won't allow me to turn back to my animal form for some time." he runs his tongue over his lips, probably only a nervous habit, but you can't help licking your own when you notice the boy do so, "please."
you really don't have the heart to say no. but still, you attempt to break it to him, "i'm sure you have your reasons but.. i do not think that would be possible at all."
"what if uh- i tried hiding in plain sight?? i.. i could pretend i'm here with you?? that would throw beomgyu off my trail for some time at least, don't you think??"
"SOOBIN WHERE THE HELL DID YOU RUN OFF TO?!?" beomgyu's near. and soobin for whatever reason refuses to get caught but can also not turn back into a rabbit.
you always knew you were a sucker for pretty boys, but you didn't know to what extent you'd go for one.
well now you do!
it's as if some innate instinct takes over. you place both your hands on soobin's face doing your best to shield it from view, and place a little kiss on his forehead.
and your timing couldn't have been more perfect! you wait, with hushed breaths, only to hear beomgyu walk past the two of you without a single suspicious glance thrown your way!
when you finally move to meet soobin's eyes and apologize for the hasty decision (but it did work!!) you're left shocked. his extremely flustered face completely avoids your gaze as his pretty lips open and shut as if he's trying to say something but the words just aren't coming out.
"i'm so sorry about that it was all i could think of at the mmph-" a hand on your waist pulls you ever so slightly closer and he kisses you.
it's soft, fleeting. barely a featherlight touch of his lips against yours. but it leaves you reeling.
soobin pulls away almost as quickly as he initiated the kiss, eyes wide as saucers. before he can even begin to think of a proper sentence...
...a flash of light. that darned flash of light.
he's a bunny rabbit again.
obviously he's gone immediately. you wouldn't even have had a chance to catch him if you tried.
and as you walk back home that day, the only thought in your mind is him. and, did a were-rabbit (???) really kiss you on the lips?!
also, why is there a dried anemone flower in your pocket..? hadn't the exhibit for those been closed?
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notes : oh man oh god help me i think i started another series. thats what the 4th one so far? #lovethis + lowkey might leave this here tho and focus on roommate!sc plus the otome au + [m.list] song rec : im predicting that it'll be deja vu the anemoia remix and my god will i be sad if the vibes of this dont match the vibes of the song :/
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xo-cori · 1 year
hi um can i request smthn abt dina crushing readers head with her thighs while they eat her out <3 and reverse cowgirl with her. making her bounce on your lap. UGGGHHHNGH im so down bad for her.
hands on your knees, angelina jolie
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pairing: dina woodward x fem!reader
summary: you’ve become addicted to the feeling of her body beneath yours. more specifically, her unassumingly strong thighs.
warnings: smut (MDNI), reader is definitely a munch 😁
a/n: HEYY i only did the first part bc i’m not exactly comfy writing about straps/any dicklike thing in general BUT I HOPE U LIKE ANYWAYS!!!
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Her moans fill the dimly lit room, moonlight creeping in from the window that shines a ghostly light across her tan, freckled skin. It’s the middle of the night and she’s pliant underneath your touch. Her fingers make a mess of your hair, her bare chest rises and falls in rapid motion, and her thighs… well, you’d be content to die this way if she happened to break your jaw.
They clench down around the sides of your face, spasming and shivering. Her wetness soaks your chin and the wrinkled bedsheets below. You’ve been at it for well over an hour, yet have made no attempt to pull away or gasp for air. You simply don’t want to– and even if you did, Dina does too good a job of holding you in place until she’s had enough.
“Jus’ like that,” she purrs, looking down to see the way you’re bent down between her legs, ass up in the heavy air, giving her a proper show. “You’re so good to m-me… fuck!”
Your hands come down to her knees, encouraging her to fully close them behind your head as you hum in agreement. The vibrations cause her to throw her head back against the pillows behind her. Your tongue languidly licks up and down her petal-soft folds, jaw aching so badly you’re sure that it’ll be hard to chew the next day, but it’s all worth it when you feel her thighs tighten around your head once more and nearly pull the hair out of your head. Her back arches off of the bed while you open your clouded eyes to look up at her, watching intently as you lick another gentle orgasm out of her; her third one of the night. You sigh into her contently, scooping up all of her cum with your tongue so that you can savor the taste before she weakly pulls you off of her.
“Come here,” Dina breathes, not entirely sure her body even belongs to her anymore.
You crawl up to straddle her hips, leaning down to kiss her properly– she can taste herself on your lips, on your tongue, and she feels the slick that coats your chin. It takes all of her willpower to not jump your tired bones right then and there. Her arms limply wrap around your neck, all of that strength finally gone now that you’d drained all the energy she had. “Maybe one day you’ll actually crush my head.” You laugh against her lips, making her pull away with a gasp.
“Don’t even joke about that.” She demands, cheeks darkening with an obvious embarrassment.
“I’m not joking. You know how happy I’d be to die between your legs?” You sigh dreamily as you collapse on the bed beside her. Dina covers her eyes with her forearm and huffs.
“I’m already not gonna be able to walk tomorrow,” she groans, “so I don’t know where I’ll find the strength to do that.”
“Do what? Crush my skull like a watermelon?” You tease, laughing as she playfully smacks your arm. “It’s fine. I’ll just wait ‘til you’re back in one piece, then get back to hoping.”
Dina turns her head to look at you with a suggestive grin. “You know what? That’s awful, but still kinda turning me on.”
“Really?” You quickly prop yourself up on your arm, a hopeful tone in your voice. “We can go again, I just might have to use my fingers ‘cause my jaw is fucking done for–”
She cuts you off by moving to lay on her side and placing her arm around your waist, forcing you back down to lay with her. A soft smile graces her lips when she feels your hand come up to rub the soreness from her lower back. “You really tuckered me out, horn-dog.”
“Tuckered myself out, too. I’ll wash the sheets in the morning,” you say before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
For now, all you can do is doze off into a blissfully deep sleep and hope that you remembered to lock the front door.
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propertyofwicked · 1 year
never have i ever... | rafe cameron
had a troll pt 2
part 1 here
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not my gif<3
warnings - very very slight sexual references if you really squint
rafe could tell you had been distant with him the last week, but he didn’t know why. he imagined it was your brother and his obvious dislike for your relationship, but considering you had been fine after john b had first found out he didn’t understand why it had suddenly become an issue. everytime he asked you what was wrong, you responded with some excuse about just being tired from work. 
you weren’t avoiding him on purpose - well, maybe you were. the anonymous texter was adamant, and you had been drawn into this mess, spiralling slightly and spending every free moment thinking about it. you had been cheated on before, and the sinking feeling that came from being told rafe was with someone else behind your back was all too familiar. as a result you had hidden yourself away from him, always using work as an excuse and hiding in the kitchen if he came into the club. he had begin to give you the space he thought you wanted so the last thing you expected was for him to come crashing through your bedroom window at 3am, waking you up and dragging you out with him and into his car.
he didn’t speak, he just drove the two of you across the island, his hand clutching the steering wheel so hard his veins popped out and were perfectly highlighted by the full moon. 
“rafe are you going to say anything?”
“are you? you haven’t spoken to me in a week.”
“yes i have, i sent you a text earlier?”
“oh sorry “going to work now. talk later” you really have a way with words y/n - does shakespeare know about you?”
“sorry,” you mumble, not sure how to respond.
“no y/n. i don’t want your apologies - i want you to talk to me. have i done something? has john b done something? if he has ill kill h-”
“he hasn’t done anything rafe. i promise. it’s just...” you trail off, not sure how to approach the topic of the anonymous texter, knowing he’d told you to ignore it. luckily, you didn’t have to respond as a text notification filled the silence for you. you turned the phone slightly, careful not to show too much so that rafe couldn’t read it
“oh. i see,” rafe pipes up, sighing loudly as the realisation hits him,” y/n, i told you to ignore it - is this why you’ve been ignoring me all week?” he says, pulling the car to the side of the road and turning to look at you. 
you head dropped slightly, turning away from him in shame. you expected him to shout, or at least get angry and yet his hand reached up to cup your jaw and turn your face to look at his. his jaw was soft, not tense and angry as you had expected - and his eyes looked sad, almost sympathetic.
“let me read the messages,” rafe says, slowly taking the phone from your grasp. he scrolls through the chat, reading the lies this person was spreading about him - he was happy to see that you were still defending him. you had confided in him about being cheated on before, and he soon realised why you had become so distant. locking the phone and placing it on the dashboard, rafe pulls you over to come and sit on his lap so that you were straddling his waist and had no way of avoiding his stare. 
“y/n, i love you,” rafe starts, his voice soft and eyes staring into yours, his hand reaches up to tuck the hair behind your ear and makes itself at home on your jaw, “i promise you none of this is true. when i’m not with you, i’m thinking about you. you can ask top if you want, he’s actually starting to get pissed ‘cause im ‘whipped’ as he puts it. i love you, and i only want to be with you. whoever this is, messaging you, has it out for me, and for us. id never do anything to hurt you. ever.” 
it was nice to hear him be so compassionate, he was always kind and loving but he rarely said it, rafe cameron is not a man who says how he is feeling - he’d much rather show you. a tear slips from your eye, but he quickly wipes it away and presses a kiss to where it had fell. 
“i didn’t believe what they were saying you know, i just couldn’t help but fall into the trap.” 
“i know sweetheart. you don’t have to worry about me. ive got enough scratches on my back to let people know they can’t have me,” he adds, smirking slightly as you hide your face in his shoulder. 
you woke up late that morning, the late night adventure with some added fun in the back of rafe’s car had taken it’s toll on your already fatigued body. you get out of bed and head down the hallway, deciding a shower is probably necessary - but murmurs of the pogues in kitchen stop you in your tracks. 
“you’ve done some fucked up shit before john b, but this is a whole new level,” sarah says.
“don’t get me wrong, we all hate rafe for the shit he’s done but y/n has never been happier, especially with everything she’s gone through recently,” jj follows on, “texting her anonymous threatening messages to get her to break up with him is psychotic bro.”
it was john b? this whole time? had he been sending those texts and waiting to hear your sobs through the thin walls of the chateau? surely not. this was a joke right. without even thinking, you feet had carried you into the kitchen. jj and the rest of the group stood on one side of the table, with john b with his head in his hands - atleast he looks guilty. his head raises at the sound of you walking in and he feigns a smile hoping you hadn’t heard the conversation.
“it was you? this whole time?” you asked, voice laced with venom. he nodded slowly, realising he couldn’t hold the façade any longer. 
“look, y/n im sorr-”
“no, save it. i don’t care,” and with that you turned on your heal, back into your room, where you began to cry. you rang rafe, and he picked up immediately as he always did. you didn’t say anything but he could hear your sobs through the phone, and without a second thought he was in the car coming to pick you up. 
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agaypanic · 4 months
Oh my god you’re doing TEOTFW I love it . I have a request for James and it’s literally as simple as I the reader and James getting stuck in a lift together. James thinks it’s the perfect chance to kill someone but the reader starts to get too optimistic as a coping mechanism for being trapped and he doesn’t know what to do about it
A Psychopath and a Chatterbox (James X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After a long night in the library, you catch a lift back down to the first floor until it stops suddenly. The boy stuck with you is thinking about how this is the perfect chance to kill you, until you start to chatter away.
A/N: reader wants to be a vet and likes cats. obvious warning for talks of murder, and also some mentions of killing animals. im american so idk shit about european school systems. Reader and james are in uni (i think that’s the european version of college), so lets pretend that the events of teotfw didn’t happen so james still has his murderous tendencies
With finals quickly approaching, you’ve spent the last week studying in the campus library. You’ve probably spent more time in the library now than you had all semester.
You had been deep in a textbook when an alarm on your phone went off, signaling that the library was closing in five minutes. You jolted in surprise from both the sound and how late it was; you couldn’t believe so much time had passed. Quickly, you gathered your things and ran to the lift, hoping you’d make it before the outside doors locked.
When the lift doors closed after you entered, you let out a breath of relief. The last thing you needed was to be stuck in the place you had already spent the past four hours in.
The doors opened, confusing you for a moment. You weren’t on the ground floor yet; you had only moved down one floor. But then you saw a boy about your age walk in. The doors shut, and you started descending again.
“Hi.” The brunette’s voice was a bit tired. He kept facing forward, but glanced to the side at you, so he must’ve just wanted to be polite.
“Hey.” You responded. While staring forward like him, you caught something in your peripheral. “Your bag’s open.”
He knitted his eyebrows in confusion. “Huh?” Then he swung his backpack around, seeing that you were right and the main pocket was open. “Oh, thanks.” Then he zipped it up, slinging it back over his shoulder.
It was silent after that, aside from the occasional sniffle. When you looked up at the level indicator, you saw that you were passing through the third floor. 
But then the lift paused. You and the mystery boy jolted at the sudden stop, looking around in confusion. You must’ve been stuck between floors.
Your nameless companion pressed the ground floor button a few times, but the lift didn’t start up again. He pressed the emergency button and tried using the emergency phone beside the panel of buttons. Nothing.
You looked at your watch and sighed. “The lifts must stop when the library closes.” 
“Or maybe the lift’s just fucked.”
Ten minutes later, it still wasn’t budging. You and the boy, who you learned was named James, sat on the floor facing each other. You patted your thighs rhythmically, trying to relieve the boredom and anxiousness you were feeling.
James, on the other hand, was messing around with his backpack. You couldn’t really see what he was doing, which he was glad about. Because just out of your view, he was playing around with the hunting knife his father had gotten him one year. He didn’t want you to be alarmed by the sight.
He figured it would make killing you a bit less enjoyable. If you freaked out and started to struggle. 
But it’s not like you could get away, not when you were trapped in a lift together late at night in an empty building. That’s what made it so perfect. There were no cameras in the lift, so there’d be no visual evidence of the crime. And when he looked up, James could see a large vent in the middle of the ceiling, which he could probably climb out through if he undid the screws and then open the doors of the floor that you were stuck slightly under. 
After years of fantasizing, planning, and preparation, it was as if God himself were handing James this opportunity.
“So, what’re you studying?”
Your voice had brought James out of his deep thoughts, and only then did he notice he had an iron grip on the knife handle. He quickly set the knife down in his lap so you wouldn’t see it, still keeping his hand on it while he awaited the perfect moment to strike. “What?”
“What’re you studying?” You asked again, smiling softly but awkwardly at him. You figured you might as well try to get to know this stranger, as it was unforeseeable how long you’d be stuck together in this little box. 
“Oh.” He wasn’t expecting you to speak to him. James was preparing himself for a very wordless interaction, apart from your possible screams. “Um, criminology.” Considering his hobbies and ambitions, he figured that would be a good major for him. He saw it as a bit of a preventative measure because he could learn from the mistakes of others.
“Interesting.” You respond, sitting up a little straighter. “How’s that going?”
James was a bit put off by your wanting to make conversation. “Fine.” He carefully twirled the big knife in his hand. “What do you study?” He figured it was only polite to return the favor. Might as well ask you a bit about yourself before he kills you.
Your face lit up, and you quickly started talking about your major and the classes you were taking. James was only half listening, too busy thinking. He wasn’t used to people being this energetic, especially so late at night. He made sure to nod and hum at the appropriate times, but other than that, he just stared at you.
‘Maybe I should turn her around.’ James thought to himself. ‘Looking at her face might make it more difficult.’ He recognized that you had a nice face but quickly pushed those thoughts aside. ‘Focus.’
“I think I’d like working with small animals most; they’re just so precious.” James’ interest was piqued as you finished your rambles with a smile.
“Small animals?” He repeated, and you nodded. James liked small animals too, although it was for an entirely different reason. “Do you have a favorite?”
He didn’t know why he was asking additional questions, but after seeing your eyes brighten at the question, he didn’t regret it.
“Cats, definitely.” You answer, and James couldn’t help but lean forward a bit with curiosity. “A lot of people think they’re mean, but I think they just need the right person.”
Of all the animals James had encountered, he supposed he liked cats the most. They were a bit affectionate with him when they didn’t know what was about to happen. And when they realized the danger they were in, they put up more of a fight, which he appreciated a bit.
“Cats are nice.”
“Especially kittens. They’re just so adorable.”
‘And put up less of a fight.’ James thought.
“Aren’t all cats born with blue eyes?” He asked instead. You nodded, diving into an explanation about how kittens don’t start producing melanin until they’re six weeks old.
‘I should just do it now.’ James gripped the knife tightly. ‘She’s talking too much.’
Yet he kept listening and asking questions. Your talkativeness infuriated and interested James, and he had no clue what to do about it.
Suddenly, the lift slowly descended, and you both jolted in surprise. James quickly stuffed the hunting knife in his backpack and stood up. For some reason, he couldn’t help but reach his hand out to help you stand up. You didn’t even make a comment about how weird and fucked up his hand was, instead just thanking him.
When the doors opened, a custodian was surprised to see you two in the lift. “What’re you two doing here? It’s after hours.”
“Lift got stuck,” James answered, and the two of you exited the lift and then the library. “I can walk you home. If you’d like.”
He didn’t know why he offered, but let it go when you accepted. Maybe the extreme darkness would give him another opportunity.
But James never took it. Instead, he walked you to your dorm, making idle conversation with you the whole way. You did most of the talking, which you liked. 
“Maybe I’ll see you around.” You said as he walked you to the door of the building.
“Yeah,” James said. “Maybe.”
“Be safe, James.” You waved to him before going inside, leaving the boy outside frustrated and confused about his night with you. But one thing was for sure, he hoped to see you again.
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