#or maybe kt is according to the books. the thing about the books is that idgaf and im not going to read them ever.so.
obnoxiousarcade · 1 year
ohhh this darn book
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partsnservice · 29 days
fnarf fanbase is so fucking annoying anymore if i shared my au and got a single "oh this is just willcare..." comment id kill myself in front of them to change the course of their lives forever
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kodzuken · 2 years
For the wip game: down, yellow, shine
down — kindergarten teacher/school nurse au
Buck is—he’s a professional, okay? He has rules when it comes to his job: he doesn’t flirt with parents, or co-workers, and he definitely doesn’t get involved in his kids’ personal lives. That would be nearly unethical.
The thing is, Eddie Diaz is stupid hot.
And like, Buck gets it. He’s been down on his luck when it comes to dating, hasn’t been a serious relationship since he ended things with Taylor, so he knows he’s having a bit of a dry spell. Normally, Buck would just go to a bar and get laid to scratch the itch, but how can he do that when there’s a walking angel in the form of the elementary school’s nurse just walking the halls between class?
He can’t. Because he has a stupid, inane, childish crush on his co-worker.
Maybe he isn’t so good at following the rules after all.
yellow — hockey player/physical therapist au
The stupidest part of it, Buck thinks, is that the asshole's KT tape is bright, neon yellow.
Obviously that's not why Buck doesn't like the guy. He doesn't like the guy because from the moment Eddie fucking Diaz walked into the gym he had about thirty opinions on everything Buck was doing wrong. The way he was stretching, or flexing, even the way he was using the row machine—none of it was correct, according to Eddie.
Except, Buck kind of has to listen to him, what with Eddie being his new physical therapist and all.
Go fucking figure.
shine — transit au
Eddie has two favorite things about using the train to take Christopher to school.
The first: there's no disgusting, early morning sun to shine in his eyes, causing a headache to form before he even steps foot through the hospital doors.
The second: Hot Train Guy.
Eddie knows that's kind of a fucked up an objectifying way to describe the man that sits across from him and Chris every morning on the commute, but what is he supposed to call him? Handsome-and-incredibly-built-blonde-guy-who-is-always-reading-some-obscure-book?
Yeah, Eddie will stick with Hot Train Guy, thanks.
send me a word & i'll reply with a snippet from my wip!
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honestlyjustanidiot · 4 years
1, 3, 7, 12, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32, 35, 36, 39, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 53, 55, 59, 63, 64, 67, 70, 72, 73, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 90, 91, 94, 96, 99 hope you’re bored !
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? - according to receiptify some of my top songs currently are: Slow Burn by Kacey Musgraves, Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves, Whiskey Nose by The Silver Bars, Love On The Line (Call Now) by Her's, Tonight Belongs To You from The Prom (film version)
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. - Many girls were medically certified as "hysterical" or "of unsound mind" or even "morally degenerate", and the baby would be forcibly removed and brought up in the workhouse.
7: What’s your strangest talent? - genuinely don't know, don't even think I have any talents apart from being good at a couple of sports
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? - yeah no
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? - it's a tie between Marian Hill or Her's. It always used to be Marian Hill but recently I fell in love with Her's music just from my sister playing her friend's music in the house. I highly recommend both bands and both have very different vibes.
19: What does your URL mean? - that am just a bit on an idiot tbh
21: Who is your celebrity crush? - Lauren Jauregui, Alycia Debmam-Carey, Amalia Holm. Too many to choose from.
23: How do you vent your anger? - sometimes I journal and get out everything I want to say, sometimes I work out and work through the anger physically which always makes me feel better even if it's just a quick jog or something. I used to have a specific set of 3 songs I would listen to in a certain order to calm me down and then make me happy.
24: Do you have a collection of anything? - I don't but my housemates joke that I collect medical tape (microporous, zinc oxide, kt etc) because I'm always getting small injuries that can be treated and prevented at home lol
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? - Hate the sound of people eating or making noises from their mouth. Love the sound of a crowd at a match or the general sound of Roses (our inter-uni varsity competition)
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. - a wall to might right and a textbook from first year to my left
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? - York uni lol
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? - to increase the entropy of the universe. To me I think it's just to love in whatever form that is, with hobbies, careers, people, animals, natire, literal anything
36: Define Art. - to me art is the beauty you find in something. Anything can be art. A painting, sure, but also the way a flower blooms, or the way heart works in intricate detail, or the view of the earth from space. Anything you think beautiful I think is art to you
39: What time is it? - quarter past 11 at night
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? - oddly yeah and I shouldn't because it might be carcinogenic
44: What was the last film you saw? - actually think it was The Prom on netflix lol
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? - not that I can recall?
48: What’s your sexual orientation? - bi
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? - I have been known to but I'm trying to get better at moving on for myself
53: Do you save money or spend it? - save it
55: Love or lust? - love
59: Where were you yesterday? - my parents house
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? - idk?
64: Where is your best friend? - in their parents house in a different town
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? - sleeping lol
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? - absolutely
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? - a) I'd tell the people I love the most so they have time to plan and adjust. B) have as much fun as I can. C) probably yeah
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. - trust
77: How can I win your heart? - make me laugh, show me you want me, and show me you're a good person and you'll have me falling at your knees
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? - to stick it out with my best friend despite other people have too many opinions about us
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? - couldn't pay, got taken away
84: What is a saying you say a lot? - don't threaten me with a good time
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? - there's a few people but see the grudge question for why I won't be answering that
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? - push one over, see what happens, film it and send to my best friend
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? - super healing maybe
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? - Lauren jauregui
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? - not anymore lol
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? - I would say I would like to date a certain person and also tell them to vote for a certain person in the SU elections lol
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ktstudyblr · 6 years
Tumblr media
Evening study bugs!
Now that most kids are back at school (at least where I live), now is a good time to talk about revising content! As a freshly graduated eighteen-year-old, staying on top of content when I was at school was something that was imperative to staying afloat (especially doing as many content heavy subjects as I did). Whether you’re more visual or logistical in the way you learn, I’m sure there will be something for every type of student down below with my six tips to revising content.
One) Type to book revision! This method is a really good one to get into the habit of! I’m sure you’re all well aware of the rush of information being shovelled into your brains as you’re frantically taking down notes before the teacher changes the slide. As someone who loves having a tidy and clean workspace, I want my notes book to look the same as well. However, in class, you’re usually having to compromise the aesthetic value of notetaking for information to make sure you don’t miss out on anything (or vice versa)! So I like to use my computer or a spare book to messily write notes down in class to make sure I get all the information I need. This document or book does not exist to look pretty or make you feel inspired by its beautiful typography or its highlighted headings, but rather as a source of the information you learnt in class. The way I use this to revise is by retyping/rewriting these notes in a document/notebook at home where I have the time and energy to put effort into the aesthetics of my notetaking. When you’re retyping/rewriting notes from your class, you’re revisiting content that you earlier may have just had to briefly look over in order to not miss anything. Looking at a tidy and beautiful display of notes not only can help you visually learn a lot better, but it motivates you to keep learning. But just keep in mind that the appearance of notes does not equate to the quality of note taking and personally should not be valued over retaining information. Making pretty notes is fun but it can shift into procrastination if you let it overtake your ability to retain and revise the information!
Two) Cue cards and flash cards! All throughout high school, cue cards and flash cards were my absolute favourite form of revision! And many of you probably use it now as it’s such a popular way to test yourself and emulate the conditions of an exam or test. The difference I find between cue cards and flash cards is that cue cards provide the information in short summaries whilst flash cards prompt the information on one side, and show the answer on the other, hence testing you. Personally, I like to write down my content onto physical cue cards and test myself. That way, I’m also taking the time to revise the content when I’m writing them down onto the cards! If writing them down isn’t your thing (it can be pretty tedious, especially if there’s a lot of information!), there are plenty of online options to type your information out. Studyblue, Quizlet and making them yourself on Word or Pages are all great alternatives to writing down each bit of content! Before I move onto the next idea, I have two helpful tips in regards to cue/flashcards that may be beneficial when writing/typing them up. The first is to try and pace out your time between studying/homework so you can write up cue/flashcards throughout the year. Take it from me, it’s not a great idea to leave all the content to the last week to type up into cue card form. So, it’s a pretty good idea to gradually keep up with cue/flash card making throughout the year. Also, it’s always a wise idea to keep your cue/flash cards after a test/exam has been completed in case you need to revisit them later!
Three) Unusual reminders! Now this one probably isn’t quite as common or widely used, but it will help you remember information that you’re struggling to retain! I wouldn’t recommend using this tip for all of your information because it's rather suited for content that you’re repeatedly having trouble remembering. In the days or weeks leading up to a test or exam, it's a good idea to write down the content in short, summarised points on individual cards/paper and leave them in places/objects that you use regularly. For example, if you’re having trouble remembering a definition, you could write it down on a small piece of paper and tuck it into your shoes, socks, toothbrush holder, toilet door, wallet etc. Using this strategy will force your mind to view content more regularly (without staring at a book mindlessly) and it will often come to the natural conclusion of retaining that information out of the regularity of your habits!
Four) 5-minute rush! This next one is a good strategy you can do on your own, or with a study group! Create a few main topics that encompass all of the information you’ve learnt for a specific subject and give yourself 5 minutes to write down all of the information you can remember related to that topic on a piece of paper or a computer (but no cheating with notes because it defeats the purpose of the exercise!). After 5 minutes, it’s a good idea to compare and correct the information you wrote down to see the accuracy of your results. This is a good exercise to test your knowledge in time-sensitive conditions. However, if you don’t get all the information you aimed for, don’t be disheartened! Treat it as a learning opportunity to grow and learn more information!
Five) Glass and Mirror learning! This next one is fairly similar to tip three and four as it lends itself to some of the same approaches. However, I use this as a content revision technique because it requires a large surface for you to expand your ideas and knowledge on! What you’ll need for this strategy are some windows or mirrors (that aren’t super valuable, sentimental or dangerous for you to access!) and some window chalk! For those of you unaware of what window chalk is, it usually comes in marker-like tubes and will usually read something like ‘applicable to non-porous surfaces’ on the labelling. But again, probably just read the packaging for whether it is safe on your glass and mirror surface at home. I like using these markers on my long mirrors in my bedroom because they take up a large portion of my room and force me to read them. I find this as a good method a revising content because not only am I writing the information down (a great tool for revision), but I am placing that information in an area where I will regularly view it as opposed to a notebook where you can only view the information if you physically search it up. This strategy is great because the information is always at your disposal in plain sight for when you’re ready to do some light revision!
Six) Podcasts! I got this next tip off of one of my teachers when I was in year nine and it’s honestly a really good tip. At the end of each class when you get home at night, it’s a good idea to read over the notes you learnt in class today and record yourself reading it. Once you’ve done this, you can export it into an mp3 file and import it onto apps such as Spotify for your own personal listening! This is a really great method of revision when you’re in situations where it may not be ideal to whack out the books and start working. If you’re on the train or the bus to school, this is a really great way to revisit content learnt in the class prior so that you give yourself a mental refresher for the class ahead! It’s also a good way to get your mind focused for the day ahead (It’s okay, I sometimes have trouble getting my head into the working grind in the mornings too!) It’s a really great strategy all-round but you may just have to get over the obstacle of hearing your own voice in your ear whilst you get to school!
And that’s all for now folks! I hope you guys can perhaps find at least one thing useful in the above tips and that maybe you want to apply to your next study session! I understand not all of these tips will apply to everyone and that’s cool, but I find when studying something that’s not exactly stimulating, it’s nice to switch up your study method and shift your practice in accordance to the demands of what you are and/or having trouble with learning!
Sorry for the lack of upload as well guys! Just started University this week so uploads may be a tad sporadic from now on, but I’ve got some great ideas and posts coming out soon that have been planned for you all to look forward to!
kt xo
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rkxblue · 5 years
♡  ♡  ♡
special delivery for kim ahyoung 💌 , delivered on ( 2019,  may. 29th )
          part of her feels guilty that they’ve been in the same company for so long, yet this feels like the first birthday of ahyoung that she’s really celebrating ( probably because it technically is, it was her own fault for not doing much before but they hadn’t been as close as they are now   —   years ago, she wouldn’t have thought she’d find such kinship in sun ) and she can’t let it slip by without doing more. her first thought would be to tell jinki, yes, i’ll help you sneak into the dorm as a birthday gift but, honestly speaking, of course she can’t. it shouldn’t even be an option but what else could she really get someone who seems like she’s got it all going for her? i mean, come on, ahyoung has so much going for her and ariel wishes she could see that. then again … what’s to stop her from doing that? 
          the plan takes her a couple months to pull together, a couple favors to ask of her loved ones, especially mijoo and jinki, but she manages somehow when ahyoung isn’t looking. it takes a lot of random trips to her sister’s and, while it’s a little weird, she hopes ahyoung won’t mind that her sister’s seen a part of the gift too   —   just the safe parts, at least. she has to give her roommate some semblance of privacy, right? though … there isn’t much when they sleep a few feet away. 
          the box is heavier than she intended and she can’t help laughing at how ridiculous it seemed   —   even so, she wanted to do this much for the fellow main vocalist. she’d meant it when she said before that she hopes ahyoung knows how much support and love she has. 
          ( there’s also a teensy weensy lil bit of her that hopes this makes up for all the missed years   —   it can’t hurt right? and they have so many more years to go now, especially now  ) 
          inside the gift she leaves on ahyoung’s bed after they’ve come home from practice the day before her actual birthday, purposely placing it there so the singer can’t just plop down on her bed and knock out, is a scrapbook. it’s not obnoxiously large in size but the sheer volume of it is incredible and it goes as far back as she can manage. from the first time ahyoung was in kt, pictures and notes from former trainees on the first few pages, to the mgas with a whole page dedicated to the performance ariel talked to her about before, to preparing for their debut, pictures behind the scenes and even one of ahyoung with her head on ariel’s shoulder as ariel makes a funny face. but there’s a separate photo book too  —   one dedicated to the life ahyoung doesn’t get to indulge in as much, going out with friends like mijoo, playing with her pets, just being with jinki, and she’s glad both of them were so generous with the pictures given, especially jinki for giving her pictures ahyoung hasn’t even seen yet. tapped to the last page of the photobook is a note from ariel: “ i’ll share my hiding spot with you if you want to keep this in the dorm ㅋㅋㅋ ”
birthdays stopped being fun for her after the age of 19. according to ahyoung, there wasn’t much else to look forward to once you were legally able to drink, and the only thing getting older for her has done was made her more aware of the aches and pains that become more apparent within her body. so she doesn’t plan on doing much besides getting a cake and drinks for the girls ( and fuck it if the manager says anything – yes they’re supposed to be in comeback mode, but damn it that was in july and one day of happiness wouldn’t kill them ) and answering the usual texts, pretty much.
and it’s when she comes in from a shower that she spots the book upon her bed, sitting inconspicuously and it makes her wonder if ariel was reading something on her bed – because ahyoung isn’t much of a reader. hardly is, to be honest.
but regardless it’s probably on her bed for a reason, so she plops down upon the bed and cracks it open anyways – and she’s not prepared for what she finds within. ahyoung is actually blown away with the sheer amount of pictures that seem to be loaded within every page – how did ariel even find any of this? ( and yes, she easily deduced that the person behind this was ariel. it wasn’t like any of the other members couldn’t do the same thing, but it was more who else would go this far just to do this for her birthday? also, the whole page dedicated to the one mga performance that the leader absolutely loved to talk about also gave it away. )
there’s so much content inside that ahyoung doesn’t even realize that she’s done, didn’t even realize that there was a photograph for all of these moments and she doesn’t even realize that there are tears in her eyes until she gets to the next content, the side of her life that’s a little more personal and special. and she’s so glad that there’s no makeup on her face and that no one else is in the room, allowing her to wipe the tears that slide down her cheeks with a groan, hates how soft she actually is underneath it all. but she’s thankful, so thankful. she remembers being ready to leave kt in 2017 because she felt overlooked, worthless. she remembers feeling more scared than excited when eclipse was announced last year, trying to hide the awkwardness whenever they first moved in together because what she knew of each of the girls was on a shallow level; they were closer to each other than she was to them. ariel’s sudden interest in her was the hardest to make sense of, and she laughs as she thinks about how stiff she was around her.
if only she could go back in time and tell ahyoung of 2017 that ariel was the one who made this for her. that she would grow close to her the fastest to the point where she calls her girlfriend and they slap each other’s asses. 2017 ahyoung would reply with ‘sounds fake’ and they would get into a fight, but y’know. the feelings are still there. it’s absolutely wild to think about, but she also wants to thank katie lee for bringing them together ( all of them ), for not waiting a couple of months longer.
( not like she would tell anyone of this lovey dovey mushy crap she’s thinking right now. maybe jinki. )
instead she pushes the book under her pillow for temporary safe keeping and wipes the excess wetness off of her cheeks with the sleeve of her zarya hoodie, and waits unitl the pink tint within her eyes is gone before she swings the door open in her room, yelling “where the fuck is ariel?!” out in the dorm area. she isn’t exactly sure what she’s going to do whenever she sees the other, how to thank her without being gross and mushy, but she would figure it out. a long hug would probably suffice, or maybe a spank on the ass. who knew.
0 notes
humansoulsarg · 7 years
Spice Girls Fan Club Snail Mail Solve
In the not so distant past, on a Valentine’s Day, this solve was discovered http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/157261188208/spice-girls-fan-club-valentines-day-post-solve leading several Pangent Technologies Sister location members to submit their information to Pangent HQ (via tumblr) trusting that this information would be used for good and not evil.
Since then, the concept of Lockers has come up, with 54 lockers available. As of this time, 25 of those lockers have been reserved, again for unknown purposes, but the hope is that good will prevail (despite any player-caused locker management shenanigans which may or may not have occurred)
It was theorized that the first four player lockers reserved were for those who had submitted Spice Girls Fan Club Questionnaires, and this theory was given more credence when This solve dropped: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159513845803/ revealing four locations would soon be receiving media mail.
Also in this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158762278828/, this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158761814153/, this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159475658093/, and this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158764977618/, which confirmed reservations of Lockers, the contents were possibly hinted.
Lo and behold the four packages did arrive, and were quickly documented and investigated by the Pangent Remote Location Crew. A true team effort followed as the contents were catalogued and puzzles solved. This post will attempt to document some of the excitement and joy of this process while providing a recap of the hidden mysteries uncovered in this quest.
Speaking of quests, this is not the first Pangent mailing to multiple recipients leading to intertwined puzzlings, see http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/150433706803/the-heart-and-the-crown-solve for The Heart and the Crown Solve, a very worthwhile quest to enjoy when you have a few quiet moments.
So the four recipients documented their packages in imgur albums as follows:
Lucario: http://imgur.com/a/6evg8
Randomiser: http://imgur.com/a/Eshx7
timescape: http://imgur.com/a/7rGAf
Renpy: http://imgur.com/a/T7QKE & http://imgur.com/a/L4I4z
Some common themes are found in the packages. Each contains several pages, some Spice Girls related material, Original Stressed Penguin artwork and sketches, the Heart and the Crown pencils and inks, a book (revealed earlier in a facebook post), and some other more cryptic content.
“Flash this card for instant Girl Power!”
So, on to the mysteries…
In Lucario’s pages is this gem:
which contains a seemingly straightforward letter from Charlotte to Alex and then some reversed text in green.
The text reads:
leslie check this out. field trip idea? http://tinyurl.com/controltowermilllanenewport
Which was a bit of a mystery until it was discovered that the Spice World bus is on display at this address http://www.island-harbour.co.uk/spice/
On 18 July 2014, The Spice Bus was put on permanent display at Island Harbour Marina. This is THE actual bus used in the Spice Girls’ 1997 film, Spice World
The rest of the backwards text is as follows:
13 arriving 17 thing 23 nest 25 warm 32 swim 31 Antarctic 35 Adélie 39 emperors 43 young 46 relatives 5 birds 3 Scientific 11 ice 13 coast 14 gather 18 finished 26 creché 33 leopard 32 water 23 mate 43 stay 45 sea 17 collecting 28 take 25 chicks 24 eggs 32 cold 28 ready 48 front 35 leaving
This was discovered to be a modified book code using the blue penguin book in Randomiser’s mailing, where finding the word given on the page number listed, counting words from the beginning of the page provides numbers:
33 78 34 62 36 34 70 75 63 70 68 36 78 64 79
These can be interpreted as hex for 3x4b64pucph6xdy which is a mediafire link to http://www.mediafire.com/file/3x4b64pucph6xdy/weirdo.zip
A Pangent themed music video to KT Tunstall’s Weirdo featuring Lottie and Eric having various happy moments around and about the house. A possible slender man is spotted on the bulletin board outside before Lottie is seen posting ‘LOST CAT’ posters requesting help for finding Mayor Sassenheim (okay, so maybe not all of the video is happy moments!)
This song had been previously referenced by Pangent in this post: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159512439613/
Side note from Lucario’s Pokemon book, Scholastic’s address is listed as 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Sounds very Pangent-esque but appears legit.
Next up we have this page of mysterious Pokemon text from Randomiser’s mailing:
These sentences were found in the Pokemon book included in Lucario’s mailing, and by writing down the page numbers each sentence appears on, a new code is found.
119 113 116 99 112 50 105 106 106 49 111 102 ? ? ?
The last three sentences were stumping Lucario in the quest of discovery, but Randomiser was able to use a little bit of Pokemon knowledge along with some brute forcing to determine the last three digits. Of the missing sentences, #1 and #3 may refer to Meowth, #2 to Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime had already been given, so with only 36 possible values (a-z+0-9) another mediafire link was discovered decoding these digits as decimal ASCII.
119 113 116 99 112 50 105 106 106 49 111 102 111 106 111
Another Pangent music video! This time it is of Lancelot walking around the ‘Flow’ art installation by May Sun in Pasedena California to the musical accompaniment of George Harrison’s Cloud Nine. If this is anything like this previous May Sun art installation video http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/155323795428/ we will need to decode the walked upon symbols somehow.
Moving on, we now look at the Penguin Land codes from timescape’s mailing:
Using the previously revealed ‘code’ for these symbols from the order in which they appear in the Penguin Land manual, these can be transcribed according to this image:
Code #1 is:
74 69 6e 79 20 75 72 6d 20 6b 61 70 70 61 20 73 75 64 6f 6b 75 20 73 75 6c 20 6f 66 20 6e 75 6c 62 65 72 73 20 6f 6e 20 63 6f 76 65 72 20 69 67 6e 6f 72 65 20 72 65 64 2f 62 6d 75 65 20 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 20 6e 75 6c 62 65 72 73 20 6c 75 6d 74 69 70 6d 79 20 74 69 6c 65 73 20 69 74 73 65 6d 66
Code #2 is:
74 69 6e 79 20 75 72 6d 20 70 6f 6b 65 6c 6f 6e 20 62 61 72 62 6f 20 73 75 6c 20 6f 66 20 70 6f 6b 65 6c 6f 6e 20 6f 6e 20 63 6f 76 65 72 20 6c 75 6d 74 69 70 6d 79 20 74 69 6c 65 73 20 69 74 73 65 6d 66
both of which can be interpreted as ASCII hex values which become:
tiny urm kappa sudoku sul of nulbers on cover ignore red/bmue background nulbers lumtipmy tiles itsemf
tiny urm pokelon barbo sul of pokelon on cover lumtipmy tiles itsemf
Hmmm… strange things are afoot in Penguin land, and it was discovered that our trusty decoder ring had the ‘C’ and ’D’ swapped, which ends up swapping ‘l’ and ’m’. So the corrected version is somewhat more readable.
tiny url kappa sudoku sum of numbers on cover ignore red/blue background numbers multiply times itself
tiny url pokemon barbo sum of pokemon on cover multiply times itself
These appear to be referring to the Soduku book in Renpy’s mailing and the Pokemon book in Lucario’s mailng.
After some trial and error (and master Pokemon knowledge) the following tinyurls were discovered.
Both of these tinyurls redirect to imgur albums, the first to images of the May Sun ‘Flow’ installation along with the presentation of several of the books from the mailings that were previously shared on facebook, and the second to a slew of Lancelot pics.
Included in the May Sun images is this one providing a bit of a decoder ring for the 'flow_nine’ video from earlier:
These codes appear to be the first 6 braille characters, so either 1-6 or a-f. A binary grid was discovered in flow_nine, only visible for a frame:
This grid decodes to tinyurl/513 so we’re going with digits instead of letters for the symbols.
Stringing together the digits from Lancelot’s stroll (including a very helpful overlaid fish in the frame when Lancelot manages to all but obscure the symbol in question) a tinyurl is discovered:
Which redirects to another mediafire, this time of tweeter.zip containing yet another Pangent music video. This time George Harrison is joined by the rest of the Traveling Wiburys as they perform Tweeter and the Monkey Man as we are treated to Lancelot graciously allowing himself to be filmed in the yard, the car, and possibly even dangerously close to the Cube!
Next up we have this brick of text from Lucario’s mailing:
It was discovered that each of these sentences could be found in the white Penguin book included in timescape’s mailing. After looking up each page, the string of page numbers is:
11 18 12 14 11 10 12 09 12 16 11 12 08 09 12 15 08 15 12 13 08 14 11 17 11 07 11 11 08 08
But the first page of the book is actually page 6 so 5 is subtracted from each page number, and then the values are converted to hex by making anything over 9 0-F:
6C 79 65 74 7A 67 34 70 30 78 39 6B 62 66 33 -> lyetzg4p0x9kbf3
Another mediafire link:
This link provides a treasure trove of Spice Girls Fan Club material including high quality images of the Spice Girls related Fan Club material we’ve seen in the mailings as well as new images and paper crafts of each Spice Girl in two formats. Girl Power!
This takes us to the next phase of our decoding quest, the Sudoku solutions given in timescape’s mailing:
Boy, you sure said something there, Stressed Penguin, what is this is right!?
After a few days in stumped-ville, some patterns begin to emerge and assumptions made based on the nature of the other puzzles led to finding the page numbers of the puzzles for each of the 45 solutions given. The puzzles were in the Sudoku Book from Renpy’s mailing, and can be given as:
p1: 30 4 40 43 9 42 32 51 53 34 6 41 44 29 8 31 52 2 24 10 48 23 50 55 5 p2: 36 19 18 2 26 8 9 33 4 17 24 13 4 7 5 25 20 6 21 29
The twist is that to get to page numbers, 5 needs to be added to the regular ones, the locos need 60 and the sumoku’s need 75 added. This leads to a page number string of:
35 64 45 48 69 47 37 56 58 39 66 46 49 34 68 36 57 62 29 70 53 28 55 60 80 41 24 23 7 31 13 14 38 9 22 29 73 79 12 10 30 25 11 26 34
Again with the assumptions, we now have 45 numbers and are looking to get to a 15-character mediafire ID so each three numbers were summed to give octal values:
144 164 151 151 151 155 152 143 145 61 65 60 164 65 71
which decodes as: dtiiimjce150t59
Leading to http://www.mediafire.com/file/dtiiimjce150t59/flow_texture.zip
Another George Harrison song put to Pangent video this time showing another walkthrough of the May Sun Flow art installation set to His Name Is Legs (Ladies and Gentlemen).
Decoding the symbols in the same way as before takes us to another tinyrul (not-so tiny as it’s the maximum size of 30 characters) http://tinyurl.com/124446224666146351364331223315
This leads to a filename you may remember from Lottie’s letter to Alex way back in the first of this post:
And while words do not come easy to describe this masterpiece, it does seem to provide a pretty good answer from Lottie to Alex RE: the Cube. With hex title 'adelescence’ this is a Grand Finale worthy of Pangent for this Spice Girls Snail Mail Mystery Quest, providing yet another music video. This really needs to be viewed by as many Pangent fans as possible, even though George Harrison is not featured in the soundtrack.
This video has been reposted for ease of viewing here: https://vid.me/OjrR
With that our Pangent themed Spice Girls Fan Club Snail Mail quest is complete, and all we can say is Thank You for your continued efforts, Pangent Technologies!!
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vox · 8 years
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Here’s how America will change as soon as Donald Trump takes office
The process of making America great again will start with a bang.
Donald Trump reportedly told Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano that he plans on issuing as many as 200 executive orders by the Monday after his inauguration. While plans are still somewhat up in the air, we have a pretty good idea from Trump’s prior public statements and plans, and the behavior of past Republican presidents, as to what they might be.
And even before he gets to those, Trump will have totally remade the White House staff in his image, installing a bevy of non-Senate confirmable staffers to key positions overseeing national security, economic affairs, and the administration as a whole.
Some of Trump’s presidential initiatives will take a while to unfold. His Cabinet appointees won’t be confirmed right away, he’ll take time to pick judicial nominees, and any legislation he wants to push will have to move through Congress first.
But Trump will nonetheless be able to significantly change the country and the White House pretty much immediately upon taking office. Here are just a few hints as to how.
What Trump can do by executive order
Since Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee last spring, a team of advisers headed up by the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore has been working on what they call the “First Day Project.”
“We want to identify maybe twenty-five executive orders that Trump could sign literally the first day in office,” Moore told the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos back in September.
Trump has specifically promised some “day one” initiatives, and transition sources have given reporters some more details on which are likely on deck. Here are a few to expect.
Immigration: This is perhaps the area where Trump and his team have been most specific. Likely moves include an executive order “to direct the building of a wall on the southern border with Mexico,” and suspending the Syrian refugee admission program
Trump has promised to rescind DACA, Obama's executive order protecting over 700,000 undocumented immigrants who arrived as children. According to Reuters, “It is unlikely Trump's order will result in an immediate round-up of these immigrants … Rather, he is expected to let the authorizations expire.” (The program issued two-year authorizations letting beneficiaries work and attend school). How exactly this will work might take a while to sort out — for one thing, it has implications for state driver’s licenses — delaying formal action by Trump.
DAPA, a similar program for undocumented parents of US citizens, hasn’t taken effect yet due to court action; it will likely be rescinded or the administration might simply fail to defend it in court.
Trump has told reporters he’s interested in implementing his “Muslim ban” — since retooled into a ban on immigration from “terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur,” and “extreme vetting” for all others — through an executive action, as soon as Monday. But like DACA, this is an area where the specifics are up in the air, which could delay an order.
Trade: Along with immigration, this is the point that Trump’s team has been clearest on. In October, Trump promised to use his first day in office to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with Asian and other Pacific nations, and to withdraw from or renegotiate the NAFTA deal with Canada and Mexico.
But his executive actions on trade won’t likely stop there. He has said he’ll instruct the Treasury Department to label China a currency manipulator — an action which does not do a lot on its own but which enables the administration to levy retaliatory tariffs against the country, which would then either be subject to World Trade Organization arbitration, or spur yet more tariffs from China, sparking the beginning of a trade war.
The transition has stated that Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce nominee, will be the administration’s point person on trade issues, which makes sense given the Department of Commerce has a lot of discretion in setting tariffs. In the October speech, Trump promised that upon taking office he would “direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.”
Those tools are real, and powerful. The Tariff Act of 1930 (also known, infamously, as the Smoot-Hawley act) is still on the books, though its tariffs have been massively reduced, and it gives the Commerce Secretary the authority to impose “countervailing duties” against countries offering subsidies to their exports and “anti-dumping” duties against countries flooding the market with cheap goods.
Some of these vehicles will take a while to be used, but every indication is that Trump and his administration intend on using them shortly after taking office.
Environment: The big-ticket environmental executive actions of the Obama area — including the Clean Power Plan and other greenhouse gas regulations — are certainly in danger in the Trump era, but they will take a while to attack.
Environmental Protection Agency rules that have already been finalized, like the Clean Power Plan, require a lengthy review and rulemaking process to change, as Harvard’s Jody Freeman explained to Vox’s Brad Plumer last month. On day one, the EPA could ask the DC Circuit Court, which is reviewing the Clean Power Plan, for a "voluntary remand," which would send the rule back to the EPA, and if the Courts agreed the EPA could start trying to replace the rule with something weaker. But as Freeman told Plumer, "the EPA would have to go out for public comment on that — and that usually takes a year or two.”
Other environmental rules could be rolled back earlier. Trump could reconsider Obama’s decision to reject construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, or declare his intention to ignore the Paris climate deal, something he has long promised to do (though he’s waffled a bitafter the election). There are also a bunch of Obama-era White House executive ordersdirecting agencies to take various steps on climate change that can be rescinded on the first day.
Health care: While the heavy lifting of Obamacare repeal will be done by Congress, there’s a fair bit that Donald Trump and his administration can do on their own.
For example, while it would require a lengthy rule-making process similar to that the EPA will have to go through, the birth-control mandate under Obamacare can be unilaterally reversed by the executive branch. Trump could direct the IRS to change enforcement priorities, for example by de-emphasizing the employer or individual mandates, or changing what counts as a "hardship exemption" to the individual mandate.
The one health care change that is all but guaranteed is the revival of the Mexico City policy, a 1984 initiative implemented by Ronald Reagan that prevented foreign nonprofit groups getting federal aid money from providing or promoting abortions, even if those activities aren’t funded by federal dollars. The rule is customarily rescinded by Democratic presidents and reinstated by Republicans, and there's no reason to believe Trump will be an exception.
The immediate changes aren’t just about executive action
That’s just for starters.
Immediately upon inauguration, Trump gets to install his White House staff, which doesn’t need Senate confirmation. That means that as of Friday, these will be official advisors in the White House:
Michael Flynn, the retired three-star general who dined with Vladimir Putin and tweeted that it is rational to be afraid of Muslims.
Steve Bannon, who has spent years at the helm of Breitbart mainstreaming the alt-right and overseeing a site subsection for “black crime,” and once referred to feminists as “fucking dykes”.
Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, whose presence is arguably a violation of federal anti-nepotism rules.
KT McFarland, who has argued that Vladimir Putin should receive a Nobel Peace Prize and advocated for bombing Iran.
Gary Cohn, the Goldman Sachs alum who will run the National Economic Council.
And that’s leaving out Reince Priebus, Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Hope Hicks, and many other White House staff already announced.
Beyond personnel and policy, one shouldn’t forget the effect that Trump’s mere presence in the White House will have on the country. Barack Obama’s presence was hugely influential, not least for a generation of black youth who were the first to grow up with a president who looked like them, and for opponents who recoiled at the idea of someone with Obama’s temperament, background, and, yes, race holding office.
Trump, obviously, has a sharply different relationship with minority communities. His presence will, like Obama’s, naturally cheer some parts of the population and spark fear among others.
Those effects are real, and in a sense they began before Trump even took office. The act of him becoming the president, though, will make them stronger still.
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nayoungxrk-blog · 7 years
❝ pillowtalk ❞
maybe they’re a bit old for sleepovers, but neither of them really care. and anyway, it was less like a planned sleepover and more that jiu was hanging out with nayoung after filming a new video for their shared channel, and once it got dark she decided to just stay the night instead of walking or taking the bus home. so now it’s two am, and nayoung’s looking out the window at the relatively empty street below while jiu looks through her bookshelf behind her, occasionally pulling out a book or album to study.
it’s not silent in the room -- there’s a playlist playing quietly from nayoung’s phone, next to her on the bed. it’s one of their favorites, created by spotify and full of chill, obscure american songs. sooyoung is staying overnight at kt, according to a text nayoung received several hours ago, so there’s no real need for them to be super quiet. 
they were talking about sooyoung earlier, about her contract with kt and how well she did on the mgas. nayoung’s mind travels back there now, and she rests her chin on her knees, looking away from the window to stare at the pattern of the quilt underneath her instead. “i don’t know what i’m doing this for,” she says, her voice breaking the silence over the music. “trying to get into a company, i mean. i haven’t even fully decided to do that yet, it’s just something i kind of want. i don’t know if it’s the kind of thing i should go after if i just kind of want it, you know?”
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