#or like corrin gets sick
fe-fictions · 10 months
Can you do something with M!Corrin and Anna?
I would love to! if you can give me something a little bit more specific, I'd be happy to write it for you :")
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year
adding fanfic scenes purely based on what makes u and ur Muse mutually yell 'oh my god that would be so sick"
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lobolicious · 1 year
twitter on ipad gave me some weird form of motion sickness and i was becoming more and more bewildered by it as it became worse
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
We always talk about super serious shit. Do you have any headcanons that are based on absolutely nothing and are light-hearted?
I think Derek is left-handed. Why? Idk, it's just what is in my heart.
sharing our inconsequential headcanons yes please
scott and stiles are each other's first kiss. they don't talk about it.
corrine was supposed to have killed peter but ended up fucking him instead. truly a fuck around and find out.
laura looked more like their dad, cora looks the most like talia but it's derek that has her eyes. peter would never admit to having feelings about that.
talia and duecalion totally fucked
maybe not exactly a happy headcanon but after allison died lydia kept one of her bows and the sweater she'd left at her house, stiles has her ring knives and scott has a small box in his closet still full of the notes they passed and arrow heads she'd left in his room.
peter would pay laura, cora and derek to lie for him. never big lies. ones like if a woman came to the house looking for "that peter hale" than he'd send them out to deflect them off. the more dramatic the more they'd get paid. cora was the best at it.
cora, laura and derek's father is from whatever south american country cora fled to and she's been living with that side of the family.
derek still owns the place he and laura lived at in new york.
claudia stilinski couldn't cook very well early her and noah's marriage. noah still can't eat meatloaf.
claudia and natalie were best friends in high school but after they drifted apart but when claudia was sick natalie visited as much as she could.
the upstairs of loft is basically a library where derek (and peter) collected the books they recovered from the hale house.
derek gave stiles the keys to the loft before he parted ways in mexico. derek said it was so they could access the small library if needed but really derek wanted to assure stiles he'd be back eventually. derek trusting stiles to look after his place while he was gone. stiles had Feelings about it.
speaking of derek and stiles. texting. all the time. it's embarrassing.
eli shares laura's birthday.
i have like a billon of these.
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V.C. Andrews Archive Collection
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Hey guys! I just got back from visiting the V.C. Andrews archive collection full of super rare vca history! I took a ton of pictures and notes on what I saw- including the original manuscript for Flowers in the Attic back when it was called “Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” and the two manuscripts for Petals on the Wind called “Where the Greener Grass Grows” and “Reaching for Roses”! I’ll share my notes and some photos here, but for copyright reasons I’ll be keeping most of the photos in my private VCA discord. So DM me for an invite link if you want to join 😁✨
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My notes on the manuscripts below ...
Vca Collection
Notes about the collection:
The collection consists of 12 archival boxes filled with manuscripts, photos, news clippings, letters and more. With the time I had I was only able to look through half of the boxes, I mainly focused on the various Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind manuscripts. I was allowed to take as many pictures as I needed as long as I used the copyright protection sheet you will notice. Obviously for copyright reasons I couldn’t take too many photos of consecutive pages, so forgive me for the page jumps. Here are my findings, enjoy!
Box 1
“Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” manuscript
Pages photographed:
1,2,3, 9, 27, 33, 66, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 165, 169, 176, 180, 184, 185, 191, 193 (end)
This is a typed manuscript of what eventually became Flowers in the Attic. It had the title “Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” by Cleo Virginia Andrews. This manuscript has the same plot but is overall a completely different book. It is in 3rd person perspective mostly following Cathy but also sometimes Chris. It doesn’t feel like Cathy’s story, instead it feels like the 4 children make up one main character.
It is 17 chapters long with no prologue or epilogue. The first chapter is only 9 typed pages. The story begins with Chris Sr. already being dead. Corrine has just received a response from her parents agreeing to take them in. Corrine tells the children immediately about why she was disinherited, being that their father was her half uncle. And she tells the children they will have to stay in an upstairs room, quiet and secret, for several months. At the time the children didnt see it as a big deal.
From what I could tell, Cathy and Chris never committed incest. But there were many scenes where their closeness was questionable. For instance, in chapter 3 Chris gets into the bath with Cathy and holds her. They read the porn magazines together and discuss them.
In chapter 5 Corrine warns the children that the forces in the house might make her behave and think differently than she normally would.
There are many differences in how the children spend their time. They have a TV much earlier in the story and spend a lot of time discussing the shows they watch. They ask for a toaster at one point.
In chapter 9, when Chris explores the house after the Christmas Party, we follow him in 3rd person rather than hear from his perspective later.
At one point Chris has to hide under the bed and hear his mother getting it on with Bart.
There is mention of Cathy keeping many detailed journals of their everyday life.
Chris enjoys dancing with Cathy in the attic they know many different dances.
Chris and Cathy get whipped for sleeping in the same bed but Cathy is not told to cut her hair. In fact the grandma tells her to hold her hair out of the way so the whip wont rip it out.
Cathy still kisses Bart and Chris hears Bart speculating that they're being robbed but Chris does not get mad and he doesn't assault Cathy. I don't even think he brings the kiss up to Cathy.
Chris wishes that they had run away sooner rather than being the one insisting they wait longer and longer. He seems to blame himself often for ever believing in their mother.
They all get sick slowly over time and throw up often. But they blame the sickness on their food being spoiled.
They get a polaroid camera for christmas and take hundreds of pictures to fill the attic.
Cathy doesnt resent her mother much more than chris. They both want to believe in their mom and make promises to her.
When Cory gets very sick, the grandmother seems to worry that their mother brought them sweets. She feels Cory's head for fever and asks them if their milk or meat seemed spoiled. Corrine doesnt seem to care, she asks them not to get seriously sick before christmas and checks her watch. She tells them to wait until the next day to see if he doesnt get better. The grandmother returns with alka seltzer to help cory’s stomach. Once the children have gone to sleep the grandmother returns in the night to check on cory once more. The next morning Cory is better.
Later cory gets sick again and it is agreed that he needs hospital attention. Corrine takes cory to the hospital promising he will get oxygen and penicillin. But still he dies and is claimed to be buried.
We get to follow Chris as he explores the house for the last time before their escape. He gets a gun somehow and finds the grandfather’s room empty.
Chris hears John Amos laughing about the attic mice being poisoned. Chris runs back to the room to convince Cathy that their mother has been poisoning them. Cathy doesn’t want to believe their mother was involved but Chris insists on it and tells her they must escape now. They make it known that the grandfather was dead BEFORE the powdered donuts showed up.
After escaping, Chris gives Cathy the choice to turn mickey’s body in as evidence for Corrine and Olivia’s crimes but Cathy throws it out. Chris seems disappointed that they will go unpunished but Cathy reveals that she left a candle burning near the paper flowers. However she tells Chris if God doesn’t want anyone to die in a house fire then he can blow the candle out through the window she left open.
“Flowers in the Attic” by Adrienne Vale manuscript
Pages photographed:
Cover, 1, 2, 3, 124, 295 (end)
I didn’t get a chance to read this one thoroughly, I only flipped through it. It seemed to be very close to the published version of Fita. It is in 1st person and begins with what is now the prologue. Included is the 1st page of a previous draft, where the prologue part is shorter and a bit different. The first chapter begins with Chris sr. dead and quickly describes their grief as Corrine writes to her parents.
An interesting scene is where Cathy experiences german-guilt over the holocaust after seeing (what i presume was a movie, I didnt go back to look) and reveals that their father, Chris sr., fought in WWII. Chris comments that Foxworths only die from accidents. Cathy comments on her and her father both being Aries.
Once again the story ends with Cathy thinking about the candle she left burning in the attic by the paper flowers, and bitterly thinks that the house wont burn down if God blows it out through the open window.
“Julian the Bold” chapter
Pages photographed:
135, 136, 137, 138,
And unused chapter from Reaching for Roses, a manuscript for what eventually became Petals on the Wind. (See below for more on Reaching for Roses)
The chapter begins with Cathy outside a drug store being harassed by boys. She feels afraid and alone but Julian comes to her rescue. Lots of homophobic language in this chapter, especially the f word. In the rain Julian fights this group of 5 footballers, elegantly avoiding all their blows and beating their asses. Cathy is just starstruck by him and even says she would die for him in that moment!
Some bystander girls start cheering on the jocks to knife Julian, with more homophobic jeers. Pissed, Cathy kicks the knife from one jocks hand and stands back to back with julian to fight with him. He tells her to run as he holds them off, but a group of guys from their ballet class run to their defense. Julian still throws Cathy to safety so she wont be trampled, and soon the cops arrived sending everyone fleeing into the drug store.
Box 7
“Reaching for Roses” petals on the wind manuscript
Pages photographed:
Cover, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 479, 636, 637, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 649,
A manuscript which later became Petals on the Wind. This seems to be a second completed manuscript after a previous one titled “Where the Greener Grass Grows”. (Read more about that below)
I didn’t get a chance to read through these manuscripts because there were a TON of folders full of completed typed manuscripts, manuscripts written in pen on looseleaf paper, and carbon paper copies. It was overwhelming. But here are some interesting bits I did see.
There are some letters Cathy wrote to Chris and Paul which were unused in the published book.
In the chapter where Cathy confronts Corrine during the Christmas party, Cathy points out that Corrine only started serving the donuts AFTER her father died. Corrine seems unsure what to say but then blames John Amos. She claims John made her do it so he could inherit his own portion of the fortune.
Now here’s the craziest part. Corries has a young man with her named Gary. She claims that this Gary is actually CORY. She says that once Cory was at the hospital, she told Olivia and the kids he had died. But secretly she had taken him to an orphanage where he was later adopted by Bart’s sister. She claims the pneumonia gave Cory amnesia. Cathy doesn’t buy it, she examines and questions Gary but can’t come to a proper conclusion. He’s much taller than Carrie ever got, and he has no cowlick. Bart claims it all makes sense now why Corrine dotes on Gary so much and always had to see him. But Cathy insists that shes just insane and wanted to believe this random orphan was Cory.
Cathy lies and tells Corrine that one of Chris’s chemistry sets had a blood test function, so they know Cory has blood type O negative, which is rare, so if they test Gary’s blood it should confirm if he truly is Cory. Corrine is shaken by this and seems to lose conviction. Then Cathy claims she knows exactly where Cory’s skeleton is in the attic, and Corrine loses it. Chris comes in as Corrine runs off. Bart asks Chris to confirm if Gary is Cory. Chris seems uninterested and doesn’t really care if he is or isn’t Cory. But in the end he says Gary’s hair color is too different from their own, so he’s not convinced.
Gary says he may be Cory, he has no memories of his childhood and sometimes feels that he remembers Corrine at his bedside in the hospital crying. But in the end Gary only cares about his adoptive mother because she’s the only person who has ever claimed him as her own, so he leaves.
Bart tells Cathy that he really had only been with Corrine for her money, but now he wants to be with Cathy.
After the house burns down, Corrine is taken away in a straight jacket and Bart is found dead with Olivia clinging to him. They died from the smoke.
Box 9
“Where the Greener Grass Grows” petals on the wind manuscript
Pages photographed:
Page 1 looseleaf, 101, 336 carbon, 337 carbon, 342 carbon, 343 carbon, 344 carbon, 345 carbon, 346 carbon (end 1), 484, 485, 486 (end 2)
This was an earlier manuscript for what eventually became Petals on the Wind. I suspect this was the very first manuscript, which came before “Reaching for Roses” (see above).
This one was difficult to piece together since it was split into several folders and collected through loose leaf paper written in pen, typed pages from several iterations of the corrected manuscripts, and carbon paper copies. There is no typed version of the first chapter, and among the several folders the pages are not always in numeric order. Some pages have multiple copies in both typed and carbon paper copied form, and many pages are missing altogether. It was difficult to read so I wasn’t able to record much. But here are some of the interesting findings.
This manuscript is in 3rd person much like the original Fita manuscript. I wonder if she always writes her first drafts in 3rd person?
We get to see Cathy and Chris described through a stranger’s eyes (paul). He describes Chris as a “young god” lmao
In this version there are police and detectives. There is a court trial where John Amos is arrested for everything. Bart played a role in his arrest, and is actually a senator at this point. Corrine is dead, actually murdered (by john amos?), and her name was cleared. Cathy even wishes for her mother’s forgiveness as it seems Corrine actually hadnt been the one trying to kill them. Bart also suggests that they go visit Olivia, he tells Cathy that the grandmother has changed and is lonely now.
Corrine left a will which divides her fortune 4 ways.
Carrie had a baby but Carrie still died, and now that baby is in Cathy’s care. Chris has a wife named Sarah.
Cathy and Paul are married much earlier. Paul has a 16 year old son with a woman named Leona, and Cathy wants the boy to live with herself and Paul. His first wife and son scotty are dead.
(Ending version 1)
A woman named Nora Kowles harassed Cathy outside the courthouse, claiming she knows about Cathy and Chris’s relationship. Chris rushes to defend Cathy but a truck hurls toward them. He pushes Cathy away and is hit by the car instead. Cathy is bleeding profusely from between her legs, she is pregnant and worries about her baby. Chris crawls over to her and asks her to say what hes always been dying to hear, and he dies in her lap. Cathy asks Bart to see that Paul gets her share of money and then she dies hugging chris on the pavement.
Paul is left to care for Carries baby until Alex (Carrie's husband) arrives to take her. He also is looking after Chris’s widow, Sarah, who never got to tell Chris she was pregnant.
Paul reads the journals Cathy kept from their time in Foxworth Hall and plans to open a free school for unfortunate children as Cathy had wished to do.
Now, as I said, there are multiple iterations of corrections to this manuscript, all bundled together. So here is the corrected ending for Where the Greener Grass Grows:
(Ending version 2)
After Chris defends Cathy from Nora’s insults, Paul warns them in time about the truck. It swerves away and both Cathy and Chris are safe. Cathy tells Paul that she chooses to stay with him instead of Bart. Paul accepts her unborn child, fathered by Bart, as his own. Chris interrupts to tell them Nora was killed by the truck, which no one is sad about. Chris and Cathy feel hopeful that the Foxworth curse has finally been lifted from them.
Jory wasn’t mentioned in either ending so I don’t think his character existed. I’m not sure if Cathy ever married Julian since she mentions how his love for her was always one sided, and she loved Paul.
“A Writer's Way to Profit from Memories” article written by VC Andrews
Pages photographed:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 (end)
There were a few pages that overlapped, suggesting there were at least two drafts of this article. The last few pages seem to be printed with sentences mistakenly spliced in, so it may be confusing to read.
VCA writes that Fita is not at all an autobiography, the only similarities she has to the story is the way Cathy responds to trauma.
She explains that even as an adult, with mature rationalizations, she never forgot how it felt to experience the world and events as a child. Through this understanding of child-like perception she hoped to one day be an understanding mother.
She explains that she uses her own memories, and the memories of others to write her stories- only she exaggerates and embellishes them. She imagines what the worst possible scenario could have been in a situation she had experienced, and follows that path.
For instance, she compares Audrina’s experience in My Sweet Audrina to an experience of her own, which could have had a similar outcome if VCA had been as unlucky as Audrina.
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randomkposts · 8 months
Hi, I saw your post about Ryoma coming to the (incorrect) conclusion that Corrin is biological related to Garon and it was really interesting! Do you have any more in-universe misconceptions like it? Thanks
I do. Thank you for your patience.
A bit less of a misconception by the characters, so much as a lie given by one of the characters, and that is why was Takumi was in the Port of Dia? He is invading in a diffrent place then planned, because he was on his way to rescue Azura.
But of course, once he sees Azura with the enemy, he venomantly denies that.
If you have Azura face him, he starts the dialouge surprised.
"Azura?! Last I heard, you were taken by Hoshidan soldiers. Ryoma worried himself sick planning your rescue."
Before decending into anger upon realizing she is there with the enemy.
"I told him it was pointless. And you proved me right, you Nohrian traitor. You should be ashamed."
Hinoka's opening dialouge if Azura fights her is ready to welcome her back.
" Thank goodness you’re safe! I was so upset when I heard you were missing. I’m sorry we couldn’t stop those rogue soldiers from taking you away. You must have gone through a lot of pain and suffering, but it’s over now. Come on back to Hoshido with me, I’ll keep you safe from the Nohrians."
And ends with Hinoka feeling betrayed by Azura's decision to switch sides.
"So you’re to betray us too? …So be it."
Ryoma, by the time you face him has already been told by Takumi and Hinoka.
"Azura... Hinoka and Takumi told me you were fighting with the enemy. I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it. What a pity. I suppose the Nohrian blood flowing in your veins lends itself to betrayal.."
In fact, they are far more upset about Azura betraying them then Corrin. Except Takumi, who is equally upset at both.
Now I'm not a warfare expert, but was Port Dia stratigically important? Not according to the reactions of the residents from what we see when warned. They seem confused and baffled.
Old Woman:" Say what? This town is caught up in the war between Nohr and Hoshido?"
Old Man: "Eh? This town is now a battlefield, you say? What in tarnation-"
Girl: "Oh dear! I've heard rumors about the war, but I never thought it would reach us here. "
Boy:" Dang, I had a feeling somethin' was up when I heard all that commotion. Never thought this town would see war."
They are not expecting the war. Which probably indicates this place isn't an ideal place to launch an invasion. What I looked up about Port cities in supply chains (not that I know much), indicate that "ports are usuable if the imeadite area is secure enough to avoid persistant attacks and capacity to process good sized shipments." Of course, we can't fully tell the size of the city from what we see of an in game battle map, but from what we do see and the reaction of the civilians, Port Dia is not considered stratigically important. Or at least, not important enough for them to be conisdered the location for the first official battle between home and invading army's.
So why did Takumi pick Port Dia to invade first? Particularly if they are Allied With Cheve? Wouldn't a landmass above or below the opera house suit better, and be better able to bring aid to their allies? The Opera house is where they went in Birthright, so why the change?
The only real reason I can find for Takumi to be invading Port Dia, is to grab Azura, and Make their way to Cheve or Macarath depending on the timeline and strength of Intel.
Which raises the question of when he fell into the Bottomless Canyon, as when faced in chapter 13, he has a diffrent battle theme from his siblings, which paired with his dialouge, indicates posession that wasn't present earlier. Then again, falling into the Bottomless Canyon probably isn't the only possible way to get posessed, as I highly doubt Pre-Possession Garon would go there for the funzies, so perhaps there are other ways of attaining influance in the minds of those who don't fall down an abyss into zombieland, particularly when you consider that the royals have dragon blood passed down through the bloodline, and in Fire Emblem, dragons-particularly old ones -are at risk of degeneration, and so become Manaketes to avoid it. Not all do.
So I wonder if Anankos is capable of using intense feelings of anger and despair to induce a sort of mental degeneration and manipulate targets to going with his goals. Takumi's intense feelings of betrayal, inferiority complex and dragon blood make him easy to persuade to go along this goal.
For all he claims he expected the avatar to be a traitor, he also has one of the faster support growths with the Avatar, something he lacks with both Hinoka and Hinata. Of course, the Avatar has fast support growths with all their siblings, but given how hostile Takumi starts off with them, you would think that shows in gameplay mechanics, and that it stays has some intresting implications.
The Nohrians fast support with all their siblings and both of their retainers, save for Xander who does not have fast support with Laslow. It makes some amount of sense, as Xander has lost retainers in the past, and Laslow was not one he chose personally. In contrast Ryoma is the only one who fast supports with all his siblings and both retainers. Unless something didn't make it on to Serenes forest, the next highest is Sakura who fast supports Corncob, her brothers, and both retainers, then Takumi, with Hinoka at the least, only fast supporting Ryoma out of all her siblings.
None of them fast support Azura, which could have been interesting, and Kaze only fast supports his brother, which parallels Flora, to their siblings Felicia and Saizo who fast support with their fellow retainer and Lord alongside their sibling. They are also both capable of picking a different loyalty then the one they start the game with.
What you can pick up about the bonds between the characters based on combat classes tell you things about the characters that add to their relationships I think.
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
but what if the entire lucina gang were sent to fates instead of just 3??
ANON IM SORRY THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE YEARS TO GET TO i got the ask and i was like “omg i literally have something in my notes about this i’ll pull it up when i have time” and then i just fucking forgot. sorry. and then i remembered again. and then life started like rapid fire punching me in the face. but im here now im answering it now im so sorry anyways its probably gonna be long and unorganized so cut
okay anyways so i think there’s a lot of different ways you can implement the second gen into fates and firstly my favorite and also the most stupid way to do so and also what i have in my notes is to split em all up between the four nohrian royals. they all get three new retainers from bumfuck nowhere and it makes no sense and it creates the worst dynamics ever. i assigned them like this:
xander: inigo, kjelle, laurent
camilla: severa, noire, yarne
leo: owain, cynthia, nah
elise: gerome, brady, lucina
and then morgans not there bc they throw off the even split but i think in that case, maybe corrin gets both of them? i think thatd be cute. anyways i’d be willing to move any of them like im not that attached to these placements, but i quite like the potential lord retainer dynamics that happen here. kjelle and laurent might seem a bit too similar to xander in terms of stoicism but hear me out. i think raging feminist man hating lesbian kjelle being tossed to work under xander would be fucking hilarious. you know how inigo almost beat xander in that match? guess who’d wipe the floor with him. and then i think laurents like. like laurent is normal passing. but you see he also has the pent up rage of an bullied 13 year old soon to be if not corrected incel and i think having that be explored with xander would be actually fucking hilarious. imagine one day xander is just like “hey laurent can you do something for me?” and laurent, whos been dealing with reeling back in inigo and kjelle (and uh. maybe peri if shes still here i havent thought that part through) and is absolutely sick of everyones bullshit just snaps and goes “NO! NO I FUCKING CANT!” and everyone in nohr just has this feeling of unease. something in the universe just broke.
and then with camilla i was like “well who would she dote on the most” and i picked noire and yarne. i can understand why yarne might be controversial because he is not a cute girl HOWEVER consider that he IS a cute rabbit. very cute. and hes terrified of everything all the time. i think camilla would find that charming and i think he would be terrified of her but also like. extremely devoted?? like i think he’d respect and look up to her a lot. just. just let me do that twenty feet away from you. please (lonqu!yarne????) but also i think theres very motherlike aspect to camilla that i think could eventually break through yarnes anxiety if she just started approaching him a little differently. and also the fact that shes one of nohrs best warriors and would murder anyone who comes close to harming him would probably help feel a little more secure in not dying. like it wouldnt fix him but it might help. and then noire is similar except she IS a cute girl and also i think camilla would be insanely into her talisman persona. make of that what you will i dont know but also going back to camilla as a motherish figure so obviously all of the future kids moms kicked the bucket meaning they all lacked proper mother figures for a good chunk of their lives, but noire never really had a proper mother figure… at all? bc bad timeline tharja was fucking abusive! so i think if she could find some of what she was missing in camilla, whether of not its particularly healthy i dont know but i think if she could that’d set up something interesting between them. theres also the fact that camilla and tharja are slightly similar in their callousness, only that camillas isnt aimed at her allies like tharjas sometimes is. i think that could actually end up being really comforting for noire in an oddly familiar way. healthy? debatable. but… interesting. DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION AM I INSANE
and then leo. ok im iffy on these guys like i could move them. but i think cynthia would be a nice retainer for leo to have bc i think they could have a fun “woah youre so cool! like a real hero” “im not the hero you think i am or want me to be” conversation and that wouldnt require cynthia to be his retainer to have but i think it would be nice. im not sure he’d send her on the same missions he sent odin on because shes not cosplaying as the worlds greatest mage (… or is she… no i dont think she’d abandon her pegasus) so theyd get on a lot easier at first. nah is here because i wanted to give leo a break and also i think leo being curious about a manakete thats similar but also not too much similar to corrin would be interesting. idk tho this is my least favorite placement. would be willing to switch.
and then for elise’s new retainers its interesting because shes the only nohr royal who didnt get an awakening kid so. ive given her three new ones. ger bear is here bc i think itd be fucking hilarious. yes, maybe itd make more sense to put him with xander or leo. i dont care though. i want him to bow down to the littlest princess of nohr, nohrs absolute sunshine, blah blah blah. also i think it’d be good for him. dude needs some sunshine. brady i was a little iffy on. i almost placed him with leo and im not sure where i prefer him actually, but i stuck him with elise because i think in some way, elise might, at first glance, remind him a bit of his mother. and kinda like with noire im not sure if its the healthiest way to go about his grief because elise is evidently not maribelle, but i think it could be a fun little arc for him to go through to try and break that image and learn to not project everything he wished maribelle couldve done for him onto elise. bradys a real funky guy i want him to go through some turmoil. and then lucina is here because i love their warriors support conversation and i think lucina being around elise could be so incredibly healing to the part of her that never got a chance to be a kid. and elise is a really fucking smart character yk i think she’d catch on really easily to how much lucina represses and try to bring it out of her. actually this goes for gerome and brady too i think she’d see a lot of her siblings in them and try to bring out as much of their childishness as she can because FUCK!!! these bitches are SAD!!! send help!!
this au is incredibly unrealistic and jambled but i just like thinking about it. i have no idea how this would affect the plot of fates. nohr’s army just gets a huge fucking power boost i guess???? they could probably kill anankos on their own. i believe it. but im quite honestly not all that interested in the giant plot i just like thinking about how the characters might interact and change. the nohrian royals and the awakening gen are just. so insane. and i didnt even bring up the rest of the fates cast (this post is fucking LONG ENOUGH) but i will be thinking. oh yes i will be thinking.
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airlock · 8 months
well, the winners and top 20s for CYL8 got announced while I was ass-deep in the CK3, so I missed the midnight hustle; ain't that splendid. anyway, seems they dropped earlier because, uh, only they dropped, and the deeper results -- y'know, the part of this that really interests me -- aren't out yet. weird, since they must have already tallied those, but I guess it works out some way for people who are more interested in the final results
anyway, under the cut are my impressions about those top 20s
Alfonse winning men's is a jeb bushening the likes of which we haven't seen since Eliwood, or ever really. funniest thing that could possibly happen to Felix, too, since Diamant couldn't keep up and the Jugdral people failed to focus fire again so this CYL would have been all his if not for, y'know
on the women's side, f!Robin just barely squeaked ahead of Yunaka (2000 votes on the topmost spots is narrow difference; not so much elsewhere in the poll), so we actually got a 0% victory debut for Engage after all. but also not even due to Engage actually failing to make much of an impression, it was just how the die landed. that's how it be in this bitch of a world sometimes!
speaking of the Jugdral people -- I was expecting people to be pushing Leif, but in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have been too surprised about Sigurd getting a fresh influx of attention this year. Engage just gave him one of the more preeminent roles among the Emblems after all, both in story and gameplay as it were!
still on predictions on the men's side that I got wrong: well, I was spot-on right pretty much about Diamant and Alcryst, but Alfred only just barely hung on to the top 20 at all, which is about the furthest you can get on this list from my original prediction of, y'know, possible actual victory contender. he's not even beating Rosado
now, as for the alears: both of them broke top 10 but are a ways still from real contention, especially seeing as they're both third place so far even among Engage characters. in the direct comparison between the two, it seems that f!Alear is the fan-preferred avatar gender this time around -- and it's not very close, with a difference of nearly 4000 votes between them. we've seen worse (remember how much dirt m!Corrin ate in CYL1?), but the preference is clear
although, interestingly enough, a different avatar -- Shez -- has actually swapped gender tendencies this year, with m!Shez taking a pretty solid 900-vote lead. last year they were very close with f!Shez only barely leading in votes, so I guess that tie is somewhat breaking now? either that, or it'll just swing again next year.
anyway, I had an initial impression from these results that the Fódlan deathgrip is as strong as ever, but looking at the lists closer, it's loosening up a bit actually. to an extent this is because almost all of their top 10 CYL material have actually won CYL by now, another two more this year even, but elsewhere in the list they're losing ranks fast. Sylvain slid all the way down to #17 overall this year, while a lot of the lifers from other continuities just don't seem very disturbed to compete for space with Engage characters at all. (although the Elibe stocks on that front are in shambles -- Nino is decisively out of the top 20, and even Lilina just barely made it)
lastly, man, turnout for CYL is still looking abysmal these days, even with the fandom freshening up a little, huh. it has pretty firmly become seen as a FEH thing rather than the Fire Emblem thing it used to be embraced as, and FEH is, well, I know overwhelmingly more people who got sick of it than are playing it right now, Alfonse win notwithstanding. still though, our big winner this year again doesn't crack 20000 votes. remember when Edelgard won with over 70000 votes? (this was, in fairness, back when they allowed you to vote without a Nintendo account, but still!)
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formulaonedirection · 15 days
tagged by beloved @scenetocause doing this while I procrastinate getting ready for bed because I just got home and I'm sweaty
LAST SONG: Listening to Put Your Records On Corrine Bailey Rae rn like girl I'm literally putting my records AWN!
FAVORITE COLOR: Last month my co-worker called me Green Nadia because everything I own is green soewwwww.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: I just kinda stress rewatch Law & Order SVU or Criminal Minds on weekends. I just finished watching the Thai version of Cherry Magic and Tay Tawan the man you are.....
LAST MOVIE: I watched Inside Out 2 in the cinema by myself surrounded by pre-teens
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY: Where is sour 🤔 Sweet sour elite flavour combo
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in love with a beautiful girl who is awfully far away
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: Omg thank you for giving me this space to talk about Vintage Nail Polish tiktok like I am OBSESSED with vintage dusties on tiktok like she revives really old nail polish and I love it. I want that hobby. Like how COOL is it to wear nail polish from the 1920s like that's so sick. I just think colours are such an interesting topic.....history of colours.....
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: Literally just googled Blue Dot Nebraska because I was trying to tell Natalie that's what they call Omaha because they vote Dem in the middle of all the Republicans
tapping in @elementalmoments @ladyeggplant @astronomical-light @leapyeap @vegasgrandprix and whoever would also like to yap and procrastinate
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fe-fictions · 1 year
are there some leo fics still lying around somewhere? 👉🏼👈🏼
(YES!! Here's one of Leo taking care of a hurt Corrin! U V U)
“You’re a fool. A naive, ignorant, irresponsible fool.”
Leo’s words were harsh, but they lacked the usual bite while he bandaged your wounds. It was just the two of you, sitting in your room while the young prince tended to the bloody mess that was your body.
“I know, I know.” You mumbled, leaning against his shoulder. 
“What were you thinking? There are dozens of people, just like them simply waiting for an opportunity to attack you! Why would you just give them that chance? Are you stupid?”
“It’s because I was on patrol and didn’t realize I’d wandered too far out?” You replied tiredly, fingers gripping the sheets when he bound up a particularly sensitive cut.
“You could’ve died tonight. Does that not mean anything to you?” Leo said, his volume growing.
You shushed him quickly, pulling back from him to look at the man properly.
“It was dark, and I thought I was still with Jakob. I didn’t realize where I was, and-- watch it! ...I paid the price. That’s all there is to it.” You explained, the pain not easing your agitation levels. 
Leo sighed heavily, finishing up another wound and moving to dress the incisions on your arm. He lifted it gingerly, careful not to upset the bleeding cuts any more than they already were.
“Still, you shouldn’t have been so reckless!” He scolded you sharply, cleaning the blood away. “I was worried sick about you. If I hadn’t shown up…”
“Don’t worry about that.” You mumble, pressing your face against his neck in a comforting manner. Leo fell silent, wrapping another cleaned injury. “You found me, and you’re taking care of me. That’s all that matters.”
“You could’ve bled out on the dirt and we would’ve been none the wiser. You can’t just play this off.”
“I’m not playing it off.” You protest softly, lifting your hand to stop his movements. The bandaging paused. “I’m grateful you saved me. I wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for you.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”
When you pulled away, you caught sight of something you never thought you’d witness; a teardrop rolled down his cheek.
“I was scared, damn you.” He grumbled, tugging you to his chest and wrapping his arms tight around your body. He held you close, burying his face in your hair. “Don’t thank me for saving your life. I thought I was going to lose you.” 
Your hand came up to his head, stroking his hair gently. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I’ll try not to let it happen again. Even though we’re in the middle of war and the chances of me getting into danger are on the daily-”
“Sorry. I’ll try not to let myself get stuck in that situation again.” You promised him, and he pulled away from you, trying to play off the tear stain on his cheek.
“Good. If you did I’d probably kill you off myself, anyway.” He grumbled, eyes softening. “Now give me your arm. I’m not done yet.” 
“Hold on,” You stopped him, thumb rubbing his cheek and ridding him of the track left behind by the salty drop. “You had a little something on your face.”
“Tch, you’re so annoying.” He muttered, cheeks turning pink instantly.
You just smiled, resting on his shoulder once more while he dressed the rest of your wounds.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 4 months
feelsy gunter/corrin pregnacy headcanon(s) that were torturing me this last weekend (route agnostic) ~
so i wrote them smarter about protection in YRMR than they they would actually be because i don't know if the senior nohr generation have ever heard about such a thing given garon and his ....many..... concubines exist (lol). both of them kinda... just assume that his swimmers are too old?
.............i'm not even sure corrin thinks that far?
listen gunter was corrin's combat instructor, not an obgyn. anyway they've been fooling around. uh. a lot.
more than a few dedicated fuck marathons leaving them absolutely exhausted but so satisfied, best endurance in the army amiright
the first time corrin gets morning sickness they both just assume she had a bad piece of meat or something
and it's not until corrin gets morning sickness a few times a row that it suddenly dawns on him, maybe he's distractedly looking over her cabinet for something to help the nausea and an old memory of him doing this before (for his late wife) hits him.
and he goes sheet white.
the thing about nohr
is i really get the class difference is a big deal. less so with a casual fuck or fling, but when it comes to royal heirs? twice-thrice-over? him as not just a commoner but the whole [gestures]?
and he's thinking oh shit oh fuck i fucked up her life
and he's a long term thinker he's thinking as her knight-guardian every worst case scenario possible all in a blitzkreig (not unreasonably), and almost immediately gets the notion that he's gotta. get rid of this stupid fucking mess his fucking feelings have gotten into (there's ways, maybe niles knows)-
and his chest is tight, there's a tiny frail part of his heart erupting into a blinding grief, struggling, and not even allowing himself to the mourn the what-if-
what if again (this tiny precious miracle of a little one and having it torn away again)-
brutally shoving any thoughts aside he sort of brusquely nudges her to go visit a doctor real quick to confirm, she senses something's weirdly spooked him just by how curt and iron-brittle-tense and almost snappish her beloved authority figure of a black knight is all the sudden and it's. not a great feeling. she's spooked, stomach's squirrley still, spooked enough that she misses the way how he looks at her with the kind of terror of having lost before.
he gets her to a doctor without incident, leaves them to their thing and paces like a madman outside. doctor just ironically thinks that he might be the first one to know, (never the father) of course.
(gunter, upon being let back in, ignores the comment about 'when the father hears-', but it's a. it's a dig. one of many many unintentional digs he ignores, and ignores and ignores-)
but when they're alone again - corrin won't let go of him, she's suddenly very touchy/needy and genuinely concerned about him, she's tentatively happy, she kind of always in the naievity saw them as having kids, it just happened ehhh kinda earlier than they assumed?
and corrin mentions this in a stream of nervous consciousness and -
he grabs her. not hard- there's a vaguely rough-edged strangled weakly incredulous tone to his voice she's never ever heard before, never as him as a combat instructor, never as a lover-
'you want them?'
and it hits him here-
she wants his children.
she wants him as their father, she doesn't want to just have it as a footnote and a badly ended fling, she wants him and their child as a real future.
he is not a very emotional (or emotionally demonstrative) man but i think he leans his forehead against her shoulder for a very long time and just.... buries his face against her.
and corrin doesn't completely get the depth of why, but she holds him, her beloved, and they break there, but in that healing, whole way.
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era: Thoughts (Episode 6)
Idk if this is needed but if the story about Baby Jessica bothers you then I’d say TW for that. Otherwise, spoilers under the cut! :)
* We’re barely into this ep and there’s already crying lol
* Why is Glo talking into a mirror lmao
* I agree Bellatrix’s pirouette was so good
* Seriously? Gina’s photo was UNDER Audrey’s? That’s nasty even for Dance Moms standards
* Smiley got her solo praise jesus
* Leilah’s solo is about to be so good
* “Is your mom coming?” “Yeah she’s parking the car :)!” “Cool! (Not cool)”
* Gina should’ve been in the team to begin with at this point tbh. Idk who she should’ve beat into the team but seriously the kid is leaps and bounds above them
* “Who’s your daughter? 🤨 “ ooh sick burn or smth
* If you were gonna have so many dances with turns why tf would Smiley even be on this team? Like no offense to her but cmon
* Ok corrine slay with rhythm nation
* “Leilah can beat smily”- min mina basically: nuh uh
* Letting your child breathe before you talk to her is very smart. Good momma
* Glo basically: “so for this concept I’m gonna be smiley’s biggest opp” 🤭
* Smiley’s shorts are cute
* Despite cutting girls out, Glo is very nice about it
* Ok so now Smiley’s mom’s gonna bitch about her daughter being IN the group because she has a solo…k
* God these kids are lowkey asses to their moms. But like I get it
* “Stop being dainty and just throw the water on her domenica?” “Me?” “YES!” *practically beats poor smiley with water*
* The girls spraying the hell out of smiley 😭 lol poor kid
* Mina still has her teddy that’s my girl
* Aww one of the girls is recording Smiley’s solo how cute
* Her turns need work but Smiley is a good dancer :)
* Leilah is such a cutie patootie
* I never even realized she stumbled getting our of her Janet costume
* Girl I screamed when she hit that leg hold turn too
* Oh my god how many songs does this solo have lmao
* asia would’ve ate this up on the show
* “The dance was so bad” girl no that was fucking insanity. Poor comp kids
* I love the group eyeshadow
* Ashlan’s fake happy face is sending me
* The backs of these costumes are so pretty
* “She needs a brain break” she’s needed one since episode one but you’re not ready for that conversation
* God Glo is way nicer than Abby because this brain break would get her cut.
* Lifetime stop slowing down the dance challenge (impossible)
* My app crashed right as Ashlan got kicked I’m cackling way too hard rn
* The group was going so seamlessly too 😐 and of course the spacing get messed up right at the end
* I’m literally the cut to Leilah dancing in the wings lmao
* All the confetti and strings were so cool I love it
* “Oh no”- the camerawoman, 2024
* Jing….that wasn’t Ashlan’s fault. It wasn’t Gina’s either?? bellatrix (was she in green?) was moving the circle way too close to Gina
* 9th…that’s rough
* “7th is bad for studio bleu is bad but 7th place for smiley is a huge achievement” stfu with that backhanded ass comment
* 2nd with that big of a fumble wasn’t bad 😔
* “Sorry about the noise we are learning here” should
* Can Leslie and Domenica just stop…
* I swear Bellatrix was the one who pulled her I’m 💀 idek anymore
* “I was dizzy and seeing stars” me everyday of my life queen
* My god Ashlan should not have been on this show she’s having a whole panic attack
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pure-garbage · 1 month
Familiar Tactics? A Brief Moment Of Recognition!
Chapter Warnings: Violence, Language
The destructive power of Lana's attack didn't come without a cost. She swayed in place, barely managing to keep her footing as the glow of her aura faded, leaving her clutching her dagger. Cami popped her head up out of the water, blinking hard in the open air as she met Lana's eyes one more time. The mermaid flashed her a thumbs up, even though her grim expression didn't lighten.
'I shouldn't have been so harsh on the kid,' Lana sighed internally. 'She's just doing her best. Just like all of us.'
"Damn. I'm gonna have to practice that one," Lana panted, struggling to catch her breath after such an overexertion. "Now... let me see that collar, Cami. I'll get it off you and we can get the hell out of here."
"You can't!" Cami squealed, grabbing the collar in alarm. "It'll blow up! I saw it happen!"
"I won't blow you up," Lana assured her, leaning on the edge of the tank and beckoning her closer. "Come on. I know what I'm doing. Besides, Luffy'll give me hell if I let you explode. I would never let my captain down like that. Just let me work, okay?"
"I don't know, are... are you sure about this?" Cami asked, even as she inched closer. Lana took hold of the collar, peering into the keyhole discerningly.
"This is my skillset," Lana assured her. "You're in good hands."
"But I saw-"
"I won't blow you up."
Lana finished her inspection and retrieved her pins from her pocket.
"The lock isn't very high quality," she informed the mermaid, hoping to comfort her. "Guess they rely on the detonation as a deterrent."
"Um... yeah, makes sense," Cami reasoned, trembling. "After all, exploding is pretty scary!"
Lana grinned and flipped her pins around between her fingers.
"Just hold real still now, 'kay?"
Cami only had time to gasp. Then it was over. Lana thrust her pins into place with all the confidence befitting her reputation. The collar clicked and fell open.
"You... you did it!"
"Don't act so surprised," Lana chided her gently. 'There's a good reason Corrin was so keen on keeping me around.'
Lana didn't have any more time to celebrate.
"Cami, duck!" she cried.
The mermaid did and a shot rang out behind them.
'Whoever it is, they're a terrible shot,' Lana thought. It hadn't been strictly necessary for Cami to move. Lana's intuition told her the mermaid was the shooter's intended target, but the bullet whistled high overhead, lodging in the back wall of the platform.
"If that damned fish is the cause of al this trouble, I'll just kill it myself!"
Lana turned her gaze on the speaker. One of the celestial dragons advanced through the chaos, clumsily wielding a pistol.
Rage surged anew in Lana.
"You jerks are supposed to be the ones running the world?!" she demanded. "And you're complicit in this bullshit?! Trading in human lives is sick enough, but does hers mean so little to you that you'd sentence her to death for absolutely no crime at all?!"
"Silence, commoner!" the girl decreed imperiously.
'Absolute power and they're barely more than overgrown toddlers, treating the world like a playpen full of toys to amuse themselves!' Lana fumed.
"No, you!" she roared aloud, voice rising with her swelling fury. "Calm-calm hush!"
The celestial dragon threw a muted hissy fit, while back in the stands, Lana's voice carried to an ear that was familiar with the phrase. Among the men still in their seats, unbothered by the battle raging on around them, a head bearing a fluffy leopard-print hat snapped up. Sharp black eyes zeroed in on Lana, growing wide with disbelief as the mind behind them processed what it had just heard.
"What- What did she just say?!" Trafalgar Law gasped.
"Stay low, Cami," Lana instructed. She grabbed the collar, dragging it from the water as she stepped away from what remained of the aquarium. The celestial dragon turned the entirety of her scorn on Lana, who shifted as subtly as possible to avoid the bullets flying at her while she advanced on the girl firing them.
"You're just a child," Lana observed disdainfully, wondering at the girl's capacity for vitriol. 'So young and the world has already taught her to believe that she stands so far above the rest of us. What a fucking joke.'
Lana came close enough to snatch the gun from the dragon's hand, pushing her chest hard with her palm. The dragon toppled, wordless shouts inaudible to the rest of the hall, suppressed by Lana's devil fruit power.
The celestial dragon had Lana's undivided attention, so she didn't notice that she, in turn, was the sole focus of Law's previously panscopic gaze. He leaned forward in his seat, hat shading his enraptured features as he watched the exchange unfold.
Zoro had defeated every adversary set before him and as his eyes swept across the hall, searching for the next enemy, Law's shock and fixation with Lana didn't escape his notice. His eyes narrowed, but the captain of the heart pirates made no move to attack, so Zoro moved on. He took on the next wave of guards, but kept one eye on Law as he in turn observed Lana closely.
"I've had my fill of bloodshed for today," Lana declared, putting her foot on the dragon's neck and popping off the bubble-esque helmet she wore. All the guards were busy dealing with the rest of Lana's crew and the dragon was unable to cry for help anyway. The girl ranted and blubbered in fear, no sound escaping the spell Lana had placed over her.
"You can pay for being a shitty person at someone else's hands... if you live that long," Lana sneered. She bent with a deranged grin, brandishing the collar that had been Cami's moments before. The girl resisted, but Lana slapped her hands away easily, clicking the collar into place securely with a cackle.
"Now... have a little taste of the terror you've been watching," Lana smirked devilishly.
She released the girl, who struggled away, still unable to make a sound.
Lana's gaze swept out over the hall, hoping to appraise whether her crew would be able to make a break for it any time soon. Marines were joining in too now, entering the auction hall sporadically.
'Looks like we've still got a hell of a fight on our hands before...'
Lana lost the thread of her thought as she locked eyes with the man staring at her from the seats. She had no idea who he was, but he was looking at her like he'd seen a ghost.
'Another pirate? That would explain why they've just been sitting there this whole time. Enjoying the show... but why the hell is he staring at me like that?'
Lana glared back, silently challenging the man. He relaxed and settled back into his seat, fixing his face even if he didn't break eye contact, meeting Lana's challenge head on with easy confidence that told her he didn't care that he'd been caught.
'Whoever this weirdo is, I don't have time to deal with him right now,' she decided.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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crumboat · 2 months
Tell me the nonsense!
yeah ok
(Tw, wilbur soot mention under the cut, its only as a character, and does not discuss his ... behavior.. to put it lightly, as a cc)
so like, ive been reading this one fic and its an sbi fic (mc rpf, including Ph1lza, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, and Wilbur Soot)
(Heres a link, if you wanna read it w/o spoilers, also check the tags, i havent mentioned everything, just like, importent plot points <3
And its a royalty au
And and and! Uhm its about tommy being the prince next in line (bc wil ran away on his corrination, and tech was a general in war) and the stress that came with it and how it shaped his personality
Bc he felt incredibly abandoned when 1. His mom died, 2. Will left weeks later, 3. Techno had to leave bc War or something idc, and 4. Phil, his dad, got UBER sick and tommy had to take care of the king's duties at FOURTEEN or twelve, i dont 'member
Then! Like 3 years later, phil is fine( the sickness lasted like...2 weeks) but hes distant ever since his wifes death, and wilbur returns but he like, thought everything would return to normal so he got pissy when tom was like. Pissed at him for leaveing. For 3 years. so now Wils a bitch whos like, trying to get a reaction out of tommy (to the point of public humiliation, and purposely treating ranboo(well get to that) really nice amd calling him 'brother' while treating tom like shit )
And then,,, uh his family replaces him ( they bring in ranboo(whos a commoner- which pisses off tom bc hes unintentionally SUPER disrespectful) and over the course of the fic treat him MUCH better than they treat tommy) so his like 'fuck that' and becomes besties w a foreign prince- dream.
Now dream was great, and he helped tommy, and they called eachother brothers!! But it turns out- dream was fae. And now tommy feels betrayed (idk it was a lot more nueanced than that) bc he had like, spied on him and whatever while in animal form.
There was some section where wil like, snaps out of assholeery bc tommy snaps and throws something at him and idk makes him scared) so now wils nice ig
Sorry this fic is really long (like 40 chapters) and idk how to express how much i love something other than info dumping
Ok so, then wil, tommy, and fundy(wils kid- turns out he got hitched while he was gone for those 3 years- with a commoner which is- like not great for his reputation and is partially why he is not the crown prince anymore) all go on a carriage for Diplomatic Reasons (idk i think theyre visiting a diff kingdom) and they get stuck in a snowstorm in a small town. They end up staying w some old cowgirl in her lil cottage (shes actually like, a proper farmer she takes no shit and is built like a bull) and so tommy learns common people manners <33 its really fun cuz hes undercover as a commoner bc they didnt want to get assassinated <33
Idk i really love the fic so far<333 tahts aout how far i got
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doodlesandbooks · 5 months
you said you wanted to chat about fire emblem so here i am lol, who are your favorites from each of the games you've played??
Eee! Thank you for the ask!! Would you like asks about fire emblem too?
I have played conquest (partially - got a bit stuck), fire emblem engage, most of 3 houses, and have a friend who's playing through awakening, and have watched a play-through of it.
My favourites from each game are:
Xander, what a dude, he looks about 40, he's adorable, he's in his late 20s, he's such a looser boy I love him, but I can't marry him since Corrin is his sibling. Camilla? Bizarrely? I thought I would hate her due to the fanservice-y design, but she's actually so cool??? I really love all of the Nohrian royals actually, they are all really cool. Arthur is obviously marvellous, but also so gimmicky. I like Jakob because he has saved me so much with his healing and daggers. I really like Lilith, she's so cute! (Obviously, I also like Corrin :D) I tried marrying Jakob off, but the L rip-off Dwyer disturbed me so much that I unsaved it.
I have not yet decided on anyone to S-Support with Corrin. I would 100% go for Xander if he wasn't Corrin's kind big-brother.
Fire emblem Engage:
Alear. Alear is so blorbo to me. I love her. so. much.
Alfred, what can I say, I'm a bit vanilla... He's cute, he's got a cute design, yes he's gimmicky, but he's also so sweet! Temerra, I think her design is sick! I also love how fun ridiculous she is, also with Ike she has saved me so so many times. Alcryst is sweet, I love him, Celine is really interesting, and I love her support with Alcryst, Zelestia is so cute (although I hate her outfit) Seadall, Nel, Yunaka, Jade, Diamant, Ivy, Fogado... I don't know who my favourites are, I love the vast majority of the cast so much!
3 Houses: Ok, a lot of the cast is so cool in FE3H.
I love Claude. hands down favourite lord. I also love Dimitri, I think Dimitri is really interesting, but I do prefer Claude. I really like Rhea actually, I don't condone what she did, but she's a complicated antihero type and I find her fascinating. Other favourites include Dedue - my man, Catherine, Seteth, Sothis, Mercedes, Sylvain, Lorenz, Ignatz, Lindhardt.
Awakening: I like Robin, I think he's cute and dumb, I like him. Chrom: So Dumb, Himbo dumb, sweet dumb man, he is so wonderful. what are his boots. Lucina, interesting, cool, doesn't get jokes, the cutest S-Support, I love her. Henry. I love him, who gave him the right to go that hard? I find Tharja's character arcs in her supports past marriage really compelling, how she becomes kinder.
I love so so so many of the characters, thank you so much for the ask, I love just telling people about my interests! :D
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nowis-scales · 1 year
Ryoma Birthday Headcanons
It’s the first day of May, and so that means that it’s Ryoma’s birthday! Per the usual when there’s a Hoshidan royal with a birthday, I have to write a set of birthday headcanons to celebrate them. Hopefully you enjoy this year’s round!
‣ So you know how for years, there’s been that joke about that Ryoma’s probably like, really annoyed that Xander is taller than him? My hot take on this is that initially, he didn’t really care. Whatever, right? It’s not like he can control his height by sheer force of will, and Ryoma quite likes not having to duck through the average doorway. However, once everyone else started pointing out as a big deal to him… yeah, admittedly, he started to get more grumpy about it. Only problem is, he won’t admit to being grumpy about it, so he’s just standing there like “yeah whatever, I don’t care” when it is just so, so painfully obvious that he cares.
‣ You remember how last year, for Sakura's birthday, I mentioned that one of her siblings lost a tooth by falling down the stairs when they were little? Yeah, that was Ryoma. He was about six when it happened, and of course it was on one of the big stair cases leading up to Castle Shirasagi. Thankfully he was one of those kids that was just like, strangely durable, so he didn’t really cry when it happened. He was far more excited that one of his teeth had been knocked out, and kept trying to excitedly show Sumeragi and Ikona, who were so busy checking him over for cuts and bruises and whispering to each other “oh my gods we’re such terrible parents” to initially understand what their son was trying to show them. Sumeragi used to love to tell that story to people. Fuuga still laughs about it.
‣ According to the 4koma anthology comics, Ryoma is for the most part pretty honest, but he’ll still soften the blow on a lot of things if he can. However, if you really want to see Ryoma at his peak honesty, just talk to him when he’s sick. He doesn’t have the energy to put things into a nicer delivery. Oh, you want him to do politics with a fever, chills, and upset stomach? Fine, but you’d better be prepared to paraphrase literally everything he said in response to that daimyo’s questionable idea, because there’s no way you’re going to be able to deliver anything Ryoma said upfront. And don’t even bother asking about Ryoma’s general symptoms unless you’re the healer — he’ll tell it to you in grouchy, pouting detail.
‣ One of Ryoma’s worst fears is being helpless in any situation. When he’s put into a position where he can’t do anything, he’ll start to panic. This often means that he will do anything he can get to get out of it, even if it means doing something underhanded or against his typical moral code. That's also part of the reason why he can be characterized as impulsive or stubborn at times: he cannot give into a helpless situation. He needs to be able to take some sort of action to make things "right". If he doesn't feel that he has sufficiently acted, then he can never make peace with what happened. In the back of his mind he knows that this is probably a trauma response from Corrin's kidnapping in childhood, but he doesn't really want to have to confront the idea that it might be the wrong thing to do sometimes.
‣ Loves dogs. Loves them. When he was little, he was always pestering Sumeragi to let him have one. Obviously, because of his age, Sumeragi didn't think it was a good idea, but said that he might let him have one when he got older. Unfortunately, he passed before he could see that promise through. For a long time Ryoma largely forgot about getting a canine friend, too focused on other things to consider that that was something he could do for himself... but after the war drew to a close, he finally adopted that pup we see in the art piece Kozaki did of him.
‣ Though Ryoma’s hair may look like it’s spiky, it’s actually more so fluffy than anything. That of course doesn’t make it any easier to work with, but the texture probably isn’t as bad as you’d expect. Unfortunately, this still means that it gets all matted and tangled at the drop of a hat, so Ryoma is constantly wrestling with it to keep it under control. Most of the time he just ties it up to keep it out of the way, but he leaves it down in battle because he’s been told it makes him look more intimidating. It has led to the occasional embarrassing moment when it’s been caught in parts of his armour, though.
‣ His position makes him kind of emotionally distant at times. It's not necessarily something he wants to be, but the whole being a prince thing/being the "head of the family" by Hoshidan standards does kind of make him feel isolated. He tends to act on that in turn, and though there are times where he does try to connect with those around him, it still comes across as awkward and stilted from time to time. He finds it difficult to have close friends, and can never seem to connect with Takumi and Sakura the way that he wants to. To some people, this comes across as him not thinking much of them, but he honestly just doesn't know the right way to engage a lot of the time so he just... doesn't. It's something he would like to improve upon.
‣ One of Hoshido’s most eligible, if not the most eligible, bachelors. He’s not particularly crazy about this status. It’s not like he never wants to get married — he knows some day he’s going to have to, for the good of the kingdom and whatnot — but he hates being in a room full of people or corresponding with people he knows are just trying so desperately to impress him. The entire experience just feels terribly inauthentic, and he’s worried about if any of this is really enough to found a relationship on. Tack on the fact that he barely notices flirting from the average woman, and it just becomes overwhelming to even think about choosing a partner in those circumstances. He would much rather fall in love where it's possible.
‣ When it comes to pettiness, the man is like a crow. If you have wronged him or his family, he can and will remember it. And he doesn't hesitate to take revenge for it at times, either. There's still one nobleman who can't figure out why the crown prince seems so much colder than him than to everyone else. Hinoka asked Ryoma about it one time. Apparently, when they were younger, the nobleman mocked Hinoka's interest in battle and suggested she was a faulty woman. He apparently did so when Hinoka was in earshot, but she doesn't remember a thing. Ryoma, however, has kept this little grudge of his close to his heart and refuses to let go because how dare you talk about my sister that way!!
‣ While we know his English and Japanese VAs can both sing quite well, I feel like Ryoma is just not a very good singer. He's not necessarily always out of tune, but he just... sounds awkward. I don't really think of him as the singing type, to be honest, so whenever he tries it's probably more of that mumble-singing you do in the car anyways. He tends to stumble over lyrics or occasionally hit the wrong note, and when that happens once it's just going to throw him completely and keep happening, so it just tends to be a very mediocre performance. He probably once got Shiro to stop crying as a baby by singing to him, but purely because Shiro was so focused on Ryoma's second-rate lullaby that he couldn't remember to be upset.
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