#fe ryoma
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dvrtrblhr · 11 months ago
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no time to draw the full outfit, but i like ryoma with a ponytail!
i think i mentioned this before, but the big brothers are my fav fates characters! so i had to draw something for his bday!
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moe-broey · 5 months ago
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LOOK AT ALL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole collection......
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xander-wolk · 6 months ago
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Azura and Ryoma for @shad-ohcat ✨
Thank you so much!
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xxannettemariexx · 8 months ago
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- Hoshidan Royals -
Artist's Note
I worked on this for quite a while... (many months) There's a lot of details put into these characters, after all. That and I had a hard time motivating myself. I think it was my perfectionism obstructing me. @_@ Ryoma's armor was especially intimidating. (But I think it came out pretty well! :D)
Though, when I finally finished I realized I needed a background. I cobbled this together but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I just want to be done with it. So if you notice any mistakes, know that I left them there on purpose so that I can allow myself to stop working on it. X_x
That isn't to say I didn't enjoy drawing it! It was very nostalgic drawing these characters. I used to draw a lot of Fire Emblem characters in highschool. I want to draw more in the future... I have too many WIPs though.
xXAnnette MarieXx
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feh-alt-battle · 10 months ago
VS Battles - Matt Mercer
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Requested by Anonymous (+ Anonymous)
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dragonprincekamui · 6 months ago
Its very important to me that corrin is taller than everyone, yes including their older brothers
Its important to me that they go to fetch their younger sibling, former general, only to realize that they've grown as both a person and also just taller
I want them to have to crane their neck to meet their younger sibling's eyes
I want Corrin to try and make this less weird by crouching down lower so it's like it was before the war
I want Sakura/Elise to have a wonderful time being picked up by their elder sibling and sat upon their shoulders, giggling the whole time while also in Awe of how much they can see up there
I want Leo/Takumi to realize that even if they could still get taller that there'd be no chance of reaching Corrin's eyeline but also aware of how much more othered they must feel amongst their family
I want Hinoka/Camilla to lightly joke that they'll need to fly to see their younger sibling face to face while also reassuring them that they'll always be their "little" sibling
I want Corrin to realize that their dragon form has also gotten bigger, transforming inside has turned into a hassle to make sure they don't break the ceiling
I want them to realize they tower over their eldest siblings, wishing they didn't because hugging them has gotten a bit awkward for various reasons
I want Azura to not be bothered at all, for all she knows this is to be expected of a half-dragon and they had a late growth spurt because that's surely how it works for Corrin
I want Kana to be overjoyed because it means they won't be small forever while Corrin just makes note to tell them that this is a pain in more ways than just the transformation
I also think it'd be funny if Corrin was just huge due to their fun genetics (this also extends to Mikoto she should also be taller than most others)
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feshippingpolls · 7 months ago
Ryoma x Scarlet ?
FE: Should they kiss?
Ryoma x Scarlet
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senchodoodle · 1 year ago
Kagero is ART!
YT Link!
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nowis-scales · 9 months ago
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
General Warnings: N/A
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Fates (Birthright/Conquest/Revelation-relevant)
Relationships: King Garon & King Sumeragi, King Garon & Xander, King Sumeragi & Ryoma
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Fatherhood, Mentions of Ikona & Katerina, References to Infidelity, References to Sex, Political Conflict, Gen Fic, Enemies to Sort of Kind of Friends, Garon has beef with a literal infant
Story Word Count: 7776 words
Story Summary: Banquets in Izumo typically mean one thing for King Garon, and that’s avoiding the Hoshidan King like the plague. Their countries having been at odds longer than either man can count, and they’re all but certain that their newly born sons will follow in those footsteps behind them. But when Garon stumbles upon Sumeragi in a vulnerable position, one that he understands all too well, the two enemies just might come to find a moment of unforeseen understanding.
[Read it on AO3.]
(Note: Due to potential threat of AI-scraping from Tumblr, I have opted to publish the actual text content of this fic only on AO3. Thank you for your understanding.)
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robynmizore · 7 months ago
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Who is Takumi beating? WRONG ANSWERS ONLY
If you want to read a good fire emblem fan fic feel free to check out my pinned post ^w^
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theeeveetamer · 2 years ago
Have a cursed tier list
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ft. an Alfonse redemption arc and my micropeen Dimitri HC
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grimcrumbz · 2 years ago
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Ryoma and Reshiram
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juliakeyoto · 1 year ago
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years ago
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Chibi art for Anankos ft Xander and Ryoma
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feh-alt-battle · 10 months ago
VS Battles - Lobsters
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Requested by Anonymous (x, x)
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randomkposts · 1 year ago
I was reading the page on Jill (path of Radiance), and read that she could (and often would) defect if the player sent her to face her father, and had an "oh yah that used to be a thing sometimes" moment.
That could have been intresting to see put into action in the Fates and Houses games. For Fates that could have added to Revelations in particular. Just picture Saizo or Kagero attacking Ryoma only for him to go "WTF are you doing? You are my retainers! It's your job to protect me." And they go "oh yah. That is our job." And imeadeatily defect, and only rejoin later when he does. Except, you know. More seriousness.
For Houses, there would probably be a lot of thought put into who would evoke which reaction from what character, but it would also be really intresting worldbuilding, for one set of characters to face off against each other and have teary goodbyes, but facing off a different friend has your character go "so long and thanks for all the gear" and defect. It could be prevented with the right supports, but with the amount of supports in the game being numerous the player initally has no idea why that went diffrently.
Kind of an intresting gameplay ballance, as the player can go around recruiting almost everyone, to give the opposition a chance to recruit their units back.
I would give Lord's a chance to recruit, and give Edelgard the most conditions needed to fulfill a rerecruitment (as she is the lord with the most reserve), and Dimitri and Claude I'm torn on. Claude is the one with the most supports, but Dimitri is good at inspiring personal loyalty. I'd probably say that there are recruitment conditions the lords need to fulfill first.
I'd love it to have -"a different enemy character must talk to them first"-before the recruitment attempt, but that makes it hard to have happen on subsequent playthroughs, as you can just recruit the prior class.
Felix is not recruitable by a Blue Lion if he kills his father or any of his friends (as by then he is locked into his negitive character arc).
It would probably have been really base breaking and inspired reset had it actually implamented, as players would hate their well trained units defecting and fighting them, as well as cause shipping discourse, but storywise could have been an intresting angle to explore.
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