#or do i have a point in what im yapping about
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befallenstars-archive · 17 hours ago
It's been a while since I last read some fics and I saw this waiting in the drafts so I just had to pick it. Having your work as smth to get me back to reading is a very nice thing. I feel like I'm gonna have fun with this one!
As usual, looooots for yapping under the cut— bc it's me. When did I ever NOT yap?/lh
Dan Heng
"He wonders if this was truly the best course of action."
It's 3AM rn so lemme make sure I don't wake up my neighbors. I just know I'm in for an interesting ride.
“Hey.... stranger?” You're mumbling now, eyes locked on the floor, and his breath is stuck in his throat.
I had no idea alcohol induced memory loss. How do you forget a guy like that? Ouch. Poor Dan Heng/lh
“Here,” he turns around, lowering himself onto a knee to gesture for you to climb on. “I'll take you to your boyfriend.”
Aweee...I expected this is to be more comedic but I got a tad of comedic and some heartwarming vibes. Dan Heng's such a sweetheart!
Jing Yuan
“My boyfriend taught me how to fight, so don’t you even dare.”
The snort that I had to stop myself from letting out. No bc I'm thinking a reader that's completely flushed from being so drunk swaying to and fro while having their fists up in the air— HAHAHAHA THAT'S SO ADORABLE BYEEE
He blinks, once, twice — the hand gently patting your head a moment ago now entirely frozen in place. “Oh?”
The absolute mixed feelings I have for this man never seems to go away.
His hand finds its way back to you again, slower this time — traces over your cheek until he gently cups it in an effort to feel the warmth radiating from your skin. A chuckle almost betrays him and slips out at the sight of your eyes nearly fluttering shut, subconsciously leaning into his touch until you abruptly come back to your senses and swat at his hand.
He smiles at you. “Hm. Your boyfriend — is that right?”
Is it wrong that I think THAT was attractive. Also bc his voice is just chef's kiss.
Your eyes narrow at the amusement in his voice, likely wondering why a stranger would be speaking to you so familiarly. “My boyfriend. The one with a suuuper heavy weapon that …. that you probably couldn’t pick up … with help.”
You huff before deciding to face the opposite direction, all whilst scooting a secondary inch away from him. Perhaps a third, for extra measure.
Where are they even sitting at this point? Maybe I skipped it but I thought of a bench?? Like how long is that bench with the way reader is scooting away. Part of me is actually mentally preparing reader just accidentally falls over at the very edge HAHAHAHA
(Ah, the infamous guy that has caused dysfunction to just about everyone on my dash)
Mydei only huffs in response before glancing over his shoulder from where you’re draped over his left like a sack of potatoes, quickly confirming that … as of now, you still seem content, at least.
Where's the hi? Hello?? My name is??? Why is the reader just hoisted over this guy's shoulder like that—
So, he lets you talk, opting to silently listen to you ramble on about your day (aside from the occasional glances over his shoulder to check on you). It’s only when he hears a sudden shift in your voice that he stiffens.
I love yappy reader. The scenario is just so adorable??? Mydei who's just casually carrying the reader over his shoulder. Reader who's subjected him to listen to drunked yapping like it's just another regular night for her
He huffs. “No. He wouldn’t be mad. Not at you.”
Aweeee...okay, this made me wanna catch up with the game ngl
(Yet another one of the hsr men that has caused some chaos on dash)
“Oh.” You hug your knees in disappointment to let out another heavy sigh, one far too telling of your emotions — practically seeping back into your lonely puddle when you realize that this person who had found you in your corner was also in fact… not your boyfriend.
THE WAY THAT I WAS READY TO THROW HANDS WITH HIM FOR MAKING THE READER SAD??? Like how dare he— and then the last part made me go "oh...she's just drunk" BUT HE BETTER DO SMTH
“Hmph,” you leer at him from where your head is halfway buried in your arms, knees hugged tightly against your chest. “I wanted to see my boyfriend, not some random person. I’m tired, y’know.”
Reader is simply too adorable (T ^ T)
“Obviously I’m certain,” You huff, ignoring the way he seems to look happier at this and hugging your knees even tighter against your chest. “I like being around him. A whole lot, actually.”
Awwweee...adorable AND sweet. Such a lovely combination quite honestly. Especially with the part where he looks a bit happier? Yeap, tugged right on my heart strings.
“..Forgive me,” his eyes flicker from your hand to your eyes — then back to your hand. As if there may be a slim chance that you’ve simply forgotten about the ironclad grip on his wrist and would release him from his confinement, soon. Surely. “Then perhaps I should go get you a glass of wa—”
I love how he's both unsure what to do but still doing his best. Also the way halovian wings flap!! Such an adorable imagery hehe
“You’re stuck with me until we find my boyfriend.”
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TRYING TO TAKE YOU HOME WHEN YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE THEM. ft. dan heng, jing yuan, mydei, phainon, and sunday.
sfw. f!reader. in which the hsr men try their best to convince you that they really are your boyfriend and not a complete stranger trying to take you back home after a long night out.
cw for implied alcohol consumption. not mentioned otherwise — just the silly scenario where reader seemingly doesn’t recognize them upon first glance. prompt from anon on prev blog! fem!reader for all.
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He wonders if this was truly the best course of action.
“Give me back my jacket, you jerk...” your words come out slurred, barely mustering the strength needed to keep your hold on his sleeve as you trail behind him down the street.
His jacket — he'd usually correct you — but he doesn't this time, lest you eventually come to the conclusion that the mentioned jacket isn't even yours and therefore holds no importance.
“Soon. The agreement we settled on was that if you don't make a scene, I'll give it back.”
It sounds like a threat.
And if someone were to spot him now, this would certainly paint his image in a light that he would much rather not be perceived in, if given the choice.
He knows this all too well — apparent from the nervous sweat collecting along his temples and the frequent clearing of his throat whenever your grip begins to loosen, but you seem to only giggle at the statement now, eagerly nodding along.
“Really? You pinkie promise, stranger? I'll be reaaall quiet then.”
“Yes,” his brows furrow — from either stress or a sense of urgency that you don't seem to have, “I give you my word. So, please, keep your voice down and follow me.”
You respond with a cheerful hum before eventually falling silent again, the street quiet aside from the patter of your clumsy footsteps following closely behind his own.
Though it’s short-lived, much to Dan Heng’s misery.
Only about a minute or two goes by until you start to tug on his sleeve, and his heart nearly stops beating in his chest. Perhaps you’ve already realized. Or perhaps you’ve pegged him as a dangerous type of guy — which wouldn’t surprise him, given the circumstances.
“Hey…” you tug once more, even harder now, and then stop walking entirely — shifting your weight backwards to avoid being pulled straight into him.
Uh oh.
“Hey.... stranger?” You're mumbling now, eyes locked on the floor, and his breath is stuck in his throat.
“I'm sleepy.”
“You.. you want to sleep,” He repeats, still uncertain — his words coming off a bit too similar to that of a question. “Right now?”
You nod, hands coming to rub at your eyes, as if doing so could wipe away the sudden wave of drowsiness that has overtaken you. Though, your efforts prove to be futile in the end, with each blink becoming slower than the last.
“Yes,” you murmur, “Here. I'm going to nap … and then .. and then I need to find my boyfriend.”
Boyfriend. A part of him is relieved you remember, at least. Perhaps the other critical piece of information will find its way back to you soon as well.
Your eyes flutter back open when something familiar is draped across your shoulders. “Don't sleep here.”
“Here,” he turns around, lowering himself onto a knee to gesture for you to climb on. “I'll take you to your boyfriend.”
“My boyfriend taught me how to fight, so don’t you even dare.”
He blinks, once, twice — the hand gently patting your head a moment ago now entirely frozen in place. “Oh?”
It makes sense as soon as you turn to glare at him. While he’s rather certain he hasn’t done anything to warrant such a look, another part of him — his heart, skips a happy beat over how adorable you look, even if you’re not smiling at him like usual.
“I see,” Jing Yuan continues again, only a moment later, taking a seat beside you (and choosing to ignore the way you make the conscious effort to scoot an inch away from him). Sassily so, he might add, similar to the way you so endearingly turn your body away from him and puff your cheek out when he’s teased you just a bit too much for your liking.
His hand finds its way back to you again, slower this time — traces over your cheek until he gently cups it in an effort to feel the warmth radiating from your skin. A chuckle almost betrays him and slips out at the sight of your eyes nearly fluttering shut, subconsciously leaning into his touch until you abruptly come back to your senses and swat at his hand.
He smiles at you. “Hm. Your boyfriend — is that right?”
Your eyes narrow at the amusement in his voice, likely wondering why a stranger would be speaking to you so familiarly. “My boyfriend. The one with a suuuper heavy weapon that …. that you probably couldn’t pick up … with help.”
“Ah, how admirable he must be. You have no need for worry — I would never dream of wielding such a weapon.”
You huff before deciding to face the opposite direction, all whilst scooting a secondary inch away from him. Perhaps a third, for extra measure.
“This boyfriend of yours,” he speaks again, holding back a chuckle when you dramatically sigh at the sound of his voice once again, “surely he wouldn’t mind someone like myself keeping you company until he returns, wouldn’t you think?”
“I have grown quite curious. Perhaps he would allow me to see this impressive weapon for myself.”
“Actually, you’re rather comfy, stranger.”
Mydei only huffs in response before glancing over his shoulder from where you’re draped over his left like a sack of potatoes, quickly confirming that … as of now, you still seem content, at least.
“I’ve told you before. I’m no stranger.” The singular arm currently holding your thighs to his chest tightens, and you only giggle against his back, arms freely dangling beneath you. “Yeah, yeah.”
You’ve been surprisingly cooperative. In fact, he thinks he should make a mental note to remind you about being less trusting of strangers tomorrow — because .. surely, it should not have been so easy to convince you that he could simply carry you to your ‘boyfriend.’
Even now, when he’s seemingly been reduced to nothing aside from a mere stranger, you’re as inviting and friendly to him as ever — mumbling something about his strength, followed by a worried “Hey but — let me know if you get tired or anything, okay?”
So, he lets you talk, opting to silently listen to you ramble on about your day (aside from the occasional glances over his shoulder to check on you). It’s only when he hears a sudden shift in your voice that he stiffens.
“Say…” you start, drawing patterns along his back with a finger, as if nervous about his response. “Do you think Mydei’s worried?”
“I don’t want to worry him,” he lets you continue, eyes shifting back to the path ahead of him. “What do you think, strong stranger? He won’t be mad, right? Or sad, maybe?”
He huffs. “No. He wouldn’t be mad. Not at you.”
“Oh.” You hug your knees in disappointment to let out another heavy sigh, one far too telling of your emotions — practically seeping back into your lonely puddle when you realize that this person who had found you in your corner was also in fact… not your boyfriend.
“‘Oh?’ Well, someone doesn’t sound very excited to see me.”
The stranger decides to approach you anyway, taking a seat on the tiles beside you before letting out an exhale himself, back of his head coming to lightly rest against the wall. “What’s on your mind?”
“Hmph,” you leer at him from where your head is halfway buried in your arms, knees hugged tightly against your chest. “I wanted to see my boyfriend, not some random person. I’m tired, y’know.”
“Your boyfriend? How strange.” The confusion starts to leave his face the longer he looks at you — lips curling ever so slightly at the idea that suddenly comes to mind.
“He must be cruel … to leave you here all by yourself.”
He almost slips and calls you cute when you stick an arm out to weakly jab a finger into his shoulder, turning your head to the side again to mutter a “Hey. He’s not cruel.”
Truly too cute — the way your eyes have narrowed into something resembling a glare — the same one you always give him whenever you scold him for being too careless. Though, it tends to fade as soon as it comes, replaced with soft kisses against the crown of his head as you lull him back to sleep.
“Aw,” He’s smiling now, “You’re certain he’s not cruel?”
“Obviously I’m certain,” You huff, ignoring the way he seems to look happier at this and hugging your knees even tighter against your chest. “I like being around him. A whole lot, actually.”
The way his eyes begin to soften at your (unintentional) affection most definitely wouldn’t go unnoticed by you, he’s sure, nor the way his hand twitches — wanting nothing but to extend in your direction to pull you in for a hug. Though, luckily enough for him, you’ve settled on resting your head in the comfort of your own arms again, oblivious to the lovesick one seated beside you.
“I’ll make sure to tell him again … when I see him. So let me be, you weird stranger.”
If someone happened to be wondering whether a halovian’s wings flap awkwardly when rendered completely speechless — this would be their golden opportunity to witness it firsthand.
“M-my apologies,” his wings flutter again, then a third time when your hand only tightens around his wrist, eyes narrowing at him in suspicion. “Please excuse me. I was only checking for your temperature, since you seem to be rather…”
“No.” You don’t let go. In fact, you hold onto him as if you’ve just now captured a crook attempting to steal March’s snacks.
“..Forgive me,” his eyes flicker from your hand to your eyes — then back to your hand. As if there may be a slim chance that you’ve simply forgotten about the ironclad grip on his wrist and would release him from his confinement, soon. Surely. “Then perhaps I should go get you a glass of wa—”
“I… I see.” The nervous flutter of his wings shifts to something more sheepish — one wing moving to cover his mouth, as if deep in thought. Which wouldn’t be far from the truth, for even someone such as himself is left dumbfounded by your current behavior. “Then.. is there anything you’d like for me to help with? Someone like March may be better suited for..”
“My boyfriend…” he falls silent as soon as you speak, noting the softness of your words now — barely above a hushed whisper (though the familiarity has him quickly perking up in response). “I want my boyfriend.”
His head tilts at this. Subtly. Truly confused — and even more so when your brows furrow only a second later, followed by a tug on his wrist. “I want my boyfriend.”
“You’re stuck with me until we find my boyfriend.”
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ki2rins · 3 days ago
liability - yjw
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pairings: idol! jungwon x fem! reader || angst, fluff (?) || wc: 1.2k
synopsis: its been six months since you and jungwon broke up. six months since the dreaded break-up conversation you both had on the couch in the apartment you both shared. as the apartment is put up for sale, you walk through the familiar walls one last time, reminiscing all the fond memories with your ex.
rin's yap: the title 'liability' was sitting in my notes for awhile now and i really wanted to incorporate into a fic so here it is! was lowkey inspired by the apartment we wont share by niki too!
6 months ago
you and jungwon had been dating for three years. you both met from a mutual and clicked it off instantly. what started from late-night talks became more profound with daily calls and hangouts. within three months, jungwon confessed and you both started being a couple and even bought an apartment to be closer to each other.
everything was smooth sailing till enhypen announced their world tour. obviously you were thrilled for your lover, he has worked so hard to achieve the success he has and you were so proud of him. but what you were worried of was the the distance. would he still have time for you amidst the shows? what about the time difference? would you both be able to get through that hurdle together?
at first, it was going fine. although he didnt have much time to call you due to his schedule and time differences, he still managed to fit a few voice recordings everyday for you to wake up to. you went on with your daily life as well, providing jungwon with little snippets such as pictures of your meals and updating him on your day.
then it hit. it was 2 months into the tour when his behavior took a turn. he stopped sending you daily voice recordings, calling it a hassle when you asked about the change. he did not communicate as much as you did too, only answering questions you asked and sending out the mandatory good mornings and good nights.
you did not want to be pushy about it since he was on tour, and you knew how tired your boyfriend was with all the schedules he had. so you waited and waited till it has been a month since his return. but he was still distant from you - so today was your final straw.
"its my job to be an idol baby, you have to understand. its my job to fly around and perform. i cant just fly back to see you whenever i want, you have to compromise." jungwon raises his voice in hopes that you get his point.
"but you are never around won, never! even if you are in the country, you are always at the company doing i dont know what! theres no communication at all!" you snapped at him without even processing his words.
"im the leader of enhypen, yn. i have responsibilities to uphold and you are just being a liability to me right now."
"a w-what?" you said as you take a step back, trying to take in what your boyfriend has just said to you.
"i dont think we both can handle this anymore yn." jungwon muttered as he looked you in the eyes, staring at the tears streaming down your cheeks. he knew his words broke you as much as it did to his heart.
here you are, right in front of the apartment you called home for two years. it was a simple shared abode for you and jungwon - well mostly for you since he was constantly on tours. with a sigh, you opened the wooden door and walked in. the apartment was mostly empty since it was put up for sale, with only certain furniture left since you returned to your parents' house and he returned to his dorm.
as you walked to the living room, there lay only the couch and the tv console. it was as empty as the first day you both moved in. you looked forward and you saw the balcony, one of your favourite spots in the apartment.
"baby, what are you looking at?" you heard jungwon say behind you as you felt his arms snake around your waist.
"just thinking about us and our little home" you spoke, turning around to face your boyfriend as you placed both palms on his cheeks, using your thumbs to rub soft circles into his skin.
jungwon gave you a soft smile and stared into your eyes. "i love you so much you know yn? im so glad that i finally have someone that is waiting for me at home. our home."
"why are you suddenly so cheesy won!" you giggled and pushed him away gently out of shyness. but your action made him hold your waist tighter.
"cant i just show my beautiful girl some love?" he murmurs as he leans down to pepper kisses on your face.
you cant help but smile at the intimate thought you had with jungwon. although he was your ex, he was still part of your life, a major part.
you walked down the hallway next, making your way to what was once your shared bedroom with jungwon. the same bed and vanity were still there. you sat on the bed and glanced around the room, once filled with warmth was now eerily quiet. you traced your fingers on the soft bedding, remembering how he would always listen to your troubles and ease your worries on the same bed you were sitting on.
"its so not fair! i rushed to the shop right after work but it was already sold out!" you whined as jungwon caressed you by placing soft pats on your head.
"its fine baby, you can always get it another time hmm?" jungwon hummed against your skin as he placed soft kisses on your forehead.
you squirmed and shook your head at his words. "no! its not the same! its your favourite, and i wanted to give you a surprise."
jungwon chuckled after he saw you pout. "we can always go together one day, baby. wont you like that more?"
"really?" your eyes lit up at his words.
he pressed another kiss to your forehead, his voice softer this time. "of course baby, anything for you."
the rumble of thunder outside jolted you back to reality, shattering the warmth of the memory. you took it as a sign to leave, not wanting to get caught up in the rain. before stepping out, you cast one last glance at the bedroom - the space where laughter once echoed, where love once lived. and with a quiet breath, you walked out leaving all your fond memories in that four-walled room.
you made your way past the hallway, hands brushing the walls that once hung framed pictures of you and jungwon. at the living room, you took one last look at the couch, where you both said your final goodbyes six months ago. the memory is still fresh in your mind and it is not like you have not thought about it every single day since.
reluctantly, you reached for the door, your heart heavy with all sorts of emotions swirling inside you. but as you swung it open, you were greeted by a frame that towered over you. there he was, right outside.
for a split second, you froze, your heart pounding so loudly you swore the silence between you amplified it. your mouth opened slightly but no words flowed out. you could only look at him, a whirlwind of emotions overtaking your senses - anger, confusion, longing, and a strange sense of vulnerability. the longer you stared at him, the more you felt like everything around you was crumbling.
"yn...i never thought i'll see you here again..."
© ki2rins 2025, please do not copy or plagiarise my work.
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cosmicwahoo · 18 hours ago
bloodweave request- gale is having a nerdy yap session and astarion is going through the 5 stages of grief realizing that gales nerdiness is turning him on
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Gale, very confused: But… Vampires don’t pee…
Gale, now very curious:…do they?
“Nope, Couldn't be, Surely I was thinking about something else not actually focused on his gods damned spiel about rocks and his stupid hand gestures and good gods im getting hard what the F-"
*pointing at his dick* " Absolutely not, I'm already in love with the stupid wizard, I refuse to get hot all over him saying a word like "Superfluous" Of all things. I have standards dammit!
"God above, you've never given a shit about me before but I really cannot be getting aroused every single time time he starts talking about the Weave. Talking like an absolute tool about his ugh interests is all he fucking does-"
"... fuck me, even the ridiculous puns? *Covers face with hands*
" Hello darling, finished freshening up, Anyways thats not important. What's important is that dreadful err delightful spiel you started yesterday evening about the various uses of wolf hair in potions, Please do finish regaling me on the subject." *Astarion watches gale very intently.*
"...Astarion,are you perhaps concussed???"
I may have projected on astarion through this absolutely love this ask if you couldn't tell haha.
Shoot me some more requests this one was fun!
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toiletepaperroll · 1 day ago
now, in this extremely long post that i will eventually prolly convert into a yuechube video at some point i will yap about everybody cadillac COULD take (extensive list, ive done my research folks, WITH PROBABILITY), who they SHOULD take ( my best lineup with "evidence" to support), and my hopes and dreams for a lineup. so, without further ado, lets get into it (under the cut)
Zhou Guanyu (7/10) - why zhou? well, we all know about Ferrari's connection to cadillac (supplying supplies) and Zhou boy here is a Ferrari reserve driver. He also has connections to team principal, Graeme Lowdon.
Valtteri Bottas(8/10) - now i believe this is very likely. Bottas has the experience that Cadillac needs, and while he is a little old, he's still got it. he is currently a Mercedes reserve driver, but there has been friction in the team with Torger (Toto) Wolff. thats not very good for anybody.
Colton Herta (8/10) - "bUt CoLtOn Is AmErIcAn AnD hE hAs EvErYtHiNg cAdIlLaC wAnTs WhY iSn'T hE a TeN oUt Of Ten?" Cadillac wants Colton, but does Colton want Cadillac? when asked the question sometime ago, he stated that he was "happy where he was". also, Andretti is reportedly paying him $$$ (some write more he gets paid more than F1 race winner Oscar Piastri). however, we all know Andretti, GM, and Cadillac are linked, and Cadillac *really* wants Herta.
George Russell (4/10) - George isnt stupid and neither is Toto.
Kimi Antonelli (2/10) - Toto's not letting Kimi go anywhere.
Dino Beganovic (6/10) - way back in '23 everybody was SO sure Dino was going to WEC hell, but an amazing two F2 seasons really turned that opinion around. Part of the FDA, Dino also has connections with Ferrari, and currently no seat for 2026. Right now the twenty-one year has an F2 seat with HiTech Racing through the 2025 F2 season.
Paul Aron (5/10) - Paul is currently an Alpine reserve, but i have a sinking feeling that he's not getting that seat anytime soon. Good driver, shit team. (fuk u alpine). He's also got the marketability and all of Estonia behind him.
Franco Colapinto (3/10) - on the topic of Alpine drivers, we have the infamous Franco Cola-bin-to. A Williams replacement for Logan Sargeant (rip my boy Logan i hope ur ok) the Argentinian driver instantly captured the hearts of thousands of fans. also v marketable. will probably have the Alpine seat for 26 and like half of 2025 once they inevitably drop
Jack Doohan (5/10) - rumors say he's only got a contract for the first 5 races of the 2025 season and i wholeheartedly believe he should fire his manager because what the fuck? anyways he's rated p low because i doubt Cadillac is anywhere near his list of choices
Logan Sargeant (2/10) - now, if theres anything you should know about me, you should know im a big Logan fan. like ive been following his career since F3 big fan. up until very recently (yesterday 2/18/25) i and the rest of the wider motorsport world thought he was going to race in ELMS with IDEC and Genesis, and that through Genesis, he would break into WEC. WE. WERE. WRONG. IDEC motorsport announced Logan's retirement sometime yesterday afternoon. it sounded like the team themselves didn't know. i hope he's ok. anyways he's raced 1 1/2 seasons with Williams, and although he crashed quite often, he was still a great driver. another case of the great driver shit car combo (fuk u james vowels and upper williams management)
Liam Lawson (idk bro) - Liam doesn't have an F1 seat for '26 and tbh he's just a wildcard to me. theres no facts to support this one becuase I do not know what Red Bull is doing out here.
Sergio Checo Perez (6/10) - on the topic of Red Bull boyz, we have Checo. Checo, much like Valtteri, brings the experience of a top team with him. However, he has been much less successful than Valtteri, and thus i am rating him lower. Checo is well known for his technical feedback, which is important for a rookie team to have.
honestly I believe the best Cadillac/GM lineup would be some combo of Valtteri/Zhou/Dino. all three bring their own special skills and i could see any of these three as strong contenders. Valtteri brings the experience, of how a top team operates, as well as racing knowledge. Zhou is a good driver period, and has a lot of money backing him up. Dino brings in a fresher perspective, and a youth to the team to balance everything out. However, unlike the others, he has not had any experience in F1. to balance that out, he is very marketable to the youth. Valtteri is also very marketable, esp to teens and men in their 40's.
Logan and Mick
Dino and Paul
Valtteri and Zhou (yes i know they were already teammates shush)
ANYWAYS THATS ALL THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR (can you tell where i got tired while writing this?). lmk about your opinions and what you think about my opinions. feel free to argue with me about this in my asks or dms or the replies of this post! also PLEASE TELL ME IF I MISSED ANYTHING!!! have a nice week. yuechube video will be uploaded soon i think!
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sakurabraches · 21 hours ago
omg i love these thoughts so much and i just wanted to add a few of my own cuz i have so many thoughts about the galinda/glinda divide
cuz in the book changing her name to glinda is very much a trauma response and a very cut and clear moment of growth. it's kind of the moment she fully decides to be glinda the good. she also gets the title of "the good" from like charity work she does
in the musical/movie, the galinda -> glinda shift is a moment of performative activism, and a manifestation of her need to be loved. the "the good" title is her playing into the wizard's regime, just another farce and not something she genuinely earned
BUT by the end of the show, glinda literally says "i want to really be glinda the good," which is the end of her character developement. she's decided to make the titles real. so i think reducing galinda and glinda to a simple before and after doesn't really work in the context of the play
cuz galinda and glinda actually go through really similar arcs in their respective acts. she starts out concerned with her own popularity. she does smth that hurts elphaba cuz of her own insecurity (first abt sorcery and then abt fiyero), not realizing just how dire the consequences will be. she realizes her fuck up and decides that she loves elphaba more than she loves her social standing, and takes a risk to protect her
what separates the two is the stakes and the payoff. act i they were quite literally in the school yard. the ozdusting scene is heartbreaking, and elphie's disappointment destroys me every time, but in act ii nessa and fiyero (sorta) both get murdered as a direct result of glinda's actions
and the thing about the ozdust is that galinda took a risk, but ultimately that risk paid off, and she was rewarded with the most meaningful relationship of her life. and while you can say the ozdust was galinda's first step to become glinda, i think it's important that is was gAlinda, and not glinda, who danced with elphie
act ii she practically begs elphie to let her clear her name, but elphaba refuses and "melts," leaving her alone. so even if post-act ii glinda the good is glinda's "best" self, it's also her most miserable self. (it also adds to the irony of "the wicked's lives are lonely" because glinda is now the most capable of doing good, but completely alone)
so galinda is the girl who was naive to wider structures and injustice in the world, and desperately wanted to be liked, but she's also the girl who was elphie's first friend, the girl who first danced with her and called her beautiful
glinda is the girl who took up a title for a authoritarian regime, but she's also the one who toppled that regime. she's the girl who chose the bubble and the girl who chose to break out of the bubble. she's ultimately the only one left with the power to do good and help oz, but she's miserable for it, having lost the most important person in her life
and i like when elphie calls her galinda in moments of vulnerability, because she's recognizing that in all the ways they've changed, they're still both the same two girls who fell in love at shiz. it also recognizes that galinda always HAD the capacity to be good, and her role as glinda the good isn't a farce, but something she was always capable of
i also just like galinda being hers and it's smth elphie gets and the rest of oz doesn't. the same way she gets hyperactive silly popular galinda, and not the facade she puts on around everyone else
i think galinda is a recognition of the person she used to be, the person she still is in some ways, the good and the bad. and i think there's really no truer love than seeing and knowing someone entirely, both in how wonderful they can be and their insecurites and flaws, and loving them wholly. it's my favorite thing abt gelphie
idk if this really had any coherent point im mostly just yapping atp and holy shit this was not meant to be this long but it's just some of my thoughts
one of my favourite things in gelphie fanfictions is elphie calling glinda “galinda” again in moments of high emotion
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miranalvjy · 5 days ago
Babes- i might actually have feelings for someone who is 10000000% straight...
Long story short, we're friends, she's one of my classmates and in class we have this joke that's been on for ages that we're wife and wife, so we always give eachother gifts on holidays right?
Yeah, so as a good wife would do i made her a small gift and gave her a dried rose (which if you know what it means good for you, for those who dont know it means eternal love) and a bracelet that was her favourite color
She as another good wife would, got me SUCH A FUCKING CUTE GIFT AHHHHHH
Firts of all- look at the packaging
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I was bawling my eyes out- i knew it that she always listened to my bullshit and yapping but, the fact she gave me so considerate gifts made me cry out of happiness
My fav MCR album is Three Cheers and she knows it (even tho she does not listen to MCR) so she DREW ME! DREW ME? THE DEMOLITION LOVERS, LIKE AHHHHHHHH
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And it looks amazing- i was shaking with happiness fr
Last class in computation class (or how tf yall say in english) i was yapping about TX2 and how much i adore Evan- AND SHE DID WHAT?!
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And there is no stopping here nahhh-
She knew i was moving homes too, and in my previous home we didnt had keys, we only had a pincode, and this house has a key and i was ranting about how i dont have a keychain once i get the keys- WHAT DID SHE GET ME YOU MIGHT ASK?
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I am so doomed, and i got some sweets with it too- and some stickers...
So- i kind of got attached to her since then, tbh it might be since a little while now.
As you probably dont know, my love language is pretty much touching and physical, and i find myself always caressing her, huging her, even kissing the top of her head- LIKE BRO, I SWEAR I DIDNT FALL FOR HER- and i might be really delusional and way too gay but she doesnt stop me from doing so
There are also other really cute shit we do- for instance, we have a rock pet (dont even ask) and that rock pet is our son Piedriño, and Piedriño just got his first girlfriend too- (a marshmallow-) but thats just additional info
Idk man- im confused- idk if i love her as a friend or if im actually falling softly
What do yall think?
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choccy-milky · 5 months ago
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sometimes you gotta lure your overly-studious ravenclaw gf into spending time with you 🥰 📚 ( from 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' by Kat_12739 on ao3, GO READ IT!!! the first story is about seb falling sick and still pushing himself/not admitting he's sick until he ends up in the hospital, the second story is about the birth of seb and clora's daughter and seb's reaction to clora almost dying in childbirth, and the third is about dealing with a fussy newborn lewis😭🥹THEY'RE SO GOOD AND SWEET AND SOMEWHAT SAD (not to mention beautifully written) so go check it out!!💖💖 )
#READ SO I CAN YAP TO SOMEONE ABOUT THEM🙏😩💘#the seb sickfic made me realize how much i needed barely functioning and sick seb (but him still trying to be tough)#theres also a part that cracked me up bc at one point seb is so sick he cant even see straight but he just thinks to himself:#eh its fine.... ill just ask ominis how HE functions without vision later🤷 LMFAO#so stubborn...JUST LET CLORA TAKE CARE OF YOU MFER🤺🤺🤺#defs gonna be drawing more from it especially sick seb LMAO but also seb having a tea party with celeste🥹🥹#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x mc#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction#hphl#choccyart#also i was never planning on writing anything about clora giving birth or abt the kids so to be able to read it WAS AMAZING#THERES A PART WHERE SEB IS HOLDING CELESTE AND CRYING AT CLORAS BEDSIDE THAT I NEED TO DRAW😭😭#LIKE SRSLY seb being conflicted and not even wanting to HOLD celeste bc he doesnt know if clora is alive or not... IT WAS SO SAD BUT GOOD#i honestly dont know what seb would do if clora died in childbirth tbh.......i could honestly see him resenting celeste#esp since she looks so much like clora😭😭#LETS JUST NOT THINK ABOUT IT!😃👍#(still thinking about it)#like this line in the fic: “Sebastian hesitated; if this was Clora’s last gift to him he wasn’t sure he wanted it.”#😭😭😭ITS SO GOOD UGHHHHH😭 TY AGAIN FOR WRITING THESE💖IM SO TOUCHEDDD💖💖
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blossoms-phan · 9 days ago
everybody moved on i stayed here
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asklesbianonceler · 4 months ago
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Yeah I like the headcanon that the Carian sorcery sword was his. Have some sketches about it 🗡️✨
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forbiddentaako · 7 months ago
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more monochrome practice I suppose
#tumblr getting this version of this drawing bc i dont want to get in trouble for drawing them nakey#so its date night vibes instead of like eden vibes#i have such complicated feelings about this ship in part bc we havent really met lilith so dont know what shes about yet#but i know in my heart there was a time they loved each other so much and so this is that#honestly would love so much to get backstory on the eden crew and the happenings there even just like a flashback in an episode or somethin#but lowkey im on the 'hoping they get divorced but deeply care about one another and are a part of each others lives' train#bc thats kind of more interesting to me than them getting back together bc i think the crux of it is how much theyve changed and a part of#their relationship getting to the point where lilith disappeared maybe being them both trying to desperately to salvage it and in doing so#making it worse bc they felt like they ruined their lives to be together and so what was the point of it all if they weren't anymore?? but#like theyre immortal so of course theyre going to change and of course theres a chance that the relationship doesnt work even if they deepl#love one another and always will and i just like the closure of that and admitting they arent right for each other in that way anymore but#they still love and care about each other and will never lose that#this is rambling and doesnt make as much sense as when i was typing it on a different post i am wondering now if theres a limit on how many#tags i can put here bc im just yapping at this point whoops#anyway i need to buck up and actually finish/post that draft i have about my very long and complicated hazbin ship opinions#lucilith#hazbin hotel#lilith morningstar#lilith hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel lilith#lucifer hazbin hotel#hazbin lucifer#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lilith
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mochasucculent · 9 days ago
SOLID video, highly recommend
#you should find 2 hours for this im so serious it's so well done#i have such diametrically opposed feelings about arcane as a whole lol (yapping INCOMING)#like i looove the artistry i like season 1 i enjoy some SPECIFIC things they do in season 2#but honestly watching season 2 overall is just me saying 'hm. kinda dont like that at all' over and over#and then getting one scene thrown in the mix occasionally that makes me insane#and then going right back to kinda being like hmm. not great#the more i sit with it the more im like 'oh 100% they planned this from the beginning' which SUCKS#cause like. if they just pivoted halfway through and made a catastrophic writing blunder it'd feel less bad#than many people committing to such a messy wishy washy grand scale vision from the start#at least season 2 gave me jayvik enjoyment. did not gaf about it until jayce went off the rails the second season 2 started#even tho i really like what season 2 does to jayce's character it comes at the cost of viktor's#jayce cant reckon with the quencies (consequences) of his selfish actions if he doesn't lose someone close to him because of them#which means making viktor the monster jayce created (and hextech)#and like that IS some great interesting texture to his character#the idea that jayce can shirk personal responsibility because he's only a tool for others' political endeavors#he can disavow weapons n then build them in the next breath and not feel guilt because he trusts others' ideas of what the 'right thing' is#but then when he finally does something selfish. when he overrides someone else's moral code for his own desires#(reviving viktor against his wishes and sending him down the path of nearly ending the world)#THAT'S when he recognizes how his own actions directly endanger people and that's when he suffers the most (going to Hell World)#and that's why jayce was able to stop viktor when nobody else could. yes he loves him but he recognizes how this was HIS fault#and is willing to finally take responsibility and die for it to truly save the most people possible#when so many others in the final conflict were fighting for personal reasons or no reason at all#and that's so good! that's a really great interesting character arc for jayce#but it comes at the cost of absolutely DESTROYING viktor and making him so emotionally inaccessible for the entirety of season 2#like he has zero thoughts about anything he's doing. he philosophizes with singed and sky and none of it means fucking anything#because if viktor felt anything about what he's doing. he wouldn't do it#he's a passenger to the narrative's idea of how the arcane could pose a massive threat through a simulacrum of viktor's league lore#humanism pushed too far to the point that humanity is inferior etc etc but viktor never instigates it#its always outside forces using viktor as a vehicle for their own goals and him being like what the hell. sure#like even ghostly sky directing viktor to that SPECIFIC spot in zaun to become jesus does not feel like viktor's own choice
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st4rstudent · 7 months ago
Will we ever meet Bobby JR in Person?
Because I have no Idea how to draw him since I don't know how tall he is or how old he is.
Like is he a 5 or 6 Year Old Kid?
Is he born just a Regular Child or born a Prodigy?
And will he like Bear Toons? Since he Love anything related to Bears?
Like he will go crazy that any Products like Food and Toys including Clothing that has a Bear on it.
I can't properly answer any of these, since I'm not apart of the team or anything, so everything I say after this is purely speculation and/or just random thoughts. I assume that, even if Bobby Jr is not added physically into the game, he'll be mentioned plenty of times (especially around April Toons with Thomas's dialogues). Especially if Crystalline is added to the game, since it's been established that the entire Cyger family has some issues going on. As for height, you can kind of estimate his height based on this photocard of him and the Chairman. He's shorter than the Chairman (who has an ingame model that can be compared to other managers). I assume he's at most half of Chairmans height. Do NOT leave him outside with a giant hawk. He's very obviously a child, I always imagine an age that's somewhere in the early-middle of elementary school, like maybe 7 or 8? Truthfully I only assign age ranges to characters, not specific numbers, makes it easier. Either way, I can't see him being in middle school yet.
I think the idea of him seeing a bear toon and getting really excited would be kind of funny. He ends up having to be dragged away by Robert.
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persy-r-bozo · 7 months ago
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#Reds such a unique and sad character to me#No matter what he does he is in a loop somehow. both actually and mentally.#He wants change - but he's afraid of it - But he NEEDS it - but its too scary.#He wants to be normal - But normal is boring - But its safe.#Too weird for people - too normal for freaks.#He Likes those two - But getting attached hurts. - But he truly does love them - But what if hes the issue? what is HE hurts them.#and thats why i think transport was such a big turning point. because he does hurt them#He tries his best and does what he thinks will be best.#him being alone so he issnt an “Issue”#And them being happy and healthy in a place where thier needs are met. and they dont have to be scared anymore.#but he fails and he hurts them.#His torture here is feeling helpless and whenever he tries it fails to the point he feels awful.#He has such complex and battling emotions they loop in his head over and over. too the point he cant do anything#thus making him a neutral character.#But neutral issnt a Good thing#Yes he doesnt hurt anything. But he doesnt help or comfort either#He is in a loop inside and out.#Hes drowning.#SIIIGHH sometimes it hurts understanding him /hj. (i know theres like a gigillion ways to interpret him lmao.}#im actuly kinda sad i havent seen anyone else have the idea of him being torn apart inside and anxious tho.#or that he sees himself as a big monster. maybe even due to him leaveing before (trying to help but failing again)#or that hes easy to manipulate. thus creating danger for the other two.#But im just yapping and making a comic based on my thoughts :]#(as ive been a lil mentally ill about string man lately.#dhmis#dhmis red guy#dhmis fanart#dhmis comic#dont hug me im scared
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seithr · 2 months ago
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powerful sorcerer with magical storm blood who can still magic and rend minds and transform people btw
#pannic button. dont read my thoughts. uhm. I Wish I Was Riding My Girlfriend On A Nice Vacation Somewhere Rn?#[SUCCESS] 'ok well you want her but our god can give u something better than the avernus aether twist. for your consideration'#can the absolute do this (GIVES HER A LITTLE KISS ON THE FOREHEAD AND HOLDS HER HAND AND ITS NICE) HMM???#anyways im at moonrise now after whatt feels like forever. a lot of the noncombat checks were fun with him though!! sorc/bard priveleges!!#halsin's big fuzzy owlbear ass is hard for everyone to maneauver around now EXCEPT for arque who can fly. why are you cracked dude#ok last thing. arque is my pretty princess who keeps getting in situations. goblin kidnapping caused by drinking weird juice.#omeluum's brainworm mulcher caused by more madness juice. the githyanki device. well arque drank mystery elixer by an undead guy aagain#and everyone APPROVED. everyone loves arquebait ou ha ha. he's literally fine hes the party guineapig his magic will fix it probablymaybe.#he moments later stuck his hand into a wet fleshy wall hole and got STUCK and panicked yanking his arm out. shadowheart told em#'hm. maybe do not do that.' arque does it again and has horrible mental visions again. BUT WAS HE HURT? no and now we know more!#SO GUYS...ITS OKAY..... if something happen to arque itll eitjer be fixed by his arcane abilities or its like fine if not. its just arque#(this is a whole thing about his implied character to me. but now i'm getting too into the ocs..point is i love that he can keep Doing This#anyways thats all for me im spamming my private twt but yapping in tags only here so i dont ruin public tags. arquelach 4ever btw#goodnight ill... be another week until i can continue seeinh what the fucjs up with ketheric thorm. crazy good voice on him btw#i would have more to say about him being a nice voiced old man but (gestures) (karlach) this is all i thinkabout#baldur's gate 3#i need an oc tag#arquelach
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blossoms-phan · 4 days ago
thoughts on what dnp might be planning for March??
hi oma!! <3 i literally think about this so much and the most terrifying part is that we literally have NO actual idea. like… i know we’re getting to the point of asking/hoping for a phupload every day but this is so different to pyjama week yk, like the tour is actually done now and we have a couple of things to expect like a longer poppy playtime gaming video and the tit recording at some point but other than that…???
i feel like it’s fun to theorize about things that are personal to their *lives* like hard launch, dog, etc (which i don’t think are actually on the radar lol) but from their manager teasing them being “up to” something and the “march thing�� points to it being one or multiple career related things to me but like?? what could that be?? projects, gaming channel rebrand, potential merch- there’s a lot that could be on the table but this is also dnp we’re talking about, right? like we kind of know what their limits are now or the kind of areas/things they’re comfortable doing at this point in their careers/lives but also… in dnp 2.0 that could be anything!! i did not think they would EVER tour again prior to the announcement last year and… look!
i just feel like there’s always been so much intention and meaning behind everything they do, all of their eras- speaking broadly of course, not every video or merch release has to be groundbreaking but im talking more so about the sheer level of popularity they had in the tatinof era, the absolute plethora of things they were doing in between that time while also going through changes in their lives and deciding to build a forever home together, ii and “giving the people what they want” and ttlmt and it being planned as the end of dan and phil, coming out and covid nixing plans and actually telling us that they are moving into their fucking forever home together, ywgttn and wad and the gaming channel comeback literally not long after that and planning an entire tour and phil literally almost dying and then going on that tour… we talk about all of it all the time but genuinely just thinking about how they discuss all of this in the second pizza mukbang and how we’re in that post tour time now, where literally anything is possible in the world of dan and phil, and in their words, dan and phil 2.0? scary!
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kazucee · 21 days ago
Guys is it a canonical writer thing to always fight against the set word limit? like what do you mean I can only write 500 words and I'm STILL at my first damn point? This is insanity, this is slander, this is an outrage.
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