#or did i not search enough
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werevcookie · 1 year ago
exactly why I still haven't seen an edit of spencer reid with slut! by taylor swift???
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secriden · 2 months ago
Just going to cry again (see: my previous post about the parallels between the storage room scene and the abandoned factory scene) about parallels and juxtapositions in the store room scene vs the one in Styles bedroom:
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Both these scenes have such a tone of desperation and are characterised by an overflowing of emotions, but in drastically opposite directions.
(Note, some of what I say in this post directly relates to concepts and themes I talked about here, so it may not wholly make sense without that context.)
The scene in the storeroom is filled with frustrated desire. Fadel kisses Style because he wants Style's body and also wants to take his frustrations at Style out on his body. He doesn't need to look Style in the eye (and in fact very intentionally only does so only in small snatches) because this isn't about a connection as much as it is about a release. Fadel's kisses come fast, hard, and are intended to bruise more than to adore.
But episode 5's scene is filled with much more quiet and tender sort of desire. Style is kissing Fadel so much more slowly and purposefully. He keeps looking back at Fadel, checking in to see how he feels and whether Fadel is enjoying it. Everything Style wanted in Episode 3, he now gives to Fadel here, pours the secrets of his knowing and choosing Fadel anyway into the way he presses his lips onto Fadel's skin. His kisses linger, they carry a weight but are somehow infinitely gentle still; Style's kisses contain a purpose that Fadel's kisses couldn't in Episode 3 because in all honesty they were relative strangers back then.
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There's also the way there's such a ferocity and carelessness in the way Fadel starts the encounter in episode 3 that is juxtaposed beautifully by the slow, tender, almost hesitant way Style slides his lips onto Fadel's. Both of them are in such different headspaces, between these episodes and its especially evident in the way they care so much more about the other person's comfort and how intentionally they showed that to the audience.
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There's hunger present in both scenes but what this hunger is focused on is so drastically different. In the storeroom, they're both mainly focused on a physical release; its primal and visceral but lacked emotional resonance. Fadel gives Style what he knows Style wants (that hint of danger, with the hand on his neck), but its not because he really cares about what Style wants on anything more than a physical level. In Style's bedroom, however, Fadel is drunk (intentionally and by his own design) and desperate to open himself up to Style on an emotional level. Meanwhile, Style wants that desperately too, but knows that Fadel shouldn't because of his own terrible secret. So this kiss is what they both will allow themselves - an honesty and a hunger for this deeper connection they can only share in act but not in words.
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In the storeroom, Style wants Fadel to want more than his body but knows (or thinks) he can't push for it yet, so he remains passive, lets Fadel do whatever he wants, lets him turn and shove and place Style how he wants because at this point, this is all Fadel will give him. Here, Style is passive in spite of what he wants. But in the bedroom, Fadel is passive because it's what he wants; he wants to let Style do whatever he desires to and with Fadel's body. He wants to lay himself as bare as he possibly can, which is only physical, and so he does.
And because the encounter in Episode 3 lacked that emotional connection, the focus is merely their respective releases. There's a sense of two people trying to find pleasure and 'finish' while remaining emotionally disconnected despite actively having sex with each other. Because in some ways, they didn't really need each other in that moment to get there (there's actually a lot of truth in what Fadel says about it being easier to just jerk off alone). In sharp contrast, the scene in Episode 5 isn't focused on the destination but on the journey. Style is taking his time and Fadel is letting him - Style is choosing to worship Fadel's body, with his fingers, with his lips, to respond to his vulnerability with gentleness and tenderness and adoration. The goal has stopped being about finding a release, it's about allowing both these men to revel in the giving and receiving of pleasure.
The point of these scenes is to show to us the ways in which Fadel and Style have grown to care for and, dare I say it, love each other in ways that are so purposefully portrayed by showing the nature of their physical connection. Because the ways in which these scenes are the same and yet so wholly different showcases how their touches are now no longer merely tied to their senses any longer, but also to their hearts as well.
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ginette-de-gallifrey · 3 months ago
We should have a "Randomize" option when looking at a tag. I don't want to see the same Populars posts and I have already consume everything in the last year of it so the Recents option isn't good. Please let me just get posts from ten years ago mix with posts from yesterday. I want to see more contents ! TˆT
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dollypopup · 30 days ago
hi, I'm sorry, but I'm freaking out because what do you MEAN someone bookbinded my fic if i'm butter (then she's a hot knife) and it's BEAUTIFUL!? and it's MASTERFUL? and it's making me CRY!?
gaze upon the absolute thoughtfulness, creativity, and BEAUTY of this bookbinding! the siblings represented as the tablespoons of butter? the net weight being the word count? the 'Penelope is 24, and this love' quote from the last chapter? the grade being the rating? the yellow pages!!!! I am SOBBING this may be the most gorgeous artwork anyone has ever done for my work, and I'm just so humbled and gracious and floored over it. please give her some love because this is a masterful bookbinding.
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rayroseu · 3 months ago
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Lilia said this line as a dialogue so its not from him, I personally think since the flashback of his magic only covered the three fairies' escape from the Silver Owls, I think this sentence and wish is originally said by Princess Leia😭😭😭
GODDD what if thats her wish to Silver, because Leia had to see Knight of Dawn being sad and solemn often (so she knows how his auroral eyes can be clouded with sorrow) because of his circumstance in the Silver Owls so she doesnt want Silver to grow up in a place where he feels depressed... 😭😭😭
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somerandomcockroach · 1 month ago
Okay, but decepticon Prowl didn't plan and prepare and properly defect from the decpticons, he was thrown out.
The ask that mentioned him being a bad shot got me thinking.
We rarely see Prowl as a bad shot, so either one of two things are going on
1.) Prowl is just not emtionally invested in this fight and is running too many numbers for something else but he has to be here against his will
2.) Prowl is intentionally shooting certain deceptions because "they threaten the future of the decepticons" (they threaten and beat up Prowl)
So after enough "bad shots" the grunts of the decepticon base Prowl was stationed on (as barricade) beat him up, and throw him out. Prowl is annoyed by this because obviously he is important but he can't reveal himself without ruining his cover. So he goes planet hitch-hiking to get back to Megatron and obviously get reinstated and protection.
While planet hopping, "Barricade" meets Jazz who is currently under the name of Meiser since he is infiltrating and taking a look at some decepticon territory. Barricade does not know that Meiser has been following him since he got thrown out. Barricade also does not know that Meiser has his suspicions about who he is. Afterall, there aren't a lof of praxians left in the deception forces, and this one has some dumb gold paint on his cheveron that has already started to flake and show red in these harsh outdoor conditions.
Barricade does think that Meiser is either an autobot spy (since he is not accounted for in any of Prowl's databases and battlefield simulations), or has a major glitch in his logic circuits that got him kicked out and now desperate for any social interaction (which must be the reason why he is hanging around Barricade, since no one ever actually willingly hung out around him before, and especially nobody hangs out with Prowl).
Things keep happening that try to kill "Barricade". But luckly clumsy Meiser is right there to "accidentally" shoot the problem right in the processor. Barricade does not remember Meiser having a gun on him. Or a knife. Or that feral of a smile. But anyways he has places to be and a mech to see.
Prowl intends on turning in Meiser-the-spy or just ordering the death of Meiser-the-idiot once he gets back to Megatron. Especially since through this adventure, Prowl has learned that Meiser will listen to a long thought out and perfect plan, then immidiately go do his own thing, so he can't be used as some disposable pawn in one of Prowls plans.
Evnetually Prowl gets back to Megatron. It is unfortunate that this regrouping happens on an open battle-field, but Prowl predicts that the decepticons will have to make a hastly retreat in 27.8 joors and does not want to miss his ride home. He expects to be welcomed by Megatron, updated on all battle field data, and then sent to the safety of the back of the lines to go sip a cube and win this battle.
Except Megatron has noticed that decepticons tend to have more friendly fire where ever he sends Prowl. And Prowl has already given him predictions and battle maps and troop movement plans for the next 100 vorn. And honestly? Megatron has wanted to punch Prowl for a while now.
So he does just that. One moment Prowl is clearing his vocalizer to get his attention while he is OBVIOSLY busy beating up an autobot. And the next moment Prowl is 12 feets away with a large fist-sized crater in his chest. Serves that nerd right.
Prowl goes offline. Not from the injury. But from the glitch that spawned when Megatron didn't welcome him back and start a much needed debreif.
Anyways, Prowl wakes up in the autobot medbay.
HELP, oh you all really don't like Prowl and want him punched ahagsgga
In my mind it's hard to turn events to that. You see, I think Megatron would treat Prowl like autobots treat Ratchet. Megatron is ruthless in the way he treats his warriors, they fight for "freedom" so someone's life is worth it. Prowl always gives 99% successful plan with minimal risks. And these plans work because Megatron accepts them. Decepticons can say nothing but they hate "Prowl" behind all these plans, because they can see that they are turning in even more bugs than they were before. Before it looked at least like a live or die battle. Now it is a straight order of dying in their cases. But hey, ahah, who is this "Prowl"? There is only Barricade and a possibility of his hidden identity leaking, it's just Megatron can't keep his optics on him 24/7 so making him second identity is a good way of preventing him from instant death. I actually want to think of the ways Starscream could switch his attention to Prowl and not like him because he can't be bribed. "With such tactician even I can be a leader" and Prowl just "-_-".
Prowl is left without voice, tracking, comms, everything is done to not let Megatron find him, but he will search for him even if everyone tells him he is dead. Prowl just need to fix everything and not let others find any info on him and somehow leave to send a signal. So I bet there are much more layers to all of that. For Megatron to want to punch him he needs to be like Starscream or be a Sentinel Prime.
Pffht, imagine you see a very beaten up Decepticon, clearly beaten up by his own people. Everything that allows to track you is ripped off. What does it mean? They wanted to get rid of him while making it look like he died of accident in the end, they got all they needed from him and left him to suffer. Means he had something valuable within him and clearly will be more anticipating in the interrogation with autobots. Revenge takes a place, wouldn't it? So even if Jazz is in a good condition and finds him, he clearly will bring him to Autobot base right away. Prowl will not search the way on his own, he will be thrown out where it is impossible to get out by his own, Junkion, so his priority also will be to get saved even if go with autobots with the possibility of revealing his identity and he will make everything to not let it happen
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joshuamj · 3 months ago
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In Time and Stars
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halfbaked00q · 20 days ago
in love w @cicerfics's "give Bond a government(Q)-assigned therapy dog - I mean obv you are providing the dog with therapy not the other way around-" so I decided to look up some common breeds of bomb dogs in the UK cuz all I know is GSD but I wanted options, and one of the results is a springer spaniel. and yea okay, okay, I can get behind this!
Excellent dog and I love that it's, like. a smaller-ish medium size dog, like smaller than a GSD. like yes the idea of Bond walking w a GSD or malinois or sth along those lines would be in line with the bad boy macho superspy image. But! Imagine him instead walking around with a lil dude like this!!!! lol:
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What extra sold me on this is was an excellent example I found in Buster, who was a Royal Air Force Police Arms and Explosives Search Dog & said to have served more tours than any other military dog. Here are pics of him:
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What an excellent lil dude.
And also!! Plus !!!! look what ALSO came up when I searched springer spaniel!!! :
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Wiltshire Police 'Digi-dogs' trained to sniff out technology
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They're trained to sniff out hard drives, USB sticks, and SIM cards, are they? 👀 well well well sounds very topical
Maybe this can be the Tasks that Bond decides to take on w his retired buddy to like, give 'em further enrichment.
Actually wait, no this should be something Q brings up to Bond. Maybe Bond is grumbling like couldn't Q haven't gotten him a more dignified breed like a GSD or malinois or something, and Q is like nonsense, English springer spaniels make excellent sniffer dogs, they've even been trained up to sniff out tech, there was this article on it on the BBC etc. and Bond is like hm,. well if he's gonna be stuck w this Creature then he might as well put 'em to work and see if he can, in fact, teach an old dog new tricks - simultaneously giving 'em a new lease on life and also fulfilling some of that Drive to Work need that working dogs, even retired ones have, but in a way where the dog can get more Tasks in everyday life.
(Q did in fact do this on purpose to seed the idea in Bond's head but make him think it was his own idea - so that he would be more receptive to it and also so he would throw himself into this task with his fiendish laser-focused determination).
Anyway lol. Here's how my "Q telling Bond 'I'm so proud of the progress he - I mean the dog - is making'" idea which yes I am In Love With and determined to make Happen, can still win--
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fisheito · 1 year ago
at last....yakumo with CHIKEN
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apple8ees · 11 months ago
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happy anniversary @comicaurora this comic is officially eligible to enter american and canadian public elementary school [kindergarten]
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royaltea000 · 4 months ago
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[jttw oc] cursed to be an obligate carnivore, ate his entire family one particularly bad winter
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thegreenmeridian · 28 days ago
Camera on my phone is fucked and I’ve decided it’s Art
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itsamenickname · 2 years ago
The perfect family 💚🧡💛💚🧡💛
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coraniaid · 3 months ago
All these years later, the biggest mystery of Angel the Series is how Kate Lockley survived her attempted suicide in Season 2's Epiphany.
I don't mean the surface level "how did Angel, a vampire, manage to get into Kate's apartment without being invited in first?" mystery the show half-heartedly tries to set up (and which it will never come back to, obviously, because this episode is Kate's very last appearance and she will be mentioned just one more time). I'm interested in that one about as much as the writers were, which is to say I don't care about it at all.
No, the real mystery is -- on a show that began with Angel and Doyle trying and failing to save City Of's ... victim-of-the-week Tina and bonding over how sad this failure made them; a show which retconned a tragically dead (but never mentioned before) younger sister for Angel himself, and also made sure to establish and then kill off a younger sister for Charles Gunn when he was first introduced; a show which abruptly killed off Lilah Morgan so that a man could be sad about it and then wrote her out of the show despite establishing she was still capable of coming back from hell to represent the wishes of the Senior Partners if they'd wanted her to stay on for another season; a show that killed off Darla (twice!) and killed off Cordelia and killed off Fred, all three women dying in ways that just happened to involve inexplicable magical pregnancies or unwanted personality changes or massive violations of their bodily autonomy (or all three) -- how on earth did the writers manage to resist the urge to have Kate die too?
Truly a puzzle for the ages.
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jumpingwjoy · 4 months ago
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aretheywlw · 4 months ago
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*TL;DR she is technically not a canon lesbian, so no, this poll does not break my rules. i am, however, going to treat her as canon sapphic due to the rule of BFFR. as a result, i have taken out the usual "they're not attracted to women" options. see tags if you want more detail
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