#or b) they're taking advantage of his popularity
flythesail · 1 month
I wonder if Amandla and Manny got the news before or with everyone else
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merakiui · 9 months
Been waiting to do thisss
⭐️ for tmdg!!! Plssss!!!!
Omg I've been wanting to ramble about tmdg!!! Thank you for asking!! <3 there are many details to discuss, but I listed a few below!
(ask game)
✧ many moray eel facts and behaviors are scattered throughout the story. Like the gaping mouths to signal a want to mate or their toxic blood or how most morays aren't monogamous or how they're a territorial species. Additionally, since Jade and Floyd are canonically bioluminescent, I thought it would be interesting if they were able to glow brightly when they're attracted to someone. >:D
✧ "body language" is mentioned often. this is an allusion to The Little Mermaid (specifically Ursula's line of "and don't underestimate the importance of body language!"), but also a nod to how moray eels interact in courtship. A lot of the gestures are based on body language, and I love the concept of the trio using body language as a means of flirting or conveying certain feelings without having to verbalize them.
✧ the scene in which reader becomes a grouper mer,,,, moray eels and groupers are actually hunting partners. they have a mutualistic bond in which they work together to hunt for meals. it's initiated by the grouper approaching the eel's living space and signaling to them through body language that they'd like to engage in a joint hunt. this is meant to mirror the mutualism Jade and reader have as well as show just how good of a match they are. Even as mers, they are perfect for each other. <3
✧ the title "The Most Dangerous Game" refers to the short story of the same name, in which a hunter is stranded on an island and meets a general who loves to hunt the most dangerous game of all (human beings). For you and Jade, the most dangerous game involves navigating your situationship while trying not to fall for him and his charms. There's a point in the story where you may be able to catch Reader's shifting feelings. >:)
✧ you can tell Jade really does love you when he gives you the entire tray of mushroom brownies. Jade is a foodie with a big appetite and he loves to eat, so for him to bake an entire tray of something and then not keep a single leftover for himself,,,, oh, he's so in love. orz he wants to provide for you, not just by cooking meals for you, but in many other ways as well, such as when he comforts you during the times in which you get upset and cry. :D I like to imagine one of the biggest love languages for merfolk is giving gifts (whether that's actual materialistic items or something intangible like quality time). it's a guarantee you'll be well-fed with Jade because he loves cooking for you!!!!
✧ heliotrope symbolism (eternal love).
✧ the moon and star comparisons. you liken Floyd to a star: something that shines brightly but can also be popular if not read as the astronomical definition. Jade likens you to the moon because, unlike the stars, there is only one moon (Earth's moon) and thus there is only one of you. but there's also something so romantic in Jade pining for the moon because the sky and sea are so separate from one another. truly a bittersweet reflection of Jade's feelings. they're as deep as the sea, but can't be encapsulated in the solar system because there is no room for him there (not when you're so in love with Floyd and have made him your entire world). orz
✧ the recurring mention of scent. I like the idea of merfolk being able to scent their partners so that it's easier to find them, but also so that they can make it known to others that that person is taken. >:) Jade claims he's been scenting you for fun, but the truth is that he fully intended to let everyone know that you are his. <3 Jade takes advantage of your limited knowledge on mer customs and culture hehe.
✧ all of the times in which Floyd (the real Floyd) is being sweet to you (buying you perfume or kissing you on the cheek)... those are just his ways of being much too friendly towards you. he never had any romantic attraction towards you to begin with, which is why it drove Jade so crazy because you were looking at and loving the wrong eel!!!! T_T
✧ the times in which phony Floyd is talking about Jade are actually Jade's true feelings and actions. he really did stay up late to learn new recipes for you. and he truly isn't very physical with others. jade just loves you too much and likes being near you, touching you, kissing you, etc. orz he had to say those things as floyd, otherwise he would have just said them outright and he's trying to have some tact. ;;;;
✧ the dinner date scene was Jade's attempt at having a genuine date with you, but because you're so Floyd-brained you mistook his gesture as being part of your arrangement. ^^;;;; in fact, most of the times in which Jade tries to be authentic, you either don't believe him or interrupt him to ramble about Floyd LOL. but the dinner date was the one time in which he was hoping to do something with you that wasn't part of your deal and instead just something between you and jade. >_< he's trying his best...
✧ the waltz you share with Jade is 100% courtship. reader refers to it as a "competition, not courtship," but she forgets Octavinelle is underwater and thus, as Jade noted, both of those things are indeed the same under the sea.
✧ when you ask Jade what the both of you will be after your tryst in the Coral Sea, he leaves the specifics up to you for your decision. he does this a lot in the fic (such as asking if you'd like the dinner date to qualify as such) because, though he appears mostly confident in his actions and words, he's too cowardly to clearly illustrate what the two of you are and doesn't want to do so when he knows you may not reciprocate. he also just wants to hear the words from your mouth because he hopes that, after all of these questions, you'll eventually say the thing he wants to be with you: lovers. :D
✧ alongside Jade and reader having a few similarities (one of which being the obsessive degrees they're willing to go to for their crush), there's significance in their feelings and how they handle them. reader's chasing someone who will never turn around to look at and love her. Jade's chasing someone who only looks at him when he's Floyd. though reader loves to extremes, she's scared of that love being reciprocated, which is partially why she doesn't let Jade say "I love you," whereas Jade just doesn't want to love in silence. they're both not the best at navigating love, and the ways they do it are,,,, questionable. orz but they both understand each other on that level because they're so obsessed. it's crazy to crazy communication. to quote Azul: "a match made in madness."
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yesloulou · 1 year
I mean if the rumours are true and he actually cut Michael off, I dont think Daniel would not do the same for Dax if he truly was unconfortable with his podcast or how much Dax talks about him. So maybe as with his relationship to Michael we don't really know if Dax is taking advantage of Daniel being a people pleaser.
Like I am all for babygirlyfing Daniel but he's been in the spotlight for a long time so I assume he knows where to draw a line when someone is taking advantage of him/his popularity.
anon i see where you're coming from! i also wouldn't say daniel is in a 'wanting to stand up for himself and say no to being taken advantage of but can't' situation, at all. for me their dynamics is more nuanced. (for mixing personal life with business). they're friends. on top of that dax obvi monetarily benefits from befriending daniel (views/publicity), and i think daniel has his reason to be there too (for starters the shepards are both well connected people). soo i too wouldn't say daniel is being taken advantage of, at least not like that
what i would say tho, (and this is my personal opinion although i do feel very strongly about it lol) is that daniel is the type of person who, when feeling uncomfortable/offended, he'd laugh even louder, appear even friendlier, as a disguise.
exhibit a: him on that god awful misogynistic podcast blake somehow okay'd exhibit b: on dax's podcast when he realized it was an erotic novel about himself exhibit c: that time crofty asked him a stupid question during press conference. max could be seen getting more and more annoyed by the second. meanwhile daniel smiled bigger and bigger. and when max interrupted to defend him daniel was NOT SURPRISED AT ALL even though he had appeared totally ok with the question up until that point. he just made a face like welp i tried to be civil but i do have a boyfriend max that will bite your face off
it might feel counter intuitive that someone would try to seem even friendlier when they're uncomfortable but imo it's the same as when he wasn't sure if dax was joking about the existence of that erotica book, he said 'im very gullible' instead of something more direct and inquisitive. to me daniel's way of conflict resolution is to show friendliness and harmlessness in hopes of the other party returning his good faith. (which is also why mclaren was able to take advantage of him like that imo)
anyways, this is why i rlly don't like seeing daniel interact with this particular kind of people (people who take other people's sincerity as a sign that they can push for more. for example apparently dax now thinks it's okay to read that daniel erotica book to daniel on his podcast). ik daniel has been in the spotlight for a long time and im not trying to babygirlify him when it comes to serious topics, but i do think he's vulnerable in this particular aspect
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sunshine-overload · 9 months
[BSTS] Main Story S4CH4 ‘The One Without’ - Final
Part 2
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Chapter 5 
-rehearsal room-
kasumi: Looks like Team B are going to continue as a team of four until the closing show.
mokuren: Yeah.
kasumi: Since there's guests that know about what happened to Heath last time, as expected a lot of unease is spreading.
zakuro: Although this wound is shallower than having to cancel their performances midway, I still feel a sizeable amount of guilt. If I had not taken Heath to the meeting that day, we may have arrived at a different outcome.
mokuren: ........
kasumi: About that... Why did you even bring Heath to the meeting? They were discussing what to do about Team B's solo performance right?
zakuro: Indeed. I had thought that it was most likely something Mizuki could not decide on his own. However there was no time before the show began, so there was no option to leisurely talk things through with Team B. So then, if Heath, who was the main cause of concern were there himself, I figured the discussion would be quicker. In order to persuade Mizuki, I brought Heath with me.
kasumi: I see...
zakuro: However it was not as though I wished for him to stand on stage despite his illness—
-mokuren grabs zakuro by the collar-
zakuro: Ngh...!
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mokuren: Heath collapsed because he was weak. However the one who tempted him into making it happen was you. This is all the result of your pointless ulterior motives. Don't go saying this didn't all play out exactly to your expectations, Zakuro.
kasumi: Mokuren, calm down! Please let go of him!
zakuro: ...It's as you said, I did indeed predict a situation such as this may occur. However, all I did was gather the ingredients. Where does that leave Mizuki who decided to take to the stage regardless?
mokuren: He's just a stupid brat. It's true he's the one that must take responsibility for Team B. But don't go placing all the blame on that kid's shoulders.
zakuro: ...Understood.
-mokuren lets zakuro go-
mokuren: If you try and spew anymore useless excuses from that mouth of yours, I'll make it so you can never open it again.
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-mokuren leaves-
kasumi: Zakuro. Regardless of the outcome, one sidedly taking advantage of someone for your own gain is considered 'evil' y’know.
zakuro: —Indeed, so it seems. I'm grateful for everyone's consideration, I shall proceed with caution from now on.
Chapter 5 extra
sotetsu: Yo, Nekome.
nekome: Oh, if it isn't Sotetsu. Are you going to Starless?
sotetsu. Yeah, more or less. You seem to be surprisingly cheerful despite the amount of people that are sniffing around for info on you.
nekome: Woah, that's a bit blunt of you. But well, it can't be helped can it? I'm one popular guy after all. You're quite eager yourself, you don't have a shift today right?
sotetsu: I guess. It's just with Team B and C making a big fuss, I'd be stupid not to move whilst they're acting as a nice distraction.
nekome: Hmm, I don't know what that’s about but you must be up to no good.
sotetsu: My reputation is that bad huh?
nekome: (suddenly serious) Sotetsu.
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sotetsu: Hm?
nekome: I'll tell you this as an old friend, don't go looking into Zakuro too much. I doubt there's any dirt on him that would please you. That's just my hunch at least.
sotetsu: Oh? What are you trying to get at there? My goal, or Zakuro's background?
nekome: How would I know when I disappeared? I told you, it's all just a hunch.
sotetsu: Aw, that's no fun.
nekome: It's just, he makes my danger sensor go off, you know what I mean?
sotetsu: Zakuro huh... With his amnesia and the fact he's an acquaintance of Kei, he does seem pretty fishy. Hearing you say that actually makes me want to look into
him more y'know.
nekome: You're as twisted as ever. You should value my warning more.
sotetsu: It's just in my nature.
nekome: Well whatever. If you're going to chase him either way, just prepare yourself for the consequences.
Chapter 5 SideA
-street, night-
saki: (I couldn't find Mizuki anywhere after B's show tonight, I hope he's ok...)
-saki spots mizuki-
saki: (Just now... Was that Mizuki-san? He went in a different direction than both the station and Starless... I'll follow him and try talk to him.)
-park, night-
saki: Mizuki-san!
mizuki: What?
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saki: Woah!? What happened to you, you're injured!
mizuki: This is nothin'. It'll heal in its own.
saki: No way, we need to treat it. You have another show tomorrow, don't you?
mizuki: That doesn't matter.
saki: Yes it does! At least let me clean it.
-time pass-
saki: Here, I wet my handkerchief, I'm going to clean it now.
mizuki: Sigh... Do what you want.
-saki steps closer to wipe his face-
mizuki: Guh... It's so cold!
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saki: Please endure it.
-saki steps back-
saki: There, I think the swelling has gone down at little. I'm done now, Mizuki-san.
mizuki: That was so freakin' cold, are you stupid? Even though it's already cold enough tonight.
saki: It was swelling, you couldn't just leave it alone... Did you get into a fight?
mizuki: It wasn't a fight… Not technically at least.
saki: But someone hit you.
mizuki: It's fine, who cares, this has nothing to do with you... Those who complain about every little thing are just weak.
saki: Huh?
mizuki: Those that are weak can't survive. The strong do whatever they want to them and no matter what they say they're made fun of and stolen from. Cause they're weak. That's why, we won't lose.
saki: (Mizuki-san...)
saki: But still, violence is bad. Injuries hurt and I worry about you.
mizuki: Shut up, I didn't lose so it's fine. Don't tell me what to do when you're just a weakling yourself.
-saki shoves the handkerchief back in his face-
mizuki: Ough!?
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mizuki: Quit it, I told you that shit's cold! Handkerchief attacks are foul play!
saki: You told me not to tell you what to do.
mizuki: That doesn't mean you can attack me with your handkerchief! Ok fine whatever, you can speak so quit that. Jeez... I should've just run away from you to begin with.
Chapter 5 SideA extra
-street, earlier that night-
mizuki: ...Hm?
tout 1: —So? What were you saying about the police again?
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salaryman: No um, that’s because what you’re doing is wrong.
tout 2: Oh is that so? But aren't you no better when you won't pay us what you owe?
salaryman: That's, um... Wasn't the price way too high? This is a scam, that price definitely was a scam.
tout 1: Shut it already, just cough up your wallet and smart phone, that'll be quicker.
salaryman: No, as I said, if you're not gong to listen then I'll call the police.
tout 2: Don't do that, that'll cause us issues. You're an adult just settle this yourself.
salaryman: Ah, please stop, please give that back!
-mizuki walks up-
mizuki: —Oi.
tout 1: What?
-mizuki punches him-
tout 1: Guh!
salaryman: (scared) !
tout 2: Who the fuck are you?
-mizuki pushes him aside-
mizuki: Hmph!
-mizuki steps on him-
tout 2: Ggh! Agh!
mizuki: Die! Shithead! Kick the bucket already!
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-big punch-
tout 2: Ah.. Ngh...
salaryman: Y-young man, that's enough, stop.
tout 1: You asshole, damn brat!
-punches mizuki-
mizuki: ...Huh? What was that? You call that a punch? I didn't even feel it!
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-punches tout back-
mizuki: Damn small fry, that wasn't even entertainin'. Oi, old guy, looks like you got pretty lucky huh.
salaryman: I-I suppose.
mizuki: Your phone's over there somewhere, go get it. Cya, fight for yourself next time.
salaryman: W-wait a moment! You can't be doing stuff like this, it'll get you in trouble.
mizuki: Huh?
salaryman: I'll call the police now, so just wait here.
mizuki: Sigh... And what exactly are the police gonna do?
salaryman: They'll... I mean... We should call them...
mizuki: ...Just get out of here already, before I punch your lights out as well.
salaryman: ! (runs away)
mizuki: (spits) Freakin’ gross.
Chapter 5 SideB
-behind starless, night-
sin: .......
zakuro: My my, whatever could you have called me out here for, Sin? What a terrifying expression you have on your features. Is this what you'd call a fiery gaze?
sin: You're such a noisy man. Had you intended to use 'that' as a bargaining chip from the beginning?
zakuro: I'm not so sure about that. What if I were to say it was all just a coincidence? I only informed you of one possibility.
sin: You said it would heal him, didn't you?
zakuro: As expected of you, information finds its way to your ears hellishly fast.
sin: Is it the truth?
zakuro: I'd like to avoid having my tongue pulled out, so I keep in mind not to tell lies. From a legal perspective the truth may have been bent a little, however I'd say that's just how the world works.
sin: You’re really going to continue to feign ignorance?
zakuro: Aren't you lacking the amount of cards needed to reveal the forbidden secret?
sin: ........
sin: Your bad taste isn't new, however... Cease toying with Heath and the young lady.
zakuro: Fu... fufufu.
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sin: What are you laughing for?
zakuro: You're just as bad yourself. To say that I'm toying with people, such a thing would require too much flair for a puppet without any stuffing like myself. If we were to weigh our sins on a scale, whose would be heavier between you and I? The one who is the most deceptive is obvious.
sin: .......
zakuro: Fufu, time is precious, so let us use each other as best we can. I shall take my leave now, farewell.
-zakuro leaves-
Chapter 5 SideB extra
-starless office-
taiga: Oh, you're back. You're looking as sinister as ever.
sin: Taiga. What you gain from robbing a grave is not just treasure.
taiga: Uhh, is that a threat? You're telling me it has nothing to do with me so don't get involved, or something? It's not like I'm trying to get involved, sometimes things just catch your attention.
sin: All prisoners scream their own innocence. Nekome has returned, hasn't your objective already been achieved?
taiga: You said that purposefully didn't you. I want to know why it was that he disappeared. It's true he's back and one of my goals has been fulfilled, but I still don't understand anything.
sin: The light you acquire within the darkness is merely a guidepost that leads to an even deeper darkness. Withdraw now, or you shall lose your chance to.
taiga: Well, I'll do that if it comes to it. Right now I have no reason to withdraw. Cya.
-taiga leaves-
sin: If you kill god then judgement day shall become eternal. It is the act of a fool... Are the boundaries people draw such a fragile thing?
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Chapter 6
unei: Looks like everyone is here, then I will announce the results of the versus. The winner is... Team B! Congratulations, Mizuki-san!
mizuki: Phew... Naturally.
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mokuren: ....... (annoyed)
haseyama: And? The results are all fine and dandy but what are you gonna do now, Team B? Heath is gone so you don't have any songs or a singer. 
mizuki: ....... (frown)
haseyama: Bout time you just threw in the towel and disbanded yeah? I'll interview each of you to decide whether or not to fire you individually.
mizuki: Shut up! Team B ain't disbanding!
-mizuki runs off-
kei: Halt, Mizuki!
haseyama: What, so he ran away? He really is just an immature brat. Well, whatever. The fact that B can't operate anymore hasn't changed. Which means they're officially dissolved.
-lico steps forward-
lico: Please wait a moment. 
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haseyama: Excuse me?
saki: (Lico-san?)
haseyama: What is it, you want to start your interview right away do you? I guess in your case you do still have that debt to pay off from when you were a host.
lico: No, that's not what this is about... I'd like to express my gratitude for letting us perform as a group of four.
mokuren: ........
haseyama: Oh, well it's not like it matters anymore right? You got to make one last memory, how nice.
lico: Listen, Owner. We'll do something about the songs, so please don't disband Team B.
haseyama: What nonsense are you spouting? You think a Team B without Heath can make any money?
lico: ...We will, I swear it. We'll still make money, so please.
kei: You desire to prolong B's life?
lico: ...Look I know that I look pathetic right now but, I don't want to leave things unfinished and let us end here. I don't have anyone backing me, so all I can do is lower my head...
-lico bows to haseyama-
lico: Please, give us one more chance!
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saki: (Lico-san...)
haseyama: Jeez, what a pain~ Fine, even if you end up being disbanded later it's not like you have any work to do right now. Do whatever you want. However, you never know when I might change my mind, make sure you remember that.
lico: Th...thank you so much!
haseyama: Looks like your debt has gotten even larger, huh? Let's go, Unei.
unei: Y-yes! Excuse us!
-haseyama and unei leave-
lico: (taking deep breaths) ...Thanks for staying here until the end too, Mokuren.
mokuren: Whatever, I didn't do it for your sake.
-mokuren leaves-
kei: We shall depart as well, Saki.
saki: O-ok. Goodbye, Lico.
-kei and saki leave-
lico: ...... (sighs)
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EX 1
-starless kitchen, table area-
ran: How did it go?
lico: Terribly. Mizuki has no interest whatsoever in having a singer or MC other than Heath.
ran: Sigh... Just what the heck is he thinkin'?
kongou: Well, I do understand how Mizuki feels.
ran: Well ya, even I do y'know? But this and that are completely different stories.
kongou: Ah... You're right.
ran: Hey Lico, how long is pops gonna wait for?
lico: I don't know. He could change his mind and kill us off whenever.
ran: Argh~ When's our next performance?
kongou: Um, if I remember correctly it's in March.
lico: I already told Unei-chan to skip us for that one. Which means... Our next should be in May.
ran: Nice one, Lico! In that case pops has to wait till then too!
kongou: We have about four months then... Finding someone new, having them get used to the team... I'm not sure it's enough time for that.
ran: Right? Plus, we might not only have to fill one spot.
kongou: Huh? What do you mean?
lico: He means that until Heath returns Mizuki probably won't stand on the stage.
ran: Yep.
kongou: What? But this is the team that Mizuki created? 
lico: Don't worry about it, we're just talking in hypotheticals here. But Team B won't be shutting down just yet. If we can't perform our next show, we're out. It's a freaking pain but we just have to do what we can right? Ah~ How dull.
ran: Oh, ya back to ya usual self, Lico~
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lico: Shut up, I'm our number 2 I have no choice but to step up. My bad that I have to deal with such a hassle.
ran: I know, I know, I get it!
kongou: We're counting on you, Lico. Let's do our best.
EX 2
-outside shrine, evening-
saki: (Without thinking about were I was walking I ended up here...)
heath: —Heath. That's the name that I go by now, Chiaki. 
heath: It's ok though, since I got to see a beautiful colour.
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-flashback ends-
saki: (I hope Heath-san is ok...)
-zakuro walks up-
zakuro: My my, if it isn't the little bird of destiny.
saki: Oh, hello Zakuro-san.
zakuro: What a solemn look you have on your face, could it be that you came here searching for Heath?
saki: Even though I know he's in the hospital... My feet just brought me here before I realised it.
zakuro: I see, I see. So this would be what they call a spiritual place for you. When you're feeling down or your chest aches... It's a place that soothes one's restless heart. Is Heath fond of this place too? Maybe because the peaceful atmosphere brings comfort. Are you concerned about Heath's condition?
saki: Yes...
zakuro: Ah, excuse me. Considering your disposition the answer to what question was obvious. I had really thought it to be true though, that he had found his true desire... 
saki: True desire? You think that he wanted to collapse?
zakuro: No, him collapsing was merely the result of it. I tried to imagine it, what it would feel like to live each day not knowing what the next will bring. As if I were like a mayfly, I'm certain I'd want to accomplish as many things as possible. Even if you were to throw away your desires and be put on a life prolonging device, there is still no guarantee you'll live for much longer. Not to mention, we all need money to be able to survive. There may not have been any other options.
saki: .......
zakuro: Even a mere minute or second spent with someone dear to you feels so long. Up upon a stage where he can breathe for as long as he is able to. That is why I had thought Heath managed to achieve his long sought after desire.
saki: And so... Is that why you brought Heath-san along with you to that meeting?
zakuro: Indeed. Although there were unavoidable circumstances, I suppose I just can't help but feel sympathy for those that are suffering from the same illness. 
saki: What?
zakuro: Heath's life or Hari's plans for his future for example. The reasons all vary, but everybody has some sort of time limit. That of course includes myself as well. Every man’s true desire is to achieve what he must do in the finite time that we have on this earth.
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saki: (So... What does he mean by that? Is he suffering from the same thing as Heath-san...?)
zakuro: —My apologies, I just remembered that I have a prior arrangement. My little rendezvous with you will have to end here. Please take care on your way home, Saki-sama.
EX 3
-break room-
kei: Saki, could I borrow you for a moment.
saki: What is it, Kei-san?
kei: Heath has regained consciousness.
saki: Oh thank goodness! I'm so glad...
kei: However, the fact that he remains in a critical condition has not changed. At present, he isn't allowed out of his hospital room.
saki: I see... But I'm glad that his life isn't in danger anymore.
kei: Heath gave me a message pass on to you. He said, 'I'm sorry that I couldn't stand on the stage and sing until the final show'. That was all.
saki: (Heath-san...)
kei: It's not allowed for the time being, but once we can visit him I'll inform you of which hospital he's being kept at. When that time comes, go and check on him.
saki: Yes, I will. I hope he makes a swift recovery.
kei: Indeed. I hope so too.
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13. Theodore Antonov x Cito Putnum ( @pixelpancake246 / @pixelsdoodles ) vs CEO x Arowana ( @owo-whats-bliss )
who makes up your ship?:
Theodore Antonov and Cito Putnum (OCs from my original story Coastal City Dudes)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Theo and Cito have been best friends for YEARS. Met when they were around 10/11, and have been by eachother's side since. Theo was raised in a cult, and the rest of his life wasn't much better. They certainly have. A Dynamic. So, they're best friends, as previously mentioned. Completely inseparable, both being in love with the other, leading to very unfortunate circumstances. Cito is very self-sacrificial in his love for Theo, often disregarding his own happiness and well-being to make sure Theo's happy. Theo on the other hand, is so deprived of love and affection that he clings onto and takes advantage of Cito's undying devotion to him. Both are aware of this on some level, but refuse to see it. Denying that there's anything wrong in the first place. There's a lot of little things with them. Cito is a recovering addict, having struggled with abusing alcohol and various other substances since high school. Despite this, Theo regularly does drugs around him and when he was still taking his medications, he wouldn't secure them, leading to Cito overdosing one afternoon. When drunk or high on drugs, Cito has a hard time controlling himself, which tends to manifest in reckless behavior and a hard time keeping his anger in check. Anger issues are something he's dealt with for forever but have repressed well for Theo's sake, rarely letting himself feel or show anything besides positive emotions around anyone. When he's not sober, Cito can get violent, usually towards Theo because of his deeply bottled up frustrations and pain with him. In high school, they were on complete ends of the social hierarchy. Cito was the star of their schools football team, he was insanely popular and liked by all, whereas Theo was a quiet, depressed, loser with no real friends besides Cito. He was constantly bullied, Severely. Often, Cito would stand in the way of this, standing up for Thei since they're best friends and people listen to him. But, he's worried and scared that if he lets up too much, he'll be next, so sometimes, occasionally enough, he lets them beat Theo up, sometimes right in front of him. In their 20's, Theo was dating and eventually engaged to a woman named Rita Barreau, which you can imagine broke Cito's heart because he's been madly in love with Theo for forever. A few months before their planned wedding date, Theo and Rita got into a brutal car accident where Rita died on impact and Theo barely survived, clinging on to what little of a life he had. Ironic really, that this guy who has been incredibly suicidal his whole life gets to live when his girlfriend who tended to act out of self-interest and preservation, dies. The accident didn't just end Rita's life, but changed Cito and Theo's irreparably. Theo became paranoid, secluded and lost in grief, while Cito did what he does best and bottled up his own grief. This is most explicitly shown through thow visibly and undeniably Theo's grief and depression (both extrapolated by the incident but also from before) has affected him, being decorated head to toe in gruesome scars of both an accidental and self-mutilating nature. The accident gave both of them PTSD, but it took almost two decades for Cito to be diagnosed because he had denied it over and over thinking he shouldn't have been that effected by it and that Theo had it much worse. I could go on and on, but I feel like this is already WAY long enough. I hope this gave a good idea on why I think they're perfect for this tournament!
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
I don't actually tag anything with their ship on Tumblr I believe, just both their names in whatever I post of them in the tags, but I do have a yt playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjVZH50W2oJUVy-P6jXJobjPidG3MM0uW (PS unsure how to send multiple files through Google docs?? but I assure there's way more theocito art than the one piece I submitted)
Art by @eggldritchfish
who makes up your ship?:
CEO (human) and Arowana (the weird fish thing)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
They do extremely unethical experiments on people together under the guise of saving them, but Arowana is just using them to eat the people while telling CEO that that was a last resort. CEO is hopelessly devoted to them, both romantically and religiously, and uses everything he has financially and emotionally to support whatever they do (even to him). Arowana is initially only using him, but falls in love and becomes unhealthily obsessed, threatening to harm those who look at him. CEO is a human, Arowana is a god, keeping him alive no matter what happens to him. (Also, Arowana does have a human form, they're just not in it 80% of the time.)
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
None of those, but I think about them to the songs "Hakidasu" by Mao Sasagawa and "god, please () me, a monster"
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Hatchetfield anon here, and good to know it's fine to gush about them. (Had to Switch off from anonymous to send images :p)
The first one (and possibly less spoiler heavy) would probably be the diva, the queen bee-atch herself: Linda Monroe.
She's from Black Friday and she just scratches that part of my brain that's attracted to dommy rich ladies. She's important, her children are better than everyone else's, and though she thinks her husband is a sniveling fool, she appreciates his loyalty at least. She has a whole song about how she'll make everyone love her ("Adore Me". Quote: "You'll kneel before me, Kiss my toe"), and honestly? She's not wrong. Lot of people fell for the cult "exciting new little religion" that she started (me included. Lauren Lopez just eats her roles right the fuck up).
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Then, of course, you have the cooky, reclusive, biology professor: Professor Hidgens.
Mad scientist mixed with theater kid vibes. Literally. He's as extra as you can imagine. And what I like best about him is that he's a "greater good" kind of villain. As soon as he realizes the alien hive mind that's turning the whole town into a musical (not the craziest part of this entire series, by far) could be humanity's last shot at world peace, he's all, "Okay. Yeah. Let's join the hive!", knocking out his allies, opening up the doors of his doomsday bunker, and attracting the hive zombies with his own, recently composed song, "Show Stopping Number" (quote: "it'll unify humanity, in a THUNDERING CHORUS! No exists from this Broadway venue~!"), which mixes in a except from the musical he wrote and was trying to get funding for called "Working Boys".
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And finally, we have the most recent ones: Max Jagerman, and Grace Chastity.
Where do I start with Grace... She's a repressed Christian girl who thinks having no sexual thoughts until marriage is supposed to be the norm. Then she starts getting dirty thoughts, kills a man, gets her hands on a book full of rituals powered by eldritch beings and decides, "yeah. This is what I want to do with my life. Seducing pervy dudes and then, if they don't pass the vibe check, consume their soul in order to make me stronger..." One good day away from murder, really, as evidenced by her leading the songs "Bury the Bully" and "Dirty Dudes Must Die". Never really expected a character who has the canonical line "[after character A asks why character B would be in hell] -She's bisexual and dead, where else would she be?" to grow on me so strongly, and yet-
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And finally we get to Max Jagerman. The unapologetically bastard of a jock with a God complex ("Don't need no one to tell me / High school will be my peak / So I'm willing to take advantage"). The way everyone paints him as this horrible monster in, well, "Literal Monster", and he doubles down on that when it becomes his turn to sing instead of the expected "I'm not *that* much of a monster, here's my redeeming qualities"... Even when his ghost is being sent to the shadow realm he reacts to it by literally saying "WORTH IT!". He's just hits all the right notes for me. The entirety of "Dirty Girl" was sung directly into my soul.
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And i think that's about it for my rambling. Now I leave you with the knowledge that Grace and Max's most popular ship name (that I've seen) is "Holy Ghost/Spirit". Sorry for rambling and have a nice day!
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THESE ALL SOUND SO GOOD! I definitely wanna watch these now, or at least just listen to the songs 😅���😅
I don't even know where to start here! I cant even choose a favourite out of your descriptions!! Thank you so much!! Linda sounds completely like my type XD Oh- I have that same brain-part that makes you crave dommy rich ladies XD Especially if they're mean 😅 I'm happy to be a loyal spineless husband for a pretty woman with a sharp tongue XD Happy.
And Professor Hidgens looks promising too XD If you've been following my Callaghan meltdown you know I have a... Thing... for teachers ☠ And OH, just the way you've described him. 'knocking out his allies, opening up the doors of his doomsday bunker, and attracting the hive zombies with his own, recently composed song, "Show Stopping Number"'- Y E S. I'm all for this.
And- just- Grace and Max sound absolutely perfect XD She seems so gross and awful which I l o v e (When female villains get to be truly despicable and broken??? 👌👌👌), and him?? A villain being exactly (if not worse then) what everyone says??? Absolutely obsess-worthy.
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miss-rum-hee · 5 months
Hey Yazzy! I just wanted to mention and ask something, as a black woman talking to another black woman. There's this misinformation online that Elvis and British Invasion bands "stole" black music and "didn't credit" them. Here's an example of someone believing that:
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There are other bad faith takes I've seen online, especially Twitter, and some Quora answers that are ignorant, I'm just sharing one. This is designed to slander the bands they mentioned.
The thing is.... most of the people who get accused of basically cultural appropriation have almost all acknowledged the original artists at some point, and they are very open when they talk about blues and jazz influences. And for every black person who makes an accusation, which people blindly believe because "of course black people can't be wrong", they're often very dubious or dumb lawsuits anyway, and many black celebrities loved these people. Elvis? He was open about his influence, and he grew up around black people and hung out with them. Then some fools decided he was a racist. In fact many parents who criticized him were not criticizing him being inappropriate, but "too black for comfort". Seriously. The Stones were popular with black people, Tina Turner loved the Stones. Paul McCartney wrote Blackbird as a metaphor for the race riots in America, the Beatles famously refused to play in segregated spots, the peace and love. Nothing was racist about the Beatles, how do you look at that and still think "Beatles are cultural appropriators and hate black people"?. The only questionable rock star from the top of my head was Eric Clapton because of his (albeit drunken but still) rant about how black people don't belong in Europe. Almost all these people played at the HEAVILY BLACK Woodstock, surrounded by black people. Very few musicians actually took advantage of black people. I'm sick of seeing anti-(insert rock star here) propaganda when they should be blaming radio stations for not playing the originals, but instead they blame the bands. Elvis and the British Invasion were not an attempt to "whitewash" or "butcher" black music, if anything they brought it into popularity and often these musicians would use their music to ADVOCATE for black people. By this logic, Kpop should be cancelled for "stealing" western American music without credit.
Sorry about this rant but I needed to get this off my chest. It's so easy to find racism accusations thrown at bands... when if anyone is the problem, the band is the LEAST of the problems, as said bands always turn out to be allies of black people and have a huge black following. Beatles? Black friendly. Who? Black friendly. Kinks? Black friendly. Stones? Black friendly. Animals? Black friendly. LZ? Black friendly. The Stairway to Heaven case was absolutely ridiculous. None of these people did anything wrong. None of these people are racist
Admittedly I'm not really into these bands so idrk much about em, but like, what's really the issue here if most of the bands have acknowledged the influences or whatnot?
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
I personally don't think you should dislike JK based on his perceived backstabbing of Jimin. We don't know what's the nature of their relationship behind the scenes, how much of the current trip is a professional enterprise and to what extent the other members are ok with JK. We simply don't know so I will not assume. Whether they are ok with it or whether they're not, we know BTS never really exposes any fractures to outsiders. Some people take the distance jikook have had during solo era as an indication of something, some people took his trip to NY as an indication of something else. That's why I'll say that without any real info, there's no way to know and we all know how private Jimin is so that info is probably not coming.
But I will dislike JK based on my personal standards. Not by what I assume but by what I can see and hear is happening. To some extent those standards came from being a BTS stan but I can't lie to myself about them just because they are the ones violating those standards today.
I don't agree with how he's conducted himself as an artist. I don't like the song, I don't like the fact that he's engaged in more payola than any other KPop artist ever, I don't like that he's sided himself with someone as vile as Scooter Braun, I don't like how his supposed debut song had no writing credits and no contributions from him, I don't like how even his debut is a collab, I don't like the fact that it's probably a collab because they're angling for a Grammy nom in the duo / groups category and because they thought an American artist would help for the Hot 100, I don't like the fact that he singlehandedly dismantled the legacy of BTS as an organic group, I don't like the thirst for western validation thats wafting off his promo schedule, I don't like the fact that an English album means he'll only have some token writing credits on it if any, I don't like how he's been given such an advantage over other members even though prior to solo era, Jimin's solo songs have consistently done better than JK's and Taehyung is more popular in numbers in most categories.
Hope that clears things up for anon.
I completely agree with all of this.
You're right. I'm also not hating on jungkook because he backstabbed jimin because we don't know jimin's reaction and we'll never know. I know jimin has good relationship with him but that doesn't mean that we will stop fighting for the way jimin was sabotaged and the way jk got everything. We can't forget all this just because jm f*cking smiled at jk.
They have known each other for 10 years. Situations like these must have come a lot in their life in such industry. But I don't think their friendship is that superficial that jm will drop him for that. But that's the case of their personal relationship. I don't care about that. I care about how jimin worked so hard but still got nothing and jk didn't contribute any creativity and still is getting everything.
I am mad about how he chose to play dirty tricks to get to the top. I mean he seriously listened to the song and was like "yeah this song spoke to me" Like it's a joke!
Wtf is monday, tuesday wednesday....... Is it a kids bop or something? He liked this song?! The lyrics were already trash at least they could've made it a bit more catchy. I didn't even listen to the song twice except for the fact that it's been shoved down my throat.
And just armies as usual are gobbling it up. "Oh my god jk talked about sex! A 26 year old man talked about sex! He said the word fuck, how hot is that!" Like what a bunch of idiots.
Jungkook himself said in his white day live said something like he knows that armies would support him even if he sometimes does bad, and that's where his confidence comes from. He said something like this. Like seriously?! If he was a sincere, hard working artist he would always give his all to give his fans a good song.
He chose to not work hard and use the easy way. Scooter is another b"tch like I despise that man. And yeah he needed a collab even for his debut song. Atleast that he should've done alone. God either he just doesn't trust his own talent or he's just not talented enough to carry it on his own.
But I don't think so. He released a song like 'Still with you'. Like come on. When he can release songs like that how come a song like seven spoke to him?!
Just shows that he knows this kind of song is perfect for the Western market and he just jumped on it and took everything scooter and bang pd gave him on a silver platter. How can someone respect him as an artist after this?
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mylordshesacactus · 2 years
In the scene where Alicent’s father tries to force her back home, Alicent notes that Rhaenyra has been more politically active recently. Could that be related? If so, how? If not, why did the author include both of these in the same scene?
god that's EXACTLY the tone of high school critical-thinking questions.
My 5-paragraph essay (TM) in response to this discussion question would be that they're indirectly related because the driving force is ultimately Otto Hightower's fragile masculinity.
Rhaenyra's growing comfort in the role of Heir is an indication of her strong will. Thus, it's also an indication of Alicent's theory, ultimately proven correct, that if Rhaenyra genuinely loves her she will simply not bend to political or interpersonal pressure to set aside her lover for propriety's sake. This threatens Otto Hightower's sense of his own control, as well as grating on his sexism when a young woman shows a stronger sense of willpower than him.
Her political involvement, contrasting her father's passivity, is also likely to increase her popularity (making an future retaliation on her part against him more acceptable, and action against her less acceptable, to the common folk) and demonstrates to Lord Hightower that she is not naive to how politics works, meaning his window is closing for removing his daughter from her influence before she gains enough clout and confidence to overrule him.
Of course, Rhaenyra's political involvement is most strongly linked to the content of the scene because Otto Hightower is cynically taking advantage of it in order to create a distraction. We know this due to Alicent's narration during the scene, when she realizes the timing of this arrangement is too convenient to be a coincidence.
In conclusion, Otto Hightower's sense of manhood is threatened by a strong and decisive female heir, especially one who identifies strongly with warrior figures in history. Due to the homophobic society in which they live, he believes removing his daughter from a same-sex lover is essential; but Rhaenyra's growing popularity and political acumen make that more difficult as time goes on, which creates a sense of helplessness that also threatens his sense of masculinity and identity. Due to this sense of emasculation, he takes advantage of Rhaenyra's political involvement to distract her in a critical moment, leading to his confrontation with Alicent.
Grade: B+, would have been stronger with the use of more direct quotes.
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for a second I thought maybe the collabs are because (aside from him probably wanting them) he didn't nearly have enough time to do his own things but that doesn't make sense because
pretty sure a lot of those songs were already made, he just needed to sing them and create/learn the choreography &
yes they're all English and created by other people (not a criticism just an observation) but those could've still been solo songs? Like them being English singles doesn't mean they needed to be collabs
I'm not sure why I had that original thought lol.
I think maybe it's the label's influence (the American label). something to do with the marketing and introducing him to different audiences in America. Plus It's not like JK would be opposed to working with different artists he finds cool.
I am hesitant about his album though. The tracks might not all be collabs but at this point I don't think any of the songs are gonna feel like him at least the him prior to chapter 2. And I think they'll all be English (which isn't necessarily a bad thing because English songs can be meaningful, but I don't think they'll go for that. Hope I'm wrong)
I would've said differently before I discovered 3D and Seven were part of the album, but now I think this is the case.
They want his name out there and known across America as much as possible before military and before he'll literally be absent for almost 2 years.
But then that makes the whole thing so confusing!!
Well, collabs have the obvious advantage of getting fans of the other artists to listen to Jungkook's songs as well, and possibly becoming fans. I think it also helps Western audiences accept Jungkook, since he's already been "accepted" and "vouched for" by American artists. It gives him more credibility? If it was just Jungkook, maybe his solos would be regarded as side projects, and maybe his streams and records would be seen as the BTS fever effect. But with popular artists credited to his songs, I think that confers Jungkook a certain degree of legitimacy, and maybe shows he's interested in reaching a broader audience and in really building a name and career for himself. I can see the pros of the collabs. At the same time, those can quickly become cons if Jungkook just becomes the dude who only does collabs and can't succeed on his own. So far, all of his solos that charted well and had radio play have been collabs - L&R, Seven and 3D. Now that people know who he is he definitely needs to establish himself solo.
Regardless, he did a poor job choosing the collabs. It's obvious that the alternate version of 3D's better than the main one, and the reason why 3D isn't doing nearly as well as Seven is that, apart from Seven being his anticipated solo debut and having a trendier, and I'd say more tasteful, sound, even Armys didn't like Jack Harlow. The fandom itself isn't responding very well to the song. The MV was lackluster compared to Seven, which had made every Army's Y/N fantasy come true, and if the first song about sex shocks people, the second one is just more of the same. Worst of all though is probably Jack's feature. The lyrics are terrible and sexist, he's not a particularly liked rapper, many fans (like me) are only streaming the solo version and the solo and alternate versions doesn't even combine on Spotify. The way Big Hit lets BTS collab with problematic or not very well respected artists is insane. It's like they'll take anyone and don't even bother understanding what fans want. There are tons of respected, liked and very popular artists that would love to work with BTS and they chose Jack Harlow? They could've fucking asked Cardi B (who is problematic too but generally well liked), and she probably would've said yes. They could've brought back Megan.
The thing is that I don't think Jungkook even knows or understands that Jack Harlow ain't shit. He likes him, but not that many people seem to, which actually surprised me because I thought he was a big name. It's Big Hit's job to at least inform Jungkook of that or suggest other artists. With Latto the problem (aside from the racists tweets that I either misinterpreted or everyone chose to ignore) was more that no one knew who she was and he helped her career more than she helped his. However, since she's an up and coming rapper, it's a much more interesting feature, introducing him to a more specific type of audience and also showing that he's serious about music because he noticed her talent and chose to work with her even if she's less known.
The point is, people loved Seven, including Army, and mostly liked Latto, but the response to 3D has been very lackluster, and Jack is a big reason why. I wonder if Bad Decisions wouldn't have done better with different people, even if the song is Benny Blanco's.
I also think the 3D MV was a huge mistake. I saw someone on Reddit say Jack Harlow's parts give Blurred Lines and it tracks. I watched the MV yesterday and even Jungkook's parts aren't great though. The choreography is poorly shot and Jungkook's dancing doesn't look that good, the dance practice video is miles better. After Seven, which was a huge production, with a beautiful, famous actress and Jungkook being the goofy lover boy, the 3D MV is so low effort. It killed the hype for the song. And Jack dominates the track too much, it's ridiculous. I like the alternate version quite a bit, but Big Hit and Jungkook need to be smarter. I think Jungkook lacks self-confidence and is too humble to realize he's better on his own. He still has this mentality of "the more the merrier, I'll take anything", when he should've listened to the alternate version and realized the feature needed to, at least, be shorter.
As for collabs in other artists' tracks, those are an easy way of having more songs and getting his name out there, since he doesn't need to look for the songs or perform them. He just does a bit of work in the recording booth and that's it. Hybe doesn't even need to promote the songs much either, since that falls more on the main artist. However, again, it's not just about having more songs and exposure. His image matters, the kind of discography he cultivates matters. He needs to be choosier. He can't just take anyone, which at this point feels like what he's doing. It gives less "I'm a pop star" and more "I'm just a nobody from Korea who will take anyone who will help me and isn't big enough to attract more high profile names". I don't know how to express that in a non cruel way. This is really the vibe I'm starting to get, despite Jungkook carrying all of those songs and being so big already.
I don't know what to expect of his album, but 3D didn't help build up anticipation for it. I don't even know if 3D will debut on the top 10 of the Hot 100 and Army is way less excited about Golden now. At least Seven is still going strong. I remember when Seven dropped. 3D only had a week's notice which didn't help, but when Seven dropped the timeline was insane. The horniness was off the charts. The explicit version, as cheesy as it was, had everyone grabbing their hair. When 3D dropped, the reaction was much smaller, and a lot more negative. Visuals matter a lot, and 3D didn't have them. Jungkook also showed everything with Seven, so flashing his abs and talking about sex isn't going to shock people anymore.
Anyway, it's a shame, because I like the solo version of 3D a lot, the choreo is much better than Seven, the performance is better too, and I love Jungkook's vocals so much in the alternate version. I pray he does that high note live. I don't even mind the lyrics. 3D needed a much better MV and no Jack Harlow. I won't even complain about Latto anymore, since, in comparison, she fit Seven better, had less screen time and lines, and helped the song be better, and not worse, received. Maybe I'm biased because I only know what's happening in kpop spaces, but...
Thanks for the ask! Sorry for the rant...
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ectokelpeigh · 2 years
I’ve thought of a real simple AU only one thing is different but I feel like it could change a bit. Danny inherited Jacks’s build so he’d taller and thicker but his personality is mostly the same.
He’d probably A, be a bit more athletic and that might cause Dash and Kwan to be more his friends then bullies. And B, have a slightly easier time fighting ghost because he’d be a flying wall instead of a beanpole.
I’m not sure what else would change though. What do you think and do you got any ideas for this AU.
Ahh. Okay one of Danny's core traits for me is that he's a dweeb. Dweebs come in all shapes and sizes! But for A, I have a hard time seeing Danny fit in with the popular group and still being Danny. Unless you threw in some bigtime Imposter Syndrome or something? Like, he can be large and hang with the cool kids but he's gotta be a geek on the inside, at least.
Not that all large people are comfortable in their skin. I could see Danny being the "has no idea how to handle taking up so much space" flavor of Large Person. You know the shy tall kids who constantly look like they're hunched down?? I bet invisibility and intangibility would be a relief...
This isn't all to imply he's shy in canon per se. I'm mostly thinking of the beginning of the show, where he's dealing with all his new powers that he can't control, and now it's that much harder for him to hide. Being a little guy and a loser in canon is an advantage when it comes to keeping his identity a secret, you know? I guess being friends with Dash and Kwan would be helpful in this AU based on the amount of times he simply hid behind Tucker and/or Sam to go ghost in canon. Imagine Absolute Unit!Danny crouching behind Tucker
As for B.... I'm not quite with you. The fun of ghost powers (to me at least) is they don't rely on physical size. Wee lads can pack a punch against giant dragons. I hc that ghosts' powers are reflective of energy, whether it's spiritual, psychological, etc. Ghosts are everything that someone had within them in life without the physical bounds of a meatsuit. I think the most fun you can have in this scenario is having Danny, used to having imposing size and brute force as an advantage, being in for a surprise when Poindexter kicks his ass at first.
So I think Danny's fighting style could still be different! But only as different as his build shaped him. How has not being short and scrawny changed how he interacts with the world, and vice versa? If he's a big guy and he's friends with Dash and Kwan, are we assuming he plays/played football? Jack's built like a lineman, so Danny wouldn't be used to being the center of attention (at least on the field). He would be more used to using brute force, though, so maybe he sticks to hand-to-hand combat even when he discovers his more long-range abilities.
I do love post-canon stories where Danny's hit a crazy growth spurt. This is less because it reflects him growing into the larger than life he's become by the end of the show, more because I love a scenario where he's fiiiiiinally hit his stride with his powers and then oopsy! He's got to deal with this completely mundane clumsiness like so many ordinary humans. Thank god he can fly, because he's constantly tripping over these new stupid long legs.
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alarrytale · 4 months
Hi Marte. Have you heard of Ch.appell R.oan? She is out as queer and talks a lot about being attracted to women. She has songs about men and women. Her career is starting to take off and her recent album has done well considering she isn't mainstream yet. She was an opening act for Ol*via R*drigo and was recently at the Boston Calling festival and had a big audience. Recent articles say that she is going to become pop's next big thing. Which would be amazing considering she has sapphic songs. I really hope that if she becomes mainstream that she'll keep doing what she is doing and not change to suit a heterosexual mainstream audience. She's gaining so much popularity now and it is through her sapphic songs. It is why people like her, or they don't care about her identity and just enjoy her music. So I hope she doesn't change. It is what sets her apart from other female artists. I really hope she makes it mainstream. How amazing would it be to have more songs about same sex attraction. On twitter sapphic songs, movies, books etc are growing in popularity. I don't know if that transfers to 'real life'. I hope so. B*ygenius is growing in popularity too and there is a recent band of men and women who are all queer but I forgot who! It seems like more artists are CO now at the beginning of their career and they're being picked up by labels. I really hope this continues, that more and more out queer artists will make it mainstream. But where does this leave artists with established careers? They've got a fanbase who have probably been manipulated into thinking the artist is straight. It seems harder for established artists to CO when in the past it seemed harder for newer artists to CO. Billie CO is a step forward. She has a song about women and people seem to like it. I just worry about the likes of Harry being left behind. If he CO when he's 40+ it's not going to have any impact. If record labels invest in more queer artists it'll mean that closeted male artists will have to stay closeted to appeal to the straight women. It seems hard for them to CO. Will they be able to do it?
Hi, anon!
I love Chappell Roan! I've talked about her a bit before. So no need to star her out on this blog - i've got nothing but praise for her. She's currently my top played artist on spotify. She's such an interesting artist, banger songs and i really love her unique voice. I watched her Tiny Desk concert and her Coachella set a month or so ago, she's so good live too.
I heard Lunch by Billie followed by Good luck, babe by CR on the radio yesterday and i thought it was so queer. I love it. Queer mainstream artist are doing so well and i'm so proud of them.
I don't know how the closeted established artists will react to younger artists coming out, and out artists going mainstream. In a way it will get harder for them to come out because they have to compete. Being out and queer is a novelty now and a USP, but if many artists come out the novelty will wear off and they have to find another USP. Being queer can't be their whole personality. That's a good thing, because being queer will be more normalised, but the advantages of coming out won't be as great if you're not in the first wave and get to use it as a selling point or for attention.
I don't think it's impossible at all, but if you're the last one out, and everyone else has already paved the way for you, written all the queer songs and had all the same sex relationships then you have to find other ways to stand out and be original that will make people pay attention to you. And with so many new and upcoming talented out queer artist, that don't have baggage or aggressive homophobic denials on their shoulders, it's going to be hard to compete.
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itsvinzenzdarling · 7 months
B : BOUQUET. does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite? J : JEALOUSY. does your muse get jealous in a relationship? Y : YOURS. does your muse get protective easily?
Valentine's Day ask meme: accepting
B - Chrysanthemums, otherwise known as "mums," for a few reasons. 1. They're popular in the fall, and fall is his favorite season. He loves the arrangements people create when decorating their houses. More specifically, he likes the red and burgundy colors. I mean, that checks for him lolol; The color red, for mums, is supposed to mean a passionate love, which.....also checks out for him LMAO 2. In some European countries, the mum is used for funerary purposes. As in, many flower arrangements for funerals use mums, and given he's a macabre sonuvabitch, he likes the dark side of it too.
J - This one is tough. I'm compelled to say he's not the jealous type, because if he trusts his partner, he knows he doesn't have to worry about them running off with someone else. He'll show them off like the proud bitch he is, like "please, everyone look at my darling, look how beautiful they are." He likes to flaunt them and hype them up because they deserve it. However, if he doesn't trust, if they have a history of doing shit to get a rise out of their partner, or ya know, cheating, he's....more inclined to be jealous, and he's not a good kind of jealous. It'd come from a place of insecurity and anger, not the sexy kind of jealousy. I mean, if it happens once or twice, he'll do the whole thing of rocking their world to convince them not to leave him, but after that, it'd just be pissing him off. It might even depress him and lead him to leave them instead.
Y - GOD YES. I guess this can kinda go hand-in-hand with jealousy, but more so in a sense that....if he knows his partner is being targeted by unwanted attention, he steps in. He is 1000% the kind of person to take a bullet for someone. Being a vampire helps lmao but there are ways to kill him. Even if he knows they can handle themselves, he's still the one to intervene, I guess for two reasons. 1. He doesn't like to see his partner hurt or taken advantage of, and 2. It goes with his love language. Afraid of spiders and there's a spider in the house? He'll take care of it. Bad weather? He'll drive them wherever they need to go. Doing something incredibly dangerous? Absolutely not, he'll handle it.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man - Bon Jovi / Wanted Dead or Alive" on YouTube
Is the two again pence and Trump and they die shortly after in a different film something from each other and not soon after they're dying all over the place and on TV and in popular movies and TV and it's because they killed so many Max that they're being killed publicly and this is Marion the show asking about her own death and he says it's in public and it's right at Publix and she didn't think it was true it says to him I've seen a lot of people die because they come up to me and bother me and people kill them and I've seen tons of you idiots die I got to get all coffee I said it's great cuz it's an easy way to kill people when they get oh huffy. It started ranting and raving and we killed off tons of his idiots in Miami and used it this is the day before yesterday and she came up and said it yesterday in Publix and died how's the people were happy about it such a heinous a****** these people are stupid okay I don't want them around doing this dumb jobs. I want this a****** in my face either so dumb you can't speak at all and he's saying all the stuff he's just a heinous hateful little animal you don't want to talk to them we don't want to see them it's so stupid they ruin their game they ruin their place they ruin their entire Army and a wasted f****** time that whole time we're trying to manipulate to do stuff and we got him to do things and they just handed in the towel at the end and they weren't small I hate them a lot I want revenge on them and he says that we're getting revenge and we took their areas over and we're using their areas to defeat their father because they're useless even in death no we're using their death against her father and we're taking advantage of their deaths and they died so we can have a position and a positioning in order to utterly destroy the idiotic kind and completely obliterate that this particular race first. And I see what he's saying so I'm going to go take over all the areas now let them have anything from these idiotic warlock we're so damned annoying felt like slaughtering all of them the whole time for thousands of years so damn dumb we killed so many of you over the ages it's not funny you just keep coming cuz you're stupid he says he wants me out there with bug zappers anywhere that I can put them these idiots will run right at him so I'm proceeding and doing that and it's going to be released cuz we don't need them anymore I need some so badly he hates them so badly You're such little assholes and they haven't stuck here with two of the biggest morons I've ever seen who ruined all of you you should see the size of our bases and how many we have you're just idiots because they did surgery on your brains cuz they're revolution b****** too you don't look like that you're nasty nasty assholes he hates Garth people they're so nasty little s*** spreading him all the time still and it almost completely gone so he wants me to get rid of them to come in and take care of them and I shall I'm building those bases and it's going to be awesome I can't stand these people that are so stupid and so bad it's around the trumpsters in the middle of African destroyed them and went in and destroyed each other and that was it the end of whatever they were doing very very unimpressive. No one at war was what remains of satanists in Africa and it's not very pretty they're still Max and they're still some of Garths, people but not many, so we're going to use it and create more nights in White satin and they've ever seen I'm going to keep advancing until I own all the country back that they took for me and ruined I don't see a point to trying to save anything anymore I just have to get rid of them and he says just rip out what you want to save but we must make it safe as we go and I do understand and I also do that as a matter of course but you see what I'm saying buildings and artifacts are not worth our people's lives and we need to get rid of these idiots now they're all rancid every race and every single one of them putting the report in now
Gu Oya
We are in receipt of it and we know what you're saying and we do see them and they are rancid and horrible but we will control the situation and we do understand now what you mean we need to use force and we shall we're having a meeting and we're calling it because of your report others are handing it in too saying these people can't stand it anymore and they said it before and in fact it this way before and it's the max we have to verify whether it's true or not with Intel to substantiate which way it really is
Thor Freya
I'm saying this for my heart I understand what he's going through and it's hell but he says it will be withstood and I do understand that but these people are heinous and we're controlling them with methods we're not using everywhere but I do understand they're not as heinous elsewhere and we we shall stand behind the report the way it is and I'll explain myself but I do not want to cause too much alarm they are not as rancid as these but these people are in charge and that's what he's been saying you can't let the spread and you have to stop these idiots. And one reason why they're so rancid is because the warlock are in charge in places all over the world and they should not be they're almost gone and Mac Daddy tried to get rid of them and he's not they're just not budging and they're not moving out of the jobs and they're rigging things everywhere and that's actually what we need to do is stop them and I knew the causation and I didn't want to say it he's calling Duke Nukem Blockbuster. He's telling him to get everybody together and we're going to send in special teams no he said we're going to send in massive armies and whatever you need for assets and don't be bashful and he's going to go ahead and do that now and I appreciate everybody's attention especially his this is a momentous occasion and really his friend from his cadre and our our friend and fellow Olympian is the best I've never seen anything like that he's a miracle worker that's for damn sure it is impossible when he does but we really need it now and we're offering any assets he needs as well
Gu Oya
We shall meet now and on the call of goo and oh yeah and it says I'll fix the verbiage what a hassle these people are here
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omegalomania · 2 years
hello 8 days ago you drew some very cool mania fan art and you said the narrative isn’t relevant but have you considered…..it is relevant to me ? (please share)
dklfldkjflkd ALL RIGHT WELL if you're asking thennnnn
oh my god this got so fucking long. im putting it under a cut because it contains a) a fuckload of text and b) some concept drawings and stuff that i threw in there cause why not.
(for anyone unaware, the ask is referring to this art i posted without much context a little while ago, though it also relates to this one.)
so basically back when mania was like, the new hotness, there was only one big like popular bandom au based around it and frankly i fucking hated it. i dont want to get too mean but i really did think it kind of sucked and it felt like a bunch of missed opportunities and it fizzled out cause the creators sucked anyway but even on a conceptual level i was just so over it. so a couple weeks ago i get heated about this in the groupchat and go "what if i just invented a different mania au, but better." and no one told me to do it but i just went for it anyway because this is what happens when you leave me alone in a room i just start Making Shit
so behold, an au that caters to no one except me, birthed from spite. literally all the file names for these are labeled "mania spite au" and so on. this came from a desire to meld themes from the album into a semi-cohesive narrative
so whats the narrative? GLAD YOU ASKED
for the central "antagonist" i decided to use the mania entertainment group concept, which is something fob toyed with in marketing the album but never really did anything with. so, fine. here's this massive entertainment-based company and they're fucking huge. they're fucking massive. think disney, basically.
employees at this fuckoff massive company include 3 ordinary dudes: patrick, a sound engineer; joe, an electrical engineer; and pete, a dude with a position in admin.
for various reasons all three of them are just kind of drifting in this state of not really wanting to be there but not having a lot of choice. patrick is neutral about the work he does but isn't really in love with it, mostly just keeps his head down and minds his own. joe hates the work, hates the ethos, hates the ideology of the company works for, but seeing as MEG is so big there's basically no alternatives so he has to grit his teeth and do it. pete basically inherited this big shot position in administration but feels fundamentally directionless and didn't actually engage in the work out of a genuine passion for it buuuut it's not like he can just walk away from a really good position especially without a fallback plan.
that's the backdrop. inciting incident?
an interdimensional demigod gets stuck in MEG's basement.
kinda anyway.
theres a rupture in the fabric of spacetime. and out spills this guy, the demigod of instability. since he's, you know, fundamentally unstable, he basically broke into this reality by mistake and gets himself stuck. and because MEG is a big shitty company and their only morality is profit incentive they look at this dude and go "hey, free power source” because hes yknow, an interdimensional minor deity so he’s kind of got a lot of power at his disposal at baseline.
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so yes theres our setup. three guys working at this shit company, and one glitched up demigod who's stuck being exploited directly by said company. and he doesnt get a name right away i guess cause hes a freakin god Why Would He but yeah that guys andy.
also fun fact those glowy glyphs hes got instead of tattoos are the same fictional language we see the little girl in the young and menace video speaking.
SO anyway andy is stuck in the basement of a fuckoff massive company having his power leached/exploited and he's desperate to escape. so one night he takes advantage of the fact that hes literally the avatar for the very concept of instability and blows the building power, in the process zapping the three dudes closest to his physical location. like so.
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dudes all black out, pass out, and when they wake up they're subtly different though they don't know it yet. joe, patrick, and pete have all become god-infected and since andy is a deity of instability, they’ve all been infected with subsets of that power. each of these powers relate to their mentalities at the point of infection as well as certain lines and themes that exist on the album.
joe is infected with temporal instability. glitching forward and backward in time, temporal looping, shit like that. this is mostly restricted to his own personal timeline; he can affect his own future, not anyone else’s, cause he isnt exactly a god here just a god-infected mortal.
patrick is infected with kinetic instability. basically this means he gets control over the way things move; speeding or slowing momentum, switching directions ,etc.
pete is infected with material instability. essentially, he can alter and phase states of matter. he can’t fundamentally alter the molecules in an object, but he can alter the way those molecules are arranged.
side effects of god infection include but are not limited to: hearing the voices of other god-infectees in your brain! hearing that god try to communicate with you in Your God Damn Dreams! accumulating more and more otherworldly traits the more you use your weird new god infection powers! and MORE
the long and short of it is that andy uses this newly established mental link to say “im stuck in your shitty company’s basement please help” and eventually they do that. they break this guy out and in the process end up on the wrong side of the mania entertainment group, the law, the entire city, the world...basically they’re fucked and literally all they have is each other.
i also wanted to draw predominantly from the album themes, at least as i interpreted them. i figure it’d be pretty tasteless to do a straight up narrative About a mental breakdown. instead i look at the elements present in the album as stuff that can be paralleled in a narrative. no, the album does not deal literally with being some kind of extradimensional entity, but it does deal with the idea of feeling heavily isolated, misunderstood, and like you have no friends. the album does not deal with going on the run from a super-powerful corporate conglomerate that wants you and your friends in their custody, but it does deal with the idea that society expects you to adhere to certain strictures, and deviation from those will be punished. mania as an album discusses what it is to feel dissonant compared to those around you - how you can feel innately monstrous, or incorrect, or like your flaws make you fundamentally impossible to love. that’s part of the reason i like the idea of physical transformation being displayed on each of the guys as they use their otherworldly god infection powers more and more; as they become a little more decoupled from how reality expects them to be, they start to look less “perfect” in the eyes of how the world expects them to behave. but it’s those flaws that give them strength, bind them together, and allow them to relate to one another. not fitting in, which makes them so miserable at first, becomes crucial to how they eventually become drawn to one another.
if this whole thing sounds like an excuse for a cosmic found family trope youre right thats what this is because who the fuck do you think youre talking to.
in order to make that big long illustration i posted earlier, i basically drew a bunch of busts as concepting, got carried away, and then cropped them down. here are the full images if anyone is curious.
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interdimensional demigod of instability andy. the glowing sigils all over him shift and swirl and never really sit in one place which means i don’t have to worry about consistency when i draw them ho ho
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joe gets this inky pinky distortion/corruption deal the more he uses his temporal instability powers. it never consumes him completely and it doesn’t hurt or affect how he moves around but it can look pretty alarming, especially when wee little bits start flaking off him.
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patrick’s design is perhaps obviously based on those llama things that fob got sued over lol cause a) i think patrick getting horns is great and b) again i wanted to draw from the album’s marketing. using his kinetic instability powers starts with sprouting horns and then comes the teeth, the fur, etc. idk how far i want this kind of corruption to go but it could be gnarly if he becomes a big furry werebeast at some point like that’d be fun.
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pete’s design doesn’t go as hard as i originally wanted it to but i liked how it turned out too much to alter it. he gets four stubby little horns and volcanic veins like lightning bolts jagging up all over his skin. the veins are the giveaway that he’s using his material instability powers, but the more he uses them he eventually gets himself some horns too.
all four of the guys get rad glowing eyes cause im a sucker for that shit
ALL RIGHT I THINK THATS IT. again i literally just invented this thing during my lunch hour at work out of spite and its just something i think is fun to dick around with. i dont have any serious thoughts about it or whatever but im flattered literally anyone is curious about it so THANK YOU FOR ASKING
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sporadiclilbook · 4 years
Yan!Childe x Singer/Dancer!Khaenri'ahn! reader
Proof-read by: @choquackette
a/n: in a way, does this count as a songfic :D? Also I'm gonna use Lost in Thoughts All Alone for this. And to be fair you're pretty much like Shigure/Azura from fates in this
TW: Kidnapping
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You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out reach
Your voice rang out through the crowd who was listening. Your Hydro Vision glowed as you made particles of water float around you. It created an illusion that made them looked like it was sparkling. It was mesmerising. To Childe, it amazed him how you used it so beautifully for a show. Unlike his more....bloodthirsty uses of his. To think a Vision can do something so graceful and morbid at the same time.
Of course he had his Electro Delusion but this is the Vision we're talking about. He uses it as a weapon while you used it for entertainment. To be honest, he never thought he'd see something like this. It was all thanks to a mission he has to do. Tailing a guy who was in debt to the Fatui and all. Childe think he was a fool. Instead of trying to make his business better, he wastes it on shows like these. But now that he sees you, he understand why. Your exotic appearance was a sight to behold. The only known person to have the same eyes as you was that Favonius Cavalry Captain and he only showed one eye. One already can make one look intriguing but having both made you look ethereal.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Your dance was graceful, fluid movements that did flow like water. Childe think you could've been a good sword fighter if you were able to incorporate these movements into sword fighting. But for now he'll enjoy your voice and dancing. There's just something about it he loved so much. Sure fighting is always the one he loves but there's just something about you that he's attracted to. Was it your appearance? Vocals? Movements? Or those pupils of yours? He thinks it's quite silly, he doesn't even know who you are and yet......
A burdened heart
Sinks into the ground
Here he is, eager to look for you after this whole mission thing. If there's one thing he knows, is to not judge someone's prowess by appearance. Take the traveler for example. They have a petite form and yet they were able to defeat his Foul Legacy form! Who knows what you might have in store for him? Just the thought of you actually being able to fight makes him feel giddy.
Alas, all he can do for now is listen to your song. With that said, he didn't forget his mission. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his target. The man was also in awe of looking at you. Too in awe of noticing his presence that is. He'll get right back to him when your show's over.
A veil falls away without a sound
Not day nor night
Wrong nor right
For truth and peace, you'll fight
He wondered if his siblings would love your singing. Sleeping to a lullaby sounded like a nice idea to him. Why he even thought of that was a mystery to him. Is this what they called love at first sight? He just can't help but wished to woken up by your voice that will roll out his name softly in the morning.
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls, but can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells
Madness and pride
Can't no one hear my cry?
The song ended and the crowd threw a round applause. You bowed and left the stage immediately. Childe, who hasn't forgot his mission, quickly trailed the guy he was after outsidd. "Ah! Hello there Mr. Wei Xing! I reckon you know who I am yes?" And so from there, he scared the poor man to the death with threats and grim reminder of the debt he owed. But Childe was feeling a bit merciful today "Tell you what I'll give you some more time on one condition." Wei Xing, his target, was confused. The Fatui giving a bit of leverage? Still, he would be an idiot to refuse "And that condition is....?"
Childe chuckled at his quick response. It's natural after all. All of his intimidation must have triggered his survival instincts. "Just answer me this. Who was that singer with a Hydro Vision?" Wei Xing was baffled. That's all he wanted? "A-as far as I know, t-their name is (Y/N). They're a performer that was passing by Liyue to gain more popularity across Teyvat." Childe hummed as he hears it. 'A travelling performer huh? Looks like I'll have to act quick if I want to meet them' There was moment of silence before he asked another question "When are they leaving?" "I-in a few days"
Childe let him go and as promised gave him more time for him to pay his debt. Should he fails again to do so.....he'll be history. He only had a few days to meet and talk to you so he has to be quick. Thankfully being a Fatui Harbinger does have it perks. One of those perks being having informants that can collect informations for you. And since this is no top secret info, it was quite easy to find out where you were staying and exactly how many days before you were gone.
As he wait for you at the road that led guests from Wangshu Inn to Liyue, he thought of what you might say. Maybe you'll recognise him right away? Or perhaps you were too innocent to notice the horrors of the Fatui. As he notices your figure walking on the horizon, he prepared to greet you casually. But then he was perplexed by your outfit. It seemed less travelling performer and more of a......fighter? Interesting. He drops the idea of greeting you and opted to follow your path instead.
He followed you until you reached a domain that was near one of the ruins. You stood in front of the entrance as he awaits your next move, intentionally letting his presence seep out. "You're not doing that much of a great job to hide yourself, Fatui. Or is it intentional?" Childe walks out from the spot he was hiding in and approached you slowly while saying "Well, isn't this a surprise? I just happened to be passing b-" His actions stopped midway as your pointed a spear at him. "Not a step closer, what do you want?"
Your starred pupils were sharped and narrowed. It held an intense emotion in it. Childe held up his hands in some sort of mock surrender and laughed a bit "Hey now! There's no need to get aggressive, is there? I was just curious why someone like you is doing here. Not exactly a good place to perform isn't it?"
"That's none of your business."
"Are you gonna go inside this domain?"
"If so, can I follow?"
"I said no."
"I'm very good at fighting you know. It'll be a shame if someone like you gets inju--"
Your spear was closer to him now. Threatening to slice him open any minute you wanted to. It didn't faze him at all. In fact it made him thrilled. He knew there was something about you that was enchanting and perhaps this was it. An unrelenting fighting spirit. In a blink of an eye, he immediately summoned his hydro javelin and parried your spear. You backed away in surprise but kept your guard up.
"Listen I have no time for you Fatui. Leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to." Childe just gave a fox-like grin at your attempt to intimidate him. "Is that so? Like what exactly?" You rolled your eyes at him. He was getting annoying for sure. "Like I said, none of your business." It looks like you might have to halt your plans for tonight. The Abyss Order can wait. "So, what are you gonna do little star?" Without warning you immediately engulfed yourself in a torrent of water and disappears. Childe was shocked when he sees it but still grinned. If you wanted to be a challenge then so be it. If he can't bother you during your 'missions' then he'll bother you during the day.
And that is exactly what he did.
For two days straight he kept trying to talk with you whenever you were out visiting the Liyue Harbour. At first you tolerated him but now he was insufferable. You were glad you were leaving as soon as possible next day but Childe was not having any of that. In just the span of two days his little curiosity had turned into a tsunami of obsession. Your expressions and reactions not to mention the little heart warming moments he saw you cheering up some of the kids in Liyue. He wants to know even more of you.
And precisely why he is fighting you right now.
As he has deducted, your move was as graceful as your dance. Your fighting style was as unique as your eyes. Something he has never seen before. You dodged his flurry of arrows, panting while doing so. How long has he fought you? It felt like an eternity. You tried to dash to him and deliver a swift strike but him and his stupid shield won't let you. You jumped back just in time before he strike his hydro swords at you. You can't even get an elemental advantage here, you had to mostly rely on your weapon.
"Well (Y/N), it's been a fun fight really. But why don't you surrender now? You're tired aren't you? I promise things will go smoothly if you just give up."
You didn't want to. There's no way you'll give up. What does he wants with you anyway? You only stared down at him in silence, refusing to answer. "Ah, stubborn now aren't we? I guess I'll have to use a little force...." He activated his Delusion and immediately dashed towards you, giving you no time to react. The electricity made you groan in pain. You use your spear as a stabiliser from falling to the ground but you were running out of energy at this point.
Before you could fall, Childe took a hold of your body. "See? It's not that hard to give up." You wanted to mutter a remark but darkness shrouded your vision before you fainted. You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Certainly not Liyue's architecture nor your homeland's. Your first thought was to look for an escape.
The door was locked.
Windows were barred.
The wardrobe had the clothes you brought with you across Teyvat along with some new ones.
There was a chain at your leg that's long enough to get you to the bathroom.
Your Vision and weapon was missing.
You waited in silence, pondering what to do. You certainly can't escape like this. But then you heard the door open. And as expected it was him. "Did you had a good sleep? You were knocked out for a while there." You scowled at him "Drop the act, where am I?" Childe hummed before answering "You're in Snezhnaya of course! Where else would I bring you? I'm quite lucky to be able to bring you here and visit my siblings! Say would you like to visi--" "Why would I do that?"
His grin dropped and his eyes stared at you. His eyes was....hollow...empty...devoid of any humanity in them. He walked towards you and you instinctively stepped back. He had you trapped against a wall. He lifted up your chin and let out a small but terrifying smile "Well, because your fate is in my hands. There's nothing you can do now, is there? But I'll forgive your behaviour for now.....if you sing that is."
You hated it. You hated the fact he was right. So you had no choice but to stay obedient and be his 'little songbird' until you found a window of opportunity. He lets go of your chin and sat down on a chair. With a heavy heart, you opened your mouth to sing.
You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Childe smiled as you sing. He's sure you'll come around and fall in love with him soon enough.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Shame that you can't meet his family yet. They would've love you. He can't wait for that day to arrive though. He can't help but feel joy. His little songbird, all his and no one else.
You are the ocean's gray waves.
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