#or HOMME rather
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Neil Newbon aka BUST magazine's "boy du jour"!
#excuse me he is all MAN#or HOMME rather#neil newbon#m: magazine#nobigneil#feminist magazine#healthy masculinity#no big neil#keep it neil#neilblr#astarion bg3#british actor#magazine article#s: instagram#feminist#feminism#news
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detective noir au kath part two :D
or: Katherine Pulitzer, heiress, dame with a case, probably has better places to be than davey jacobs’ office

she’s wearing 1927 daywear + the iconic cloche hat, because she’s fashionable wbwbw
her clothes here, while on the more practical side of fashionable daywear, are not as suited to the kind of work she does as a reporter
her shoes are absolutely not the kind one wears when walking a lot
she’d also have an overcoat but my wrist hurts so i decided not to draw it. it would probably have fur on it
references below the cut

#I’m not sure if detective noir au is in 1927 but it’s definitely late 20s rather than early 20s in my mind#anyways#detective noir au#katherine plumber#katherine pulitzer#newsies#usually the dame with a case is also a femme fatale but that role’s reserved for jack#jack kelly homme fatale long cigarette holder type beat#con doodles
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Disco Elysium spoilers ahead.
One of the best things about Disco Elysium is the way in which it talks about having community, love, and support—or, perhaps more importantly, about not having it.
But you don't have to be alone. Not forever. Even we learn this, somewhere along the way. Take this interaction with The Pigs.
And then? What do we, a sad, lonely man, say to that?
I find myself thinking of our interaction with Tommy Le Homme…
… or even Idiot Doom Spiral.
What if you don’t have anyone, though? What if, rather than finding your way through your troubles, or making a family out of the people you have, you instead decide to turn away from the world?
That’s what happens with René.
It’s what happens with The Deserter too.
We see how that loneliness affected them. How it killed them, day by day. And how it doesn't have to be that way. How you can change.
This is a game about lonely people. Maybe one for lonely people too. And because of it, because of its community, we don't have to feel alone anymore.
#disco elysium#disco elysium spoilers#disco elysium meta#sorry for the long post#i am having all the feelings#harry du bois#kim kitsuragi#tommy le homme#i just know that name bothers the french#idiot doom spiral#bird's nest roy#de skills#ruby the instigator#dolores dei#smoker on the balcony#the pigs#rené arnoux#the deserter
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Transcript of all the French dialogue in Interview with the Vampire S2 E03 "No Pain".
You asked, yours Frenchly delivered. Bonne lecture ! (long-ass post incoming)
(did not use timestamps as these may vary, but rather scene descriptions)
Armand’s Children of Darkness:
Coven vampire: La mort punira toute infraction de la première et de la cinquième des grandes lois.
Armand sees Lestat at the theatre (performing Marivaux’s Le Triomphe de l’amour):
Lestat (as Arlequin): Ah ! Vous êtes donc des femmes !… (vous êtes deux) friponnes !… et par-dessus le marché, un honnête homme !...
Armand: Tu es le bâtard de Magnus. Je sais que tu peux m’entendre, mon enfant.
Lestat: Qui m’appelle « enfant » ?
Armand: Il est mort, n’est-ce pas ? Je peux prendre soin de toi. Je peux t’apprendre ce qu’il ne t’a pas appris. Viens à moi.
Lestat (as Arlequin): Mais de quoi s’agit-il, mes libérales dames ?
Armand: Viens à moi.
Lestat (as Arlequin): Encore plus honnête.
Armand confronts Lestat and Nicolas:
Armand (to the coven vampires): À la maison.
Coven vampires: Oui, maître. Désolés, maître.
Lestat (to Nicolas): Tu es si distrayant dans la fosse que je ne me rappelle plus du texte.
Nicolas: Je ne peux pas lire mes notes quand j’entends tes pieds sur le plancher… Nous allons nous faire attraper.
Lestat: Je l’espère… Entends-tu cela ?
Nicolas: Par-dessus tes incessantes divagations ? Comment pourrais-je entendre quoi que ce soit ?... Qu’est-ce ?
Lestat: Là… Quelqu’un me regarde.
Nicolas: Tu es toujours au centre de l’attention.
Lestat: Il pense que je ne sais pas qu’il est là.
Nicolas: Est-ce encore de la poésie ?... Viens plus près de mon oreille. Je peux seulement comprendre quand tu t’approches.
Lestat: En pardessus.
Armand: Gardes-tu ce garçon comme aide-mémoire ?
Nicolas: Lestat, connais-tu ce gitan ?
Armand: La solitude que tu ressens, il ne l’atteindra jamais. Sois avec les tiens.
[Side note: they translated « the loneliness you feel, he will not reach it » for « atteindra », but i think Armand is actually saying « il ne l’éteindra jamais », in the sense of « he will not extinguish it ». It makes a LOT more sense.]
Lestat: Et abandonner mon gilet à carreaux ? Mon col jabot ? Vivre comme une larve ?
Nicolas: Lestat, que se passe-t-il ?
Lestat: Rien. Il n’est rien… Bonne nuit, homme étrange !
Armand: Lestat ! Là !
Nicolas: Lestat ?
Lestat: Nicki !
Armand: Tu ne lui as pas révélé ta vraie nature, n’est-ce pas ?
Lestat: Quel est ce pouvoir ?... Je n’ai pas ce pouvoir !
Armand: Mais tu l’auras. Tu as le sang de Magnus. Tu gâches ton potentiel en menant cette vie-là.
Lestat: Relâche-le ! Relâche-le !!!
Armand: Et voici un buveur de sang !
Lestat: Qui es-tu ?
Armand: Je suis Armand. Je suis le chef de ton clan.
Lestat: Nicki !
Armand: Ramène ton gilet chez les larves, veux-tu ?
Lestat confronts the Children of Darkness:
Armand: Je suis heureux que tu sois venu. Il est sain et sauf.
Lestat: Il est saigné. Il ne se réveille pas… Est-ce si amusant de vivre dans une telle saleté et la puanteur ?
Coven vampire: Nous devons servir Dieu au travers de Satan et au travers d’Armand.
Lestat: Ah… Une trinité crottée.
Coven vampire: Tu vas attirer la colère de Dieu sur nous avec tes péchés !
Lestat: Qui sont ?
Coven vampire: Tu vis parmi les mortels ! Tu marches dans le temple de Dieu !
Lestat: Il parle de l’homme triste avec les mains clouées ? Ah… Bien. C’est un arbre tombé. Raboté simplement pour les simples d’esprit. Du même arbre, on fit le pied d’une table et, là, une flûte ! Rampez hors de cette prison qu’il bâtit pour vous… Dieu… Satan… Armand… Est-ce vrai ? Hm ? Nous sommes les Dieux. Vous êtes les Dieux !
Lestat visits Armand:
Lestat: Que s’est-il passé ?
Armand: Je pourrais parler jusqu’à la fin du monde sans jamais te dire tout ce que tu as détruit ici.
Lestat: Nous sommes seuls. Satan ne nous écoute pas… Comment transformes-tu l’air en feu ? Comment bouges-tu des objets par la simple force de ton esprit ?
Armand: Demande-t-il, tout en dansant dans les cendres… Tu as fait de ton Nicolas l’un des nôtres ? Est-ce que le garçon a accepté le don ?... Trop fragile. J’aurais pu te prévenir.
Lestat: Il s’en remettra.
Armand: Certainement pas.
Lestat: J’ai une idée.
Lestat performs for Armand at the theatre (again, Le Triomphe de l’amour) :
Lestat (as Arlequin): Oh ! Mes mignonnes, avant que de vous en aller, il faudra bien, s’il vous plaît, que nous…
(As Lestat) Ils viennent accompagnés, séduits dans un élan collectif. Ils rient ensemble, pleurent ensemble.
Armand: Qu’est-ce, pour un vampire ?
Lestat: Une opportunité. Hamlet est mort sous les coups d’une lame empoisonnée, mais l’acteur qui gît sous leurs yeux respire encore. Dans ce temple, croire protège. Annonce que tu es un vampire. Bois le sang à la vue de tous. Mets en scène les rituels de ton clan, pas depuis les égouts mais depuis le premier balcon.
Armand: Je n’ai pas de clan. Tu m’en as privé.
Lestat: Au contraire, maître.
(as Arlequin): Je n’ai encore qu’un commencement d’envie de n’en plus faire.
Outside the theatre:
… assouvir vos cruelles envies au théâtre des vampires !
At the theatre performance:
Victim: J’ai tant d’années ! Tant d’années !
Theatre vampire: Des années ? La mort ne respecte pas l’âge !
Armand: Regarde comme ils sont immobiles. Ils croient vraiment que c’est une pièce de théâtre. Des clous sur une porte à Wittenberg. Tu as mené une réforme, Lestat.
Lestat: Nous l’avons fait ensemble.
Armand: Tu fais une meilleure Mort.
Lestat: La faux fait tout le travail.
Armand: Après une centaine de nuits ici, tu t’ennuies déjà ?
Lestat: Seulement avec le jeu d’acteur… Allons-y.
Armand: Ici ? Maintenant ?
Lestat: C’est une loge spacieuse.
Armand: Il nous observe.
Lestat: Il devrait regarder sa partition.
Armand: Lestat… Je t’aime.
Lestat: Oui… Je t’aime aussi.
Aaaand that's it (for now), folks! Will do subsequent episodes if there's more French in them (more likely than not!). Bisous !
Episode 2 here
Episode 4 here
Tagging the peeps who requested: @nalyra-dreaming @indelicateink @chicalepidoptera @zailafaneez
#interview with the vampire#iwtv#iwtv s2#amc interview with the vampire#amc iwtv#scene transcripts#french dialogue
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The tale of Alex Turner's girlfriend's jumper, Josh Homme, and the making of Humbug
(Extracts from Mojo Magazine, September 2009)
The jumper sealed the deal: the cable-knit jumper, belonging to his girlfriend. Alex Turner just happened upon it early one evening in the different late summer of 2008, as he waited for the telephone to ring. It wasn't so much the fact of it being a girl's jumper. He could get away with wearing a size skinny, after all. And besides, it would be dark at the gig he planned to go to later on. No, it was the cable-knit which gave him pause. Was he, Alex wondered, really a cable-knit guy?
His reverie was interrupted by the call he'd been expecting. Alex had spoken to Josh Homme before: the Queens Of The Stone Age leader declared himself a fan by marching into the Arctic Monkeys dressing room at a Belgian festival the previous year; later in 2007 the Monkeys supported the Queens in Houston. Compliments were exchanged, though Alex did wonder about the precise mutuality of this appreciation. Maybe 70-30? Obviously, the Monkeys were big fans of QOTSA: the Queens' sensual dirt-rock had been a key benchmark for their album Favourite Worst Nightmare. And Josh Homme? He had at least heard of Alex's band, and that was good enough. But now here he was, on the phone, accepting the invitation to produce the next Arctic Monkeys album. Alex deferred taking the conversation down to brass tracks. Airily, he mentioned his knitwear dilemma.
Homme was firm on the matter.
"Go for it, man."
But I'm not sure. I mean, it belongs to me girlfriend, and it fits, and it looks all right, but...
"Just throw caution to the wind," said Homme, as if issuing an imperial edit. "Let go of those inhibitions you've got there and just wear your cable-knit."
Sound, said Alex. So, about this record...?
"I listened to the demo," said Homme. "I heard 30 seconds of it and thought, You're coming to the desert." Then, to himself, he added with relish. "And little do you know what's about to happen..."
That evening, Alex Turner wore his girlfriend's cable-knit jumper. A month or so later, he and his three bandmates were picked up from a Los Angeles hotel by Josh Homme and driven out to the small Mojave Desert town of Joshua Tree, where they began recording the new Arctic Monkeys album. One phone abut cable-knitwear later, Arctic Monkeys were off to southern California for a hot date.
Presiding throughout this transformative process [of recording Humbug], during the warm autumn days or late into the chilly desert nights, would be Alex Turner's girlfriend's cable-knit jumper.
"Josh likes to speak in analogies, in terms of how things should sound," says the Arctic Monkeys' songwriter with a chuckle, as he reflects upon the six-month gestation of his band's new album. "Cable-knits got mentioned a lot during recording. He was like, if you can wear a cable-knit you can put a glockenspiel on a tune. It became a metaphor: you can wear a cable-knit and then sonically we can try something different. We went off on a little adventure. Because we were conscious that if this were really going to work, we would have to open up a little more than we have in the past. Joshua Tree really feels far away. You felt..." He frowns, reaching for the right word. "Unpoliced."
Which all rather begs the question: does that six and a half foot ginger hunk of abiding rockness Josh Homme wear cable-knitwear? A small smile plays around the corners of Alex Turner's mouth.
"He assured me he did."
The previous evening Alex finally spoke to Josh Homme for the first time since Humbug's completion. After expressing his delight with the end results of their combat crawl through the Mojave badlands, Homme enquired whether Turner was going out later. Alex informed that he was. "Cable-knits?" asked Homme. "Cable-knits," said Alex, the Arctic Monkey, comfortable in the embrace of the strange.
#listen. the metaphors in this are INSANE#i am obsessed#utterly and completely obsessed#the way the conception of humbug has been inextricably intertwined with alex being encouraged by josh to wear women's clothes is just...#i am having many many thoughts#so many in fact that i fear a fic may be coming on#like the middle section in particular and the use of “unpoliced” that just IMMEDIATELY connects to the lyrics in the jeweller's hands???#i cannot be even a little normal about this#anyway yeah this interview is incredible#so many gems in it besides the whole cable-knit theme#but i just HAD to pull this out and post it here because i need you all to scream about it with me#sorry not to be able to include a link - this is all from a physical copy i have of the magazine#i had a little look but can't find it anywhere online#if anyone wants me to post the whole thing i can!#arctic monkeys#alex turner#josh homme#queens of the stone age#humbug#humbug era#fic inspiration#lulu posts
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-only him-
summary : charles ignored you, so you went to your ex´s party.
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : bad translated french, a bit toxish behavior from charles, a bit of spice in th end.
note : i'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this imagine. If you want a second part just ask me :)
Your boyfriend, charles leclerc, was so obsessive over you. He was the sweetest with you, but with other men, that were looking at you, he was the meanest. He was possessive over you.
That he was protective over you wasn't a problem. You found it rather cute. He was looking out for you and protected you from all the danger in the paddock and the world.
You knew that he loved you deeply and that he would do everything for you. He was the best boyfriend you could have ever asked for, but the possessive behavior was just too much.
It was like he had a switch. A switch you would never see coming. Just like tonight.
"Charles, stop being an asshole and talk to me." You groaned out from behind him, as he was ignoring you while he typed on his laptop, before he pushed his glasses up.
He was ignoring you because of an argument you had last night. You told him that he was too possessive and protective of you, and he exploded, and since then he has been ignoring you.
"C’est tellement enfantin, charles. Tellement putain, puéril. Vous n’êtes plus un enfant. Charles, tu es un homme adulte." This is so childish, charles. So fucking childish. You are not a kid anymore. Charles, you are a grown man.
You stared down at him before you snatched his car keys to his Ferrari. Furthermore, you glanced back to see his reaction to still see his eyes parked on his computer screen.
You huffed out and closed the door behind you. You knew what could break him...
Attending your ex-boyfriends birthday party, that attended many men. Some of them you knew from the past relationship with your ex, but the others were total strangers to you.
He would not like that, would he?
As you swayed your hips to the music, large veiny hands tightly wrapped around your waist, slightly startling you just by feeling the tight grip on your waist. You knew exactly who it was...
"Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici à sa fête, mi amore?" He gritted in your ear possessively, as the grip on your waist tightened. What are you doing here at his party, my love?
You smirked at him and spun around as you showed him your dress. It was black with a slit and spaghetti straps. Fitted tightly so that it showed of your curves.
"Love my dress, baby?" You changed the subject as he slowly scanned your body up and down.
Just as you wanted to spin again, charles grabbed your hips tightly and pulled you into him, so you couldn't escape his grip and show off your dress to anyone else than him.
Your beauty was only for him. Only Him. Your body, face, and everything else about you only belonged to him. Only to him. You were his. His Girlfriend. His woman. And his Everything.
This was the party of your ex-boyfriend. Ex. You were no longer his girlfriend, you were charles girl now. So why would you go to his party instead of staying at home with him, your boyfriend.
"Ne me rendez pas jaloux parce qu’à la fin de cette fête... Qui peut l’arracher à votre jolie silhouette? Moi. Seulement moi." He spat possessively as his eyes turned dark. Don't make me jealous because at the end of this party... who gets to rip it off your pretty figure? Me. Only me.
"Ce corps a été fait pour moi. Seulement moi. Alors pourquoi le montrez-vous à des hommes stupides qui ne peuvent pas vous donner ce dont vous avez besoin. Je suis le seul à pouvoir vous donner ce dont vous avez besoin. Moi." This body was made for me. Only me. So why do you show it to stupid men who can't give you what you need. I am the only one who can give you what you need. Me.
You gulped, knowing that your plan wasn't working... It just gave you a punishment when you got home.
"Vous avez 5 secondes pour sortir par la porte d’entrée et asseoir votre cul sur le siège passager de notre Ferrari ou il y aura-" you have 5 seconds to get out the front door and sit your ass in the passenger seat to our Ferrari or there will be-
He didn't even have to finish his sentence for you to get moving, making him chuckle deeply at how obedient you were.
#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc#charles leclerc fluff#formula 1#formula one#f1#f1 fluff#charles leclerc x female reader#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc f1#charles leclerc imagine#charles leclerc smut#charles leclerc fanfic#charles leclerc oneshot#charles leclerc one shot#charles leclerc blurb
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Look. i love creed. but he is messy to write. he never knows what he wants exactly.
Remy opens the door the the brotherhood house and makes it three steps in before he is tackled to the ground. Remy yelps and is slammed with a wall of aggression, worry and… possessiveness.? Is that even an emotion?? His brain spins as he hears sniffing and growling beside his ear.
Sabretooth. Who… apparently doesn't like the smell of Logan.
“Why do you stink of the runt?”
Sabretooth growls and before Remy can form a reply to the fangs that are near his ears, Logan is growling.
“Maybe because I drove him home, Creed.”
Remy feels anxiety and rage leaking from Logan and his brain feels very assaulted by the large waves of emotions that crash against him.
“Maybe we all calm down, non?”
Remy tries to get out, squirming a bit. Sabretooth pins him a little more firmly and Remy goes still. He is not wiggling prey. He is not being strapped to a table. He is pinned by Sabretooth, who he sort of knows, and not by mental powers from a vile scientist. He takes a deep shuddering breath while the two ferals keep growling deep. he needs to achieve calm or he's gonna spark again.
Remy begins to hum, long and low. He fills his mind with his brother's singing and piano playing. He lets his body relax, letting go of all his tension. Sabretooth makes a snuffling noise.
“Sabretooth, I'm fine. I had a bad day at school and Logan found me in the aftermath of my powers gettin’ loose. He brought me home. Don't claw him up for bringin’ me back.”
Remy says carefully and calmly. Sabretooth meets his eyes and sniffs again. Sabretooth slowly shifts back.
Remy sits up but stays sitting, looking at Logan. Logan is still tensed, ready to fight.
“Logan, do you gotta be growlin’? You stepped into his territory. Invited by me, mais he wouldn't know that.”
The teen starts swiping at the dirt clinging to his clothing. He feels a flash of confusion from both but they both back down a bit. Remy nods to himself.
Logan huffs.
Remy chirps back and slowly rises up. His back hurts a bit from hitting the ground so hard.
“Did you have to tackle me so hard homme?”
Remy asks, rubbing his back. Sabretooth looks a little contrite in his eyes but gives a huffy snort.
“Don't come home smelling like an enemy then.”
“Fair enough. You catch anythin’ today?”
Remy starts to walk towards the house.
Logan interrupts before Sabretooth can speak.
“Kid… Are you okay? Really?”
Remy scrunches up his nose and turns, one hand on a hip. He can see Logan looking over the old house that is a bit battered. A bit in disrepair. Remy can feel judgment rolling off of Logan. Sabretooth puffs up a bit.
“I'm fine Logan. You don't gotta be askin’ that every time you see me. Im fine. Mon petits are fine. Everythin’ is fine and I need to take a nap.”
He gently puts a hand on Sabretooth’s arm. He hopes the man will not snap at him. Sabretooth shifts a bit so that Remy is now safely behind him. Remy blinks at this. What?
“Leave runt.”
Logan looks at Sabretooth and steps back just a small bit. Enough to be a concession but not a submission.
“We need to talk Creed.”
Sabretooth snarls. Remy crosses his arms.
“I'd rather fight.”
Sabretooth shifts forwards and Remy makes a noise.
“Don't you dare be fightin’ near the house!! We got a hard enough time with accidental powers goin’ off!”
Remy says, letting his irritation be heard loudly.
Logan says head bending slightly.
Sabretooth huffs and bends his head slightly.
“Fine. We’re just gonna talk, pup. Go inside.”
Sabretooth steps towards Logan and Remy isn't sure what is swirling off of both of them.
He asks, hesitating a little. He is not going to leave the person helping him feed the household alone with a potential enemy. Sabretooth turns his head and chuffs at him.
“I caught some rabbits and left them in the kitchen. I'll come help you after I talk to Jimmy here.”
Remy slowly nods.
“I'm trustin’ you. Yell if it comes to blows. I’ll fight with you.”
He says, touching Sabretooth’s arm and then walking inside.
Creed is a little pleased with the last thing Remy says and finds himself surprised at that. Huh. Seems like he has a pack now. One of the main reasons for his panic and rage when smelling Logan’s scent mixed with Remy’s was worry that something had happened to the pup that had taken pretty good care of him. Creed finds that he likes being looked after and having someone eat his hunts and appreciate them. And Creed knows that he hates sharing. So Logan daring to be around Creed’s newly forming pack is annoying.
“What do you want runt?”
He growls. Logan huffs but gestures away from the house.
“Show me your territory boundaries. You are planning to stay long-term, arent you?”
The words are clipped and tense.
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I am so done with all the comments and new profiles "top's wifey" deluululand. I had to go on a trip down memory lane and search for old interviews and things I remember him saying about himself that I actually believed it to be true.
최승현 Choi Seunghyun
"Even when fans evaluate me sometimes, it makes me think ‘they really don’t know about me’. Herald Times Interview 2010
"Both of us are independent and we do leave a certain amount of distance between us, that is my ideal type of relationship." Choi Seunghyun, With Magazine 2010
"I think it’s because my mind is complicated. When other kids were playing in the playground, I spent most of my time at home by myself." Vogue Korea 2010
"The solitude and loneliness became some kind of energy within me that just piled up, it comes out in the times that I need it." Vogue Korea 2010
"Actor Choi Seung Hyun and Rapper TOP. Are they different? Choi Seung Hyun: They’re both TOP. I don’t think there is a real Choi Seung Hyun LH: You’re strict about that. Who is closer to the real Choi Seung Hyun?
Choi Seung Hyun: That doesn’t make sense either. There can’t be someone as Seung Hyun. I never have a place where I can show the plain Choi Seung Hyun. I have things I want to hide and I have things I have to hide." L'Officiel Hommes Magazine 2013
"I might look like a mischievous boy or an arrogant rapper but I am actually dark inside". L'Officiel Hommes Magazine 2013
I can’t even look at people I’m close to in their eyes. I try, but I can’t. You know, the feeling that your thoughts will be revealed if you look at the other person’s eyes. Ah, I think too much. [laughs] 10asia Interview 2013.
"I live in a mind of a fairy tale. I’m not realistic, and have lots of delusions. I’m the type to get deep into my own thoughts. I am assuming that I was born to be like this [laughs]. You know, like destiny. I was born with the fate to agonize." 10asia Interview 2013.
"I am influenced and inspired by things that don’t speak. By beautiful and pretty objects rather than people" Esquire Magazine May 2015
"When I'm cheerful, I'll be very cheerful. When I'm reserved, I'll be very shy. It's from one point to the other end, there is no inbetween." Men’s Uno Malaysia 2016
"When I was younger, my mind was always inexplicably dark and melancholic because I couldn’t stand myself." TTTOP x Sothebys 2016
"The most difficult thing is myself. I don’t understand what type of person I am. I don’t know what I want or what I’m thinking." Cosmo China 2016
"Making people laugh is a defense mechanism to cast away the tangled thoughts in my head." Men’s Folio May 2016
This sums up my attitude towards all of my poor impulsively spending and financial decisions 🤣🤣🤣🤣 baby I'm delusional too.
But yeah. This is what I was trying to explain to anons who keep saying other stars did worse than him but dont get hated. Like he didn't have a solid sense of self and he wasnt happy with himself as a person so he didn't have proper growth to establish an identy above T.O.P in bigbang. But thats the most Aquarius and sag shit ever. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😢����😂😂 the distance in dating. Lord. I used to day dream scenarios of marrying him when I was younger lol. He would've been like "I'll give my vows from across the room on the big screen, thanks" 🫠😩😅
But you picked some great ones. THANK YOU SO MUCH cause honestly? I was not about to dig back to find all those old interviews and sites. He said a lot of other stuff too but this is the gist. He said more bizarre things about dating too. His most normal was the castle(?) Or like it was very dark with a purpleish lighting and he was answering fan questions?
But thanks again. This answers the other anon question on where she (or he) can go to learn more about top.
#t.o.p#choi seunghyun#big bang thanos#squid game 2 thanos#thanos 230#kpop#bigbang#thanos squid game#yg entertainment#squid game thanos#thanos#squid game 2#yg#korean pop#k-pop#kpop idol#bingu top#squid game top
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Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - Part 23
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II - Dialectics
In the meantime, along with and after the French philosophy of the 18th century, had arisen the new German philosophy, culminating in Hegel.
Its greatest merit was the taking up again of dialectics as the highest form of reasoning. The old Greek philosophers were all born natural dialecticians, and Aristotle, the most encyclopaedic of them, had already analyzed the most essential forms of dialectic thought. The newer philosophy, on the other hand, although in it also dialectics had brilliant exponents (e.g. Descartes and Spinoza), had, especially through English influence, become more and more rigidly fixed in the so-called metaphysical mode of reasoning, by which also the French of the 18th century were almost wholly dominated, at all events in their special philosophical work. Outside philosophy in the restricted sense, the French nevertheless produced masterpieces of dialectic. We need only call to mind Diderot's Le Neveu de Rameau, and Rousseau's Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes. We give here, in brief, the essential character of these two modes of thought.
When we consider and reflect upon Nature at large, or the history of mankind, or our own intellectual activity, at first we see the picture of an endless entanglement of relations and reactions, permutations and combinations, in which nothing remains what, where and as it was, but everything moves, changes, comes into being and passes away. We see, therefore, at first the picture as a whole, with its individual parts still more or less kept in the background; we observe the movements, transitions, connections, rather than the things that move, combine, and are connected. This primitive, naive but intrinsically correct conception of the world is that of ancient Greek philosophy, and was first clearly formulated by Heraclitus: everything is and is not, for everything is fluid, is constantly changing, constantly coming into being and passing away. [A]
But this conception, correctly as it expresses the general character of the picture of appearances as a whole, does not suffice to explain the details of which this picture is made up, and so long as we do not understand these, we have not a clear idea of the whole picture. In order to understand these details, we must detach them from their natural, special causes, effects, etc. This is, primarily, the task of natural science and historical research: branches of science which the Greek of classical times, on very good grounds, relegated to a subordinate position, because they had first of all to collect materials for these sciences to work upon. A certain amount of natural and historical material must be collected before there can be any critical analysis, comparison, and arrangement in classes, orders, and species. The foundations of the exact natural sciences were, therefore, first worked out by the Greeks of the Alexandrian period [B], and later on, in the Middle Ages, by the Arabs. Real natural science dates from the second half of the 15th century, and thence onward it had advanced with constantly increasing rapidity. The analysis of Nature into its individual parts, the grouping of the different natural processes and objects in definite classes, the study of the internal anatomy of organized bodies in their manifold forms — these were the fundamental conditions of the gigantic strides in our knowledge of Nature that have been made during the last 400 years. But this method of work has also left us as legacy the habit of observing natural objects and processes in isolation, apart from their connection with the vast whole; of observing them in repose, not in motion; as constraints, not as essentially variables; in their death, not in their life. And when this way of looking at things was transferred by Bacon and Locke from natural science to philosophy, it begot the narrow, metaphysical mode of thought peculiar to the last century.
[A] Unknown to the Western world until the 20th-century, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu was a predecessor of or possibly contemporary to Heraclitus. Lao Tzu wrote the renowned Tao Te Ching in which he also espouses the fundamental principles of dialectics.
[B] The Alexandrian period of the development of science comprises the period extending from the 3rd century B.C. to the 17th century A.D. It derives its name from the town of Alexandria in Egypt, which was one of the most important centres of international economic intercourses at that time. In the Alexandrian period, mathematics (Euclid and Archimedes), geography, astronomy, anatomy, physiology, etc., attained considerable development.
China also been began development in natural sciences in the third century B.C.E.
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New gay as fuck heist show!
We’re still in the process of liking and following so we don’t show up as a bot, but part of that is making posts so: hey! Podcast summary!
‘Wrong Place, Wrong Crime’ is a supernatural heist podcast about a trio of thieves: hacker Isaac, con-artist Drystan, and strategist Bea.
Once prolific thieves in order to pay their way through university, Isaac and Drystan took two years out of the game for Drystan to have “just a small mental breakdown.” Now they’re back at it with a very casual heist on one of North America’s most secure museums. For jewels? Weapons? Art? Nope. For puppets. Obviously.
But, as with all their heists, there’s something a little… creepy about the loot they end up with. It’s a race against the clock to find out what - or who - they’ve actually stolen. Unfortunately, they don’t know the clock is ticking…
Isaac is an anxious, insular disaster who couldn’t identify an emotion if you showed him a kid’s cartoon, but can harbour a crush for 12+ years.
Drystan is a gorgeous and competent homme fatale who can kick ass, pick locks, and throw knives, but who cannot make pasta, regulate his own emotions, or input his own TikTok password.
Bea could be an international drug dealer or could work for Doctors Without Borders. Or neither. Or both. They’ve master the mystique Isaac wishes he had, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re any more on top of things.
Season 1 will be very short (4 eps!) which means you can expect it sooner rather than later (preferably this side of the summer solstice!), with the intention of S2 following closely behind.
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240715 wonwoo arena homme+ interview excerpt
wonwoo said, “when i look at seventeen albums, i often feel like it’s a photo album. we put every moment that we’ve endured in our music. there are songs with a heavy vibe because it was made during really tough times. a powerful song came out from our desire to break through that rather difficult period,” and that “seventeen’s music is seventeen’s life."
wonwoo, who participated in the lyrics and composition of his solo song “leftover” as well as consistently working on seventeen albums, also shared, “i’m a very ordinary person. i think my work has sympathized with a lot more people thanks to that."
when asked what the most important thing is to him, he replied, “i hope i don’t forget to enjoy." famous for his remarkable photo and video skills, he added, “i enjoy music and [taking] photos these days. though it cuts my sleep short, i enjoy going to the studio to make songs and bringing my camera around to take photos. i hope i don’t forget the fun of now.”

wonwoo also shared about what he thinks his own strengths are. “i’ve never considered myself as incredibly special or remarkable. there are points to every person that are considered ‘ordinary’. i’m a very ordinary person. i think my work has sympathized with a lot more people thanks to that. may it be what’s written in my lyrics, my words, or the photos i take. i think the ordinariness infused within that is my greatest strength.”

the hobby that wonwoo is focusing on most right now is photography. he was very serious about photography even during this shoot, even thinking, “which brand is that light from?" wonwoo said that it is his dream to open a studio someday. when asked “who is the first person you want to capture in the studio?”, he said, “my father. looking back, it’s been so long since our family last went to a photo studio. after debuting, i haven’t once gone to take a photo in a photo studio with my family all together. i think it’d be nice to take a family photo as my first picture.”

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I see lots of people calling Sergei a malewife, and it bugs me because this show already has the perfect malewife representation. You think Wayne would lie to Molly for over a decade? No, he'd rather kill himself. Sergei, a fugitive and the ex director of the Soviet Space Program, who has left multiple wives because he's in love with the most unattainable woman on the planet, is a boyboss and an homme fatal.
#for all mankind#sergei nikulov#this is a very serious post#blorbo terminology is super important and must be kept straight#as they're all important to the ecosystem#you can't look at a married guy flirting up a storm with a woman he just met who's most certainly not his wife and call him a wife guy#he's a margo guy#he's just chasing his magic pixie dream girl
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This might be a bit controversial but I’m just going to leave it here for discussion. Of all the amazing women from the Enlightenment / Frev, the Olympic Committee chose her (wherefore the proto-republican philosopher, Sophie de Grouchy or scientific pedagogue and philosopher, Emilie de Chatelet?! @enlitment). Or perhaps the dashing de Merincourt, industrious de Kéralio, ambitious Roland, activist Etta Palm d’Aelders, or (Romantic) intellectual, de Stael?
Then they bigged her up beyond parody, describing her as a femme politique (non! No known participation in any clubs or salons) and a campaigner for women’s rights (non again; here de Grouchy would be closer to the mark with her joint pamphlet with Condorcet, Cité des femmes etc.) De Gouges’ main output was plays rather than politics.
Yes, she wrote the witty rejoinder to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, but it was one of many pamphlets she self-published, and sandwiched between a dedication to the Queen and a complaint about being ripped off by a cabby driver.
she promoted the right to divorce (as did some men), rights for bastard children, a maternity hospital and novel proposals for raising public funds. other pamphlets were complaints about being ignored, suggestions for improving public morals (society women as culpable as ‘public’ women (ie prostitutes)), and attacks on the radicalism represented by Marat, the Jacobins and/or Robespierre.
As far as I know, she did not protest against the active/passive citizen distinction.
When the Amis des Noirs pressure group started to gain traction and social acceptance (Condorcet, Brissot and Lafayette were leading members), she rewrote her play on the Esclavage des Negres in 1788 to make it more political, with a preface urging recognition for the rights of ‘hommes Negres’, suggesting they would be happy to continue working the fields as free men. The main reason it wasn’t performed was not its subject matter but because she had previously tried to pull (social) rank on the Comédie-francaise to get her plays to the front of the queue, and had a massive bust-up with its director.
Don’t get me wrong, she was often a delightful and witty writer but also markedly eccentric and very much her own woman in a world of her own. Other women played far more prominent roles in trying to secure real change and better opportunities.
Probably the single greatest manifesto for improvements in women’s condition (but not the vote, or at least not yet), imho was Mary Wollstonecraft’s powerful appeal for equality in education (and to stop treating women like vain, simpering idiots defined by nature’s gifts - I’m looking at you JJ!). Talleyrand and the NA had proposed universal education only up to nine for girls.
PS she was also made a poster ‘girl’ for the Front Populaire with the slogan, ‘Gouges-toi’ (Bouge-toi), Which is actually pretty good!
PPS as for those headless Marie-Antoinettes in red, singing about Liberté along the Conciergerie, wow, just wow!
#Frev#french revolution#olympe de gouges#paris 2024#olympic ceremony#feminism#jean-paul marat#maximilien robespierre#Sophie de Grouchy#Emilie du Châtelet#mary wollstonecraft#education
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Love and marriage
Currently hanging out outside the Napoleonic era for a bit by reading Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger's biography of Maria Theresia of Austria. But I thought these general remarks on people's attitude towards love and marriage at the time might be interesting, as I think it was very much alive and kicking still at Napoleon's court [translated from page 255f]:
Since marriages were arranged according to family interests, [...] one could not make too high demands when it came to the couples' personal emotional attachment. On the contrary, being in love was considered the worst prerequisite for a lasting and good marriage. Passionate love and marriage were downright mutually exclusive. [...] Love was seen at best as a consequence, not a prerequisite for marriage, and even then this meant rather a friendly bond. Love in the sense of passionate erotic relationships, on the other hand, took place outside of marriage and was the subject of a refined aristocratic culture of gallantry. […] Books taught the art of seduction, a sophisticated game of encouragement and rejection, dissimulation, siege and conquest. In this literary universe, women were divided into two categories: the coquettes, who "always say yes", and the precious, who "always say no". A coquette was to be tied to oneself permanently, a precious one was to be conquered. The latter was the most desirable goal for an ambitious galant homme; the Precious, as her name suggests, was considered the most valuable prey.
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matching perfume/colognes to jjk characters...
a/n: i did a bit of background research but i mostly went off gut feeling, and i'm no professional when it comes to fragrances and i haven't actually smelled any of these in person, so please correct me if i'm wrong about any of them!! i added fragantica links if anyone wants to check them out.
warnings: none.
characters: satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, choso kamo
satoru gojo
i dunno why but i always picture gojo to smell kinda soapy?? not in a bad way but just a very clean, fresh, dove bar kinda smell. i can't picture him smelling overly masculine or mature, it just doesn't seem to fit how i view his personality and all that. i don't think he'd go for more juvenile smells either, but definitely something a bit lighter and fresher than heavy, musky colognes.
so for this i've matched him with prada amber pour homme. from what i could find, it has very soapy and clean notes of neroli and citrus as well as a bit of spice to it. it also supposedly smells very expensive and high quality, which i think would also fit as something for gojo to wear given the fact that he's, yk, fucking loaded.
suguru geto
geto has always given me earthy, oud-y vibes. probably the monk getup and that one figure of him with a smoking pipe. i feel like he'd smell of a woodsy, smokey incense with maybe just a teeny bit of playful floral - overall masculine and mature but with a bit of youthful playfulness.
for that, i've decided to match him with oud essentiel by guerlain. it's a unisex perfume that has top notes of agarwood, leather, and saffron. definitely gives vibes of mystery and luxury, it's described as a darker and heavier fragance with a nice bit of smokiness.
kento nanami
i can't help but imagine him with a very nice, simple, classic masculine fragance. i'm not really too much of a nanami girl (i get the appeal tho) but he seems like such a classic guy. musky and leathery scent for sure, with maybe a bit of light woodsiness.
givenchy gentleman feels like a good fit for nanami. from what i've read it's a very classy, masculine cologne. there's top notes of pepper and bergamot that give it a spicy sort of smell as well as a powderiness to it that then fades out after some wear. supposedly it's a very mature, masculine and 'daddy'ish cologne.
choso kamo
choso gives me kinda sweaty vibes. i say this with all my heart as a choso girlie, i think he smells at least a bit BO-y. not because i think he's dirty, but some people just sweat a lot, yk?
i think haute concentration by yves saint laurent. it's a masculine fragance that has some herbal notes that would work well with a BO smell rather than against it (mask the worst of it and enhance the muskiness). it also has citrus and spicy notes, which i think adds a fresher and more comforting touch, and is described as a slightly dated but still enjoyable sort of masculine scent.
#jjk gojo#jjk geto#jjk nanami#jjk choso#gojo satoru#geto suguru#nanami kento#choso kamo#gojo x reader#geto x reader#nanami x reader#choso x reader#jjk#jujutsu kaisen
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AAAAH little!nate and cg!triplets is so cute, please make a part two!!!
[🏒] little!nate w/ cg!triplets heacannons (angst edition!)
paring : little!nate x cg!triplets
divider credit : @artemiies
a/n : so i received this ask, and it spiraled from there... (lower case intended !)
🏒 when the three brothers finally came to the conclusion that the next step in their career would have to include moving to LA,
🌨 there was only one problem...they were caregivers to their childhood best friend, nate
⛸ there were lots of tears from...everyone
🩹 "bu' m' don't wan' you to go :(" "i know baby, i know."
🦈 the three caregivers tried reassuring nate that no matter what, he was always their first priority
🫧 "we're gonna call every night!" "it'll be just like normal bedtime!" "nuh uh :c m' won't have papa tuddles :c"
🥤 each caregiver made sure to leave nate plenty pieces of clothing and stuffies
💫 "so everynight you'll have a stuffie from each of us!"
🤍 the triplets making nate a build-a-bear that has their voice in it
🌟 nate being a blubbering mess the night before
🗞️ "have to go?" "yeah bud, we do have to go" *que nate beginning to cry again*
🎥 matt feeling like absolute sh!t because technically they're whats causing nate so much distress
🏒 "can't he come with us?" (big nate says he can't)
🌨 nick looking at every single drawing nate's every drawn him the moment they get to their new place in la
⛸ "i miss my boy :("
🩹 chris being sure at least one of them falls asleep on call with nate
🦈 "m miss tuddles :c" "i know bud, i know."
🫧 nate pressing the build-a-bear's paw every single night and morning
🥤nate visiting marylou, jimmy and trevor at their boston house
💫 "how've you been holding up, hun?" "...okay :("
🤍 eventually nate slowly begins to get use to their new normal
🌟 lots of facetime calls and teleparties
🗞️ AND care packages
🎥 overall, it's rough but nate wouldn't rather any other caregivers.
taglist !! :
@natedoeswife @blahbel668 @nicksloverrr @katw4shereee @pkfferoo @bambi-slxt @chr1sgirl4life @17twelch17 @pinksikhewei @yourenogoodforme @pkfferoo @v33angel @mattssturnz @mattsturniologf444 @graceslittlecorner @zivall @hrtz4alex2211 @bimbob1tch @cherry-red-heart @https--roman @frlinbruh @jazminepetit-homme @raynaaxx
#agere#age regression#fandom agere#sturniolo triplets#sfw agere#agere blog#sfw age regression#age regression blog#age regressor#agere classroom#agere caregiver#agere community#age regression community#age regression moodboard#age regression caregiver#agere moodboard#agere little#sfw regression#nate doe#nate doe fanfic#nate doe fic#nate doe fluff#nate doe x reader#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo x you
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