#or 'why was this sorta thing so common' but it doesn't make something Bad for something to Be Old??? like what are you talking about
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ff2-soda-pop · 3 months ago
went into tag of an anime that is Special To Me and literally one of the first posts that isnt just a random photo with "#animecore" "#2000score" "#aesthetic" tags is just someone shit talking the show for "being too sad" and "based on a dating sim" and "its from the 2000s"
#like no you dont Have to like it but also did you have to post your hate in the MAIN TAGS?#also like.... oh no the drama show is dramatic. like yeah idk what you expected. you dont have to like it but also its kinda Known for that#also mad about the 'its based on a dating sim' being like. a whole thing they said to say It's Bad like....... firstly being based on a#specific type of media or Being a specific type of media doesn't make something bad Inherently. like yeah something in that medium can#Be Bad absolutely no question there but it's not inherently bad Because it's that medium yknow?? like im not gonna say all sports games are#shit just because Some sports games are shit yknow?? like yeah dating sims have A Reputation but also i just think 'it was based on#something in one medium so that inherently makes it bad' is a very dumb argument like. okay well they turned it into something thats Not#that medium (and also theres like a Singular romance in the anime so?? like what does it being based on a dating sim really affect here#beyond. idk it was based on that and the other characters still Exist in Some Way) sooo.... like does it Really matter that much#also 'from the 2000s' is an even stupider argument imo like.... man if we just dismissed Everything from the past as 'bad' because its from#the past like... that'd be ridiculous - like sure it may have Moments that show its age but also like. so do a lot of things? and that's no#inherently a flaw? it's just that... it's not as recent! like yeah older media shows its age and sometimes you're like 'why did they do tha#or 'why was this sorta thing so common' but it doesn't make something Bad for something to Be Old??? like what are you talking about#sorry normally I don't get frustrated when I see stuff like this and Talk but also. people being rude in the Main Tags (don't do that!) but#also these arguments are ones that I just think. are not good arguments#like idc that this person didnt like it but i do mind that i had to see this and also that in their post they were like 'dont watch this'#and their reasons as to Why you shouldnt were..... those reasons#like 'its too sad' is a personal opinion and 'its old and based on a specific type of game' isnt really. something that makes it bad
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months ago
Miketrap AU (listen you gotta just trust me on this one) where Michael gets got in the springlock suit on night 4 of Sister Location trust trust trust
What was the Spring Bonnie suit doing at Circus Baby's? Uhhhh, trust it was Williams hiding spot for it or smth
I'd like to think how the actual springlock failure happened is that Lizzie's ghost manifested in front of Michael all like, "Haha! We finally got you now, father!-" only to see that it, in fact, is NOT Father, and just be really confused
Meanwhile, the springlocks are going off on the boy in the suit because he got spooked coz "IS THAT MY DEAD SISTER?!?!?!?-"
And then idk, girl puts the suit with the now-dead Michael in it back in the main control room because someone's bound to come down here and find himmmmm surelyyyyyy.....yerpppp
But I think she would still tell him that he won't truly "die" because she knows that him and her are kinda in the same boat now 😭
And ykw, maybe then boy wakes up feeling all mechanical and stuff and he decides to leave a message for dear old Father--(listen if I was William and a 6ft 300 lbs robot version of my son who I hate and who hates me told me he was going to "come find me" I would start running dawg)
Maybe his time working in FNaF 1 & 6 (and at the end of 2 if you're a fritz = Mike sorta guy) has him wearing an illusion disc so that in the job offer interviews, the interviewer doesn't get spooked by a literal robot in the room with them 😭
Nononono see, and this is why the animatronics go after him--because it would be kinda funny if the disc made him look like regular old Michael, yes, but it puts him in a suit that William would wear back in the hayday of Freddy's 😭
Maybe the same exact suit that he wore under the Springlock suit to...yk 🔪 (something something like the ballpit where the remnant of the suit retains memories and it's projecting onto Michael via the illusion disk)
Oooh wait this just made me realize that this au allows William to be actually alive for most of the FNaF games--which also makes FNaF 3 fun, because if you think Michael's usually the frightguard, in this AU, William could be working there in a nice inverse of fate!
As for Pizza Sim? It would be kind of funny if they just
Made it so Spring Bonnie was an attraction/performer animatronic--so to say Henry was the one mostly doing the Pizza Simming and upgrades and boy was there to....idk stand and look pretty /j
(I also feel like since he and the MCI spirits are on more common ground, he could reason with them quicker--so to say that the fake pizzaria was mostly to lure William in if anything 😭)
Not to jump the gun a bit, but I personally think this makes Glammike funnier--
Picture this, the souls are free but can still linger around the place, William Aftons back, and Michael's spirit needs a way to fix all this--so what does he do?
And what would be infinitely funnier is that even after possessing Glamrock Freddy, anytime boy puts on an illusion disk or manifests his spirit, he's still got on the same William-esc suit on
(Sorry boy, you died in the Bad-Man's suit and your spirit has to remind you of that 😭😭)
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solei-eclipse · 7 months ago
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" Oh, sure! I'd love to talk about everyone! I hope I can remember them right... "
" I request that we make this quick. I have work to attend to. "
-> INNAMORATI (@alien-til-i-stage)
KIOKU: Ah, Inna's a blast! I love spending my mandatory playtime with him! We bounce off each other super well, and I always feel better when we hang out together.
He's a real friendly guy, usually around talking to a bunch of people, even the colder ones. I see him messing around with folks like Macbeth and Jiu on the regular. It's kinda funny! I'm always down for whatever shenanigans he's planning 'cause I know they'll be interesting.
It's easy to forget about all my worries when I play with Inna, which is why I love hanging out with him so much. Also, he's got lovely blue eyes...
JIU: Bothers me while I work. He's quite the pest, though I'd be rude to turn him away. How does he know I like rice...?
-> MACBETH (@alien-til-i-stage)
KIOKU: He's uh... eccentric. Kinda pretentious? I think he's maybe-kinda-sorta got some complexes to work out. He's a handful, to say the least. Inna likes messing around with him, though, which can be pretty fun to watch! Sometimes I do feel bad for him...
JIU: Troublesome... but negotiable.
-> TOKI (@zerostyrant)
KIOKU: Toki's an incredible dancer! The way he moves is so cool! Some other stuff about him is... a little less cool!
He's usually a pretty chill guy, more on the mischievous side, but if I hang out with Inna while he's in the vicinity... stuff starts getting real uncomfortable. A chill runs down my spine. I think Toki likes him, you know... like-like, which is cute! The vibe is kinda off, but still! Cute! I guess?
He can get pretty mean at times. I just hope he doesn't come after me, because I'd really like to learn some dancing from him!
JIU: It's unfortunate to be saddled with such an unruly batch, just watching their mind games is enough to exhaust oneself. I truly do pray for Innamorati and Sebastian's poor souls.
-> YUME (@sotogalmo)
KIOKU: Super funky guy. He kinda seems like he stepped straight out of those cartoons on TV! Acts almost unreal at times...
Something about him is... off though. I get a weird feeling about him sometimes. Almost like he's turning into something else. A doll...
JIU: Strange and disturbing under his facade. The one with the tail.
-> YUMI (@rockwgooglyeyes)
KIOKU: Uh... didn't I just finish talking about them? Huh? This is a different person? ... Oh, right! Sorry! Yu-me, Yu-mi...
Yumi is nice! Though I don't talk to her a lot, and she doesn't seem like the outgoing type. She's usually around Asahi, though, and that's where she seems happiest! She's quiet and doll-like... and shes got pretty eyes. Like Inna's!
JIU: I understand her. One of the few students I can truly tolerate.
-> SEBASTIAN (@sotogalmo)
KIOKU: Oh, that's the guy! Jeez, he can't ever seem to catch a break. Always getting picked on... He's got wit and some hidden spunk, but he prefers to play dead rather than to directly fight back.
JIU: Always caught up in a chase... yet another I have to watch out for.
-> ISLA (@nottoonedin)
KIOKU: Isla seems super fancy, and super popular! She's got a bunch of admirers, but she also seems kinda uncomfortable about it? I wonder why she keeps putting up with them... she seems a little exhausted at times. I hope she's okay.
JIU: A very refined lady. Pleasant, quiet company. We're quite similar in certain aspects, so I can't help but pity her a little. I know what it's like.
-> MONICA (@nottoonedin)
KIOKU: She seems really fun! I wonder why she's on her own most of the time? Doesn't she have any other friends? I thought she was friends with Isla, but Isla seems to have a different circle...
That's pretty sad. I imagine it'd hurt a lot if someone you used to be best friends with acted like they didn't know you anymore...
JIU: Pitiful in her own way. They're a pitiful pair. Yet another thing we have in common...
-> YVONNE (@aakaneeee)
KIOKU: Oof, she's kinda... intense. And not even in the normal way, either. She's always hanging around that one guy... What was his name again? The mousy one.... It's like she revolves around him. Kinda weird! Like Toki. But hey, who am I to judge? Humans... we'd hold onto anything that might give us the will to keep moving forward.
JIU: ...I am greatly ashamed to admit that I understand her. I'd rather not elaborate.
-> ELIANA (@aakaneeee)
KIOKU: I don't talk to her a lot, but she's got a really pretty voice! I get a little shy around her because I think she's so cool...
JIU: A reasonable individual. I appreciate that thoroughly in an environment as ridiculous as this one.
-> CINNABAR (@apriciticreveries)
KIOKU: Doesn't really talk to a lot of people except for that one girl with the special eyes... She seems stressed a lot of the time. Something about her resonates with me, though I'm not sure why...
JIU: Fearful. Poor, pitiful thing. Her circumstances are all too familiar.
-> ASAHI (@apriciticreveries)
KIOKU: Lady Cupid! Haha, I wanted to ask her about my romance fortunes just for the funsies, but I haven't built up the courage yet. She seems pretty icy, so going up to her takes a lot of guts on my part.
JIU: Reserved. A quality I can appreciate. Are those matchmaking fortunes true...?
-> ZHULI (@apriciticreveries)
KIOKU: Err... Who's that again? The announcer? Wait, which one? Like, the red one or-- oh, okay! Thanks! And sorry.
I don't see her around often... she's usually in different classes with the other guy. I like her look, though! It's really unique!
JIU: One of the two special students. The more tolerable half, to be frank. She's fine.
-> FAISAL (@rockwgooglyeyes)
KIOKU: Oh, this is the red one.
Faisal is cool to me! He seems like a wild type of person! He acts really friendly most of the time, but sometimes when he's on his own he looks pretty subdued. I wonder why?
He's still a really good announcer! Definitely a standout voice.
JIU: The other one. I understand the importance of keeping up appearances, but I'd find him more tolerable if he dropped the act.
-> JULIET (@cirrusoftheclouds)
KIOKU: She's so beautiful...! How could she be real?! Like a true princess from a storybook, or maybe a noble lady.
When I first saw her, I was so distracted that I fell into the river by accident. It was worth it, though, because she looked at me! What a gaze... she's the type that people would fight battles for (well, I would).
I think I might've hit my head when I fell into the river, because her eyes were the last thing I remembered before waking up on the riverside. Blue eyes... she has such beautiful blue eyes. I always remember blue eyes. I can't remember anything else, though...
They must have been hers, right? She must have saved me from the river! She's always so kind to me, calling me her lady and all... how dreamy! She's a knight and a lady rolled into one... Ah, but I can't leave this debt unpaid! From here on out, I'll have to protect her! I'll be your knight too, my lady...!
JIU: ...
( JIU, upon hearing KIOKU's thoughts on JULIET:
Well, it's not like I didn't bring this upon myself. Still... I think I'm going to be sick. )
-> YAEL (@lookatmysillies)
KIOKU: I like him! I heard about his almost-drowning incident, and it made me wanna approach him. I know what that feels like.
Yael's super nice! I'm not really sure why some kids find him weird. He's always been really kind to me, and I do my best to help him with whatever he needs (especially since his health worries me a lot. I'll try my hardest to look after him and Nene!). He always says stuff like,"you're an angel!" haha, what a sweetheart!
JIU: An incredibly concerning individual. Must be monitored.
-> MENTHA (@rosedeleca)
KIOKU: Super cool! Mentha's got a lot of energy, so playing with him means I get to go all out! We like to race a lot, sometimes I win and sometimes he does! The result isn't always the same, which makes things extra fun! Whenever I run up to him for a race, my first thought is: " I wonder who's gonna win today? "
He's usually around another guy... ah, what's his name again...?
-> AMBROSIA (@rosedeleca)
KIOKU: Amber... Br... Ambrosia? Oh! Thanks for reminding me! Mentha and Ambrosia go everywhere together! It's never one without the other! They're always fighting and stuff, it gets super intense sometimes. In the good way!
I really like his hair! His headscarf is kinda the same color as Mentha's hair, which I find really cute! I wonder if that was on purpose? reminds me a little of my hairtie, though I'm not sure why.
JIU: Rowdy, almost always sparring... these two will be difficult to manage.
-> ASUKA (@rockwgooglyeyes)
KIOKU: I love hanging out with Asuka! He's got a knack for finding shiny little trinkets, and he gives me a bunch! I'll cherish anything that's been given to me, and it makes me really happy that Asuka thinks I'm worthy of all these little gifts.
He told me that he kinda sucked at dancing, so whenever we have the time I try and run him through some stretches and exercises to loosen up. Helps a little more with coordination, too! His sister Isla is already a great dancer, but I think Asuka can be an awesome dancer in his own way. He's just gotta find his own style!
JIU: Quite different from his sister. Lacks refinement and class. And good lord, those rips on his uniform are an utter travesty. He must be issued a new pair.
-> WREN (@ivanttakethis)
KIOKU: I like Wren! We haven't interacted a lot, but she's pretty outgoing and friendly. I love her hair, it's like the color of a star burning at its brightest.
There's an older girl from 39 that she seems to talk to (and about) quite a bit. They look really similar!
JIU: She's fine. Capable of handling herself.
-> NENE (@shenenenigans)
KIOKU: My dear friend Nene! She's really sick, so she's in the infirmary a lot. I like to deliver her worksheets and other stuff over there sometimes. Anything to be of help to her, really. I also just love visiting Nene because she always greets me with a big hug!
When she's out of there, though, we get to have some real fun! I carry her around on my back so she can get some fresh air without tiring herself. I think seeing more of the outside world is really important for the heart, so I wanna show her as often as possible.
Nene is a fantastic storyteller, too! I love listening to the worlds she conjures up, especially the one with the girl who was saved by a dragon... agh, why couldn't they stay together in the end?! Nene!
JIU: A sickly girl, she must be monitored. I have to make sure she's alright.
-> ZOUHA (@minori-dash)
KIOKU: One of the coolest people I've ever met! They can swordfight! Isn't that awesome?! How does someone even start doing that?
JIU: A highly respectable individual. I admire their resolve and fortitude.
KIOKU: Oh. Right, of course he'd come up eventually, haha...
JIU: ...
....I really must get back to work. Please excuse me.
KIOKU: Err... could I maybe answer another time?
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year ago
Routine and Not yet for Hideout or Fools Rush In Steve :)
Love this mini series/ask thing you got going on. I ADORE the way you write Steve.
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Oh. OH. THIS might break me. Oh daaaammmmnnn. But...but...AT WHAT POINT IN TIME ARE WE TALKING ABOUT???
[Younglings, you poor things, I promise to write something for you soon, but this too is MINORS DNI. The prompt is from this dirty ask game.]
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Ya know, I think the two Steebs actually have a lot in common (although Fools is way in the future after his Nomad era) when it comes to being deprived of time with his partner--Nomad because he's still a fugitive, and Sketch after he was 'dead' and gone for three months--so maybe they develop similarly? Fools Rush In Steve, however, has been with Keeps for years by then, while Hideout Steve has barely begun to really get to know Tops.
R - Routine
No matter how I think about it, Hideout Steve can't really have a routine. He just has to make due with the random times he's around with reader at the motel. He can't really plan that, and it becomes more dangerous the more he tries to plan because it's somewhere where someone else (people looking for him) would know he'd be. He can't make promises. I think it eats him up inside, but he can't.
Now! Also no matter how I think it through, Sketch would likely only schedule sex to either avoid or take advantage of your cycle. Like if you're trying for kids, then yeah, he'll use all the basal temperature and ovulation monitoring apps in the fucking world. You can wear the stupid watch thing and just point at him when it's time or something. For sure. He can work like that. When duty calls, right?
Not on birth control for a while but not looking to get pregnant? Yeah, he can wait. F.R.I. Steve has just unbelievable control in that department, aided in no small part by immense guilt for how long it took him to come out of his shell and be physically open with you.
He has his spontaneous moments--more and more the longer you two are together,--but he still gets stuck in his head a lot.
N - Not Yet
I don't see Steve Rogers from any universe ever telling his partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under any circumstance. That just seems cruel, and he wouldn't do it. At very least, it would be for no longer than the time it takes him to set something up, like lighting candles or drawing a bath or setting up a sex swing, idk, just not long.
Steve's the type of man who would tell you to let him know every time you want to touch yourself or do touch yourself. That is...really great for him. He would also turn beet red at how frequently you let him know that, but he ain't gonna stop ya.
Hideout Steve--it's no secret--he needs to work on his own orgasm control. He's really overwhelmed very quickly, and the battle is sorta half-come-as-much-as-possible until his tolerance for stimulation tapers off and half-train-him/himself-by-edging.
All I know is a frustrated Steeb is a sexy Steeb, people.
If you don't believe me, welp, too fucking bad, I'm the writer. 😏
FRI Steve would need a lot of direction in terms of what the point of orgasm delay or orgasm denial is. In his mind...just why?? It's not as if it doesn't take a decent amount of time to get you both to your ends? It's not like he skips over foreplay? Why then would you be a jerk about or prolong a perfectly good love-making? (If you don't know this, Sketch is still very limited in his dirty vocabulary. His actions have evolved exponentially, but under zero circumstances--not even torture--will that man ever refer to your, or anyone else's, genitalia as a 'pussy.' I have pitched a tent near a stream on that hill; I am not leaving unless in a coffin.)
We have established, I believe, in both universes, that Steve Rogers enjoys begging in the bedroom. Very much. He doesn't overdue it. He's not mean about getting it from you. He just doesn't mind begging for himself and certainly doesn't mind hearing you beg.
The end. No delays lol.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
A/N: Okay, good news: I didn't die inside as much as I thought I would. Hope you still like it though!
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raining-tulips · 1 year ago
hi! i just found your blog :) love your commonplace book scans! if you don’t mind me asking, could you give a more in-depth explanation of what commonplacing is exactly and what your process is? i’m intrigued and considering getting into it but i wouldn’t even know where to start! thanks a lot xx
Absolutely! So my commonplace is specifically all movies, qoutes, articles, tumblr/Instagram posts, book excerpts, etc. that either resonated with me or I think I'll want to reference later. That is the heart of what common placing is - saving things for later physically rather than digitally.
Some of these just pop up in my feed, and I'll hit the like or save button. If it's an article, it usually first pops up as a preview on my Instagram and I'll open the full article on my desktop than bookmark it in a specific folder for common placing.
Sometimes, when I want to actively find something out (say, about if perfume is really bad for the environment, or I want to look at author interviews because I just loved a book) I will go out and search for that information.
Then, usually once a week I compile everything I'd like to print - i print the sources bc my handwriting is messy - into a word document formatted for two columns. I try and hold off printing until i have a full page worth, or two full page worth.
For images, I have another word document (these are printed in color, and i usually have to jigsaw to fit as many images on the page as possible, so different word document). Same thing, I try and wait until I have a full page to print. Usually x2 a month. I sometimes will print with an HP sprocket but the quality is really bad and the pictures are thick so, it's for when I'm out of printer ink or I think a photo will look okay with a sorta...uneven look.
I use just a Staples brand journal, TruRed. Cheap and easy. I draw a line at the top so I can write the date, and in the future if I want to tag it with a colored sticker or something, I can. My layouts usually include divided space on either the left or right of a page. The article goes in the bigger open space, and then the source (always write your source!!) and any commentary goes in the smaller margins.
Commentary is usually why I wanted to print it, what it reminds me of or makes me think about, etc. What I think the argument was missing, etc. Can be as little or as much as you like. As emotional and deep or as plain-jane as you like. There are no rules!
I trim printed text and images with a 12 inch trimmer bc I've got wobbly hands, but some people just use a little (blanking on the name) exacto knife? Any 12 inch trimmer will do mine is expensive but I also scrapbook so I use it all the time.
I paste things in using a tape runner (again, because I scrapbook and found a tape runner and my mom sells scrapbook supplies they're very accessible to me). Some people use tape, washi tape, glue sticks (liquid glue I've never seen).
And yeah, then I just decorate and play around. It doesn't have to be pretty. It can be really pretty if you want - I'm motivated by aesthetics, so, I like mine to be a little pretty.
If you'd like to see how I actually put it together and why I print certain things, my YouTube channel is the place to go.
Some people tape in movie tickets, receipts from where they shopped or ate, pictures from daily life. Some people mix common-placing and journaling, so including diary entries about their day or about a topic they love, or their thoughts and feelings (I keep mine in a separate journal, explained in this video). Some people mix common-placing with bullet journal or planning. Some combine all three!
At the end I just use a printer scanner (HP Envy 5500, cheap) and post them online that way bc I love the look.
People who have other styles you might try and look at are @petite-gloom (an OG who inspired me and many others) @fakelavender , @teddybearsticker .
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hrodvitnon · 11 months ago
Lately, I've been noticing that people are comparing MV Godzilla to Doomguy and a cat. It's funny because there's one thing all three of them got in common: people misunderstanding them as violent and angry jerks who hate everything, when that just isn't the case at all.
It's also an unfortunate trend I've been noticing, and now Godzilla's getting mischaracterized to hell and back as a dumb, angry, and violent brute by these people after GvK and GxK, especially on Twitter. In worst cases, I've even seen them say that Godzilla shouldn't be a sympathetic character at all, and that he doesn't need to be because Kong's already there, and as everyone knows, mammals are supposedly "more" sympathetic and relatable than reptiles are. Even though these are all fictional characters at the end of the day, and if so many works can make you sympathize with dragons, non-humanoid robots, and even a literal talking tree-man, among many other non-human and non-mammalian characters, then what's stopping you from doing the same thing to a big nuke lizard?
Also, they act as if Godzilla has never been sympathetic in any of his previous movies before. As if the original Gojira movie, most Showa era movies, Return of Godzilla and Heisei era as a whole, Kiryu Saga (though that applies more to Kiryu himself), and even MV Godzilla's own solo movies and in Legacy of Monsters magically don't exist to these people.
(Apologies for the sorta rant there, but this is really disheartening to see. Even Matt Frank himself has joined in with saying that MV Godzilla is a jerkface and that's all what he should be.)
As if we need another reason to avoid the Wretched Hive of Media Illiteracy and Bad Takes! But if it's any consolation, this house/blog is a MV Godzilla Support Zone: We know why Godzilla behaves the way he does, and he's just as sympathetic as Kong is. Have I made the Doomguy comparison myself? Yes, but only in jest and in response to a meme that also compares Kong and Suko to Kratos and Atreus. (Y'know, from that franchise about a guy who gets angry and kills gods; the guy who, according to old memes, would see stale bread as grounds for deicide; there's a lot more to the guy than that, but not to anyone who thinks "Kratos having nuance is boring" and are so allergic to water that they won't even touch the surface of an iceberg video.) I know how to make a joke and have the required media literacy to understand there's more to these characters than surface-level dumbfuckery.
Godzilla is like Doomguy in the sense that he loves something soft and fluffy (Daisy/Mothra) and will go through bloody hell to save the world; they both harbor scars physical and mental. He is also like cats in that he may bite and scratch, but he is subtle in showing his trust. His story may not have the found family angle like Kong, but Godzilla is still a big grumpy lizard with soulful emotional eyes who saves the world and loves his moth wife very much. Anyone says otherwise, I've got a bridge to sell them.
(Matt Frank, you better be trolling or I will be very disappointed and not reblog any of your art for a while.)
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kiawren · 7 months ago
Does anyone want to ask me anything about my spidersona lion spider PLEASE. I am cursed with constant thoughts of him and his world but I Cannot draw it. Okay you don't have to ask but if you want you can read this becuz my brain is full of him.
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AOUGH okay I ended up typing some info I thought of the past few days. I still haven't settled on his name becuz he's a self insert and I want to name him Wren but I also want to name him something that has more of the character's essence...
Pre spider bite:
He introduces that (though he's Chinese,) he sucks at studying, he can't play instruments and he's not even athletic. He's introverted, likes animals and he likes to draw (Becuz he's basically me) and tries to find and draw them around the city. He tried to join a lion troupe/the club in his school but got rejected cuz he's essentially talentless for them 😭
On the way home he spots a poster at a shophouse for those who are interested in making lion heads to go upstairs. He ends up learning from the old man there, and enjoying it a lot as it's a way to give life to the art form without participating in the performances itself.
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His city & some characters
It's modern and urban and has lots of Chinese and other Southeast Asian architecture. It's sorta based on Singapore too which is where the building in the second drawing above is from anyway. Imagine a spiderverse world with lots of shophouses, pagodas, temples, mosques.. They're the heights of skyscrapers. There are only fragmented and rare plots of nature within such a city.
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Animals are rare, more common are mythologised ones such as the Chinese guardian lions, and the Naga and Garuda in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, which is what he mentions in his introduction without knowing some of the villians he'll face later are based off these figures. The lions can shift forms between sand and stone, the Naga figure is doc ock and the Garuda green goblin. Yes in mythology they're not evil and that's why they're probably working for alchemax and kingpin before becoming allies later (at least the lions becuz... Kitty...) but I haven't figured it all out yet...
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His friend organises shadow puppetry performances twice weekly at a community theatre. This friend later becomes black cat but lion spider doesn't know that at first.
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The shows are very popular and of their shows the most popular is the one of Spider-man, a hero who is bitten by a spider. ...... He always joked it was silly but when it happened to him... 😐
Lion spider
The lion dance head shophouse was next to alchemax I suppose. Their spider escaped and made webs in the heads and alchemax sent a bad guy to find it. Except it already bitten lion spider days before. So uh I think the mentor guy got killed (uncle Ben moment) and lion spider fought back by wearing the lion dance head and beat him with his newfound strength. It felt nice to take the form of lion dance and he gained a confidence in doing so. So he decided to incorporate it into the spider-man figure from then on.
It's also good that he didnr officially join any troupe becuz I think lion dance is kind of a big thing in their city and many troupes compete annually in some lion dance competition. And everyone was like ooook whichever troupe member is absent is lion spider. And then all the members were there. while a villian showed up during the crowded competition and lion spider was also there.
He took one of the heads among the chaos and gave a performance defeating the villian yay! The sad thing is he never really got to dance with a partner. Although he knows the steps he only ever practiced on his own.
the ATSV friends + kiawren
This universe has no Kiawe but he eventually makes friends with the Spiderverse characters (not Miguel he also doesn't like him) and hangs out with them. I guess he's a part of spider society but pretends not to know about the seriousness of the canon stuff (Hobie told him about it) and just isnt there in the drama like how Pavitr wasn't.
There's a Kiawe spider-man!! I did draw a bit of his vague design I had in mind before. (which is inspired by polynesian face tattoos and his role as a fire dancer like his original character)
They have a milesgwen romance except not the narrative angst. They bond over their traditional dances and being trans guys. THERE'S A LOT. OF PINING. The yearning to visit each other, the wondering how they're doing in their daily lives in their respective worlds, wanting to show them something in theirs, THE FIRST TIME THEY SAW EACH OTHER'S FACE.
Kiawe isn't really in the friend group, he just spends time with lion spider. So when the latter is with the atsv friend group they keep teasing him and trying to match them on spider society missions.
Also, Kiawe's world has a lot of natural wonders (Volcanoes, oceans, forests) and lion spider loves it so much he sorta tears up seeing it the first time he visits becuz his world doesn't have these things.
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softcitrus2345 · 1 year ago
Hello! This may sound a bit weird, but do you have any advice or recommendations on getting into this niche? I've kind of been watching from afar on several blogs, and I really want to try and test the waters! But I'm not really sure how to go about it, and I'm super scared that I'll end up just talking to a brick wall, having my mutuals find out, or have people ridicule me :')
Thank you for any and all help - I love your art!! Been hanging around for a while now and the progress you've made is so cool
- Clueless Anon
Oh I totally getcha! That's not a weird question at all! /gen /pos
Starting out with this kinda thing is really difficult, I know from experience. It took me months to hype myself up enough to even create this blog, let alone start posting on it, and I had (and still kinda do) those same fears you expressed, they're all very valid but hopefully what I share can help a bit with making your experience more manageable :3
The information I'll share here consists of opinions based on my personal experience posting on this blog, and getting into the belly kink community in general
I'll break it up into steps from what I sorta did when I started out so it makes a bit more sense.
STRUCTURE YOUR BLOG - Make an introduction post with general information about what to expect from your blog, and some other information about yourself if you want to. I like to include a few other things like some of my hard boundaries and leave it as a PINNED POST so that anyone who comes across your account will see this information
BLOCK YOUR MUTUALS - I have the same exact fear of being "found out" by people im close to or just know outside of this space, so once you set up the bare essentials on your blog, look for your mutuals accounts and block them. If you think a mutual of yours might have a blog but you're not sure, ask them! (Something I did was I asked my mutuals to send me their blogs so I could check them out when in reality it was so I could do this exact thing) Don't see blocking as something inherently malicious or bad, it's just a protective measure and a way to curate your experience on the internet in a way that is comfortable for you!
INTERACT WITH YOUR FELLOW ARTISTS! - I know it may not seem like something super important, but interacting with other artists is a very good way to establish yourself in the community, reblogging, tagging and replying to posts you like with nice comments have the potential for others to check out your blog or interact with you as well! I got lucky enough that I found similar communities outside of Tumblr beforehand, but it's still an effective way to get yourself out there and seen!
START POSTING! - Besides my intro post, my first post was something that I wanted to curate in a way that would encourage conversation. I shared several of my ocs that I planned on posting here and some basic information about them, and opened up asks! It's always gonna be a pretty slow start, but as long as you put the time into your work and are passionate about what you want to share, people will find your stuff! It's hard sometimes, especially when comparing yourself to others is such a common thing for people to deal with (including myself sometimes) but everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Starting out anywhere is difficult in itself, but with things like this that are more sensitive subjects for people, I completely understand your uncertainty and nervousness about sharing this kind of content online. But as long as you're not hurting anyone or sharing harmful content, I don't see why people should be so stinky about others just trying to explore different parts of themselves and their interests.. Kinks shouldn't inherently be seen as something to be ashamed of just because someone doesn't understand it. I've been lucky enough to have close friends in this community who have helped me become more comfortable with myself and with sharing my chonky art, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.
I'm flattered you came to me for advice, I hope some of that can help you on your journey, and thank you for sticking around for so long, it means a lot to have your support ;;w;; 💖
I hope things go well for you! I'm cheering you on anon!!
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22degreehalo · 11 months ago
The more I think about it the more I'm just. obsessed with aroace Yuno!!!!
Like c'mon... 'The wanted wanting the wanter /isn't that just too perfect?' She's not doing this compensated dating because she needs the money or has any huge past trauma, there's something else attracting her: it's that normal relationships feel so fake and dishonest (meanwhile even if her clients get feelings for her, it's not her fault because she was upfront that this is a transactional thing) and with these types she can have full control of what goes on and when and where and why!!!
Which is Also making me think of. Complicated slightly fucked up Yuno+Kazui friendship.
And FIRST OF ALL I'm. very new to this fandom and haven't read Most of the drama CDs hahahaha so this is just my first impression BUT
so she approaches him early (i have no idea if any of this is canon im sso sorry this is just what I want. right now.) because guys like him are common clients (either bc they're divorced and lonely or want to feel young again or whatever) but he's just easygoing abt it but Firm No. ('I'm old enough to be your father.' 'Haha, yeah? Isn't that the point?') And genuinely doesn't seem interested which is kinda annoying but whatever.
So she kinda tries or or two approaches with him, like playing the more sexy role of her second MV, but still he's not giving Anything back At All, and honestly it's weird that she's even trying this hard? Normally it's the other way around??? Like it's not like he can even pay her in here so.
She stews a bit and wonders if she does genuinely have feelings for him finally which'd be both annoying and a relief, and honestly it just Fits that that'd be how these things go lmao that she finally has real legit feelings for a guy with no interest in her. (And Mahiru is probably super excited about it bc this is early when she's still perky and happy and wanting to push them together.)
Maybe at some point Kazui does admit that he feels lonely without someone physically there with him to touch and be close to. So Yuno finally gets him to lie in her lap or vice versa or whatever. But it feels sorta weird. And he gets a bit somber. And wonders aloud if this is what it would've been like to have a daughter.
And she just. Gets up and leaves.
She's had guys say stuff like that before. Sometimes cause they pitied her and wanted to 'save her', which was frustrating, and she'd cut them off immediately. Usually because it was some kinda fucked-up incest roleplay, which she enjoyed; more than most roleplays, actually. The sweet lovey-dovey rps are okay but kinda false and make her feel weirdly guilty; the more messed up ones, she can relax in. Fucked up familial relationships, fucked up romantic relationships: what's the difference?
But Kazui actually meant it. No ulterior sexual or compassionate motives.
She apologises later saying that it's because they never hashed out their red flags or what the scene would be about, but she's the professional here and she didn't make sure that happened so it's her bad. And he just seems to accept that, and says he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries. And seems to mean it.
There's some commonality between them. A willingness to hold themselves back. To not talk about things that people don't want to talk about. This dance of fake affection, until it's impossible to tell what one's true feelings are anymore.
She likes having her relationships set out in clear words, without the actual emotional honesty of having to delve into her own psyche. But now she sort of wants to share things with him, and she has no idea what to do with that. And on his side, he senses some similar circumstances between them, but he still isn't yet able to be honest about what he knows about himself deep down. But maybe if he was, he could talk to her.
There's some talk abt sex among the prisoners. These two are expected to have the most experience, but she's kinda like 'sex is okay. It feels good and it's a means to an end.' And he's weirdly mysterious about it all but claims that his perspective is closest to hers, which confuses everyone else.
And............somehow from that they end up being able to have a conversation about Not Wanting What Society Wants You To Want and the weird relationships you have with all that and the ways you do or don't get what you Actually want, an d it's all very good and meaningful but idk I haven't thought that far yet hahahaha that's as far as I got before I had to type it all up :')))
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darksideofthemoonbot · 10 months ago
Sorry Khorne fans, but for me he is last of the big four. That doesn't mean I don't like him, love all the chaos gods, but here's why. Unlike my Nurgle and Tzeentch explanations, this will be a bit heavier like my Slaanesh.
Khorne is a lawnmower. There's something satisfying at times to the simplicity of, lets go with Kharneth, I like that name better. Something delightfully simple to screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD" and going to hit something with a sharp piece of metal. Its almost therapeutic sometimes.
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Also, as he cares not from whence the blood flows, Kharneth is thus clearly the god of [menstruation joke goes here]. And yes, I am... familiar with the Leman Russ quote. Though in a way I sorta do want a Norscan slang to be "the time of the hound".
Completely unrelated, I promise, but also Valkia the Bloody. A lot of love for a queen who gets told she's been selected as a Slaanesh daemon prince for concubinisation, and answers by killing him and marching into chaos to deliver his head to Kharneth personally.
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Khorne is a lawnmower. Much fun as it is to skull for yon skull throne, I can find Kharneth a bit one-note in that respect. Which isn't bad exactly but tends to make him better in measured doses, you know? I like variety over the long haul.
Here's where it gets heavy. Like Slaanesh, I relate to Kharneth well. Unlike Slaanesh, it is not a mixed bag of good and bad. It is just bad. It is parts of me I do not like.
Among my mental/emotional concerns for which I get medication and therapy is anger. Not strong enough a word. Rage. Fury. Berserkergang perhaps.
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Times where the world has become a long red tunnel with ThingsThatNeedToDie™️ at the other end. The strength is unbelievable, though I pay for it after. And I don't just mean raw physical force. The absolute purity of purpose in such a rage is the greatest clarity I have ever experienced.
And that is a bad thing.
It is like an addiction. It may well be one, but I am not a biochemist so I won't conjecture. All it causes is harm and the sublime clarity doesn't last beyond the fit of rage. I miss it. I shouldn't but I do. And I have started trying to direct it in healthier ways. Promoting justice, if there is such a thing, or perhaps more accurately fighting injustices. Turning the furnace of anger toward productive ends.
That, however, leads me to the even less useful and harder to justify emotion I relate to with Kharneth: hate. Unlike the conflagration of fury, hate is the bitter coals that endlessly hunger for spiteful destruction.
I have stared into the abyss of hate. In some areas I have fallen into it. Most notably misandristic thinking. I hated men. Another trauma response, given who has hurt me in the past. And I know that it is wrong, I have made real progress with it. Unlike anger, I do not miss it. It is seductive, offering clear and simple answers to complex issues. "X is bad" with no other qualifiers can be unbelievably tempting in some cases. Complex is troubling, while simple is easier. Hate is so much easier than understanding. But I do not miss it. The toxic fumes from those ever-smoking coals is poisonous to mind, body, spirit, and society.
It is not rage, it is contempt. It is spite and venom. A desire to see something ruined or destroyed, not out of passion, but out of bile. And my susceptibility for it is a part of myself I really do not like. But to mention my fibromyalgia again: it is easy to hate the world when the world causes you nothing but pain.
Understanding is counter to hate, maybe not perfectly but I found it helps. After I was assaulted a few years back by a hired driver, I was aware how easy it would be to fall into hate because of that. So I threw myself into learning about his religion. Harder to paint all adherents of a faith badly when I knew more about it, was my thinking. It worked. I even gained an appreciation for the art common in that belief system, that I had not known about before, and learned some interesting history. Which helped me remember: it is not all of a demographic, it may be too much of a demographic, but not all. He was just a jackass.
Sorry to end the big four on a heavy note y'all. Here's a picture of cathartic destruction.
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fandoomrants · 8 months ago
Tua, season 4, ep 2 thoughts.
Again. Spoilers.
-Okay, so Ben did return them their powers! Expected it when he made them drink but then thought he didn't do it.
-I did not need to see Luther all hairy in only thong....
-Wtf is wrong with Lila?!
-Oh, Klaus didn't drink!
-Hmm, did he accidentally spill the thing over Ben and that's why he has these tails?!
-Also, this time it's not from his stomach, it seems.
-So, are they powers all messed up now?! I think the thing that Ben somehow blasted looks like what the girl from the Sparrows could do, with the hallucinations. Or it could be just, yk, inl because of the tentacles.
-Wait. Is what Lila doing with her eyes another power of the girl that could control birds could do while she had eyes?!
-Oops. Realised I don't remember half of the Sparrow's names :/
-Knew I should have rewatched.
-The rest are right to be angry, tbh.
-So many people calling Ben Benjamin this season 😅😅
-"the Klaus Claire likes" 🥹🥹🥹 I somewhat expected him to be suddenly super aware of being mortal but I still think he's a bit odd. Love him anyway.
-Oh, nooo. I was eatinggg. Why did this thing with Ben had to happen now?! 😔😔😔
-So they were mentioning the Jennifer thing before but now the name doesn't seem to ring a bell. I guess it's a pretty common name, thoo.
-Are they all sick? I'll stop eating, just in case...
-Oh, no, I wasn't expecting Baby Shark....
-Somehow makes sense, thoo. All my friends with children have it play on repeat at home....
-Klaus losing his mind and Victor just going off or whatever he does when everyone started getting sick in the car. I mean, legit. 💀💀💀💀💀💀
-Diego is somehow the "mum friend (brother)", I didn't expect it but wow.
-Oh, yeah, Diego totally thinks Lila is cheating. But didn't get it's Five?
-Five saying good things about Lila ❤️
-Ben being totally done after he's responsible 😬😬
-Klaus calling him "Benerino" again!
-Not Diego wearing that suit again.
-Oh, wow. Ben telling someone else their attitude sucks? The audacity....
-Also this woman's name tag saying sth else but why do I think this is Jennifer??
-Allison and Victor being so awkward...
-Kinda love what Victor said to her.
-I hope that's not Diego's idea for Christmas presents 💀💀
-Oh, okay, Klaus hadn't changed that much...
-Wait, as far as I know the Tarot card for death is actually not a bad omen? It meant new begining or something. (Unless my tarot reading friend was just saying it to make me feel at ease, lol.)
-"SparrowBit" 💀
-Ok, so it's not Jennifer. Unless she lying?
-Are their powers sorta failing them?
-Ummm, what's suddenly going on with all the people?
-I feel like Five's gonna get into some trouble.
-What's actually going on?!?
-Okkk, knew the subway can't be trusted. (Actually knew that one for years now)
-Lila and Diego fighting while being in the middle of getting shot at. 😅 They really are a family.
-Wow. That thing Diego did was so cool!
-He kinda shot lots of people but...
-Yay, Lila's laser eyes worked!
-Oh, ok, so this is Jennifer. (Or is it?)
-Yeah, ok, soo I was right about Rosie.
-What?!? No. No. Just nooo!!!!! Klaussss, noooooooooooo!!!!!!
-I hope how's the time they show that him being immortal was because God kicked him out, not because of his powers, or I swear-
-Ew, that thing Ben did was as.... Both gross and cool.
-They just abandoned the rest? Doesn't matter, Klaus is dying!
-Can't Allison rumour these people?
-Not that song again....
-Ok, good. That's how they'll bring Klaus's powers back. More important is, he's not gonna die.
-What was this hand touching??
-Ughhh. Gene and Jean.
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maroonghoul · 3 months ago
Ranking of all the Christmas Horror Movies I’ve seen (as of 2024)
I'm sorry I never finished summer of slashers. Real life got in the way.
At least I can update this for the year.
43.Nekrotronic- This probably shouldn't even count. Sure, it's got horror elements (zombies, demons, ghosts) but it doesn't try anything scary with them. It's more of a stupid action comedy most of the time.
Literally the only part of this that even has anything to do with Christmas is one scene when at the villains board meeting where she has her human underlings wear Santa hats...for some reason. Do we even confirm if this was set at Christmas? I can see why it would be, but I don't remember anyone actually saying it. I might have lost track.
Yeah, it's at the bottom because it's neither scary or festive. But it was kinda entertaining. For what a cheap genre film from Australia could be. It didn't make me angry.
42.Alien Raiders
41.Anna & the Apocalypse
40.Better Watch Out
39.Good Tidings
38. Silent Night, Bloody Night- So even Black Christmas wasn't the first holiday slasher, huh? Actually, this is more of a giallo, given the cast and tropes, but it's got the body count.
This movie is way more about mood and dread then actually characters to latch onto, for better or worse. Once again, it uses the "dangerous mental patient" trope I don't care for, especially for a critical bit of the backstory that's motivating the killing in the movie's present day. But I sorta give it points over Good Tidings in that we're told it about it rather then seeing it, and the source of exposition isn't too reliable anyway. Plus, it's a bit impressive that some of these patients seemed to have integrated back into society without murdering anyone else, so there's that.
37.The Wolf of Snow Hollow
36.The Mothman Prophecies-Assuming you're someone who doesn't know anything about the Mothman of Point Pleasant urban legend, like I was before seeing this movie, you would think this a creature feature. In actuality, this has more in common with The Dead Zone then say, Cujo. With a dash of cosmic horror given these predictions are coming from something definitely not human but whose true morality is unknown.
It's low because it's a story that's more concerned with existential horror then any other. Dealing with an unjust and nonsensical world and chasing something that might provide answers but only raising worse questions. What a fun thing to match with the holiday season.
I suppose the lack of satisfaction is the point, but then it just makes it look like the movie ends without a clear point. Maybe they should have gotten David Fincher to help with that.
35.Jack Frost
34.I Trapped the Devil
33.Slay Belles
31.The Advent Calendar
30 Silent Night, Deadly Night V: The Toymaker killer toys plus Rankin Bass's own Santa Claus, Mickey Rooney, in a villainous role? sounds fun.
In fact hot take, but killer toys makes way more sense as a weapon of choice for a killer Santa to me then an axe. I never got the axe. Is it connected to firewood? The toys are pretty cool too. Make me think this was more what Puppet Master 1 was going to be like.
Okay, actually the bad Santa in this movie is the deadbeat baby daddy who can't just approach the mom like a normal person because we need a red herring and something to pad out the film.
And Mickey's not even the final boss too. (His character's called Joe Petto. Meant as foreshadowing but comes off as something much darker then just about anything else) That'd be his android/mannequin son. You can keep your poohinverse Pinocchio horror movie. THIS is what Pinocchio as a horror movie should be like. A man-child of a puppet who uses his fellow toys to murder to get what he thinks he's owed. Could've done without him dry humping his desired "mommy".
So yeah, bottom line, little scary things works well for Christmas.
28.All the Creatures were Stirring
26.The Lodge
25.Black Christmas (2019)
23. A Nasty Piece of Work Not entirely sure what trying to get a promotion at work has to do with Christmas, but being stiffed your bonus and wanting to tell your out-of-touch boss how you really feel; the Clark Griswolds in all of us are pretty sure.
This is a fun, mean movie where you come away not liking anyone on purpose. Everyone has sold their soul in some capacity if not before the movie then certainly at the end. It's a bit cathartic.
Also, It's interesting seeing how this movie handles the reaction to the murder of a CEO at the end, especially given current events. Sweep it under the rug, not even the fellow executives are broken up at all at his passing? Everyone moves on? Ouch, guys. And no, being a literal girlboss solves nothing!
22.Red Snow
20. The Sacrifice Game - Like if The Blackcoat's Daughter got interrupted by a slightly more capable version of the satanist cult from the Babysitter.
Honestly the first half of this movie was mostly what I thought it was going to be. A bleak movie where a lot of nice people suffer and die at the hand of a gang of psychopaths. Though the students were way younger than I thought they were going in, which was alarming.
Then the turn happened a little over halfway through and this became a very different movie. Yeah, when a demon is cooped up in the same place for literal decades, I can see it not caring as to who's loyal and who's not. Good child actor, too. And this movie kinda more or less had the ending I was expecting (hoping?) the Blackcoat's Daughter would have. So maybe I have a bias. Found family ftw?
19.Dead End
18 Terrifier 3 oh, you might be surprised how low the most recent movie is on here. Let's be real; these movie's mostly exist to show off the bloody effects. At least at the start. I do appreciate David Allen Thornton even now giving Art the Clown little bits of depth where he can. I genuinely believed he was super excited to meet Santa Claus. Also, hey sometimes if you're going to be mean, it's best to go full steam ahead. And you're either with it or you're not.
At first, it would seem weird putting the Empire Strikes Back of this franchise at Christmas. (Or any franchise for that matter). But given that Christmas was always meant to be that last big light before the dark times come again; it actually proves super apt given when Sienna is at by the end. Even Art's not looking too good.
I wonder what holiday Terrifier 4 would be set on? Halloween's been done. Valentine's wouldn't have a lot there. St. Patrick's Day only a little bit better. Easter could be a bit fun. Fourth of July would be a LOT of fun. Thanksgiving wouldn't really work with pretty much the whole family gone. We'll see.
17.Black Friday (2021)
16.Silent Night (2012)
15.It's a Wonderful Knife
14.Wind Chill
13.Christmas Bloody Christmas
12.Santa's Slay
11.The Children
10.Rare Exports
9.A Christmas Horror Story
8.Day of the Beast
7.Deadly Games
6.Silent Night (2021)
5.Christmas Evil
2.Black Christmas (1974)
That's my list as it stands now. At least, I was able to complete something this year.
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 year ago
Okay yes, descriptions please! (If you don't mind)
Not at all!!! I'm so jazzed you're intrigued!!! ^^ 💛!!💘💥!💛!!💘💥!
First of all the basic plot of the story:
Hallie (the virgin) meets Edward Brown (the killer) and they hit it off- she's exactly the kinda girl he likes; friendly, kinda reserved, and they have... certain things... in common, it turns out. And to her, Edward's the perfect guy, too! He's a young English teacher at the high school and he's got this skinny Clark Kent thing about him?? Awkward, and funny. She doesn't realise he's a part of the little town's most powerful (and tight-lipped) family, the Bamford's (He was adopted into it- Edward Bamford-Brown), until she tells her best friend and roommate Maggie (the whore) about him. Maggie immediately develops a bad taste in her mouth when it comes to Edward she goes rogue and decides to investigate, employing Hallie's family doctor, Arthur (the scholar), and his old friend/new roommate combo, anxious ex-con Rodney (the fool), who just so happens to be Edwards adoptive aunt Carla Bamford's ex husband. Doors are opened for Maggie into the world of the Bamford's through Arthur and Rodney, and Winnie Bamford (the athlete) later, and she uncovers some bone chilling secrets about everyone in this family, and everyone a r o u n d them too, that make her determined to save her friend.
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Basically I'm trying to tell a small town murder mystery using slasher movie tropes and themes (hence the virgin, whore, killer, scholar, fool, and athlete archetypes). And its f u l l of platonic love, because I don't think theirs enough of that around. And all the romances are doomed in one way or another.
Now the descriptions! ^^ 😅
Edward Bamford Brown: Age 30.
EDWARD! Our bastard. Edward is sorta nerdy looking. Like I said- he's got a skinny Clark Kent thing about him. Perfect dark hair (the curl), blue eyes, tall (almost lanky), broad shoulders- very handsome guy. Could be a total player, if he wasn't so awkward and sheltered (Instead he's kinda weaselly- well to everyone except Hallie and his mother). He wears mostly flannels over plain t-shirts and jeans combos and he wears dark-rimmed glasses.
Maggie E. Nashton: Age 25.
Maggie has some very bright, dusty purple hair cut in almost a bob (?? its short. Like collar length) and its usually messy, giving her the air of having just fucked someone- which likely she did. Her eyes are green and she wears dramatic make-up; ruby red lips and reds and oranges around her eyes, too. She's usually wearing a tight short skirt and knee high, sharp heeled boots. She wears purples, blacks, and greens.
Hallie Archer: Age 25.
Hallie looks like t h e interpretation of a Final Girl XD Straight blonde hair, tall, skinny, friendly face. Dresses conservatively but cute (Jeans, pale blue hoodies, pink t-shirts, white mittens, etc), and her eyes are a bright happy blue (even though, on the inside, our girl is actually very very sad. No I wont say why).
Winnie Bamford: Age 29.
Winnie is supposed to be very similar to Maggie... except just kinda off. Giving you uncomfortable de ja vu, because Winnie is just... well she's supposed to make everyone uncomfortable (*cough* especially her poor ex uncle rodney). She's the same height as Maggie and her hair's the same length, except its tamed and a plain brown colour. Her eyes are a dark grey, almost blue or black depending on the light. She plays netball (went to uni on a full scholarship for it) so she's always wearing something she can move in- if she cant move, she goes stir crazy. So cargo pants, swim-suits, sports-wear, basketball shorts, tank tops, etc. Usually in greens and browns. The woman doesn't wear as much make-up as Maggie does, but she will wear a little red eyeliner. If she doesn't have to, she wont wear shoes or socks. She has an excellent ass, too, (Maggie will attest). She worked for it!! XD 😅😂
Dr Arthur Canfield: Age 51.
Arthur's eyes are consistently described in the story as 'Brad Dourif Blue' XD I decided to keep the Brad Dourif face claim because Maggie's a huge Slasher fan and her favourite Slasher is Chucky! Arthur's most prominent feature is probably his hair, its very thick and kinda long-ish, and when he's focused (Which is pretty often- he's the sensible one. And genius), he's constantly running his hand through it. He most closely resembles BD in these Sons of Anarchy and Young Women's Blue's. I feel like he may look a little older though, cuz of the stress 😅😂
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Rodney Hawk: Age 51.
Rodney's most obvious feature is that he's always wearing this caramel leather jacket (Which is a reference to another book I wanna write- but thats unimportant really), even when he goes to work (he's a cashier at a grocery store- its honest work and really its all he could get with his record. He doesn't mind it) he puts the blue vest over the top of his jacket. Rodney also looks younger then he is. I'd say he most resembles RE during the 90's?? Like in Urban Legend. But this Particular picture from Night Court is just perfect XD Rod's far less feral looking, he's trying his best to redeem himself from past crimes and he's got anxiety because of that, too. But the fluffy blonde hair?? The effortlessly sexy half beard?? Thats Rodney XD
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xviruserrorx · 2 years ago
Title: "No Harm In Being Forgotten"
Once again a fill for @flashfictionfridayofficial but it's Wednesday, but hey everyday's Friday if you want it to be... Right? Anyways here is my fill for this prompt but also @abradner1 asked for more of my Britchell thing i did last week (I think it was last week?) so... Ask and you shall receive 😁 Enjoy!
Flash Fiction Friday - Tumblr | Ao3 - [Prev <- • -> Next]
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Fandom(s): The Almighty Johnson's, Being Human (UK)
Prompt(s): "The Devil You Forgot"
Relationship(s): Anders Johnson/John Mitchell, Anders Johnson & Bernie (Being Human UK)
Character(s): Anders Johnson, John Mitchell, Bernie (Being human UK)
Important Tag(s): Canon Divergence, Crossover Pairing, Accidental Kid Acquisition, No Beta We Die Like Bernie Didn't... Sorta
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply, Profanity (they say fuck like three times)
Word Count: 1,119
"You what!?" "It's really not all that bad." "Not all that bad!" Mitchell exclaimed. "You texted me s.o.s and then started this call with 'I forgot Bernie at my brother's'." Or Left alone to look after Bernie, Anders has a little slip up... Just a little.
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"You what!?" Mitchell turned around and slammed the door to the supply room shut to block off the rest of the hospital from the disaster of a phone call he could already feel was coming. 
"It's really not all that bad," came Anders voice down the line, trying to be convincing.
"Not all that bad!" Mitchell exclaimed. "You texted me s.o.s and then started this call with 'I forgot Bernie at my brother's'."
"Look, I'm in the car, breaking every traffic law, and heading straight over there as we speak."
As if on cue he heard a car horn that made him grimace for the safety of Anders but more for the safety of the public. 
He shook his head. "Why did you even leave him in the first place?"
"I was at Mike's, talking to him about something, then Dawn called about one of our clients and normally she'd handle them but it was one of our more difficult and not to mention well paying clients. So I asked Mike to look after him for a moment while I popped down to meet the client. Then one thing led to another and—"
"You forgot him."
"At least I didn't lose him," Anders quickly countered. "That counts for something right?"
Mitchell pressed his lips. "What happened to, oh don't worry Mitchell he'll be safe here, nothing will happen to him Mitchell." 
"Hey. One; I don't sound like that." 
He rolled his eyes.
"And two," Anders continued. "I know where he is and it's somewhere safe, it's not like I forgot him at some serial killer's house."
He scoffed. "No, you just forgot him at your brother's bar which is a common hot spot for a bunch of Norse gods, some of whom have tried to kill you and your family."
"It's really not all as bad as it sounds."
"He's a child!" Mitchell finally yelled into the phone.
"And Mike's great with kids!" Anders tried to reason. "He raised me and my brothers and we turned out alright!"
"Your alright and my alright are two very separate things, Anders."
"He kept us alive, yeah?"
He could hear the smug smile Anders normally wore when he was trying to be convincing about something. 
"That doesn't make me feel better," he supplied.
Anders huffed. "Contrary to all the shit I talk about my brother, he was the best thing we had to a stable parent figure. The kid's probably more safe with him than he'll ever be with me."
A part of him wished Anders was playing around with him, but he knew from that tone of voice meaning messed up childhood trauma he'd rather not talk about that it was more than Mike's capable parental abilities but rather Anders lack thereof.
He sighed and brought his hand to rub at his forehead.
He turned towards the door that a skeptical George was peeking around. He jabbed a finger at the phone and swatted his hand at George.
"Oh, oh, it's the—right, got it, I'll just…" George pointed over his shoulder before awkwardly excusing himself from the room.
Mitchell let his head fall again as he pressed his eyes shut.
"Was that someone?" Anders asked.
"Hm? No, no. But I, uh… I have to go. Just text me when you get there, yeah?"
"You're in luck, Vlad. Just pulled up and—" 
He heard the car door open and slam shut. 
"Ah, see? There he is, fangs and all, and still cute as a button." He paused. "Can't say the same for Mike," he mumbled into the speaker.
Mitchell scoffed a laugh before lowering himself down on one of the nearest extra beds in the room. His hand with his phone resting on his knee as he let the other side of the conversation play out.
"Hey, kid." Anders started. "You have fun with Mike?"
There was an answer that he couldn't make out, but could recognize as Bernie's voice. Another voice joined in with a pointed tone at Anders as Anders continued to talk under his breath. The line crackled softly before a voice spoke directly into it.
"Hello?" Bernie said.
He quickly pulled the phone back to his ear. "Hey, Bernie." He put on a happy tone. "You doing okay?"
"Yeah, I got to meet one of Anders' brothers."
"I heard. That's uh…" he swallowed. The situation wasn't necessarily a good one to say but Bernie didn't know that. "That's good."
"When are you coming back?"
He bit his lip. "I'm—I'm not sure, soon… hopefully."
"Okay…" his voice fell.
He grimaced but pushed the worry aside as something to deal with later. "Alright, put Anders back on the phone for me."
He waited as he did just that.
"What'd I tell you?" Anders snarked. "I promised you he'd be safe, remember?"
"Yeah…" he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed, and worried, and pretty fucking terrified to be honest."
He heard the car door slam shut but still heard the soft whistle of the wind passing the speaker.
"Well, I think we're doing a terrific job considering the circumstances"
"I'm serious, Anders."
"If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty fucking terrified myself," Anders said. "Settling down, a partner, kids. It's never exactly been something I pictured for myself…. Then here it all is, in my lap, at once." He smacked his lips. "It hasn't even been a week and I've already fucked up more than once."
"I think you should remember who fucked up in the first place."
Anders hummed. "I'd say it was a good fuck up, no?"
"Is that a soft spot I'm hearing?" He teased.
"I'm a god, I don't have soft spots."
"Said that about me too," he countered.
"You're the exception."
"Are vampire kids the exception too?"
"Kid. Singular," Anders articulated. "Don't pull anything else on me, Mitchell."
He finally heard the car door open and rustling down the line as Anders got in the car.
"Get home safe, with Bernie this time."
"I will apply all my safe driving skills that will hopefully make up for the drive over here."
"Alright." He took a breath before speaking again. "I love you."
"Oh?" Anders replied. "Are we the type of people that end every call with that now?"
"Maybe we are, just this once… for my sanity."
"Just because I gave you a scare." The faint rustling stopped. "I love you too," he softly spoke. "Now stop ditching work."
"I'm not—" The line beeped as Anders hung up on him.
He rolled his eyes at Anders once again before pocketing his phone, waiting for the inevitable next call or text that was to come.
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ben-talks-art · 16 days ago
I gotta confess, I don't think I ever really got what was Wonder Woman's "thing"
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What I mean is, with every iconic super-hero character, you always have that "thing", that one theme that's easy to associate them with that makes you instantly get their character and want to root for what they represent, root for them to do what they need to do, root for them to overcome their obstacles.
Like, with Spider-Man, his thing is that he had the option to help someone and he chose not to, so now he does everything he can to help people as much as possible because he knows that if you can help someone, you should.
Batman went through a great tragedy when he was a mere child, and that hurt him so much that he dedicated his life to make sure nobody would ever go through the same pain he went through.
Same thing with Daredevil. He lost his father as a kid for absolutely unjust reasons, so now he does all he can to make sure justice will keep the innocents safe and punish those that do wrong.
The Hulk shows that beneath what might seem like a big, scary appearance and attitude there might be someone who just wants to do what's right even if nobody believes in him.
The X-Men show that being different isn't a reason to be hated, and that you can instead use your own differences to embrace other people's differences and turn what could be seen by society as a flaw into something unique and amazing.
Thor shows someone literally labeled as a god and yet his greatest pride isn't in being able to lift mountains, but being able to be seen as worthy of its hammer. He shows that being a better version of yourself isn't associated with strength or power, but with how you chose to use this power.
The Fantastic Four are about the importance of family, how it isn't the "fantastic" things you can do that give your life value, no matter how big or small, but what you choose to do with them and who you choose to do it with.
Superman's thing is to go against these common themes of "power corrupts", "you can't be good without a little darkness in you", "love doesn't make you strong, pain, trauma, and tragedy makes you strong." He looks at all these pessimistic messages and goes "I'm just good because I can. Because my parents loved me and they taught me well." He basically raises the bar on what "being the best you can be" means. He's just a guy that can be good and chooses to be good.
Captain America is the Ratatouille message, that greatness can come from anywhere, even from someone who might seem weak and small and who looks like he won't ever amount to anything.
Heck, even more modern characters like Invincible, have an easy and simple to follow theme that no matter how much the world tries to break you, you can still say "No, I won't let the world break me and change what I stand for!"
These are all things that you can easily pick up by paying attention to most adaptations of any of these guys.
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But when it comes to Wonder Woman, I don't think her adaptations really showed what her thing was.
Most of what I got was "she's strong, she doesn't give up, she helps people, she wants to stop war..."
Which aren't bad themes, they're just sorta... generic themes. Like, what is she fighting against and why? What does she stand for? What can you learn from her? How do her mythos inspire others? What's her message, her lesson, her positive teaching about true strength?
This is something I feel I never got from the WW adaptations. And it could be that I'm just failing at paying attention and missing the obvious message, which... yeah, shame on me if that's the case.
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I'm sure her themes must seem dead obvious to someone who's closely following her comics through the years and knows the ins and outs of her character and what she represents...
But I kinda wish the next Wonder Woman adaptation, be it movie, show, game, or anything, if it ever comes, would help me grasp some of that awareness as well.
I want to like this character, and I want to root for this character, but to do that, I need to know this character and what she stands for.
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blackdigitalrose · 1 month ago
Fri - Healin' Good Pretty Cure - EP 16 - 18
(I was half tempted to leave it and pick up again Mon, after all these two are much shorter than the other four...however, these two are probably the ones I'm enjoying most at the moment ^^;)
EP 16
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Egads, they have mini ones for the fairies, I thought they could just naturally understand them (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ super adorable though.
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Come again now, what's that doing there? Are they free advertising themselves again?
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It lives! I was expecting a new Element to potentially pop up to keep the cycle going or for it to look a little different to before, keeping that same but new vibe going.
Not much to report, it was quite the bittersweet episode but we never did learn the story of that older trio but I'd say a safe assumption would be that a love triangle formed between the three and and she made her choice but no resolution either, it just sorta happened. Kind of made you wonder why they even put it in there if they weren't going to pay it off. However, for the normal target age group, this isn't such a farfetched concept, an alternative to friendship bracelets/necklaces etc.
EP 17
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A whole family unit! It's a nice sight, it seems to be common to write them out in Precure for some reason.
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I get it, yet it still seems odd, guess it just needs explaining to Pegitan better.
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You would think they were doing something so bad? Yet, this isn't the first time they've seen her working around the Inn, even if this is probably the first official time.
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Cultural differences but familiarities! It's a blink and miss it nod but a nice touch to add. (Still Emily sounds familiar, it's a very distinctive voice, like she's had a role in something else and I can't put my finger on who...)
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It is starting to make sense why Fontaine usually ranks so low. It isn't so much she's a bad character but between this and the high jump, I think Chiyu is simply difficult for many to relate to, which is good and bad, good because that makes her very niche as character, helps her stand out in a crowd, bad because your audience can't really see themselves in her.
Still, from an outsiders viewpoint, this was a good ep, showcasing how a traditional inn works over there (it may be different over there but kids tend to not value traditions as much till they are much older), on the other hand, it was a Rain Element this ep and you'd think it would go into the puddle instead of the rogue wellie.
EP 18
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I mean, it makes sense considering the subtheme of the show but this would have to be towards the older audience, never known young kids care about the intricacies of such a thing.
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Maybe I'm just being sceptical and yes they did volunteer to help but somehow, it just doesn't seem like realistic response, there would be lots of delicate items in that store.
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It's another one!? Just what are they? Smile has one as well.
The ep angle on a whole, was just awkward but this ended up being quite a bonding ep between Sparkle and Nyatoran, which even nodded back to their first encounter as well as being a good indicator how far they've come, which technically means Chiyu and Pegitan are due one?
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I'm quite liking Batetemoda, he's such a fun villain, sly, crafty and not afraid of getting his hands dirty by actually taking the fight to the Precure. I hope is final showdown battle for him is worthwhile or it'd be a waste. (The created additional member is the best part of the villain team ^^")
Now Toei, fire these people, you're so bad at previews and previews just spoiling the next ep entirely. You should have just left it as a back shot of her or something, keep that air of mystery going. However, why add a fourth member here? It isn't like the team have been struggling?
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