#alnst oc: kioku
solei-eclipse · 1 month
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[ dry coughing ] hey
I'd like to introduce the ocs/concepts I previously mentioned! they were thought up mostly for fun (and HEAVILY inspired by a few things, try and take a guess) so I'm not sure if I'll spend as much time on them. who knows, maybe they'll grow on me.
they're super funny to me. i think i made them just to have a laugh. sorry. you'll see why soon!
anyway, this is Jiu and Kioku! They have a long history together (well, at least one of them thinks so).
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Jiu ( jee - yu )
A very dutiful and serious person
Has a formal way of speech (he almost never speaks casually)
Carries himself with a regal air, behaves like a young noble
Incredibly melancholic
His eyes have a strange quality to them, almost as if he's looking far off into the distance or straight through certain people (even if they're standing right in front of him)
Often takes a leadership role, adept at managing and organization (class president/class rep type)
Very cold and distant despite taking on multiple responsibilities
Neutral in stance, polite but in the detached way
Willing to help his classmates with whatever is needed, but won't do more than what's absolutely necessary
Holds his duty and responsibility in high regard, always in service to someone or something
Used to have a gentle, caring, and protective nature, but was forced to snuff it out due to his cruel home environment and those who took advantage of his kindness
Under the ownership of a rich and illustrious segyein, the hostess of an establishment where human pets were put to work
Due to his exceptional mental abilities and sense of duty, he was promoted to a high position at a very young age. He handles accounting and is the hostess' right hand man
Because of his duty and devotion to service, he is made to carry out illegal and immoral acts in secret
Whenever he returns from the Anakt Garden, Jiu is immediately put to work
He is pale to the point of his veins showing and has a dull, steely gaze
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Jiu sleeps face-down. There's no reason for it, he just does
Yes, it's suffocating. Someone has to turn him over in his sleep just to make sure he can breathe right. There was once someone who used to do it for him, but now nobody does
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Kioku ( kee - oh - ku )
Prefers everyone to call her Kio !
She arrives to the Garden quite late due to certain health complications (according to her guardian)
Has a very open face and unguarded eyes, which may lower the guard of other people
It's genuinely a strange quality. Those who hold secrets or ill intent may feel uncomfortable looking into her eyes for long periods of time.
Kio herself almost never lies. She will tell the truth even if it brings about consequence
Very athletic! Excels in sports and ranks high during Field Days
Kind in a way that's incredibly stubborn. Wills herself to forgive those who have wronged her and regards them with gratitude despite everything
Very persistent, has a great amount of inner strength
As a child, Kio was weak, cowardly, and codependent. She entered an establishment at a young age in exchange for her safety, but since she refused to adjust herself to the environment (perform actions she deemed cruel) she was often picked on and treated unfairly
Since she was weak, she clung onto the first person who gave her the slightest bit of help and blindly trusted them
Currently so different from her child self. Those who knew her back then find the change incredibly jarring (almost like she's become a completely different person)
There is something off about her. She can't seem to recall anything about her past and feels like something has been taken from her in a way
The fact that she can't recall her childhood pushes her to live in the present, she'd prefer not to look back
She is still unaware of how she got the scar on her cheek
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Together :
Jiu seems to regard Kio differently, almost cautiously
As Kio arrived to the Garden late, the responsibility of looking after her fell into Jiu's hands
He was in charge of getting her acquainted with routines, past lessons, etc.
Though Jiu is normally as imperturbable as a rock, there is a unique air of awkwardness to him whenever he interacts with Kio
He refuses to look her in the eyes
Kio, for her part, tries very hard to catch up and makes sure she isn't a burden to him
His odd treatment of her makes her conscious that he dislikes her, which pushes her to work harder
Jiu is the only person who refuses to address Kio by her nickame. He only calls her Kioku, or if he can help it, doesn't refer to her by name at all
Particularly observant individuals may notice how Jiu begins to lose composure. It's incredibly subtle, so it's not obvious to others
Kio has a strange feeling about him that she just can't put her finger on.... at times it makes her uneasy
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Random tidbits:
Jiu ( ジウ ) : samurai, warrior, knight. or "to serve someone of high rank or status with respect and loyalty."
( emphasis on themes of service and devotion )
Kioku ( キオク ) : literally translates to memory.
( to remember, remembrance, recollection )
Jiu's sharp strands of hair that fade to white are meant to vaguely mimic a dragon's features (two sharp fangs on his forehead, two long whiskers on the sides of his head)
Kioku vaguely resembles a bird feather.
Her eyes are wide, round, and far apart. They not only emphasize her openness, but are also reminiscent of fish eyes (associated with empty-headedness, a certain lack of something + the concept of goldfishes with bad memory)
Kio's main emotion is curiosity
Jiu's main emotion is guilt
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severedscales · 20 days
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(@ kioku) HI I hope you like these flowers!! Bye! (He'd run away in the fastest possible way n faceplant).
(@ jiu) HI PREZ I heard you liked rice!! You look kinda pale and I hope you are ok!!
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WAAAAH? Flowers?! I love flowers! Thank you so mu-- ah, he's running?!
THANK YOOOU!! THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL AND I PROMISE I'LL HOLD ONTO THEM REALLY TIGHTLY! Dang... I didn't get to ask for his name... Ooh! Yikes. That looked like it hurt. Hold on, I'm on my way!
There is no need to fret over me, though I appreciate both your concern and your gift. Thank you.
(( First Innamorati and now you? How do people keep finding out what I favor...? I must behave more carefully... ))
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lookatmysillies · 24 days
Yael Fun (Tragic) Facts!
Since he has the least amount of screen time of any of my OCs so far, he’s some tidbits of his character to help get to know him better:
-He gravitates towards unhealthy relationships whether that be for friends or romantic partners. He has an incredibly toxic and codependent relationship with Macbeth, and after Macbeth’s death, he becomes obsessed with trying to get Innamorati to accept him and accept Macbeth’s passing.
-He could have the potential for a healthier dynamic if @paradisedisconcert is still making their shy little guy
-He’s had multiple unnecessary surgeries done. He’s had organs removed and replaced that were perfectly healthy. He has to have a very specific diet not to aggravate his system after all that’s been done to try and “fix” him.
-Because of this, he has to exclusively eat plain, tasteless food. He misses sweets.
-Tends to wander with seemingly no goal, aimlessly picking petals off of flowers or staring at seemingly nothing
-Before he goes to sleep, he has a routine of pressing his fingers against different spots on his torso to feel if anything is inside that shouldn’t be or otherwise missing. He does this again when he wakes up.
-They’re very interested in his peers and sometimes follows them around without saying anything.
-He and Naz used to be friends, but Naz slowly became freaked out by Yael and pushed him away.
-His hair is always cut short and straightened when he comes back from a visit home. His guardian is wealthy and likes him looking as clean and presentable as possible. Naturally, his hair is curly.
-Takes a lot of strange medicines every day that switch out frequently. He has to take them crushed in his food since he can’t swallow pills.
-Born female but leaned more androgynous and masculine as a young child, so they grew up as such.
-Wants to help others but often goes about it the wrong way.
-Their guardian, Aligri, has never sent any humans to Anakt Garden before Yael, who was sent very, very young.
-He has a very blank look about him most of the time.
-Can often be heard singing strange, unfamiliar melodies and words under his breath—he sees singing as ritualistic. He’s never known a life in death without it.
-In addition to Macbeth and Inna, he’s also interested in Naz, Kioku, Yume, Xael, Numa, Sebastian, and Yumi (subject to be added onto, obviously)
-He never really seems happy or childlike, just listless.
-He once had an incident where he almost drowned in the stream in Anakt Garden. He wandered there and was found facedown in the water by a classmate. He was pulled out and had to be revived.
-He had to wear a collar after that.
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sotogalmo · 29 days
5:40 am
Just remembering the funger OC au. I added Jiu & Kioku! Their forms are coming along well and such!,, if that's ,, alright with @solei-eclipse ,,
But man. I'm doing like. 30+ characters-
And I'm also thinking of doing part two of the post. So :3, stay tuned for when I do release the moonscorch forms out in the wild, and when I start making a part two of it
Edit: I do want to say I have their names already figured out! Jiu's "Tied Up"(another word for Duty) and Kioku's "Out Of The Way"(another word for uncanny or just weird)
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cloverandstuff · 18 days
She doesn't recognise anyone there.
That should have been obvious, of course she wouldn't. But she can't help but take note of it. Some seem to have made connections while others are content on their own. But none are faces she finds familiar.
Maya chooses to sit in a corner, under a tree (are they truly trees? is the grass truly grass? is any of this real-). She is content to watch the kods play. She is content to watch the way this story will end.
Maya takes notes of some of the kids in the meantime.
There was a boy with lengthy pale blue hair and blue eyes, talking rather happily to another kid, who had brown hair and striking gold eyes. Maya can't tell if they were friends...but they looked close to it. Maya can't help but think the scene looked rather sweet. The blue haired kid looked happier to be there than the brunet, but he looked content nonetheless. It was an odd pairing, but they seemed to be friends. She could see smiles, no matter how big nor small. [Innamorati and Macbeth by @alien-til-i-stage ]
(There was another boy, a redhead, who was looking at them from a distance. He seemed fixated on the 'blue one'...to an unhealthy degree. He felt dangerous...almost like he was inevitable. Were the blue and him also friends..?(Toki by @zerostyrant )
There was another duo she took notice of, mostly the girl, hair fading from white to brown, being more..excited, she could say. She was a bright person, there was no doubt about that. The kind that would draw people in. The boy looked rather stoic, as though he was one of those noble aliens Echidna sometimes talked to. But Maya could tell there was also an air of...caution? He even avoided looking her in the eyes...why would he be catious of the girl? Despite this, he let the girl stay around. Thats curious. [Jiu and Kioku by @solei-eclipse]
Maya looks around some more and a child takes up her attention. He looked almost ordinary, with black hair and dark eyes, but there was definitely something...uncanny about him. Like he was an attempt at something resembling human, but not entirely one. He was smiling, and it should by all means look genuine, but Maya couldn't help but find it to be so fake. Ingenuous. Almost like a doll in a way. [Yume by @sotogalmo]
The other boy he was at near felt familiar. Maya could find a sense of resemblance in the boy to someone she had seen before. But this time, he felt more...sane? Was he sane? Was anyone here truly sane? He seemed like one of the more quiet ones...like he was constantly afraid of something happening. (...why did he almost resemble one of those funny dolls Maya had seen before? The ones with strings) [Sebastian by @/sotogalmo ]
There's so many scars she can notice on the kids...are they safer here than they were before? Did some of them even want to be here-
Is that a kid in a tree?
...Dear guardians, it's a kid in a tree. He seems comfortable up there, like he's done this plenty of times before. And he just up there...observing. He had bright red eyes. (It almost seemed like they wouls glow), and beauty marks that looked like the bite marks from one of those crude shows Echidna watched. He seemed normal despite all this, if not shy. Still, he was intriguing if only for his habit of apparently watching from trees. [Ciaran by @starry-skiez ]
....ah, there was a familiar face. Just one Maya had never spoken to. She should have known Yvonne would be here. And she still carried that air of elegance around her...as well as that sense of unhinge. Her muted pink hair was always a sight to see, but Maya never got over the eerie personality of hers...Maybe she changed [Yvonne by @aakaneeee]
Maya's eyes landed on strands of white, with striking pink eyes to pair with them. The girl was staring up at the clouds (were the clouds eve real?...suppse it doesn't matter to the girl) . She seemd content in her activity. It looked peaceful. [Asahi by @apriciticreveries ]
There was another child by her side, also content. Maya could note that there were moments where seemed to communicate something to the other one using her hands rather than her words. It makes her curious on how she made it into the garden in the first place. [Yumi by @rockwgooglyeyes ]
A loud vpice caught her attention, and Maya turned to look at a rather fragile looking girl, with brown hair, only interrupted by a streak of yellow. She looked cheerful...almost like she would tackle someone to the ground out of sheer affection. But Maya felt like something deeper was lurking, like she had her own secrets she wanted to keep...Still, she seemed to be a lind soul. [Nene by @junebluues]
Ah, there. There was a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there. There was no sense of honor or want that Maya could see on the surface. He simply didn't wish to be there. Bandages wrapped around his hands, but Maya couldn't see if there was blood from where she was sitting. He did seem to be fiddling with some sort of technolody in his hands, useless if not for the fidgeting. [Xael by @junebluues ]
Beside him was another boy, though he looked more friendly than the other one. He seemed fond of his...friend(???) regardless. He seemed happy to be there, and rather brighter tha his counterpart....they were cute together. [Numa by @spcells]
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cirrusoftheclouds · 1 month
Miscellaneous Juliet things with bad anatomy because I'm tired
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She's fully aware that she is scripted to die and has long since given up trying to escape her fate. But this resulted in her being in a constant state of dread. She has rather horrid anxiety... not that she'd let anyone see that side of her. That's the thing about Romeo and Juliet, it's a tragedy in the end, no matter how you frame it.
Her guardian doesn't treat her well if she messes up.
She is rather fond of Kioku (@solei-eclipse , sorry for ping !) and would refer to her as 'my lady' :)
She's one of my most tragic ocs :sob:
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rockwgooglyeyes · 27 days
hi rock this is para. asuka and kio friendship maybe..... while jiu relates more to asukas older sister isla.... would you perhaps have any ideas..... (it's okay if not! ^^)
HI PARA!!! So excited to see you, love you btw, thank you for being your awesome self <3 <3
It is immensely funny to me that Jiu sees Asuka and goes "nope" because 1, fair and 2, understandable and 3, I get it (but actually Asuka really does seem like the type of person who would drive Jiu up a wall so I really do get it). As I said before, I do think that Yumi would admire Jiu and want to be like him (even with the mental illness lmao) because he's so diligent and organized. Asuka, on the other hand, either avoids Jiu like the plague because he's afraid of being scowled at. Isla (@nottoonedin) might even end up hanging out with Jiu specifically to deter her brother from bothering her but that's not up to me hahaha
Asuka definitely wants to be friends with Kio if they aren't already. Like, he desperate wants to be her friend, he thinks she's so cool, it's kind of pathetic. Since she's good when it comes to athletics, he probably asks her for tips when it comes to dancing because unlike his sister, he isn't super coordinated. He has great fine motor skills but his body? does not listen to him. He gives Kio little gifts, shiny stones or other baubles he finds at first, to ply her and try to befriend her (he may be bold and kind of gregarious but he's also an anxious overthinker.) I imagine that by the time he finally asks her if she's okay with being his friend, Kio already assumed that they've been friends for months lmao
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alien-til-i-stage · 27 days
HI! It's Para being a pest in your inbox!
I'd like to ask Inna what he thinks of both Kio and Jiu? If it's alright with him :)
(HI PARA! thank you for fhe ask!!!)
Ah! Kio is so fun to hang out with! She’s so cool and it’s always exciting to hang out with her too!!! Some of my other friends like Macbeth are hesitant to hang out with us, but I think he’s just jealous he can’t do any parkour like her! Thinking about it, it’s only Macbeth who doesn’t seem to like her that much.
She once mentioned something about my eyes, but a fish in the water distracted us both, I wonder what she was thinking about? I also think Kio might have a thing for Juliet, they’re so cute together!! I might have to ask Jiu what he thinks about them
Speaking of, Jiu is my best friend! Sure we don’t hang out together as often as I do with my other best friends, but that doesn’t matter!!! He’s just busy doing his ‘presidential’ duties heheh. He’s so serious and cool, I wish I could be as cool as him!!!
Uh, please don’t mention this to anyone but um. Before I met Toki, I had a small crush on him… DON’T TELL ANYONE HE’S JUST SO COOL AND AHHHHH!!! I DON’T FEEL THAT WAY NOW!! I HAVE TOKI AND I LOVE HIM MORE THAN I EVER LIKED JIU!!!!
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solei-eclipse · 25 days
fun fact: one of my og voiceclaim candidates for both jiu and kioku was straight up just Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye and Kimbra
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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dramatic ass jiu from the VC video
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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I will explain soon enough. for now take these
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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dropping this here on its own because I need to start explaining their dynamic more
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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they're so silly to me
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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solei-eclipse · 24 days
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do you remember?
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solei-eclipse · 25 days
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