#alnst oc: nene
junebluues · 2 months
hey… *slides this to you from across the table* take a look
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khoi’s sister!!! they aren’t biological siblings which is why they don’t look too similar 😭
about nene:
guardian lycos paid more attention to her because she’s younger and has a weak immune system. she was prone to illness as a kid which is also part of the reason she was separated from khoi most of the time. she spends a lot of time at the infirmary in anakt garden.
she was sent to anakt to follow in khoi’s footsteps
though she doesn’t have a big passion for music like he did
generally whimsical and fun to be around
girl kisser GIRL KISSER GIRL K
very big imagination and wants to be more active
her immune system will not let her
sometimes wears a mask around others in anakt
likes being around people!!! talk to my girl!!!
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shenenenigans · 1 month
FILE A-1226 | SUBJECT 020798
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020798 has been found sneaking into segyein only rooms and stealing numerous files and records. She has also caused harm to multiple workers in the infirmary by subjecting them to extremely hazardous elixirs on multiple occasions. She has done this either by injections in their sleep or by “gifting” the workers juice which they drank unaware of the poison. This has unfortunately gone under our radar until the day of her departure.
020798 also tried to kill one of her nurses, Ambys, a former interviewer who worked on Incident 8-625 in the 39th ANAKT Garden. Cameras show 020798 hitting Ambys in the back of the head with her IV stand before proceeding to stab him directly in his chest with an unknown object. She looks to have dug deep into his body, removing his heart. She collects many blood samples from him, then throws her unidentified weapon at the camera allowing her to escape with no witnesses.
From gathering evidence, it seems that she had made a makeshift laboratory for herself in an old closet where she created a serum out of the blood she collected from Ambys. We are not sure what she was hoping to make of it.
Ambys cannot die. We are sure 020798 was aware of this information, as most of the files she stole were about him.
020798 left a camera on nearby her laboratory, where she smiled into the lens and waved. We can also see Ambys steadily regaining control of his body, which is due to his species being able to regenerate any part of the body after a short amount of time. 020798 must have removed his heart in hopes of slowing him down.
Ambys and 020798 had a fight in her laboratory where Ambys tried to restrain her. She was quite violent and acted very out of character. She is seen injecting herself with the serum she made and becoming more aggressive after being injected. Black veins circled around the site of injection. Her nails also became stained black.
Ambys slammed her against the wall, breaking her collar, and holding her by the head.
020798 thrashed about before her head was violently torn off. Another student had walked in after the incident occurred, and he was dealt with accordingly.
We are sure that 020798 is dead. However, when her body was transferred to a holding room, after 24 hours, it was missing. We do not know what happened during that time.
Ambys visited 020798’s body within those 24 hours, but refuses to talk about the situation.
In short: 020798 is dangerous and most likely deceased. We will not label her as missing and instead hide this event from the other students by reporting her death as a surgical accident.
If 020798 is still, in fact, alive: please do not be alarmed. She will not survive more than one week.
020798 deceived us all. We thought she was a sweet, kind girl at heart. This is her true nature. Do not be fooled in the future. There will be incidents like this again if we do not keep close watch.
Other notes:
Ambys will not be punished for causing the death of a student. It was in self-defense.
If there are any future sightings of subject 020798, please report it to ANAKT Garden staff. We will only then proceed to search for her. We are still confident that she will not survive.
From now on, all infirmary staff will lock all doors before closing down for the night. We will now have night time surveillance.
020798 had also stolen files on herself. It is possible she found things she shouldn’t have.
We will now relocate the records into a secluded area.
tags! @bluemoonscape @4listr @starry-skiez @rockwgooglyeyes @aakaneeee @paradisedisconcert and also @apriciticreveries @pwippy and @nottoonedin ! for the last three im not sure if you wanted to be tagged since you only liked the post but i did it just in case… please let me know if i missed anyone! if i did, i apologize! you can also tell me if you want to be added here as well <3
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sotogalmo · 1 month
4:40 am
Season40 is filled with so many freaks,,, (Yume, Toki, Ciaran, Yvonne, etc ...)
This is crazy. It's like, Season40 is the calling of all freaks or smth (it's also so funny cuz like. I think as of now Sebastian or maybe Nene are possibly the only sane characters)
Ciaran: @starry-skiez , Yvonne: @aakaneeee , Nene: @junebluues , Toki: @z3r0styrant . Yume & Sebastian are mine<3
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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@shenenenigans hello... I would love it if kio and nene could be friends actually.....
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cloverandstuff · 18 days
She doesn't recognise anyone there.
That should have been obvious, of course she wouldn't. But she can't help but take note of it. Some seem to have made connections while others are content on their own. But none are faces she finds familiar.
Maya chooses to sit in a corner, under a tree (are they truly trees? is the grass truly grass? is any of this real-). She is content to watch the kods play. She is content to watch the way this story will end.
Maya takes notes of some of the kids in the meantime.
There was a boy with lengthy pale blue hair and blue eyes, talking rather happily to another kid, who had brown hair and striking gold eyes. Maya can't tell if they were friends...but they looked close to it. Maya can't help but think the scene looked rather sweet. The blue haired kid looked happier to be there than the brunet, but he looked content nonetheless. It was an odd pairing, but they seemed to be friends. She could see smiles, no matter how big nor small. [Innamorati and Macbeth by @alien-til-i-stage ]
(There was another boy, a redhead, who was looking at them from a distance. He seemed fixated on the 'blue one'...to an unhealthy degree. He felt dangerous...almost like he was inevitable. Were the blue and him also friends..?(Toki by @zerostyrant )
There was another duo she took notice of, mostly the girl, hair fading from white to brown, being more..excited, she could say. She was a bright person, there was no doubt about that. The kind that would draw people in. The boy looked rather stoic, as though he was one of those noble aliens Echidna sometimes talked to. But Maya could tell there was also an air of...caution? He even avoided looking her in the eyes...why would he be catious of the girl? Despite this, he let the girl stay around. Thats curious. [Jiu and Kioku by @solei-eclipse]
Maya looks around some more and a child takes up her attention. He looked almost ordinary, with black hair and dark eyes, but there was definitely something...uncanny about him. Like he was an attempt at something resembling human, but not entirely one. He was smiling, and it should by all means look genuine, but Maya couldn't help but find it to be so fake. Ingenuous. Almost like a doll in a way. [Yume by @sotogalmo]
The other boy he was at near felt familiar. Maya could find a sense of resemblance in the boy to someone she had seen before. But this time, he felt more...sane? Was he sane? Was anyone here truly sane? He seemed like one of the more quiet ones...like he was constantly afraid of something happening. (...why did he almost resemble one of those funny dolls Maya had seen before? The ones with strings) [Sebastian by @/sotogalmo ]
There's so many scars she can notice on the kids...are they safer here than they were before? Did some of them even want to be here-
Is that a kid in a tree?
...Dear guardians, it's a kid in a tree. He seems comfortable up there, like he's done this plenty of times before. And he just up there...observing. He had bright red eyes. (It almost seemed like they wouls glow), and beauty marks that looked like the bite marks from one of those crude shows Echidna watched. He seemed normal despite all this, if not shy. Still, he was intriguing if only for his habit of apparently watching from trees. [Ciaran by @starry-skiez ]
....ah, there was a familiar face. Just one Maya had never spoken to. She should have known Yvonne would be here. And she still carried that air of elegance around her...as well as that sense of unhinge. Her muted pink hair was always a sight to see, but Maya never got over the eerie personality of hers...Maybe she changed [Yvonne by @aakaneeee]
Maya's eyes landed on strands of white, with striking pink eyes to pair with them. The girl was staring up at the clouds (were the clouds eve real?...suppse it doesn't matter to the girl) . She seemd content in her activity. It looked peaceful. [Asahi by @apriciticreveries ]
There was another child by her side, also content. Maya could note that there were moments where seemed to communicate something to the other one using her hands rather than her words. It makes her curious on how she made it into the garden in the first place. [Yumi by @rockwgooglyeyes ]
A loud vpice caught her attention, and Maya turned to look at a rather fragile looking girl, with brown hair, only interrupted by a streak of yellow. She looked cheerful...almost like she would tackle someone to the ground out of sheer affection. But Maya felt like something deeper was lurking, like she had her own secrets she wanted to keep...Still, she seemed to be a lind soul. [Nene by @junebluues]
Ah, there. There was a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there. There was no sense of honor or want that Maya could see on the surface. He simply didn't wish to be there. Bandages wrapped around his hands, but Maya couldn't see if there was blood from where she was sitting. He did seem to be fiddling with some sort of technolody in his hands, useless if not for the fidgeting. [Xael by @junebluues ]
Beside him was another boy, though he looked more friendly than the other one. He seemed fond of his...friend(???) regardless. He seemed happy to be there, and rather brighter tha his counterpart....they were cute together. [Numa by @spcells]
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
Who would be the closest people to each of your ocs (though you can actually put whoever you’d like), and why? (This is for..scientific reasons)
Hahah not suspicious at all, anon, but thank you for the question, this is really fun!
Dian is closest to Himei (@lookatmysillies), Solei (@solei-eclipse), and Nyx, I would say. Those are all people he's willing to be fully honest with- while he loves Aurien (@aurienneirua), he puts up a front of strength around her, and he is good friends with Flor/Rose (@sotogalmo & @rosedeleca), too, but those are people he enjoys doing things with and if they ever were just hanging out doing nothing, I think he would be nervous/awkward and talk a lot to fill the presumed silence. Solei and Dian have a great time hanging out and chatting and doing insane shit just because they feed off each other's warm energy and fill each other's need of being around a person but they understand a lot of each other's insecurities as well, making them something of a perfect fit! Himei just loves Dian unconditionally and doesn't mind his nattering on and his intensity, and he values her greatly for that. He's in love with Nyx so that's one is more or less self explanatory, methinks.
Nausikaa is closest to Naz and Itsaso, probably, but I'll admit, I'm not too sure about anyone else because I haven't spent as much time with her. . .
Nyx is closest to Dian, Solei, Aurien and Cas! Kyo as well but in canon, Kyo has passed away, so he doesn't really count? I think he has other friends in Tov (@ivanttakethis), Lang (@pwippy), Tallis, and Vera (@bittersweet-adagio), but those are more "I hang out with this person for a specific reason" not "I love this person and I would do anything with them" just because Nyx is quality time heavy when it comes to love languages. At the same time, he's act-of-service heavy too, which comes out with Cas/Aurien the most because of his more familial ties to them. With Solei, he mostly just gives them space to cool down and be themself without judgement and he gets to bask in their warm rays. With Dian, well, Dian is someone who challenges his worldviews about everything, which makes him keep coming back, for whatever reason.
Yumi is closest to Asahi (@apriciticreveries) because that! is! her! girlfriend! but also she's close to Jae & Evon (@kofeedoggo), Nene, Innamorati (@alien-til-i-stage), and Moran (@geospiral). Jae, Evon and Yumi have mostly a good time just hanging out and doing things of little consequence together, which Yumi is deeply grateful for. Asahi, Nene and Yumi are a silly little trio that kind of get up to shenanigans, Asahi being the voice of reason while Yumi eggs Nene on. Yumi admires Moran and is fond of her because of the general existentialism and she enjoys talking to Moran about philosophy. Innamorati is a yapper and Yumi likes him for similar reasons as Nene, they can do all the talking and she can mostly just listen and chip in occasionally. Low energy/high energy dynamic go brrr
Yumi also kind of wants to kill Yume (kellie's baby boy) with a big hammer but she wouldn't call herself close to him.
If anyone has any questions about ANY of my responses, please lmk and i will do my best to answer!! thanks again for the question, Anon!
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
eddy and nene would probably genuinely be the WORST enemies of all time… literally imagine them trying to kill her and she’s just like “oh owie… ouch… oh no…” and heals herself immediately
nene is the type of person to use an airhorn directly in eddy’s ears in the middle of a fight and be like “my bad!” like genuinely she would annoy then so fucking much…
what’s your opinion on these two?? 🤯
These two would hate each other so much. Absolute hate hate HATE each other. The first time Eddy tries to capture her they’re like “we can do this really easily if you come quietly, okay? :D” and proceeds to run away screaming less than a minute later. It keeps showing up to fights with increasingly ridiculous weapons. It starts with a pistol, escalates to a katana because it thinks “maybe she can’t be hurt by bullets,” which then escalates to a giant hammer in case crushing her is the only way to win, which escalates to it trying to kill her with fire. All the while they go from trying to be all nice and sunny about capturing her to going batshit insane about her case and losing sleep trying to catch her (meanwhile she is sleeping like a baby)
Anyway. They are the ultimate ALNST OC hero/villain duo to me, except you can’t tell who the hero or the villain is.
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aakaneeee · 1 month
yvonne’s thoughts on nene,,? i lvoe her… im really just curious.. like would they be friends or is it more like awkwardly sitting together at lunch. or worse 🤨
yvonne kind of sees anyone as competition for who she loves (even though there is no sign of that), BUT!! she realizes while listening to Nene speak that she really is not after her man😭
after that, she grows somewhat.. fond, of her! she sometimes is a little tired listening for a while, but she kind of likes her personality. She sees her exact opposite in her and finds her interesting. (Somewhat like how Unsha found Ivan interesting because of his eyes.)
i think they would get along after the first few meetings! :3
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aurienneirua · 15 days
thinking about aurien solei and nene. can you imagine their first meeting as nene passed out right in front of their base or something, one arm gone and her body looks like this
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auri and solei bring her inside for the night and try to patch up the um ARM RIPPED OFF but in the morning they wake up to nene with all her limbs, no visible injuries, sitting very politely in the corner extremely confused as to where she even is
im so sorry im replying a whole day late to this june ! ! i was trying to think of a way to respond properly : ( . . also sorry in response if this is a bit short !
but lmao i really imagine this in canon . . although i know that aurien and solei probably wouldn’t live / survive a whole 7 to 10 more years ( the amount of years in between actual alnst seasons ) together to meet nene, i think it would still be cute if the 3 did get to meet : 3
for aurien’s reaction atleast, ( though ill tag para so they can maybe share solei’s ! ) honestly think she wouldn’t even be surprised . . by that time im guessing she would have seen some pretty messed up things ( including seeing solei eat a LIVE RAT ), and wouldn’t be that surprised to see nene’s condition ( also because auri isn’t that afraid of blood and gore ) .
but she’d definitely be a bit surprised to see nene fully healed after a night full of doubts and a part of her questioning why they’re even doing this . . she won’t even make it either way .
but nonetheless, it’s a unexpected but welcomed little coincidence lol . solei belongs to @solei-eclipse ! ( your free to tell us how solei would be in this type of situation by the way para ! )
anyways, sorry for responding late again june : ( love you < 3 ! and hope you can accept a smol picture of my cat as a apology . .
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bittersweet-adagio · 2 months
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
UPDATED INNA PROFILE thank you to @solei-eclipse FOR THE TEMPLATE!!!!
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more down below!!!
Innamorati’s guardian, Dottore, was a scientist who specialized in human studies and biology. In order to further his research, he decided to buy a pet human.
This pet human was a girl, one who was quite beautiful and could be described as an angel. With curly black hair and fair skin, Dottore took a liking to her quickly. Not only was she adorable, she was intelligent, and able to learn materials far more advanced than most of other pet humans.
While Dottore still desired to learn about humans, he decided from that point that she was no longer a research subject but an assistant he can teach. He even started to view her as a daughter.
However, due to her intellect, she was held away from the rest of the pet humans. She was constantly with aliens who were disgusted at the idea of a human being allowed to be educated on their research. While Dottore tried his best, she felt alone and depressed. In order to pull her out of her slump, he got her a human for her own.
She named the child Innamorati, out of hopes that the name will ensure Innamorati to a fate where he will never be alone.
However she wasn’t able to stay with Innamorati for much longer, as one day when attending one of the Alien Stage rounds, rebels broke in and recovered many humans, however just as humans were saved, many were also shot dead, even if they were innocent. The guards could not tell as it was a massive rebel attack.
Dottore and Innamorati both lost her that day.
Dottore found himself to be in a depressive mess after her loss. And Innamorati’s presence wasn’t helping. Out of grief, he began to force Innamorati to wear the clothes she once wore at his age, even calling him by her name. But Innamorati didn’t look like her, sound like her, or even act like her. She was intelligent and mature. He was childish and was more interested on drawing instead of working.
He began to despise Innamorati, resenting him for even existing. “Why did she die, yet her useless pet lives?” He would often yell. When he would, Innamorati would cry, unable to do anything else. This only enraged Dottore much more, to the point he would lock Innamorati up in a room far away from his lab.
One day in the lab, he came up with an idea. He would try to create a daughter that was basically a clone of her. But there was a twist he wanted to add. He wanted to create an alien, who looked and acted like a human.
Was it even possible? many of his co workers asked. But none tried to stop him. He was a grieving father, best to let him mourn, they told each other.
But somehow, it had finally worked. He had created an alien hybrid. One that mimiced humans yet biologically was an alien. The child he had created was fragile, due to having a weak exterior of human skin. But he didn’t care. This was finally his child, he had her back (she’s never coming back)
When Innamorati had heard the news, he was excited. He wanted to protect the new child, and be there for her like an older brother. Maybe he would finally be able to prove himself to Dottore, and maybe he wouldn’t be alone much longer.
But Dottore refused him to be able to see the new child at all. Saying she was too fragile and weak, but he had another idea in store for Innamorati.
“You want to comfort her, correct?” He asked, already knowing the answer. “Singing is very comforting to children you know.”
Innamorati didn’t understand what Dottore meant, but he nodded his head. Dottore only chuckled, a sinister tone took over the room, as while Innamorati had no idea yet, but Dottore had planned to put Innamorati into Alien Stage, to finally get rid of him.
- Inna hates being called Innamorati! Only Dottore and Macbeth have called him by his full name.
- Inna carries around a scrapbook filled with drawings and pictures he finds interestinf as well as book quotes he likes. This is so he can show his little sister when he graduates Anakt Garden.
- When alone in the room, he’d hum to himself often, replaying the song that was playing prior to the rebel attack
- Inna’s favorite story is The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevesky.
- The first story he wrote was one that was meant for his little sister. He never got to tell it to her, but he was able to tell it to Nene ( @junebluues )
- He’s particularly close with Nene because of how excited he was to meet a little sister. Part of him wishes Nene was his real sister and then feels bad about it
- He never knew the names of his younger and older sisters. Dottore never told him
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junebluues · 2 months
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shenenenigans · 1 month
nene and solei ( @solei-eclipse ) after becoming more animal-like when they left anakt garden
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its-langgg · 2 months
(attempted) alnst oc masterpost! ✰
oc profiles: (belongs to their respective creators)
Ji Woo
oc alien stage blog: (created by @/apriciticreveries)
oc height comparison: (created by @/solei-eclipse!)
oc zodiac signs: (created by @/aurienneirua!)
oc flower symbolism: (created by @/sotogalmo!)
masterdoc: (created by @/alien-til-i-stage!)
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solei-eclipse · 30 days
dunno if solei would ever even interact with others after they save aurien but… i feel like the similarities and differences with nene and solei make me think about them LOTS!!!!! for example
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nene is the most talkative person after what happened and solei struggles speaking(ish) and can mostly communicate with little animal-like grunts
i really feel like their relationship could be more like. nene yaps really really hard and solei is forced to listen and after a while they actually start to enjoy the talking and feels more human with the conversations. nene would know. she would understand. she doesn’t quite feel human either, but she hides it with a little joke and a smile. it would be nice, i think, to know someone who understands you even if you’re so different, right? and since nene is in season 40, it would have been after aurien gets saved, so… i wonder if that changes anything about solei?
i still think it would be good for solei to have a friend who knows what they went through, but that’s just me… i’m not saying aurien isn’t good at comforting or listening at ALL i’m saying that sometimes wouldn’t it feel good to be known rather than seen? maybe nene makes solei smile with a little joke. maybe she writes them stories. maybe she can give solei and aurien supplies such as food when neither of them can get it for any reason.. like their kid? in a way? like found family? sorry im a sucker for found family im a loser i know
IM SO SORRY FOR YAPPING but really what do you think? i have so much more to say but this is so long im so very sorry… i just really really love solei and i cannot stop thinking of them
Hi!!! Hihihihi!!!
It's very interesting that Nene is talkative after everything!! I find the contrasts between Nene and Solei very interesting too, actually, because Nene's transformation seemed like a form of revenge and was something she planned while Solei's was against their will and something they view as the lowest point of their life. Both Nene and Solei suffered from a weak physical condition, but while Nene's transformation ensures that she no longer gets sick (and can regenerate), Solei is in constant pain and agony. There are so many contrasts and parallels......
Unfortunately, Solei doesn't get to live a long life after their transformation. Though I think possible interactions between Nene and Solei would be super cute. I'm particularly fond of them "adopting" her in a way. It's giving somewhat Joel and Ellie from the last of us. Kind of. The found family dynamic would be so so sweet...... Nene can breathe underwater and Solei can scale the sky....
Thank you for the ask!!! Don't worry about yapping too much, I'm always happy to hear it (though my responses might take a while because I have work to do, and when I come home im usually dead tired)! It makes me really happy that you thought of this :) thank you!! Nenelotl and Solbird....
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pr0cyon-lotor · 3 months
I was procrastinating on making a master post/introduction but eventually I would have to do it 😮‍💨
Okay let's go.
Call me Lotor or any nickname will work. I am aroace and genderfluid (any/all pronouns are fine).
Alien Stage (Alnst)
Hyun Woo
Ivantill, Mizisua, Hyuluka
Things I wrote:
Falling Stars (Ivantill, incomplete)
Copium ;) (Ivantill, Mizisua, Hyuluka, abandoned)
I didn't get to say it back (Ivantill, oneshot, completed)
Scum villain's self saving system (SVSSS)
Shen Yuan
Shen Jiu
Shen Qingqiu (used for both Shens)
Liu Qingge
Luo Binghe
Ming Fan
Yue Qingyuan
Gongyi Xiao
(will add more when I remember)
JiuYuan, QiJiuYuan, BingFan, MoShen, BingLiu, MoShang, LiuShang, CumPlane
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
A witty fox is still an annoying fox (JiuYuan, incomplete)
An Anthology of Miscommunication (QiJiuYuan, BingFan, OC x Canon, incomplete)
One Step Back and You'll Catch Me (YueYi, incomplete)
BingFan Socmed AU (BingFan, Tumblr-only, incomplete)
Shen Siblings Notes (No Ships, Headcanons)
A Demon would be loved by the world, but you, Shen Qingqiu, shall be loved by me (JiuYuan, incomplete)
I Have To Seduce My Soulmate From Another World?! (JiuYuan, LiuShang, not released)
Slay The Princess (STP)
The Shifting Mound (The Princess)
The Long Quiet (The Protagonist)
Ship (the one)
The Shifting Quiet
The Damsel, The Thorn
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Dungeon Meshi (Dunmeshi)
Farcille, Labru, Labrumisu, Laicion, Mithcion, Kabumisu, Laichil, Chilshi
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun (TBHK)
Aoi/Akane (I use their tags interchangeably because I can't remember the difference half the time)
(will add more when I remember)
Terukane, Aoinene, Terukaneaoi, Terukaneaoinene, MitsuKou
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Humans are space orcs (HASO)
HASO: USS Bartholomew
My stuff
My writing
My art
My AO3 account
Cryptic shitposting
Slugma Appreciation Post
Homophobic Dog
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