#alnst oc: sebastian
sotogalmo · 25 days
Thinking so hard actually.
"own song" as in, similar to Flor's song; Cirque Du Jack — I already have a title for it; la-la-lamb's gold ( @starry-skiez / @solei-eclipse / @bluemoonscape / @aakaneeee / @rockwgooglyeyes : for some starter votes)
One of the main inspirations would be Wink by Azari, Rosu! (But of course there will be other songs too, just like Flor's)
*I kinda started on it-
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lookatmysillies · 24 days
Yael Fun (Tragic) Facts!
Since he has the least amount of screen time of any of my OCs so far, he’s some tidbits of his character to help get to know him better:
-He gravitates towards unhealthy relationships whether that be for friends or romantic partners. He has an incredibly toxic and codependent relationship with Macbeth, and after Macbeth’s death, he becomes obsessed with trying to get Innamorati to accept him and accept Macbeth’s passing.
-He could have the potential for a healthier dynamic if @paradisedisconcert is still making their shy little guy
-He’s had multiple unnecessary surgeries done. He’s had organs removed and replaced that were perfectly healthy. He has to have a very specific diet not to aggravate his system after all that’s been done to try and “fix” him.
-Because of this, he has to exclusively eat plain, tasteless food. He misses sweets.
-Tends to wander with seemingly no goal, aimlessly picking petals off of flowers or staring at seemingly nothing
-Before he goes to sleep, he has a routine of pressing his fingers against different spots on his torso to feel if anything is inside that shouldn’t be or otherwise missing. He does this again when he wakes up.
-They’re very interested in his peers and sometimes follows them around without saying anything.
-He and Naz used to be friends, but Naz slowly became freaked out by Yael and pushed him away.
-His hair is always cut short and straightened when he comes back from a visit home. His guardian is wealthy and likes him looking as clean and presentable as possible. Naturally, his hair is curly.
-Takes a lot of strange medicines every day that switch out frequently. He has to take them crushed in his food since he can’t swallow pills.
-Born female but leaned more androgynous and masculine as a young child, so they grew up as such.
-Wants to help others but often goes about it the wrong way.
-Their guardian, Aligri, has never sent any humans to Anakt Garden before Yael, who was sent very, very young.
-He has a very blank look about him most of the time.
-Can often be heard singing strange, unfamiliar melodies and words under his breath—he sees singing as ritualistic. He’s never known a life in death without it.
-In addition to Macbeth and Inna, he’s also interested in Naz, Kioku, Yume, Xael, Numa, Sebastian, and Yumi (subject to be added onto, obviously)
-He never really seems happy or childlike, just listless.
-He once had an incident where he almost drowned in the stream in Anakt Garden. He wandered there and was found facedown in the water by a classmate. He was pulled out and had to be revived.
-He had to wear a collar after that.
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cloverandstuff · 18 days
She doesn't recognise anyone there.
That should have been obvious, of course she wouldn't. But she can't help but take note of it. Some seem to have made connections while others are content on their own. But none are faces she finds familiar.
Maya chooses to sit in a corner, under a tree (are they truly trees? is the grass truly grass? is any of this real-). She is content to watch the kods play. She is content to watch the way this story will end.
Maya takes notes of some of the kids in the meantime.
There was a boy with lengthy pale blue hair and blue eyes, talking rather happily to another kid, who had brown hair and striking gold eyes. Maya can't tell if they were friends...but they looked close to it. Maya can't help but think the scene looked rather sweet. The blue haired kid looked happier to be there than the brunet, but he looked content nonetheless. It was an odd pairing, but they seemed to be friends. She could see smiles, no matter how big nor small. [Innamorati and Macbeth by @alien-til-i-stage ]
(There was another boy, a redhead, who was looking at them from a distance. He seemed fixated on the 'blue one'...to an unhealthy degree. He felt dangerous...almost like he was inevitable. Were the blue and him also friends..?(Toki by @zerostyrant )
There was another duo she took notice of, mostly the girl, hair fading from white to brown, being more..excited, she could say. She was a bright person, there was no doubt about that. The kind that would draw people in. The boy looked rather stoic, as though he was one of those noble aliens Echidna sometimes talked to. But Maya could tell there was also an air of...caution? He even avoided looking her in the eyes...why would he be catious of the girl? Despite this, he let the girl stay around. Thats curious. [Jiu and Kioku by @solei-eclipse]
Maya looks around some more and a child takes up her attention. He looked almost ordinary, with black hair and dark eyes, but there was definitely something...uncanny about him. Like he was an attempt at something resembling human, but not entirely one. He was smiling, and it should by all means look genuine, but Maya couldn't help but find it to be so fake. Ingenuous. Almost like a doll in a way. [Yume by @sotogalmo]
The other boy he was at near felt familiar. Maya could find a sense of resemblance in the boy to someone she had seen before. But this time, he felt more...sane? Was he sane? Was anyone here truly sane? He seemed like one of the more quiet ones...like he was constantly afraid of something happening. (...why did he almost resemble one of those funny dolls Maya had seen before? The ones with strings) [Sebastian by @/sotogalmo ]
There's so many scars she can notice on the kids...are they safer here than they were before? Did some of them even want to be here-
Is that a kid in a tree?
...Dear guardians, it's a kid in a tree. He seems comfortable up there, like he's done this plenty of times before. And he just up there...observing. He had bright red eyes. (It almost seemed like they wouls glow), and beauty marks that looked like the bite marks from one of those crude shows Echidna watched. He seemed normal despite all this, if not shy. Still, he was intriguing if only for his habit of apparently watching from trees. [Ciaran by @starry-skiez ]
....ah, there was a familiar face. Just one Maya had never spoken to. She should have known Yvonne would be here. And she still carried that air of elegance around her...as well as that sense of unhinge. Her muted pink hair was always a sight to see, but Maya never got over the eerie personality of hers...Maybe she changed [Yvonne by @aakaneeee]
Maya's eyes landed on strands of white, with striking pink eyes to pair with them. The girl was staring up at the clouds (were the clouds eve real?...suppse it doesn't matter to the girl) . She seemd content in her activity. It looked peaceful. [Asahi by @apriciticreveries ]
There was another child by her side, also content. Maya could note that there were moments where seemed to communicate something to the other one using her hands rather than her words. It makes her curious on how she made it into the garden in the first place. [Yumi by @rockwgooglyeyes ]
A loud vpice caught her attention, and Maya turned to look at a rather fragile looking girl, with brown hair, only interrupted by a streak of yellow. She looked cheerful...almost like she would tackle someone to the ground out of sheer affection. But Maya felt like something deeper was lurking, like she had her own secrets she wanted to keep...Still, she seemed to be a lind soul. [Nene by @junebluues]
Ah, there. There was a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there. There was no sense of honor or want that Maya could see on the surface. He simply didn't wish to be there. Bandages wrapped around his hands, but Maya couldn't see if there was blood from where she was sitting. He did seem to be fiddling with some sort of technolody in his hands, useless if not for the fidgeting. [Xael by @junebluues ]
Beside him was another boy, though he looked more friendly than the other one. He seemed fond of his...friend(???) regardless. He seemed happy to be there, and rather brighter tha his counterpart....they were cute together. [Numa by @spcells]
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
Tiny silly question. Would Solei know of Sebastian-? I dunno. I just kinda think it'd be interesting inna way, especially if Seb slightly reminds them of Flor. Justa tiny bit (it's not a coincidence) <- I think I'm silly
I'm not sure if you've mentioned it before, I'm sorry I might not have seen, but it depends on how obvious/secretive Flor was about having him. Obviously going through that would thoroughly change a person, but Solei wouldn't know what happened to Flor unless they were told outright.
If Solei were ever to meet Seb, they'd be genuinely shocked at the visual similarities. He's like a very different version of Flor to them, more mousy and afraid. Yet they may be able to see her face in some of his expressions and mannerisms. It feels uncanny at times to Solei...
They'd definitely care for Sebastian, though! It's something they can't help, especially since he's Flor's son and Solei is very fond of her. They'd worry about him often.
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aakaneeee · 1 month
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l'amour de pierrot
(sebastian belongs to @sotogalmo!)
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
Now that I'm thinking of it.
I'm wondering what, Dian (o)nyx (and maybe your other two OCs!) think of Yume and Sebastian now! (I'll do one in return!!!)
Haha I really am out here confusing people by alternating freely between calling him Nyx or Onyx *sighs* ah well
I think Dian would find Yume and Sebastian amusing, especially the way that Sebastian seems to outright dislike Yume while Yume is like “hello friend!” He might be a bit unsettled by Yume’s intensity? But other than that, I don’t think he’d have anything against either
Nyx is definitely wigged out by Yume being so emotionally attached to aliens (because you know. that’s the person that owns you. as if you’re an object. what) (this is his thought process) but I don’t think he would have anything against Yume himself? except that he’s kind of pushy. Nyx would far prefer Sebastian to Yume just because of similar disposition though.
Yumi doesn’t like Yume because she recognizes deep down how similar they are and she doesn’t like seeing this warped reflection of herself. She doesn’t really know Sebastian to say much about him. Redhead? Grumpy? Freckles?
Nausikaa doesn’t get to meet either I don’t think but she would have fun watching them dance around each other (not necessarily in a gay way but just in general)
thank you for the ask Kellie this was fun to think about!!
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zerostyrant · 1 month
Ranfren fan songs, but like. Ivory Gashes is kinda Toki coded (and then ofc we have The Plight of the Jester Doll for seb)
Explodes. The whole cat and mouse thing that the songs kinda have (smth smth ivory gashes ending with "is anybody in this family normal?" which is the start of plight of the jester doll... Etc etc. I think iminsane but yeah)
no ur not insane ur so real for this,,, theres so many songs that fit them and their little cat and mouse game..... damn its no wonder inna thinks toki likes sebastian, hes just having too much fun messing with the little mouse 😔💔
inna - @alien-til-i-stage , seb - you lol
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Odd thought.
But, Inna and Sebastian (new Alnst OC, for season40) semi-friendship??? (Slips friendship card to you)
I can see Seb tolerating Inna. And then just getting used to how he is, and such. I dunno, I just think that they'll have an interesting dynamic
OMG YEAH!!! Inna would try to befriend Sebastion often! Maybe inviting him to come and hang out with his other friends like Monica ( @nottoonedin ) and Toki ( @z3r0styrant )!!!
Maybe at first Seb just ignores or flat out ignores Inna, but as Inna keeps inviting Seb to come play with everyone, maybe eventually Seb would warm up to him one day!
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sotogalmo · 26 days
12 — 1:11 am
NEWS: The well-behaved and loved pet human — 000478; Yume Nagai — has been found to have committed suicide,
After being found with a pair of scissors in hands and the victim: 121321 (Sebastian), being found with blood stains and a huge gash on his left arm.
There are possibly more victims as 121321 was saying when he was interviewed but only the ones closest to 000478.
His method is not the scissors, but the vial- the “gift” he was making— but we cannot dismiss it because of the fresh cut that is close to a vein on his right wrist; and a clear line of blood on his neck
After that, 000478's room is nothing but a ghost "town". And we could never find out what his reason was for such an attack on those who were close to him; and we don't know if they are still alive just like 121321 is. And about 121321; his left eye mark was never done for a re-look (it's smeared, and it's more like it was made to be a tear mark now. Like some clown paint; of a star and a tear on their cheeks)
121321 was lucky to be alive after this; due to his talent of running.
"ah... ... Such an awful sight."
"sorry to, keep you waiting."
"you've done well. So, how was it?"
"right, well, it seems as though, the.. doll has already been taken away..."
"hm, I see..."
"furthermore, this matter does appear to be linked, to that woman... Margar."
"Noël...it looks like we'll need to investigate deeper, huh?"
. . "..."
. . .
"let's go, Bastienne. To AREPH."
"Yes, understood. Orian."
(AREPH: @bluemoonscape . <- also I think you can find some similarities in appearances with Sebastian and Eddy via eye. If it is It's left eye that has the mark)
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sotogalmo · 9 days
Couldnt wait. Have the Sebastian Glassred & Yvonne Venomania drawings I did<3
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(yvonne: @aakaneeee ) / Sebastian as Gumina Glassred & Yvonne as Saterias Venomania
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sotogalmo · 1 month
4:40 am
Season40 is filled with so many freaks,,, (Yume, Toki, Ciaran, Yvonne, etc ...)
This is crazy. It's like, Season40 is the calling of all freaks or smth (it's also so funny cuz like. I think as of now Sebastian or maybe Nene are possibly the only sane characters)
Ciaran: @starry-skiez , Yvonne: @aakaneeee , Nene: @junebluues , Toki: @z3r0styrant . Yume & Sebastian are mine<3
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sotogalmo · 1 month
Honestly, gonna share the playlists now. :3c ( @teapotuser / @alien-til-i-stage , @starry-skiez , etc)
Title taken from one of Sweetheart's battle quotes in game(OMORI) / Art by @rockwgooglyeyes . ~8hrs and 6 minutes long.
Title is a lyric taken from 'Drug Of Gold' by Akuno-P/Mothy — Art by rock again. ~10hrs and 24 minutes long.
Title is a lyric taken from 'Plight of The Jester Doll's by clowncurls on yt! / Art by @aakaneeee . ~10hrs and 32 minutes long.
Title is what the title says: you can name it whatever; goes along with the dream meaning / Art by me. ~13hrs and 10 minutes long.
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sotogalmo · 1 month
i just read the toki and seb dynamic, with toki poking fun at him, and I just imagined yvonne staring holes into toki's back, trying her hardest not to jump at him Mizi-in-round-5 style, but she knows it's a battle she wouldn't win. (Without a weapon)
This is amazing ,,,, Yvonne seeing them being cat and mouse and doing cat and mouse related games, and she's trying her hardest just to not. Jump in too-
Hell yeah,, ough. Hdhsvhdbdjdbdh !!! Also, also her with Yume. I bet she'll also stare holes into his back too (cuz Yume has had ,, basically threatened seb before)
(Toki: @z3r0styrant / Yvonne: you / Sebastian: me)
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sotogalmo · 1 month
4:44 am
Possibly a weird question, but how do your OCs sleep?
Examples; I think Flor sleeps in a way like some animals do. Being on a surface but having her arms dangle on the edge,, — Rosca sleeps like she's some vampire (she sleeps with her arms crossed and such. She likes to show that she's the best at almost everything, and that includes sleeping as funny and useless that is) — Yume sleeps like a hamster, or in any position that has him curled inwards towards himself. Fetal position, and anything trapped animal related. That's how he is to me — lastly, Sebastian sleeps like a normal person (he sleeps in the most common position known to man)
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sotogalmo · 1 month
Sebastian inspo chart :3 ( @starry-skiez , @rockwgooglyeyes )
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He was kinda hard to do tbh (he's strawberry blonde! Not ginger or red hair, but close to it / the black triangles under his eyes are apart of his clown makeup, they don't seem to be getting washed any time soon; making them quite permanent on his face, that somewhat cover his minimal freckles / he has grey hair via the general prey vibes and just the way he lived before coming to ANAKT)
Sebastian De Tomato Smith Chicken Legs from Ranfren/Randal's Friends! This is where he gets his name and general looks/vibe from. ('tomato smith chicken legs' can go with the whole food theming that Flor has in her backstory)
Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2, just to go with Yume's Nagito Komaeda /silly
Present Day Problem Takechi Robert/Ratman 4 from Ranfren/Randal's Friends again. For the general prey vibes that Seb has (Ratman 4 was for the hair a lil bit. Same with Shigeo)
Shinji Ikari from the manga version of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Again to go with Yume's Karl (manga Kaworu. Manga Shinji by fandom is called Shaun)
Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100, just because I needed to fill smth in. But ig it can kinda go with the way that in some cases that Seb can be quite naive and such.
Sonic from his series, was made to fill the boxes in. Could go with the way that he somewhat presents some traits similar to Flor, but it's hidden/overlooked by the way he's just constantly nervous. He runs fast! But not as fast as the others, since he does end up getting caught (metaphorically, literally and seriously. His life is the game of cat and mouse and he's the mouse. Everyone is a predator, and so he's always caught; his guardian and now Alien Stage)
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sotogalmo · 22 days
3:00 am (4 days ago) — 12:34
“Come, my prince, kiss me in that forest...”
@alien-til-i-stage / @starry-skiez (small but lots of mentions of Ciaran) :
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@solei-eclipse / @junebluues / @chokkito / @4listr / @aakaneeee / @rockwgooglyeyes / @teapotuser + @bluemoonscape
Before it all— continuing from my other post, which is the aftermath.
"now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is a very special day, is it not?" Yume has said, a lot of the times after seeing the 'Sun' set while being in the garden.
It's something that he's cherished, but not outrightly stated that it's something he liked doing. It's more like a gift- that's what Yume has thought and called it
Sleep is a gift; and those who are able to sleep are given such a gift because it's necessary for them (not for me, they wanted to see if they can push me to the end)
And such a gift, is good for them.
And it's something he wanted to learn about; it's not that weird that he watches others, isn't it?
He's learning about it, and it's better to do it up close and personal- a hands-on type of experiment. So it's not weird of him to stare.
It's actually quite normal for him to stare at others.
Seeing others sleep, whether they sleep within seconds or take longer- it's all interesting to him.
They are also in weird and funny positions to sleep in... But it's nice that they trust him when they fall asleep next to him.
He, Yume Nagai -"the sleep potentate"- finds it's very nice of them to trust him with such dreams and how close he is to them (physically, he doesn't really know what happens in their dreams, but he hopes it's nothing but what they want)
But it seems whenever they sleep close to him, they have happy dreams!
That makes him.. feel... Nice about himself. And it gives him purpose.
To which, he couldn't help but let his mind wander thru his past as he stared at some of them sleeping.
His past before he met the ones in his class; before he met his class.
His past where he would indulge in his own choosing of hanging out with Ald, for as long as he can. That has him asking questions, and never getting a full straight answer— but the fact that he can hang out and hear his voice?
Ah, it's so wonderful that it just drives him wild.
Even if Ald later down the line forgot about him and then got a new pet, oh what was his name? Sebstian? Sebastion? No one cares.
Yume had loved him since they had their first meeting; when they first looked at each other and then a spark happened.
And he was helpful too! Since he could bring Ald to greatness and provide wealth for him; he was technically the son of a doctor.
And he didn't mind! He actually accepted it, outright. And if it means that the silly childhood promise they both made when they met, could be kept in like a secret; a place where he will compromise for Ald's forgetfulness—
Because as long as he has him, surely everything will be alright. Even if he forgets- as long as they are together physically; he can be safe and sweet.
To which, it connects to what he's been seeing and what he's seeing right now. Someone is having trouble sleeping- someone not close to him, so they're fine.
But some of them seem to be in a nightmare; granted, Sebastian always has nightmares or just plain black dreams. so it's not surprising when it comes to him—
But for the others. It's a bit of a surprise. But then again, this places does bring them so much anxiety- fear and relentless horror. Even if they don't know it.
At least the subtle-ness of such a place gets to them subconsciously. It always was like that for him, so most likely it's for the others too. It would make sense
And in a way, he has just the right thing for them that can soothe them and bring much happier dreams than the ones that they're having. Well- not really, and he doesn't feel up to it.
In a way, he's jealous because they can have this gift of being human and having a rest. It's a gift that many of them have shared with others since the very start of their birth.
But, also- he's helpful to them because he can lure them to sleep— he was helpful for Ald!
He thinks he's helpful for the others because of how he can help them with their sleeping habits. And it makes him happy that he can help them; which has turned into a thing he does for the sake of their health and overall happiness.
Everyone has worries that weigh them down from day to day, he knows that with perfect -unchained, unscorecard, and unrestrained- knowledge because he's always seen worry.
"mama" he would first think, and then- "or papa... I don't know which is more fitting for them, but mama gives me... makes me a tiny bit of.. happiness..."
But then he'll just continue this train of thought: "mama and every other person I was able to see.. I could see their worries plain as day. Even with their sleeplessness, it wasn't hard to find it. It's under their eyelids, they are called "eye bags" I've been told by ama." — "and that was why some of them have been so surprised when I went up to them, whenever I could. I think."
"But! Now! With this medicine I plan on making, with the tiny leaves I've gathered when I was out playing with Ciaran (ah, ciaran..), and the.. cuts I gave myself. Leaves and liquid are important for making a cure, right?"
Yume hums a small tone, nothing significant. Just something that he regularly hums whenever he's too deep into his mind— "repeated tasks in uninspiring daily life, deepest longings.. ah, you know. Only inside a dream, you can leave it all behind-"
He's thought of that, too many times.
To close his eyes, cast away anything - anyone - everyone and everything he's tired of because if-
Ah. You already know that though. I bet you do, it's the main reason why he was made!
Such irony.
That he, now also does the same for the same reason; to lose himseld in his mind inside of his realities, where it's all true! (oh, who needs reality when you can dream? It's very simple!)
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.... . / .-- .- .-.. -.- . -.. / - --- / - .... . -- .-.-.- / --. .. ...- .. -. --. / - .... . -- / .- / --. .. ..-. - .-.-.- / .- / --. .. ..-. - / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . -- / - --- / -... . / ..-. .-. . . / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / .-.. .. ..-. . / - .... .- - / .. ... / .- -. .- -.- - / --. .- .-. -.. . -. .-.-.- / .- / --. .. ..-. - --..-- / .- / -... .-.. ..- . / ...- .. .- .-.. .-.-.- / .- / ...- .. .- .-.. / .. -. / .... .. ... / .... .- -. -.. / - .... .- - / .. ... / -.. .- -- .- --. . -.. / -... . -.-- --- -. -.. / .-. . - ..- .-. -. --..-- / .- -. -.. / - .... .- - / -... .-.. ..- . / ...- .. .- .-.. / .-.. --- --- -.- ... / .-.. .. -.- . / .-- .- - . .-. .-.-.- / ... ..- .-. . .-.. -.-- / - .... .. ... / --. .. ..-. - / .. ... / -. --- / .--. --- .. ... --- -. -.-.-- / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .-- .... -.-- / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / .. - / -... . ..--.. / .-- .... -.-- / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... . / --. .. ...- . / - .... . -- / ... ..- -.-. .... / .- / - .... .. -. --. ..--.. / .... . / -.-. .- .-. . ... / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . -- .-.-.- / - .... . ... . / .-.. --- .-- .-.. -.-- / .--. . - ... / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - .. -. --. / .- -. -.. / .-- .- .. - .. -. --. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / --. .-. .. -- .-.-.- / - .... . / -- ..- .-. -.- -.-- / .-- .- - . .-. --..-- / - --- --- / -.. .- .-. -.- / -.-- . - / .. - .----. ... / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / .-..-. .-- .- - . .-. .-..-. .-.-.- / .- / --. .. ..-. - / - --- / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / - .... . -- .-.-.- / -. --- .-- / --- ..-. ..-. / .. -. - --- / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / -.. .-. . .- -- ... --..-- / .- .-.. .-.. / - .... . / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. .-. . -. / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / -.. .-. .. ..-. - / - --- / - .... . .. .-. / ... .- ..-. . / .... .- ...- . -. .-.-.-
But now,
I can—
Be free.....
Yume hums a small tone, nothing significant. Just something that he regularly hums whenever he's too deep into his mind— He thinks he's helpful for the others because of how he can help them with their sleeping habits; he's shown that! His vial, his medicine- his "gift". And it makes him happy that he can help them; which has turned into a thing he does for the sake of their health and overall happiness.
For the sake of his—
CRASH. (Wink)
That rat— vermin, again.
Isn't it?
Roaming the halls, seems like he's not actually a heavy sleeper; but that's to be expected. He's always on the worry side of everything.
That's what Ald has been telling him, when he was first adopted he would make these small mistakes just like a new-born fawn! Ald found it funny, and so does Yume.
Hah, how can a faun- a deer survive in these conditions?
But if he finds out; oh. He might tell the others— he seems to be that type of person, either way.
A scaredy cat that makes too many mistakes that it's funny, a mouse that tells on others, a rat that hears and whines, a vermin who's nothing but pest— nothing but oblivious to the idea that Yume has; that will set them both and many others free from this place.
So, yes. He has “"broken in"”. Not his fault that the aliens didn't trust him enough to watch the others...
. .
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. . . . . .
They met.
Face to face—
Once again. But this time with no "axe" behind Yume as to "disregard" his 'clone' (ahahah, ahahaha! funny- because he's the one and only Yume Nagai. Why would there be clones of him?)
They were standing near- so damn near- the entrance of the garden.
The ever-shifting colored box; the top of it open. They could see the stars- the other planets— everything.
. .
. . .
But that doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter to him; Yume. It doesn't matter.
It shouldn't, and it doesn't matter.
Why is Sebastian so resistant? Why does he hesitate (Drink up the vial. Take a breath; Suck out the poison, let it touch you) ? Why does he second guess, everything given to him?
This gift, why does he wake so easily from it?
This gift, why does he always worry it would never work?
This gift, why does he call it "nightmare"?
... Yume walks away; oh, he doesn't want to spend a MINUTE longer with this ginger!
He always makes him confused, questioning himself; but of course! What he thinks about Sebastian is nothing but rivalry!
Why should he feel connected, and feel just the same when he was with Ald (with Ciaran)?
Sebastian is the total opposite of them, and that doesn't feel nice.
Yume is now back in his room. Not alone, but he's back in his room. In all honesty, that's better than being in the halls where the others could see them.
This is better, because he can now- revisit the way he did his cure. (Feelin' feelin' feelin' feelin' f e a r)
And maybe have someone taste it (Drink up the vial. Take a breath; Suck out the poison, let it touch you) out! To see if it's perfect for the others.. even if he already gave those said others (those nobodies) their peace!
Yume sits back down, close to the area where he was making his cure; his gift to them all. Before he heard Sebastian's voice;
Of course it wobbled, but only a slight bit before he 'yelled' (more like he whispered this out loud in a very hushed but loud voice)— "Stop this already!"
To which? Of course, Yume responded, in the same tone and everything. You don't want the others to catch you, right?
"Stop what?"
Sebastian's hands waved around in the air (With a slight fever,) as he tried to remember what Yume called that glass bottle- "this- that thing that you're creating!—
You can't keep making it-!" Such a ""hero"" (but he is here with a weapon.. no, it can't be.)
"Why not!? Why not!? What's so bad about finally having rest!?" (wink.) "I'm here to save you all!"
"To start the end of the beginning."
"So I can finally meet him again... I have to do this."
"How are you so sure that this will make you meet him?"
"you... you just want to die!"
"if I DIE, then they'll surely ask you about me. And he- he'll ask you about me! He'll finally talk about me!"
"Also...." Yume stopped for a bit, lowering his hoarse voice.
"Are how you so sure, I'll die? I know I will, but I'll not stay dead for long. I know it for sure." Saying it with such childishly sweet reassurance.
Sebastian gripped his scissors. Wondering if that tone should've been comforting, or something. It sounds— wrong. Like it's not supposed, to be that childish. That sweet- that unbothered.
Yume held onto his box cutters, the ones he found and hid away from the aliens- so very well.
"Besides. You know what Ald eats."
Sebastian shudders at the memories of seeing.. three? Or possibly more, human bodies that sometimes look like him; with the same clothes and everything-! The same rat hats, same rat tail belts, and everything. (Even the same things that the other pets would hunt- everything was prey. He was prey. But he lived; why? What's so interesting about him? Why did Ald keep him alive?)
"I only hope to be helpful to him. To be his resource, to be his~."
Sebastian looked away as he slightly drew blood from his own hand holding onto his scissors too tightly. "I should've known it would be like this, for that reason.. because you are weird, and a freak... ..... but why.. just why Yume..."
"it's only natural, that I'll finally be useful to him. And that they'll never let me go... I'm too important to them."
"Isn't painful? Suffocating?
Do you just want to escape it all?"
He's being... He's being vulnerable.
"Too tired of it all?" (A woman is eavesdropping on them; she lightly shakes and then looks down while having her robe on. She understands what he's saying.....)
What do you mean "but"? (Drink up the vial
Take a breath
Suck out the poison
Let it touch you)
"That's alright. It's fine; it's just how- and the way humans are."
You're saying that like you're.. you, yourself aren't human.... (Save this game, Mr. A)
Yume brings his box cutters to a spot on his wrist, like he's an expert at such harm (he is, just look at how he needed a glove to hide his marks!)— he didn't even have to look at his arm; his hand.
He knew just the spot, and he knew how to finish his cure; his gift— the heaven's blessing.
Love's love.
. .
. . .
His own blood.
If he can't give it to Ald (not Ald, not Ald. It's Ciaran), then he can at least "accidentally" give it to him.
The leaves, his blood, the poppy lookalike flowers (they are called ANAKT flowers, but he doesn't buy it. Fake? Of course, but it's the best he can do)- along with one silvervine.
Sebastian looks around, continuing to draw blood from his sweaty palm that is holding onto his weapon (Still covering my right eye
I check the tears). ..... He's thinking of doing what he should do- as a way to stop this craziness (yes, he knows that Yume has already been crazy from the start since they met, but this— ....)
A cut; and the drip-drip-drip of fresh blood. The metal smell overwhelms Sebastian, as he dashes forwards to pull Yume away; getting some of it (the blood, the blood coming from Yume's already too far gone wrist) way from the small bottle that Yume has been working on for who knows how long..
To which?
Yume attacks.
How DARE he stop this!
He would've dragged him down with him later or earlier, but now it seems like he should drag him down with him; NOW.
If Sebastian is acting like this, then he must surely want to be dead with him right now— but he can't.. he doesn't have the strength for it. (The woman outside of their door, starts to leave. They don't pay attention- but surely the guards might've- should've heard of her steps. It seems to be close to morning? The time where they would put the place in "day mode"; pink hair in cat-ear like buns sways, leaving with a younger girl who has ear-length ginger brown hair)
So it was easy for Sebastian, the one who can hold an alien back by one hand, to hold him in place and to at least try and help— keyword; try.
He tries.
He doesn't succeeds.
Yume scratches at his arm's bicep.
Not necessarily with his nails, but also with his box cutter. It's easy to do that (he had to, switch? the placement of his box cutters onto the other hand because his hand is bleeding out. Slowly, but still).
He was giving something back; he was giving that pain back. Not to the actual one who caused it, but the one who caused confusion for him.
He lightly smirked again, a last time type of smirk; the same smirk he had when they first met (God, Sebastian thinks, this makes me sound cheesy as hell. As if I liked him- no, not that. As if I "loved" him.....)
But his smirk was hiding something. Sebastian just knows it; how can he smile like this? And use so much force to crave words into his biceps....
you had used me, and abused me, made me feel small. You had cast aside my feelings, treated me like a doll. Even long before the gift, you'd broken my heart.
It was all I could do to tear the damn place apart! (I'll scream until I rot away)
They are face to face again.
Sebastian is holding in his tears (he doesn't want to be seen as weak, or pathetic. He doesn't like tears because of that. He only wants to be helpful)
Yume is ever smiling back at him.
. . . This feels so weird...
it's a medicine, it brings sleep make no mistake. And the sleep's eternal, so you never shall wake.
With what he can do for now, he reaches over to the glass bottle. Sebastian doesn't move, as he only tighten his grip onto him- trying so much.
"This is okay. This is okay." Yume said, what is he trying to achieve with saying that?
My Insomnia is transformed to a thing of the past.
Yume pushes them both away from each other. Sebastian brings his scissors to Yume's shoulder; close to his neck and collarbone (he wanted to stop this, in one way to another. Even if blood is made. He has to chase his heart) — to that, Yume somewhat whined. Only for a little bit
No longer the sleep princess, instead the sleeping beauty~—
. .
. . .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. . .
. .
The same pink haired woman is lightly seen. She's with— no.
It can't be.
It must be a clone, at least!
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