#alnst oc: macbeth
lookatmysillies · 24 days
Yael Fun (Tragic) Facts!
Since he has the least amount of screen time of any of my OCs so far, he���s some tidbits of his character to help get to know him better:
-He gravitates towards unhealthy relationships whether that be for friends or romantic partners. He has an incredibly toxic and codependent relationship with Macbeth, and after Macbeth’s death, he becomes obsessed with trying to get Innamorati to accept him and accept Macbeth’s passing.
-He could have the potential for a healthier dynamic if @paradisedisconcert is still making their shy little guy
-He’s had multiple unnecessary surgeries done. He’s had organs removed and replaced that were perfectly healthy. He has to have a very specific diet not to aggravate his system after all that’s been done to try and “fix” him.
-Because of this, he has to exclusively eat plain, tasteless food. He misses sweets.
-Tends to wander with seemingly no goal, aimlessly picking petals off of flowers or staring at seemingly nothing
-Before he goes to sleep, he has a routine of pressing his fingers against different spots on his torso to feel if anything is inside that shouldn’t be or otherwise missing. He does this again when he wakes up.
-They’re very interested in his peers and sometimes follows them around without saying anything.
-He and Naz used to be friends, but Naz slowly became freaked out by Yael and pushed him away.
-His hair is always cut short and straightened when he comes back from a visit home. His guardian is wealthy and likes him looking as clean and presentable as possible. Naturally, his hair is curly.
-Takes a lot of strange medicines every day that switch out frequently. He has to take them crushed in his food since he can’t swallow pills.
-Born female but leaned more androgynous and masculine as a young child, so they grew up as such.
-Wants to help others but often goes about it the wrong way.
-Their guardian, Aligri, has never sent any humans to Anakt Garden before Yael, who was sent very, very young.
-He has a very blank look about him most of the time.
-Can often be heard singing strange, unfamiliar melodies and words under his breath—he sees singing as ritualistic. He’s never known a life in death without it.
-In addition to Macbeth and Inna, he’s also interested in Naz, Kioku, Yume, Xael, Numa, Sebastian, and Yumi (subject to be added onto, obviously)
-He never really seems happy or childlike, just listless.
-He once had an incident where he almost drowned in the stream in Anakt Garden. He wandered there and was found facedown in the water by a classmate. He was pulled out and had to be revived.
-He had to wear a collar after that.
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
I was wondering what Kio and Jiu would think of Macbeth and Inna? and maybe Lilith but I don’t think they would know her too well (mostly bc shes an alien model but maybe theyve heard about her)
I think Inna would find Jiu to be really similar to Macbeth and maybe tries really hard to make the two of them friends.
Inna: look hes just like you
Macbeth: wtf why you just carry him over here???
He would also consider Jiu as a close friend, even if Jiu didn’t think the same. Maybe like everyday for a moment or two he tries to find Jiu to pester him a bit.
I also think Inna would really like Kio and bond with her. Like the two of them run and play around the garden together and maybe even race a bit! (Kio always wins)
Meanwhile I think Macbeth wouldn’t really interact with Jiu too much, but he would notice that Jiu seems to have smth going on with Kio, that he just acts differently with her. He wouldn’t care too much bc it doesn’t involve him, choosing to instead ignore it.
I also think Macbeth would be pretty annoyed by Kio and tries to avoid talking to her, same reasons as he does with Inna. He just doesn’t like them. If Kio was running around he’d try to find somewhere else to be
jiu 🤝 macbeth
kio 🤝 inna
this is SO fun to me, especially inna finding jiu similar to macbeth. the two duos are kind of like mirrors of each other, inna and jiu both have blue(ish) hair and blue eyes, yet Inna is lighter and brighter while Jiu's hair is so dull it's basically black. His eyes are steely as well, definitely not as bright as Inna's.
Kio and Macbeth both share a brownish color, but Kio is warmer both physically and personality wise.
INNA CARRYING JIU? HELP. His expression was definitely 🗿 the whole time.
Unfortunately Jiu would not appreciate being pestered 😭 in his head he'd register Inna as a bit of a pest and make a mental note to avoid him when they're about to cross paths. Nothing personal against Inna (I guess, Jiu doesn't hate him), Jiu just doesn't want to be bothered when he's so busy. It's really nice how Inna sees him as a friend, though! I think Jiu would feel guilty about that, he doesn't feel deserving of it. Still, it would make him feel a little bit soft.
INNA AND KIO WOULD BE GREAT FRIENDS! They'd definitely play around a lot! Their personalities seem like a perfect fit for each other and their vibes would mesh really well. Kio would reach the finish line first, and if Inna was still farther behind she'd be cheering him on!
Most of all, she'd like the blue of Inna's eyes. It reminds her of something, but she can't properly recall...
Macbeth clocking Jiu and Kio's tension but going 'thats not my problem' is SO real. stay unbothered king.
Macbeth (tries to avoid Kio) 🤝 Jiu (tries to avoid Inna)
Kio and Inna would be an absolute force to be reckoned with actually 😭 Jiu already feels awkward with Kio, but now that she's hanging with Inna... Jiu is going to apply reverse magnetism and immediately swerve at the sight of them.
Partly because they're a great bother, and partly because... well... it makes him bitter. Seeing the two together is like a childhood memory coming to life just to mock him.
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cloverandstuff · 18 days
She doesn't recognise anyone there.
That should have been obvious, of course she wouldn't. But she can't help but take note of it. Some seem to have made connections while others are content on their own. But none are faces she finds familiar.
Maya chooses to sit in a corner, under a tree (are they truly trees? is the grass truly grass? is any of this real-). She is content to watch the kods play. She is content to watch the way this story will end.
Maya takes notes of some of the kids in the meantime.
There was a boy with lengthy pale blue hair and blue eyes, talking rather happily to another kid, who had brown hair and striking gold eyes. Maya can't tell if they were friends...but they looked close to it. Maya can't help but think the scene looked rather sweet. The blue haired kid looked happier to be there than the brunet, but he looked content nonetheless. It was an odd pairing, but they seemed to be friends. She could see smiles, no matter how big nor small. [Innamorati and Macbeth by @alien-til-i-stage ]
(There was another boy, a redhead, who was looking at them from a distance. He seemed fixated on the 'blue one'...to an unhealthy degree. He felt dangerous...almost like he was inevitable. Were the blue and him also friends..?(Toki by @zerostyrant )
There was another duo she took notice of, mostly the girl, hair fading from white to brown, being more..excited, she could say. She was a bright person, there was no doubt about that. The kind that would draw people in. The boy looked rather stoic, as though he was one of those noble aliens Echidna sometimes talked to. But Maya could tell there was also an air of...caution? He even avoided looking her in the eyes...why would he be catious of the girl? Despite this, he let the girl stay around. Thats curious. [Jiu and Kioku by @solei-eclipse]
Maya looks around some more and a child takes up her attention. He looked almost ordinary, with black hair and dark eyes, but there was definitely something...uncanny about him. Like he was an attempt at something resembling human, but not entirely one. He was smiling, and it should by all means look genuine, but Maya couldn't help but find it to be so fake. Ingenuous. Almost like a doll in a way. [Yume by @sotogalmo]
The other boy he was at near felt familiar. Maya could find a sense of resemblance in the boy to someone she had seen before. But this time, he felt more...sane? Was he sane? Was anyone here truly sane? He seemed like one of the more quiet ones...like he was constantly afraid of something happening. (...why did he almost resemble one of those funny dolls Maya had seen before? The ones with strings) [Sebastian by @/sotogalmo ]
There's so many scars she can notice on the kids...are they safer here than they were before? Did some of them even want to be here-
Is that a kid in a tree?
...Dear guardians, it's a kid in a tree. He seems comfortable up there, like he's done this plenty of times before. And he just up there...observing. He had bright red eyes. (It almost seemed like they wouls glow), and beauty marks that looked like the bite marks from one of those crude shows Echidna watched. He seemed normal despite all this, if not shy. Still, he was intriguing if only for his habit of apparently watching from trees. [Ciaran by @starry-skiez ]
....ah, there was a familiar face. Just one Maya had never spoken to. She should have known Yvonne would be here. And she still carried that air of elegance around her...as well as that sense of unhinge. Her muted pink hair was always a sight to see, but Maya never got over the eerie personality of hers...Maybe she changed [Yvonne by @aakaneeee]
Maya's eyes landed on strands of white, with striking pink eyes to pair with them. The girl was staring up at the clouds (were the clouds eve real?...suppse it doesn't matter to the girl) . She seemd content in her activity. It looked peaceful. [Asahi by @apriciticreveries ]
There was another child by her side, also content. Maya could note that there were moments where seemed to communicate something to the other one using her hands rather than her words. It makes her curious on how she made it into the garden in the first place. [Yumi by @rockwgooglyeyes ]
A loud vpice caught her attention, and Maya turned to look at a rather fragile looking girl, with brown hair, only interrupted by a streak of yellow. She looked cheerful...almost like she would tackle someone to the ground out of sheer affection. But Maya felt like something deeper was lurking, like she had her own secrets she wanted to keep...Still, she seemed to be a lind soul. [Nene by @junebluues]
Ah, there. There was a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there. There was no sense of honor or want that Maya could see on the surface. He simply didn't wish to be there. Bandages wrapped around his hands, but Maya couldn't see if there was blood from where she was sitting. He did seem to be fiddling with some sort of technolody in his hands, useless if not for the fidgeting. [Xael by @junebluues ]
Beside him was another boy, though he looked more friendly than the other one. He seemed fond of his...friend(???) regardless. He seemed happy to be there, and rather brighter tha his counterpart....they were cute together. [Numa by @spcells]
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sotogalmo · 18 days
FNAF Alnst OC au........
Toki as Vanny.... The song "For You" by NightCove_thefox..... (Toki: @zerostyrant )
Innamorati as Tapegirl (for the Vanny tape girl yuris).... Tho I rlly don't know.,,,
Macbeth is Gregory. He's Gregory to me (inna & mac: @alien-til-i-stage )
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Dropping this and running
Inna - Pansexual He/Him
Macbeth - Aroace Genderfluid (any pronouns)
Lilith - Lesbian She/They
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zerostyrant · 1 month
TW for semi graphic depictions of cannibalistic behaviors!!
Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily, Jamie Paige, ricedeity
Toki was abandoned and left to fend for himself at a very young age. He has no real memory of his parents, if he was genetically modified, or if he was bred for any purpose. All he remembers is the howling pit in his stomach.
He’s… always hungry. Nothing satisfies his stomach. He’s learned to deal with it as he grew older, even if it got more difficult once he was taken to ANAKT Garden. His current guardian found him hunched over a dead body, gnawing flesh off the bone of the poor human soul who didn’t stand a chance against a starving thirteen-year-old. The alien that found him was put off by the crude sight, to say the least, but it persisted and took the child away.
Toki went down with a fight. He bit, clawed, and scratched at the alien who took him from his meal, only to be drugged and subdued, eventually put in a collar. His guardian made sure to put his cannibalistic tendencies on his file, so that he can be closely monitored around his classmates.
His start at ANAKT Garden was rocky, and he was incredibly rebellious. He would constantly get into fights, leaving the other person with bloody bite marks and deep scratches. This led to him being muzzled 24/7 and treated more like a misbehaving pet than any of the other human-pets. This is around the time he realized that he won’t get what he wants if he doesn’t behave.
It was also around the time he befriended Innamorati, another student in his class. A boy with light blue hair and royal blue eyes. Toki found him pretty, to say the least, but he liked him more because of his blind kindness. If Inna knew what Toki did, or what he does, he clearly doesn’t care and sees past it.
Inna has drawn things for Toki. He keeps all the drawings Inna gives him and puts them all over the walls next to his bed. He’s not allowed to have a roommate, nor is any student allowed to be alone in Toki’s room with him, so there’s no one to complain about him hanging up Inna’s art. (Inna doesn’t know Toki does this btw)
Inna also taught Toki how to dance, which is where he found his love for it. He loves dancing, even more so with Inna.
Issues start to arise once again whenever he becomes aware of Macbeth’s presence. Whenever he becomes aware of… everyone’s presence. He sees other people playing and interacting with Inna and can’t help but feel anger towards these people. Inna should have his eyes on Toki.
But Toki behaves. He decides to go the route of studying people. He studies Inna the most, obviously, but he also studies the people he talks to. He learns what makes them tick, what’s special to them, and their mannerisms. He learns to smile and entertain people to get as much information as possible. It even helps him get on the good side of his guardian and earn his label as a good pet. Once he knows enough about another person, he turns everyone onto them. He frames, backstabs, blackmails, and gaslights. (gaslight gatekeep girlboss yk)
His first victim was Macbeth, and now no one likes Macbeth. He knew a lot of people already didn’t like them very much, but the things Toki did to make Inna hate them was enough to get everyone to hate them. Toki sees the poor thing sit and sulk in a corner, closed off and ignoring anyone and everything. He feels no pity.
All he feels is his love for Inna, and the still, slow growing, pit in his stomach. Maybe Inna can satiate his hunger.
But maybe not… Rabbits aren’t meant to be predators, so he’ll continue playing prey.
Other fun things to note!!
Toki is toxic as hell with so many red flags... Inna is colorblind /j
Cannibal!! ...willingly
Obsessive and possessive personality
Severe lack of empathy
Semi black and white thinking
Ridiculously manipulative
With his obsession over Inna, he can still have friends and does enjoy others' company, but he ultimately turns on them if they get in the way of him and Inna.
He would only let Inna have friends if they were friends with Toki, too
Toki's name means rabbit in Korean!! "토끼" "Tokki" (hehe there is a specific meaning for this :3)
Naturally pretty flexible, does a lot of stretching before bed and in the mornings. In a modern/actor au, he'd have a background of childhood gymnastics.
Sits in some really strange and compromising positions... (my little pretzel <3)
I make playlists for all my OCs across many fandoms, and Toki is no exception. His playlist is already done and it is here:
At the top of each lore post will be a song from the playlist that I feel fits the post :3
Innamorati/Inna and Macbeth belong to @alien-til-i-stage !!! hii pookie :3
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its-langgg · 2 months
(attempted) alnst oc masterpost! ✰
oc profiles: (belongs to their respective creators)
Ji Woo
oc alien stage blog: (created by @/apriciticreveries)
oc height comparison: (created by @/solei-eclipse!)
oc zodiac signs: (created by @/aurienneirua!)
oc flower symbolism: (created by @/sotogalmo!)
masterdoc: (created by @/alien-til-i-stage!)
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kofeedoggo · 1 month
just a quick question, do you plan on making ocs for s40 🥺🥺🥺 your ocs are so cool…
At first, I wasn't really planning on it but I had a dream about making one so.... at this point it's my destiny DJAJDF
They might not be a part of s40 necessarily, but they will be in the alnst oc tumblrverse
And thank you so much!!!!!! I'm glad that you like them, I love seeing your posts about Inna and Macbeth hehe I love their dynamic
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lookatmysillies · 23 days
[ A wild Kioku approaches Yael ! ]
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HEY! Man, are you okay?
I heard you nearly drowned in the river! That's not good at all obviously, and I should know! I've fallen into my fair share of rivers. I saw a green-haired kid fish you out, though, which I'm grateful for. I've only just recently arrived and I'm no good at remembering names, so I couldn't tell you who it was. I'm sorry.
I don't really know you all that well, but I think you should eat something. The other kids tell me to be careful with you, and I've seen you pat your body pretty often, so I'm worried you might have health issues.
Here, take this jelly. It's plain, so hopefully it won't bang up your innards or anything. Don't even worry about where I got it! Haha. Ha. It's super important to eat and gain at least a little more strength! Maybe it'll help you out in the future! you know, with the falling or fainting and drowning stuff... I wonder how you ended up there...
Anyway, I know this is super sudden, but I kinda know what almost-drowning feels like, too. I just wanted to try and help a little bit. I'm not really sure how to do it properly... I just want you to feel better. I hope you can feel better.
Oh, the teacher is coming... I'm gonna run now, see you around!
Hiiii!! This is Para!! Sorry for all that, I just thought it would be silly. I'm here to ask what Yael thinks of Kioku! He's a super interesting character to me, and while you've already explained a bit of his thoughts on Kio, I'd like to ask if you could share any more/explain further? If it's okay with you! The whole angel thing was particularly intriguing...
Love your characters as always, and I truly do enjoy learning more about them :)
[Yael stares back at Kioku with wide eyes like she’s just given him the world rather than a single somewhat unremarkable jelly.]
Oh! Yes, um, it was an accident. A bad one, but I’m still here… Can tells me he’s the one who found me, and I’ll take his word for it. He seems like he would do something like that…
Sorry you’ve fallen into water a lot, too. Drowning feels stranger than I would’ve imagined. A lot worse. Thank you for the food, it almost tastes a little bit sweet if I hold it in my mouth for a while! You really are an angel. [He says this very seriously, though it flies over Kioku’s head. He’s quiet for a moment.]
I hope maybe we can talk more and—oh, yes, go ahead. Goodbye Kioku! The teacher’s probably here to take me for another useless checkup.
Hiii Para! Thanks for dropping this in my inbox, Kioku’s adorable face was the best thing to wake up to earlier today 🥺 To expand on Yael’s thoughts on Kioku a bit, I’ll establish some comparisons with his other fundamental relationships to give you a reference point:
He has the strongest feelings for @paradisedisconcert’s Can and @alien-til-i-stage’s Macbeth and Innamorati, Can being his purest relationship, Macbeth more muddled, and Inna just. Ridiculous. Who even knows
Add Kioku to this bunch of people he takes an especially strong interest in once she arrives, Kio being a person he looks up to and believes wholeheartedly in (due to misguided reasons, but there nonetheless).
He thinks of her as an Angel; Macbeth as Death; Can as Life; and Innamorati as personal Salvation. Kioku and Macbeth both represent “selfless” ideals: He adores Kioku because he believes she is here to save them from their eternal prison—not just to save him, but ALL of them. He truly believes she’s filled with all the good in the world and she can do no wrong in his eyes. His feelings about her are misguided but pure in nature. He also mixes up romantic and platonic feelings a lot, and she is the only one of these 4 he doesn’t feel confused about. I’ve mentioned that he’s subconsciously drawn to unhealthy relationships, Can being (for the most part anyway) an exception. Kioku is too good to have those kinds of feelings for, in Yael’s mind.
His perception of Kioku as an angel is different from his idea of Can as life or Inna as salvation. Can and Inna are what he perceives as his “selfish” ideals. Can isn’t holy or angelic in his eyes, but rather incredibly human; flawed and damaged, proof of their existence. Yael views his own existence, simply existing for himself, as selfish, and Can encourages living for himself. Inna is Yael’s personal salvation from his own mistake of playing a part in Macbeth’s death; Macbeth, who he believed was supposed to die and be free. He missed him so badly and questioned if it would be better for him to still be with him. He can’t change it, though, so he seeks absolution from the last piece of Macbeth there is.
Yael creates his own Saints in his head and Kioku is one of them. She represents a twisted sort of hope to him, and he wants to protect her and help her with whatever she needs to repay her for descending to Anakt Garden.
Thank you for the ask, I love yapping about the children. I love your characters too, I’m excited to learn more about Jiu and Kioku! That said if Jiu hurts her I will be seen on the news
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lookatmysillies · 24 days
hear me out hear me out
yael vs inna
O h m y g o d
This would be such a good one; they would both feel like Macbeth is there too, this unspoken grief that drives a wedge between them. Yael wants desperately to be liked by Inna and for Inna to recognize that no, no, I didn’t hurt Macbeth, I loved him, I didn’t hurt him, I don’t want to hurt you either, please like me, please want me. And Inna, usually so chill and sweet, is completely blindsided with rage and hatred. He needs someone to point the finger at for what happened, because there’s just… no other way to rationalize it. All of it.
Anyway Yael vs Inna watch Yael get brutally murdered as Inna unleashes his inner alpha on 4k Ultra HD LIVE (/j) (unless…?)
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lookatmysillies · 2 months
what do you think your ocs (you can only use 1 though!), would think of s40’s batch? (macbeth, innamorati, yumi, asahi, and nene, i think? though you may include however many you want!)
Thanks for the ask!
I’ll pick Naz to answer with since they’re part of the S40 batch and I’d like to develop her relationships with more of her classmates outside of Akane, Nausikaa, and Ji Woo!
Starting with Macbeth (@alien-til-i-stage) oh boy. Naz and Macbeth would not get along at all. From the moment these two meet it is not good. Naz is shit at social cues and wouldn’t understand that Macbeth doesn’t want to be bothered until he’s like “get out” so. Yeah. Naz would be scared of that child. They don’t like each other much.
On the other hand, Naz would think Innamorati (same account as Macbeth) is really fun! She likes his hair and would vocalize wishing she was as colorful as him. They’re both sweet, outgoing people, but I feel like Naz would be intimidated by how easily he seems to get along with others and just how likable she finds him in general. She’s probably a little jealous, even.
Yumi!! Naz likes Yumi (@rockwgooglyeyes) but isn’t very good at interacting with her—they don’t seem so compatible personality-wise and they don’t have any shared interests to bridge the gap.
I feel like Naz and Asahi (@apriciticreveries) could actually have a chance of being friendly at some point? Naz and Asa would probably have a hard time getting on the same page for a long time, but Naz would be one of those people who pays Asa to play Cupid for them and then just talks Asa’s ear off about Akane. They’re quite different but they seem like they could mesh.
Naz thinks Nene (@junebluues) is great! Similar to Innamorati, they might be a little jealous of Nene’s charisma, but they think it’s awesome that their eyes are the same color and would awkwardly try to connect by referring to herself as Nene’s eyeball twin.
The only other S40 OCs I remember are Ava and Nero (@paperstarry) although I don’t think I have enough on Nero yet to make a judgement of how he and Naz would blend. Ava, however? I think Naz would see some similarities to Akane in Ava. Instead of this making her like Ava, however, she would open up a conspiracy theory about how other people are copying Akane because they recognize her talent. Which. Is obviously a total misfire. But let Naz be delusional
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sotogalmo · 1 month
hiiiiiii :3
how do you think seb, eeta, and yume would react when they learn macbeth has died???
Hmmmm, I actually dunno how Sebastian and Yume would react, I mean. Numb, yes. But then-? I dunno. I mean, at least Seb would've wanted to hang out in some way, or to at least just chill with Mac
Yume is quite indifferent towards death itself, because he's experienced it (more like his facades and such, his small identitys). At first he would think he'd come back since Yume has come back many times, but then he accepts that he won't. Only a small part of him thinks that Macbeth wanted this, and is fine with being dead/ he hopes he rests well, even if it hurts.
Eeta, oh her heart. How it affects Inna breaks her so much. But for her personally, it's also a hard blow. I like to think that she and Inna would talk to each other bout their friends and such, and Eeta would get slightly attached to Mac due to her mother instincts and such (she also tries like Inna!). It's like the time where I lost a pet. It hurts only for the moment, numb throughout life and when in the dumps of life it makes me cry. I think that's how it would be for Eeta, even if that connection is- ehh
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alien-til-i-stage · 2 months
When they both got to Anakt Garden, Inna was a very out going person. He enjoyed talking and spending time with the other kids and even trying to write them into his stageplays.
However there was always one kid who caught Inna’s attention. Macbeth.
Inna’s name is quite long, being Innamorati, and making it a mouthful for anyone who tried to say the entire name, making most people call him Inna. However Macbeth was the sole person in their class to call him Innamorati without fail anytime he wanted to talk with him.
Curious, Inna asked Macbeth, “Why don’t you just call me Inna? Makes it easier doesn’t it?” However Macbeth’s answer surprised Inna.
“Because we aren’t friends. Everyone here are just blind idiots who can’t see the reality of our situation. I wasn’t put here to make friends, I was put here to be entertainment. If you knew what was best for you, you would too.”
Macbeth’s response was confusing to Inna, as Inna’s guardian had never mentioned the purpose of Anakt Garden. But Macbeth seemed to understand their own words, they spoke with such conviction that Inna didn’t doubt him, but was just at a loss of what they meant.
“We aren’t friends? But I thought we were? I mean I know your name…”
“That’s not- Wh- No? That isn’t how friends work.” Macbeth shook their head, sighing as if they were speaking to a mere child. “Just know we aren’t friends. I don’t like you.” And with that, Macbeth looked away, expecting Inna to walk away and be satisfied. They put their focus on the doll in their hands, or rather the cloth they needed to make said doll.
However, Macbeth didn’t expect Inna to sit down in front of him.
“I thought I said we weren’t friends.”
“We are.”
“I just said we weren’t.”
“I know.”
And everday, without fail, Inna makes it a point to run over to where Macbeth is everyday and spend time with him. And everytime he does, Macbeth reminds him that they aren’t friends, and everytime Inna disagrees.
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alien-til-i-stage · 28 days
Modern day au of Macbeth and Toki be like @zerostyrant
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
PROFILE SSCHABANGGGG template by @solei-eclipse !!! I made a new and improved Macbeth profile that more accurately represents him and his background :3
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Macbeth’s guardian, Roulette, is a reality game host who entertains many of her own kind. Many of the contestants in her show are aliens, but pet humans are her staff and very rarely show up on her show.
To help with the game, Roulette bought twelve children, all ranging in ages and faces, and Macbeth was one of these kids, along with a biological sister.
Once being there, they were all given names based on Shakespear and immediately put to work helping with the show. Despite the role he was given, he hated working on the show. He wanted to do something else entirely. He had wanted to be famous
However he was young and had nothing to show. He wasn’t an incredible singer or dancer or anything. But he had potential, he was aware of this. He just needed to show Roulette his potential.
When a fight broke out on the show, the fight and aliens in it blew up in the media. Their names were everywhere and there were interviews left and right. This made Macbeth wonder, “Is chaos more entertaining than talent?”
He had a plan
After that, Macbeth would go out of his way to start fights with everyone. He would take, he would lie, he would yell and punch. He did it to everyone, even his little sister.
While Roulette never usually cared about them, once Macbeth started causing drama, she began to take notice of him. She had finally seen that Macbeth was entertaining and he could be seen on TV.
When Roulette offered him a chance to Anakt Garden, he took the opportunity to go and never look back. He still has no idea what he siblings are doing to this day.
Fun Facts!
- He hates Toki
- He got into sewing when he was still working for Roulette, and in Anakt he got more into it because of how much freetime he suddenly had
- He claims his favorite book is IHNMAIMS but it’s actually Romeo and Juliet.
- Macbeth is very blunt and straight to the point. Sometimes it feels like he’s trying to be mean with some things he says but the truth is he does want to be mean!
- Has only helped Inna make a prop once and enjoys watching Inna struggle with crafts
- Refuses to teach Inna how to sew, Inna only learned how to because he just watched Macbeth do it multiple times.
- The dolls he makes are based off the people around him! His first was of his little sister, however since then he has made a doll of almost everyone else at Anakt, even if he doesn’t tell them. (He regularly puts needles in the Toki doll)
Toki belongs to @z3r0styrant !!!
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
This question was most likely asked before, and for that I’m sorry but I wanna ask again.
What is your oc’s voice claim?
Example, Macbeth’s voice claim is actually Neil Ciecierega. The song that specifically matches him is Redesign Your Logo
Meanwhile Inna’s voice claim is Vampire Cookie! if you saw marshall lee earlier you were WRONG (i forgot i chose vampire cookie 😭)
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