#optimus and megatron are such damn menaces
💞thinking thoughts about the stuff people add to the TFP au💞
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smallestapplin · 2 months
Any new request transformers x MC harem ??
If not then in your opinion do you think megatron would tease Optimus prime like "am gonna steal then and f*CK in from of you when I defeat you" kinda thing??
I do have a few but I love this idea so much.
Absolutely! Megatron is a menace, hell the decepticons in general are menaces about it. They've seen you, seen what you can take, seen how flexible the human form can truly be.
And you're usually not far from the battlefield.
Though you have protective autobots ready to maim and kill to protect you, no con would put it passed Prowl, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, or Jazz to kill them for touching you.
But is that going to stop them? Not at all, if anything it just makes them want you more, like you're a forbidden fruit they want so badly.
Megatron at first merely wants to rub it in Optimus's face plate that he knows, that he has seen the autobots little secert pet and how you are used. And oh does it make Optimus mad, you trusted the autobots, you shared a vulnerable part of yourself with them in trust and love, just for their optics only.
And the damn decepticons have seen it.
It gets Megatron laughing at how much fiercer Prime fights.
But soon Megatron means it. He's rewatched the footage over and over again, picking up on your marks, on your more subtle features, have you always been this cute?
He wants to ruin you.
And it's something Optimus picks up on.
Megatron goes from taunting to promising, his fighting grows rougher with intent to kill, with intent to not prolong the battle any further. Megatron will have Optimus's little human partner, he will feel what that pretty valve feels like, to see your pleading expressions being directed at him, he swears by it.
It doesn't help that the cons easily agree to helping steal you away from the autobots, not one arguing cause they want you too.
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Bayverse megatron being worried he'd hurt his human with his intake omfg 😭😭😭 what the fuck it's so cute. Never seen someone write good bayverse megs before I feel blessed I found yall!
Listen. Bayverse Megatron especially if based around the books is very akin to Megatron in Prime.
He's polite. So, in a context of an atonement arc he goes out of his way to make damn sure his partner is taken care of. Especially if they are human.
He wanted to create and build a new life and he meant that. If he could spark his human he would.
Optimus never let's go of the fact "Mighty Lord Megatron" fell for a human. Bumblebee actually supports it because it gives the old mech something to do.
I also may lowkey be influenced by the Kenya videos on tiktok. Because my Bayverse Megatron is still a menace in his own ways.
Eventually, the dark energon either runs out or is removed and he gets to return to his old form. Even if its not exact. And then he can do more for his partner safely 💖
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monocle-teacup · 7 months
Have some more Mandroid and a Cat: Tagging @sveene and @yayoineko since I know they would enjoy it.
As important as ridding Earth of the Cybertronian menace was, the unfortunate reality was that Stephen had to worry about something mundane like finances. After all, the materials, tools, and other equipment needed cost money. Most of his income was from him selling his tech or designing robots. He made it a point to do everything above board so that he didn’t entangle himself with any unsavory elements. The idea of having to contact Croft for anything was something he wanted to avoid. 
Once a month he would sit at his desk and go over figures. Of course, he had a small amount set aside for things like food and toiletries. He never spent extravagantly on himself since it would take away from his mission. Occasionally he would buy a book, but that was it. Most would consider his lifestyle minimalist. It was all necessary if he wanted to succeed. 
He scowled as he tallied up the amount of money needed to replace what was destroyed thanks to Optimus and Megatron. Walls and windows didn’t fix themselves. It was safe to assume that he was going to run into them more often since they were now aware of his existence. That was fine for the scientist since having either leader’s parts would be a welcome addition to his collection.
Leaning back in his chair, he was startled when he felt weight in his lap. Looking down, he saw the cat’s green eyes staring up at him.
“How long have you been there?” he asked, not expecting an answer.
He remembered enough about feline behavior to know that the animal wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. There was still more of the budget to look over so he would be seated longer anyway. 
As he went over numbers, he absentmindedly started petting the cat with his left hand. His concentration faltered when he realized just how bony the creature was. Odd. It didn’t appear as if it was starving to death, but it clearly wasn’t getting enough food. Apparently the Arachnamechs had been too effective at driving away vermin from his lab. 
“You’re also in need of a bath.” Stephen commented, noting how the animal was purring. There was a sharp intake of breath from him as he felt claws digging into his leg. The cat wasn’t trying to scratch him, but was flexing its paws in contentment. “You also need your nails trimmed.”
It had been a while since he felt so relaxed. He knew that there had been actual studies about the benefits of petting certain animals. Having something else to talk to aside from the Arachnamechs was also pleasant. What he could really use was human conversation. In his quest to eradicate the Cybertronian threat, he had isolated himself. GHOST was a phone call away, but he’d be damned before he went back to them again.
“You only need to worry about food, water, and shelter.” he said while looking at the cat again. The feline let out a “Mrr” and tilted its head so that he was stroking its chin. He felt a vibration against his fingers. “I suppose this is your favorite spot?” he asked with a smile.
He spent a few minutes simply rubbing the animal’s face. An idea formed in the back of his mind that gradually took hold of his attention. Was he really thinking of working out the budget to include items for the cat? It wasn’t even his! He had more important things to worry about. If it came down to it, he could always leave it in a box near a populated area in the hopes that someone would claim it.
“Yes, that’s an option. Although a bath would increase the chances of someone taking you.” 
He wouldn’t be the one to do it though. Though he was better at using his Cybertronian hand, he still didn’t want to risk harming the cat. It was safe to assume that the feline would be difficult to bathe. On his rare trips to town, he thought he saw a pet grooming business. Obviously he wouldn’t be able to enter looking the way he did, but he had cloaking technology to fix that.
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Transformers (vol. 1) #8: Repeat Performance!
Read Date: February 18, 2023 Cover Date: September 1985 ● Writer: Bob Budiansky ● Penciler: William Johnson ● Inker: Kyle Baker ● Colorist: Nel Yomtov ● Letterer: Rick Parker ● Editor: Jim Owsley ◦ Keith Williams ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Dinobots! ● in the opening splash, at a glance it looks like Ratchet has a Santa hat
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● that's gotta be a big ass snake if it looks sizable in relation to Ratchet! ● "that tube-thing" 😂 ● I wondered what that big thing he's using as a vehicle is. M.A.R.B. = Mobile Autobot Repair Bay ● seeing Shockwave fly around as a giant gun is silly at first… but when I think about what it would actually be like for a giant sentient space gun to fly around all menacing and such, if I saw that in real life, I might shit my pants
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● the Dinobots are submerged in a tar pit o_o ● Ratchet manages to dig up Slag (the triceratops) ● Ratchet accesses the still deactivated Slag's memories ● we get a replay of the Dinobots/Shockwave battle from 4,000,000 years ago. the fight is how everyone including Shockwave ends up trapped in tar or under rocks ● snerk we see the light return to Slagg's eye when Ratchet isn't looking, and in the next panel, Ratchet being tossed in the air by Slagg.
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● wait--can Shockwave turn into a military helicopter, too? the panels are confusing. maybe he just swooped in in robot form and took the place of an actual military helicopter… ● I respect Blackrock for always worrying about the safety of his workers. he's been trying his best these past few issues, darn it ● inside, Soundwave is forcing human workers to aid in whatever it is they're doing with Optimus Prime's head (heh, reminds me of that soldier ant in the movie Antz) ● ok, they've moved Prime's head to the assembly plant. the plan is to use his Creation Matrix to make new Decepticons (I've already had it spoiled for me in one of the podcasts I listen to that the Creation Matrix is what Prime shifted into Buster Witwicky. Buster Prime, I guess?) ● damn, Josie has been busy in the hospital…
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● back on The Ark, Megatron receives a transmission from Ratchet showing the Dinobots attacking Shockwave ● aww, Megatron is smiling! how cute ^_^ he admits to Ratchet that he had underestimated him ● (so much is happening in this issue, but it doesn't feel like too much. the pacing is superb) ● Ratchet, in ambulance form, heads to the top of a mountain where he is supposed to meet Megatron. along the way, he passes humans skiing and is intrigued by this activity ● he meets with Megatron, who obviously intends to do him harm: "…I do not want to appear ungrateful! Thank you for fulfilling your part of the bargain! Too bad I never had any intention of doing the same!" ● Ratchet, of course, never trusted Megatron not to Megatron ● …which is why he brought his little army of Dinobots to kick ass on his behalf ● ohhhhh, the images Ratchet had sent to Megatron were of the fight from 4 million years ago--which is what I assumed. Megatron, however, thought the fight happened only that day, so he thought Shockwave was already disposed of ● heheheh, the Dinobots had been lying in wait under the snow. I wonder how many people skied down them ● Megatron gets his shiny metal ass handed to him ● interesting for Megatron claims his power is without equal when he's had to pretend to be a simp for Shockwave lately. though to be fair, Megatron had just been poisoned by Sparkplug Witwicky's fuel, so he wasn't up to snuff when Shockwave returned ● (some of the Transformers' faces look more human than usual in this issue) ● Megatron is standing right at the edge of a cliff, so we the reader can see where this is going… ● …oooor not. Poor Ratchet runs into Megatron as hard as he can, but Megatron doesn't "budge a micron!" (nice try, Ratchet) Megatron's grin is… unsettling. But he is impressed that Ratchet was willing to throw them both over the edge in order to destroy Megatron ● ah, so the force of Ratchet's charge didn't affect Megatron, but it weakened the rocks that Megatron was standing on; it gives way and Megatron falls, transforming and shrinking into gun mode as he does ● transforming into gun mode… "in the desperate hope that in this smaller, light-weight--" (no! his overall mass did not change, so he would weigh the same) "--form he will better be able to survive he awesome impact of his body on the ground far below." ● oo, has Josie become a villain/hero called Circuit Breaker? because that's kind of an awesome name ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: After making a deal with Megatron to destroy Shockwave in exchange for getting the Ark and deactivated Autobots back, Ratchet has traveled to the South Pole in a region of Antarctica called the Savage Land to revive the long lost Dinobots who disappeared four million years ago after fighting and defeating Shockwave. On his mobile medical unit, he travels through the Savage Land's rough terrain and blasts away a serpent that gets too close.
While back at the Ark, Megatron is visited by Shockwave who has come to collect the still-active head of Optimus Prime to Blackrock's Aerospace plant so that he can exploit the Creation Matrix within Prime to breath life into a new generation of Decepticons. Megatron plays the role of a subservient subordinate while secretly hoping that Ratchet's plan succeed and Shockwave is ultimately destroyed.
In the Savage Land, Ratchet manages to free Slag from the tar pits and begin probing his memories. He learns that the Dinobots were reactivated by the Ark's computers when it detected that Shockwave had arrived on Earth. Reconfiguring himself, Grimlock, Sludge, Snarl and Swoop to transform into the likeness of Earth's dinosaurs, they flew to the Savage Land where they attacked Shockwave. Shockwave would have the upper hand, knocking Swoop into a tar pit at the bottom of a cliff, and knocking the other Dinobots around it. However, before Shockwave could blast them to oblivion, Snarl would bash the side of the cliff causing an avalanche that would force the other Dinobots into the tar pits and bury Shockwave under tons of rock. In order to preserve themselves, they would all go into stasis.
When Slag suddenly comes to life, Ratchet is almost trampled by the Dinobot until he shows that he is an Autobot. As Slag helps Ratchet uncover the other Dinobots, Ratchet realizes that Shockwave must have been in stasis as well until the probe the other Autobots launched accidentally freed him.
While outside Blackrock's Aerospace plant, G.B. Blackrock himself answers to the media and puts his full confidence that the military can force the robots who have invaded his plant out. However, this confidence is dashed when Shockwave returns with the head of Optimus Prime and easily blasts the military aside. Entering the base, Shockwave hooks Optimus Prime's head to the six new Decepticon memory components that he has already given life to with the Creation Matrix, Shockwave intends to continue exploiting Prime's Matrix in order to create a veritable army of Decepticons. While at the hospital, Josie Beller sheds a tear for the continued trouble caused by her boss. However, despite the fact that she is crippled she is hardly unproductive as she has created a circuitry mesh that fits over her arm to allow it full mobility.
Back at the Ark, Megatron gets a call from Ratchet confirming that Shockwave has been destroyed. However, knowing that Megatron likely intends to double cross him, Ratchet shows him the footage of Shockwave's defeat from four million years ago, passing it off as something that just happened. Impressed, Megatron agrees to meet with Ratchet at the ski-hill that they agreed to meet at not far from the Ark.
There, Megatron—as expected—reveals that he intended to betray Ratchet all along. Before Megatron can attack the Dinobots, sent ahead to the location by Ratchet, burst out of the snow and attack Megatron. Much to Ratchet's dismay the five Autobot warriors are easily knocked aside by Megatron who gloats over his strength. Noticing that Megatron is standing over the edge of a cliff, Ratchet attempts to knock the tyrant off the cliff, however, fails. As Ratchet bounces off Megatron's body, Megatron laughs but before he can destroy Ratchet his weight causes the edge of the cliff to snap off. As Megatron plummets to the ground below, he transforms into his gun mode to avoid any damage from the fall and is lost in the snow. With Megatron defeated, Ratchet and the Dinobots head to the Ark to repair their friends.
Back at Josie Beller's hotel room, Josie tests her new invention out by firing a bolt of energy across the room and destroying one of the computers set up for her. With the test a success she intends to check out of the hospital.
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Fan Art: Buster Witwicky VS Skyfire v2 by shumworld
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Transformers Chronicles - episode 08
● Transformers University - episode 17
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Tfp Feral baby Soundwave Au (I seen the other post and I now will Ride or die for it) Cons and Bots reaction the now Gremlin Baby version of Soundwave
Megatron is unamused. His most competent and loyal follower has been turned into a useless sparkling. This is not a good situation. For now the focus is on turning Soundwave back to normal. Until then Megatron will have nothing to do with his TIC since he has no patience for sparklings.
Starscream, meanwhile, is very much amused. Oh this is hilarious. Emotionless, stoic Soundwave, turned into a sparkling. It’s better than anything he could ever have imagined. Teased Soundwave so damn much and then acts surprised when he harasses him back.
Knockout finds it kinda funny but ultimately just tiring. Sigh, he knows he’s gonna have to help figure out how to solve this mess. Just what he needed, more work. At least Soundwave is still quiet as a sparkling so he doesn’t have to worry about him having a screaming fit.
Breakdown finds it even funnier than Knockout and he can’t help but get charmed by sparkling Soundwave. He’s just so tiny and cute! The only decepticon on the Nemesis that knows how to handle sparklings and it shows. Holds Soundwave more than anyone else.
Shockwave only finds this a waste of time. Rather than focus on his research, now he has to find a way to reverse the transformation. If it had been Starscream this had happened to then Shockwave wouldn’t even have tried helping him. Soundwave is at least worth the effort.
Dreadwing is bothered by the situation. Soundwave is a strong and capable mech and him being in this state is a really bad thing for the decepticons. He hopes that the situation will be resolved soon so things can go back to normal. Otherwise he tries to avoid sparkling Soundwave.
Airachnid sees an opportunity. While in this state, she can easily take his role as third in command. All he has to do is get rid of the little pest. This is harder than he initially thought it would be since sparkling Soundwave is a menace and won’t stop crawling on the walls in the vents.
Optimus is instantly charmed by little Soundwave. Yes, he knows that this is the TIC of the decepticons but look at him, he’s a baby. Blissfully blind to what a menace Soundwave is to everyone and treats him like his own son, even as Soundwave is trying to rip his fingers off.
Ratchet is fucking tired. Just what they needed. A sparkling. A sparkling that also happens to be the decepticon TIC. Fucking great. Yes, Ratchet is fond of sparklings but that doesn’t extend to those that have committed war crimes and killed a lot of his comrades.
Bumblebee laughs. Oh look at the little baby! So tiny! So cute! So- ow! It tried to rip his mouthguard off! Ok little Soundwave, if that’s how you wanna play it. Still thinks sparkling Soundwave is cute but now he’s on his guard, not trusting this little brat to not do any harm.
Bulkhead is like “what the fuck?” and continues to feel like this the entire time. That’s... Soundwave. But he’s a sparkling. How the fuck did this happen? Should he still treat him like a decepticon or as a sparkling? Should he put him in a cell? Play with him? WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO???
Arcee distrust sparkling Soundwave. He might not be able to kill them right now but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless. Her suspicious are confirmed when he tries to push Jack down some stairs. That sparkling is evil! Keeps an eye on him the entire time so he won't do anymore harm.
Smokescreen teases Soundwave a lot. Not out of menace but because he thinks this whole situation is just funny. Soundwave retaliates by slashing his tires. Now Smokescreen doesn’t think this is funny anymore. This means war. Joins Arcee’s side. THAT SPARKLING IS EVIL!
Wheeljack just leaves. Nope, he ain’t dealing with this shit. If it was just regular Soundwave then he could fight him but Soundwave as a sparkling? He ain’t got no fucking clue how to deal with that. Besides, he’s never been good with sparklings anyway so this whole situation makes him uncomfortable.
Ultra Magnus puts little Soundwave on a makeshift child leash. It works for about 10 minutes before Soundwave wriggles out of it and runs way to wreak havoc. Ultra Magnus is so stressed out. There’s nothing in the Autobot code about what to do when your enemy transforms into a sparkling.
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simpatico week day 4 - multiverse
MTMTE and cyberverse perceptor and brainstorm collide!! @simpaticoweek​ read it here on ao3!
Brainstorm gasped and grabbed Perceptor’s arm while pointing at mech with a familiar red, white, and blue color scheme standing amongst the curious crowd. “Perce, look!”
Perceptor looked around, alarmed. “What? What is it?”
“Next to the red mech with the white face! It’s you!”
Before Perceptor could stop him, Brainstorm hurried off towards the mech. This mech had the same white dials on his forearms, and even the same cylindrical, white scope mounted on his shoulder—a dead-ringer for an alternate-universe Perceptor. i
“Excuse me!” Brainstorm called. The mech turned around, and whoa, he wasn’t expecting the burnt-out optics. “Uh. Hello. You’re Perceptor, right?”
“I am,” said the mech. He didn’t have the same slight accent as Percy did; his voice was flatter, a bit more neutral. The scope on his shoulder lit up, shining a bright blue light on Brainstorm’s face. Definitely, a scanner of some sort, though it left a bizarre, faintly prickly sensation across Brainstorm’s plating he didn’t usually get when Ratchet or First Aid scanned him. “I don’t recognize you. I’m assuming you’re one of our visitors from the alternate universe?”
“Name’s Brainstorm, resident genius of the universe next door. How are you seeing me right now? Is it something with your scope?”
“Correct. I reformatted my scope to operate as a visual feed after I blew out my optics.”
Guess that was a universal concept, Perceptor’s redesigning or changing their scopes for some entirely different use than their original one. “You did? What happened?”
“It’s not any of your business to ask that,” he chided.
Brainstorm put up his servos apologetically. Then, realizing his error, said, “Sorry,” after a second.
The other Perceptor gave him a look of pointed disapproval so similar to his Perceptor’s, he was almost afraid he was about to start getting chewed out for his messy labeling jobs.
“Be more mindful of your questions next time,” the other Perceptor said instead. “As for your other inquiry: I could tell you made a motion in front of your chest with your hands, and you did something else just now, but details such as color and specific body parts such as your digits are lost to me when my scope is inactive.”
“Fascinating,” said a familiar voice. Perceptor, his Percy, had finally made it through the crowd and over to them. Brainstorm felt his spark lift a bit higher in its chamber as Perceptor came to a stop beside him, servo almost unconsciously winding itself into his.
The scope went on again. “You’re… Me, I presume?” the other Perceptor asked, interest coloring his voice.
“I am Perceptor, yes.”
“Fascinating,” said the other Perceptor, and Brainstorm laughed.
“Primus, you two really are the same mech.”
“Of course,” they said in tandem, and then they looked at each other. Brainstorm poorly stifled another laugh.
“Your scope,” Perceptor prompted. “You scanned Brainstorm and I and compared the information it collected to a pre-existing database before confirming you didn’t know who we were. I can only assume you made code-based modifications to it?”
“That is correct.”
“May I ask what kind of modifications? My scope gives me enhanced magnification, but nothing to that extent, so you’ll have to forgive my curiosity.”
Other-Perceptor, who had now earned the prefix ‘Other’ in Brainstorm’s processor because otherwise, it would be a nightmare to try and recount later, cleared his throat. “When in use, it can collect information such as the light values and assign them to colors using a code assigned to every paint color on record, and how the percentage of much of each color is present within the whole subject.” He didn’t gesture nearly as much as Perceptor, either, Brainstorm noted. So far, he was turning out to be far more reserved than his Perceptor. Or... No, he reminded Brainstorm of when he’d first met Perceptor on the Lost Light. Heh. Maybe he’d had an influence on his conjunx after all. “That allows me to tell apart primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, so even if two mechs have similar paint colors, the chances they have the same frame and paint jobs are extremely slim. Decals like those on Hot Rod aren’t so easily discernible. That allows me to match the color codes to virtually any mech in my database. It isn’t the most accurate system, but it is precise enough.”
“That is remarkable,” Perceptor said, reaching up to touch his own scope. “I’ve reformatted myself before, but not to that sort of extent. Have you made any other modifications?”
“Numerous, since the threat of the Quintesson’s and Megatron X were eliminated.”
“Megatron X?”
Brainstorm tuned them out as they traded stories and statistics, looking around the crowd for some mech that could possibly be him. He could see Whirl with his arm slung around another blue, singled-opticked helicopter. Both were laughing rapturously about something. In the next cycle of Brainstorm’s code, they were wrestling each other to the ground. Rodimus was excitedly chatting it up with Hot Rod, who had enthusiastically introduced himself the second the Lost Light crew had stepped out of the portal. Beside Hot Rod was Soundwave of all mechs, and even more bizarrely, he seemed to have his servo loosely held around Hot Rod’s waist. Brainstorm only lingered on it a little bit. He wasn’t one for gossip, but even he knew that was going to be the talk of the ship later. Nearby, Drift was looking spectacularly sulky, though a cheery yellow mech was making valiant attempts at cheering him up. And of course, Megatron was talking to Other-Megatron and Other-Optimus Prime, and seemed to be rather wistfully staring at the two’s shared proximity to each other.
All in all, it felt like a very successful experiment in Brainstorm’s spark. All these mechs had somehow found their alternate selves, even though there’d been no guarantee they would even exist in this universe. And still, more mechs Brainstorm didn’t even recognize who were intermingling with the Lost Light crew. Successful experiment indeed. Except for one, tiny detail.
“Where am I?” he asked, interrupting the Perceptor’s conversation. “I mean, everyone else has a double. Where’s the other me?”
Other-Perceptor tilted his head. “I don’t know. There is no record of a Brainstorm in the Autobot databases.”
“Oh.” Brainstorm tapped his pede while Perceptor lightly squeezed his servo. “What about a Genitus?”
“One moment.” Other-Perceptor’s scope dipped down slightly. Then, after a moment, it straightened back out, and he looked at Brainstorm. “There’s no record of a Genitus, either.”
“Huh.” Damn. He really hoped alternate-Brainstorm wasn’t dead. That would suck. Or maybe he had a different paint job than Brainstorm did. Other-Perceptor had said his database was based on color. Or maybe… “I was a Decepticon for a bit in my universe,” he offered. Other-Perceptor offered no reaction to this fact except for a minute twitch of his scope. “Maybe this one still is.”
“If you wish to search the Decepticon databases, I would ask Soundwave. He and Hot Rod have been in charge of integrating the two sides since the defeat of Megatron X, and though there is still much to work to be done, he is likely your best chance.”
A brilliant idea lit up Brainstorm’s face. “You should come with us!” he said, optics sparkling. “I’m great! I’m sure you’d have a blast with this universe’s Stormy.”
“I’m not sure that’s—”
“Naw, come on, it’ll be fun.”
“I wouldn’t resist him,” Perceptor advised. “He can be extremely persistent.”
Other-Perceptor sighed with a tired acceptance. “Alright, then. Let us go.”
Brainstorm whirled around on his heel and happily marched right through the crowd, cheerfully announcing, “Coming through!” approximately half a second before barrelling through a conversation. He made it through the crowd in record time and stopped promptly before Hot Rod, Soundwave, and Rodimus. All three of them immediately turn towards them, though their interest is evidently in the two Perceptor’s and not the incredibly antsy jet.
“What do you want?” rumbled Soundwave. Jeez. Did he always sound that menacing?
“Be nice,” Hot Rod scolded. “You know these guys. Perceptor, Perceptor two, and… who’re you?”
“That’s Brainstorm,” answered Rodimus over Brainstorm’s affronted noise. “He and Perceptor were the ones who figured out the whole… universe swap magic.”
“Time travel, alternate universe traveling. Twice, I might add,” Brainstorm said, primly turning over his servo as he looked down at his digits with extreme satisfaction. “No biggie.”
Rodimus rolled his optics. “Toot your own horn later,” he complained. “We get it. You’re smart. Primus knows you don’t let us forget it. Now, why’d you come over here?”
“To ask him something,” Brainstorm said, angling his wing at Soundwave, who stiffened. “I want him to look up this universe’s version of me. Your Perceptor couldn’t find me in the Autobot databases and recommended we check the Decepticon ones.”
“I dunno,” said Hot Rod, looking Brainstorm up and down with a doubtful frown. “I’ve met a lot of mechs, and I’ve never seen anyone like him…”
“You weren’t ever a Decepticon,” said Soundwave. “I am.” Rodimus, Perceptor, and Brainstorm all shared a look, but Hot Rod either didn’t care about or didn’t notice the tense. “I recognize the name. Megatron banished the Decepticon scientist Brainstorm to an off-planet site early in the war because his experiments potentially posed a greater threat to Cybertron than anything else at the time. We have not been in contact with him since.”
Brainstorm pouted. “‘Potentially posed?’ You didn’t even let me stick around to find out? Where’s the fun in that?”
Soundwave leveled him with the dryest, most unamused look Brainstorm’s ever seen from someone without a face. “You were a menace to all of Cybertronian society.”
“Nothing’s changed then,” said Perceptor. Brainstorm flicked him in the leg with one of his ankle winglets.
“Wait,” said Hot Rod. “You banished someone for ‘potentially threatening’ experiments, and you still let Shockwave run around? He tried to destroy Earth like, five times! He literally poisoned the AllSpark! He nearly killed everyone and the whole planet! What kind of logic is that?”
“Same old then,” Rodimus said drily.
Hot Rod sighed. “It’s a long story. He’s gone now, anyway. How long has Brainstorm been away? Does he even know the war’s over?”
Soundwave paused. “Uncertain. All contact with the moon he was banished to and Cybertron was cut off directly after his arrival.”
Hot Rod and Rodimus both clapped a servo over their face. Other-Perceptor shook his head, while Perceptor consolingly patted Brainstorm on the pauldron. “Unbelievable,” Brainstorm groaned. “Megatron looked at my EM field and thought it was awful enough to kick me off the planet. And then he forgot. Me! Forgot about me!”
“A slight oversight has been made,” Soundwave admitted. “I will inform Megatron and arrange a ship for him immediately. If he still functions.”
Hot Rod huffed. “Oh, even better! You left some innocent guy on the moon, and now he might be dead?”
“Should we go?” muttered Rodimus as Soundwave and Hot Rod broke out into bickering. Brainstorm nodded and slowly started backing away, and the two Perceptor’s plus Rodimus followed him.
“When can we expect an answer?” Perceptor asked Other-Perceptor once they were safely out of ear-shot.
“Soundwave is usually prompt about these things, based on my work experience with him. Megatron is… less so, I’m told. I would wager at least a couple of weeks.”
“Are we staying that long?” Brainstorm asked Rodimus.
“Is something catastrophic going to happen if we do?”
“There’s an eighty-nine point seven-five-three-four-two-four percent chance that the portal could destabilize and collapse, trapping us here until someone aboard Lost Light reopens the portal. Given that everyone who knows how to operate that portal is currently here, it would be implausible we would be able to return to our universe,” said Perceptor.
“It’ll be fine,” said Brainstorm after a stiflingly tense beat. “C’mon, I wanna go talk to Wheeljack.”
“Still can’t believe they just left me on the moon,” Brainstorm muttered. He, Perceptor, and Other-Perceptor were currently making their way to a temporary condominium in residential Iacon. It currently was housing a number of freshly displaced Cybertronians until something more suitable could be found or built for them. As Other-Perceptor had predicted, it’d taken roughly twelve days for them to be informed of Other-Brainstorm’s (whose name actually was Brainstorm, not Genitus) whereabouts. It’d then taken another two days for Other-Brainstorm to say he was ready to accept visitors, and another four to get plans in place.
“I’m sure it was nothing personal,” Perceptor was saying as they squeezed their way around a group of laughing mechs.
“I’ve never heard of this mech,” Other-Perceptor mused. “But he must have had some truly uncanny ideas if Megatron decided he was too dangerous for his tastes.”
Brainstorm hummed. “Yeah. I wonder what that poor sod discovered to wind up getting him kicked off the planet.” He gasped and stopped suddenly, servos flying to his subspace. “Scrap! I left my notes in the lab! I wanted to compare them with him!”
Perceptor made an apologetic noise but reluctantly said, “That’s probably for the best. You’d be here for years if you had your notes, and we have to make it back to the Lost Light for our reservations at Swerve’s anyway. I don’t want to try and cajole him into giving us the bar for the evening again.”
“Yeah,” Brainstorm sighed. “There’s always next time, I guess. Hey, do you think our next date could be in another universe?”
“I don’t see why not. Perhaps the energon will be different.”
“What if there isn’t even energon in that universe?”
“Hm, true. I didn’t consider that. We’ll bring our own in case that happens to be the case.”
Other-Perceptor was watching them carefully. “What is the relationship between you two?” he asked mildly. “I didn’t want to assume, but…”
“We’re conjunx endura,” Perceptor said, that especially pleased sparkle that always showed up in his optic whenever he talked about their recent unification glowing to life once again. It gave Brainstorm weird fuzzy feelings in his circuits. He’d have to investigate what precisely in his code caused that later.
“‘Conjunx?’” Other-Perceptor frowned. “I’m not familiar with the term.”
“Write that down, write that down!” Brainstorm hissed, grabbing Perceptor’s arm.
“You write it down. I’m attempting to have a conversation,” said Perceptor, brushing Brainstorm’s servo before capturing it in his own. He gave it a light squeeze, which had Brainstorm’s wings fluttering away. “Yes. Brainstorm is my conjunx. The formal term is conjunx endura. It, in an extremely oversimplified definition, means he is my significant other.”
Other-Perceptor nodded. “I see. I don’t have one such partner myself. The war and the Quintesson invasion took away most time for such matters. For most others, anyway.” Brainstorm thought of Soundwave’s servo on Hot Rod’s hip and wondered what in the hell happened to this universe for that to happen.
“But the war’s done now, isn’t it?” he said as they turned down into a plaza and started making their way toward the condominium.
“Allow me to rephrase. I’m not interested in seeking such a relationship at the moment. A new lab partner is more than sufficient. And I must admit I am curious about what exactly it is this Brainstorm created that scared Megatron of all mechs so badly.”
“Eh, that’s fair. Lab partner is still pretty alright.”
“I happen to agree with that,” said Perceptor.
“Oh, you just happen to?”
“You know what I mean.”
The three of them entered through the first set of doors and were met with a wall of buttons labeled with room numbers. Other-Perceptor unhesitantly pushed the button to Other-Brainstorm’s room. A few seconds later, a small screen flickered to life, revealing someone with a familiar orange blast mask.
“My wings look different,” Brainstorm commented as soon as the connection stabilized.
“Good thing they’re my wings and not yours,” Other-Brainstorm snipped back without missing a beat. Brainstorm barked a laugh.
“Fair enough! Can we come down?”
A loud crash! crackled through the speakers. Other-Perceptor grimaced, while Perceptor merely looked faintly resigned. Other-Brainstorm, entirely unperturbed, said, “Yeah, yeah, just watch your step when you come in. I haven’t gotten to organize yet, so the place is a tad messy.”
“Oh, dear,” murmured Perceptor as the second set of doors to the lobby slid open and the trio of scientists stepped through. “I can only hope that this universe’s Brainstorm’s idea of ‘messy’ is far more reasonable than yours.”
Brainstorm narrowed his optics. “Is this about the moldy energon crystal sample again? I feel like this is about the moldy energon crystal sample again.”
“It was there for three years, Brainstorm.”
“So I sometimes lose track of things! Big deal!”
“How did he manage that?” asked Other-Perceptor as they piled into the elevator. Were all elevators in his universe this roomy? This one could have comfortably housed a few more average-sized mechs like himself. Or maybe like, twelve Tailgate’s or Rewind’s.
Perceptor sighed. “I still haven’t quite managed to parse that one out. All I know is that three years ago, it wasn’t possible to grow mold on crystalized energon.”
Brainstorm threw up his servos, narrowly avoiding whacking Perceptor’s scope. “You’re teaming up on me!” he whined. “Okay, fine. I’ll admit it was bad.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling you.”
The elevator was a short ride to the basement, so it was only a few seconds before the doors dinged open, and the three of them spilled out into the hall.
“Which way?” asked Other-Perceptor.
At that moment, a shrill whistling began to shriek from the leftward hallway, pitching up higher and louder with every passing second until it was cut off with a loud bang accompanied by profuse swearing.
“G51 sounds like it’s that way,” Perceptor said dryly.
He’s correct, of course, and Brainstorm knocks a cheery rhythm against the door. It slid open, and in the doorway stood Other-Brainstorm. Yep. That was him, alright. There was the teal paint job, the white wings, and… a purple Decepticon sigil, branded right across his orange cockpit. Yeesh.
“I was starting to think I’d cleaned up for nothing,” Other-Brainstorm greeted.
“If this is your idea of clean, I’d hate to see what messy is,” mused Other-Perceptor as he stepped into the threshold, scope bobbing wildly as it drank in the chaotic environment. A criss-cross of thick cables and wires were taped to the ground, winding around the room to various machines lined up against the walls. Multiple experiments suspended in thin air crowded up the ceiling, ranging from maybe-guns to definitely-guns to things Brainstorm didn’t even know what to call. Datapads were scattered everywhere, tossed into open drawers, and haphazardly stacked into concerningly tall towers.
“Hardy har,” said Other-Brainstorm, crossing his arms. “Who’re you to start critiquing my workspace?”
“I am this universe’s Perceptor. I am a scientist like yourself. And my companions are an alternate version of you and I.”
Other-Brainstorm looked distinctly unimpressed. “Alternative universes? Please. That was like, a million years ago.”
“What?” squawked Brainstorm.
“You—Excuse me?” Perceptor gaped.
Other-Perceptor pushed further inside and started scanning the massive whiteboard taking up an entire wall of the apartment. “I don’t recognize any of the formulas here,” he said, somehow sounding simultaneously highly skeptical and impressed. “What are they?”
“Oh, I derived those. They describe a relationship between the mesh that constitutes the space-time continuum of multiple dimensions and any one object,” Other-Brainstorm said with a shrug.
Other-Perceptor stared at the board for a while longer. Then he turned around and said, “I can see why Megatron would perceive you as a class one threat. These could cause insurmountable amounts of devastation if they fell into the wrong hands.”
Other-Brainstorm threw up his hands. “Why does everyone keep saying that! I’m not gonna do anything!”
“Why make these, then?”
“I had to see if I could.” He paused. “And it gets boring on the moon.”
“A test, then? A game?”
“I guess? It’s not that deep, to be honest. I was just having fun.”
Other-Perceptor nodded. Then, he turned and neatly sat down in a nearby stool, chin jutted up. “You’re going to tell me everything you’ve learned,” he said calmly, “and I’m not leaving until you do.”
“Uh.” Other-Brainstorm blinked. “You sure you won’t be missed anywhere? Might take a while,” he warned.
“I might be. I don’t care.”
“...Slag. Okay. I guess I’ll start with… Well, where do you wanna start?”
“The beginning. I meant everything.”
“Well, damn,” Brainstorm murmured to Perceptor as Other-Brainstorm stared for a second before he grinned and launched into his explanations. “That was fast.”
“He might not be missed,” said Perceptor, “but we will be if we don’t leave soon.”
“Aw, c’mon, we were just getting to the fun part!”
“You can get caught up later when you come back,” Other-Perceptor said, half-distracted as Other-Brainstorm brought up a sprawling holograph of notes. Brainstorm whined a bit; he didn’t know what those equations were for either, and he was dying to know. But Perceptor was right. Rodimus’ threats to leave anyone late to take-off behind were not to be taken lightly. He’d done it before, and he would do it again.
“I’m holding you to that.” Brainstorm shimmied out of the doorway and back out into the hallway. “C’mon Percy, let’s go.”
Once they were back outside the condominium, Perceptor and Brainstorm took a bit of time to meander around the city, trying to identify anything they could. But the buildings here were in a completely different style to the ones on the Cybertron they were familiar with, and monuments and popular spots in town looked nothing at all like what either of them knew them to be. God, it was positively killing Brainstorm to have to leave so quickly. Slaughtering him. There was so much to explore still, so many more questions he had, and not enough of them had been answered to tide him over until their next visit.
“Do you think they’ll get along?” Perceptor asked as they finally began to make their way back to the Lost Light. The fuel quills were nearly at full mast, the sharp points just barely peeking out above the city skyline. They’d need to hurry.
Brainstorm glanced at him. “You don’t think they will?”
“I didn’t say that. I’m only asking because I know we didn’t exactly have what one would call an instant connection when we started working together.”
A thunderous, rumbling boom cut Brainstorm off before he could answer. Seconds later, the shockwave rolled over them, just strong enough to force them to take a step back. They whipped around, a plume of black smoke already smudging the air in the direction of the condominium.
“You know what?” Brainstorm said as the smoke rose higher and higher. “I think they’re gonna get along just fine, Percy.”
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whatudottu · 4 years
Because I've held this off for too long, once again it seems that @nukeli has beaten me to the punch with colour schemes. Damn my procrastination or whatever, but I only just realised that I didn't put any mention of the 'fodder' classes (Vehicons, Insecticons and I suppose Autotroopers since I'm including them) and wanted to put down my thoughts before writing this up.
An added bonus here is that certain character have different alts (based on character changes and even the heavier focus of 'robots in disguise' that these Decepticons are after) so it's not just me ranting about colour schemes.
Yes, this was why I was complaining about the wiki altmodes, so deal with the vehicles I found instead. May or may not be due to me using images as references haha.
The Autobots (you are here)
The Decepticons Part 1
The Decepticons Part 2
Going in order of my notes, we begin with Cliffjumper. He’s obviously a 1970 Dodge Challenger and what colours I’ve given him are on the image below. Nothing much to say about a definitely dead character other than I didn’t just wanna make him blue.
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Next on the list is good old Doctor Ratchet. I’ve had it in my mind ever since Nuke’s one post that SG!Ratchet was like Medic from TF2, so I guess I took it and ran.
To play an opposite to regular Ratchet, he comes across as affable and friendly but is really just doing the things he loves to people he hates. Autobots, Decepticons, hates everyone. He despises Optimus Prime too, but he can’t do anything unless he wants to be cooped up in his berthroom reattaching his limbs for it. Believe him, he tried.
As for altmode and colours, I spent way too long finding that he resembles a Mercedes Benz G-Class ambulance that I was ticked to find out he wasn’t at all. I special looked for the green coloured ambulance because Synth-En, duh!
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Breaking in after the Doctor comes our local wrecker Bulkhead. I don’t have much of a read on this guy, other than the fact that I thought it’d be a cool idea for him to lose a lot of his memories after ‘TMI’, ya know, from the Synth-En recipe? Certainly not set in stone, but it could very well contribute to my accidental theme of memory (which only has some small links in the posts I actually created).
With the help of my car enthused cousin I have given our not so loveable mech a Terradyne Gurkha, a little more military than the wiki’s off-roader Lamborghini that I’m too annoyed to bother to look at. I thought that the military origins and the black colour scheme sorta allude to something something mindless military man. yada yada.
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Following him is our ever wonderful Optimus Prime, or maybe Lord Prime? Haven’t thought too much about that. What I have thought of is this master manipulator who mayhaps also be a little bit delusional idk we’ll decide in the car.
I always loved the idea of a smiling SG!Prime, as if there’s still hints of this benevolent leader that the original has, but it’s warped and meant to add fodder to the war, encouraging mechs to fight to their deaths all in the name of not only the Autobots, but their Prime. Also as a warped version of the original, I wanted Shattered Glass Optimus to be deluded in the fact that Megatron will change, change at least, to submit to the real leader. Ain’t happening. That’s sorta there with Ratchet too, but well, you read Ratchet’s piece didn’t you?
SG!Prime is consistently purple and black, and whilst I have found a Peterbilt Semi Truck with that wonderful colour, it comes with white instead. Think about it, this typically evil colour paired with often innocent white, that’s like perfect for what I’m going for.
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Fitting that he’s next, it’s time for Prime’s Second In Command Ultra Magnus. I’ve... really got nothing for him. Maybe he’s still by-the-books but like he finds loopholes just to commit atrocities? I don’t know.
I’ve given this boy a Mack Trident alt instead of Prime’s Peterbilt, just for differences sake.
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After Magnus, we got our little bug Bumblebee... or is it. Because I wanted to change his colours a bit without going into Beast Hunter territory, I wondered if bees come in different colours and, low and behold, they do!
As for the boy himself, I think he was one of the bots manipulated by Prime himself to join the cause and, given his almost rewritten personality, has only lived through to this point in the war by sheer luck. This mech is an absolute menace, feral and powered by the need for Prime’s approval, tearing others with denta and servo more often than with stingers and blasters.
Now you’ve noticed I haven’t been using his name? That’s because he’s now Blue Band (I just realised he’s still bb haha)! He gets his name from the Blue Banded bee, and I found a Chevrolet Camaro to match.
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In line with BB’s younger status, feast your eyes on Shattered Glass Smokescreen! Oh boy isn’t he a delight. His hero worship has essentially turned him to a prime (pardon the pun) candidate for Optimus to form into his perfect super soldier, who already would die for this deranged mech even before laying optics on this grand Prime.
So, he’s an absolute suck up, a straight up spoiled brat that has it harder than Blue Band for Prime’s acknowledgement, and is actively showing off and bragging that he’s Optimus’ favourite (he’s not, he just encourages it because that’s the easiest way to get Smokey to do what he wants).
Almost to reflect that (perhaps another pun) I found this gaudy Chameleon Chevy Corvette that absolutely SCREAMS show off.
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Regrettably partnered up with him after the passing of Cliffjumper, Arcee has run out of patience. Not everything she does is motivated by Airachnid (what kind of character would that be? not a fun one) but she does often enjoy killing those connected with her. After Tailgate, she’s gotten a little mad, but her effectiveness otherwise increased so others never bothered to ‘fix’ her.
Having lost both of her partners, when she absolutely hates another (read; Airachnid and Starscream because he still kills Cliff) the best kind of revenge is putting her opponents in her own pedes. Oh, that mech’s growing attached to one of his comrades? Slice and dice them before their optics. Oh, that femme is finally coming out of her shell and making friends? Gore out their spark and hope that humans don’t decide this would be the perfect time to practice what they preach and save the life of that same mech with a hard to perform surgery that may or may not have been lost to time.
Okay so she’s obviously a Kawasaki Ninja (haha that’s kind of fitting) and I was tempted to make her pink like other Arcee iterations, but look at this fancy stuff right here. He hoo glowy look pretty!
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Almost in leu of an Airachnid archetype, Wheeljack comes in. Though still quite the wrecker and ever the bomb enthusiast, instead of actively celebrating his impacts and going solo to stop the rust settling in, he’d rather be offed whilst mechs are distracted by his pretty explosion and lay forgotten in the dirt.
I may have accidentally rooted the unintentional memory theme deeply with the wreckers (Breakdown included) and maybe just took it and ran, giving everyone else a little connection, but Wheeljack is probably the most explicit in this idea. He hates nicknames (which i super Ratchet uses to mock him here in Shattered Glass) because that’s like... naming something you’re going to keep to quote that specific fic which, honestly, I can’t remember. Wheeljack split from others to stop them from remembering him and put himself closer to a situation where he can die alone, as morbid as that sounds. No grand death, no stupid death and no straight up suicide (generally that’s a VERY impactful kind of death) so just a mediocre end is what he’s been looking for for a little bit too long.
As for his colours, I apparently have no taste and should not have a car because I really like what this image has going for it. This C3 Corvette is probably one of the few cars that fits the straight up box of a sports car that Jackie’s got, so I’m sticking to it, so no, don’t show me the wiki I’m ignoring it this was too painful to give up dang it!
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Okay, finishing off the bots, I have the Autotroopers. Sure, I’m not using a reference of a car to show off the colours, mainly because there’s also going to be flier troopers too, maybe... surely... definitely. Most depictions of them are white, you know, goodie goodie, and I’m tempted to just laze around and do just that. Instead, I think a goldish colour would be fun.
Aside from sharing a key colour with Ultra Magnus, essentially a war lawyer, which is perfect for subjects made to obey, a nice glimmering finish almost feels like they’re all manipulated by Prime to believe in the Autobot cause. I suppose the special devision, if there is one, would be a nice Prime purple, sorta like if it’s Optimus’ personal guard if he actually had any belief they would do their jobs.
Oh boy this is so long...
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Transformers BW: S1, Ep. 12 - 21
(for I am but a snail when it comes to watching shows, and somehow I managed to watch 9 episodes in 2 days. No I don't understand myself either)
Ep. 12 (Victory):
aka I couldn't get past the halfway minute mark for 3 weeks because I expected no one will believe Dinobot (news flash, he didn't have to try and explain himself)
On a different note, I still can't get over the effects of when someone hits the ground. It's just, it's just the most comical Splat! Thump!
Ep. 13 (Dark Designs):
Megatron at the beginning of an episode? Well I can't say anything but ✨Yesssssssss~✨
Also am I glad I was not forcing myself to watch the fight scene because my head started pounding just from seeing all the flashing from the corner of my eyes.
Predacon Rhinox: no.1 menace and threat
Poke the idiot and throw him into milk.
Shrapnel mention, def not my wife though...
...yea, Rhinox is terrifying. Was sure he'll snap Scorponok's and Terrorsaur's necks.
This episode gets 4/10.
1 point for Megatron and his yesssss',
1 point for just how terrifying Rhinox was,
1 point for everyone who said the signature yesssss
and the last point for "I am very, very unhappy indeed. Yessssssssss."
The remaining 6 points are missing BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT EYE STRAIN.
Ep. 14 (Double Dinobot):
I would love to see you Megatron, so could your cloning process include less flashing lights. Even if I do understand the dramatic appeal.
Will he push him HE PUSHED HIM.
I still can't believe their security system is called Sentinel.
Rattrap's orb ass
Megatron's thighs. Seriously, dude needs to show his bot mode more often
... he fucking ate his clone. He FUCKING ATE. HIMSELF.
I can't with this show.
Ep. 15 (The Spark):
little cat... big cat... big bro and tiny bro.
scorponok the simp
Okay this must be Hawk guy... Damn the protoforms are weird. But at least we know how the spark looks... and that in humanoid proportions it's located in the stomach.
I love how urgent they make this "protoform is dying" thing
Blackarachnia. Just her.
Why do all these robots have such nice legs?
A HAWK WIFE! Airrazor, have to remember that lovely name~
Rhinox was in charge of protoform rearing back on Cybertron. You can't convince me otherwise, this dude is prime dad/teacher material.
Ep. 16 (The Trigger- p.1):
You are an idiot Tigertron. I still love you though.
Seriously though, he has a very nice face.
Illuminati island
AT THIS POINT I AM JUST ANTICIPATING EVERY YESSSSS. I almost always guess it at this point.
Tigertron acquired a VIP pass by nearly getting slagged
My face when they try to convince the audience AirRazor died: 😒
Ep. 17 (The Trigger - P.2):
Tigertron is gonna sacrifice himself and the island isn’t he?
They really didn’t have to make that many grunts and moans for this
...Is Rhinox’s VA the same as Megatron’s?
I love how they refer to Pred’s headquarters as Pred central
Their eye effects. Oh how I love this animation.
I honestly wish we could see BW in a newer animation style, because this stuff looks really cool
Well her new color scheme is pretty
Is Blackarachnia gonna die?
Ah, aliens. And the whole “paradise lost”
Ep. 18 (Spider’s game):
Shake that ass Tarantulas
Blackarachnia if you don’t eat him at some point of this series I will be disappointed
The ant simp? Are we getting the ant simp?
When and how did Wazzpinator grow on me?
Hawk wifey to the rescue
This looks very much like mating to me Tarantulas, so get yourself off her ass
“I hunt better alone.” Yeah sure you moron
I truly missed these effects, and I didn’t even know it
… Inferno is that easily destroyed?
Ep. 19 (Call Of The Wild):
Don’t get your bananas in a bunch - Rattrap
Thank you for the not eyestraining fight sequence
What the cheeze - Rattrap
Being a Predacon: requirement of being a backup laughter provider
Megatron just fucking transform
What the fuck Tigertron. Is this the were-talk 101 class?
Megatron I will fucking kick your ass for two reasons:
Ep. 20 (Dark Voyage):
Waste of your talents as the designated Smash
What was this arrow for?
Mushroom Cloud of "They shouldn't have survived this but they sure did"
All of them are blind and out of all of them Dinobot is freaking out the most
What is this high stakes bullshit?
Good job Megatron
"There!" No one can see anything Rhinox, your acknowledgment of something moving is not gonna help
Cheetor is going to die because of Boa constrictor and Dinobot is working on cartoon logic. Love it.
What did that elephant think when a snake just suddenly smacked it in the face?
Megatron will scrap us: aka we are going to get scolded and will not actually get as big a beating as we think we will.
I swear, Megatron has a completly different approach to things. Not as brutal as Prime, but also not as classy and patient as Animated. He is quite special, ✨yesssssss✨
What is it with this show and its attempts of "This is the end of them!"
Why the hell is Cheetor suddenly walking? Wasn't he close to dying like a second ago?
Do they know how to swim? Okay, Rhinox can. The other three washed up on the shore.
Why is everyone but- ah, Rhinox the meditate-and-sense-the-energy-of-your-enemy Rhinoceros
The one thing I love about this show is that the robots are actually shown glitching out and there are sparks and things like that shown
Rhinox you guys nearly died and you are sprouting wisdom. Just… yea just go smell those flowers big guy.
Ep. 21 (Possession):
Aight, a rogue protoform?
Sentinel are you any good in these later episodes/seasons?
Is it Aliens?
Welcome Predacons, enter here - RatTrap
Good on you Megs for going "Can I trust you?"
I also can't believe the fact Optimus and Megatron named themselves after anchestors of Maximals and Predacons. Like… is this common? Is there a whole registry with the names? Did Autobots and Decepticons become like, CoolKidNames?
Screamer… you don't have to announce yourself to the enemies. Then again you have an ego the size of Unicron himself
Deary me, look what happens - Megatron
… Dinobot studying anything?
Starscream you truly live up to your name, and I am certain G1 is you being a child or a teen
Yes yes you are surrendering very convenient
Oh your voice is horrible. I hope this is a one episode appearance
Also I hope protegee Blackarachnia is the one to kill him
Hasta la vista Starscream - Oprimus Primal
No??? Megatron your catchphrase is ✨Yessssss✨
Twinkle twinkle little Starscream - Cheetor
… Listen there better be a Starscream appearance in a future BW show, set a thousand or so years after the original BW. Let's have a Starscream faceoff in WFC Kingdom!
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mismagireve · 5 years
I would love to hear your tfa megaop au idea please
okay so
our story begins when three autobot academy students arrive not on archa seven in search of energon left behind on a decepticon ship that crashed during the war, but on vector, where legend has it the autobots suffered a crushing defeat.  supposedly, there’s a ship left on vector that the decepticons never found, still filled with weapons and emergency rations, waiting to be brought back to cybertron.  it’s a longer jaunt from cybertron than archa seven is, and it’s outside of the autobot commonwealth, but unlike the archa system it’s not expressly forbidden to go to, so they’ll probably get in less trouble if they get caught
so our three academy autobots, optimus, elita-1, and sentinel head on over to the strange organic world in search of their treasure
and are immediately beset by very angry decepticons wondering why the hell these autobots are on their planet
of the three autobots, elita-1 is shocked, sentinel is shocked and ready to start attacking, and optimus— optimus is not ready to cause an international incident and spark a second war between the autobots and the decepticons
so optimus, calmly and clearly, states that he was unaware that planet vector had come under decepticon ownership since the great war.  all of cybertron’s starcharts show that the system vector is in (a system comprised of vector, orga, and duke, all organic worlds the autobots suffered great losses on and don’t really like remembering) is unclaimed and uninhabited.  they had no idea that there was a decepticon outpost here, they had no desire to trespass, and if the decepticons would kindly allow them to go, they’ll be sure to update their charts so that something like this doesn’t happen again.
the decepticons don’t really believe that these three are the only autobots on vector, or that they won’t come back with a warship, so they end up “escorting” optimus, elita-1, and sentinel back to their ship, where optimus then contacts the first officials he can think of to basically say hey we got some angry decepticons here saying they’ve staked a claim on vector, mind updating the star charts so we don’t fucking die for unwittingly trespassing?
flash back circa 1000 years
the decepticons fought in the great war and fucking lost
they are demoralized.  they are damaged.  they are dwindling.  and they need a strong leader.
thankfully, megatron is an incredibly strong leader.  but this time, instead of focusing his efforts onto finding the allspark and undoing his humiliating defeat at autobot hands—he decides that in order to have even the slightest chance of combating the autobot menace once again, he needs to get his army thriving again.  and that means he needs to get his infrastructure on.
so he pumps what resources the decepticons have into rebuilding the few worlds they have left of their empire.  has them acquire more resources by mining or making factories, trading with other planets, getting the scientists and engineers to find new ways to use what they have.  as the decepticon forces become more and more versatile, the military command structure they used during the war becomes less and less suitable for maintaining order.  they create an actual government charter.
they become and empire in more than just name.  and they start looking to expand to other planets.
after the signing of the tyrest accord meaning the banishment of the decepticon race from cybertron, they largely haven’t interacted with the autobots.  as such, the autobots are largely completely ignorant of what the decepticons are doing.  the incident on vector is the first real contact that autobots and decepticons have had since the war.
and this gets the attention of megatron and ultra magnus both.
flash forward circa, like, a week
the autobot commonwealth is now aware of the renewed strength of the decepticon empire.  the decepticon empire is now aware that the autobots have noticed them.  and both of them are aware that, against all odds, first contact on vector went off without a hitch, thanks to the efforts of a young academy bot named optimus.
diplomatic talks are proposed between the two ruling bodies.  ultra magnus wants to know what the hell a decepticon outpost was doing on a planet so close to the autobot commonwealth.  megatron wants to know how strong the autobot commonwealth is these days.  before you know it, there’s a meeting scheduled.  for the first time in centuries, decepticons will be coming to cybertron.
optimus, probably still frazzled from meeting actual god damn decepticons for the first time in his life and getting tired of hearing shit about it from sentinel (who refuses to hear that going to vector was his idea, and that acting nice with the decepticons was better than getting murdered and sparking another war), gets a summons from ultra magnus.  as the bot who made the first peaceful contact with a decepticon in a millennia, he’s being invited to the summit along with several other important figures in autobot society.  ultra magnus believes this would be a good learning experience for his favored student—and more than that, megatron specifically requested that he be invited.
apparently he wants to know more about the bot that arrived on an alien world, outclassed and outgunned, and had the balls to look a group of decepticons in the optics and say “we come in peace.”
eventually, the day comes when the summit is to be held.  for the first time since the signing of the tyrest accord, decepticons will be setting foot on cybertron.  and optimus is part of the greeting party.  he, along with the rest of the autobots, watch as the decepticon flagship nemesis enters cybertronian airspace and descends to the ground just outside of the metroplex.  the doors open.  their guests have arrived.
optimus, or rather the newly promoted optimus minor, sees the decepticon leader for the first time.  megatron.  the bot that history books and propaganda alike have dubbed “the emperor of destruction”.  the bot that every academy student fights and dies against in simulated combat to test their skills.  the bot that rumors say eats protoforms for breakfast.
optimus shakes megatron’s hand on that day.  and he has one small, but infinitely significant realization:
megatron hot
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afterspark-podcast · 4 years
G1 Episode 29: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: Damn, I don't know how you did it, but that is so good!
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs.
O: And today we're gonna be talking about episode number 29, The Insecticon Syndrome.  Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Sure.
O: And today on The Transformers, Bee, Beachcomber, and Hound are racing over a road full of hot- pot holes.
S: [laughs quietly]
O: Hot holes?  No, pot holes. [laughs]
S: Once they arrive at their destination a park ranger explains that some trees are super chewed up.
O: Beachcomber realizes that obviously this was caused by the Insecticons, as they like to nom on trees.
S: The ranger has doubtsTM. 
O: He finds giant alien robot bugs unbelievable but-but Sir, Sir- you were brought here in a giant alien robot car, so I have to ask what is the difference?
S: Who knows.
O: Good question!  [laughs] Speaking of, the Insecticons are in a cave complaining about how hungry they are and they decide to step out for a bite to eat.
S: Does a redwood sound like a good snack to you?  Because it sounds like one to them.
O: They are observed eating trees by yet another park ranger.
S: Who also finds this unbelievable.
O: You guys live in a world with giant robots.
S: And considering the Insecticons have apparently been around for... quite a long time.
O: Yeah, that- that they are even more unbelievable is weird.
S: God, maybe they're cryptids?
O: Oh lord, I hope so.
S: I don't understand why, you know, the Insecticons don't- don't just eat all of the trees if they're hungry.  I mean they're just kind of taking little bites out of them, little nibbles.
O: They want just the tasty bits.  JUST THE BITS!
S: Park ranger number two calls park ranger number one and tells him that he sees ‘giant figments’ eating trees.
O: Yes, I know they have actual names.  Trust me, we don't care.
S: They don't show up in any other episodes.
O: No, they don't.
S: Alright, so Beachcomber gets all philosophical for a moment and says that the Insecticons uh, probably think the humans are figments too.
O: [chuckles] It is a fun thought.  Our Bots head off.
S: And elsewhere, the Decepticons are out flying around looking for the Insecticons because... of course they are.  And Starscream says that he doesn't trust the Insecticons.
O: Pot, kettle you know this shtick.
S: Megatron says that he'll kill them himself once they've served their purpose.
O: The Insecticons do seem to be enjoying their prime slabs of redwood.
S: Poor park ranger number two almost gets a tree dropped on him before meeting up with the Bots and ranger number one.
O: A fight breaks out, as you do.
S: You're a pacifist, Beachcomber!
O: Not when nature is involved.
S: [sighs]
O: And then the Insecticons Indiana Jones an entire tree at the Autobots and company.
S: That tree is big enough that once they ran into the river it should have stayed on the banks and gone over them but um…
O: What would this show be without the drama, really?
S: [sighs]
O: [laughs]
S: Oh, the Autobots and uh, the human companions run to the edge of the waterfall and then are knocked off by the entire tree.
O: So we're led to believe, but as funny as this shot was, uh, we’ll later see this was an illusion they Hound, who was one of the people with them.
S: Yep.  The two sets of Cons finally meet up with Megatron complimenting the Insecticons on their work.
O: Starscream says that maybe they should lead them then, but when the Insecticons insult Megatron he's surprisingly ready to throw down, despite just insulting him [Megatron].
S: [exasperated] It's Starscream.
O: [laughs]
S: Megatron is rather civil right now, actually telling Starscream to calm down.
O: Below the lip of the waterfall, the Autobots are standing on a handy ledge.
S: I'm surprised the Insecti- the Decepticons didn't see them, but whatever.
O: They don't know how to look down!
S: [laughs]
O: They saw them fly off, it's fine, they're dead! [laughs]
S: So, the Autobots are standing on this ledge and they overhear Megatron bribing the Insecticons with food so that they'll do something for him.
O: He wants them to eat all the energy at a power plant and get strong enough to break into a facility called Iron Mountain.
S: Sounds ominous.  At the Ark, Optimus, Ironhide, Jazz, Inferno, Ratchet, and Wheeljack head out to stop the Cons.
O: At the power plant, the Cons take out some attack helicopters that are on hand for some reason.  Megatron spotting Optimus’ convoy is then extremely ready for a 2 vs.5 fight.
S: Never let it be said that Megatron lacks confidence.
O: Uh-huh, confidence, is that what we're calling it now?  And, I mean, it did end up being a four against five fight as Laserbeak and Buzzsaw join into the fray as well.  But still, they're outnumbered!
S: Yeah.  And I mean, Inferno takes out Laserbeak almost immediately, so...
O: Uh, then we see two choppers fall from the sky.  Uh, you know, that are being piloted by people, these are not transforming robots.
S: Um-hm.  Those people are definitely dead!
O: [laughs]
S: Or at least they should be.
O: According to the next scene, no.  Being in a children's show has saved their lives, it's a miracle!
 S: Well, statistically they should be dead.
O: [laughs] Jazz saves two of the humans that were trapped in one of the downed helicopter[s].  While Inferno overzealously tries to put out the fire.  Basically he [Jazz] gets buried in like, fire foam.
S: Yeah, the Insecticons begin feeding on electricity and gets swol.
O: Super swol!  So now that they're huge, they're ready to assert their dominance over Megatron. [laughs]
S: Outside Soundwave has his- his stethoscope… thing?
O: [laughs]
Against the wall and says, the Insecticons plot ‘treason’.
O: To which, the Insecticons Kool-Aid Man their way out of the wall and then poor Soundwave is soundly menaced, and implanted with a Cerebro shell.
S: Hound, Beachcomber, Bee and Spike all show up on site.
O: Optimus has no luck stopping the Decepticons and says it's all up to Ironhide and Wheeljack now.
S: And then we cut to them and they're climbing two really tall towers.
O: Why, you may ask?  Why, so this next scene can happen.  They are now sitting ducks for the Insecticons, who attack them both.
S: Wheeljack is pulled out from uh, his fallen tower because uh…
O: They knocked it over.
S: Yeah, and Ironhide is doused with fire retardant foam that apparently helped with the electricity that is currently giving him problems due to uh, the previously mentioned Insecticon attack.
O: So that's how that works.
S: I guess.
O: The Autobots retreat, Ironhide and Wheeljack get tossed into Prime's trailer.
S: Spike must have brought his own gun this time, cuz he definitely has a gun.
O: The Autobots got tired of him stealing theirs.  So clearly, they built him one! [laughs]  You know, give to that, what?
S: Fourteen-year-old.
O: Sixteen-year-old, whatever?
S: I think-
O: I think you're right. The power- the teenager, let's just go with the teenager because I legitimately can't remember what our consensus was right now.
S: I'm pretty sure you proved he was 14 but this-
O: I think you’re right…
S: Because I was the one who thought he was older, initially.
O: But then again, it's like, how much time has passed?
S: Yeah.
O: Does a season equal a year?  Is he 15 now?  I don't know, let's give the teenager a gun.
S: Yeah.  Back at the Ark, as the hurt Bots are getting patched up, Spike reaches the conclusion that the power the Insecticons ate is incompatible with their systems.
O: Okay, I… no, there’s no way Spike should have known that, either Carly or Perceptor had to have told him, that they had to of.
S: Or Chip, if Chip was there.
O: True. Chip also, I think, would be able to figure it out, but I didn't think we've seen Chip for a while?
S: Yeah.  Alright, so the Insecticons are going to come down with a super bad case of explosions.
O: You know, to put it in layman's terms.  It seems as though the folks running the Iron Mountain facility may have brought this upon themselves though.  Uh, when we cut to the location later, as they have painted their building a sort of silvery purple and we all know what that means!
S: Yep.  Soundwave is still under the influence of the Insecticons, which means that they overhear Megatron's plans to off them once they break into Iron Mountain for him.  Cutting back to the Autobots, the Autobots talk about if the Insecticons uh, get inside they'll blow up the entire facility.
O: Yes, but why is this important?  What kind of facility is this?  We're not told!
S: Apparently, some kind of, I don't know- I imagine it's a government weapons facility or something but who knows?
O: And on that happy note we go to commercials.
S: Yeah… and back at Iron Mountain, the humans batten down the hatches and send out laser beams hiding in secret compartments.  These are like really old computers some of them seem like the kind that involve reels of tape.
O: Yeah, very old computers.  I can't help but think this was their Decepticon security system though?
S: Maybe?
O: These lasers are also pretty powerful for something made by humans.  Megatron and Starscream end up flat on their backs.
S: And now it's time for science with Wheeljack and Ratchet as they try to create an antidote for the Insecticons.
O: Are you sure putting Wheeljack in charge of not causing explosions is the best idea here?
S: [sighs] Back in the fray, the Insecticons uh, complain about indigestion.  Which, for giant metal insects is a bit ominous.
O: [laughs] Especially given the whole, they're gonna come down with a sudden case of the explosions soon!
S: Yes, I know.  [laughs] But you know, Megatron gives no fucks.
O: He doesn't.  Shrapnel takes control of the lasers and then turns them against the humans.
S: The Autobots arrive, and Megatron tells the Insecticons to deal with them.
O: One of the downsides of bringing your squishy buddy into battle that when- is that you have to shield them with your big-ass metal body when things go south.
S: [sighs] Yeah…
O:  Which is what Ironhide has to do for Spike.
S: Yeah... The Bots have to dig their way out of a rockslide caused by the Insecticons.
O: More gun is obviously the solution we need according to Optimus, who shoots the rocks off of them too.
S: Yep, that's how that works.
O: [laughs] More gun solves everything, even if you're the good guy.
S: Yes.  Meanwhile, Megatron and Soundwave have made it into Iron Mountain to the main computer.
O: Soundwave breaks into the computer with psychic powers and Megatron orders the other Cons to destroy the Insecticons.
S: Bombshell knows what's up and hits Starscream with a Cerebro shell.
O: He then attempts to do this with Megatron, but Megs just catches it and says, “Nobody's getting in his head!”  And then, I'm way too amused with how well this meshes up with Lost Light Megs, but carry on.
S: Megatron stomps on the shell, Bombshell freaks out.
O: I can't tell if this like, causes him physical pain or if he's just upset?
S: Probably just dramatic.
O: Yeah, that sounds about right.
S: [sighs] Megatron goes to uh, shoot him, but is tackled by Optimus, lest you know, Megatron cause Bombshell to explode.
O: Hello sexual tension, my old friend.  The Insecticons fly off uh, to get the data that Soundwave has collected from the computer because if you'll remember there’s- he's still under their control.
S: Are you just gonna eat it?  Do you something to put it in?  Are you going to absorb it?  What the hell is even your plan?  What the hell is even the plot?
O: Big bugs eat lots of shit, get tummy ache, and go boom.  Keep up, Specs!
S: [groans]
O: [laughs]
S: The Insecticons must have wanted the complete trine, as all three seekers are now under mind control and attack uh, Megatron and Optimus on the Insecticons command.
O: They dive behind some rocks and Megatron asks Prime why he stopped him from destroying those, “six legged liabilities!”
S: Short answer, lots of boom.
O: Keep up, Megatron!  Apparently, even under control the Seekers have some form of self-preservation because they run away when Megatron shoots at them and tells them off.  That must be very deeply engrained.
S: Yeah…
O: [laughs]
S: Ratchet and the Wheeljack show up with the antidote and Megatron is down for curing the Insecticons if it means that he can shoot them again.
O: That sounds right, but uh, either that or he's missed the point entirely because he shoots at them immediately once they catch up with them and Soundwave in the computer room.
S: The Insecticons complain about the stomach aches, but still shoot Megatron through a wall.
O: [snorts] Spike says, they've only got 30 seconds before the Insecticons explode.
S: Spike, from where do you get this arcane knowledge?
O: But now for my favorite part of this episode. [laughs] They have 30 seconds to live and Optimus pic- picks up Megatron shakes him around a bit and tells him [that] he needs to transform.  30 seconds, and this is how he chooses to use his time.  But then, he picks Megatron up bridal style and transforms him manually.  I didn't know they could even do that!
S: Apparently they can.
O: [while laughing]  Apparently they can!
S: Optimus then loads the antidote into Megatron and uses him to shoot it at the Insecticons.
O: Insert sexual tension joke here, he hits Bombshell in short order.
S: Kickback then tries to escape with Soundwave but Optimus shoots and they go plummeting to the floor.
O: It has been a day for Soundwave, poor Soundwave.
S: Yup, and we’re down to the last Insecticon, and the last 10 seconds.
O: Shrapnel shoots everybody down, but Spike climbs up on him, and throws the file in- of antidote, into his conveniently placed stomach hatch.
S: Yeah, he did.
O: [laughs]
S: Soundwave gets electrocuted, which apparently wipes his memory of all the data he collected.
O: And then Shrapnel still explodes?
S: He’s in pieces.
O: Like, literal pieces, but Bombshell pulls out a gun, shoots it, and this reassembles Shrapnel.  So the answer... is more gun!
B: [laugh]
S: Yeah, the three Insecticons then uh, ‘bug out’ with the Decepticons following shortly after.
O: We end with a dumb joke from Spike, and everybody laughs.
S: That two frame laugh cycle.
O: Join us next time for the day the oil tankers went rogue!  That's not even getting into the computer that Megatron's sticks his dick in!
S: [begins laughing]
O: You think I’m kidding.
S: [still laughing]
S: You all think I’m kidding.  I’m not kidding.  I’m not kidding at all, I have pictures!
B: [laugh]
S: Yes, I took them!
O: Yes!  She did!  I’m not kidding! [laughs]
S: It’s a real mindfuck.
O: It is.  [laughs]
S: Uh, we have two wildcard fic recommendations by Owls today, uh-
O: So, uh, my two for today eh, the first one’s called, “Together We're Stable,” by LittleMissSweetgrass. IDW, G, it is slash, it involves Soundwave and Cosmos.  Our characters are: Cosmos, Rust-Q, Sunstreaker, Beachcomber, Soundwave, Rumble, and Frenzy.
In summary, “Cosmos goes to his medic’s office to ask an important question.  As a mech with spark damage, can he ever form a conjunx endura bond?”
It is a one shot, it’s part of the same Cos- mo- Coswave stuff I've been recommending that's part of the series though.  So, not necessarily need to read the other stuff, but this will make a hell of a lot more sense if you  reread-if you read, “Chronic,” first.
And my other one is... Trans- sub- stat- tion Completed?
S: Uh, Transubstantiation.
O: Thank you!  That one, uh, Contemplated.  (Yes, I'm saying that right.)  By Merfilly, it's Shattered Glass, it’s G, it's Gen, there are no pairings.  Our characters are Soundwave, Ratbat, and Ravage.
And in summary, “Soundwave receives an old friend, and is driven to find a way to help them.”  And it is a one-shot.  It's very short, uh, Merfilly has done a bunch of like, Shattered Glass stuff and I've read a lot of it but I quite like this one.
Uh, Ratbat’s not a dick in uh, Shattered Glass.  If you’re used to IDW Ratbat, just so you know. [laughs]
S: Yup.  And we have fanart?
O: Yup.  Uh, our recommendation for today is JamKight.  They have a Tumblr, a Twitter, and a Deviant Art we will be linking to.  I like them, because holy fuck they have this squishiest, cuddliest, Transformers I had ever seen in my entire LIFE, and I want to hug them alllll.  Today we linked to art of Ravage playing with a laser pointer, a cat daddy Soundwave, and gardener Soundwave.  Not Soundwave.
S: Shockwave.
O: And gardener Shockwave. So I highly recommend their stuff is super adorable.  Um, we will link to it.  Um, a lot of their stuff tends to be IDW / G1 so, you know, that kind of thing.
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today, remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links, we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word).  And various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Youtube, just to name a few.  Until next time, I'm Specs.
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles.
[Noticeably different sound quality]
O: Hi guys, Owls here with a bit of a correction.  Ah, we call our fan artist for today JamKnight, but they are actually called JamBandit on all of their social media but Deviant Art, including Tumblr.  I'm not entirely sure I missed this when I was making the notes for this, but this is my mistake and I apologize.  So if you want to see some adorable Transformers go check out JamBandit.
[Outro Music]
0 notes
Galvatron the MegaLord Baby ACCEPTED! Damus is convinced that Megatron reproduced asexually and refuses to accept Overlord had any part in this.
Hot Rod is the oldest and is terribly fond of his slightly feral baby brother. Hotlock doesn't intend to help escalate them but Hot Rod is weak to puppy eyes when Damus asks for things he really shouldn't have and Deadlock wants to impresses his not-yet-maybe boyfriend and proceeds to teach Damus how to properly stab someone. Damus gives a disturbingly articulate speech about Deadlock serving the Cause well that Deadlock thinks is cute.
Damus is the equivalent of eleven, so Overlord has beef with a whole ass child, but Megatron is convinced "they're just playing" (and has informed Overlord of what will happen if it goes beyond what a ex-gladitor parent considers just playing in explicit non-sexy detail). Overlord mainly treats Baby Damus's assassination attempts like a cat treats a kitten and paps at him in what he'd consider playful.
Damus is convinced if his stepdad just dies horrifically he can swing his parents getting back together. He's even got a power point about Optimus keeping Ratchet if he really wants him. Megatron has Soundwave after all.
This is another point in Optimus's "I sometimes think about my exes new wife meeting an unfortunate accident".
They do switch off weekends at the Cyberverse esque wall splitting Cybertron. And sometimes have to cohabitate areas when they are visiting for events like Hot Rod's First Big Race or Damus's musical recital or holidays.
The baby DJD is forged by Optomus sending Damus to Summer Camp to socialize more because he's concerned about the increase in blood thirsty commentary since Megatron had Galvatron and Ratchet and he adopted First Aid. He gave Bumblebee nightmares and Arcee has been encouraging him. Damus proceeds to sort everyone by usefulness, genuinely befriend the weirdest kids there in a semi-positive manner, burn down the arts and crafts room, incite several riots, blackmail a riny medic jet into being his minion and tried to sneak him back home in his luggage, start a cabin gang war with the other weird kid gang in Cabin 3 (the Scavengers), and helped kidnap a Beastformer kid who was just watching the chaos go down fascinated while Ultra Magnus frantically tried to help with a missing child case.
The main portion of the story is Damus's adventures in Summer Camp.
The fact that Damus is younger than I anticipated makes it even funnier, like damn this kid has red flags. Especially with Hotlock and a weeeeee bit Optimus enabling him! I adore how Overlord is basically going "aww, too bad buddy😁" to this disturbed preteen who tried to poison his energon that morning. Damus trying to demote Ratchet to sidechick status.
The summer camp section is just. Sweet jesus Damus my little guy, if that's the main portion i am highly intrigued and i would read the hell out of that. This menace. He's just. You can practically see the fire crackling behind his optics with how much he can accomplish
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moderngamebantam · 8 years
Day 4: Time to crank up that Saturday Night Fever Starscream! Who’s your favorite Decepticon and why? C’mon, we all adore someone from the other faction. Transformers, betcha can’t have just one!
Hoo boy. This one was difficult for me but, like, I think I have to go with Soundwave for this one. He’s not my number one fave ‘Con across the entire franchise (jesus, can you imagine trying to choose from a literally infinite multiverse of ‘Cons?), but I think he cinches it for my fave as far as TFP goes.
As you could probably figure from my Optimus Prime gush post, I’m a total sucker for “parental” type characters; they’re one of my favorite archetypes. And Soundwave is an unique twist to the trope. This might be fanon and other series elbowing their way into my perception of him, but it’s obvious he cares about Laserbeak, in his own silent way. But he isn’t openly clingy about him, either: it’s more like he’s confident in his ability to care for his symbiote that he simply trusts Laserbeak to get the job done and come bosom home safely (feels hurghf). Combine that with the possibility of him having had his other symbiotes in the past and lore about spark bonds, and he gives a vibe of really caring for his symbiote family. But what I said about Laserbeak applies to the whole world of TFP in relation to ol’ Sounders; he really isn’t clingy. That’s just not how he is. When it comes to the rest of the Decepticons, he shows loyalty only to Megatron and is even a menace to other Decepticons, even Airachnid. His attachments are no frills, no sugar coating, and completely matter-of-fact: you are a significant other in Soundwave’s life, and he will always be there... always, for better or for worse. Also, it’s always stood out to me how he doesn’t seem to hate Earth or Terrans. He isn’t shown to care for Terran life, per se, but he’s never tried to harm it, either; not the way other Decepticons have. And his motivation for this behavior is never once touched on; it’s completely left up to viewer interpretation. It could be he feels an odd, Soundwave-ish attachment to Earth and its lifeforms, or he could perceive it as not being a threat, nor as being essential to his operations, so it’s logical to him to leave things be, i.e him encountering the kids with an AXE in his tentacle and simply discarding of it and leaving. He’s so mysterious; I love it. He’s undeniably a villain, but is he actually bad? We just don’t know. I mean, he probably is, but it’s entirely possible that he does have a good-er side.
Also, props to his character design. Like, damn boi. I love Slenderwave, man. Faceless? Check. Skinny? Check. Unsettlingly long limbs? Check. He’s tall, dark, and handsome. And BEEFWAVE (I have to do it in all caps, I’m sorry) is just as good. Presumably laden with children, in top gladiator physique... nice. It’s just. So good. 
Soundwave is just. So good.
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