#real fun
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trialssam · 9 months ago
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4x04 - 4x21 parallels
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thechekhov · 1 year ago
Não sei se alguém já perguntou isso ( tentei procurar mas não achei ) mas de onde veio a ideia do nome "the Chekhov" ?
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It's from Star Trek! A group of friends I had in high school/college gave each other Star Trek based nicknames, and I was Chekhov because... well. I'm Russian.
But I was also the only one with any sense of direction.
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kasmirkozel · 1 year ago
Choromatsu explains NFTs to Jyushimatsu
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{Screenshots from the mobile game: Osomatsu-san Protagonist Contest Poko Ball}
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scpaesthetics · 1 year ago
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SCP Aesthetics: 001 Proposal: Memento Mori (requested by @dewnose2, written by @rounderhouse)
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document. (sepia toned, multifaceted, snapshots)
requests are open
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mellxncollie · 8 months ago
actually criminal that there's a heat wave and i need my window open with a fan in it to stay cool but also the grass pollen is at a high so i'm blasting allergen-rich air into my room and subsequently dying
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seraphdreams · 1 year ago
i am on my knees BEGGING for u share your thoughts about rindou like does he sleep around like ran?? when does he get serious about finding a partner?? or does he want kids?? bf headcanons husband headcanons ANYTHING ABOUT HIM PLEASE
rindou is soooo, i have so many things to say about him!
for starters, rindou is a certified whore .. likes his partners dumb n desperate sluts ; he’s handsome and he’s got enough game to score him with anyone he’d like so i do believe he can be quite the whore. also while we’re on that topic, ran n rindou attract a different crowd of people .. ran really caters to the women that are in need of a father figure, someone that’ll spoil them and feed them sweet nothings , whereas with with rindou, he likes his girls dumb n slutty — he is not for turning anyone out.
i think once he meets the right person, a lot in his life will change .. you’ll notice it when he starts getting somewhat needy , wanting to be around you often and going out of his way to treat you. rindou may seem a bit cold and witty — a real smartass, but that’s only towards his brother and the like. he can be quite the romantic.
as your boyfriend, rindou makes sure you are taken care of in every sense of the word. he’s used to being cared after and he’s grown now, he’s ready to give it his all when it comes to you. and he makes you feel so so, so special !! treats you like royalty and buys you whichever outfit you need to look pretty on his arm while he goes and looks after his clubs, or even take you on fancy rooftop dates courtesy of big bro.
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sleepdeprivedmusings · 1 month ago
So, there is this youtuber named Alana Lintao. In one of her shorts, she mentions how one of the models she was taking to went like 'Oh, you don't drink or smoke? What do you even do then?'. So her answer: SIDE QUESTS. Like movie nights, sleepovers, bracelet making, those sort of fun activities.
Now, I don't really drink or smoke either, but I, like a lot of other people have a bit of an internet addiction. For many it's tiktok and insta reels, for me it's yt shorts, but whatever. Pot. Kettle. Except for the comment section. On top of that I am NOT social. I have like 2 people which I consider friends, and they're not people I'd share secrets with, so are they really friends? It is also very tiring to talk in general. But even someone like me actually GOT something out of her advice, which is super rare. After you start doing those things, it feels like life is waaaaaaay brighter. Like when you were a kid, and you just felt happy for no reason, and colors looked more vivid? That. Games with my sister, karaoke, running errands with my dad, deep cleaning, those everything showers, going to the mall for no reason, and getting out of the house for the sole purpose of petting street cats. It feels like rediscovering fun. So, yeah. Go ahead and go on some side quests as well. Hell, encourage others to try that to.
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autistic-spiderman-real · 1 month ago
I'm feeling debating if I should start writing fan fiction again the last time I did my cat died
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whatsthatmagiccard · 2 years ago
This png is under 1 kb but I think you can id it on sight:
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cardinalphlox · 6 months ago
silly question, but what do you use to make ur gifs? ive been trying to find one without a dumbass logo in the corner when i dowload it lol
AOUGH I use gifmaker! its really easy to use, but a little annoying since you cant get rid of images once you upload them, and it has ads.
but likeeeee its free! And its fairly simple to use :)
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ezziefox · 5 months ago
I been really in my zone lately
Just today, and even last night, I been really in my zone, man. I felt so free. I felt so capable. I felt so in my zone. I was writing, mainly planning, which was something I hadn't done to this degree in a long while. I've been making progress. Just wish it could've lasted longer. Would really appreciate that, you know. It would be so sweet. Another day at this. I've just been listening to music and planning my story so I can know what to write next. It's been really fun. So peaceful. Damn. So sweet. No distractions or bad interruptions. Hmph
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the-kick-of-bones-malone · 7 months ago
Was playing a typing game for fun, wherein said game you're given a list of what customer wants and doesn't want in a word
One level was
Wants a s, wants an e, allergic to b
so therefore in panic I typed scopolamine
and it it worked
Next nugget confidently typed morphine when it wanted a m and n (also worked)
you ever play typing games? Nugget thinks they're fun
That sounds funny, now I gotta re-download some typing games lol
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wittyworm · 9 months ago
addy got me tweaking help i hate being on so many drugs
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imnotabox · 8 months ago
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Something silly!!! Also moose are a menace and terrifying so pretty cool of me i guess
@unkipt I know you'll love this one :))!!
also @sulfurzee @n0tmercury you guys should do this one too :D!!
Would you like to find out what you would be the god of? Take my new uqiz to find out
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kiwi · 28 days ago
as a former escape room host i highly recommend doing an escape room as a first date. its a great way to learn how ppl react under pressure and how well they collaborate with you right off the bat. also more than once ive seen people enter an escape room as a couple and exit broken up LOL its a fantastic litmus test
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