#open; ( kara zor el )
arcsi0 · 1 month
a lena/kara commission i did for one of my besties >:) i love women i love lesbians
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damienns · 1 year
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KARA DANVERS IN EVERY EPISODE — S02E13 Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk (x)
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memento-mori-twilight · 3 months
Seeing the Kryptonian Thought Projector on both of their faces respectfully has shown me only one thing:
It only really works as a fit when you actually have bangs.
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Sorry Clark, but Kara rocks it better than you.
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spiderben2011 · 8 months
Open Valentine's Day Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl had finished up with her recent mission, before she arrived to the home of your muse. They found her locked in Siberia while chasing a story down and saved her. She decided to live with them and over time, began going out with them. She even came back to their place with a gift after being told about this holiday that humans here celebrate.
"I'm home! I'm sorry for coming back a little messy, but I'll take a quick shower and then we can go. But first...here you go. I found this rock that had some emeralds inside and I wanted to bring it for you as a gift."
((NSFW RP, have fun with her))
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themultiverseheroines · 2 months
Open Summer Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl needed a break. Her cousin, Kal-El aka Superman knew she had been working a lot and was pushing herself. She needed a break from the superhero work and asked your muse to help her. Kara was against this since she knew she can keep going.
But after her latest mission where she almost got seriously hurt, she knew it was no longer up to her. So, she went with your muse to the beach on an island they owned and enjoyed how nice the place felt.
"This place feels amazing," said Kara as she wore her sundress and straw hat while enjoying the weather. "I still can't believe you bought the whole island. I bet you'll be giving Lex Luthor a run for his money."
((made by DonnieAlart on DeviantArt))
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elfryn · 2 months
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Fanfiction. Title: Match-Point. Word count: 457. Ratings: General Audiences. Relationship: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor. Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: Kara wants to punch someone. Hard. Maybe even pull their hair and knock out some teeth. Kick them in the shin. She really, really wants to punch someone right now and that someone is none other than Lena Luthor. Links: ao3, tips!
Commissions info here!
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Kara wants to punch someone. Hard. Maybe even pull their hair and knock out some teeth. Kick them in the shin. She really, really wants to punch someone right now and that someone is none other than Lena Luthor.
Taking a deep breath, she concentrates on the task before her. It's the women's intercollegiate volleyball final. Kara has the serve. Her team has the second match point of the time break. The opposing team is two points behind. Kara has to make a clean shot, she has to get that ball into the opponent's court. If it were any other team, any other school, she wouldn't doubt her ability to make an ace point. But she's playing Cadmus Academy, against the only team with Lena Luthor as their libero. And Lena Luthor is annoyingly good at her job.
The buzzer sounds, and Kara prepares for her serve. It's a fast, strong ball that goes exactly where she aimed. Lena is there in seconds, she dives, and her small hand with its long, slender fingers prevents the ball from hitting the floor. Her teammates prepare for the counter-attack, running from all directions in a synchronised attack. Kara watches as her team tenses up, spreads out and joins in, trying to cover as much of the court as possible. The blocker waits and jumps at the right moment, but the ball rebounds and goes up.
Nia dives and saves the ball, Alex lifts it and Kara smashes it. Lena handles it again. Kelly sets it up, and Andrea cuts it back. Kate saves. And on they go, for forty long, painful seconds, the ball doesn't hit the ground. For forty torturous seconds, the ball flies across the court defying the laws of gravity at an almost imperceptible speed. Until, finally, it falls. The last serve of the day is made by Kara who hits the ball centimetres from Lena's foot, cementing her team's victory in the intercollegiate. Marking Kara's first victory against Lena since they met for the first time two and a half years ago.
A primal scream from deep within Kara forces itself down her throat and echoes through the gym. Nia, Alex, Iris and Kate and all the others join her in screaming.
While one side of the court erupts in joy and victory and pride, the other mourns the defeat they accept with resignation.
"Luthor!" Kara shouts from the other side of the court.
"Danvers," Lena replies in a not-so-loud tone.
"I won." She speaks proudly, her smile as bright as the sun.
"I lost."
"Will you go out with me now?
Lena holds Kara's gaze for a long moment, then amid the tears of defeat, she allows herself a small smile.
"Yes, I will."
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beetlegoose01 · 3 months
My Adventures with Superman Server!
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Join our little corner of the internet where we chat, roleplay, make fanart, stream new episodes and just have a fun time! Hope to see you there! 💙❤💛
NOTE: This is an 18+ server.
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lgbtimelords · 4 months
a fanfic i'll never write, part 1:
is a mirror just a reflection (or is it the door to a parallel universe)
Dreams are a weird thing.
The lapse between unconsciousness and consciousness. The moment fleeting images show up in your mind and sometimes, they quickly leave. You’re not supossed to remember them, books say. It’s repressed memories, repressed ideas, some that are kept that way for a reason. Most people don’t want to know what they mean. They don’t want to dive into the depths of their minds.
Not her, thought.
The dreams, the weird and inconsistent dreams she has every night, are the only thing she has any autonomy over. Her mind is hers. Even if sometimes it feels like her body isn’t.
They train her. Guide her. Mold her into turning into what they want, into what Alex wants. But not her mind. They can’t take away her mind, her thoughts, her dreams.
And even though part of her knows these aren’t her dreams. She still holds them close, thinks about them. Tries to analyze them, for a lack of something better to do.
She dreams of darkness. And solitude.
She sees punch after punch land against her face, seconds from each other, even though the person above her always has a different face.
She dreams of bodies falling on top of each other, unmoving and pale as they fall to the floor. Althought she never recognizes any of the faces.
She feels pain, always, in one way or another, across her entire body. Nails cursing through her blood and she’s unable to make it stop. Except it does stop, when she wakes up. Even if her beating heart and the residual pain she can almost-feel are still there.
She doesn’t know what they mean and the classic literature books that are mailed to her bring little answers. Just more questions. Just more ideas and thoughts they want to carve into her mind. She doesn’t let it. She tries to argue back with the books that offer no feedback and when Alex arrives, she tells them she agrees with the books- lets him smirk satified as she puts on her clueless face.
She wasn’t always like this. She did fall for his games. She did let him mold her mind. At first. It wasn’t until her tenth reread of The Great Gatsby that she realized it was the only act of defiance she had done against Alex- reading a book. She realized how much he hated her thoughts on it, even though her outlook was a nice one.
Why wouldn’t Alex want me to see beauty?
But she wanted to see beauty. Beauty outside of the compound she’s been confined in. But beauty seems like such a foreing concept to her. What is beauty? The dresses women describe in her books? The money and lavish jewels she’d never seen? The music she’d never heard? The beautiful people her guards describe during their breaks?
She’s not sure she has ever seen beauty. But she wants to. She desperatly wants to.
But she can’t get out.
Her life is just the couple hundred of miles that belong to this section of the Kaznian army. Her sleeping cuarters are not more than four old and empty walls. The training grounds are not more than snowy ground and thick cold air.
And she spends, day and nights, training and reading and studying. For what? She’s never told.
She learns to control her powers to the fullest. Reach their limit and know when to stop right before they leave her body completely.
She learns every language on this planet, Alex quizzing her on all of them until she’s better than him. She learns to mimic every accent and dialect under the sun- for what? She’s never told.
And months pass. Months after months after months. Alex comes and goes, like always.
He comes and goes, but the dreams are always there.
The ground is shaking. A lot. She faintly hears objects falling to the floor. Glass breaking. People screaming. She hears pain- like when she heard Mikhail call it out. But she cannot move now. She cannot fly away into the sun and offer her help.
She hears pain. Her feet are stuck on the ground unable to move. And she hears pain, a lot of it.
Someone tugs her arm, forces her legs to move and follow after them. She looks up- and it’s the first time she realizes how close to the ground she is- and finds the back of someone’s head. A man, looks like.
He screams words over his shoulder in a languaje she can’t understand because all she hears is pain. And she notices, when the tall man kneels in front of her, that she’s the one screaming in pain. Fear. Sadness. Confusion.
The man, eyes that she’d seen in her own reflection before, soothes her with his words. And even though she cannot know what he’s saying, she understands the meaning. “Stay calm, inah. It’ll be over soon.”
He picks her in his arms, and she hides her face in the crook of his neck. Hides away the screaming and breaking of estructures she knows they shouldn’t be falling, and takes comfort in the man’s colony and his soft clothes.
But the small comfort is ripped away when suddenly she’s not in his arms anymore. She’s alone. And it’s cold. Everything is so cold. The chair she’s sitting in is cold. Her clothes, which are supposed to bring her warmth, are cold. Her hands are cold. And when her fingers slowly trace the glass in front of her, it’s cold too.
Although the cold isn’t the worst part. It’s the darkness. There’s nothing to see. Nothing to feel. Just her. Alone. Looking forward and never backward to empty darkness.
And then there’s a light. It’s big and blinding. And fear spikes throughout her body even though she’s not sure why. She does not know what the flames are for.
The flames get closer and closer and closer. The surrond the small crystal box she’s in. And so, she screams.
Red daughter, they call her.
Or snowbird, for a lack of a better name.
But after a year of her solitude- or, at least, solitude surrounded by people that only spoke to her for a couple of second- Alex tells her her name is Kara.
That her life was taken by an impostor, and that he’ll help her get it back.
And if there’s a shadow behind Alex’s eyes that makes her schomach turn, she doesn’t mention it.
She’s flying, faster than she’s ever flown. She’s flying with a clear direction, closer and closer to her target.
She doesn’t really know what her target is until she sees the plane in front of her eyes. She quickly realizes something is wrong. The couple of planes she’d seen in the sky always flew flawlessly and at a constant speed but this one, this one moves through the air carelessly and speedily. There’s no direction, the plane only falls and falls, closer and closer to the city buildings.
She knows she has to save it. There’s people there. She knows it. But most importantly, her heart is telling someone even more important than all of them is there too.
She keeps on flying. Her limbs feel heavy. She feels disorientated. But she keeps on flying.
When her hands touch the base of the plane, there’s a small jump of exciment on her heart but then-
It’s like her hands run out of strength and the grip she had on the plane gives out and she watches as it goes down and down and down.
The plane hits a skycrapper in an explosion and she cannot move. She watches as the fires burn, the building falls, the few people still alive scream. And she doesn’t move.
Her heart is screaming for something, someone. She doesn’t know who.
The tears cover her face in and out of the dream.
Alex starts to show her the world.
“Again,” he says, “because Kara Danvers stole your life and memories from you.”
He shows her one city a day. She sees the children dying of hunger while rich men drown in their riches. She sees little towns burn because of big factories.
“So,” she starts, uncertain, “I am Kara Danvers?”
“Not yet. Once you kill her, you will be.”
She sees so many awful things in this world, she begins to understand why Alex is so full of hate. But the only thing keeping her from following him blindly is not his hatred, but his refusal to see the beauty, the love, the hope.
His face at the mention of the last word leaves a heavy weight on her heart.
She hears Christmas music.
She hates this one.
She’s standing in the middle of an empty street. She looks around, wondering which one will show up first this time.
The man in the black suit shows up first. He’s always wearing the same thing- a black piece of clothing that covers his entire body, with a symbol on his chest. She always gets a sense of deja-vu when she looks at it, but she never remembers what it means.
“I win,” he says. And even though she cannot see his face, all she sees is a blurry silluete where his face should be, she can tell there’s a smirk in his face anyway.
He punches her, making her lip burst out with blood. She falls to her knees.
When she opens her eyes again, a woman that looks like her is above her. Dirty blonde hair but blueish skin. Her voice always sounds distorted but she also says “I win.” before punching her too.
A red robot is next. He sends a wush of wind her way, making her fall to her knees. She sees someone’s shadow on the broken floor below her before she feels them kick her in her back- it makes her fly again, it’s another woman this time, one with a dark clothes and a mask covering her face.
Her punches hurt the most, they leave her gasping for air and wishing she’d finally wake up. And she does wake up, once they reach the top of a bulding and the other woman lets her drop.
She falls and falls and falls until she’s consious again and screaming in fear, waking up her guards.
Alex leaves her alone in a cute little apartment- her apartment. The one that was stolen from her by the impostor that looks just like her.
The apartment is nice. Homey. Just one big space divided into kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom by the setup of the furniture and one big curtain. And it feels weird and painful that, when she walks around and touches what it’s supposed to be hers, she finds no familiarity in them.
She finds that sense of deja vu only twice; when she sees that picture in the fridge, the one of two women together- herself or the impostor, she’s not sure, and someone else. Brunette, short hair, kind smile. Alex.
Why does the impostor have an Alex? Was there always two Alexs? Which one is the real Alex? Which one is the real Kara? The real her? Is she the impostor?
There’s a thightness in her chest- it takes her a while to realize it’s just emptiness. Empty like her memories. Empty like the walls in her room. Empty like her heart. And there’s nothing to fill the hollowness in her except maybe wish, hope, pray that she is actually real and this impostor has stolen everything from her.
Except it doesn’t look like it. Except she’s only got Alex’s words to believe and she’s not sure how much of them believes anymore.
She feels nothing, absolutely nothing, as she walks around her own things. She guesses she should feel recognition, maybe a sense of deja vu or of belogning. But all she feels is nothing, only curiosity and anger at best. She could be anywhere, an apartment that isn’t hers, and feel the same. She doesn’t know if that’s good or bad.
But then. She sees it.
The portrait sits on the right bedside table. It’s modern, white background and small red hearts all over it. But it’s not that that catches her attention, it’s the picture in it.
The smile on her face- her impostor’s face- is so big, so happy, so excited. She didn’t even know she could smile that big. The blonde’s got her arms wrapped around someone else, a woman, who’s sutting comfortably atop her lap. She’s all dark hair and pale skin, she’s got one arm around her shoulders, pulling each other as close as possible.
Her smile is as big as her double’s and she’s the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen.
And that’s when she feels it. The pang. The ache.
Right in the middle of her heart. As if seeing this woman had suddenly pulled a thread, making her walk closer and closer and closer to the picture until she’s picking it up. Her fingers slowly tracing her face. The sharp line of her jawline, moving to her cheekbones and stopping as soon as her own eyes land on green ones.
It’s like they’re magnetic. Hypnotic, perhaps. And she wants more. More of those eyes and that face. She needs to see in more than a picture, she needs to find the woman because, if only a mere picture could cause such a reaction on her, then what will the real thing do?
She needs to find the woman. She needs to see her. She needs to find her name.
She does so in the pages of Kara Danver’s dairy. She finds it rather quickly. Pages and pages written about Lena. Over and over again. Only interrupted from time to time but other names like Cat, Brainy, Nia, Kelly, Alex. But Lena is the one that catches her attention the most, because every time she reads it, her heart jumps in a way it doesn’t do with anyone else.
And she knows, deep down part of her knows, this woman help her. Will fix her. Give her back her memories.
In the last pages of the diary, she finds a quote written by her (but which her? The impostor? Or herself, before she lost her memories?) on a ripped out magazine page that supports her own hunch.
Lena doesn't realize how much potential she has. I hope now at least the world will.
“Lena Luthor,” she whispers, wonder runs through her veins at the name.
And it’s enough. It’s all she needs. The name and a location.
It’s not long before she’s walking down the streets of National City, stolen glasses on her face and borrowed clothes on her body, moving through the sea of people as she heads to L-corp.
The people at the front door and desk do nothing to stop her nor ask her any questions. They just wave at her, all smiles and excited hellos. She knows they think she’s the other Kara, the one that knows what her place is here. But she is Kara, right? Or at least she was.
A part of her is thankful they do nothing to stop her, her journey to Lena easier than she thought it’d be as anyone that crossed her pointed her in the direction of the woman. While part of her is annoyed that her security is so lacking. What if she was an enemy? What if she was here to hurt Lena?
The rush of protectiveness is sudden, it creeped on her like Alex’s name had. It hadn’t been there and, suddenly, it was. And she couldn’t make it disappear. It only defeates once she sees Lena, safe and sound as she finishes talking to someone and walking into the elevator.
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bisupergirl · 11 months
i'm not gonna be able to handle it if the supergirl: woman of tomorrow movie is bad. last time kara got a bad movie they killed her for 20 years.
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multibcrn · 1 year
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"Got you. Cm'ere."
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nathaniacolver · 1 year
you mean 'beefy' isn't a normal adjective to describe women?
the moment i knew i was a supercorp fan fr was when i was explaining to a friend how my roommate (who is 6ft and can squat 300lbs) is 'beefy' so she obviously won the arm-wrestling competition that my other roommate mandated among all of us (except for me, bc i never let myself be coerced into anything) and my friend just goes
"yeah, you know, she's..." *shoulders back, arms down and flexed, wide stance*
"no i get it, but like who even says that"
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infiniitefrequency · 2 months
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Kara pushed herself up onto her elbows, groaning as she licked at her split lip.
“No … no, just give me five more minutes, then I’m ready to go again. No- don’t turn off the red sun generator.”
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witchyangels · 11 months
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Boop sharing a birthday gift I made for a bestie! This pairing is 10+ years old and still one of my favorites. We lovingly call them FlyWolf.
So, explanation: back in like 2011/2012 I was in a written role playing group— we each played a character and wrote what they did and they had to survive these tasks, it was a whole thing, but the theme was Marvel/DC crossover. Heroes stayed at the Xavier Institute and the Villains stayed in the Brotherhood House (I think). I played Logan Howlett/Wolverine, because I’ve loved him ever since I was a kid. He’s one of my favorite X-Men characters. Him and Rogue (not movie Rogue, though). And my friend played Kara Zor-El/Supergirl. Well, we did some scenarios before the rp actually started and found we loved Logan and Kara as a couple. Kara’s nickname for Logan was “Wolf” and Logan called her “Fly Girl”. Kara didn’t know wolverines were a real animal 🤣
So, yeah, a decade old otp. One of the things we first really bonded over 🥰
Logan’s costume is based off the one from X-Men: Evolution and Kara’s is based off her look in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.
🥹I’m so proud of how they came out! Like, holy shit, I did it! I finally did it! I drew FlyWolf, start to finish, and I love how they came out!!! I had been wanting to draw them for YEARS, but hated my art for the longest time. I never dreamed I would actually get this good! I’ve been so proud of my art over the last two years and it’s been surreal
Commissions are open! In time for the holidays 💜
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
“What I did wasn’t personal,” Lena said.
Supergirl had already turned to face her. There were words formed on her lips, but Alex struck first, bringing her viper wit where it wasn’t needed or welcome.
“You had a stash of ‘Kills Kryptonians’. It’s personal,” said Alex.
Lena ignored her, looking directly at Supergirl.
“You know I’d never use it that way.”
“You kept secrets,” said Supergirl. “Secrets change things. I don’t like secrets.”
“Oh really,” Lena spat, knowing she’d regret what came next. “You don’t like secrets. Okay. What’s your real name?”
Alex flinched. Supergirl stared her down. Even in this miserable place, she was inhumanly beautiful, even if Lena was a little resentful that she’d been bitching about walking fifty yards a few moments ago, and making light of exercise, when she had the audacity to look like that.
The pause grew heavy. Something seemed to turn behind Supergirl’s eyes, like she was working something out. Her expression softened lightly.
“Why didn’t you come to me about Sam? I thought we trusted each other.”
“How can I trust you?” Lena said. “You still hold me at arm’s length, won’t let me in, only look for my help when it’s convenient for you. Maybe I should have sought your help, but it isn’t like I have you on speed dial, is it? What was I supposed to do, toss myself off a balcony and hope you were having coffee with Kara Danvers again?”
Supergirl flinched. Looking at Lena intently, she stepped closer, and Alex grew visibly nervous.
“Supergirl…” she said.
“You want to know my real name?”
“Yes,” Lena said, her voice suddenly unsteady, her palms breaking out in a sweat despite the cool, stale air. She stood her ground before a being that could level a mountain with a look and held her gaze.
“Kryptonian names are patronymics, sort of. A man’s name is his own and that of his family. So, for example, my cousin’s name is Kal-El. His father was Jor-El.”
“I knew that already,” said Lena. “Your cousin shared that an interview with Lois Lane.”
“He can share his because he has a name that was given to him by his adoptive family,” said Supergirl, her voice softening as she took another step closer. “I still use my Kryptonian first name.”
Something about that itched at Lena’s brain, but she wasn’t sure what.
“Supergirl,” Alex hissed. “You can’t… we can’t…”
Supergirl threw her a glance. “What? Trust her?” She looked at Lena. “My father was Joe-El’s brother, Zor-El. My mother’s name was Alura In-Ze.”
Lena licked her lips.
“They gave me the name Kara,” said Kara Zor-El. “On Earth, I accepted the surname of the family that took me in to raise me when my cousin gave me up to them. My full name is Kara Zor-El Danvers.”
Lena stumbled a step back, her mouth falling open comically. It felt like the ground was bursting open and swallowing her up, her stomach dropping through her knees.
No. No, no, no, no. It couldn’t be.
“Look at me, Lena.”
Lena looked away from her.”
“Look at me.”
Lena looked.
Lena saw.
Her hair was down, but Lena knew those honeyed curls. Supergirl carried herself differently- her shoulders were proud where Kara tended to hunch down, make herself small, as if to pass through the world without touching it.
Lena hadn’t really looked before. Not like this. She’d studied Kara, maybe even mooned over Kara a little until she seemed to confirm she was straight by dating that alien jackass. She knew every part of her face from her soft lips to her feel blue eyes to that funny little scar right over her eye.
How had she not seen?
“Fucking hell, Kara!” Alex snapped.
Lena’s lip trembled. She clenched her fists to keep her hands steady, knowing they were shaking.
“You tricked me,” Lena hissed, “so many times, so many ways, running off and changing into that suit when I thought you were both people. The super-speed, right?”
“I’m sorry,” said Kara, her voice soft. “Let’s just…”
“I wasn’t finished,” said Lena. “You… you told me you were having coffee with Kara, but you are Kara. Kara… you caught me when they threw me off the balcony. You risked being killed by a kryptonite explosion when Metallo went critical. You… you were… Jesus Christ, the plane, the chemicals, that was you?”
Kara’s eyes grew wider with every syllable and even in the gloom, Lena could swear she saw tears welling up within them.
“She’s risked her life for you over and over and over,” Alex said, quietly. “Her faith in you has only wavered the once. She’s always defended you and insisted on your innocence even when I was ready to throw you in a cell,” said Alex. “She defended you from the first. Shit, she defended you from Superman.”
Lena looked from one to the other, staring at them both in turn, trying to keep her wobbly legs from completely collapsing under her.
“I owe you an apology,” said Kara, raising her gaze to meet Lena’s.
“Can you two do this later?” said Alex. “We’re on a mission, here.”
Lena swallowed, hard.
“Yeah. Let’s go find Sam.”
They did find Sam, eventually, but the plan went sideways. After they were thrust back into their bodies, Supergirl -Kara- curtly told her to help Brainy while she and Alex rushed off.
So Lena helped brainy, until it was time for her to leave. Eventually, she made her way back to her penthouse, and to a glass of single malt, neat. She savored its subtleties as she stared out at the stars.
She knew this would happen sooner or later, so she wasn’t surprised when Kara touched down on the balcony, looking utterly stunning and brave and dashing in her fancy suit. She motioned to knock at the glass.
“It’s not locked.”
“Hi,” said Kara, stepping inside.
Lena looked up. “I can’t believe I didn’t see. You’re just… you, in a different outfit.”
That wasn’t exactly true, Lena knew. As she walked into Lena’s living room, Kara had neither the mousy, retiring way of Kara Danvers nor the brash swagger of Supergirl. It was like she was seeing a third person, one who’d been fully revealed for the first time.
“I’ve been going back and forth in my mind, trying to decide what parts of our friendship were real.”
“All of it,” Kara said.
“If my brother were here, he’d say that you befriended me to spy on me and use my resources and genius for your own ends.”
“That’s not true.”
Lena took a sip, and breathed in through her parted lips after swallowing to savor it.
“I know. He said the same thing about Jack, actually. Lex always tries to convince me that anyone else in my life is just after my name or money or body.”
Kara said nothing. Lena looked up.
“Just because he’s a madman who wants to gaslight me into being a supervillain doesn’t mean he’s always wrong. Does it?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
“You’ve been very insistent on being my friend,” said Lena. “You practically barged into my life and broke down all my barriers with your earnest kindness, but you were keeping yourself behind another one.”
“The first time I ever saw you, I knew in my heart that you were nothing like him,” said Kara. “I remember every detail.”
“In my office, with Kent.”
“No. In the helicopter. That was the first time I saw you.”
Lena swirled the dregs in her glass. “Oh. Right.”
“I just had to know you. You were compelling, and the way you treated me in your office that day was a huge part of that. You seemed so… I don’t even know how to describe it. I just knew I had to be close to you.”
A fit of pique moved her arm before she could contain herself, and Lena threw the glass. Kara snatched it from the air and placed it on the table without spilling a drop.
She was closer now, standing within arm’s reach.
“You can’t just say things like that to me,” Lena almost hissed, her voice loosened by the whiskey and the one before and the one before that.
“Why?” said Kara.
Lena looked up, swaying slightly.
“You told me your name.”
“I should have sooner. We could have worked together. We could have done a lot of things.”
“Fuck,” Lena snapped. “You’re doing it again! Knock it off?”
“Knock what off?”
“You goddamn well what,” said Lena. “Or maybe you really don’t.”
“I’m sorry,” said Kara. “I just don’t understand. Can you… do you want to tell me what you mean?”
“I… sit down.”
Kara swept her cape aside and sat primly in a side chair, folding her hands in her lap, worrying at the back of her thumb with her other thumb. God, she even had Kara’s mannerisms.”
“I’m gay,” said Lena.
Kara swallowed. “But… you were with Jack… and James… and you really seem to like the letter J,” Kara said, lamely.
“It’s called bisexuality, Kara. It’s a thing.”
“Oh, I um, I don’t really get ‘sexualities.’ On Krypton, we didn’t have sexual preferences. We didn’t choose our partners at all, everything was arranged.”
“That sounds awful,” said Lena.
Kara looked away. “It was our way and it worked. We had stable families, and most people had a kind of love. My parents loved each other.”
Lena sighed. “I wish I could say that. One of my parents didn’t love anyone but himself. Your sister is gay, Kara. How can you not understand it?”
“I understand that. I just find the whole thing confusing, and overwhelming. I keep looking for this spark that everyone talks about, and these ‘gut feelings’, but every time I think I’ve had it, it wasn’t right.”
“It seemed right with Mon-El. Oh. Oh Jesus. You banished your own boyfriend from Earth.”
Kara shook her head. “I know it did. I thought it did. I just never… it was the idea of him. I was checking a box. I was with him to have a boyfriend, not to have him. We’re really different people.”
“Why are we talking about this again?” said Lena.
Kara suddenly looked nervous, and thus even more like herself.
“I don’t know. It just seems to have happened. Kind of like our whole friendship. I never made a plan to be your friend. I never had an agenda. I just needed you in my life without knowing why. You just bring me joy.”
Lena wanted to laugh. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream.
You big indestructible goof, that is the spark!
“I should have told you about me after Medusa. I should have trusted you then, but Alex talked me out of it. I didn’t push past when it counted. I know you doubt how much you mean to me now, and I’m so sorry I did that.”
“I’d never hurt you, ever,” said Lena. “Even if you weren’t Kara. But I could never hurt her. You.”
“I know.
“For what it’s worth,” said Lena. “I felt it too. That pull, that need to know you. That’s why I allowed you to get close to me instead of being bundled off by my security. I felt it from the first, that day you came to my office. I might have felt it a little during the helicopter crash, too.”
Kara nodded.
“I feel like there’s something we’re both not saying.”
Lena licked her lips.
“I have to stop the worldkillers. I have to save Sam. I have to fix it all. I just needed to talk to you first. See you first, see you again, just the two of us.”
Lena nodded, swallowing.
“I guess I should go.”
Lena wanted to tell her not to. To ask her to spend the night, change out of that ridiculous suit, to just be Kara and stay with her, but it dawned on her now that it could never be quite like that again. Kara was Supergirl and Supergirl had to be shared with the world.
“I want to help. I’ll come to the DEO.”
“Okay,” said Kara. “I’ll see you there.”
She stood up and walked to the balcony, pausing before she opened the door. She didn’t turn when she spoke, as if she was afraid to face Lena, to face the answer.
“Do you think, when this is over, we can try it again? Try to fix it?”
“Is that something you want?” Said Lena.
“That pull is still there.”
“I know,” said Lena. “I feel it too.”
Kara’s shoulders rose and fell, as if she’d just rolled a great burden from her back.
“Okay,” she said. “Okay. I’ll see you back at the DEO. Goodnight, Lena.”
“Goodnight, Kara.”
She slid the balcony door open and stepped out, pausing for just the briefest second before lifting off, sending a gentle gust of chilly night air rolling into Lena’s penthouse.
Lena let the breeze flow in for a while before she stood up and went to the door, meaning to close it. Instead, she stepped outside, leaning on the railing as the chill raised gooseflesh on her arms.
“I feel it, too.”
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littlemousejelly · 3 months
you make me wanna (make me wanna give it all to you)
relationship: Kara Zor-El/Lena Luthor
rating: E
word count: 7.2k
She slips her hand between Lena’s legs—still at a publicly appropriate height—and gently draws an aimless pattern along the inside of her thigh.
The hitch of Lena’s breath sounds like a thunderclap to Kara and she stiffens, fingers stilling as her ears heat up.
She thinks maybe she shouldn’t keep touching her while they’re in a room full of other people.
Kara's maybe more than a little obsessed with Lena in thigh-high stockings.
(read on ao3)
Kara really doesn’t think she’s super obsessed with how Lena dresses or anything.
Okay, sure, sometimes Lena will wear something that makes this molten-hot feeling pool in her belly, filling her up with such a sweet, melty ache that she wants nothing more than to rush home and fill Lena up until she falls apart just as sweet and melty.
But it's not like she's got an obsession.
It's just that Lena’s so ridiculously pretty that Kara has a revelatory, earth-shaking, breath-taking moment of that can’t be right every time she sees her. Which, again, has nothing to do with being obsessed with the clothes Lena wears, no. It's all because Lena is that pretty.
Case in point, the fact that just the other day, Lena opens the door for her—
(And this is an aside, but relevant: It’s the door to Kara’s own apartment, and more importantly, she opens the door from the inside. Because Kara had given her a key the month before, since Lena’s welcome whenever! And they haven’t talked about taking the next step and living together yet, but sometimes it feels like they already are?)
—wearing black leggings and Kara’s well-loved, gray National City University sweater (her favorite thing to steal and wear, and not-so-secretly Kara’s favorite thing to see her in). The thick glasses she trades her contacts for once she’s in for the night are perched on her nose, her hair is in a messy bun, and her lower lip is caught between her perfect teeth before she smiles a million-watt smile, even though it’s just Kara.
The hamster in Kara’s brain stalls out and gets flung around its wheel. Kara loses all brain function and just stares at Lena because, well, that can't be right. How does someone just look like that?
“Baby,” Lena says, an amused twinkle in her eye. "You’re gonna catch flies if you don’t pick your jaw up off the floor.”
It takes a couple long seconds before Kara’s brain hamster starts running again, but once it does, she nods quickly, shuts her mouth, and steps into their apartment.
And then she doesn’t really stop moving in, barely pausing to take her shoes off. She just toes off one shoe and then the other as she continues forward to wrap Lena up in her arms and press her into the couch cushions.
And maybe that isn’t the best defense for Kara not obsessing over Lena’s clothes since Kara really likes seeing Lena in that sweater, but it’s- it’s not about the sweater. It’s about the fact that it’s Lena wearing it, looking soft and warm and pretty.
It’s always about how unbelievably pretty Lena is.
So when Kara picks Lena up for a movie date on a rare occasion where she isn't already at Kara’s apartment and the penthouse elevator doors open to reveal Lena wearing a dark gray, off-the-shoulder sweater French-tucked into denim cut-offs and black thigh-high stockings, she crushes her phone to dust.
Not because of the way the stocking fabric seems to cling like spidersilk to Lena’s thighs. Not because of the sliver of skin that's visible in the gap between stocking and shorts and how it makes Kara want to run her tongue along Lena's legs and slowly peel them off.
It's none of those things, honest. She could be wearing a potato sack and Kara would still lose her mind because she’s just that devastatingly gorgeous.
“Buhhh,” Kara says, before she starts to step off the elevator, intent on pressing Lena against the nearest surface to touch her lovely thighs—and maybe some other things too—but Lena stops her with a hand on her chest.
She tuts, then says, “I know that look, Kara, and you are not getting off this elevator. Movie, remember? At the theater you love because it’s got reclining seats and actual food you can order?”
Kara frowns because Lena’s thighs are right there and the couch and kitchen counter are also right there, and they've got a half hour of previews before the movie starts so they might manage to not be (too) late… but then she sighs because, damn it, she does love that theater. And she actually enjoys watching previews.
Lena smiles when she sees the result of her internal debate settle on her face.
“That’s what I thought," she says, stepping into the elevator. “Come on, you horndog, take me to the movies.”
And before Kara can even open her mouth to let out an affronted noise at being called a horndog, Lena leans up to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth and Kara forgets why she was feeling affronted in the first place.
“We also need to get you a new phone, I see,” Lena says, staring at the phone guts on the floor.
Kara flushes and wipes the remnants of shattered phone dust off her hand before reaching out to intertwine their fingers.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, squeezing her hand and nodding at Lena's socks. “I wasn’t expecting those.”
"My legs?"
"Wh— No. Your, uh. Those, thigh... sock… things," Kara finishes weakly before noticing the twinkle of laughter in Lena's eyes. "Oh. You're pulling my leg."
"Just a bit, sorry," Lena says, sounding absolutely not-sorry.
"You!" Kara pivots and wraps her arms around Lena's waist to pull her close, blowing a raspberry into her neck just as she digs her fingers into her sides and starts tickling her.
Lena shrieks with laughter and attempts to squirm away but Kara holds her fast, keeping her revenge-tickle up for a little longer before granting her reprieve. She drops her hands to mold them to Lena's hips and nuzzles affectionately at her neck with a contented hum.
"Love you," she says, muffled by the way she's got her nose and mouth squished against Lena's skin.
"Love you," Lena returns softly, reaching up to scratch lightly at her scalp.
Kara leans into her hand, enjoying the feeling of her fingers in her hair, but then Lena's shoulders start shaking with laughter.
"What?" Kara asks, pulling her head back to look at Lena. "What's so funny?"
"We didn't push the button," she says, gently rapping her knuckles against Kara's head and reaching out to press the button for the lobby. "We've been standing in a stationary elevator."
Kara barks out a short laugh as the elevator finally starts its descent. "Okay, well I was distracted. What's your excuse?"
"I was distracted by you being distracted!"
"You can't play that card, that's the one I played. You're just copying my answer!"
Lena sticks her tongue out at her and the swell of affection Kara feels is so strong that she has no choice but to dip forward to kiss her cheek, grinning so hard that the kiss is more teeth than lip. She pulls away after and throws an arm around her shoulders.
"You excited for the movie? I've heard good things. Lots of arm, which I'm sure you'll enjoy," Kara says, bumping her hip against Lena's.
Lena doesn't rise to the bait, however, and leans into her harder, wrapping her arms around Kara's waist.
"I'm just happy we get to go out together today," she says after a moment in one of her softest, sweetest voices. "It feels like we've both been so busy lately and I've missed you."
And that's just—
"Not fair," Kara blurts, before she can stop it from slipping out.
Lena can't just admit that while she’s wearing what she's wearing and expect Kara to not be incredibly affected by it, to not want to just say to hell with the movie and stay in and cuddle and kiss and touch a lot. Kara's only alien.
"What's not fair?" Lena asks, brow furrowed.
"It's— You can't say something that sweet, looking that good. It's not fair. I'm trying to take you on a date but you're making it hard for me to not push you up against the nearest surface," Kara pouts.
Lena hums in thought.
"Is that so… Thigh-highs, huh?” she muses quietly.
And maybe Kara should have recognized the tone of her voice. It's the one she uses when she's happened across something incredibly interesting and is secreting the knowledge away for later, the one usually accompanied by a cat-that-got-the-cream glitter in her eye, but Kara doesn't notice it because she's subtly trying to admire Lena’s legs.
In fact, she doesn't notice a lot of things.
Like how Lena adjusts her thigh-highs deliberately slowly when she gets out of the car, slipping her thumbs just under the elastic to smooth out the band, fingers splaying and brushing across soft fabric as she drags her thumbs until they meet behind her thigh and then back around again. (Which ultimately brings Kara's attention back to the way they cling, and her hands twitch involuntarily as she imagines slipping her own thumbs under the elastic to tease the skin underneath.)
Like how Lena keeps crossing and uncrossing her legs when they lean back in their reclined seat. (And it’s not even that big a deal, but her thighs keep squishing together and they look so soft.)
Like how Lena pillows her head on Kara’s shoulder and slings her stockinged legs across Kara's lap when they inevitably cuddle up together, an open invitation for Kara to touch them. (So touch she does, trailing her fingers indulgently over and over along the tempting sliver of skin that had captivated her before.)
Needless to say, Kara is distracted during the movie. Distracted to the point she doesn't even order food. Lena’s soft noises and the slightly elevated rate of her pulse as Kara touches her thighs are much more interesting to listen to than whatever’s being said on-screen, her thighs much more interesting to touch than theater food.
She does her best to keep the touching family-friendly, never veering too high and mostly keeping her fingers to the top and outside of her thighs, but can’t help but stray a little towards the end of the movie. She slips her hand between Lena’s legs—still at a publicly appropriate height—and gently draws an aimless pattern along the inside of her thigh.
The hitch of Lena’s breath sounds like a thunderclap to Kara and she stiffens, fingers stilling as her ears heat up.
She thinks maybe she shouldn’t keep touching her while they’re in a room full of other people.
But then Lena shuffles and squeezes her thighs together, effectively trapping Kara’s hand where it is, with the added bonus of providing a little pressure between her legs. At least, that’s what Kara presumes since she lets out a quiet whine and leans into her harder. And she’s not about to be inappropriate with Lena in a movie theater, but… there’s nothing wrong with a little teasing, right?
Clearly not, as Lena squirms again and reaches out to stroke at the skin of Kara’s forearm, relaxing her thighs so Kara can move her hand again.
“Keep going,” she murmurs, voice quiet even though the loud movie theater audio makes her inaudible to anyone else.
Kara hears her loud and clear.
She starts tracing little swirls along Lena's inner thigh again, hyperfocused on the way each stroke coaxes out a slightly different noise. After a while, she grows bold, slipping her fingers just under the elastic of Lena's thigh-highs then dragging them up until she can slide them beneath the hem of her shorts.
Lena makes a sound low in her throat and her fingers press into Kara's forearm, not painfully, but with enough pressure to spur her on.
And, here’s the thing: Kara really isn’t touching Lena with sexual intent. She’s just a tactile person and loves the feel of Lena’s skin under her fingertips, and Lena has stated on more than one occasion how she doesn’t mind it, that she actually finds it incredibly comforting when Kara touches her absent-mindedly. So this isn’t— Kara isn’t running her fingers all over Lena’s thighs because she’s trying to turn either of them on.
(Especially not in a movie theater.)
But she can’t deny that that’s exactly what’s happening to her right now. She feels restless. Tingly, sparking heat lances through her body as Lena squirms and sighs against her, all because she's lightly trailing her fingers over the skin of her thighs.
Lena squeezes her legs together again briefly, and bites at her lower lip.
“Is the movie over yet?” she mutters, before subtly rolling her hips up as much as she can with the way her legs are angled over Kara’s thighs, causing Kara’s fingers to slip the slightest bit higher.
"Yeah," Kara says, not even looking at the movie screen. She hasn't paid attention to the movie at all, really, not since Lena put her legs in Kara's lap and let her touch them.
"It totally isn't," Lena says breathily, mouth quirking up. She shifts again, sitting up slightly so she can comfortably nuzzle into Kara's neck, and the press of Lena's soft lips against the skin of her neck has her jerking her hips up with a stifled groan.
"It isn't," she agrees, voice strained as she grips at Lena's thigh and struggles to keep from bucking again. "But it should be. Are movies usually this long? They shouldn't be this long. The movie should be over. It's illegal to keep us here like this."
And apparently that's funny, because Lena muffles her laugh into her neck, sort of. That's what Kara thinks she does? It's like she was gonna lick up her neck but got sidetracked when Kara said something amazingly witty, because what she does instead is open her mouth and press her tongue against her, slippery wet, and laugh just like that. Her breath gusts out in warm little puffs around her tongue and a shiver runs up Kara's back. An insistent throb starts up between her legs, and Lena knows that her neck is a weak spot, so the fact that she's doing that is very illegal.
Lena takes pity on her when she whines unhappily and pulls her tongue back into her mouth before rubbing her smile against her neck apologetically.
"There's… nothing actually keeping us here, you know," Lena says. "We can go anytime we want, if we so choose."
Kara’s hand twitches where she’s resting it against Lena’s thigh.
“We could, couldn’t we?” she says, but then she shakes her head because, Nope, no. She refuses to be the couple that walks out of what's probably a really good movie because they couldn't go two hours without touching each other.
Lena tilts her head up to kiss just under her jaw, sensing her resolve.
“But we’re not going to,” she supplies.
“Nah,” Kara says, turning to press her lips gently to Lena’s forehead. “This is a date, and I’m a gentleman."
The irony of that statement is not lost on them, what with the hand she still has between Lena's thighs, but Kara keeps her hand still and they manage to behave for the rest of the movie.
"Wow, what a movie!" Kara says, swinging Lena's hand exuberantly as they exit the theater half an hour later.
"I have absolutely no clue what happened," Lena admits.
"Neither do I!" Kara says happily, taking the opportunity granted by the upswing of their joined hands to press a kiss to Lena’s thumb. “I’m starving, let’s get something to eat.”
Lena rolls her eyes good-naturedly and allows herself to be led back to the car.
"I thought- I thought we were going to stop somewhere to eat?" Lena asks breathlessly, back arching.
"Mm, yeah," Kara says, popping her head up from where she'd been sucking a hickey to the side of Lena's breast. She continues plucking at the hard nipple of her other breast, tugging lightly at her piercing as she admires how attractive Lena looks with her bra and sweater rucked high on her chest, ribs expanding with every gasping breath she takes, dark red hickeys splotching across her flushed skin. Beautiful.
She dips her head to lick out against one of the purpling bruises, almost forgetting herself in the taste and feel of Lena's skin again before she tears herself away and pats her on the nipple.
"Chop chop!" she says lightly, patting the other nipple for symmetry's sake. "Put your clothes on, baby. I'm hungry."
"Oh my god…" Lena says, wrestling her bra and sweater back down as she sits up and nudges Kara upright. "Did you just pat my nipples?"
"Sure did! They’re my favorite. The absolute loveliest."
Lena sighs a long-suffering sigh and puts her hands on the shoulders of the front seats to haul herself into the passenger seat. Kara lets out a pleased noise, enjoying the way Lena’s thighs look flexing against her stockings as she moves back into the front of the car, then follows suit, giving Lena a quick peck on the lips before relocating her car keys and starting the ignition.
“Okay, food for realsies this time,” she says brightly, placing her hand high on Lena’s thigh.
Lena’s breath hitches and Kara decides that they’re getting fast food.
Lena smacks Kara’s hands away and Kara whines unhappily.
“No,” Lena says. "You’re not touching me with burger hands. Wash those first.”
Kara frowns bigly. She can feel how big and frowny it is, the corners of her mouth dragging down towards the ground like they’re physically weighed down by her disappointment and sadness, and she hopes Lena feels at least a little sorry for putting such a big frown on her face.
“But Lenaaa,” she tries.
“No ‘buts’, Kara,” Lena retorts, batting Kara’s wandering hands away again.
“I would've behaved,” Kara grumbles, pouting as she gets up off the couch to go wash her hands and throw their wrappers away. “Just wanted to kiss you a little.”
She can hear Lena snort from the living room, even over the sound of running water and her furious hand-scrubbing.
“It’s never just ‘kissing a little’, baby. We both know that.”
Kara grins. It’s not her fault Lena is so sensitive and makes the absolute sweetest noises for her.
She dries her hands and zips back out, plopping down on the couch with her hands out for Lena to inspect.
“I’m clean, I’m clean I’m clean I’m clean, can I please kiss you now?” she asks, batting her eyelashes.
Lena pretends to consider, but Kara can see the twinkle in her eye that means she’s already won. Even still, she turns Kara’s hands this way and that, taking her fingers between her own and stroking up and down their length with an appreciative sound, rubbing at the delicate webbing between them, trying and failing to bite back a smile as Kara goes quiet quiet at her indulgent ministrations.
“Okay, yeah,” she eventually breathes, when Kara swears Lena must be able to feel her pulse in her fingertips. “You can kiss me.”
Kara surges forward, linking their fingers together and pulling Lena’s arms above her head as she pushes her back into the couch cushions.
Lena lets out a surprised squeak, but Kara can see her pupils dilating as she licks wet wet wet at her red lips.
Kara leans in, stopping just before they touch. “I’m gonna kiss you now,” she whispers, feeling the phantom brush of Lena’s lips against hers.
“Mhm,” Lena breathes, thighs squeezing together. "Yes, please."
Kara smiles and closes the last bit of distance between them, sighing happily when she finally feels Lena's lips under hers, feels the tiny, shuddering breath she lets out as she sweetly parts her lips for Kara to lick in.
It always makes Kara feel like a million fireflies are lighting up inside her when she kisses Lena, like all the love she's got amalgamates and brightens her up from the inside out, until she feels like all that giddy, loving light is escaping from her pores. Even sitting out in the sun for a couple hours doesn’t make her feel as brilliant as one kiss from Lena does.
Kara slides her tongue slowly, wetly, against Lena's and her answering throaty moan makes Kara's head spin so hard her hips shudder helplessly downwards. But that only makes Lena jerk against the way Kara’s hands are keeping hers pinned to the cushions and roll her hips up and suck at Kara’s tongue like a lollipop.
Kara groans and humps into her again, and again, trying to keep her head from flying off, trying to not be really, embarrassingly close already even though they’re both still fully dressed and all Lena’s doing is sucking on her tongue.
But the pressure and wet suction of Lena’s mouth; the slick slide of her tongue; the little, hungry noises she makes as she tugs and tugs and tugs like she’s trying to take Kara as deep as she can to show how devoted she is, how ready she is, how good she is—
It all drives Kara absolutely wild because she's just so perfect.
Kara pulls away with a gasp, pressing their foreheads together, breath mingling hot and damp in the space between them, hips still mindlessly rocking down to meet Lena’s as she pants.
“H- hold on, sorry,” she says, flushing when it comes out way more breathless than she intends.
Lena nods patiently, turning her head and nuzzling at Kara’s cheek while she waits for her to calm down.
“You’re not even the one who got felt up at the theater, baby,” she muses quietly.
Kara nods, because, yeah, she’s not wrong about that. But, god.
She breathes in through her nose and holds it for three beats, attempting to Calm Down even as she makes no effort to actually stop the way she's grinding into Lena.
Eventually, once she can think past the pleasure slinging low in her hips, she tilts her head to fit their lips together again in a soft brush of lip against lip. It's a chaste kiss, but Kara still sinks into it, releasing one of Lena's hands to palm at her breast.
Lena eagerly arches under her and Kara swallows the breathy sound she makes, resolving to get her act together. Lena's been so, so good—so patient even with Kara's hands all over her—and she deserves to feel good twenty minutes ago. So, she brushes her thumb across Lena's breast, feeling for her nipple through her sweater and bra and humming happily when she finds the ball bearings of her piercing.
Lena lets out a desperate little noise, legs falling open as much as the couch allows. Kara smiles against her lips, sliding her hand further down until she can press the heel of her palm up between her legs.
Lena's foot drops to the floor with a soft thump and she uses the leverage to roll her hips into Kara's hand with a quiet whimper.
"Please," she whispers and Kara feels her neck grow hot.
"Okay, baby."
She unbuttons Lena's shorts and slowly drags the zipper down, listening for the hitch in her breathing.
Lena doesn't disappoint—she never disappoints—breath stuttering out when Kara eases her hand down the front of her shorts and presses two fingers up against the damp fabric of her underwear.
"Cute," Kara murmurs, and Lena squirms beneath her, cheeks flushed, back arching to push her breast more fully into Kara's palm. It's so lovely—Lena's so lovely—that Kara has no choice but to stroke along the patch of wet for a while longer, just to draw it out, before finally pulling away to slip her hand back down past the waistband of her underwear and rub the pads of her fingers directly over Lena's swollen clit.
Lena whines, teeth sinking into a kiss-bruised lip, pleading eyes flitting over Kara's face, searching, entreating.
Kara circles Lena's clit a couple more times before pushing lower, fingertips nudging at her entrance and drenching in her excitement, lifting her other hand to cup her cheek.
Lena releases her lower lip with a shaky sigh and Kara skims her thumb over it.
"Kara," Lena says, all air, lips brushing at her thumb, hips jogging up into her other hand, and Kara just grins because she knows. Slips her thumb past parted lips, rocks in in in until she's filled Lena up with two fingers in her cunt and a thumb in her mouth, until Lena's eyes are rolling back as she shudders and clenches and sucks.
"Fuck, you're good," Kara rasps, and Lena tightens around the fingers inside her, whimpering around the thumb pressing at her tongue.
Kara leans in to pepper Lena's face with tiny kisses. "Let me know when you're ready," she mumbles, nosing at a warm cheek.
Lena immediately lifts her hips to meet her hand, tongue slicking wet and greedy against her thumb, letting Kara know she's ready ready.
The breath gusts right out of her when Kara pulls her fingers out and thrusts back in again, a shuddering gasp tearing from her throat as she eagerly takes the stretch. She's hot and eager, and the insistent tug of her cunt every time Kara presses in and bumps at her throbbing clit reveals just how close she is already, just how long she's been patiently waiting on the razor's edge for Kara to take care of her.
"You've been so good, haven't you?" Kara asks.
Lena clenches hard, teeth closing around Kara's thumb. "Please," she whimpers, although it sounds more like 'leazhe with her mouth filled as it is.
"You've been such a good girl for me, haven't you?" Kara says again, punctuating her words by thrusting with extra force.
"I want to hear it from your lips, baby." Kara leans in to kiss the corner of her mouth, then speaks her next words into her flushed cheek. "I want you to tell me how good you've been while I'm filling you up."
"Fuck," Lena gasps, eyes glassy, back arching higher with every hint of pressure against her clit. "'ve been so good for you. Please, please— I've been a good girl. Been good. I—"
She chokes off with a whine when Kara curls her fingers on a particularly heavy thrust, palm mashing against her clit.
"Yeah, you have," Kara agrees. "You're always so sweet."
A sympathetic shiver ripples through her when Lena recklessly jerks her hips up again, trying to get closer, to take her fingers deeper.
“Bet you'll sound extra sweet when you come for me."
Lena lets out a desperate, hiccuping moan. Then, with her tongue dragging against the thumb in her mouth, it only takes a few more deep strokes for her to fall apart on Kara's fingers, thighs clamping tight and cunt clenching rhythmically as her teeth dig into Kara's thumb.
"There you go, baby. You did so well," Kara murmurs, leaning in and pressing her smile to Lena's sweat-damp temple when she tightens around her fingers. "You're perfect."
She waits for Lena's breathing to even out and for the clenching of her body to slow to light flutters before she frees her thumb and eases her fingers out, prompting a quiet hitching breath. She wipes them on her underwear as best she can with the awkward angle then pulls her hand out of her shorts.
Lena's cheeks are flushed, her hair's all over the place, her nose and forehead are shiny with exertion, and she's beautiful.
"I love you," Kara says, kissing the tip of Lena's sweaty nose.
"Mm," Lena hums drowsily. "Love you, too."
"Gonna fall asleep on me?" Kara asks, nudging her smile against the apple of her cheek.
"Under you, yeah."
Kara laughs and snags a blanket off the arm of the couch behind Lena's head. She throws it over them, then carefully drapes herself over Lena, smiling when she snakes her arms up to wrap low around her waist.
"Who needs a weighted blankie when you've got Supergirl," Kara says.
Lena huffs out a quiet laugh and squeezes her tight.
Kara sort of forgets about how much she loves seeing Lena in thigh-high stockings.
Lena looks good in anything—and in absolutely nothing, of course—so after that first time, Kara doesn't think about the thigh-highs. It's always lingering there in the back of her mind, but it's just not something she actually, truly, really stops to think about.
It isn't, until it is.
She walks into her bedroom after work on an otherwise ordinary Thursday evening and finds Lena surrounded by lit candles, lying prone in the middle of her bed. Her legs are bent at the knee with her feet up in the air and she's completely naked except for the candy apple-red of her thigh-high stockings.
Kara almost walks right out again, half-convinced she's just walked into the wrong apartment, half-convinced she's fallen asleep at the office and is now having a sex dream.
"Uh, hello?" she says around a dry throat, as good a greeting as any.
Lena smirks at her and licks her lips.
"Hello," she returns. "I've been waiting for you to get back."
Lena rolls her eyes, propping her chin up on her palm.
"Yes, baby. I'm lying in bed naked for you. Are you gonna come do something about it?"
Kara stumbles a step further into the bedroom.
"What… what's the occasion?"
Lena pauses, pretending to consider, then drops her hand down on top of the other and presses her cheek to her flat arms.
"Nothing," she says simply, a girlish giggle hiding in her voice. "Just wanted to do something fun on a— What day is it?"
Kara swallows hard and lifts her wrist to look down at her very-analog watch.
Her watch face only tells her it's some time after six so she racks her brain and tries to remember which day the little green marker on her calendar had been under.
"Thursday?" she mostly-guesses.
"Just wanted to do something fun on a Thursday," Lena amends, eyes sparkling with laughter.
Kara drops her messenger bag on the ground and takes another couple of steps until she's standing right next to the bed. She reaches down to tug her button-up out of its tuck. "What did you have in mind?"
"Thought maybe you could put your cock on and I could ride you," Lena says.
Kara goes stock still, fingers going limp around the handful of cotton-blend fabric bunched in her hand, shirt still mostly tucked. The sound of Lena’s voice—lilting and lovely as she says something so filthy that the tips of her ears heat up—makes her shiver with preemptive excitement.
"Okay, yeah," she breathes, redirecting her attention towards undoing her belt.
"Great," Lena says, sitting up and revealing the harness lying next to her, already fitted with a sizable dick. Kara bites the inside of her cheek to hide her smile.
Her wonderful, gorgeous, brilliant, ever-prepared girlfriend.
"C'mere, baby," Lena murmurs, and Kara realizes that her fingers have stalled out again, the extra leather length of her belt looping goofily out of her pants where it's still tucked into her belt loops.
She lets her hands drop limply to her sides, then chews at her lower lip as she watches Lena slowly undo her belt, feeling each tug and yank as Lena nimbly loosens her belt like a teasing stroke against her clit. By the time Lena's fingering the button of her pants with one hand and sliding the zipper down with the other, Kara's already breathing hard, nostrils flaring as she tries to keep her hips from swaying forward into her hands.
Lena only smiles, red lips curling dangerously.
Kara shivers, suddenly noticing just how close her mouth is to her—
"What’re you thinking about, Kara?" Lena asks suddenly, and Kara snaps her eyes up to meet hers, blinking quickly.
Lena slides a warm palm up the inside of her thigh until her thumb is nudging lightly between Kara's legs.
"So, not thinking about fucking my mouth?" she asks, voice innocent. It's a direct contrast to the way she rubs her knuckle up against her and Kara almost doubles over.
"Jesus, Lena," she wheezes, and Lena laughs and pulls her hand away.
"I'll behave," Lena says, though they both know she won't. "Now hurry up and take your pants off so I can make you feel good."
Kara stops dallying. She undoes the button on her chinos, shoves them down, and steps out of them. She's about to push her underwear down too when Lena lets out an appreciative sound. She lifts Kara's button-up and has her hold it out of the way, hands finding their way back to her hips and smoothing over her dinosaur-print boxer briefs.
"These're cute," she murmurs. "Soft."
And then she leans forward and nuzzles indulgently at the front of them, hands squeezing at Kara's ass.
Kara's hips shudder reflexively and she bites back a groan, almost certain she can feel the way Lena's rubbing her smile against the front of her boxer briefs.
"H-hey," she doesn't stutter. "Baby…"
Lena simply hums, hands squeezing one last time before sliding up so her fingers can slip just below the band of her underwear. She moves dangerously from nuzzling to hot, open-mouthed kisses and Kara whines, hips pressing forward, blinking hard.
"Hhhey," she tries again, fist clenching around her shirt.
"Hi, hello, hey," Lena says sweetly, smiling up at her. And then she yanks her boxer briefs down and dips in to take her into her mouth, tongue hot and slick against Kara's twitching clit.
"Fuck," Kara gasps, free hand twisting into Lena's soft hair. "Oh fuck."
Lena slides her hands up to cup the back of Kara's thighs and keep her close.
"You’re so hard for me," she mumbles before she goes right back to sucking at her, and Kara feels her soul trying to escape.
She lets her indulge for as long as she can handle it, but the moment the ball of heat in her belly goes from gooey and pliable to a stiff, tensing thing, she has to pull away from Lena's mouth, hips shuddering.
"Sorry," she says, sifting her fingers through the hair at Lena's temple as she tries to ignore the throbbing between her legs. "Sorry, I'm sensitive. Close."
Lena looks up at her with eyes swallowed by pupil, lips and chin and cheeks smeared with wetness. She licks her lips with a pleased noise.
"You wanna come?" she asks, and the sound of her voice, scratchy with want, sends heat dancing up Kara's spine. She barely stifles a needy whine.
"Yeah," she manages. "Yeah, I really wanna. But not like this."
Lena's pretty gray-green eyes flick up to meet hers again and she nods, backing off. She reaches for the harness and passes it to her before leaning back on her hands to watch her step out of the boxers bunched at her ankles and into the harness, eyes flashing appreciatively as she tightens the straps.
The base nudges against her ever so slightly, but more than anything, the solid weight of her cock bobbing between her legs feeling comfortable and sexy and right has Kara swallowing hard.
"All good?" Lena asks, reaching out and gently running a finger along her length.
Kara bites her lip, not quite managing to muffle her moan when she feels that light touch, a shock of pleasure sparking through her. Her hips sway forward, instinctively chasing it, but it’s almost too good fucking into the air like that and she has to suck in a sharp breath and straighten up again.
After another deep bracing breath, Kara nods and crawls onto the bed. She immediately attempts to push Lena down and straddle her, but Lena gently stops her with a hand to her shoulder.
She smiles, red lips curving up.
"I'm on top," she says, voice low as she urges Kara down instead. "I'm riding, remember?"
Kara flops back against the pillows and remembers all right.
Lena straddles her easily, doesn't give her time to breathe, or think, just wraps her fingers around her cock and guides it until the tip of it is sliding between her legs to nudge at her clit.
"Fuck," Lena breathes, and Kara nods in agreement, trying not to buck.
And then Lena drags it back, fits the head to her entrance, and slowly drops onto her.
The first few inches sink in and Kara nearly breaks from the sound of Lena's breath catching high and fluttery in her throat. She forcibly tears her eyes away from the way Lena's thighs are trembling—the way her quads are subtly tensing and relaxing against red fabric as she works to take her—and stares instead at the way her lower lip glistens as she gasps, at the way her pretty eyes go glassy as she pants and slides her hands up under Kara's shirt to brace against her abs.
"Take your time, baby," Kara mumbles. "As slow as you n—"
Lena abruptly rolls her hips down, taking Kara’s entire cock and her breath away with it. She's hot, silken, wanting, and Kara doesn't know if she's ever been more in love.
Lena whimpers, fingers spasming against Kara's abs. She rolls her hips again, slow and shuddery, clit peeking out red and already swollen and begging to be touched.
Kara muffles a groan, ignoring the tension building in her stomach to settle her thumb over it and rub.
Lena jerks with a hitching gasp, pressing down harder into her lap, and Kara almost laughs at her eagerness. She slides her other hand up over the near-sheer fabric of Lena’s stockings, thumbing encouragingly at her inner thigh.
“Good?” she asks, knowing full well what the answer is and wanting to hear it anyway.
Lena whines, flushed all down her chest, which draws Kara’s attention to how adorably hard her nipples are. She lets her gaze linger, admiring the simple beauty of the silver ball bearings nestled to either side of stiff dusky nipples.
“It’s good,” Lena chokes out, thighs flexing as she lifts up and slides back down with a sound so wet it makes Kara’s ears hot. It’s all she can do to keep her thumb working over her clit. “You feel so fucking good like this.”
And then she starts to ride, thigh-highs red as sin and clinging to her soft thighs as she bounces on Kara’s lap, fingers splayed on her stomach for balance as she arches her back and drops her hips harder and harder with every stroke, breath escaping in tiny mewling gasps. She only sounds like that when she’s close, when she feels so good the noises slip right out of her.
Kara groans, the sound of Lena enjoying herself heightening the pleasure she feels.
“Oh god,” she grunts, eyelids fluttering shut when Lena drops and swivels her hips in a figure-eight that almost makes her lose control.
Blunt nails suddenly dig into the skin of her stomach and Lena lets out a disapproving noise, slowing down. “Open your eyes,” she says, voice low but demanding.
Kara forces her eyes open.
“Watch me,” Lena says. “Watch how I take you.”
"Fuck,” Kara whispers, goosebumps rushing to cover her arms.
Lena’s lips curl up dangerously and she picks up the pace again. She doesn’t give Kara a chance to rest, to pull herself together, to back up from the edge she’s so close to tumbling over. Just settles right back into a steady groove.
So Kara watches—dangerously close to coming—as Lena circles her hips in more figure-eights, as she pulls up and leaves a slick, wet trail on her cock before pushing down, cunt lewdly spreading to accommodate her girth.
It's dizzying, mind-melting, to hear and feel and watch Lena fucking herself.
"You're so— you're so pretty, baby," Kara says hoarsely.
Lena drops into her lap with a whine and this time it's too much and too good. The pressure between her legs finally tips over the edge of manageable.
"Fuck," Kara grits out behind clenched teeth, vision blurring, hot pleasure beginning to spill from the full reservoir in her belly. "Gonna come."
Lena moans, clit twitching against Kara's thumb, which has somehow, magically, more-or-less stayed put this whole time.
"Want you to come," she gasps, rocking in Kara's lap now, keeping her fully inside as she eagerly presses her clit to Kara's thumb. "Feels so good, want you to come."
She's so sweet, so perfect as she grinds down. Kara barely manages to nod before she spasms, body shuddering, back arching so hard she lifts Lena up a few inches as she bucks.
The way she drives her hips up to chase that blissful pressure seems to be enough for Lena, too. She lets out a breathy whimper and comes shortly after Kara does, clenching so tight around her cock that she doesn't budge from her lap even as Kara's hips jerk up.
It's euphoric—addicting—and it takes several shaky moments for Kara to regain all her senses, though she keeps slowly and mindlessly fucking into her just to prolong their pleasure.
Lena's arms give out and she collapses onto Kara with a small moan, languidly rolling her hips down as the change in angle shifts the way Kara rests inside her.
"God," Lena rasps where she's tucking her sweaty face to Kara's neck. "Oh my god."
Kara manages to let out a concurring sound, stroking her fingers up and down Lena's sides and enjoying the feeling of her soft warmth permeating her shirt. Her button-up and bra will have to come off eventually, but for now she just wants to lie here, floppy and weak post-orgasm, with her beautiful girlfriend breathing hard on top of her.
"You really like me in these, huh?" Lena pants.
"Sure do. Happy fucking Thursday to me," Kara mumbles, sliding one hand down to squeeze at Lena's ass.
"Mm, god, yeah," Lena says, bringing her own hand up to scratch gently at Kara's scalp.
They lay in contented silence for several minutes, long enough for Kara to start fading into a sated half-doze even with underwire digging into her skin, before she shakes off the sleepy and kisses Lena's head.
"I should shower," she says when Lena lets out a disgruntled noise to tell her she's moving too much.
Lena huffs a sigh but pushes herself upright as Kara sits up with her, causing her dick to shift inside of her again. Lena's breath catches and she bites at her lower lip.
Suddenly, separating for a shower sounds like a very not-good idea to Kara. In a maneuver that she's proud of herself for pulling off, Kara scoots towards the end of the bed with Lena on her lap and stands up. Lena squeaks, wrapping her legs around her waist as Kara smiles gleefully.
"What are you doing?" Lena asks breathlessly, eyes glittering.
"Like I said, need to shower," Kara says, heading off to the bathroom with her cock still buried inside Lena, already thinking about how nicely her moans will echo.
"Wanna see how good these thigh-highs will look on you when they’re wet, pretty baby."
Turns out the thigh-highs, like Lena, look absolutely delectable when wet.
It doesn't come as a surprise when Lena finally, officially moves into Kara's apartment with a whole drawer full of thigh-high socks.
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themultiverseheroines · 7 months
Open Spring Break Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Kara Zor-el aka Supergirl was so tired. She needs some time away to clear her head and figure out what to do next. Your muse (boyfriend/girlfriend), out on spring break, decides to go invite the alien heroine to join them. To help her loosen up and have some bit of fun.
"I don't know. I mean, it does sound like a good idea, but I feel a week isn't going to really be enough to help me relax. Not after the months and months of hero work I had been doing that has left me so tired."
((made by ricken))
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